Health and Safety Policy

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JUNE 2008

Greens Mechanical Services 16 Castlefields Drive Rastrick Brighouse West Yorkshire HD6 3HS



General Policy Statement It is the policy of Greens Mechanical Services to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the legislation made under it and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Greens Mechanical Services health and safety objective is to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses and ultimately to achieve an incident-free workplace. Al Alll employ employees ees will will be provid provided ed with with such such equip equipmen ment, t, inf inform ormati ation on,, traini training ng and superv sup ervisi ision on as are ne neces cessar sary y to imple implemen mentt the policy policy and achiev achieve e the stated stated objective. Greens Mechanical Services recognise and accept their duty to protect the health an and d safety safety of all all visito visitors rs to the co compa mpany, ny, inclu includin ding g contra contracto ctors rs and tempo temporar rary y worke wo rkers, rs, as well well as any members members of the public public who who might might be aff affect ected ed by ou our  r  operations. While the Directors of Greens Mechanical Services will do all that is within its powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees, it is recognised that health and safety at work is the responsibility of each and every individual associated with the Company. It is the duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people's welfare and to report any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any other person. Greens Mechanical Services will ensure every employee has undergone the training necessary to carry out his or her tasks safely. However if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels f eels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job then it is the employee's duty to report this to their supervisor. An effective health and safety programme requires continuous communication between workers at all levels. It is therefore every worker's responsibility to report immediately any situation, which could jeopardise jeopardise the well being of themselves or any other person. All injuries, however small, sustained by a person at work must be reported. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive. Greens Mechanical Services health and safety will be continually monitored and updated, particularly when changes in the policy scale and nature of our operations occur. The policy will be reviewed every 12 months and revised as necessary. Signed

Karl Green June 2008



JUNE 2008



HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY REVIEWS Reviews of the Health and Safety Policy shall be carried out annually in August each year. The Managing Director will conduct the rev reviews. iews. Review Date


JUNE 2008 JUNE 2009 (R Dobson K Green)




JUNE 2008



Organisation The person with overall and final responsibility for health and safety within Greens Mechanical Services is the Managing Director. Greens Mechanical Services will endeavour to communicate to employees their commitment safety to hensure employees are familiar with the cont co nten ents ts of th the e to co comp mpan any yand he healt alth an and d that sa safe fety ty po polic licy. y. Gr Gree eens ns Me Mech chan anic ical al Services communicates communicates with its employees orally, in the form of directions and statements from supervisors, in writing, in the form of directives and this policy statement, and by example.

Responsibilities Managing Director  (a) Initiate the comp company’s any’s policy for the prevention of injury, ill h health, ealth, damage and wastage; set targets for reduction of accident rates. (b) Administer the po policy licy himself, or app appoint oint a senior member member of staff to do so. (c) Be aware of the require requirements ments of c current urrent legislation a and nd establish systems to monitor compliance. (d) Ensure that all levels of staff have undergone adequate and appropriate training.

(e) Insist that s safe afe working pr practices actices are regularly observed. (f) Insti Institute tute prop proper er reporti reporting, ng, inve investigat stigation ion and cos costing ting of injury injury,, ill health, damage and loss; promote action to preclude recurrence and initiate analysis to discover accident trends. (g) Reprimand any member of staff staff failing to satisfactorily disc discharge harge the responsibilities allocated to them. (h) Instigate liaison with external s safety afety and he health alth organisations; encourage the distribution of pertinent information throughout the Company. (i) Arran Arrange ge for adeq adequate uate reso resources urces an and d facilit facilities ies to meet the requ requireme irements nts of the established policy. (j) Set a p pers ersona onall e exam xample ple..



JUNE 2008



Supervisors/ Foremen/Person Responsible (a) Mus Mustt fam familia iliaris rise e the thems mselv elves es wit with h the Com Compan pany y Hea Health lth and Saf Safety ety Policy.. Policy (b) Must ens ensure ure that all persons in their team teams s are compete competent nt to fulfil thei their  r  duties/roles and are fully aware of any hazards that may affect them. (c) Must ens ensure ure that all such per persons sons kno know w what to do in the case of fire, explosion or any other hazardous circumstances. (d (d)) Mu Must st en ensu sure re that that all all pe pers rson ons s kn know ow th the e wh wher erea eabo bout uts s of Fi Firs rstt Ai Aid d facilities. (e) Must ensure that supervision is available at all times, particularly where young  or inexperienced workers are concerned. young (f) Mus Mustt inv invest estiga igate te all acc accide idents nts prom promptly ptly to dis discov cover er their cau cause se and eliminate recurrences. (g) Mus Mustt ens ensure ure that all machi machiner nery y and equip equipme ment nt under under the their ir con contro troll is properly maintained and safe to use and that all safety devices are pr prop oper erly ly fi fitt tted ed an and d prot protec ecti tive ve eq equi uipm pmen entt is wo worn rn or us used ed wh wher ere e appropriate. (h) Must ensu ensure re that all abras abrasive ive wheels are store stored d and housed correc correctly tly and are mounted only by authorised persons holding a valid certificate. (i) Must en ensure sure th that at all defe defects cts or haz hazards ards rep reported orted to th them em are pr prompt omptly ly reported to the appropriate person and rectified (j) Must seriously consider any representation about safety and health from employees, and report the matter to the Managing Director 

(k) (k) Mu Must st en ensu sure re that that an any y un unsa safe fe eq equi uipm pmen entt un unde derr th thei eirr co cont ntro roll is withdrawn from service. (l) Shall enter details of any accident/incident reported to them in the Compan Com pany y acc accide ident nt boo book k an and d rep report ort all inc incide idents nts to the Man Managi aging ng Director.



JUNE 2008



Company Employees (a) Use the correc correctt tools and equipm equipment ent for the job: use safety equipm equipment ent and an d pro protec tectiv tive e equ equipm ipment ent su suppl pplied ied,, e.g e.g.. lad ladder ders, s, saf safety ety he helme lmets, ts, goggles etc. (b) Keep to tools ols in goo good d condi condition. tion. (c) Report any de defects fects in plant or equipment, or a any ny obvious h health ealth risks to the Supervisor/ Foreman/Person Responsible. (d) Develop a perso personal nal concern for safety a and nd health – for them themselves selves and for others. (e) Avoid im improvisation provisation that entails unne unnecessary cessary risk. (f) Warn n new ew oper operative atives s to site a about bout kn known own haz hazards. ards. (g) Refrain from horseplay an and d abuse of the welfare facilities. (h) Suggest ways o off eliminating hazards It is the policy of Greens Mechanical Services that no person under  the age of eighteen shall work unsupervised on site whether our own employee or that of a sub-contractor.



JUNE 2008



Arrangements If we are to build and maintain a healthy and safe working environment, cooperation between workers at all levels l evels is essential. In view of the diversity of activities carried out by the Company a single set of  arrangements is not deemed appropriate for all purposes. All employees are expected to co-operate with wi th the management and to accept their duties under this Policy. Disciplinary action may be taken against any employee who violates safety rules or who fails to perform their duties under  this policy. Employees have a duty to take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect the health and safety of themselves and all other people affected by the operations of the Company. Safety training is regarded as an indispensable ingredient of an effective healt he alth h an and d sa safe fety ty prog progra ramm mme. e. It is es esse sent ntia iall th that at ev ever ery y wo work rker er in th the e organisation be trained to perform his or her job effectively and safely. It is the opinion of the management of Greens Mechanical Services that if a job is not done safely then it is not done effectively. All workers will be trained in safe working practices and procedures prior to being allocated any new role. Training will include advice on the use and maint ma inten enan ance ce of pe pers rson onal al prot protec ectiv tive e eq equi uipm pmen entt ap appr prop opri riat ate e to th the e ta task sk concerned and the formulation of emergency contingency plans.

Incident Reporting Greens Mechanical Services view accident investigation as a valuable tool in the prevention prevention of future incid incidents ents and in the event of an accident result resulting ing in injury and/or damage a report will be prepared detailing: •

• • • •

The ci The circ rcum umst stan ance ces s of the the ac acci cide dent nt in incl clud udin ing g ph phot otog ogra raph phs s an and d diagrams wherever possible The nature and severity of the injury and/or damage sustained The identity of any eyewitnesses The time, date and location of the incident The date of the report

All eyewitness accounts will be collected as near to the time of the accident as is reasonably practicable. Any person required to give an official statement has the right to have a solicitor or trade union representative present. All reports will be submitted to the Company solicitors who will advise on liability, proceedings and quantum of damages. The solicitors will then submit the report to the Company's insurance risk advisors for assessment. H&S POLICY/GMS


JUNE 2008



First Aid A fully stocked stocked first aid ki kitt will always b be e availa available ble to site oper operative atives. s. The location of first aid treatment/qualified first aiders on site and the location of  the the ne near ares estt Ac Acci cide dent nt an and d Em Emer erge genc ncy y de depa part rtme ment nt wi will ll be pa pass ssed ed to al alll employees/subcontractors employees/su bcontractors prior to commence commencement ment on site.

Work Equipment Greens Mechanical Services will endeavour to ensure that all equipment used in the workplace is safe and suitable for the purpose for which it is used. All workers will be provided with adequate information and training to enable them to use work equipment safely. The use of any work equipment, which could pose a risk to the well being of  persons in or around the workplace, will wil l be restricted to authorised persons.

Personal Protective Equipment. All workers who may be exposed to a risk to their health and safety while at work will be provided with suitable, properly fitting and effective personal protective equipment. All personal protective equipment provided by Greens Mechanical Services will be properly assessed prior to its provision. All personal protective equipment provided by Greens Mechanical Services will be maintained in good working order.

Manual Handling Operations Manu Ma nual al ha hand ndli ling ng op oper erat atio ions ns wi will ll be av avoi oide ded, d, so fa farr as is re reas ason onab ably ly practicable, where there is a risk of injury. Where it is not possible to avoid manual handling operations an assessment of the operation will be made taking into account the task, the load, the workin wor king g en enviro vironm nment ent an and d the cap capabi ability lity of the ind indivi ividua duall con concer cerned ned.. An assessment will be reviewed if there is any reason to suspect that it is no longer valid. All possible steps will be taken to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level possible.



JUNE 2008



Asbestos Greens Mechanical Services will consult all information related to possible Asbestos presence before any commencement of work. If an any y em emplo ploye yee e or su subc bcon ontra tract ctor or su susp spec ects ts th they ey ma may y ha have ve ac acci cide dent ntly ly disturbed what they think could be an Asbestos Containing Material they will stop work immediately, inform all other operatives in the direct vicinity and inform the Site Foreman/Manager.

Work at Height When planning for work at height Greens Mechanical Services will use the hierarchy of controls as stated under the Work at Height Regulations. We will attempt attempt to avoid work at he height ight where reason reasonably ably practicable. If this cannot be achieved we will assess the use of suitable work equipment with collec co llectiv tive e fall preve preventi ntion. on. If the work dicta dictates tes tha thatt we cann cannot ot use work equipm equi pmen entt wi with th co coll llec ectiv tive e fa fall ll prev preven enti tion on we wi will ll as asse sess ss pe pers rson onal al fa fall ll pr prev even enti tion on/m /mit itig igat atio ion. n. As a last last reso resort rt we will will co cons nsid ider er th the e us use e of  ladders/stepladders only where there is justification for their use.

Hazardous Substances A ris risk k as asse sess ssme ment nt wi will ll be co cond nduc ucte ted d of al alll wo work rk in invo volv lvin ing g expo exposu sure re to hazardous substances. The assessment will be based on manufacturers' and suppliers' health and safety guidance and our own knowledge of the work process. Gree Gr eens ns Me Mech chan anic ical al Se Serv rvic ices es will will en ensu sure re th that at ex expo posu sure re of wo work rker ers s to hazardous substances is minimised and adequately controlled in all cases. All workers who will come into contact with hazardous substances will receive compre com prehen hensiv sive e and ade adequa quate te tra traini ining ng and inf inform ormati ation on on the hea health lth an and d safety issues relating to that type of work. Assessments will be reviewed periodically, whenever there is a substantial modification to the work process and if there is any reason to suspect that the assessment may no longer be valid.



JUNE 2008



Risk Assessments/Safety Method Statements The risk risk asses assessm sment ent is the key par partt of the arran arrangem gement ents s for saf safety ety.. asse as sess ssme ment nt wi will ll be ca carr rrie ied d ou outt by the the Ma Mana nagi ging ng Dire Direct ctor or..


Th The e ri risk sk

assessment involves a detailed analysis of the hazards associated with the tasks/project and the precautions taken to eliminate or reduce them. The document provides the basis for preparing a safety method statement when requested. The hazards and precautions are listed, and the individual(s) responsible for  monitoring that precautions are taken will be named in any safety method statement required by a Principal Contractor or Client. This Th is ma make kes s th the e Po Polic licy y fo forr He Healt alth h an and d Sa Safe fety ty a li live ve do docu cume ment nt,, an and d by apportioning the responsibility leaves no doubts about who is to control the various aspects of health and safety at site level and above.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 Greens Mechanical Services will mainly act as a Contractor as defined by the regulations but from time to time ti me may also act as Principal Contractor. We will discharge our duties under the regulations affectively by utilising competent health and safety advice from our external consultants and by liaising with the Client, Designers, CDM Coordinator and Principal Contractor. Contractor: When acting as Trade Contractor we will fully cooperate with the Principal Contractor, adhere to all site rules and disseminate all health and safety information to our employees’/sub-contrac employees’/sub-contractors. tors. Principal Contractor: When acting as Principal Contractor we will fully cooperate and consult with the Client, Designers, CDM Coordinator and all Trade Contractors. We will achieve this through: -creating a thorough construction phase plan based on the pre-construction information provided by the CDM Coordinator; -carrying out health and safety inductions for all operatives and visitors; -regularly meet with trade contractors and communicate all site health and safety information and also welcome feedback; -utilising our competent health and safety advice to ensure we are discharging our duties affectively. H&S POLICY/GMS


JUNE 2008

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