What is a career? A career is an occupation or profession that requires requires special training.
Health careers are designed to familiarie students !ith the "arious careers in the medical profession and allied health ser"ices. #tudents !ill learn s$ills necessar% for their career path& !hich in this case is in healthcare. These include !or$ing !ith others& communication s$ills& legal and ethical responsi'ilities& respons i'ilities& cultural considerations in healthcare industr%& pro'lem sol"ing& decision ma$ing& accepting personal responsi'ilit%& and selfmanagement.
Health career lanning refers to an indi"idual*s plan to ma$e a career choice& gro!ing in the chosen career or ma$ing a career shift. +areer planning in"ol"es the "er% important step of selfassessment. #elfassessment #elf assessment is necessar% to understand one*s capa'ilities and dra!'ac$s. The "arious career options should 'e e,plored e,plor ed in detail to -nd a -t 'et!een one*s a'ilities and the opportunities pro"ided pro"ided '% a career option. It in"ol"es continuous learning and impro"ement impro"ement to 'uild and gro! in the chosen career path.
/U*LL /U*LL MA01 A 2I3311N+1 2I3311N+1 IN 1/L1*# LI51# LI51# 6 7ood salar% 6 8o' #ecurit% 6 2o !or$ that interests %ou 6 3ind a health career that -ts %our educational plans 6 A clear path to ad"ancement 6 9or$ !ith people (or not)
What are the c!m"!ets a# ste"s i ma$i% a health career "la? 1. Self Assessmet 2isco"er %our personal strengths through selfassessments ("alues& interests& personalit%& testing& s$ills& etc.
&. Career E'"l!rati! ou can e,plore di:erent careers and !or$ en"ironments through career fairs& online research& meetings& internships& alumni connections& professional resources. (. )ecisi! *a$i% ;efore %ou decide on ta$ing a career that !or$s for %ou& %ou can e"aluate and narro! do!n %our options through listing the pros and cons& comparing %our personal strengths and interests& and deciding !hich career ful-lls 'oth current and future goals.
+. Pla !f Acti! lan achie"a'le goals and de"elop strategies to reach %our goals& organie %our goals into smaller steps& identif% actions for each step& utilie helpful people and resources& re"ie! and adapt %our plan regularl%
+areer path!a%s are clusters occupations that are grouped 'ecause of shared s$ills. All path!a%s include a "ariet% of occupations that require di:erent le"els of education& s$ills& and training. #electing a career path!a% pro"ides %ou !ith an area of focus& along !ith . 2isease re"ention and +ontrol eople !ho specialie in this career path focus on communica'le and non communica'le diseases. Their !or$ includes immuniation& screening of ne!'orns& promotion of 'reastfeeding& infant diseases pre"ention& adolescent healthcare& and life s$ills. #ample +areers? 6 +ommunit% Health 9or$ 6 1ducation and esearch
&. Pers!al Healthcare rofessionals in this -eld perform healthcare related tas$s in a personal care le"el. These include monitoring patients@ administering and assisting in personal care and h%giene@ performing house$eeping duties@ and ad"ising clients on related healthcare issues li$e infant care& h%giene and nutrition. (. *ateral a# Chil# Care These health !or$ers deal !ith comple, pu'lic health issues that a:ect !omen& children and their families. These include pro"iding information on reproducti"e health& famil% planning& healthcare of pregnant !omen and their children& and impro"ement of health deli"er% s%stem through ad"ocac%& education and research. #ample +areers? Mid!ifer% +ommunit% Health 1ducator /utreach #pecialist
+. *etal HealthCare These medical professionals specialie in dealing !ith interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships and life s$ills. These include cogniti"e and ps%chosocial de"elopment& promotion of health% selfesteem through feelings and anger management and identif%ing !arning signs or red D. Emer%ec *e#ical Ser2ices eople assigned in this !or$ specialie in outofhospital medical care. Their s$ills include -rstaid procedures& emergenc% medical treatment and transport of patients& rapid emergenc% medical response and immediate medical attention. #ample +areers? 1mergenc% Medical Aid aramedic
*E)ICAL AN) ALLIE) HEALTH PROFESSION Along !ith medical professions& there are hundreds of allied health professions !hich complete the !or$force in contri'uting to the !holeperson care of patients& support to healthcare professionals& and the eEcient operation of healthcare organiations.
*e#ical a# Allie# Health Pr!fessi!s The medical profession is a group of indi"iduals quali-ed to practice medicine. Allied health professions& on the other hand& are lines of !or$ that still deal !ith healthcare& 'ut are distinct from medicine. The% ha"e distinct and specialied $no!ledge and s$ills that acti"el% !or$ !ith people accessing health and disa'ilit% that are o:ered ser"ices across a range of settings. These professions include clinical la'orator% or medical technolog%& ph%sical therap%& occupational therap%& dietetic ser"ices& medical record personnel& radiologic ser"ices& speech language patholog% and audiolog%& and respirator% therap%.
Wh! are the me#ical a# allie# health "r!fessi!als? Allied health professionals are healthcare practitioners !ith formal education and clinical training credentials through certi-cation& registration andor licensure. The% colla'orate !ith ph%sicians and other mem'ers of the healthcare team to deli"er high qualit% patient care ser"ices for the identi-cation& pre"ention& and treatment of diseases& disa'ilities& and disorders.
These professions ma% 'e categoried into either technicians or TherapistsTechnologists. Technicians are those !ho undergo training to perform speci-c procedures. The% are required to !or$ under the super"ision of technologists or therapists. This categor% includes ph%sical therap% assistants& medical la'orator% technicians& radiological technicians& occupational therap% assistants& recreation therap% assistants and respirator%
Health Care Pr!2i#er5 a "ers! -h! hel"s i#etif6 "re2et6 !r treat a illess !r #isa7ilit Health Care Practiti!er8 Pr!2i#er5 a i#e"e#et healthcare "r!2i#er -h! is licese# t! "ractice ! a# "r!2i#e %eeral a#8!r s"eciali9e# care t! a s"eci:c area !f the 7!#.; Allie# Health Pr!fessi!als5 a traie# healthcare "r!2i#er "ractici% #er s"er2isi! !f a "hsicia !r healthcare "ractiti!er. The icl#e "harmacists6 #etal h%ieists6 "hsical thera"ists a# rses.
Therapists or technologists ha"e more intensi"e training& !hich includes acquiring procedural s$ills. The% e"aluate patients& diagnose conditions& de"elop treatment plans& and understand the rationale 'ehind "arious treatments in order to Cudge their appropriateness and potential side e:ects. The% also assess patients* responses to therap% and ma$e appropriate decisions a'out continued treatment or modi-cation of treatment plans. 3urthermore& the% are licensed to perform these tas$s.
Allie# health "r!fessi!als "r!2i#e ser2ices a# e%a%e i acti2ities -hich icl#e< a. prevention $eep illness or inCur% from happening b. assessment/evaluation appraisal of the condition 'ased on the patient*s su'Cecti"e report c. identifcation/diagnosis anal%sis 'ased on signs& s%mptoms& and la'orator% -ndings d. treatment management and care of a patient or the com'ating of disease or disorder
e. rehabilitation/habilitation treatment designed to reco"er from inCur%& illness& or disease to!ards a normal condition as possi'le . advocacy a method '% !hich patients& their families& attorne%s& health professionals& and citiens* groups can !or$ together to de"elop programs that ensure the a"aila'ilit% of highqualit% healthcare for a communit% g. promotion o health and well-being the process of ena'ling people to increase control o"er their health and its determinants& and there'% impro"ing their health h. education the process of sharing and gaining $no!ledge i. research the diligent inquir% or e,amination of data& reports& and o'ser"ations in a search for facts or principles
What are the allie# health "r!fessi!s that -e "resetl ha2e i the Phili""ies? These are the common allied health professionals practicing in the countr% !ith a"aila'le education and professional training. 1.
Audiologist F identi-es and reha'ilitates hearing impairments and related disorders Chiropractor diagnoses and treats neuromuscular disorders& !ith emphasis on treatment through manual adCustment andor manipulation of the spine. Clinical psychologist assesses& diagnoses& treats and helps pre"ent mental disorders !ietitian "utritionist promotes good health through proper diet and treatment of diseases
$mergency %edical &echnician F also $no!n as am'ulance technician@ responds quic$l% to an% emergenc% and lifethreatening situation to immediatel% treat serious inCuries& ph%sical or mental trauma to increase a patient*s chances of sur"i"al (uidance Counselor - assists students !ith personal& famil%& education& and career decisions and concerns@ also helps them de"elop Co'-nding s$ills and other life s$ills needed to pre"ent and deal !ith pro'lems *ealth $ducator - specialies in health education and promotes the de"elopment of health $no!ledge& life s$ills& and positi"e attitudes to!ard the health and !ell'eing of students %assage &herapist performs the scienti-c manipulation of the soft tissues of the 'od% for the purpose of normaliing those tissues@ uses manual techniques that include appl%ing -,ed or mo"a'le pressure on a:ected parts of the 'od%
%edical assistant F performs& under the direction of a ph%sician& "arious routine administrati"e and nontechnical clinical tas$s in hospitals& clinics& and other similar facilities %edical technologist F performs a "ariet% of tas$s on 'od%
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