Headway Digital Activities Booklet

October 30, 2018 | Author: Ágnes Jassó | Category: N/A
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Headway Digital Activities Booklet...



 Fourth edition


Activities that add an interactive spark to your classes Enter the digital era of era of the world’s most trusted English course ●

General warmers . warmers . . . . page 2

Video Activities . Activities . . . . page 3

Activities for Reading R eading and Listening Tasks Tasks . . . . . page 4

Activities for Speaking and Pronunciation Pronunciation . . . . . page 6

General warmers 1. Correct the Mistake Equipment:

Headway iTools on IWB


 To revisit gap-fill exercises or to get feedback on gap-fill exercises.


As a warmer at the start of the next lesson or straight after the activity.

Preparation: •

Enlarge a gap-fill exercise using the zoom tool. Choose the thin pen and write answers into the gaps: some correct some incorrect. (When the tex t goes back to normal size the pen marks stay.)

In the lesson: •

 Tell the students they will see the answers to a gap-fill exercise but some are correct and some are incorrect. Give them a few minutes working in pairs to try to spot the incorrect answers. Elicit the answers and correct them using the pen tool.

  Variation:  Turn this activity into a game by putting students into teams and awarding points for correct answers.

2. What’s in the picture? Equipment:

Headway iTools on IWB or a projector


 To review vocabulary or to create interest in a reading / listening task using pictures.


As a warmer before a reading / listening task or in the next lesson.

Preparation: •

Enlarge the chosen picture using the magnify tool. Choose the thick white pen from the tool box and use it to hide items or certain parts of the picture.

In the lesson: •

 Tell the students they are going to look at a picture and try to identify what is missing. Enlarge the picture and give them a few minutes working in pairs to try to guess or remember what the items are. Elicit the names of missing items or parts from the class, rubbing them off as you go along. If students are struggling reveal just part of the picture to help them.

Variation:  Turn this into a game by putting students into teams and awarding points for correct answers.

 Ad d an inte ra ctive spark to yo ur Headwa y clas ses 2

Video activities 3. Silent Video Equipment:

Headway iTools / iTutor video on IWB or a projector


 To create interest in the video.


As a warmer for a video lesson.

Preparation: None

In the lesson: •

Play the chosen video or part of it with the sound turned off. Ask students to watch the video and decide what they think is happening. Ask them to discuss their answers in pairs before getting some feedback.  Then play the video again with the sound up to see if they were correct.

Variation: •

Play the chosen video or part of it with the sound turned off. Ask students to watch the video and write a list of the words they think they will hear. Ask them to discuss their answers in pairs before getting some feedback.  Then play the video again with the sound on and they tick  off the words they hear from their lists.

4. Descriptive Video   Equipment:

iTools / iTutor video on IWB or a projector


Practise the use of descriptive language.


As a cooler after a descriptive language lesson, e.g. buildings in a town or words to describe people

Preparation: None

In the lesson: •

Ask the students to work in pairs, Student ‘A’ facing the screen Student ‘B’ facing away. Play a part of your chosen video with the sound turned off. Ask Student ‘A’ to describe the scene to their partner but they need to tell one lie. Ask Student ‘B’ to take notes. Play the video again with everyone watching. The students have to spot the lie.

Variation: For a more challenging task, tell Student ‘A’ to lie 3 times.  Then they watch and see if they can spot the lies.

Headway   Fourth Edition 3

Activities for Reading and 5. Guess the word! Equipment:

Headway iTools on IWB or a projector


To review words in a reading text.


After completing a reading task, or as a warmer at the start of the next lesson after a reading task.

Preparation: •

Enlarge a reading text using the zoom tool. Choose the thick black pen from the tool box to black out words in the text. (When the text goes back to normal size the pen marks stay and will be to scale.)

In the lesson: •

Put students into groups and tell them they are going to guess some words in a text. Enlarge the text and give them a few minutes working in their groups to try to guess or remember what the words are. Elicit the words from the class rubbing them off with the eraser tool as you go along. Award points for getting the correct words. You could also award points for synonyms. If students are struggling reveal just part of the word to help them.

Variation:  To make this a little easier, write the missing words around the text.

6. Picture Memory Game   Equipment:

iTools or iTutor on an IWB or on a projector.


 To create interest in a reading or listening task.


Before a reading or listening task.

Preparation: Choose an interesting picture.

In the lesson: •

Divide the class into three or four groups, display the picture for a short time and then blank the board. Get students to write a list of words/sentences/actions they can remember seeing in the picture. To make the game competitive, set a time limit and reward the group who comes up with the longest list.

  Variation: •


Do this in reverse: tell students briefly about the picture they are going to see. Ask them to discuss and predict with their partners what things they think will be in the picture. Elicit some answers then show the pictures. Students award themselves points for words they have on their lists.

 Ad d an inte ra cti ve spark to your Headwa y clas ses

Listening tasks 7. Guess the Picture   Equipment:

iTools on IWB or a projector


 To create interest in a reading or listening task.


Before a reading or listening task or as a warmer.

Preparation: Choose an interesting picture or pic tures; cover the picture with post-it notes by pressing the T button and dragging the notes where you want them.

In the lesson: Divide the class into three or four groups, each group comes to the board in turn and clicks the x to remove a post-it. They then have to guess what’s in the picture. Repeat until someone guesses correctly or all the post-its have been removed.

Variation: Just put one post-it note in the middle of the picture. Ask students to discuss with their partners or in small groups what they believe the note is covering. Get feedback from the class before revealing the picture.

8. Text Editing   Equipment:

iTools on an IWB or a projector


 To review a reading text, and help students think about key words.


After a reading activity.

Preparation: Choose a suitable reading text.

In the lesson: •

Divide the class into three or four groups, display a text and tell the students they are going to try to delete words in the text but it still has to make sense. Give them time to think in their groups and then go around the groups eliciting the words to delete. Use the thick marker to delete the words and then ask the students if they agree the text still makes sense.

Headway   Fourth Edition


Activities for Speaking and 9. Choral Drill Dialogue   Equipment:

iTools on IWB or a projector


Practise pronunciation.


With any Everyday English dialogue.

Preparation: None

In the lesson: •

Divide the class into As and Bs (or as many roles as there are in the dialogue). Tell them that they are going to read the dialogue in the book. Assign a role from the dialogue to each half of the class.  Turn the sound off and open the script. Play the listening like this.  The students read along in unison with their roles, following the Karaoke bars. Depending on the level of your students do it twice or three times before asking students to swap roles.  Then put students into pairs, one A one B. Ask them to read their roles with the Karaoke bars but this time speaking to each other.

10. What do you think? Equipment:

iTools on an IWB


 To give students preparation and planning time before a speaking activity.


Before the ‘What do you think?’ activity in the course book.

Preparation: None

In the lesson: •

Enlarge the ‘What do you think?’ exercise on the IWB. Ask students to work in small groups and brainstorm some words that they think will be useful to do the activity. After a couple of minutes ask them for their ideas and write them on the board using the pen tool. Leave this displayed for reference while the students do the activity.

 Ad d an in te ra ctive spark to yo ur Headwa y clas ses 6

Pronunciation 11. Say it right Equipment:

Headway iTools / iTutor on IWB or a projector


 To practise pronunciation features in a listening text.


After a listening activity.

Preparation: None

In the lesson: •

After the listening, ask students to turn to the listening scripts at the back of their books. Open the ‘open script’ button on iTools or the ‘tapescript’ button on iTutor. Ask them to identify where they think the stress will be in each sentence. Elicit some answers and point them out on the screen. If you are using iTools on the IWB, then mark the sentence stress with the pen tool. Play the listening and see if the students were correct.

Variation: You can do the same or similar with intonation or word stress.

Looking for more inspiring ideas for your Headway Fourth edition lessons?  The Teacher’s Resource CD, packaged with the Teacher’s Book, is packed with extra lesson ideas and activities, and includes customisable worksheets and editable tests. Sign up for the Teachers’ Club to access more resources, ideas, and read about the latest updates in the world of Headway:


Headway   Fourth Edition 7

Headway Fourth edition





Student’s Book with iTutor Pack





 Teacher’s Book +  Teacher’s Resource Disc





Workbook + iChecker with Key





Workbook + iChecker without Key





Class audio CD










For Students

For Teachers

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