Healing School by Katie Souza

May 5, 2017 | Author: rhema4000 | Category: N/A
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Healing School by Katie Souza Disc 1 Introduction (Demonic kings) Col. 1:12 Kingdom of Light rescues from kingdom of darkness There is a structure of hierarchy of darkness. If a king (of darkness) falls, his kingdom can be taken. There are demons under higher power who protect them. Mark 3:27 – bind the strongman, then plunder his house. Eph 6:12 – Satan 1.)

Despots (tyrant kings) strong man




Master spirits

Gen. 14:12 Lot captured by evil kings. Our sins of soul man enable demons to capture us. The ultimate authority is Jesus, King of Kings. John 18: 36 Jesus said He is king, not of this world Satan & spirits occupy territory. Satan assigned demons to all tracts of land (house, city, etc.) Make decrees of dominion, bind powers and loose Kingdom of Heaven Rev. 19: 15

Jesus rules w/iron scepter. Jesus is highest ruler.

We need to become the carriers of His presence, carriers of Jesus Christ, burdens are put into Jesus’ hands (chair bearers.) Yoke of Christ, Matt. 11, take my yoke upon you and learn of (from) Him Enter into a Jesus fast, let Him customize your fast. What does He want me to know about Him? Soak, seek, the Holy Spirit give me a couple of scriptures, please. If we want to see more fruit, Jesus must heal, deliver, etc. We must know Him better. Jn 14 If we believe, we will do the works of Jesus. I bore the cross for you (so that now you can bear the cross with Me as you are yoked to Me.) I am to keep my heart always turned to Him: we will work together. We are to be cleaned up so there is nothing to keep Him in His fullness out. Decree cleaning scriptures, felt encounter. Down to very bile of cleaning process. Let Jesus and the Holy Spirit guide your pursuit for more of Him. What I learned from scripture moves from head to whole body. We need encounter …to... carry…to..release. (Note: Jesus Christ IS Xerxes’ signet ring given to Esther in the book of Esther.)

We “become the whale”, Mt. 11. Become a carrier of Christ and all His attributes. Luke 11 – bind the strongman and ransack the house (become a carrier of Jesus) Rev. 22:6 Seven angels brought her revelation of Rev 22:1-5. Focus on Jesus – saturated w/Jesus’ presence. Disc 2

Babylonian King

“Hearing from God” CD by Katie Souza She said we need to get it. She received from God the “Matthew 10 anointing”. First, drive out demons, second, heal the sick Eph 6:12 Ranks in kingdom of darkness: tyrant kings, despots, powers. Master spirits under despots. Goliath story in 1 Sam 17: when the champion (the covering for the army) was dead, the whole army fled. Goliath means “exile from native land” (our native land is heaven). Goliath represents every demonic king. Luke 3, “kingdoms” were demonic kingdoms, not natural ones. Isaiah 14: Satanic King of Babylon (what this king does in the passage). Trouble, pain, prostration, oppression, incessant blows, unrelenting persecution, hinders, weakness. Acts 12:10 Angel brought Peter out of bondage Gen. 9: dominion over microscopic things (creeping, crawling) Decree the Babylonian king off my body, in Jesus’ name. Babylonian king causes pneumonia, sore throat, drug addiction, infections, viruses, bacteria (spirochete of her mom’s hip) Take the dominion over kings 1.

Carrier of Jesus’ presence. Luke 11, sign of Jonah, become the whale, the carrier of Jesus Christ

2. Mark 9, fast and pray. 40 day fast, as Jesus did. Fast one meal a day. 1 Sam 17. Goliath (every demon king) came out for 40 days. He was establishing dominion over Israel army for 40 days, which is the life span of a fly. Lord of the flies is Beelzebub. 4. Eph 6:12 Put on whole armor of God, repeated twice in the passage. Where to focus attack? A) earth b)Second heaven, base camp of enemy. The spirits circle earth to find openings to enter. So we must take dominion of our mouths. Sin makes an opening for the demonic, and we often sin with our mouths. Gen 9: dominion over sky, land, sea, microscopic germs (creeping things). Job 22: decrees establish a thing. Jesus calmed a storm by speaking to it. (Note: I did not find that we have dominion over the sky, land or sea in this passage, only over the animals. In the OT it says we were given the earth, but the heavens are the Lord’s.



“Ascending into the Supernatural” is a teaching of Katie’s regarding 2nd heaven warfare, going to the second heaven and warring there. 5. Must have king-killer anointing (Jesus Christ gave this to the 72 disciples). Matt 10 is the king-killer anointing

Disc 3 King of Agag (Witchcraft Spirit) Mental disorders (bipolar, confusion, epilepsy, rebellion (teens). Saul was bipolar. 1 Sam 18 – evil spirit came and caused bipolar: Saul was not ill when anointed king, but it came later. I Sam 15: Saul disobeyed and spared King Agag, brought himself under power of spirit in Agag. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Witchcraft bewitches the mind. I Sam 28 Saul put mediums and witches out of the land but sought medium later on. Bipolar is 6X higher in prison that outside the walls. Rebellion opens them to spirits of mental disorders. How to break spirit off us: 1. Repentance – Malachi 4 (reconciliation) brings back rebellious children. We can repent for rebellious people. 2 Tim 2 The will is taken captive by the enemy, who controls their thoughts. John 20: we can forgive and God forgives them. Repent fiercely for loved ones. 2 Tim 25 & 26: God will grant them repentance and they’ll be free when control of enemy is broken. 2. Glory Light to heal brain and body. (Photons aligned with human DNA in experiment. Light heals and is attracted to our bodies. Heb. 1:30 God is a light being, outraying (supplying with) His light. Eph. 2:6 We are seated in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. Malachi 4:3 (amplified version) Son of righteousness arises with healing in his wings and beams. (Wings = talit or tassels which represent the glory of God, and beams are beams of light.) We can transmit (as a medium) light through space or by touch. John 9 Jesus the Light of the World. He spat and made clay (spit has DNA in it) and put on man’s eyes. (Katie spits on eyes to heal them, als her own.) Jesus did this two times in scripture. White is the total or partial reflection of light. We become saturated with light as we sit in heavenly places with Christ so (by faith) we can transmit

light to others for healing. Mt. Shasta is near Redding , CA at Bethel Church. Shasta means “white mountain” and is called “the lighthouse of the Pacific” (Note: pacific means peaceful, so it’s the light dwelling (house) of the peaceful). Use scriptures to activate, guide by scriptures Rev. _______, Jesus’ face shone as the noonday sun. Rev. 4 – the emerald rainbow. Green represents healing, so God has a healing light emanating from his very throne. Jesus took 72 up in the glory realm __________________. Be a carrier of light. We need a tangible (presence) manifestation of glory. Glory in the atmosphere of heaven. Ex 17 Israel is fighting the Amalekites (King Agag) and 1 Sam 16:23 The Presence (glory of God) comes in through worship. Jesus used light and glory to deliver witchcraft spirit. Mt. 17. Glory cloud overshadowed Jesus, and he had light and glory. Boy cured from epilepsy (his mind). King Agag & spirit of witchcraft under Agag. Witchcraft has high power at the full moon. (Epilepsy called moonstruck.) Spirit required presence of glory to get rid of it. Disc 3 continued Lasers (concentrated light) vibrate the brain to find source of seizures. How to get more of glory (not an all-inclusive list.) Her teaching “The Glory Coming Out” is a teaching soon to come. 1. Open heavens bring glory to earth (doors, gates, windows in heaven) 2. Ps. 100 Thanksgiving and praise cause heavens to open 3. Relationship with God 4. Repentance through Jesus’ blood (Eph 1) bring things in heaven and earth together 5. Keep mind focused (Holy of Holies is in “head”, in the temple shape. Glory comes faster if focused on God and not “floating along” through worship. To keep mind focused: 1.

Pray fiercely and focused in tongues (clears out pipe)


Lift issues to the Lord right away to get it off our chest

To fight Agag: emergency 3-day fast in Esther, to defeat Agag (40 day fast gives you dominion over all demonic kings). 72-hour fast: 24 hr fast, eat 1 hour, 24 hour fast, eat 1 hour, 24-hr fast. Esther: Hamon the Agagite hated the Jews. Glory came fast during Katie’s fast. She went up in the spirit and threw down witches in second heaven. The 700 Club aired her segment in May 2010.

Disc 4 The Soul – healed by the Glory Light (GL) of Jesus Health of our soul affects relationships, gives us dominion over demonic powers and personal peace and contentment, financial increase. GL is tool to heal soul wounds. Soul: your will, mind and emotions 1 Cor 10 This passage proves our soul is not subjected to Christ automatically upon new birth. We must take thoughts captive – it’s a process. Our soul wounds affect how we think, our ability to choose right/wrong, our emotions, can cause strife and contention. Job ___________ “ I will speak out of the bitterness of my soul.” “In His light we see light (revelation).” _______________ Wounds on our soul are created by sin, either our own sins or when others sin against us. Mary 9 “eye” is faculty of knowing, eye of mind, or soul”. Worm preys on inhabitants and is a symbol of wounds influcted by man on himself by his sins. Once wound is in soul, it will cause you to sin even more. (Abused children grow up to be abusers.) Romans 7:20 “sin that dwells in me, fixed in my soul”. Because soul wounds created by sin, it gives demonic the legal right to torment you. Ps. 143:3 Enemy has pursued my soul (legal right to, due to sin causing soul wounds.) Phil 2:5-8 Jesus said, “Satan has nothing in common with me”, since He had no sin. John 14:30 “Satan has no claim on me, no power over me.” Mark 5:1-7 v. 7 “What is there in common between us”. Jesus can torment the spirit. Spirit called Jesus “Son of Most High God” – he saw no soul wounds in Him.

Spirit of legion – able to control men by soul wounds. “ Tombs”: defined “ to recall or remember, a monument set up in mind and/or emotions to cause a perpetual remembrance.” This is also the definition of “soul wounds.” If someone loses their healing, its because soul wound not healed and demonic can come back and make us sick again. Soul wound can rob us of financial blessings and cause physical illness. III Jn:1 “prosper” is financial prosperity, and “be in health AS soul prospers.” Soul wounds control our mind, will, and emotions. Cause us to think wrong thoughts, thus take wrong actions regarding money. Our will is under control of soul wound. Decisions must be guided by Holy Spirit, not soul wounds. Katie mentioned her “Banking in the Glory” CD. 3 Jn 1 Health directly connected to soul wounds. Regional demonic power in common with our soul can bring physical sickness. Apply glory light of Jesus on souls to get wounds healed. He will confirm to us when we are healed, in deed. Then could came against demonic. Then call them up and out! (Katie felt tentacles of a regional demon power ripped of her when she called him up and out of her, to rid herself of physical sickness.) Soak a lot in the glory light of Jesus, focusing it on her mind and every part of her body. “In Thy light we see light.” May have a memory/dream regarding a soul wound. Repent fiercely and focus on putting Jesus’ blood on the event and fiercely focusing on putting the glory light of Jesus on her soul. Then she can fight demonic, once wound is gone by blood and light. Then she can beam light on bacteria to heal. Disc 4 continued James 1:21 Word of God has power to save my soul. Meditate on Word of God to heal my soul. Accelerated tools, tools of mass deliverance, of mass healing, are needed by her ministry and also in our day as the people pour into the church. Glory light of Jesus can heal the soul: Mal 4:2 “wings” – “Knoff” corner of prayer shawl, hoopa. Symbolizes glory cloud under which Israel was married to God at Mt. Sinai. And “beams” are rays of light (can heal body, also soul) “marpay” – sound of mind, from “rapha” – healed of personal distresses. (Note: the above Hebrew words are only entered as a guess as to the spelling, from the CD.) We are transformed from glory (encounter) to glory (encounter). Scripture: _________________ Glory cloud – composed of light Jn 8:12 I am the light of the world. Light = life. Life (zoe) refers to soul. Life comes for the soul. Zoe = absolute fullness of life which belong to God. Jesus Christ (the Light) comes to bring Life to our souls, in fullness. Jn 12:46 Jesus Christ said I am Light so people won’t continue in darkness. Soul wounds cause darkness in us, attached to demonic darkness.

Luke 11:34 “eye” is conscience (thoughts, awareness, mental faculties…). Conscience is part of the soul. V.36 If soul is light, emotions and mind will be fulfilling their offices Ps. 38: 3-5 Sin created soul would. V.10 light of “eyes” (soul” is gone, David said. Complaining puts BIG wounds on soul, Put blood on sin and Glory light of Jesus on my soul. Mt. Shasta: lighthouse of the Pacific. Anointing of light will prevail over woundedness in our soul. Katie leads in an impartation of the light anointing.

Disc 5 King Balak, king over curses. One of the most important kings. Jesus Christ has come as a Warrior King, with warring angels, to war for His people. Katie mentioned warring angels God revealed to her: Michael, the hornets, Swift, the horses. The key to mass deliverance is this king, accelerated manner to heal souls of masses quickly. End of time, kingdom is coming quickly. How do curses get on people? Prov. 26 Curses can’t come unless we give it an opening. KS teaches that ancestors can bring curses. Exodus 25. Gen. 3:17 ground cursed due to Adam’s curse. Gen 4:11 Cain was cursed due to Abel’s murder. Deut. 27:15 Cursed is man who sins by making a graven image. Deut. 28:15 Disobedience will bring on a curse. Obey God or curse will come. Exod. 25 Iniquities of fathers can come on children to 3rd and 4th generation. Deut. 28 Curses can go wherever you go, your business, your animals, can

touch every part of your life. Curses never leave. We must take definite steps to remove them. Gal. 3:13 Christ redeemed us from “the” curse, becoming a curse for us. Cursed is anyone who is hung on a tree. So that Abraham’s blessing might come on the gentiles.” Since Christ became a curse for us, it is not automatic that we become freed from all curses. We now have the right to break curses off ourselves. Numbers 2:24 King Balak of Moabites wants to put curse thru Balam on Israel so as to defeat them. Balam was 400 miles away. But Balam prophesies of Israel’s blessings and the coming of Christ. Curses wear you out. You can’t shake it. They suck the life out of your life. King Balak wanted to sap Israel’s strength. Israel ready to cross Jordan, was opposite Jericho. Curses are to drive us out of the land of promise. We’re near to fullness of promise land, as a body, all together. So now enemy’s on the scout to try to curse us. Katie prayed at the end of this CD.

Disc 6 How to Hold Dominion over Demonic Kings (HOLD YOUR MOUTH) Once we’ve won ground, how do we hold it? One of the most important ways is to HOLD YOUR MOUTH. We use our mouths to release the kingdom of heaven. Deut 32:1 (the heavens hear the words of our mouth and respond.) Romans 10: 9, 10 When we confess Jesus as Lord, we are saved Job 22:28 When we decree a thing with our mouth, it will be established. We bless with our mouths. Ps. 100 We bring glory cloud with our mouths (thanksgiving and praise.) Jesus’ mouth: caused fig tree to wither, called Lazarus out of the grave, cured centurion’s son, long distance and rebuked storm (from 2nd heaven) by

speaking to it. We use our mouths to bind up second heaven kings. Our mouths have power! Power, power, power, power, power.!!! James 3:9-11 Mixture in our mouths, bitter and sweet water come out. This keeps us nullifying our blessings. Kingdom of darkness (demonic) is called for when we speak words having source in the Kingdom of darkness. We sin with our mouths and invite demonic into our lives. Demons are legalistic, furiously looking for opening to attck us as they circle round and round us. Cited Num. 22, 23 and 24 when Balak looked and looked for opening to have Balam curse Israel, looking out at Israel from different places. (Note: a child saw demons circling and circling her house, looking for an entry but could find none.) Num. 23 Zophim – watchers, to spy, to observe, to watch closely And Peor – to open wide, as in a gaping hole We must go to new level with our mouths. We’ve received higher strategies and accountabilities. When we sin, very quickly repent. God’s calling us to holiness. Words like “dang it” and “shoot” are euphemisms for “dam_ it” and “sh_t”. Our mouth must be totally cliean as we are coming to a higher level. “Crap” should be “Poop” probably. We think we have the right to grumble, but venting opens the door to the demonic. REPENT! Repent quickly and plead the blood over our lives. 1 Sam 17: Eliab had no control over his mouth as he railed at David and had no power over the giant Goliath. David controlled his mouth and killed the Philistine Goliath. Goliath represents every demonic king (he cursed David by all his gods (demons). Two kings are over our money.

Steps to take to have a financial blessing: 1.

Audience received a 1000-fold blessing anointing. Disc 6 continued

2. 3 John :1 prosper AS soul prospers. So we need to have a healing in our soul. We need a financial breakthrough and need to be on a quest to be financially well. 3. Break off the demonic. Mt. 10:1 anointing, to drive out evil spirits before we can make finances well. Demonic blocks breakthrough coming to us because of our giving.

King Benhadad of Syria 2 Kings 6 King Benhadad shut Israel up in famine until people ate their children. Children =seed. We use our “seed” to pay bills rather than build the kingdom of God, when we are financially stressed and rob God of our tithes and offerings. Famine comes so we won’t put our funds into the church and finance the Kingdom of God. King of Assyria – subjugated King of Babylon and Syria Isaiah 10:13 King of Assyria brags about robbing the nations. V. 8 All his officers are subjugated kings or their equals. It mentions king of Babylon and Syria in that passage. Goliath represents every demonic king. Colludes with Balak to attack our finances. Also colludes with King of Assyria and King Benhadad. Mal 3:6 Israel cursed with curse because they robbed God by withholding tithes and offerings. Balak will attack our money. Katie Souza bound Balak with King of Assyria and King of Syria and commanded they come up and out of h er and husband’s money. One week later he got employment call and after 2 weeks’ employment, they were completely free of personal debt, company debt and most of partner’s debt was paid off. Then a $250,000 job came up after that, the largest in the company history. Katie had audience prepare an offering to atone for ancestors who failed to tithe and robbed God. She said to give whatever amount God told you. It could even be a very small amount. Steps to take to loose financial curses: 1.

Repent of agreeing with darkness re money use. We’ve sinned with credit card lenders and covenanted with banks (sin) due to covetousness/greed/pride/impatience. Matthew 10 anointing = king killer anointing and anointing of light. It breaks King of Assyria off our necks. The anointing breaks the yoke. Is 10:27.

2. King Killer anointing brings financial increase David killed Goliath and got Saul’s daughter (the bride of Christ), was free from taxes, king will enrich him with great riches. We free the bride of Christ when we take kings off people’s lives. Then she blessed the offering and collected it.

Disc 7

Glory Light

To heal soul wounds in us 1. Repent – spend time repenting. Sin creates the wound. Mark 9 Forgive those who hurt you for my own sake Wound created in us by others will cause us to sin even more

Mark 9 – “eye” is the soul Resentment is sin Repent specifically, not generally 2. Soak my soul in the glory light of Jesus using my faith and my focus Faith to believe what scripture has said (glory light of Jesus can heal my soul) Num. 21 faith and focus put in bronze serpent. Snakes came when people’s souls grumbled against God 3. Attentive, expectant, steady and absorbing gaze upon the bronze serpent and live. (can be healed of soul wounds) Look at glory light of Jesus with steady and absorbing gaze. Contend for focus and don’t be distracted. Look back to Jesus. Look up and meditate on Light scriptures. Mal 4:2 and other scriptures where Jesus is shown to be light, God is light, Life is light, etc. Mal 4:2 “wings and beams”, sound of mind and healed of personal distresses. Decree over myself – engaged. Don’t let mind wander. Revelation 1: Jesus’ face shown brighter than the noonday sun. Soak 15 minutes before bed and again in the morning. 4. Pay attention to dreams and visions. They reveal soul wounds. God knows the right order in which to heal the wounds of your soul, so stay on His path of order. Job 33:15-18 God works in dreams to preserve man’s soul. Demons are attached to wounds. Torment comes from the pit to our wounded soul. Jesus reveals through dreams our sins. Put glory light on that sin and target it. 5. Don’t get troubled when revelation comes regarding wounds. Don’t focus on event/wound but onto the glory light of Jesus healing the wound. Numbers 21. In Thy light we see light. Soak in the light of Jesus to receive revelation about the next soul wound to heal, or for revelation about a specific soul wound or related sin.

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