Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation - Heretical Builders

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11-04-2010, 09:29 AM

Godfrey Apprentice

#1 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation

Hi All, I'm a brand new member on this forum, and am here to start posting, with a hunch that this is a suitable environment to address this subject in a productive way. Zappers have been of an increasing interest to me as I have sought solutions to certain chronic health conditions in family members and myself. I have made no final conclusions for or against them in general. I do follow my strongest intuitions, however, in feeling that the research surrounding them is on the right track. I have made a few popularly published circuits and will encourage others in this thread to do so by fully publishing as DIY's the replications I have myself constructed. I will aim that part of the discussion towards anyone willing to acquire my shopping list of parts, pick up a soldering iron and put a working circuit together. Today however, because my wife borrowed my good digital cam for the day, I'll just start the ball rolling and mention a few of my projects. I've been experimenting with Hulda Clark's zapper, of which there's plenty of information already on the web. My difference is showing how to put one together with a Radio Shack prototype board and putting it in a compact Altiod box for more convenience and maximum portability. I came up with an alternative way to setup the electrodes, also. Thomas Scarborough's Wart Zapper is another project of mine, once again set up on a proto PCB alternative to his proposed layout. I also have what I believe is a superior way to configure the electrodes. Here is the link for it: I encourage my friend, Sucahyo to come by to be the first to describe both his and my research on using his Stingo circuit as a health zapper. Here are some of the related threads he has started so far: Radiant as electric orgone manipulator High frequency use for health Some discussion of Stingo use for health has recently come up on this thread I started:

Stingo Solid State Battery Charger I will be happy to answer nuts and bolts questions for the complete electronic novice seeking to try to make and experiment with health zappers, but be prepared also for some technical research talk back and forth that may be way over your head. Please have the good taste not to participate as an armchair critic of zapper research, and be warned, I won't acknowledge the presence of anyone who presumes to crash this party that way. That doesn't mean you'll be ignored if you post negative results of your experiments, or voice concerns. I have such issues myself, which I want to hash around. I'm just hoping to best establish a spirit of open-minded, practical research approach to this discussion. - Godfrey Last edited by Godfrey; 11-22-2010 at 01:23 AM.

11-04-2010, 07:56 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#2 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation

I first using stingo with zapper like implementation. It is exactly radiant sleeping aid but I apply it to people. On this implementation the first thing I notice is it produce pain, especially on the positive radiant output part. It appear that this implementation can reduce wet nose. The most convincing result is it cure chronic athlete's foot that off the self medication can not cure, in a day. It hurt more on the ill area but because stingo has potentiometer, the output can be lowered to bearable level. After about 15 minutes of applying the positive radiant into the sick part, the red wet ill part become dry the next day with normal color. This success make me want to try the actual circuit controlled with 555. I use cap and resistor in series with the output based on Richard Loyd suggestion to keep the circuit produce digital output even after being attached to body:

With this circuit I found something different too. I feel like my wet nose reduce. Good thing I have flues at that time lol. However, I found a very good reason not continue to use this kind of circuit. It produce burn mark.

Burn mark is a known problem for zapper. May people experience it. Even the link Godfrey post mention it: Quote:

Et voila!! After about 5 minutes there was a tiny hole burnt in it. ... After a certain period of painlessness, which varied from about half a minute to three-and-a-half minutes, subjects suddenly felt a burning or even a "spine-chilling" pain, inside and under the wart. This pain only lasts about half a minute, then subsides. However, it is necessary for the removal of the wart, and needs to be "stuck out". It also mentioned here: Quote:

(Sensei)The problem with any zapper that uses attached pennies or copper disks as electrodes is that it tends to burn holes in the users skin, causing permanent scars. Lena, myself and my mother (she fell asleep on it) all have had holes burned into our skin and consequently scars from the Terminator. ... (masine)i got burned too! ... (Lena)Here is a picture of one of my burns I got from a Terminator zapper that I took with my microscope camera - it looks huge in the picture but is only maybe 3/16 of an inch in real life ... (pikpik68)My God, Lena! That friggin' crater looks worse than mine up close! The original burn looked exactly like that photo. These burn make me look for alternative. I then thinking how if I use radiant circuit. The coil collapse current should see body as a good back route. The HV will retain since body has high impedance. Then I use this:

The circuit do not produce burn mark. It work good enough for light flues. I still use it to reduce my son or my wife flues. Since I already play with radiant at work, I seems more resistant to the sickness. However I also found that the circuit is not effective for my wife heavy cough. My wife cough reduced, but only after week (I only apply it two time) and maybe also because I increase the radiant sleeping aid power. After knowing that Godfrey doing experiment with imhotep relay charger I invite him to test this circuit:

He get good result. I also try it my self. However, since I forget to add the capacitor that delay the switching time, I found out that it can hurt too. My muscle twiching around when I use relay at full speed. I won't hesitate to try it on my family after I turned down the pain, but still don't try it yet because I don't have 12V battery at home. For now I can only recommend battery. The transformer is not a requirement, try it with any coil that can work with stingo even if it do not have secondary. My next project for this would be to use either the stingo zapper or stingo sleeping aid in Lee Crock style. With stingo zapper, I would switch polarity on each 15 or 2 minutes with both terminal connected to people. With stingo sleeping aid one terminal connect to ungrounded water, other directly or by antenna to people.

I recommend radiant sleeping aid or other female monopolar device to help reduce physical / emotional stimulation caused by zapper treatment.

11-04-2010, 08:09 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#3 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

frequency matter?

This link post some brand that produce Beck zapper: In Beck and Hulda Clark group there are heated up argumentation about which is better 4Hz or 15Hz. Each claim their frequency is better. From my experience, even wandering frequency work. Even a switched DC polarity each hour can do a good thing: Quote:

Well and good, but I still have to allow that DC put in a stronger performance, though it was only one very dramatic case. We had one hep-c patient using beck's 4 hertz blood electrifier for an hour a day for a whole year, with a fairly persistent count for the year of 2,200,000 RNA strand in blood. He wanted it lower, so made himself a godzilla device with 4 9v batteries, limit resistor, potentiometer, meter. He used around .5mA daily for an hour.. When he switched to godzilla for an hour a day for 15 weeks, the count fell 99.3 percent to 14,000, almost undetectable, with testing every 3 weeks in which NO blood test showed a rise in the count. This is the solid result that prompted me making a comparison. Up to that point, I assumed they were about the same, and that the only differences were cost and simplicity. If you could pay or build one, use the 4 hertz, I thought. But after that case, I began to say use the other if it's hep-c, for sure, and maybe other stuff as well. Nor is this all. The next hep-c patient actually came to my house and we built the same device and tried it on him. In 6 weeks he gained about 30 lbs, color restored, cancelled the purchase of a funeral plot. I would have chosen the Beck 4 hertz unit and happy to build one for him. But I had to honestly ask myself "what do I KNOW, what have I SEEN" and the DC device had worked before. Notice that Joe from Joe Cell also require self body charging procedure that also seems to cure people. Do this thread limit to Hulda Clark zapper or can extend to everything using switched electric?

11-05-2010, 07:44 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#4 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation

I have to apologize to my son last night because I don't realize that stingo zapper with toroid coil can hurt too... . However, I found it to perform almost similar to relay version. So after I reduce the pain lower than bearable level, I told him to continue using since he blow his nose a couple of time previously. After 10 minutes, never heard him blow his nose again.

11-06-2010, 02:13 PM

Godfrey Apprentice Home Health Zapper Kit & Clark Ala Altoids

My zapper kit Here’s the zappers and accessories which me and my wife have been experimenting with:

#5 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

As an upgrade from the shoebox project detailed at: How To Build A Hulda Clark Zapper Here’s the Altoids Box Clark Zapper:

Inside view:

I added to the standard RadioShack shopping list of components this PCB (printed circuit board) cat # 276-150:

Here is a closup of the PCB with labeled components:

The component numbers correspond to this schematic: Clark Zapper Schematic The output wires connect to the wires going to a 1/8” audio plug at a post which allows scope leads to be clipped to it for testing:

The output frequency varies on mine between 33.8kHz - 33.9kHz with a square wave form:

It’s already enough info for some to go on, more will follow, but I’m out of time for now. Cheers - Godfrey

11-07-2010, 12:48 AM

Godfrey Apprentice

#6 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Stingo Zapper Research Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo I have to apologize to my son last night because I don't realize that stingo zapper with toroid coil can hurt too... Thanks for your posts, Sucahyo! Since I started this off encouraging people with little or no electronics knowledge to try and make these zappers, I feel a need to put forth cautions. The Clark zapper, puts out 9 volts and Scarborough wart zapper, outputs around 25 volts, which are safe levels of electricity to handle by anyone's standards. Radiant oscillators, however, like the Stingo circuit, produce high voltage spikes. The spikes produced by my 3 volt Stingo, when properly tuned reach around 60 volts. It varies with the coil being used. Now configured as Sucahyo shows, with the contact points of the electrodes behind the recovery diode, I experience no discomfort when zapping myself. A 12 volt Stingo, however, hooked up to car starter coil can really pack a wallop If one accidentally shocks themselves, as I've done on occasion, and throw a spark that will even burn through flimsy insulation. In general, high voltage experimentation should be approached with respect and some knowledge of how to properly handle it safely. So if you're new to electronics, Stingo may not be the place to start. That said, I've been waiting for the opportunity to discuss the research into using the Stingo circuit as a zapper, at least with you, Sucahyo, since I started trying it myself, and this is as good a place as any for it. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo Burn mark is a known problem for zapper. May people experience it. Even the link Godfrey post

mention it: I see your point, I've especially read complaints about the Don Croft Terminator zappers. In this case that you quote, however, the desired effect of the Scarborough wart zapper is to electronically burn off the offending wart and so what is being described, are successful results. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo Do this thread limit to Hulda Clark zapper or can extend to everything using switched electric? If the application is electro-therapy for health, then it belongs here. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo ...With stingo sleeping aid one terminal connect to ungrounded water, other directly or by antenna to people. ...stingo sleeping aid in Lee Crock style After a quick perusal of Keelynet info on Lee Crock, I think what you're saying is the use of the Stingo sleeper circuit as I have been experimenting with it...that is, without directly attaching a wire to oneself, but rather to the metal bedframe, which then acts like an antenna to transmit the radiant energy. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo In Beck and Hulda Clark group there are heated up argumentation about which is better 4Hz or 15Hz. Each claim their frequency is better. From my experience, even wandering frequency work. I'm not defending any special frequency at the moment, but I think there is a place for its consideration, especially in targeting the elimination of a specific parasitic organism. Scarborough uses a frequency from Crane, approximately 21kHz, to target the virus which causes warts. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo Notice that Joe from Joe Cell also require self body charging procedure that also seems to cure people. I'm not understanding, could you please explain further? Where are you finding health application info for Joe Cells? Don't you fuel a car with it? Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo With stingo zapper, I would switch polarity on each 15 or 2 minutes with both terminal connected to people. I've only tried it with the negative radiant (battery positive contact) in my left hand, and radiant positive, in my right. So you think switching the electrodes to the opposite hands has a benefit? One interesting thing I experience with the Stingo as a zapper, is that by controlling how much pressure the electrodes are gripped with, I can play a little tune with the Stingo's singing coil/transistors, just like a theremin. This is varying the resistance of the load, of course, which instantly effects the Stingo's oscillation frequency. Quote:

Originally Posted by Sucahyo

I recommend radiant sleeping aid or other female monopolar device to help reduce physical / emotional stimulation caused by zapper treatment. Yes, me and my wife have been experiencing benefits using the Hulda Clark zapper, but find we are exhausted afterward. So we have been recovering by taking naps with the Stingo Sleeper. - Godfrey

11-07-2010, 10:47 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#7 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Re: Stingo Zapper Research Quote:

Originally Posted by Godfrey Radiant oscillators, however, like the Stingo circuit, produce high voltage spikes. The spikes produced by my 3 volt Stingo, when properly tuned reach around 60 volts. It varies with the coil being used. Now configured as Sucahyo shows, with the contact points of the electrodes behind the recovery diode, I experience no discomfort when zapping myself. I use it behind the recovery diode too but it can still hurt with toroid.... However, I found that this a bit hurt approach can make a red ill skin color change to normal skin color few days ago. I don't know if it cure the illness, I forgot to ask, maybe not a problem anymore.... Quote:

Originally Posted by Godfrey A 12 volt Stingo, however, hooked up to car starter coil can really pack a wallop If one accidentally shocks themselves, as I've done on occasion, and throw a spark that will even burn through flimsy insulation. Even one wire after the diode connection can accumulate enough voltage compare to the ground, even with battery. If you are bare feet on non insulation material floor (ceramic etc) be carefull.


Originally Posted by Godfrey I see your point, I've especially read complaints about the Don Croft Terminator zappers. In this case that you quote, however, the desired effect of the Scarborough wart zapper is to electronically burn off the offending wart and so what is being described, are successful results. After the diode mode is better in that case. Can hurt a lot too.....


Originally Posted by Godfrey If the application is electro-therapy for health, then it belongs here. Ok. Next time I will refer this circuit bellow as stingo before the diode:

this circuit bellow as stingo after the diode:

I tried stingo after the diode last night, negative radiant to ungrounded water bucket, positive radiant to my son which coughing because of some junk he ate, for 10 minutes, I found it to be less effective than stingo before the diode bipolar. Maybe Lee Crock way of healing need more time, maybe hours of continuous use. I use negative radiant after that to make him sleep. I try it my self with secondary HV output some time ago.


Originally Posted by Godfrey After a quick perusal of Keelynet info on Lee Crock, I think what you're saying is the use of the Stingo sleeper circuit as I have been experimenting with it...that is, without directly attaching a wire to oneself, but rather to the metal bedframe, which then acts like an antenna to transmit the radiant energy. Yes. Touching the body may work too. Although I do notice that using it in antenna mode work better for sleeping aid.


Originally Posted by Godfrey I'm not defending any special frequency at the moment, but I think there is a place for its consideration, especially in targeting the elimination of a specific parasitic organism. Scarborough uses a frequency from Crane, approximately 21kHz, to target the virus which causes warts. I think it is hard to compare result. What if burning the warts is not required? What if 21kHz is for perfect sine wave? What if DC can cure it too?


Originally Posted by Godfrey I'm not understanding, could you please explain further? Where are you finding health application info for Joe Cells? Don't you fuel a car with it? Body charging procedure before doing Joe Cell experiment: Quote:

> Step 1 Use the compass or watch to determine the direction of North. > Step 2 Align the sides of the table to each of the cardinal compass directions. > Step 3 Place the chair on the North side of the table so that when you are sitting in it you are looking South over the table. > Step 4 Place the battery on the table with the + (positive) terminal to the West and the (negative) terminal to the East. > Step 5 Sit in the chair facing the table. > Step 6 Lick your Thumb, Index and Middle fingers of your right hand. > Step 7 With your right hand reach across your body and using the digits moistened with your saliva grip the - (negative) terminal . > Step 8 Keep your left arm in your lap or by your left side and wait in that position for 30 seconds. > Step 9 Lick your Thumb, Index and Middle fingers of your left hand. > Step 10 With your left hand reach across your body under your right armT without touching it or your clothes and using the digits moistened with your saliva grip the + (positive) terminal. > Step 11 If you feel any "buzzing" in your fingers or thumbs, then with one

digit at a time, break contact with the terminal (ie lift it off but leave the rest in contact) and circle/move/rotate it in an anticlockwise > Step 10 With your left hand reach across your body under your right armT without touching it or your clothes and using the digits moistened with your saliva grip the + (positive) terminal. > Step 11 If you feel any "buzzing" in your fingers or thumbs, then with one digit at a time, break contact with the terminal (ie lift it off but leave the rest in contact) and circle/move/rotate it in an anticlockwise This may give strong effect with stingo. I can feel my own heart beat if I use stingo after diode do not hurt mode. I believe 3V stingo will produce much more powerful energy than 12V battery. I don't mean voltage or current here. This effect is what make me believe that Lee Crock way may actually work. The downside of this effect is you have to do it your own, since I think other people may just nullify the effect. I suggest everyone try Joe Cell body charging procedure with 12V battery or even 1.5V battery first before using stingo. Let me know the result



Originally Posted by Godfrey I've only tried it with the negative radiant (battery positive contact) in my left hand, and radiant positive, in my right. So you think switching the electrodes to the opposite hands has a benefit? It might. People charging something with dodecahedron find the polarity change on each 3 seconds. and puharich mention that water electrolysis happen faster if we switch polarity on each 2 - 3 seconds. There are many people mention 30 seconds delay when working with radiant. I now switching manually at 3 second. But if we consider 30 second delay we may need to switch it to maybe 2 minutes.


Originally Posted by Godfrey One interesting thing I experience with the Stingo as a zapper, is that by controlling how much pressure the electrodes are gripped with, I can play a little tune with the Stingo's singing coil/transistors, just like a theremin. This is varying the resistance of the load, of course, which instantly effects the Stingo's oscillation frequency. The varying frequency on different grip strength may actually better because some believe frequency work like a note where it may also ring frequency one octave higher too. Dr Richard Loyd even prefer junk frequency generator where the frequency will wander around a while, than scanning all frequency with a precision frequency generator . The wandering frequency may actually hit the jackpot.


Originally Posted by Godfrey Yes, me and my wife have been experiencing benefits using the Hulda Clark zapper, but find we are exhausted afterward. So we have been recovering by taking naps with the Stingo Sleeper. By Hulda Clark zapper, do you mean commercial one?

In my experience of zapping with stingo before diode, I found that to cure flues we can not heal it by putting the electrode on both feet. It work better if we put it on both hand.

With the toroid core and barely hurt mode, I get better result than when using transformer. My nose suddenly feel clear after I get jolt for the first time lol. I limit the use of zapper for 30 minutes a day now.

11-08-2010, 02:18 AM

sucahyo Heretic

#8 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815


There is implementation of AC on brain, called bio tuner. The effect seems similar to zapper but it is applied in the brain, red for male effect : Quote:

BT has a soothing effect. I found it evoked memories, painful ones, but in a safe way. They seemed to pass in front of my eyes, harmlessly. Then after a few sessions of 20 minutes each over several days, they lightened up and stopped. I'd think it might be good, but can't really say more prediction than my own experience. It's got two main methods of use: electrodes behind the earlobes against the neck (lower brain) and against the tops of ears (upper brain). These produce two distinctly different effects. The lower brain is more productive of emotional sensation, the upper of thought or contemplation, attention, fixation, etc. I'd try both ways if I were you. My own case was more depressive than manic or obsessive..or so I the layman think.

I use the built-in timer for 20 minutes right before going to bed. You don't have to do it that way, really, you can run it anytime of day. But since I use it for better sleep (by better I mean a deeper, more restful sleep) (the instructions give you some indication of what you can use it for, which includes, but isn't limited to, better sleep), it makes sense for me to use it right before bed...I have used it during the day but it is hard for me qualify any results. Bedtime is easy - you use it, you sleep. :-)

Do keep in mind that the instructions caution you to a max of 40 minutes a day - after that, it says the helpful effects are negated or reversed. Also - I timed mine and found that it actually doesn't run the full 20 minutes. Mine turns off at 18 minutes. Not a big deal, I guess, although I have debated sending it back to SOTA for a replacment ( I want my full 20 minutes!!). So, I started using 10mg Elavil and 1/2mg Klonopin. That has helped my sleep and I now DO SLEEP THRU THE NIGHT. However, I would like to get off these prescription drugs. So, I started using 10mg Elavil and 1/2mg Klonopin. That has helped my sleep and I now DO SLEEP THRU THE NIGHT. However, I would like to get off these prescription drugs. So, I bought a BioTuner. The 2 days that I used the BioTuner, I was woken up after about 3 or 4 hrs during the middle of the night Regarding anger issues, and the Beck

devices, anger is an excess of heat in the body. The electricity in the devices also is heat. These devices are best used for health reasons only, for the above reason. Herbs, however, can be used to deal with the imbalances that created the excess heat in the body, resulting in anger. why longer? I got shorter sleep with it. Was better rested, though. I used 2mg time release melatonin, and the BT on tops and behind lobes of ears, 20 minutes each spot. While watching the idiot box. Slept well and woke up great, in about 2 hours less time than normal. Almost too good to be true. Didn't try it again yet.. good luck bG The effect seems inconsistent from people to people. It seems the device do generate orgone energy, but the polarity seems random. There are also people who believe it can make people concentrate more: Quote:

I am testing an objective way of measuring the effects of the Biotuner (Tetris). I've just created a database where we can collect data about how the biotuner affects us. Experiment with the Biotuner and add your results to the total?\ reportRows&tbl=1 This is my friend Matt's results when he used the Biotuner: Tetris results: Before 4 270, level 3, 27 lines During 34 618, level 9, 80 lines After 41 866, level 10, 90 lines Mathew was convinced by this. The difference on me was less (my scores only doubled when I was using the unit) but by the time I worked out the Tetris test I had been using the Biotuner for a long time. Mathew had not used it before. If the user happen to have the version that produce female, I believe it could. Quote: Biotuner operates on AC using a range set of frequencies, as this is typical to CES. CES devices do avoid any DC offset.

The Oxfrod research is about TDCS (Transcranial direct current stimulation), it features DC with specific notion of anodal or cathodal application causing quite opposite reactions. I tried it. Used my DIY colloidal silver maker circuit which limits current to exactly 1mA. The voltage on electrodes settled on 4,2V. I used large pad gel TENS electrodes on my left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), left anodal (+), right cathodal (-). At the end of 20min session I think I felt slight metallic taste in my mouth. I have some exams in next months, so we will see.. The last part is what I fell in my mouth when putting my hand on radiant positive water. Male energy, that increase anger and reduce sleep but can kill pathogen and stimulate physics.

11-09-2010, 01:58 AM

sucahyo Heretic

#9 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Bob Beck Bood Electrification

I read Beck Protocal today and I found this very interesting detail about beck zapper, page 7: "1) The Blood Electrifier ....27V to 33V from negative to positive 3.92 times each second. BIPHASIC squarewave with sharp rise-time output is.....Red and Green LED's show POLARITY REVERSAL (essential for safe blood electrification) and overall system functioning." page 15: "Its 0 to 33V user adjustable BIPHASIC output minimize electrode site irritation" Zapper can produce burn mark. Burn mark do not happen if the polarity of the electrode is reversed on each cycle. I think the circuit should produce current in this pattern: 33V -> -33V -> 33V -> -33V -> 33V -> -33V Where this bellow is wrong pattern: 33V -> 0 -> 33V -> 0 -> 33V -> 0

I am sure that we can not use Hulda Clark circuit for this. Stingo before diode seems to solve this problem. sharp signal and AC output.

11-09-2010, 06:24 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#10 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

brain zapping experiment

Please don't try this experiment, just believe what I say. Last night I do some experiment with brain zapping. I use stingo before the diode with electrode on different knuckle. I then touch my head with my right hand. I can hear singing from the skin contact with the hand ! I try to touch under the ear, forehead, or back of the head and the sound seems to be detected by the

contact location by my ear. And sing louder only if I brush it. The after effect is unknown, because I put back my circuit to sleeping aid mode and I became very very sleepy after that....

11-10-2010, 05:26 AM

Godfrey Apprentice

#11 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Re: Stingo Zapper Research Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo By Hulda Clark zapper, do you mean commercial one? No, not a commercial one. Take a closer look at my Altoids zapper project posted above. It’s the DIY published one that me and my wife are experimenting with right now. Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo I use it behind the recovery diode too but it can still hurt with toroid.... Isn’t that just a function of the size of the toroid windings? I feel that single coil toroids is probably the way to go with the zapper. With my 3V Stingo zapper, I just found the right transformer from experimentation. But now I want more zappers and I can’t find out enough about the transformer that worked to find it’s equal or tell other people what transformer to buy to get the same results I’m getting. A problem with the Stingo so far is everyone experimenting with it is scrounging their own transformers or winding their own coils. This has made it difficult to replicate of results. What we should do is come up with some definite specs, i.e. gauge and length of wire to produce a toroid coil that is suited well to zapping, so that others can duplicate our results more accurately. Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo Even one wire after the diode connection can accumulate enough voltage compare to the ground, even with battery. If you are bare feet on non insulation material floor (ceramic etc) be carefull. Yes, every Stingo experimenter should wear sneakers/trainers or other rubber soled shoes when experimenting with live juice. Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo I think it is hard to compare result. What if burning the warts is not required? What if 21kHz is for perfect sine wave? What if DC can cure it too? Thomas Scarborough’s wart zapper does use pulsed DC, with no positive offset, than sinoidal positive/negative output. Were the Crane frequencies meant to be polarity changing sinoidal or positive square wave? I thought he at least favored the latter. Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo

The varying frequency on different grip strength may actually better because some believe frequency work like a note where it may also ring frequency one octave higher too. Dr Richard Loyd even prefer junk frequency generator where the frequency will wander around a while, than scanning all frequency with a precision frequency generator . The wandering frequency may actually hit the jackpot. In my experiments so far, just holding the electrodes gently seems to yield the best felt results, but maybe I give this wandering frequency method more consideration. I’m out of time. I’ll respond more later. - Godfrey

11-10-2010, 07:14 PM

#12 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

sucahyo Heretic Re: Stingo Zapper Research Quote:

Originally Posted by Godfrey No, not a commercial one. Take a closer look at my Altoids zapper project posted above. It’s the DIY published one that me and my wife are experimenting with right now. I see. You made it too good



Originally Posted by Godfrey Isn’t that just a function of the size of the toroid windings? Yes, I mean toroid produce much stronger output than my transformer. Toroid is smaller though.


Originally Posted by Godfrey I feel that single coil toroids is probably the way to go with the zapper. Yes I agree. I believe there is rule of thumb for gauge, wound number and toroid size. However, that may really depend on use or source battery voltage. Sleeping aid mode require open output surely need different coil than charger mode. However I think if don't aim for highest efficiency, any coil that work is ok. Not everyone need OU, sometime just easy to make or use is fine. Quote:

Originally Posted by Godfrey What we should do is come up with some definite specs, i.e. gauge and length of wire to produce a toroid coil that is suited well to zapping, so that others can duplicate our results more accurately. Maybe we can rely on output voltage in open condition for standard. Open condition because the voltage may go up or down during grabbing.


Originally Posted by Godfrey Thomas Scarborough’s wart zapper does use pulsed DC, with no positive offset, than sinoidal positive/negative output. Were the Crane frequencies meant to be polarity changing sinoidal or positive square wave? I thought he at least favored the latter. What do you mean with no positive offset? There is list for square wave frequency and sinoidal frequency. John Crane frequency are for square wave implementation, sine wave implementation is ten times higher. But like Bedini mention, Crane himself mention that it may work on some people, but not all.


Originally Posted by Godfrey In my experiments so far, just holding the electrodes gently seems to yield the best felt results, but maybe I give this wandering frequency method more consideration. How do you compare it?

11-12-2010, 07:22 PM

sucahyo Heretic Relay switching stingo zapper

Based on Bob Beck blood electrifier EXPERIMENTAL IN VIVO BLOOD CLEARING DEVICE FOR ELIMINATING VIRUSES, PATHOGENS, MICROBES, BACTERIA, FUNGI, AND PARASITES. Revision March 16, 1996. Copyright a 1991/1999 Robert C. Beck

#13 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Stingo is replacing 27V source. With capacitor, the output can be scary so be sure to check with voltmeter to get 27V to 33V output at the cap.

11-19-2010, 06:05 PM

#14 Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: nsw australia Posts: 1,045

Inquorate Admin

Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation

Interesting stuff guys. There can be no doubt that we are electromagnetic beings (magnificently complex structures of prodigiously spinning aether) and as such it does not suprise me that there can be definate health effects (positive as well as negative - pardon the pun) and i commend your active experiments in this area. Thank you both for sharing __________________ Heretical Builders Admission Policy - Heretical Builders "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."-George Bernard Shaw

11-19-2010, 07:02 PM

#15 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

sucahyo Heretic Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation Quote:

Originally Posted by Inquorate Interesting stuff guys. There can be no doubt that we are electromagnetic beings (magnificently complex structures of prodigiously spinning aether) and as such it does not suprise me that there can be definate health effects (positive as well as negative - pardon the pun) and i commend your active experiments in this area. Thank you both for sharing I hope you try it too


Or at least convinced that your circuit can have health effect too.

11-21-2010, 08:46 PM

sucahyo Heretic

#16 Join Date: Oct 2009 Posts: 815

Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation

Stingo zapper, yesterday I found out that the electrode did make sound. I put the zapper in bearable sting mode. The coil sing happen to be hearable. But what make it interesting is the stainless steel electrode that I use also produce the singing when I move them at the skin.

Today, I try to use zapper to cure my back pain. I set it to more than just bearable level. I do not notice the effect immediately. After three hour I do not feel the pain more. Will report again tomorrow.

11-22-2010, 02:46 AM

Godfrey Apprentice

#17 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Re: Health Zapper Circuits - DIY and Experimentation Quote:

Originally Posted by Inquorate Interesting stuff guys. There can be no doubt that we are electromagnetic beings (magnificently complex structures of prodigiously spinning aether) and as such it does not suprise me that there can be definate health effects (positive as well as negative - pardon the pun) and i commend your active experiments in this area. Thank you both for sharing Hi Inquorate. Thanks for the positive feedback! - Godfrey

11-22-2010, 02:49 AM

Godfrey Apprentice

#18 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Re: Relay switching stingo zapper Quote:

Originally Posted by sucahyo Based on Bob Beck blood electrifier...Stingo is replacing 27V source. With capacitor, the output can be scary so be sure to check with voltmeter to get 27V to 33V output at the cap. Thanks. I'll try it out. - Godfrey

11-22-2010, 03:00 AM

Godfrey Apprentice Re: Stingo Zapper Research Quote:

#19 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Originally Posted by sucahyo Yes, I mean toroid produce much stronger output than my transformer. Toroid is smaller though. Yes I agree. I believe there is rule of thumb for gauge, wound number and toroid size. However, that may really depend on use or source battery voltage. Sleeping aid mode require open output surely need different coil than charger mode. However I think if don't aim for highest efficiency, any coil that work is ok. Not everyone need OU, sometime just easy to make or use is fine. Maybe we can rely on output voltage in open condition for standard. Open condition because the voltage may go up or down during grabbing. I think I will give my newest toroid coil, which I got oscillating using only a single 1.5V battery a try as a zapper. It put out some nice 90+ volt radiant spikes! The current was however minuscule when I measured it. This may however make it ideal. Quote:

What do you mean with no positive offset? Like Hulda Clark describes. She added a positive offset to the 2003 version of her zapper circuit of 0.25V so that the voltage never dips down to or bellow 0V. Quote:

There is list for square wave frequency and sinoidal frequency. John Crane frequency are for square wave implementation, sine wave implementation is ten times higher. But like Bedini mention, Crane himself mention that it may work on some people, but not all. Didn't know about the 10x difference for sin-wave output. Good to know. Quote:

How do you compare it? Still experimenting - will post results soon. - Godfrey

11-22-2010, 05:29 AM

Godfrey Apprentice My Zapper Kit – Part II

As I’ve been promising, here are more details on my zapper kit. Here is a close-up of my replication of a Scarborough Wart Zapper:

#20 Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 27

Inside, the circuit is more complex than the Clark Zapper. It’s got the same basic 555 timer configuration with two resistors and a capacitor regulating the frequency to around 21kHz. Whereas the Clark circuit uses the direct square wave output from the timer chip, Scarborough has gone on to add a Mosfet switch to be triggered by the square wave signal and has added a complex of 4 capacitors and 4 diodes to step up the output voltage to about 25V. He also added a variable resistor or potentiometer to allow some adjustment of the output power:

I laid out the components on my PCB to make it compact, but it’s much too busy to visually analyze. I’ll need to post a diagram later to make the construction of it clear. Now here is a close-up of my electrodes:

What’s unique, first of all, is my incorporation of an audio jack for the output on both zappers. The electrode wires, therefore, have a corresponding audio plug on one end and alligator clips on the other for flexible configuration. In the case of the Clark Zapper, instead of using two lengths of copper pipe, I use two plastic tubes (from left-over sprinkler mains) which have aluminum foil wrapped over them. Now some folks say that aluminum conducts DOR and that copper should be used for devices generating POR, but in this case, we are using a device that is actually supposed to produce deadly energy to kill parasites, so I think aluminum is quite appropriate for the job. I may however experiment later with using copper foil instead, especially in the case of the Stingo Zapper which is supposed to generate POR. Using plastic tubing makes the whole kit very light weight and portable. The other two items are the electrode set for the wart zapper. A key ring provides the dispersing electrode (see Scarborough’s website link I previously posted for more info). It is placed on the skin surrounding the wart to be removed, which I think is far superior to just a piece of brass placed nearby, because it better focuses the electricity on the intended target. The other electrode was fashioned from a pen. A length of common copper house wire runs through it, with the tip folded over to make a rounded point that focuses the negative electricity without being uncomfortable. As stated before, more details will follow later. - Godfrey Last edited by Godfrey; 11-28-2010 at 11:54 PM.

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