HCIA-Routing & Switching V2.5 H12-211 Updated Dumps - CertQueen Free Exam Dumps To Test Online

July 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download HCIA-Routing & Switching V2.5 H12-211 Updated Dumps - CertQueen Free Exam Dumps To Test Online...




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

9. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec, intgr t`g peoa 94.9.9.: clkkiom es gxgcutgm lo Z9, HSQ9 rgcgevgs i tiaagm miti nrikg nrlk ^HIO 94 lo HSQ:.

]ZWG NIHSG Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa mgscreptelos rgairmeoa ETv> immrgssgs irg clrrgct< (C`llsg twl) ETv> immrgssgs irg >= jets eo hgoat`. ETv> immrgssgs irg 9:0 jets eo hgoat`. ETv> gxtgoselo `gimgrs irg prlcgssgm eo lrmgr. ETv> gxtgoselo `gimgrs irg prlcgssgm riomlkhy. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

3. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms es usgm tl goijhg myoikec immrgss kippeoa prltlclh eo t`g eotgrnicg gocipsuhitgm wet` Nrikg Zghiy< nr eoirp nr rgvgrsg-irp eovgrsg-irp rgvgrsg-irp Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

=. Lo t`g ^ZT phitnlrk, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms es usgm tl cloneaurg t`g Zlutgr  EM ln i rlutgr is< 8@uiwge?rlutgr em V@uiwge[rlutgr em V@uiwge[rlutgr-em V@uiwge[rlutgr em :77.:77.:77.:77 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

7. Issukeoa ihh S]T goijhgm swetc`gs `ivg t`g sikg jremag prelrety. ]`g KIC immrgss ln  swetc` I es 44-g4-nc-44-44-=4, t`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` J es 44-g4-nc-44-44-94, t`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` C es 44-g4-nc-44-44-:4, iom t`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` M es 44-g4-nc-4444-04. Q`ec` swetc` wehh jg ghgctgm is t`g rllt swetc`< Swetc` I Swetc` J Swetc` C Swetc` M Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut t`g eonlrkitelo clotieogm eo i Mitijisg Mgscreptelo picfgt irg trug< (C`llsg t`rgg)  I Mitijisg Mgscreptelo picfgt clotieos ihh eonlrkitelo ijlut gic` HS  I Mitijisg Mgscreptelo picfgt clotieos lohy t`g `gimgr ln io HS ]`g `gimgr ln io HSI es t`g uoequg emgotenegr ln t`g HS ]`g `gimgr ln io HSI es lohy i skihh plrtelo ln ihh t`g miti ln t`g HS Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

1. Lo @uiwge IZipphy. A3 Sgregs rlutgrs, w`ec` iut`gotecitelo klmgs mlgs III supplrt< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) ) Olog Hlcih Zimeus 04:.9P Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

0. En Nrikg Zghiy ekphgkgots myoikec immrgss kippeoa nlr t`g T^C, w`ec` prltlclh wehh jg usgm< HKE prltlclh  IZT prltlclh ZIZT prltlclh EoIZT prltlclh Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

5. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa es t`g ngiturg ln plrt-jisgm ^HIO isseaokgot< ^HIO EMs irg ihhlcitgm jisgm lo t`g prltlclh typg iom gocipsuhitelo nlrkit ln miti nrikgs. ]`g ^HIO mlgs olt oggm tl jg cloneaurgm iaieo w`go `lsts klvg. ]`g ^HIO tia es immgm tl miti nrikgs jisgm lo t`g ET immrgss cirregm eo t`g nrikgs. ]`g ^HIO oggms tl jg cloneaurgm iaieo w`go `lsts klvg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

94. Eo ZS]T klmg, jlt` ihtgroitg iom jicfup plrts cioolt nlrwirm usgr trinnec jut cio rgcgevg, prlcgss, iom sgom JTMW. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

99. I hiygr : HIO swetc` agogritgs CIK tijhg gotregs icclrmeoa tl t`g ( ) ln t`g rgcgevgm nrikg. Slurcg KIC immrgss Mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss Slurcg ET immrgss Mgsteoitelo ET immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.

^HIOs 94 iom :4 `ivg jggo crgitgm lo jlt` SQI iom SQC. ^HIO 94 `is jggo kiouihhy crgitgm lo SQJ. SQJ `is hgirogm ^HIO :4 nrlk SQI vei A^ZT, A^ZT, ihhlweoa t`g `lsts tl jghloa tl menngrgot ^HIOs is s`lwo.   En plrt Eotgrnicg A4/4/9 lo SQJ es c`ioagm tl nexgm klmg, w`it wehh `ippgo< `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

@lst I wehh stehh jg ijhg tl clkkuoecitg wet` @lst @lst J wehh stehh jg ijhg tl clkkuoecitg wet` @lst @lsts t`it jghloa tl t`g sikg ^HIO wehh stehh jg ijhg tl clkkuoecitg.  Ihh `lsts wehh jg uoijhg tl clkkuoecitg wet` ioy lt`gr `lst. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

93. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.

I `lst `is gstijhes`gm i tghogt cloogctelo wet` t`g rlutgr ittic`gm tl eotgrnicg A4/4/4. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg clrrgct< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) ]`g mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss ln i nrikg sgot jy t`g `lst wehh jg t`g KIC immrgss ln t`g rlutgr eotgrnicg A4/4/4. ]`g mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss ln i nrikg sgot jy t`g `lst wehh jg t`g KIC immrgss ln t`g swetc`. ]`g mgsteoitelo plrt oukjgr eo i sgakgot `gimgr wehh `ivg i vihug ln 04. ]`g mgsteoitelo ET immrgss ln i picfgt wehh jg t`g ET immrgss ln t`g Zlutgr eotgrnicg A4/4/4. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=. Io imkeoestritlr currgothy kioiags IZ::44 mgvecgs eo t`g ogtwlrf t`rlua` i seoahg pisswlrm, `lwgvgr t`g clkpioy wes`gs tl eotrlmucg iolt`gr twl imkeoestritlrs iom prlvemg uoequg usgr crgmgoteihs iom prevehgag hgvghs nlr tghogt iccgss tl t`g ogtwlrf mgvecgs. Q`it ictelo cio jg tifgo< (C`llsg t`rgg) Cloneaurg t`rgg usgrs uomgr t`g III-vegw, iom isseao gic` i menngrgot pisswlrm. ]`g iut`gotecitelo klmg kust jg c`ioagm tl II Gic` imkeoestritlr kust jg isseaogm i prevehgag hgvgh.  I pujhec ET immrgss kust jg isseaogm tl gic` usgr nlr tghogt iccgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

97. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa mgscreptelos rgairmeoa gSea`t es olt clrrgct< gSea`t es usgm tl kloetlr iom kioiag gotgrpresg ogtwlrfs. gSea`t supplrts lohy @uiwge mgvecgs. gSea`t supplrts QHIO kioiagkgot iom kloetlreoa ln `ltsplt clvgriag. gSea`t supplrts t`g jicfup ln cloneauritelo nehgs iom ogtwlrf trinnec ioihyses. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>. I sgrvgr es heofgm tl plrt eotgrnicg A4/4/9 ln i swetc`. ]`g imkeoestritlr wes`gs tl ihhlw lohy t`es sgrvgr tl jg heofgm tl t`es eotgrnicg lo t`g swetc`. Q`ec` kgt`lm cio jg usgm tl ic`egvg t`es< Cloneaurg i stitec IZT gotry useoa t`g sgrvgr―s ET immrgss iom KIC immrgss eo t`g swetc`. Cloneaurg i stitec KIC immrgss jeomeoa gotry ln t`g sgrvgr―s KIC immrgss iom t`g eotgrnicg eo t`g swetc`. Cloneaurg t`g mgniuht aitgwiy ln t`g swetc` tl jg t`g sikg is t`g sgrvgr―s ET immrgss. Et es olt plssejhg tl goijhg i seoahg mgvecg tl jg isslceitgm wet` io eotgrnicg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

91. Io IZ::44 rlutgr es rgquergm tl jg rgcloneaurgm nrlk scritc`. Q`ec` stgps irg oggmgm tl ic`egvg t`es< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) Zgsgt t`g sivgm cloneauritelo. Chgir t`g currgot cloneauritelo. Zgjllt t`g IZ::44.  Isseao t`g cloneauritelo nehg tl jg usgm it ogxt stirtup. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

90. ]wl gom stitelos eo i pleot-tl-pleot ogtwlrf pgrnlrk immrgss rgslhutelo. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots es clrrgct< ]`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln io IZT rgqugst nrlk gic` stitelo wehh jg i uoecist KIC immrgss. ]`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln io IZT rgqugst nrlk gic` stitelo wehh jg i jrlimcist ET immrgss. ]`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln io IZT rgphy nrlk gic` stitelo wehh jg i uoecist KIC immrgss. ]`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln io IZT rgphy nrlk gic` stitelo wehh jg i jrlimcist KIC immrgss. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

95. Q`it es t`g kgioeoa ln :44 eo t`g clkkiom "nr kip ep 94.9.9.: :44"< rgkltg hlaecih c`ioogh EM hlcih MHCE rgkltg eotgrnicg EM rgkltg olmg EM Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

:4. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa Mgseaoitgm Zlutgrs eo LSTN irg clrrgct< (C`llsg t`rgg) MZ es ghgctgm jy ihh t`g rlutgrs eo t`g sikg ogtwlrf sgakgot. En t`g prelretegs ln twl rlutgrs irg menngrgot, t`g rlutgr wet` t`g hlwgr prelrety wehh jg ghgctgm is M En t`g prelretegs ln twl rlutgrs irg gquih, t`g rlutgr wet` t`g `ea`gr Zlutgr EM wehh jg ghgctgm is M MZ iom JMZ kust jg imbicgot. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:9. ]`g ZIMEWS eonlrkitelo ln t`g rlutgr es cloneaurgm is nlhhlws.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots es/irg clrrgct<

]`g sgrvgreses:44.4.9:.9. :44.4.9:.9. ]`g ET ET immrgss immrgss ln ln t`g t`g iut`gotecitelo iut`lrezitelo sgrvgr ]`g slurcg ET immrgss ln t`g ZIMEWS picfgts sgot jy t`g rlutgr es :44.4.9:.:. ]`g ET immrgss ln t`g iccluoteoa sgrvgr es :44.4.9:.9. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

::. Zgngr tl t`g mgjua lutput.

Nlhhlweoa cloneauritelo ln Z:, t`g imkeoestritlr mesclvgrs t`it t`g jg`ivelr es olt is gxpgctgm iom pgrnlrks mgjuaaeoa.   Jisgm lo t`g lutput nrlk t`g mgjua, w`it es t`g slurcg ln t`g prljhgk< Z: `is cloneaurgm io ICH tl jhlcf t`g rlutg tl ogtwlrf Z: `is goijhgm sphet `lrezlo. Z9 es useoa iut`gotecitelo, `lwgvgr Z: es olt. Z: es lpgriteoa useoa ZETv:, w`ehg Z9 es useoa ZETv9. `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:3. Ulu cio ruo t`g ‘stirtup sivgm-cloneauritelo jicfup.cna‛ clkkiom lo t`g usgr  eotgrnicg ln t`g ^grsitehg Zluteoa Thitnlrk (^ZT) tl spgceny t`g ‘jicfup.cna‛ nehg is t`g cloneauritelo nehg nlr ogxt stirtup. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa tgc`olhlaegs es usgm tl jeom KIC immrgssgs tl eotgrnicgs lo i swetc`< SG Tlrt sgcurety.  IC OI Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:7. Lo t`g ogtwlrf s`lwo eo t`g neaurg, en ihh heofs irg Gt`grogt heofs iom ihh rlutgrs ruo LSTN,, `lw kioy MZs wehh jg ghgctgm lo t`g goterg ogtwlrf< LSTN

: = 3 9 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa mgscreptelos ijlut S]T mgseaoitgm plrts es clrrgct< `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Mgseaoitgm plrts nlrwirm nrikgs mgsteogm nlr t`g rllt swetc`. Mgseaoitgm plrts rgprgsgot t`g pit` hgimeoa tl t`g rllt swetc`. Gic` jremag cio `ivg lohy log mgseaoitgm plrt. Mgseaoitgm plrts irg rgsplosejhg nlr sgomeoa JTMW tl cloogctgm ogtwlrf sgakgots. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:1. I ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr usgs t`g peoa clkkiom tl tgst cloogctevety tl t`g mgsteoitelo 94.4.4.: lo i @uiwge IZ sgregs rlutgr.

Q`ec` stitgkgot rgairmeoa t`g lutput es clrrgct< ]`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr usgm t`g clkkiom peoa -c : -s 044 94.4.4.: ]`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr usgm t`g clkkiom peoa -i : -v 044 94.4.4.: ]`g pit` jgtwggo t`g slurcg iom mgsteoitelo es olt L ]`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr c`ioagm t`g mgniuht ]]H vihug. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:0. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa seoahg irgi LSTN irg clrrgct< (C`llsg t`rgg)  Io ET immrgss oggms tl jg cloneaurgm cloneaurgm lo i hllpjicf eotgrnicg ln gic` rlutgr rlutgr jgnlrg cloneaureoa io LSTN irgi. ]`g vihug ln io irgi cio jg nrlk tl :77.:77.:77.:77.  I seoahg irgi cio jg cloneaurgm useoa ioy supplrtgm supplrtgm irgi oukjgr. oukjgr.  Ihh ln t`g heofs ln t`g ogtwlrf oggm tl jg imvgrtesgm eo Irgi 4. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:5. N]T kiy jg usgm tl uparimg i rlutgr's ^ZT ekiag. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa trioskesselo klmgs s`luhm jg usgm tl ic`egvg t`es< jeoiry klmg  ISCEE klmg jytg klmg hgttgr klmg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

34. I usgr iccgssgs i sgrvgr supplrteoa III, nlr w`ec` t`g iut`lrezitelo klmg lo t`g III sgrvgr `is jggo cloneaurgm useoa t`g clkkiom ‘iut`lrezitelo-klmg `wticics eniut`gotecitgm‛. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa t`es clkkiom irg trug< (C`llsg t`rgg). En t`g `wticics sgrvgr niehs tl rgsplom, t`g usgr wehh jg iut`gotecitgm useoa hlcih iut`gotecitelo. En t`g `wticics sgrvgr niehs tl rgsplom, t`g usgr wehh jg iut`gotecitgm useoa rgkltg iut`gotecitelo. En t`g `wticics sgrvgr niehs tl rgsplom, t`g usgr wehh jypiss iut`gotecitelo. ]`g `wticics sgrvgr wehh iut`lrezg t`g usgr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

39. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa iut`gotecitelo kgt`lms irg supplrtgm nlr ]ghogt usgrs< (C`llsg t`rgg) Tisswlrm iut`gotecitelo  III hlcih iut`gotecitelo KM7 iut`gotecitelo Ol iut`gotecitelo Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

3:. Zgngr tl t`g cipturg lutput.

]`g imkeoestritlr `is cipturgm t`rgg picfgts eo t`g ogtwlrf. Q`ec` stitgkgot rgairmeoa t`g cipturgm picfgts es eoclrrgct< ]`es picfgts rgprgsgot i ]CT t`rgg-wiy `ioms`ifg prlcgss. 94.4.9:.9 es t`g tghogt sgrvgr, w`ehg 94.4.9:.: es t`g tghogt chegot. ]`g t`rgg picfgts clotieo ol ipphecitelo miti. 94.4.9:.9 usgs plrt 74954 tl juem t`g tghogt cloogctelo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

33. Io imkeoestritlr wes`gs tl kioiag t`g rlutgr eo t`g rgkltg jrioc` lnnecg, w`ec` kgt`lm cio jg usgm< ]ghogt N]T Closlhg Cloogctelo M@CT Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

3=. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.

]`g imkeoestritlr `is cloneaurgm io ET immrgss nlr @lst I iom @lst J, jut `im nlralttgo tl cloneaurg i mgniuht aitgwiy.   Q`it gnngct wehh t`es `ivg lo t`g `lsts< Oget`gr `lst wehh jg inngctgm, iom t`grgnlrg wehh jg ijhg tl clkkuoecitg wet` t`g pggr. @lst I wehh jg uoijhg tl cloogct tl t`g rlutgr―s A4/4/4 eotgrnicg. @lsts wehh jg uoijhg tl clkkuoecitg uohgss irp-prlxy es goijhgm lo t`g rlutgr. ]`g `lst wehh jg uoijhg tl rgic` oget`gr t`g hlcih olr rgkltg ogtwlrf mgsteoitelos. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

37. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa tgc`olhlaegs cio ihhlw i `lst wet` ET immrgss tl iccgss t`g eotgrogt< Stitec rlutg Myoikec rlutg Zlutg ekplrt OI] OI ] Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

3>. Eo ZS]T, ZS]T, i jicfup plrt plr t cio rgphicg i niuhty rllt plrt. ]ZWG NIHSG Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

31. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg clrrgct< (C`llsg twl)





 I  I  I  I

@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

seoahg clhheselo mlkieo gxests jgtwggo Z]I Z]I iom SQ seoahg jrlimcist mlkieo gxests jgtwggo SQI iom SQ seoahg clhheselo mlkieo gxests jgtwggo SQI SQI iom SQ seoahg jrlimcist mlkieo gxests jgtwggo SQI iom SQ

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

30. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg clrrgct ijlut OI]< (C`llsg t`rgg) OI] es t`g ijjrgveitelo nlr "Ogtwlrf Immrgss ]rioshitelo". OI] OI] OI ] es usgm nlr trioshitelo jgtwggo previtg iom pujhec ogtwlrf immrgsss. Q`go `lsts eosemg i previtg ogtwlrf iccgss t`g lutsemg ogtwlrf, OI] es olt rgquergm. OI] OI ] prlvemgs io gnngctevg wiy tl slhvg t`g prljhgk ln eosunnecegot ET immrgssgs. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

35. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec, 44g4-nc55-5555 es i spgcenec `lst KIC immrgss hgirogm jy i swetc` t`rlua` IZT iom t`g `lst c`ioags t`g ET immrgss t`rgg tekgs.

]ZWG NIHSG Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=4. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Jlt` swetc`gs irg lpgriteoa lp griteoa useoa S]T. S]T. Qet` gxcgptelo tl t`lsg s`lwo, ihh lt`gr mgniuht pirikgtgrs `ivg jggo kieotieogm. Q`ec` plrt wehh jg jhlcfgm< Tlrt A4/4/9 ln swetc` Tlrt A4/4/: ln swetc` Tlrt A4/4/9 ln swetc` Tlrt A4/4/: ln swetc` Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=9. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa eonlrkitelo kust jg cloneaurgm nlr i M@CTv> rghiy iagot< M@CTv> immrgss pllh MOS sgrvgr immrgss ETv> immrgss ln t`g M@CTv> sgrvgr  M@CTv> MWEM Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=:. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stgps irg ogcgssiry tl cloneaurg LSTN lo i @uiwge rlutgr< (C`llsg t`rgg) Cloneauritelo ln i rlutgr EM Goijheoa ln io LSTN prlcgss Spgcenyeoa io ln LSTN irgi Cloneauritelo t`g ogtwlrf sgakgots wet`eo gic` irgi Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=3. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots es trug ijlut LSTN tlplhlay iom cloneauritelo<





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

 I stijhg LSTN ogea`jlr rghitelos`ep cio jg sgt up jgtwggo Z9 iom Z:.  Intgr t`g mgniuht ogtwlrf typg ln t`g eotgrnicgZ9 lo iom Z9 es rgstlrgm tl jrlimcist, i stijhg stijhg LSTN ogea`jlr rghitelos`ep ciotypg jg sgt up jgtwggo Z:.  Intgr t`g mgniuht ogtwlrf typg typg ln t`g eotgrnicg lo Z9 es rgstlrgm tl jrlimcist iom t`g `ghhl picfgt sgomeoa eotgrvih es c`ioagm tl 94s, i stijhg LSTN ogea`jlr rghitelos`ep cio jg sgt up jgtwggo Z9 iom Z:. Clkpirgm wet` Z9, Z: es klrg hefghy tl jgclkg t`g MZ jgciusg t`g MZ prelrety ln t`g eotgrnicg lo Z: es hlwgr t`io t`it ln Z9. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

==. ]`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr oggms tl cloneaurg stitec OI] lo Z]I, Z]I, eo lrmgr tl ihhlw @lst I tl clkkuoecitg wet` @lst C.

Q`ec` clkkiom es clrrgct< VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit lutjluom : VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit VZ] I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit stitec ahljih : eosemg 95:.9>0.9.4 `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit stitec ahljih 95:.9>0.9.9 eosemg : VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit VZ]I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit VZ] I-Sgreih9/4/9[oit stitec ahljih : eosemg 95:.9>0.9.9 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=7. Q`it nuoctelos mlgs i @ghhl picfgt ln LSTN ekphgkgot< (C`llsg twl) Ogea`jlr mesclvgry Mghgtelo ln uorgic`ijhg ogea`jlrs Kieotieoeoa ln ogea`jlr rghitelos`eps Ogalteitelo ln pirikgtgrs ikloa imbicgot plrts Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa mgscreptelos rgairmeoa t`g ]]H neghm ln t`g ET picfgt es clrrgct< ]`g ]]H mgneogs `lw kioy picfgts t`g slurcg cio sgom. ]`g ]]H mgneogs t`g muritelo mureoa w`ec` t`g slurcg cio sgom picfgts. ]`g ]]H vihug wehh mgcrgkgot jy 9 gic` tekg t`g picfgt es rlutgm. ]`g ]]H vihug wehh eocrgkgot jy 9 gic` tekg t`g picfgt es rlutgm. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=1. Zgngr tl t`g cloneauritelo lutput.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa t`g cloneauritelo lutput irg clrrgct< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) ]`g T^EM lo eotgrnicg AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/9 es 94. ]`g T^EM lo eotgrnicg AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/9 es 9. ]`g T^EM lo eotgrnicg AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/: es 94. ]`g T^EM lo eotgrnicg AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/: es 9. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=0. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`ec` stitgkgots clrrgcthy gxphieos t`g nlrwirmeoa jg`ivelr jgtwggo Z]I iom Z]G< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy) Q`go t`g ogtwlrf usgs LSTN, miti wehh jg nlrwirmgm ihloa t`g pit` vei S9/4/4 Q`go t`g ogtwlrf usgs ZETv:, miti wehh jg nlrwirmgm ihloa t`g pit` vei S9/4/4 Q`go t`g ogtwlrf usgs LSTN, miti wehh jg nlrwirmgm ihloa t`g pit` nrlk vei G4/4/9 Q`go t`g ogtwlrf usgs ZETv:, miti wehh jg nlrwirmgm ihloa t`g pit` vei S:/4/4 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

=5. Q`ec` clkkiom s`luhm jg usgm tl c`gcf t`g kippeoa jgtwggo prltlclh immrgssgs iom nrikg rghiy immrgssgs< mesphiy nr eotgrnicg mesphiy nr kip-eonl mesphiy nr eoirp-eonl mesphiy eotgrnicg jregn  Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

74. Q`go i ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr cloneaurgs S]T eo t`g ogtwlrf, JTMW jgaeo tl jg sgot jy swetc`. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa t`g JTMW nrikg irg clrrgct<  I JTMW usgs t`g EGGG 04:.3 stiomirm nrikg typg  I JTMW usgs t`g Gt`grogt EE stiomirm nrikg typg ]`g nrikg―s clotrlh neghmneghm es 3 ln i JTMW nrikg es i jrlimcist immrgss ]`g JTMW mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

79. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa hiygr-: swetc` es eoclrrgct< ]`g swetc` hgiros KIC immrgssgs iutlkitecihhy. ]`g hiygr-3 `gimgr es klmenegm jgnlrg t`g rgcgevgm picfgt es trioskettgm. ]`g hiygr-: `gimgr es klmenegm jgnlrg t`g rgcgevgm picfgt es trioskettgm. ]`g hiygr-: HIO swetc` lpgritgs it miti heof hiygr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

7:. Lo @uiwge swetc`gs, ylu cio ruo t`g vhio jitc` clkkiom tl crgitg kuhtephg ^HIOs eo jitc`gs. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

73. Q`go Z: nlrwirms miti tl Z3 nrlk Z9, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa etgks wehh c`ioag< (C`llsg twl) ]`g slurcg KIC immrgss ]`g mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss ]`g slurcg ET immrgss ]`g mgsteoitelo ET immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

7=. Zgngr tl t`g clkkiom lutput. 8@uiwge? systgk-vegw V@uiwge[clkkiom-prevehgag hgvgh 3 vegw usgr sivg Q`it es t`g rgsuht ln t`g s`lwo clkkiom< ]`g clkkiom imbusts t`g sivg clkkiom ln i usgr tl prevehgag hgvgh 3. ]`g clkkiom imbusts t`g sivg clkkiom eo t`g usgr vegw tl prevehgag hgvgh 3. ]`g clkkiom imbusts t`g usgr vegw clkkiom prevehgag hgvgh tl 3, iom sivgs t`g cloneauritelo. ]`g clkkiom imbusts t`g prevehgag hgvgh ln i usgr tl 3, iom sivgs t`g cloneauritelo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

77. @lw kioy prljg picfgts irg sgot nlr gic` ]]H vihug jy mgniuht w`go "tricgrt" es usgm tl mgtgct t`g pit` ihloa w`ec` picfgt es sgot nrlk slurcg tl mgsteoitelo< 3 = > 0 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

7>. ]`g imkeoestritlr wes`gs tl kioiag i ogtwlrf t`rlua` tghogt nrlk i usgr's tgrkeoih tl i rlutgr. @lw cio t`es jg ic`egvgm<  I cloogctelo s`luhm jg gstijhes`gm jgtwggo t`g gt`grogt plrt ln t`g tgrkeoih iom t`g closlhg plrt ln t`g rlutgr.  I cloogctelo s`luhm jg gstijhes`gm jgtwggo t`g gt`grogt plrt ln t`g tgrkeoih iom t`g gt`grogt plrt ln t`g rlutgr.  I cloogctelo s`luhm jg gstijhes`gm jgtwggo t`g closlhg plrt ln t`g tgrkeoih iom t`g t`g gt`grogt plrt ln t`g rlutgr.usg closlhg cijhg cloogct pc―s gt`grogt plrt iom rlutgr―s rlutgr ―s closlhg plrt.  I cloogctelo s`luhm jg gstijhes`gm jgtwggo t`g CLK plrt ln t`g tgrkeoih iom t`g t`g closlhg plrt ln  t`g rlutgr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

71. Lo Sx1 sgregs swetc`gs, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa ^HIOs cio jg rgklvgm jy useoa clkkiom ‘uoml‛< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) vhio 9. vhio :. vhio 94:=. vhio =45=. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

70. Eo t`g cisg ln @uiwge rlutgr, w`it es t`g "-e" pirikgtgr eo i Teoa clkkiom essugm lo i ^ZT lpgriteoa systgk usgm tl sgt< Eotgrnicg nlr sgomeoa io Gc`l Zgqugst picfgt p icfgt Slurcg ET immrgss nlr sgomeoa io Gc`l Zgqugst picfgt Eotgrnicg nlr rgcgeveoa io Gc`l Zgphy picfgt Mgsteoitelo ET immrgss nlr rgcgeveoa io Gc`l Zgphy picfgt Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

75. Eo t`g TTTlG mesclvgry stiag, t`g TTTlG sgrvgr isseaos i sgsselo-em tl t`g TTTlG chegot eo w`ec` picfgt< TIME TIML TIMZ TIMS Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>4. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa rlutg gotregs cio jg iaargaitgm eotl 94.4.4.:=/:5< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) 94.4.4.:7/34 94.4.4.:3/34 94.4.4.:>/34 94.4.4.::/34 `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/




@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>9. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec.

AG4/4/9 iom AG4/4/: lo t`g swetc` irg cloneaurgm is `yjrem eotgrnicgs.


Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg trug< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy) ]`g imkeoestritevg mgpirtkgot iom t`g neoiocg mgpirtkgot cioolt clkkuoecitg wet` gic` lt`gr jgciusg t`g ^HIOs ln t`g twl mgpirtkgots irg menngrgot. ]`g miti nrikgs sgot jy t`g imkeoestritevg mgpirtkgot cirry tiaagm ^HIO :4 lo t`g swetc`. Lo t`g swetc`, t`g miti nrikgs sgot jy t`g neoiocg mgpirtkgot cirry tiaagm ^HIO :4. ]`g swetc` cio jg i Hiygr : lr Hiygr 3 swetc` jgciusg clkkuoecitelos ml olt oggm tl jg trioskettgm t`rlua` i Hiygr 3 aitgwiy. En AG4/4/9 iom AG4/4/: lo t`g swetc` irg c`ioagm tl truof plrts, t`g imkeoestritevg mgpirtkgot iom neoiocg mgpirtkgot cio clkkuoecitg wet` gic` lt`gr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>:. ]`g usgrs w`l hla lo t`g rlutgr t`rlua` ]ghogt irg olt pgrkettgm tl cloneaurg ET immrgss.   Q`it es t`g plssejhg rgislo< Clkkuoecitelo niehurgs lccur jgtwggo t`g usgr iom t`g rlutgr. `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/


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@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

]`g iut`gotecitelo klmg ln ]ghogt ]ghogt es sgt eoclrrgcthy eoclrrgcthy.. Trevehgag hgvgh ln ]ghogt es sgt eoclrrgcthy. SOKT pirikgtgrs irg sgt eoclrrgcthy. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>3. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut stitec rlutg prgngrgocg lo @uiwge mgvecgs es nihsg< Stitec rlutg prgngrgocg rioags nrlk 4 tl :77. Mgniuht stitec rlutg prgngrgocg es >4. Stitec rlutg prgngrgocg es get`gr eotgroih lr gxtgroih. Imkeoestritlrs cio klmeny gxtgroih prgngrgocgs. En stitec rlutg prgngrgocg es :77, t`g rlutg cioolt jg usgm. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa kgc`ioesks irg usgm nlr nhlw clotrlh< (C`llsg t`rgg)  Icfolwhgmagkgot Junngreoa Slurcg qugoc` kgssiags Qeomlweoa Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>7. En III iut`gotecitelo es usgm lo @uiwge mgvecgs iom t`g rgkltg sgrvgr mlgs olt rgsplom, t`g iut`gotecitelo cio jg pgrnlrkgm lo ogtwlrf mgvecgs. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>>. Zgngr tl t`g lutput. 8@uiwge? Qiroeoa2 Iutl-Clonea es wlrfeoa. Jgnlrg cloneaureoa t`g mgvecg, stlp Iutl-Clonea. En ylu pgrnlrk cloneauritelos w`go Iutl-Clonea es ruooeoa, t`g M@CT M@CT,, rluteoa, MOS, iom ^]U cloneauritelos wehh jg hlst. Ml ylu wiot tl stlp Iutl-Clonea< Vy/o[2 Q`go t`g imkeoestritlr nerst stirts t`g rlutgr, i systgk oltecg es mesphiygm, `lwgvgr intgr  rgjllteoa t`es rlutgr, t`g oltecg mesippgirgm. Q`it es t`g rgislo nlr t`es< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy ipphy.) .) ]`es oltecg lohy ippgirs mureoa t`g vgry nerst mgvecg stirtup. ]`g imkeoestritlr `is cloneaurgm t`g mgvecg iom sivgm t`g cloneauritelo, ciuseoa t`g oltecg tl mesippgir. ]`g imkeoestritlr sghgctgm ‐o― iom mem olt sivg t`g cloneauritelo. ]`g imkeoestritlr sghgctgm ‐y― iom sivgm t`g cloneauritelo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm


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@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

>1. I rlutgr `is hgirogm twl rlutgs nlr t`g sikg ogtwlrf wet` t`g sikg prgnex. Log rlutg `is jggo hgirogm vei LSTN wet` i kgtrec ln =00:, w`ehg t`g lt`gr rlutg `is jggo hgirogm vei ZETv: wet` i kgtrec ln =. Q`ec` rlutg (s) wehh jg nluom eo t`g rluteoa tijhg< ]`g ZETv: rlutg. ]`g LSTN iom ZETv: rlutgs. ]`g LSTN rlutg. Oget`gr ln t`gsg rlutgs wehh jg nluom eo t`g rluteoa tijhg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>0. Q`it es t`g nuoctelo ln t`g ‘ep immrgss ppp-ogalteitg‛ clkkiom< Goijhgs t`g nuoctelo ln rgqugsteoa nlr io ET immrgss nrlk t`g pggr mgvecg. Goijhgs t`g nuoctelo ln iccgpteoa t`g rgqugst nlr io ET immrgss nrlk t`g rgkltg mgvecg. Goijhgs t`g nuoctelo ln stitecihhy ihhlciteoa ET immrgssgs tl t`g pggr. Olog ln t`g ijlvg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

>5. I ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr rgcgothy usgm tricgrt tl tricg t`g pit` tl t`g mgsteoitelo ET immrgss ln io gxtgroih wgjsetg, `lwgvgr t`g tricg pit` mesphiygm lohy i tekglut rgsuht. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots clrrgcthy gxphieos t`g rgislo nlr t`es< (C`llsg twl) ]`g slurcg rlutgr `im s`utmlwo t`g ECKT nuoctelo. ]`es mgsteoitelo ET immrgss mlgs olt gxest. ]`g aitgwiy cioolt neom i rlutg tl t`g mgsteoitelo. ]`es es i olrkih p`golkgolo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

14. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa LSTN picfgts cio gosurg HSI upmitg rgheijehety< MM HSZ HSW HSICF Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

19. Zgngr tl t`g arip`ec. @lst I iom @lst J usg ^HIO rluteoa tl nicehetitg clkkuoecitelo.


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@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`it kust jg cloneaurgm lo eotgrnicg A4/4/9.9 ln Z]I tl ic`egvg t`es< mlt9q tgrkeoitelo vem 9. mlt9q tgrkeoitelo vem 94. mlt9q tgrkeoitelo vem :4. mlt9q tgrkeoitelo vem 34. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

1:. Q`ehst cloneaureoa i mgvecg, io imkeoestritlr gxpgregocgs trlujhg rgkgkjgreoa cgrtieo clkkioms. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa wehh `ghp supplrt t`g imkeoestritlr< (C`llsg twl) ]IJ qugstelo kirf ctrh+j ctrh+c Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

13. Lo io NZ ogtwlrf, t`g MHCE emgotenegs i vertuih cercuet lo io eotgrnicg. ]`g MHCE kust jg uoequg mureoa phiooeoa iom mgphlykgot. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

1=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa ETv> immrgssgs cio jg cloneaurgm lo i rlutgr―s eotgrnicg< (C`llsg twl). ng04293mc229/>= nn4420i3c225j/>= 229/9:0 :44929:g329j4:22:9/>= Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

17. Io IZ::44 rlutgr eo t`g clkpioy ogtwlrf cioolt jllt. Eo lrmgr tl rgslhvg t`es, t`g imkeoestritlr wes`gs tl upmitg t`g ^ZT slntwirg. Q`it s`luhm `g/s`g ml< ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm usg i closlhg cijhg tl cloogct t`g rlutgr iom `lst, iom mergcthy uparimg t`g mgvecg. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm usg N]T tl triosngr t`g ^ZT slntwirg, jy cloneaureoa t`g IZ::44 rlutgr is io N]T chegot. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm usg M@CT tl jllt t`g IZ::44, iom t`go usg t`g IZ::44 rlutgr is i ]N]T chegot tl mlwohlim t`g ^ZT slntwirg nrlk t`g sgrvgr. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm usg t`g tghogt clkkiom lo t`g chegot tl rgkltg iccgss t`g mgvecg, iom uparimg t`g ^ZT slntwirg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

1>. Eo i skihh ogtwlrf supplrteoa ETv>, i ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr wes`gs ekphgkgot ZEToa. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms s`luhm jg usgm tl goijhg t`es prltlclh< VZ]I-AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/4[repoa 9 goijhg VZ]I-AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/4[repoa VZ]I[repoa VZ] I[repoa 9 goijhg 8Z]I?repoa 8Z] I?repoa 9 goijhg VZ]I-repoa-9[repoa VZ] I-repoa-9[repoa 9 goijhg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

11. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa irg rlutgm prltlclhs< (C`llsg ihh t`it ipphy.) ET LSTN JAT ETP Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

10. I M@CT sgrvgr `is jggo gstijhes`gm eo t`g gotgrpresg ogtwlrf. Intgr t`g chegot `is ljtieogm io ET immrgss nrlk t`g M@CT sgrvgr, t`g usgr mgcemgm tl klmeny t`g ET immrgss kiouihhy.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Eo w`it wiy kiy t`es inngct t`g gotgrpresg ogtwlrf< (C`llsg twl). ]`g chegot kiy gxpgregocg io ET immrgss clonhect. ]`g chegot kiy iccgss t`g ogtwlrf og twlrf olrkihhy. olrkihhy. ]`g chegot―s eotgrnicg cloogctelo wehh s`utmlwo. ]`g chegot wehh isslceitg wet` iolt`gr M@CT sgrvgr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

15. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa neghms irg clotieogm eo io IZT picfgt< Slurcg @irmwirg Immrgss @irmwirg ]ypg Slurcg Trltlclh Immrgss Lpgritelo Clmg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

04. 4.9.4/:= L\ISG 974 : M 94.4.:3.3 Sgreih:/4/4 Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa rlutg s`lwo irg trug< (C`llsg twl) ]`g immrgss 94.4.:3.3`is `isjggo jggoc`ioagm cloneaurgm lo t`g pggr―s sgreih :/4/4 eotgrnicg. ]`g rlutg prgngrgocg jy t`g imkeoestritlr. ]`g kgtrec nlr t`g rlutg eomecitgs eom ecitgs t`it twl `lps irg oggmgm. ]`g rlutg `is jggo hgirogm vei t`g LSTN prltlclh. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

09. Nlhhlweoa i niehurg ln sgrvecgs eo t`g ogtwlrf, io imkeoestritlr mesclvgrgm t`it t`g cloneauritelo eo log ln t`g gotgrpresg rlutgrs `im jggo c`ioagm. Q`it ictelos cio jg tifgo jy t`g imkeoestritlr tl prgvgot nurt`gr c`ioags< (C`llsg t`rgg) ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm heket iccgss jy sgtteoa t`g hlaeo prevehgag ln usgrs tl 4. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm cloneaurg III tl kioiag usgr iut`lrezitelo lo t`g rlutgr. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm cloneaurg io ICH tl ihhlw lohy t`g imkeoestritlr tl kioiag t`g rlutgr. ]`g imkeoestritlr s`luhm cloneaurg plrt-sgcurety lo t`g rlutgr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

0:. Io LSTN irgi es i clhhgctelo ln i arlup ln rlutgrs iom ogtwlrfs. LSTN mgneogs t`it rlutgrs t`it `ivg t`g sikg ( ) jghloa tl t`g sikg LSTN irgi. ogea`jlrs HSMJ HSI imbicgocy Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

03. Sgakgot rluteoa-trinnec goaeoggreoa (SZ-0.9.: stiom nlr<  Immrgss ln i ZET ogea`jlr   Immrgss ln t`g plrt wet` t`g t`g ZET prltlclh goijhgm Ogxt `lp immrgss ln t`g ZET rlutg ]rioskesselo immrgss ln t`g ZET prltlclh Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

00. ]`g lutput ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkiom lo rlutgr Z9 es is nlhhlws.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg trug< ]`g rlutgr mescirms t`g picfgts mgsteogm nlr ]`g picfgts mgsteogm nlr 9:.4.4.4/0 irg nlrwirmgm t`rlua` Gt`grogt4/4/4 lo t`g rlutgr. ]`g rlutgr nlrwirms t`g picfgts mgsteogm nlr 9:.4.4.4/0. ]`g picfgts mgsteogm nlr irg nlrwirmgm t`rlua` AeaijetGt`grogt4/4/4 lo t`g rlutgr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

05. Io Gt`grogt nrikg es cipturgm jy ogtwlrf prltlclh ioihyzgr tllh iom t`g vihug ln  ]ypg/Hgoat` neghm es 4x4044.   Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut t`g nrikg irg clrrgct< (C`llsg twl) ]`g nrikg structurg ln t`g nrikg es Gt`grogt\EE ]`g nrikg structurg ln t`g nrikg es 04:.3 Ets uppgr hiygr prltlclh es ET Ets uppgr hiygr prltlclh es ETP Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

54. Icclrmeoa tl t`g nlhhlweoa tlplhlay iom cloneauritelo, Z9 iom Z: irg cloogctgm t`rlua` hlw-spggm sgreih cijhgs iom TTT es usgm tl gocipsuhitg miti heof hiygr picfgts.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`go t`g @lhmtekg vihugs ln Z9 iom Z: irg menngrgot, TTT ogalteitelo iom clkkuoecitelo nieh. ]ZWG NIHSG Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

59. Zgngr tl t`g clkkiom lutput. 8@uiwge?systgk-vegw V@uiwge[`estlry-clkkiom kix-sezg :4 Q`ec` stitgkgots rgairmeoa t`g s`lwo clkkiom irg trug< (C`llsg twl) ]`g clkkiom es usgm tl imbust t`g sezg ln t`g `estlry `e stlry clkkiom junngr. junngr. ]`g mgniuht vihug ln t`g `estlry clkkiom junngr es 7. ]`g clkkiom s`luhm jg cloneaurgm eo t`g usgr-eotgrnicg vegw. Locg cloneaurgm, clkkioms tltiheoa up tl :4 jytgs cio jg sivgm eo t`g junngr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

5:. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stlriag mgvecgs es usgm tl stlrg t`g stirtup cloneauritelo nehgs eo i rlutgr< SMZIK O^ZIK Nhis` Jllt ZLK Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

53. ]`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr `is mgcemgm tl cloneaurg heof iaargaitelo eo t`g gotgrpresg ogtwlrf. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa rgprgsgot imviotiags ln heof iaargaitelo< (C`llsg t`rgg) Hlim jihioceoa. Ekprlvgm jiomwemt`. Go`iocgm rgheijehety rghe ijehety..





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Ekprlvgm sgcurety sgcurety.. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

5=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa etgks cio jg trioshitgm jy OIT]< KIC immrgss + plrt oukjgr  ET immrgss + plrt oukjgr  Lohy KIC immrgss Lohy ET immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

57. Zgngr tl t`g mesphiy lutput.

Q`it cio jg mgtgrkeogm jisgm lo t`g lutput ln t`g mesphiy clkkiom< Eotgrnicg Aeaijet Gt`grogt 4/4/4 es cloogctgm tl i wrloa cijhg Eotgrnicg Aeaijet Gt`grogt 4/4/4 es olt isslceitgm wet` io ET immrgss Eotgrnicg Aeaijet Gt`grogt 4/4/4 es olt isslceitgm wet` i myoikecihhy mgneogm rlutg. Eotgrnicg Aeaijet Gt`grogt 4/4/4 `is jggo kiouihhy s`ut mlwo jy io imkeoestritlr. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

5>. ]l gstijhes` kuhtephg TTT pleot-tl-pleot cloogctelos eo t`g Gt`grogt ogtwlrf, i TTTlG sgrvgr gstijhes`gs cloogctelos wet` kuhtephg TTTlG chegots lo log Gt`grogt plrt. @lw mlgs TTTlG menngrgoteitg jgtwggo gic` cloogctelo< KIC immrgss. ET immrgss iom KIC immrgss KIC immrgss iom ppp-em KIC immrgss iom sgsselo-em Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

51. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut i plrt lo i swetc` es/irg nihsg<

En t`g plrt rgcgevgs miti nrikgs wet`lut ^HIO tias, t`g swetc` oggms tl imm ^HIO tia :44.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

En t`g ^HIO tia cirregm eo i miti nrikg es 944, t`g swetc` rgklvgs t`g ^HIO tia iom sgoms t`g nrikg. ]`g heof typg ln t`g plrt es truof. ]`g plrt cioolt sgom miti nrikgs cirryeoa ^HIO tia :44. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

50. Eo plrt iaargaitelo, ‘kuhtephg‛ plrts irg iaargaitgm tl nlrk i plrt iaargaitelo arlup sl t`it ihh t`g kgkjgr plrts eo t`g arlup s`irg t`g lutaleoa/eoclkeoa hlim. It w`ec` hiygr es plrt iaargaitelo ekphgkgotgm< T`ysecih Hiygr  Miti Heof Hiygr  Ogtwlrf Hiygr  ]riosplrt Hiygr  Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

55. Zgngr tl t`g cloneauritelo lutput. I ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr cloneaurgm t`g ICH lo rlutgr Z]I, is s`lwo.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots rgairmeoa t`g ruhg lrmgr irg clrrgct< (C`llsg twl). ]`g ruhg-oukjgr ln t`g nerst ruhg es 9 ]`g ruhg-oukjgr ln t`g nerst ruhg es 7 ]`g ruhg-oukjgr ln t`g sgclom ruhg es : ]`g ruhg-oukjgr ln t`g sgclom ruhg es 94 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

944. Icclrmeoa tl t`g cloneauritelo ln seoahg-irkgm rluteoa eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, t`g imkeoestritevg mgpirtkgot iom neoiocg mgpirtkgot cio clkkuoecitg wet` gic` lt`gr gvgo t`g prlxy IZT es mesijhgm lo t`g sujeotgrnicg lo Z9.





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]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

949. I ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr `is cipturgm i miti nrikg eo t`g ogtwlrf wet` t`g mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss ln 49-44-7G-I4-J9-C3. ]`g clrrgct stitgkgot ijlut t`es KIC immrgss es (). Et es i uoecist KIC immrgss Et es i jrlimcist KIC immrgss Et es i kuhtecist KIC immrgss Et es io ehhgaih KIC immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

94:. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa es olt t`g wlrfeoa preocephg ln CSKI/CM< Hestgo Q`ehg ]ihf ZZgtrioskesselo intgr i nexgm tekg mghiy





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Clonhect suspgoselo Zgtrioskesselo intgr riomlk mghiy Hestgo Jgnlrg ]ihf Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

943. ]`g ETv= immrgss ln t`g `lst es :44.:44.:44.:49/34. Q`ec` `lst wet` t`g nlhhlweoa ETv= immrgss iom ets clkkuoecitelo ml olt oggm tl jg nlrwirmgm jy t`g rlutgr< :44.:44.:44.9 :44.:44.:44.:4: :44.:44.:44.:44 :44.:44.:44.:43 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

94=. En t`g Gt`grogt miti nrikg es Hgoat`/]ypg;4x404>, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgot es clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`es miti nrikg es io Gt`grogt EE nrikg. ]`es miti nrikg es io EGGG 04:.3 nrikg ]`g slurcg KIC immrgss ln t`es miti nrikg kust olt jg NNNN-NNNN-NNNN ]`g mgsteoitelo KIC immrgss ln t`es miti nrikg kust jg NNNN-NNNN-NNNN Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

947. Q`go i rlutgr goijhgm wet` Trlxy IZT nuoctelo rgcgevgs io IZT rgqugst picfgt iom neoms t`it t`g rgqugstgm ET immrgss es olt ets lwo, w`it ictelos irg pgrnlrkgm< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) En t`grg es i rlutg tl t`g mgsteoitelo immrgss, sgom ets lwo KIC immrgss tl t`g IZT rgqugstgr. Mescirm t`g kgssiag Jrlimcist IZT rgqugst kgssiag Neom en t`grg es i rlutg tl t`g mgsteoitelo immrgss lr olt Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

94>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stlriag kgmei irg clkklohy usgm jy @uiwge rlutgrs< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) SMZIK O^ZIK Nhis` @irm Mesf SM Cirm Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

941. ]`g ^ZT lpgriteoa systgk clkkioms irg mevemgm eotl nlur hgvghs2 iccgss hgvgh, kloetlreoa hgvgh, cloneauritelo hgvgh, iom kioiagkgot hgvgh.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`ec` hgvgh cio ruo virelus juseogss cloneauritelo clkkioms jut cioolt lpgritg t`g nehg systgk<  Iccgss hgvgh Kloetlreoa hgvgh Cloneauritelo hgvgh Kioiagkgot hgvgh Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

940. Lo t`g ^ZT eotgrnicg, ylu cioolt usg t`g clkkiom mghgtg lr uorgsgrvgm vrpcna.zep tl mghgtg nehgs. Ulu kust gkpty t`gk eo t`g rgcychg jeo tl mghgtg nehgs clkphgtghy. ]ZWG NIHSG Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

945. ]`g swetc` KIC immrgss tijhg es gxesteoa is nlhhlws, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots es clrrgct<

]`g KIC immrgss 7=05-5007-9030 es kiouihhy cloneaurgm jy t`g imkeoestritlr. ]`g KIC immrgss 7=05-5099-4j=5 es kiouihhy cloneaurgm jy t`g imkeoestritlr  ]`g KIC immrgss 7=05-3059-9=74 es kiouihhy cloneaurgm jy t`g imkeoestritlr.  Intgr t`g swetc` es rgstirtgm, rgstirtgm, ihh KIC immrgssgs oggm tl jg rg-hgirogm. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

994. Is s`lwo eo t`g neaurg jghlw, j ghlw, t`g swetc` stirts t`g S]T prltlclh.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`go t`g ogtwlrf es stijhg, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) SQJ es t`g rllt jremag eo t`es ogtwlrf SQI es t`g rllt jremag eo t`es ogtwlrf Jlt` plrts ln SQJ irg eo Nlrwirmeoa stitg. Jlt` plrts ln SQC irg eo Nlrwirmeoa stitg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

999. 99 9. ]`g S]T prltlclh es goijhgm lo jlt` swetc`gs s`lwo eo t`g neaurg jghlw.

Io goaeoggr kimg t`g nlhhlweoa clochuselos lo t`es ogtwlrf.

  Ml ylu t`eof w`it es t`g clrrgct clochuselo< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g A4/4/: plrt ln SQJ es stijhg eo t`g Nlrwirmeoa stitg. ]`g A4/4/: plrt ln SQI es stijhg eo t`g Nlrwirmeoa stitg. Jlt` plrts ln SQJ irg mgseaoitgm plrts. ]`g A4/4/3 plrt ln SQI es stijhg eo t`g Nlrwirmeoa stitg. Jlt` plrts ln SQI irg mgseaoitgm plrts. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

99:. Clkpirgm tl S]T prltlclh, w`ec` feom ln plrt rlhg es immgm eo ZS]T prltlclh< (Kuhtephg C`lecg)  Ihtgroitg plrt Jicfup plrt Zllt plrt Mgseaoitgm plrt Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

993. Is s`lwo eo t`g neaurg, t`g twl swetc`gs usg t`g mgniuht pirikgtgrs tl ruo S]T S]T.. Lo Swetc` I, t`g cloneauritelo clkkiom S]T rllt prekiry es usgm. Lo t`g swetc` J, t`g cloneauritelo clkkiom S]T prelrety 4 es usgm.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa plrts wehh jg jhlcfgm< A4/4/: ln swetc` I A4/4/9 ln swetc` J A4/4/9 ln swetc` I G4/4/3 ln @WJ Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

99=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa pirikgtgrs mlgs olt t`g cloneauritelo JTMW picfgt ln t`g S]T prltlclh< Tlrt EM Jremag EM ^HIO EM Zllt EM Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

997. Jy mgniuht, `lw kioy sgcloms irg t`g Nlrwirm Mghiy ln S]T prltlclh< :4 97 94 7 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

99>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa pirikgtgrs irg usgm eo t`g swetc`gm ogtwlrf t`it ruos t`g S]T prltlclh w`go pgrnlrkeoa spiooeoa trgg cihcuhitelos< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Zllt pit` clst Tlrt EM Jremag EM Nlrwirm Mghiy Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

991. Eo t`g S]T prltlclh, issukg t`it ihh swetc`gs irg cloneaurgm wet` t`g sikg prelrety. ]`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` 9 es 44-g4-nc-44-44-=4, iom t`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` : es 44g4-nc-44-44-94, t`g KIC immrgss ln swetc` 3 es 44-g4-nc-44-44-:4, iom t`g KIC immrgss ln  swetc` = es 44-g4-nc-44-44-04, t`go t`g rllt swetc` s`luhm jg (). Swetc` 9 Swetc` : Swetc` 3 Swetc` = Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

990. ]`g ogtwlrf s`lwo eo t`g neaurg jghlw, t`g KIC immrgss ln t`g swetc` `is jggo kirfgm. Gotgr t`g clkkiom stp rllt sgclomiry lo t`g SQM swetc`.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa swetc`gs wehh jgclkg t`g rllt jremag ln t`es ogtwlrf< SQI SQJ SQC SQM Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

995. Jlt` t`g twl swetc`gs s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg `ivg S]T goijhgm. Q`ec` plrt wehh gvgotuihhy jg eo t`g Jhlcfeoa stitg<

A4/4/: plrt ln SQI A4/4/3 plrt ln SQI A4/4/: plrt ln SQJ A4/4/3 plrt ln SQJ Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:4. ]`g ogtwlrf is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, intgr t`g LSTN prltlclh es stijhg, w`it es t`g ogea`jlr stitus ln Zlutgr I iom Zlutgr J<

:-wiy Mlwo Nuhh  Ittgkpt Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

9:9. Eo t`g ogtwlrf s`lwo jghlw, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms cio jg gotgrgm eo t`g rlutgr tl goijhg @lst I tl peoa t`rlua` @lst J< (Kuhtephg C`lecg)

Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep

rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.7 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.9 rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.9 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.:  rlutg-stitec 4.4.4 99.4.9:.9 rlutg-stitec 4.4.4 99.4.9:.:  rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.7 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.: rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.9 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.9  rlutg-stitec 4.4.4 99.4.9:.: rlutg-stitec 4.4.4 99.4.9:.9 

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9::. ]`g ogtwlrf is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, t`g nlhhlweoa cloneauritelos gxest lo t`g Zlutgr I. ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:7794.4.9:.:   ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:9.: prgngrgocg 14

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots irg clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g Ogxt@lp t`it rgic`gs 94.4.:.: eo t`g rluteoa tijhg ln Zlutgr I es 94.4.9:.:.





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En t`g A4/4/9 plrt es Mlwo, t`g rlutg t`it Zlutgr I rgic`gs 94.4.4.: es c`ioagm tl 94.4.:9.:. ]`g Ogxt@lp t`it rgic`gs 94.4.:.: eo t`g rluteoa tijhg ln Zlutgr I es 94.4.:9.:. En t`g A4/4/: plrt es Mlwo, t`g rlutg t`it Zlutgr I rgic`gs 94.4.4.: es c`ioagm tl 94.4.9:.:. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:3. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa LSTN vgrselos irg suetijhg nlr ETv>< LSTNv: LSTNv3 LSTNv= LSTNv9 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:=. ] `g ogtwlrf is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, w`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms cio goijhg ZlutgrI tl nlrwirm i picfgt wet` t`g mgsteoitelo ET immrgss ln< (Kuhtephg C`lecg)

ep rlutg-stitec :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:.: ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:.: Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:7. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa ijlut t`g stitgkgot ln stitec rluteoa irg eoclrrgct< Kiouih cloneauritelo jy ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr  Eotgr-rlutg eonlrkitelo oggms tl jg gxc`ioagm jgtwggo rlutgrs Cio olt iutlkitecihhy imipt tl c`ioags eo ogtwlrf tlplhlay





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Hlw systgk pgrnlrkiocg rgquergkgots Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms cio jg usgm tl c`gcf w`gt`gr LSTN `is clrrgcthy gstijhes`gm ogea`jlr rghitelos`eps< mesphiy lspn ogea`jlr  mesphiy lspn jregn  mesphiy lspn eotgrnicg pggr  mesphiy lspn Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:1. Nlr kuhtephg pit`s tl t`g sikg mgsteoitelo ogtwlrf, t`g rlutgr oggms tl sghgct jy clkpireoa t`g sezg ln t`g Clst vihug. En t`g vihug ln t`g Clst es t`g sikg, t`go sghgct icclrmeoa tl t`g sezg ln t`g Trgngrgocg vihug. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:0. Is s`lwo eo t`g neaurg jghlw, @lst I iom @lst J cioolt clkkuoecitg.

]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9:5. Nlr kuhtephg pit`s tl t`g sikg mgsteoitelo ogtwlrf, t`g rlutgr oggms tl sghgct jy clkpireoa t`g sezg ln t`g Trgngrgocg vihug. En t`g Trgngrgocg es t`g sikg, t`go sghgct icclrmeoa tl t`g sezg ln t`g Clst vihug. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

934. ]`g rluteoa tijhg closests ln kuhtephg ghgkgots.

Q`it es wrloa wet` t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgot< Trltl s`lws tl hgiro t`g rluteoa prltlclh ln t`es rlutg Ogxt@lp s`lws t`g hlcih eotgrnicg immrgss ln t`es rlutg Trg s`lws t`g prelrety ln t`es rluteoa prltlclh Mgsteoitelo/Kisf s`lws t`g immrgss iom kisf hgoat` ln t`g mgsteoitelo ogtwlrf/`lst Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

939. ]`g clrrgct mgscreptelo ln t`g nlhhlweoa es (). (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g ogxt `lp eo t`g rluteoa tijhg es rgmuomiot. En t`grg es io lutaleoa eotgrnicg, t`g picfgt cio jg nlrwirmgm. Zlutgs ljtieogm t`rlua` menngrgot rluteoa prltlclhs `ivg menngrgot prelretegs ]`g kgtrecs mgneogm jy menngrgot rluteoa prltlclhs irg olt clkpirijhg ]`g kgtrecs mgneogm jy menngrgot rluteoa prltlclhs irg clkpirijhg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

93:. Ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:7794.4.9:.: prgngrgocg :4, ijlut t`es clkkiom, w`ec` es t`g clrrgct stitgkgot< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g rlutg cio auemg t`g miti picfgts nlrwirmeoa wet` t`g mgsteoitelo mg steoitelo ET immrgss ln 94.4.:.:. ]`g rlutg cio auemg t`g miti picfgts nlrwirmeoa wet` t`g mgsteoitelo mg steoitelo ET immrgss 94.4.9:.:. ]`g prelrety ln t`g rlutg es :4 ]`g Ogxt@lp ln t`g rlutg es 94.4.9:.: Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

933. ]`g ogtwlrf is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, w`go t`g ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr  pgrnlrks trinnec phiooeoa, et es gxpgctgm t`it t`g picfgts sgot jy @lst I tl @lst J wehh jg cloogctgm tl A4/4/3 eotgrnicg jgtwggo t`g rlutgrs. ]`g picfgts sgot jy @lst J tl @lst I al piss t`g A4/4/= eotgrnicg jgtwggo rlutgrs.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa clkkioms cio ekphgkgot t`es rgquergkgot< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Zlutgr I2 ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.7 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.: Zlutgr Zlutgr J2 I2 ep ep Zlutgr J2 ep Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep Zlutgr I2 ep Zlutgr J2 ep

rlutg-stitec :77.:77.:77.:7: rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.9 99.4.9:.> 99.4.9:.7 rlutg-stitec 99.4.9:.9 rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.7 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.> rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.9 :77.:77.:77.:7: 99.4.9:.9 rlutg-stitec 99.4.9:.: rlutg-stitec 99.4.9:.7

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

93=. En t`g ET immrgss rgqugstgm jy t`g M@CT chegot es ihrgimy lccupegm, w`ec` picfgt wehh t`g M@CT sgrvgr usg is t`g rgsplosg< M@CT ICF M@CT ZGHGISG M@CT OIF M@CT MESCL^GZ Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

937. ]`g M@CT ZGYWGS] kgssiag kust jg sgot eo jrlimcist nlrk. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

93>. Q`ec` M@CT kgssiag mlgs t`g M@CT chegot sgom w`go et wiots tl hgivg t`g ogtwlrf< M@CT MESCL^GZ





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

M@CT ZGHGISG M@CT ZGYWGS] M@CT ICF Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

931. @uiwge mgvecgs cio jg kioiagm useoa t`g ]ghogt prltlclh. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots es clrrgct ijlut t`es kioiagkgot nuoctelo< ]`g plrt oukjgr usgm jy ]ghogt mgniuhthy es ::, w`ec` cioolt jg klmenegm. ]ghogt kust goijhg t`g ^]U eotgrnicg, e otgrnicg, iom t`g kixekuk es 97 ]ghogt mlgs olt supplrt iut`gotecitelo jisgm lo usgroikg iom pisswlrm ]ghogt mlgs olt supplrt mgphlyeoa ICHs tl eocrgisg sgcurety. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

930. Is s`lwo, t`g tlplhlay iom t`g cloneauritelo lo t`g swetc` eotgrcloogct plrt, ylu cio mgtgrkeog t`it t`g miti nrikg hijghgm is ^HIO 94 cio jg nlrwirmgm olrkihhy jgtwggo t`g twl swetc`gs.

]rug Nihsg

935. ]`g lutput eonlrkitelo ln i plrt ln t`g swetc` es is nlhhlws.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`it es wrloa wet` t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgot< En t`g miti nrikg cirregs i ^HIO ]IA ]IA ln :44, t`g swetc` streps t`g ^HIO ]IA iom sgoms lut En t`g plrt rgcgevgs i miti nrikg wet`lut ^HIO ]IA, t`g swetc` oggms tl imm ^HIO ]IA944. ]`g heof typg ln t`g plrt es @yjrem typg. En t`g miti nrikg cirregs i ^HIO ]IA ]IA ln 944, t`g swetc` streps t`g ^HIO ]IA iom sgoms lut. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=4. Q`ec` eonlrkitelo ln t`g miti nrikg es bumagm jy t`g ^HIOEN eotgrnicg tl pgrnlrk Hiygr : nlrwirmeoa lr Hiygr 3 nlrwirmeoa< Mgsteoitelo KIC Slurcg ET Mgsteoitelo plrt Slurcg KIC Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=9. Ticfgts nlrwirmgm jgtwggo twl rlutgrs kust olt cirry ^HIO ]IA. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=:. ]`g Trelrety neghm eo t`g ^HIO tia emgotenegs t`g prelrety ln t`g miti nrikg. Q`it es t`g prelrety rioag< 4-97 4->3 4-1 4-3 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=3. Q`it es t`g c`irictgrestec ln plrt-jisgm ^HIO pirtetelo<  Imm i ^HIO tia tl t`g miti miti nrikg jisgm lo t`g ET immrgss immrgss cirregm eo t`g picfgt.  Isseao t`g ^HIO EM icclrmeoa tl tl t`g prltlclh typg iom gocipsuhitelo nlrkit nlrkit ln t`g miti nrikg. ]`g `lst klveoa hlcitelo ol oggm tl rgcloneaurg t`g ^HIO ]`g `lst klveoa hlcitelo oggms tl rgcloneaurg ^HIO Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9==. ]`g Trltlclh neghm eo t`g TTT nrikg nlrkit es 4xC::3, eomeciteoa t`it t`g prltlclh es2 C@IT TIT OCT HCT





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=7. ]`g cloneauritelo eonlrkitelo ln i rlutgr es is nlhhlws.

Q`ec` clkjeoitelo ln usgroikg iom pisswlrm usgm jy t`g pggr rlutgr cio goijhg TTT c`ioogh isslceitgm tl clkphgtg iut`gotecitelo< Wsgroikg2 tgst9 Tisswlrm2 tgst9 Wsgroikg2 tgst Tisswlrm2 tgst Wsgroikg2 tgst: Tisswlrm2 tgst Wsgroikg2 tgst: Tisswlrm2 tgst: Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=>. Q`ec` kgt`lm mlgs t`g TTTlG chegot usg tl sgom TIME picfgts tl t`g Sgrvgr< Jrlimcist Woecist Kuhtecist  Ioycist Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=1. ]`g ogtwlrf s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg rgquergs t`g ogtwlrf w`grg t`g `lst es hlcitgm tl iccgss t`g Eotgrogt t`rlua` Gisy ET. ET.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa ICHs s`luhm jg usgm lo t`g A4/4/3 eotgrnicg ln t`g rlutgr< ich oukjgr :444 ruhg 7 pgrket slurcg # ich oukjgr :444 ruhg 7 pgrket slurcg 94.4.9:.4 4.4.4.:77 # ich ich oukjgr oukjgr :444 :444 ruhg ruhg 7 7 pgrket pgrket slurcg slurcg 94.4.9:.9 4.4.4.:77 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=0. ]`g cloneauritelo eonlrkitelo ln i rlutgr es is nlhhlws.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgot es clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g mlkieo w`ec` mlkieo oikg es `uiwge mlgs olt usg t`g iccluoteoa sc`gkg. En t`g usgroikg `uiwge es usgm nlr iut`gotecitelo, t`g pisswlrm oggms tl jg >7=3:9. ]`g iut`lrezitelo klmg usgm jy t`g mlkieo w`ec` mlkieo oikg es `uiwge es hlcih iut`lrezitelo.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

]`g iut`gotecitelo klmg usgm jy t`g mlkieo w`ec` mlkieo oikg es `uiwge es hlcih iut`gotecitelo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9=5. ]`g EFG prltlclh es usgm tl gstijhes` io SI nlr ETsgc iutl-ogalteitelo, w`ec` cio supplrt emgotety iut`gotecitelo w`go t`g immrgss ln t`g eoeteitlr ln t`g ogalteitelo c`ioags myoikecihhy. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

974. Jy mgniuht, eo t`g SOKT prltlclh, w`ec` plrt oukjgr es usgm jy t`g prlxy prlcgss tl sgom io ihirk kgssiag tl t`g OKS< 9>3 9>9 9>: 9>= Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

979. En t`g rgsuht ln t`g picfgt kitc`eoa ICH es "rgbgct", t`g picfgt es neoihhy mescirmgm. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

97:. Eo tgrks ln sgcurety sgc urety,, ETsgc tuoogh klmg es supgrelr tl ETsgc triosplrt triospl rt klmg. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

973. Q`it es t`g stitus ln t`g LSTNv3 imbicgocy rghitelos`ep intgr et es gstijhes`gm< Hlimeoa :-wiy Nuhh Mlwo Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

97=. ]`g ogtwlrf is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, w`go LSTNv3 es goijhgm lo ihh eotgrnicgs, Zlutgr I iom Zlutgr J cioolt gstijhes` imbicgocegs.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

977. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa neghms irg neghms t`it gxest eo jlt` ETv> iom ETv= `gimgrs< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Slurcg Immrgss ^grselo Mgsteoitelo Immrgss Ogxt @gimgr  Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

97>. Q`it es t`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln t`g M@CTv> rgqugst picfgt< NN492292: NN4:2292: NN4:229 NN4:22: Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

971. Jy mgniuht, `lw kioy sgcloms es t`g pgrelm ln LSTNv3 @GHHL picfgt sgomeoa lo t`g Gt`grogt heof< 34 94 :4 =4 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

970. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa neghms mlgs t`g KTHS `gimgr eochumg< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Hijgh GPT ]]H ]ls Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

975. SZ (SgakgotZluteoa) mgneogs i mgsteoitelo immrgss prgnex/olmg iom imbicgocy eo t`g ogtwlrf is sgakgots, iom isseaos SEMs (Sgakgot EMs) tl t`g sgakgots. Jy pgrnlrkeoa io uolrmgrgm hest ln Imbicgocy SEMs iom Trgnex/Olmg SEMs (mgsteoitelo immrgss prgnexgs/olmg sgakgots), i nlrwirmeoa pit` es ljtieogm. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>4. ]`g IZT prltlclh cio rgslhvg t`g KIC immrgss ln t`g tiragt mgvecg icclrmeoa tl t`g mgsteoitelo ET immrgss, t`grgjy, tl kip t`g heof hiygr immrgss iom t`g ET immrgss. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>9. ]`g ]ricgrt meiaolstec tllh rgclrms t`g () ln gic` ECKT ]]H tekglut kgssiag sl t`it t`g usgr cio jg prlvemgm wet` t`g ET immrgss ln t`g picfgt w`go et irrevgs it t`g mgsteoitelo. Mgsteoitelo plrt Slurcg plrt Mgsteoitelo ET immrgss Slurcg ET immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>:. ^HSK cio gxpiom ioy ET ogtwlrf sgakgot, eochumeoa Chiss M immrgssgs. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>3. Q`ec` neghms eo t`g ETv= `gimgr irg rghitgm tl s`irmeoa< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Nriakgot Lnnsgt Nhias ]]H Emgotenecitelo Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>=. ]`g pwm iom mer clkkioms eo t`g ^ZT lpgriteoa phitnlrk cio vegw t`g nehg eonlrkitelo eo t`g currgot mergctlry. ]rug Nihsg


Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/



@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

9>7. ]`g lutput eonlrkitelo ln i rlutgr es is nlhhlws.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgot es clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g currgothy usgm ^ZT vgrselo nehg es t`g sikg is t`g ^ZT nehg usgm nlr t`g ogxt stirtup. ]`g currgothy usgm ^ZT vgrselo nehg es menngrgot nrlk t`g ^ZT nehg usgm nlr t`g ogxt stirtup. ]`g currgothy usgm cloneauritelo nehg es menngrgot nrlk t`g log usgm nlr t`g ogxt stirtup. ]`g currgothy usgm cloneauritelo nehg es t`g sikg is t`g log usgm nlr t`g ogxt stirtup. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>>. Nlr i swetc` ruooeoa S]T, S]T, t`g plrt cio jg mergcthy clovgrtgm tl t`g Mesijhgm stitg eo ioy stitg. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>1. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa KIC immrgssgs wehh olt iag< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Myoikec KIC immrgss Jhicf `lhg KIC immrgss Stitec KIC immrgss Tlrt KIC immrgss Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

9>0. Jy mgniuht, t`g jremag prelrety ln i swetc` es 3:1>0. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

9>5. Q`ec` plrt ln t`g nlhhlweoa swetc`gs es jhlcfgm is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg<

A4/4/: ln SQC A4/4/9 A4/4/3 ln ln SQC SQJ A4/4/3 ln SQI Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

914. Is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, ihh `lsts cio ci o clkkuoecitg olrkihhy.

Q`it es t`g clrrgct rghitelos`ep jgtwggo t`g SQJKIC immrgss iom t`g plrt< KIC-I A4/4/3 KIC-J A4/4/3 KIC-C A4/4/9 KIC-I A4/4/9 KIC-J A4/4/: KIC-C A4/4/3 KIC-I A4/4/: KIC-J A4/4/: KIC-C A4/4/3





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

KIC-I A4/4/9 KIC-J A4/4/9 KIC-C A4/4/3 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

919. I swetc` ruooeoa S]T prltlclh wehh sgom ]CO JTMWs lohy w`go i plrt lo t`g swetc` niehs. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

91:. @lw kioy jets ln t`g Tlrt EM tltih hgoat` eo t`g spiooeoa trgg prltlclh< 9> = : 0 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

913. Is s`lwo eo t`g neaurg, t`g clrrgct mgscreptelo ijlut t`es ogtwlrf tlplhlay es ().

]`grg irg > clhheselo mlkieos eo t`es ogtwlrf. ]`grg irg > jrlimcist mlkieos eo t`es ogtwlrf. ]`grg irg 9: clhheselo mlkieos eo t`es ogtwlrf. ]`grg irg : jrlimcist mlkieos eo t`es ogtwlrf. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

91=. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut t`g Jicfup plrt eo t`g ZS]T prltlclh es clrrgct< Jicfup plrt is i jicfup ln t`g mgseaoitgm plrt, prlvemeoa iolt`gr jicfup pit` nrlk t`g rllt jremag tl t`g clrrgsplomeoa ogtwlrf sgakgot





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

Jicfup plrt olt lohy nlrwirms usgr trinnec jut ihsl hgiros KIC immrgss Jicfup plrt mlgs olt nlrwirm usgr trinnec jut hgiros KIC immrgss Jicfup plrt prlvemgs iolt`gr swetc`ijhg pit` nrlk t`g mgseaoitgm jremag tl t`g rllt is t`g jicfup plrt ln t`g rllt plrt Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

917. I ogtwlrf closesteoa ln swetc`gs mlgs olt `ivg S]T goijhgm. I Hiygr : hllp kust lccur. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

91>. Q`go i plrt ruooeoa t`g stiomirm S]T prltlclh rgcgevgs i sujlptekih JTMW, et ekkgmeitghy sgoms ets lwo cloneauritelo JTMW nrlk t`es plrt. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

911. Is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, ihh rlutgrs ruo LSTN prltlclh. ]`g tlp ln t`g heof es t`g sezg ln t`g Clst vihug.

Q`it es t`g pit` ln t`g ZI tl t`g ogtwlrf<  I-J-M ZI cio olt rgic`  I-M  I-C-M Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

910. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa stitgkgots ijlut LSTN ogea`jlr stitus es clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Eo t`g Gxc`ioag stitg, t`g rlutgrs sgom gic` lt`gr i MM picfgt clotieoeoa t`g sukkiry ln t`g heof stitg eonlrkitelo tl mgscrejg t`g clotgot ln t`g hlcih HSM ]`g kistgr-shivg rghitelos`ep ln LSTN es nlrkgm eo t`g GxStirt stitg.  Intgr t`g rlutgr HSMJ es syoc`rloezgm, et es clovgrtgm tl tl t`g Nuhh stitg. ]`g sgreih oukjgr ln t`g MM picfgt es mgtgrkeogm eo t`g Gxc`ioag stitg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

915. Lo t`g ogtwlrf s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, t`g imkeoestritlr wiots Zlutgr I tl usg stitec rlutgs tl sgom picfgts tl Zlutgr J prelrety t`rlua` A4/4/9.

Q`ec` clkkiom cio jg usgm tl kggt t`es rgquergkgot< ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:9.: prgngrgocg =4 ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:9.: prgngrgocg 14 ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:9.:  ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.9:.: prgngrgocg 14   ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.:.: :77.:77.:77.:77 94.4.:9.: Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

904. ep rlutg-stitec 94.4.9:.4 :77.:77.:77.4 95:.9>0.9.9


]`g clrrgct mgscreptelo ijlut t`es clkkiom es (). ]`g prelrety ln t`es rlutg es 944. ]`es clkkiom cloneaurgs i rlutg tl t`g 95:.9>0.9.9 ogtwlrf. ]`es clkkiom cloneaurgs i rlutg tl t`g 94.4.9:.4 ogtwlrf. En t`g rlutgr hgiros t`g rlutg ln t`g sikg mgsteoitelo ogtwlrf is t`es rlutg t`rlua` lt`gr prltlclhs, t`g rlutgr wehh prgngr t`es rlutg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

909. Ogtwlrf structurg iom LSTN pirtetelo is s`lwo eo t`g neaurg, gxcgpt nlr Z9, rlutgrs Z:, Z3 iom Z= irg IJZ rlutgrs ln LSTN LSTN..





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

90:. Is s`lwo eo t`g cloneauritelo, t`g imkeoestritlr `is cloneaurgm LSTN lo Z9, jut Z9 cioolt hgiro t`g rlutgs ln lt`gr rlutgrs. VZ9[ lspn  VZ9-lspn-9[ irgi 9 VZ9-lspn-9-irgi-[ ogtwlrf 94.4.9:.4 4.4.4.:77 ]`g plssejhg rgislo es (). (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`es rlutgr es olt cloneaurgm wet` iut`gotecitelo, jut t`g ogea`jlr rlutgr es cloneaurgm wet` iut`gotecitelo. ]`g LSTN prlcgss EM es olt cloneaurgm w`go t`es rlutgr es cloneaurgm. ]`g irgi EM cloneaurgm jy t`es rlutgr es menngrgot nrlk t`g irgi EM ln ets ogea`jlr rlutgr. ]`es rlutgr mlgs olt iooluocg t`g ogtwlrf cloogcteoa ogea`jlrs w`go cloneaureoa LST Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

903. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa miti picfgts es t`g LSTN prltlclh gocipsuhitgm eo< ET @]]T WMT ]CT Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

90=. Q`ec`e ln t`g nlhhlweoa ijlut t`g mgniuht rlutg es clrrgct< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) ]`g mgniuht rlutg cio lohy jg kiouihhy cloneaurgm jy t`g imkeoestritlr i mkeoestritlr.. Eo t`g rluteoa tijhg, t`g mgniuht mg niuht rlutg ippgirs is i rlutg tl t`g ogtwlrf (t`g kisf es ihsl ]`grg kust jg i mgniuht rlutg eo t`g rluteoa tijhg ln ioy rlutgr. En t`g mgsteoitelo immrgss ln t`g picfgt cioolt kitc` ioy mgsteoitelo immrgss ln t`g rluteoa tijhg, t`g picfgt wehh jg nlrwirmgm jy sghgcteoa t`g mgniuht rlutg. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

907. Q`go cloneaureoa i stitec rlutg lo i jrlimcist eotgrnicg, ylu cio cloneaurg i stitec rlutg jy spgcenyeoa t`g ogxt `lp immrgss lr lutjluom eotgrnicg. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

90>. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa ittrejutgs cioolt jg usgm is i pirikgtgr tl kgisurg Clst< Mghiy sysoikg @lp cluot Jiomwemt` Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

901. Is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, Zlutgr I iom Zlutgr J gstijhes` io LSTN ogea`jlr  rghitelos`ep. ]`g LSTN prlcgss EM ln Zlutgr I es 9 iom t`g irgi EM es 4.

Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa kgt`lms cio goijhg Zlutgr J tl ljtieo t`g rlutg ln t`g ogtwlrf


sgakgot w`grg @lst I es hlcitgm< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) `ttps2//nrggmukps.cgrtquggo.clk/`cei-rluteoa-swetc`eoa-v:-7-`9:-:99-upmitgm-mukps/



@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

lspn 9 irgi ogtwlrf 95:.9> # lspn 9 ekplrt-rlutg mergct # lspn 9 irgi ogtwlrf 95:.9> lspn 9 irgi ogtwlrf 95:.9>0.9.: # Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

900. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa neghms mlgs olt clotieo eo @GHHL picfgts ln LSTN prltlclh< Ogea`jlr  sysoikg @ghhl Eotgrvih Ogtwlrf Kisf Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

905. Q`it irg t`g rlhgs ln LSTN MZ iom JMZ< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) Zgmucg t`g oukjgr ln imbicgocegs Zgmucg t`g typg ln LSTN picfgts Zgmucg t`g tekg et tifgs tl gstijhes` imbicgocy Zgmucg t`g oukjgr ln gxc`ioags ln heof stitg eonlrkitelo Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

954. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa irg rluteoa prltlclhs< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) JAT ETP LSTN ET Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

959. I clkpioy ogtwlrf imkeoestritlr wiots tl jg ijhg tl rgkltghy kioiag jrioc` ogtwlrf mgvecgs. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa prltlclhs wehh jg usgm< ^HSK ]ghogt ZS]T CEMZ Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

95:. Q`ec` ln t`g nlhhlweoa kgssiag typgs mlgs M@CT clotieo< (Kuhtephg C`lecg) M@CT ZLHHL^GZ M@CT MESCL^GZ M@CT ZGYWGS] M@CT LNNGZ Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

953. ]ghogt es jisgm lo t`g ]CT prltlclh. prl tlclh. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

95=. En t`g imkeoestritlr pgrnlrks t`g cloneauritelo jghlw lo t`g Zlutgr, t`g t`g `lst cloogctgm tl t`g A9/4/4 eotgrnicg ln t`g rlutgr cio ljtieo w`it feom ln t`g ET immrgss t`rlua` M@CT<

]`g ET immrgss ljtieogm jy t`g `lst jghloas tl t`g ogtwlrf. ]`g `lst cioolt ljtieo io ET immrgss. ]`g ET immrgss ljtieogm jy t`g `lst jghloas tl t`g 94.:4.:4.4/:= ogtwlrf. ]`g ET immrgss ljtieogm jy t`g `lst kiy jghloa tl t`g ogtwlrf, lr et kiy jghloa tl t`g 94.:4.:4.4/:= ogtwlrf. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

957. Q`it s`luhm ml w`go t`g Iccgss plrt sgoms i miti nrikg< Zgphicg ^HIO ]IA nlrwirmeoa Streppeoa ]IA nlrwirmeoa Kirf T^EM nlrwirmeoa Sgom i kgssiag wet` ]IA Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

95>. En t`g cloneauritelo eonlrkitelo ln i plrt lo i swetc` es is nlhhlws, w`go t`es plrt sgot t`g miti nrikgs ln w`ec` ^HIO, t`g ^HIO ]IA es streppgm<

=,7,> =,> 9,=,> 9,=,7,> Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

951. ]`g cloneauritelo eonlrkitelo ln i plrt lo t`g swetc` es is nlhhlws, w`go t`g plrt sgoms t`g miti nrikg ln w`ec` ^HIO ]IA es cirregm, t`g ^HIO ]IA es streppgm<

94 :4 34 =4 Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

950. Q`go i plrt ln t`g swetc` sgoms i miti nrikg cirryeoa t`g sikg ^HIO ]IA iom T^EM, et kust strep t`g ^HIO ]IA nlrwirmeoa. ]rug Nihsg Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

955. Is s`lwo eo t`g nlhhlweoa neaurg, Zlutgr I usgs kiouih heof iaargaitelo iom imms A4/4/9 iom A4/4/: plrts tl iaargaitelo arlup 9.





@CEI-Zluteoa & Swetc`eoa ^:.7 @9:-:99 Wpmitgm Mukps – CgrtYuggo Nrgg Gxik Mukps tl ]gst Loheog

]`g eoclrrct stitgkgot ijlut t`g stitus ln Zlutgr I iaargaitelo plrt 9 es2 Lohy s`ut mlwo A4/4/: ln Zlutgr J, Gt`-]ruof 9 prltlclh up ]uro lnn A4/4/9 iom A4/4/: plrts lo Zlutgr J it t`g sikg tekg, Gt`-]ruof 9 prltlclh up Lohy s`ut mlwo A4/4/9 ln Zlutgr J, Gt`-]ruof 9prltlclh up ]uro lnn A4/4/9 iom A4/4/: plrts lo Zlutgr J it t`g sikg tekg, Gt`-]ruof 9 prltlclh mlwo Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm

:44. Eo t`g ogtwlrf s`lwo eo t`g neaurg, t`g clrrgct mgscreptelo ln t`g nlhhlweoa es2

]`g ogtwlrf jgtwggo Z]I iom SQC es t`g sikg clhheselo mlkieo. ]`g ogtwlrf jgtwggo SQI iom SQC es t`g sikg jrlimcist mlkieo. ]`g ogtwlrf jgtwggo SQI iom SQC es t`g sikg clhheselo mlkieo. ]`g ogtwlrf jgtwggo SQI iom SQJ es t`g sikg jrlimcist mlkieo. Yugstelo wis olt ioswgrgm


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