HCSA Exam V8 Print.docx

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HCSA TEST (A) Company:: ________________Name: ______________ Mark: Company ____________ Notce: You are supposed o fnish his es in 1 hour. No discussion should be permied

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1. True rue or F Fal alse se (34 (34*1 *1)) 1. H.265/High E Eciency ciency Video Coding (HEVC) is he successor codec o o H.264. The primary

goal o he new codec is around 50 percen beer compres compression sion eciency han H.264.

( True ) 2. By adop adoptng tng Predictv Predictve e Encodi Encoding, ng, Noise S Suppression uppression and LongLong-erm erm Bir Birae ae Conrol,

Hikvision H.265+ can save he bandwidh grealy in cerain scenarios. ( True )

3. When he sensor siz size e is fxed, longer ocal ocal lengh will make make large FOV. FOV. When he ocal ocal lengh is fxed, larger sensor size will make large FOV. ( False ) 4. Flow analysis camera can coun coun how m many any people in a cer cerain ain region, a and nd heir w waitng aitng

tme. (True) 5. Compared o 10 1080P 80P,, 1080P lie can ge almos he same qualiy qualiy wih lower birae. birae. ( True True Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


) 6. For Hikvision people countng applicaton, user userss can ge he people ow sats satstcs tcs rom

web clien, iVMS-4200/HikCenral and NVR. ( True ) *** 7. For Hikvision people countng applicaton, user userss can save he people ow s satstcs atstcs even

here is no SD card in he camera. ( False )*** 8. People countng camera can ocus on a arge and rack i untl i disappears in he image,  hus eectvely

flering he repeaed coun o he loiering l oiering arge.. ( False ) (preven) *** 9. Hikvision NVR ccan an expor is IP channel as a an n Excel ha is only readable bu no ediable,

and his excel can be impored o anoher NVR o he same model. ( True ) 10.For he applicaton o VCA unctons  unctons such as line crossing, objec removal deec deecton, ton, ec.,

NVR has inegraed in is frmware, regardless o IPC models ( False ) (FaceSearch, )  (FaceSearch, Plae,

Hea) 11.ColorVu camera can only provide black &whie image when here is no illuminance

(0lux). ( False ) 12.I an IPC is plugged ino he POE por o an NVR, and NVR is in he same LAN wih he

operaor opera or PC. Then he operaor can enable he NVR virual hos uncton o login he Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


web page o he IPC. ( True ) 13.To 13.T o remoe playback he NVR record fle by ranscoded sream, i requires no only he

NVR, bu also he IP camera should suppor ranscod ranscoded ed sream. ( True )

14.When an IP camera has SD card on board, i will always sore pre-record pre-record videos in he SD

(Triggered riggered or Enable) card, even ANR uncton is no riggered. ( True ) (T 15.In he ANR applicaton scenario, ANR synchronized recording can be ound in he record

fle lis. ( True ) 16.For Hik-connec, Hik-connec, Sharing uncton is no suppored suppored under visior mode ( False ) 17.Hik-Connec visior accoun can’ be upgraded o ocial accoun. (False) 18.To build a RAID 5, a leas 3 hard drives are required. (True) 19.I you orge he device password, you can exac key key fle rom SADP ool and send o

Hikvision echnician or reseng ( True ) 20.Image/Video adjusmen are suppored on playback inerace o NVR 4.0 4.0(( True ) *** 21.Sensitviy should be modesly adjused lower i you wan vehicles insead o he

pedesrian o rigger he alarm. ( False ) 22.Acusense devices fler non-human arge argess by measuring heir emperaur emperaure. e. ( False ) Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


23.When PTZ camera is zooming in or zooming ou, he IR always keeps keeps he same angle and

power. ( True )

24.PTZ smar racking 2.0 suppor suppor human & vehicle classifcaton classifcaton ( True True ) 25.When WDR uncton is enabled, max rame rae can be se as 60 ps ( True ) 26.I we se smar racking duraton as ‘0s’ ‘0s’,, he PTZ camera will always rack he moving

objec untl i is ou o he camera’s coverage. ( True ) 27.ROI (Region o Ineres Ineres) ) uncton assigns more encoding resource o he region o

ineres, ineres , hus o increase he qualiy o he ROI whereas he background inormaton is

less ocused. ( False ) 28.A higher rame rae camer camera a which can reach up o 50/60 ps is advan advanageous ageous when here

are some as movemens in he video sream. ( True )

29.The OSD inormaton such as dae, tme, channel inormaton and even some ex can be overlaid on he live video o Hikvision camera. ( True ) 30.Hikvision cameras can be actvaed via web browser, SADP and clien soware. ( True ) 31.Hikvision NVR can suppor eSA eSAT TA uncton, which can be used or recording or capure

sorage. (True )

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


32.Transcoded sream can be applied or limied bandwidh, which has nohing o do wih IPC bu is g generaed eneraed by NVR isel isel.. ( ) 33.Incoming bandwidh deermines how much sream ha NVR can receive rom IPC, and

ougoing bandwidh means how much sream can be acquired rom NVR or remoe

usage, like like remo remoe e live view or playback on clien soware. (T (True) rue)

34.Hikvision camera has smar IR uncton which can preven image overexposure overexposure when i is oo close o he arge. ( False )

2. Sing Single le Choic Choice e (33 (33*2 *2)) 1. Which o he ollowing acors will aec he sorage sorage space? ( E ) A. FPS B. Res esol olut uton on C. Nu Numb mber er o o ca came merras D. Vid Video eo comp compre ressi ssion on ype ype E. Al Alll o he he a abo bove ve

2. Which o he ollowing descriptons abou bi ra rae e is wrong? ( C ) A. There are wo ypes o bi ra rae: e: cons consan an bi rrae ae and variable bi rrae. ae. B. Under variable bi rae, rae, he image qualiy is alway alwayss good, where whereas as he bi rrae ae is vvariable. ariable. I is suiable or dynamic scenes. By using VBR, we can estma estmae e he bandwidh/sorag bandwidh/sorage e consumpton. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


C. he bi rae rae is supposed o be cons consan an bu as a resul, he image qualiy is vvariable ariable when he scene changes a lo. By using CBR, we can estmae he bandwidh/s bandwidh/sorage orage consumpton. D. No None ne o o h he e ab abov ove e

3. Which o he ollowing descripton abou H.265+ is incorrect? ( A ) A.

H.264+ echnology is a kind o inelligen algorihm developed by Hikvision. I

ocuses on he eaures eaures o he surveillance vi video deo and is optmized based on he H.265/AVC. H.265/ AVC. H.265+ decreases he bir birae ae o he surveillance video grealy so as o save save he sysem cos. B.

H.265+ is applicable or scenes wih ew background changes and no requen

moving objecs. C.

I i is a dynamic scene wih many moving objecs all he tme, H.265+ can save hal

o he bandwidh compared wih H.265. D.

I i is fxed scene wih ew moving objecs, by using H.265+ can save 50% o he

bandwidh compared wih H.265.

4. Which o he ollowing saemens is incorrec abou Acusense DVR? ( C ) A. Acuse Acusense nse DVR can fle flerr ou non-h non-human uman ar arges ges.. B. To achie achieve ve als alse e alarm fl fler er,, acuse acusense nse cam camera era sh should ould be dep deploye loyed. d. C. Acuse Acusense nse DVR can accep accep bo boh h a analog nalog and IP ccamer ameras. as. D. Acuse Acusense nse DV DVR R is inegr inegrae aed d wih d deepl eeplearning earning algor algorihm. ihm.

5. For Hikvision camera, which o he ollowing descripton abou day & nigh mode is Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


incorrect ? ( D ) A. A nigh nigh or under lo low w illumina illuminaton ton scen scenes, es, he ccamer amera a swi swich ch rom ccolor olor mod mode e o B/W mode auomatcally, which can improve low-ligh perormance eectvely. B. A newor nework k camer camera a wih day/ day/nigh nigh u uncton nctonaliy aliy has an au auomatc omatcally ally remo removabl vable e inrar inrarededcu fler. fler. The fler is on during daytme, enabling he camera o produce colors as he human eye sees hem. A nigh, he fler is removed o enable he camera o ake advanage advanag e o near inrared ligh and produce good qualiy qualiy,, black and whie images. C. Dieren modes ar are e selec selecable able or day/nigh swich: day day,, nigh, auo, schedule, e ec. c. D. No None ne o h he e ab abov ove e

6. Which o he uncton is recommended in srong backligh conditon o enhance he whole image qualiy? ( B ) A. WDR B. BLC C. HLC D. IR

7. Which o he uncton is recommended in corridor scenario? ( C ) A. ROI B. Targe arge cr crop oppi ping ng C. Roae m mo ode D. WDR

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


8. Which one o he ollowing unctons is no suppored by Hikvision NVR? ( D ) A. IPC ma manag nageme emen n an and d rec recor ording ding ma manag nageme emen n B. Loc Local al llive ive vie view wa and nd video video pla playba yback ck C. Quick da daa a reriev rerieval al an and d ins insan an ev even en notfc notfcaton aton D. Con Connec nec o a anal nalog og ca camer meras as vi via a BNC ccabl able e

9. Which o he ollowing sa saemen emen regarding Hikvision NVR is not true? ( D ) A. Adding hirdhird-par pary y IPC and Hikv Hikvision ision IPC o o NVR con consume sume NV NVR R incomi incoming ng bandw bandwidh idh B. Remo Remoe e liv live e view an and d remo remoe e pl playba ayback ck cons consume ume NVR ougo ougoing ing ba bandwid ndwidh h C. Main s sream ream,, sub sr sream eam and h hird ird s sream ream o Hik Hikvision vision IP IPC C are all co coun uned ed in NVR’ NVR’ss bandwidh. D. The usa usage ge o inc incoming/o oming/ougoi ugoing ng band bandwidh widh ccan an be mon monior iored ed in NVR llocal ocal GU GUII

10.Which o he ollowing sa saemens emens is not true? ( A ) A. DVR h has as e enco ncodin ding g abi abili liy y whi while le NV NVR R does does no B. NVR has sepa separa rae e incomi incoming ng and ougo ougoing ing bandw bandwidh idh re resric srictons tons while DV DVR’ R’ss bandwid bandwidh h is shared beween incoming and ougoing. C. Turb urbo o HD D DVR VR ccan an acce access ss o o IP ccame amera ra D. DVR ccan an enable enable line crossing crossing a and nd hea hea mapping mapping a a he same tme tme

11.Which o he ollowing sa saemens emens regarding smar playback is not true? ( B ) A. Smar p playb layback ack is a go good od wa way y o inc increas rease e he pla playback yback e ecienc ciency y. B. During sm smar ar pla playback, yback, yo you u can dr draw aw a sel sel-def -defned ned de deecton ecton lin line e or a dee deecton cton ar area ea or smar search o moton deecton, line crossing and inrusion deecton. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


C. During sm smar ar pla playback, yback, NV NVR R can skip he he pla playback yback o vid video eo oo ooage age wi wihou hou ev even en in ino. o. D. Smar pla playback yback is a pla playback yback mo mode de o NVR, so no nohing hing on IPC n needs eeds o o be conf confgure gured. d.

12.Which o he ollowing sa saemen emen is not true regarding NVR operatons? operatons? ( D ) A. Virua Viruall hos can be be enabled enabled a a NVR local local GUI, GUI, and and web ine inerac race e B. Tran ranscod scoded ed sream sream or liv live e view ca can n be conf confgure gured d in he web in iner erace ace o NVR C. Redu Redundancy ndancy rec recordin ording g can only be applied applied und under er HDD g group roup mode. D. NVR cchanne hannel-z l-zero ero uncto uncton n ca can n be e enable nabled d via iVMSiVMS-4200 4200

13.Which o he ollowing saemens regar regarding ding NVR recording managemen is not true? ( D ) A. File lock ca can n prev preven en h he e lock locked ed fle rom b being eing ov overwri erwrien en even in cy cycle cle rec recordi ording ng mode B. The re recor cord d fle exp expires ires a aer er i rreache eachess he co confgu nfgured red e expire xpired d tme. C. To confg confgure ure he re redunda dundan n rec recordin ording, g, i requir requires es he NVR o sup suppor por RAID unc uncton. ton. D. In HDD quo quoa a mode, eac each h camer camera a can be allocaed wih quoa or he sor sorage age o rrecord ecord fle and capure picure.

14.Which o he ollowing saemen regarding ANR is not true? ( A ) A. In an even even o new nework ork con connecto necton n ailur ailure, e, NVR wih ANR u uncton ncton ccan an auo auomatc matcally ally rerieve and synchronize synchronize he video daa rom IPC when he connecton is resored. B. I re requi quires res IIP P cam camer era a o in ins sall all an S SD D car card. d. C. ANR ccan an b be e confg confgur ured ed on he loc local al G GUI UI o NVR D. ANR sy synchr nchroniz onized ed rec record ord fles ccan an be sear searched ched and p play layed ed back on NV NVR R Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


15.Which o he ollowing sa saemens emens regarding N+1 uncton is not true? ( A ) A. In he N N+1 +1 ho sspare pare ssys ysem, em, N mea means ns he n number umber o o worki working ng NVR an and d 1 mean meanss he number o backup NVR B. I is rec recommen ommended ded o ins insall all h hese ese N+1 de devices vices in h he e same ne newor work k when se seng ng up he N+1 sysem C. Back u up p NVR needs o b be e con confgur fgured ed in ho sspare pare work mode D. I’ I’ss bee beerr o seu seup p he N+1 ssys ysem em i he IP cha channel nnel no. o backup backup NV NVR R is less ha han n he IP channel no. o working NVR.

16.Which o he ollowing sa saemens emens regarding crea creatng tng RAID is not true? ( B ) A. One- One-ouch ouch con confgur fguraton aton and man manual ual crea creaton ton are su suppor ppored ed o crea creae e RAID. RAID. B. One- One-ouch ouch conf confgur guraton aton will cr crea eae e ra raid id 5 by de deaul aul. . C. I you ins insall all 4 HDD HDDss or abov above e or one one-ou -ouch ch con confgur fguraton aton,, a ho spare spare disk will be creaed by deaul. D. I you ins insall all 5 HDD HDDss or abov above e or one one-ou -ouch ch con confgur fguraton aton,, wo ho spare spare dis disks ks will be creaed by deaul.

17.Which o he ollowing uncton is i s NOT suppored by AcuSense camera and NVR? ( C ) A. Fal alse se a ala larm rm f fl ler er B. Qui Quick ck a arg rge e sea searc rch h C. Sr Srobe obe lig ligh h & Audio Audio al alarm arm D. Pe Peop ople le ccou ount ntng ng

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


18.I you orge your device’s password, you can ( C ) A. Expor Expor devic device’ e’ss QR cod code e or .xml f fle le rom S SADP ADP o ool. ol. B. Impor Impor loca locall GUID fle vi via a local m menu enu or br browse owserr. C. Answ Answer er valida validaton ton ques questons tons via iVMSiVMS-4200 4200 or brow browser ser.. D. Al Alll o he he a abo bove ve..

19.Which o he ollowing saemen is incorrec abou Acusense device? ( D ) A. Hikvis Hikvision ion prov provides ides Acuse Acusense nse analog ca camera mera,, Acusense IPC IPC,, Acusense DVR DVR & NVR. B. Acusense IPC ccan an suppor alse alse alarm fler fler,, i can distnguish distnguish human, vehicle, an and d ohers. C. Acuse Acusense nse NVR ca can n suppor bo boh h als alse e alarm fle flerr and quick ar arge ge search. search. D. So ar ar,, Hikvis Hikvision ion NVR can suppor access accessing ing non-video non-video produc producs, s, like access con conrol rol & video inercom, alarm device.

20. Wha does higher sensitviy mean in behaviour analysis confguraton? ( D ) A. The smaller p porton orton o arge arge pass he relaed area can rigger he alarm. B. The lar larger ger siz size e o he arg arge e ca can n rigge riggerr he ala alarm. rm. C. I has n nohin ohing g o do wi wih h he ssize ize o o he arge arge. . D. I de depen pends ds on h he e scen scenari arios. os. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


21. Wha does hreshold mean in inrusion deecton? ( B ) A. The tm tme e o he objec objec en eners ers he he region region B. The tm tme e o he objec objec loi loiers ers in in he region region C. The t tme me o he o objec bjec leav leaves es h he e re region gion D. I de depen pends ds on h he e scen scenari arios. os.

22. Which o he ollowing descripton abou nework PTZ dome camera is incorrect? ( D ) A. A pres prese e is a predefne predefned d imag image e positon. positon. F For or he defned defned pr prese ese,, you can click he calling buon o quickly view he desired image positon. Y You ou can confgure up o 300 preses. B. A par parol ol is a memori memorized zed se series ries o pr prese ese u uncton. ncton. T There here ar are e up o 8 parols parols or or cusomizing. A parol can be confgured wih 32 preses. C. A paer paern n is a memoriz memorized ed series series o pan, tl, zzoom, oom, and pr prese ese u uncton nctons. s. I can be ccalled alled on he paern sengs inerac i nerace. e. There are up o 4 paerns or cusomizing. D. No None ne o h he ea abo bove ve..

23. Which o he ollowing descripton abou nework PTZ dome camera is incorrect? ( C ) A. Inital po positon siton is h he e origin o PTZ ccoor oordina dinaes. es. I ca can n be he a acory cory de deaul aul inital positon. By deaul, is pan and tl degree is 0°. Yo You u can also cusomize he inital Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


positon according o your own demand. B. The dome ccan an be pr progra ogrammed mmed o o move wi wihin hin he co confgur nfgurable able limi limi sops sops (le/r (le/righ igh,, up/down). C. The PTZ do dome me came camera ra ca canno nno re resume sume i iss prev previous ious pos positon iton a aer er powe powerr is res resored ored.. D. You are allo allowed wed o d draw raw up o o 24 area areass o priva privacy cy mask in h he e camer camera. a.

24.  Which o he ollowing descripton abou smar racking is incorrect ? ( B ) A. When a mov moving ing obje objec c (a per person, son, ve vehicle, hicle, e ec.) c.) en eners ers a mon monior iored ed area area,, Hikvisio Hikvision n PTZ dome cameras can auomatcally deec i and adjus heir ocal lengh o rack he objec; when his objec moves ou o view view,, he camera will auomatcally reurn o is designaed positon. B. I is espe especially cially ap applica plicable ble or si single ngle obj objec ec r racking acking.. Beside Besides, s, you ca can n manual manually ly selec he he objec and sar racking. C. As one o li linkag nkage e modes, modes, smar ra racking cking ccan an be us used ed wih ssmar mar d deec eecton. ton. D. All Hikvi Hikvision sion PT PTZ Z dome came cameras ras suppo suppor r sm smar ar rack racking ing unc uncton. ton.

25. Which o he ollowing descripton is wrong abou ocus issue o PTZ dome camera? ( C ) A. Ther There e are hr hree ee oc ocus us mode: au auo o oc ocus, us, man manual ual oc ocus us and semi-au semi-auo o ocus. ocus. B. SemiSemi-auo auo ocus ocus mea means ns ha ha he spe speed ed dome ocus ocuses es au auomatc omatcally ally only onc once e aer panning, tltng and zooming. Auo ocus means ha he speed dome ocuses auomatcally a any tme according o objecs in he scene. Manual ocus is o ocus Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


manually. C. Minimu Minimum m ocu ocuss dis disance ance is he m minimum inimum di dis sance ance h ha a he le lens ns can ocus. ocus. Th The e lens will no ocus i he monioring disance is less han he minimum ocus disance. Y You ou need o change he minimum ocus disance i he objec is wihin he minimum ocus disance. D. No None ne o h he e ab abov ove e

26. Which o he ollowing saem saemens ens is not true abou ColorVu ColorVu cam camera? era? ( D ) A. Colorvu ccamer amera a has adva advanced nced lens wi wih h F1.0 sup super er aper aperure ure o achi achieve eve brig brigher her im image. age. B. Colorvu ccamer amera a has be beer er sens sensor or sru srucur cure e so i has hig higher her utliz utlizaton aton o ligh ligh. . C. Colorvu ccamer amera a has powe powerul rul IR illumin illuminao aorr, which gene genera rae e chrom chromatc atc imag image e during he nigh D. Colorvu camer camera a does no suppor suppor als alse e alarm fler fler.

27. Which o he ollowing opton can improve he image qualiy a nigh? ( F ) A. AGC B. 3D DNR C. IR D. ICR E. Sw Swi ich ch ro rom m da day y o nig nigh h mo mode de F. Al Alll o o h he above

28.Which acors acors will aec he ban bandwidh dwidh and sor sorage age space? ( D ) A. Vid Video eo comp compre ressi ssion on ype ype Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


B. Scen Scene e ccom ompl plex exi iy y C. Fram ame eR Ra ae D. Al Alll o ab abov ove. e.

29. Which o he descripton abou lens is incorrect? ( C ) A. Lens is cconsis onsised ed o one o orr more gr groups oups o o optcal gla glasses sses.. A lens can ocus ocus lig ligh h o orm orm an image. Dieren combinaton o lens l ens resul in di dieren eren ocal lengh. B. Lens ca can n be divided in ino o vari- vari-ocal ocal leng lengh h and fx fxed ed lens acco accordin rding g o he oc ocal al leng lengh. h. C. When len lenss imagin imaging g size is ssmaller maller han han he se sensor nsor siz size, e, her here e will be black ed edges ges ar around ound he image corners. So we should choose a suiable lens according o is sensor size. D. The amou amoun n o ligh ligh hro hrough ugh he len lenss is meas measured ured by F nu number mber.. F = /D, wher where e  is he ocal lengh, and D is he iris diameer diameer.. The bigger he F number is, he bigger he amoun o ligh he camera can ge.

30.Which o he ollowing unctons is no suppored by Hik-Connec? Hik-Connec? ( D ) A. Sh Shar are e de devi vice ce.. B. Sre Sream am En Encr cryp ypto ton. n. C. Alarm p pu ush. D. Peo eopl ple e Co Coun untn tng. g.

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


31. Which o he ollowing sa saemen emen abou line crossing is incorrec? ( A ) A. Line crossing deecton is recommended or indoor scenarios, no oudoor. oudoor. B. The camera should be mouned in a comparatvely high positon and make sure he arges appearing in he scene will no be oo big. C. Line crossing doesn’ have hreshold seng, bu inrusion deecton has. D. None o above

32. Which o he ollowing saemen saemenss regarding iVMS-4200 is not true? ( C ) A. Hikvisi Hikvision on iVMSiVMS-4200 4200 is more w widely idely ap applied plied in ssmall mall an and d mediu medium m scale proj projecs. ecs. B. Hikvisi Hikvision on iVMSiVMS-4200 4200 is compa compatble tble wi wih h mos o Hikvis Hikvision ion dev devices ices an and d supp supportng ortng dieren kinds o inelligen unctons. C. Hikvisi Hikvision on iVMSiVMS-4200 4200 AC is a ne new w clien ssowar oware, e, which ccan an only sup suppor por acc accessin essing g video surveillance device. D. iVMSiVMS-4200 4200 work works saton aton has pre pre-ins -insalle alled d windows 10 sy syse sem, m, and iVMS-4200 iVMS-4200 clien clien soware, suppors up o 15-ch 2MP decoding perormance.

33. I you have a small shop, and you wan o know which produc is popular, which camera model is recommended? ( A ) A. Hea Hea m mapp apping ing cam camer era a B. Pe Peopl ople e ccoun ountng tng camer camera a C. Beh Behav avior ior a anal nalysi ysiss ca camer mera a D. LP LPR R ca camr mrea ea Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


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