Health Care Mobile App Marketing

May 30, 2016 | Author: Harjas Bakshi | Category: N/A
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Short Description

App only or Website Only! or both?...


Kart-O-Drug Online Team: Batman & Robin

Market Snapshot 900 million mobile users out of which 400 million devices are internet capable (around 250 million Internet users) The figure will increase to around 330 million by the year 2016 PC penetration in India is very less i.e. 5% 1 in every 6 Indian has a smartphone Smartphone users are expected to rise to 500 million by 2020 Smartphones have become more affordable in the recent years due to the entry of Chinese players More than 70% of the sales comes from mobile devices for major E-commerce sites in India

The Two Alternatives Mobile Optimized Website (MOW)


Mobile Application (MA)


A Customer browsed Flipkart looking for a bedsheet for his new home. He Here is an excellent example of how didn't end up buying it at that point. Flipkart has just about touched the But, a day later Flipkart him this Well, that was interesting, Not bad, Flipkart. Not bad sentSMS and push but he wasn't convinced. surface with personalisation.  at all!! notifications have eight CON CON So thenotification next day, he got 6 days after the first times higher response Experience of browsing a website meant for a desktop on your mobile device: Potential loss of customer due to bad interface.

Mobile sites can be created with responsive or scalable design, or a separate site can be built specifically for mobile devices. A mobile website, never needs to be redownloaded and installed


Only having a mobile website are that notification, Flipkart sent sites don’t always have the same functionality as apps, and they require an him another reminder. internet connection as well as a large amount of data transfer to be used. This is why many banks offer a mobile banking app that delivers basic information and functionality, even though most of what is in the app can be done via their website.

Large amount of pre-loaded data and much more functionality, Push notifications feature which helps in notifying of special deals and new products. Personalized experience can be provided by making use of hardware like Camera, contacts & location, etc. and through notification Conversion rate through app is higher compared to websites

App consumers design is a longer and more expensive from compared process than designing a mobile website. to emails. Apps are for high degree of online customer interaction and engagement is required.

Apps will also require updates and changes so that the customers get notified accordingly.

Our Solution: Hybrid Approach Builda mobile friendly site Step 1: We should start with expectation

A user withisPush an iPhone is more likely to “The world now awash in data and we Engagement Notifications Stepsee 2: Make sure a that it is frequently updated to be fast, spend than “value” Samsung Galaxy can consumers in a lot clearer efficient and work Feedback well on multiple devices Reminders Reengagement user, add this to your recommendation ways.” Language suggestions. Dataand miningtailor Voice search Locationengine packs

Step 3: Factor out how many sales will need to take place each - Max Levchin, PayPal co-founder month through a native app to pay for its development Offline Automated Automated 2 Personalize Lists



step payments

Step 4: If that seems feasible, building a native app to offer alongside the responsive experience is a great idea.

How to go about it!!

Recommendations Development & Business considerations Year 0:

Target Designing Create Audience: specific enough All Using Use campaigns value to smartphon Cases to to promote website Launch mobile optimized make a goes users check mobile in a test market.applicatio to app for ( with and various your withoutTake scenarios n and feedback and work on its mobile Internet investing customers or pack! ) shortcomings (UI in SEM

Once MOW live, it's Primarily Deliver a immediate for highly ly delivering graphical viewable serverand robust by anyone based user who visits informatio experience thesales URL Once the average return n. with a reach 40-45% , launch Mobile mobile Application across all platforms browser.

Year 1-2:

Decision to develop app for more than one mobile operating system or device.

Mobile apps require a submissio n approval process to be featured in app stores.

Year 2:

People tend to download apps for things they do regularly or for things that tie into their lifestyle

Paid vs Free: Make the app free for free for iOS for first three months

Increase brand engageme nt activities: Planned activities and campaigns to be made

website analytics: iOS / Android users ratio?

user interface operates independently of webdelivered interface elements, so some or all of your app may be used when Internet or Wi-Fi is not available.

responsiveness) When Kart-O-Drug has Release the MOW for all the Promote MA using various established itself in the market as customers with constant updates attractive campaigns using inbuilt a specialized player; Desktop and maintenance platform apps websites would be shut down to Evolving web technologies reduce maintenance costs Factor out howare many sales these will days Tie updevelopment with OS to circles. prove Kart-OHTML5 and CSS3 hot topics in web The mobile web will be the need to take place each month evolveDrug application pre-installedWhen on combined with major beneficiary as these technologies and become more commonplace. Resources and data can Look at through native app rates to payand forbetter its connectivity, be stored locally in a improvingadata transfer the devices the divide between web and mobile app your mobile app, and the experiences will continue to narrow. development company's

Search Engine Optimization While a good portion of mobile website visits are destination-driven, mobile search continues to grow rapidly, and local search is even more important considering the nature of mobile searches. A mobileoptimized website can be found and visited from a standard search, and you can even expand your paid search campaigns to target mobile devices. If you do offer a mobile app, it's a good idea to provide a link to it from your mobile website.

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