Healing Ministry of Jesus

December 22, 2016 | Author: micheal2 | Category: N/A
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Healing Ministry of Jesus...


LIVING WORD MEDIA ACADEMY TEACHING NOTE FAITH FOUNDATION: HEALING MINISTRY OF JESUS Reference material: CD on Healing ministry of Jesus, Pastor’s article on healing will be recommended for all to study TEXT: 3Jn2, ps103:1-3, Ex15:25,Matt8:16 We have access to healing because : 1. The goodness of God 2. Healing Is a fact of our redemption in Christ 3. Jesus is a healer ie his name provides healing GOD’S WORD ABOUT HEALING AND HEALTH Text: 3Jn2, Matt8:17,Ps103:1-3,Ex15:26 

Explain the fact that we can desire ourselves and fellow-believers to be healed and stay in health. 3Jn2,James5:13-15,Phil2:25-27 (5MINS)

We must establish the fact that God is a healer: Ex15:26,Ex23:25. It is trite to see how and why God describes himself as Rapha(one who keeps or immunes from sickness). (10MINS)

 We will look a bit at how God reveals his redemptive plans/Promises through his names in the old covenant. Hebs1:1-2, Ex6:1-6. We will see instances of God’s healing Isaiah38(Hezekiah), Job (a brief look at the book of Job to see what happened to Job and how God restored him mercifully).(20MINS)  We will take a brief look at Jesus as the expression of the father in his earth-walk. Jn14:7-9 On several instances, we saw him heal sicknesses and diseases.Matt4:23,Matt8:16-17,Matt9:35,Luk5, Mk5. However, he said he does whatever he see his father do. This further buttresses the epistles description of Jesus as the flawless image of the father. Col1:16-18,Hebs1:2-3,Rom5:13-14,Col2:9. It is clear to see that healing is God’s will. (10MINS) 

The goodness of God in healing and health: a quick look at the goodness of God. Ps103:1-3. Forgiveness of sins and healing of sicknesses and diseases is attributed to the goodness of God. Talk briefly about Jn9:1-3 to clear the doubt on the fact that God puts sicknesses on people for his glory. The glory of God is healing

for the sick(Jesus’ ministry shows this) and divine health for the believer(glorify God in your body,1Cor6:19-20).  God is a giver: James1:5, Jn3:16, Rom8:32,  He gives good gifts: James 1:16-17, Matt7:7-11  He doesn’t do evil: James1:13-15,  He doesn’t change: Mal 3:6,Hebs13:8  He doesn’t lie: Tit 1:2,Num 23:19 (10MINS) Having seen that God is good and healing is what he gives and does, we can rely on this to receive healing for ourselves and to minister same unto others. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: ORIGIN OF SICKNESSES AND DISEASE: There is a scriptural basis for the origin of sicknesses and diseases and we must find it out. Recall:  God is good: Ps103:1-2, James1:16-17,  He doesn’t change: Mal 3:6,Hebs 6:13.  God doesn’t author or create evil: James1:13-15,1Cor13:33 It is also trite to note that the book of Genesis will help us a lot. Jesus on several occasions traces the origin of things to the beginning: Matt19:8, Jn8:44. Hence, we can trace the origin of sickness and disease to Genesis. God’s Creation:  Gen1:1-31: everything created was good and perfect, showing God’s character, hence, sickness wasn’t God’s creation  Gen 1:26-28,Gen2:7,Ps8:1-8: Man was also created without sickness and disease Having seen this, we can conclude once again that God is good and perfect in all his ways. However, looking at certain scriptural references, we can observe that Sin was associated with sickness most times.

Ps103:1-3 David’s musings on the redemptive work in his prophetic psalms

Jn9:1-3: The jewish belief system and misconception

James5:13-16 “his sins shall be forgiven him”

Jesus’ ministered healing by forgiving sins: Lk5:19-24,Mark2:1-7

We can now conclude that Since sickness wasn’t a creation of God and we saw it healed by Sins forgiven, hence, Sin must be the root cause of Sickness. We must trace sickness and disease to sin. Do a brief explanation of Rom5:12-14,Gen2:9,16-17,Gen3:1-11,James1:13-15 to explain how sin originated. Having seen that Sin affected the whole man 1Thess5:23 (Spirit, soul and body) o Separation from God: Gen3:9-11,22-24, Gen 6:1-7 o There is a change in nature: eph2:1-3,Rom3:10-19 o His Soul was corrupted: Eph4:17 o The body will now return to the source ie the dust Gen3:17-19 Where does sickness and disease manifest? It is seen in the body in form of weakness or dis-ease i.e unease in the body. Adam pointed this out in Seth. Gen5:3 ie frail, mortal or subject to death. Having seen this, we can conclude that sin is vicariously liable(responsible) for the body’s frailty(sickness), hence, if the sinproblem can be solved, the sickness problem will be catered for. Hence, the solution to man’s problem will be explained in our next meeting.

God never created sin, it was a creation of man by disobedience and hence sickness and disease can be traced to this fact. Hence, if God will make will solve the sin-problem, he will concurrently solve the sickness problem. Isaiah 53:1-7 Hence, the solution to man’s problem will be explained in our next meeting. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

HEALING AS A FACT OF OUR REDEMPTION Redemption is the word ransome i.e price paid Illustration:- kidnappers- the worth or value on a thing. It is that price that matters. What is the price paid? Matt26:28, lk22:20 The blood shed for us. Ro 3:23-25 The price is free and it is in Christ. The value of our life is the value of the blood. Act20:28, Tit3:4-6. Price paid – Grace available. Eph1:3-7, col1:12-14

Why did Jesus rose from the dead? 1cro15:13-17 Salvation/redemption never ended at the cross. Death, burial and resurrection. The resurrection part is the final seal. Illustration: if you can pay for a land, until the receipt is given it is not confirmed. It is finished – referring to the fulfilment of the law. Gal3:13, Matt 5:17, Ro8:1-4 N.B the fact that Christ is alive today and seated is the proof of our redemption. Heb5:8-9,9:12-13 If the redemption is eternal, the inheritance also is eternal. Heb7:24-25 Jesus the price paid is eternal; then who i am is eternal, my righteousness is eternal. 1Cor1:30 Because he now assumes the position of what he did. Why is our redemption eternal? Because the blood that was shed was Christ himself. Heb10:1-4, 10-14, 1Pet 1:18-19, 1Joh2:1-2, 1Tim2:5, Heb12:2. He is the blood (seated) on the mercy seat. (the right hand of God).

Does redemption cover our healing? Yes. It is redemptive fulfilment for him to be our healer. Isaiah 53:3-5, Matt8:16 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THIS TWO SCRIPTURES Observe1Cor11:26-29 this referring to what the blood and the body of Jesus paid for. Jesus bore our sicknesses and diseases on his body. It is good to note that the body of Jesus dealt with sickness in the body. Isaiah53:3-5 “Not discerning” i.e not understanding the essence of the lord’s body, not acknowledging the things achieved by Jesus’ sacrifice.Vs 30 This was the only time Paul told us why believer fall sick. Look at 1Cor11:29 “not discerning the Lord’s body” This in context not referring to the body as the body of Christ but the physical body of Jesus broken for Sin and sicknesses. Note: In the redemptive plan of God, he revealed himself (Hebs1:1-2) in his redemptive names        

The provider-Jireh: Gen22 The Lord is here/there-Shammah: Ezek48:35,the ever-present Matt28:20,Hebs13:5 The one who leads-Rohim: Ps23:1 The lord our peace-Shalom:Isaiah53:5,Eph2:12-,Jn16:33, etc The captain Col2:15,2Cor2:14 Our righteousness:2Cor5:21,Rom4:25 The healer-Ralpha: Ex15:26,

The things he came to do were a proof of the redemptive name of God. If indeed he is shepherd, peace, our righteousness, then he is indeed our rapha (healer).

Hence, he indeed bore our sins and sicknesses in his body. Note: Also note that all the promises are already fulfilled in Christ.2Cor1:18-20 All the promises excluding nothing has been fulfilled. If he promises to be healer, it has been fulfilled in Christ.

Wrong thinking: How come you have headache? It is a foolish question. Why do our body still experience sicknesses and diseases? The body of man is still mortal including that of the believer,although the body has been paid for. 1Cor6:19-20. It is good to note that as a result of the redemptive work, at salvation, the condition of the human spirit changed(Eph4:24,Col2:10.3:10) but the physical body hasn’t changed in essence although Christ’s death paid for it. 1Cor15:53 “will put on immortality” Rom8:22-23 We are not comfortable in this mortal body,subject to frailty but that doesn’t nullify the fact that the healing power is ours. Rom6:12 “let not sin reign in your mortal body”, hence, if i have the responsibility tokeep sin out of my body then I can also keep sickness away from my body.1cor6:13 We have healing power in our earthen vessel(body) 2Cor4:7-10. Vs 10 The life of Jesus can be made manifest in our body. Hence, if righteousness can reign in my mortal body, healing can reign much more in my body. The healing power therefore can bring constant healing and health to my body because of redemption of the body. Eph1:13-14,Rom8:11. The power of God is at work in my body. 2Tim1:10 There is immortality in the gospel of Christ.he died for our bodies,however, the body cant be perfect until the rapture. Note: if forgiveness is available every time we sin, then healing is available anytime we are sick. Why? Redemption goes in line with healing. 3Jn2, ps103:1-3, Ex15:25 For instanceLk5:17-20 “your sins are forgiven you”. The same one that forgives sin is the same one that heals. If he forgives sins,he heals sicknesses. Note: at the moment the body is frail/mortal until the rapture,hence you don’t have a redeemed body but you can have a healed body.(not an excuse to live in sickness).

Since,redemption is a strong basis for our healing and the gospel is the message of Christ redemptive work,hence, healing is available in the gospel. The gospel(euangellion ie that which have effects on the hearer) is the message of the healing power of Jesus. We are preachers of the healing power of Jesus.

NB: Healing in the name, Ministering to the Sick and BELIEVERS authority will be taught next month(August)

HOW TO MINISTER AND RECEIVE HEALING THE MINISTRY OF JESUS(THE NAME OF JESUS) The name of Jesus prolongs the ministry of Jesus on earth. A man’s name can do what the man can do . Illustration: A landlord died and gave his title deed to a lawyer to run the tenement. The title deed will do what the man will do when alive.Healing can be received in the name of Jesus. Let’s take a look at JESUS’ EARTHLY MINISTRY What authority did he have? The name of the anointed Christ: A brief look at the anointing of the Spirit on Jesus. Lk4:18-20,Jn1:28-33,Acts10:38 Lk9:1 “power and authority”, Lk10:17”through your name” We can conclude that the name of the anointed Jesus carried as much authority as the person of Jesus. The case of John the Baptist: Matt11:3- “should we”i.e he took side with Israel in rejecting Jesus. This was someone who gave a perfect revelation to point out Jesus. (Jn1:Matt3) Vs5-6 “blind receive their sight,lame walk,the lepers cleansed etc” Referenced in Lk7:12-23 RECALL: the Jews associated sickness with sin.Jn9:1-4 Matt17:18-19,lk7

Matt15:22-31 Matt8:13- he healed fever and all manner of sicknesses. Lk5:17 the healing power was present to heal them. Acts 10;38 The name of Jesus is still anointed today, hence, his name carried the same anointing and can do the same . N.B: the more sicknesses you heal, the more confident you will be and the more people hear of it, the more they will receive in your ministry. For three and half years several people got healed in jesus’ ministry. Acts10:38,matt4:23 Lk10:17 “through your name”, Lk13:10-16 

Jn14:12-14 The works of Jesus in the four gospels were because of the anointing on him, however,he now said “because I go to my father” . This requires a careful examination as he shifted their attention from the name in the four gospels(power of attorney) to the name of the glorified Christ.

Backtrack to Vs1-3 to explain the glorification.Jn7:38-39,12:24,28-32 and also explain what happened from the cross to the throne in brevity.

Explain Lk24:47-49,Acts1:8 in line with Acts2:1-4,32-36

Explain the Lord and Christ (authority and the one who anoints with the Spirit ie Spirit of the Son)

The name given to the Church. Eph1:19-23,2:6,Matt28:1820,Phil2:9-10

A look at the Acts of the church: Acts3:1-6,13(glorified his name referring to Jn14:13-14)

Vs16 “his name through faith in his name” .  Peter’s shadow: Acts5:12-16 “everyone was healed”. Everyone

can be healed in your meetings.  Phillip the deacon: Acts8:7

 Paul’s and materials taken from his body: Acts19:11-12 Hence, healing can be ministered by everyone.

The name of Jesus has the same effect has Jesus himself and the name belongs to the believer today.

PRAYER OF FAITH James5:13-15 “affliction” means to suffer. Sickness is abnormal in church. “prayer of faith shall save the sick” ie Sozo(salvation) The prayer of faith must be in agreement with the sick fellow. We can pray in faith to heal the sick. Mk11:24 “what things so ever you desire...” we can desire healing for someone. 1Jn5:14-15 you can receive healing by believing God through prayer. The gifts of healing are in the church to heal the sick. 1Cor12:9,11,28-29 Note: not every prayer is of faith, James explained what the prayer of faith is. Prayer means to ask in faith. James1:5-8 “if you lack wisdom(healing)”.on the part of God,everyone is qualified for healing,he always gives. Vs6 “let him ask in faith” The prayer of faith will always receive from the father. James5:15,Mk11:24 Faith receives from the power of God. You can believe God for yourself and others. James5:13-15 However,doubt and unbelief stifles the power of God. James1:6-8,Mk11:24 Healing is made available by the prayer of faith. Healing is effected by the power of God, hence, believing the healing power is believing in the power of God. It is the same power of God that heals, that saves and delivers. The more the healing testimonies,it seems as though there are more healing power but actually it is more faith in the healing power.lk6:17-19 This is illogical, it was faith in the power of God

Faith receives the power of God.Lk5:17-20 The healing power will be available when we teach and minister healing. Vs20 “ but when he saw their faith” Faith has actions ,not passive but active. MK5:the woman touched the helmof Jesus’ garment,the man was brought in through the roof. Why didn’t they receive healing? Vs21-25Unbelief and doubt. The healing power can be limited through unbelief and doubt,hence a need to surround people and yourself with the word. Let’s see another instance Mk6 :1-6 Familiarity leads to unbelief and doubt. Your immediate family can be the most difficult to minister to. How do we cure unbelief and doubt? By teaching the word. Mk6:6

MINISTERING THE HEALING POWER TO OTHERS It is trite to note that Jesus wasn’t the only one healing the sick, it was his name and people using his name. The disciples: Matt10:1 “power... to heal all manners of sicknesses Lk9:1 “power and authority”i.e authority and ability(virtue) to effect cure. Lk10:17 “all the demons subject to us through your name” One who wasn’t a disciple: Lk9:49 “casting out demons in your name” This was tangible power and authority in his name. Note: Lk10:17,Matt8:16,Acts5:15-16,Acts19:11-12,Acts8:7, Mk16:17-19 All talks about demonic oppressions during healing the sick. The healing power goes side by side with casting out demons. e.g deafness and dumbness are often a result of demon spirit. Hence, in healing the sick, we must learn to take authority over unclean spirit.


1. Laying on of hands: this is the lowest level of ministering the healing power. If the recipient is weak in faith,this will walk. James5:14-15,Mk6:5 2. The spoken word: Matt8:16 “by his word” i.e he gave a command. It often goes with an instruction. E.g “get up and take up your bed” 3. Materials e.g fabrics,water etc these can be used to transfer the diverse demonstrations of thee healing power. Note: this wasn’t an instruction by Jesus,Paul nor Peter, rather it was an expression of people’s faith. This therefore defies selling of handkerchiefs or mantles to get healing.

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