HEALING CARDS - Crop Circles Remote Healing Cards

April 4, 2017 | Author: cyberbaga | Category: N/A
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Much of what we k now today in m e dicine de rive s from ancie nt Egyptian source s. W e have e ve n appropriate d one of the ir m ost e nduring sym bols, the Eye of Horus, since sim plifie d into the e nigm atic signature 'R x ' which appe ars on all doctors' pre scriptions But the re is also one othe r thing we borrowe d: the ability to locate site s pote nt in Earth e ne rgy upon which to build the foundations of sacre d site s. Mode rn te chnique s capable of de te cting subtle e ne rgie s now show how sacre d site s are rich in e le ctro-m agne tic fre que ncie s and ultrasound, and that such vibrations influe nce the hum an body, particularly its capacity to he al. Throughout the world the re survive s a rich tradition of he aling in association with ancie nt te m ple s, particularly sacre d springs, which late r be cam e holy we lls. Inde e d, m ode rn e x pe rim e nts show how the wate r tak e n from such place s has gre ate r vorticular m otion, and how it is able to hold highe r fre que ncie s of light. This tradition is now augm e nte d by the discove ry that the ve ry sam e principle s and subtle e ne rgie s found at sacre d site s also e x ist in ge nuine crop circle s. And twe nty ye ars of accum ulate d data, as we ll as e m pirical and ane cdotal e vide nce shows that pe ople are e x pe rie ncing he alings and alte re d state s of aware ne ss in conne ction with both. I have be e n sharing m uch of this k nowle dge with thousands of pe ople in m y le cture s around the world, and I have be e n constantly ask e d how it would be possible to e x pe rie nce the se he aling pote ntials without having to trave l to se e a crop circle or a sacre d site . Be ing a practical be ing, m y re sponse to the e ve r-incre asing de m and for se lf-he lp, was to sim ply bring the se te m ple s to you. W e lcom e to the C rop C ircle s R e sonance C ards.


The syste m I have de vise d is base d on ye ars of accum ulate d pe rsonal e x pe rie nce , and that of practitione rs in alte rnative the rapie s (which we re m ainstre am be fore the onse t of the m ode rn m e dical syndicate ). It com bine s se ve ral practise s that I have se e n work on pe ople ove r the ye ars. O riginally de signe d for use in radionics de vice s, the card syste m is now use d in applie d k ine siology, re sonance the rapy, e ve n chak ra balancing. It has also be e n note d that, by placing spring wate r on the patte rns, the e ne rgy appe ars to code the wate r itse lf, e nabling for hom e opathic application. Dowsing ge nuine crop circle s has re ve ale d a num be r of organize d e ne rgy syste m s, including the radial line patte rns which form the basis of the Malcolm R ae radionics syste m . Since it has be e n discove re d that crop circle s e x hibit e le ctro-m agne tic prope rtie s, and ge om e trie s which are founde d on the principle s of sound, it is be lie ve d that the fre que ncie s and harm onics inhe re nt in the de signs are capable of influe ncing the hum an vibratory fie ld, right down to its sub-atom ic le ve l. Such principle s we re use d throughout ancie nt culture s to he al or alte r state s of aware ne ss, and are today e nshrine d in the Buddhist m andalas and the de signs of ancie nt te m ple s. And the y are also pre se nt in ge nuine crop circle s, e ithe r e ncode d, in the ir re lative e ne rgy fie lds, or in the ir visible ge om e try.

HOW IT W ORKS Esse ntially, crop circle s are visible e x pre ssions of e ne rgy form s, and the se form s are conscious and vibratory by nature . The Institute of R e sonance The rapy in Ge rm any discove re d, ove r a de cade ago, that unadulte rate d photos of crop circle s containe d a code that syste m s in distre ss re quire d to re juve nate the m se lve s. Sim ply put, e ach crop circle acts as a pie ce of 'software ' that te lls the 'hard drive ' of a biological syste m how to re build itse lf. By applying the im age in a spe cially de signe d m achine it was possible to se nd he aling to any syste m in distre ss– a pe rson, a tre e , a fore st, a rive r – and the re sults of the work pe rform e d by IR T we re scie ntifically m onitore d e ach tim e . The Institute 's work was we lcom e d by the Austrian gove rnm e nt which allowe d the Institute to apply its te chnique s throughout Europe to place s suffe ring from e cological im balance , with incre dibly positive re sults. Esse ntially, institute s such as IR T, and De LaW arr in the UK, we re using the age -old te chnique of radionics, or re m ote he aling, whe re e ne rgie s and sym bols containing a code are transm itte d at a distance to syste m s in distre ss. To som e de gre e , the m e m ory of the code is store d in a sym bol or a photo. Since original, anadulte rate d photos of ge nuine crop circle s are hard to obtain, I de cide d to apply the ide ntical syste m use d in the se radionic the rapie s by storing the inform ation on sim ulator cards, with sym bols that bore an accurate e ne rgy im print of the ir original de signs in the fie lds. And be cause the sym bols are activate d at source , no com ple x or e x pe nsive m achine ry is now re quire d to ope rate the m — you can sim ply work the sym bols by hand and tak e the m whe re ve r you ne e d. To date , I have re ce ive d or witne sse d case s whe re pe ople corre ctly applying the se sym bols have be e n cure d of re tinal cance r, arthritis, and one ge ntle m an who, following m y le cture , place d his hand ove r som e of the cards and stoppe d sm ok ing. To this day he has had no ne e d to stick a cigare tte back in his m outh.

SCIENTIFIC TESTING. For a couple of ye ars the cards we re use d and te ste d using dowsing, and by the incre dible case re ports m y colle ague s and I re ce ive d from pe ople who'd work e d with the R e sonance C ard syste m . That is until I discove re d the work of Konstantin Korotk ov in R ussia. Dr. Korotk ov is a pione e r is bioe ne rgy fie lds and has de ve lope d a se nsitive de vice that is capable of m e asuring a pe rson's biophoton e ne rgy fie ld to pin-point de ficie ncie s and illne sse s. His work is now found worldwide .

I was offe re d a te st of this de vice , which accurate ly showe d de ficie ncie s in m y body which we re only k nown to m yse lf. Im pre sse d, Dr. Korotk ov offe re d to te st the se R e sonance C ards to se e if a re sidual e ne rgy fie ld could be transfe rre d from a crop circle — as I had be e n claim ing— and m e asure d. I thus pre se nte d his affiliate in Ne w Me x ico, Mr. Madapa, with two se ts of cards. O ne se t was norm al, the othe r had be e n activate d in m y office (this proce dure will re m ain confide ntial to pre ve nt pe ople who m ay wish to abuse this syste m ). W he n te h re sults of the te sts we re re ve ale d, a ve ry e x cite d Mr. Madapa conclude d that inde e d one se t of cards was e ne rge tically diffe re nt to the othe r. As he wrote : "A glass of wate r was place d on e ach card for 10 m inute s. The n, continuous static im age s 3 se conds apart we re capture d [by the e quipm e nt] and a total of 20 im age s pe r te st we re m ade ." "It was obse rve d that the re was a m e asurable incre ase in corona brighte ne ss e m inating from the de vice during te sting. The following data analysis shows a statistical diffe re nce be twe e n the te ste d sam ple and the control sam ple ." In othe r words, the 'charge d' cards showe d a cle ar distinction in e ne rgy re te ntion com pare d to the norm al cards, illustrating that the e ne rgy from the original crop circle s was transfe rre d to the cards.

THE PACK. I pe rsonally we nt through som e 900 de signs in the database and ask e d which would form the basis of a syste m to provide optim um he alth. This 49-card pack fe ature s a cross se ction of those crop circle s m ost suite d for that purpose . Each m ay be use d according to the intuitive notion of the pe rson adm inistrating the he aling, but re sults show that the y work be st whe n the dis-e ase d pe rson choose s the sym bol that is m ost appropriate for the m se lve s. In e sse nce the pe rson is choosing he aling by locating a ge om e try that its biological syste m re cognize s, and will be st assist in bringing itse lf back into e quilibrium . Each sym bol is re plicate d from the original crop circle as accurate ly as possible , and e ne rge tically link e d to the original patte rn. The cards are also hand-m ade , the re fore I am ve ry conscious of the proce ss from start to finish.. Ple ase use the se re sponsibly, and always with the inte nt ‘for the highe st good of all’. Positive inte nt is the m ost powe rful k e y in he aling, and it is the trigge r that activate s the se sym bols. The work of the Japane se wate r scie ntist Masaro Em oto de m onstrate s this principle ve ry cle arly. The se cards can be use d in Hom e opathy and othe r wate r coding proce dure s, Applie d Kine siology, in R adionics de vice s and othe r radie sthe sia te chnique s. And possibly m any m ore . A de e pe r, m ore thorough back ground to this re se arch and Earth e ne rgy conne ctions can be found in m y book , Se cre ts In The Fie lds, in the chapte r 'The Dragon Awak e s'.


It is im portant to re m e m be r that he aling is a pe rsonal choice , and only the individual k nows–at a subconscious le ve l–that which is in its be st inte re sts. If you think about it, be ing sick can be a form of he aling, for the patie nt m ay re quire the e x pe rie nce in orde r to ove rcom e a pe rsonal obstacle . As an e x tre m e e x am ple , de ath can also be se e n as a form of he aling. Not to be alarm ist, but this fact is pointe d out to m ak e aware the scope of he aling in its gre ate r conte x t, from a Unive rsal point of vie w. In any case , the pe rson work ing with the cards should not attach any outcom e or e m otional re sponse during the above proce sse s, be cause it is the patie nt who carrie s the e sse nce of the choice the y wish to m ak e in te rm s of the ir we ll be ing. It is also worth stre ssing that, by the laws of attraction, one will not draw into one 's e x iste nce that which it is not in the be st inte re sts of se lf. If you do not re ce ive the re sult you want it is be cause of two possible sce narios: a) it was not in your highe st inte re sts to re ce ive that e x pe rie nce , or b) you attache d an e x pe ctation to the outcom e , and that e x pe ctation originate d from the e go (de sire ) not the Soul (k nowing). That's how the Unive rse work s. I m ust also stre ss that the se cards, or crop circle s or any othe r te m ple for that m atte r, do NO T he al. The y are not a panace a, a cure -all, or som e de vice of divine inte rve ntion that will just solve e ve ryone 's proble m s. That's not how life work s. Howe ve r, the y do contain de live ry m e chanism , a particular re sidual e ne rgy or code that brings natural syste m s back into balance . It is up to the individual or the organism to C HO O SE to be he ale d. In othe r words, nothing is going to be done for you– YO U have to m ak e the conscious and subconscious de cision to e nte r into an agre e m e nt with anothe r vibratory fie ld— in this case a crop circle e ne rgy form . O nly if and whe n those two vibratory fie lds are aligne d in both inte nt and purpose can a sym pathe tic re sonance be e stablishe d, a transfe r of inform ation be gins, and balancing can tak e place . This is a fundam e ntal Unive rsal law, and it is the re to re spe ct your fre e -will.

Text and images © Freddy Silva, except Salisbury diagram © Guy Underwood,

Each pack com e s with instructions for use .

Text and images ©Freddy Silva

Each pack of 49 Crop Circles cards w ith case and instructions is $38 + First Class shipping


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