Heirs of Blood

May 10, 2017 | Author: John Brah | Category: N/A
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The faithful and the fallen, light succumbing to darkness, the righteous few against the endless wave ofevil: who can explain the plight ofour world? The batdemages ofKastellion marched boldly into the fens below

lack of honor chat caused their comrades co continue without chem;

Yitharn. Merick was confident chat chis assault would be the

it was the knowledge that the briefest moment of hesitation in this

necessary distraction to free up Alric's men. They had failed to

valley brought certain doom.

ascend the northern slope three times now, and could not survive another rout. The bluffs swarmed with skeletal marksmen, and as the mages' feet began to grow heavy with the clotting mud, the first arrows sank into the mire around chem.

Gold and silver glistened up the northern slope as Alric led his men in a final attempt to take the hills. If either unit faltered now, it would mean sure death for both. Merick began to call out a dangerous spell before he realized what he was doing. He could feel

"Hands of the tempest, but do not halt the march!" called Merick. A

his heart sputter as his blood boiled, but he mastered the destructive

shadow covered the mages as they frantically summoned the shield,

eruption and channeled it away from himself. A molten stream tore

and chose chat cook but a moment to cower before the deluge of

from his chest and splashed across the dead forests chat blanketed the

arrows did not finish the spell. Whirling layers of scorm and wind

hills. Others followed his lead; some imploded into ash and flame,

materialized above the warriors ofKascellion, diverting the first

but most mimicked Merick's result. By the time the battlemages of

torrent of arrows. Several of the mages had paused and were now

Kastellion reached the foothills ofYitharn, the forest was ablaze and

unable to free themselves as the bog swallowed chem slowly. It was no

the undying army was in full flight.

The young boy Merick watched his newborn brother sleep. A storm

"Yield!" Alric commanded, stepping forward with a confident gait.

raged against the walls of the old manor, shaking irs windows with

"Drop it, Boonsworch." Though four years his younger, Alric was

waves of rain and thunder, yet neither child stirred. Merick felt

already a head caller than Merick.

secure when he was near Alric. T here was an une_"\:J)lainable strength within the babe-a strength that nor e.-en his minute stature could diminish. Though only three weeks oH Alric displayed a calm composure that many adulrs fail


achiei.e.. "\\'hi.le Merick remained

near his brother, he felt chat same con.5.cience and calm as well.

Merick lit and extinguished che twig in rapid succession, challenging himself co repeat the drill as many times as he could before Boonsworth lost his sword. He thought his success unlikely, but in the same way that Alric stalked forward with his weapon recklessly raised above his head, Merick was in it for the glory of an

Memories of his dreams zerun1ed. _-\hominacions slain in ages past

unnecessary gambit. Boonsworth neither yielded nor countered,

seeped into his conscious and lingered there, haunting the fringes

but braced himself for the coming series of attacks. The first and

of his thoughrs. They spoke in mngues long fo rgotten, yet their

second he parried, but the third and fourth weakened his grasp. The

message was not lost. Bearing chains chat could bind truth and light,

yard was silent except for the rhythmic snap of the blows, each strike

they laid siege co the child's mind.

increasing in tempo and ferocity. Boonsworth's sword broke in two, but co his credit, he had enough foresigh t co frantically scramble

The cradle rocked slighcly as Me rick lay down beside it, tucking

away. Alric's edgeless sword cut swaths of dire as he followed.

himself beneath its wooden frame. He heard the nurse shift on her chair, but after a moment her hissing snore continued. The floor

"Stop! I yield, I yield!" the boy screamed. Everyone else cheered. The

was cold and hard compared to his bed, but beneath the creaking,

twig flickered with flame as Merick dropped it co the ground, then

wooden cradle, Merick found rest. It cook some time co align his

vaulted the fence and embraced his brothe r.

body with the cobbled floor, careful not co wake his brother, but at last he fell asleep. Though his dreams were filled with a legion of horrors and the worlds burned co ash around him, Alric was with him now, and that gave him the courage co endure.

I have long believed that there was a first evil, some primalforce that appeared out ofnothing to spoil the future ofevery living being. However, following my recent study and contemplation ofthefall and corruption ofgood men, I have arrived at a new belief: evil has always been- it is the light that we call goodness that sprungfrom some unknown corner ofcreation to set itself against that power that has always been and always will be. The young mage twirled a small sliYer of wood between his finge rs

Within the chronicles offorgotten generations are written tales ofthe corruption andfall of our greatest champions. Consider Llovar Rutonu, a once respected shaman ofthe Loth K' har. His wisdom and power guided the Uthuk tribe through many prosperous years, but it was that same wisdom and power that orchestrated theirfinal demise. Wandering through the gray places ofthe Aenlong, L lovar R utonu communed with beings that had never before been known. His strength bent before their corrupting power, the Uthuk Y 'llan were born, and the First Darkness ensued... Eliza dragged her fingers through the pooling blood, leeching the remaining life energy. The cold night invoked wisps of steam, and

while he observed his brother spar with the ocher boys. The fighting

the smell was sweet co her. It seemed strange, but she accepted

supplied the required distraction so chat his exercise was difficult.

the change. The guards barely posed a challenge co her newfound

Merick infused the small sliver of wood with just enough heat chat

power. She enjoyed the awe they displayed as she ripped and sliced

it threatened to sprout flames, but quickly bathed it in a bitter frost.

them co pieces. Some remnant of her previous morals appeared from

The game was simple, but kept his mind busy; how close could

a lost corner of her mind and objected co this amusement, but she

he get without losing the tiny piece of kindling, and how many

dispelled the notion. She pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked

times could he repeat the exercise before his discipline failed? He'd

the front door co her sister's home.

been working on this bit of birch for three days. He'd lasted longer before, but three days was still rather good. A cloud swirled across the ring as Alric swiveled on his toes,

The shadows rippled and bent before her gaze, conforming co chose objects that hid behind them. She could see the vase at the far end of the hall; she could see each link of the chain chat held the unlit

reversing his facing. His balance threatened co abandon him,

chandelier; she could see the servant watching her through the

but as his other foot found the earth, it was clear that the step

closet door that was barely open. Of course, she could smell him

had succeeded. The courtyard echoed with a snap as the wooden

coo-and hear his shaking breath.

swords met, but it was Alric's elbow that carried the real force of his maneuver. The other boy clutched his ribs and staggered backward, barely managing to keep his defense up and ready.

"Come out;' she ordered, facing the closet. The man stopped breaching, and she actually heard his heart skip a beat, something she had only thought a saying until now. She waited, but he did not emerge. "Very well-" Eliza melted into the darkness around her

.illd a moment later was in the closet, directly behind the quivering

her sister were on the worst of terms, but slaying a weaponless noble

,ervant "- I will come to you."

was not something co be executed lightly.

O i me!" shouted the man, but Eliza grabbed him by his hair as

"Lady Eliza, I think it best chat you leave;' the guard pleaded

he tried to bolt. She turned and tossed him into the shelves, all of

forcefully. Eliza began co ascend the stairs slowly. "M'lady, we have

which crumbled beneath the blow. Leaning in close, she let her

our orders-not another seep!"

tanged teeth catch on the man's ear as she whispered. "Should have

Ii cened. Oh well, more for me." She ended his life quickly, a fact she acer regretted. The taste of his lifeblood still lingering on her lips,

Eliza had reached the first landing and turned slowly. "Well, guardsman, I chink you should jump."

she exited the closet and continued for her sister's room.


The center rotunda housed the main staircase and was skirted by an

"You heard me. Jump from the balcony." Eliza slowly coiled the

internal balcony. The waning moon cast an eerie light through the

shadows into her palms. The moonlight caught the man's figure as he

glass ceiling as Eliza scurried toward the seeps, the patter of her feet

emerged from behind a pillar and climbed up on the railing. A stream

barely audible. "Lady Cachori, we respectfully request chat you hale right there;' a man's voice called out. Dark energy tingled across Eliza's fingertips as she froze in place. She allowed the magic co build, but relaxed her posture, spreading her hands out slowly. "Sir, what is the meaning of chis?"

of tears glimmered down both cheeks and his voice quivered as he spoke. "As my lady commands." Several of the guards called out in shock and one sprinted fo rward co stop him, but they were too lace. W ith a silent leap the man soared coward the center of the room. Eliza heard multiple bows release. Lifting her hands, she caught each arrow in the twisting shadows she held, and bending the shafts in on themselves, sent the arrows back in the exact direction from which

There was no immediate response. The screams from outside had

they came. She sp rang into the air, fo llowing the course of one of the

certainly alerted these men, and there was no doubt chat Eliza and

arrows, and landed atop the dying man. With a flash of silve r and red, she slid his dagger from its sheath and across his throat. Then springing forward, she brought death to every man in the room.

Or examine the life ofWaiqar Sumarion, champion ofThelgrim and leader ofthe northern armies. There was a time when that name was notforbidden, when it was not tainted with dread and death. Do notforget that Waiqar Sumarion was general ofthe Sunderman during the First D arkness. It was his skill and leadership that stopped the Uthuk Y' llan at the Battle of The/grim, arguably the very moment the tide ofthe war changed. Even after the loss ofhis army in the corrupted wastes ofChar'gr and the years spent in the horrific dungeons ofthe Black Citadel, Waiqar was reinstated to his place ofleadership and honor. For many years thereafter, he continued his campaign against the twisted Uthuk, though many claim that his m ind was already lost to darkness and he was only gathering the farce he needed to betray Timmorran.

Ketyana struggled to remain on h er feet as she listened to the

Ketyana gasped. "What happened



slaughter of her guards. She had ventured a single peek when the fight had started, but Eliza had been directly outside, ravaging the

"I did what was necessary to keep my inheritance. Just like you did. With both of you slain, I w ill be the only remaining heir."

two men at her door.

"With both of us-wait, it was you who killed Garreth?"

All grew quiet. Even the moan Ketyana pie

Eliza laughed and threw her sister across the floor. "Well, it wasn't

her hand, and she placed it bacs: ao

actually me, but yes. Garreth was an honorable fool who had no

before her sister like childre

ability to rule this kingdom.Just like you are a wayward wretch who

soft knock broke the silence. an

has no claim to the inheritance." She pulled the stiletto from the

sobbing. "Eliza please... I didn':

desk and plunged into her sisters back.

"D on 't what?" said Eliza..

Ketyana yelped weakly, but did not struggle. Each breath was

somehow enrerec:i ::he rno

rasping and slow. She choked out a laugh as she rolled over, facing .: as father is

want you here either. bu: yo-~ '1 slipping into his las: hou3.."

her sister. "You will be so angry when you find out ..." Eliza fell upon her and shook her limp body, trying to get the rest of the statement,

"Thar's exactly why I returned.! ~.ac. : o "Before you lost your inheritance:" flj


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but Ketyana was gone.

hc:o:e- " • _:-""~ .'."ulling her

sister's head back by h er hair. Salin and~·

.z 6...-Jhbled from h er

An hour later, a trembling executor stood before Eliza. Behind them, Lord Cathori lay cold and still upon his bed. The executor handed Eliza a scroll and tried again to explain, "The seal is

fanged teeth.

unbroken, m'lady. Until all heirs have gathered, it will not open." "I am the only remaining heir;' Eliza retorted.

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column approached the center square of the district, a lone survivor scrambled toward them. H is shield arm flapped uselessly at his side, and most of his armor had been torn fro m his body.

Neither warrior drew words; tooth and sword were the method of their exchange. Uzrakhal assaulted Sir Alric with an otherworldly ferocity, as if every chaotic force and passion of nature itself possessed him. But the Guardian ofTamilir remained unmoved, maintaining perfect calm and control before the savage storm. The beast's energy

"Flee, my lord;' said the man, "a great beast awaits you in the square. It devours all who approach ... "

was endless, but his frustration grew as the knight displayed a similar endurance. Finally, his mouth frothing with rage, Uzrakhal broke from the fight and released a sudden and violent roar.

Alric ordered the remaining men to cake up a defensive position, then he approached the square alone. A raging hoard watched him

A thousand savage forms swarmed from every window and alley,

from just beyond the shadows, but he felt no fear. His sword blazed

converging on the lone knight as a single swirling mass. The soldiers

with a holy vengeance and his shield would hold against any blow-

that had watched from a distance sprang to his aid, but were unable

che creature would perish.

to breach the rush of bodies that enclosed him.

i£ Alric charged his foe, submitting himself to a

illOrtal blow in exchange for the delivery of the same. :.,-zrakhal's head spun freely through the air, and for a illOment Sir Alric gloried in his final heroic act, then - e innumerable host collapsed upon him, and the eat knight fell.

But what can one say when these pillars of ~ope and light topple? Not to death, but to the . rarkness that hides within the soul ofevery man. _ Ierick stood over his brother's body. A golden ruic of armor had been crafted for his burial, ove ring his flayed remains. Furthermore, rhe priests had mended his face, which was mherwise mutilated beyond recognition. The artificial texture of his flesh reflected an unnatural glow, but the serene yet powerful xpression that he had maintained throughout - life was still there, as if he only slept. _ {erick's body shook with silent grief. A dread like he had never known settled into

ms mind and heart, and he was powerless : o repel it. Beyond the cold stone walls ,- the tomb an entire city wept, but their

pain was nothing compared to his own. Alric was more than a brother, more than "" friend, he was the strength that kept Merick :ogether. A truth he had spent years suppressing and hiding, :JUc there was nothing left to hide now. Hope and joy were sickening mem ories he wished he could forget. Now there was only hate-for :1.0ching and everything at once, all he had was hate. "My love;' Eliza whispered, "don't do this. Come back." She reached Flickering shadows and slivers of flame swirled about the tomb of Sir Alric Farrow. Several mourners fled for the guard, but Eliza pushed passed the crowd of onlookers and sprinted

out with her emotions, trying to calm him, but instead found a raw river of hate that nearly swept her away. Her breath caught and she braced herself against the wall.

into the growing inferno. She entered the tomb and found Merick standing opposite her, Alric's body between them.

Merick released a growl that ascended into a shriek, "The world

The mage's eyes were red with grief and rage. His gaze was

shall burn!"

set on something beyond the mortal realm.

"Then let it burn ... But not without your brother once again at your side." The mage's focus shifted to Eliza, and she knew that in that moment she could save him or lose him forever. "We are beings beyond the laws of mortal men. Let me be your strength and help for now, and in time we will find a way to bring him back." Again she reached out with her emotions, and this time she found a hold. Merick collapsed, but Eliza caught him in her arms before he hit the ground. There in the darkness, Merick sobbed while Eliza spun a scheme.

Like blazing ashes rising.from thefire, all men eventually descend back down, black husks compared to their previous glory. Every soul breaks because it is straining to be something unnatural, something outside ofthe wicked ex istence that is its destiny. O ne month after Sir Alric was slain, Lord Merick Farrow and Lady Eliza Cathori were wed. The city rejoiced, but many wondered at the expediency of the affair. As was Eliza's habit, the couple disappeared from the public eye and we re not h eard from for many


years. In time, as is the pattern of history, a shadow again shrouded che free cities ofTerrinoth. The necromancer Vorakesh began his ascent to power.

m ade their home in Tamilir, and dwelt there for many years, safe behind the wall of corruption and fear that plagued the city. D ark alliances were crafted and restored, Vorakesh rose in p ower, and at las t, Merick acquired that which he needed to raise his brother back to life.

Contemplating this truth gives my spirit pause, rational thought requiring an introspective account as to the depth and breadth of the light that remains within me. I have seen generations rise andfall, either to death or decay, and yet I remain. Has my sanity faded so that I endure in an illusion ofrighteousness like so many lords ofdarkness?

And so it was when the Farrows reappeared that many believed

Do not address nor look upon the lords when they appear;'

they were there to aid in the land's defense and restoration. Hope

Eliza instructed. "Their p resence alone will be enough to

flickered across the cities, but it was not long before the opposite

empower our ritual."

was realized: only calamity and fear would follow these two. T hey

erick ~oticed the cold sweat spreading across Eliza's face

Alric gasped a sudden and impossibly deep breath, as ifhe had

d decided to accept her word on the matter. The lines from

been drowning since the day he died. Trembling, Merick reached

Vo rakesh' s book were still burning in his mind, calling up desires

forward, but an unspoken order infiltrated his mind : "Do not

and requests of their own. He only needed to suppress their power

stop the incantation." He continued, though the emotions that

a few minutes longer.

swelled within him made it harder than ever. At length, once again filled with some semblance of life, Alric sat up and exhaled a low,

T he stone door ground open; the Lords of Oru'khan had arrived.

rasping breath.

~ fe rick turned to look, but Eliza caught his chin with her fingers and swiveled his head back forward with a smile. "You do not want

Merick collapsed upon the shoulders of his brother with sobs of

to see what I've seen, my love."

joy. Though the undying knight offered little response, Merick was consumed with happiness.

Raising her staff above the corpse of Sir Alric, Eliza began her chant. _\ c the appropriate time, Merick joined in, struggling to steer the

The room grew silent except for the sound of the lords shuffling

course of the phrases that spilled from his tongue. Eliza raised her

away. Eliza pulled her husband close and rested her chin upon his

chalice and a fountain of blood cascaded down the staff and across

shoulder, bring her lips up to his ear. "Now, what was that you said

:.he withered body before her. A low chorus rose behind them

about the world burning?"

as the lords intoned their own power. Dark wisps of energy knit :.hemselves into the dead knight's flesh and the blood that pooled a.ound him began to boil.

What curse has been assigned to m e by som e unknown deity that I would see death and corruption take my every friend f rom thirteen generations over?E ven n ow, I feel that curse closing in . This valley ofrest grows dark, and the lives ofthose around me grow dim within its shadow. - Arrizon, L ast Scholar ofSaradyn




Heirs ofBlood is a campaign book for Desant:]ourne_,rs in the Dark Second Edition, containing a campaign cha: can be played instead of the "The Shadow RuneDcampaign found in rhe base game. Additionally, relavent history of some of me characters and conflicts leading up to the events of this campaign can be read on page 3 -13 of this campaign book. Players are noc required to read these stories in order to play the campaign, buc doing so may add to your enjoyment. Players should read the campaign-specific rules before beginning the campaign (see "Campaign Rules" on the right). These rules provide additional instructions to follow during setup, the Campaign phase, and two-hero games. T o begin this campaign, refer to the rules for starting a new campaign fo und on page 19 of the base game rulebook. Only rhe base game of Descent:]ourneys in the Dark Second Edition is required to play this campaign; however, additional content provided by other expansions is fully compatible. Players

should refer to each expansion's rulebook for instructions on how to combine the expansion content with rhe components found in the base game. Players will play a total of nine quests throughout the "Heirs of Blood" campaign. After player roles, heroes, and classes have been selected, players set up the Introduction quest entitled "Acolyte of Saradyn," on page 27 of this campaign book. Then, read the Act introduction on page 26. Players do not perform a Travel step before playing the Introduction. After the introduction, heroes begin each Travel step at Kethiri Ruins and follow a continuous path to the chosen quest location shown on the campaign map. After each quest, players perform a campaign phase (see "Campaign Phase" on page 20 of the base game rulebook). Remaining quests are chosen based on the outcome of the previous quest using the campaign log (see "Choosing Quests" on page 16) . Players can photocopy the campaign log or download and print a copy from the Fantasy Flight Games official website (www.fantasyflightgames.com ).



The "Heirs of Blood" campaign follows many of the same rules for "T he Shadow Rune" found in the base game. The following rules list any changes and additions to the campaign rules found on pages 1922 of the Descent: journeys in the Dark Second Edition rulebook.

When playing the "Heirs of Blood" campaign with two heroes, the heroes receive an additional advantage. Once during each hero's cum, that hero may perform one attack chat does not require an action. This attack cannot be a special action that includes an attack ("Rage" or "Exploding Rune" for example); the attack must be a regular attack action. This attack can only be performed during the "Perform Actions" step of the hero cum, and can be performed before or after either of his actions.

PLOT DECI""= l ~:;:,: ~ token facedown on his Hero sheer. Collect 4 red and 4 blue objectiYe rokens a.nd ;.,-:..-= e them together. Place them facedown as indiGt::
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