HDS Nash Neuryon Julio 2019
November 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
Download HDS Nash Neuryon Julio 2019...
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
BK@D OL OD_KY OL YLG\XCODO Elibd ol vlrscùj0 >4/>7/8>43 Ulrscùj0 >8 Yliicùj 40 Coljtcecidicùj olf prkouitk químcik y ol fd lmprlsd lmprlsd Coljtcecidicùj olf químcik \sks rlikmljodoks
Ykocum byorksufpbcol, 9> ’ 5>%.
0 0 0 0 0
Ikdoyuodjtl ol prkilsk. Edhrcidicùj ol pdplf y ol prkouitks ol pdplf. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D. Dvod Lf Gkfe 33 ^csk ? - Fds Ikjols- Ydjtcdgk Ydjtcdgk ol Ibcfl. >
IC_\I0 8 88?795>> (Lmlrgljicds químcids).
IC_\I0 8 859> (Lmlrgljicds tkxcikfùgcids).
cjekrmdicùj Ocrliicùj tkxcikfùgcid lflitrùjcidol Ibcfl olf prkvllokr
Xlstrciickjls ol usk Jkmhrl olf prkvllokr Ocrliicùj olf prkvllokr Jðmlrk ol tlfãekjk olf prkvllokr Jðmlrk ol tlfãekjk ol lmlrgljicd lj Ibcfl
plfcgrks Yliicùj 80 Coljtcecidicùj ol fks plfcgrks Ifdscecidicùj slgðj JIb928 Ocstcjtcvk slgðj JIb843>
0 0
Ifdsl 20 Yustdjicds ikrrkscvds.
Ifdscecidicùj slgðj YGD
Yustdjicds y mlzifds ikrrkscvds pdrd fks mltdfls. Idtlgkríd 4. _kxcicodo dguod pkr cjglstcùj. Idtlgkríd 9. Ikrrkscùj iutäjld. Idtlgkríd 4H Flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. Idtlgkríd 4 ^lfcgrk pdrd lf mlock dmhcljtl diuätcik (plfcgrk dguok). Idtlgkríd 4.
Ltcqultd YGD
^dfdhrd ol dovlrtljicd
^ägcjd 4 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Cjocidickjls ol plfcgrk
Cjocidickjls ol prliduicùj
B83> B9>4 B94? B942 B?>> ^89? ^85> ^85? ^87> ^879 ^82> ^9>4 + ^94> ^9>4 + ^99> + ^994 ^9>9 + ^954 + ^9? + ^9?> ^9>< + ^9 ^984 ^99> ^959 ^93> ^934 ^?>< ^?>5 ^4
Ylôdf ol JIb4?44/?
^ulol slr ikrrkscvd pdrd fks mltdfls. _ùxcik lj idsk ol cjglstcùj. ^rkvkid grdvls qulmdourds lj fd pclf y flsckjls kiufdrls. ^rkvkid flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. Muy tùxcik pdrd fks krgdjcsmks diuätciks. Ikjslrvdr ðjcidmljtl lj lf lmhdfd`l krcgcjdf. Jk rlspcrdr pkfvks k jclhfds. Fdvdrsl... iucodoksdmljtl olspuãs ol fd mdjcpufdicùj. Jk ikmlr, hlhlr k eumdr mcljtrds sl mdjcpufd lstl prkouitk. Jk ocsplrsdr lj lf mlock dmhcljtl. \sdr gudjtls /rkpd ol prktliicùj/lqucpk ol prktliicùj pdrd fks k`ks/fd idrd. LJ IDYK IDYK OL CJGLY_ CJGLY_CC J0 Ffdmdr Ffdmdr cjmlocdt cjmlocdtdmljt dmljtl l d uj ILJ_XK OL _KRCIKFKGÍD/mãocik/... LJ IDYK IDYK OL CJGLY_C CJGLY_C J0 Lj` Lj`udgdr udgdr fd fd hkid. hkid. JK prkvkidr lf vùmctk. LJ IDYK OL IKJ_DI_K IKJ FD ^CLF (k lf plfk)0 Tuctdr cjmlocdtdmljtl tkod fd rkpd ikjtdmcjdod. Lj`udgdr fd pclf ikj dgud Qk ouibdrsl]. LJ IDYK IDYK OL OL CJBDFDI CJBDFDICC J0 _rdjspkrt _rdjspkrtdr dr d fd fd plrskjd df dcrl fchrl y mdjtljlrfd lj ujd pkscicùj qul fl edicfctl fd rlspcrdicùj. LJ IDYK OL IKJ_DI_K IKJ FKY K@KY0 Lj`udgdr ikj dgud iucodoksdmljtl ourdjtl vdrcks mcjutks. Tuctdr fds fljtls ol ikjtditk iudjok lstãj prlsljtls y pulod bdilrsl ikj edicfcodo. ^rkslgucr ikj lf fdvdok. Ffdmdr cjmlocdtdmljtl d uj ILJ_XK OL _KRCIKFKGÍD/mãocik/. _rdtdmcljtk lspliíecik (vãdsl lj fd sliicùj ? ol fd BOY). Lj`udgdrsl fd hkid. Fdvdr fd rkpd ikjtdmcjdod djtls ol vkfvlrfd d usdr. Dhskrhlr lf vlrtcok pdrd prlvljcr odôks mdtlrcdfls. Xlikglr fks vlrtcoks. Gudrodr hd`k ffdvl. Dfmdiljdr lj uj rlicpcljtl rlscstljtl d fd ikrrkscùj/lj uj rlicpcljtl... ikj rlvlstcmcljtk cjtlrckr rlscstljtl d fd ikrrkscùj. Lfcmcjdr lf ikjtljcok/rlicpcljtl ikjekrml d fd rlgfdmljtdicùj jdickjdf.
> 9
^ägcjd 8 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Ifdscecidicùj lspliíecid Ocstcjtcvk lspliíecik Olsircpicùj ol plfcgrks Olsircpicùj lspliíeciks Ktrks plfcgrks
0 0 0 plfcgrks
Jk dpfcid. Jk dpfcid. ^ulol idusdr qulmdourds lj fd pclf y flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. _ùxcik lj idsk ol cjglstcùj. Muy tùxcik pdrd fks krgdjcsmks diuätciks. ^ulol slr ikrrkscvk pdrd mltdfls.
Yliicùj 90 Ikmpkscicùj/cjekrmdicùj ol fks ikmpkjljtls ikmpkjljtls _cpk ol sustdjicd sustdjicd
Oljkmcjdicùj químcid scstlmätcid Jkmhrl ikmðj k gljãrcik Xdjgk ol ikjiljtrdicùj Jðmlrk IDY Jðmlrk IL
Ikmpkjljtl 4 Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock :=9> - 65>% 45784-2>--772->.
duxcfcks Yliicùj ?0 ^rcmlrks duxcfcks Cjbdfdicùj
Ikjtditk ikj fd pclf
Ikjtditk ikj fks k`ks
Lelitks dguoks prlvcstks
Lelitks rltdrodoks prlvcstks Yíjtkmds/lelitks mäs cmpkrtdjtls
0 0
^rktliicùj ol qucljls hrcjodj fks prcmlrks duxcfcks Jktds lsplicdfls pdrd uj mãocik trdtdjtl
0 0
Lj idsk ol cjbdfdicùj, sdidr d fd plrskjd delitdod df dcrl fchrl. Yc fd rlspcrdicùj ls oceíicf, odr kxígljk. Ffdmdr cjmlocdtdmljtl d uj mãocik k d uj iljtrk ol cjekrmdicùj tkxcikfùgcid. Tuctdr cjmlocdtdmljtl fd rkpd y zdpdtks ikjtdmcjdoks. Lj`udgdr cjmlocdtdmljtl ikj dhujodjtl dgud. Ls jlilsdrck uj trdtdmcljtk mãocik cjmlocdtk yd qul fds ikrrksckjls ol fd pclf jk trdtdods skj blrcods oceíicfls y icidtrczdj fljtdmljtl. Fdvdr fd rkpd ikjtdmcjdod djtls ol vkfvlr d usdrfd. Lj`udgdr ikj muibd dgud. Husidr dtljicùj mãocid cjmlocdtdmljtl. Ikjtcjudr lj`udgdjok ourdjtl lf trdsfdok. Tuctdr fks fljtls ol ikjtditk. ^rktlglr lf k`k jk odôdok. Mdjtljlr lf k`k hclj dhclrtk mcljtrds sl fdvd. Cjifusk plqulôds sdfpcidourds lj fks k`ks pulolj idusdr odôks crrlvlrschfls lj fks tl`coks y ilgulrd. Fdvdr fd hkid ikj dgud y olspuãs hlhd dgud dhujodjtl. Jujid olhl domcjcstrdrsl jdod pkr fd hkid d ujd plrskjd cjikjsicljtl. Fflvdr df delitdok ljslgucod d uj bkspctdf. Jk cjouicr df vùmctk! ^ulol idusdr odôk ikrrkscvk lj fd hkid y gdrgdjtd. ^ulol idusdr qulmdourds lj fd pclf y flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. _ùxcik lj idsk ol cjglstcùj. Fd cjbdfdicùj ol dlrkskfls pulol idusdr crrctdicùj ol fds mlmhrdjds muiksds. Jk ocspkjchfl. ^ulol idusdr qulmdourds lj fd pclf y flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. Fd cjbdfdicùj ol dlrkskfls pulol idusdr crrctdicùj ol fds mlmhrdjds muiksds. muiksds. Yl rlikmcljod d fds plrskjds qul ljtrlgdj fks prcmlrks duxcfcks lf usk ol lqucpks ol prktliicùj p rktliicùj cjocvcoudf. cjocvcoudf. Cjekrmdr df mãocik skhrl fds idrditlrístcids olf prkouitk y tcpk ol ikjtditk. ^rlsljtdr lstd Bk`d ol Odtks ol Ylgurcodo df mkmljtk ol fd dtljicùj. dtljicùj.
^ägcjd 9 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Yliicùj 70 Mdjcpufdicùj y dfmdiljdmcljtk dfmdiljdmcljtk Mdjcpufdicùj Mdjcpufdicùj ^rliduickjls pdrd mdjcpufdicùj slgurd
Mlocods kplrdickjdfls y tãijcids
Ktrds prliduickjls
^rlvljicùj olf ikjtditk Dfmdiljdmcljtk Dfmdiljdmcljtk Ikjocickjls pdrd dfmdiljdmcljtk slgurk
0 lf
Yustdjicds y mlzifds cjikmpdtchfls Mdtlrcdf ol ljvdsl y/k lmhdfd`l
Mlocods tãijcids
Lvctdr ikjtditk ikj k`ks, pclf y rkpd. Jk cjbdfdr vdpkrls. Mdjcpufdr ikj lflmljtks ol prktliicùj plrskjdf doliudoks (vlr sliicùj 2) y skfk lj rlicjtks hclj vljtcfdoks. Mdjtljlr ljvdsls ilrrdoks iudjok jk sl uslj. Lf prkouitk olhl slr mdjcpufdok ikj fks mcsmks iucodoks qul sl tkmdj pdrd iudfquclr ktrk prkouitk químcik cjoustrcdf. Yùfk olhl slr utcfczdok pkr plrskjdf ikmpltljtl pdrd lf mdjl`k ol sustdjicds químcids plfcgrksds, lf iudf olhlrä slr ikjsicljtl ol tkoks fks plfcgrks rlfdickjdoks ikj lf mcsmk. Lstä prkbchcok ikmlr, hlhlr k eumdr lj fks fugdrls okjol sl mdjcpufd, dfmdiljd k trdtd lstl prkouitk. Fds plrskjds qul trdhd`dj ikj lf prkouitk olhlräj fdvdrsl fds mdjks y fd idrd djtls ikmlr, hlhlr k eumdr. Tuctdr fd rkpd ikjtdmcjdod y lf lqucpk ol prktliicùj djtls ol ljtrdr d fds ärlds ol ikmlokr. Lvctdr euljtls ol cgjcicùj y dftds tlmplrdturds. Lf prkouitk pulol slr ikrrkscvk pdrd mltdfls. Lvctdr lf ikjtditk ikj mdtlrcdfls cjikmpdtchfls.
Ikjslrvdr lf ljvdsl blrmãtcidmljtl ilrrdok lj uj fugdr slik y hclj vljtcfdok. Gudrodr lj rlicpcljtls ksiurks y ilrrdoks ol mdtlrcdf djtcikrrkscvk. 0 Dfmdiljdr lj cjstdfdickjls qul iuljtlj ikj vljtcfdicùj, pcsk fcsk jk dhskrhljtl, act ol olrrdmls y lflmljtks pdrd prcmlrks duxcfcks (l`lmpfk0 fdvdk`ks ec`k k pkrtätcf). Lfcmcjdr mdtlrcdfls ol eäicf ikmhustcùj y euljtls ol cgjcicùj. 0 Cjikmpdtchfl ikj dgljtls kxcodjtls eulrtls y äicoks. Mdtlrcdfls rlikmljodoks0 Ljvdsls krcgcjdfls. Mdtlrcdfls jk rlikmljodoks0 Jk ocspkjchfl.
Yliicùj 20 Ikjtrkfls ol lxpkscicùj/prktliicùj plrskjdf plrskjdf Ikjiljtrdicùj mäxcmd plrmcschfl Ikmpkjljtls Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock
Udfkrls fímctls (jkrmdtcvd jdickjdf OY -5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Yliicùj 30 ^rkpclodols eíscids y químcids químcids Lstdok eíscik Ekrmd lj qul sl prlsljtd Ikfkr Kfkr pB (ikjiljtrdicùj y t¾) ^ujtk ol euscùj/pujtk ol ikjglfdmcljtk ^ujtk ol lhuffcicùj, pujtk cjcicdf ol lhuffcicùj y rdjgk ol lhuffcicùj ^ujtk ol cjefdmdicùj fímctls ol lxpfkscvcodo k cjefdmdhcfcodo ^rlscùj ol vdpkr Oljscodo rlfdtcvd olf vdpkr (dcrl= 4) Oljscodo Ykfuhcfcodo(ls) Iklecicljtl ol pdrtcicùj kitdjkf/ dgud _lmplrdturd ol dutk-cgjcicùj _lmplrdturd ol olsikmpkscicùj \mhrdf ol kfkr _dsd ol lvdpkrdicùj Cjefdmdhcfcodo ( sùfcok, gds) Ucsikscodo
0 Fíqucok. 0 Fíqucok. 0 Dmdrcffk, vlrol, jlgrk. 0 Ycmcfdr d bulvk pkorcok. 0 44,9 - 44,7. 0
-49 - ?4 ¾I.
44> - 48> ¾I.
Jk ocspkjchfl.
Jk ocspkjchfl.
4< - 8> b^d d 8> ¾I.
Jk ocspkjchfl.
0 0
4,42< - 4,98> d 8> ¾I. _ktdfmljtl mcsichfl. Ykfuhfl lj dfikbkfls.
fkg ^kw0 -9, m^d.s.
rlditcvcodo Yliicùj 4>0 Lstdhcfcodo y rlditcvcodo Lstdhcfcodo químcid Xldiickjls plfcgrksds Ikjocickjls qul sl olhlj lvctdr Mdtlrcdfls cjikmpdtchfls
0 0 0 0
Lstdhfl hd`k fds ikjocickjls ol dfmdiljdmcljtk rlikmljodods. Jk ls ol lsplrdr rldiickjls olf tcpk plfcgrksds. Lvctdr tlmplrdturds lxtrlmds y fuz ocrlitd olf skf. Cjikmpdtchfl ikj äicoks y kxcodjtls.
^rkouitks ol olsikmpkscicùj plfcgrksks
Yl pulolj gljlrdr prkouitks ol olsikmpkscicùj tdfls ikmk Yufeurk ol bcorùgljk y ùxcoks ol dzuerl.
tkxcikfùgcid Yliicùj 440Cjekrmdicùj tkxcikfùgcid _kxcicodo dguod (OF y IF)
Odtks tkxcikfùgciks0 ^rkouitk
OF Krdf
OF Olrmdf
Yufecordtk ol skock 9> ’ 5>%
Jk ocspkjchf l.
Jk ocspkjchfl
OF Krdf
OF Olrmdf
4>> ’ 84< mg/ag (Xdtd)
Jk ocspkjchfl
Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock
IF Cjbdfdicùj Jk ocspkjchfl IF Cjbdfdicùj Jk ocspkjchfl
^ägcjd 5 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Crrctdicùj/ikrrkscùj iutäjld
Flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls/crrctdicùj kiufdr Yljschcfczdicùj rlspcrdtkrcd k iutäjld Mutdgljcicodo ol iãfufds rlprkouitkrds /cj vctrk
0 0 0
_kxcicodo rlprkouitcvd
_kxcicodo lsplicecid lj ùrgdjks pdrtciufdrls -lxpkscicùj ðjcid _kxcicodo lsplicecid lj ùrgdjks pdrtciufdrls -lxpkscickjls rlpltcods ^lfcgrk ol cjbdfdicùj
_kxcikicjãtcid Mltdhkfcsmk Ocstrchuicùj ^dtkgljcicodo l cjeliickscodo dguod (krdf, oãrmcid l cjbdfdtkrcd) Ocsrupicùj ljokircjd Jlurktkxcicodo Cjmujktkxcicodo Yíjtkmds rlfdickjdoks Fcmctl cjmlocdtdmljtl plfcgrksk pdrd fd vcod y fd sdfuo (COFB)
Lf prkouitk ls ifdscecidok ikmk ikrrkscvk iutäjlk (Idtlgkríd 4H, B94?), slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Lf prkouitk ls ifdscecidok ikmk idusdjtl ol flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls (Idtlgkríd 4, B942), slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk sljschcfczdjtl rlspcrdtkrck k iutäjlk, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk mutdgãjcik, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Dolmäs, slgðj ljsdyks rldfczdoks lj rdtùj (Ocrlitrcz ?75 ol fd KIOL), lf ikmpkjljtl Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock rlsuftù jk slr mutdgãjcik. Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk idjilrígljk, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk tùxcik rlprkouitcvk, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Dolmäs, slgðj ljsdyks rldfczdoks lj rdtds (Ocrlitrcz ?84 ol fd KIOL), lf ikmpkjljtl Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock jk rlsuftù tljlr lelitks lj fd elrtcfcodo. Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk tùxcik lspliíecik lj ùrgdjks pdrtciufdrls-lxpkscicùj ðjcid, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY.
Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk tùxcik lsplicecik lj ùrgdjks pdrtciufdrls-lxpkscickjls rlpltcods, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY.
0 0 0 0 0
Lf prkouitk jk ls ifdscecidok ikmk plfcgrksk pkr cjbdfdicùj, slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk dpfcid.
0 0 0 0 0
Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk ocspkjchfl. Jk lstdhflicok.
Uíds ol lxpkscicùj lxpkscicùj Cjbdfdicùj
Ikjtditk ikj fd pclf Ikjtditk kiufdr Cjglstcùj
0 0 0
Fd cjbdfdicùj ol dlrkskfls pulol idusdr crrctdicùj ol fds mlmhrdjds muiksds. ^ulol idusdr qulmdourds lj fd pclf. ^ulol idusdr flsckjls kiufdrls grdvls. _ùxcik lj idsk ol cjglstcùj. ^ulol idusdr qulmdourds.
Yliicùj 480 Cjekrmdicùj likfùgcid likfùgcid Liktkxcicodo (LI, CI y FI)
Liktkxcicodo dguod0 Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock ^lils, IF0 >,>>87 mg/F (35 br) Cjvlrtlhrdoks, Odejcd, IF0 >,>8 mg/F (35 br) Dfgds, Yalfltkjlmd ikstdtum, JKLI0 >,>?4 mg/f (78 br)
Editkr M0 4>>. Liktkxcicodo irùjcid0 Bcorkgljksufeurk ol skock Hditlrcds, JKLI0 2>>> mg/F (97 oíds). ^ägcjd 7 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
^lrscstljicd y olgrdodhcfcodo ^ktljicdf ol hckdiumufdicùj1
0 0
Mkvcfcodo lj lf sulfk Ktrks lelitks dovlrsks
0 0
Hckolgrdodhfl. Lf prkouitk jk idusd hckdiumufdicùj (fkg^kw0-9.>), slgðj irctlrcks olf GBY.
ecjdf Yliicùj 490 Cjekrmdicùj skhrl fd ocspkscicùj ecjdf Mãtkoks ol ocspkscicùj ecjdf slgurd y mlockdmhcljtdfmljtl doliudod pdrd rlscouks, ljvdsls y lmhdfd`ls ikjtdmcjdoks y iudfquclr mdtlrcdf ikjtdmcjdok, ol diulrok d fd jkrmdtcvd jdickjdf vcgljtl.
Lf rlscouk pulol slr ikjscolrdok plfcgrksk, slgðj OY 4?20 Xlgfdmljtk sdjctdrck skhrl mdjl`k ol rlscouks plfcgrksks, drtciufk 42, fcstd CC (Iùocgk CC.47, Idtlgkríd Ykfuickjls häscids k hdsls lj ekrmd ekrmd sùfcod) y drtciufk 3>, fcstd D (Iùocgk D?>3>, Xlscouk ol Ykfuickjls Äicods k Häscids). Lj idsk qul fd sustdjicd lstã ikjtdmcjdod olhl slr rllvdfudod su ocspkscicùj. Ls rlspkjsdhcfcodo olf gljlrdokr olf rlscouk coljtcecidr su jcvlf ol plfcgrkscodo, mdjcpufdrfk y lfcmcjdrfk doliudodmljtl iumpfcljok ikj fd flgcsfdicùj jdickjdf vcgljtl.
trdjspkrtl Yliicùj 4?0Cjekrmdicùj skhrl lf trdjspkrtl _lrrlstrl OY 832 83?3 BCOXKY\FE\XK YKOCIK (Y\FEBCOXD_K YKOCIK) ikj uj míjcmk olf 8.Ke8>>9. _rdjspkrtl ol sustdjicds plfcgrksds-Ocstcjtcvk pdrd coljtcecidicùj ol rclsgks. OY J¾?>, 4353 (Ðftcmd vlrscùj 45/>3/4333/4338/>8/8>>8). Xlgfdmljtk skhrl trdjspkrtl ol idrgds plfcgrksds pkr idffls y idmcjks. OY J¾4?2, 8>>? (Ulrscùj ðjcid). ðjcid) . Xlgfdmljtk sdjctdrck skhrl mdjl`k ol rlscouks plfcgrksks. ^ägcjd 2 ol 4>
YKOC\M BSOXKY\F^BCOL, 9>-5>% Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D.
Xlgufdickjls Cjtlrjdickjdfls Cjtlrjdickjdfls
OY J¾?9, 8>45 (Ulrscùj ðjcid). Xlgfdmljtk ol dfmdiljdmcljtk ol sustdjicds plfcgrksds. XLY. LR. J¾ ?>2, 8>45 MCJ. YDF\O. YDF\O . Fcstdok ol Yustdjicds ^lfcgrksds pdrd fd Ydfuo. JE^D 7>?, 8>47. Ycstlmd jkrmdtcvk pdrd fd coljtcecidicùj ol fks rclsgks ol mdtlrcdfls pdrd rlspulstd d lmlrgljicds. \YD0 Yustdjicds jk fcstdod ikmk sustdjicd plfcgrksd (OK_) KYBD. Kiiupdtckjdf Ydelty djo Bldftb Domcjcstrdtckj. JCKYB. JCKYB. _bl Jdtckjdf Cjstctutl ekr Kiiupdtckjdf Ydelty djoCjoustrcdf Bldftb. DIGCB. _bl Dmlrcidj Ikjelrljil ke Gkvlrjmljtdf Bygcljcst GBY. Ycstlmd Gfkhdfmljtl Drmkjczdok ol Ifdscecidicùj y Ltcqultdok ol ^rkouitks Tuímciks. XLDIB. Xlgfdmljtk (IL) J¾43>7/8>>5 olf ^drfdmljtk lurkplk y olf ikjsl`k rlfdtcvk df rlgcstrk, fd lvdfudicùj, fd dutkrczdicùj y fd rlstrciicùj ol fds sustdjicds y prlpdrdoks químciks. IF^. Xlgfdmljtk (IL) 4878/8>>2 olf ^drfdmljtk lurkplk y olf ikjsl`k skhrl ifdscecidicùj, ltcqultdok y ljvdsdok ol sustdjicds y mlzifds. DJLRK U OLF IKJULJCK MDX^KF 79/72. Ikjvljck cjtlrjdickjdf pdrd prlvljcr fd ikjtdmcjdicùj pkr fks huquls. IÙOCGK CMYHI. Iùocgk Mdrítcmk Cjtlrjdickjdf ol idrgds sùfcods d grdjlf. IKOCGK CMOG. CMOG. Cjtlrjdtckjdf Mdrctcml Odjglrkus Gkkos. IKOCGK CD_D. CD_D. Cjtlrjdtckjdf Dcr _rdjspkrt Dsskicdtckj.
L f rlilptkr o olhlríd lhlríd vlrcec idr fd pks chfl lxcs tljicd ol rlg ufdic ufdickjls kjls fkidfls dpf dpfci ci dhfls dhfls df prkoui tk químcik.
Yliicùj 450 Ktrds cjekrmdickjls cjekrmdickjls Ikjtrkf ol idmhcks Dhrlvcdturds y dirùjcmks
0 0
^rcmlrd vlrscùj. IF 0 OF 0 IL 0 JKLI 0 Fkg ^kw 0 F^^ 0 F^_ 0 _WD 0 COFB IDY IDY 0 DIGCB 0
Ikjiljtrdicùj Fltdf Mlocd. Okscs Fltdf Mlocd. Ikjiljtrdicùj Lelitcvd Mlocd. Ikjiljtrdicùj scj lelitk khslrvdok. Iklecicljtl ol pdrtcicùj kitdjkf/dgud. Fímctl plrmcschfl pkjolrdok. Fímctl plrmcschfl tlmpkrdf. ^rkmlock pkjolrdok lj lf tclmpk. Fcmctl cjmlocdtdmljtl plfcgrksk pdrd fd vcod y fd sdfuo. Iblmcidf Dhstrdits Ylrvcil. Dmlrcidj Ikjelrljil ke Gkvlrjmljtdf Cjoustrcdf Bygcljcsts. (Ikjelrljicd Dmlrcidjd ol Bcgcljcstds Cjoustrcdfls Guhlrjdmljtdfls). JCKYB 0 Jdtckjdf Cjstctutl ke Kiiupdtckjdf Ydelty djo Bldftb (Cjstctutk Jdickjdf ol Ylgurcodo y Ydfuo Kiupdickjdf). KYBD 0 Kiiupdtckjdf Ydelty djo Bldftb Domcjcstrdtckj (Domcjcstrdicùj ol Ylgurcodo y Ydfuo Kiupdickjdf) GBY 0 Ycstlmd Gfkhdfmljtl Drmkjczdok ol Ifdscecidicùj y Ltcqultdok ol ^rkouitks Tuímciks. CMOG 0 Cjtlrjdtckjdf Mdrctcml Odjglrkus Gkkos. CD_D 0 Cjtlrjdtckjdf Dcr _rdjspkrt Dsskicdtckj. Ucstk pkr ðftcmd vlz0 vlz0 @ufck 8>43.
bttp0//www.kurstkfljeuturl.krg/Hdscis/iblmfcst.btm bttp0//rcsitkx.cstds.jlt/oj[rcsitkx[husidokr.dsp bttp0//libd.lurkpd.lu/cjekrmdtckj-kj-iblmcidfs bttps0//www.ksbd.gkv/osg/djjktdtlo-plfs/tdhflz-9.btmf ^ägcjd 3 ol 4>
Ocrlitrcils Ocrlitrcils
Bkmkfkgdicùj _ãijcid lj lspdôkf ol diulrok d fd JIb88?% - Jkurykj Iblmcidfs Drgljtcjd Y.D.\. ), ikmpflmljtdod ikj rlelrljicds tãijcids vdfcodods (Jkurykj Eujitckjdf Iblmcidfs Y.D) Lstl okiumljtk ljtrlgd cjekrmdicùj häscid, jlilsdrcd pdrd prlvljcr rclsgks k dtljolr sctudickjls qul pulodj prlsljtdrsl ourdjtl fd lxpkscicùj d lstl prkouitk (Khfcgdicùj ol cjekrmdr - Olirltk Yuprlmk J¾?>). Fd cjekrmdicùj ikjtljcod lj fd prlsljtl BOY ls ol usk pðhfcik. Dprkhdod pkr0 Xkorcgk Gcmãjlz. Elibd ol ðftcmd ditudfczdicùj0 @ufck 8>43.
^ägcjd 4> ol 4>
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