Heathers the Musical
July 9, 2019 | Author: Max Collins | Category: N/A
Short Description
Heathers the Musical Scene 1: Westerberg Westerberg High School (Song: Beauful) VERONI! "S#o$en%: Se#te&ber 1st' 1* +ear +iar,: I belie-e I.& a goo/ #erson* 0a $no' I thin$ there.s goo/ in e-er,one' but here e are 2rst /a, of senior ,ear* I loo$ aroun/ at all these $i/s I.-e $non all &, life an/ I as$ &,self: What ha##ene/3 4I+S: 5rea$6 Slut6 Burnout6 Bug7e,es6 8oser6 9ar/7ass6 VERONI!: We ere so n,' ha##, an/ shin,' #la,ing tag an/ geng chase/* 4I+S: 5rea$6 Slut6 9oser6 Shortbus6 VERONI!: Singing an/ cla##ing' laughing an/ na##ing' ba$ing coo$ies' eang #aste* 4I+S: Bull7/,$e6 Stuc$7u#6 Hunchbac$6 VERONI!: ;hen e got bigger* ;hat as the trigger' 9i$e the Huns in-a/ing Ro&e 7 4i/: er soon as &, le>er co&es fro& Har-ar/' +u$e' or Bron* Wa$e fro& this co&a' ta$e &, /i#lo&a' then I can blo this ton* +rea& of &, i-,7co-ere/ alls an/ s&o$, 5rench cafes***
R!< "S#o$en%: Watch it6 VERONI!: 5ight the urge to stri$e stri$e a &atch an/ sen/ this /u abla@e6 R!er of hen* I /on.t learn the na&es' /on.t bother ith faces* !ll I can trust is this concrete oasis* See&s e-er, &e I.& about to /es#air' ;here.s a 711 right there* Each store is the sa&e' fro& 9as Vegas to Boston' linoleu& aisles that I lo-e to get lost in* I #ra, at &, altar of slushC ,eah I li-e for that seet fro@en rush*** 5ree@e ,our brain* Suc$ on that stra' get lost in the #ain* Ha##iness co&es hen e-er,things nu&bs* Who nee/s cocaine3 5ree@e ,our brain* 5ree@e ,our brain (s#o$en) are for a hit3 VERONI! +oes ,our &o&&, $no ,ou eat all this cra#3 =*+* Not an,&ore* When &o& as ali-e' e li-e/ halfa, nor&al' but no it.s Must &e an/ &, /a/' e.re less for&al* I learne/ to coo$ #asta' I learne/ to #a, rentC learne/ the orl/ /oesn.t oe ,ou a cent* 0ou.re #lanning ,our future' Veronica Sa,er S a,er'' ,ou.ll go to so&e college' an/ &arr, a la,er* But the s$,.s gonna hurt hen it falls* So ,ou be>er start buil/ing so&e alls*** 5ree@e ,our brain* Si& in the ice' get lost in the #ain* Shut ,our e,es ght' ll ,ou -anish fro& sight' let nothing re&ain
5ree@e ,our brain' sha>er ,our s$ull' 2ght #ain ith &ore #ain* 5orget ho ,ou are' unbur/en ,our loa/' forget forget in siF ee$s ,ou.ll be bac$ on the roa/* When the -oice in ,our hea/ sa,s ,ou.re be>er oD /ea/' /on.t o#en a -ein 7 Must free@e free@e ,our brain' brain' free@e ,our brain' ?o on an/ free@e free@e ,our brain*** ;r, it* (
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