Hebrew Gematria

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Hebrew Gematria: Introduction by Bill Heidrick Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

Introductory Remarks In the following, no deliberate attempt has yet been made to include entries from the Bennett-Crowley Sepher Sephiroth. Crowley's selection should be preserved without alteration as an insight into his thought. This work is intended to supplement Crowley's Gematria, rather than replace it. In the final version, additional notes on Qabalistic significance, special Qabalistic spellings and mystical terms will be added. These entries have been obtained from a 19th century Hebrew Lexicon (Davies' Student'sHebrew Lexicon) devoted to study of the Torah and the balance of the Old Testament. When complete, the Gematria dictionary will contain many significant words and names from the Torah, variant spellings and important conjugations and declensions. Mythology and notes on points of Qabalistic tradition will be greatly augmented. In the final form, it will be possible for a person with knowledge of Hebrew grammar to use this source to roughly translate the Torah, to access an exhaustive glossary of Qabalistic terms, and to find brief discussions of the differences between Crowley's usage and the usage found in the several schools of Jewish or traditional Qabalah. The work is 80% complete at this time in regard to the Torah and barely started with regard to Qabalistic terms. Some explanation of conventions may be helpful. Spelling "interchanges" refer to letters which sometimes replace the entry letter in common words. Thus, some words have the same meaning and only differ in spelling by one having an Aleph and the other a Tet. Such spelling interchanges are not rules for substituting one letter for another but clues to use in finding secondary correspondences to a particular entry under a particular number. In many instances, the same spelling has different pronunciations, usually carried by vowel points. Such variant pronunciations are either set off by use of "---" below the primary entry or by use of ";". The triple dash and the semicolon are also used to indicate a shift of thought in instances where variant pronunciation is not the issue. Most notes are enclosed within parentheses. There will be controversy over the numbering of the primes. In Crowley's day, it was common among non mathematicians to consider the number ONE as the first prime; and he followed that practice in Sepher Sephiroth. ONE is not considered a prime number in mathematics, since it does not allow unique prime factoring of other numbers. TWO is considered the first prime number in modern mathematics and in this work. For an exposition on Gematria, the numbers associated with the letters, English to Hebrew substitution and the rarely used numerations of the vowel points, see the Thelema Lodge Calendar for December 1986 e.v.

Notes on general considerations: Some individual words appear to have self-contradictory definitions; e.g. can mean "to be gracious" AND "to insult". This often results over time from use of the word in

irony. "O'h, you pulled my beard to show respect? how gracious ( ) of you!". Alternatively, such dual meanings can derive from improper social usage; e.g. in the case of this word to imply insulting condescension. Certain words have a number of different spellings not accounted for by conjugation or declension. This is partly natural to dialectical Hebrew and partly the result of "Qabalistic" spellings which have been introduced over the centuries. Where a mystical or artificial spelling has been used, the reason is identified and the tradition described, if known to the author. Where the spelling is an obviously defective construction by improper transliteration, the word will either be omitted or the source described. Most of the latter are outright errors involving one-for-one substitution of Hebrew for English. In proper Hebrew spelling, vowels are often omitted and carried by vowel points. Crowley's usage of Ayin for "O" and Heh for "E" is an example of unorthodox practice. Double letters in English may often be rendered as single letters in Hebrew: e.g. "BB" > " ". In particular, the letter "A" tends to be too often replaced by an Aleph, "AI" by " " instead of " " alone; and the spelling of the Goetic names by Dr. Rudd is generally in gross error. This tendency of defective spelling is greatest in the names of spirits. Note that many common nouns become the names of spirits on addition of , , and to the end of the noun. The choice of ending may be dictated by gender and spelling, with slightly predominating for femine nouns; but two different deities are meant by this selection in older words and sources. Exegetical scholarship sometimes addresses this as Yahwistic verses Elohistic usage. There is reason to suspect that the former represents a tendency toward monotheism or henotheism and the latter a tendency to retain a pantheon. An unusually large proportion of the shorter Hebrew words are representations of natural sounds linked with the meaning. Most of these are associated with exclamations of pain, surprise or contentment and with the cries of animals. E.g. "moo", the sound of lowing cattle, is , which sounds a lot more like certain lowing of cattle than "moo". N.B. "moo" (properly a sound like "hmugh") probably derives from a more placid bovine sound than -- I suppose it depends on how recently the cow was milked. All weights and measures are equated to British; e.g. gallon = imperial gallon. In calculating gematria, it is traditional to ignore finals in the first attempt. To avoid duplication, words and phrases having final letters are defined under their non-final letter totals. Cross-referencess are included under the numbers to which such words correspond when final letter values are included. In reckoning the correspondences of a word, it is traditional in gematria to consider also words having a total one less and one more than that of the number in question. This practice is stated as: "it is permissible to add or subtract an Aleph". An examination of the entries for consecutive numbers in this dictionary will show that some words duplicate within short ranges, owing to changes of gender, case, common speech variations, conjugation or declension. The practice of subtracting one stems mainly from the fact that any word with an Aleph after the first letter can have that Aleph replaced by a suitable vowel point. Addition of an Aleph to a word does not effect the pronunciation at all, unless a vowel point is assigned to the Aleph --- even then, such a vowel point can usually be borrowed from a consonant. This property of Aleph is also found to a lesser extent for Yod, Vau and Heh. Some multiple variants differ only in gender or case of possession.

The following Gematria entries have mainly been extracted and collated from: Student's Hebrew Lexicon, a Compendious and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to The Old Testament ... by Benjamin Davies, 1960 reprint of the 1880 revised edition. Work in progress has reached . Entries for numbers greater than eighty will substantially increase after this point. The entries under the number 210 will give a better idea of the size of the finished work. Mystical terms are minimal at present, but are being added from: The Kabbalah: Its Doctrines, Development and Literature by Christian D. Ginsburg, 1863 --- this is the source from which Mathers plagiarized the introduction to Kabbalah Unveiled. Ginsburg's Kabbalah is noted as "G-K" where warranted in the notes. For serious use, rather than casual examination, check each entry against a Hebrew dictionary or lexicon (latter preferred). If the word can be found in such, there may be additional meanings or a correction to a typo. Serious students of Qabalah should make every effort to acquire at least a good lexicon and preferably several. Pronunciation requires a rudimentary knowledge of vowel points (only listed in such references) and accents (often on the second syllable, but there are many exceptions). Please inform the author of any typographical errors, but be aware that no one dictionary can provide references to all these entries. This compilation is Copyright © by Bill Heidrick. All citations from it of more than four entries must be accompanied by a notice identifying this source. Entire lists of the correspondences for up to 20 different numbers may be reproduced for non-commercial reasons if properly credited to this source, including address and copyright notice. Electronic copies of this entire work may by distributed by anyone, so long as no fee is charged for the service and the entire work is not reduced or otherwise diminished. Full printouts of this work may be made without charge only by and for an individual in physical possession of the electronic version. Such printouts may not be sold or given away. For commercial license and/or exception to the above conditions, contact the author: Bill Heidrick P.O.Box 167 Artois CA 95913 USA [email protected] --- with thanks to Fr. Fons Numeris, who taught me Gematria and is far better at it. If you have corrections, comments or suggestions, please email me at [email protected]

Hebrew Gematria: Values from 1 - 9 by Bill Heidrick Copyright © by Bill Heidrick


Multiplicative Identity operator

--- Aleph. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , , ; , , , , , , , (Aleph = --- 111/831; --- 117/837 --- Ox.)


(The value of 111 is significant in QBL tradition)

--- the name of the first Sephira is

--- (see 620).


1st prime

--- Bet. (In spelling interchanges with: , , , , , , , , ) (Bet = --- 412 --- House.) --- As a prefix: in, within, among; with, by, at; upon; into, towards; in the manner, according to; in regard to. --- As an abbreviation: in names. --- the name of the second Sephira is (see 73). -3-

2nd prime

--- Gimel. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; ; ) (Gimel = --- 73; --- 83 --- Camel.) --- the name of the third Sephira is --- (see 67). --- father; benefactor, cherisher, sustainer; teacher or adviser; lord or possessor; chief of a family or tribe; forefather; founder of a guild or of a profession or of a trade. --- blooming freshness; blossom-time, blooming age, bright verdur; fruit. --- to enter; to lead to, to bear. -4-

4 = 22

--- Dalet. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , , , , , , ; ; ) (Dalet = --- 434 --- Door.) --- the name of the fourth Sephira is --- 72. --- pr.n. "Father" --- an alternate name of the 2nd Sephira Chokmah, (73). --- elated, proud. 1

Note: 1. G-K p. 90

-5--- Heh. (In spelling, interchanges with:

3rd prime , , ; , ; , , ; , ; ,


(Heh =

--- 6 --- Window or Vent-hole. (spelling for Yetzirah). --- 10 --- an exclamation of grief. (for Asiah). --- 15 --- signing, lamentation. (for Atziloth & Briah).) --- As prefix: the (definite article). --- To introduce a question: that. ---------------------

the name of the fifth Sephira is --- 216. to be bright or fresh; to thrive, to bloom. to be hollow. to flee. fugitive. vapor, mist. (see also 417). turning or surrounding; circumstance or cause; account (of). food. ridge (of altar); top, bosses, bulwarks, rampart; vault; brothel; rim (of wheel); the back; plowers; piece of wood, board, plank; pit, cistern, den (of lions). this thing; that. -6-

6 = 2x3

--- Vau. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; ; .) (Vau = --- 12 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (spelling for Asiah). --- 13 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (for Briah & Yetzirah). --- 22 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (for Atziloth)) --- As prefix or free-standing: and, even. --- the name of the sixth Sephira is --- 1081. --- a separated thing, part. --- thread, yarn, cord; linen, white linen; branches; nobles. --- praters, liars. --- to cut out, excavate; cistern, pool. --- roof, covering; cover (of an altar). --- (12); bear; she-bear. --- the letter Heh, vent-hole, window; lo!, behold!, as, just as. -7-

4th prime

--- Zain. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; .) (Zain = --- 67/717 --- Weapon; Ornament; Sword.) --- the name of the seventh Sephira is --- 148. --- to be severed, forsaken; to stray (in solitude); to loose oneself, to vanish; to perish, to be undone; to sever, scatter, to dissipate; destroy, to bring to ruin, to rob. --- annihilation, ruin. (many offshoots of this root). --- the royal title of the Amalekite princes.


perhaps: circle. to cause to pine, to vex. to train. will, choice, desire. or, either; or rather; or else, unless, perhaps; of if; if. where? (implying "not"). to prate, to lie, to invent. to be curved, crooked, bent; to dig; to be convex, high. coriander; fortune, a deciding, apportioning; luck. to melt, flow away, languish. (12, 17); yield up!, give!, come on! to flow; affluence, fullness. a fish. -8-


--- Chet. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , ; ; ; ; (Chet = --- 418 --- Barrier or Fence.) --- the name of the eighth Sephira is --- 15. ---------------------------


to breathe after, to long for; to be willing, to obey; to will or wish. thriving vegetation; reed, bulrush. (from =3 elephant. (Stresses life breath as vitality, longing and importance). to bind. to breathe after; to love; to lust; to be attached; to delight. amours; loveliness. then; at that time; thereupon. go in!, lead in!, bear in! entrance. this, these. a fish; to be crushed; depressed, anxious, despondent; pr.n. "Fearful". to speak; tattle; slander; to be hairy, shaggy. pr.n. "Friend"; pr.n. "Beloved" --- David (14, 24); breast (female only, in the sense of for suckling). -9-

--- Tet. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , , , ; , (Tet = --- 24 --- A coiling; Serpent. --- the name of the ninth Sephira is --- 80. -----------

32 ; , , .)

proper name form of . (9 = 3x3, father of fathers). to be strong. powerful one. to be hollow. water skin, leather bottle; the hollow belly (of conjurers, in which the conjuring spirit dwells and speaks as if from out of the earth); a necromancer.

--- (see also 13); to light, to heat. --- brother; friend; kinsman; one of the same tribe; a fellow countryman; a confederate, an ally, a neighbor or fellow man; a fellow or match. --- oh!, ah!, alas!; fire; fire-stove or pot; howlings; owl. --- firm; pupil (of the eye). --- to cover; to conceal, act covertly, deceive, cheat. --- covering, clothing; outer garment; concealment, treachery; rapine. (First three consecutive letters after . The beginning without the first step. Concealment of the first. This is seen in the letter ='s 9 as 10-1).


to enter. to despise. spoil, plunder. to sprout, grow up; rise, be high, exalted, majestic; to be haughty; to be deep, hollow; pride; ungodly. --- the back; body; the middle, midst. --- pr.n. "Exile". --- shout, cry (of joy).

- 10 -

10 > 1

10 = 2x5

--- Yod. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , ; , ; , , .) (Yod --or --- 20 or 14 --- Hand (open, palmer side & fingers). ( is the preferred spelling in Qabalah). --- the name of the tenth Sephira is --- 496. -----------------------------------

to be strong. pr.n. "Might". to shine; blooming, blossoming. secrecy, concealment (in speaking or moving); sorcerer; sorcery; mutterings; necromancer; softly, stealthily, secretly. to be cut off, severed; to be forlorn; lonely. to bind. to prate separation, loneliness; separately, alone. pr.n. "Part". to hollow. to tread down, destroy. arch or brow of eye; felloe (of a wheel); to be high, tall, exalted; haughty, proud; high minded; height; highness, majesty; gather. back, body; middle, midst. a shearing; a fleece. to dart, to fly swiftly; rapid flier (a bird of prey), the glede, vulture, kite. ha!, ah!, oh! (grief); alternate spelling of the letter Heh. to be angry, fierce; wolf.

--- skin on a grape, husk. --- bosom. --- to be miry, dirty. - 11 -

11 > 2 -------------------------------------------------

5th prime

to slaughter. pr.n. "Mighty One". to cluster (see also 17). ah!, oh! (interjection of grief). to turn; to wind; to surround; to be strong, mighty. turner (fire poker made of wood); a fire-brand. pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle". where? woe! howl; howler. abode; coast; shore-land; island. food. pr.n. "A Pit". to cleave, to dig; till, plow; to cut off; locusts. issuing forth, birth. to flow out, to evacuate (the body), urinate; tattle, talk, report, rumor. to shine, gleam; to glitter; gold. to speak softly, whisper; sound of heart beating. oh!, wo! (grief). a buzzer, fly, mosquito. proud; impudent, wanton; impious. to wrap, hide. festival; feast; festive sacrifice. good; pleasing. - 12 -

12 > 3

12 = 22x3

--- Abyss; lost thing. (5,4, ,2,1: 3 missing = lacks of perfection, or the mystery is hidden. 12 > 3 = . 3+7 = 10 > 1 see #7, This is the Hebrew word for "Abyss", that which is crossed by the path of on the Tree of Life diagram. If is added, and removed: 4+3+2+1 = 10.)


to be desired or fitting; to wish or crave for, to strive after. howl. to measure or mark off. to rest or dwell. desire, lust or longing. settled or decided. pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle". to be silent, still; to be empty, waste. (16); to prate, babble. particle of entreaty, pray!

--- to cut away, crop off; banks of a river; fortune, Venus (as good luck sign, lucky "Star")


pr.n. "Gog" = prince of the land of Magog, "To be High" or "Gigantic". a melting away (for anxiety); dread. (6); bear; she-bear. to increase, multiply abundantly; a fish, fish. to flow, pine away. (7,17); yield up!, give!, come on! he, she, it; to be. the letter Vau; a holdfast, hook, nail. this; lamb. to fold, cover up; to embrace, to love, imbosom, caress, cherish; pr.n. "Caressed". --- vertigo, dizziness, trepidation. --- the numerical adj "one", a, an; indicator of multiplication (as "one" seven times ...); sharp. The one and the many are one

--- to be bright, good; to be happy, to rejoice. 13 > 4

- 13 --- how!, ah!; pr.n. "Yah ( ) is Father".

6th prime

(1/2 = 26/2 = 13. This instance represents desire for of as half the great name of god. Father's longing for Mother, 1st half in search of the 2nd half.)

--- a band or tie; band to troop; a compacting together; arch, vault (of heaven). (Elimination of the in a straight sequence indicates lack of capacity to flow --- current, direction of passage, etc. --- thus a binding force of adhesion. Represents the limiting condition for maintenance of creation.)


a loving; love; a love, a beloved or a darling. pr.n. "Water". (see also 9); to light; to heat. settled; firm. to unite. one (1); first; anybody, someone; the same, sole. to be eager; willful; hateful. enemy. wasteness, emptiness. to be high (of the forehead); forehead-bald. to be high; to lift up; to remove; to escape. to cut or wound; to decide or destine; to bind or join. a depression, valley, a hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms. anxiety, depression; agitation. to go slowly, softly. to fish; a fisher. to pound (vulgar term for activity in intercourse or for masterbation). love excessively. to murmur; have a deep tone; coo; sigh, moan; to mutter (as enchanters);

--------------------14 > 5 ----------------------------------------------15 > 6

to rumble; growl; to speak; to sign; to meditate, answer, think; devise, plot; to separate, remove (dross): to take away; murmuring, whispering; sighing, moaning, muttering (of thunder); meditation; a sound. to shout, cry, roar, sing; be powerful, strong; pr.n. "Mighty" --- a Syrian god "Hadad" or "Adad". Spelling of the letter name Vau in Briah & Yetzirah. pr.n. "A Gift". to present with, to endow, pr.n. "Endower"; gift, dowry. brightness, bloom; Ziv (2nd Hebrew month: New moon in May to new moon in June); this. to hop, spring; locust. one; to rejoice; to split, cleave. to be good, pleasant. to long for. to enter, go within, penetrate; have sex. 14 = 2x7 - 14 (see also 13); to go slowly; softly. to look out or hope. to join. to penetrate, to stick in. buckthorn. pr.n. "Boyish". to tread, despise. despised. prey, booty. pr.n. "Cavern of the Defile", "A Defile". to be curved, arched; body, ridge, back; a lifting up; pride; person. a depression, valley; hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms. to sacrifice; a sacrifice. to boil; to warm or move (the heart); to love; and object of love, a beloved; a friend; uncle; nephew, pr.n. "David" = "Beloved"; boiler, pot, kettle; basket. want, need; sufficiency, enough,; who, which, that. aha! gift, offering. to stretch out (the hand); to point, lead. to shine, glitter (as gold); to be bright yellow; gold; shekels (when preceded by a numeral); gold light, brilliance; oil. locust. to turn about, move in a circle, dance; to reel; to celebrate a festival or holiday. to shout, to shout afar or aloud. (20); the hand, the letter Yod; power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the brink; space, place; a monumental pillar. - 15 -

15 = 3x5


sprout, ear (of grain). to love excessively. marsh-grass, sedge, bulrushes, Nile-grass. pr.n. "Brother" a turn or fate calamity, ruin. faithless. to tread, trample; despise; to show contempt for; to treat with impunity. contempt, derision. exaltation, highness, majesty; pride, haughtiness; excellency. pr.n. "Collector". to be curved or arched. to cut out, hew; pr.n. "Quarry"; a fleece. to be sick; to menstruate; to be sad, languish; to spin; to clothe; sickly, weakly, menstrous; a menstruous cloth; sad, wretched; to drive or push away; rinse, cleanse. India. to sound forth, sing; to make famous, to praise; to shine, to bloom; utterance, sound; renown or splendour; pr.n. "Hod" the eighth Sephira considered feminine in traditional Qabalah. Hod corresponds to the Left Leg of Adam Qadmon (161). signing, lamentation. Rare spelling of the letter Heh. to flow (water, menses, semen, etc.); flux. pr.n. "Projection". hide. to breath, to speak. to cut up, to plow; a plowed field. to utter, to confess; to praise. short from of --- he/she is, he/she creates; god. pr.n. "He Is" or "She Is", Yah --- the divine name associated with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah, (73). (Isa. XXVI, 4) . 2




Notes: 2. G-K p. 92 3. G-K p. 93 4. G-K p. 90. 5. G-K p. 90.

- 16 -

16 > 7 ---------------------

16 = 24

slaughter, murder.. pr.n. "Strength". where shortened form of , divine name (see 21). hyssop to grasp, seize; to hold fast; to take fright; to join together; fasten in; to cover over; to shut fast; to take out (by lot). property. pr.n. "Seizer" or "Possessor". clamorous bird (of prey --- unclean), vulture, falcon. where?, where now?, anywhere.


criers, howlers; jackals. so often as. to shine, gleam. marble; alabaster. to despise; cut off, plunder, spoil, rob. (12); to prate, babble. idle talk, prating. to flee, to hasten away; refuge. to gush, burst forth. to breathe, to live, to be or exist; to breathe after or desire; to expire, die; ruin; desire, cupidity; calamity; mischievousness. he, she, it; she; she is, was. to enclose, envelope. to cut into, to cleave. to be sharp, pointed, to be eager, quick, fierce; to sharpen, brighten; pr.n. "Sharpness". to be bound, indebted; debt. to behold, look on. a hook or ring. to be miry, dirty; to twine or bind together; to fast. to be becoming, suitable. - 17 -

17 > 8 ---------------------------------------

(a gentilic noun used for Haman --- suggests Amalekite origin).

nut. pr.n. "Longing". woe! (of complaint or threatening.) to burn, be on fire. to join. to cry ah!, oh!; to groan, to howl. a cut or gash, furrow; a troop or band. pr.n. "Fortunate"; a kid (goat). to break forth, burst forth; deliver; rush, rush forth. to shear off, crop off, cut off, sever; pr.n. "Shearer". thew, sinew, tendon. to push or thrust down, overthrow. to fish; fisher. (7,12); yield up!, give!, come on! to be destroyed. to dream. a buzzer, fly, mosquito. to slaughter, kill (animals for food or sacrifice for a private reason); slaughtering; meal, repast; a sacrificing; a sacrifice. --- to shine. --- boiling; to boil up (with pride); to act proudly toward. --- this.

7th prime


cleft, fissure; excavation (home). to be glad, rejoice; pr.n. "Sharp Flowering". to make a circle, mark out with a compass; circle, vault, arch. to be bright, goodly, pleasant; to be cheerful, happy; to be good or well, to please; fertile (land); fat (cattle); fruitful, fresh, fine; fair, pleasant, sweet, nice, great, ample, right, true; virtue; benefit, welfare, prosperity; goodness; beauty; joyousness; good luck; good things, blessings; the best, choice. --- to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear. --- to give; give!, yield up!, set!, place!, come on!; to set or lay a foundation; a gift; lot, condition. --- to be about to bound or spring. - 18 -

18 > 9 ----------------------------19 > 10 > 1 ---------------------------------

18 = 2x32

pr.n. "Father is ". (see also ) at that time; then. enmity, hate. pr.n. "Boyish". fishing, fishery. pr.n. "Exile". to shine, gleam. pr.n. "Locust". to tie knots, make intricate; to riddle. to fail or miss; to sin; to forfeit; fault, sin; punishment, penalty; sinner, a guilty one. alive; living; fresh; running (water); life; a living one. to be pressed or pained; to expel, separate, remove. to love warmly; to cast or throw lots. to shout aloud; pr.n. "Loud-shouting." 8th prime - 19 craving or need; woe! (19 > 10 reflects the need for perfection). pr.n. "Brother". male enemy. pr.n. "Union". pr.n. "Brotherly". pr.n. "Union". to hide, conceal. pr.n. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated". to confide; to feel confident, to be secure. to be bulging, thick. confidence, security. villagers? aunt. to wet, flow; to dye; a bird of prey inhabiting ruins, kite, glede. pr.n. "Mighty". pr.n. "Endowed".

--- pr.n. "Buzzing". --- to beat off, to beat out, to thresh. --- to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve; a round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village. --- to hew, cut, to fell; to be cut, marked with cuts; to be party-colored. --- to slaughter (cattle); to kill (men), to massacre; a slaughter, killing, butchering; slaughtered beast, butcher's meat; slayer, butcher; cook; executioner, life-guard, body-guard. --- to sound forth, speak out; to throw or cast; to stretch forth, extend. --- to become a Jew; pr.n. "Praise". --- pr.n. "Yah is Father." --- to flow away, to escape; to deliver or rescue. --- to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off. 20 > 2

- 20 -

20 = 22x5

--- Koph. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , , ; ; , , ) (Koph ----- 100/820 --- Bent or Hollow Hand, Palm, Fist). (When on the end of a word, sometimes takes a different shape and has the value 500) --- As a prefix: as, like, as if; about, approximately, around; so, as well as, after, according to; very, most, utterly (comparison); when, according to. --- As a particle: as like; as it were. --- pr.n. "Blooming". --- intimation or declaration. --- brotherhood. --- contempt, objects of contempt. --- pr.n. "Loving". --- languor, illness; what is sickening, loathsomeness; faint, sick at heart. --- to thrust. --- a fluid; die, ink. --- to breathe, live; to be (root of & ), to exist, live; to be for; to come into existence; to become something; come to pass, occur; ruin, calamity. --- to shine, gleam; to sprout, spurt, shoot forth, flourish, abound; move to and fro, range about. --- to hide --- to divide, to sunder; to discern, to select; to behold, look on; the divided part, middle part, breast; to cut; seer, prophet; covenant. --- to sweep away dirt. --- to twine, bind; to spin. --- (14); the hand, the letter Yod, power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the brink; space, place; a monumental pillar. --- pr.n. "Loving". --- pr.n. "battle-shout". 21 > 3

- 21 -

21 = 3x7

--- divine name expressing: "I AM"; (see also 16). The divine name associated with the 1st Sephira, (620); expressing absolute being. (Exod. III, 4) . --- (a thing) held, a holding; property. --- (501 w/f); that; but, yet, however; only (limitation). --- pr.n. "A Son of the People". --- pr.n. "Worshiper of Yah". --- swarm of locusts. --- to burst forth; break forth, rush; bear, deliver. to break forth, burst forth; bear, deliver; rush forth; pr.n. "Gushing --Forth". --- signing, moaning; complaint. --- oh!, woe!, alas! (grief, threatening), ho! (exhortation). --- to boil up (with pride); to act proudly towards. --- festive. --- pr.n. "Hiding Place". --- to cover, to shelter. --- pr.n. "Sight"; "A Vision"; "Appearance". --- short form of --- "He/She is"; "He/She creates"; god. --- to be good; to be well. 6

Note: 6. G-K p.90

- 22 -

22 > 4 ----------------------------------23 > 5

22 = 2x11

woe! (of complaint or threatening). to prate, babble. banks; a she-kid (goat). thrust, push; a fall. to destroy. spelling of the letter Vau for Atziloth. sacrifice. sharpness, point; joy, gladness. breast. to cut into, to hook fast; hook; thorn, thornbush. to cut into, pierce through, transfix. wheat. good, a blessing; welfare; goodness; bounty. to drive, thrust; to shoot; the reins (kidneys). pr.n. "Living One". to gather together; assemble. (The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters). to be united; oneness, union, community; together, unitedly; alike, equally; all, all as one.

9th prime - 23 --- (503 w/f), to twirl or eddy; to mount up in a column (of smoke). --- pr.n. "Brotherhood". --- where?, where now?


to drop or trickle, to flow scantily. trickling, weeping, a tree (like balsam-scrub). shout of joy; vintage-cry; war-cry. pr.n. "Gift of Yah", "Zebadi". to remove; to bind, knit. brightness, cheerfulness. to bind, to sew; thread, string. a sin, a sin offering; sinful; penalty for sin to live, be, exist; to coil up, to enclose, collect; vitality, life; animal, beast; living things; quadrupeds (opp. to birds, reptiles etc.); wild beasts; living creature (angel); a band or troop of men; a people. --- to daub, smear over; to plaster; besmear. --- to hurt, to pierce; to be sore; feel pain, to suffer; to be sick or sad; pain; grief. - 24 -

24 > 6 -----------------------------------------

24 = 23x3

pr.n. "Father is ". (See also ). pr.n. "Hoped For". a riddle, enigma. pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah". (See also 30). trust, security. body; corpse; the name of the lowest soul in Qabalah (for Malkut). pr.n. "Loving"; baskets; love-apples. pr.n. "Beloved", "David". (504 w/f); this; crushed, oppressed, wretched; victim. choirs. pr.n. "Dowered". fullness, exuberance; an animal, wild beast; fertility (?). pr.n. "Villager". tapestry. a cook; a slaughtering (of cattle); flesh (of a butchered beast), meat. to be sticky, slimy; to coil; a serpent; the letter Tet. pr.n. "Loving". pr.n. "Extended". to make round. a pail, tub. - 25 -

25 > 7

25 = 52

--- pr.n. "Father is He". (


= He + Father = 12 + 13, lacks one ( ) of 26 =


--- pr.n. "Brotherly". --- to bind together, fortify; pr.n. "Fortress". --- to break in pieces, beat small; oppress; crushed; small; broken (in spirit); contrite; dust. --- pr.n. "Abundance". --- pr.n. "Yah Hides". --- an animal, a beast.


to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear. pr.n. "High". Judah's Land --- Judea; the Jews. pr.n. "Yah is Brother". pr.n. "Yah lives". pr.n. "Hidden". thus; now; hear; this way, that way; hitherto. - 26 -

26 > 8 ---------------

26 = 2x13

pr.n. "Holder". (506 w/f); to stick, join together. pr.n. "Festive". pr.n. "Sharp-peak". hook, ring. to cut, dig, explore. god, Jehovah or Yahweh; He/She is; He/She creates. --- the divine name associated with the 3rd Sephirah Binah, (67) pr.n. "Pleasantness". to be dejected, sad. to be heavy, weighty; to be a burden; to be wealthy; to be severe; to be dull; to be in honour; to be glorious; sore, grievous; abundant, numerous; sluggish; difficult; the liver; glory; violence; a multitude. to lie, to deceive; lying, deceiving. a window, a hole; thus, now; hitherto; in this manner; how? 7


Notes: 7. G-K p. 90

- 27 -

27 > 9

27 = 33


pr.n. "Brotherhood". to flow in drops, to weep; to weep at or for. weeping. (507 w/f); transparent, clear, pure; free from fault, blameless. sin. trick, intrigue; a riddle, poetic saying, song; a parable, proverb, maxim; oracle, vision. --- plaster (on a wall). --- to cover, hide; to go out, be quenched; to perish. 28 > 10 > 1 -------------------

- 28 pr.n. "Father is renown". (508 w/f); to tangle, to perplex. pr.n. "Valley of Vision". pr.n. "Of Gold", a place reich in gold and near Sinai. (34); pr.n. "Yah Presents". (24); pr.n. "Dowered". to be clear, transparent; to be pure. sin-offering. to live.

28 = 22x7

--- (508 w/f); a man-trap; the gums, palate, inside of mouth (stress is on those parts which taste food). --- clay; mud, mire. --- lovely, pleasant; one beloved, a friend. --- his or its unions; together; alike; all together; pr.n. "Union". --- to cut or hollow out; to burn, glow, sparkle. --- to shine, twinkle, pr.n. "Nubia". --- strength; might; ability, capacity; violence; strength (of the earth), wealth, produce, riches, means; a lizard (gecko). 29 > 11 > 2 --------------30 > 3

10th prime - 29 to crush, break; crushing. (509 w/f); to tread to pieces, tread down. pr.n. "Fulness". pr.n. "He Thanks". pr.n. "Leader". pr.n. "Yah Presented". to bind together; to combine, devise, to fabricate, to lie; a lier; a lie, falsehood. - 30 -

30 = 2x3x5 (1st 3 primes)

--- Lamed. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; ) (Lamed = --- 74; --- beater, chastiser; staff, goad, Ox-Goad) --- As a prefix: (direction or motion) to; into; for, towards; to, for, into; to, for, against; (may express "belonging to" or "possession"); by, from; in regard to respect to; at, in. --- mellon(s). --- pr.n. "Father is Goodness". --- declaration or solution (of a riddle). --- (see also 24); pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah". --- deceit, falsehood. --- (510 w/f); to pound, bruise (in a mortar); a cock, treader. --- pr.n. "Renown of Yah". --- pr.n. "Yah Beholds". --- pr.n. "Praised" --- Judah, Tribe of Judah; Judea, the Jews. --- pr.n. "Extended". --- (510 w/f); to strike or smite. --- to be weary, faint; to be feeble, dim; dull of sight; feeble, expiring; depressed; pale, faint; mitigation, healing. --- to pierce, to wound; to destroy. --- pr.n. "Deceptive". --- that; because; for; when; where fore, that; but. 31 > 4

- 31 --- (see also 37); pr.n. "Holds" --- pr.n. "Brother of Union". --- (511 w/f); how?; oh how!

11th prime

--- that, yon. --- nothing. --- a strong or mighty one; a hero; strength, power; God --- divine name associated with the 4th Sephira Chesed, (72). --- to, towards, unto, into; against. --- these. --- (definite article replacement) "the". --- pr.n. "Love of Yah". --- (511 w/f); to go. --- pr.n. "Seer". --- to burn or brand. --- (37); nothing, nothingness; no, not; without; not yet. 8

Note: 8. G-K p. 91

- 32 -

32 > 5 -------------------------

32 = 25

pr.n. "Strong". trickling; dripping; weeping. nothing; not; that not; lest; not yet. Lord, Bel, Belus, Baal. heart; purpose resolve. to be clear, pure, faultless; to gain or win (in a law-suit); to cleanse, make pure. arrow, lighting. (All thirty-two paths of the tree of light, created by the Lignting) . pr.n. "Yah is Good". pr.n. "Yah Keeps" --- a chronicler to King Josiah. pr.n. "Yah assembles". one alone, an onely one; an only son; only daughter; lonely, desolate; forlorn, wretched. weight; abundance; riches; glory, honour; majesty or glory. (This is the Divine Glory, used in a traditional Hebrew night prayer which formed the basis for the middle part of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual of the Order of the Golden Dawn).

--- to hollow out, to pierce. --- to conceal, hide. --- the heart; the life, soul; feelings, affections, emotions; thinking, moral sentiments; volition, determination; knowledge, understanding; middle or midst. 33 > 6 -----------------

33 = 3x11 - 33 to fall or sink down, to droop; to wither, anguish (of a green field); to be sorrowful; to mourn. to be moist; to be fresh or green. moist spot, meadow. mourning; a wailing cry. truly, decidedly; but, yet. river, stream; river district. to vex or hurt. exultation; heap; fountain, well; bowl; to be hollow.


purity, cleanness (moral). to wait for; testing; a bait, a hook, an angle. pr.n. "Beloved". pr.n. "Yah Lives". to burn, to be parched. to seize or raven; to bellow or roar. a cavity or basin; a log (measure for liquids = 1/12th of a


34 = 2x17 - 34 to roll (of water), to flow in waves, to well. wellings of dew; reservoirs of dew. pr.n. "Brother of Renown". pr.n. "Confusion"; Babel, Babylon. to open up, reveal a dashing (to pieces); breakers. moving, swaying to and fro, tottering; weak; poor, lowly; thin, lean. (28); pr.n. "Yah Presents". pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". pr.n. "Roaming". according to need of; as, as soon as; when. to be strong, powerful; strength. wound, hurt; calamity. to cover up, envelop; the heart. pr.n. "Strife".

34 > 7

35 > 8 ------------------36 > 9

= 3 1/3 gills).

35 = 5x7 - 35 to break forth; cheer up. to turn, plait or combine, twist together; to be high; to bound or limit; to set (as a boundary); pr.n. "Little Mountain", "Hills". to shear away, shave off; barber. to be tottering, to be poor. (515 w/f) ; how? that. there, yonder; (particle of interrog.) a Judean; a Jew, a Hebrew. nothing (31). 36 = 2 x3 - 36 to be bright, to gleam, to shine. contain; tent (both Bedowin and Tabernacle); shell or exterior of Tabernacle; dwelling place; the temple; the palace (of the Sun); people; family; patriarchal stock. to tent. lign-aloes, aloe-trees. pr.n. "Eloha" --- divine name associated with the 5th Sephira Geburah, (216). pr.n. "Brother of Goodness". 2





how?; how; how!; where?, where there? to worship, adore + god or might. to be strong, muscular, fleshy. will or wish; to affirm or swear by God; to intreat God (sometimes = to curse).


swearing; oath; curse; a covenant or agreement. terebinth. God; idol. oak. to separate; to go away; to divide, part, distinguish. a part. to press together. (41); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah". to that side, yonder-ward. to be vigorous. to gasp or pant; to be tired or faint; pr.n. "Languid". to or in separation. not; oh that, of if!, if!, would! Note: 9. K-G p. 91

37 > 10 > 1 -------------------------------------

12th prime - 37 to be wrong (in mind); to be foolish. to knit or twist together; to be strong; mighty. to go before or in front of; to be before; to begin. strength; body. (see also 31); pr.n. "Holds". see!, lo!; if (conjunction). to haste; to be alarmed, to tremble; to flee; to hasten after; to perish suddenly. to fall away, fail, be worn out; to fall off, waste away; mistress, possessor. pr.n. "Timid." to be timid; to terrify; to scare. to bind, twist; to be firm, strong; nape of the neck; to be great, high, extolled, mighty, important, precious; to grow up; growing, lusty; greatness, honour, majesty; pr.n. "Huge". to cover over; enclose; covering; shin. to float, flutter; banner, standard; pendant; to set up or display a banner. to leap or spring. to breathe, blow, exhale; to be vain, to act or speak vainly, have a vain hope; breath of air, a gentle breeze; breath; vanity; idols; idolatry; exhalation, mist; pr.n. of Able, Adam's second son --- "Exhalation". pr.n. "Pure". pr.n. "Exploration". pr.n. "Yah Keeps".

--- life; peerless or unique. Yehudia, the highest soul in Qabalah, associated with the Sephira Keter. --- splendid, gorgeous; important, precious things. --- to low, to roar; to burn, to parch; a flame; the heart. --- to burn, to flame; a flame; a flashing or glittering; sword blade. --- not; oh that!, oh if!, if!, would! 38 > 11 > 2 -------------------

------------------39 > 12 > 3 ---------------------------

38 = 2x19 - 38 pr.n. "God's Training". will of God. to glide; move away; to depart; to flow off or ebb; to vanish. departure. to spring up or issue forth, to flow; to produce. a streaming, rain; produce, increase; bough; what is produced. Toll, tribute; consumption (tax), excise. pr.n. "Valley of Vision". to make bare, to strip, uncover, disclose, reveal, open; betray; to fling away; drive into exile; open up; cause to migrate, lead away captive; pr.n. "Circuit"; exile, captivity; a well; bowl-shaped capital (of a pillar); oil-bowl. to lift or draw (water). host, army; unconsecration, unholiness; common use. pr.n. "Yah is Good". his or its unions; together; alike; all together. to be straight, even, direct. to strive or quarrel. study or learning. to burn or parch. moist, sappy, fresh, new; freshness, vigour. 39 = 3x13 - 39 (see also 33); river, stream; river-district. I will begin; I will profane. pr.n. "God's Friend". to be turbid; to become foul or corrupt (morally). to be hard, firm. old clothes, rags. redemption; relationship. to go in a circle, to whirl, to turn round; to exult; to rejoice; to tremble; worship. exile. to move to and fro, to swing, wave; to draw, draw out; hanging down or pendulous thing; thread work; weaver's thrum; locks (of hair); poverty. habitation; to roll, to be round; dung balls; to dwell; to cohabit with. to be sullied or rusty; to be sick. dew. (in Qabalah, a reference to the free gift of the deity without need for merit or



pr.n. "False". pr.n. "Deceptive". child-bearing. to burn, to be swarthy. to scoop out. covered or secret; ladanum (gum from opium poppies) - 40 -

40 > 4

40 = 23x5

--- Mem. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , .) (Mem = --- 80/640; --- 90/650 --- Water.) --- As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)


----------------41 > 5 -----------

pr.n. "Deceptive". loathing; to loath, to abhor. pr.n. "Brightness". pr.n. "Son of Strife". to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder; evaporate water; peep, twitter. to bear, bring forth; child, offspring. to draw, lift out. a Jewess. to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind, pledge; act torturously; to wound, to hurt, to destroy; to overthrow; writhing (labor pains); pangs; cord, rope, measuring line; a portion, an estate; a district, region; a snare, a toil; a band, a troop; destruction, desolation; hurt, harm; pledge; perverseness; a ropeman, shipman, sailor; a cable, ship's cable; a mast, helm. to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk; fatness; the best part. to hang about, to be torn; to be mended in pieces or patches. pr.n. "Yah Sees". in secret, stealthily; to conceal or hide; to utter privily or softly; gentleness; gently. to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly. to be burnt, swarthy. to hide. if not; whether not; perhaps; unless. 13th prime - 41 "her tent" --- symbolic term for Samaria. pr.n. "Fat". a strong ram or buck; stag, hart. to knit or twist together; to be strong, mighty. mighty or foremost man; great or strong tree, oak, terebinth, palm; buttress, pilaster, piller, post; frieze.


power or force. pr.n. "God"; to. to hop about, leap or spring. (601 w/f); mother; step-mother; grandmother; a female ancestor; benefactress; Earth-Mother; owner; city. there!, if now!; whether-or; no, not; if. to sever, leave off, rest, cease. separate, hinder. pr.n. "God's Majesty". limit, bound, edge, margin; a bounded district. to glow, burn; live coals; lightning. to be smooth, bare, bald; make bald, shear, shave; devastate. a solid mass, a cake. to be bright, to gleam. to that side, yonderward. to dip, to sink into; to be baptised. to will, wish; to be dull, foolish; to be wry; to be in front, to begin. a burning or branding; pr.n. "Window of Yah". to cast down or prostrate. to cleave to, to accompany; to bind oneself, to borrow; to will or wish. what?; whatsoever. (In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting and , "who" and "what"; signifying presence or lack of person, 10 v. 1, and the significance of words spelled with either letter. This significance is held to reflect strongly on 50 and 41. In particular, the 10 v. 1 aspect is sometimes taken to deny the existence of personality in the higher soul).

42 > 6

- 42 -

42 = 2x3x7

--- a god, God. --- cubit, ell; pr.n. "Mother" --- an alternate name of the 3rd Sephira Binah, (67) --- terror, sudden ruin. --- terror, sudden ruin; pr.n. "Timid" or "Shy" of the mother of the tribes of Dan and Naphtali. --- destruction; lack, nought, nothing; without. --- greatness, majesty (of God); renown. --- to be afraid. --- to trouble, make turbid. --- (31); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah". --- this. --- to lift or draw (water). --- to be slack, to leave off, cease, desist, rest, fail, let alone, abstain; failing, frail; forbearing; destitute, forsaken; resting-place; the grave. --- to hide; to dig; pr.n. "Concealment"; hidden or indefinite time; duration, life, age; the world; mole. --- pr.n. "God is Good". --- to flow or run; to sound aloud, shout; to bring; a stream; a blast, signal; the Jubilee. 10


pr.n. "Yah is Glorious" --- name of the mother of Moses. a lion. a flame; blade or point. to turn aside. Note: 10. G-K p. 90

- 43 -

43 > 7 - ------------------------44 > 8

14th prime

pr.n. "Inglorious". great, vast, mighty. to roll; a revolving; age; exultation, joy. to open up, reveal; cause to migrate, lead away captive. (603 w/f); accumulation, junction, addition; together, also, even. to shake, pour out; put aside, remove. to be weak, feeble; to be sick or ill; to feel pain, hurt; to soothe, stroke; to be sweet, comely; to adorn; a cake; sacrificial cake. pr.n. "Beloved of Yah" --- a name of Solomon the Son of David. lion or lioness. to wend or bend aside; to turn away; almond-tree or hazel; pr.n. "An Incline". to grind, to chew, to eat. great, mighty; a Magus or magician.

- 44 --- pr.n. "Father of Might" ( ) ( 13 + 31 = 44,

44 = 22x11

+ . Near approach to 13 + 13 = 26, or . Actually a sort of numerical counterpoise to it. Stress to but weakness > . 44 > 8 as will, Hod.).


(604 w/f);

to be bent down, to be sad. to gather, to flow together. bowed down. a pool; sedge flag or reed. pr.n. "Emigrant". pr.n. "God's Gift". pr.n. "God is Father. Babylonian, (confusion). "Small precious things", bdellium --- a sweet resin. exile; captivity. to absorb, drink up; swallow; bulrush; absorbent (of moisture); Egyptian papyrus, paper-reed. (524 w/f); to crush, be wretched. bucket. (604 w/f); blood; blood-guiltiness, murder; sap, juice, wine. to move in a circle, to dance; to turn or twist oneself, to writhe; to bear a child; to tremble, to be afraid; to be firm, strong, mighty; to wait; to surround, enclose; sand; pr.n. "Circuit". a soiling or rust. to be fresh, young; a lamb.

--- pr.n. "He (God) Redeems". --- in the Jubilee. --- to lay down, let down (from the womb); to bring forth, to bear; to lay eggs; to beget (as a father); to create, produce; one born; a male child; a lad or boy. --- a spark. --- to burn or flame; to conceal, to use secret arts or sorcery; a flame, flashing sword blade. --- to hew or cut; a tablet, table or slab; fold of a door. --- a garment; carpet; a measure. 45 > 9

45 = 32x5 - 45 --- (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam. --- to be blood or red colored; to sparkle. --- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that = mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. within woman = man is inwardly woman).

----------------------------------46 > 10 > 1 ---------------

= woman

land of Edom; father of the race of Edom. (see also 241/801) Aramea. a red (precious stone) --- garnet, carnelian. (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed pr.n. "Bright". plunder. (605 w/f); pr.n. "Multitude"; noise, crowdings (of people); they; such as they. a habitation; heaven. to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid. a pledge or pawn. pr.n. "Fatness". to lift, to cast. so and so, thus and thus. to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot. a (kind of) lizard. garlands or festoons. force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly. 46 = 2x23 - 46 pr.n. "Father is Exultation". hind, doe (also a term of endearment for a woman). fat tail (burned in sacrifice --- 10 to 20 lbs on oriental sheep). pr.n. "God is God" or "God is Yah" or "El is God" or "Mighty God" or "Mighty He is"; "Elijah" --- (see also 52). cubit, ell. hand-maid, maid-servent, female slave. terror.

----------------------47 > 11 > 2 --------------------------------48 > 13 > 4 -------------------

Mother-city, metropolis; a foundation; fore-arm. a people, tribe. tin, tin-alloy; dross (to be separated from true metal). border, margin (of land); seashore; limit, a bounded district. young bird; young dove; eaglet. pr.n. "Partridge". pr.n. "God Sees". pr.n. "Strength". pr.n. "Binding" or "Garland", "Levi". to moisten; to be moist or juicy, fresh. to be great, much, numerous; magnitude or multitude, a number or amount; a hundred; before (or) after. 15th prime - 47 wry, perverse; foolish; a fool; wicked; godless. foolish. if not; whether not; perhaps; fearing, doubting or hoping. (607 w/f); hum, hubbub (exp. of noise tumult or alarm). (607 w/f); to be dumb, mute. an elevation, height, sacred or altar-height, shrines or chapels built on eminences; strong-holds; fastness; grave-mound, sepulcre. fringes, tassels; wreaths, festoons. to cut off; divide; measure; bind together; be strong, valiant; a dividing; ell or cubit; mighty men, warriors. this. (527 w/f); to be clean, bright, pure. to be shaky, to waver. pr.n. "Mole" or "Weasel". to draw out, to press (for information). head-dress, turban. pr.n. "Yah is Might" or "Yah is God". to be honored, renowned; to be great or chief, to be noble; excellency, preciousness. 48 = 24x3 - 48 (608 w/f/); to be high, to rise upwards, to tower. in water. greatness, majesty (of God); renown; pr.n. "Greatness" --- alternate name of the 4th Sephira Chesed, (72). pr.n. "God's Good Luck", "God's Goat". exultation. this. removal, a putting aside, besides, except. to move in a circle, dance; power, might; strength, produce; riches, wealth; force (for war), army; honesty, virtue, worth; fortification, bulwark, rampart, moat; pain, pang; trembling, terror. (628 w/f); to seize.

--- ornament, necklace; prostration, suffering, sickness; grief; evil; calamity. --- (608 w/f); father-in-law; warm, hot; pr.n. "Swarthy", Ham, Egypt; heat. --- produce (of the land); wealth. a blast, a loud shout, sound or signal; "Jubilant"; river, stream; the --Jubilee. --- to wait, hope. --- a ruby or carbuncle. --- a star; the planet Mercury; a prince. --- jaw, jaw-bone; cheek. --- from that time --- to stretch out, to measure; to mete out; to requite, flight, a fleeing or passing away. --- fat, marrowy; wealthy, noble. --- marrow. 49 > 13 > 4 ---------------

49 = 72 - 49 (609 w/f); to go softly, slowly. river, stream; river-district. pr.n. "El Chai" --- divine name associated with the 9th Sephira Yesod, (81). (see also 50); to flow. to be similar or like; to become like, to resemble; to liken or compare; to use similitudes; to think or deem; to meditate; to remember; to make oneself like. dumb, silent; to make silent; to destroy. silence; utter desolation. 11

--- pr.n. "Father Tent" or "Family". -------------------------------

camel keeper. (particle of wishing:)

oh that!

pr.n. "Sickly. "Ever Living God" or "God Lives". pr.n. "God is a Friend". (609 w/f); dumb. (55); pr.n. "Yah hath saved". (609 w/f); to stamp hard, to tread or beat upon; foot-stool, hassock; to cut (into parts); piece, portion. "Ever Living God" or "God Lives". to wrap together, to thicken or curdle; to be hot, to burn; to heat, anger, wrath. lamb; Aries (zodiacal sign). a girl, maiden. pancakes. a coming in, entering; an entrance; setting (of the Sun), westward. stretch, measure; middle; extension, greatness; tribute; garment, carpet; measure.

--- to strike, smite. --- an incline or depression. Notes: 11. G-K p. 92

- 50 -

50 > 5

50 = 2x52

--- Nun. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ). (May be added initially or medially or finally. May be assimilated or dropped) .

(Nun = -----------------------------------------

--- 106/756 --- Fish). (see also 450 & 49); firm ground, earth; land or soil; tract of land, territory, country; the whole earth, the globe. pr.n. "Fortress" to flow; to become or be similar or like; to compare, use similitude; to think or deem; to remember; dumb or silent; to rest, to be destroyed; silence. (610 w/f); to close. pr.n. "Unwedded". (610 w/f); to cut off, devour; locust. to be hard, firm. (610 w/f); to be dumb; to rest. to move to and fro, be pendulous, wave, totter, hang loose. to hum, growl, snarl, coo, groan; to sound, roar, splash; to make a din; to be internally stirred; to be agitated; to buss about; they. to plunge; to be soiled, sullied, polluted; to be unholy; unclean. pr.n. "Poverty-stricken." one born. (610 w/f); a humming, roaring; the sea, a large river, the Nile, Euphrates; a reservoir; the West; warm springs. completeness, totality, all; the whole; every; any one; wholly; altogether. garment. to mix. mixture; spiced wine. to reach or come to. who? (always suggests a person, even if applied to a thing); whoever, every one. (In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting and , "who" and "what"; signifying presence of lack of person, 10 v. 1, and the significance of words spelled with either of the pair of letters. This significance is held to reflect strongly on 50 and 41. In particular, the 10 v. 1 aspect is sometimes taken to deny the existence of personality in the highest soul).

51 > 6 ---------

51 = 3x17 - 51 (611 w/f; see also 45/605); the land of Edom, Essau or his posterity the Idumeans. (611 w/f); to alarm, to be noisy, to rage. fearful, terrible. terrors, idols.

------------------------------------------52 > 7

to eat (often used of sword, fire, hunger, pestilence, idols, etc.) eating; food; provision; prey. pr.n. "I Am Able". (531 w/f); these. (701 w/f & see 57/707, 61/711); pr.n. of Heliopolis, with ; where?, whither? ah now!, ah I pray thee! to be nothing, naughty, wicked; to make effort, labor; to be exausted, to suffer; to earn by labour. (611 w/f); to glow, to flame; pr.n. "Live Coal". (611 w/f); to roar, to be noisy; to agitate. them. wrong, harm. to be bright, warm. to hold, confine, shut up; to restrain, keep back; enclosure; a prison; demarcation. (531 w/f); to go (business or errand); to send or dispatch. wreath, garland. look-out, expectation, hope. concealment, hiding-place. raw or under-done. now!, pray! (particle or interjection of wishing or inciting). pr. n. "House of Ammon", Thebes (in Egypt).

- 52 --- pr.n. "Father is Shelter". --- pr.n. "Yah is God". (see also 46).

52 = 22x13

--- pr.n. "God Hideth". ---------------------------

(see also 56);

I (first person singular); ah now!, ah pray thee! dumb beast; cattle; tame beasts; beast of burden; wild beasts. (702 w/f); a sage. son; king's son, a prince; boy, youth; grandson; descendants, posterity; a young one (beasts & birds). pr.n. "Great is Yah". (612 w/f); to be foul, rancid; pr.n. "Loathing". thought, plan, plot; counsel; mischief, crime; lewdness, incest; revolt, apostasy. pr.n. "forbearing". pr.n. "Long-lived" or "Worldly". to be warm, eager; to strive after something; to desire or covet; to take pleasure or delight in; attractiveness, pleasantness. (612 w/f); to long for, to become attached; brother-in-law, husband's brother; to act the brother-in-law, to perform the levirate (impregnate your brother's widow to get him a son, the duty broken by Onan). to bind, combine; a bond or fetter. to weave, plait; dog; to be fierce, bold; pr.n. "Bold", "Brave", Caleb; a


male prostitute, catamite. rash utterance. pr.n. "Magog". to suck out; to collect or store up; sucked out, exhausted. --- pr.n. "Firm". to be renowned. pr. n. "Hill", of a city of the priests near Jerusalem.


- 53 (613 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Day". (703 w/f); to glow steadily; to build; to be firm. to turn round. stone, rock; hailstone. ( = (son) + (father)). round plate or disk; midwife stool; potter's stool or wheel.


53 > 8

16th prime

--- pr.n. "My Tabernacle in Her" --- symbolic of Jerusalem. --- pr.n. "Yah is God" --- see also 46. ---------------------------

54 > 9 -------------------

eagerness, haste. build. (703 w/f); enclosure, garden, orchard. park. writhing, pain; strength, bulwark. trinket, ornament. to bind or join, hold, enclose; to be hot, to glow; heat, excitement; wine; anger; poison; warmth; the sun. pr.n. "An Exile". pr.n. "Restrained". pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddo". garner to wipe; to wipe out (erase letters); to forgive (sins); to wipe off men (get rid of them); to touch on. full of marrow. to bubble up or pour forth; to announce or tell; to speak as moved by divine impulse, to prophesy; to speak as a prophet or bard, to chant or sing; to rave; to act the madman. 54 = 2x33 - 54 (704 w/f); basin, cup. --- to enclose, to hold or contain. stillness, rest. (704 w/f); pr.n. "Judge"; tribe of Dan; Dan --- a Phoenician deity also called Eshmun; this. pr.n. "god's Present". (614 w/f); to burn, to be scorched; black, dark-colored. soft curds; curdled milk. unclean, condemned; stolid. one born; descendant. to take or catch; to seize; to master, to capture; to select or choose;

----------------------55 > 10 > 1 -------------------------------------


snaring. entrances, havens. contempt. an altar. to be firm. downwards. a branch or shoot; a rod or stick; a scepter; empire; a spear; a stem or tribe. a couch, divan; a litter or palanquin; a bear (for the dead). spreadings or expansions. a stretching or straining. to bore through or make hollow; vain, foolish. a heap; waves (poetic reference to waves as heaped up in the sea). 55 = 5x11 - 55 pr.n. of a city "Human". pr.n. "Edomite", "Idumean". (705 w/f); to make firm, to settle, to rule or govern. strong. foundation, pedestal; basis (of a pillar) or timbers underlying (wooden partitions). (615 w/f); pr.n. "Cisterns" or "Locusts". (705 w/f); gibbous, to curve; hunch-backed. to steal, rob; thief. stillness; the grave. pr.n. "Yah hath saved"; (49). to take, receive, hold; to be strong, firm. (535 w/f); to go; to be going to die; to spread; to extend; float; flow; continue, keep on; to walk, to live, pursue a way of life; to go away, to disappear, be gone, depart, die; a way, course, stream; a way-tax, toll. (705 w/f); they; you, this, that; lo!, behold!; if; whether? uncleanness; impurity; an unclear thing. pr.n. "God Quickens" or "God declares". to be hot; to be bright; to be warm. to be able. to hold, contain, restrain; to be complete, finished; to be prepared, ready; to be destroyed; to waste away; to fail; to pass away or vanish; conclusion, completion; utterly, completely; destruction, utter ruin; pining, failing; to be stable, firm; a bride, spouse; a daughter-in-law. to thee; pr.n. "Journey". garment; disease, sickness. to gird; a girdle; a bond, fetter. to envelope, to be hollow. a leather bottle. to be dry. drought; the south (the dry quarter); South Palestine. to drive away.

--- eminence or excellency. 56 > 11 > 2 -------------------------------------------------

56 = 23x7 - 56 pr.n. "Father is exultation". ( = 13). to wait in hope. (616 w/f); pr.n. "A Holding". how? terror, fear. food. (also 52); I. whither/ where-ward? to sigh, to lament. to bow, incline; to meet, approach; to cause to occur. to swim or float. (706 w/f); parenthetically Samson (as "Danite"). sycamore. (Nuit is called the Goddess of the Sycamore). (616 w/f); pr.n. "He Will Ruin Them". pr.n. "Seen of God". (616 w/f); day; festival day; birthday, day of calamity, of battle; by day; today, at this or that day; lately; in the daytime; about that time; to be warm or bright. completeness, totality, all; the whole; every, each; to hold or measure. gold exactress (process) or gold making. to be marrowy (of a bone); to be fat (of a sheep). to rest or settle, to dwell. dwellings, pastures. to impel or incite. to be willing or ready; to give freely. pr. n. "Liberal" (a king of Israel, also a son of Aaron). - 57 -

57 > 12 > 3 -


(707 w/f);

57 = 3x19


ah now! foolish. (707 w/f; also see 51/701);

to be nothing, naughty, wicked; to make effort, to labor, to toil; to be exhausted, to suffer; to earn by labour. breath; nothingness; vanity; naughtiness; worthlessness; sinfulness; falsehood; hypocrisy; deceit; idolatry; idol; labor or sorrow; distress. wealth; force (poetically: son or sun). pr.n. "Powerful" or "Rich". we. (707 w/f); to be pressed together, to be thick; the thumb; great toe. to build; lay a foundation; to build upon or up in; to rebuild, restore; grant family prosperity (descendants). (707 w/f); to grow, increase; grain, corn, bread. to be yielding, impressible. (707 w/f); to be hard.


(707 w/f);

sort, kind. pr.n. "Waverer". (617 w/f); to muzzle; to close up; to restrain. desire, longing; delight; object of delight; lust. to crouch; a lizard. confinement; a prison. desires. overthrow, ruin. an altar; (see also 114). pr.n. "Flowing Waters" --- of a city in Reuben. to be raised or convex, to be prominent. to be in front or present, to be manifest. to flow. the front; before, in presence of; over against; against (as opposing); like, corresponding to; over (president); from over against, opposite. --- no, to nay, say 'no' (also the English word "No" exactly. --- to be tough or raw. 58 > 13 > 4 -----------------------------------

58 = 2x29 - 58 pr.n. "Father is Splendor". pr.n. "perennial". (708 w/f); the ear; to hear; to obey. to point; to sharpen. to weigh. weapon or implement. (also 3); fruit. to enter, lead to, to bear. (708 w/f; also 62/712); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern, hear, feel; to attend; to perceive. enter. pr.n. "Great is Yah". garden, park. (708 w/f); pr.n. "Low Country". (708 w/f); to surround, to cover. to be black or dark; to sadden. (538 w/f); to be black, gloomy, unhappy, wretched; wretchedness; wretched one. (708 w/f); favorable inclination, favor, grace, kindness; gracefulness; attractiveness, charm. (considered a Noteriqon for

, Secret Wisdom or Qabalah.

--- pr.n. "God's Assembly". --- waiting, hoping. --- (618 w/f); to be warm, heated; to be in (sexual) heat, to rut; to conceive. --- the brightness or fiery splendour of Yahweh upon Sinai, in the tabernacle, in the temple. (Schkinah --- 385).

--- pr.n. "Pledged" or "Bound". --- to streak or color (especially the eyes with kohl); to paint. (this is the word for cosmetic antimony paste, Kohl, and is the root of the English word Color) . --- net-work; a basket, a cage. --- to be firm or strong; haleness, strength; hale old-age. --- (538 w/f); to lick up, to devour, to consume. --- seductions. --- a stroke or blow. --- pr.n. "Love". --- pr. n. "Speaker", Nebo the Chaldean deity akin to Mercury (worshipped as the celestial scribe or interpreter) . --- pr. n. "Hill-top". --- to shine or gleam; to cause to shine; to enlighten. --- a shining or gleaming (of fire); glory (divine). --- light or day-break. --- to move to and fro, to flap (wings); to move or wander about, to stray. --- to flee. --- to be tall or lofty, to be eminent. --- to sigh or pant. --- to spring or shoot up, to sprout; to be vigorous or hale (of old men); to increase (as wealth); to utter. --- pr. n. "Rest" or "comfort", Noah. 59 > 14 > 5 -----------------------------------

- 59 -

17th prime

pr.n. "Brother by Birth". to lament, to moan. (619 w/f); pr.n. "Nations" or "Gentiles". (709 w/f); to protect, shelter. pr.n. "Whisper". (709 w/f); to gain, to buy. to be pendulous, to wave, wobble; to cut off or hurt the tail; to smite the rear ( of any army); tail; end, stump; posterior, mean. pr.n. "Sandy". wall; town-wall. pr.n. "God Lives". trust, confidence; security. slaughter or massacre. pr. n. "Brilliance" or "Beauty", (Venus). to move or flee away; to remove or put off. to reach out, to give. a liberal gift (especially the hiring of a hooker). removal or separation; what is removed, uncleanness or impurity.; an abominable act (esp. incest). - 60 -

60 = 22x3x5

60 > 6 ---


Samekh. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , , ; , , , ). (May be added initially or finally.) (Samekh = --- 120/600 --- A Prop or Support). (620 w/f); pr.n. "Father's Brother". (710 w/f); to bind, to plait. (710 w/f); to try; to make glow, to melt; to purify (by fire); to test or prove; to watch. (Good confirmation of Tarot "Temperance" correspondence to = 60). prying-place, watch-tower. (710 w/f); mounting, swelling; excellency, majesty; pride, haughtiness. curdled milk --- cheese. a theft; a thing stolen. to gather together, store up, hide; treasurers; chests for keeping valuables, treasure-chest; coverings. (710 w/f); to tread, press down, subdue, have power, rule; to contend (at law); to judge; vindicate, defend, punish; judgment. sound (of a harp). they; themselves; hither, to this place; lo!, see!. to enclose, contain; a basket. (66); to hold, contain; to be capable of; to be able; to prevail, to succeed; to control oneself; to master, comprehend. (540 w/f); to go, to walk. anything prepared or made up; what holds or contains; a vessel or utensil; garment; baggage; instrument or tool; weapons; a vessel or boat; grasping one --- a miser. a sight, vision. a view, a window. a broom. a spinning, spunwork. to bark or bay (as a dog). pr. n. "Barking" (of a city). southward. pr. n. ""Brilliance" or "Beauty", (Venus). to call or cry, to wail or lament. to move to and fro, to wave or nod; to wander about; to wander away; to nod or incline towards, to condole or comfort; to bemoan. to heap up. to move off or flee. a moving or wandering about (pr. n. of the region of Cain's wanderings). condolence. to comfort. wailing.


- 61 pr.n. "Father is Strength". (contrast



61 > 4

18th prime = 44 > 8).



(711 w/f); ruler, lord; owner, possessor; (divinity sometimes). pr.n. "Strong One". to hum; to growl; to snarl; to coo; to be internally stirred. (compare: > --- addition of = fire or divine spirit with: > --- addition of = earth or matter). (711 w/f); pr.n. "Lovely". (711 w/f); not. where; where = no where!; as nothing; about nothing; without; of nothing, worse than nothing. none; nothing. (The highest nameable stage in Qabalah, the Void before the the manifestation of the limitless and, eventually, the One. Term used in Qabalah to signify the third and last aspect of the deity beyond the manifested universe). to lament; alas!, halloo!, yell, howl, wail. to be of no account. to gather in, to harvest. to be strong. I; an; me; my. ship; shipping; a fleet. (711 w/f); to stretch out, distend, expand. belly, womb; innermost part (heart). to bend. (711 w/f); incline or bend. (711 w/f); to breathe; to be vain, light; to toil, earn, bet by labor; wealth, riches; worth, value; enough. confinement, a prison. pr.n. "To God". a refuge; a harbour, haven. the good or choice, the best part. to look hard. pr. n. "Look" or "Regard". to push or thrust, to gore; to overthrow. apt to push, goring. voluntariness, voluntary; liberal allowance, plenty; free-will offering. to be tough or raw. to be lofty or eminent; to extol or celebrate. to rest, to remain or dwell. a dwelling, home; a pasture. to boil or cook.


62 = 2x31 - 62 band, priest's girdle, ornamental belt. to be strong, to heal. pr.n. "Healer", "Physician". (712 w/f, also 58/708); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern hear, feel;



62 > 8

----------------------------63 > 9 ---


to attend; to perceive. separation, internal, between. to well up, flow, pour over; pour together, to confound; to mingle in sexual connection, to defile; Baal. pr.n. "Built"; "Wise"; sons (of). (712 w/f); to grow; grain, millet. to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring (after sex, idols, the True God, etc.). pr.n. "Place of Lizards". pr.n. "Yah has plunged", "Yah has consecrated", "Yah has baptised". (712 w/f); to understand. (compare ) compass or compasses (for striking a circle). desirable or lovely. to thrust out or expel; to impel or strike; to be thrown out; to be driven out; an outcast. pr. n. "Nobility". to bound or spring; to spurt. fruit or produce. 63 = 32x7 - 63 (713 w/f); Abadon, place of the dead; destruction; place of destruction; the abyss (see also ). (6+3=9 or, on finals, 713 -> 11. Sephir Yetzirah: "10, not 9, not 11. wo/f lacks 1, w/f excess by 1 of perfection. = 1 is the symbol of the no-thing, yet 10 > 1. --- This word embodies all and null, but stresses null and only possesses all by implication). to feed, to fatten; to collect, to bring together; to fill in, to cram. pr.n. "Powerful" or "Rich". pr.n. "Insight". to roll, cause to turn; hollow out, excavate; a rolling; dung, ordure (rounded form or of men); turn, circumstance. pr.n. "Low Country". wax. wretchedness, wretched one. to bend, turn, to incline; to settle down in, to dwell in, encamp; to be pointed, to pierce; compassions, mercies; pr.n. "Beauty". (713 w/f); to press or crush. (713 w/f); a pining away. (713 w/f); pr.n. "Fish-like" or "prolific" --- name of Dagon, the fish god. to nourish, pamper; to point, sharpen; to shape, form; to deck, ornament, deck out, adorn; to be well fed. pr.n. "Deliverance". pr.n. "God gladdens". pr.n. "renowned". preservation of life; sustenance, livelihood; a wound or sore. pain suffering; sorrow, grief.

------------64 > 10 > 1 -----

----------------------65 > 11 > 2 ---



a prophet, a speaker. brightness, splendour. to lead or guide. to sip or suck in, to keep drinking, to tipple; a drunkard. drink; drinking bout or carousal. pr. n. "Sabean Man", name of a son of Cush and the Sabean people.

- 64 -

64 = 26

complaint; sigh. (714 w/f); to tread, press down, subdue, have power, rule; to judge, vindicate, defend, punish; judgment; place of judgment; tribunal; cause for judgment; wrong, guilt; right, justice, controversy, dispute; sentence, punishment; a judge; an alternate name "Din" for Geburah, the 5th Sephira. to move to and fro, be pendulous, wave, totter, hang loose; to be slack, weak, languish; to fail (of eye); to be poor. pr.n. "Judge". to be warm, heated; to be in (sexual) heat; to rut; to conceive. pr.n. "Gold Waters". a prophecy; a prophetic writing. to incline oneself, to rest, to settle down; to repose (also figuratively of death; to abide or remain.) rest, quiet. to stretch out, extend; to spread out or expand; to hold out or propose; to spread abroad; to bow down or stoop; to go away. consolation. to turn, to approach; to traverse; to go around, to encompass; to besiege, to surround; to turn or change, to become like. stocks (a wooden frame for confining the feet).

- 65 -

65 = 5x13

(71); supreme Lord; The Lord (divinity). (G D 6+5=11: the formula of completion of the Great Work). (715 w/f); there; then. pr.n. "Swarthy". on account of. (715 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Adad" (Syrian god). (625 w/f); baskets; love-apples. still, silent; silence; rest, ease; devotion in. a palace, temple, tabernacle, sanctuary; heaven. (715 w/f); hin --- liquid measure 1/6 of a (= 5 English quarts). (545 w/f); a going, step. to be bright, to shine; to make display, boast; to give a clear sound; pr.n. "Praiseworthy". hush!, silence!; silently. to scatter; to cast away, reject; to dissipate, evaporate. (715 w/f); to be soft, sticky. to be violent, cruel; to oppress; to mourn, to coo.

--------------66 > 12 > 3 ----------------------------------------------------67 > 13 > 4



a vessel, the kidney; the inward parts; the kernel or best part. like what?, how?, to pine after, long for; how great?, how long?, how many?, how often? a door post. a girdle a striking or beating; a stroke or blow; a wound; slaughter. a wail or elegy. to move or quake (said of the earth).

- 66 -

66 = 2x3x11

drying up.. (716 w/f); yarn, thread. I will go. an eating, a meal. a ship. sighing, lamentation. to trouble, injure; to hurt; to vex. (716 w/f); a trier (of metals), assayer. watch-tower. pistacianut. (716 w/f); pr.n. "Refuge". wheel (of a chariot); a whirlwind; chaff, stubble. pr.n. "Stinky". pr.n. "Favor of Hadad". to press or fasten together. to be able. (716 w/f); to boil or bubble up; to ferment; Greece, the Greeks (Ionia) --"Wineland(ers)"; mire, mud. pr.n. "God beholds". (60); to be able; to hold, contain; to be capable of; to prevail, succeed; to control oneself; to overcome; to master; to comprehend. (626 w/f); to group; to join, to cluster together. as, like; when, as soon as; thus. to turn, wind. spoil or booty, riches or wealth. willing or prompt, voluntary; a noble or prince. to mark off, to measure. a measure (a corn measure containing 1/3 of an Ephah, about 1 1/2 peck)

- 67 -

19th prime

(717 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Judge" --- father of the Tribe of Dan. to cause to consume, give to eat. where now? ingathering; time of harvest, 6th Hebrew month (from Sept. to Oct. new moon). nought. discernment, understanding; pr.n. "Intelligence", Binah ---the third Sephira,


68 > 14 > 5 -


considered the feminine or passive potency12. Binah is (720) in Greek13. It corresponds14 to the Heart of Adam Qadmon (161). pr.n. "Yah Built-up"; building. (717 w/f); evacuation, defecation; belly (of creeping animals). stone-wood, ebony-wood, hard-wood. on the altar. (717 w/f); the letter Zain; weapon; ornament; sword. (717 w/f); pride, haughtiness. to wave, to shake or scatter out, to squander. to spice, to season, flavor; to ripen; to embalm (a corpse by spicing); to be reddish. (717 w/f); to pound, crush; to oppress; to grind; the grinders (molar teeth). pr.n. "He (God) Causes to Build". (717 w/f); to nourish; to pamper. (71); pr.n. "Firm". to form into balls or grains. unless. pr. n. "Barker" (of a dog god of the Avites). chief man, overseer; leader; prince; noble or excellent things. a turn or course (of events). to fall down before, to adore (used only of idol worship or of a man with godlike powers.). to agitate, to move hither and thither. pr. n. "Devoted To Seve" (roughly "devoted to Chronos", the name of an Egyptian king Sevechus contemporary with King Hoshea of Israel). Notes: 12. G-K p.90 13. G-K p. 93 14. G-K p. 93

- 68 -


wo! now! I will extol him. pr.n. "Long Eared". pr.n. "Wise". to tread to the ground, trample on (enemies); to despise. pr.n. "Building". (718 w/f); covered, enclosed. harlot, prostitute. pr.n. "Abundance". (628 w/f); life; livelihood. (718 w/f); grace, beauty. (628 w/f); to be wise, to gain wisdom; to gain by wisdom; to teach, make wise; to be a well trained (magician); wise, intelligent, understanding, discreet, cunning. poor. to turn, move round, bore through, perforate; writhe, be pained; to be loose,

------------69 > 15 > 6 ---------------------------------

70 > 7

free, common, profane; to revolve, a flute; piper; one thrust through, dispatched, slain; unholy, unclean; defiled; a prostitute. wheat. pr.n. "Yah is Great". pr.n. "A Relative" or "A Connection". pr.n. "Plaited". a prophetess; a mistress of song, a female bard; a prophet's wife. to enclose or shut up.

- 69 -

69 = 3x23

foddering; crib or rack. (719 w/f); desiring or begging, poor; a poor man. pr.n. "Father is Noble". (719 w/f); pr.n. "Brotherly". pr.n. "Protected". round blocks, logs; idols. dung, ordure (of men). pr.n. "Strife". to be green, sprout; myrtle. (719 w/f); clay. to bedew; to flow; to distil; to overshadow, to cover; to seek or find the shade. (719 w/f); affliction, sorrow. abomination; exile. to move or go, to go off or back. to hedge about or enclose. refuse or dross.

- 70 -

70 = 2x5x7

--- Ayin. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; ) (Ayin = --- 130/780 --- Eye) --- "Yah is Lord"; also 76. --- (720 w/f); watch-tower. --- (720 w/f); proud. --- curdled milk, cheese. --- goings, progress; processions; ways; caravans, companies of travellers --- to speak low, be still, silent. --- (720 w/f); pr.n. "Judge". --- (720 w/f); wine. --- a miser. --- (720 w/f); place; right, erect, firm; upright, honest; correct; rightly, well; a stand, base, pedestal; office; thus, so; a gnat or midge. --- night; by night, calamity or distress. --- a wailing or lamentation. --- pr. n. "Comforter".

--- a seat or sitting; a session (of persons); association; deliberation; a secret. --- to drag along, to pull about; to tear up, tear to rags. 71 > 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

20th prime - 71 --- pr.n. "Adonai" --- (65); divine name associated with the 10th Sephira Malkut, (496). (721 w/f); certainly; but, yet. naught, of no value; nothingness; idols; vanity. alas! (631 w/f); to bind (arching of a building); to be tongue tied, mute, dumb. projection, molding. dumbness; silence. something bound. porch. but. to fall; to droop; to languish; to be withered; to mourn. (551 w/f); to be pointed or sharp. an awl, graver; tin; lead, plummet. wood. rejoicings, feast of thanksgiving (at vintage). pr.n. "Distress". pr.n. "Marsh" or "Bog". (721 w/f); a vision (especially from God); a prophecy; a revelation. pr.n. "Mighty is Yah". a dove. (631 w/f); that if; for it; but if; but, unless; except, that; because, for. (67); pr.n. "Firm". to title. (631 w/f); to join, unite, combine; a people, nation. pr.n. "Circumcision". pr.n. "Who Like Yah?". a brand (in the skin). to fill, make full; to fill with; to be full; to be filled with; completed (as the days of pregnancy or of time); to be sated. full; pregnant. fullness; a multitude. pr. n. "Bountiful is Yah". nobility or high estate. something boiled, pottage. consecrated one, a Nazarite (Nazarites took a special vow, shaved off all their hair and thereafter refrained from cutting their hair); an unpruned vine; a prince. to beat or smite. smitten. smitten down. 15

--- to hide or envelop. Note: 15. G-K p. 92

72 > 9 -----------------

72 = 23x32 (counterchanged) - 72 pr.n. "God is Mighty". (the Shemhametforash). (632 w/f); pr.n. "Weepers". mixed fodder, provender. (632 w/f); to check or restrain. pr.n. "Bright". (722 w/f); dung, excrement. (722 w/f); pr.n. "Pining" or "Wasting". to bow, bend (the neck); to incline oneself; to be gracious, pious; to abuse, insult; kindness, goodwill, compassion; piety, religion; mercy, favor; reproach, disgrace; pr.n. "Chesed" --- the name of the fourth Sephira, considered masculine and active in traditional Qabalah. Chesed is (911) in Greek . It corresponds to the Right Arm of Adam Qadmon (161). (The adverse meanings may come from use in irony). mill; the grinding (said of the teeth). (722 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Understands". to tread down, to trample. to be about to eat. pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful". (722 w/f); to bind, fasten. (552 w/f); to gush forth. a spring. pr. n. "Fruitful". darkness or blackness (especially of a cloud); a cloud; a gloomy spot, a dark thicket; a threshold or step. 16



Notes: 16. G-K p. 93 17. G-K p. 93

73 > 10 > 1 -------------------

- 73 -

21st prime

pr.n. "Ear of Yah". to be about to bear a penalty. (77); to pray, to seek. turning, rolling; ring; circuit, region; circle. pr.n. "Dungy" (imagine the poor devil with this for a name!) (633 w/f); roll, fold together; wrapping together, mass; unformed substance, fetus, embryo; (Golem) a weaned child; to bear; requite, reward, recompense, benefit; to mature, ripen, wean; bearer, carrier, camel; the letter Gimel. pr.n. "Dusky". wisdom, skill, proficiency; piety; science, knowledge; the name of the second Sephira, Chokmah --- usually considered the masculine or active potency. Chokmah is (781) in Greek . It corresponds to the Brains of Adam Qadmon (161). (723 w/f); a mill, hand-mill. 18




a ball, pellet; beads. (633 w/f); lions. perplexity. a sickle. to scrape off, to remove; to sweep off. refuse (of metal), dross; base metal. Notes: 18. G-K p. 93 19. G-K p. 93

74 > 13 > 4 ---------------------------------------

74 = 2x37 - 74 longing, lust; stimulant (caper-berries). (724 w/f); these, this. knowledge, opinion; know!, understand!, be aware!, respect!; have sex! (724 w/f); the murmur, dull sound; meditation; plot, device. pr.n. "Myrtle" --- Jewish name of Esther. short, twig. to cover, protect, hide; to pity, have compassion. to set; to be found; to set down; to appoint; to assign; foundation, beginning. --- variant spelling of the name of the ninth Sephira, Yesod, but not generally used in Qabalah. (114); name of the letter Lamed (30); beater or chastiser; staff, goad; oxgoad; to meditate or think, to study or learn; to practice or exercise; accustomed to or familiar with; a disciple or adherent. (see also 421) to bind or connect. connection, kindred or progeny. a circuit; round about. to sweep or clear away. pr. n. "Off-scouring". to cover or hide; to protect. progress, duration; long or indefinite time, eternity; booty or spoil; while; as far as. during, within; till or unto; to or for (of purpose). a witness; testimony or witness; a legislator or ruler. still, while, yet, again; further, longer; besides. - 75 -

75 > 12 > 3 -----------------

75 = 3x52

pr.n. "Liberal Brother". (725 w/f);

contempt. (725 w/f); strong confidence; hope. to be vaulted, curved, bowl-shaped; to be arched, hilly; pr.n. "Hill". pr.n. "Dinaites". to be established; foundation. brightness; bright star, morning star (Venus & Lucifer). (635 w/f); to stamp, tread hard; beat, smite; to break to pieces; to snap off, break up; shine, sparkle; hither, here; pr.n. "A Smiting".

--------------------------------------------76 > 13 > 4

to be full; plenteous, numerous. (81); pr.n. "Yah is Able". wailing. (725 w/f); to perform, execute; to minister, serve; to be a priest; a priest. a group, cluster; the Pleiades, the Seven Stars. to surname, give a title of respect; to bite or sting; a plant or shoot; pr.n. "Cane" or "Reed". (635 w/f); to eat, to devour greedily. night; by night. wherefore?, Why?; that not, lest. pr.n. "Who Like Yah?", Micah the prophet. speech or discourse; a byword. a word, command; a matter or thing. to strike or smite.. smitten. pr. n. "Conqueror", pharaoh Necho IInd of Egypt. to turn aside or roam. rags, torn pieces. to breathe or blow; to breathe after, to desire, to love (passionately), to dote or lust after. love or charm. to pass, to go or come; to pass away or perish; to be abolished; to depose. pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah). a pipe or flute. - 76 -

76 = 22x19

--- pr.n. "Yah is Lord"; (see also 70). --- a bundle of grain (Eng. "corn"), a sheaf. --- to be separated, removed; removal, behind; near, by the side of; amidst; all around; while yet, within. --- pr.n. "Hill". --- pr.n. "Quarry". --- folly; wickedness. --- (726 w/f); a hiding, concealing. --- (726 w/f); to stand, to exist; pr.n. "A Settlement" or "Colony"; cake (sacred offering); to prepare. --- unless; loop. --- to, for. --- fullness, abundance. --- filling in or setting (of gems). --- fullness, a multitude. --- (556 w/f); a layer or set (of building material in a wall), a course (of bricks). --- (556 w/f); to point or sharpen. --- rest or quieting; pleasantness.

--------------77 > 14 > 5 ------------------------------------------78 > 15 > 6 ---------------------

sacrificial or sweet odors, incense. powder or spice. to break up or till; to labor or work; to serve. to make or do. a servant, a slave; minister or messenger. worshipper. work or deed. 77 = 7x11 - 77 (637 w/f); something bound or jointed together; vault, arch, hall. if not, but perhaps; but, nay but. pr.n. "Son of Circumcision" ='s a Hebrew. to bubble, well up, boil; to long for, to seek; to pray; (73). to cut off; to hew down or fell; to destroy; break asunder, destroy power. (727 w/f); pr.n. "A Stream", the name of a river in paradise: Gihon. to wrap together; to be tight, hard, sterile. (727 w/f); seething, boiling up, raging. pr.n. "Yah Builds". pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful". a strong or high place; tower; platform, pulpit; bed or bank (of flowers), raised parterre; castle. planet, wanderer (of the sky). fullness, a multitude. a filling up; a rampart; fortress, citadel. to wrap up or cover; to be thick or fat. cloud. to bend or twist. pr. n. "Overthrow" or "Ruin", a Babylonian province. strong, might, fierce; strength; a stronghold. she goat. strength or might (of God); warriors; firmness or stability; defense; glory or splendour; the ark; praise or musical celebration. 78 = 2x3x13 - 78 to bubble up; to boil up. prayer, petition. circuit, district. benefit, punishment. to low (sound of cattle); call, cry; pr.n. "Lowing" (moooo...). (638 w/f); wise; a wise man, a magician. flute, pipe; unconsecrated, open, common, profane; desecration; exclamation (of aversion). (638 w/f); to be strong; to be at ease or rest, to sleep, to dream; to be white; a dram. to be mild, tender; to toil, tire; to carry. (558 w/f); to taste; to teach, train; to dedicate.

--- to hurl down. --- pr.n. "Trodden" or "Threshing-floor". --- ancient name of the city of Jerusalem (when it was a Jebusite city). --- (728 w/f); pr.n. "Fortress". --- (638 w/f); to feed on, consume; to fight or war; war, seige; food, meal, feast; bread, loaf. --- a flood, deluge. --- roll or volume. --- to well up or flow --- to wear out or decay; to be worn away, to vanish --- to salt, season with salt --- worn out clothes or rags --- salt; to take or eat salt; to eat the salt of someone, be a friend or dependant; to take salt with one, to feed at someone's table. --- a seaman or mariner --- to be in front or before the eyes. --- straight ahead, right on. --- the front; over against. --- offscouring, sweepings. --- a round loaf, a cake. --- to bind or combine; to set fast or determine. --- to cover or envelop. --- pr. n. "Strength". 22nd prime - 79 --- to be strong, firm.; pr.n. "Firmness" (Boaz = name given to the pillar on the

79 > 16 > 7

left hand at the entrance into the Temple of Solomon; 1st Kings 7, 21 --- the other was called (90/740) (In some masonic derivations, this pillar is black with a white , and the one on the right hand is white with a black ).

--- to bind; twist; writhe; be in contortions; to die; breathe out. --- (639 w/f); covering mantle. --- a weaned child; bearing, deportment; behavior, benefit, punishment, desert. --- pr.n. "Weak", "Wavering". --- knowledge; carnal knowledge. Variant spelling of the name of the "latent" Sephira Da'at --- infrequently used. (see 474). --- (639 w/f); pr.n. "People's Fort". --- (639 w/f); to opress; pr.n. "Oppression" or "Lambs". --- pr.n. "He Hopes in God". --- to lift or hurl. --- to stroke or rub over, to smooth; to be smooth; to slip out or escape --- to be delivered or saved; to deliver oneself, to escape; to hasten away --- pr.n. "Deliverance of Yah" --- to cause to escape, to save; to lay eggs --- to deliver or bring forth --- use for birth. --- mortar or cement. --- circles or circuits.

----------------------------80 > 8

off-scouring or filth, dung. pr. n. "Roaming". to go or pass on; to invade or assail. to cover, to put on, to deck. to pass, to go or come; to pass away or perish; to be abolished; to depose. pr. n. "Ornament" or "Beauty" (a wife of Lamech and a wife of Esau). an assembly or meeting; a company or group, a family; a gang; a swarm. a witness; testimony or proof; a confirming or ratifying, ordinance or precept (of God). times or periods (of menses). pr. n. "Circle" or "Compass", the giant-king of Bashan. to move round, to dance, to form a circle. to let go or set loose, to release; to leave, to forsake or abandon. to bind or fasten, to fortify. a graver or style; a writing-pen or reed. - 80 -

80 = 24x5

--- Peh. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , ) (Peh = or --- 81 or 85 --- Mouth. also has the meaning: here). --- hill. --- to cut off, hew down; stem, trunk, stump; sapling. --- (560 w/f); treasuries. --- (86); abundance; force; multitude. --- (74, 85); foundation, princes; pr.n. "Yesod", "Foundation" or "Basis" name of the 9th Sephira. Yesod corresponds to the Genital Organs of Adam Qadmon (161). --- a shovel (for removing the ashes from the altar). --- priesthood; priestly office. --- to deck (with a garland), to crown; to kindle or glow; to complete; pr.n. "Perfection". --- throne; banner. --- accustomed to or familiar with; a disciple or adherent. --- (640 w/f); the letter Mem; water. --- fork, flesh-hook --- (560 w/f); to fall to pieces, go to ruin. --- pr. n. "Confidant" --- (560 w/f); a thicket; a crowd or mass (of people). --- a boot or hut; the tabernacle. --- lust or passion. --- pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah). --- still, while, yet, again; further, longer; besides. --- to turn or wind, to bind; to be strong or firm; to endure or continue; to certify or assure, to exhort or comfort; to ratify or sanction; to bind fast 20

or ensnare. --- counsel or discretion. --- a ruin. Note: 20. G-K p. 93

81 > 9 ------------------------------------------------------------82 > 10 > 1 -----------

81 = 3 - 81 pr.n. "I Will Trust in ". yell, howl. (641 w/f & 71/631); projection, molding. trees. (641 w/f); rams. (731 w/f & 91/741); these. (641 w/f); to join; to combine. pr.n. "A Rendezvous". I. (561 w/f); to pour out, to anoint. (801 w/f); also; addition; accession; too, yea more, even. breathing; the nose; anger; the nostrils; the face; two persons. to kick; tread, trample on; to despise or spurn. (731 w/f); pr.n. "Vision"; a revelation. trembling, anguish. to sink, press into; to impress; to go deep. pr.n. "Yah is Able"; (75). (85); pr.n. "He Fills Up". to cover, a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair, throne; seat (of high priest, of judgment); tribunal. night. (641 w/f); to fail. to be deficient. circumcision. pr.n. "Who Like Yah?". labor; work or business; tillage or husbandry; service, sacred ministry or employment (of the priests and Levites); furniture. to knit or bind; to pledge or pawn. pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah). a pipe or flute. to bend, to twist; to be perverse. overthrow; a ruin. pr. n. "Ruin". - 82 prayer. sweat. pr.n. "Full of Holes". kind, merciful;; pious, godly; gracious. pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear".


82 = 2x41



83 > 11 > 2 --------------------------------------------84 > 12 > 3 ---

to tread, to trample; to wash clothes. nay, pray!, Oh no!. (642 w/f); Libyans. (732 w/f); to be white; to make bricks; to burn parch or bake; white. to droop or wither; to fade or pass away, to perish (said of the heavenly bodies, of men, of land). to gush out or flow. to sound aloud. foolish; impious. we fade. a leather bottle; vessel, earthen pitcher. a lyre or harp. (562 w/f); to interweave or interlace. a thicket. denseness, compactness. thickness. pr. n. "Worshipper" or "Servant", the grandfather of King David. to harbor or succour; pr. n. "Strong Place". 23rd prime - 83 to be salted or bathed in salt water --- said of newborn infants. (643 w/f); pr.n. "Fountains". hard; unfruitful; shrivelled, famished. pr.n. "Camelman". (643 w/f); to join, gather together, combine; strive after, long for. (803 w/f); a back or a ridge; body, person; wing. the letter Gimel (var. spelling); a camel. to move, shake; to tremble, agitate, disquiet. pity. dedication; sacrifice of dedication. a hurling down. (89); pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear". to pain; to labor, toil; to be weary; labor, wages; weary, exhausted; weak, flagging. tower, platform; raised parterre. a dance. pr.n. "An Invalid". disease; sickness. holes or caves. saltness, a barren place. to pierce or cut. a sambuca (an instrument like a harp). to flee or haste. - 84 pr.n. "Father of Ma'el".

84 = 22x3x7



(644 w/f);

2 Wells (a city in Moab). (804 w/f); to envelope. wings, troops. (644 w/f; 45/605); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed. a precious stone (perhaps amethyst or agate). benefit, punishment. the congregation (of Israel). (644 w/f); a dream; fancy, folly, trifle. pr.n. "Spared". (564 w/f); pr.n. "Teaching" or "Initiation" --- said of a son of Cain. to wander. to fix or settle; to know; to understand; to be aware; to respect; to be acquainted with; to have sexual intimacy; to know of or about; to be skilled; to discern; to know how; to cut, lacerate; to perceive, understand; pr.n. "Intelligent". to define, fix; to fix on, betroth; to bring together, assemble. (644 w/f); food, meat; flesh, body. for what was needed; sufficiently. something spun; thread or yarn. a wheeling round, a dance; pr.n. "Dance". sea-purslain or marsh-mallow (a brackish plant eaten only by poor). (644 w/f); some of the blood. duration or time (of life), age; ornament or adorning; gear or trappings (of a horse). pr. n. "A Setter Up". pr. n. "Strong is Fortune". to strengthen, to make firm or mighty; to be or become strong. to cover; to put on or wear; to wrap or fold up. to rush or haste. - 85 -

85 > 13 > 4 ---------------------------

85 = 5x17

pr.n. "The Tall". to bind, to gird round. (91) covering; an ephod; a cope; an idol or image. chalice, goblet; the cup of flowers, calix. (95); pr.n. "Daniel", "God is Judge". (645 w/f); to make a noise; to rattle, to set in commotion; discomfit; to impel, urge forward, scatter, destroy utterly. pr.n. "God's Anger". (645 w/f); a precious stone; diamond or adamant. pr.n. "Yah is Able". foundation. to collect, snatch up; to take out, to remove. to cover; a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair or throne. (735 w/f); therefore, for these; except; but.


pr.n. "Birth" of a town in Judah. fork. pr.n. "Who Like Yah?". to move on. to reach the mark, to attain, to finish. to cut away; to castrate. a booth (made of interlaced boughs), an arbor; a tent; a dwelling. bundle. to loathe. to rush or dash. to cut or grave. freed. pr. n. "The Ruin". - 86 -

86 > 14 > 5 ---------

86 = 2x43

Ephah (dry measure --- small and scanty, full, two hinds -- etc.). where?; how?, what sort? to bake; baker. (646 w/f); gods (esp. goddesses); god; goddess; rulers; priests; Yah. ("pluralis excellentiae or majestaticus" --- as "we" = I --- god as a sum of forces) .

pr.n. "Elohim" --- divine name associated with the 6th Sephira Tipheret, (1081). 21

(In place of or explaining development of "the majestic plural": is the masculine plural of a feminine word ='s "male and female gods and goddesses." Perhaps a trinity of + + ).

--- (646 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cake". --- (80); abundance; force; multitude. --- to enfold, to keep in, hold in; to contain; a cup; a lot or portion; pelican, cormorant. --- (736 w/f); pr.n. "Statue" or "Pillar"; Saturn as an image or idol. --- (736 w/f); to pass the night; to lodge; to stop for the night; to turn in; to dwell or abide; to execrate. --- (646 w/f); to lack, be defective; a want or defect; a blemish or fault (of body or mind.)


pr.n. "I Spoke" to foul or soil. (566 w/f); to anoint. to enclose. to tangle together. pr. n. "Servant of Yah". Notes: 21. G-K p. 91

87 > 15 > 6 ---------

- 87 pr.n. "Father Knows". (647 w/f); the mighty ones; princes. (807 w/f); to surround, to contain. (737 w/f); strong one; oak.

87 = 3x29

--------------------------------------------------------88 > 16 > 7 -------------------------

(567 w/f);

unguent-flask. (88); to bake; baker. here; now then; do this then; thus; if not so. (737 w/f); pr.n. "Strong Will", "Stout-hearted". (737 w/f); pr.n. "Timorous". not-anything, nothing. pr.n. "In Council of Yah". (807 w/f); to cut off to use cutting words; to reproach, to blaspheme. to becloud; to degrade. pr.n. "Agitation". (647 w/f); to hum, mutter; meditate; to consider, propose; to form a plot or plan; to resolve; plan, purpose. pr.n. "Mercy of Yah". the affectionable or kind bird; the stork. to flow, run; sweat. pr.n. "God's Day". (Sabbath). to be strong, firm; bold, shameless; to decide, order, command. the moon; the white or pale; a brick or tile; whiteness, brightness or luster; the storax tree; frankincense. (647 w/f); pr.n. "Libyans". (647 w/f); failure, defect. folly; wickedness; punishment (of wickedness). corpse; carcas; trunk (of an idol). to flow or run; to be fluent. to turn in, to lodge. labor; work or business; tillage or husbandry; service, sacred ministry or employment (of the priests and Levites); furniture. a pledge or pawn labor or work; business or administration. perversity or sin. pr. n. "My Might". 88 = 23x11 - 88 so, therefore; here; now then; do this then; thus; if not so; (87). to spring up, to be high. a shaking, disquieting. agitation, terror. (648 w/f); pr.n. "People's Fort." (738 w/f); pr.n. "Strong". (648 w/f); to be warm, hot; to be in heat. (568 w/f); initiated men; trained or drilled (for war). (808 w/f); polished, rubbed, smooth; clean, guiltless; coast, shore, heaven (harbor); bosom, bay. pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear". to cut or lop off. Bethlehemite; pr.n. "Warrior".

--- (738 w/f); to importune, to be lewd. --- pr.n. "Praise of God". --- a gathering, a crowd or troop. --- pr.n. "Weakling". --- to grasp, get hold of; to possess or inherit; to dispossess; to give in possession, to distribute or alot. --- to move or flow along. --- to bore or make hollow. --- a burrowed or excavated place, shaft (of a mine); a channel or ravine, a wady; a brook or torrent, stream. --- till that, ere that. - 89 -

89 > 17 > 8 ------------------------------------------90 > 9

(649 w/f); reddish

24th prime

or red spotted.

to puff, to pant. (739 w/f); pr.n. "Circuit". (809) w/f); to be gibbous, bulging; to enclose. (739 w/f); pr.n. "Circuit". silence; stillness (of winds), a calm. to strike, push against. (809 w/f); to thrust, push; to overthrow, repulse, drive out, expel. to testify or bear witness; to cause to testify, to take for witness. (649 w/f); necklaces. to cover, hide. (809 w/f); little ones; young children; a family. (83); pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear". to clothe; to counsel; a counselor. concubine. a bar (of iron). to take up, to raise a weight, to hoist; to lift or put on; to impose; to lift up. a burden or load. pr. n. "Ornament of Yah". ravenous beast; bird of prey, an eagle. - 90 -

--- Tzaddi. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , , , ; , ). (Tzaddi = --- 104 --- Fish Hook). --- a girdling or fastening on; covering, coating. --- (650 w/f); redemption. --- (650 w/f); silently, in silence; dumbness. --- (650 w/f); lamb --- pr.n. "Much Known" or "Knowing". --- pr.n. "Yah is Witness" --- (an or "Eye" in or spelled out).


--- (740 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) establishes" (Yachin = name given to the pillar on


the right hand at the entrance into the Temple of Solomon; 1st Kings 7,21 --- the other was called (79)). (In some masonic derivations, this pillar is white with a black , and the one on the left hand is black with a white .) (650 w/f); to hum, make a noise, roar, rage; to be pure, clean. (570 w/f);

to pour, to be poured. (94); pr.n. "Punctual". (740); a javelin; pr.n. "Lance". a purse; a bag; a cup. complete, perfect; wholly; the whole; a holocaust or whole burntoffering. (650 w/f); to wound; insult, shame; disappoint. (740 w/f); to pass the night, to lodge, to turn in, stop for the night; to dwell. (570 w/f); to destroy or overthrow; pr.n. "Destroyer", Lamech. in the southward region. pr.n. "Progenitor". (650 w/f); The letter Mem; the flowing, running; water or waters; dangers; weaknesses (as in turned to water); seaward. to be shallow, deficient in water (especially of a well). (570 w/f); to rule, to be king to consult, take counsel to make king to cause to reign to reign; to counsel a king counsel pr.n. "Moloch" or "King", the name of the Ammonite deity offered human sacrifices by the Israelites, (810 in Greek) (740 w/f); manna --- food divinely provided in the wilderness who?, what? part, portion from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)


they are defiled. a eunuch. a wicker-basket. abandonment or forsaking; desert or ruins; pr. n. of mother of Jehoshaphat. --- might or strength. --- strong or mighty; force. 91 > 10 > 1

- 91 -

91 = 7x13

--- (741 w/f); tree. --- (741 w/f & 81/731); these;. --- (741 w/f); to make firm, to found, to prop up, to build; to sustain, to nurse; to be firm, to be reliable, trusty, faithful; to be made firm, a


sure place; to be durable, lasting; to be nourished, carried; faithful, true; to believe. to turn to the right. exercised, skilled; architect; artist. fidelity; truth, amen. (85); covering; an ephod; a cope; idol, image. (651 w/f); pr.n. "Confusion". to extend mercy.

--- the temple or palace of Yahweh. --- the "Lord God", "The Lord Creates", the Lord is He". -------------------------------

bridal state or charms. pr.n. "Yah Establishes". food. (741 w/f); a vessel or utensil; to form; to refuse; refusing or unwilling; obstinate; to prepare or make. pr.n. "Who Like Yah?". (571 w/f); one going or sent (on some errand or service), a messenger; an angel (as messenger from God). an angel. a queen to count or number (651 w/f); to whisper or mutter, to utter in a low or mysterious voice, to speak oracularly. an utterance or oracle. pr. n. "Oakland" (a town in Benjamin). to be pendulous or lifted up (especially of a balance); to be bartered or valued. pr. n. "Highway", a town near Jerusalem. pr. n. "Worshipper of Yah", Obadiah. - 92 -

92 > 11 > 2 -------------------

92 = 22x23

fig. (902 w/f); slime,


scorn. (812 w/f); to

push, thrust; hasten. to be gibbous, bulging up. pr.n. "White". anything, something; at all. thought, planning; counsel, purpose; mischief; counsel, prudence. a delight, an object of desire; darling (of a child); charms or attractions; something coveted or precious. --- (572 w/f); to rule over --- to begin to reign, to become king --- (572 w/f); any one of thy brethren



------------93 > 12 > 3 ------------------------------94 > 13 > 4 ---------------------

(652 w/f); if

now! becoming to, attractive to. sudden ruin. dunghill or sink. pr. n. "Entangling". to bear (a burden, penalty or chastisement for sins); to be laden; big with young (said of cattle).. to bear, to lift up. a bearer or porter. a burden, responsibility, charge. to rescue or save (in haste). to bind, to spin or weave. to bore or dig, to burrow.

93 = 3x31 - 93 (903 w/f); to be white, to shine; to be conspicuous. pr.n. "Tent of the Height" --- wife of Esay, also name of a tribe of Edomites. to shine; to fashion. to be willing. (813 w/f); reproaches or revilings. slackness; interval. (813 w/f); to flow, flow out; to lend, borrow. pr.n. "The Dew is Father-in-law" (implies a blessing, dew is a free gift of the deity; but rain must be earned). to cover, veil; covering, protection; a canopy, curtain, bridal-couch, bride's chamber. pr.n. "God Understands". wearied; labor, toil; a work done; gain, earnings; pain or labor (of giving birth or producing offspring). (Compare with Lt. INRI). (87); frankincense. (743 w/f); to enclose or shut up; to hand over or surrender; a shield. a torrent. a possessing or occupying; a possession or estate; an inheritance; destiny or lot.

94 = 2x47 - 94 vantage-ground, high region; gold-coast. body, corpse. (744 w/f); to dung, to manure; dung, manure. (574 w/f); to tread, stamp out, quench, go out; to be destroyed. stumbling block, offense. (814 w/f); to enclose, shelter; coast, shore; haven. (744 w/f); pr.n. "Strong-hold"; hole, window. (654 w/f); to hum, buz, murmur; noisy throngs. pr.n. "Punctual"; (90). pr.n. "Barren".

------------95 > 14 > 5 -------------

a Chaldean. (654 w/f); secret or magic arts; sorceries. disease. pr.n. "Deliverance of Yah" to leap. pr. n. "Exultation". 95 = 5x19 - 95 (655 w/f); pr.n. "Red Hills"; men. pr.n. "God is Judge"; Daniel. (655 w/f); pr.n. "Confusion". (745 w/f); to make a noise, commotion; pr.n. "Mercury". (655 w/f; 161/1371, 183); Hinnom, "Lamentation" --- name of the valley South East of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Molock. (745 w/f; 101/751); habitation; tribe of Zebulun.

or -----------------------------------------------

galbanum. to leap, start up; to be startled, alarmed. (815 w/f); to bind, collect. (101); pr.n. "Yah Establishes". reproach; shame. (745 w/f); pr.n. "Veiling". pr.n. "He (God) Looks". smitten by God (paralyzed). to shine, to be fair, beautiful. completion, a sheepfold. a kingdom, royalty. (variation of spelling of 10th Sephira --- 496). (575 w/f); to be made king or be caused to reign; to advise or command; to be counsellor the king --- reigning monarch of any country a queen pr.n. "Counsel" to divide or portion out, to count or allot to, to appoint or prepare; to cause; to number a number or proportion; a weight (especially a hundred-shekel weight a part or portion; a disk or joint (of food). (655 w/f); to moan or groan; to growl; to roar. to lift up, to make light of, to slight. to be still or silent. --- a pause or silence (found in Psalms to indicate a musical pause). pr. n. "Ornament of Yah". pr. n. "Strong". - 96 -

96 > 15 > 6 ---

(746 w/f);

loc pr.n. "Stone of Departure".

96 = 25x3

--------------------------------------------97 > 16 > 7 -------------------------------------

Ephah (dry measure). where?; how?; what sort? fixedness; allowance, wages; a compact. columns, pillars. bringing up, fostering; truly. fidelity. pr.n. "Thorny". (746 w/f); pr.n. "Fruitful". (656 w/f); by day; daily; all the day. (746 w/f); pr.n. "Tarrying Over Night". (97); pr.n. "Beauty". a covering (of skins). (746 w/f); to form. an errand or service, business; a pursuit, trade or calling; ministry or mission; a fabric or manufacture; goods; cattle. reign, exercise of kingly power kingdom, realm (656 w/f); ever since day has been dunghill or privy. (656 w/f); to slumber, to be drowsy; to be slothful. pr. n. "Exaltation". (576 w/f); a polite greeting meaning "I am thy servant". pr. n. "Fortress", Acre.

25th prime - 97 (657 w/f); pr.n. "Wealthy". (907 w/f); to be compressed; narrow; to press; to press oneself; to hasten. (747 w/f); pr.n. "Deerfield" or "Oakland". (747 w/f); a builder; architect; supporter. a multitude. Amon (god of Egypt). a stay or prop; trustiness, fidelity. swamp, marsh. pr.n. "Brilliant". (817 w/f); pr.n. "Flowing", "Melting"; "Lent Succor by God". (747 w/f); to number, measure out; to arrange, determine; time, stated time; to settle, determine together; a season, festival. (577 w/f); to quench, extinguish; bring to an end. (817 w/f); to seize, capture. to spread wide; to stretch out; to cause to stretch; to make to grow; to nurse; the spread hand, palm, hand-breadth; a corbel. (96); pr.n. "Beauty". building, structure. (657 w/f); to bind or fasten. a nose-ring, an ear-ring, a ring.

--- burden or task. --- pr. n. "Exalted". --- pr. n. "Worshipper of Yah", Obadiah. - 98 -

98 > 17 > 8 ---------------------------------------------

so therefore. (908 w/f); to be white, shining. fine white cloth, cotton, linen. scorn. (748 w/f); pr.n. "Fortress". darkening. (748 w/f); sun, sun image --- consecrated to the Baal-Haman, the Phenician sun god. (658 w/f); to be hard, to be frozen; stone; gratuitously, for nothing, in vain. to cut, eat off, to browse. (908 w/f); arrow; lightning; infliction; arrow-wound; the point (of a spear). weariness. (818 w/f); to be barefoot; barefooted, unshod. to puff, to blow; panting, eager. a helmet. a covering. (658 w/f); fat ones (sheep in particular). the driving (of a chariot). to divide out; to distribute or bestow. (658 w/f); to pant or sigh; to grive; to repent; to pity or compassionate; to comfort oneself; to avenge oneself, take vengance. pr. n. "Consolation". property or possession. to forgive or pardon. --- one apt to remit or pardon, forgiving. - 99 -

99 > 18 > 9 ---------------

98 = 2x72

99 = 32x11

pr.n. "Panting". (749 w/f); table, tablet; metal plate, mirror. pr.n. "Dung-heap". pr.n. "Favor of God". (749 w/f); to hide, conceal; to bury; to lay up, keep. pr.n. "Yah Knows". a cutting or lopping off.

--- smitten by God (paralyzed). --- tribute --- laden. 100 > 1

- 100 -

100 = 22x52


--- Qof (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; ; , (Qof = --- 186/906 --- Back of Head, Nape.) --- (750 w/f); pool; rope or rush cord. --- (750 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Valour". --- (910 w/f); to rejoice. --- (910 w/f); to be sharp (of smell or color) --- to have a strong smell or be bright, reddish. --- to hew, to dig out; to mine; to carve; to slay; to bind; cut or dug out. --- pr.n. "Yah Adorns". --- pr.n. "Yah Knows". --- (660 w/f); days. --- (580 w/f); "He Causes to Reign". --- (750 w/f); to support. --- renown; beauty, glory, loveliness. --- (660 w/f); organs (of the Deity). (a way considering the nature of the Sephiroth). --- pr.n. "Sustenance". --- (820 w/f); The Letter Koph ( , ); the hollow hand, palm, hand, fist; foot or paw; sole; a pan, hollow vessel; handle, branch; a rock, crag or cliff. --- (750 w/f); therefore. --- the swallow or throat. --- (750 w/f); strife, contention. --- a brook; pr.n. "Brook". --- water. --- from day of. --- (750 w/f); form or shape; species or kind. --- to speak, utter, to tell --- to be cut off; to be circumcised --- Used in Qabalah to describe the covenant of circumcision, that the tongue may be loosened (to speak) of that which is above by the act of cutting off below (circumcision) --- (580 w/f); from thee --- one of my days --- a nodding or shaking (of the head in derision). --- to appoint (to office) --- fate or death; pr.n. of a goddess worshipped by Jews in Babylonia --- conjectured to be similar to Venus. --- pr. n. "Portion" --- of a province of Armenia. --- from (poetic form). --- allotment or share; a levy (of men). --- a pining or afflicted one. --- roaring; groaning. --- to deceive, to act clandestinely or deceitfully; to act fraudulently against.


deceits, knavish tricks. (580 w/f); to plait or interlace; to cover over. to cut. a covering or mantlet (used in a siege, testudo). pr. n. "A Slighter". (660 w/f); spice. to pledge or pawn; extortion or robbery. height or elevation. what is high or above, over or upon; on or upon, above or over; although, though, because. --- a yoke (for the neck of draught animals, of slavery, of affliction). 101 > 2 ------------------------------------------102 > 3 -----------

- 101 26th prime (821 w/f); make to bow down (toil); to urge on, to press. what causes to bend; weight; authority, pressure. languid, weak. (751 w/f); to bemoan oneself; to murmur. (661 w/f); to set, to put together; to put by. storehouses, granaries. (911 w/f); to cut, to wound. (751 w/f); noise, sound; a multitude, crowd, troop, confluence of waters; abundance, wealth; the rich; they. (751 w/f); pr.n. "Habitation"; tribe of Zebulun, (95/745). (95); pr.n. "Yah Establishes". to go or come out; to be descended or begotten, to come forth; to rise (sun); to be exported; to be expended; to stick out, project; to extend, reach along; to close, end; to come to an end, finish. (661 w/f); two kinds, two sorts. to reject, refuse; to despise. pr.n. "Who Like God?". pr.n. "My Messenger". a kingdom, royalty. (variation of spelling of 10th Sephira --- 496). from him. slumber or drowsiness. (661 w/f); pr. n. "Comfort"; pr. n. "Consoler", the prophet Nahum. above or over. pr. n. "Yoke". - 102 102 = 2x3x17 firmness; security; faithfulness. to eat greedily, to swallow down; to destroy utterly. (662 w/f); the space between two hosts (armies); sons. possession, control; property; Baal; Lord; to marry, to be husband; master; to rule; to reject or despise. (752 w/f); pr.n. "Pleasantness".

--------------------103 > 4 -------------------------------------------------------

pr.n. "Bright". pr.n. "Flowing", "Melting"; "Lent Succor by God". (912 w/f); to shine, to be splendid. to set, establish; to be set, firm, sure. to sport or jest. precious or costly things. a circle (of persons sitting in company); round about. servant or worshipper of Yahweh. to swell, to rise up. to prevail. - 103 27th prime (583 w/f); pr.n. "Father is King" --- usual title of Philistine kings. to pound to dust, to crush. to grasp round; to twine round one another; to wrestle, to struggle. dust. pr.n. "Circuit". exultation. to be stiff, hard; to fling or hurl; quarrel, fight; be violently excited. (753 w/f); to cover, guard, defend. to profane, defile; abhor, reject, cast away; pr.n. "Loathing". pr.n. "Brilliant". to cut off, to divide; to cut in two, to halve. to set, place. to stammer or babble; to mock or deride; mockery, ridicule; scoffing, blasphemy; babbling or speaking as a barbarian or foreigner; a jester or buffoon. (753 w/f); pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddon". (753 w/f); food. camp, band; court (of the Lord, station of a priest). a camp (of troops, nomads or Israelites); a host or army; a band or troop; swarm (of locusts). quiet, stillness; comfort or ease; settlement (in life or marriage); quietly; resting place. a gift or present (especially to a superior); tribute; an offering (especially a bloodless meat offering to the deity). (753 w/f); to strike or touch (especially a musical chord); to play a stringed instrument. pipe or flute. consolation, comfort. to turn round or roll; to skip or frisk about. round or circular. a calf; a young bullock. to stutter or stammer. stammering (also of a barbarian).

- 104 -

104 > 5 -------------



104 = 23x13

to be thick. (754 w/f); a likeness. (754 w/f); to whisper, murmur. to fear. beaten small, pulverized, fine; particle of dust; lank; shrivelled, withered; slight; shrunken, dwarfed; fineness, fine cloth. (914 w/f); to sever, divide; party-wall, wall of separation; the outside; a street; without, abroad. window-work. (754 w/f); pr.n. "Warm" or "Sunny". to fix or appoint. (664 w/f); villagers; pr.n. "Mahavites". (754 w/f); whoso, whoever from the time that a resting, settling down; rest, a state of rest; a settlement; pr.n. "Rest" --- of the father of Samson. a foundation. (754 w/f); to be hollow. to give or present. a sheath (of a sword); a liberal gift. despised or vile. (664 w/f); to burn, consume with fire. pr. n. "Lime Kiln" or "Burning" (a city in the vale of Sidim destroyed by fire.

--- to twist up; to be hard or firm. --- to cease or rest. 105 > 6 -----------------------------

- 105 105 = 3x5x7 pr.n. "God is Witness". (755 w/f); back, ridge. small cup; calix or corolla of flowers. pr.n. "Fountain of Bubbling". (755 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful", "Trustful". to break or cut off; broken twigs, sticks, brushwood. (755 w/f); to lament, whine, weep, cry. (585 w/f); to turn; to turn about; to turn back, flee, change; over turn, destroy, pervert; reverse, contrary; perverseness. pr.n. "Yah is Omniscient". (915 w/f); to tread or trample down. pr.n. "Dove". pr.n. "Good-luck". (106); pr.n. "Cane" or "Reed". (665 w/f); pr.n. "Pining".

----------------------------106 > 7 ------------------------------------------107 > 8

to extinguish; a branch; a palm-top. to speak foolishly or hastily. pr.n. "Yah is King". to become fluid, to flow away.; to cause to flow, to dissolve; to wet or soak; to make (the heart) melt. trial, testing (of fidelity); tempting or proving (e.g. murmuring against the deity); calamity or suffering; pr.n. "A Proving" --- of a place in the desert. measure or proportion; by measure or quota of (with a following noun). pr. n. "Covert". to mark or stamp. to go or come up, to ascent or mount up.; whither; whence; to rise or be high, to excel. vegetation or sprouting; a leaf, foliage. high. burnt offering, holocaust; ascent or stair-case. wickedness or wrong. cause or occasion, ground (of an accusation). - 106 106 = 2x53 to break through, to make a breach; to repair a breach, to rebuild. to cleave to, adhere to, cling to, press after; chase, pursue; attached or steadfast; a soldering or welding (of metals). pr.n. "Multitude". pr.n. "He Praises God". (756 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Establishes". (666 w/f); pr.n. "Slumber". (826 w/f); to be high, pointed or towering, crag-like. pr.n. "Cane" or "Reed". to suck or swallow down; wander or go astray. messenger of Yah, a prophet. pr.n. "My Counsellor". pr.n. "Counsellor" (756 w/f); pr. n. "Fish" (father of Joshua). to swim; fish.; to increase or thrive; the Letter Nun with value 50. to suckle or give milk; a suckling or infant. to turn or twist, to be wrong or perverse. perverseness. wrong-doer, transgressor. yoke,(for the neck of draught animals, of slavery, of affliction). burnt-offering, holocaust. The Supreme (deity). - 107 -

28th prime



(757 w/f); they.

roe, roe-buck; she-goat; to admire. to shine; be white; a whitish, pale skin-eruption. egg. mistress or possessor; witch; a city. to be hard, rough; pr.n. "Hill of Witness". (757 w/f); whoredoms; apostasy; idolatry; foreign commerce. flame, burning arrow; fiery dart; fetter, bond. pr.n. "To God". to stammer or jabber; to speak unintelligibly. refuse, an object of contempt. pr. n. "God's Servant". to depart or remove. to move or hop about, to dance; to exult or rejoice. a rejoicer. - 108 -

108 > 9 -----------------------------


(757 w/f); pr.n.


108 = 22x32

powder. to grasp or hold. to pour out, to make empty, to desolate. (668 w/f); pr.n. "Greeks". prayers(?) --- making affirmations by Amen. and he rests not. pr.n. "Captive". (918 w/f); a wall, party-wall. to be sharp, to be gold, oppressive; to use violence, to hurt; to violate a law; to cast down, to shake off; violence, wrong; wealth wrongfully obtained; ill-gotten-gain. (758 w/f); to incline towards; to be gracious to, to favor; to bestow graciously; to pity; to be charitable; to groan, sigh; to show mercy, to compassionate; pr.n. "Gracious". the browser, a locust. (668 w/f); to stop up, to muzzle; to impede or stop. the middle, the midst; half, the half; arrow. bosom; a decree, resolve; what is cut in or graven; prescribed, appointed; a task; allowance; boundary; statute; body of laws; decree (of God); a portion or custom (established by law). pr.n. "Command of Yah". straight ahead; in front of; in behalf of. tower of God. a circuit or area (around a house). waters of Noah (the deluge). a keeping back or warding off. (668 w/f); tossings, startlings (in slumber).



109 > 10 > 1



110 > 2 -----------------------------------

a she-calf, heifer or young cow. a cart or wagon; a roller or sledge (for threshing); a chariot. pr. n. "Hill" or "Eminence". take, pray! - 109 29th prime (589 w/f); Ahimelech, pr.n. "Brother of a King". (759 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of a Gift". towards. to be about to take or lay hold of. to break forth, to be bright. brightness, lightning. pr.n. "Yah Redeems". pr.n. "Appointment". to eat or devour. a store-house, granary. quiet, stillness; comfort or ease; settlement (in life or marriage); quietly; resting place. a sheath; a body (as the soul's sheath). to be dark. to cover or hide, to be dark. - 110 110 = 2x5x11 pr.n. "God's Acquaintance". pr.n. "God's Adornment". we. to bruse, crush; lock out, look around. (760 w/f); pr.n. "Pining", "Wasting". overthrow, destruction. to fold, to embrace, clasp, hug; folding (of the hands). to lick up, swallow down; to roll, wriggle; to speak rashly. (760 w/f); the right hand; the right side; the south; pr.n. "Right Hand" or "Lucky". right (as opposed to left). to go up, ascend or reach the height; to be eminent; climber, chamois goat. (760 w/f); to hide, to lay up or store away; to preserve, season; spice, seasoning; cumin. (670 w/f); to pierce, sting; a gnat. to be foolish; to bind together, to be firm; folly, loin, flank; confidence. a foundation pr.n. "Eloquent" the bowels, intestines; the stomach; the womb; the lower belly (in males as the seat of generative power; the inmost part (as seat of emotion); the


belly (externally) (760 w/f); offspring or posterity. an elevated or lofty (object); a pole; a flag; a standard or signal. to be foolish; to make or show oneself foolish; to act foolish. a fool. folly. (590 w/f); to move or go. (590 w/f); to hem in or enclose. a pestle. pr. n. "High", Eli the high priest in Shiloh. high or supreme. (670 w/f); with; at, by, near. as long as, during. - 111 -

111 > 3

111 = 3x37

--- red or ruddy. (also "manly" --- this word is Adonai made substance + ). --- (831 w/f & 117/837); attached; familiar; friend; domesticated or tame; ox; the letter Aleph; head of a family; chieftain. --- to bind, to join; a family, a thousand; to learn; to teach --- (761 w/f); they. --- to press, to urge, to force. --- troubles ("no secret press thee"). --- to fall or sink; to set, become dark; to be drooping or tender. --- sunless, dark; sunset, darkness; concealment; mischance. --- (671 w/f); pr.n. "Pistacias" (nuts). --- pr.n. "Knowledge of God". --- lo! now! --- come out, descended (as offspring). --- (671 w/f); pr.n. "Pining". --- so, thus, in this manner; as is said; namely. --- pr.n. "Yah is King" --- a covering or veil. --- (761 w/f); to wear mud-boots or shoes; to be shod; booted. --- to be thorny. --- burnt-offering, holocaust; ascent or stair-case. --- wickedness or wrong, pr. n. "Evil" of a tribe in Edom. - 112 -

112 > 4 ---------------

(762 w/f); building.

to be angry. pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". to thrust, push, press upon; oppressor. to be sharp, to pierce, scratch; a prickly thorn. to pour or gush forth. established, fixed; certain, sure.

112 = 24x7

--- to dig, excavate; excavation, wine-vat; wine-press. --- around. --- pr. n. "Hill", mount Ebal. 113 > 5 ---------------------------------

- 113 intensely glowing, sparkling; gem. emptiness. married. to cut into, engrave, delineate; statute, law, custom. they rutted. a treading down, subduing. pr. n. "Comfort of Yah". a refuge, shelter (figuratively a reference to God). pr.n. "A Band". to draw back; to be driven back, removed. (673 w/f); drunkards. (763 w/f); to check or control, to administer affairs. ruler or governor; nobleman. remission or forgiveness. a ring, earring. (673 w/f); to be pressed or bowed down, to be sad. - 114 -

114 > 6


30th prime

114 = 2x3x19

--- to build an altar. (57 + 57 --- both component words total the same independly). --- pr.n. "God is My Recompense". --- a look-out or watch-tower (used by besiegers), siege-tower. --- (834 w/f); to drop, drip; to shed tears; to flow away; a dropping or dripping. --- to flow; to shed tears; tear; "tears" of grapes and olives (expressed or pressed out juices). --- to wrap up, enclose, surround; breast, bosom. --- (764 w/f); pr.n. "Favored"; gracious, merciful. --- to burn, blaze; a burning mass. --- to shine or blaze. --- the water of uncleanness; menstruation. --- appointed time, season; an appointed sign, a signal; appointed place, appointed assembly. --- (30, 74 --); beater or chastiser; staff, goad; ox-goad. --- around --- to waver, totter; palsied; to make tremble. --- (764 w/f); to cover or clothe. --- pr. n. "Restful". --- darkness or gloom. --- to stand; to halt or stay; to stand up or arise; to stand fast, to persist

----------115 > 7 -------------------------------------------------

or endure. to sink down, to recline. with me, against me. a place or station; a standing. pillar or column. a stand or platform. - 115 115 = 5x23 pr.n. "God's Acquaintance". we. to bind fast; to be bound fast; to be firm, persist; to be strong; to be severe; to be pressing; firm; violent, severe; powerful; assistance, strength; might. a female chamois; wild she-goat. a burning. to revere, obey; pr.n. "Pious". (765 w/f); pr.n. "Pining". folly; hope, confidence; flanks. a foundation; an appointment, decree. an ear of corn to curve or twist (in convolution). bowels; the sea (figurative reference to its complex abundance). a pasture. to weigh, to try (by weighing); to try or test; to tempt; to attempt or assay; to try to. pr. n. "Road" to be sharp or pointed, thorny. a thorn bush, bramble. pr. n. "Point" or "Peak". pr. n. "God's ornament". a sending away or dismissing; an averting or expiation; the scapegoat, pr. n. "Azazel". departing goat. upper chamber, upper room or loft (figurative for heavens); ascent or stairs. to bind or join together. with, at, by or near; pr. n. "Community". - 116 -

116 > 8 -------------

116 = 22x29

darkness, gloom. not unto; as far as; nothing to or for. (766 w/f); a pining or failing; consumption, destruction. (766 w/f); spice, seasoning; cumin. ninth month (new moon of December to new moon of January). (676 w/f); winding stairs.


work. (766 w/f); a basis

or foundation; a stand or place, a site.

over against to flee; to haste away. (766 w/f); to be soft of sticky. to be jagged or pointed. pr. n. "Thorn Hedge", a town in Judah. suckling; child. wicked or perverse. - 117 -

117 > 9

117 = 32x13

--- "they are not". --- (837 w/f & 111/831); attached; familiar; a friend; domesticated or tame; ox; alternate spelling of the Letter Aleph; head of a family; chieftain. --- (767 w/f); trouble, harm. --- pr.n. "Yah is Lord". --- (677 w/f); pr.n. "A Cutting Down (of trees)"; --- (837 w/f); to drop, trickle. --- (677 w/f); to be agitated, to rage; to be angry; to curse; raging; wrath, anger. --- (677 w/f); the embalming (of the dead). --- pr.n. "Removed by God". --- (677 w/f); utterance of Yahweh. --- (597 w/f); a messenger from God --- may also stand for or . --- thickness. --- fortification or fortress; asylum or refuge. --- a turn, course. --- (767 w/f); a shoe or boot; mud boot. --- pr. n. "Servant of God". --- exultant. - 118 -

118 > 10 > 1 -------------

118 = 2x59

pr.n. "Our son". bosom; to requite; inside of a chariot. (678 w/f); pipers. (838 w/f); pr.n. "Gracious". pr.n. "Hercules", name of an Egyptian City. (768 w/f); to bind together; to be strong or mighty; to be rich, to amass wealth; strong, mighty; to possess; strength, might; riches, wealth. --- pr.n. "Rich" or "Strong". --- (678 w/f); for warming; their flesh or body. --- a fountain.

--- compassion or pity; object of affection or favor. --- music of string instruments; a song; a satire; stringed instrument. (as "song", a kind of mantra used by Hassidics to directly convey or evoke a specific emotion or sequence of emotions. Usually composed of tonal sounds mixed with few, if any, words. Usually referred to some specific event in the life of the R' who originated it. Usually not written down, but conveyed orally from one to another.)

--- copper. --- to pluck up or tear away; to turn out (of a house); to expel or banish; to demolish; to be driven out. --- to be dragged or pulled out. 119 > 11 > 2 -





120 > 3 -----------------------

- 119 119 = 7x17 (769 w/f); pr.n. "Son of My Sorrows". pr.n. "Lord of the Flys" (obtained by considering the name to be in Hebrew roots instead of Syriac), "Bridegroom" (obtained by using Syriac roots, as is correct for the Philistine usage), Balzebub --- name of a Philistine god (2Kings 1,2). tear. to be set or placed. (679 w/f); to taste; to relish; to understand, to perceive; to cause to taste, to feed; taste, flavor; discernment; decision, decree; a decree; relish; reason; account; edict. to besmear, to lay on; to charge; impute. a planting; a plant. a cake. to be slender or thin; keen or sharp; to be small or few; to become few; to grow small, diminish; to be slight or trivial; to become few. little; a few; small. (679 w/f); errors or wrongs. till when? how long? a station or resting place, a domicile. - 120 120 = 23x3x5 being strong; strength, force. (840 w/f); to cling to. right. obedience. a burning. to lay up, to reserve. (770 w/f); to set, place. a fool; the strong one; Orion (in Egyptian, Sah, the constellation of hunting Osiris). (680 w/f); to shear. height or elevation; the High One, Most High; what is high, above, over or upon; on; because of; about, concerning; to, unto; yoke. (770 w/f); to ... from.


or scorner.


a turban or cap (of the ordinary priests). what known?, why?, wherefore? appointed time, season, festival; an appointed sign, a signal; appointed place, appointed assembly. perfections, splendid garments; perfection, completeness. to count or number; a tribute. (600 w/f); to mix or mingle (especially to spice wine); to infuse or instil. a mixture; mixed or spiced wine. a covering (especially the veil or curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle). a heap or ruin. pr. n. "compassionate". (840 w/f); pr.n. "Dwelling or Phtah", Memphis --(795) in Greek. fugitive. (680 w/f); smitters (with the tongue), slanderers, railers. to cut off, to nibble or gnaw. (770 w/f); pr. n. "Loamy", a city in the north-east of Egypt. to be high or pendulous, to raise or heap up; to cast up (earth); highway. to prick or pierce. to plait or interlace. (600 w/f); the letter Samekh (60); a prop or support. to lay or place on; to lean or press; to uphold or support; to draw near, to lean to. a moth (destroying garments). (680 w/f); heat or glow. pillar or column. a stand or platform. pr. n. "My People".


- 121 (601 w/f); pr.n. "King's Oak". (771 w/f); made solitary, widowed; a widow. widowhood. (931 w/f); to press together; to force. drooping, bending down (in the stalk); late; unripe. to lean on. support, side; beside, at, near. to put aside, to take away, separate; to select for one. pr.n. "Noble", "Side".


121 > 4


(930 w/f); mocker

--- (771 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Noble Father". --- pr.n. "Bristly". --- pr.n. "Removed by God".

121 = 112



sacrifices of consecrations; setting (of gems). pr. n. "Abode", Nineveh. (681 w/f); afflicted ones. pr. n. "Rush", the name of a city in the south of Egypt. (681 w/f); pr. n. "Serving Edom" or "Serving Adom". - 122 -

122 > 5 ----------------------------123 > 6 ------------------------------124 > 7

(681 w/f); consecrations;

122 = 2x61

pr.n. "Dance-meadow". to tread upon, trample. (682 w/f); in the heat. (772 w/f); pr.n. "The Lord's Aim". to be peely, to have coatings; peelings off, onions. agitated, raging, angry, curse. dropping; myrrh. pr.n. "Let Him Help". (772 w/f); a burning or brick making; brick kiln; brick yard. pr.n. "Banded". to gush out; to declare, publish abroad; to ferment or spoil. to be convex or bulging, to be round or globular. pr. n. "Grape Town", a city in Judah south of Hebron, Anab. a berry, a grape. - 123 3x41 (683 w/f); water meadow. (127); pr.n. "Sorrowful". pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". grace, favor. (120); pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". to marshal or prepare battle. pr.n. "Yah is a Refuge". warring, fighting; war fortification or fortress; asylum or refuge. to smite; to blast; to touch; to move or affect (the mind); to smite hard (chiefly said of divine judgments). a stroke or blow; a plague; spot or mark (on the skin); plague-spot or warning (on walls or garments); one afflicted with eruptions. (773 w/f); to shut in or enclose. to live delicately; to make oneself delicate; to delight or enjoy oneself; to make oneself merry; to sport or mock. delicate of effeminate. delight or enjoyment.

- 124 --- (684 w/f); almug trees; red sandal-wood.

124 = 22x31



125 > 8 -------------------------------------------

pr.n. "God is My Praises". (774 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Kindness". (844 w/f); a passing by, forsaking. (774 w/f); strong, mighty. (844 w/f); pr.n. "Tearful". (774 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". a torch or lamp. pr.n. "Adorned" --- in modern times, a title used for a successor to the Caliph of Islam. a covering or mantle. (684 w/f); surroundings or environs; neighbors. the property of Yahweh. (774 w/f); a sort of linen undergarment like a shirt or shift. (774 w/f); to be soft, delicate or pleasant; to indulge or delight oneself. to bind. delights or pleasures, delicacies; pr. n. "Delight", Eden. pr. n. "Pleasantness", a place in Mesopotamia or Assyria. till now, yet. time; a season; a year. to bind. - 125 125 = 53 (605 w/f); necklace. to sink, to be low; pr.n. "Low Land". pr.n. "My Strength". pr.n. "Known of God". what is rejected or loathed; a vomiting. festival. an appointed place of asylum or refuge. a number (of persons); a price. a covering; the membrane covering the bowels. possession, property. a covering. fusion (especially a molten image); a libation; truce or league (ratified with libations). the ant. to lean or incline. pr. n. "Slope", of a place in Zebulon. pr. n. "Wandering". a mound, rampart. (685 w/f); lovers or paramours. loves or charms; fond regards, affection. pr. n. "Delight". to utter a sound or raise a cry; to cry or shout; to sing; to declare or


- 126 -

126 > 9 ----------------------------------------127 > 10 > 1 ----------------128 > 11 > 2

propose; to pronounce or decide; to answer or respond. to bend or bow down; to bend over; to bend down, to be low, depressed or humbled. to answer of speak. to be lowly or oppressed. pr. n. "Affliction", a son of Seir and the Edomite tribe named after him. 126 = 2x32x7

window. sacrifice and oblation (especially to an idol). (686 w/f); as to you. (936 w/f); to stammer, to mimic, to mock or deride. a baking, baked food. (606 w/f); a covered walk, portico. perfection, splendour. (776 w/f); a night's lodging or rest; an inn, caravanserai one of the three angels said to have confined Lilith under the sea. probably "Thorn of Yah" or "Hater". to shake or agitate, to reel or stagger; to tremble; to rustle, to wave about; to dangle or swing; to quake; to wander about. (776 w/f); pr. n. "Prepared" (name of a threshing-floor). to spring or leap; to gallop. twitter. to gnaw or nibble. a horse; a swallow (bird). (776 w/f); pr. n. "Blooming", Siwan, the third month of the Hebrew Year from the new moon of June to that of July. (776 w/f); to lie down or rest, to dwell. to move or agitate, to twinkle; to wave or bubble. sin or wrong; punishment; misery. suffering or oppressed. - 127 -

31st prime

pr.n. "Bubbling". (123); pr.n. "Sorrowful". pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin Bottle of Yah". (777 w/f); wheat. (687 w/f); consecrations; sacrifices of consecrations; setting (of gems). pr. n. "Day of God". very measurably or moderately. (777 w/f); to be strong.

- 128 --- pr.n. "God of Purity"; Eliphaz.


--- (938 w/f); to cover, clothe; to arm, equip; to break away, withdraw; to draw out; the girded or strong parts; the two hips or loins; pr.n. "Strength". --- stone; hail-stone, hard-frost. --- (778 w/f); mighty. --- pr.n. "God's command". --- (938 w/f); to press, crush; to oppress; to crowd out; oppression or distress. --- a smiting, pestilence, plague; slaughter (in battle). --- a breathing out, exhalation; expiring (of life). --- the blower or bellows (of a forge). --- pr. n. "Bulging". 129 > 12 > 3 ------------------------------130 > 4 -------------------------

- 129 129 = 3x43 pr.n. "God is Gracious". pr.n. "Yah is Gracious". (779 w/f); to stab; to load. (779 w/f); pr.n. "God is Gracious". pr.n. "He (God) Delivers". pr.n. "Ornament of Yah". pr. n. "God's Valley" or "God's Heritage". to set or fix in; to plant; to establish or settle; to implant; to pitch (a tent); to set up (an image). a planting; a plant; a plantation. to be forsaken, to be abandoned. till now, yet. pr. n. "Pleasure". pleasure (especially sexual). (779 w/f); to bind together, to hold. (689 w/f); pr. n. "Aerie". - 130 130 = 2x5x13 (690 w/f); almug-trees, red sandal-wood (plural). deliverance. pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". (780 w/f); to call or cry; to screech; an answering; because of; the ostrich. (850 w/f); to strike. pr.n. "Whom Yah Set Up". to collect; to assemble; to cover up, hide. to bend; a doubling; double, twice. (690 w/f); pr.n. "Their King" --- name of an Ammonite idol (780 w/f); from to gather or amass. resources or funds.


--- (610 w/f); to press, to be pressed. --- according to the command of --- (610 w/f); to pour out (a libation); to shed forth (a spirit of sleep); to cast (metal); to constitute or appoint (a king). --- to intertwine or weave; to cover. --- to pour out, to offer a libation. --- a drink-offering or libation. --- (850 w/f); pr. n. Memphis (see also 120). --- pr. n. "Pointed" or "Peaky", Mount Sinai. --- pr. n. "Mountaineer", a Canaanitish people. --- swift or swallow. --- (780 w/f); to recline or rest; to be accustomed or familiar. --- to cut or wound; to hurt. --- to be bowed down, to stoop or crouch; to be poor. --- to store or shut up. --- (690 w/f); a ladder. --- to be like, to resemble. --- a likeness or image. --- till when? how long? --- (690 w/f); pr. n. "Ruins". --- (780 w/f); fountains; what stirs, twinkling, waving; the eye. (as "eye", name of the Hebrew letter Ayin, , 70). --- to eye or ogle, to suspect or envy. --- to turn or move round; to bind; to be astir or active; to roll; to make a stir, act or do, to meddle, to vex; to glean; to extirpate. --- to enclose or contain. --- to enter. --- to go or come it, to occur; to go down (of the sun). toiling or suffering, poor or helpless; lowly or meek. --- affliction or --suffering. --- pr. n. "Bowed Down".

131 > 5 -----------------------

- 131 32nd prime (781 w/f & 137/787); wheel; roller. to turn, revolve. a round, a turn, season. (611 w/f); pr.n. "God is King". a certain one, such an one. (941 w/f & 141/951); strong; strength; to be alert; to make firm; establish (a house); to make bold; to confirm; bravery. active, fleet; deep red. (691 w/f); truly, certainly. (851 w/f); to breathe through the nose, snort; to be angry. the face; the nostrils. leaning upon; a noble; side.

--------------------------132 > 6



133 > 7 ---------------------------

firmly supported; joint. (691 w/f); to be strong. (781 w/f); pr.n. "On a Hill". no-height, an idol. a night-hut, lodge. pr.n. "God is King" a thorn-hedge. to reach to, arrive at; to be at hand; to come to (something); to acquire or get; to suffice; to come upon or meet with; to find; (851 w/f); to commit adultery; an adulterer or adulteress; to be unfaithful (to the covenant), to apostatise; to pant or lust after. a mare; a woman (poetic figurative). a lying down, cohabiting. humility, piety; gentleness or condescension. meekness, piety. - 132 132 = 22x3x11 (136); pr.n. "God is High". to break out, pour forth; devastate. pr.n. "Devastation". pr.n. "Decision of Yah". a stand or place; a military post or garrison; appointment or office. station or post (of troops). (692 w/f); the fountains of the sea. (782 w/f); pr. n. "Servile". to the heart. to receive --- root of (137), Qabalah and a common appreviation of the word. - 133 133 = 7x19 (783 w/f); without counsel, hurriedly. (693 w/f); menstruous garment. (783 w/f); pr.n. "Feller" ='s "Mighty Warrior". (943 w/f); to dig. (853 w/f); to cover over, hide. (783 w/f); to be bent, curved, winding; a vine. (783 w/f); pr.n. "Agitated". a change, suit of clothes; change of life, amendment; exchange of soldiers. (693 w/f); the salt sea,pr.n. for the Dead Sea (853 w/f); to smite (with a plague); to smite (with defeat); to thrust or push; to gore; to trip or stumble. a plague; a stumbling. to come out, to sprout. pr. n. "Sprout".

--- pr. n. "Liberal People". - 134 -

134 > 8 --------------------------135 > 9 ------------------------------------136 > 10 > 1 -----------

134 = 2x67

to burn, to flame. to wave (of a tree). to make small, diminish; to accomplish little; to stint or spare. (694 w/f); pr.n. "Harbored". pr.n. "Wise". (784 w/f); pr.n. "An Invalid". (694 w/f); measures, extensions a mountain fastness, a stronghold. (854 w/f); to drive away or disperse (like wind dispersing smoke); to rout. (784 w/f); pr. n. "Broom (of destruction)", a king of the Amorites. to uphold or support; to aid, animate; to take refreshment. to aid or succour. (784 w/f); delicate, voluptuous. - 135 135 = 33x5 (785 w/f); castle, palace. (945 w/f); the oppressor. (785 w/f); pr.n. "Oppression". the female ostrich. (141); pr.n. "Yah Hath Set Up". pr.n. "Assembly of Yah". reign; kingdom or realm a raised way, highway, public road; a way or course; course of life; stairs or staircase. pr.n. "Depression" or "Lowland". to suck or drink out, drain; to press or wring out a sucklng; (something) sweet or unsoured; unleavened bread; contention or quarrel. a sieve or winnowing fan; a high place or height. pr. n. "Servant of Venus" or "Servant of Beauty". to run or rush. pr. n. "Luxurious". pr. n. tribe of Judah. pr. n. "Yah Answers". - 136 136 = 23x17 (132); pr.n. "God is High". strength. (name of an unclean bird); sandpiper(?), angry bird; heron(?), parrot(?). pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". (946 w/f); to press; to press or crush off, to separate.

----------------------------137 > 11 > 2 ---------------------

chaff. according to its kind (used to refer to the animals on the Ark of Noah). from us, from him (616 w/f); pr.n. "Oppressed". pressed or bruised (of a man emasculated by crushed testes). let me, pray, escape. (856 w/f); to raise or life up, to wave up and down; to sprinkle. elevation or height. pr. n. "horseman". to shoot forth. to come together child, infant. (786 w/f); pr. n. "A Ruin". meek. - 137 33rd prime (787 w/f & 131/781); wheel; roller. (947 w/f); pr.n. "Courageous". pr.n. "Feller" (of trees). instruments of praise. pushings, upsettings or overthrows. a coming or going forth, exit; a promulgation; rising (of the sun); exportation; place of issue; mine or vein of metal; the east; a way out, a door; utterance, speech; pr.n. "Out-let" or "Issue". a military post. a garrison. something set up; a pillar or column; a statue, idol-image. (132); Qabalah; oral tradition --- the name given to mystical study involving Hebrew, the Tree of Life diagram and similar approaches ultimately stemming from Palestine, and early non-Christian gnostic practices. Antecedents include Chaldean (Babylonian), Old Persian, Egyptian, Greek and Hindu practices. This term was applied mainly after secondary exodus from Spain. Qabalah makes extensive use of methods originally intended for literary criticism, fragments of folklore and systems of initiatic training from western and near eastern cultures. The systematic derivation of many short words from three and two letter roots combines with historic use of numerical puns in place of rhymes and a penchant for word games to produce a unique and elaborate collection of mental exercises. Since Hebrew letters have long done double duty for numbers, many numbers have evolved meanings substantially like the ideas represented by Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese ideographs.

- 138 138 = 2x3x23 --- to be smooth; to lick off, consume, plunder; to cut up, share, divide, distribute; smooth, not hairy; flattering; lot, portion; baldness,

138 > 12 > 3



bareness. (948 w/f); to be sharp, pungent; to be sour; to be acid; salted or seasoned; to be bright (color), dazzling; deep red, purple; to be eager, violent; anything made sour, leavened dough; violence or extortion; vinegar; sour grapes. (858 w/f); to cover, to hide, becloud; to pollute; to be polluted, defiled; profane, impious, reprobate; godlessness. (698 w/f); pr.n. "Coverings". (788 w/f); to enclose; to bend or curve; a fist. (788 w/f); pr.n. "The White Mountain", Lebanon. pr.n. "Battle-ground". to take or lay hold of; to seize; to capture; to captivate; to accept; to catch or perceive; to receive; takingness or captivating charms; learning or knowledge (as being received), doctrine or teaching. (948 w/f); to cleave or smite through; to wound; to smash or crush; to cut one's way through; to restrain; to dash or strike, to splash. confusion, wound. (698 w/f); pr.n. "Comforter", Menachim --- of a king of Israel. pr.n. "Decision of Yah". to shine, to be conspicuous. the front or forehead. to puff, to blow or breathe. pr. n. "Breezy", a town of the Moabites.


- 139 34th prime (619 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Support". (789 w/f); pr.n. "God is Gracious". (949 w/f); pit. (619 w/f); walking right before himself; plain or evident. pr.n. "God is Gracious". (859 w/f); to be dirty, foul. (149) pr.n. "God Distributes". like a little, nearly, almost. to take or pick up, to gather together; to glean; a gleaning. stronghold. plant. (859 w/f); to drop down or distil; to be gentle or plesant (as dew). a drop (a kind of gum or resin). (789 w/f); holder or receptacle, a vessel.


- 140 140 = 22x5x7 (146); pr.n. "Yah Strengthens". to lick or eat off; locust; the devourer. pr.n. "Responsive". to bend, bow down (the knee); to be low; to compress, fold up.

139 > 13 > 4

140 > 5

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------141 > 6

to distribute, assign or reckon. (790 w/f); here, now, at this time. (860 w/f); sledge hammer. company or school (700 w/f); to eat or devour. a hewing (of stones); a quarry. (950 w/f); pressure or squeezing out. (700 w/f); from two days, immediately after two days (700 w/f); strings or chords of an instrument parts; times (as in "ten times" when used with a number). (700 w/f); strings or chords; a stringed instrument or lyre. to act covertly or treacherously. faithlessness or treachery. what is above, the upper part the goings in (i.e. setting of the sun). from above. a raising (of the hands). a hill fortress or citadel. a net. from on high. rottenness or stench. (620 w/f); a libation or drink-offering; an appointed one, a prince. (950 w/f); flower or blossom; a hawk. (700 w/f); smell sweet or fragrant. (860 w/f); basin; threshold. pr. n. "Luxurious". (700 w/f); indefinite or uncertain time, eternity; perpetuity or everlastingness, without beginning or end; for ever. world; worldly thoughts or cares. to cover, to obscure. to glow or burn. (790 w/f); to trouble. pr. n. "Troubler". a vessel, a crucible; a furnace or work-shop. (700 w/f); to roll or wrap up, to hide. to be strong or vigorous, to be ripe or mature (sexually). to know or understand; science. a youth, young (of age to marry). to labor or toil. fruit of labor; trouble or travail, distress or misery; he shall see; oppression, wrong. laboring or toiling; laborer or worker; suffering or miserable. (620 w/f); to be close or tight. - 141 -

141 = 3x47

--- (951 w/f & 131/941); strong; strength. --- pr.n. "Brave". --- (861 w/f); to gather; to assemble; to draw up; to with-draw; to receive; to restore; to keep together; to take away; to perish. --- pr.n. "Assembler". --- gatherings. --- leasing; ingathering, harvest. --- pr.n. "Judgment". --- to end, to fail, to vanish. --- end; not, without; nothing; nobody. --- (135); pr.n. "Yah Hath Set Up". --- pr.n. "Malchielite" --- one of the people of that name: "God is King" --- a commandment, injunction. --- (951 w/f); to pierce or strike; to slight or reject; to despise or condemn; to cause to despise, to excite to contempt. --- to bloom; to blossom. --- to fly, fly forth. --- pr. n. "Assembly". --- pr. n. "Yah Sustains". --- to feed, to give to eat. 142 > 7 --------------------143 > 8

- 142 142 = 2x71 pr.n. "God Loathes". pr.n. "Yah Has Selected". worthlessness, wickedness; destruction; destroyer. (702 w/f); pr.n. "Destroyer"; Ballam. pr.n. "Sharp", "swift Flowing", the river Tigris. he fashioned us. out-goings, descents or lineages; privies or sewers. to be set over; to set oneself, to take one's stand; to be set up or stand up (said of men, sheaves, waters), to be firm or healthy. handle or haft (of a tanged blade); an officer or prefect. a species of eagle.

- 143 --- (793 w/f); pr.n. "Gleaming". --- (793 w/f); pr.n. "Willing".

143 = 11x13

--- the most high God. --- flatteries; smoothness; the smooth of the neck; portion of a field; pr.n. "Portion"; proportion, division. --- pollution, impiety. --- the half. --- (623 w/f); pr.n. "The Great King" --- title of the Persian monarch.

--------144 > 9 --------------145 > 10 > 1 ------------------------------------146 > 11 > 2 ---------

(793 w/f); player,

minstrel a track or rut; a way; course, conduct, way (of life). a frontlet (for the leg or shin), a greave. firmness or hardness (of iron). - 144 144 = 24x32 (954 w/f); a violent man, robber. a knowing one; a wizard; intelligent; magician; a wizard spirit. (954 w/f); without pr. n. "Dropping" (of a city in Judea). to smite; to mourn. (704 w/f); pr. n. "Repose" or "Resting Place", a city in Judah and a cave. (704 w/f); kid of the goats. - 145 145 = 5x29 to cause to waste away. (795 w/f); to defend; armour. (795 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Delightsome". pr.n. "He Shall be Turned". bundle or bale. upwards. a going up or ascent; stair or step; degree; elevated position, high rank. an ascent; an acclivity or cliff; elevation or platform. a net (for fishing); a high fortress. pr. n. "Yah Meets". to fly or flee away; to seize by the hair, to strive or quarrel; to lay or lie waste, to be desolate. a wing-feather or pinion. refuse (in a bird's crop) or excrement. a flower or blossom. to add. to take off, remove (the hair), to shave; to take away (life), to destroy; to pass away, perish. work or deed. a maiden or young woman (of age to marry, usually also a virgin.) - 146 146 = 2x73 (152); pr.n. "Strength of Yah". (141/801); to gather; to assemble; to withdraw; to receive; to restore; to take away. assemblies. (140); pr.n. "Yah Strengthens".


to be light or foolish (796 w/f); offspring, child. reproach or reviling. (956 w/f); to move rapidly or flee. - (866 w/f); an end; rear. to collect or scrape together; to sweep or snatch away. to imbibe. an end, to perish. to come to an end; to be fulfilled (said of prophecy); to destroy. bulrushes; sea-weed. pr. n. "Assembly-man". (796 w/f); a thorn (especially on a palm tree). (706 w/f); indefinite or uncertain time, eternity; perpetuity or everlastingness, without beginning or end; for ever. --- world; worldly thoughts or cares. 147 > 12 > 3 -


148 > 13 > 4 -----------------------

- 147 147 = 3x72 (797 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful". (1357 w/f); "Son of Wailing". (707 w/f); dandlings, caressings (of infants). pr. n. "Muster-Place". a hammer. (797 w/f); pr. n. "Kid's Fount" (well on west shore of Dead Sea). (797 w/f); pr. n. "Swift Fount", (well in Issachar). - 148 148 = 22x37 (708 w/f); pr.n. "Beni Elohim" --- angelic order associated with the 8th Sephira Hod, (15). (Gen. VI, 4) pr.n. "Portion of Yah". (958 w/f); salted, seasoned. to enclose, encompass, gird; to turn round, to go away. (868 w/f); to strip, peel off; to bind, to hold, stick together; clay, potter's clay, earthenware. pr.n. "Boxer". (798 w/f); to collect, to enclose; bosom. pr.n. "Fond of Instruction". (708 w/f); pair of scales, a balance. (708 w/f); insight, wisdom; wise teachers. victory (through persistence); pr.n. "Netzach", "Firmness", "Victory by Tenacity" --- the name of the seventh Sephira, (considered masculine in traditional Qabalah). Netzach corresponds to the Right Leg of Adam Qadmon (161). (708 w/f); pr.n. "Double Camp" --- a Levitical town beyond Jordan. to cut or smite through. a way or track; course or conduct; wagon-barricade. 1




--- a taking or receiving. --- (958 w/f); to press or urge on. --- to shine or gleam; to be splendid or illustrious; to be clear or pure; to be true; to last or endure. --- to sprinkle or wet. --- brightness or splendour; clearness, truth; perpetuity or eternity. --- juice or liquor as spurting (in the treading of grapes). --- (868 w/f); to sweep off; to cast or hurl down. --- to pour or shed forth; to anoint; to appoint. --- to attach oneself, to adhere to. Notes: 1. G-K p. 92 2. G-K p. 91 3. G-K p. 93

149 > 14 > 5 ---------


150 > 6 -----------------------------------------

- 149 35th prime (799 w/f); pr.n. "Splendor". (139); pr.n. "God Distributes". (795 w/f); a cellar or underground store; a store or a treasure. pr. n. "Sheep-markng" --- a place in Judah, formerly a royal city of the Canaanites. up to might, mightily or exceedingly. - 150 150 = 2x3x52 (see also 111, ); tame, domesticated; combination (of numbers), a multitude; one thousand; a union; a family. (870 w/f); to increase; to add to do; to do again; to do longer. (800 w/f); pr.n. "Troubling". (710 w/f); pr.n. "Climber". (870 w/f); to cover, protect; covering; a wing; extremity, corner; battlement, pinnacle; flap, skirt. to be vexed; to be angry; anger; vexation, irritableness. (800 w/f); to twist or bend; hunger. (800 w/f); to repel. a burning; fuel. (800 w/f); from right hand of; pr.n. "On Right Hand". (800 w/f); treasure. (800 w/f); number. a covering, upper garment or mantle. a falling (i.e. the refuse or chaff); a flap. to go in to enter; to fasten, to bolt; to shoe, put on sandals. a shoe or sandal. (630 w/f); to blow (a coal); to glow, burn, to be bright red. a carbuncle or ruby (probably, actually a precious stone of a glowing or bright red color). (710 w/f); spices. (800 w/f); to mark off or designate.

--- pr. n. "Belonging to the Threshold". --- (710 w/f); pr. n. "Concealment", Elam (eldest of Shem's sons, their descendants and their country). --- to wind or coil. --- fetter; anklet. --- to wear anklets. --- Elamite --- (710 w/f); to cover or hide. --- to join or combine. 151 > 7 --------------------------------------152 > 8 ---------



- 151 36th prime (711 w/f); pr.n. "god of the People". pr.n. "God is Judge". to cry with anguish; to groan; to sob, sigh. (871 w/f); harvest. to breathe, to blow, to hiss. breath. (801 w/f); haste, hurry. pr.n. "Yah Upholds". pr.n. "Not My People". darkness. a pool or reservoir. hope or expectation; object of trust; a gathering or confluence (of water); a company or caravan. to groan or cry out. wing-feather, a pinion. to be pure. pure. a whirlwind or tempest. Elamites. pr. n. "God's People". - 152 152 = 23x19 (146); pr.n. "Strength of Yah". (712 w/f); pr.n. "Stream of People" or "Confluence of People". an overseer or officer; a military post, a garrison; a pillar. to pierce or prick; to bore (a hole); to break in or crack (a skull); to tick or mark, to fix or specify; to curse or slight. a bezel (gem setting). right up to.

--- (712 w/f); till this day (inclusive). --- (712 w/f); in the heat of his spirit (i.e. in anger). 153 > 9

- 153 -

153 = 32x17

------------154 > 10 > 1 --------------------------155 > 11 > 2 -----------

pr.n. "In god's Shadow"; "In God's Protection". pr.n. "Portion or lot of Yah". emptiness. (713 w/f); players on stringed instruments. (713 w/f); pr. n. "Two Calves". pr. n. "Border", a town in the south of Judah. - 154 154 = 2x7x11 (874 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Gatherer". (804 w/f); pr.n. "Gourd-Field". compassing; girdle. (804 w/f); pr.n. "Appointed". (714 w/f); a muzzle. station or post. standing-place or footing. drops or pendants (for the ear). to prick or mark, to specify by markings; to mark or notch, to keep (a flock or head, from the practice of ear notching). spotted or speckled. a shepherd or herdsman; cattle dealer. crumbs or crusts; crumble cake. (874 w/f); to be full or ample; to be redundant or in excess; left over. - 155 155 = 5x31 (715 w/f & 204); to beat to pieces, to pound or crush to powder; to be beaten out; to be beaten small; to break in pieces. to make light of, mock, deride. a pouch, scrip. wormwood. the gathering of bones. (Reburial --- after the body has decayed and the soft tissues have been absorbed by a cave sarcophagus, the bones are gathered and permanently buried elsewhere so that the cave and sarcophagus may be reused by the family or owner of the place of temporary burial. This was the common practice in Palestine from prehistory through Roman times. It is indirectly cited in the Torah in the cases of Moses and Joseph. Cremation may be indirectly cited in the case of Ezekiel. The practice of reburial could account for the story of the Resurrection and Second Coming of Christ in the New Testament, with the Ascension referring to cremation of remains thrown out of the cave of burial --- this would have happened if the owner of the cave was not paid for its rental, had a death in his family or had second thoughts about harboring the corpse of an executed political criminal).


hearth or fuel (on the altar). (1455 w/f); from that time. a falling, ruins. a ruin or overthrow. to bray; to cry out. to be high or exalted; to rise up or move; to be led or taken up.

--- to be pure, innocent; to be innocent with respect to (any interested party); to be free from punishment; to be quit (of an oath); to be cleaned out or emptied; to declare innocent, to acquit; to cleanse, to forgive. --- pr. n. "Anklet". --- doing or achievement. --- to cover or deck. 156 > 12 > 3 --------------------------------157 > 13 > 4 ---------


158 > 14 > 5 ---------

- 156 156 = 22x3x13 a cry of anguish, moaning; a type of Lizard. the blowing or hissing one; a poisonous serpent. pr.n. "Expansion". (806 w/f); pr.n. "The King of Greece" --- Alexander. (876 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Gives Increase", Joseph; the entire nation of Israel; the name of the Golem of R.Lowe. pr.n. "God Strengthens", Ezekiel. (716 w/f); what exists, a living being. (806 w/f); pr.n. "Grandee" refuge; flight. wonder or miracle. a groaning or outcry. to suck. (876 w/f); to shelter or hide; to fly; to be overcast or darkened; to faint or swoon; to brandish (a sword). a wing; birds, fowl. (716 w/f); eternity. (806 w/f); pr. n. "Wicked". - 157 37th prime (807 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful". to cast, throw, to hurl, spring or leap forth; to compress. (877 w/f); to boil or bubble up; effervesce; to be angry, troubled, haggard; rage; judicial anger; violence. (807 w/f); the chin (bearded); the beard; to be pointed, prominent; to be old; an old man; elder; old age. (807 w/f); pr.n. "Camp of Dan" --- a place in Judah. to suffer loss; losing, injured. loss or damage. a female (from the hollowness of the sexual organs). - 158 (718 w/f); manacles, bonds. a blown pot (a pot over a fire enhanced by forced air. to be pressed, narrow; to hang oneself. (878 w/f); slaughter knives.

158 = 2x79

----------------159 > 15 > 6 ------------------160 > 7 -


(1278 w/f); living

water (running water). (808 w/f); scales, a balance. to be salted or seasoned. satire a division or class. pr. n. "Comforter". pr. n. "Illustrious". spontaneous growth; a flood. - 159 159 = 3x53 (719 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Stands Up". pr.n. "Lot or Portion of Yah". the tent of the congregation, the tabernacle. (719 w/f); a savory dish. place of refuge. a point or stud. to loathe. (809 w/f); pr. n. "Frisky" or "Rolling", a king of Moab and a city in Judah, Ajlan. (879 w/f); to cover, to be covered; to swoon or faint. - 160 160 = 25x5 pr.n. "God is Rescue". (1460 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Pity". to suck. (880 w/f); to be wearied, exhausted; faint, worn out; an exhausting or swift course. to shine, appear. (720 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Raises". (880 w/f); to be pale, white; to long after; silver, money. to tie or bind together; to connect. pr.n. "Treasury" (a city in Benjamin). (970 w/f); to be smooth or pleasant (640 w/f); a mixing; mixed or spiced wine to keep back, to withhold; to be withheld; to keep oneself back. to melt, dissolve; to waste away; to be dissolved; to fall apart; to be wasted, lean (of cattle); to faint, despond; to disappear, remove. to measure or apportion. (810 w/f); object or aim (particle used with other words). a shadowing. (720 w/f); to be tender or soft; to be pleasant or sweet; to be agreeable or charming; to turn out pleasant or well. pr. n. "Pleasantness". pleasantness; beauty or charm; grace or favor. to fall, to be slain; fallen, slain; to attack; to fall ill; to drop or fall

(be born); to fall away; to frown; to petition); to leave off or desist.



161 > 8 -------




--------162 > 9 -



fall out or happen; to present (a

to be marvelous or gigantic. an untimely birth, an abortion. clean or pure, innocent; clean or free (of an obligation or charge). high cliff or precipice; a rock. (810 w/f); to wave or shake. (720 w/f); as far as to them. (880 w/f); to languish or faint. languid, faint or weary. to rejoice. (720 w/f); to be hard or strong. pr. n. "Double Fountain", a city in Issachar. bough or foliage. (970 w/f); a tree; trees; wood or timber; a wooden post or stake, a gibbet or cross; a stick or rod; a wooden idol. - 161 161 = 7x23 (721 w/f); pr.n. "Adam Qadmon", "The Heavenly Man" --- a term for all ten Sephiroth as forming the body of the Primordial Man. (881 w/f); to join on; to press or crowd, to surround. (1371 w/f; 95/655 & 183); "the valley of the Son(s) of lamentations" (Hinnom) --- name of the valley S.E. of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Molock. (881 w/f); pr.n. "He Increases". the assembling places of God, the assemblies of God. (temple with its buildings). flight. pr. n. "God's Inclining" of a place in Naphtali. pr. n. "Headsman". innocent. - 162 162 = 2x34 pr.n. "God Distinguishes Him". (1462 w/f); pr.n. "Son of the Right-hand", "Son of Good Luck"; Benjamin. to cut up; break bread; to be wounded. gain; unjust gain; filthy lucre; plunder, robbery. old age. (972 w/f); to be white or bright. upon the altar. to form or fashion; to pain or distress,. distressed. images or idols. a thing fashioned or devised; a vessel or utensil; labor or trouble.


- 163 38th prime finger; forefinger; finger breadth. toe. (883 w/f); to be gibbous, curved. (723 w/f); whoredoms; apostasy; idolatry; foreign commerce. (813 w/f); son of wickedness.


- 164 (814 w/f); pr.n. "Small". (814 w/f); outer; civil (profane). dainty (of food). knowledge, understanding to cut or hew.

163 > 10 > 1

164 > 11 > 2

165 > 12 > 3 --------------------------166 > 13 > 4 ---------------

164 = 22x41

- 165 165 = 3x5x11 pr.n. "Lily of Yah". splendour, beauty. pr.n. "Existence of Yah". a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den. a furrow. answer or reply; refutation; purpose or object. bell. a shade or shady place. pr. n. "Pleasant". darkness. to close, to be firm or hard. back bone or spine. wood, timber; counsel or purpose; advice; plan or design; wisdom or deliberation. - 166 166 = 2x83 a sucking child; a young twig, a shoot. (726 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". (816 w/f); pr.n. "Confidence", "strong". darkness of Yah (profound darkness). a raised road, highway. (816 w/f); a dwelling, habitation; a lair or den; at home; abode, asylum or house; pr.n. "Habitation" --- of a city in Judah near a desert; pr.n. "Asylum" --- of an Arabian people; pr.n. "Dwelling". (646 w/f); pr. n. "King's Servant"

--- equal to (or as much as) the children of Judah. --- (976 w/f); to fasten or fix; to counsel or decide.


to bloom or flourish, (816 w/f); The High One, Most High; high or upon. The Highest or Supreme (deity). (816 w/f); pr. n. "Son of my Kin" (born of incest), Ammon --- a son of Lot by his younger daughter, also the descendants of Lot or Ammonites.

- 167 --- (727 w/f); burning arrow.

167 > 14 > 5

39th prime

--- dense or heavy soil. --- (727 w/f); exalters. - 168 --- (888 w/f); to cover, protect; scrape off, to lay bare.

168 > 15 > 6

168 = 23x3x7

--- rod of appointment. 169 > 16 > 7 ------------170 > 8 ---------------------------------

- 169 169 = 132 (889 w/f); to make redundant, to have something to spare. civil; profane. (889 w/f); to mince, to toddle, trip along; to bind, to collect. pleasures, with pleasure, cheerfully.. bands or fetters. (729 w/f); few. - 170 170 = 2x5x17 step-chain, ankle-chain; arm-band, bracelet. (820 w/f); pr.n. "Blear-eyed". pr.n. "He Will withhold". (980 w/f); to fasten or fix; to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to admonish. pr.n. "Bright". to set, spread. a cross-beam or tie. anterior or front; before. face or presence. (730 w/f); to obstruct. trousers. to snap or wring --- applied to the neck of a fowl (820 w/f); a poor or needy one. a stone quarry; a dart, arrow. a breaking up, departure, journeying; a station or starting place. a little of food.

--- (820 w/f); a place of springs or fountains; a fountain or spring; source or supply. --- (730 w/f); pr.n. "Flights" (of time or of life). --- neighing (of horses). --- to stir or waver to and fro, to shake. --- a branch or bough; a rod, stick or staff; a shepherd's rod or crook. --- (820 w/f); Nisan (first or spring month of the Hebrews from new-moon of April to that of May). --- to be sick, to pine away; a sick man, a patient. --- to lift or hoist up, to display or make conspicuous. --- giant. --- (730 w/f); pleasant or agreeable.; delights or pleasures; pleasant regions. --- pr. n. "Pleasant", Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law). --- pr. n. "Pleasant", Naamite. --- to be delivered or saved; to escape from; to strip off (a garment), to strip (a person); to deliver. --- to pull out. --- (890 w/f); to twist or turn; to pervert' to overturn or subvert. --- perversity. --- pr. n. "Fragrant". --- to be low; to be hollow. --- a dish or bowl. --- pr. n. "Fainting". --- suck or swallow. --- a rib. --- to lift up or heave; to heave on, to load. --- (730 w/f); pr. n. "Fountains", a city in Judah. --- (820 w/f); to cover or hide. --- a cloud; to cloud or overspread. 171 > 9 -------------------


- 172 --- (822 w/f); pr.n. "Son of my People". --- pr.n. "Lordly".

172 > 10 > 1 -

- 171 171 = 32x19 (821 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Strength". (731 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Sighing". pr.n. "Yah Gives Increase:. pr.n. "White". (981 w/f); forces; resources. to fill up and run over. a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den. depth or deep; distances. abyss. 172 = 22x43

--- to cut, cleave asunder, wound, split, divide (used of the Red Sea in Ex 14,16); rip up, open up, hatch, break into, invade; half, half-shekel. --- (982 w/f); pr.n. "He Shines", "Conspicuous". --- (732 w/f); grapes. --- to spin or weave, to bind; to plot, to deceive. --- to be bulging, protuberant or prominent; to take by the heel, to supplant. --- a heel; hoof; step or foot print; the rear (of an army); a deceiver or supplanter, a plotting foe. --- prominent or hilly; a hill or knoll; deceitful or treacherous;deceived or betrayed. --- the end or last, to the end or for ever; reward or pay. 173 > 11 > 2

- 173 --- (733 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Pleasure." --- valley. --- (823 w/f); to shut up or confine oneself.

174 > 12 > 3 -


175 > 13 > 4 --------------------176 > 14 > 5 -------------

- 174 pr.n. "Adonis: Lord of Bezek", king of Bezek a support, a balustrade. to bind or tie. banded, striped or streaky. binding or union. - 175 -

40th prime

174 = 2x3x29

175 = 52x7

sucker, shoot. pr.n. "A Doubling or Couple" (a place near Hebron). a song (of derision), a taunt. an enigma or riddle; something indistinct. upwards. assembly. enchantress. clouds or a mass of cloud. to check or press in. oppression. - 176 -

176 = 24x11

to spread out. (736 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". (986 w/f); to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to advise; to admonish. (986 w/f); pr.n. "Counselor". a bed; bridal-bed; floor or story. (826 w/f); mocking or derision.

--- (736 w/f); pr.n. "Barrier" or "Fort". --- (736 w/f & 590); time of appointed season, settled or fixed time; festival; festival offering. --- sucklings or children. --- to be close or tight, to be pressed. --- their eyes. --- Ammonite. --- pr. n. "Burden-Bearer", Amos. --- pr. n. "Voluntary People". --- (826 w/f); to act covertly, to use magic, to conjure; magician, enchanter. 177 > 15 > 6 --------------178 > 16 > 7 ---

------------179 > 17 > 8 ---------

- 177 177 = 3x59 (737 w/f); rise thou not; with whom the people is; with whom God is. sunken ground, depression, valley; wide plain. (1477 w/f); pr. n. "Garden of Delight", the Garden of Eden. to cry out; outcry. (1217 w/f); a messenger from God --- may also stand for or . to work or till. a hill. --- deceit or treachery. - 178 178 = 2x89 (988 w/f); to incline, to bend; to be favorably disposed; to will, choose, please; to take pleasure in; delight in; loving; inclination, pleasure, delight; will or choice, cherished ; purpose; desire, longing; matter, business. (898 w/f); to storm, rage. a strangling. (738 w/f); the fortress of the sea --- refers to the city of Tyre. according to truth or right. ring or signet. pr. n. "Supplanter". - 179 (739 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Pleasantness". place of refuge, an asylum. (739 w/f); plants. (659 w/f); I will deck thee with adornment. - 180 -

180 > 9 ---

(740 w/f);

the sons of the prophets (their disciples).

--- a floor, story.

41st prime

180 = 22x32x5

--- to move away; tear oneself away; to be dislocated; to be alienated; to transfix, pierce. --- (900 w/f); to bend, curve, to be concave; to project or mount upwards; to be high or lofty. --- (900 w/f); to burn or glow. --- above; from above, above. --- in the face of, before --- assembly. --- (740 w/f); a place (to stand on or be in); a dwelling-place; a spot, district or region. --- to pull up, to pluck or pull out; to break up (a camp); to remove, to journey; to be pulled or torn away. --- (740 w/f); pr. n. "Two Fountains". --- (830 w/f); pr. n. "Springy" (having water springs). --- (900 w/f); to cover or hide; to faint or swoon.. --- (830 w/f); the oppressed, the poor or suffering ones. --- work or labor; business; a matter or thing. --- clouds. --- pr. n. "My Covering". --- to swell up to rise. --- to be swollen up, to be lofty or arrogant. --- a hill; tumors or piles; emerods. 181 > 10 > 1 -----

- 181 42nd prime (901 w/f); pr.n. "God Increases". (741 w/f or 187/747); pr.n. "Wheels", Ophanim --- the angelic order associated with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah,(73). Ophanim is (1078) in Greek . pr.n. "Towards Yah My Eyes". to be sunken, deep; valley. to pour out, to flow, gush forth; stream. to wind or twist; to be firm, strong. pr.n. "Fortress". (741 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up". (741 w/f); adulteries. to be met with or found; to be acquired to be found out or detected; to be found, to exist. 4



Notes: 4. G-K p. 90 5. G-K p. 93

182 > 11 > 2 ---------

- 182 182 = 2x7x13 (992 w/f); to gush out. fissure, cleft, breach in a wall. outcry, complaint; cry for help; boisterous shout; cry against. pr.n. "Heel-catcher", "Supplanter" --- Jacob.


tribute of one serving (tribute-paid service). her fortresses. pr. n. "Tillage". sons of my people.

- 183 183 = 3x61 --- (95/655; 161/1371); pr.n. "Field of Blood (or man)", the Western part of Hinnom.

183 > 12 > 3

--- weapons of war 184 > 13 > 4 ----------185 > 14 > 5 --------------186 > 15 > 6 -----------------

- 184 to push, thrust, press, drive on; knock (at a door). a taking; booty (of animals or captives) (744 w/f); before a smiting (on the breast); wailing or lamentation. pr. n. "A Quaking" --- a city in Asher.


- 185 185 = 5x37 pr.n. "God's Eternity", "God's Antiquity". (745 w/f); barter or trading; gains or profits; market or fair. pr. n. "Set Free". languor; languishing or drooping. pr. n. "Yah Lifts Up". pr. n. "Yah Covers or Protects". pr. n. "The Hill", Ophel (an eminence of the southern part of Mount Zion.) - 186 2x3x31 (1556 w/f); a stumbling-stone (a stone or problem that occasions a stumble or error). pr.n. "God is Maker". pr.n. "fortress". pr.n. "Whom the Lord Knows". (746 w/f); from of old. (746 w/f); locus or place --(720) in Greek. --- (see 191). a place (to stand on or be in); a dwelling-place; a spot, district or region. their eyes.

- 187 187 = 11x17 --- (747 w/f or 181/741 w/f); pr.n. "Wheels", Ophanim --- the angelic order associated with the 2nd Sephira Chokmah,(73). Ophanim is (1078) in Greek . --- pr.n. "To Yah My Eyes".

187 > 16 > 7



--- (907 w/f); to glow, to burn. --- (907 w/f); to raise, lift up, hang up; to crucify. --- pr.n. "Jacob-ward", "To the Supplanter". --- the throne of the kingdom (royal throne). --- fodder. Notes: 6. G-K, p.90 7. G-K p. 93

188 > 17 > 8 ---------

- 188 188 = 22x47 (998 w/f); pr.n. "Shining", "Glittering". (998 w/f); to cut, divide; to divide into troops; to shoot arrows; a little piece, fragment, small stone, gravel, grit; arrow, lightning. (908 w/f); to be bent or crooked. one of the angels said to have confined Lilith beneath the sea. probably "Ancient Hate" or "Ancient Binder".

- 189 --- (839 w/f); pr.n. "Dan the piper" --- (from deity). --- pr.n. "Cattle-driving". --- (909 w/f); a bat.

189 > 18 > 9

190 > 10 > 1 -

- 190 -

189 = 33x7 or Eshmun, a Phoenician

190 = 2x5x19

--- very beautiful. --- (910 w/f); to go round; to move in a circle. --- (840 w/f); pr.n. "Low-lander"; "Low-Land", Cannan, Phoenicia, Philistia; a merchant. --- (840 w/f); to that (toward motivation). --- bolt or bar. --- to expand. --- (840 w/f); a flower or blossom. --- (750 w/f); to avenge or take vengeance; to be avenged or punished; --- vengeance. --- to ascend. --- (670 w/f); to rule over --- (910 w/f); to wobble or waggle. --- (840 w/f); to cover over, to roof; to wainscot or clap-board. --- a wainscoting; ceiling. --- to stone, to pelt; to clear of stones. --- pr. n. "Might of Yah", Uzziah. --- (1000 w/f); to rejoice or exult. --- trample or tread down, to crush (grapes). --- to lean, to recline or repose. --- slothful, a sluggard.

191 > 11 > 2 -----------------

- 191 43rd prime (751 w/f); pr.n. "God is Delight". strong, powerful. flowing, stream; a river-bed, sea-bottom, a valley. pr.n. "Fortress". will be poured. (751 w/f); pr.n. "God Sets Up". to impale or crucify. (751 w/f); the locus or place --(790) in Greek. (Interpreted as a name of the Deity in the sense that all existence is in the deity as a thing is in a place. --- see 637).

--- (700 w/f); king of kings --- spoken of the kings of Babylon --- (751 w/f); your finding. 192 > 12 > 3 -----------

- 192 pr.n. "To Yah My Eyes". to swell up, blister, have tumors; to gall. dough (leaven). glow, heat; wrath. come ye forth. - 193 -

193 > 13 > 4

192 = 26x3

44th prime

--- the arrow snake. --- attack; object of attack; a mark or butt. - 194 194 = 2x97 --- to be right or straight; to be right or just; to be in the right (in the forensic sense); to gain ones cause; to be righteous, upright, good. --- straightness (physical sense); rectitude, right (moral sense); justice; blamelessness or probity; deliverance, prosperity or happiness (resulting from rectitude).

194 > 14 > 5

195 > 15 > 6 -----------


- 195 pr.n. "My Delight in Her"; (symbolic name of Zion). pr.n. "Beat". pr.n. "Traffic". possession; a purchase; purchase-money or price. property or wealth (cattle only).

--- to wail a wail of wailing. -

--- vengeance; revenge or vindictiveness. --- (675 w/f); to the king.

195 = 3x5x13

--- sloth, laziness. 196 > 16 > 7 -


- 196 196 = 22x72 (1476 w/f); pr. n. "Weedy-sea", the Red Sea. (916 w/f); darkness. (846 w/f); pr.n. "God's Gathering". bolt. (916 w/f); darkness, obscurity; to urge (by entreaties or prayers). to pour out. to set up, to place. distress or oppression. (756 w/f); perversities, waywardness. (756 w/f); young days, youth; prime or vigour. our secret sin. (846 w/f); pr. n. "Hiding Place". our secret sin. to straighten, to press upon; to blockade or invest (a city); to press. (1006 w/f); to loathe; to be alarmed to be astir, to move; to awake (from sleep or from death), to rise from the dead; to arouse oneself; to hasten on. the fruit harvest, summer. to pass the summer.

- 197 --- decision; definition; limit, definite scope. --- pr. n. "God With Us", Immanuel --- in Greek

197 > 17 > 8

198 > 18 > 9 ---------

45th prime


- 198 198 = 2x32x11 to make a loud and joyous noise, laugh. laughter or sport; object of ridicule. (758 w/f); they speak very oracularly (said of false prophets). his heavy yoke.

- 199 46th prime --- justness, rightness; justice; integrity or piety; deliverance or prosperity. --- liberality or beneficence.

199 > 19 > 10 > 1

200 > 2

- 200 -

200 = 23x52

--- Resh. (In spelling, interchanges with: , ; , ; , , ; , ; ) (Resh = --- 510 --- Head). --- (850 w/f); pr.n. "Lord of Heat", name of the Phoenician sun god. --- to pour out; to cast (metal); to be firm, compressed; to set, place.



201 > 3 --------202 > 4 -----------


203 > 5


(1010 w/f); to

awake. (850 w/f); for therefore; for, because that. a Canaanite; a merchant (760 w/f); delicacies, dainty bits. (1010 w/f); to be angry; pr.n. "Anger". a couch or bed. (850 w/f); marked out or specified; a field or lot. (760 w/f); a pair of shoes. (760 w/f); to swallow down, to consume greedily. a locust (winged and eatable). (760 w/f); anklets. to lick, to suck. (760 w/f); a people or nation; aggregation or community. (920 w/f); to cover or deck. a bough or branch. branchy, full of boughs. trodden out; new wine or must. (850 w/f); to be high or hilly. (760 w/f); to close or fasten; to be firm or strong. bone; body, physical frame; self, strength. to turn or wind, to twist or pervert. - 201 201 = 3x67 (207); to burn; to be or become bright; to light, to kindle; to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to enlighten (the mind). (1011 w/f); pr.n. "Thorn". (1247 w/f); in the day of thy planting (of thy being founded). (761 w/f); boughs or foliage. - 202 202 = 2x101 to be strong, courageous; the mighty one; Mars; brave. to burn, to glow. pr.n. "Might". to empty out, despoil, depopulate; be poured out spread abroad. son; purely, sincerely; approved, chosen; pure, clear; clean, empty; corn, grain, feed; field; the country; cleanness, purity; salt of lye, alkali. (852 w/f); of a certainty, certainly (762 w/f); marked or distinguished men. for to make her image (of bread in the shape of a goddess).

- 203 --- to be strong or mighty. --- bird.

203 = 7x29


wing or pinion. to blind stitch, weave; weave plots, lie in ambush, lurk. pr.n. "Ambush". ambush, a lurking; lurking-place, covert. plot laying, laying plots. to bore, to dip; to carve in, to engrave; to dig out; to explain. pit; well; cistern, reservoir. to cut or carve, form, create; feed. dwelling, sojourning; a sojourner, stranger, foreigner, visitor, pilgrim; lime; whelp. --- hewn or cut stones. --- aggressor or foe; intercessor or mediator. 204 > 6 ----------------------205 > 7

- 204 204 = 22x3x17 to gather; to assemble, to fold up; gaining, hiring. (155/715); to beat to pieces, to pound or crush to power; to be beaten out; to be beaten small; to break in pieces. to plait; to weave. plait or braid (of hair); weaver's shuttle. pr.n. "Well". (210); skin bottle, flask. pr.n. "A Grain". a pearl; age, generation; a period; race or class of men; dwelling; circle. a cloak, mantle. an axe or adz. a step or walk. - 205 -

205 = 5x41

--- roll, letter. --- (765 w/f); The Lord Stands Up (to help). --- to gird around; to get strength; to be ample, large, great; to be powerful; honorable; illustrious. --- twelfth month of the sacred year (Adar) from new moon of March to new moon of April. --- name of a Syrian deity, pr.n. "Mighty One". (from Persian "atar" = fire). --- threshing floor. --- wrapping (garment), mantle or tunic; adornment, splendour. --- to descend; to rule. --- to bind or twist together; be strong, mighty; to prevail, overcome; strong man; a man; warrior; male; husband, man-child; human being, mortal; each, every one; hero, mighty man. --- to scrape, scratch, to tear off; scab, scurvy; scabbed; scabby; pr.n. "Hill of the Leper".



206 > 8



pr.n. "A Circle". to pierce the mind; to reject, refuse. (685 w/f); very crooked, perverse, tortuous. a mountain; mountainous region. a casting (of metal). (1415 w/f); some of the people a ship (especially a decked ship). strength; throng or multitude. - 206 206 = 2x103 to shine, to be luminous. pr.n. "Cloddy", "Heap". to be strong, powerful to pull or pluck; to collect. to burn. roar. to curse. to scatter. (766 w/f); pr.n. "Sons of the East". to scatter; to hail; hail; besprinkled (of color); spotted. speaking; to speak; to promise; threaten; command; warn; sing; to drive (cattle to pasture); to drive away, snatch away (as the plague); destroy; to be behind; to be sharp, to sting; word, speech, command, precept, promise, oracle, revelation, saying, counsel, proposal, report; matters, events; pasture, range. (this word has meanings clustered around the idea of Oratory or Public Speaking --- manner of it, effect of it and pastoral subject of it.)

--------207 > 9 ---------

to be sharp, pointed. pr.n. "Mountain Land"; to glow, burn. hardened. (766 w/f); strong or mighty. - 207 207 = 32x23 (201); to light, to kindle; to make bright, to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to illuminate or enlighten (the mind). light (but usually not a luminary); day-light; lightning; the Sun; the dawn; happiness; instruction; life. a flame or blaze; region of light, the east; light of faith; revelation; pr.n. "Ur of the Caldees" --- the birth place of Abraham. (1577 w/f); Endless, Boundless. --- in Greek (466). (Term used in Qabalah to signify the second aspect of the deity beyond the manifested universe).


there!, see!, lo! to be bright, white. to cut; to feed, to eat; to separate, select. to hem in, enclose, surround; hedge in, wall in; wall up; wall-


maker, mason; wall of a vineyard; fence; walled place; pr.n. "Enclosure", "Wall", "Fortress". to scratch, scrape out; to scratch. cause, reason. to step, tread. to divide, partition out. (767 w/f); old age. to run, distill, trickle; refine, percolate, filter; to burn, flame, glow; to compress, tie, bind, oblige. to gather, to brood. stranger; rim or border (of the ark); edge. pain or sorrow. the great in counsel. - 208 -

208 > 10 > 1 --------------------------------------209 > 11 > 2 -----------

208 = 24x13

pinion or wing. to gird; to equip; to arm. locust; swarmer. weavings, intrigues. the latticed work; windows; dove-cote; chimney. to be pressed together; hard, firm; to be compact. cedar; cedar-work (wainscoting). pr.n. "Well". to bore, to dig; to investigate; to protect. pit, dungeon; grave; cistern; cleanness, purity, salt of lye, alkali. to bow down. to glow; to be angry; excited; to inflame, stir up; to excite oneself; contend with; to swallow, gurgle; something swallowed down; the cud; a grain, kernel. pr.n. "Flight". to strike, smite down; kill, murder, slay, slaughter. something strange, loathsome. to cut into, to hew; to carve in, inscribe; to trance, portray; to ordain laws; to decree; "digging". a noble, free born; hole. pr.n. "He Sports" --- Isaac. (768 w/f); bread of affliction. - 209 209 = 11x19 to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger. following, next, second; another, other, different; elsewhere, in another way; afterwards; than; after; after so; thereupon; behind. to go, to travel, journey; travelling; wayfarer. arrange, appoint. pr.n. "Wanderer".

--- way; walk, manner of life; lot or destiny; traveler; manner, course (of nature); the course (menstruation cycle). --- to scatter; disperse, rout. --- to cut or pierce. --- treasurers. --- to collect, gather together; sojourn, dwell, meet together; to be afraid; to drink, suck; to boil up, to seethe, to effervesce; to excite, provoke; to roll; a suckling, whelp. --- to run, to course; to run on, endure, last. --- to shine, gleam, be conspicuous; to be splendid, glorious; to honor, favor; ornament, splendour, pomp; majesty, honor, dignity; my majesty; pr.n. "Splendor" --- a Syrian Fire god. --- to flow, stream. --- to ease the bowels; excrements, dung. --- pr.n. "Righteousness of Yah", Zedekiah. --- (769 w/f); the god of fortresses --- refers to a Syrian deity. 210 > 3 -------------


- 210 210 = 2x3x5x7 (product of the 1st 4 primes) assembler; pr.n. "Assembler" (proper name of the compiler of the 30th chap. of Proverbs). to close, shut up; to bind, to hamper. pr.n. "Lame". lame, hampered. to slay among. to glow, make hot, melt; to try, examine; approve, choose; delight in. to be ripe, mature; a youth. (860 w/f); pr.n. "Gracious Lord". (204); skin bottle, flask; pr.n. "Emptying". to break through or away, to flee with haste; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding. to cut down, fell; slaughter, kill; divide; decide; determine; piece, part (of a victim); precipice. to cut off, sever; pr.n. "A Waste". to pierce (of thorns); to move around, to turn oneself round, to continue; to dwell; to arrange; a period, age, generation; race or class; dwelling; circle; pile (of wood); a ball. (Mother); to conceive, to become pregnant; to meditate; to have posterity. to bind, string together, to unite, to be allied; to charm, fascinate; to hurt; conjuror; associate, a companion, friend; society or company; spell or charm; magician; partner. to be sharp, to cut; to dry up; to be desolate, waste; to be desolated; to lay waste; dry, desolate, waste; a sharp or cutting tool; a sword; dryness or drought. pr.n. "Yah is Righteous".



211 > 4

= "may it be God's will" by Noteriquon. (1020 w/f); to deride. (1020) w/f); crushing; doormat; hammer. to ascend, to go up. (860 w/f); pleasantness. (1020 w/f); to fix in. to push; to supply. (930 w/f); to divide, to branch out; double minded, uncertain. (860 w/f); to be firm; spear. (690 w/f); according to thy mouth, on thy mouth. to sink down, to dip, to be deep; to be unsearchable. deep, unfathomable or unsearchable. deep place or depth; a valley. (770 w/f); pr. n. "Hardy", an Egyptian people. (690 w/f); pr. n. "King's Oracle", an idol or god of the Sepharvites, Ammelek. pr. n. "Hill Man". (770 w/f); trees; boards, timbers; sticks. (860 w/f); to be firm. spear. to close or shut up; to hold back, to detain; to rule or control; to gather or amass. wealth or dominion. a shutting up or closing; constraint or oppression. (770 w/f); curve. to step, walk, tread, stride, pace, march. (770 w/f); to strike (to pieces), split or rend. a distinct or definite one, such a one. to peel; (1068) = "combat standing order" by Noteriquon. (1020 w/f); a rib; the side (of a man); side-chamber (in a temple); a fall or overthrow. to be low, to be humble. (860 w/f); to load, to pack up; to migrate; pr.n. "Tanis" of an Egyptian city. (860 w/f); pr.n. "Smith" --- name of a descendent of Seth. caster oil seed; raven or pelican; abnormally large testicles. (930 w/f); to peel or shell. to tie, press. to fine or impose a penalty (Talmudic law: especially for seducing a girl --- punishment for statutory rape). fold, plait, pleat. rain. 47th prime - 211 (371/1021)

--------------------------------------------------212 > 5

pr.n. "God of Recompense". box, chest. pr.n. "Descent". pr.n. "Place of Refuge". lion; the roarer; the courageous beast; pr.n. "Leo" --- zodiacal sign; learned; a scholar; pr.n. "Ari" --- sobriquet for Moses Maimonides. strong or mighty; mighty one, hero; tyrant; mighty warrior, warrior; mighty one in wealth or of worth. decree, decision. --to burn, to sink down, to lurk. cause, suit; reason; utterance, word; bee, pr.n. "Deborah" (217). pr.n. "A Circle". a guide, counselor; Vizier. mountain; --- name of the mountain where Aaron died. to be conceived. to grow tangled or luxuriant; pr.n. "Luxuriant Growth". an associate, companion, fellow. to bind around, gird; to gird on. to tremble, to haste, flee. to swell or heave up, project. to gleam, glitter; to flow, run fast; river, stream; the Nile; fosses or moats; channel or mine shaft. to look at, eye; to fear, to be afraid, to dread; to fear or reverence; timid, fearful. counsel, resolution. pr. n. "Possession of Yah". licker or sucker; a leech; a vampire. proud boasters. - 212 -

212 = 22x53

--- light; happiness. --- to pluck; manager, crib or rack; stall or stable; a stall (pair) (of horses). --- well. --- serenity. --- might. --- wall, enclosure; fold or pen. --- receiver of the revenues, treasurer. --- to carve, hollow out. --- to shine; teach; warn; admonished, wary; brightness. --- to strew or scatter; to winnow; to rout; to be pressed out. --- to surround, enclose; to beset; an enclosure, room, chamber; a bedroom; a bride chamber; a storeroom; recesses, inmost parts. --- to tremble, quake; to be alarmed; to palpitate; to come trembling, to haste; trembling, anxious.

--- pr.n. "Adversary". --- to hurt oneself. - 213 -

213 > 6

213 = 3x71


strong one, a hero (of God). very mighty, manly; a valiant; obstinate; eminent one, chief. cedar work, ceder wainscoting. pr.n. "My Planning". fed, fattened (beasts); fat, rich (food). pr.n. "Wall", "Fortress". to boil up; lime, plaster; sojourner. slaughter. to bind, carry, bear a burden; bound, laden; guilty. to be turned away, estranged; to go away; stranger, foreigner; heathen, barbarian; to press together, to bind, to gird, bandage; to crush. --- to burn, glow (of anger); to protect. --- to push or drive on; to persist; to thrust out, drive forth. --- a heap, stone heap; to fear, to be afraid of. 214 > 7 -------------------



215 > 8 -----------

- 214 214 = 2x107 band, fetter; belt, girdle. ceder-like; firm. a journeying; company of travellers, caravan. appointed measure (of food); portion; allowance; a meal or mess. a run, a race. ornament, glory. pr.n. "Digging". to become gray, white; to turn pale; to hollow out, bore; a hole, socket, opening, cave, cavern, den; white linen; dungeon; pr.n. "Free", "Noble". to shine, to be bright, to be or become clean, pure; brightness, purification. to be fresh. to go down, descend; to come or fall down; pr.n. "Descent". (774 w/f); delicacies or dainties; delights, ecstasies. (864 w/f); until now. - 215 215 = 5x43 a grain or berry; small coin; something round. great or large; potent; illustrious or noble; excellent (morally). hinder part, back-side, rear; behind, backward, back; the west, western quarter; after time, future. (209); to delay, hinder; to defer; to linger. mighty, ruling, leading; lord, master.

--- a cutting off; desolation; figure, form; hall, court. --- the valley (Jerusalem). --- to scatter, to shine forth, to rise, to break forth; to break out; sprout; sun rise. --- society, company. --- to turn round. --- wasteness, desolation; waste places, ruins; dryness. --- to bore through. --- to wait, watch for, expect; to go round, surround; to arrange, set in a row or order; wall, enclosure; a row, a course or range; rock, mountain. --- pr.n. "Yah is Righteous". --- to be high; to molest; to be arrogant or aggressive. --- to cast; to shoot; to lay, to found, to erect; to shed, to wet, to irrigate; to tremble, quake. --- from above upwards. --- a burden. --- a ledge or parapet (esp. round the flat roof of an eastern house). --- a watch-tower; a look-out, a post of observation. --- branch. --- division or party; unsettled opinion. 216 > 9 -----------

- 216 216 = 23X33 native; indigenous; a native. lion; pr.n. "Coeur de Lion". to pluck; manger, crib, rack; stall; stable; pair (of horses). ripened, mature; a youth (of age but unmarried, draftable); young warriors. strength; valor; force, prowess; mightiness (of God); victory; oppression; pr.n. "Judicial Power", "Geburah" the fifth Sephira (Considered8 feminine and passive in traditional Qabalah, Geburah corresponds9 to the Left Arm of Adam Qadmon [161].)

--- a man. --- the inner or hinder sanctuary (of the temple); pr.n. "Posture", "Oracle". --- pr.n. "Pastoral" or "Eloquent". --- see (207). --- (1336 w/f); blood of grapes, wine. --- pr.n. "Junction" or "confluence". --- pr.n. "Embrace". --- to protect. --- fear, terror; terribleness; reverence, awe. --- (866 w/f); cleanness. --- pr. n. "Profound". Notes: 8. G-K p. 91 9. G-K p. 93

217 > 10 > 1

- 217

217 = 7x31

------------------------------------218 > 11 > 2 ------------------219 > 12 > 3 --------------220 > 4

correctly, exactly. pr.n. "Light". pr.n. "After Brother". dazzling. castle, citadel, palace; a chief city. food; fatted; fleeing, fugitive; fleet, quickly gliding; bolt, bar. pr.n. "Enclosure. a bee; pr.n. "Deborah" --- of Rebekah's nurse and of a prophetess (see also --- 216, 211). girded; the girdle. to wave; shoot, twig; switch, rod. a trembling, terror; care, anxiety. to scrape, grave; a graver; chisel; stylus, metal pen. a summit, mountain. to burn, to inflame; inflammations, piles, hemorrhoids. to labor, to tire; an encumbrance, a burden. river, stream; the Nile; fosses, moats; channel, mine shaft. is watered. to shoot. - 218 218 = 2x109 pr.n. "Yah Created". creation, novelty, new thing. crushed; to squeeze, press out. pr.n. "trembling". glow, heat; excrements, dung; white or fine bread; pr.n. "Cave Dweller"; white linen. to delay. to wander, travel onward; the moon, the wanderer; a month, a lunar month. (778 w/f); finest ornaments. (868 w/f); labor or travail, hard toil; pain. - 219 219 = 3x73 (1029 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Anger". after. pr.n. "Emptying by Yah", or "Skin bottle of Yah". a purifying, cleansing; purity. fresh. fearful; pr.n. "Tarrying Place". to throw down headlong; to throw, cast down; to be rash, headlong. - 220 -

220 = 22x5x11

------------------------------------------221 > 5 ----------------------------------222 > 6

chosen, choice one. mistress, queen. pr.n. "Precipice". bright, clean, pure; unalloyed. pr.n. "He (God) Chooses". a Lamb; pasture, meadow-land; a battering ram; pillion or saddle; a litter; a hollow or deep vessel; a dry and liquid measure --- a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushells = 88 3/4 gallons. (780 w/f); works or deeds. (1030 w/f); a maul or war-club. work. pr. n. "The Look-out". (1030 w/f); to suck out; to be unleavened. (780 w/f); giants. (1030 w/f); to break or smash; to scatter or drive about a tempest or major storm. dispersion. to loathe, to turn away. (870 w/f); palm branch. (940 w/f); a cleft or fissure (in a rock); branch or bough. (940 w/f); to collect or receive. to be narrow collar or neck-chain; pr. n. "Giant", Anak. - 221 221 = 13x17 to dig, to plow; tillage; a digger, tiller, husbandman. (701 w/f); to be arranged, adjusted. to stretch out, be long; to wear on. adapted, fit. long, enduring. delay. a stripe, weal; wound, cut. string of corals or pearls. pr.n. "He (god) Gives Light". pr.n. "He (God) Gives Light". pr.n. ""watering"; watering; the autumnal or early rain. spring rain. to surround; to dig or pierce; to be dirty; turbid stream; dirt, muddiness. to pierce; to be pained, grieved. (871 w/f); so that not, lest. pressure, affliction. profound or unsearchable things. - 222 -

222 = 2x3x37

--- (228); pr.n. "Light of Yah". --- a prolonging, continuance. --- to break, to burst open; to ripen, to mature; bear early fruit; to treat as first-born. --- young camel. --- pr.n. "Firstling". --- (702 w/f); to bend; to bless; adore, worship; greet; part, renounce; to curse (euphemism); kneel; a knee; a break, bend. --- chambers, rooms. --- a girdle, apron or kilt. --- an adversary; pr.n. "Opponent". --- to bind together, to weave or plait; to be strong or great; great space or length; a stretch; long ago, already; pr.n. "Length" or "Strength". --- to grip, grasp; seize; to bear. --- to the utmost. --- forever. 223 > 7

- 223 223 = 48th prime --- (703 w/f); to bow the knee, to bless; good luck!, hail! --- pr.n. "Nobility". --- inflammations; piles, hemorrhoids. - 224 -

224 > 8

224 = 25x7

--- knee. --- to pierce, penetrate; impress, remember; a male; ram. --- (704 w/f); to step, tread, walk; a going, way; manner; mode of life; lot, destiny. --- white linen, byssus clothes; white bread; pr.n. "Nobleman", "Linenweaver". --- a wall; an enclosure; a castle; an encampment, pastoral village. --- (784 w/f); pr.n. "People's Burning". --- pr.n. "Moon". --- pr.n. "Odoriferous" or "Balmy". --- to bind. --- a mustering, a census; a charge or mandate; an appointed place or rendezvous; pr.n. "Place of Muster" --- of a gate of Jerusalem. 225 > 225 > 9 ---------------

- 225 pr.n. "Worthy Gift". to hurt, injure. sunrise. a boar, swine. elated, arrogant; to injure or molest; aggressive. pr.n. "He Shines Forth". pr.n. "Protection", "enclosure".

225 = 32x52

--- (231); pr.n. "Founded by Yah". --- to pierce, to dig; to excavate; to devise, prepare; to buy, purchase; to feed; to make a feast or banquet; a pit, cistern; a feast or banquet --- work. --- (785 w/f); assemblies. --- pr. n. "Palm Branch", a town in the south of Judah. 226 > 10 > 1 ----------------227 > 11 > 2 -------------------

- 226 226 = 2x113 descendants of a native ( --- 216) of a place. a prolonging, continuance. adjustment, bandage, healing, repair. pr.n. "An Archer". to dig, cut, pierce through; to glow, burn; a hollow or deep measure a cor = 10 ephahs = 11 1/4 bushels; a furnace. (786 w/f); Ammonites. they curse me. - 227 49th prime first-born; seniority; birth-right; (233). young she-camel. (707 w/f); pr.n. "Warlike". blessing; divine gift, benefaction; happy or blessed man; pool or pond. to pick, pierce, penetrate; to remember; to keep in mind; recollect; mention; to bear a male; a male; remembrance; memorial, name; pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". purse or bay (for money). a sieve; length, stretch; a horse-run. to bind fast or hard; to force; to be strong, brave, cruel. to cry out, proclaim.

--- a taught heifer (one used to the yoke). 228 > 12 > 3 ---------------------

- 228 228 = 22x3x19 (222); pr.n. "Light of Yah". hardy, firm; courageous, bold; harsh, cruel; violent, deadly. first-born; foremost, chief; first-fruits. pr.n. "Youth". (708 w/f); pr.n. "Blessed". to injure. pr.n. "Yah is a shelter". (708 w/f); to roast; to interlace; to catch, seize; to singe, burn; lattices, window-lattices. Cherub (symbolical being compounded of four forms: man, ox, lion, eagle). (1598 w/f); Tree of Life.

--- (788 w/f); tongs; snuffers --- a calf of fusion or molten image of a calf. --- (878 w/f); the Ammonites (sons of kin). - 229 -

229 > 13 > 4

50th prime

--- amplification (in the sense of an extension to something said or written before, or an intensification without change of meaning). (Interestingly, if the name of the first Sephira, (620) is misspelled with a in place of a , as , we also get 229. That could be taken to all sorts of speculations, the Crown before the fall, the Crown before "amplification" ...).

--- (789 w/f); disclosed of eyes (i.e. clear mental vision). 230 > 5 -------------------------------

- 230 230 = 2x5x23 a regarding, ascertaining. pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth". pr.n. "May He Cause to Return". (880 w/f); pr.n. "Perverse". (710 w/f); to be tender; the thigh; the haunch; ham; shank, stem; side (of a tent or altar). a fire crock; pan. executioners. to lick up or lap up. (1270 w/f); pr.n.

"King of Kings" --- title of the king of Babylon.

(1040 w/f); at

the end pr. n. "End" or "Limit". to go or come out, go forth; to be promulgated. a column of salt. (1040 w/f); to shine or glitter, to sparkle; to bloom or blossom; to fly. (950 w/f); to strike or beat; to cut down or fell (trees); to destroy utterly. --- to go round, to move in a circle (said of festivals. --- a beating or striking. - 231 -

231 > 6

231 = 3x7x11

(The number of Hebrew letters taken two at a time without repetition, the 231 gates of the Sepher Yetzirah)

--------------232 > 7

delaying. pr.n. "Yah is a shelter". (225); pr.n. "founded by Yah". the thigh. as the lion; they surround. to dread, eye with alarm. outgoing, expense. - 232

232 23x29

--------------233 > 8 -----------------------

the strong one, the mighty one, hero; pr.n. "Lion of God". bandage; adjustment; healing. pr.n. "Youthful". (712 w/f); pr.n. "circuit". pr.n. "Contentions". a plaiting or braiding; a mattress or quilt; great, mighty. cake-wits or mockers (guests who jest or flatter to please); parasites. - 233 51st prime a remembrance offering (sacrificial term); memorial (before God); incense. (227); first-born; seniority, birth-right. best figs. early fig. to roll; a pebble (used as a lot); to be rough, sharp; a lot; to cast lots; allotment, an inheritance. males; pr.n. "Mindful". pr.n. "God Gathers". (236); pr.n. "Odiferous" or "Balmy". a herald. (793 w/f); troops (1443 w/f); pr. n. "Garden's Fount", (Well in the plain of Judah).

234 > 9 ---------

- 234 234 = 2x32x13 (714 w/f); to overtake, to trace. (233); pr.n. "Odiferious" or "Balmy". (794 w/f); the two jaws --- as used for seizing and chewing (1444 w/f); from before

--- (884 w/f); in order that Yahweh may bring. - 235 --- side; the rear; inner parts or recesses; remote parts. --- a cord or rope, a rope girdle. --- to lay upon the neck, to load.

235 > 10 > 1

236 > 11 > 2 -----------

235 = 5x47

- 236 236 = 22x59 pr.n. "Hearth of God"; pr.n. "Mountain of God" --- by a pun: burning mountain of God and Law). pr.n. "Dread of Yah". a basin, pot; a fire-pan; a wash-basin; a platform, pulpit. fused or compact mass; acasting (of metal). narrowness; distress.

--- straitness or distress. --- column or pillar; cliff or peak. 237 > 12 > 3 -------------

- 237 (717 w/f); pr.n. "Lion-like". delaying first born or eldest (daughter). pr.n. "Blessing of Yah". pr.n. "Memorable". pr.n. "No-pasture".

237 = 3x79

--- to come up on the heart, to be though of or remembered. - 238 -

238 > 13 > 4 -----------

fierce; cruel. to burn, to be sharp or stinging. pr.n. "Yah Pleads". little by little, by degrees. the valley weeping.

- 239 --- iron, steel; iron scepter; fetter; iron tool. --- a lot; to cast lots; allotment, inheritance. --- (959 w/f); a (wind) driven leaf.

239 > 14 > 5

240 > 6 ---------

238 = 2x7x17

52nd prime

- 240 240 = 24x3x5 pr.n. "Yah Shines Forth". war, slaughter. a round; a circuit (of land); a round cake, a loaf of bread; a talent (= 3000 shekels). (720 w/f); to surround.

--- (800 w/f); pr.n. "Red Hill". --- (800 w/f); divination. --- to be melted away or dissolved (as the heavenly bodies); to run (of sores); to pine or waste away (of men). --- a drop. --- bitter; sad or sorrowful; fierce; hard fate. --- the gum Myrrh of the acacia. --- to slap or strike; to smite on the thigh. --- to pour or overflow; to be abundant; to be overfull, to vomit. --- abundance or sufficiency. --- (800 w/f); sly or crafty ones, dissemblers. --- pr. n. "Laborious", Amalek (a descendant of Esau and founder of an

Arab tribe; Amalekites.)

241 > 7 ---------------------------------------

- 241 53rd prime (801 w/f & 45/605); to be high. Aramea. pr.n. "High One". mumble, murmur; to say, to speak, to think; to command. to be high. a saying, word, utterance; behest (utterance). lamb. pr.n. "Tall". a word, poetic speech, song of victory; promise; a matter or thing. height, mountain range. pr.n. "Babel-born". a locust. to be sharp, to be bitter. tube or funnel (for pouring). to be perverse or rebellious. to haste or flee. fat or strong. master or lord. straitness or distress. - 242 -

242 > 8 ------------------243 > 9 -----------------

242 = 2x112

hearth. pr.n. "Heroic". great hero, pr.n. "Lion of God"; God's altar; hearth of God. (802 w/f); to sever; be clean; test or prove; bind, interweave; but, yet. pr.n. "Yah is Mindful" or "Yah is Male". a margin, border. pr.n. "No-pasture". for multitude pr. n. "Increase" --- of a daughter of Saul. - 243 243 = 35 (803 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation", Abram. pr.n. "Blessing of Yah". basins, libation bowls. to come to an end, cease, fail; finish, complete; to perfect; pr.n. "Completion", "Darkness" --- Cimmerians. (803 w/f); to over-lay; to cover over; crust, skin, body; bone; self, very; to skin, to flay; to strip, lay bare (the bones), to lick clean. pr.n. "Yah Pleads". pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". ambush or lurking place; an ambuscade (of troops).

--- to flow or gush out; to cast down, overthrow. --- to press, bruise, crush. -

--- (1363 w/f); the mother with the children.

244 > 10 > 1 -----------------

244 = 22x61

to trill, whir. (804 w/f); to shine, to be bright. (894 w/f); a division or row. a thorn-bush, nettle. to disobey, to war or rebel. rebellion. rebellious. pr. n. "Rebel". - 245 -

245 > 11 > 2


- 244 -

245 = 5x72

--- to glow, pour. --- (805 w/f); to rise up, to be high; pr.n. "High Place", "Exaltation", "Exalted". --- the great Magus (chief of the Magi). --- (1055 w/f); directly after wakening. --- to be or make bitter; to be contumacious or rebellious; to rebel; to resist or insult; to rebel against. --- to cut off; to stroke or rub over; to shave. --- to be firm or strong. --- rebellion. --- bitter; bitterness; sadness; bitterly; pr. n. "Bitter" --- of a fountain in the peninsula of Sinai.

246 > 12 > 3 --------------------------247 > 13 > 4

- 246 utterance; poetic speech; a song. chosen of Yaweh, Moses, prophets, Messiah. pr.n. "Mighty One of God", Gabriel. a curse, execration. pasture; a desert. to change, exchange, barter. (806 w/f); flights (of time or of life). a sight or vision.; a mirror. viewing or seeing; appearance. a bird's crop or craw. coverlet (for a bed). (1056 w/f); a spark. (806 w/f); pr. n. "Expansions". - 247

246 = 2x3x41

247 = 13x19

----------------------248 > 14 > 5 -----------

------------249 > 15 > 6

pr.n. "Loquacious", "Boastful". to rebel against. to vibrate, twang, whir; to touch or strike (musical chords); to harp, sing; to clip, prune; music, playing (of instruments); singer; gazelle or antelope; vine branch; family branch or member. (807 w/f); to flow, flood, wash away; pouring rain, a storm. pr.n. "God's Foundation". a luminary; light; sparkling; a candlestick. fear; respect, reverence; object of fear; an astounding deed, a miracle or prodigy. to be corrupt or foul; to mix lewdly (mutually lascivious behavior). to bind or combine. northern constellations; the north; north winds.; the planets; zodiacal signs. increase; plenty or abundance.

--- during the whoredoms of Jezebel. - 248 248 = 23x31 (808 w/f); pr.n. "Father of a Multitude", Abraham. (see also Abram --243). pr.n. "Light of God". (808 w/f); variegated cloths; damask. (242, 227); pr.n. "Yah is Mindful". to be hot, to burn;to be red; to boil, ferment, to foam, to bubble, swell, rise in heaps; to be in a ferment; to yearn; rumbling in the bowels; to be red; to cover with bitumen, to pitch; to bear. to carry, to toil; to collect; ass; bitumen, pitch; something fermented, wine; clay, loam, potter's earth, mortar, cement, mire, mud; a boiling, foaming; a heap; a homer (dry measure). (808 w/f); to shut in, enclose; a net; to consign; to break off; cut off; shortened; flat-nosed, to be high; a curse, destruction. a saw. to buy or sell. to glow, to shine or dawn. dawn or morrow, tomorrow; after time, hereafter. to rub or bruise; to rub over or lay on (as a poultice of liniment). - 249 -

249 = 3x83

--- pr.n. "Steely". --- (809 w/f); pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites. --- (809 w/f); to wait for, to expect; expectation; prospect; prospectively, not yet, before. --- fear, terror; tarrying; a dwelling. --- a threshing-sledge.


250 > 7 -----------------------------

to rain; rain. even to the highest. dominion or subjection. to rub or make smooth, to sharpen (a sword); to make bare by plucking; to become hairless or bald; to be polished (of metal); to be sharpened (of a sword); bare or naked. - 250 (810 w/f); the south (as bright); south wind. to change, alter; to be high. (810 w/f); to be high. the choice, choicest. flight; fugitive. dwelling, abode. descent, declivity; a hanging, festoon. a victim. a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting). wandering; a fleeing or flight. wide or broad place, breadth; relief or enlargement. contradiction or protest; perverseness; a rebel. to pierce or cleave open. a light or lamp. - 251 -

251 > 8 -----------------------------------------

(811 w/f; 305/865 & 255/815); pr.n. (901 w/f); pr.n.

250 = 2x53

54th prime "The Lord is Exalted".

"God Hides". high; mountain top; tree top. pr.n. "Mountaineer", "Highlander", Amorite. pr.n. "Eloquent". in Aramean or Syriac (i.e. in that language. Aramean, Syrian. (901 w/f); to be sharp-eared, alert; wild goat. to trill, to make a tremulous noise. ark pine. pr.n. "Founded of God". a razor. teaching, instruction. an archer; a teacher; pr.n. "Archer". razor. fatling or fat beast; a fatted calf. to feel abhorrence; to abhor. double pipe, bagpipe. terebinth valley (near Bethlehem).

- 252 -

252 > 9 -------------------

252 = 22x32x7

pr.n. "Height". (812 w/f); pr.n. "Wells". vine, branch, twig; sound; song. a gushing, emission (of semen), male ejaculation. light; cave, hole. rebelling. rebellious or obstinate. winnower or fan. to shine or gleam.


- 253 253 = 11x23 (813 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation". pr.n. "Father is Light". pr.n. "God Blesses". (903 w/f); to roll, to level, make smooth; a level place, area; threshing-floor; grain. pr.n. "Desolation". pr.n. "Yah Blesses". pr.n. "Bony" or "Strong". wrapper, mantle, cloak. (813 w/f); He does not keep them back. binding (of a wound); healing, remedy; snare or net; hurt, suffering pr.n. "A Driving Forth". pr. n. "Refuge". to flow on; to spread or extent; to be poured out, to flow; to be extended. to crush or cut in pieces.


- 254 (814 w/f); pr.n. "Noble Born". ass; a heap or load. fear; a storehouse. a sink or privy. splendour. a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting). bruised or crushed. to bind, to set fast, to vow. to fall or drop out (as grain in threshing). a vow; a votive-offering. nard, spikenard.

253 > 10 > 1 ---------------------------

254 > 11 > 2

255 > 12 > 3

- 255 -

254 = 2x127

255 = 3x5x17


(815 w/f; 251/811 & 305/865); pr.n.

"The Lord is Exalted". pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites; (249/809). (815 w/f); exaltation. (905 w/f); to be high; pr.n. "High", Abraham's Brother. (815 w/f); not yet. pr.n. "Rebellious". an axe. pile of wood; a faggot. polished; sharp, impetuous. dawn; the east; eastward. a shouting (for joy); a wailing (for sorrow). pr. n. "Contumacy". pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (261 266 ) to flow (figuratively of a confluence or gathering). to be bright; to brighten up. a stream or current. a river (especially the river Euphrates or the Nile).

256 > 13 > 4 -----------

- 256 256 = 28 (906 w/f); luminous; pr.n. "Aaron", first High Priest and brother of Moses. (262); pr.n. "Promise of Yah". (906 w/f); a goad. (816); pr.n. "Yah is high". choice, selection.

--- (816 w/f); to make one's actions good. --- to shine. --- fire. --- (816 w/f); for ever and ever, to all eternity. 257 > 14 > 5 -------------------

- 257 55th prime (907 w/f); receptacle, box, chest; a coffin; wooden chest; the Ark (sacred). a song; song of praise; poem, hymn; song of triumph. pr.n. "Sung", "Celebrated". (817 w/f); inundation; strangers, fores. (817 w/f); a scribe; a sacred writer. a quarrel or strife; pr. n. "Strife" --- of a fountain. to consecrate, to vow; to separate oneself; to abstain; to consecrate oneself to. to bind or encircle. consecration (of a priest or Nazarite); a consecrated head (unshorn head); unshorn hair (of a woman); a crown or diadem (for a priest or


--- (817 w/f); effrontery. - 258 258 = 2x3x43 --- (264); pr.n. "Yah completes". --- (what has a tremulous motion or trilling sound); vine shoot; twig, branch. --- (818 w/f & 264/824); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre). --- (908 w/f); pr.n. "Noble". --- (818 w/f); pr.n. "He is Compassionated" or "He is Loved". --- price, purchase money; hire, wages; pr.n. "Hire". --- to snore or snort. --- a snorting (of a horse).

258 > 15 > 6

259 > 16 > 7 -


- 259 (819 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Exalted". Lord of Righteousness. (909 w/f); at last. (909 w/f); throat. (909 w/f); throat; to cry with the throat; neck. heap, load. pr.n. "Seeing Alive". pr.n. "Rainy". to keep or watch; to keep anger, to continue angry. - 260 -

260 > 8 -----------------------------------

259 = 7x37

260 = 22x5x13

(910 w/f); web. (820 w/f); pr.n.

"Hot Places". (910 w/f); an axe. (820 w/f); pr.n. "Who Assembles the People", "People's Existence". pr.n. "Dwelling on High". to glow, burn; to be scorched or swarthy; to plait, weave; an idolpriest; a priest. (820 w/f); to glow; to be bright red; to dig, cultivate; a vineyard; a vine dresser. at a price. to trade or barter, to sell (especially a daughter for marriage price); to deliver over (a people to their foes). ware (article for sale); price or worth; a property or possession. acquaintance. (740 w/f); softness; timidity or fear. light or day. a light. to break up or till. fallow ground; tillage; seed or offspring. a cleft or fissure.

--- refractory, rebellious; sullen, ill humored. --- (910 w/f); pr. n. "Strong". 261 > 9 -----------------------


- 261 261 = 32x29 (821 w/f); pr.n. "Two Hills", a city in Judah. (911 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides". to bind together; to fetter, to hold captive; to fasten; to yoke fast, harness. restraint. vow of abstinence; inhibition. prohibition, interdict. (911 w/f); pr.n. "Descender" or "Ruler". (911 w/f); abhorrence; object of horror. (911 w/f); conception. (821 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is High". to come forth from the bowels of --- refers to male role in generation of offspring, evocative of the theory that the seed comes from the male and the female only provides a place for it to mature. This contention is based more on agriculture than biology. pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 266) light. (821 w/f); betrayed by blood. a hill of blood.


- 262 pr.n. "Promise of Yah"; (256). pr.n. "Joy of Yah"; (266). to condemn; sour, unripe grapes. (912 w/f); ox-goad; goads. pr.n. "Song". (912 w/f); pr.n. "The Chief Ruler". mat or coarse cloth; plated work or grating. a chariot; a carriage-seat. to raise or heap up. to hope or trust. to be refractory or rebellious. rebels. (1562 w/f); eye to eye; an eye for an eye.


- 263 pr.n. "Father is Light". to break or crush. (1383 w/f); the shew-bread. firm of front, impudent.

262 > 10 > 1

263 > 11 > 2

262 = 2x131

56th prime

--- snorting. --- to cut off or separate; to shut up, keep close; to close. 264 > 12 > 3 --------------------265 > 13 > 4 --------------------------------266 > 14 > 5




- 264 264 = 23x3x11 pr.n. "Yah Completes"; (258). (914 w/f); pr.n. "Cavernous". (824 w/f & 258/818); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre). (914 w/f); glow, heat; anger; a dry faggot; pr.n. "Hollow-place". a deer, stag, buck. (914 w/f); pr.n. "Descending", the river Jordan. (744 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk. pr. n. "Snorting". to arrange or put in order, to set in a row. to fear or tremble. - 265 265 = 5x53 (915 w/f); latter, later; western. to tear, break, pull down, pull out destroy; break in; pr.n. "Lion" or "Sun". (915 w/f); to escape the eye. (271); pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah. a pit. piercers or stabbers; swords. (915 w/f); over. (745 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk. her fleeings. the light. pr. n. "Lamp of Yah". to be round or circular. roundness. tower, round tower or castle. to join or knit together. a turning away, apostasy or revolt; a leaving off, ceasing. - 266 266 = 2x7x19 pr.n. "Joy of Yah". (826 w/f); young days, youth. (916 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Liberty". (916 w/f); pr.n. "Alliance". (916 w/f); drought, heats. they curse me. pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 261) to turn aside or go off, to depart; to backslide or apostatise; to pass

away; to forsake. --- to pierce, dig or cut into, to hollow out. --- rejected, put back; banished one; a stray or wild shoot; pr. n. "Tendril" (name of a gate of the Temple). 267 > 15 > 6 ------------268 > 16 > 7 ---

- 267 -

267 = 3x89

bond, fetter. (827 w/f); pr.n. "Free-born is My Father". pr.n. "Ass Driver". (917 w/f); pr.n. "Dreadful". a chariot; a war chariot. (827 w/f); adulteries. - 268 (918 w/f); a burden-stone ---

268 = 22x67 used for gymnastic exercise.

--- smooth; slippery places; flatteries. --- to be cut off; to be diminished; to fail, to be wanting; to want or lack; lacking, wanting. --- cave. --- to be rough; to be scabby; to be tough; sticky; to glow, to shine; the itch; the sun; pr.n. "Place of Clay". --- pr. n. "Snorer" --- to go round or about, to traverse; to trade; a trader. --- to be black or dark color. --- a mart; trade-gain, profit. --- to shed or pour out; to lay prostrate; to be redundant, to hand over. --- to stink, to be corrupt. --- a superfluity, a remainder. 269 > 17 > 8

- 269 -

57th prime

--- (919 w/f); at last. --- One of the angels said to have imprisoned Lilith beneath the sea. Probably: "Setter of the Mark" enclosure or caul; pericardium; pure or precious; a warlike weapon, --battle axe. --- a den or cage. - 270 -

270 > 9 -----------

the round bowl. to bind, to tame; to correct, chastise. (830 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Possession". (1080 w/f); a smashing-tool, maul (a particular type only); to make a tremulous sound; to trill.

270 = 2x33x5


pr.n. "Vineyard Man". (920 w/f); Lyre". pr.n. "Trader", "Patron". pr.n. "Precious". to know or recognise; to fail to know, to disown or repudiate; to be known or recognized; to make oneself strange; to feign or dissemble; to recognize or respect; not to know; to deny. to sell or deliver up. strangeness, foreignness. calamity. a pot; thorn or briar; fishing hook. (830 w/f); palm branches. (830 w/f); Anakites. a city. enemy. a caller. skin.


- 271 fettered one, prisoner. captive. to flee. the earth; the ground; low, below. (921 w/f); conception, pregnancy. pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah. descent, nativity. smitten of spirit, contrite. light, illumination or wisdom.

271 > 9

272 > 11 > 2 -------------------

58th prime

- 272 272 = 24x17 (832 w/f); the strong one, the mighty one, hero, heroes; Lion of God. to browse, to feed upon; to burn up; to be brutish; feed on, consume; destroy; brutishness, stupidity. to make a present; pr.n. "Gift". (832 w/f & 278/838); Cherubim. wealth or abundance. (752 w/f); pr.n. "King of Jacob" --- a term for the deity. to pass over, to cross; to pass or go through; to go past or beyond, to pass away, to vanish or perish; to pass, distil, drop freely. to bear, to be fruitful or pregnant. a region or country beyond (any limit or boundary) --- essentially the English word that transliterates it: OVER as "beyond"; a place over against, opposite side; coast or side.; pr. n. Eber (an

ancestor of the Hebrew race).

--- his vessels are full of milk. --- to bind or combine, to plait or braid, to interweave; to mingle or combine; to exchabte or barter, to traffic; to pledge or pawn; to be or give security. --- to be or grow dark; evening. --- to be dry or parched, to be sterile or waste. --- to be sweet or pleasant. --- to cry or call, to croak. --- willows. --- the gadfly. --- pr. n. "Waste" or Barren", Arabia. --- woof or weft (in weaving); a mixed multitude or mass, rabble, riff-raff. --- evening. --- a raven, crow. - 273 -

273 - 12 > 3 ------------------------274 > 13 > 4 ----------------275 > 14 > 5

273 = 3x7x13

four, fourth. pr.n. "A Brand". gematria (Greek: = 501). to cry out, call out at, scold, rebuke. to tear, cut off; curtail, restrain, limit, avert (the eyes); to swallow (water); to drink up. pr.n. "Neediness". traffic; merchants. a shield. (833 w/f); calves of the peoples (tribes following leaders). to cry or make a shrill sound, to twitter or chatter. to cry or call, to bray or low; to long or pant. to arrange or lay out. - 274 274 = 2x137 (924 w/f); record, register. to scatter, to sow; arm; pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge". pr. n. "Belonging to Marduk", Mordecai --- Esther's foster-father, who became chief minister of the Persian court. to arrange or marshall; to set in order; to dig or dress; to muster; to miss or find wanting. an array or muster; a herd or drove. pr. n. "Herd". to tremble or fear. pr. n. "Wild Ass". 275 = 52x11 - 275



276 > 15 > 6 --------------------------277 > 16 > 7 --------------------278 > 17 > 8 ---------------

arm; power. (925 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Hero". to be bare or naked. to run or flow cleared or open places, meadows. - 276 -

276 = 22x3x23

pr.n. "Brilliant". one who turns away from me; corrector, reprover. a harp, lyre. to cry or call; to be astir or awake. to be bare or naked. to dig, to hallow out. to go round, to encircle or enclose. to oppress. to suck. to glow or burn. the skin or hide; leather; the body (as covering for the soul). chaff or hull. blind. - 277 -

59th prime

a burning. a present; in evil, misfortune. to be pressed together; to be small, little. to scatter, spread out, disperse; to sow (seed); sowing, time of sowing; seed, a plantation, crop, grain, produce; posterity; family, race; arm, forearm; shoulder or foreleg; strength, force, might. ferryboat. anger or wrath; pride or insolence. to begird or enclose; to strengthen, to help pr. n. "Help". wilderness or desert. surety or security; pledge or pawn. - 278 -

278 = 2x139

four. pr.n. "Torch". rebuke. pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge". wanting, deficient. to be cunning. (838 w/f & 272/832); Cherubim --- angelic order associated with the 10

10th Sephira Malkut,(496). --- produce or grain. --- a passing over, result; for, on account, for the sake of; because, in order that; while, in passing away. --- pr. n. "Help", Ezra. Note: 10. G-K p. 92

279 > 18 > 9 -----------

- 279 32x31 (1649 w/f); he hides himself in the south. chattering or twittering (of the swallow); the swallow, a swift, the crane. embryo or fetus. to surround or encompass. a trembling or fear.

- 280 --- to make naked, to uncover or expose.

280 > 10 > 1

280 = 23x5x7

--- (760 w/f); to turn right over. --- a tearing down, a ruin. --- to sprout, flourish; a luxuriant spot, a brake, thicket, wood, forest; wild honey. --- to tremble, to shake. --- (840 w/f); the crocus, saffron. --- bitterness or sorrow --- rattle or cymbal. --- unknown, alien or foreign; another; strange, marvellous. --- to shut up. --- to hire. --- (760 w/f); chief officer or president. --- a city, --- heat; anger. --- watcher (used for angels). --- suckling, a young ass, a foal or colt. --- a wild ass. --- pr. n. "Watchful". 281 > 11 > 1 -------------

- 281 (931 w/f); "Daric" --- a Persian coin (1001 w/f); a mixed multitude; the rabble; riff-raff. to break, to crumble or pulverize. to cover. to bear, to carry. ashes; animal ashes.

60th prime


head-cover, cover, turban. the bottom (of a pit). (1001 w/f); to stretch out, lie extended; to knit, plait. a region, expanse. throne. edict, mandate; command. pr.n. "Mamre", "Firmness" --- name of a friend of Abraham and of a place near Hebron --- pr. n. "Watcher", (a priest of David and 2 of his captains). --- nakedness; the privy parts, penis, vulva; shame, obscenity or foulness; a blemish; disgrace of ignominy. --- exposure; damage or injury. - 282 282 = 2x3x47 --- (842 w/f); pr.n. "Arelim" --- the angelic order of the 3rd Sephira Binah,

282 > 12 > 3



--- in the blind; cattle. --- (932 w/f); not anything --- Hebrew (signifying either "Descended from Eber" or "Emigrant") (used by foreigners or to foreigners; "Israelite" is used by the people among themselves in the Torah).

--- help or aid. --- enclosure; a court (of the temple); a ledge or terrace (arround the altar). --- Arab or Arabian. Note: 11. G-K p. 90

283 > 13 > 4 ---------------

- 283 -

61st prime

(933 w/f, 742/1392 & 874/1524); Ark

of Jehovah. to bind, to be hard, strong; cypress, gopher-tree. (1003 w/f); to seize, grasp. treasured gold. (933 w/f); memorial; record, account. a seed. pr. n. "Crusher", Nergal, a god of the Cuthites thought to be representative of the planet Mars. --- (1563 w/f); silver of dross (unrefined silver). --- pr. n. "Helper". --- (1493 w/f); pr. n. "Calves' Fount", (well in Moab on east shore of the Dead Sea). - 284 --- the forearm; the arm. --- pr.n. "Not Compassionated".

284 > 14 > 5

284 = 22x71



285 > 15 > 6 --------------------286 > 16 > 7 ----------287 > 17 > 8 ------------------288 > 18 > 9 ---------

(1404 w/f); with

delights, charmingly. a crown or diadem; a garland or chaplet. pr. n. "Shy". arranged or laid out; a bed or parterre. - 285 285 = 3x5x19 pr.n. "Strong" --- name of cities in Batanea and in Nephtali. pr.n. "Border". the records. pr.n. "Bare"; forest, wild honey, honeycomb. for bitterness deceit or fraud; pr. n. "Fraud". a strange woman (i.e. harlot). a willing or ready spirit; liberal; princely. the city. nakedness. - 286 286 = 2x11x13 (1006 w/f); the rabble. wood; forest; pr.n. "Forester". (846 w/f); a height or elevation; a high place; high rank or condition; highmindedness; haughtily or proudly. pr. n. "Height". pr. n. "Wakeful". - 287 287 = 7x41 (297 & 291); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) pr.n. "gift". a little; a little while; small, little. to be fragrant. (1007 w/f); to flow, pour. pr.n. "Auxiliary"; (297). a bastard (either born out of wedlock or between a Jew and a gentile); alien. pr. n. "Help of Yah". to act at evening. - 288 288 = 25x32 pr.n. "Father is Help". to cut in, dig; to search out, to spy; to turn red (with shame); to be ashamed; a hole; pr.n. "Blushing", "Pit" or "Well". (1008 w/f); to pull or pluck fruit; to upbraid, reproach; to pass the autumn and winter; pr.n. "ripe"; harvest, autumn (inclusive of winter); maturity. pr.n. "Trusty".


storehouse, garner a stone-heap. (848 w/f); since leaving the womb troublesome comforters. - 289 289 = 172 pr.n. "Brother is Bad". the young (of birds); a nestling. to project; to be pointed or sharp; a point, nail; claw, hoof. (1009 w/f); to pluck; to rend, tear in pieces; to be fresh, to sprout forty; to luxuriate; fresh leaf; prey (of wild beasts); food. pr.n. "God Compassionates". (849 w/f); while not yet, before (1099 w/f); one stripped of the shoe (dispossessed of property).

289 > 19 > 10 > 1 --------------290 > 11 > 2 ---------------

- 290 290 = 2x5x29 pr.n. "Father is Help". (1010 w/f); clinched hand, fist; grab, grip; (20). on my account. pr.n. "Hadad is Help". pr.n. "Forester". a garden, orchard; cultivated ground, park; garden-fruits; pr.n. "Carmel". to bow down; the leg (from knee to ankle).

--- higher and higher, above or over; onward or forward. --- (850 w/f); pr. n. "Rebellion", Miriam or Mary --- name of the prophetess who was the sister of Moses and also of the maternal deity of the Christians. In Greek: (201) or (152) --- spread abroad, diffuse itself; to be changed. --- to flow, to be limpid or clear. --- variegate, to be spotted or speckled. --- a leopard. --- a sad or grieved spirit. --- to trouble or disturb. --- pr. n. "Troubler". --- (770 w/f); to prepare. --- an array or row, a pile; preparation or outfit, a suit or set; estimation or value; estimate or price. 291 > 12 > 3 ---------

- 291 291 = 3x97 (297 & 287); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) pr.n. "The Place of Assyria". to heap together, store up. pr.n. "Treasure".


--- to shine; to guard; to press together; to form. --- (1101 w/f); to be compact, hard. --- the earth, the land; planet Earth; material earth; the ground; one's country; field; territory; inhabitants. --- not at a price, gratis.

292 > 13 > 4

- 292 -

292 = 22x73

--- pr.n. "Firmness". --- to cut out, off, gather in; to restrain, separate off on all sides; to fortify; fortified, strong; metal, ore, precious metal. --- pruning knife or hook. --- to carry or wear. --- garments, trousers. --- pr. n. "Help of Yah". --- mouse, field-mouse. - 293 62nd prime --- reproach, scorn, contumely; a reproach, an object of reproach; disgrace, shame; parts of shame, penis. --- pr.n. "Yah is Help". --- a song or lay, a psalm (heading used for Psalms).

293 > 14 > 5

294 > 15 > 6



295 > 16 > 7 --------296 > 17 > 8 --------297 > 18 > 9

- 294 294 = 2x3x72 (944 w/f); web, cloth; purple; purple cloth. (1014 w/f); pr.n. "Early Born". what is torn, cattle torn (by wild beasts); booty. pr.n. "Melchizedek", "King of Righteousness" --- name of the king of Salem, considered also as a metaphor for a good priest. pr. n. "Warrior" or "Rebel", Nimrod. - 295 295 = 5x59 (775 w/f); pr.n. "The King's Majesty"; Adarmelek, a diety of the Sepharvites; the son & murderer of Sennacherib of Assyria. hanging or curtain, tent. a candlestick. pr. n. "Limpid", a city in Gilead. - 296 pr.n. "Brother of Help". a plow yoke; weaver's beam. (856 w/f); coverlets (for beds). pr. n. "Trouble". - 297 -

296 =23x37

297 = 33x11


(291 & 287);

pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?) receptacle; granary; treasury; store, stock, treasure. (857 & 95/655); pr.n. "Red Hills". (947 w/f); palace, fortress, citadel. enclosure; sheep-fold; pr.n. "Fortress". (947 w/f); pr.n. "celebrated". (287); pr.n. "Auxiliary". (947 w/f); pr. n. "Fertility". - 298 298 = 2x149 inaccessible, steep; ore. (948 w/f); son(s) of the gods. (948 w/f); pr.n. "Ruddy". to fence around, enclose; to sing, to sound forth bright and clear; to be bright or green, to bloom; court, yard; a village. (1018 w/f); pr.n. "Autumn Rain". (1108 w/f); to cut in, to scratch; to cut to a point, to sharpen; to decide; to gird oneself, to be active; loins; to shine, glitter. pr. n. "Help of Yah". pr. n. "Mouse".

298 > 19 > 10 > 1 -----------------

- 299 --- (949 w/f); pr.n. "Overthrow".

299 > 20 > 2

300 > 3

- 300 -

299 = 13x23

300 = 22x3x52

--- Shin. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; , ; ). (Shin ----- 360/1010 --- Tooth). (As prefix: who, which, what, that; he who, him that; that; whither). --- (780 w/f); for thy sake. --- a tight cord; pangs. --- to press together; to straiten; to be pressed together; to be distressing, perplexing; to cut; to form, fashion; to create; to produce, arrange; to devise, design; a potter, statuary; a shaping, thought; frame or constitution; a device, pattern; an image; pr.n. "Form"; formed, fashioned. --- to cover; to forgive; to bind or combine, to be strong, vigorous; village, hamlet; pitch cypress flower (Henna); a ransom; expiations, atonement. --- pr.n. "Eagle". --- crimson, crimson cloth. --- a net, hunter's net; nets. --- a sale; a thing for sale or sold; possession --- riverbed or channel; cleft or den. --- to transmit


to venture, dare; to risk oneself, volunteer. admonition, instruction. (860 w/f); depths. an angle or corner, a nook. pr. n. "Meritorious". to be prickly, to bristle; to shudder. hairy or bristly. the foreskin; to circumcise; to expose one's foreskin. uncircumcised, dull, unfeeling. (860 w/f); spirit of the god(s), breath of the god(s).


- 301 301 - 7x43 pr.n. "Fortress", "Palace", "Citadel". (951 w/f & 307/957); noisy or murmuring. pr.n. "Sharp-eared". pr.n. "Jubilant", (name of the former owner of the site of Solomon's temple). the earth. fire; the fire of God, lightning; anger; zeal, ardor; war; heat or scorching (of sun); flashing (of weapons). existence, being; there is.

301 > 4


(The words for Man and Woman are made from this word by addition of a Yod for Man (311) or a Heh for Woman (306) --- it is said that man and woman are nothing but fire and fire without the letters Yod and Heh of the great name. This may also be the origin of assignment of gender to the letters of the Tetragrammaton, but Yod and Heh are used in gender assignment in other words beside = being).)


foundation. (951 w/f); a fortress, castle. a candlestick. a foreign god. - 302 -

302 > 5

302 = 2x151

--- make treasurers. --- cutting off; grape gathering, vintage; inaccessible, lofty. --- to cut, cleave open, plow; break forth (light), daybreak; to break into, search; admire; investigate; cattle, ox, cow, horned beast, clovenhoofed beast; morning. --- to break or send forth lightning, to flash forth; lightning; flash; pr.n. "Thunderbolt". - 303 -

303 > 6 -----------

to think. to have a bad smell, to stink; to be bad, wicked. to be evil. to touch; come close, approach; draw back, give place. incloser; a locksmith or smith; a prison.

303 = 3x101


--- (953 w/f); a whisperer or slanderer. --- to beyond, over or across, over against, towards.


- 304 304 = 24x19 to bore through, pierce, stab; curse, condemn; pr.n. "Swordsman". to hasten. (1024 w/f); a heavy shower. pr.n. "Enclosed Place", "Castle". pr.n. "Blooming". (1114 w/f); ditch or fosse (of a fortress); a decision or judgment; gold; active, eager; industrious, strenuous; sharp, pointed; a pointed shard or sharp stone. (954 w/f); pr.n. "Mountain Peak".


- 305 305 = 5x61 (865 w/f, 255/815 & 251/811); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted". to thresh out. to shed, to pour out; to water. outpouring, ravine, water gully. to freeze; to draw or gather together; to compact. to sprout, be fresh and green; first shoots, tender grass. oil; pr.n. "Shining". vine-blossom. (785 w/f); the king's valley. the foreskin.

304 > 7 -------------

305 > 8

306 > 9 --------------------307 > 10 > 1 ---------

- 306 306 = 2x32x17 to be firm, to heal. fire. woman; female; wife; (see , 301, for Qabalistic discussion). pr.n. "Stabber". to stick or glue; honey (of bees or grapes); syrup, must. a fashioner or framer; a potter; a statuary; maker, creator (of God). a cup; hoar-frost. band or bond; pr.n. "Correction", (301). correction, chastisement; learning, instruction (resulting from discipline). an angle or corner, a nook. - 307 63rd prime to be strong or manly, to support. to cry out; proclaim; summon; read aloud; name; to happen upon. (957 w/f & 301/951); noisy or murmuring. a searching or inspection.

--- to heap up. --- to scatter, to sprinkle,. to dust. --- (957 w/f); pr.n. "Good is Rimmon". --- (957 w/f); in order that they may believe. 308 > 11 > 2 -----------------

--------------309 > 12 > 3 --------310 > 4 ---------------

- 308 308 = 22x7x11 pr.n. "God is Helper". a bad smelling plant, a weed. a herdsman; shepherd. to turn white, to pale; to change color, pale, blush; to be disappointed, come to shame, be deceived; fail in function or purpose; disgrace. to be bad. an enclosure, a home; grass; a leek. pr.n. "Blooming". to dig; to search, examine, explore (by mining), to search out, to make a survey of; to examine, to taste; to test; a searching out; a secret, the inmost or deepest part; unsearchableness (of God ='s God's works and plans). (1118 w/f); a cut, slice. (868 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cave". to grate or gnash; to grind the teeth. pr.n. "Splendid". to his opposite (bearing), straight forwards. traffic or trade. pr. n. "God's help". - 309 -

309 = 3x103

evil. mound, lump, clod. (959 w/f); pr.n. "Hadad is High". a sharp threshing sledge. - 310 310 = 2x5x31 outpouring; gully, ravine. to tread out, to thresh; to crush; to spring; to trample to pieces. to bind on; to bind up; a healer; to saddle; to shut up, restrain, rule. pr.n. "Village of Luck". to bind or weave; to combine, to think; to count for or as; to impute; to invent; to regard; girdle; artificer. to be heavy; to be dear, precious, costly; to be worth; grave, calm; preciousness, value, price; honor, magnificence; weight; treasure. to spit; to out forth leaves, sprout; to become green; what is green; greens, herbs; greenness, verdure, foliage.

--- existence; substance. --- a strong one; a young lion; a village. --- to be sold; to be delivered up; to sell onself; to be sold; to be addicted. --- nakedness; privy part; empty space. --- (870 w/f); hidden things, treasurers. --- evil-doing. --- friendship. --- (1120 w/f); a thorn-hedge, thicket of thorns. --- (870 w/f); clean of hands (innocent in one's doings). (960 w/f); to pierce or penetrate. --- an axle or pivot; a prince or --chief. --- (870 w/f); naked or stripped. --- to bind or combine; to be crafty or wily. --- to bind or collect to contain.. --- wool. --- a sheaf or bundle; an omer (dry measure of 3 1/2 quarts). 311 > 5 ---

----------312 > 6

- 311 64th prime a man; a strong one; gentleman; a male; a husband; man, a person, men, mankind, inhabitants, citizens, warriors, subjects; people; relations; any one, somebody, each; (see , 301, for Qabalistic discussion). (791 w/f); to press together; to form. pr.n. "Sojourn of Baal". to despair, to give up, forsake. chisel or gouge. tradition (especially orthodox doctrine, contrasted with ) - 312 -

312 = 23x3x13

--- perverse children. --- the occident or west; the place of sunset. --- to be bright, fresh, new; to be polished or sharp; the new moon, new mood day, 1st of the lunar month; month. --- to dry up; to wither; to be drained; to fail, to put to shame; to feel ashamed; dry. --- pr.n. "Baal Contends". --- to take a seat, to sit; to be seated; to wait for, waylay; to remain; to dwell in, inhabit. --- a passing over; a ford; a mountain-pass or gorge. --- exchange of wares, barter; wares; market or mart. --- (872 w/f); pr. n. "Two Hills", a city near Damascus. --- from beyond. 313 > 7

- 313 -

65th prime


pr.n. "Father of Gifts", (323). shame. dust, clod. to hush, to be silent; to be still, quiet.


- 314 314 = 2x157 to tread out, to thresh; to crush threshing; threshing time. to flee, to make haste; to be eager, excited; to be addicted. want, deficiency; need, poverty. a weeding-hook, hoe. (874 w/f); arrangements, order.


- 315 315 = 32x5x7 pr.n. "Stronghold". stiffened or frozen thing; ice; crystal. pr.n. "Combination". to fly, to dart, dash (upon prey). splendid one, a star. pr.n. "Father's Seat". to be, exist; to have being or firmness. pr.n. "Village". in pretense, falsely; fraudulent wealth. a cave or cavern. clearing, clear spot. pasture or feed; pasture-ground; feeding-place (of wild beasts). pr. n. "God's flock". pr. n. "Submersion", Gomorrah (one of four cities sunk in the Dead Sea). (965 w/f); chief of the rulers. guile or cunning; prudence. a heap.

314 > 8

315 > 9

316 > 10 > 1 -------------

- 316 pr.n. "Father of Wandering". support, foundation. pr.n. "Thoughtful". to be needful; to have need. pr.n. "Honeyed". green thing.

--- to fill up after the Lord (to follow Yahweh fully). ---------

nakedness or penis. blindness. (1776 w/f); crime of the end (i.e. fatal). (876 w/f); naked; barely clad, ragged; half dressed.

316 = 22x79

--- sly or crafty; prudent, sagacious. - 317 -

317 > 11 > 2 ----------------318 > 12 > 3 ------------------319 > 13 > 4 ---------

a stack or shock (of sheaves); grave mound, tomb. a sharp or new sword; pr.n. "New Built". to beat, pound. the dry, dry ground, the dry land. pr.n. "Yah Supports". smallness, fewness. a place sown, a field. the west, westward. - 318 pr.n. "God is Help". to hasten; haste; hastily, speedily. pr.n. "God Will Sow" or "God Will Scatter". to unite; race, family. pr.n. "He Returns". to fail, sink; the sinking (stomach at hunger). rest or quiet. (878 w/f); the nostrils. pr. n. "God's Help". - 319 -


318 = 2x3x53

319 = 11x29

pr.n. "Haste". to stretch out. rest, resting-place. Moab's city (capital of Moab). - 320 -

320 > 5

66th prime

320 = 26x5

diadem-stones (crown jewels). dear, precious; weighty, difficult; noble, eminent. pr.n. "He Praises". pr.n. "Gift", the father of king David. (880 w/f); to eat off, devour. to keep or guard. (970 w/f); pr. n. "Nebo the Chief Ruler" (a general of the army of Nebuchadanezzar). to growl or roar (as a young lion). to stir, to shake. roughness (of voice); puberty; youthfulness or youth. a shaking out or scattering; straying or scattered flock. boyhood or youth. to extirpate; to castrate.


(880 w/f); pr. n.

"Watchful". naked or stripped. a swath or heap; a sheaf or bundle. pr. n. "Sheaf-like", a king of Israel. to be young or vigorous; pr. n. "Manly". (970 w/f); pr. n. "Watchful". - 321 -

321 > 6 -----------------

321 = 3x107

pr.n. "Manly". coil up; roll up. (801 w/f); to bind, to knit together. string; testicle, sexual use of testicle. pr.n. "Yah Presents". pr.n. "god Heals". pr.n. "Level". treatment or cure; a remedy; restoration or health; deliverance; quietness, placidity (of mind or speech).

--- (881 w/f); the shadows flee. - 322 -

322 > 7 -


323 > 8

322 = 2x7x23

pillar, prop. (972 w/f); a foreigner. pr.n. "Field of Settlement". pr.n. "New". need, necessity. pr.n. "He Shares" or "Dry". pr.n. "Yah supports". (882 w/f); pr.n. "People's Contention", Jarobam --- founder of the kingdom of Israel. pr.n. "He Restores". to tread, trample on, to subdue, to cleanse; to subjugate; to force (a woman), rape; to glow, to burn; to tread on, to leap on, to propagate; a footstool; a he-lamb, a young ram. a he-lamb. (882 w/f); passers by. pr. n. "Hebrews" (those descended from Eber, see 282). pr. n. "Crossings" or "Passes". (972 w/f); pr. n. "Passage".

- 323 --- pr.n. "Father of Gift"; (313). --- pr.n. "Warrior". --- (973 w/f); pr. n. "Plotter" or "Subduer".

323 = 17x59

- 324 -

324 > 9 ---------

pr.n. "Hasty". (974 w/f); want, deficiency. to cut in; to encroach; pr.n. "Encroacher". (1044 w/f); persecution.


- 325 325 = 52x13 pr.n. "Yah Regards". (331); pr.n. "Existence of Yah". to be covered (with fat); to be sleek. treatment or cure; a remedy; restoration or health; deliverance; quietness, placidity (of mind or speech). a girl; a young woman; a young wife; a handmaid or servant.


- 326 326 = 2x163 pr.n. "Man of Fame". (1046 w/f); pr.n. "God of Harvest". (332); pr.n. "Yah Heals". pr.n. "Level". to be sunburnt, to be swarthy or black; pr.n. "Sun Burnt", Ethiopia. (976 w/f); a coat of mail. (1536 w/f); crime of the judges (i.e. a matter for the courts). to be awaked or aroused. to be bared, to be uncovered or unsheathed. (886 w/f); asses.

325 > 10 > 1 ---------

326 > 11 > 2

327 > 12 > 3 ----------328 > 13 > 4 -

324 = 22x34


- 327 (977 w/f); seed herbs; pulse, vegetables. an ewe lamb; sheep. a she-lamb. (807 w/f); crowned ones, princes. pr. n. "Passage".

327 = 3x109

- 328 328 = 23x41 pr.n. "Man is Good". (808 w/f); to be dim, dark; to be obscured; to hold, to withhold, keep back; darkness; obscure, mean; Shoel or Hades; misery; ruin; ignorance; wickedness. to conceal, deceive; to waste away, fail; lying, deceit; wasting, leanness; false, apt at deceiving. a grasping; a clod. (888 w/f); to take vengeance. (978 w/f); a pledge or earnest.


- 329 (979 w/f); pr.n. "Sharp Disciplinarian". (889 w/f); in the land beyond the sea. those exhausted by hunger. I will guarantee him.


- 330 330 = 2x3x5x11 (890 w/f); pr.n. "Forests". (810 w/f); arrangements or orderings, preparations. to enclose or surround. straitness or distress. (1140 w/f); to break or force in; to be forcible; to provoke or excite. (810 w/f); pr. n. "Eagle-like", an idol of the Ninevites. pr. n. "Youthful". pr. n. "Wrathful". to rush on (as a tempest); to be agitated. a storm or tempest. castrated, a eunuch; courtiers or royal ministers. (890 w/f); asses; cities. winding or crooked, zigzag. to be gritty or coarse.

329 > 14 > 5 -

330 > 6

- 331 -

331 > 7 --------------332 > 8

329 = 7x47

67th prime

pr.n. "Serpent". pr.n. "to be strong". (891 w/f); pr.n. "Fruitfulness". to be firm, pressed together; tamarisk. pr.n. "Yah Regards". (325); pr.n. "Existence of Yah". pr. n. "Binder in Chains".

- 332 332 - 22x83 --- to bubble up, to boil, be cooked; to ripen; boiled, something boiled or sodden. --- pr.n. "Yah Heals"; (326). --- Nisan (older name of this month, see 170). -----------

333 > 9

to wrap up or cover; to put on or wear; garment. a fortification, citadel; gold ore; pr.n. "Rock Fortress". (1142 w/f); crouching-place or lair. (982 w/f); blindness. be surety for me. - 333

33 = 32x37

--------334 > 10 > 1 ------------335 > 11 > 2 ------------336 > 12 > 3 ----------337 > 13 > 4 ---------

pr.n. "God's Thought". to sit, lie down. darkness. pr.n. "Yah Causes to Dwell". - 334 334 = 2x167 (1054 w/f); pr.n. "Snubnosed". (814 w/f); darkness. Chaldeans; Chaldea; astrologers; magician. to lick or suck; sap, juice, moisture; vigour; a moist or sweet cake. as far as the river. pr. n. "Noble People". - 335 335 = 5x67 (985 w/f); pr.n. "The Stone of Help". mount Sinai. to lick up or swallow. arrangement or order; a row or pile (of wood); an array or line (of soldiers for battle). pr. n. "Servant of Yah". storm or hurricane. - 336 336 = 24x3x7 a Cushite, Ethiopian; pr.n. "Sunburned". to press, to knead; to lick or eat; to be strong or raging; pr.n. "Force" or "Fury". pressure or distress; a seige; mound or circumvallation; a fortification. (896 w/f); waters of Merom (of a lake near the source of the Jordan). (1146 w/f); a race or running. - 337 pr.n. "Wild Beast's Lair". pr.n. "God is Rock". pr.n. "Yah presents". fortification, citadel.

68th prime

- 338 339 = 2x132 --- to enfeeble, relax, prostrate, overthrow; to be prostrate, to succumb; a nerveless or feeble man. --- (898 w/f); to be relaxed; weak, prostrate; to blow, stir up; to scatter, to shake or beat to pieces. --- clothing, a garment; splendid attire; the covering or scales (of a

338 > 14 > 5



crocodile); a wife or spouse, the vagina. to whisper; a whisper, prayer; charm, spell; an amulet. (988 w/f); oak of Moreh. to be bright; affluent; alert. all its coasts.

- 339 --- pr.n. "Humbled by Yah". --- to smite or hammer; to sharpen by hammering.

339 > 15 > 6

340 > 7 --------------------------------------------341 > 8

339 = 3x113

- 340 340 = 22x5x17 to press, to knead; to lick or eat; to be strong or raging; force or fury; a lion; pr.n. "Strong". (900 w/f); pr.n. "King of Exaltation" a nail. (1150 w/f); pr.n. "Flower Cliff". a treading down, a trodden thing. to rub or scour, to polish (metal); to be scoured; to sharpen (by rubbing); to cleanse. mash, broth or soup (what is bruised or broken). pr. n. "Touch" --- of a people sprung from Aram. (900 w/f); pr. n. "Clear Waters". to watch or guard; to keep or observe (a covenant); to hide away. to shine, to be verdant a shoot or sprout; a branch; offspring. to write; to count or tell; to be told or numbered; to recount, tell, declare; to celebrate (as make note with words). to be bright or brilliant. a writer or scribe; a military secretary; a general. writing (as an art); a writing (bill, letter, etc.); a book. a numbering, a census. (a possible root of the word , 335). (1060 w/f); to burn or consume by fire. (990 w/f); pr. n. "Abode Fount", (well in Manasseh near mount Tabor). to be troubled or stirred. (990 w/f); pr. n. "Troublesome". to rouse. - 341 -

341 = 11x31

--- to pass away. --- yester-night; last night; night. --- (901 w/f); to lie wild, waste, desolate; to be laid waste, be condemned; to be guilty, to transgress. --- fault, guilt; trespass; a trespass-offering. --- guilty. (The traditional order of the three mother letters cited in the Sepher Yetzirah

as the mode of the creation. This suggests a similar notion to that of designating Chesed as evil).


a calling together; an assembly or convocation; a reading. a rampart, mound; a fortress, fortification. fair-looking (man). a running. oppression. pr. n. "Firmness". debt or loan; borrowing; usury. a lifting or carrying, a burden or load; a lifting (of the voice), singing or song; an utterance of saying; a divine declaration or response, an oracle or prophecy; a contribution or tribute; longing; pr. n. "Burden". --- ( to be entered, Shin Aleph Mem as the Great Name from the S.Y.") - 342 -

342 > 9

342 = 2x32x19

--- because of me. --- (902 w/f); to smell sweet, be fragrant; balsam tree; balsam scent; spice, spicery. --- a stall or stable (for fattening). - 343 -

343 > 10 > 1 ---


(903 w/f); pr.n.

343 = 73

"Meadow of Vineyards".

--- (903 w/f); to gush out, to rain; to touch, to be tangible; an outpouring, gushing rain, heavy shower; rain; body. --- (993 w/f); pr.n. "Fragrance". --- darkness. --- the stream of a brook. --- (993 w/f); till afterwards, at last.

344 > 11 > 2 --------345 > 12 > 3 ---------------

- 344 to be quick, active. pr.n. "Enchanter" or "Juggler". the place of exile. burner, nettle. - 345 (905 w/f); pr.n. "Rich". on the west of. accident; event or lot. frame-work (in beams or joists). a cooling or refreshing. pr. n. "Earthquake" --- name of a place in Zebulon. height or altitude; a high place as a refuge.

344 = 23x43

345 = 3x5x23

--------------346 > 13 > 4

to turn aside or depart (sunset). to draw out; pr. n. "Rescuer". pr. n. "water saved", Moses. a debt or loan. a book. numbers. (995 w/f); pr. n. "Panic Fount". - 346 -

346 = 2x173

--- hail, hail stones. --- pr.n. of a race in the west and of their land from which purple dye was taken; Hellas (Greeks). --- trespass; trespass-offering; condemnation; idol. --- to move away, depart. --- to feel or touch --- a fountain. --- polished. --- a loan or debt. --- burning or conflagration. --- a desolation; desolateness or gloom. 347 > 14 > 5 --------348 > 15 > 6 -----------------------------

- 347 69th prime (997 w/f); litter, palanquin. pr.n. "Fragrance" of a city in Reuben. a sprinkler or basin (for sacrificial use); a wine bowl. to enter into the siege, to become invested or blockaded. - 348 348 = 22x3x29 (998 w/f); citadel, fortress. to be sharp, bold, strong; to arm the loins; to arm oneself; five; loins, waist; a fifth, to tax one fifth. (908 w/f); trumpeters. (998 w/f); grape seeds; sour grapes. (908 w/f); to be bright, to be affluent; alert. the parts of shame; penis. a seat; a site or situation; a sitting or session; a dwelling; a tarrying or stay; dwellers, inhabitants. exploration, a hidden or deep place, inmost recess. remoteness, distance. perfume, aromatic herb. a misleader or deceiver. an error. to streak or spread over, to paint; to consecrate by unction, to anoint. to measure or portion out.

- 349 -

349 - 16 -> 7


70th prime

pr.n. "Tangibleness". overthrow, defeat. general, captain. incense. a rushing or violent wind. - 350 -

350 > 8 ---------

350 = 2x52x7

to feel, to touch. (910 w/f); to be desolate, laid waste; to set or lay. to totter, to fail; to stumble; to be wavering or faint. to be obstinate.

--- upwards upwards (ever higher), above, over. -----------------

(830 w/f);

to recline or rest. nudity, naked person. pr. n. "Brought Back". silk or silk-garment. a saved or preserved one. to bore or prick out. a sapphire. insight, awareness, intelligence. (In Qabalah, this term is used to (910 w/f);

identify a key word or "intelligence" for each of the 32 parts of the Tree of Life).

----------------------------351 > 9

a possible root of the word , Sephira (335) (910 w/f); pr. n. "Exalted Family", Amram the father of Moses. (910 w/f); the eyelids; beams or rays. to break, to crumble. to be strong or nimble. to be whitish or gray. dust, dry earth, soil. pr. n. "Vigour". vigour or nimbleness; a fawn or young deer, a gazelle. (1070 w/f); to drop or distill. to be dark. to incline or bend. to break the neck; to destroy. the nape.

- 351 351 = 33x13 --- pr.n. "Lesser Region". --- to be evil, dangerous, deadly (of incurable disease or wound, evil day,

morally evil (of the heart).

--- Persians, Persia. --- (911 w/f); pr.n. "Ishim" --- angelic order associated with the 9th Sephira Yesod,(81). (Ps. CIV, 4) --- a stringing together, a cluster, bunch. --- (1001 w/f); to be obscure, dark. --- a window or lattice. --- to be laid waste, to be amazed. --- pr.n. "Desolation". --- pr.n. "Retirement". --- a watch or ward. --- pr. n. "Meritorious". --- to remove, to stray. --- to lend money on usury; a lender or creditor. --- to forget. --- to lift up, raise or heave; to hold up one's head; to carry or wear; to bear sin; to take. 1

Note: 1G-K p. 92

352 > 10 > 1 --------------------353 > 11 > 2 -----------------------

- 352 352 = 25x11 pr.n. "High", "Celestial" (name of a god). (1002 w/f); crushers, threshers; thorny plants. (1002 w/f); to be expanded, level; disgrace. (912 w/f); pr.n. "Fragrant". sacrificial bowl. (1482 w/f); pr. n. "Moerodach is stout-hearted" --- of a king of Babylon. pr. n. "Contumacy to Baal" --- name of a son of Jonathan. desolation or ruin (place of ruins). to blow or breathe. (1002 w/f); in my clouding clouds.

- 353 71st prime pr.n. "God Restores". (1003 w/f); pr.n. "Thoughtful". a window, lattice. (913 w/f); bad grapes, wild grapes. (1003 w/f); pr.n. "Fertile". tottering or weak in the feet. a spicing or seasoning; unguent-pot. a turning away or going back; backsliding, apostasy. for anointing; a portion. to come close, approach; to draw back, give place. to drive, urge on; to exact a debt of; to rule; to be pressed, harrassed; to harass one another; to be wearied, distressed.

--- to attach or seize; to reach, come up with; to overtake; to acquire. 354 > 12 > 3 ----------355 > 13 > 4 -------------------------

- 354 354 = 2x3x59 (1004 w/f); to be fresh, thriving; to be or become fat; to anoint; fat, fertile; full of sap; rich, affluent, mighty; fatness, nourishing food; fertility; fat ashes. (914 w/f); pr.n. "Alert". (1004 w/f); pr.n. "Blooming" or "Court". afar. mistake. - 355 355 = 5x71 resting place, a chamber or cell. pr.n. "Rendezvous". a threshing; object threshed. thought or purpose; skilled work. an oar. cavern or fissure. to forget. to loan or lend (on interest, mostly at 1%); a creditor, usurer. to be desolate or waste; to lay waste. to lift or raise. the Achilles tendon. Sephira. (In Qabalah the name given to any of the ten principle parts or emanations of the Tree of life. Thought to derive from the word (340), "to number" or from (350) out of Ps 19, 1. Some also derive it from (822). The Sephiroth are thought of variously as "principles" (712), as "substances" , (1466) as "potencies", "powers" (710), as intelligent worlds (538), as "attributes", as "entities" (606), or as "organs of the Deity" (100/660)).

--- pr. n. "A Fawn". 356 > 14 > 5 -


- 356 -

356 = 22x89

pr.n. "fortress". (1006 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Dagger". to raise up (a cry). (916 w/f); bands or bonds; pr.n. "Correction" (masculine); (712). pr.n. "Withdrawn"; pr.n. "Patron". to be ill or sickly. they carry. till evening (exclusive).

- 357 357 = 3x7x17 --- human being; man; mankind; the crowd; base men; pr.n. "A Man",

357 > 15 > 6

Enoch. --- (1007 w/f); darkness, gloom. --- shame. --- during a twinkling (for a moment). 358 > 16 > 7 -----------


- 358 358 = 2x179 (368, 758 & 768); fifth, a fifth part. pr.n. "Priest of the Sun" --- a pharaoh of Egypt. (918 w/f); alert. (1008 w/f); to be bright, beautiful; splendour, ornament; a corselet. smeared or oiled, anointed; anointed one (i.e. a king, in Greek , 1480); the Messiah, ( , 660, 1484), the long expected king of Israel. to hiss or whisper; to practice divination, to divine; to auger. to be hard or firm. a serpent; pr. n. "The Serpent" (name of a constellation and a king). incantation, augury, omen. copper or bronze. (918 w/f); smitten of feet, lame.

- 359 72nd prime --- to be sharp or thorny. --- to stretch or spread out; to spread or extend; to scatter; to reject; to leave or allow; to let loose. --- to sharpen.

359 > 17 > 8

360 > 9 -----------------------------

- 360 23x32x5 (1010 w/f); pr.n. "Hastener". (920 w/f); yarns, threads. (1010 w/f); to be sapless, withered, old; to rest, to fall asleep; to sleep; old, last year's; ancient; sleeping; pr.n. "Sleeper". to glow, burn. cotton stuff. an ace. pr.n. "Obstinate" or "impregnable". overseer or guardian (1010 w/f); portico. (840 w/f); to drag or pull, to draw; to continue or prolong; to lay hold of; to sustain or cherish; to march. a drawing out, a sowing; possession. a debt. Amramite. (1170 w/f); to shake or tremble; to fear; to frighten or terrify; to chase away.

- 361 -

361 > 10 > 1

361 = 192

--- hated. --- (1391 w/f); men of thy contention (as contending with thee). --- a king; a head or chief (of a tribe or family); vapour or cloud. - 362 -

362 > 11 > 2

362 = 2x181

--- to tread down. --- a lying down (for sleep), a lying with (for sex); a couch or bed; a bier. --- a burden. 363 > 12 > 3 --------364 > 13 #62; 4 -


365 > 14 > 5



366 > 15 > 6

- 363 363 = 3x112 (1013 w/f); pr.n. "Cloddy". a spreading place (for nets, i.e. a drying ground). (1013 w/f); pr. n. "Fuller's Fount" (well east of Jerusalem in the valley of Kidron, now called Job's well). the salt city. - 364 pr.n. "Sons of Lightning". (1014 w/f); pr.n. "Antelope". (924 w/f); pr.n. "Alertness. his fifty. copper, bronze.

364 = 22x7x13

- 365 365 = 5x73 a menstruous woman. pr.n. "Invention". desolations, devastations; pr.n. "Place of solitudes". pr.n. "Ancient". forgetfulness or oblivion. pr. n. "Overthrower of Nebo", name of a Babylonian captain. an assembly or crowd; a religious assembly, a feast or festival (especially the 7th day of Passover or the 8th of the feast of Tabernacles) . - 366 -

366 = 2x3x61

--- pr.n. "Strong". --- (1016 w/f); combination, reasoning; judgment, penetration; pr.n. "Alliance"; a contriving, device; a contrivance or invention (for war); engines or instruments of war. --- (1016 w/f); needful, necessary. --- (1016 w/f); greenish-yellow (the color of decaying vegetation); paleness, ghastliness.


he or it is. pr.n. "Burning", Chemosh --- an idol or god of the Moabites. (926 w/f); city of Elohim (for Jerusalem). (1176 w/f); terror or horror. (1016 w/f); the plane tree.

- 367 73rd prime --- (1017 w/f); a manikin; pupil of the eye; the midst, the heart, center; darkness. --- prophecy of Yahweh.

367 > 16 > 7

368 > 17 > 8 ---------

- 368 -

breaker. fifth; fifth part; (358, 758 & 768). (848 w/f); darkness; in darkness; a dark place; a shade (dead spirit). to be sapless, dry (as stubble or straw).

- 369 --- pr.n. "Thought of Judgment".

369 > 18 > 9

370 > 10 > 1 ---------------------------------------

368 = 24x23

369 = 32x41

- 370 370 = 2x5x37 (1020 w/f); antelope, rock goat. to gather together, assemble. (930 w/f); to shine, to be bright; opal; pr.n. "Conspicuous". (850 w/f); pr.n. "Retiring". from my youth up to rule; to rule over; to have power or right to do; a ruler or governor. to liken or compare, to propose (a parable), to use (a proverb), to use a by-word or an insulting comparison. a similitude or parable; a proverb; a poem or song (using parallel elements); a satire; an oracle. rule or dominion. likeness. brook of the desert (the Kidron). (930 w/f); maidens. (1020 w/f); pr. n. "Servile", a town in Ephraim. (850 w/f); to cut or stick in; to bite or sting; to vex or annoy; to lend on usury. recline or rest. usury or interest. (1180 w/f); terrible or mighty; fierce or violent; a tyrant. to gnaw or bite. the Great Bear (constellation).

371 > 11 > 2 --------372 > 12 > 3 --------------------373 > 13 > 4

- 371 (931 w/f); to scatter, to toss or whirl about. (1021 w/f); "May it be God's will". pr. n. "Petition" --- of a Levitical city in Asher. a hedge. - 372 to tread down; to be valiant. (932 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Peace". pr.n. "The Sons of Oil" --- kings and priests. pr.n. "His Seat at Nob". (1022 w/f); a furnace. prophecy of God. to spoil or rot. a scorpion; a scourge. to be bright or shining; to be green. growth or vegetation; herb or plant. - 373 -

371 = 7x53

372 = 22x3x31

74th prime

--- pr.n. "Valor". --- to be tossed about, to be shaken, the shaking of earthquake; pr.n. "Earthquake". 374 > 14 > 5 --------375 > 15 > 6 -----------

- 374 374 = 2x11x17 (1184 w/f); a land of saltness --- said of a desert. (854 w/f); to extend the hand with (to be a boon companion). tendril or twig. to beat or pound. - 375 -

375 = 3x53

dominion, might. pr.n. "Purpose of Yah". a cell or chamber. to work or labor; to make, to form or construct. to be shaggy or hairy.

- 376 376 = 23x47 --- (936 w/f); low-land Syria --- (1026 w/f); pr.n. "Swarthland" --- eastern Africa and/or Ethiopia.

376 > 16 > 7

--- (936 w/f); for ever and ever. --- wilderness of Sinai (the desert around Mt. Sinai).


request. (936 w/f); youth or childhood (figuratively of the early times of a nation). to hasten or hurry. to collect or gather. pr. n. "Hairy", Essau the son of Isaac.

- 377 --- the left hand; the left; north. --- pr.n. "Heard by God", Samuel (the prophet).

377 > 17 > 8

377 = 13x29

- 378 2x33x7 --- pr.n. of a region in Armenia; a Jewish descendant of the Kazars; name applied by modern Jews to other Jews speaking a German and Eastern European Hebrew dialect. --- bright metal; burnished copper; gold-brass. --- a garment; raiment.

378 > 19 > 9

--- the oaks of Mamre, the oaks of firmness. --- pleasant for looking at. --- a sending forth; grazing place; business. --- aftergrowth (what springs up spontaneously the third year after sowing). - 379 --- (939 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Peace". --- lentils. --- to sneeze.

379 > 19 > 10 > 1

380 > 11 > 2 -------------------

- 380 380 = 22x5x19 to be wide, roomy; to be well off, prosperous, to be free; broad or wide place, freedom; deliverance, salvation. (1030 w/f); to tongue; tongue, nation. number; fewness or numerableness; a recounting or telling; pr.n. "Number". (940 w/f); Egypt, the Egyptians. to draw or pull off; to reject, to cast off. constellation, Ursa Major. darkness or obscurity. Arkite (inhabitant of the city Arka in Phenicia). my maker.

- 381 --- (1101 w/f); to use magic. --- magician, enchanter.

381 > 12 > 3

75th prime

381 = 3x127


pr.n. "Deliverance", --- earlier name of Joshua. pr.n. "Who is What God is?". (941 w/f); pasture country. until the morning (exclusive). his maker.

- 382 --- (1032 w/f); pr.n. "Searcher". --- (942 w/f); pr.n. "Sweet odor".

382 > 13 > 4

382 = 2x191

- 383 --- (1103 w/f); to stroke, caress.

383 > 14 > 5

76th prime

- 384 --- pr.n. "A Caressing". --- The anointed one or messiah of Yahweh.

384 > 15 > 6

385 > 16 > 7

384 = 27x3

- 385 385 = 5x7x11 --- (945 w/f); pr.n. "Hammered Men". --- pr.n. "Shechinah" --- alternate name for the 10th Sephira Malkut, (496). The primary significance is the Divine Bride or the feminine presence of the divinity. Shechinah is also associated with the spirit of the Sabbath. --- desolation; amazement or astonishment. 2


--- (1505 w/f); also fair of eyes. --- pr. n. "Made of Yah". Note: 2. G-K p. 92

386 > 17 > 6 ---------------

- 386 386 = 2x193 a quiver, grasper, holder. pr.n. "Yah Hastens". pr.n. "Gatherer". (390); pr.n. "Yah Makes". pr.n. "He Delivers", Joshuah (see word play with ). to cause to be at large, to deliver, to help. (1036 w/f); the tongue; language, speech; nation; discourse; tongueshape.

--- the city of the kingdom (the capital). --- (866 w/f); idol-way, idolatry. 387 > 18 > 9

- 387 -

387 = 32x43

--- pr.n. "Work of Yah". -

--- (1107 w/f); to be gathered to one's kindred. - 388 388 = 22x97 hard stone, flint, quartz. to flow forth; to be set free; to stretch or lay along; to be prostrate, weak, sick; to dig; to seek out; to veil, envelop, conceal; a device, a discovery; a spreading out; couch. to blow the trumpet. (1108 w/f); to strip off; to make bare; to draw off, separate; to skim off; what is divided off; a flock. an outspreading or extension from afar, at a distance.

388 > 19 > 10 > 1 ------------389 > 20 > 2 ---------

- 389 pr.n. "Father of Succour". (949 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Peace". to be greasy, fat; to be dull, stupid. (949 w/f); a vineyard is planted.

77th prime

--- (1039 w/f); on the other side of the Arnon. --390 > 12 > 3 -------------------------

(1599 w/f); between the two evenings (time for killing the paschal lamb and for offering daily evening sacrifice).

- 390 390 = 2x3x5x13 pr.n. "Kindness is Returned". pr.n. "Gatherer'. (386); pr.n. "Yah Makes". pr.n. "Saving" or "Salutary". (1110 w/f); to rub off; to make bare or smooth, to polish; to shine. anger; vexation. a stumbling block; an occasion of a fall or harm; temptation or enticement. pr. n. "God is a Deliverer". (950 w/f); waters of Nimrim (see also 340). to communicate or disclose. (950 w/f); to blow or breathe. to wind or coil.

- 391 391 = 17x23 --- (1041 w/f); solitudes, wilderness; darkness. --- (397); pr.n. "Yah is Judge". --- help, deliverance, salvation; victory; welfare, prosperity; a saviour.

391 > 13 > 4


pr.n. "God founds". breath. (951 w/f); at or by the well. (951 w/f); pr.n. "The Inscrutable Height" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter, (620), as the highest of all Sephiroth. There is an indirect association of this title with Solomon.

- 392 --- diligently, carefully, speedily. --- (952 w/f); penises (plural).

392 > 14 > 5

- 393 -

393 > 15 > 6

392 = 23x72

393 = 3x131

--- freedom. --- trumpet. --- pr.n. "Yah is the Oath". --- false balances. --- (953 w/f); drawings (of water); wells, troughs. - 394 -

394 > 16 > 7

394 = 2x197

--- (954 w/f); axes. (The Egyptian hieroglyph for "gods" is three vertical axes). --- a snare or trap; destruction. --- sneezing. - 395 -

395 > 17 > 8

395 = 5x79


pr.n. "Nakednes". pr.n. "Help of Yah". a precious stone, jasper; pr.n. "Bald". cause of offense, occasion of sin; ruin. pr.n. "Causing to Forget" --- of a son of Joseph and a king of Judah. second (in order or rank); twofold, the double; a duplicate or copy; inferior; the later or younger (as opposed to first born). his heart lifts him up (incites him). --- a blast; breathing thing, --- animal; the mind or intellect. --- In Qabalah, the soul associated with Binah, sometimes used for all three of the Higher Souls associated with Keter, Chokmah, and Binah. - 396 -

396 > 18 > 9 ---


pr.n. "God's Name", "His Name Who is God".

--- pr.n. "Yah Saves". --- a stumbling block; an occasion of a fall or harm; temptation or

enticement. --- (956 w/f); rubbings, cleansings (a course of purification). --- (1206 w/f); on or above the earth.


397 > 19 > 10 > 1 ---

(957 w/f); pr.n.

- 397 -

75th prime

"Acacia Meadow".

--- (391); pr.n. "Yah is Help. --- (1047 w/f); deceit or trickery. 398 > 20 > 2 ---------------

- 398 (958 w/f); fifty; armed men, girded men. free. (1118 w/f); what is divided off; flock. (1048 w/f); splendid; wealthy, noble. (958 w/f); distant parts. (958 w/f); perfumes, aromatic herbs. adder or asp. - 399 -

399 > 21 > 3

398 = 2x199

399 =3x7x19

--- a trumpet. --- (959 w/f); plantings of delights. 400 > 4

- 400 -

400 = 24x52

--- Taw. (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , , ; , ). (Taw --- --- 406 --- Mark, Sign, Cross (for marking or signature). --- (960 w/f); pr.n. "Returned to Bread". --- to tread or press down. --- (1120 w/f); to speak softly, mutter; to pray with a low voice; mutter charms, practice magic; sorcery, incantation; a sorcerer. --- to smite, to rend or split; pr.n. "Fissure" or "Chasm". --- Manassite. --- (960 w/f); nudities, naked persons. --- smallness or littleness; a little one; a few; a little while. --- an awl. --- a teacher, a didactic poem or instructive psalm (often used in the titles of such in the OT). --- pr. n. "Discloser" --- (960 w/f); women. --- a fin (of a fish). 401 > 5

- 401 -

79th prime


pr.n. "Fascination". (961 w/f); men. to curse. sign, portent, token. thou. plow-share, coulter, hoe. self. at; by; with; toward; the particle of directed emphasis: THIS! (first and last Hebrew letters, like & ). --- pr.n. "Salvation of Yah". --- restraint or control. 402 > 6 ---



(1121 w/f);

- 402 402 = 2x3x67 (1056 w/f); pr.n. "The Long Face", "Macroprosopon" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter, (620), it signifies that Keter is the head of the body of the Primordial or Heavenly Man (161/721) formed by the 10 Sephiroth. (406); to come; to bring; to be brought. to befall; to go; to pass away. to search for, to seek after, wish for, to choose. to sever; be clean (physically), polished, pure (morally); to prove or test. daughter; grand-daughter; female descendent; adopted daughter (often maintained as a servant/slave until married in Near Eastern countries) ; young woman; disciple; inhabitant (of a city); measure of liquids (bath ='s 8 1/2 gallons). (1052 w/f); pr. n. "Level" (a town in Judah). spider.

403 > 7 -----------

- 403 403 = 13x31 pr.n. "Hollow Passes"; (415). pr.n. "God's Thought". to collect, to snatch away; to saw; to gurgle, to chew the cud; to roll; pr.n. "Circle". wine press, trough (of a wine press). fortified cities.

--- (2173 w/f); so shall he startle many nations. - 404 -

404 > 8 -----------

pr.n. "Emptier". geese; fowl. to gleam, glitter; to turn, drive about, sweep along. mandate, edict; law, statute; a spring. (1054 w/f); pr.n. "Affluence".

404 = 22x101

- 405 -

405 > 9 ---------

405 = 34x5

tender grass. to rise, to be high, to swell; mountain. pr.n. "Yah is Judge". terror; a crash (as striking terror).

--- the loan of every hand (loan pledged by hand). --- booty or prey. --- caller and answerer (i.e., every living person).

406 > 10 > 1 --------------------407 > 11 > 2 ----------------408 > 12 > 3 -------------

- 406 pr.n. "God Made". to kiss; (450). (402); to bring; to be brought; to come. to befall; to go, pass away. thou. (1056 w/f); a stumblng or fall, ruin. restraint or hindrance. (1056 w/f); pr. n. "Gazellelike". pr. n. "A couple of Gazelles". pr. n. "God has made".

406 = 2x7x29

- 407 407 = 11x37 pr.n. "God-given" --- Persian name. to cut in; to engrave or mark; to be willing; to agree; to come in; to be, to exist. a characteristic; sign; token of proof (Sabbath, circumcision, sacrifice, etc.); military ensign; memorial, monument; warning, premonition; prodigy, wonder or miracle. (401); existence, being; self. ( - - --- literally: The first letter ( ) AND ( ) the last letter ( )). entreaty. to break up, destroy; desolation. to sneeze; to bind, gird up, be active, nimble. (967 w/f); fierce of face. - 408 408 = 23x3x17 to pass the night, lodge, house. mermaid. a prickly or thorny plant, calltrop, thistle. this. to be angry. to glow, to burn; to be purified or refined; to be noble, free-born; to

be dry, parched up; sun-burnt place, arid spot. --- to hold, bind together; to be attached to; to love warmly; attachments, connecting rods or poles; attachment, delight; spoke of a wheel. --- broken; panic-struck; fear, dread; pr.n. "Object of Fright", Hittite. - 409 --- One (1); first; once. --- to descend. --- pr.n. "Brightness".

409 > 13 > 4

80th prime


- 410 410 = 2x5x41 pr.n. "Ararat", Kurdistan, --- name of the mountain of the landing of the Ark of Noah. pr.n. "Emasculated", "Eunuch". rising, mounting up of smoke; loftiness, vaunting; ornament, splendor. wheeling about; a swift, swallow; freeness, spontaneity; release, freedom. to excavate, hollow out; things cooked or baked in a pan. to conceive, to think; conception, thought. pr.n. "Yah is Judge". to lay snares. (sign of the accusative case). dominion or lordship (1220 w/f); causer of terror, awe-inspirer (said of God). (1220 w/f); a haven or inlet. (1130 w/f); fining-pot or crucible. (970 w/f); large-testicled or lusty, stallions. (1060 w/f); habitation; lair or haunt; the grave; a tent; the tabernacle; temple. (970 w/f); an intimate or friend; pr. n. "Pious". to cleanse. to carry or bear. to be shut up; to be hindered or restrained; to be assembled. (970 w/f); clouds.


- 411 411 = 3x137 turnings or surroundings; circumstances or causes; account; (417). being, existence; possession; there is, there was. pr.n. "God Saves", Elishah. pr.n. "Mountaineer". thou. pr.n. "With Yah". to haste.

410 > 5 -------------------------------

411 > 6

--- 10th Hebrew month (January new moon to February new moon), wintermonth; pr.n. "Pleasantness". --- a spoiling or plundering. --- on the left --- pr. n. "Load" or "Burden". --- pr. n. "Made of God". 412 > 7 ---


- 412 412 = 22x103 any building; the letter Bet (2); covert, house, tent, hut, castle, palace, temple, house; place; netherworld; haunt; nest; cobweb; box, case, receptacle; inside, within; house as: wife, children, people, servants, tribe. new. pr.n. "He Forsakes". to sit. - 413 -

413 > 8 ---------------

(973 w/f); pr.n.

"Egyptians' Meadow" or "Egyptians' Mourning".

female enemy. pr.n. "God of Oath", Elisabeth. bald forehead; baldness or bare place on the right side of cloth. this. to sneeze. to haste, to snatch up; terror. - 414 -

414 > 9 ---------------

413 = 7x59

414 = 2x32x23

to fear. meditation, thought. a resting, a keeping quiet. pr.n. "Irascible". to be afraid, terrified; to surround, encircle. to pierce, stick in; a peg, pin, nail; a small spade or shovel; a prince. (1064 w/f); pr. n. "Whisperer" or "Enchanter".

415 > 10 > 1 ---------------

- 415 415 = 5x83 hollow passes (403). noble judge (a name of office in the Babylonian kingdom), astrologers of (the god) Adar. sister; female relation; woman of the same tribe or people; an ally. treacheries. my mountain (Zion); mountaineer. to be thick, strong. fasting; fastingly; without food; to be sticky, slimy; to coil; serpent; the letter Tet.

--- dominion, rule (figuratively of the sun and moon); province, realm; princes, rulers --- a doing or performing; deed or action; a work or production; work, property. --- from or of littleness, very small. --- a bough or branch. --- (975 w/f); the brook of willows. 416 > 11 > 2 ---------

- 416 pr.n. "Possession". haughtiness. a fowler. (1066 w/f); a desert or waste.

416 = 25x13


- 417 417 = 3x139 (plural of (5); turnings or surroundings; circumstances or causes; account of; (411). pr.n. "god is Salvation". thou. pr.n. "Daughter of Yah". shining; brightness; olive tree; the olive. stripes, streaks (of a tiger). sinfulness; sinner; idol; sin offering; punishment of sin. pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). (1067 w/f); pr. n. "Adherent of Nebo" (a chief eunuch of Nebuchadnezzar)


- 418 418 = 2x11x19 sinfulness; sinner; idol; sin offering; punishment of sin. to surround, encircle; a wild beast; the letter Chet. (8) pr.n. "Object of Fright", Hittite. pr.n. "union". pr.n. "He Sports", Isaac (rare form of this name, see 208). to beat with a club. pr.n. "Sun Cliff". forwards.

417 > 12 > 3 -----------------

418 > 13 > 4

- 419 -

419 > 14 > 5

81st prime

--- pr.n. "Slaughter". 420 > 6

- 420 --- a quiet or retiring man. --- valleys. --- cutting, hewing.

420 = 22x3x5x7

--- (980 w/f); pr.n. "The People is Spread Out". --- to dig, to cultivate; to go round, to roll, to turn; to dance or skip about. --- pr.n. "Deliverance", Mesha (the king of Moab c. 900 BCE who set up the Moabite Stone). --- pr.n. "My Work". --- the temple (with its buildings). --- (980 w/f); uses of parables or proverbs, poets. --- a cleansing. --- city of the kingdom, the capital. -------------

pr. n. "Burdensome". to urge or constrain. a mulet or fine; a war-contrIbution. (1070 w/f); to smoke. smoke, vapor, breath. smoking. - 421 -

421 > 7 -----------------

82nd prime

there is. (1071 w/f); pr.n.

"Support". pr.n. "Yah Hears". mountaineer, highlander. pr.n. "Strong". pr.n. "Festive". a vision, revelation; sight, view; conspicuousness; covenant. pr.n. "God Makes".

--- the ox-goad 422 > 8

- 422 -

422 = 2x211

--- pr.n. "Burning". --- (982 w/f); pr.n. "The People Returns". --- to carve or engrave (on a wooden tablet); to write; to describe by writing; to prescribe or enjoin; to subscribe (as a witness); to write down, record; a writing or letter; a book; a writing, inscription, document, edict. --- pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). 423 > 9

- 423 423 = 32x47 --- corners (of an altar); corner columns. --- the kidneys. --- pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon).

424 > 10 > 1 -------

- 424 424 = 23x53 pr.n. "Well Born". girded. life; pr.n. "Living Ones", Chiaot --- the angelic order associated with the 1st Sephira Keter,(620); the celestial beasts of Ezekiel. Chiaot is (927) in Greek . life. love, friendship; a beloved object. 3


Note: 3. G-K p. 93

- 425 -

425 > 11 > 2 -----------

425 = 52x17

sisters. confidences, tranquillity. (905 w/f); pr.n. "Verity". pr.n. "Work of Yah", Mishiah. the anointed prince, messiah.

- 426 426 = 2x3x71 --- pr.n. "Pleasantness". --- to conserve, keep safe; pr.n. "Hiding Place". --- (1076 w/f); pr. n. "Settlement", Ekron (northernmost of the 5 chief cities of the Philistines).

426 > 12 > 3

- 427 -

427 > 13 > 4

427 = 7x61

--- beat to pieces. --- (987 w/f); pr. n. "Help Rises". --- (1237 w/f); the sufferers or poor of the land; pious or humble, meek. - 428 -

428 > 14 > 5

428 = 22x107

--- weeping. (988 w/f); pr.n. "Chashmalim" --- angelic order associated with the --4th Sephira Chesed, (72). (Ezek. I,4). --- (908 w/f); to cut or sever; to decide. --- (1148 w/f); a peeling off or barking. --- offense or scruple of conscience, compunction. --- bloodshed. 4

Note: 4. G-K p. 91

- 429 429 = 3x11x13 --- pr.n. "Mare Village". --- judgment; judgment-seat; sentence; a suit or cause; right; a law; a

429 > 15 > 6

privilege, a right or due; a custom or manner; style. 430 > 7 -----------------

----431 > 8 -------------

- 430 430 = 2x5x43 pr.n. "God Judges". to be about to be smashed; to be destroyed. to come (or be) late; after (late) grass. to lay down, to bring forth, to bear. (1080 w/f); fatness (of body); fertility (of soil); firmness. to breathe, to live; to take breath, to be refreshed. breath; the vital or animate principle, life; the animal spirit; rational life, the soul or mind; a living being or thing; a person; self; odor or fragrance. this is the "animal soul" of Qabalah, associated with Yesod on the Tree of Life. It is said to be poured out with the blood (Gen. XII,13; Judge. XVI, 30; Is. LIII, 12.). It is also the seat of hunger, thirst, satiety, weariness, loathing and similar nonsocial physical drives. (1150 w/f); to breathe or blow. evening, night; dawn (all from the concept of a time of day when the winds rise). - 431 83rd prime pr.n. "God of the Bow". (911 w/f); a melting. pr.n. "Hiding Place". pr.n. "Work of Yah", Mishiah. (1081 w/f); pr. n. "Giant's Back Bone", a sea port on the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea. to sacrifice to Yah. - 432 -

432 > 9 -----------

432 = 24x33

weeping. lack, nothing. to separate, seclude. heaviness; difficulty. at cost or risk of life.

- 433 84th prime --- a carrying away, captivity, exile; exiles, captives. --- a family; a race; a people or nation, a tribe; a kind or sort.

433 > 10 > 1

434 > 11 > 2

- 434 434 = 2x7x31 --- door; the letter Dalet; pages, columns (of a roll or scroll). --- childbearing. --- a warrior

--- (1244 w/f); pressed in the ground. --- (994 w/f); the womb. --- (1084 w/f); pr. n. "Well of the Close" (in Naphtali). --- pr. n. "Almighty's People". 435 > 12 > 3 -------------

- 435 wreathen work; something laced together. to mock, deride; mockings, derision; mockers. the Jewish language; pr.n. "Praised", Judith. (441); pr.n. "Yah hears". pr. n. "Fatness". (915 w/f); the king's scribe, royal secretary. - 436 -

436 > 13 > 4

435 = 3x5x29

436 = 22x109

--- with, by. --- a very little time. --- slandering - 437 --- wrongness; folly; godlessness.

437 > 14 > 5

438 > 15 > 6

- 438 --- pr.n. "Horses Nose". --- to bind, surround; to swathe. --- to spread or stretch out.

437 = 19x23

438 = 2x3x73

--- clothed in splendid array. --- (998 w/f); closing of womb, barrenness. - 439 -

439 > 16 > 7

85th prime

-pr.n. "Abode of God"; "Man of God". -carrying away; captivity or exile; exiles or captives. -lionesses. -- (1249 w/f); good is wisdom more than gold, wisdom is better than - gold -(999 w/f); the most violent nations. - 440 -

440 > 8 --- place of olives.

440 = 23x5x11


"Hiding". to jest, mock; to be high. to flow or distill. to be bitter, to be in grief; to make bitter; to embitter; to do bitterly or grievously; to exasperate or provoke. bitter herbs; bitter things or hardships. to hold or possess. possessor or heir. a running about (said of locusts). a man. a dying person; a dead person or a corpse. dead. pr. n. "Cheerful". (1000 w/f); after the name.


- 441 pr.n. "palmgrove". hind. (1091 w/f); without number. firmness; certainty; faithfulness; truth; true heartedness. (1001 w/f); ye. pr.n. "Boundary of the Sea". coal (burning). to turn aside. pr.n. "Yah Hears"; (435). from within. to blow up a fire. (1561 w/f); Among the Ephraimites.

441 > 9



442 > 10 > 1 ----------443 > 11 > 2 -----------

(1090 w/f); pr.n.

- 442 -


442 = 2x13x17

aloe trees. not; without, besides; besides that, unless. a running sore, ulcer. (1652 w/f); between straits, in distress. the valley of the blessing (south of Tekoa, now called Bereikut). - 443 virgin; betrothed virgin; cities; countries. pr.n. "Revealer". baseness, abjectness. bandage, swaddling band. to draw in or hold back.

86th prime

--- a bit or curb (harness part). 444 > 12 > 3 --------445 > 13 > 4 --------------------------446 > 14 > 5 --------------447 > 15 > 6 ----------448 > 16 > 7

- 444 444 = 22x3x37 branches, boughs. to be active, quick; pr.n. "Activity", Damascus; damask. (Damascus: "a city so fruitful and fair as to be often called Paradise"). bandage. a holy thing; a holy place, sanctuary; the temple; an asylum. - 445 -

445 = 5x89

to soil. pr.n. "The Snake Stone". pr.n. "Hilly". runners; dromedaries. turnery (of wood or metal). a cucumber-field. turning or twisting (of the hair). bile or gall. bitterness or acerbity. a calf of the stall (i.e. fatted calf). a cup-bearer or butler; butlership; drink; a well-watered region. to extend, to be full growth. a calf of the stall, (a fatted calf, such as is produced in modern times for veal by confinement and force feeding). - 446 446 = 2x223 pr.n. "God Commeth". (1166 w/f); an unclean bird, twilight or evening bird, owl or a bittern or heron. a noose or snare; a ring (in the snout for fastening a beast); a plot, stratagem; a plotter. to die (of natural causes); to wither up (of a tree); to lie waste (of a field); to faint (of the heart); to perish (of a state). death; place of the dead; destruction or ruin. death. a hollow way or narrow pass. - 447 strength, force; help. pr.n. "Palm Grove". pr.n. "God Commeth". pr.n. "I Magnify (God)". (1007 w/f); pr.n. "An Olive Tree". - 448

447 = 3x149

448 = 26x7


pr.n. "Heights of Baal". pr.n. "Citadel", "Fortress"; a skin bottle; bagpipe, shepherd's bottle; sack; pr.n. "Warm Spring". (1008 w/f); to enclose, shut up, wrap; to seal up; a seal; seal ring; perfection. pr.n. "Grasping". a derision or laughingstock. to turn away or thwart justice. to stretch or extend. to pervert judgment.

- 449 87th prime --- cover, sheet, cloak (similar to Roman pallium); Tallith (fringed prayer shawl).

449 > 17 > 8

450 > 9 -----------------------------------------

- 450 450 = 2x32x52 (49); to make oneself like --- (also refers to silence, desolation and thought). pr.n. "Activity", "To be Level and Lovely", Damascus; (444). resemblance, likeness; image; model; shape, form; like. female child. childhood, youth; young men. (1010 w/f); to be desolate, bereaved; I close up to surround or enclose; a wall. (930 w/f); to pour out; a measure (for grain: 1/2 a or 44 gallons). a pan, a frying pan. poising or balancing (of the clouds). pr. n. "Bitter" or "Unhappy" --- of a son of Levi. a hearing or report. (1010 w/f); pr. n. "Cleansing". when?, when. to snare or trap; to be snared. to kiss. to bend or use (a bow); to arm (oneself). weapon; armour, arms; an armory. to be kindled. Nuit.

--- (1010 w/f); bone from my bones. 451 > 10 > 1 ---------

- 451 (1011 w/f); complete. pr.n. "God Hears". pr.n. "Truthful". to incline to, to meet.

451 = 11x41


(1101 w/f);

to take short steps. --- persistent.

ye. to mock or deride. pr.n. "God Hears", Ishmael. loops. snare, plot. (1011 w/f); pr.n. "Shinanim" --- angelic order associated with the 6th Sephira Tipheret,(1081). (Ps. LXVIII, 18) 5

Note: 5. G-K p. 91

452 > 11 > 2 -----------

- 452 452 = 22x13 pr.n. "God is Existence". (42); handmaid, maid servant, female salve. heights. to abandon. sister in law; a brother's wife; a husband's brother's wife. (Important because of the requirement of raising up a son to such in the brother's name if the brother dies without issue).

--- within. --- to tread or trample. 453 > 12 > 3 ----------454 > 13 > 4 ----------455 > 14 > 5

- 453 beasts; Behemoth; hippopotamus, Nile-horse. (1013 w/f); pr.n. "Two Winepresses". fire pan or censer. a curshing, destruction; terror, dismay. breath of life.

453 = 3x151

- 454 454 = 2x227 (1104 w/f); pr.n. "Given"; pr.n. "Two Cisterns". (1014 w/f); signet ring; pr.n. "Seal". mother in law. pr.n. "Abounding in Slabs" or "Abounding in Boards". harvest heap. - 455 -

455 = 5x7x13

--- pr.n. "Theft". --- sighing. --- pr.n. "Orphanhood". 456 > 15 > 6

- 456 -

--- thou. --- present, reward; harlot's hire. --- ye.

456 = 23x3x19

--- (1016 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is perfect". --- days. --- (1016 w/f); an orphan; a fatherless child. 457 > 16 > 7 --------458 > 17 > 8

- 457 (1107 w/f); she-ass, jenny. we come. hundreds. bond and free (i.e. everybody). - 458 -

88th prime

458 = 2x229

--- daughters. --- (464); pleasant things, delights; pleasantness. --- (1108 w/f); to enclose, combine, join affinity; father in law; bridegroom; son in law; marriage relation. --- in his death. --- pr. n. "Fruits". --- to descent; to sink deep; to come down on; to press down; to level; --- a letting or bringing down (of the arm to strike); a spread or supply; rest, quietness. --- to cut up or sever; to dismember. --- a piece (of flesh). 459 > 18 > 9

- 459 -

459 = 33x17

--- city of refuge (for homicides) 460 > 10 > 1 --------------------461 > 11 > 2 ---------

- 460 460 = 22x5x23 (1110 w/f); pr.n. "Fowler". (1110 w/f); to reach out, extend; to be perennial, constant. to hide. (1020 w/f); to make spots; to soil; to carve or mark; gold, bright gold. to cause to die, to put to death; to kill (of disease). Nuit. (1020 w/f); lordships, rulers bitter; dire (of a plague). (1110 w/f); a prop or stay. to be refractory or rebellious - 461 89th prime (1111 w/f); very extended, lasting; constant; continuity, constancy, strength; firm, durable; might ones, nobles; rocks. pr.n. "Persistent". pr.n. "Munificent". (1111 w/f); pr.n. "Elevation".

--- (1271 w/f); a crucible of earth. - 462 -

462 > 12 > 3


--- (1112 w/f); palace. --- writing, a writing, an edict; a prescript or plan; a letter or epistle. --- trodden. 463 > 13 > 4 --------------464 > 14 > 5 --------465 > 15 > 6 -------

- 463 90th prime pr.n. "Protection". transparency, clearness; glass, crystal. I have proposed; my thoughts. whoredom; idolatry; unfaithfulness, rebellion (against god). espousals, nuptials. altars. pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race. - 464 (1114 w/f); pr.n. "Two Cisterns". pleasant things, delights; pleasantness. cell, vault; a sighing, a cry for pity. pr.n. "Pleasant".

464 = 24x29

- 465 465 = 3x5x31 pr.n. "Brother of Death". a breaking or smashing. (945 w/f); pr.n. "King Solomon" --- general interpretation in the Zohar and Talmud. pr.n. "King of Peace" --- used in Zohar for instances in the "Song of Songs". staff or support. 6




--- the judgments of Yahweh. --- a kiss. --- to pour or shed forth. Notes: 6. G-K p. 90 7. G-K p. 90

466 > 16 > 7 -------------

- 466 skull, head; individual. branches, boughs. pr. n. "Pastures". pr. n. "Dwellings". to set or lay on. garment.

466 = 2x233

--- rainy season, winter. 467 > 17 > 8 ----------468 > 18 > 9 ---------

- 467 (1117 w/f); ingress, entrance. without prescription, without limit. (1117 w/f); pr.n. "Olive Tree". a foot-path. pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race.

- 468 468 = 22x32x13 a prince's daughter. spear. (948 w/f); to anoint for king. pr. n. "Heights" (a people in Arabia Petraea, probably Nabatheans).

469 > 19 > 10 > 1 470 > 11 > 2 -------------------------------

- 469 -

- 471 --- pr.n. "God of Birth". --- fullness (of waters); the setting or bezel (of a ring). --- powders or spices.


469 = 7x67

470 = 2x5x47 - 470 darkenings, obscurations; eclipses of the sun. surname, official title; a colleague; an appointment or office. (1120 w/f); to stretch out; to spin. (1120 w/f); the second priest. a weighing; weight. (950 w/f); to pour out; to be poured out; to be melted. to wind, to twist or wrest. perverse. bare or naked. to enclose or encircle. to sprout or vegetate. to oppress; to cheat or defraud; to overflow. pr. n. "Oppression". pr. n. "Strife". time; timely; now.

471 > 12 > 3

472 > 13 > 4

91st prime

- 472 -

471 = 3x157

472 = 23x59

to fear. pr.n. "Visions". to knit or twist, to bind together;' to complicate or pervert. tangled or interlaced.


an interweaving; cord or band; braid or wreath; tangled to thick bough. - 473 -

473 > 14 > 5 -



ships. (1123 w/f);

pr.n. "Son of Strength".

to touch. heavy rain, torrent of rain.

474 > 14 > 6 ---------

- 474 474 = 2x3x79 a knowing, knowledge; perception, intelligence; Da'at, the latent sephira on the Tree of Life. wisdom, variation on the name of the 2nd Sephira --- (see 73). refuge. (1034 w/f); village of horses.

--- because Yahweh loved --- a witnessing or testimony; an ordinance or precept (God's); to law (especially the ten commandments); style or spirit (of a psalm). --- to be set or prepared.; to make ready. - 475 -

475 > 16 > 7

475 = 52x19

--- a string or cord. --- pr.n. "Hill" --- the birth city of king Saul. (note similarity to Geburah, the name of the 5th Sephira). --- distress. --- to succour. --- now. 476 > 17 > 8 ---------------

- 476 476 = 22x7x17 (1126 w/f); pr.n. "Praising" or "Confessing". separations. pr.n. "King of Help" or "King of Salvation" the later rain --- rain which falls in March and April to bring on the harvest weight. what a weariness. treasure.

--- to exercise royalty or dominion, to reign. ---------

(1036 w/f); to

lay under tribute-service. to awake or rouse; to excite or stir up; to brandish or flourish. to haste (to rescue), to help or succor. to bend or crook, to make bent or crooked; to wrest or pervert, to be

wrong; to turn aside or subvert. --- oppressor. - 477 --- before; yesterday; aforetime; of old. --- fear, terror. --- folly.

477 > 18 > 9

- 478 --- a lyre or guitar; sweet music.

478 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 479 -

479 > 20 > 2 480 > 12 > 3

477 = 32x53

478 = 2x239

92nd prime

480 = 25x3x5 - 480 --- (1130 w/f); pr.n. "Praising" or "Confessing". --- pillows, cushions. --- pr.n. "Lilith"; night spectre, ghost. (Lilith is the succubus in Hebrew tradition. She is said to be the spirit who was wife to Adam before Eve. Lilith is also considered to be the demon of infant death, ostensibly out of jealousy against the daughters of Eve. Legend continues that she was imprisoned beneath a stone at the bottom of the sea by three angels named: , and . Lilith probably descends from a goddess whose shrines were in ruin by the biblical period, possibly akin to Ishtar, Astarte, Ashera or Anath. A Summarian goddess sometimes linked to Astarte is depicted with the attributes of Lilith: a winged maiden with "beehive" hair and owl's feet standing on a leopard or lion. This goddess is usually depicted holding the chord looped in a circle which roughly corresponds to the Ankh in Egypt.)


birth, nativity; offspring; kindred; race. bitterness or sorrow a possession the work days.

--- (1600 w/f); the fugitive poor. -------------------------

(1040 w/f);

stout ones, heroes. fat things or delicacies. when. (1040 w/f); completeness, wholeness or soundness (of body). environs or surroundings. to be silent or still. a witnessing or testimony; an ordinance or precept (God's); to law (especially the ten commandments); style or spirit (of a psalm). pr. n. "Ruin". pr. n. "Heaver". ready or prepared. he-goat; leaders. pr. n. "Timely".

--- timely or opportune. - 481 -

481 > 13 > 4

481 = 13x37

--- to avert. --- a smiting; hammer, mallet. --- a signet, seal ring; a ring. --- pr.n. "Village of the Ammorites". --- wrong or oppression. - 482 -

482 > 14 > 5 -----------

482 = 2x241

glass. because not (1042 w/f); bottles of heaven (figurative reference to clouds). falling or autumn leaves. servitude or bondage. - 483 -

483 > 15 > 6

483 = 3x7x23

--- a wardrobe --- pr. n. "Fond of Repose", a Cushite race. --- ferocities, fiercely. 484 > 16 > 7

- 484 --- white of egg, albumen. --- (1134 w/f); pr.n. "Fountain Village".

484 = 22x112

--- warriors --- the region across the river (east or west side of the Euphrates). --- ready; prepared or skillful. - 485 485 = 5x97 --- the holy places of God's house, the compartments of the temple. --- pr. n. "Yah Succours".

485 > 17 > 8

486 > 18 > 9 -----------------

- 486 Destroying spirit. (1046 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cake". pr.n. "Hadad is Help". a covering, cover; a garment. forks. death. pr. n. "Huts" or "Booths". a tent (in honour of a deity).

486 = 2x35

--- pr. n. "Ruins". --- a town in Edom. --- pr. n. "Helpful". --- pr. n. "Overthrow". 487 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 487 -

93rd prime

--- pitch. --- pr.n. "Signets" or "Impressions". --- planets, wanderers (of the sky). 488 > 20 > 2 ---------

- 488 (1048 w/f); virgin state, virginity. (1138 w/f); pr.n. "Concealment". (1208 w/f); to catch, seize; prey, repine; robbers. pr.n. "Meholathite".

488 = 23x61

--- because of the voice of him that cried. --- the vagina or vulva. --- a possession or heritage. --- pr. n., the Egyptian deity Ptah. - 489 -

489 > 21 > 3

489 = 3x163

--- a drop. 490 > 13 > 4 -----------

- 490 to sever, to single out; pr.n. "Extension". and so forth, etc. food. a queen a part of portion.

490 = 2x5x72

--- (970 w/f); the king's second (next in authority), wazir. ----------------------491 > 14 > 5

(1050 w/f);

men. the dead; idols (as contrasted with living gods). (1140 w/f); to be strong or firm. pr. n. "Firmness". a gift; pr. n. "Gift". round about me. to shake or stir about. fine flower. destitute or forlorn; childless. (970 w/f); to turn in, to lodge. pr. n. "Lodging" or "Inn". - 491 -

94th prime


columns, posts; foster mother. (1141 w/f); tablets of stone. a knife; food; fuel. completion, a sheepfold. gift.

- 492 --- (1142 w/f); straw-heap. --- ear of corn (wheat, not maze).

492 > 15 > 6

492 = 22x3x41

493 > 16 > 7

- 493 -

493 = 17x29

494 > 17 > 8

- 494 -

494 = 2x13x19


pr.n. "Gigantic". a troubling, darkening. a net or snare, a catch to be put to death. the curb (dominion) of the mother-city. - 495 -

495 > 18 > 9 -------------

495 = 32x5x11

the queen. to be astounded; delay, linger. cheerfulness. milky or soft curds; flattering words. the crutch or fork (where the legs branch out); the buttocks. a gift or present, a bribe. - 496 -

496 > 19 > 10 > 1

496 = 24x31

--- reproach. --- (1146 w/f); Levithon; a serpent, crocodile, sea monster. --- Kingdom, the name of the 10th Sephira; (101 & 95). Malkut is (259 + 1150 + 1471 = 2880) in Greek . It corresponds to the Union of the Whole Body of Adam Qadmon (161), although some say to the Anus. --- royal consorts or wives of a king who were of royal birth --- reign --- a kingdom, realm --- royally, in royal state --- his precepts. 8


--- they make deep a revolt. Notes: 8. G-K p. 93 9. G-K p. 93

497 > 20 > 2

- 497

497 = 7x71

--- a message. --- parts - 498 --- pr.n. "He (God) opens".

498 > 21 > 3 -

498 = 2x3x83

--- to venture a trespass against Yahovah. --- pr.n. "Rest". --- burdens, tasks. --- to make war

- 499 --- (1149 w/f); of a truth, truly

499 > 22 > 4 -

- 500 -

500 > 5 ---

95th prime

500 = 22x53

Koph final --- see 20.

--- to burn, blaze; to be burned. --- to bind or begird, to surround, to deck; to fetter. --- (1220 w/f); to cover; to load or burden; the shoulder; the side, border; shoulder piece of the High Priest's Ephod; side space or flank. --- to bite. --- (1060 w/f); a writing, a poem (title in some Psalms). (sometimes considered a mark of concealed meaning in poetry). --- pr.n. "Allotment" --- of a place of the Ammonites whence wheat was brought to Tyre. --- pr. n. "Liberal". --- (1150 w/f); to give. --- pr. n. "Gift". --- (1060 w/f); to close or stop up; to keep secret. --- the congregation of Yahweh. --- (1310 w/f); border-valley (a city in Benjamin). --- to hide or secrete. - 501 -

501 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 21 ---



strong, powerful; well-hipped. (1151 w/f); a Cannanite. to grasp or seize, to appropriate; to marry. to seek after, to desire. (507); a step, going; pr.n. "A Plan". to be straight, even; to be prosperous. to bind.

501 = 3x167



who, which, that which, that; to whom; where. happiness, prosperity. (1151 w/f); present, gift; harlot's hire; fruits, produce. to remove, to shift forward. pr.n. "Hill of Yahweh" --- mt. Zion. pr.n. "God Bestows". --- "the all" --- Said of the ultimate deity by Qabalists. --- (1221 w/f); tribute-money. --- no-time, untimely. - 502 -

502 > 7


502 = 2x251

--- pr.n. "Mistress". --- to cut, pierce. --- to lay open; announce, tell out; tell good tidings, bring good news; to be fresh or cool; to swell out, to be plump; flesh; body; skin; a human being, a mortal; all men, mankind; all living creatures; blood relation; "the parts of shame" --- sexual organs. --- to cut up. --- perverse of heart. - 503 -

503 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 23 ----- (1153 w/f); pr.n.


96th prime


"Snake Stone". pr.n. "With Baal". to crush, pound; crushing; crushed or pounded grain; to drive, chase, send away; divorce; cast out; pillage; a putting forth (of fruit); a yield, product. to bind; to build a bridge. pr.n. "Village of Adar". pr.n. "Moth Destroyer". pr. n. "Heifer". - 504 -

504 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 24 ---

504 = 23x32x7


--- gourd. --- to tread, beat out; lay open, search for, seek, investigate; to be intent, seek often, make inquiries about. --- the middle, midst. --- bands, fillets; plylacteries. --- pr.n. "Reposes" --- of a place. --- pipes or flutes --- a perverse heart. 505 > 10 > 1

- 505 -

505 = 5x101

--- drinking-vessels. --- pr. n. "Gift of Yah". --- to make or declare perverse. - 506 -

506 > 11 > 2

506 = 2x11x23

(for entries using finals, see: 26 --) --- (516); happiness;




pr.n. "Ashera" --- Phoenician and Syrian goddess of blissfulness and fortune. to be slimy, miry; pr.n. "Clay Soil". The knowledge of Yahweh, to know . with, by. portions. a herdsman.

--- (1066 w/f); they inclined not their ear (to listen). --- (1876 w/f); in terribleness of valleys. - 507 -

507 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 27 ----- (1157 w/f); ye.


507 = 3x132



step, going; conduct; a species of cedar. a break, offset (in buildings), a gallery. (513); glad tidings, good news; reward for good news. pr.n. "Golden".

508 > 13 > 4

- 508 -

(for entries using finals, see: 28 ---


508 = 22x127



pr.n. "Mistresses". fir; cypress or pine; spear; musical instrument. pr.n. "Sedgy". driving out, ejectment, expulsion. to be inert, still; to be deaf; to be dumb or silent; to glow, shine, glitter; to be green, to grow luxuriant; an artificer or workman; deaf; a wood, thicket, forest; craft or trade; art, artifice; silence; clay, potters earth; pottery, earthenware; potsherd. --- to bind together, to combine; gatherings; the nave of a wheel. 509 > 14 > 5

- 509 -

(for entries using finals, see: 29 ---




97th prime

swamps, marshes. (1159 w/f); pr.n. "Gardener". pr.n. "Bridge". pr.n. "Deaf"; pr.n. "Craftsmen". (1069 w/f); let our eyelids flow with water (shed tears).

510 > 6

- 510 -

(for entries using finals, see: 30 ---


510 = 2x3x5x17


--- to seize, to take hold of; to take into possession; to inherit; to possess. --- to be straight or direct; to be even; right; upright; level, even; pr.n. "Uprightness"; straightness, evenness. --- (1160 w/f); pr.n. "Strong" or "Permanent". --- to enfold or embrace; to bend or turn aside. --- (1160 w/f); who shall give?, oh that! --- still waters. --- crooked way or place. --- oppression or exaction. --- a settling down. --- (1160 w/f); given or devoted ones. --- to break up. --- (990 w/f); thy precepts. --- an upper room or loft. --- to bind, snare. --- pr. n. "Secretive". --- (1070 w/f); to burn. 511 > 7

- 511 -

(for entries using finals, see: 31 ---


511 = 7x73


--- pr.n. "She is of Nuit" --- name of an Egyptian wife of Joseph. --- an offset, portico, gallery. --- pr. n. "Gift of Yah". 512 > 8

- 512 --- object of aversion.

513 > 9 ---------

- 513 (507); glad tidings, good news; reward for good news. (1073 w/f); pr.n. "Their Smiting" or "Their Touch". a gathering, a cloud. about the time of life.

- 514 --- folds; leaves (of doors).

514 > 10 > 1

515 > 11 > 2

- 515 -

(for entries using finals, see: 35 ---


--- tabernacle of the law.

512 = 29

513 = 3319

514 = 2x257

515 = 5x103

------------516 > 12 > 3 -----------

pr.n. "Blackness". a possession, an inheritance. uprightness. straying or ruin. pr. n. "Yah Gives". pr. n. "Yah hides". - 516 516 = 22x3x43 pr.n. "Happiness" --- name of Phoenician and Syrian goddess of blissfulness or fortune. (1166 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Giver". pr.n. "Strength". foundations (of a building or of the earth); ruins. foolishness.

- 517 --- (522); pr.n. "Possession". --- (1002 w/f); by thine understanding

517 > 13 > 4

- 518 --- plowing; plowing time. --- they rutted. --- warring, fighting; war

518 > 14 > 5

519 > 15 > 6

520 > 7 --------------------521 > 8

- 519 --- pr.n. "Father of Rectitude". --- pr.n. "Brother of song". --- to the Highest they call him.

517 = 4x47

518 = 2x7x37

519 = 3x173

- 520 520 = 23x5x13 a bird, the hoopoe, the rock or mountain cock. pr.n. "The Preserver", Darius. scab. spelt (a cereal grain). pr.n. "Fire" or "Sun", Cyrus; convex, bulging, a belly. to be straight or upright; proper or right; to shoot up or sprout; to thrive. the thread or warp in weaving. to break or crush. society or fellowship; neighbor or fellow-man. (1170 w/f); to be strong. - 521 -

98th prime


(1081 w/f); in

the end, at last. traffic, wares; present, tribute. (1171 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Giver". through visions pr. n. "Yah Gives".

--- round about the tabernacle. --- pr. n. "Audience". --- time. - 522 --- (517); pr.n. "Possession". --- daughter of my people.

522 > 9

522 = 2x32x29

- 523 -

523 > 10 > 1 ---

(1083 w/f);

99th prime

cluster of grapes.

--- fiery darts. --- (1083 w/f); a charge of bloodshed. --- pr. n. "Death Strong". 524 > 11 > 2

- 524 -

(for entries using finals, see: 44 ---




--- till when?, how long?

525 > 12 > 3

- 525 3x52x7 --- r.n. "Jehovah Sabaot" --- divine name associated with the 7th Sephira Netzach,(148). --- and thou shalt cause to shake. --- (1005 w/f); to throw up a rampart. 10

--- (1485 w/f); thy pain and thy conception. --- (1085 w/f); gnawing the desert. Note: 10. G-K p. 91

526 > 13 > 4 ---------------

- 526 526 = 2x263 pr.n. "Sun" or "Fire", Cyrus. folly. festivals. a splendid or conspicuous deed, a miracle; a sign, proof; portent. (1176 w/f); on the part of. (1246 w/f); a lintel (the upper cross-timber of a door-frame). break ye up the fallow ground.


--- (1646 w/f); like tangled thorns. --- cry or call. --- (1086 w/f); oppressions or violences. - 527 -

527 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 47 ---



pr.n. "Brother of the Dawn". citadels, palaces. widowhood. (1007 w/f); thy brow is copper, thy brow is bronze --- you are brazen faced or shameless. meaning - 528 -

528 > 15 > 6 -------------

528 = 24x3x11

(1088 w/f); terrors. (532);

pr.n. "Stripping Off". silent, still; sultry (of the east wind). seed-land of the Nile. a key. opening of the lips.

- 529 --- pr.n. "Brother of Folly". --- pr.n. "God Opens".

529 > 16 > 7 -

527 = 17x31

530 > 8 ---------------

- 530 lily, bright meadow saffron. pr.n. "Torches". (1090 w/f); bitternesses or sorrows to breathe or blow. breezy; a height or hill. distilling or dropping. my associates.

529 = 232

530 = 2x5x53

--- (1090 w/f); "Abram the Hebrew" or "Abram the Emigrant". --- pr. n. "Powerful". 531 > 9

- 531 -

(for entries using finals, see: 51 --, ) --- (1181 w/f); pr.n. "God

531 = 32x59

is Giver". --- prosperity. - --every pass of the appointed rod (each blow of chastisement). --- opponent or adversary (in a suit).

532 > 10 > 1 ---------

- 532 (536); pr.n. "God of Consternation". pr.n. "God binds". (528); pr.n. "Stripping Off". a monument; stump (of a tree).

532 = 22x7x19

533 > 11 > 2

- 533 -

533 = 13x41

534 > 12 > 3

- 534 -

534 = 2x3x89

--- fever. --- (1014 w/f); the king's sanctuary. --- (1094 w/f); pr. n. "Double Booty", a city in Judah. 535 > 13 > 4

- 535 -

(for entries using finals, see: 55 ---


535 = 5x107

--- to inquire of god, seek an oracle. --- "the King to whom peace belongs" --- from "Song of Songs". (this phrase is a hidden reference to Solomon, as ) . 11

Note: 11. G-K p. 90

536 > 14 > 5 -----------------

- 536 pr.n. "God of Consternation". an upright, distaff. (1186 w/f); because of his name. (1096 w/f); deaths (through diseases or violence); the dead. a kingdom. quarrel or strife. free-flowing myrrh (the best sort). gleanings.

- 537 --- pr.n. "God Makes Happy". --- a mantle or cloak (worn by women). --- (1097 w/f); an accepted person.

537 > 15 > 6

538 > 16 > 7

- 538 -

(for entries using finals, see: 58 ---


536 = 23x67

537 = 3x179

538 = 2x269


--- pr.n. "One Who Snorts and Pants". --- pr. n. "Dwelling of Ptah", the name of an Egyptian people. 539 > 17 > 8 539 = 72x11 - 539

540 > 9

- 540 -

(for entries using finals, see: 60 ---


------------------------541 > 10 > 1 --------542 > 11 > 2 -------------

540 = 22x33x5

and so forth. strongholds or munitions. bill of sale. to divide. (1100 w/f); the loins (as the seat of strength); the waist. to suck, to taste or relish; to be sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable. sweetness; pleasantness. to burn or blaze; to be kindled or burned. (1350 w/f); to break down or destroy; to kill. pr. n. "A Covert". to call or excite. ruin or desolation; shrub or heath. - 541 100th prime pr.n. "God's Binding". pr.n. "God Wrestling" --- Israel, the second name of Jacob. (1101 w/f); the utterance of wickedness. (1101 w/f); valley of giants (south-west of Jerusalem, running from south border of Hinnom valley towards Bethlehem). - 542 pr.n. "Horse Given". pr.n. "God Binds". a hammer; a quarry. breakers, waves (that break on the shore). mouth of the womb (place whence a child breaks forth). gleanings.

542 = 2x271

- 543 543 = 3x181 --- (1103 w/f); pr.n. "Expulsion", "Stranger". --- a liberty or common; the area or precincts; produce or plunder.

543 > 12 > 3

--- (1193 w/f); the country beyond the Jordan, over Jordan. - 544 -

544 > 13 > 4 --

(1104 w/f);

544 = 25x17

pr.n. "Woods of Weavers".

--- pr. n. "Waters of Opening". 545 > 14 > 5 - 545

545 = 5x109

(for entries using finals, see: 65 ---



pimples, blains, blisters. pr. n. "Capital"; pr. n. "Chief". dawn, aurora. a maceration or steeping (of grapes), grape-drink. lordship or empire. biters, teeth. pr. n. "Sweetness". stop not. - 546 -

546 > 15 > 6 -----------




(1666 w/f); Aram (Syria)

546 = 2x3x7x13

of the two rivers (Mesopotamia).


a night watch (3rd part of night). pr.n. "Upright God-ward". possession. thoughts, cogitations (that rise up in the mind); ascendings, goings up or pilgrimages (up to Jerusalem). pr. n. "Capital"; pr. n. "Chief". (1106 w/f); to impose tribute-service on. a saw. sweetness; agreeable, pleasant. crimes of the sword (i.e. matters to be addressed by violence). exploits or achievements. eternity. till death. ruin or desolation; shrub or heath.

547 > 16 > 7

- 547 -

101st prime

548 > 17 > 8

- 548 -


--- a sickle. --- the half; the middle (of the day), noon. --- scurf or scab. - 549 --- the feast of unleavened bread, passover. --- command or empire.

549 > 18 > 9

549 = 32x61

- 550 550 = 2x52x11 --- (560); pr.n. "Baals of Heights". --- even, smooth; upright. --- a falling; ruin (of a man); a trunk (of a fallen tree); a corpse or carcass.

550 > 10 > 1


to tear or pluck to pieces.. an eagle; a vulture. to saw or cut asunder. to tear away; to draw off. scurf or mange; a scorbutic person. - 551 -

551 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 71 ---


551 = 19x29


make deep, ask.

--- pr.n. "Israelite", "God Wrestler". --- possession. --- measure (of liquids). - 552 --- (546); a night watch. --- wall; to be upright, strong.

552 > 12 > 3

552 = 23x3x23

- 553 --- cutting tool; plowshare. --- a candlestick. --- pr. n. "The City of Destruction", Heliopolis.

553 > 13 > 4

- 554 --- wares or merchandise.

554 > 14 > 5

- 555 -

555 > 15 > 6 -


(1275 w/f); double

553 = 7x79

554 = 2x277

555 = 3x5x37


--- (1275 w/f); other money. 556 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 76 ---

- 556 ,

556 = 22x139


--- evenness; a level or plain (especially the plain in Reuben); straightforwardness, honesty.; equity. --- on account of our transgressions. --- castrated. - 557 102nd prime --- pr.n. "God's Reverance". --- wonders or miracles. --- streams of Egypt --- the branches of the Nile in the Delta. 558 > 18 > 9 558 = 2x32x31 - 558 557 > 17 > 8

(for entries using finals, see: 78 ---



braidings or plaitings (of hair). (1118 w/f); to vow vows. (1858 w/f); to grant or show favor. my soul was sad.

- 559 --- (1209 w/f); pr.n. "Expulsion".

559 > 19 > 10 > 1

559 = 13x43

--- (1039 w/f); when thou shalt finish plundering. --- (1209 w/f); pr. n. "Justice Fount." - 560 -

560 > 11 > 2

(for entries using finals, see: 80 --, --- (550) pr.n. "Baals of


560 = 24x5x7 )

the Heights".

--- (1120 w/f); "Knowledge of God". --- pr.n. "Conservative". --- (1120 w/f); crooked ways or places. --- (1120 w/f); temple-bondmen, Nethinim. - 561 -

561 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 81 ---

561 = 3x11x17


--- pr. n. "God's Mighty One". 562 > 13 > 4

- 562 -

(for entries using finals, see: 82 ---


562 = 2x281

--- image or idol; wound; pain or sorrow 563 > 14 > 5

- 563 -

103rd prime

- 564 -

564 = 22x3x47

--- pr.n. "Expulsion". 564 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 84 ----- (1214 w/f); pr.n.


"Sherah's Ear" --- a village. --- pr.n. "Handful of Sheaves".

565 > 16 > 7

- 565 565 = 5x113 --- r.n. "The Smooth Point" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter (620). Especially signifies the instant of emanation before which there was no revelation.

--- (1125 w/f); dainty bits. 566 > 17 > 8

- 566 -

(for entries using finals, see: 86 ---



566 = 2x283

twig, shoot, branch. (1216 w/f); darling honest one. bells (used as trappings for horses and camels). wrestling. counsels. - 567 -

567 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 87 ----- (1127 w/f); pr.n.

568 > 19 > 10 > 1

567 = 34x7


"Scorpion Rise". - 568 -

(for entries using finals, see: 88 ----- (1288 w/f); pr.n.

568 = 23x71


"House of Joseph" ='s the ten tribes. --- holiday garments, festive array. --- to breathe away the soul, to give up the ghost, to die. --- thou puttest on ornament.

569 > 20 > 2

- 569 104th prime --- men of fewness, few men. --- (1129 w/f); valley of the flats (now the site of the Dead Sea).

570 > 12 > 3

- 570 -

(for entries using finals, see: 90 ---




poverty, neediness. a furrow. (1220 w/f); the sill or threshold. pr. n. "My Wrestling", name of the sixth son of Jacob, Neptali, (in Greek: 650,


570 = 2x3x5x19


to feed. to roof or arch over. a bed or couch, a tent-bed. ten. to be rich or prosperous; to abound in; to become rich. riches or wealth. to take the tenth of, to tithe. to move, to be removed; to be advanced (in years), to become old; to let go or make free; to be venerable or stately, noble or splendid. --- bold or arrogant; loose or wicked talk; contumacy, arrogance. --- stately or splendid.

- 571 -

571 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 91 ---

105th prime


--- pr.n. "Black". --- pr.n. "Balance" --- a term in Qabalah describing the principle of two sephiroth, male and female or active and passive, being balanced in a third. Chokmah and Binah balance in Keter. Chesed and Gebruah balance in Tipheret. Netzach and Hod balance in Yesod. The entire Tree of life is studied in this aspect of three balanced triads and a pendant. The three triads are also considered to be balanced in this manner. 12

Note: 12. G-K p. 92

- 572 -

572 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 92 ---

572 = 22x11x13


--- pr.n. "Son of Wickednes". - 573 573 = 3x191 --- a cake of unleavened bread. --- pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon).

573 > 15 > 6

574 > 16 > 7

- 574 -

(for entries using finals, see: 94 ---


575 > 17 > 8

- 575 -

(for entries using finals, see: 95 --) --- (1055 w/f); one crushed

574 = 2x7x41

575 = 52x23

in testicle.

--- ten. - 576 -

576 > 18 > 9

(for entries using finals, see: 96 --) --- (1226 w/f); success, prosperity;


576 = 26x32 advantage, profit.

storehouses, magazines. pr.n. "My Dwellings". pr. n. "Staves". a ten or decad; a tenth; a ten-stringed instrument, a decachord.

577 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 577 -

(for entries using finals, see: 97 ---


106th prime

--- and she suckled him. 578 > 20 > 2

- 578 -

578 = 2x172

--- division, class (especially the 24 classes of the priests and Levites; of the people or of the army); slipperiness; escape. --- leaven. - 579 579 = 3x193 --- pr. n. "Nebo Prince of the Gods" or "Nebo the God of Fire", (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon). --- and David crossed to the other side.

579 > 21 > 3

- 580 -

580 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 100 ---



580 = 22x5x29 ,


pr.n. "Meadow of Beth Ma'akha".

--- a post (for a guard); a ward (for a prisoner); the watch or guard; observance or usage, a rite; treasure (as guarded). --- sword drawn or uplifted. --- sharpened sword. --- a rich man; influential, noble; proud or violent. --- splendid or stately. --- removed (from the breast), weaned. --- ancient. 581 > 14 > 5 -----------

- 581 581 = 7x83 (1231 w/f); pr.n. "God of Restoration". (620), from Keter being the first or "oldest" emanation. mount of Esau. to exalt oneself, to become conspicuous. assemblies. pr.n. "The Aged" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter

--- power!, might! - 582 --- (1142 w/f); and ye shall trample down.

582 > 15 > 6

583 > 16 > 7

- 583 -

(for entries using finals, see: 103 ---

582 = 2x3x97

583 = 11x53


584 > 17 > 8

- 584 -

584 = 23x73

585 > 18 > 9

- 585 -

585 = 32x5x13

(for entries using finals, see: 105 ----- (1145 w/f); pr.n.


"Elohim Sabaot" --- divine name associated with 13

the 8th Sephira Hod, (15). --- burning (especially spices at a funeral) Notes: 13. G-K p. 92

- 586 586 = 2x293 --- (1146 w/f); pr.n. "Seat of Peace" or "Possession of Peace, Jerusalem. --- (1236 w/f); pr.n. "From Sharon", "of Sharon". --- wicker baskets.

586 > 19 > 10 > 1

587 > 20 > 2 -

- 587 107th prime --- (1887 w/f); during a year and years and part of a year, 3 1/2 years.

588 > 21 > 3

- 588 -

588 = 22x3x72

- 589 -

589 = 19x31

--- scab. 589 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 109 ---

- 590 -

590 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 111 ---



590 = 2x5x59


--- pr.n. "Fort of the Crocus", "Border of the Crocus". --- possessions of the heart (i.e. fancies, imaginations). time of appointed season, settled or fixed time; festival; festival --offering; (176/736). --- pr.n. "Splendor". --- (1720 w/f); pr. n. "King's Gift". --- tenth, tenth part. - 591 -

591 > 15 > 6

591 = 3x197

--- a stranger. --- pr.n. "Opened Waters" (a fountain near Jerusalem). - 592 -

592 > 16 > 7

592 = 24x37

--- pr.n. "Swelling". --(1072 w/f); thy people (are) free-will offerings (i.e. volunteers). - 593 -

593 > 17 > 8 --594 > 18 > 9

108th prime

for to flee to Pharaoh's refuge. - 594

594 = 2x33x11

--- cushions, mattresses. - 595 --- pr.n. "Yah Causes to Rest".

595 > 19 > 10 > 1

595 = 5x7x17

--- (1155 w/f); "He who sits upon the Cherubim" --- God. - 596 596 = 22x149 --- (1156 w/f & 586/1146); pr.n. "Seat of Peace" or "Possession of Peace", Jerusalem. --- the fraudulent man. --- sloth.

596 > 20 > 2

- 597 -

597 > 21 > 3

597 = 3x199

(for entries using finals, see: 117 ---

598 > 22 > 4


- 598 --- what at the first. --- (1248 w/f); whole (unhewn) quarry stones.

598 = 2x13x23

599 > 23 > 5

- 599 -

109th prime

600 > 6

- 600 -

600 = 23x3x52

(for entries using finals, see: 120 --, --- Mem final (See 40).


a nurse, wet nurse. pr.n. "Splendor". sacrificial dish, libation-bowl. (1160 w/f); settling of water (cleared water, by standing). exultation or rejoicing. - 601 -

601 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 41 ---

----------602 > 8


; 121 ---

110th prime )

green plants or herbs. to burn, to glow. to make firm; to be strong. to go about; place; room. (1161 w/f); thou wast naked and nakedness. - 602 -

602 = 2x7x43

--- to cut, hew. --- to bring evil on. --- to cut to pieces, split; after; piece, part. - 603 -

603 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 43 ---

603 = 32x67


--- in place of. --- to touch, feel; grope for. --- pr.n. "Bridge". 604 > 10 > 1

- 604 -

(for entries using finals, see: 44 ---


604 = 22x151


--- roll, scroll; letter or epistle. 605 > 11 > 2

- 605 -

(for entries using finals, see: 45---


; 125 ---

605 = 5x112 )

--- luxuriant, mantling, noble; glory. --- pr.n. "Chaldean's Land" --- of the 3rd son of Shem. --- lady, mistress. - 606 -

606 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 126 ---




pr.n. "Pasture Land"; a drift, float, raft. one skilled in the law, a judge. (1256 w/f); one of his rulers entities. (a way of considering the nature of the Sephiroth). bones (especially of the dead). strong defenses, bulwarks. - 607 -

607 > 13 > 4

(for entries using finals, see: 47 --, --- 601); green plants or


606 = 2x3x101

111th prime


herbs. white spots (on the skin) --- a symptom of pro-forma "leprosy". a wall. the little finger; a span. pr.n. "Star". spoil in plenty.

608 > 14 > 5

- 608 -

(for entries using finals, see: 48 ---


608 = 25x19


--- cypress or pine; nourishment, food. --- to cut in, engrave, inscribe; to shine, glitter; to be green; pr.n. "A Wood" or "A Thicket".


to be dry, withered, hard; dry grass; hay. to break through, to break into. (1088 w/f); thy foot steps. to journey or travel. pr.n. "Traveller" --- name of Abraham's father and of a station in the Wilderness. - 609 -

609 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 49 ---



609 = 3x7x29 ,


pr.n. "Dove Cotes". pr.n. "Wells". place of sojourn, an inn. quarter master (in the sense of one who finds and prepares quarters). - 610 -

610 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 50 ---



610 = 2x5x61 ,

; 130 ---




junction; companion, wife. greenish, yellowish; yellowness (of gold). to be sapless or withered, dry or hard; old, aged, ancient. to fall or run over, to surpass or exceed; to bind or tie; the remainder, the rest; gain, profit; more, further; besides; a cord, string; abundance; abundantly; remainder, residue; excellence; over and above; besides. --- a tenth or a tithe. - 611 -

611 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 51 ---



611 = 13x47 ,

; 131 ---


--- foundation; ruins. --- pr.n. "Excellence". --- ten-stringed lyre. - 612 -

612 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 52 ---

612 = 22x32x17

, ) (of beasts in sacrifice);

--- cutting up contract, covenant; mediator of the covenant; token of the covenant; people of the covenant; agreement; feast; washing soda (alkali, salt of lye). --- pr.n. "Wells". --- counsels, resolutions. --- (1172 w/f); the highways in their heart (description of fondness for a road leading to a place). - 613 -

613 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 53 ---


--- pr.n. "Father of Abundance".

112th prime


cribs. I have created --- from R.Dov.Ber. pr.n. "Wells". pr.n. "Folds (sheep)".

614 > 11 > 2

- 614 -

(for entries using finals, see: 54 ---


615 > 12 > 3

- 615 -

(for entries using finals, see: 55 ---

614 = 2x307

615 = 3x5x41


--- pr.n. "Son of Olives", "Glistening"; "Wounds". --- abundance, wealth. --- (1095 w/f); to throw the shoe upon, to take possession, to occupy. - 616 -

616 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 56 ---



616 = 23x7x11 ,

; 136 ---


pr.n. "Worthy Gift". cake. the remainder, the rest; gain, profit; more, further; besides. a searching out. pr.n. "Excellent" --- Moses' father in law.

--- cherub of extension, cherub with out-spread wings --- (1176 w/f); the portion of their cup --- their portion in life. --- (1176 w/f); wrestlings. 617 > 14 > 5

- 617 -

(for entries using finals, see: 57 ---



113th prime

pr.n. "Midst of Resting Places". the rod of correction. (1177 w/f); pr.n. "Olive Slope", "Mount of Olives". deep things. - 618 -

618 > 15 > 6

(for entries using finals, see: 58 --) --- (1268 w/f); will ye

618 = 2x3x103

therefore reserve yourselves?

619 > 16 > 7

- 619 -

(for entries using finals, see: 59 ---

; 139 ---

114th prime ,


--- latter time; the future; the end; those who come after, posterity. --- (1269 w/f); courses (of the Levites). 620 > 8

- 620 -

620 = 22x5x31

(for entries using finals, see: 60 ---

; 140 ---



an old man. pr.n. "Excelling"; surpassing, extraordinary. a cord or string. to cut off; to cut down or fell; to hew down; to cut off, to destroy. to surround, a crown or diadem --- the name of the first Sephira. Keter (see 1) corresponds to the Head of Adam Qadmon 161). --- expanding or sailing (of the clouds). --- a treading; foul or troubled water (as trodden in by cattle). 1

--- (1180 w/f); place of judgment. --- (1180 w/f); twenty. Note: 1G-K p. 93

- 621 -

621 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 140 ---

621 = 23x23


--- pr.n. "Survivor". --- pr.n. "Yah Spies Out. - 622 --- time of youth, youth. --- (1182 w/f); a head of the goats (one goat).

622 > 10 > 1

- 623 -

623 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 143 ---


622 = 2x311

623 = 7x89 )

--- pr.n. "Bel Who is Prince" --- last king of the Chaldeans, "Belshazzar" --- the one with the handwriting on the wall. He is mentioned in the book of Daniel as using the adornments of the sanctuary of the Temple as utensils at a feast. --- adornments of the sanctuary. - 624 --- the defense of the head, helmet.

624 > 12 > 3

625 > 13 > 4

- 625 -

(for entries using finals, see: 65 ----- (1345 w/f); to make

624 = 24x3x13

625 = 54


come to.

--- burnings (of spices at a funeral, of lime). 626 > 14 > 5

- 626 -

(for entries using finals, see: 66 --) --- (1746 w/f); wise in

magic arts. --- pr.n. "Yah Spies Out".

626 = 2x313

--- works. --- (1276 w/f); tenth part, a tenth. - 627 --- God of avengings. --- (1187 w/f); the charge or duty of the Levites.

627 > 15 > 6

627 = 3x11x19

- 628 -

628 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 68 ---


628 = 22x157


--- pr.n. "First Birth". --- skin for skin (i.e. quid pro quo, like for like). 629 > 17 > 8

- 629 -

629 = 17x37

630 > 9

- 630 -

630 = 2x32x5x7

(for entries using finals, see: 150 ---




"the house of appointment for all living" (the grave).

------------ ---

"like an old man". pr.n. "Dug" or "Hollowed Out". a Cretan, Cypriot; executioner; bodyguards. (1190 w/f); sweetnesses or sweet things, sweet drinks founding or casting; 636). (1190 w/f); revengeful. (1190 w/f); pr.n. "Seraphim" --- angelic order associated with the 4th Sephira Chesed, 72) . (Isa. VI,6) --- (1280 w/f); to lay under tribute-service. 2

Note: 2. K-G p. 91

631 > 10 > 1

- 631 -

(for entries using finals, see: 71 ---



(1111 w/f);

115th prime ,


pr.n. "King of Israel" --- a term for the deity

--- a city of watch (either a well guarded city or one set up for military defense objectives, a strategic garrison town). - 632 -

632 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 72 ---


632 = 23x79


--- pr.n. "Bel who is Prince". 633 > 12 > 3

- 633 -

(for entries using finals, see: 73 ---



633 = 3x211



(1193 w/f);

if now!, I have found.

- 634 --- (1194 w/f); avenging of blood.

634 > 13 > 4

634 = 2x317

- 635 -

635 > 14 > 5

635 = 5x127

(for entries using finals, see: 75 --, ) --(1285 w/f) ; "bright star, son -

of the morning" --- Is. 14,12; A Babylonian king or Venus as "Lucifer"(For the history of St. Jerome's notorious "mis-translation" that gave rise to the fable of Lucifer as a devil, see the TLC, March 2001).

--- (1195 w/f); charming song. --- (1285 w/f); lordly wealth. - 636 --- founding or casting; 630)

636 > 15 > 6

- 637 -

637 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 77 ----- (1117 w/f); to


636 = 22x3x53

637 = 72x13


draw out seed, to scatter or sow.

--- (1197 w/f); it shall not be moved for ever. --- dust and ashes. - 638 -

638 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 78 ---


638 = 2x11x29



--- snake city. - 639 -

639 > 18 > 9

(for entries using finals, see: 79 --, --- (1449 w/f); a distant land.



- 640 -

640 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 80 ---


639 = 32x71

640 = 27x5

; 160 --) (as an object of fear).

terror; an idol carved work. a digging-down or overthrow. to touch, feel; to grope, to feel out or explore. - 641 -

641 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 81 ---


116th prime ,



--- according to the room of each; the space available to a man.

- 642 -

642 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 82 ---

642 = 2x3x107


- 643 -

643 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: (83 ---


117th prime


- 644 -

644 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: (84 ---

644 = 22x7x23






--- fierceness, horribleness. --- to be quick, active pr.n. "Activity" --- Damascus; damask. - 645 -

645 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: (85 ---


645 = 3x5x43 )

--- pr. n. "Plantation of Noble Vines". --- (1945 w/f); pr. n. "The Dragon Well", (near Jerusalem). - 646 -

646 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: (86 ----- (1296 w/f); pr.n.


646 = 2x17x19



; (166 ---


"Smoking Furnace". leadings, guidance. profit; excellence. pr. n. "Bitter Springs". joy or exultation; object of joy. according to maidens (indicates treble or soprano in singing).


- 647 -

647 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: (87 ---


118th prime ,



--- song. - 648 -

648 > 18 > 9

--- tomorrow. --- in all his toil which he toileth.

(for entries using finals, see: (88 ---

649 > 19 > 10 > 1

(for entries using finals, see: (89 ---


648 = 23x34



- 649 -

649 = 11x59



--- (1459 w/f); remote parts of earth. - 650 -

650 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: (90 ---


650 = 2x52x13 ,





--- union, connection (of two things); beam; cramp, iron fastening. --- cord or bowstring.


free-flowing myrrh (the best sort). rebelliousness. to tremble or palpitate. to loosen. to loose, to fall off. natron (the mineral solvent). - 651 -

651 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: (91 ---


651 = 3x7x31 )

--- pr.n. "Palm-coast", "Isle of Palms". --- girdle, belt. --- (1211 w/f); pr.n. "Places". - 652 652 = 22x163 --- numerousness or multitude; increase (of family), offspring; interest (on money); greatness (of wisdom).

652 > 13 > 4

653 > 14 > 5

- 653 -

119th prime

- 654 -


--- a hare. 654 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: (94 ---



--- (1214 w/f); pr.n. "Daughter of Many" --- name of a particular gate.


--- even to afar. - 655 -

655 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: (95 ---




- 656 -

656 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: (96 ---


655 = 5x131



656 = 24x41 ,


pr.n. "Height" or "Heights". pr. n. "Rebellions". a pipe, flute. cry of the afflicted. (1306 w/f); winding or tortuous.

657 > 18 > 9

- 657 -

(for entries using finals, see: (97 ---


657 = 32x73


658 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 658 -

(for entries using finals, see: (98 ---


658 = 2x7x47 ,


--- (1308 w/f); a ravine. --- a ten-stringed lyre. - 659 -

659 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: (179 ---

120th prime )

--- pr.n. "Panting". --- things flowing away or fleeting; things scraped or heaped together. - 660 -

660 > 12 > 3

660 = 22x3x5x11

(for entries using finals, see: (100 --, , --- (1310 w/f); pr.n. "excellent".


--- a turban, tiara (of the high priest or a king). --- to cover or close up. --- a covering or veil; a covert or shelter; a hiding place; defense or protection; concealment of secrecy. --- (1220 w/f); tribute; task-masters. - 661 -

661 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 101 ---

121st prime




--- pr.n. "Star", Esther. -

--- (1141 w/f); it shall not be heard on thy mouth. - 662 -

662 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 102 ---

662 = 2x331


- 663 --- (1223 w/f); pr.n. "Two Folds", "Two Pens (sheep)".

663 > 15 > 6

663 = 3x13x17

--- good-looking (woman). - 664 -

664 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 104 ---



- 665 -

665 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 105 ---


664 = 23x83

665 = 5x7x19



--- covering or protection. 666 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 106 ---

- 666 )

--- pr.n. "Height" or "Heights".

666 = 2x32x37

--- (1316 w/f); excellence; gain, emolument. --- pr. n. "Hidden". 667 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 667 -

668 > 20 > 2

- 668 -

(for entries using finals, see: 108 ---


667 = 23x29



--- chariots; war chariots. --- business-skill; black marble (a particular type used in pavements). 669 > 21 > 3

- 669 -


- 670 -

670 = 2x5x67

--- backwards. --- after how long? 670 > 13 > 4

(for entries using finals, see: 110 --, ; 190 ----- 676); pr.n. "Harplike".



pr. n. "Protection of Yah". to gnaw or devour. to become sapless or dry, to wither or waste away; to grow old. to burn (incense); to pray or supplicate. to be rich, to abound. fragrance or perfume; suppliant, worshipper. pr. n. "Abundance". - 671 -

671 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 111 ----- (2041 w/f); the


671 = 11x61 )

land of Egypt.

--- (1881 w/f); in order to your becoming. --- (1321 w/f); a foreign language (figuratively a harlot's speech). 672 > 15 > 6 -

- 672 -

672 = 25x3x7

--- palaces, castles. --- (1232 w/f); chambers of death. --- youth, time of youth.

673 > 16 > 7

- 673 -

122nd prime

(for entries using finals, see: 113 --, ) --- (1287 w/f); "Lord thou art the dwelling place" (PS 90,1) (Interpreted in Bereshith Rabba to signify that the deity includes the manifest universe; but the manifest universe does not include the deity) .

674 > 17 > 8

- 674

674 = 2x337

--- a pottery; sunrise. --- (1794 w/f); to perform vows. - 675 -

675 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 195 ---

676 > 19 > 10 > 1


675 = 33x52


- 676 -

(for entries using finals, see: 116 ---

676 = 22x132


--- blindness. --- pr.n. "Harplike". - 677 -

677 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 117 ---

123rd prime





--- straits of Sheol --- perils of death. --- help. - 678 -

678 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 118 ---

678 = 2x3x113



--- a pottery; sunrise. --- scurvy-spot, scorbutic eruption. --- passages or fords. - 679 -

679 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 119 ---


679 = 7x97 )

--- places at the feet; at the feet. --- (1239 w/f); to perform vows. - 680 -

680 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 120 ---


680 = 23x5x17 ,


--- to make oneself naked, to expose one's own nakedness or shame. - 681 -

681 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 121 ---


681 = 2x227 ,



--- pr.n. "Fruitful". --- a tearing down, destruction. --- pride decks them as a collar. 682 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 122 ---

--- the round-house.

- 682 )

682 = 2x11x31

- 683 -

683 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 123 ---

124th prime


- 684 -

684 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 124 ---

684 = 22x32x19



- 685 -

685 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 125 ---

685 = 5x137

; 205 ---


--- pr. n. "Crowns". - 686 -

686 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 126 ---

686 = 2x73


--- pr. n. "Heights". --- putting on light as the robe. --- the odour of pleasantness (an agreeable smell). - 687 -

687 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 127 ---

687 = 3x229


--- snuffers. - 688 --- (1248 w/f); on the morrow. --- on the following day

688 > 22 > 4

688 = 24x43

- 689 -

689 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 129 ---

689 = 13x53


--- storehouses or garners --- (2059 w/f); a far off land. --- the holy city. - 690 -

690 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 130 ---

690 = 2x3x5x23




; 210 ---




--- the covenant of salt --- salt taken as a symbol or pledge of inviolable amity; always used in the sacrifices. --- a market or fair. 691 > 16 > 7

- 691 -

(for entries using finals, see: 131 ----- (1341 w/f); so that.


125th prime )

--- (1171 w/f); a well-trodden way. 692 > 17 > 8

- 692

692 = 22x173

(for entries using finals, see: 132 --- ) --- a cutting off (of rain); drought.

--- a rock (or stone) of stumbling; an occasion of a fall or harm. --- (1252 w/f); their multitude; the greater part of them. - 693 -

693 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 133 ---


(1253 w/f); satraps

693 32x7x11



or viceroys; king's court-guardian.

--- resin of the gopher tree, pitch; sulfur, brimstone. --- pruning knives or hooks. 694 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 694 -

(for entries using finals, see: 134 ---

694 = 2x347



--- for purpose that.

695 > 20 > 2

- 695 -

695 = 5x139

696 > 21 > 3

- 696 -

696 = 23x3x29

--- pr.n. "Curtains". pr. n. "Fertile", Meronoth --- name of an unknown place. Possibly --used by Joseph Smith as basis for the name of the Mormon Angel. 697 > 22 > 4

- 697 --- (1257 w/f); fear of God; religion; godliness.

697 = 17x41

- 698 -

698 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 138 ---


698 = 2x349 )

699 > 24 > 6

- 699 -

699 = 2x233

700 > 7

- 700 -

700 = 22x52x7

(for entries using finals, see: 140 --191 --)








--- Nun final (see 50). --- a cover (the lid of the Ark), the Mercy Seat (that part on the lid of the Ark which is between the two Cherubim --- sometimes taken to be depictions of Isis and Nephythis. Mercy is granted when the wings of the Cherubim point toward the Mercy Seat, tribulation or danger in varying degrees otherwise. There are various theories intended to account for the motion of the figures, including static electricity; but possibly the High Priest just gave the two figures a "spin" when he entered the Holy of Holies once a year, and took an omen from the

final configuration. In support of the static electricity theory, the Ark was constructed somewhat along the lines of a very large condenser or Lyden bottle. In a very still room, like the Holy of Holies, a considerable charge could build up. Damp or dry conditions would influence the position of the wings through leakage or retention of the charge. When charged, the wings would naturally not point at the mercy seat unless they were discharged by being touched. The date of the visitation by the High Priest may have been established for optimum moisture conditions. Mechanical devices using air, weights and water were common in antiquity to add a bit of Barnum to temples. Hero of Alexandria describes many such devices, including coin operated oracles, temple doors, automata and self igniting altars. The existence of a relic of an electrical storage battery at Babylon would suggest that electrical effects were also used.), the propitiary.

--- a knop or chaplet; the crown or capital (of a column); a circlet or knop (of a candelabrum); pr.n. "Crete" or "Cyprus". --- see 620 --- a fish net or seine, drag net. --- a band or bond. --- a hiding-place; a lair, den --- a hiding, averting (of the face). - 701 -

701 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 51 ---

126th prime

; 221 ---


--- woman. --- riverbeds or channels; clefts or dens. - 702 -

702 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 52---

702 = 2x32x13

; 142 ---

; 222 ---


--- scrutiny; animadversion, chastisement. --- emerald. --- shame --- a contemptuous word for idols. - 703 -

703 > 10 > 1

703 = 19x37

(for entries using finals, see: 53--, ; 223 ----- (1353 w/f); satraps or viceroys;


kings court-guardian. --- to touch, come close, approach; draw back, give place. --- a stronghold (as enclosing); a border or margin; an enclosure or panel (especially a sort of ornament on the laver-stands.)

- 704 -

704 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 54 ---


704 = 26x11

; 144 ---


; 224 ---


--- pr.n. "Jackal-village". --- pr.n. "Villages". 705 > 12 > 3

- 705 -

(for entries using finals, see: 55 ---



--- declivity, sloping descent.

705 = 3x5x47 )

706 > 13 > 4

- 706 -

(for entries using finals, see: 56 ---

; 146 ---

706 = 2x353 )

--- lump of fat, camel's hump. --- a knop or chaplet; the crown or capital (of a column); a circlet or knop (of a candelabrum); pr.n. "Crete, Cyprus. --- a hiding-place, refuge. --- chisels or gouges. - 707 -

707 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 57 --)


707 = 7x101





; 147 ---

; 227 ---

--- her sabbath. - 708 -

708 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 58 --148 --;

, ,

709 > 16 > 7

- 709 -

(for entries using finals, see: 59 ---

708 = 22x3x59




; ; 228 ---





127th prime


- 710 -

710 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 60 --)


710 = 2x5x71



; 150 ---



; 230 ---

--- pr.n. "A Bare Spot" --- of a place in Judah. - 711 -

711 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 61 ---


(1921 w/f); to


711 = 32x79 ,




; 151 ---


turn the face towards. - 712 -

712 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 62 --232 --)



712 = 23x89 ; 152 ---




--- the dry land; the world. --- bands or bonds; pr.n. "Correction" (feminine); (356/916). --- a ford; a mountain-pass or gorge. - 713 -

713 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 63 ---



--- rebuke. --- a cutting off or diminution.

713 = 23x31 ,

; 153 ---



- 714 -

714 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 64 ---

714 = 2x3x7xs17

; 154 ---

; 234 ---


- 715 -

715 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 65 ---


715 = 5x11x13




; 155 ---


--- a foreign land. --- (1275 w/f); a people deep of lip (hard to understand). - 716 -

716 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 66 ---


716 = 22x179 ,


; 156 ---



--- pr.n. "A Beauty". --- hidden (private) places. --- open spaces (about a camp). - 717 -

717 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 67 ---

717 = 3x239






; 237 ---


--- drink. --- pr.n. "Seat of Hardship". 718 > 16 > 7

- 718 -

(for entries using finals, see: 68 ---


719 > 17 > 8

- 719 -

(for entries using finals, see: 69 ----- (1199 w/f); to

718 = 2x239

; 158 ---


128th prime




; 159 ---



set forth a cause. - 720 -

720 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 70 --; 240 --) --- (1280 w/f); pr.n.



720 = 24x32x5 ,



; 160 ---





"Residue of the People". to pound, bray, smash. a pasturing or feeding; a flock (as fed or pastured). tow (loose fiber, as that shaken off from flax). (1370 w/f); pr. n. "Time of a Judge". - 721 -

721 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 71 ---


; 161 ---

721 = 7x103 )

--- pr.n. "New Castle". --- night-visions. --- thou hast given a standard to be lifted up or displayed.


--- (1281 w/f); till the pursuers returned. - 722 -

722 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 72 ---

722 = 2x192





- 723 -

723 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 73 ---

723 = 3x241

; 163 ---

724 > 13 > 4

- 724 -

(for entries using finals, see: 74 ---


725 > 14 > 5

- 725 -

(for entries using finals, see: 75 ---


724 = 22x181


725 = 52x29




- 726 -

726 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 76 ---


726 = 2x3x112

; 166 ---


- 727 -

727 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 77 ---


129th prime ; 167 ---


) (east and west as connected with

--- the ports of morning and evening the rising and setting of the sun). --- rain in its season. --- (1287 w/f); on both of their sides. --- pr.n. "The Primordial Point" --- an alternate name of the 1st Sephira Keter (620). Especially signifies the instant of emanation before which there was no revelation. 728 > 17 > 8

- 728 -

(for entries using finals, see: 78 ---

729 > 18 > 9


- 729 -

(for entries using finals, see: 169 ---

730 > 10 > 1

728 = 23x7x13

729 = 36


- 730 -

(for entries using finals, see: 170 --, --- a row or pile (of loaves).

730 = 2x5x73 ,

731 > 11 > 2

- 731 -

(for entries using finals, see: 81 ---



; 171 ---

--- for encountering, meeting with. 732 > 12 > 3 - 732

731 = 17x43 )

732 = 22x3x61

(for entries using finals, see: 82 ---

; 172 ---


--- pr.n. "Hallow-way"; "Woman of God". - 733 -

733 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 173 ---

130th prime


--- pr.n. "The White Head" --- an alternate title of the 1st Sephira Keter, (620). - 734 --- prostration (in worship). --- foreskin of the heart (moral insensibility).

734 > 14 > 5

735 > 15 > 6

- 735 -

(for entries using finals, see: 85 ---


734 = 2x367

735 = 3x5x72

--- man of my fellowship (companion). 736 > 16 > 7

- 736 -

(for entries using finals, see: 86 ---



(1386 w/f); ark

736 = 25x23

; 176 ---




of the law.

--- feminine Cushite, Ehiopian; pr.n. "Swarthy". --- ranks (of an army in battle position). - 737 -

737 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 87 ---



738 > 18 > 9

- 738 -

(for entries using finals, see: 88 ---


739 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 739 -

(for entries using finals, see: 89 ---

737 = 11x67 ; 177 ---

738 = 2x32x41

; 178 ---




131st prime

; 179 ---



- 740 -

740 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 90 --260 --)



a nail. an Egyptian. the Height of Dor. pr. n. "Scribe". being troubled.

740 = 22x5x37 ,


; 180 ---




- 741 -

741 > 12 > 3

741 = 3x13x19

(for entries using finals, see: 91 --, , , ; 181 --, , ) --- lifting up (of the hands); rising up (of smoke); bearing (of reproach); a

signal; a gift or present; tribute. - 742 -

742 > 13 > 4

742 = 2x7x53

--- (1392 w/f); (283/933 & 874/1524); the Ark of the Law or Testimony. --- pr.n. "Fragrance". --- rest or cessation, sabbath. 743 > 14 > 5

- 743 -

(for entries using finals, see: 93 ---


744 > 15 > 6

- 744 -

(for entries using finals, see: 94 --


132nd prime


; 184 ---


--- pr.n. "Village of Death". 745 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 95 --)

- 745 ,


745 = 5x149 ,

; 185 ---

; 265 ---

--- a holy convocation. --- a drinking; drink; a banquet. 746 > 17 > 8

- 746 -

(for entries using finals, see: 96 --, ) --- (817); pr.n. "Renowned".

746 = 2x373 ,


; 186 ---



--- the Height of Dor. --- mysteries. --- grits or groats, coarse meal. 747 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 97 ---

- 747 , , (used for sent).

747 = 32x83 ; 187 ---


--- the myrrh-bag --- her rests (her ruin --- a statement of derision punning "her sabbath"). 748 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 748 -

(for entries using finals, see: 98 ---



--- unguent; perfumer's art, perfumery. --- (1398 w/f); the anointing-oil.

748 = 22x11x17

--- destruction. --- a marring or disfigurement. --- defacement or blemish. - 749 -

749 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 99 ---


749 = 7x107


--- a censer. - 750 -

750 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 100 ---


750 = 2x3x53







; 190 ---


engineering work; skillful work. (1470 w/f); the purchase of money (e.g. a slave). a banquet. to become dry or parched; to fail. to pluck or root up, to extirpate, to rase. to become dry. lead. - 751 -

751 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 101 --)


133rd prime


; 191 ---




--- a present or gift. - 752 -

752 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 102 ---

752 = 24x47

; 272 ---

753 > 15 > 6

- 753 -

(for entries using finals, see: 103 ---



753 = 3x251 ,



--- sacrificial bowls. --- desolations or ruins. - 754 -

754 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 104 ---


754 = 2x13x29






- 755 -

755 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 105 ----- (1475 w/f); hard


755 = 5x151 ,


of neck, stubborn. - 756 -

756 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 106 ---


756 = 22x33x7 ; 196 ---


--- Sephiroth, intelligences or numbers. (see 335,


, the singular form, for a discussion of the sense of the word.) (Term used collectively for the ten emanations of the Tree of Life).

- 757 -

757 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 107 ---



134th prime ))


--- (1407 w/f); pr.n. "Uxorious". --- of worthy of death; a deadly disease, pestilence. - 758 -

758 > 20 > 2

758 = 2x379

(for entries using finals, see: 108 --; 198 ----- (358, 368, 768); fifth, a fifth



--- a destroyer, an ambush (said of troops); destruction. --- copper or bronze; worthlessness (figurative meaning relative to gold); a copper thing or article; money; a chain or fetter. - 759 -

759 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 109 ---

759 = 3x11x23


--- pr. n. "Bronze". - 760 -

760 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 110 --200 --, ,

760 = 23x5x19








; 280 ---



--- pr.n. "Fortified". --- a mortar; socket (of a tooth); pr.n. "A Hollow" --- name of a valley near Jerusalem. --- an assembly or crowd; a religious assembly, a feast or festival (especially the 7th day of Passover or the 8th of the feast of Tabernacles) . - 761 -

761 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 111 ---


; 201 ---


- 762 -

762 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 112 ---



; 202 ---

762 = 2x3x127 )

--- to spurn the mouth of Yahweh (break his commandment). --- meadows of young grass. --- (2442 w/f); for they are making (avowing) love with their mouth.

763 > 16 > 7

- 763 -

(for entries using finals, see: 113 ---


764 > 17 > 8

- 764 -

(for entries using finals, see: 114 ---

765 > 18 > 9

135th prime


763 = 7x109

764 = 22x191


- 765

765 = 32x5x17

(for entries using finals, see: 115 ---

; 205 ---


- 766 -

766 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 116 ---

766 = 2x383




; 206 ---




--- bands or ropes. --- (2046 w/f); to litigate. - 767 -

767 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 117 ---

767 = 13x59


; 207 ---


- 768 -

768 > 21 > 3

768 = 28x3

(for entries using finals, see: 118 --; 208 ----- (358, 368, 758); fifth, fifth part.


- 769 -

769 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 119 ---


136th prime

; 209 ---


- 770 -

770 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 120 ---


770 = 2x5x7x11


; 210 ---



; 290 ---


--- an image or figure; an imagination. --- (1420 w/f); pr. n. "Sun Fount", (well on the confines of Judah and Benjamine). --- to form; to think. --- to shine, to be right or fair. --- device, artificial work. --- think or plan. - 771 -

771 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 121 ----- (1581 w/f); native

771 = 3x257




country. --- the soul's burden.

772 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 122 ---


- 772 ,

772 = 22x193 )

--- hearths, boiling places. --- hidden or subtle of heart.

773 > 17 > 8

- 773 -

(for entries using finals, see: 123 ---


774 > 18 > 9

- 774 -

137th prime

774 = 2x32x43

(for entries using finals, see: 124 ---







; 214 ---


--- pr.n. "Daughter of Oath", Bath-Sheba --- mother of Solomon.

775 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 775 -

(for entries using finals, see: 295 ---

775 = 52x31


--- tendrils or twigs. - 776 -

776 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 126 ---


776 = 23x97 ,



--- wrought or prepared. --- to speak wantonness. - 777 -

777 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 127 ---


777 = 3x7x37 )

--- pr. n. "Man of Prayer". - 778 -

778 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 128 ---


778 = 2x389

; 218 ---


--- pr.n. "Daughter of Oath", Bath-Sheba --- mother of Solomon. --- a sending, a mission, a discharge or dismissal. - 779 -

779 > 23 > 5

(for entries using finals, see: 129 --, --- (1259 w/f); outbursts

779 = 12x41 ,


of thy wrath.

- 780 -

780 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 130 --)


780 = 22x3x5x13



; 220 ---


; 300 ---

--- pr.n. "Number". --- violent (of cursing). --- one. - 781 -

781 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 131 ---

781 = 11x71



--- a deposit; dung; dung-hill. - 782 -

782 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 132 ---

782 = 2x17x23


--- afflicted in spirit. 783 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 133 ---

- 783 ,

783 = 33x29 ,




--- until he approached. --- flesh of nakedness (external sexual organs).

784 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 784 -

(for entries using finals, see: 134 ---

784 = 24x72



; 224 ---


--- pr. n. "Missile-man". - 785 -

785 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 135 ---


785 = 5x157


; 225 ---

; 305 ---


--- till I shall set. - 786 -

786 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 136 ---

786 = 2x3x131

; 226 ---


- 787 -

787 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 137 ---

138th prime


- 788 -

788 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 138 ---


788 = 22x197 ; 228 ---



--- Secret Wisdom --- alternative name for Qabalah (see 137 & 708) 789 > 24 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 139 ----- (1439 w/f); pr.n.

790 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 140 ---

- 789 ,

789 = 3x263 ; 229 ---


"Middle Village". - 790 ,

790 = 2x5x79


--- abortion or miscarriage. --- (1440 w/f); to yield fruit. 791 > 17 > 8

- 791 -

(for entries using finals, see: 311 ---

791 = 7x113


--- exaltation. 792 > 18 > 9

- 792 -

792 = 23x32x11

793 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 793 -

793 = 13x61

(for entries using finals, see: 143 ---

794 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 234 ---



- 794 )

; 233 ---


794 = 2x397

--- prostration, illness. - 795 -

795 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 145 ---

795 = 3x5x53



- 796 -

796 > 22 > 4

(for entries using finals, see: 146 --, --- (1356 w/f); deeds

796 = 22x199 )

of words (subjects for gossip).

- 797 -

797 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 147 ---

139th prime




- 798 -

798 > 24 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 148 ---

798 = 2x3x7x19


--- prostration, illness. - 799 -

799 > 25 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 149 ---

799 = 17x47


- 800 -

800 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 150 --240 --,



800 = 25x52 ,








Peh final (see 80). - 801 -

801 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 81 ----- (1451 w/f);

; 151 ---

801 = 32x89 ; 241 ---

; 321 ---


a liberal man, a generous man. --- to burn. --- to cut, smite. --- (1361 w/f); to put on one's shoe.

802 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 242 ---

- 802 -

802 = 2x401


--- measure; cut off; destroy. 803 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 83 ---

- 803 ; 243 ---

--- to cut in, scoop or hollow out. --- the year of Jubilee. 804 > 12 > 3 - 804

803 = 11x73 ,


804 = 22x3x67

(for entries using finals, see: 84 ---

; 154 --


; 244 ---


--- to plead or conduct a cause. --- to do what is right. - 805 -

805 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 245 ---

805 = 5x7x23


--- to rush against. --- (1365 w/f); plenteous rain. --- his sneezings. - 806 -

806 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 156 ---

806 = 2x13x31



; 246 ---



--- throat, gullet, the neck. --- (1456 w/f); a letter or epistle. - 807 -

807 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 87 --327 --)


807 = 3x269

; 157 ---




; 247 ---


--- the royal scepter - 808 -

808 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 88 --)

808 = 23x101

; 158 ---

; 248 ---



; 328 ---

--- to cut up, to break or crush; to be dismayed; dismay; pr.n. "Terror". --- (1368 w/f); array or row of bread. --- (1458 w/f); a copper image (the copper or bronze serpent made by Moses). - 809 -

809 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 89 ---



140th prime ; 159 ---

; 249 ---



--- usual title of the Persian Kings - 810 -

810 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 160 ---


; 250 ---

810 = 2x34x5 ,

; 330 ---



--- to assail, subdue; pr.n. "Subjection". --- a pavement. --- pr. n. "Recompensed". - 811 -

811 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 251 ---

141st prime


--- an unclouded morning. 812 > 11 > 2

- 812

812 = 22x7x29

(for entries using finals, see: 92 ---

; 252 ---

813 > 12 > 3

- 813 -

(for entries using finals, see: 93 ---



813 = 3x271

; 163 ---


; 253 ---



--- name of a tune or musical instrument from Gath or popular among vintners. --- (1373 w/f); the array-bread. - 814 -

814 > 13 > 4

814 = 2x11x37

(for entries using finals, see: 94 --; 164 --, --- (1464 w/f); the leaden weight.

815 > 14 > 5

- 815 -

(for entries using finals, see: 95 ---

; 255 ---

; 254 ---

; 334 ---


815 = 5x163 ,



--- a poor man. --- (1465 w/f); to sleep the death, to die. - 816 -

816 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 166 --256 --,


816 = 24x3x17 ,





--- terrors, alarms. --- pr. n. "Retribution". - 817 -

817 > 16 > 7

817 = 19x43

(for entries using finals, see: 97 --, ; 257 ----- (716); pr.n. "Renowned".

818 > 17 > 8

- 818 -

(for entries using finals, see: 98 ---

; 258 ---




818 = 2x409 ,


--- terror. - 819 -

819 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 259 ---


820 > 10 > 1

- 820 -

(for entries using finals, see: 100 --260 --, ,

; 170 --)


819 = 32x7x13

820 = 22x5x41 ,





to beat to pieces, pound; castrate; to hammer, forge; to rout. the neck. pr. n. "Recompense". stall or pen.

- 821 -

821 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 101 --)

; 171 --

142nd prime -

; 261 ---



--- usual title of the Persian Kings. --- a causing to hear, announcement. - 822 -

822 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 172 ---


822 = 2x3x137


--- a writing, a mark (brand on the skin). --- deliverances. - 823 -

823 > 13 > 4

(for entries using finals, see: 173 --) --- (1473 w/f); sculptured

or figured stones (mosaics).

- 824 -

824 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 264 ---

825 > 15 > 6

143rd prime

824 = 23x103


- 825 --- (1305 w/f); the veil-partition.

825 = 3x52x11

- 826 -

826 > 16 > 7

826 = 2x7x59

(for entries using finals, see: 106 --; 176 --, ; 266 ----- (1386 w/f); lofty eyes (haughty looks).

- 827 -

827 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 267 ---

828 > 18 > 9



144th prime )

- 828 --- destroyer of shame, destroyer of idols.

829 > 19 > 10 > 1

828 = 22x32x23

- 829 -

- 830 (for entries using finals, see: 180 --, ; 270 --) --- pr.n. "He is Hired". --- beaten. --- men of number, a few men. 831 > 12 > 3 - 831

145th prime

830 > 11 > 2

830 = 2x5x83 ,


; 350 ---

831 = 3x277

(for entries using finals, see: 111 ---


- 832 832 = 26x13 (for entries using finals, see: 272 --, ) --- pr.n. "Destroyer of Shame", "Destroyer of Idols". --- textures or brocades; settings (for precious stones). --- from his soul's travail. 832 > 13 > 4

- 833 (for entries using finals, see: 273 --833 > 14 > 5

833 = 72x17 )

- 834 (for entries using finals, see: 114 --) 834 > 15 > 6

835 > 16 > 7

836 > 17 > 8

834 = 2x3x139

- 835 --- a veteran, a man of many battles

835 = 5x167

- 836 --- (1396 w/f); the people of his pasturing.

836 = 22x11x19

- 837 837 = 33x13 (for entries using finals, see: 117 --, ) --- on from the year of Jubilee --- craving of the appetite, passion; a livelihood, food. 837 > 18 > 9

- 838 (for entries using finals, see: 118 --; 278 --838 > 19 > 10 > 1

838 = 2x419 )

- 839 (for entries using finals, see: 189 --) 839 > 20 > 2

840 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 120 --360 --)

146th prime

- 840 ,

; 190 ---

840 = 23x3x5x7 ,



; 280 ---


--- a gift or present. 841 > 13 > 4

- 841 -

841 = 292

842 > 14 > 5

- 842 -

842 = 2x421

(for entries using finals, see: 282 ---


--- smelling-bottles. 843 > 15 > 6

- 843 -

843 = 3x281

844 > 16 > 7

- 844 -

844 = 22x211

(for entries using finals, see: 124 ---



- 845 --- pr. n. "Gift of Yah".

845 > 17 > 8

845 = 5x132

- 846 -

846 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 196 ---


846 = 2x32x47 ; 286 ---


--- to kill. 847 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 847 -

847 = 7x112

848 > 20 > 2

- 848 -

848 = 24x53

(for entries using finals, see: 288 ---

; 368 ---


--- a seal, seal ring. --- beneath --- (2058 w/f); the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. - 849 -

849 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 289 ---

849 = 3x283


--- a sack or bag; cloth. - 850 -

850 > 13 > 4

850 = 2x52x17

(for entries using finals, see: 130 --, ; 200 --, , , ; 290 --; 370 --, ) --- (2220 w/f); to give, to turn the back (either in contumacy or for flight).

--- an audience; obedience; subjects. - 851 -

851 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 131 ---


851 = 23x37


--- the leader of the choir. 852 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 202 ---

- 852 -

852 = 22x3x71


--- to take the census or total. 853 > 16 > 7 - 853

147th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 133 ---



- 854 -

854 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 134 ---

--- comfort of my

854 = 2x7x61

; 374 --) lips (insincere condolence).

- 855 --- pr. n. "Gift of Yah".

855 > 18 > 9

856 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 856 -

(for entries using finals, see: 136 ---

; 296 ---

855 = 32x5x19

856 = 23x107 )

--- bitterness. - 857 -

857 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 297 ---

148th prime


- 858 -

858 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 138 ---

858 = 2x3x11x13


--- mother in law. - 859 -

859 > 22 > 4

(for entries using finals, see: 139 --, --- (1509 w/f);

149th prime


as a bag of gems in a heap of stones.

- 860 -

860 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 140 --300 --;



; 210 ---

860 = 22x5x43 -







curling-work, artificial ringlets of hair. grief of spirit. a waster or prodigal. a staff. - 861 -

861 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 141 ---

861 = 3x7x41


--- pr. n. "Gift of Yah". 862 > 16 > 7

863 > 17 > 8

- 862 --- (1342 w/f); the destroying angel. - 863 -

862 = 2x431

150th prime

- 864 -

864 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 214 ---

865 > 19 > 10 > 1


864 = 25x33


- 865 -

(for entries using finals, see: 305 ---

865 = 5x173


- 866 -

866 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 146 ---

866 = 2x433

; 216 ---

; 386 ---


867 > 21 > 3

- 867 -

867 = 3x172

868 > 22 > 4

- 868 -

868 = 22x7x31

(for entries using finals, see: 148 --, --- (1998 w/f); "A Place

; 218 ---

; 308 ---


for Thy Dwelling-in" ---the temple. --- paths (used for the 32 parts of the Tree of Life); trodden paths; ways, stages, measures, degrees, states, modes, phases, categories. --- she that stays at home.

869 > 23 > 5

- 869 -

869 = 11x79

870 > 15 > 6

- 870 -

870 = 2x3x5x29

(for entries using finals, see: 150 --)


; 220 ---

; 310 ---




a shirt or tunic. (1430 w/f); stalls or pens. a weight; a plummet. to be bent or crooked. to root out; to be extirpated. to bore or dig, to pierce or penetrate to be barren; to hamstring. barren or sterile. a rooting in, a transplanting or ingrafting; a settler or naturalized --foreigner. --- stump. --- to set or determine. 871 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 151 ---

872 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 312 ---

- 871 ; 221 ---

- 872 )

871 = 13x67 )

872 = 23x109

--- a thorn-hedge. 873 > 18 > 9

- 873 -

873 = 32x97

874 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 874 -

874 = 2x19x23

(for entries using finals, see: 154 --, 314 ----- (1524 w/f; 283/933 & 742/1392); Arc

875 > 20 > 2


of the Covenant.

- 875 --- a capital charge.

875 = 53x7

- 876 -

876 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 156 ---


876 = 22x3x73

; 316 ---


--- perverseness or falseness. - 877 -

877 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 157 ---

151st prime


- 878 -

878 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 158 ---

878 = 2x439

; 228 ---

; 318 ---


--- (1528 w/f); pr.n. "Row of Palm-Trees"

879 > 24 > 6

- 879 -

(for entries using finals, see: 159 ---

880 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 160 ---

881 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 161 ---

879 = 3x293


- 880 ,

880 = 24x5x11 ,

; 230 ---

- 881 ,

; 321 ---




--- the man of my design.

- 882 -

(for entries using finals, see: 322 ---


152nd prime

--- to rouse oneself, to exult. 882 > 18 > 9

; 320 ---

882 = 2x32x72 )

--- a foul or hateful thing. 883 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 163 ---

884 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 234 ---

- 883 -

153rd prime


- 884 -

884 = 22x13x17 )

885 > 21 > 3

- 885 885 = 3x5x59 --- to be embittered or wrathful. --- (1445 w/f); "the Queen of Heaven" --- used for the Moon or the planet Venus --- the writer's ink-holder. - 886 -

886 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 326 ---

886 = 2x443


- 887 -

887 > 23 > 5

887 = 154th prime

(for entries using finals, see: )

--- (1537 w/f); there is not on earth his like. --- house of his treasure.


- 888 -

888 > 24 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 168 ---

888 = 23x3x37

; 328 ---


--- apostate from Israel. - 889 -

889 > 25 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 169 ---


889 = 7x127 ; 329 ---


- 890 -

890 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 170 ---

; 330 ---

890 = 2x5x89 ,


--- pr.n. "The cave of Machpelah" --- used as a 1st burial grave by Abraham for Sarah. --- (1450 w/f); their subjects. --- gifts. --- pr. n. "Crowns of Addar". - 891 -

891 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 331 ---

892 > 19 > 10 > 1

893 > 20 > 2 894 > 21 > 3

891 = 34x11


- 892 892 = 22x223 --- the holy places of the Yahweh's house, the compartments of the temple. --- (1452 w/f); fruit of the lips (praise).

- 893 --- (1453 w/f); hot-coals' cake (baked in hot ashes). - 894

893 = 19x47 894 = 2x3x149

(for entries using finals, see: 244 --

895 > 22 > 4


- 895 -

895 = 5x179

- 896 -

896 = 27x7

--- sun rising. 896 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 336 ---


897 > 24 > 6

- 897 -

897 = 3x13x23

898 > 25 > 7

- 898 -

898 = 2x449

(for entries using finals, see: 178 ---

899 > 26 > 8

; 338 ---


- 899 --- (1459 w/f); treasures of hidden places.

- 900 (for entries using finals, see: 180 --, --- Tzaddi final (See 90)

899 = 29x31

900 > 9

900 = 22x32x52 ,

; 340 ---



--- pr.n. "Hiding place" (a town). 901 > 10 > 1

- 901 -

(for entries using finals, see: 181 ---

901 = 17x53

; 251 ---


; 341 ---


--- desire, longing. 902 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 92 ---

903 > 12 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 93 ---

- 902 -

902 = 2x11x41

; 342 ---


- 903 -

903 = 3x7x43

; 253 ---

; 343 ---



904 > 13 > 4

- 904 -

904 = 23x113

905 > 14 > 5

- 905 -

905 = 5x181

(for entries using finals, see: 255 ---

906 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 256 ---

; 345 ---

; 425 ---

- 906 ,


906 = 2x3x151 )

--- snares of death, deadly dangers. --- some of the kisses 907 > 16 > 7

- 907 -

(for entries using finals, see: 97 ---

; 187 ---

908 > 17 > 8

- 908 -

(for entries using finals, see: 98 --428 --)


155th prime ,

; 257 ---


908 = 22x227

; 188 ---

; 258 ---

; 348 ---



--- brick; skiled work, workmanship. - 909 -

909 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 189 ---

909 = 32x101

; 259 ---




- 910 -

910 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 100 --350 --, , ,


910 = 2x5x7x13

; 190 --)


; 260 ---




--- measure.; task. - 911 -

911 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 101 --431 --)

156th prime

; 261 ---




- 912 -

912 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 102 ---

; 351 ---

912 = 24x3x19

; 262 --, ; 352 --(for 'false', Baal) Contends".


--- pr.n. "Shame --- plains of Jericho.

- 913 -

913 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 353 ---

913 = 11x83


--- house of the kingdom, palace 914 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 104 ---

915 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 105 --)

916 > 16 > 7

- 914 ; 264 ---

914 = 2x457 ,


; 354 ---

- 915 ; 265 ---

- 916 -


915 = 3x5x61 ,


; 435 ---

916 = 22x229


(for entries using finals, see: 196 --)


; 266 ---




; 356 ---

--- oppressions or exactions. - 917 -

917 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 267 ---

917 = 7x131


- 918 -

918 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 108 ---

918 = 2x33x17

; 268 ---

; 358 ---

- 919 -

919 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 269 ---



157th prime


--- royal courier. - 920 -

920 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 200 ---

920 = 23x5x23

;270 ---

; 360 ---


--- sun city. - 921 -

921 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 271 ---

921 = 3x307


922 > 13 > 4

- 922 -

922 = 2x461

923 > 14 > 5

- 923 -

923 = 13x71

924 > 15 > 6

- 924 -

924 = 22x3x7x11

(for entries using finals, see: 274 ---

; 364 ---


- 925 -

925 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 275 ---


925 = 52x37


- 926 -

926 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 366 ---

926 = 2x463 )

--- pr. n. "Answers", Anathoth in Benjamine (birth place of Jeremiah). 927 > 18 > 9

- 927 927 = 32x103 --- from the fountain of Israel --- reference to descendant from the "seed" of Israel.

928 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 928 --- (1408 w/f); at thy house holiness dwells.

928 = 5x29

- 929 --- (1649 w/f); he who did little gathered ten. --- passages of the wilderness.

929 > 20 > 2

930 > 12 > 3

- 930 -

(for entries using finals, see: 120 ---

; 210 ---

931 > 13 > 4

- 931 -

158th prime

930 = 2x3x5x31 ,

; 370 ---


; 450 ---


931 = 72x19

(for entries using finals, see: 121 --; 281 --; 371 --) --- (1581 w/f); stay and staff (every kind of support).

--- men of my counsel. - 932 -

932 > 14 > 5

932 = 22x233

(for entries using finals, see: 282 ---

; 372 ---


- 933 -

933 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 283 ---

933 = 3x311



- 934 -

934 > 16 > 7

934 = 2x467

- 935 --- pr. n. "Answers of Yah".

935 > 17 > 8

935 = 5x11x17

- 936 -

936 > 18 > 9

936 = 23x32x13

(for entries using finals, see: 126 --; 376 ----- (1656 w/f); silver figures




or pictures.

937 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 937 -

159th prime

938 > 20 > 2

- 938 -

938 = 2x7x67

(for entries using finals, see: 128 ---


- 939 -

939 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 379 ---

940 > 13 > 4


939 = 3x313


- 940 -

(for entries using finals, see: 220 --, --- (1500 w/f); the jackals'

940 = 22x5x47 ; 380 ---


portion --- unburied corpses. --- a pan. --- female servant, a waiting-woman.

- 941 -

941 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 131 ----- (546, 552) night

160th prime

; 381 ---


watch. --- a kneading-trough (in which dough is leavened). - 942 -

942 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 382 ---

942 = 2x3x157


- 943 -

943 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 133 ---

943 = 23x41


- 944 -

944 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 294 ---

--- booths of the girls

944 = 24x59

) (huts for sacred prostitutes).

- 945 -

945 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 135 ---

945 = 33x5x7

; 385 ---

; 465 ---


- 946 -

946 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 136 ---

946 = 2x11x43


--- biters, teeth. - 947 -

947 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 137 ---

161st prime

; 297 ---




--- spot or spaces at the head; at the head. - 948 -

948 > 21 > 3

(for entries using finals, see: 138 --, --- colter (plow blade).

948 = 22x3x79 ; 298 ---


; 468 ---


--- a pot (for boiling). 949 > 22 > 4

- 949 -

(for entries using finals, see: 139 ---

950 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 140 ---

951 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 141 ---

949 = 13x73

; 299 ---

; 389 ---


- 950 ,

950 = 2x52x19

; 230 ---

; 390 ---


- 951 ,


; 470 ---


951 = 3x317 ; 301 ---


; 391 ---

--- pr.n. "Feminine Wrestler with God", Israelitess.



--- from places at the head of (Saul). - 952 -

952 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 392 ---

952 = 23x7x17


- 953 -

953 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 303 ---

162nd prime

; 393 ---


- 954 -

954 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 144 ---


954 = 2x32x53 ; 304 ---

; 394 ---


--- pr.n. "Hind of the Dawn", the rising sun. 955 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 955 -

955 = 5x191

956 > 20 > 2

- 956 -

956 = 22x239

(for entries using finals, see: 146 ---

; 396 ---

957 > 21 > 3

- 957 -

(for entries using finals, see: 307 ---


957 = 3x11x29



; 397 ---


- 958 -

958 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 148 ---


958 = 2x479 ; 398 ---




--- a place of munitions, castle. - 959 -

959 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 239 ---

959 = 7x137

; 309 ---

; 399 ---


- 960 -

960 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 310 ---

; 400 ---

960 = 26x3x5 ,



--- hire or wages; reward. - 961 -

961 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 401 ---

963 > 18 > 9


- 962 -

962 > 17 > 8

- 963 --- make ye deep to dwell.

964 > 19 > 10 > 1

961 = 312

- 964 -

962 = 2x13x37 963 = 32x107

964 = 22x241

- 965 -

965 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 315 ---

966 > 21 > 3

965 = 5x193


- 966 --- (1526 w/f); to execute vengeance on.

966 = 2x3x7x23

- 967 -

967 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 407 ---

163rd prime


- 968 --- digging or burrowing animals; rats.

968 > 23 > 5

968 = 23x112

969 > 24 > 6

- 969 -

969 = 3x17x19

970 > 16 > 7

- 970 -

970 = 2x5x97

(for entries using finals, see: 160 --, ; 320 --, ; 410 --, , ; 490 --, ) --- (1620 w/f); the speech of Cannan (probably Egyptian name for the Hebrew or Semitic Language(s)).

971 > 17 > 8

- 971 -

164th prime

972 > 18 > 9

- 972 -

972 = 22x35

(for entries using finals, see: 162 --; 322 ----- (1782 w/f); the land's nakedness.

973 > 19 > 10 > 1


- 973 -

(for entries using finals, see: 323 ---

; 413 ---

973 = 7x139 )

- 974 -

974 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 324 ---

975 > 21 > 3



- 975 --- (1535 w/f); pr. n. "The City of Palms", Jericho.

976 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 166 ---

977 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 327 ---

974 = 2x487

- 976 -

975 = 3x52x13

976 = 24x61


- 977 )

165th prime

--- pr.n. "House of Astaroth". - 978 -

978 > 24 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 328 ---

978 = 2x3x163


- 979 -

979 > 25 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 329 ---

979 = 11x89



- 980 -

980 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 170 ---

980 = 22x5x72

; 420 ---

, ) (for a watchmen); the

--- a guarding; a post or station watch; treasure; a charge or duty; an observance or ordinance, a rite. --- nails. - 981 -

981 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 171 ----- (2351 w/f); land

982 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 172 ---

981 = 32x109


of double rebellion --- Babylonia. - 982 ; 332 ---

982 = 2x491 ; 422 ---


983 > 20 > 2

- 983 -

166th prime

984 > 21 > 3

- 984 -

984 = 23x3x41

985 > 22 > 4

- 985 -

985 = 5x197

(for entries using finals, see: 335 ---

986 > 23 > 5


- 986 -

(for entries using finals, see: 176 --, ) --- (2356 w/f); the earth

987 > 24 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 427 ---

988 > 25 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 178 ----- (1548 w/f);

989 > 26 > 8

986 = 2x17x29 standeth for ever.

- 987 -

987 = 3x7x47


- 988 ; 388 ---

988 = 22x13x19 ; 428 ---


binding up their wounds. - 989 -

989 = 23x43

- 990 -

990 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 340 ----- (1470 w/f); to ability.

990 = 2x32x5x11


; 510 ---


the measure of the free gift of thy hand (a gift according

--- fragrant wood. 991 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 991 167th prime --- from places at the head of (Saul). --- (2831 w/f); men and the women and the children. - 992 -

992 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 182 ---

992 = 25x31


- 993 -

993 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 343 ---

993 = 3x331




- 994 -

994 > 22 > 4

994 = 2x7x71

(for entries using finals, see: 434 --) --- (1474 w/f); thou shalt deck thee with thy tabrets (small tinkling things worn by dancing women on their fingers, finger cymbals.)

- 995 -

995 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 345 ---

995 = 5x199


--- the sanctuaries of Israel. 996 > 24 > 6

- 996 996 = 22x3x83 --- pr.n. "The Holy Aged" --- a term used in Qabalah for Ain Soph (207/1577); especially in the sense of the act of forming Keter, (620), the first Sephira, by emanation from the Ain Soph Aur, infinite light. (see also 1225).

997 > 25 > 7

- 997 -

(for entries using finals, see: 347 ---

998 > 26 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 188 ---

999 > 27 > 9


- 998 ,

(for entries using finals, see: 440 ---

998 = 2x499 ; 348 ---

- 999 -

(for entries using finals, see: 439 ---

1000 > 1

168th prime


438 ---


999 = 33x37 )

- 1000 )

1000 = 23x53

- 1001 -

1001 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 281 ---


1001 = 7x11x13

; 351 ---

; 441 ---


- 1002 -

1002 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 352 ---


1002 = 2x3x167


; 517 ---

1003 > 4

- 1003 -

(for entries using finals, see: 283 ---

; 353 ---

1004 > 5

- 1004 -

(for entries using finals, see: 354 ---


1005 > 6

- 1005 -


1003 = 17x59 ,


1004 = 22x251


(for entries using finals, see: 525 ---

1005 = 3x5x67


1006 > 7

- 1006 -

(for entries using finals, see: 196 ---

; 286 ---

1007 > 8

- 1007 -

(for entries using finals, see: 287 ---

; 357 ---

1008 > 9

- 1008 -

(for entries using finals, see: 288 ---

; 358 ---

1009 > 10 > 1

- 1009 -

(for entries using finals, see: 289 ---

1006 = 2x503 ; 356 ---



1007 = 19x53 ; 447 ---

; 527 ---


1008 = 2 x32x7 4

; 448 ---


169th prime


1010 > 2

- 1010 -

(for entries using finals, see: 200 --450 --, ,


1010 = 2x5x101

; 290 ---

; 360 ---





--- what is redundant or overlapping. --- wickedness; wicked woman. - 1011 -

1011 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 201 ---

; 451 ---

1011 = 3x337 ;


1012 > 4

- 1012 -

1012 = 22x11x23

1013 > 5

- 1013 -

170th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 363 ---



; 453 --


--- pr.n. "Man of Shame". - 1014 -

1014 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 294 ---

; 364 ---

1014 = 2x3x132 ; 454 ---

; 534 ---


--- prepared iron, steel. 1015 > 7

- 1015 --- unleavened cakes.

1015 = 5x7x29

1016 > 8

- 1016 -

1016 = 23x127

(for entries using finals, see: 366 ---



; 456 ---

--- what is redundant or overlapping. --- pr.n. "Dwelling at Rest".



- 1017 -

1017 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 367 ---

1017 = 32x113


- 1018 -

1018 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 298 ---

1018 = 2x509


1019 > 11 > 2

- 1019 -

171st prime

1020 > 3

- 1020 -

1020 = 22x3x5x17

(for entries using finals, see: 210 --460 --, )




; 370 ---



--- capital, crown (of a column). - 1021 -

1021 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 371 ---

172nd prime


- 1022 -

1022 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 372 ---

--- conspicuous

1022 = 2x7x73

) (plural, said of gems).

1023 > 6

- 1023 -

1023 = 3x11x31

1024 > 7

- 1024 -

1024 = 210

(for entries using finals, see: 304 ---


1025 > 8

- 1025 --- a befriending, affection.

1025 = 52x41

1026 > 9

- 1026 -

1026 = 2x33x19

(for entries using finals, see: 376 ---



--- capital, crown of a column. --- hewed beams, planks. --- gates of death.

1027 > 10 > 1 -

1027 = 13x79 - 1027 --- thou doest, I pray, a kindness; please do a favor.

1028 > 11 > 2

- 1028 -

1028 = 22x257

1029 > 12 > 3

- 1029 -

1029 = 3x73

(for entries using finals, see: 219 ---

1030 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 220 ----- (1036); a cutting


- 1030 ,


1030 = 2x5x103 ; 380 ---


off; separation, divorce.

1031 > 5

- 1031 -

173rd prime

1032 > 6

- 1032 -

1032 = 23x3x43

(for entries using finals, see: 382 ---

1033 > 7


- 1033 -

174th prime

- 1034 -

1034 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 474 ---

1034 = 2x11x47


1035 > 9

- 1035 -

1035 = 32x5x23

1036 > 10 > 1

- 1036 -

1036 = 22x7x37

(for entries using finals, see: 386 ----- (1030); a cutting

; 476 ---


off; separation, divorce.

1037 > 11 > 2

- 1037 -

1037 = 17x61

1038 > 12 > 3

- 1038 -

1038 = 2x3x173

1039 > 13 > 4

- 1039 -

175th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 389 ---

; 559 ---

1040 > 5

- 1040 -

(for entries using finals, see: 230 ---


1041 > 6

- 1041 -


1040 = 24x5x13

; 480 ---

(for entries using finals, see: 391 ---



1041 = 3x347


- 1042 -

1042 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 482 ---

1042 = 2x521


1043 > 8

- 1043 -

1043 = 7x149

1044 > 9

- 1044 -

1044 = 22x32x29

(for entries using finals, see: 324 ---


--- pr. n. "Given by Mithra" or "Given by the Sun". 1045 > 10 > 1

- 1045 -

1045 = 5x11x19

1046 > 11 > 2

- 1046 -

1046 = 2x523

(for entries using finals, see: 326 ---


; 486 ---


thou didst set firmness to my mountain (didst confirm it).

1047 > 12 > 3

- 1047 -

(for entries using finals, see: 397 ---

1048 > 13 > 4

1047 = 3x349


- 1048 -

(for entries using finals, see: 398 --; 488 ----- a breaking in (by a thief), burglary.

1048 = 23x131 )

1049 > 14 > 5

- 1049 -

176th prime

1050 > 6

- 1050 -

1050 = 2x3x52x7

(for entries using finals, see: 490 ---


1051 > 7

- 1051 -

177th prime

1052 > 8

- 1052 -

1052 = 22x263

(for entries using finals, see: 402 ---


--- (51 and 57); pr.n. "House of the Sun", "Heliopolis" (also



1053 > 9

- 1053 -

1053 = 34x13

1054 > 10 > 1

- 1054 -

1054 = 2x17x31

(for entries using finals, see: 334 ---

; 404 --


- 1055 -

1055 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 245 ---

1055 = 5x211

; 575 --(3075 w/f);



his feet, a part of them was iron and a part of them was clay


- 1056 -

1056 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 247 ---

1056 = 25x3x11

;402 ---

; 406 ---



1057 > 13 > 4

- 1057 -

1057 = 7x151

1058 > 14 > 5

- 1058 -

1058 = 2x232

1059 > 15 > 6

- 1059 -

1059 = 3x353

1060 > 7

- 1060 -

1060 = 22x5x53

(for entries using finals, see: 340 ---

; 410 ---

; 500 ---


- 1061 --- song of the pilgrimages, pilgrim-song.

1061 > 8


178th prime

1062 > 9

- 1062 -

1062 = 2x32x59

1063 > 10 > 1

- 1063 -

179th prime

1064 > 11 > 2

- 1064 -

1064 = 23x7x19

(for entries using finals, see: 414 ---


1065 > 12 > 3

- 1065 -

1065 = 3x5x71

1066 > 13 > 4

- 1066 -

1066 = 2x13x41

(for entries using finals, see: 416 ---

; 506 ---

- 1067 -

1067 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 417 ---

1068 > 15 > 6


1067 = 11x97


- 1068 --- "combat standing order". --- the grains rot.

1068 = 22x3x89

- 1069 -

1069 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 509 ---


180th prime



--- a destroyer. - 1070 -

1070 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 350 ---

; 420 ---

1070 = 2x5x107 )

--- abundance or riches. 1071 > 9

- 1071 -

1071 = 32x7x17

(for entries using finals, see: 421 ---


1072 > 10 > 1

- 1072 -

(for entries using finals, see: 592 ---

) (or "Ears")

--- pr.n. "Summits

of Tabor", name of a village.

- 1073 -

1073 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 513 ---

1074 > 12 > 3

1072 = 24x67

1073 = 29x37


1074 = 2x3x179 - 1074 --- pr. n. "Nergal, Chief of the Treasury" of a chief of the Magians.

1075 > 13 > 4

- 1075 -

1075 = 52x43

1076 > 14 > 5

- 1076 -

1076 = 22x269

(for entries using finals, see: 426 ---


1077 > 15 > 6

- 1077 -

1077 = 3x359

1078 > 16 > 7

- 1078 -

1078 = 2x72x11

1079 > 17 > 8

- 1079 -

1079 = 13x83

1080 > 9

- 1080 -

1080 = 23x33x5

(for entries using finals, see: 270 ---

; 430 ---


- 1081 -

1081 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 431 ---

1081 = 23x47

; 521 ---


--- pr.n. "Tipheret", "Mildness" or "Beauty" --- the name of the sixth Sephira. Tipheret corresponds to the Chest of Adam Qadmon (161). 1

Note: 1. G-K p. 93

1082 > 11 > 2

- 1082 -

1082 = 2x541

1083 > 12 > 3

- 1083 -

1083 = 3x192

(for entries using finals, see: 523 ----- (1643 w/f);


when the fountains of the deep became mighty.

1084 > 13 > 4

- 1084 -

(for entries using finals, see: 434 ---


1084 = 22x271


- 1085 -

1085 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 525 ---

1085 = 5x7x31


--- wreathed work. 1086 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 526 ---

- 1086 -

1086 = 2x3x181


1087 > 16 > 7

- 1087 -

181st prime

1088 > 17 > 8

- 1088 -

1088 = 26x17

(for entries using finals, see: 528 ---

1089 > 18 > 9

; 608 ---

- 1089 -


1089 = 32x112

1090 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 440 ---

1091 > 11 > 2

- 1090 -

1090 = 2x5x109

; 530 ---



- 1091 -

(for entries using finals, see: 441 ---

182nd prime


1092 > 12 > 3

- 1092 -

1092 = 22x3x7x13

1093 > 13 > 4

- 1093 -

183rd prime

1094 > 14 > 5

- 1094 -

1094 = 2x547

(for entries using finals, see: 534 ---

1095 > 15 > 6


- 1095 -

(for entries using finals, see: 615 ---

1096 > 16 > 7


- 1096 -

(for entries using finals, see: 536 ---

1097 > 17 > 8

1095 = 3x5x73 1096 = 23x137


- 1097 -

(for entries using finals, see: 537 ---

184th prime


1098 > 18 > 9

- 1098 -

1098 = 2x32x61

1099 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 1099 -

1099 = 7x157

(for entries using finals, see: 289 ---

1100 > 2


- 1100 -

(for entries using finals, see: 540 ---

1100 = 22x52x11


1101 > 3

- 1101 -

(for entries using finals, see: 291 --541 --,

; 381 --)

1102 > 4

- 1102 -

1102 = 2x19x29

1103 > 5

- 1103 -

185th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 383 ---

; 543 ---

1101 = 3x367 ; 451 ---



1104 > 6

- 1104 -

(for entries using finals, see: 454 ---

; 544 ---

1105 > 7

- 1105 -

1105 = 5x13x17

1106 > 8

- 1106 -

1106 = 2x7x79

(for entries using finals, see: 546 ---

1107 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 457 ---

1104 = 24x3x23 )


- 1107 -

1107 = 33x4


1108 > 10 > 1

- 1108 -

(for entries using finals, see: 298 ---

; 388 ---

1109 > 11 > 2

- 1109 -

186th prime

1110 > 3

- 1110 -

1110 = 2x3x5x37

1108 = 22x277 ; 458 ---


(for entries using finals, see: 390 ----- (1670 w/f); ten

; 460 ---




times. - 1111 -

1111 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 461 ---


1111 = 11x101

; 631 ---


- 1112 -

1112 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 462 ---

1112 = 23x139


1113 > 6

- 1113 -

1113 = 3x7x53

1114 > 7

- 1114 -

1114 = 2x557

(for entries using finals, see: 304 ---


- 1115 -

1115 > 8 1116 > 9

; 464 ---

1115 = 5x223

- 1116 --- (1766 w/f); awake! why sleepest thou? --- pr. n. "Crowns of the house of Joab.

1116 = 22x32x31

- 1117 -

1117 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 467 ---


187th prime

; 637 ---


--- the Holy of Holies, "House of the Mercy-seat", "Place of the Cover of the Ark". - 1118 -

1118 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 308 ---

; 398 ---

1118 = 2x13x43 ; 558 ---


1119 > 12 > 3

- 1119 -

1119 = 3x373

1120 > 4

- 1120 -

1120 = 25x5x7

(for entries using finals, see: 310 --560 --,

; 400 --, )

1121 > 5

- 1121 -

(for entries using finals, see: 401 ---

; 470 ---



1121 = 19x59


1122 > 6

- 1122 -

1122 = 2x3x11x17

1123 > 7

- 1123 -

188th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 473 ----- (1773 w/f);



the table of the shew-bread. 1124 = 22x281


- 1124 --- pr.n. "Flanks of Tabor".

1125 > 9

- 1125 -

1125 = 32x53

1124 > 8

(for entries using finals, see: 565 ---

1126 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 476 ---

1127 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 567 ---


- 1126 -

1126 = 2x563


- 1127 )

1127 = 72x23

1128 > 12 > 3

- 1128 -

1128 = 23x3x47

1129 > 13 > 4

- 1129 -

189th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 569 ---


- 1130 -

1130 > 5

1130 = 2x5x113

(for entries using finals, see: 410 --; 480 ----- (1690 w/f); uncircumcised of


) (thick of speech).

1131 > 6

- 1131 -

1131 = 3x13x29

1132 > 7

- 1132 -

1132 = 22x283

1133 > 8

- 1133 -

1133 = 11x103

1134 > 9

- 1134 -

1134 = 2x34x7

(for entries using finals, see: 484 ---


1135 > 10 > 1

- 1135 -

1135 = 5x227

1136 > 11 > 2

- 1136 -

1136 = 24x71

1137 > 12 > 3

- 1137 -

1137 = 3x379

1138 > 13 > 4

- 1138 -

1138 = 2x569

(for entries using finals, see: 488 ---


1139 > 14 > 5

- 1139 -

1139 = 17x67

1140 > 6

- 1140 -

1140 = 22x3x5x19

(for entries using finals, see: 330 ---

; 490 ---


- 1141 -

1141 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 491 ---


1141 = 7x163

; 661 ---



--- pour not out my life.

1142 > 8

- 1142 -

(for entries using finals, see: 332 ---

1142 = 2x571

; 492 ---


1143 > 9

- 1143 -

1143 = 32x127

1144 > 10 > 1

- 1144 -

1144 = 23x11x13

1145 > 11 > 2

- 1145 -

1145 = 5x229

(for entries using finals, see: 585 ---

1146 > 12 > 3


- 1146 -

(for entries using finals, see: 336 ---

; 496 ---

1146 = 2x3x191 ; 586 ---


1147 > 13 > 4

- 1147 -

1147 = 31x37

1148 > 14 > 5

- 1148 -

1148 = 22x7x41

(for entries using finals, see: 428 ---

1149 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 499 ---


- 1149 -


1149 = 3x383

- 1150 -

1150 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 340 ---

1150 = 2x52x23

; 430 ---

; 500 ---


- 1151 -

1151 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 501 ---

190th prime



1152 > 9

- 1152 -

1152 = 27x32

1153 > 10 > 1

- 1153 -

191st prime

(for entries using finals, see: 503 ---


1154 > 11 > 2

- 1154 -

1154 = 2x577

1155 > 12 > 3

- 1155 -

1155 = 3x5x7x11

(for entries using finals, see: 595 ---


- 1156 -

1156 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 596 ---

1156 = 22x172


- 1157 -

1157 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 507 ---

1157 = 13x89


--- banqueting-hall. 1158 > 15 > 6

- 1158 -

1158 = 2x3x193

1159 > 16 > 7

- 1159 -

1159 = 19x61

(for entries using finals, see: 509 ---


- 1160 -

1160 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 510 ---


1160 = 23x5x29


; 600 ---

- 1161 -

1161 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 601 ---


1161 = 33x43


- 1162 -

1162 = 2x7x83

1163 > 11 > 2

- 1163 -

192nd prime

1164 > 12 > 3

- 1164 -

1164 = 22x3x97

1162 > 10 > 1 --- banqueting-hall.

- 1165 --- jubilee, "the year of freedom".

1165 > 13 > 4

1165 = 5x233

- 1166 -

1166 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 446 ---

1166 = 2x11x53

; 516 ---


1167 > 15 > 6

- 1167 -

1167 = 3x389

1168 > 16 > 7

- 1168 -

1168 = 24x73

1169 > 17 > 8

- 1169 --- a copper or bronze bow.

1169 = 7x167

1170 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 360 ---

- 1170 ; 520 ---

1170 = 2x32x5x13 )

- 1171 -

1171 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 521 ---

193rd prime

; 691 ---


- 1172 -

1172 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 612 ---

1172 = 22x293 )

- 1173 -

1173 > 12 > 3

1173 = 3x17x23

- 1174 --- (1824 w/f); one horn of small size. --- I kept the word in my heart.

1174 > 13 > 4

1174 = 2x587

1175 > 14 > 5

- 1175 -

1175 = 52x47

1176 > 15 > 6

- 1176 -

1176 = 23x3x72

(for entries using finals, see: 366 --616 --,

; 526 ---



--- thought or opinion. - 1177 -

1177 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 617 ---

1177 = 11x107


1178 > 17 > 8

- 1178 --- a three years old heifer.

1178 = 2x19x31

1179 > 18 > 9

- 1179 -

1179 = 32x131

1180 > 10 > 1

- 1180 -

1180 = 22x5x59

(for entries using finals, see: 370 ---

1181 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 531 ---

1182 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 622 ---

; 620 ---


- 1181 -


194th prime


- 1182 -

1182 = 2x3x197


1183 > 13 > 4

- 1183 -

1183 = 7x132

1184 > 14 > 5

- 1184 -

1184 = 25x37

(for entries using finals, see: 374 ---


1185 > 15 > 6

- 1185 -

1185 = 3x5x79

1186 > 16 > 7

- 1186 -

1186 = 2x593

(for entries using finals, see: 536 ---

1187 > 17 > 8


- 1187 -

(for entries using finals, see: 627 ---

195th prime


1188 > 18 > 9

- 1188 -

1188 = 22x33x11

1189 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 1189 -

1189 = 29x41

1190 > 11 > 2

- 1190 -

1190 = 2x5x7x17

(for entries using finals, see: 630 ---




1191 > 12 > 3

- 1191 -

1191 = 3x397

1192 > 13 > 4

- 1192 -

1192 = 23x149

1193 > 14 > 5

- 1193 -

196th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 543 ---

; 633 ---


- 1194 -

1194 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 634 ---

1194 = 2x3x199


- 1195 -

1195 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 635 ---

1195 = 5x239


- 1196 --- he poured out to death his life.

1196 > 17 > 8

1196 = 22x13x23

- 1197 -

1197 > 18 > 9


(for entries using finals, see: 637 ---


1197 = 32x7x19 )

1198 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 1198 -

1198 = 2x599

1199 > 20 > 2

- 1199 -

1199 = 11x109

(for entries using finals, see: 719 ---


- 1200 -

1200 > 3

1200 = 24x3x52

- 1204 --- (1764 w/f); ye bow yourselves down.

1204 > 7

1204 = 22x7x43

- 1206 -

1206 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 396 ---

1208 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 488 ---

1209 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 559 ---


1206 = 2x32x67


- 1208 -

1208 = 23x151


- 1209 -

1209 = 3x13x31



- 1211 -

1211 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 651 ---

1211 = 7x173


- 1214 -

1214 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 564 ---

1216 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 566 ---

1217 > 11 > 2

1214 = 2x607

; 654 ---



- 1216 -

1216 = 26x19


- 1217 -

(for entries using finals, see: 177 ---

199th prime


- 1220 -

1220 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 410 --660 --)

--- thoughts or plans.


1220 = 22x5x61 ; 500 ---

; 570 ---


- 1221 -

1221 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 501 ---

1221 = 3x11x37


- 1223 -

1223 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 663 ---

1225 > 10 > 1

200th prime


1225 = 52x72 - 1225 --- (1875 w/f); pr.n. "Aged of the Aged" --- a term used in Qabalah for Ain Soph (207/1577); especially in the sense of the act of forming Keter, (620), the first Sephira, by emanation from the Ain Soph Aur, infinite light. (see also 996). --- a tithe of the tithe.

1226 > 11 > 2

- 1226 -

(for entries using finals, see: 576 ---

1226 = 2x613


- 1231 -

1231 > 7

202nd prime

(for entries using finals, see: 581 ----- (1791 w/f); the

ten commandments.

1232 > 8

- 1232 -

(for entries using finals, see: 672 ---



1232 = 24x7x11


--- to make a covenant. 1236 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 586 ---

1237 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 427 ---

1239 > 15 > 6

- 1236 )

- 1237 -

203rd prime


- 1239 -

(for entries using finals, see: 679 ---

1244 > 11 > 2

1236 = 22x3x103

1239 = 2x619


- 1244 -

(for entries using finals, see: 434 ---

1244 = 22x311


1246 > 13 > 4

- 1246 -

1246 = 2x7x89

1247 > 14 > 5

- 1247 -

1247 = 29x43

(for entries using finals, see: 201 ---

1248 > 15 > 6


- 1248 -

(for entries using finals, see: 598 ---

1249 > 16 > 7

; 688 ---

- 1249 -

(for entries using finals, see: 439 ---

1252 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 692 ---

1253 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 693 ---

1248 = 25x3x13 )

204th prime )

- 1252 -

1252 = 22x313


- 1253 )

1253 = 7x179

- 1256 -

1256 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 606 ---



- 1257 -

1257 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 697 ---

1257 = 3x419


- 1259 -

1259 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 779 ---

1260 > 9

1256 = 23x157

205th prime


1260 = 22x32x5x7 - 1260 --- (1820 w/f); pr.n. "Tarshishim" --- angelic order associated with the 7th Sephira Netzach, (148). (Dan. X, 6) 2

Note: 2. G-K p. 91

1268 > 17 > 8

- 1268 -

(for entries using finals, see: 618 ---

1269 > 18 > 9


- 1269 -

(for entries using finals, see: 619 ---

1270 > 10 > 1

- 1270 -

(for entries using finals, see: 555 ---

1276 > 16 > 7

- 1271 - 1275 -


(for entries using finals, see: 635 ---

1287 > 18 > 9

(for entries using finals, see: 568 ---

1296 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 646 ---

1300 > 4

1278 = 2x32x71


- 1280 -

1280 = 28x5

; 720 ---


- 1281 -

1281 = 3x7x61 )

- 1285 -

1285 = 5x257



- 1287 -

(for entries using finals, see: 673 ---

1288 > 19 > 10 > 1


1276 = 22x11x29

- 1278 -

(for entries using finals, see: 721 ---

1285 > 16 > 7

; 715 ---


(for entries using finals, see: 630 ---

1281 > 12 > 3

1275 = 3x52x17

- 1276 -

(for entries using finals, see: 158 ---

1280 > 11 > 2

1271 = 31*41


(for entries using finals, see: 626 ---

1278 > 18 > 9

1270 =2x5x127


(for entries using finals, see: 461 ---

1275 > 15 > 6

1269 = 33x47


(for entries using finals, see: 230 ---

1271 > 12 > 3

1268 = 22x317

1287 = 32x11X13 ; 727 ---

- 1288 -


1288 = 23x7x23


- 1296 -

1296 = 24x34


- 1300 -

1300 = 22x52x13

1305 > 9

- 1305 -

1305 = 32x5x29

1306 > 10 > 1

- 1306 -

1306 = 2x653

(for entries using finals, see: 656 ---


- 1308 -

1308 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 658 ---

1308 = 22x3x109


- 1310 -

1310 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 500 ---

1315 > 10 > 1

1310 = 2x5x31

; 660 ---


- 1315 -

1315 = 5x263

- 1316 -

1316 = 22x7x47

--- net-work. 1316 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 666 ---


- 1321 -

1321 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 671 ---

216th prime


1326 > 12 > 3

- 1326 -

1326 = 2x3x13x17

1336 > 13 > 4

- 1336 -

1336 = 23x167

(for entries using finals, see: 216 ---


1341 > 9

- 1341 -

1341 = 32x149

1342 > 10 > 1

- 1342 -

1342 = 2x11x61

(for entries using finals, see: 862 ---


- 1345 -

1345 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 625 ---

1349 > 17 > 8

1345 = 5x269


- 1349 --- pr.n. "Possession of Gath".

1349 = 19x71

- 1351 -

1351 > 10 > 1

1351 = 7x193

--- winding ways. - 1353 -

1353 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 703 ---

1353 = 3x11x41


- 1356 -

1356 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 796 ---


1357 > 16 > 7

- 1357 -

(for entries using finals, see: 147 ---


1361 > 41 > 5

- 1361 -

218th prime )

- 1363 -

(for entries using finals, see: 243 ---

1357 = 23x59


(for entries using finals, see: 801 ---

1363 > 13 > 4

1356 = 22x3x113



--- he-goat that is sent away.

1363 = 29x47

- 1365 -

1365 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 805 ---

1365 = 3x5x7x13


--- tithe-year --- every third year, in which the tithes were applied to home or family uses. - 1368 -

1368 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 808 ---

1368 = 23x32x19


- 1370 -

1370 > 11 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 720 ----- (1610); pr.n.

1370 2x5x137


"Mighty King".

--- Astoreth (Phoenician goddess worshiped by the Israelites and the Philistines along with Baal. The name is akin to that of the planet Venus as and may signify "the fair one".)

1371 > 12 > 3

- 1371 -

(for entries using finals, see: 161 ---


1373 > 14 > 5

- 1373 -

1371 = 3x457


(for entries using finals, see: 813 ---

220th prime


- 1376 --- Images of Astoreth (see 1370); ewes or dams.

1376 > 17 > 8

1376 = 25x43

- 1383 -

1383 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 263 ---

1383 = 3x461


- 1386 -

1386 > 18 > 9


(for entries using finals, see: 736 ---

, 826 ---

1386 = 2x32x7x11 )

- 1387 --- pr.n. "House of Astaroth".

1387 = 19x73

- 1391 -

1391 = 13x107

1387 > 19 > 10 > 1 1391 > 14 > 5

(for entries using finals, see: 361 ---

1392 > 15 > 6


- 1392 -

(for entries using finals, see: 742 ---

1396 > 19 > 10 > 1


- 1396 -

(for entries using finals, see: 836 ---

1398 > 21 > 3

1392 = 24x3x29 1396 = 22x349


- 1398 -

(for entries using finals, see: 748 ---

1398 = 2x3x233


1400 > 5

- 1400 -

1400 = 23x5x7

1404 > 9

- 1404 -

1404 = 22x33x13

(for entries using finals, see: 284 ---

1407 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 757 ---

1408 > 13 > 4



- 1407 -

1407 = 3x7x67


- 1408 -

1408 = 27x11

(for entries using finals, see: 928 ---


1415 > 11 > 2

- 1415 -

(for entries using finals, see: 205 ---


1420 > 7

- 1420 -


(for entries using finals, see: 770 ---

1426 > 13 > 4

1415 = 5x283 1420 = 22x5x71


- 1426 --- (1986 w/f); gall of vipers, snake venom.

1430 > 8

- 1430 -

(for entries using finals, see: 870 ---

1439 > 17 > 8

1430 = 2x5x11x13


- 1439 -

(for entries using finals, see: 789 ---

1440 > 9

1426 = 2x23x31

228th prime


- 1440 -

(for entries using finals, see: 790 ---

1440 = 25x32x5


1443 > 12 > 3

- 1443 -

1443 = 3x13x37

1444 > 13 > 4

- 1444 -

1444 = 22x192

(for entries using finals, see: 234 ---

1445 > 14 > 5


- 1445 -

(for entries using finals, see: 885 ---

1448 > 17 > 8


- 1448 -

(for entries using finals, see: 988 ---

1449 > 18 > 9

- 1449 - 1450 - 1451 - 1452 - 1453 -

(for entries using finals, see: 806 ---

1458 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 808 ---

231st prime


- 1455 -

(for entries using finals, see: 155 ---

1456 > 16 > 7

1452 = 22x3x112


(for entries using finals, see: 893 ---

1455 > 15 > 6

230th prime


(for entries using finals, see: 892 ---

1453 > 13 > 4

1450 = 5x281


(for entries using finals, see: 801 ---

1452 > 12 > 3

1449 = 32x7x23


(for entries using finals, see: 890 ---

1451 > 11 > 2

1448 = 23x181 )

(for entries using finals, see: 639 ---

1450 > 10 > 1

1445 = 5x172

1455 = 3x5x97


- 1456 -

1456 = 24x7x13


- 1458 )

1458 = 2x36

1459 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 1459 -

(for entries using finals, see: 649 ---


232nd prime

; 899 ---

1460 > 11 > 2

- 1460 -

(for entries using finals, see: 160 ---


1462 > 13 > 4

- 1462 -

(for entries using finals, see: 162 ---


1464 > 15 > 6

- 1464 -


1460 = 22x5x73


1462 = 2x17x43


(for entries using finals, see: 814 ---

1464 = 23x3x61


- 1465 -

1465 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 815 ---

1465 = 5x293


- 1470 -

1470 > 13 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 750 ---

1470 = 2x3x5x72

; 990 ---


1473 > 15 > 6

- 1473 -

1473 = 3x491

1474 > 16 > 7

- 1474 -

1474 = 2x11x67

(for entries using finals, see: 994 ---


- 1475 -

1475 > 27 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 755 ---


1476 > 18 > 9

- 1476 -

(for entries using finals, see: 196 ---


1477 > 19 > 10 > 1

- 1477 -

(for entries using finals, see: 177 ---


1477 = 7x211


(for entries using finals, see: 525 ---

1485 = 33x5x11 )

- 1493 -

1493 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 283 ---

1493 = 238th prime


- 1500 -

1500 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 940 ---

1500 = 22x3x53


- 1509 -

1509 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 859 ---

1509 = 3x503 )

- 1520 --- to keep one's charge.

1520 = 24x5x19

- 1524 -

1524 = 22x3x127

1524 > 12 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 874 ---

1526 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 966 ---

1528 > 16 > 7

1476 = 22x32x41

- 1485 -

1485 > 18 > 9

1520 > 8

1475 = 52x59


- 1526 -

1526 = 52x61


- 1528 -

1528 = 23x191

(for entries using finals, see: 878 ---



1529 = 11x139 - 1529 --- (2089 w/f); his ordinances which he ordained for them.

1529 > 17 > 8

- 1535 -

1535 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 975 ---


- 1536 -

1536 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 326 ---

1536 = 29x3


- 1537 -

1537 > 16 > 7

1537 = 29x53

1542 = 2x3x257 - 1542 --- (2192 w/f); oil of unction of holiness (holy anointing oil).

1542 > 12 > 3

- 1556 -

1556 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 186 ---

1556 = 5x311


- 1562 -

1562 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 262 ---

1562 = 2x11x71


- 1563 -

1563 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 283 ---

1563 = 3x521


- 1577 -

1577 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 207 ---

1577 = 19x83


- 1581 -

1581 > 15 > 6 (for entries using finals, see: 771 ---

; 931 ---

- 1588 --- (2148 w/f); and I will utterly forget you.

1588 > 22 > 4

- 1598 -

1598 > 23 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 228 ---

(for entries using finals, see: 389 ---

1598 = 2x17x47

1600 = 26x52 )

- 1603 ---

1588 = 3x232


(for entries using finals, see: 480 ---

1603 > 10 > 1


1599 = 3x13x41

- 1600 -

1600 > 7

1581 = 3x17x31


- 1599 -

1599 > 24 > 6

1603 = 7x229

clusters of bitter things, hardship. - 1610 -

1610 > 8 ---

1535 = 5x307

(1370); pr.n.

1610 = 2x5x7x23

"Mighty King".

1620 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 970 ---

- 1620 )

1620 = 22x34x5

- 1643 -

1643 > 14 > 5

1643 = 31x53

(for entries using finals, see: 1083 ---


- 1646 -

1646 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 526 ---


1646 = 2x823 )

- 1649 -

1649 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 279 ---

1649 = 17x97

; 929 ---


- 1652 -

1652 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 442 ---

1652 = 22x7x59


- 1656 -

1656 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 936 ---

1656 = 23x32x23


- 1666 -

1666 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 546 ---

1666 = 32x5x37


- 1670 -

1670 > 14 > 5 (for entries using finals, see: 1110 ---

1670 = 2x5x167


- 1690 -

1690 > 17 > 8 (for entries using finals, see: 1130 ---

1690 = 2x5x132


1700 > 8

- 1700 -

1700 = 22x52x17

1720 > 10 > 1

- 1720 -

1720 = 23x5x43

(for entries using finals, see: 590 ---


1746 > 18 > 9

- 1746 -

(for entries using finals, see: 626 ---



1746 = 2x32x97


to addict oneself to do evil. - 1764 -

1764 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 1204 ---


(2365 w/f); ye

1764 = 22x32x72


bow yourselves down. - 1766 -

1766 = 2x883

- 1773 (for entries using finals, see: 1123 ---

1773 = 32x197

1766 > 20 > 2 (for entries using finals, see: 1116 ---

1773 > 18 > 9


- 1776 -

1776 > 21 > 3

1776 = 24x3x37

(for entries using finals, see: 316 ----


(2336 w/f); horned

images of Astoreth (see 1370).

- 1778 -

1778 > 23 > 5 ---

thou prescribest bitter things for me.

1778 = 2x7x127

- 1782 -

1782 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 972 ---

1782 = 2x34x11


- 1791 -

1791 > 18 > 9

1791 = 32x199

(for entries using finals, see: 1231 ---


- 1794 -

1794 > 21 > 3 (for entries using finals, see: 674 ---

1794 = 24x109


1800 > 9

- 1800 -

1800 = 23x32x52

1820 > 11 > 2

- 1820 -

1820 = 22x5x7x13

(for entries using finals, see: 1260 ---


- 1824 -

1824 > 15 > 6

1824 = 25x3x19

(for entries using finals, see: 1174 ---


- 1858 -

1858 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 558 ---

1858 = 2x929


- 1875 -

1875 > 21 > 3

1875 = 3x54

(for entries using finals, see: 1225 ---


- 1876 -

1876 > 22 > 4 (for entries using finals, see: 506 ---

1876 = 22x7x67


- 1881 -

1881 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 671 ---

1883 > 20 > 2 -

1881 = 32X11X19


1883 = 7x269 - 1883 --- (2443 w/f); and I will lay my vengeance on Edom (or Adam).

1887 > 24 > 6

- 1887 -

1887 = 3x17x37

(for entries using finals, see: 587 ---



1900 > 10 > 1

- 1900 -

1900 = 22x52x19

1921 > 13 > 4

- 1921 -

1921 = 17x113

(for entries using finals, see: 711 ---

1945 > 19 > 10 > 1 (for entries using finals, see: 645 ---

1986 > 14 > 5


- 1945 )

- 1986 -

(for entries using finals, see: 1426 ---

1998 > 27 > 9

1945 = 5x389 1986 = 2x3x331 )

- 1998 -

(for entries using finals, see: 868 ---

1998 = 2x33x37


2000 > 2

- 2000 -

2000 = 24x53

2041 > 7

- 2041 -

2041 = 13x157

(for entries using finals, see: 671 ---

2046 > 12 > 3


- 2046 -

2046 = 2x3x11x31

(for entries using finals, see: 766 ---


- 2058 -

2058 > 15 > 6

2058 = 2x3x73

(for entries using finals, see: 848 ---


- 2059 -

2059 > 16 > 7 (for entries using finals, see: 689 ---

2059 = 29x71


- 2089 -

2089 > 19 > 10 > 1

316th prime

(for entries using finals, see: 1529 ---


- 2148 -

2148 > 15 > 6

2148 = 22x3x179

(for entries using finals, see: 1588 ---

2149 > 16 > 7 -


2149 = 7x307 - 2149 --- (2709 w/f); and ye shall foreskin its foreskin, its fruit (fruit unclean in first 3 years).

2173 > 13 > 4

- 2173 -

(for entries using finals, see: 403 ---

2192 > 14 > 5

2173 = 41x53 )

- 2192 -

2192 = 22x523

(for entries using finals, see: 1542 ---

2220 > 6


- 2220 -

(for entries using finals, see: 850 ---

2336 > 14 > 5


- 2336 -

(for entries using finals, see: 1776 ---

2351 > 11 > 2

2336 = 25x73 )

- 2351 -

(for entries using finals, see: 981 ---

2356 > 26 > 8

2220 = 2x11x101

349th prime


- 2356 -

2356 = 22x19x31

(for entries using finals, see: 986 ---

2365 > 16 > 7


- 2365 -

(for entries using finals, see: 1245 ---

2442 > 12 > 3

2365 = 5x11x43 )

- 2442 -

2442 = 21x3x11x37

(for entries using finals, see: 762 ---

2443 > 13 > 4


- 2443 -

(for entries using finals, see: 1883 ---

2709 > 18 > 9 (for entries using finals, see: 2149 ---

2831 > 14 > 5

(for entries using finals, see: 1055 ---

2443 = 7x349



- 2709 -

2709 = 32x7x43



- 2831 -

(for entries using finals, see: 991 ---

3075 > 15 > 6


2831 = 19x149 )

- 3075 -

3075 = 3x52x41 -


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