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2 Vision • Mission • Motto • Guiding Principle • Philosophy 7 School Song 8 At the Helm 30 Passion 138 Integrity 144 Innovation 170 Empathy 212 Responsibility
Defining Holistic Education, and Empowering our Future Leaders to Live with Passion and Lead with Compassion
实践全方位教育,陶铸热爱生活、关爱别人,为社 群谋福利的未来领袖
We nurture leaders in Research, Industry and Government to serve the nation
OUR Our Motto CORE 自强不息 VALUES Ceaseless quest for excellence
Our Philosophy 己立立人 己达达人 WIN - WIN
Our Guiding Principle 饮水思源
Never forget the source from which you drink water
• Passion 积极乐学 We must maximise the opportunity to explore our interests. We seek to develop these interests into life-long passions. The HCI research-based curriculum will hone our Disciplined Mind so that we may further develop our passions.
• Integrity 正直诚信 Integrity is an integral part of an Ethical Mind. To serve the community effectively, we need to learn to be ethical in thought, speech, and action at all times.
• Innovation 善思创新 The pre-requisites of a Creating Mind are curiosity, innovation, and a quest for excellence. We should learn to explore possibilities and create platforms to forge breakthroughs in a Knowledge-Based Economy.
• Empathy 仁爱仁心 We must learn to develop a Respectful Mind by valuing diverse perspectives and understanding the feelings of others, particularly those from different backgrounds.
• Responsibility 尽力尽责 We must anticipate, and be accountable for, the consequences of our actions on self, community and the environment. To whom much is given, much is expected. It is our social responsibility to serve the nation. In the 21st century, it is vital for us to develop a Synthesising Mind: to draw, process, and transform salient and reliable information from different sourcesboth offline and online-into knowledge that benefits the larger community.
As part of our glorious land, Sharing her spreading fame Hwa Chong will firmly stand, Always to maintain her name Multi-racial we study together, For knowledge we wish to attain Many races we shall gather, Each day to ahieve its aim We shall strive with verve, For health in body and mind We’ll learn to lead and yet to serve, In character ruggedly fine May Hwa Chong shine forever, Her name big and strong One and all, let’s stand by her, That she may live on and on
海天寥廓 礼门义路 猗与华中 雄立狮岛
云树苍茏 时雨春风 南方之强 式是炎荒
中有我华中 吾侪托帡幪 我中华之光 万世其无疆
人生茫茫 朝乾夕惕 猗与华中 雄立狮岛
学海洋洋 日就月将 南方之强 式是炎荒
吾侪当自强 莫负好时光 我中华之光 万世其无疆
迨予庶士 膂力方刚 猗与华中 雄立狮岛
笃实辉光 经营四方 南方之强 式是炎荒
斐然已成章 前途浩且长 我中华之光 万世其无疆
AT THE HELM 09 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22
Message from Chairman, Board of Directors Message from Chairman, Board of Governors Message from the Principal Board of Directors Board of Governors Principal Committee Aphelion Consortium iSpark Consortium Ortus Consortium ProEd Consortium Centre for Scholastic Excellence PE Department Arts Department Mathematics Department
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Mother Tongue Language Department Bicultural Studies Programme Language Elective Department Education Technology Department Student Development English Department Project Work Department Humanities Department Science Department Art Elective Programme PE & CCA Department Faculty Executive & Administrative Staff
MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事长献词 MR LEE HEE LONG 李喜隆先生 教育乃千秋大业,治国之本。知识学问的传递、文化 品质的淬砺、人民素质的提升、国家未来的发展,都需要 靠教育。作为本地备受瞩目的顶尖学府,华中肩负的使命 在这个新世纪愈发显得重要。 93年来,母校虽历经沧桑,但始终以“自强不息”的 信念为基础,不断进步,不断发展。一所成功的学校,必 须有清晰完善的教育理念与全面的发展规划,才能发挥优 势,为莘莘学子营造充满爱心和快乐的良好学习环境。在 三尺讲台上,华中的老师们在传授知识的同时,亦重视品 行的熏陶和陶冶,他们志在让每名学生都能够终生享受探 寻知识乐趣的同时,亦能够享受健康幸福的人生。 今年3月,华中学子在2011年剑桥会考中再创辉煌。 去年的1200名毕业生,有超过一半考到3科特优的佳绩, 这使他们符合报读剑桥、牛津和美国任何一所常春藤大学 的资格。我们也首次培育了2位修读13个学分9科特优的会 考状元。今年华中学生又再一次在总统奖学金榜上留名, 这也是我校第52位总统奖学金得主。最让我动容的是这些 品学兼优的学生,始终谦虚地把自己的成就归功于母校和 师长的栽培。这些懂得感恩的校友,才是我们最宝贵的资 产,才能使华中继续雄立狮岛,光芒四射! 华人有句俗语说:“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”。回顾 2012年,我觉得这是华中人充分表现感恩美德与人文修 养的一年。在人的一生中,感恩不仅是一种处世哲学,更 是生活中的大智慧。感恩教育就是培养学生对大自然的爱 护,对生命的尊重,对自我心灵的提升。只有懂得感恩的 人才会懂得付出,有了感恩之心,才会觉得自己有责任去 回馈社会,并对自己所做的每一件事负责与反思。 新年伊始,我们亲眼看到华中大家庭子弟不遗余力的 各种善举。其中语文特选课程、双文化课程和海外社区服 务小组的师生参与了“春到河畔迎新年”活动,从除夕到 年初七的9天里,不辞辛劳地分批把先前在福建南靖、尼 泊尔和柬埔寨购买回来的土特产,运送到新加坡河畔去摆
摊义卖。师生们分成早晚两班,顺利把物品全部卖完,并 把筹得的5000多元善款悉数捐给光明山修身院。而华中国 际学校的师生也在2012年初开始为低收入家庭的儿童筹 款,他们把筹得的8万余元捐给了《海峡时报》学校零用 钱基金。在7月2日这一天,国际学校的学生也在圣淘沙环 球影城招待150名来自贫困家庭的儿童。对于家境较宽裕 的学生来说,这也是宝贵的一课,因为他们将从中了解弱 势群体的疾苦,并学习如何去关爱别人。 所谓“言传不如身教”,因此除了陈嘉庚先生和李光 前博士的铜像,我们也在年初为美丽的校园新添了林义顺 先生的铜像。这些铜像以及校园里以他们的名字命名的建 筑物与道路,体现了华中子弟对创校先贤们无私的奉献与 不凡的一生,充满了无限的怀念与敬仰。对他们的恩泽, 我们当永记心头。 华中两大校友会也在各自的领域为母校的福祉而努 力不懈。华中校友会几年前成立了陈龙得与庄升俦基 金,专司各项慈善活动与赞助华中子弟各类文化活动。 此外,华初校友会也发起创设了“华初校友会本科生奖 学金”。奖学金为有意进入本地和海外大学攻读本科的 校友提供资金援助。目前,已有学弟妹在这个计划下受 益,他们完成大学教育后,就会回母校任教,文化的薪 火就是这样代代传承下去的!2月4日,《海峡时报》便 详细报道了一些事业有成的校友如何在百忙中抽空回来 中学部,亲自指导学弟,帮忙母校培育富有创业精神的 领袖。这一切都是为了落实母校的使命——培育为国为 民之科研、商企与政界领袖。 “饮水思源”早就深深铭印在每一位华中子弟的脑 海中。 “舟大者任重,马骏者远驰”,我们深知母校任重而 道远。陈嘉庚老先生赐给了我们一片遼阔宽广的土地,并 已奠下了百年基石,我们一定要抓住机遇,开创华中更光 明的未来!
MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN BOARD OF GOVERNORS MR DESMOND ONG “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right,” said Confucius. As future leaders of the nation, it is important that every Hwa Chongian has his heart in the right place. Thus, with our brand of values-centric education, we imbue in our students servant leadership and civic responsibility so that they may be useful members of society. This approach permeates the academic, co-curricular and service learning domains. 2012 has been an extraordinary year for Hwa Chong. Our remarkable achievements in diverse fields are testament to everyone’s passion, dedication and continuous effort. We are heartened that our staff and students’ hard work have borne fruits, and that many of them have contributed to society while achieving great heights. Hwa Chong has done well academically. Class of 2011 attained outstanding results at their GCE A-Level Examinations. We produced two of Singapore’s top scorers, with nine Distinctions: Desmond Toh and Khor Shi-Jie. Alicia Tee became Hwa Chong’s 52nd President’s Scholar. In addition, Yeo Bing Lin and Ng Li Ki received the Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship and Singapore Police Force Overseas Scholarship respectively. These top students have one thing in common: the desire to give back to society. Their juniors, from the Class of 2012, have also demonstrated scholastic excellence. Cai Anni and Ng Chow Hui (both from 11S7B), won the Singapore Police Force Book Prize. This year, our students bagged a large proportion of the 2012 Ministry of Education Outstanding Awards including the Prime Minister Book Prize, Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science, and the Lee Hsien Loong Award for Outstanding Bicultural Students. In the sporting arena, our athletes made their mark in the 2012 National Inter-Schools Sports Competitions, bagging a total of 55 Top Three titles. Etienne Lee (3B1) brought honour to Hwa Chong by scoring the Meritorious Award (Sportsboy) at the Singapore Sports Awards 2012. Last year, Etienne also did Hwa Chong and Singapore proud by winning a Gold Medal in the Spear event at the 6th Asian Junior Wushu Championship. This is one of Hwa Chong’s 27 World Championship titles from between 2006 – 2012. Our sportsmen and women also broke three records in the 15th Asian Junior Athletics Championships held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In addition, they clinched three medals in the 4th ASEAN Schools Sports Meet. Their perseverance and sportsmanship have brought Singapore global recognition. Apart from sports, our students have also triumphed amid world-class competition in various academic and non-academic 10
challenges. The youthful enthusiasm and soulfulness of our Hwa Chong Choir led them to win the hearts of the judges and clinch first position in the 60th European Music Festival for Young People in Neerpelt, Belgium. At the 9th International Geography Olympiad held in Cologne, Germany, Eugene Chee (12A15) was part of a Singapore team that placed first out of 32 participating countries. He also earned a Silver Medal for his efforts. The Weiqi segment in the 2nd World Mind Sports Games held in Lille, France attracted 290 participants from 30 countries. Despite the intense competition, Kwa Jie Hui (3P2) was a victorious member of the Bronze-winning Singapore team. Of worthy mention is his demonstration of nimble thinking and strategic mastery, and notable achievement of being the youngest Singaporean participant at the Meet. Jie Hui and Gabriel Leow Zihui (4S2) also competed in the Under-21 category. These are just some examples of the good work our students have done. They are representative of the diversity in our students’ undertakings. There is something for everyone in Hwa Chong. Above all, we are delighted that our students have demonstrated a strong sense of conviction, enthusiasm, humility and responsibility towards their academic studies, community work and environmental endeavours. Our students’ achievements are also made possible due, in a large part, to our school leaders’ far-sightedness and innovativity. They have been proactive in improving the quality of education. In order to prepare our students for the twentyfirst century workplace, the school has strengthened our links worldwide. We seek to inculcate a global perspective in our students through learning platforms such as the Student Leaders Convention, International Science Youth Forum and Hwa Chong Asia-Pacific Young Leaders Summit. Our satellite campus in Beijing, winter campuses in Suzhou and Xi’An, as well as Summer Camps in Stanford and Berkeley, have also helped our students to broaden their horizons, while building their confidence and readiness for the future. Adaptability is key to thriving in a world of rapid change and development. Our brand of values-driven learning is also core. Even after graduation from Hwa Chong, we hope that our students continue to use their moral compass to differentiate right from wrong. To bear in mind the lessons learnt, and to be resilient The Hwa Chong staff have selflessly contributed time and effort to nurturing our students. We are glad to see that they have matured into young adults, ready to overcome challenges. Many have also become leaders in research, industry and government. I am confident that the diligence, determination and wisdom of every member of the Hwa Chong Family will continue to launch the Institution to greater heights!
管理委员会主席献词 王勇诚先生 中国有一句名言:“欲治其国者,先齐其家,欲齐其 家者,先修其身。”可见修身对实现人生的价值是十分重 要的,而教育的核心就是培养健全的人格。本着造就德智 体群美全面发展人才的宗旨,华中在学术课程、课程辅助 活动、社区服务计划以及各式各样的活动中,无一不是 以促进学生自身品行和人格的成长,增强学生对他人、对 社区乃至整个社会的使命感、责任感和奉献精神为目的。 昂首跨过不平凡的2012年,我们的心中充满了自豪与欣 慰,经过不辍的耕耘,华中在这几方面都交出了亮丽的成 绩单。 在学术上,2011年A水准会考我们又一次取得大丰 收,数理科、人文科和专题作业等都有出色的表现。杜勇 辉和许十界以9科特优的成绩,跻身全国状元榜。和他们 同届毕业的池仁琳荣获总统奖学金,使华中总统奖学金得 主的人数增加到52,为新加坡初院之冠。此外,杨秉霖 和黄立奇分别获得武装部队海外奖学金和警察部队海外奖 学金;蔡安妮和黄朝辉则获得警察部队书籍奖。今年也有 10位同学获颁2012年教育部特殊奖学金,其中包括5名 总理书籍奖、4名李光耀数理奖以及1名李显龙杰出双文 化奖得主。 在体育方面,华中健儿气势如虹,在2012年的全国各 项比赛中,一举夺得55个前三甲。中三的李哲轩学弟因为 去年在第六届亚洲青年武术锦标赛上拿下长矛冠军,今年 再度荣膺“全国最佳男运动员”荣衔。华中运动员也在第 15届亚洲青年田径锦标赛上刷新3项全国记录,在第四届 亚细安学校运动会取得三枚奖牌,为国争光。 长江后浪推前浪,在世界各地的学术及非学术舞台 上,我们都可以看到华中学子的身影:华中合唱团参加在 比利时举行的第60届欧洲青年音乐节,以他们的青春朝 气、充沛情感和天籁之音感动了国际评判团,摘下一等 奖。高一学生徐友仁参加的新加坡团队夺得了在德国举办
的第9届国际地理奥林匹克竞赛第一名,而他本人更为新 加坡赢得一项个人银牌。今年,第二届世界智运会在法国 举行,其中围棋项目共吸引了30个国家的290名代表参 加。我校中三学生柯杰晖和中四学生廖子辉除了代表我国 角逐21岁以下青少年比赛的奖牌之外,柯杰晖学弟更为新 加坡团队立下汗马功劳,真是后生可畏! 钻研学术、关怀社会、注重环保、积极进取,华中人 正在各方面以高度的责任感和使命感奋力拼搏,让我们深 感欣慰。当然,成就的取得与华中各级领导高瞻远瞩、运 筹帷幄、创新求变是分不开的。今年,学校除了继续推行 教改,如:跨边界学习、后茶馆教学、中学低年级华英文 教学改革外,我们也大力加强和世界各国的联系,让学生 组织参与一系列大型国际研讨会,如:学生领袖大会、国 际青年科学论坛、亚太青年领袖峰会等等。另外,在北京 卫星校园、苏州冬季校园、西安冬季校园,以及美国史坦 福大学夏令营和伯克利大学夏令营等浸濡活动,无不让学 生拓宽了视野、增长了见识、培养了能力、树立了信心。 然而,时代的发展也不断变换着对我们的要求。深受 发达科技和丰裕物质影响的当代学子如何成为时代的中流 砥柱?这就要求我们加强学生的品德教育,利用道德的力 量让学生明辨是非、建立健全人格。今年教育部推出品德 奖,旨在呼吁社会重视学生的内涵修养,而华中早就先行 一步,两年前已开始在各年级的周会上让华文老师讲解华 族传统价值观。无论是《华中行》还是圣贤的古训,都给 师生们以正面的引导和深刻的启示,相信会指引学子们走 好未来的人生路。 教育者春风化雨,无私奉献,换来的是学校的稳健发 展,我们希望的就是把学生培养成国家的栋梁。我们将继 续以提高教学质量为主线,以素质教育为特色,用我们的 勤劳和智慧,铸就华中不朽的丰碑!
MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL DR HON CHIEW WENG It has been an eventful and exciting 2012 for Hwa Chong. As you flip through the pages of this yearbook, you will observe Hwa Chong students and teachers’ commitment to serve and to excel. The happy news in this publication is the result of our efforts to nurture leaders for the nation: leaders who live with passion, and lead with compassion. It is my hope that we will continue to see generations of Hwa Chongians exemplify the values of passion, integrity, innovation, empathy, and responsibility. Passionate and Resilient Hwa Chongians As intellectually curious and disciplined learners, our students excel academically. In the 2011 A-Level Examinations, Hwa Chong continued its tradition of excellence, producing two of Singapore’s top scorers with 9 distinctions: Desmond Toh and Khor Shi-Jie. We celebrate not just their outstanding results, but also the values they embody. Desmond showed resilience when he took on the challenge of sitting for the A-Level Examinations despite suffering a collapsed lung earlier that year. Shi-Jie was part of a team that won one of Hwa Chong’s 27 World Championship titles, at the International Regions Mathematics League. He also bagged medals at the Physics and Chemistry Olympiads. More importantly, Shi-Jie demonstrated the spirit of 饮水思源, contributing to the school by teaching his juniors in the High School section, while awaiting the release of the A-Level results. I am also happy that many of our student leaders, young scientists, social entrepreneurs, sportsmen and women have done exceptionally well this year. They have achieved commendable results in their various fields, which would not have been possible without passion for what they do, and the tenacity to pick themselves up when faced with setbacks. The training Hwa Chongians receive in school shapes them into well-rounded individuals who are ready to take on the challenges in the twentyfirst century workplace. Building a Culture of Compassion In line with the goal to groom all-rounders, Hwa Chong’s new vision is to define holistic education. The Institution has produced batches of students who are passionate about serving the community, while excelling in their academics and Co-Curricular Activities. It is heartening that there are many servant leaders with a heart for the community in Hwa Chong. Our 52nd President’s Scholar, Alicia Tee served the school as the Vice-President of the Hwa Chong Students’ Council. World-class debater, Ng Li Ki, and waterpolo player, Yeo Bing Lin, were awarded the prestigious Singapore Police Forces Overseas Scholarship and the Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship respectively. All three have lent a helping hand to the local and global communities through Overseas Community Involvement Projects, the Grassroots Attachment Programme, and Arts outreach camps. Indeed, every Hwa Chongian is actively involved in community work. Apart from activities run by the consortia and faculties, countless students have initiated and carried out meaningful Community Involvement Projects with their schoolmates. Their efforts in reaching out to various beneficiaries, to bring joy and comfort to their lives, bear testament to their humility and willingness to serve others.
And they are not alone. Members of the staff have also started work with the Pertapis Children’s Home as part of our staffinitiated Corporate Social Responsibility. In November this year, we joined the members of the Pertapis Family in a Fund-Raising Walkathon. Literally and figuratively, our staff have walked the talk on the importance of giving back to society. Apart from helping the underprivileged, Hwa Chong staff and students are also passionate about making the school a greener place. The Green Council has been active in encouraging students and staff to adopt environmentally friendly practices. Their efforts have won them the HSBC/NYAA Youth Environmental Award and the H3ROES Project’s Most Innovative and Most Popular Team Awards. Hwa Chong is leading the way in grooming responsible green stewards for the world. Unceasing Quest for Global Excellence This consciousness about our impact on the global community can also be seen in our school events and achievements. This year, HCI co-organised and hosted the inaugural Global Learning Alliance (GLA) Singapore Summit with Teachers College, Columbia University, and Scarsdale Public Schools, a top performing district in New York. The Summit drew together some of the best educators from Australia, Canada, China, Finland, the United States, and Singapore. This think-tank encouraged participants to reflect on what characterises world-class education, while attempting to forge new international benchmarks for twenty-first century teaching and learning. Hwa Chong has also brought pride to Singapore on the international stage. Since 2006, different groups of students have won 27 World Championship titles to date. For the third year running, our students clinched a World Championship title at the World Scholar’s Cup; this year, they bagged the Overall Top Team (Senior Division), as well as several individual prizes including the Best Senior Division All-Round Individual and the Best Senior Division Literature awards. In addition, Hwa Chong dancers beat stiff competition from more than 1,100 international participants to clinch the Overall Dance Grand Prix Championship at the largest dancing event in Europe: Dance Grand Prix Italia. They also brought home the Best Ethnic Dance, Best Contemporary Piece, and Best Choreography titles. On top of our current students, our alumni have also flown Hwa Chong and Singapore’s flags high. Sam Tan Wei Shen (05S75) became the first foreign student to top the prestigious United States Naval Academy. Yuen Pak Man (06A15), who was a Humanities Scholar in HCI, topped Stanford’s School of Engineering. He was conferred The Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award. His batch mate, Chen Jingkai (06S77), achieved an impressive quadruple firsts to top his cohort at Oxford University. He even received a personal note from the Chief of Examiners for his achievements. They are three of 17 Hwa Chong alumni to top their cohorts, between 2009 and 2012, in universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford, and Shanghai Fudan. I wish to express my congratulations and appreciation to all staff and students for the good work done this year. In addition, our alumni have been an inspiration to their juniors; and I hope that each one of you can one day be a role model for your juniors as well. As you relive the memories and triumphs of our journey this year, I would like to encourage you to continue to strive for greater heights and live up to our school’s motto of自强不息.
华侨中学校长 潘兆荣博士献词 对华中而言,2012年异常忙碌,但也是令人振奋的 一年。当你翻阅这本年刊时,你会看到华中师生坚持不 懈,追求卓越的劲头。同时,让我们感到高兴的是里面收 录的各项好消息,证明我们又培养出一批热爱生活、关心 他人,为国为民、造福社群的领袖。我希望一代代的华中 儿女都能体现“积极乐学、正直诚信、善思创新、仁爱仁 心、尽力尽责”的价值观。 坚韧不拔的华中子弟 华中学生具有较强的求知精神和自律能力,这使他们的 学业表现出类拔萃。在2011年的A水准会考中,华中维持 精益求精的一贯传统,孕育了两位考获9科特优的杰出毕业 生杜勇辉和许十界。令人欣慰的是他们除了拥有骄人的成绩 外,更在奋斗的过程中体现了优良的价值观。尽管勇辉在年 初曾因气胸而备受病痛的折磨,但还是坚持接受高中会考的 挑战,表现出百折不挠的毅力。至于十界,在他和队友的齐 心合力下,华中代表队扬威国际分区数学联赛,为我们赢得 了第27项世界冠军头衔。十界也是物理和化学奥赛的奖牌 得主。本着饮水思源的精神,在等待成绩放榜期间,十界经 常回来中学部,给低年级的学弟们补习功课。 我也很高兴看到今年的学生领袖、青年科学家、社会 企业家和男女运动员,都有更出色的表现。他们在不同领 域取得亮眼的成绩。如果不是对所做的事充满热忱,还有 在面对挫折时毫不气馁的勇气,这些都是难以达致的。他 们在华中所接受的高素质教育已把他们陶铸成能胜任二十 一世纪职场挑战的全能人才。 关爱他人的华中文化 为了培养全能人才,华中的愿景是实践全方位教育。 华中已栽培了一届又一届有着恻隐之心,在学业和课程辅 助活动皆有优异表现的学生。 在华中,我们有许多热心服务,乐于奉献的学生领 袖。今年学校的第52名总统奖学金得主池仁琳,她就曾经 担任学生理事会的副主席。世界级辩手黄立奇、水球队员 杨秉霖,也分别被授予新加坡警察部队海外奖学金及新加 坡武装部队海外奖学金。他们三人都是通过参加海外社区 服务、基层实习计划和艺术营等活动,为本地和国际社群 做出贡献。 华中的每一分子都积极参加志愿工作,除了个别共识 联和育人学团所组织的活动,很多学生也会主动发起或投 入各种富有意义的社区服务。他们毫不犹豫地伸出援手, 给有需要者送去欢乐和温暖,这证明了华中学生有见义勇 为和助人为乐的美好品德。
华中学生当仁不让,华中教职员同样行善不落人后, 我们出钱出力,为新加坡回教研究会儿童之家服务。今年 11月,我们踊跃响应回教研究会的竞走筹款活动。由于深 知回馈社会的重要性,因此华中教职员都能以身作则,身 体力行。 除了帮助弱势群体,华中师生也热心环保。我们的环 保理事会向来致力于推广环保工作,着手把华中打造成绿 色校园。他们在校内进行各种宣导,这份执着和努力为他 们争取到汇丰银行与全国青年成就奖理事会颁发的“青年 环保奖”,以及H3ROES项目“最具创意和最受欢迎团队 奖”,可见华中在造就环保领袖方面堪称典范。 追求卓越的华中精神 从我们所举办的学术活动及所取得的成就,可以得知 华中在国际教育领域起着很大的作用。今年,华中和哥伦 比亚大学教育学院、纽约著名的斯卡斯代尔校区,携手举 办了“首届全球学习联盟新加坡峰会”。峰会吸引了来自 澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、芬兰、美国和新加坡等地的优 秀教育家的参与。与会者济济一堂,献计献策,深入探讨 世界级教育的特色,以便做为二十一世纪教学的国际参考 基准。 不仅如此,华中在国际比赛上也多次为国争光。自 2006年以来,华中学生一共赢得了27项世界冠军头衔。 今年,华中代表不仅连续三年夺得世界学者杯冠军,更捧 回了高级组中的最佳团队奖、最佳个人奖和最佳文学奖。 华中舞蹈团也传来捷报,在意大利举行的国际舞蹈大赛 中,力挫1100多名各国选手,夺得全场总冠军。他们还同 时获得最佳民族舞蹈、最佳现代舞蹈和最佳编舞等大奖。 除了在校学生,华中校友也为母校和新加坡带来荣 誉。陈伟深(05S75)成为美国海军学院有史以来第一个来 自外国的武状元。华中人文学科特选课程毕业生袁柏汶 (06A15)在斯坦福大学工程学院的成绩名列前茅,荣获弗 雷德里克·埃蒙斯·特曼工程学术奖。与柏文同届毕业的 陈敬恺(06S77)则在牛津大学四次考获全级第一,大学主 考官为此给他寄上亲笔贺函。在2009年和2012年之间, 华中共有17位校友在哈佛、斯坦福、剑桥、牛津和上海复 旦等大学中独占鳌头,我这里所提到的只是其中3位。 回顾这一年来我们所取得的成就,我谨借此机会对全 体师生表示祝贺。更可喜的是,华中的杰出校友也以他们 的成就不断激励着学弟妹。我希望你们都能向学长看齐, 日后成为华中学生效仿的榜样。当你们重温今年所经历的 点点滴滴和回味奋斗胜利后的美好感受时,记得要力争上 游,勇攀高峰,不要辜负华中“自强不息”的校训! YEARBOOK 2012
Mr Choong Buat Ken 张拔勤先生 Advisor
李喜隆先生 Chairman
Dr Soon Kong Ann
Mr Robson Lee Teck Leng
Mr Tan Kim Seng
Mr Lee Sen Choon
孙广安博士 Vice-Chairman
李德龙先生 Secretary
郑金城先生 Secretary
李胜存先生 Treasurer
Mr Desmond Ong
Mr Ng Soy Ng
Mr Ang Chee Guan
Mr Lee Peng Shu
王勇诚先生 Member
Mr Lee Hee Long
黄世荣先生 Member
洪静源先生 Member
李秉萱先生 Member
Mr Jimmy Ng
Mr Sia Nam Chie
黄龙金先生 Member
谢南极先生 Member
Mr Koh Kim Huat 许金发先生 Member
Dr Liew Kian Heng
Mr Ong Tze Guan
Dr Hwang Chi Looi
Mr Robin Hu
Mr Ng Yan Hui
王子元先生 Member
黄奇锐博士 Member
柳健兴博士 Member
胡以晨先生 Member
黄延辉先生 Member
Mr Chuang Shaw Peng
Mr Lim Hock
Mdm Cheng Yiina
庄绍平先生 Member
林浩先生 Member
郑苡娜女士 Member
Mr Desmond Ong 王勇诚先生 Chairman
Mr Lim Boh Chuan 林谋铨先生 1st Vice-Chairman
Mr Hee Theng Fong 许廷芳先生 Secretary
Dr Soon Kong Ann
孙广安博士 2nd Vice-Chairman and Chairman Personnel Committee
Mr Lee Sen Choon
李胜存先生 Treasurer and Chairman Finance Committee
Dr Liew Kian Heng
柳健兴博士 Chairman Building Development Committee
Mr Robson Lee Teck Leng
Mr Sng Chern Wei
Mr Peter Yeo Hee Lian
Mr Chua Keng Hiang
李德龙先生 Exco Member
孙振炜先生 Exco Member
杨禧年先生 Member
蔡敬贤先生 Member
Mr Chong Peng Jek
Mr Ng Soy Ng
Mr Yam Ah Mee
Mr Kwee Liong Keng
郑澎湃先生 Member
黄世荣先生 Member
Mr Tan Kiak Seng
Mr Robin Hu
Mr Ted Tan Teck Koon
Dr Loh Poey Ling
陈激成先生 Member
胡以晨先生 Member
杨雅镁先生 Member
陈德钧先生 Member
郭良耿先生 Member
罗佩玲医生 Member
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Mrs Chin-Leow Bee Kuan (Deputy Principal/Student Development & Executive Director (College)), Mrs Tan-Tiang Ai Chin (Dean/Research Studies), Mrs Har-Chia Hui Peng (Director/Studies (High School)), Dr Hon Chiew Weng (Principal), Dr Yeo Hwee Joo (Deputy Principal/Studies (High School)), Dr Tey Ah Hong Jasmine (Director/Centre for Pedagogical Excellence), Mrs Tan-Tay Eileen (Director/Talent Development), Mrs Foo-Lam Woon Keat (Director/Studies (College)), Mr Chow Chiu Wai (Director/Education Technology & Global Network) Back Row: Mr Tan Fook Yong Raymond (Director/Finance), Dr Lim Hong Seng Melvyn (Dean/Corporate Services), Mr Chan Kwok Leong (Deputy Principal/Studies (College)), Mr Seow Hwye Tiong (Dean/Student Development (College)), Dr Chung Wen Chee (Deputy Principal/Student Development & Executive Director (High School)), Mr Tan Pheng Tiong (Deputy Principal/Special Assisted Plan), Mr Ng Seaw Choon Dennis (Dean/Student Development (High School)), Mr Sung Kah Kee (Director/Student Care), Mr Lee Kai Sim (Director/PE & CCA), Mr Tan Chye Liang Joseph (Director/Boarding School)
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Mdm Xu Hongjuan, Mrs Choi-Loh Wei Ling, Miss Teo Mui Hong, Miss Siew Yee Peng, Ms Yap Hui Boon, Miss Tan Siu Ching, Mrs Ke-Lee Ee Kian (Senior Consultant/Character Education) Middle Row: Miss Quah Lee Hwang (Education Consultant/English Language), Mdm Ye Liping, Ms Chan Hwee Sing, Miss Tong Bee Yen (Education Consultant/Character Education), Mrs Ng-Ong Ee Chin Jean, Miss Lim Ai Hong, Miss Lu Jing, Miss Pek Ru Heng Back Row: Mr Gan Yuan, Mr Fong Cheng Shek, Dr Chew Tyng Yong (Director/Aphelion Consortium), Mr Yang Wenzhong (Senior Consultant/Chinese Drama), Mr Koh Kim Tian (Education Consultant/Infocomm Studies), Mr Lum Wai Kit Bryan, Mr Siew Wenjie Daniel (Education Consultant/Special Projects), Mr Tan Hui Kuan, Mr Ho Hui Yee Paul Absent with apologies: Mr Chua Boon Woo (Education Consultant / Student Leadership), Mr Png Kiow Leong, Mrs Choo-Koh Shih Yuan Stephanie, Ms Nurashinkin bte Hanafi, Mrs Chan Shu Hwee, Mdm Chiu Chen Choo, Mr Rong Yifei, Mr Tan Chin Guan, Mdm Sng Mei Yun Merlyn
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Ms Liew Pei Li (Senior Consultant/Corporate Services), Mrs Chang-Fong Wai Fong Susan, Ms Mastura bte Mohd Noor, Ms Choh Sok Kuang Clarinda (Director/iSpark Consortium) Second Row: Miss Yeo Tan Ching (Senior Consultant/Chinese Language), Miss Liu Jun, Mdm Lim Goek Poh Shirley, Ms Sim Wai Heng Vivien (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Mdm Yin Xiu Ping, Miss Koh Lena Third Row: Mr Yong Yuen Cheng, Mr Ah Sen Rudy Lee Chong Tai, Mr Ho Wei-Jie Lucas, Mdm Shieh Le Shiang (Education Consultant/Communications (Chinese)), Miss Wang Qian, Mdm Bian Jiang (Education Consultant/Chinese Language), Mdm Tham Siang Wah (Education Consultant/Mathematics) Fourth Row: Mr Yong Jong Shyan, Mr Tan Chee Wee (Principal Consultant/Student Development), Mr Low Swee Xiang, Mr Chen Siong Chuk Tommie (Senior Consultant/Corporate Services), Mrs Wong-Gwee Hwee Ngee (Senior Consultant/Mathematics), Mdm Cao Jia Wei, Mrs Wong-Tan Swee Lin Jenny (Senior Consultant/English Language) Back Row: Mr Chua Yoong Tching Eugene (Assistant Director/iSpark Consortium), Mr Chia Kean, Dr Tan Kok Kim (Principal Consultant 2/Science) YEARBOOK 2012
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Sim Chow Meng Joseph (Director/Ortus Consortium), Mrs Koh-Ang Choon Cheng (Teacher Mentor/Math), Miss Ong Bee Young, Ms Tan Boon Ping Adeline (EC/Education Technology), Ms Lee Hui Yi Elizabeth (Education Consultant/Student Development), Mrs Tan-Kaw Jon Lin (Senior Consultant/History), Ms Lim Shiok Hoon Joyce, Miss Tan Yew Hui (Assistant Director/Ortus Consortium) Middle Row: Miss Tan Hui San (Education Consultant/Malay Studies), Ms Soh Sook Shan Susan (Senior Consultant/English Language), Mrs Chan-Lim Yah Ling Rachel, Mdm Ng Hooi Hoon, Mrs Ang-Chua Ee Ling, Miss Tay Yan Hoon, Mr Cheong Chong Min Kent, Mr Hon Yew Pin, Mr Tan Chin Leong Vincent (Senior Consultant/Community Projects) Back Row: Mr Peter Anthony Gilbert, Mr Yong Han Siong Shaun, Mr Lau Sze Yuan Eddie, Mr Lim Seow Yi, Mr Zong Lixing, Mr Toh Chee Yik Colin, Mr He Dacheng Absent with apologies: Miss Fang Dawei, Miss Roselind Mathews (Education Consultant / History), Mr Kong Chiak Wu, Mr Sri Balan s/o Krishnan, Mdm Wong Siew May, Mr Wei Bozhi, Mr Tan Boon Beng
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Iszal Bin Ismail, Mrs Khoo-Yap Keng Peng (Teacher Mentor/Mathematics), Miss Wong Hong Sian (Teacher Mentor/Mathematics), Mdm Sunita Nair (Teacher Mentor/Humanities), Mr Tan Yew Keng (Principal Consultant/Chinese Language), Mdm Ng Meow Yin (Teacher Mentor/Chinese Language), Mdm Wong Mong Ee, Mr Low Boon Ann Charles (Director/ProEd Consortium), Miss Lee Wai Chin, Ms Wun Wen-Li (Education Consultant/Art Enrichment & Appreciation), Mrs Giam-Lim Shiau Yean (Principal Consultant/Humanities), Ms Zhou Li Tong, Mrs Yeong-Loke Lai Fun (Teacher Mentor/English Language),Mdm Jaya Ranee d/o Shanmugam, Mrs Raj-Priyahlatha d/o Nainar (Education Consultant/National Education), Ms Choo Siew Gek Melissa, Mr Teo Wei Pin Edmund (Assistant Director/ProEd Consortium), Mr Chen Zhen Yuan (Tan Chin Guan) Middle Row: Mr Sim Mong Chea, Mr Esteban Juan Karplus, Dr Wang Dakun (Education Consultant/Bicultural Studies Programme), Mr Siew Wenjie Daniel (Education Consultant/Special Projects), Mr Tan Kok Chong, Mr Chia Kok Pin (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Mr Ho Ho Sing Philip Back Row: Mr Law Hock Ling, Mdm Kalavathi d/o Ganasen Absent with apologies: Mr Lim Chuan Chia (Education Consultant / Community Involvement Programme), Mdm Lim Shu Peng, Mrs Koh-Oon Hsiu Leng, Ms Nada Nurwani Ng, Mr Ong Juin Han 20
(From Left to Right) Front row: Mdm Liu Qian, Mdm Neo Sock Hoon, Miss Boey Soek Bing (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Ms Ting Jeum Shian Jennifer, Mdm Chan May Lun (Senior Consultant/Geography), Dr Tey Ah Hong Jasmine (Director/Centre for Pedagogical Excellence), Mrs Har-Chia Hui Peng (Director/Studies (High School)), Mrs Tan-Kaw Jon Lin (Senior Consultant/History) Middle row: Mrs Yeong-Loke Lai Fun (Teacher Mentor/English Language), Mrs Lee-Ang Mei Kway Rosalind (Senior Consultant/Library), Dr Chung Wen Chee (Deputy Principal/Executive Director (High School)), Mr Chen Siong Chuk Tommie (Senior Consultant/Corporate Services), Dr Yip Cheng Wai (Senior Consultant/Biology & Research), Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow (Principal Consultant/Research), Mrs Ng-Ang Siew Hoon (Principal Consultant/Science), Mrs Ng Mui Eng (Senior Consultant/English Language) Back row: Mr Tan Chye Liang Joseph Timothy (Director/Boarding School), Mr Chia Kean, Mr Su Kim Whatt Steven (Principal Consultant/Education Technology), Mr Loh Suan Jin Justin (Senior Consultant/Centre for Scholastic Excellence), Mr Tan Guan Chye (Senior Consultant/Education Technology), Dr Tan Hock Chye (Education Consultant/Physics), Dr Ang Lai Chiang (Senior Consultant/Research & China Projects)
(From Left to Right) Front row: Mr Wang Yongfa, Mr Tok Aik Lin (Principal Consultant/PE & CCA), Mr Toh Liang Seng Ken, Mr Tan Cheng Liang Alvin Back row: Mr Woon Ta Wei David, Mr Yeo Hock Ann, Mr Ang Ka Soon, Mr Zhang Zuoqiang, Mr Guo Huai Yun
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Tan Koon Ho Andrew (Teacher Mentor/Economics), Mr Ho Meng Yee Chris (Senior Consultant/Economics), Mr Teh Chee Siong (Principal Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Chua-Yap Chen Hian Veronica (Director/Well-Being), Ms How Lai Yin Deborah (Principal Consultant/Arts), Ms Fok Ying Lee Fiona (Senior Consultant/Economics), Mrs Chong-Ng Swee Kuan (Teacher Mentor/Community Involvement Programme), Ms Tan Min Min Genevieve (Senior Consultant/Faculty) Middle Row: Mrs Susannah Read, Ms Ong Yeong Lee Evelyn, Ms Serene Tan Che, Mrs Chua-Ngui Li Young, Ms Wang Jingwei Jenny, Mr Tan Chi Yen William, Ms Lim Yi Wen Michelle, Mrs Toh-Tay Hui Lin Melissa, Ms Lu Guizhen Sophie, Ms Law Winnie, Ms Lock Wan Jun, Ms Ng Swee Chu, Ms Phang Lee Chin Janise, Ms Tan Hwei Ling Claire Back Row: Mr Ong Hong Chin Ian, Mr Leong Choong Fatt, Mr Tan Kay Lai Albert (Education Consultant/Education & Career Guidance), Mr Tan Tuan Wei Kelvin, Mr How Hung Kin, Dr Govindarajalu Sivaraman, Mr Chong Woon Tien David, Mr Foo Yong Hong, Mr Ng Ying Fong Gilbert, Mr Seah Boon Cheng Joshua
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Yee Weng Hong (Teacher Mentor/Mathematics), Mr Yeow Boon Chin Ken (Senior Consultant/Discipline), Mr Ng Tong Cheong (Senior Consultant/Education Technology), Ms Kwee Tiow Choo (Senior Consultant/Mathematics), Mr Lau Hock Soon (Principal Consultant/Mathematics), Mrs Sim-Lim Siew Hui (Principal Consultant/Student Development), Mrs Yap-Ng Ee War Jasmine (Education Consultant/Mathematics), Ms Goh Keng Wah (Senior Consultant/Computing), Mrs Chua-Huang Huifen (Education Consultant/Education Technology) Middle Row: Mrs Joyce Tan-Lee (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Tam-Ng Beng Beng, Mr Chua Khang Jye, Mr Tan Choo Kee Joseph (Education Consultant/Special Projects), Mr Tan Keng Seng, Mr Loo Choon Chou, Mr Tan Wan Sin, Mr Ma Zhou, Mdm Ong Siow Ying, Mrs Tan-Moh Tser Ni Eileen (Senior Consultant/Project Work) Back Row: Mrs Boo Li Pheng, Miss Liw Wenyan, Mrs Lim-Liaw Lin Eng (Senior Consultant/Counselling), Miss Yan Youyu, Mr Ng Say Tiong (Education Consultant/Partnerships), Mr Lee Yung Hei, Miss Yu Qian, Miss Chong Jia Ling, Miss Ho Jia Yuan, Mrs Chen-Li Jiawen Absent with apologies: Mr Tham Kin Keong Paul 22
(Left to Right) Front Row: Dr Tan Mei Leng (Senior Consultant/Corporate Communications), Mdm Xu Jianfen (Senior Consultant/Mother Tongue Language), Mdm Low Yen Yen Jenny (Principal Consultant/Mother Tongue Language), Mr Lam Yew Cheong (Senior Consultant/Language Elective Programme), Mr Tan Yang Back Row: Ms Sin Yee Theng, Mrs Zhou-Zhu Hairong, Mrs Leong-Lim Chiew Hong, Dr Liang Yong (Education Consultant/China Studies in Chinese), Mr Ren Xiaohui, Mdm Yang Yan, Mdm Liu Jinyuan Absent with apologies: Mdm Zhang Wei
(Left to Right) Ms Sin Yee Theng, Mdm Liu Jinyuan, Mrs Zhou-Zhu Hairong, Dr Liang Yong (Education Consultant/China Studies in Chinese), Mdm Xu Jianfen (Senior Consultant/Mother Tongue Language), Mdm Low Yen Yen Jenny (Principal Consultant/Mother Tongue Language)
(Left to Right)
Dr Tan Mei Leng (Senior Consultant/Corporate Services), Mr Lam Yew Cheong (Senior Consultant/Language Elective Programme), Mr Ren Xiaohui, Mdm Yang Yan Absent with apologies: Mdm Zhang Wei
(Left to Right) Front Row: Ms Sun Weiling, Ms Goh Keng Wah (Senior Consultant/Computing), Miss Wang Yitian (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Mr Chow Chiu Wai (Director/Education Technology), Mr Ng Tong Cheong (Senior Consultant/Education Technology), Mrs Chua-Huang Huifen (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Mrs Chen-Li Jiawen Back Row: Mrs Tan-Moh Tser Ni Eileen (Senior Consultant/Project Work), Mr Tan Oon How, Mr Li Jiexun, Mr Chong Woon Tien David, Mr Poh Meng Leng (Education Consultant/Science & Maths Talent Programme), Miss Chong Jia Ling, Miss Ho Jiayuan, Mr Loh Tze Wei
(Left to Right) Front Row: Ms Tay Wei Jing Esther (Education Consultant/Student Development), Mrs Chong-Ng Swee Kuan (Teacher Mentor/Community Involvement Programme), Mrs Lee-Lau Chay Koon (Senior Consultant/International Students), Mr Seow Hywe Tiong (Dean/Student Development), Mrs Sim-Lim Siew Hui (Principal Consultant/Student Development), Mrs Tay-Chen Sue Ann, Ms Sophie Bobillier Marie Christine (Education Consultant/Leadership Development) Back Row: Ms Huo Yasi (Education Consultant/Student Development) , Miss He Jiawen (Education Consultant/Student Development), Miss Liew Pei Chin (Education Consultant/National Education), Mr Tan Kay Lai Albert (Education Consultant/Education & Career Guidance), Mr Wong Soon Yuh Michael, Mr Nah Wee Keong (Education Consultant/Student Development), Ms Cheong Su-Wei Audrey (Education Consultant/Internationalisation), Mdm Ong Doo Guat (Assistant Manager/Higher Education), Miss Tan Choon Siew (Education Consultant/Leadership Development)
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Ong Jiayun Elvin, Mr Perry Nicholas George Charles (Senior Consultant/English Literature), Dr Wilks David Robert (Senior Consultant/General Paper), Mrs Chan-Lim Yin Shin (Principal Consultant 1/English), Ms Heng Siok Tian (Principal Consultant 2/English), Ms Ouyang Xin (Education Consultant/General Paper), Ms Yan Peishan Jocelyn (Education Consultant/General Paper), Ms Tan Mei Ling Judy (Teacher Mentor/English Special Programme), Ms Lee Min Yee Janet (Teacher Mentor/Professional Development) Middle Row: Mr U.K Shyam, Mr Chua Boon Hwee Alvin, Mr Koh P-Chong Noel, Ms Zoe Goldman, Ms Poh Sze-Lyn (Education Consultant/Corporate Services), Ms Ong Hui Kiang Karen, Ms Lim Ai Hua, Mr Denson Lo Vander, Ms Choo Ee Wen Lynn, Ms Sophie Wilkins, Ms Hah Sixian, Mrs Ng-Tay Lay Keow June (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Loh-Neo Lee Theng Karen Mary Back Row: Mr Sheun Gin Fatt Matthew, Mr Wong Yew Chong Augustine, Mr Ho Cheok Meng Alexander, Mr Saminathan s/o Moghan, Ms Tan Sok Kim Kimberly, Ms Wang Yitian (Education Consultant/Education Technology), Mdm Madihah Binte Mahmood, Ms He Jiawen (Education Consultant/Student Development), Mdm Harkiranjit Kaur, Mrs Tan-Loh Wei Ling Vicki, Mrs Quek-Ong An-Dian, Mdm Wong Pui Yee Stephanie, Dr Ross McGregor (Teacher Mentor/General Paper) Absent with apologies: Mrs Alethea Mun Kuen Lim-Ellingsen, Ms Chen Shiyun Elysa, Ms Cheong Su-Wei Audrey (Education Consultant/Internationalisation), Mr Christian Richard Simpson, Mrs Goh-Kee Meow Khim Marie-Anne, Ms Huo Yasi (Education Consultant/Student Development), Mrs Siau-Yeo May Ying Serene (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mr Tan Wah Jiam (Senior Consultant/Knowledge & Inquiry), Mr Tan Wei Jie Mark, Mr Tan Wei Ping Kenny, Mrs Tan-Leow Siew Li Joey YEARBOOK 2012
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Lim Wee Choon Edwin (Teacher Mentor/Project Work), Ms Ying Min (Teacher Mentor/Project Work), Mrs Nirmala Ong (Principal Consultant/Project Work), Mrs Eileen Tan-Moh Tser Ni (Senior Consultant/Project Work), Ms Janet Lee Min Yee (Teacher Mentor/Professional Development) Back Row: Mr Ng Su Chan, Ms Shakeela Banu d/o Mohamed Asrafali, Mrs Shelia Chia-Quek Yean Yean, Ms Liu Xi, Ms Lee Sok Ee, Ms Ildasolha Binte Jamari, Mdm Wong Pui Yee Stephanie, Ms Hah Sixian, Mr Denson Lo
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Koh Siong Fei Isaac, Dr Nicholas Richard Mercer (Education Consultant/Media Studies), Mr White John Michael (Senior Consultant/Humanities Scheme), Mr Perry Nicholas George Charles (Senior Consultant/English Literature) Back Row: Mr Miles Nicholas Stephen, Mr Cosmo Phillipps, Mr Burge Christopher David
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mrs Ho-Chan Lai Ying (Teacher Mentor/Chemistry), Mrs Cheng-Liau Ming Lee (Senior Consultant/Chemistry), Ms Quek Hoon Khim (Teacher Mentor/Physics), Mrs Tham-Kee Yong Huang (Lead Teacher/Chemistry), Ms Wong Hwee Ming (Principal Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Phee-Tan Peh Ling (Education Consultant/Chemistry), Mrs Tan-Tiang Ai Chin (Dean/Research Studies), Mr Chan Kwong Yee Benjamin (Principal Consultant 2/Science), Mr Tang Koon Loon (Principal Consultant 1/Science), Mrs Foo-Lam Woon Keat (Director/Studies), Mr Chow Chiu Wai (Director/Education Technology), Mr Chan Sau Siong (Teacher Mentor/Biology), Mr Lee Song Kee Sam (Teacher Mentor/Chemistry), Mrs Tan-Lee Lay Koon Irene (Senior Consultant/Physics), Mrs Loh-Lam Yen Ling, Ms Soh Swee Keng, Ms Tay Wei Jing Esther (Education Consultant/Student Development) Middle Row: Mdm Ching Mee Yoon, Ms Lee Sok Ee, Ms Sun Weiling, Mrs Teo Jia Ling Violet, Ms Tan Choon Siew (Education Consultant/Leadership Development), Mrs Tano-Phua Sheng Jie Jacqueline, Ms Chen Xintian, Mrs Tay-Chen Sue Ann, Ms Liew Pei Chin (Education Consultant/National Education), Mrs Leo-Chua Hui Li Teri, Ms Liu Xi, Ms Chua Hui Ying Grace (Education Consultant/Faculty), Ms Sophie Bobillier Marie Christine (Education Consultant/Leadership Development), Ms Lee Shan Shan Annabella, Mdm Tay Daphne, Ms Ana Ciric, Ms Fan Yitian, Ms Li Sze Ying Emily, Mrs Cheng-Ng Shih-Lin Judith, Mdm Chen Geok Loo, Mrs Lim-Kong Lei Zun Jolin, Mrs Tan Seok Hwee Sandra (Research cum Corporate Services Officer), Mrs Sim-Wang Hui Ming, Mrs Lee-Lau Chay Koon (Senior Consultant/International Students), Mrs Lim-Huang Shufen, Mrs Tay-Choo Lay Keng Cindy, Mdm Low Kiah Woon, Ms Ong Lay Hua Back Row: Mr Lau Soo Yen, Mr Tan Oon How, Mr Lim Junyang, Mr Loo Kian Hin, Mr Liw Meng Hong, Mr Poh Meng Leng (Education Consultant/Science & Mathematics Talent Programme), Dr Tan Yong Leng Kelvin (Education Consultant/Research), Mr Heng Yew Han (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mr Tan Jun Seng Samuel, Mr Chua Kah Hean, Mr Loy Hui Chun (Teacher Mentor/Chemistry), Mr Teo Ming Ern (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Mr Wee Chorng Shin, Mr Heng Kiang Justin, Mr Philip Hugh Thomas, Mr Ho Hon Wing, Mr Sim Weiheng, Mr Khairulzad Sulaiman (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Mr Low Yizong, Mr Lawrence Remedios, Mr Li Jiexun, Mr Quek Wee Tong, Mr Loy Colin, Mr Tan Sze Aik Paul, Mr Lee Lih Juinn, Dr Ng Tze Chiang Albert (School Research Scientist), Mr Low Kay Siang, Dr Lim Jit Ning (Senior Consultant/Research), Mr Nah Wee Keong (Education Consultant/Student Development), Mr Low Juay Kiang Alvin Absent with apologies: Mrs Lim-Kng Yin Ling Irene, Mrs Toh-Lim Hui Ni, Mr Kwek Wei Hong (Education Consultant/Science & Mathematics Talent Programme), Mrs Cheong-Ng Siok Ching Crystal (Education Consultant/Faculty)
(Left to Right) Front Row: Ms Low Sok Hui (Education Consultant/Art), Mr Tan Siang Yu (Senior Consultant/Art), Mr Kuek Sway Swee Back Row: Mr Almeo Tan Siang Miang, Mr Augustine Wong, Ms Denise Chung Ai Ling, Ms Grace Ong Xi Wei
(Left to Right) Front Row: Dr Terng Yew Lian (Principal Consultant/PE & CCA), Mr Lee Kai Sim (Director/PE & CCA), Miss Chen Phi Fern (Senior Consultant/PE & CCA), Mr Foo Chee Chiang Back Row: Miss Tan Ai Lay, Mr Tan Yee Weal (Education Consultant/PE & Health Education), Mr Wong Soon Yuh Michael, Mr Chen Mianfei, Me Derrick Ong Yong Jit, Miss Lum Siew Chin, Miss Teo Siew Nge
(Left to Right) Front Row: Mrs Lim-Liaw Lin Eng (Senior Consultant/Counselling), Mrs Goh-Ong Hwee Ling Kathleen (Senior Consultant/Counselling), Mrs Ng-Tay Lay Keow June (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Ms Wong Hwee Ming (Principal Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Chua-Yap Chen Hian Veronica (Director/Well-Being), Mr Teh Chee Siong (Principal Consultant/Faculty), Mr Teo Ming Ern (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Ms Tan Min Min Genevieve (Senior Consultant/Faculty), Mr Khairulzad Bin Sulaiman (Senior Consultant/Faculty) Back Row: Mr Heng Yew Han (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Leo-Chua Hui Li Teri, Ms Chua Hui Ying Grace (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mr Loo Choon Chou (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Loh-Neo Lee Theng Karen Mary, Mrs Cheong-Ng Siok Ching Crystal (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Joyce Tan-Lee (Education Consultant/Faculty), Mrs Chen-Li Jiawen
(Left to Right) First Row: Miss Lin Weilin (Officer/Administration), Miss Tan Geok Tin (Senior Technician/Science Research Centre), Mr Balasundaram Selvakumar (Senior Officer/IT Support), Mr Koh Boon Ngaan Chris (Senior Officer/IT Support), Miss Woo Si Kei Charis (CCA Executive Officer), Ms Ng Xue Qiu Karen (Assistant Manager/Administration) Second Row: Mr Tan Fook Yong Raymond (Director/Finance), Miss Chu Chew Ling (Assistant Director/Finance), Mrs Lee-Lim See Nee (Assistant Director/Human Resource), Mr Lim Hong Seng Melvyn (Dean/Corporate Services), Mr Tan Pheng Tiong (Deputy Principal/Special Programme), Mrs Yee-Lim Cheng Fui (Senior Manager/Science Research Centre), Mr Tan Chye Liang Joseph Timothy (Director/Boarding School), Mr Mong Kok Meng (Assistant Director/Estate Management), Mdm Cheong Sew Wa (Senior Manager/Administration) Third Row: Mdm Ong Doo Guat (Assistant Manager/Higher Education), Mdm Leong Mew Hoi Connie (Attendant/SALT Centre), Mdm Chua Chai Siew Adeline (Senior Technician/Science Research Centre), Miss Ng Hui Min Victoria (Senior Officer/Human Resource), Miss Lee Yee Zhen Doreen (Officer/Human Resource), Mdm Tang Lan Shin Jeanne (Officer/Human Resource), Mdm Kay Lai Fong (Senior Officer/Finance), Mdm Ang Poh Choo Irene (Officer/Library), Mdm Thoo Lay Pheng Josephine (Officer/Administration (Higher Education)), Miss Tan Yan Min Lynn (Officer/Administration), Miss Mok Weng Xi Joanne (Officer/Administration), Mr Huang Guang Di (Senior Manager/IT Support) Fourth Row: Mr Tan Yang Hee Alfred (Senior Officer/Finance), Mr Lin Htet Aung (Officer/IT Support), Mr Yam Heng Huat (Senior Officer/IT Support), Mr Kee Jit Siang (Officer/Security), Mr Yu Junhui (Life Guard), Mr Au Ai Seng (Life Guard), Miss Lim Su Ling Jaeqline (Assistant CCA Executive), Mrs Soh-Lee Chuan Huei (Officer/Administration), Mdm Lee Kiau Seng (Attendant/Estate Management), Miss Ong Li Whee (Senior Officer/Administration), Miss Teng Sze Yia Sharmaine (Officer/Administration), Miss Chiang Ka Chun Joyce (Assistant Officer/Administration), Mr Foo Moo Hiang Peter (Officer/Administration), Mr Liu Chi Leung (Senior Manager/Science Laboratory), Mr Siow Wing Cheong Tony (Assistant Boarding Manager) Fifth Row: Mr Lim Huat Chin Wilson (Officer/Finance), Miss Lee Pei Ru (Technician/Biology Laboratory), Miss Liew Mei Hua (Senior Technician/Biology Laboratory), Mdm Lee Ghim Fong (Attendant/Biology Laboratory), Mdm Cheong Lai Kuen (Senior Attendant/Physics Laboratory), Mr Pang Swee Han (Senior Technician/Physics Laboratory), Mr Chiang Kum Leong (Technician/Physics Laboratory), Mdm Long Siow Meng (Senior Technician/Science Laboratory), Mdm Jamilah Bte Atan (Attendant/Science Laboratory), Mdm Song Ah Lan (Attendant/Science Laboratory), Mdm Lim Ah Mui (Senior Attendant/Science Laboratory), Mdm Ang Shiaw Ching (Senior Technician/Science Laboratory), Mr Low Chin Lam (Attendant/Estate Management), Mr Goh Swee Meng Paul (Senior Officer/IT Support), Mr See Shun Quan (Technician/Science Research Centre) Sixth Row: Mr Tan Chor Choon Desmond (Manager/Media Resource), Mdm Xia Ying (Senior Technician/Science Research Centre), Mdm Zheng Sufang (Technical Assistant /Art Elective Programme), Mr Sim Chye Pook (Attendant/Estate Management), Mr Yong Yew Kok (Attendant/Estate Management), Mr Tay Peng Kwang (Assistant Manager/Security Management), Mr Lee Cheng Hoe (Senior Technician/Media Resource), Mr Yeo Boon Heng Johnny (Technician/Media Resource), Mr Go Yeow Leng Fred (Officer/Estate Management), Mr Koh Ching Kooi Clement (Senior Officer/Estate Management), Mdm Koo Lay Hwa Kris (Senior Officer/Library), Mdm Ng Soh Ngoh Angie (Senior Technician/Media Resource), Miss Goh Lian Im Elice (Officer/Administration), Miss Lu Jiajuan Michelle (Technician/Science Laboratory), Miss Mastura bte Mohd Noor (Education Programme Officer), Mr Zaw Tun Naing (Software Developer), Mr Neo Kim Leong (Attendant/Estate Management) Seventh Row: Mdm Ho Koon Lin (Senior Attendant/Estate Management), Miss Chow Wai Sen (Senior Officer/Finance), Mdm Goh Gim Hong Jenny (Attendant/Estate Management), Mdm Chen Meng Juan (Officer/Library), Mr Chua Tieng Soon Patrick (Manager/Library), Mr Yeo Kok Sing Calvin Ignatius (Officer/Estate Management), Miss Goh Ai Hien (Senior Boarding Executive), Mdm Sim Hui Choo Irene (Senior Accounts Executive), Mr Tan Wei Liang Jimmy (Boarding Executive), Mr Ahmad Nazif Bin Sa’ad (Security Officer), Mr Jeevan A/L M.Munisamy (Senior Office Attendant), Miss Phua Vivian (Integrated Boarding Programme Coordinator), Mdm Soh Siew Lian (Senior Housekeeping Attendant), Miss Hew Chin Lee Erika (Senior Boarding Executive), Mr Sheng Weichen (Boarding Executive), Ms Yeow Ying Ling Jacqueline (Personal Assistant to Principal), Mr Lam Hai Xi Alfie (Ed Tech Officer) Back Row: Mdm Goh Poh Tin (Attendant/Estate Management), Mdm Seah Peh Hua (Senior Attendant/Science Research Centre), Mdm Kwek Vera (Officer/Administration), Mdm Tan Buay Lan (Senior Attendant/Administration), Mr Ong Juin Han (Education Programme Officer), Mr Chen Kwok Ming (Officer/Estate Management), Mr Wei Bozhi (Education Programme Officer), Miss Leong Hwa Phong Alice (Senior Officer/Finance), Miss Leong Whye Chee Esther (Assistant Manager/Finance), Miss Lim Bee Hwee (Senior Officer/Finance), Mr Thio Chai Huat Christopher (Officer/Administration), Mr Tang Loon Cher (Officer/Security), Mr Tan Swee Tian (Life Guard), Mr Chong Kin Thiam (Assistant Technician/Media Resource), Mr Hwang Cheng Leong (Senior Officer/IT Support) Absent with apologies: Miss Chong Baoli (Officer/Administration), Mdm Chua Sok Kim (Officer/Administration), Mdm Koh Yan Mei Geraldine (Officer/Administration), Mr Chin Peng Sen (Security Officer), Miss Soong Shan Yu Sara Davina (Education Programme Officer), Mr Tan Zi Jie (Education Programme Officer), Mr Teo Zi Rong Ray (Education Programme Officer), Mr Hashim bin Masod (Officer/Security), Miss Jumliah Bte Idris (Attendant/Estate Management), Mdm Lim Nguang Eng Susan (Attendant/Estate Management), Mdm Wong Leng (Attendant/Estate Management), Miss Natalia Lukito (Higher Education Counsellor), Mr Sou Chai Yap Steven (Senior Officer/IT Support), Mrs Soh-Lee Chuan Huei (Officer/Administration), Mr Ee Nyuk Choong (Attendant/Chemistry Laboratory), Mdm Lee Yook Lean Patsy (Senior Technician/Chemistry Laboratory), Miss Liaw Hui Ai (Technician/Chemistry Laboratory), Mdm Lim Geak Eng (Attendant/Chemistry Laboratory), Mdm Tay May Cheng Susan (Technician/Chemistry Laboratory) YEARBOOK 2012
We must maximise the opportunity to explore our interests. We seek to develop these interests into life-long passions. The HCI research-based curriculum will hone our Disciplined Mind so that we may further develop our passions.
Hwa Chong Institution has excelled once again in the Sciences, Humanities, Math and Project Work at the 2011 GCE A-Level Examinations. We have produced 2 of Singapore’s top scorers with 9 distinctions at 13 AUs. For five years running, we have more than 200 students with 7 Distinctions and better. We have produced our best results in 10 years in H2 Physics with a national record of 5 Institute of Physics Gold Medals. Over half the cohort of 1200 has scored at least 3 H2 Distinctions, making them eligible for admission to top universities worldwide like Oxbridge and the Ivy League or equivalent. In fact, even before the release of the A-Level results, the Class of 2011 saw over 70 students receiving provisional offers from some of the most prestigious overseas universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Peking, Tsinghua and Fudan.
Waiting with bated breath
Getting their results from their Civics Tutors
HCI SCHOLARS Khor Shi-Jie, 10S7F • Captain of the Chess and Bridge Club • 1st prize recipient at the Shanghai TI Cup (Mathematics) and Gold medalist at Mathematics Olympiad • Went to Cambodia for Community Service • One of Singapore’s top scorers at the 2011 GCE A-Level Examinations with 9 Distinctions at 13 Academic Units • Awarded the ASEAN Scholarship • Currently reading Mathematics and Computer Science (Double Degree Programme) in National University of Singapore
Toh Yong Hui Desmond, 10S71 • Executive Committee member of the Astronomy Club • Won the Young Defence Scientists Programme Academic Awards for Physics/Mathematics in 2011 • Organised star gazing sessions for Marine Parade residents and peer tutoring at a secondary school • One of Singapore’s top scorers at the 2011 GCE A-Level Examinations with 9 Distinctions at 13 Academic Units • Awarded the National University of Singapore (NUS) Undergraduate Scholarship • Currently reading Physics in National University of Singapore
Alexander Lim Geng Wang, 10S78 • Dance In-Charge of the Students’ Council • Won the Gold Award at the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair in 2010 • Hosted the Nobel Forum during the International Science Youth Forum in 2010 • Awarded the Singapore Government Scholarship (Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports) • Intends to read Psychology in University of California, Berkeley
Eka Widianto Thamrin, 10S7F • Community Outreach In-Charge of the Mathematics Appreciation Club • Won High Distinction at 21st National Economics and Financial Management Quiz in 2011 • Part of a team that prepared Primary 6 students from Evergreen Primary School for their Mathematics Olympiad Programme • Awarded the ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship • Currently reading Chemical Engineering in National University of Singapore, University Scholars Programme
Hoang Thi Hanh Lan, 10S7D • Activities In-Charge of the Malay Cultural Society • Won High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition • Volunteered at the inaugural Youth Olympic Games • Organised a food distribution drive for the underprivileged at Bukit Batok • Awarded the NUS-ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship • Currently reading Business Administration in National University of Singapore, NUS Business School
Leong Yuan Yuh, 10S72 • General Secretary of the Students’ Council • Went to Nepal for Community Service • Participated in the Grassroots Attachment Programme • Currently reading Medicine in National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Leow Zhi Ting, 10S78 • Chairperson of the Hwa Chong Choir • Led a fundraising drive in aid of Club Rainbow • Participated in Meet-the-People Sessions • Awarded the Public Service Commission Overseas Merit Scholarship • Currently reading Economics in University College London
Liang Xiaohua, 10S7B • President of the Mathematics Appreciation Club • 1st prize at the Shanghai TI Cup, 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 3 Bronze Awards at the 2010 and 2011 Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads, part of the team that clinched the World Championship title at the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament in 2011 • Spearheaded a community service project, “Dream Colour 2011”, in aid of TOUCH Community Service • Currently reading Engineering in Princeton University
27 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES (2006-2012) We are delighted that our students have done Singapore and Hwa Chong proud with excellent results on the world stage.
华中的愿景是成为培育领袖的世界级学府,为此,我们致 力于在本地和国际舞台上争取卓越表现。
Between 2006 and 2012, Hwa Chong students won a total of 27 World Championship titles in various fields.
在瞬息万变的环球化时代,华中学生以自信和乐观的姿态 面向世界,他们充分发挥自强不息的华中精神,自我策 励,精益求精,在多项国际比赛中,竭尽所能,全力以 赴,为国争光、为校添彩。
These international competitions attract thousands of entries from top schools, universities and research institutes in different countries across different continents. To emerge champions, our students had to display a whole range of skills from future problem solving, creativity, team building, mathematical prowess, entrepreneurship to out-ofthe-box thinking. • Overall Dance Grand Prix Championship (2012) • World Scholar’s Cup (2010, 2011 and 2012) • Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mathematics Tournament Online Competition (2010) • International Regions Mathematics League (2009, 2011) • International Biology Olympiad (2009) • Oracle ThinkQuest Competition (2009) • Stanford Global Innovation Tournament (2008) • Future Problem Solving Program International (2007, 2008 (Overall Champion) and 2010) • Global Talentrepreneur Innovation & Collaboration Business Competition (2007) • Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest (2007) • Odyssey of The Mind World Finals (2007) • Purple Comet International Mathematics Competition (2006, 2007, 2009 & 2010) • 24th Barcelona Dance Award (2010 (2 Championship Titles), Modern Dance Division) • Festival of Songs Olomouc (2010 (Overall Champion)) • World Junior Wushu Championships (2008 and 2010 (Gold Medal for the Cudgel event for both years)) • 5th World Choir Games (2008 (2 Gold Medals in the Folklore and Mixed Choir categories))
我们是27项世界冠军殊荣的纪录保持者,这是华中的骄 傲! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
国际舞蹈大赛总冠军 (2012年) 世界学者杯(2010年、2011年、2012年,国际组) 哈佛大学-麻省理工学院网上数学竞赛(2010年) 国际分区数学联赛(2009年、2011年) 国际生物奥林匹克竞赛(2009年) 思维探索网站设计竞赛(2009年,国际组) 斯坦福环球创意比赛(2008年) 未来问题解决计划世界赛(2007年、2008年双料冠 军、2010年) 环球天才企业家创新与协作商业竞赛(2007年) 智慧铁人创意竞赛(2007年,国际组) 创意思维世界赛(2007年) 紫彗星国际数学竞赛(2006年、2007年、2009 年、2010年) 世界舞蹈大赛(2010年,现代民族舞蹈组冠军暨全场 最佳编舞) 国际合唱节(2010年,少年合唱组金牌、青年混合组 金牌暨全场总冠军) 世界青少年武术锦标赛(2008年、2010年,棍术冠 军) 世界合唱团奥林匹克竞赛(2008年,民歌组金牌、青 年混合组金牌)
AESTHETICS VIRTUOSITY & SPORTING ACCOLADES College Sports Achievements 2012 – 11 gold, 13 silver, 6 bronze, 5 fourth. High School Sports Achievements 2012 – 9 gold, 6 silver, 5 bronze, 1 fourth A Girls A Boys B Boys C Boys Badminton (West Zone) 3rd 3rd nd st Basketball 2 1 Canoeing 2nd 1st 3rd 3rd Cross-country 1st 2nd 3rd nd st nd Fencing 2 1 2 1st th Golf 4 Gymnastics (Artistic) 1st 1st Gymnastics (Trampoline) 1st 1st 1st 2nd st st Judo 1 1 1st Netball 3rd Shooting - Air Rifle 3rd 2nd 1st 3rd Shooting - Air Pistol 4th 2nd 1st Softball 2nd 2nd Squash 2nd 2nd th Swimming 4 Table Tennis 1st 3rd 3rd nd Table Tennis (West Zone) 2 2nd rd Tennis 3 4th th nd Taekwondo 4 2 *Tchoukball 1st 1st *Touch Rugby 4th Track & Field 2nd 1st 1st 1st Volleyball 4th 1st Volleyball (West Zone) 4th Waterpolo 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd Wushu 2nd 3rd 2nd *Sports that are not in Singapore Schools Sports Council calendar in 2012.
Cultural and Performing Arts SYF Achievements 2012 – 1 gold (Honours), 2 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze. CCA College High School Art & Craft 1 Gold (Honours), 2 Gold (Honours), 2 Gold, 3 Silver 4 Silver English Drama Bronze Uniformed Groups Achievements 2012 CCA High School NPCC Gold NCC Gold St John’s Ambulance Brigade Gold
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE 华中学生在全国学生博客比赛中捧回首二奖 Hwa Chong Students Clinch Top Two Places at National Blogging Competition 2012年11月19日,我校高中部两组学生在"观察生 活-关心生态"全国学生博客比赛中分别捧回高中组的首二 奖。他们以新的观点和题材进行博客书写,通过细腻的笔 触抒发生态环境带来的感动,表现了年轻学子对生命的关 怀和领悟。 这项由第三代读书会主办的比赛,目的是要把课堂中 的导读活动扩展成户外创作,鼓励学生用敏锐的眼睛去观 察周围的景物,用心灵去感受岛国的生态环境,借此培养 学生的创意思考能力和提升华文写作能力。 一等奖: 朱多多 (11S6F) 刘珈敏 (11S72) 王睿佳 (11S72) 二等奖: 符伶励 (11S72) 黄义霖 (11S72) 张龙健 (11S72) On 19 November 2012, teams from the HCI College section received the top two awards in a national Chinese language blogging competition, organised by 3GReader. Participating teams had to write a series of blog entries around the theme: "观
察生活-关心生态" ("Observing Life - Caring for the Environment"). With their fresh approach to the subject and nuanced writing, the teams convincingly expressed the care and concern that youths today have for nature and the environment. The winning teams are: Champion Zhu Duoduo (11S6F) Lew Jia Min Valerie (11S72) Wang Ruijia (11S72) 1st Runner-up Foo Ling Li Audrie (11S72) Ng Gee Ling (11S72) Zhang Long Jian (11S72) 3GReader is a learning community formed by a group of local Chinese teachers. They aim to share the love of reading for leisure. This event has two main goals: first, to encourage students to read outside of the classroom; and second, to encourage students to observe and care for the local environment. Through this event, 3GReader hopes that students will be able to hone their creative thinking while improving on their Chinese writing abilities. Congratulations to the teams and their teacher-in-charge, Dr Tan Mei Leng
Passionate Young Scientists Bag 15 Awards at Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2012 Our young scientists and researchers have once again done well at the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) 2012, held on 7 - 8 March 2012. Their diverse topics demonstrate their curiosity, as well as passion and dedication towards science inquiry. Our participants were awarded a total of 2 Gold Medals, 4 Silver Medals, 6 Bronze Medals and 3 Merit Awards. The SSEF is a national competition organised by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) and the Science Centre Singapore (SCS). Each project is assessed using a stringent criteria including creative ability, as well as scientific thought and skill. The student awardees are: Gold Medallists Billy Andika (11S6A) Xu Linfeng (12S7B) Silver Medallists Lee Puay Ling (11S73) Cai Anni (11S7B) Ng Gee Ling (11S72) Victoria Tay Kai Lin (11S77) Chia Wan Ni Geraldine (11S78) Felix Tan Keng Zhe (12S76) Tan Jin Long (12S7F) Yuan Han (12S7F)
Bronze Medallists Lim Hui Min (11S60) Choong Ming Zhe (11S60) Yeo Ke Qing Sabrina (11S75) Tan Lynn (11S7F) Wu Wen Jing (11S7J) Ma Yanmin (12S7B) Hou Ruomu (12S7B) Tian Zhenyu (12S7B) Lee Choon Kiat (12S68) Sia Han Yung (12S6G) Ang Wei Jian (12S7D) Lu Zhen (4S1) Shi Xiang (4I3) Wang Ziwen (4O3) Lang Yanbin (4I3) Liu Siyu (4S2) Xia Nan (4S1)
Merit Award Winners Ang Ray Yan (11S7B) Lim Yao Chong (11S7B) Rick Wong Tuck Jun (12S6N) Glenn Chua Jia Hoe (12S7G) Ng Shang Yang (12S71) Jonathan Phua Kia Sheng (12S7D) Congratulations to all our students, their mentors from various universities and research institutes, as well as their internal teacher-mentors on their good showing at SSEF 2012!
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE HCI Students Shine at Local Science Olympiads HCI students did well at the 2011 Singapore Physics, Chemistry and Biology Olympiads, achieving a total of 5 Gold, 9 Silver and 18 Bronze Awards. Congratulations to the students and their teacher-mentors who guided them on this journey to excellence. The awardees are:
Gong Chen
Silver (Chemistry)
Liu Fangxu
Silver (Chemistry)
Khoo Chun Yuet
Silver (Biology)
Ang Jia Xi
Bronze (Chemistry)
Fan Yi
Bronze (Chemistry)
Lim Wen Shih 11S7F Benjamin Michael
Bronze (Chemistry)
Yan Kaidi
Gold (Physics), Silver (Chemistry)
Lim Yao Chong
Bronze (Chemistry)
Li Weijun
Gold (Physics), Bronze (Chemistry)
Neo Ren Kai Edward
Bronze (Chemistry)
Huang Baoxian
Gold (Chemistry)
Ng Chow Hui
Bronze (Chemistry)
Toh Zheng Xiang
Gold (Chemistry)
Ong Han Wee
Bronze (Chemistry)
Lim Yuan Wei
Gold (Biology)
Yang Yining
Bronze (Chemistry)
Zhang Ruirui
Silver (Chemistry), Silver (Biology)
Zou Xiangyu
Bronze (Chemistry)
Li Zongchen
Bronze (Biology)
Cai Anni
Silver (Biology), Bronze (Physics), Bronze (Chemistry)
Ren Qiyun
Bronze (Biology)
Gu Keying
Silver (Chemistry), Bronze (Physics)
Cheong Shao Wei Dominic
Bronze (Biology)
Lim Jing
Silver (Biology), Bronze (Chemistry)
Isaac Kuan Yi Kiat
Bronze (Biology)
2012年全国华语常识大赛华中成功卫冕 Team HC Crowned Champion for 3rd Year Running in National Chinese General Knowledge Competition 2012年3月10日,来自全国各所高中的华文精英齐聚肯特 岗,参加由新加坡国立大学中文学会、新加坡国立大学中 文系举办的“2012年广东会馆杯全国华语常识大赛”。 我校高中部6位代表经过必答、快速抢答以及辩论三轮奋 战,由(右起)孔艺桥(11A12)、郝韵晖(11A12)和 李宜幸(12A11)组成的我校一队气势如虹,凭着广博的 知识、敏捷的应变和高度的团队精神,力挫各路高手,成 功卫冕。这也是我校在这项年度大型比赛中三连冠。 On 10 March 2012, top students in Chinese represented their schools in the 2012 Singapore Kwangtung Hui Kuan National Chinese General Knowledge Competition. The competition was jointly organised by the National University of Singapore
Chinese Society and the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore. After fighting valiantly through 3 rounds of intense competition, Team Hwa Chong displayed impressive knowledge, quick response and strong teamwork to emerge Champions! This is also the third time Hwa Chong has claimed the championship title in the annual competition. The team comprises Kong Yiqiao (11A12), Hao Yun Hui (11A12) and Li Yixing (12A11). We congratulate the students on their outstanding achievement, as well as the teacher-in-charge Dr Liang Yong.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE HCI’s 2012 Singapore Police Force (SPF) Book Prize Winners
2 all-rounded HCI students were awarded the 2012 Singapore Police Force (SPF) Book Prize in recognition of their excellent academic and CCA achievements.
The recipients of SPF Book Prize 2012 are: Cai Anni (11S7B) Ng Chow Hui (11S7B)
The award affirms SPF's commitment and support to schools towards attaining educational excellence. These awards also motivate awardees to continue being exemplary role models for their peers.
We extend our heartiest congratulations to these students and their teachers for their unfailing guidance and encouragement.
Shell Singapore Youth Science Festival 2012 Hwa Chong was conferred the “Best Institutional Award” for the Upper Secondary category at the Shell Singapore Youth Science Festival 2012 held on 22 May 2012. Our promising Science and Math Talent Programme (SMTP) students clinched 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 most enterprising award, and 1 merit at the Festival. Organised by Shell, Science Centre Singapore, and the Science Teachers’ Association of Singapore, the event emphasises the importance of developing the love of science for the sustainability of future generations. The project titles and student participants are: Gold Award Project: Synthesis of Biodegradable Hydrogels from Chitin and Chitosan Tan Jun Yang (4S1), Jaw Liwen (4S2), Tan Kwan Wei Kevin (4S1) Mentor: Mrs Sow Yoke Keow
Silver and Most Enterprising Award Project: Investigating the Use of Steam-Pretreatment on Cellulosic Waste for Bio-Ethanol Production James Ang Jia Ming (4I3), Andrew Loh Ying Han (4I3) and Woo Yu Xuen (4I3) Mentors: Ms Grace Leong and Mrs Sow Yoke Keow Merit Award Project: Removing Heavy Metal Ions from Water Using Marine Algae Lim Song Jie Bram (3O3), Tan Wei Lin Gregory (3O3), Chua Wen Feng (3O2), Tseng Chun Yi (3B2) Mentor: Mr Low Swee Xiang Congratulations to all our students and their teacher-mentors. We are proud of their achievements!
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE Hwa Chong Choir Sings Their Way to Impress International Jury at Two European Music Festivals The Hwa Chong Choir impressed international jury, and sang their way to the First Prize cum laude, at the 60th European Music Festival for Young People, held in Neerpelt, Belgium. Held annually, the festival caters to choir and instrumental ensembles in alternate years. Each year, the festival draws four to six thousand young people, from all over the world, to pit their musical talents. The Hwa Chong Choir then headed to the 58th Cork International Choral Festival, in Ireland, where they participated in the
60th European Music Festival People (Neerpelt, Belgium) Name Chai Sze Ying Amanda Chia Pei Yun Chiam Jiale Foo Bei Ying Grace Ngu Wen-En Koh Tze Hui Lena Yeo Shu Lin Lew Yan Mei Emily Lynette Yeo Yan Teng Teo Juan Li Genevieve Wang Wanqing Melinda Wee Le Ting Wu Jia Hui Wu Wenjing Yip You Ming Yvonne Teo Yihong Chen Chaoqun Foo Chuan Hui Joshua Jiang Shen Lee Peizheng Leung An Li Ngo Wei Jun Samuel Tan Jun Wei Toh Yong Seng Derrick Xu Luxun Amanda Lee Jieying Cassmain Low Cheong Kai Wen Ada Cheryl Tan Wan Mei Chew Shen Ean Pheodora Eunice Kok Jie Yi Goh Chun Shan Huang Feixue Kwok Li Xian Kwong Yan Li Callie Lee Yun See Pang Xin Ning Saw Xin Yi, Charmaine Tan Li Yin Tan Wei Lin
for Young CG 11A10 11S60 11S6E 11S7C 11S63 11S62 11S7J 11S74 11S71 11S7C 11S6B 11A15 11S78 11S7J 11S66 11A10 11S63 11S7D 11S65 11S6D 11S72 11S6F 11S6C 11S6E 11S67 12S6E 12S70 12A10 12A11 12S6E 12S71 12S64 12S6N 12A15 12A11 12S7F 12S72 12A13 12S7H 12S71
Fleischmann International Trophy Competition. A highly prestigious competition, only 12 choirs from 9 countries were selected from over 30 applications this year. Once again, the HC Choir's flair for music was affirmed by the panel of judges: they were accorded 2nd runner-up! We heartily congratulate the Hwa Chong Choir, her conductor, Miss Lim Ai Hooi and teachers-in-charge, Mrs Lim Shufen and Mr Colin Loy. They have, once again, placed Hwa Chong Institution and Singapore on the international music stage. Here are the names of our Choir participants:
Tan Yu Xian Wu Liang Xuan Zhang Tianjiao Aloysius Loh Dai Coon Benedict Kwok Chee Kong Chen Yew Jee Eugene Hoong Tian Jin Joshua Koh Jun Xiang Shawn Chua Chee Hao Tan Yu Zhi Zheng Chuyao Phee Hay Bryan Theron Ng Sir Yuan Wei Mengyao Wu Songhao Chen Yiqi Ho Yue Min Prisca Tan Wei Qing Leshia Yang Shuo Chua Zhi Ming Ng Shao Yan Zhou Wentao
12S6F 12A13 12S7D 12S6E 12A16 12S73 12S6C 12A10 12S63 12S7B 12S67 12S61 10S7N 11S69 11S7B 12A13 12S61 12S7C 12S7D 12S7D 12S7E 12S6E
58th Cork International Choral Festival (Ireland) – Fleischmann International Trophy Competition Name CG Chai Sze Ying Amanda 11A10 Chia Pei Yun 11S60 Chiam Jiale 11S6E Foo Bei Ying 11S7C Grace Ngu Wen-En 11S63 Koh Tze Hui 11S62 Lena Yeo Shu Lin 11S7J Lew Yan Mei Emily 11S74 Lynette Yeo Yan Teng 11S71 Teo Juan Li Genevieve 11S7C Wang Wanqing Melinda 11S6B Wee Le Ting 11A15 Wu Jia Hui 11S78 Wu Wenjing 11S7J Yip You Ming 11S66 Yvonne Teo Yihong 11A10
Chen Chaoqun Foo Chuan Hui Joshua Jiang Shen Lee Peizheng Leung An Li Ngo Wei Jun Samuel Tan Jun Wei Toh Yong Seng Derrick Xu Luxun Amanda Lee Jieying Cassmain Low Cheong Kai Wen Ada Cheryl Tan Wan Mei Chew Shen Ean Pheodora Eunice Kok Jie Yi Goh Chun Shan Huang Feixue Kwok Li Xian Kwong Yan Li Callie Lee Yun See Pang Xin Ning Saw Xin Yi, Charmaine Tan Li Yin Tan Wei Lin Tan Yu Xian Wu Liang Xuan Zhang Tianjiao Aloysius Loh Dai Coon Benedict Kwok Chee Kong Chen Yew Jee Eugene Hoong Tian Jin Joshua Koh Jun Xiang Shawn Chua Chee Hao Tan Yu Zhi Zheng Chuyao Phee Hay Bryan Theron Ng Sir Yuan Cheng Hao Tan Wei Mun
11S63 11S7D 11S65 11S6D 11S72 11S6F 11S6C 11S6E 11S67 12S6E 12S70 12A10 12A11 12S6E 12S71 12S64 12S6N 12A15 12A11 12S7F 12S72 12A13 12S7H 12S71 12S6F 12A13 12S7D 12S6E 12A16 12S73 12S6C 12A10 12S63 12S7B 12S67 12S61 10S7N 11S7D 11S7E
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE HC Sports Teams Fly School Flag High at National Competitions Hwa Chong Athletes Sweep 55 Top 3 Titles in 2012 Our Hwa Chong athletes have done well to bring home 55 Top 3 titles at the 2012 Interschool Sports Championships. Apart from their excellent showing on the podiums, they have more importantly demonstrated perseverance, resilience and sportsmanship in the arena. 1st Basketball (A Boys) Canoeing (A Boys) Cross-country (A Girls) Fencing (A Boys) Fencing (C Boys) Gymnastics – Artistic (B Boys) Gymnastics – Artistic (C Boys) Gymnastics – Trampoline (A Girls) Gymnastics – Trampoline (A Boys) Gymnastics – Trampoline (B Boys) Judo (A Girls) Judo (A Boys) Judo (C Boys) Shooting – Air Rifle (B Boys) Shooting – Air Pistol (C Boys) Table Tennis (A Girls) Tchoukball (A Boys) Tchoukball (A Girls) Track and Field (A Boys) Track and Field (B Boys) Track and Field (C Boys) Volleyball (A Boys)
1st Runner-up Basketball (A Girls) Canoeing (A Girls) Cross-country (A Boys) Fencing (A Girls) Fencing (B Boys) Gymnastics – Trampoline (C Boys) Shooting – Air Rifle (A Boys) Shooting – Air Pistol (B Boys) Softball (A Boys) Softball (A Girls) Squash (A Boys) Squash (A Girls) Table Tennis – West Zone (B Boys) Table Tennis – West Zone (C Boys) Taekwondo (A Boys) Track and Field (A Girls) Waterpolo (A Boys) Waterpolo (B Boys) Waterpolo (C Boys) Wushu (A Girls) Wushu (C Boys)
This is the season for National Sports Competitions, and the Hwa Chong sports teams have certainly done the school proud with their impressive harvest of medals. Canoeing Braving tirelessly through many rounds of competition, the Hwa Chong canoeing ‘A’ Division 3rd boys successfully defended the Championship title for the 3rd year running, while the ‘A’ Division girls clinched 1st runner-up spot, the best showing in 10 years! Not trailing far behind and despite having a very young team, the Hwa Chong ‘B’ and ‘C’ Division Canoeing teams won the 2nd runner-up spot in the National Competition with sheer determination and hard work! Cross Country The Hwa Chong cross-country teams clinched top spots in the 2012 annual Cross-country event. The ‘A’ Division girls took home the Team Championship, with Neo Hoon Suan (11S68), claiming Individual Silver placing. The boys also shone when the ‘A’ and ‘C’ Division clinched 2nd and 3rd spots respectively in the Team Category, with Karthic Harish Ragupathy (12S6B) clinching the Individual Gold Medal. Fencing Facing keen competition through many rounds of the competition, the Hwa Chong ‘A’ Division Fencing boys clinched the Championship title for the first time, and the ‘C’ Division team defended and retained theirChampionship title. Ip Yuan Chang (11S73) claimed the Individual Gold placing. The ‘B’ Division also boasted impressive achievements by clinching the 1st runner-up spot.
2nd Runner-up Badminton – West Zone (B Boys) Badminton – West Zone (C Boys) Canoeing (B Boys) Canoeing (C Boys) Cross-country (C Boys) Shooting – Air Rifle (A Girls) Shooting – Air Rifle (C Boys) Table Tennis (A Boys) Table Tennis (C Boys) Tennis (A Girls) Waterpolo (A Girls) Wushu (A Boys)
Shooting After a very close fight amongst the top schools, Hwa Chong’s shooters have done the school proud by winning the Championship titles in Pistol (‘C’ Division) and Air Rifle (‘B’ Division)! The ‘A’ Division Air Rifle boys clinched 1st runner-up, with Leong Jia-Shuen Wesley (11S6E) beating all competition to be crowned Individual Champion. Table Tennis Our Table Tennis girls, who were the defending Champions, emerged victorious and brought home the Championship title after many rounds of keenly-fought matches. Track and Field Our ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Divisions Track and Field teams swept the competition away to be crowned triple champions, while our ‘A’ Division girls won 1st runner-up. Trampoline Hwa Chong’s Gymnasts clinched the Trampoline Individual Champion for ‘B’ Division! Equally impressive was the ‘C’ Division which fought valiantly and lost by a mere 0.1 point to take the 1st runner-up spot. Wushu The Hwa Chong ‘C’ Division Wushu team put up an impressive performance at the Finals to clinch 1st runner-up. Congratulations to all our Hwa Chong athletes, coaches and teachers-in-charge. We wish our students all the best in their upcoming competitions. 自强不息!
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE 1st HCI Boys’ Brigade Primer to Receive President’s Award Embracing our school’s guiding principle to Live with Passion, Lead with Compassion, Lim Kang Rui Garrick (11S66) is the first HCI student to be conferred the Boys’ Brigade President’s Award for his commitment to servant leadership. The Boys’ Brigade President’s Award is the highest accolade which recognises a Primer’s excellence in leadership skills and service to the community. Garrick will receive his award on 17 July 2012 at the Istana. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to HCI for the unyielding support rendered in his endeavours of service to The Boys' Brigade 94th Singapore Company. We salute Garrick for his wonderful achievement! HCI Green Activist Conferred HSBC/NYAA Youth Environmental Award His dedication to the cause of caring for the environment and community has earned Tang Jun Ren Jarel (12A15) the HSBC/NYAA Youth Environmental Award 2012. Established in 1988, the award honours youths for their outstanding contributions, achievements and commitment towards environmental protection and nature conservation in Singapore. Among other prize items, Jarel receives a fully sponsored research study trip to the rain forest of Borneo from 8 to 17 July 2012 as part of the Climate and Landscape Change scientific research project. During the trip, he will have the invaluable opportunity of assessing impacts of climate change in the Borneo forest with world renowned scientists from the Earthwatch Institute. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Jarel for his fine attainment!
Etienne Lee Scores 2012 Meritorious Award (Sportsboy) for Two Years Running Etienne Lee Zhe Xuan (3B1) did HCI proud when he scored the 2012 Meritorious Award (Sportsboy) as part of the Singapore Sports Awards 2012. This is the second time he has clinched the award for his notable achievements in Wushu. Conferred by the National Olympic Council, the awards honour Singapore’s top sporting talents. Etienne bagged a Gold medal in the Spear event at the 6th Asian Junior Wushu Championship last year. We extend our warmest congratulations to Etienne as well as the Wushu coach and teachers-in-charge for their unfailing guidance and encouragement.
Hwa Chong Science Students Shine in Laboratory Skills at Inaugural Regional Science Odyssey 2012 Team Hwa Chong represented Singapore at the inaugural ASEAN Plus Three Junior Science Odyssey (APT JSO) 2012 in Brunei Darussalam. The students impressed the judges through various segments including field project work, and presentation, as well as laboratory skills in particular. All three Hwa Chong participants attained Gold for their Laboratory Skills Assessment. They also won a Gold in Fieldwork Presentation and a Bronze in Field Project Work to clinch an overall 3rd position out of 13 representing countries! Held from 10 – 17 June 2012, the competition aims to challenge and stimulate gifted science students to more deeply explore science and technology. It also serves as a platform for passionate science students to network. The students are: Lim Song Jie Bram (Gold in Laboratory Skills Assessment; Gold in Fieldwork Presentation) Tan Jie Feng (Gold in Laboratory Skills Assessment; Bronze in Field Project Work) Daniel Tan Chee Hian (Gold in Laboratory Skills Assessment) Congratulations to all our students, their teacher trainers, Dr Goh-Yip Cheng Wai and Mr Sim Mong Chea on their good showing at APTJSO 2012! YEARBOOK 2012
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE HCI Dancers Sway Judges to Clinch 2012 Overall Dance Grand Prix Italia Championship Hwa Chong Music and Dance has done Singapore proud by winning the Overall Dance Grand Prix Championship, at the largest dancing event in Europe, Dance Grand Prix ITALIA 2012. This is HCI’s 25th World Championship Title from between 2006 – 2012. On top of the grand prize, Team Hwa Chong also bagged three category titles. Despite facing stiff competition from some 1,100 international participants, our dancers swayed the judges, who are experts from various prestigious dance companies, to take home the following additional awards: Best Ethnic Dance, Best Contemporary Piece and Best Choreography. All three movements were choreographed by our dance instructor, Mr Dan Kwoh. HCI is proud to be able to showcase, on an international platform, the exemplary standard of Arts in Singapore. We are happy to be part of Singapore’s journey towards becoming a world-class Centre for the Arts.
We heartily congratulate our dancers, their dance instructor, Mr Dan Kwoh, and teachers-in-charge, Miss Chen Phi Fern and Miss Fan Yitian.
Team Hwa Chong Wins World Championship Title at World Scholar’s Cup for 3rd Year Running
For three consecutive years, Hwa Chong students have brought pride to Singapore and the school by winning a world championship title at the World Scholar’s Cup. This is also HCI’s 26th World Championship Title from between 2006 - 2012. This year, our Hwa Chong Team beat some 500 best students from all over the world to emerge Overall Top Team (Senior Division) at the 2012 World Scholar’s Cup. The team members also took home several individual prizes, including the Best Senior Division All-Round Individual and the Best Senior Division Literature awards. An annual academic tournament, the World Scholar’s Cup attracts a global community of future scholars and leaders to
pit their knowledge in a host of academic niches including the Arts, Current Affairs and Science. Team Hwa Chong comprises Sara Ng Wan Yan (12A14), Yau Chun Shin (12A15), and Ong So Phia (12A14). Chun Shin bagged the Best Senior Division All-Round Individual award while Wu Kaishi (12A15) won the Best Senior Division Literature award. We congratulate our scholars and their teachers-in-charge, Mr Tan Wah Jiam and Miss Chung Ai Ling Denise for continuing the Hwa Chong tradition of excellence.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE Trailblazing HCI Athletes in Regional Sports Competitions
Our trailblazing HCI athletes did the school proud when they broke three National Records in the 15th Asian Junior Athletics Championships in Colombo, Sri Lanka. They also reaped three medals in the recently concluded 4th ASEAN School Games. At the 15th Asian Junior Athletics Championships, Tan Zong Yang (11S69), Wong Kai Yuen (11S7A) and Timothee Yap Jin Wei (11S6C) of the 4 x 400m team each set a new National Junior Record in the event. Additionally, Kai Yuen earned himself a bronze medal for his extraordinary throw in discus. Over at the 4th ASEAN School Games, gymnast Foo En Ning (12A16) waltzed her way to a silver medal both in the Balance Beam section and team section. Chan Sheng Yao (4O3) earned a bronze medal in the Pole Vault section of the Track and Field category. We heartily congratulate the sports teams and their teachers-incharge for their formidable achievements!
Hwa Chong Students Prove Their Mettle in Nano-Micro Technology Research A team of Hwa Chong students faced off international teams of University students to clinch 2nd runner-up at the Third International Contest of Applications in Nano-Micro Technology (iCAN). The winning team comprises Kelly Kuo Kai Li (11S67) and Chen Zhuo (11S7B). A second team, consisting of Gui Zichen (11S6F) and Cheng Hao (11S6D), won the Best Contribution Award. iCAN was held in Beijing from 6 to 9 July 2012. As the first international youth innovation contest in micro/nano technology, the competition aims to develop innovative and collaborative mindsets among youths in high-technology research and development. We congratulate our students, as well as their teacher-in-charge, Dr Lim Jit Ning, on their international achievement.
Hwa Chong Students are Heroes in Environmental Stewardship A group of Hwa Chong students from the Green Council clinched both the Most Innovative Project and Most Popular Team titles at the Canon-NEA H3ROES Award Ceremony. The students are Liang Yude, Lawrence (2O4), Liu Shuyang (2I1), Walter Kong (2O4), Yeo Yu Kheng (2I1) and Tey Zhi Wi (2P4). H3ROES is a prestigious programme jointly organised by Canon and the National Environment Agency to nurture green leaders in schools and the community. We congratulate our students, as well as their teacher-in-charge, Dr Tan Kok Kim, for leading the way as environmental champions.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE Hwa Chong Student Receives Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship Hwa Chong alumnus, Yeo Bing Lin (10S6H), has been awarded the prestigious Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship to read Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. An active all-rounder, Bing Lin represented the school in Waterpolo, participated in the Ivy League Model United Nations, and Grassroots Attachment Programme. He is also passionate about giving back to the community. Most notably, Bing Lin organised an Overseas Service Learning project to Vietnam and took part in a week-long Overseas Community Involvement Programme in Cambodia. Bing Lin attests, “Hwa Chong Institution stretches its students and challenges them to reach their full potential. I truly appreciate the opportunities which have helped me develop my global perspective and passion for community service. These have in turn shaped my character and aspirations.” We congratulate Bing Lin, and all the teachers who have taught him, for his excellent achievement!
Hwa Chong Alumnus is Singapore Police Force’s Overseas Scholar Hwa Chong alumnus, Ng Li Ki (10A15), has been awarded the prestigious Singapore Police Force Overseas Scholarship to read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. A recipient of the 2010 Lee Kuan Yew All Round Excellence Award, 2011 Monetary Authority of Singapore JC Study Award and the Singapore Police Force Book Prize, Ng Li Ki is no regular allrounder. A Humanities Scholar, Li Ki was a world-class student debater, representing Singapore in multiple competitions, including the Eurasian Schools Debating Championship, where the team emerged Champion. On top of being President of the inaugural Hwa Chong Green Council, Li Ki also sat on the Students’ Council and organised the Hwa Chong-Asia Pacific Young Leaders Summit. A compassionate individual, Li Ki was the Assistant Team Leader in an Overseas Community Involvement Project in Vietnam. He also shared his passion for the Arts with the Arts outreach camp, Camp RE:ACT, organised by the Hwa Chong English Literary, Drama, Debate and Film Society. Li Ki attributes, “Hwa Chong is always about a balance between work and play, foundation and exploration, rigour and flexibility, excellence and empathy. These are all grounded in clear and timeless values.” We congratulate Li Ki, and all the teachers who have taught him, for his excellent achievement!
Youngest Participant Instrumental to Singapore’s Bronze at World Mind Sports Games 今年,第二届世界智运会在法国里 尔(Lille)举行,其中围棋比赛共 吸引了30个国家的290名代表参 加。我校学生柯杰晖(中三)和廖 子辉(中四)除了代表我国角逐21 岁以下青少年比赛的奖牌之外,柯 杰晖更为新加坡团队立功。 虽然是代表团中年纪最小的选手, 柯杰晖却表现出大将之风,凭着精湛的棋艺,力挫欧洲围 棋个人赛名列第七的俄罗斯代表奥利格(Oleg Mezhov), 为新加坡队抢先赢得优势。经过一番苦斗,新加坡队终于 成功拿下一枚铜牌。
Singapore earned a Team Bronze at the Weiqi segment in the second World Mind Sports Games, held in Lille, France. The Weiqi segment alone saw 290 participants from as many as 30 countries competing for top positions. Our students, Kwa Jie Hui (3P2) and Gabriel Leow Zihui (4S2) brought pride to Singapore by garnering a medal in the Under-21 category. In addition, despite being the youngest team member from Singapore, Jie Hui demonstrated quick thinking and strategy to beat world number 7, Oleg Mezhou of Russia, placing Singapore on the word’s podium.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE Hwa Chong Student Helps Team Singapore Clinch 1st in iGeo A Singapore team, including Hwa Chong student Chee You Jin Eugene (12A15), was placed 1st over 32 participating countries at the 9th International Geography Olympiad (iGeo), held in Cologne, Germany. Eugene earned a Silver Medal for Singapore. The International Geography Olympiad (iGeo), organised by the International Geographical Union, brings together the best and
brightest 16 to 19 year old students from around the world to stretch their ability in geographical and environmental studies. We congratulate Eugene and the Geography Department for their outstanding showing on this global platform.
HCI Students Receive Large Proportion of 2012 MOE Special Awards In 2009 and 2011, HCI students produced the highest number of Prime Minister’s Book Prize Winners in the Pre-U Section. This year, 10 Hwa Chong students continued the school’s tradition of excellence by bagging a large proportion of the 2012 MOE Special Awards. They are: Recipients of the Prime Minister’s Book Prize (PMBP) Secondary Section Ang Jie (12S75) Cheong Yi Loong Benny (12S7D) Hee Jia Min (12S7F) Lim Ming Kit (12S65) Pre-U Section Woon Jing Wen Hazel (10A14)
Recipient of the Lee Hsien Loong Award for Outstanding Bicultural Students Ling Han (10S69) Recipients of the Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics & Science (LKY M&S) (One of the Highest Number of Recipients) Secondary Section Bay Wei Heng (12S7B) Cheong Yi Loong Benny (12S7D) Gan Wei Liang (12S7B) Yap Chun Hian John (12S7B) We congratulate our award recipients, and their teachers, for their outstanding achievements!
GIC Young Leaders Award 2012 We are pleased to announce that Tang Jun Ren Jarel (12A15) and Tan Guan You (12S6G) have been awarded the GIC Young Leaders Award 2012. Both Jarel and Guan You are all-round students with excellent academic records and strong leadership potential. Jarel is the President of the Green Council while Guan You is the Chairperson of the Social & Relations Committee of the Students’ Council. The GIC Young Leaders Award aims to recognize students who have not only had sterling grade, but who have looked beyond themselves to serve their school and the community. Successful student(s) will receive a cash award of S$1,000 each. They will also be specially invited to attend the GIC Finance Day in JC2, which takes them a step closer to the GIC Global Scholarship. GIC is a global investment management company established in 1981 to manage Singapore's foreign reserves. With a network of nine offices in key financial capitals around the world, GIC invests internationally in equities, fixed income, natural resource, treasury & currencies, real estate, private equity and infrastructure. We would like to congratulate Jarel and Guan You on receiving this prestigious award.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE Hwa Chong Informatics Talent Earns Singapore Medal at International Olympiad Hwa Chong student, Gan Wei Liang (12S7D), was selected to represent Singapore at the 24th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), held in Sirmione, Italy, from 23 to 30 September 2012. He earned a Silver, and the team was placed a respectable 20 out of 82 participating countries. Singapore won 2 Silvers and 1 Bronze at the competition. The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) requires participants to demonstrate skills in problem analysis, algorithm design, use of data structures and programme testing. It is also a platform that brings together exceptionally talented students from various countries to share scientific and cultural experiences with one another. We congratulate Wei Liang, as well as the Computing Department, for their outstanding showing on this global platform.
Green Award to environmental management and encourage continuous improvement in the school.
The Green Council at the High School Section was formally established in 2012. The objective of this council is to evaluate and implement green policies by adopting a holistic approach
The Green Council has also helped the school to obtain the Lotus Award, the highest level of achievement in the Schools’ Green Audit Awards (or SGAA). SGAA is an environmental audit programme for students to work in teams to audit their school and thereafter, to submit a report on their environmental efforts. The audit also addresses issues such as waste minimisation, resource conservation, and greening of the school grounds amongst others. Receiving the Lotus Award is an affirmation of the commitment and efforts by the Green Council to introduce environmental related programmes to inculcate meaningful habits and behaviours among the students and staff.
NUS Geography Challenge Grand Finals Jointly organised by the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (NUS) and the NUS Geographical Society , the NUS Geography Challenge 2012 (NUS GC2012), the biggest nationwide Geography competition for secondary school students. The theme of NUS GC2012 is “Sketching Singapore: Our Urban Playground”.
ASEAN Regional Quiz, Cambodia Raising ASEAN awareness, focusing on the People-to-People Connection as part of commemorating ASEAN’s 45th Anniversary is key to promoting ASEAN to its communities. This is the main aim of the 5th ASEAN Quiz Regional Competition held last week in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, using the same theme as Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship this year, “ASEAN: One Community, One Identity.” Thirty students representing all ten ASEAN Member States participated in the “Individual Country” and “Friendly Group” contests. The students answered questions on many aspects of ASEAN—including its role, history, culture, politics, economy, security, and tourism, to show their knowledge and understanding of the ASEAN region.
PEAKS OF EXCELLENCE The Singapore Science & Engineering Fair The Singapore Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF) concluded on the 27th April with the prize presentation ceremony. The SSEF is a national competition organised by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) and the Science Centre Singapore (SCS) and is affiliated to the prestigious Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), which is regarded as the Olympics of science competitions. This year’s SSEF saw 530 projects being featured in a public exhibition on 8 April 2012 at the Singapore Science Centre. Amongst these projects, four projects represented the Mathematics Department of Hwa Chong Institution (High School) and performed commendably well. The sole individual project, Weak Roman Domination by Xu Linfeng, attained the Gold Award. This project also won the Gold Award in the Singapore Mathematics Project Festival (SMPF) Senior Category. This is also the first time that a HCI student’s Math Project had achieved the double-Gold result in the two most respectable mathematics project competitions in Singapore. As Linfeng reminisced, “The experience of participating the SSEF is really inspiring and unforgettable. During the SSEF, I just did my best to show my understanding of my project. I am really proud that I can present my work in front of so many professors and judges. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude towards my mentor, Prof Koh Khee Meng from NUS and Dr Ang Lai Chiang from high school, without whom I cannot attain all those results. I wish all my juniors a wonderful journey in the kingdom of mathematics!”
Tan Jing Long, Felix Tan Keng Zhe and Yuan Han attained the Silver Award for their project entitled Investigating the middle game of Chinese Chess. The group has developed an effective strategy which can be employed in the middle game of Chinese Chess by investigating relevant variables and parameters mathematically. The group plans to commercialise the algorithm developed in the course of the project, providing Chinese Chess players an authentic method to improve on their skills. Lu Zhen, Shi Xiang and Wang Ziwen attained the Bronze Award for their project entitled “Chong!Chong!Chong! The shortest path in Hwa Chong!”. This project focuses on the shortest path problem, applying it to a real life context; they have successfully found an efficient method for students who want to find the shortest route within the school campus. Lang Yan Bin, Xia Nan and Liu Siyi also attained the Bronze Award for their project entitled Smooth Mafia. This project also attained the Merit Award in this year’s SMPF Senior Category. Their project is based on the popular mafia game and explores the hidden mathematical patterns in the game. They have determined the winning chances of mafias and the ideal number of mafias in the game to ensure the game is fair.
East Zone Science Fair – Gold Award (Open Category) for Research on Green Synthesis of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles using Lalang) Apparently, embarking on the extension was one of the best decisions the group had made. Not only did the group members broaden their knowledge in nanoparticles, they also got to explore the biological aspects of silver nanoparticles when they conducted antibacterial assays using silver nanoparticles. Eventually their commitment, dedication and hard work paid off and they clinched the Gold Award (Open Category). This project would not have been possible without the help of the following people: Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow, for her guidance and dedication as teacher-mentor. The East Zone Science Fair is an annual science fair held by Victoria Junior College in partnership with A*STAR and MOE (Ministry Of Education, Singapore). The group devoted their final year in high school towards extending their project from just “Green Synthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles” to “Green Synthesis Of Silver & Gold Nanoparticles”. The team consists of Joel Lee Wei Hao, Phua Yue Jun and Tan Kwan Wei Kevin, all from 4S1.
Mdm Xia Ying (Senior Technician/Science Research Centre) for her guidance and assistance for the team’s laboratory work in the Chemistry laboratory. Mdm Lim Ah Mui (Senior Attendant/Science Laboratory) for her guidance and assistance for the team’s laboratory work in the Biology laboratory.
The group clinching top award at Republic Polytechnic Science Congress
From Shell to Hydrogel – HCI Team Wins Top Award at Republic Polytechnic’s Science Congress 2012
The group clinching gold award at the SSYSF Science Fair 2012
From Shell to Hydrogel is a Science Research Project done by Tan Jun Yang, Tan Kwan Wei Kevin from 4S1 and Jaw Li Wen from 4S2. The project, mentored by Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow, aims to synthesise hydrogels from chitin, chitosan and chemically modified chitosan. Hydrogels are networks of polymer chains that have high water absorbency and can be used to make products such as diapers and fertilizers. Chitin can be easily extracted from the shells of crustaceans while chitosan can be derived from chitin. However, shells of crustaceans such as crab and prawns are often discarded after they have been consumed. Hence, chitin in these shells is often wasted. By synthesizing useful hydrogels from shells, waste levels can be reduced. This project was awarded the Top Award at Republic Polytechnic’s Science Congress 2012 and the Gold Award at the Singapore Shell Youth Science Festival 2012 (Science Fair) based on its creativity and novelty. This project gave the group an opportunity to apply the knowledge learnt in the classroom to do their part to save the environment. All members also had a chance to exercise their innovative minds to come up with novel solutions to help ease environmental problems.
AWARDS PRESENTATION DAY Dr Hon Chiew Weng welcoming the Guest-of-Honour, Mr Yam Ah Mee, Chief Executive Director, People’s Association and Member, HCI Board of Governors
Our 52nd President’s Scholar, Alicia Tee, with Mr Yam Ah Mee and Dr Hon Chiew Weng
Mr Yam Ah Mee emphasizing a point to the award winners and their family members
Dr Hon Chiew Weng addressing the audience
A meaningful couplet presented to Mr Yam Ah Mee as a token of appreciation
52ND PRESIDENT’S SCHOLAR FOR HWA CHONG Alicia Tee sharing her joy
Alicia Tee Ren Ling (池仁琳) has been awarded the prestigious 2012 President’s Scholarship. She is the only female President’s Scholar in 2012. The President's Scholarship is the most prestigious university undergraduate scholarship awarded to Singaporean citizens by the Government of Singapore. Alicia joins 51 of her illustrious seniors to be Hwa Chong’s 52nd President’s Scholar. On top of being a President’s Scholar, Alicia was conferred the Public Service Commission-Overseas Merit Scholarship. She will be reading Political Science at Yale University. Congratulations to Alicia and her teachers from Hwa Chong and Nanyang Girls’ High on her stellar achievement!
PSC Scholarship Awards Ceremony
PSC Scholars with Dr Hon Chiew Weng
Foreign Service Scholars with Deputy Principal Mr Chan Kwok Leong (Deputy Principal/Studies College) and Miss Tan Choon Siew YEARBOOK 2012
SAFOS scholar Yeo Bing Lin with Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence and Leader of the House
SAFOS scholar Yeo Bing Lin with his parents and Dr Ng Eng Hen
SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES SCHOLARSHIP SAF Merit and Defence Merit scholars with Dr Ng Eng Hen and Dr Hon Chiew Weng
2012 SAFOS scholars with their respective principals and Dr Ng Eng Hen
SCHOLARSHIP DAY 2012 Public Service Scholarship Booth
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Booth
Hwa Chong Scholarship Day Exhibition
NUS University Scholars Booth
Hwa Chong alumnus sharing with his juniors on being a scholarship holder
TEACHERS’ AWARDS Name of Teaching Staff Mdm Low Yen Yen Jenny Dr Chung Wen Chee Dr Yeo Hwee Joo Mdm Kalavathi d/o Ganasen
Award Title Organiser Most Inspiring Mother Tongue Language *SPH Teacher Award National Day Long Service Medal *PMO
Ms Chen Xintian Mrs Cheng-Liau Ming Lee Mrs Cheong-Ng Siok Ching Crystal Miss Chua Hui Ying Grace Miss Fan Yitian Mrs Lim-Kong Lei Zun Jolin Mr Low Kay Siang Mr Low Yizong Mr Loy Colin Mr Sim Weiheng Mdm Soh Swee Keng Miss Tan Choon Siew Mr Teo Ming Ern Mrs Tham-Kee Yong Huang Mr Wee Chorng Shin Miss Boey Soek Bing Mr Ng Ying Fong Gilbert Mr Seah Boon Cheng Joshua Mrs Ang-Chua Ee Ling Mrs Chang-Fong Wai Fong Susan Mrs Khoo-Yap Keng Peng Mrs Ooi-Lim Teong Lin Miss Tong Bee Yen Mr Toh Chee Yik Colin Ms Wun Wen-Li Mrs Chua-Yap Chen Hian Veronica Ms Tan Min Min Genevieve Mr Teh Chee Siong Miss He Jia Wen Mrs Loh-Neo Lee Theng Karen Mary Mrs Ng-Tay Lay Keow June Mrs Siau-Yeo May Ying Serene Mrs Chen-Li Jiawen
High Sch
Department Mother Tongue Language Leaders English
Mrs Yeong-Loke Lai Fun Miss Wong Hong Sian Dr Tan Hock Chye Mr Lee Kai Sim Mdm Kwee Tiow Choo Mrs Nirmala Ong Mr Chan Kwong Yee Benjamin Mrs Lee-Ang Mei Kway Rosalind Ms Choh Sok Kuang Clarinda Mrs Khoo-Yap Keng Peng Mrs Wong-Gwee Hwee Ngee Mr Zong Lixing Mr Lim Seow Yi Ms Tan Boon Ping Adeline Ms Ana Ciric
Section College
Mathematics Science Leaders Mathematics Project Work Science (Chemistry) English English Mathematics
Best Staff Suggestion Award (S1) Best Staff Suggestion Award (S2)
High Sch High Sch
Best Teaching Practice Award (Bronze)
High Sch College
Science Science Science (Chemistry)
Best Teaching Practice Award (Gold)
High Sch College
Science Arts
Best Teaching Practice Award (Silver)
High Sch
TEACHERS’ AWARDS Name of Teaching Staff Mr Loo Choon Chou Mr Heng Yew Han Mr Khairulzad bin Sulaiman Mr Lawrence Andrew Remedios Mrs Leo-Chua Hui Li Teri Mrs Tan-Lee Lay Koon Irene Mrs Cheong-Ng Siok Ching Crystal Miss Chua Hui Ying Grace Mr Teo Ming Ern Miss Wong Hwee Ming Mrs Goh-Ong Hwee Ling Kathleen Mrs Ann-Loh Hwee Kiang Ruth Mrs Ang-Chua Ee Ling Mr Png Kiow Leong Mr Lim Junyang
Award Title
Science (Chemistry)
Most Caring Teacher Award
Mr Quek Wee Tong Mr Chen Siong Chuk Tommie Miss Liu Jun
Outstanding Research Mentor Award
Mr Tan Chin Guan @ Mr Chen Zhenyuan Mr Tan Chin Leong Vincent * SPH refers to Singapore Press Holdings * PMO refers to Prime Minister’s Office
High Sch
Others Humanities Mathematics
Science (Chemistry) Science (Physics)
High Sch
English Mathematics Science (Chemistry) Science (Physics) English Mother Tongue Language
High Sch
Outstanding Research Mentor Award (Gold)
Mr Cheong Chong Min Kent
Dr Ang Lai Chiang Dr Wang Dakun
Mr Tan Guan Chye Mr Yang Wenzhong Mrs Har-Chia Hui Peng Mr Kong Chiak Wu Miss Ting Jeum Shian Jennifer Mr Leong Choong Fatt Miss Ng Swee Chu Dr Liang Yong
Miss Tan Yew Hui Ms Tan Swee Lin Jenny @ Mrs Wong Chee Keong Mr Yong Jong Shyan
Science (Physics)
Outstanding Educator Award
Dr Tan Kok Kim Dr Yip Cheng Wai Mr Loh Suan Jin Justin Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow Miss Chung Ai Ling Denise
Science (Biology)
Mr Low Juay Kiang Alvin Mrs Tan-Lee Lay Koon Irene Miss Tan Yew Hui Mr Chua Boon Woo Miss Tan Choon Siew
Miss Low Sok Hui @ Low Lee Leng
High Sch
Mother Tongue Language Art Infocomm Studies Science
Outstanding Research Mentor Award (Silver)
Art English
Infocomm Studies Mathematics Mother Tongue Language Science
NON-TEACHING STAFFS’ AWARDS Name of Non-Teaching Staff Miss Chiang Ka Chun Joyce
Award Title *EXSA Gold Award
Organiser Spring Singapore
Section High Sch
Mr Foo Moo Hiang Peter Miss Teng Sze Yia Sharmaine Miss Hew Chin Lee Erika Mrs Sim Hui Choo Irene Mdm Koo Lay Hwa Kris Mr Teo Zi Rong Ray Miss Woo Si Kei Charis Mr Au Ai Seng Mr Koh Boon Ngaan Chris
HCI Boarding School
Mr Tan Swee Tian Miss Lin Weilin Mr Yeo Kok Sing Calvin Ignatius Miss Tan Yan Min Lynn Mr Yam Heng Huat Miss Teng Sze Yia Sharmaine Miss Hew Chin Lee Erika Miss Soong Shan Yu Sara Davina * EXSA refers to Excellent Service Award
Library Others SALT Centre Swimming Pool Information Technology Other Administration
High Sch
Higher Education Information Technology SALT Centre Administration
College *EXSA Silver Award
Spring Singapore
Mr Goh Swee Meng Paul Miss Goh Lian Im Elice Miss Mok Weng Xi Joanne Mdm Tan Buay Lan Miss Tan Yan Min Lynn Mdm Thoo Lay Pheng Josephine Mr Yam Heng Huat Miss Lim Su Ling Miss Lin Weilin
Department Administration
*EXSA Star Award
Spring Singapore
Most Supportive EAS Award
High Sch
College High Sch College
Outstanding Contribution Award (Individual)
High Sch
Swimming Pool Administration Estate Administration Information Technology Administration HCI Boarding School Others
CT 10A14
Ng Li Ki
Yeo Bing Lin
Ee Feng Hui Dileen Leow Zhi Ting Sarah Siaw Ming Hui Seah Ee Wei Tan Khee Yunn Nicolette Hu Jingru Christine
10A15 10S78 10A15 10A14 10A14 10A15
Yip Yuk Lum Jennifer 10A14 Benjamin Lim Sheng Hui Cai Yang Ling Han Song Lingxuan Phang Jun Jie Yow Shuting Alexander Lim Geng Wang Ong Wei Sheng Alvin
10A15 10A15 10S69 10S67 08A14 10A15 10S78
Tan Katrina May Tan Jolene Lau Shiying Chia Pei Ling Lim Jing Xuan Sim Rui Yi Rachel Tan Ding Jie Ke Yuhe
10S70 10S67 10S7B 08S7C 10S7B 09S7F 10S7F
Ho Leon Yoon Kho Zhe Wei Li Yanhui Qian Siyu
08S6V 08S6K 10S7C 09S76
Abigail Lai Nianci
Tung Qiao Yue Wan Kai Hui Quah Wei Wen William Yap Mei Ying
08S79 08S6A 05S66
Xiao Siyu
Ng Geok Han
Benjamin Chin Yujin Chiong Si Hui Joyce Chua Sin Ying Chee Wei Yen Geraldine
10S7B 10S68 10S78 10S62
Name of Scholarship Awarded President’s Scholarship / Overseas Merit Scholarship (Foreign Service) Singapore Police Force Overseas Scholarship Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship Overseas Merit Scholarship (Open) Overseas Merit Scholarship (Legal Service)
Overseas Merit Scholarship (Teaching) Local Overseas Merit Scholarship (Open) Singapore Government Scholarship (Open)
Singapore Government Scholarship (Foreign Service) Singapore Government Scholarship (MCYS) Singapore Government Scholarship (MHA) Dr Goh Keng Swee Scholarship Local Merit Scholarship (MHA) A*STAR National Science Scholarships (BS)
A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS) - MBBS A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS) AVA Undergraduate Scholarship (Overseas) AVA Undergraduate Scholarship (Local) BCA Undergraduate Scholarship BCA-Arup Built Environment Undergraduate Scholarship BCA-DP Architects Built Environment Undergraduate Scholarship BCA-Meinhardt Built Environment Undergraduate Scholarship BCA-STAE Built Environment Undergraduate Scholarship CAAS Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship DSTA Scholarship (Undergraduate) - Overseas
Name Izumi Tan Chuen Kee Qin Xiang Looi Qin En Michelle Jeanne Poh Jia Yi Selina Sia Xin Jie Tsui Laura Man Yang Seah Ying Cong Joven Liew Jia Wen Toh Li Bin Ang Qing Ying Goh Hui Ying Low Yu Ting
CT 10S60 10A14 10S60 10A15 10S60 10A15 10A15 10S74 10A15 10S69 10S60 10S76
Lee Chi Cheng Daniel 08S6V Chua Ming Kai Benjamin Tan Seow Xue Michelle Lee Hui Yi
Lau Sze Leng Serene
Cai Zijie
Toh Jia Yun
Koh Shi Xuan Tan Jun Hong Brandon Tan Ying Lip Adelbert Yap Zhe Liang Kenn Gan Yu-Jia Kok Jie Ying Loh Hong-Teck Edwin Ng Peng Tabitha Ang Xue Qi Chan Siming San San Win Sim Guo Chen Soh Chun Ying Bradley Daniel Chan Wei Min Lian Kay Yun Lim Yan Wei Bertram Ong Hui Yao Ong Yi Jun Tan Yu Song Adalyn Heng Qiu Hui Chen Ying Chin Kai Qing Lim Jun Yu Lim Shu Qing Carine Lim Xiao Qi Loh Yue Yan Amelia Look Shern Ting Carol
08S64 09S77
Name of Scholarship Awarded EDB Scholarship
GIC Global Scholarship HDB Undergraduate Scholarship (Overseas) HDB Undergraduate Scholarship (Local) HPB Local Merit Undergraduate Scholarship National Infocomm Scholarship IE Singapore Overseas Scholarship
10S6G 10S7D
09S73 09S60 10A14 09A15 09S6B 10S7P 10S7E 10S79 09A16 10S69 10A14 10A11 10A14 09S62 10A10 08A13 10S6E 10A14 10S77 10S79 10A12 10S7E 10A12 10S7P 10S76
IRAS Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship IRAS Merit Undergraduate Scholarship LTA Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship MaritimeONE Scholarship (PCL) SAF Merit Scholarship
Defence Merit Scholarship SAF Medicine Scholarship
MOE Education Merit Scholarship
MOE Teaching Scholarship (Overseas)
MOE Teaching Scholarship (Local)
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEES Name Madeline Ong Li Ping Samuel Ng Aik Siong Shermaine Chee Jia’en Toh Hui Teng Hazel Wee Lay Kit Wong Pei Shan Yang Linxi Chai Jia Yi Zoe Foo Yun Shuen Cassandra Huang Huang Lee Jin Wee Lim Kah Hong Lim Xin Ying Magdalene Loh Yin Shing Terence Tsang Vera Chng Jia Yu Au Yong Shi Ya Chan Shi Mun Lau Shu-En Nicole Ong Wann Qin Ray Tng Rui Kiat Tai Jia En Jolene Amelia Ng Jing Jing Chow Kok Haw Andy Ian Tan Sheng Feng Ng Wen Wei Samantha Lim Su Min Sarah Lee Mei En Soon Yu Ming Kong Pei Xuan Tamaryn Lee Si Jia Nicholas Tang Yuchang Yeo Jia Han Esther Lee Meihui Leong Jiaqiang Leonard Lim Jia Song John Ng Hui Li Phyllis Tan Jo Lin Teo Woei Ming Noon William Sim Teng Yi Ren Qi Wong Qi Neng Lester Pung Yan Kaii Theodore Ho Chuan Khim Yang Jie Jessica Wu Tong
CT 10S7E 08S64 10S6E 10S77 09S7G 10S7K 10S78 10S7N 10S6H
MOE Teaching Award
09S6E 09S6F 09S7E 09S72 10S73 09S60 08A13 10S7B 10S7B 10S73 10S7G 10S7B 10S6B 10S7K 08S70 10S71 09S7F 10S6C 10S77 08S75 10S73
MOH Health Science Scholarship
MOHH Health Science & Nursing Scholarship
National Environment & Water (NEW) Scholarship
09S78 10S69 08S6B 10S6C 08S61 09S6A 10A10 10S63 10S6G 08S6E 08S61 08A10 09S72 08S6C 10S6A 09S6F
Lau Sherwin 10A15 Zhong Xuean 10A15 Chia Hui Qi Samantha 09A15
Name of Scholarship Awarded MOE Teaching Scholarship (Local)
SgIS Scholarship
SPH Journalism Scholarship SPRING Executive Development Scholarship ST Engineering Overseas Scholarship ST Engineering Overseas Scholarship (China) URA Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship URA Undergraduate Scholarship (Mid-term)
Name Ashton Ng Jing Kai Lee Chi Chian Soh Cheong Keat Yang Bohan Boey Foo Keong Jason Guo Dan Koh Liang Zhou Liu Ting Chih Loh Hong Sheng Dang Thuy Linh Joseph Tang Kai Yuen Lam Bo Xiang Son Zhaoqi Chan Zheng Xiang Cheng Ci Lin Cheryl Darren Wong Qing Wei Goh Zheng Yang Jeremy Phua Wei Jie Leong Jiaqiang Leonard Liew Shi Hui Lim Jing Hong Loh Cher-E Luan Yuanfeng Sean Goh Jian Hooi Seng Hwee Min Kevin Sun Qing Yang Tai Tzu Shuan Daniel Tay Jun Yang Justin Tee Tze Yong Wee Ting Yit Wong Yi Ren Zhang Ziqi Bryan Chin Si Hao Chan Hua Peng Chen Jiayi Chen Jing Chen Jinyang Chow Jia Shiuan Shirley Guo Huicong Ho Jia Jun Ho Sze Yuan Ho Zhi Ming Hon Guang Yu Jeremy Huang Weixiang Benjamin Kock Si Min Kwang Yi Jing Leon Tan Kok Leong Li Shiya Lim Seok Ting Lim Tze Hao Lim Yan Seng Liu Chengcen Liu Jiada Lu Mingyuan
CT 10A13 10S75 10S75 10S75 08S60 08S60 08A14 10A13 08S63 10S7B 08S70 10S60 10S68 10S63 10S60 08S77
Name of Scholarship Awarded Peking University Scholarship Tsinghua University Scholarship SFCCA Scholarship
ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (NTU)
College Scholarship (NTU)
09S6F 10S7P 08S61 10S6G 10S7A 08S6F 10S66 08S6K 08S74 09S6A 10S6E 08S66 10S6F 10S60 10S71 10S7H 10S77 09S61 10S72 10S6D 08S6N 10S71 10S69 08S6K 10S7E 10S6B 10S7F 10S65 10S7A 10S7K 10S6H 10S65 10S76 10S6G 10S7F 10S6D 10S65 10S67
Nanyang Scholarship
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEES Name Marie Lim Zhi Yan Ong Wei Chang Seah Jia Min Tan Jun Rong Tan Ruiyang Thung You Jun Toh Rui Jie Wang Ying Wong Ji Inn Woo Pan-E Xu Shutao Xu Xuejun Zheng Yi Zhou Boxun George Zhu Kezheng Er Jie Ling Ng Yee Fatt Timothy Yap Shi-Jie Leong Yu Rong
CT 10S7G 08S6P 10S79 10S64 08S69 09S6D 10S65 10S6D 10S6H 10S62 10S7H 10S60 10S7D 08S73 10S6A 10S6D 09S6C 10S7D 08S7A
Qin Shuhan
Aaron Wang Yi Guang Adrian Tan Hong Ji Calvin Lian Ee Sean Eka Widianto Thamrin Hani Sritandi Hoang Thi Hanh Lan Khor Shi-Jie Lee Qiu Li Lee Su Xiang Low Zi Qian Lui Zhi Jing Tan Run Xian Teh Ying Shi Har Jie Ren Gerald Ler Yong Qin Kenneth Tan Sheng En Troy Tan Wei Ming Tan Yu Xuan Yvonne Yap Ying Ying Zhang Yuteng Au Yong Shi Ya Aw Wen Hao Cao Xujun Chong Shi Cheng Chong Zu Yao Benjamin Christopher John Tan Leetiat Feng Chong We How Kwang Ming Khoo Xuan Jie Jonathan Ko Wan Ling Lim Yu Jia Loh Ai Leng Loh Jen Ing
10S7J 10S71 10S64 10S7F 10S68 10S7D 10S7F 10S71 10S7K 10S62 10A10 10S7B 10S7B 09S63 09S7F 10S7B 08S63 10S7B 10A13 08S66 10S7B 09S67 10S7F 10A15 08S78 10A15 10S74 10A16 10S7B
Name of Scholarship Awarded Nanyang Scholarship
Nanyang Scholarship (CN Yang Scholars Programme) Ng Bok Eng Renaissance Engineering Scholarship Undergraduate Scholarship for PRC Student (NTU) ASEAN Undergraduate ScholarshiP (NUS)
Kent Rigde Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship
Kent Ridge Undergraduate Scholarship
Name Ong Jiamin Soh Wee Kian Tan Yuan Han Samuel Tay En Gao Joseph Teo Chia Kai Wu Yaze Xing Yun Yong Xianbin Yong Yoong Jie John Zhu Yingting Chen Yunqi Li Xuanrui Clara Ng Yee Ting Lee Ying Lin Valerie Ching Hui Min Lo Yee Peter Haw Han Beng Shao Fei Sylvanus Quek Junwei Toh Yong Hui Desmond Yong Hui Min Lee Xin Yi Cheryl Qua Bi Qi Seah Yun Zhen Guo Zhihan Jin Shuai Pang Baifeng Sun Xuecong Xia Jingyi Zhou Yizhou Zhu Luqing Low Wee Lynn Yeong Foong Wai Chai Yui-Hsi Luther Lee Jie Yang Ong Yanfang Jessica Ting Li Na Choo Shi Jun Gu Kaiying Lau Yi Lin Lim Xin Ya Gene Ng Shu Ren Sheriel Chia Yun Zhen Tan Jhun Boon Tong Yuefang Cheryl Yeo Qian Ling Sharon Crystal Tee Jiaxi Yong Xin Hui
CT 10S7G 08S78 10S6C 08A11 08S64 08S6G 08S71 09S7B 10S7D 10S75 10S6F 10A15 10S7E 10S74 10A15 10A16 10S7B 08S6E 08S6F
Name of Scholarship Awarded Kent Ridge Undergraduate Scholarship
Khoo Teck Puat Scholarship NUS Global Merit Scholarship NUS Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship NUS Undergraduate Scholarship
10S71 10S79 10S7H 10S76 10S61 10S61 10S6H 10S62 10S64 10S61 10S6D 10S6H 10S65 10S64 08S65 08S79 10A13 10S75 08S6Q 10S6D 10S64 10S7C 08S76 10S60 08S69 10A16 10S7E 10S66 10S63
NUS Sports Scholarship
PRC Undergraduate Scholarship (NUS)
ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (SMU) Lee Kong Chian Scholars Programme
SMU Scholars’ Programme
SUTD scholarship
10S6G 10S7K 10S61 10S7G YEARBOOK 2012
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS Art Name of Competition SYF Art & Crafts 2012 Cat A (Lower Sec)
SYF Art & Crafts 2012 Cat B (Upper Sec)
Chinese Language Name of Competition Xin Yue Zhi Lv Creative Writing Competition
Chinese Creative Writing Competition - Tian Kong Ren Nian Fei
Awards Students Gold with Honours - Black-White Chuang Cheah Yong Jonathan Cleon Wong Xin Zhan, Lim Zhen Wei Zan Silver - Watch, Marvel & Ang Jun Yang Fantasise Chen Xingjian Wang Shuyi Lin Zhicheng Alvin Song Yi Shi Gold with Honours - The Veil Goh Teck Kuang Clifford Silver - The Deep Ng Chee Peng Cheong Yi Ern Ernest Samson Sim Silver - Travellers Chen Jiahua Martin Kevan Chew Jun Kiat Silver - Utilitarianism Wang Guanchao
Class 4S2 4A2 4A3 2A4 2A4 2O3 2O4 2P3 11S79 4A3 4B1 4H1 4H1 4O1 12A14
Awards 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Students Wong Ka Wa
Class 3-O3
Xu Run Huai
Yi Kuishuai
Ma Ran
Zhou Chu Yue
张应晗 范博文 陈博涵 周楷晋 徐稚容 梁世章 孔艺桥 郝韵晖 李宜幸 林明杰 周欣颖 邹岩宏 李宜幸 杜雪松 周思韵 许临风 陈力 朱多多 刘珈敏 王睿佳 符伶励 黄义霖 张龙健 辛晨 杨嘉琪
4A1 4P1 3B1 4A2 2A3 3B2 11A12 11A12 12A11 12S65 12S64 12A12 12A11 12S6A 12S7F 12S7B 12S7B 11S6F 11S72 11S72 11S72 11S72 11S72 11S7F 11S7C
优胜奖 亚军
郑咏恩 任启云 胡宗奇 林晗 云靖雯 吴婉婷
12A11 11S7B 11S7F 10S69 10A14 11S6F
银帆 石涵宁
11S6D 11A11
新加坡中学生演讲比赛 2012年全国华语常识大赛
优胜奖 季军 冠军
怡和轩书籍奖 第6届YMCA华语演讲比赛 2012狮城杯新加坡中学华语辩论邀请赛
高中组亚军 高中组亚军
2012年油池全国书法公开比赛 第五届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛新加坡区 选拔赛 全国青少年围棋锦标赛
高中组冠军 二等奖
李显龙最佳双文化学生奖 总理书籍奖 第五届中国通识研讨会 (义顺初级学院主办) YJC 5th China Studies Seminar
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS 2012 武吉巴督全国学生现场书法比赛 2012 乌鲁班丹全国书法公开赛 威德智海佛光山硬笔书法比赛 2012 文化杯书法观摩赛 2012中英/英中文学作品翻译比赛 2012全国学生中英文互译比赛 第二届新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会奖学金
冠军 亚军 冠军 亚军 冠军 季军 高中组金奖 优胜奖 冠军 高中组亚军
季军 优胜奖
银奖 铜奖 小说第一名 小说第二名 小说优胜奖
散文优胜奖 English Language Name of Competition Individual Event Gold Category (C Division) Inter-School National Scrabble Competition Bronze Category (C Division) Inter-School National Scrabble Competition - Gold Category (B Division)
Awards 3rd Position 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National Inter-School National Scrabble Competition - Gold 2nd Position / Silver Placing Category (C Division) National
Inter-School National Scrabble Competition Silver Category (B Division)
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Inter-School National Scrabble Competition Silver Category (C Division)
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Moot Parliament Programme
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
龚媛 林筱琪 徐时 莫晓愁 徐时 林宛霖 徐时 林宛霖 徐时 任佳星 周悦 钟明哲 许良洲 刘庭芝 李娜 许旭晴 吴珮珊 李珮烨 李宜幸 杨爽 余秋帆 王睿佳 陈子卿 李颖靖 白杰辉 周伟祥 朱多多 邹克林 杨诗瑩 薛宸
11S75 11S75 12S6A 12S7G 12S6A 12S62 12S6A 12S62 12S6A 12S6A 12S6F 11S60 08A14 10A13 12S6D 12A13 12S79 11A11 12A11 12S7F 12A16 11S72 11S60 10A12 11S7D 11S6F 11S6F 11S6F 10S7J 11S75
Students Lim Jia Yong Clement Neo Hong Xiang
Class 1-I3 1-I3
Koh Tze Hou
Lim Wei Peng, Iven
Clement Neo Hong Xiang Isaac Han Li Yang Keeven Cheong Aik Wei Kok Jun Yi Lim Jia Yong Ng Shuen Jin Ong Liqun, Bryan Bao Jianda Cheh Fu Yang Cheong Zhi Bing Mervyn Koh Tze Hou Leeu Jun Jie (Liu Zhongju) Nathan Ang Wei Xun Ng Wei Sing Darren Cui Yihao Elton Ching Xiang Wei Ervin Ang Jing Xuan Koh Wei Liang Li Shida Pang Kar Lok Tang Boxuan Foo Yang Yi Garry Tan Jun Shen Teo Zheng Jie Ting Wei Sean Melvin
1-I3 2-I1 1-P1 2-I1 1-I3 1-P2 1-I2 4-S1 3-B2 3-O3 4Q2 3-O2 3-S1 3-S1 2-O2 2-I1 1-P4 1-P3 1-O2 2-P1 1-O2 4-I1 4-I1 4-I1 4-I1 YEARBOOK 2012
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS NLB Spelling Master Competition for Secondary Schools Western Region Public Libraries’ Spelling Bee Contest ICAS – English 2013 MGS-West Zone Speech Competition 2012 for Secondary Schools The Alan Brownjohn Poetry Prize
1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National Medal Winner Champion
Humanities Name of Competition 4th China Studies Seminar Essay Competition
Chin Kee Yong
Ernest Chua Kai Guan Timothy Ethan Lee Shaojie Joshua Lim Kah Shiyard
4-P2 2I1 4H1
Outstanding Top Ranking Award
Nicholas Chng Wei Ming
Awards Essay of Merit
Students Lim Jin Ru Zeng Boran. Ellen Hannah Wang Wang Tianyi Toh Zheng Xiang Ng Chow Hui Liu Ting Kai Hu Yongda Xue Quan Teo Wan Ting Nico Kenneth Leong Bao Ren Eugene Lim Junheng Sheryl Yeo Su Hui Puay Ni Yi Bernadette Tan Qiao Min Loh Zheng Yi Ngiam Jing Hao Nicholas Goh Joon Kiat Poh Zhu Hong Low Rui Hao Ong Crystal Liu Guo Sheng Glendon Goh Jiajun Glendon Goh Jiajun Yeo Quan Yi Matthew Wong Zhi Liang Chin Zhi Xian Lye Yuk Fong Daniel Matthew Wong Zhi Liang Alastair Loh Chuan Yao Glendon Goh Jiajun Kylie Tora Basuki Liu Chow Wen Kang Chee You Jin Eugene Chua Kun Yang Khan Azfer Ali Lye Yuk Fong Daniel Matthew Wong Zhi Liang Matthew Wong Zhi Liang Tang Jun Ren Jarel Yeo Quan Yi Chee Jian Li Benny
Class 12A12 12S68 12S72 12A12 11S7B 11S7B 11S7D 11S61 11S60 11A15 11S7H 11S77 11A15 08S65 12S74 12S74 12S74 12S74 12S74 11S77 11A15 11A10 11A14 11A14 12A12 12S6A 11S64 12A15 12S6A 12S73 11A14 11A15 11S79 12A15 12A14 12A14 12A15 12S6A 12S6A 12A15 12A12 4-I2
Chua Yi Zhe Gabriel Hia Rui Le, Joshua Hum Qing Ze Zhang Haowei Elvis Ang Jun Teck Roystan
4-A2 4-H1 4-A2 4-H1 3H1
National Economics and Financial Management Quiz (NEFMQ)
2nd Runner-Up
EDB Emerging Market Challenge 2012
ESS-Essay Writing competition ESS-EMA-NCCS Essay Competition 2012 Singapore Land Authority (SLA) Spatial Challenge
1st Runner-Up 2nd Runner-Up 1st Runner-Up
Nanyang Technological University Model United Nations
3 Honorable mention for best delegates
NTU Current Affairs Quiz
1st Individual Placing 1st Team Runner-Up
National University of Singapore Chancellors Challenge Shield Quiz
National University of Singapore Chancellors Challenge Shield Quiz
4th Runner-Up
United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS) Young Diplomat Award
4 Finalists
SPH-MOE Current Affairs Quiz (Runner-up)
1st Runner-Up
ASEAN Regional Quiz
1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
NUS Geographical Society Geography Challenge
World Scholars Cup 2012 Individual
Chin Kee Yong
Literature – 3rd Current Affairs – Honorable Mention Special Area – Honorable Mention Science – Honorable Mention Challenge – Honorable Mention Debate – Honorable Mention
Team 1
Writing – Honorable Mention Overall – Honorable Mention Overall – Honorable Mention Art – 3rd Science – Honorable Mention History – Honorable Mention Writing – Honorable Mention Overall – 1st Literature – 2nd Challenge – 2nd Art – 3rd Current Affairs – 3rd Debate – 5th Special Area – Honorable Mention Science – Honorable Mention History – Honorable Mention Writing – Honorable Mention Overall – 1st Bowl – 2nd Challenge – 2nd Debate – Honorable Mention History – 3rd Special Area – Honorable Mention Science – Honorable Mention Debate – Honorable Mention Literature – 2nd Debate – 2nd Science – 3rd Overall – 7th Challenge – Honorable Mention
Hwa Chong Conflict & Resolution Inquiry
Writing – Honorable Mention Current Affairs – Honorable Mention Challenge – 3rd Debate – 4th Overall – 6th Writing – Honorable Mention Honorable Mention
SC MUN 2012
Honorable Mention
Raffles MUN 2012
Best Performance
Team 2
Best Delegate/ Best Delegation Best Presentation Best Performance Delegate/Best Delegation Honorable Mention/ Best Delegation
HCJC History and Current Affairs Challenge Shield 2012 RI History and Current Affairs Quiz 2012
Honorable Mention Best Performance Best Presentation 3rd
Guek Jun Kai, Sebastian
David Boo Koh
Ang Jun Teck Roystan Guek Jun Kai, Sebastian David Boo Koh
3H1 3H1 3I2
Cheong Jia Yang, Alex
Bryan Yan Kai Jie
Tan Chong Hien Andrew
Cheong Jia Yang, Alex Bryan Yan Kai Jie Tan Chong Hien Andrew
2P4 2I1 2A2
Loh Jian An, Lionell Lee Kay Han Lua Jiong Wei Wong Jin Fu Shaun Ng Sze Hian Zhang Siyuan Chew Shan Wei Tan Jun Yang Chua Yi Zhe Gabriel Foo Tze Han Cheong Jia Hao, Clarence
4B1 3H1 3H1 3O2 3P2 4B1 4I1 4S1 4A2 4B1 4H1
Ryan Lim Dao Wei Teo Zheng Jie Chee Jian Li Benny Gerald Choa Kai Kit Long Jun Da, Darrel Ong Xin Jie Sia Bao Huei Yu Haonan Eliel Rong’en Simatupang Jack Tan Jie En Ang Jun Teck Roystan Guek Jun Kai, Sebastian Lua Jiong Wei Cheong Jia Hao, Clarence Kwan Tsun Lok Ryan Lim Dao Wei
4H1 4I1 4I2 4I2 4I2 4I2 4I2 4S2 3H1 3S1 3H1 3H1 3H1 4H1 4H1 4H1 YEARBOOK 2012
Monumental Race 2012
Doors to Diplomacy
Best Delegate Best Delegate Best Delegate Winner Winner (Leader) Winner Winner (Reserve) Winner Gold
Cluster West 6 National Education Quiz
Clean and Green Township 2012
2nd, L - Young Mayor’s Award Malay Language Name of Competition Tarian Pena (Malay Essay Writting Competition)
Inter-secondary School Malay Scrabble Competition -Sahibba WOW!
Awards 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National Upper Secondary - 1st Upper Secondary -2nd Upper Secondary Team - 1st Lower Secondary - 1st Lower Secondary - 2nd Lower Secondary Team - Ist
Mathematics / Computing Name of Competition Australian Intermediate Math Olympiad
Hua Luo Geng Golden Cup Mathematics Invitational Competition
Awards 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing International
Bryan Yan Kai Jie Lee Shao Jie, Timothy Ethan Li Lidao Chang Wei Jie, Jerroy Ang Kai Ren Ye Jiadong Li Lidao Lu Desheng, Samuel Walter Kong Lim Shengyuan Marcus Goh Dong Lin Ronald Wee Zhi Yang Tan Hong Kai Wang Jiale Zhang Yichi Lee Wei Min Ye Jiadong Hou Boyang John Leong Jia Jun Lim Wan Jie Lim Zheng Xiang Yuan Bin Da Chua Wei Yang Heng Wei Shin Lim Shengyuan Low Kai Sheng, Bryan See Yongsong Yong Yu Kit, Jaron Chew Shi Cheng Christopher
2I1 2I1 2O4 2I3 2I3 2A1 2O4 2O4 2O4 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A1 2A1 2A1 2A1 2O2 2A4 3B1 3B1 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3 2A3
Students Gavin Goh Cheng Eng Ho Jin Yang Tay Jia Shin
Class 3-B1 4-I3 4-B1
Yong Yu Kit, Jaron
Ng Yi Pin Jason Lee Zhi Xin Ng Yi Pin Jason Lee Zhi Xin Yong Yu Kit, Jaron Toh Wei Xiong Yong Yu Kit, Jaron Toh Wei Xiong
4I3 4I1 4I3 4I1 2A3 2O1 2A3 2O1
Students Bernard Teo Zhi Yi
Class 4-I3
Cao Wei Daniel Tan Chee Hian Lang Yanbin Lim Chia Wei Lim Zhe Hui Lyncam Edviano Loo Teow Yong Zhen Wang Jinhui Xia Nan Zhao Guangyu
4-S1 3-S1 4-I3 4-S1 2-A4 4-A3 4-S1 3-S1 4-S1 3-P3
Zheng Huiyao
Bryan Wang Peng Jun
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International International Regions Mathematics League (IRML)
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) Junior Team (3rd round)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) Senior Team (3rd round)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Singapore Mathematics Project Festival
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Raffles Mathematics Challenge (Individual)
Singapore International Mathematics Challenge 2012 1st 2nd Distinction Award
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad 2012 (Open)
Rank 3 (Team)
Honorable Mention
Results Summary 8 Gold (6 from college) 16 Silver (8 from college) 19 Bronze (8 from college) 11 Honourable Mention (4 from college) Shanghai Texas Instruments (TI) Cup 2012
First (Team) - Score 365
1st (Individual) 2nd (Individual)
Goh Hong Pei Goh Zhuo Ying Justin Koh Shang Hui Bernard Teo Zhi Yi Cao Wei Cho Ming En
1-I3 1-I3 1-I3 4-I3 4-S1 4-I3
Goh Hong Pei Lim Zhe Hui Tin Jun Hao Cho Ming En Daniel Tan Chee Hian Lim Chia Wei Justin Lo Tian Wen Lee Bing Qian Ryan Tan Jing Ling Wong Wai Yan Yak Jie Sheng Benjamin Jonathan Yong Ren Jie Gan Wei Liang Gay Wei En Colin Zeng Yi Yan Kaidi Xu Linfeng Bay Wei Heng Yan Kaidi Xu Linfeng Bay Wei Heng Gan Wei Liang Mao Yulin Gong Chen Gu Keying Zeng Yi Yang Shuang Tian Zhenyu Liu Fangxu Jonathan Yong Ren Jie Chua Zhi Ming Chen Zhuo Lim Yao Chong Wong Yan Zhi Du Xuesong Mao Chenyang Zhang Jiyi Zhao Junqi Ren Qiyun Hu Zongqi Lim Wen Shih Benjamin Michael Chuah Wei Bin Yu Zhuoxin Tang Zhuo Hao Ray Ma Yanmin Yap Chun Hian John Chan Gah Yarn
1-I3 2-A4 2-A4 4-I3 3-S1 4-S1 3-H1 3-S1 3-S1 11S64 12S76 12S7B 12S7D 12S7F 12S7B 11S7B 12S7B 12S7B 11S7B 12S7B 12S7B 12S7D 11S7F 11S7B 11S7B 12S7B 12S7F 12S7B 11S7F 12S7B 12S7D 11S7B 11S7B 12S68 12S6A 12S6C 12S7B 11S6J 11S7B 11S7F 11S7F 12S7D 12S7D 11S6H 12S7B 12S7B 12S7F
Xu Linfeng Bay Wei Heng Gan Wei Liang Xu Linfeng Gan Wei Liang Bay Wei Heng Gay Wei En Colin
12S7B 12S7B 12S7D 12S7B 12S7D 12S7B 12S7F YEARBOOK 2012
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS American Mathematics Contest 2012 (AMC 12)
Distinctions Top scorer of AMC (123 points)
Fastest Finger GC Competition 2012
Final: 4th Placing
Australian Mathematics Competition 2012
Prize Winners
Results Summary 18 High Distinctions 65 Distinctions National Olympiad in Informatics
Gold Silver
Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad Shanghai Texas Instruments (TI) Cup 2012
Bronze Bronze Honourable Mention First (Team)
1st (Individual) 2nd (Individual)
Graphing Calculator Design Competition Science Name of Competition Amazing Inter-school Air Race - Individual Amazing Inter-school Air Race - Team
1st 2nd Awards 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Amazing Inter-school Air Race - Top Gun Fighter Challenge
1st Position / Gold Placing National
ASEAN Plus Three Junior Science Odyssey (Practical assessment)
1st Position / Gold Placing International
ASEAN Plus Three Junior Science Odyssey
3rd Position / Bronze Placing International
Zeng Yi Chen Zhuo Ren Dongfang Yan Kaidi Lu Xiaonan Ng Chow Hui Liu Tingkai Heng Yuqiang Lim Wen Shih Benjamin Michael Bai Jingjian Lim Jing Li Weijun Huo Dongyan Bay Wei Heng Chua Zhi Ming Dong Chao Gan Wei Liang Gary Heng Hui Shen Ma Yanmin Mao Chenyang Tian Zhenyu Xu Linfeng Zeng Yi Zhang Jiyi Goh Sze Min Liao Kai Chen Xiaojun Dong Chao Gan Wei Liang
12S7B 11S7B 11S7D 11S7B 11S7D 11S7B 11S7D 11S7D 11S7F 11S7D 11S7B 11S7B 12S7E 12S7B 12S7D 12S7D 12S7D 12S7B 12S7B 12S6C 12S7B 12S7B 12S7B 12S7B 11S77 11S77 11S77 12S7D 12S7D
Yan Kaidi Gan Wei Liang Bernard Teo Zhi Yi Zheng Huiyao Gu Keying Ang Ray Yan Lee Chu Yong Mark Xu Linfeng Bay Wei Heng Gan Wei Liang Xu Linfeng Gan Wei Liang Bay Wei Heng Gay Wei En Colin Zeng Yi Wong Wai Yan Yak Jie Sheng Benjamin
11S7B 12S7D 4I3 3S1 11S7B 11S7B 10S7D 12S7B 12S7B 12S7D 12S7B 12S7D 12S7B 12S7F 12S7B 11S64 12S76
Students Tan Yonq Mink, Leon
Class 4-P2
Chan Chin Kiat Tan Yong Yu, Joshua Tan Yonq Mink, Leon Alvin Song Yi Shi Joel Tan Seah Shao Xuan Daniel Tan Chee Hian Lim Song Jie, Bram Tan Jiefeng Daniel Tan Chee Hian Lim Song Jie, Bram Tan Jiefeng
4-B1 4-P2 4-P2 2-P3 4-P2 3-I1 3-S1 3-O3 3-S1 3-S1 3-O3 3-S1
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS ASEAN Plus Three Junior Science Odyssey (Biology fieldwork)
1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 2nd Position /Silver Placing National
4th Position National
Australian National Chemistry Quiz
2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position /Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Lim Song Jie, Bram
Tan Jiefeng
Pan Zi Heng, Elton
Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin Yu Haonan Bernard Teo Zhi Yi Chik Cheng Yao Joel Tan Lim Sheng Yang Neo Yu Yao, Terence Yoong Guo-Zheng, Theodore Alvin Tan Wei Ming
4-S1 4-S2 4-I3 4-I3 4-P2 4-P2 4-S2 4-I3 4-I3
Bernard Teo Zhi Yi
Chan Zi Jian, Raymond
Chen Dewei Chik Cheng Yao Cho Ming En Chong Kai En
3-S1 4-I3 4-I3 3-S2
Chua Jiajie Daniel Tan Chee Hian Du Xiaochen Foo Guo Wei Gong Yan
4-O3 3-S1 4-O3 4-S2 4-O3
Han Kai Zhong, Terence
Ho Jin Yang
Hoong Yi Da, Brandon
Jack Tan Jie En
James Ang Jia Ming Jaw Li Wen Joshua Tan Xian Da
4-I3 4-S2 4-S2
Lang Yanbin Law Tong Ye Matthew Edward Lee Bing Qian Ryan Lee Heng You, Nicholas Lei Lijia Lim Chia Wei Lim Song Jie, Bram Lim Yan Peng, Gary
4-I3 4-S2 3-S1 3-P3 3-S2 4-S1 3-O3 3-S2
Lin Yulong Loo Li Yang Lyncam Edviano Loo Nathan Ang Wei Xun Neo Yu Yao, Terence Ng Yi Pin Pan Zi Heng, Elton Phoong Khang Zhie Poh Yong Rui Poh Zhen Wei Aloysius Quek Yong Jie Samuel Koh Ren Jie
3-S2 4-S1 4-A3 3-S1 4-S2 4-I3 4-S2 3-O3 4-O3 4-I3 3-S2 3-S1
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Biotech Fair Competition
1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National
C.B. Paul Memorial Science Quiz (Individual)
C.B. Paul Memorial Science Quiz (Team)
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
East Zone A*Star Science Fair
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Eureka Science Quiz
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Greenwave Environmental Care Competition
1st Position / Gold Placing National
NP National Microbiology Quiz
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Shawn Chan Soon Han Shi Xiang Soh Han Wei Tan Ding Han Tan Jiefeng Tan Wei Yang Tao Jiashu
3-S2 4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 3-S1 4-I3 3-P3
Tao Ran
Tey Ming Sheng, Nicholas
Theng Kwang Hui Mark Wang Zheng Hao Wang Ziwen
4-I3 3-S1 4-O3
Woo Yu Xuen Xia Nan Yan Boshen Yi Kuishuai Yu Haonan Zeng Fan Pu Zhao Guangyu Zhou Yizhi
4-I3 4-S1 3-S1 3-S2 4-S2 3-P3 3-P3 3-S2
Aloysius Oh Shengxun Cho Ming En Ho Jin Yang Wong Mun Kit Zhou Zhennan Jiang Qian Feng Kong Jayson Lim Hong Dian, Ryan Lim How Pin Loh Jian Cong Loye Hean Yong, Gabriel Teow Yong Zhen Alvin Tan Wei Ming Cho Ming En Leong Qi Dong
4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 4-P3 4-P3 2-O1 4-A1 2-O1 4-A3 2-O1 2-O1 4-S1 4-I3 4-I3 4-S2
Lim Chia Wei
Loo Li Yang
Lyncam Edviano Loo Ng Yi Pin Tan Wei Yang
4-A3 4-I3 4-I3
Alvin Tan Wei Ming Cho Ming En Ng Yi Pin Lee Wei Hao, Joel Phua Yue Jun Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin Alvin Tan Wei Ming Cho Ming En Ng Yi Pin Lee Wei Hao, Joel Phua Yue Jun Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin Alvin Tan Wei Ming Cho Ming En Ho Jin Yang Ng Yi Pin
4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 4-S1 4-S1 4-S1 4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 4-S1 4-S1 4-S1 4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 4-I3
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS Science Congress at Republic Polytechnic
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Science Mentorship Program Poster Judging
1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Shell Singapore Youth Science Festival (SSYSF) Science Fair
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National
Singapore Biomedical Olympiad
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad - Top 4 (Individual)
1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Jaw Li Wen Tan Jun Yang Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin Joshua Ong Jian En Lam Wen Hong Leong Sheu Xiang Lim Yan Peng, Gary Tan Jiefeng Tan Jing Ling Tan Yu Xiang Tung Wei Min, James Yi Kuishuai Chan Tze Yang, Aloysius Chua Zhong Zhi Daniel Lin Yu Hung Han Kai Zhong, Terence Lim Song Jie, Bram Soo Jian Xian Tan Kay Ann Jason Tan Wei Lin, Gregory Jaw Li Wen Tan Jun Yang Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin James Ang Jia Ming Loh Ying Han, Andrew Woo Yu Xuen Chua Wen Feng Lim Song Jie, Bram Tan Wei Lin, Gregory Tseng Chun Yi Alvin Tan Wei Ming Ho Jin Yang Jonathan Koh Junjie Leong Qi Dong Cho Ming En Poh Yong Rui Tan Wei Yang Wong Chun Jie Wong Mun Kit Alvin Tan Wei Ming Leong Qi Dong Pan Zi Heng, Elton Soh Han Wei Tan Jun Yang Tan Wei Yang Tang Shengpu Tao Ran Theng Kwang Hui Mark Xia Nan Yoong Guo-Zheng, Theodore Yu Haonan Chik Cheng Yao Chong Kai En Du Xiaochen Fu Siyang Khoo Yihan Law Tong Ye Matthew Edward Lim Sheng Yang Lim Song Jie, Bram Liu Siyu Ng Shou Mian, Samuel Wang Shilin Wong Xu Yi
4-S2 4-S1 4-S1 3-S2 3-S2 3-S2 3-S2 3-S1 3-S1 3-S2 3-P3 3-S2 3-A1 3-A3 3-A3 3-S2 3-O3 3-A3 3-P3 3-O3 4-S2 4-S1 4-S1 4-I3 4-I3 4-I3 3-O2 3-O3 3-O3 3-B2 4-I3 4-I3 4-S2 4-S2 4-I3 4-O3 4-I3 4-S2 4-P3 4-I3 4-S2 4-S2 4-I3 4-S1 4-I3 4-P1 4-P3 4-I3 4-S1 4-I3 4-S2 4-I3 3-S2 4-O3 3-A2 4-S2 4-S2 4-P2 3-O3 4-S2 4-S2 4-I3 4-I3
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
4th Position National
Singapore Junior Water Prize
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge (Open Category)
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Bernard Teo Zhi Yi Cho Ming En Darryl Chai Min Shen Hoong Yi Da, Brandon Lim Chia Wei Ng Yi Pin Teow Yong Zhen Zheng Huiyao Zhou Yizhi Cao Wei Chan Ming Wei Chan Zi Jian, Raymond Cheah Hoe Leong Chik Cheng Jie Christopher Chua Ze Xin Chua Jiajie Daniel Tan Chee Hian Gao Yan Ge Yaolong, George Goh Chih-Yang Gu Wangfan Ho Jia Wei Jeffery Cao Siming Jonathan Koh Junjie Jonathan Leo Guan Wei Koo Guo An, Jonathan Kuan Wei Heng Lee Heng You, Nicholas Lee Yi Wei, Joel Lim Tenn Shaun Liu Du Kai Ying Loo Li Yang Lu Wenyu Lu Yanxi Lyncam Edviano Loo Nathan Ang Wei Xun Ng Wei Hao Jonathan Phua Yue Jun Poh Yong Rui Poh Zhen Wei Aloysius Pu Chenfeng Seow Jing Ye Sha Yicheng Shawn Tan Cheng Yue Shi Xiang Sia Ke Xun Sit Han Zhe Sun Yu Fan Tan Ding Han Tao Jiashu Tiu Wee Yong Wang Siheng Wang Ziwen Xu Guiyi Xu Xinyi Yang Hao Yuan Yap Jian Shern Zhao Guangyu Zhou Qing Yi Zhou Zhennan Kevin Mak Wen Yang Lim Wee Kiat, Nicholas Tan Yu Yuan, Evan Ong Yu Heng Wee Chin Ho, Andrew
4-I3 4-I3 4-A3 3-S2 4-S1 4-I3 4-S1 3-S1 3-S2 4-S1 4-A3 4-I3 4-S2 4-P3 4-I3 4-O3 3-S1 4-S2 4-A3 4-A3 4-I3 4-A3 4-A3 4-S2 4-I3 4-S1 4-A3 3-P3 4-I1 4-S1 4-S1 4-S1 4-O1 4-O3 4-A3 3-S1 4-O3 4-S1 4-O3 4-I3 4-O3 4-S2 4-S2 4-A3 4-I3 4-A3 4-P3 3-O3 4-I3 3-P3 4-S1 4-O2 4-O3 4-S1 4-O3 4-S1 3-S2 3-P3 3-A1 4-P3 4-P3 4-S1 4-P3 3-A2
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS Singapore Science and Engineering Fair
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
The best of Security Awareness for Everyone Gold Award: Harpoon The (S.A.F.E) Competition (Secondary School Category) Drowning
12th Singapore Biology Olympiad 2011
Gold Silver
2012 (23rd) International Biology Olympiad 23rd Singapore Chemistry Olympiad 2011
Gold Gold Silver
24th Singapore Physics Olympiad 2011
Gold Bronze Honourable Mention
Chevron Chem-E-Car Competition 2012
Team Runners-Up
Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2012
Gold Silver
Lang Yanbin Liu Siyu Lu Zhen Shi Xiang Wang Ziwen Xia Nan Ang Kai Ren Pek Le Xuan, Jacus Wen Yanzhe Yap Kai Herng Lim Yuan Wei Zhang Ruirui Cai Anni Lim Jing Khoo Chun Yuet Li Zongchen Ren Qiyun Cheong Shao Wei Dominic Isaac Kuan Yi Kiat Lim Yuan Wei Toh Zheng Xiang Huang Baoxian Gong Chen Gu Keying Yan Kaidi Zhang Ruirui Liu Fangxu Cai Anni Lim Jing Lim Yao Chong Li Weijun Yang Yining Ng Chow Hui Ang Jia Xi Neo Ren Kai Edward Ong Han Wee Zou Xiangyu Fan Yi Lim Wen Shih Benjamin Michael Yan Kaidi Li Weijun Cai Anni Gu Keying Cheng Hao Liu Tingkai Lu Xiaonan Nick Lee Phang Zheng Xun Liang Xiao Hua Lew Shi Hui Chua Wang Jia Ong Rui Xin Sherlyn Michelle Sim Yan Lin Rie Chong Billy Andika Xu Linfeng Lee Puay Ling Cai Anni Ng Gee Ling Victoria Tay Kai Lin Chia Wan Ni Geraldine Felix Tan Keng Zhe Tan Jing Long Yuan Han Lim Hui Min
4-I3 4-S2 4-S1 4-I3 4-O3 4-S1 2I3 2I3 2I3 2I3 11S71 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7D 11S7B 11S7F 11S7F 11S71 11S7B 11S7D 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7F 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7D 11S7D 11S7D 11S7D 11S7D 11S7F 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S7D 11S7D 11S7D 11S60 11S7D 10S7B 11S73 11S74 11S70 11S76 11S76 11S6A 12S7B 11S73 11S7B 11S72 11S77 11S78 11S76 11S7F 11S7F 11S60
Singapore Young Physicists Tournament 2012
Commendation Singapore Biomedical Symposium 2012
Shell Singapore Youth Science Festival (SSYSF) 2012
Bronze Merit Outstanding Multimedia Presentation
REACT! Competition (NUS)
Team Second
10th Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge
Overall Champion (Senior Category)
Choong Ming Zhe Yeo Ke Qing Sabrina Tan Lynn Wu Wen Jing Ma Yanmin Hou Ruomu Tian Zhenyu Lee Choon Kiat Sia Han Yung Ang Wei Jian Lu Zhen Shi Xiang Wang Ziwen Lang Yanbin Liu Siyu Xia Nan Su Yi Hai Ang Ray Yan Lim Yao Chong Rick Wong Tuck Jun Glenn Chua Jia Hoe Ng Shang Yang Jonathan Phua Kia Sheng Joanne Tan Si Ying Yap Lin Hui Liu Jiani Sherry Tan Zhi Rong Han Hao Lim Hong Yao Tan Jing Long Lee Choon Kiat Chan Wai Kiu Huang Baoxian Ren Qi Yun Ong Tiet Ho Ng Boon Hian Loh Zheng Yi Kenneth Leong Bao Ren See Wei Li Willy Huang Juncheng Tan Leslie Cheong Yi Loong Benny An Sitong Yuan Han Yang Shuang David Tan Yan Yan Nicole Wu Zhi Yi
11S60 11S75 11S7F 11S7J 11S7B 11S7B 11S7B 11S68 11S6G 12S7D 4S1 4I3 4O3 4I3 4S2 4S1 11S6B 11S7B 11S7B 12S6N 12S7G 12S71 12S7D 12S64 12S6E 12S7F 11S6B 11S71 11S71 12S7F 12S68 11S7A 11S7D 11S7B 11S7A 12S68 12S74 11S7H 11S7H 11S67 12S7F 12S7D 12S7F 12S7F 12S7F 12S75 12S75
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Air Rifle / Shooting Name of Competition Awards National Inter-Schools’ Championships B Div Pistol 2nd Position / Silver Placing National Individual 5th Position 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National Individual 6th Position 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National National Inter-Schools’ Championships C Div Rifle 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National National Interschools A Div Shooting Championship Team 4th Position at - Pistol (Team) Interschool/National Competition National Interschools A Div Shooting Championship Competition - Rifle (Indivdual) National Interschools A Div Shooting Championship Competition - Rifle (Team)
NTU Invitational Shoot - Air Rifle (Team)
NUS Invitational Shoot - Air Pistol (Team)
Singapore Open Shooting Championships - Air Rifle Competition (Team) Art And Craft Club Name of Competition SYF Art & Craft Competition
Awards Awarded Gold Medal (with Honours) 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Students Quek Swee An Clyde
Class 3-A2
James Wong Hong Hian James Wong Hong Hian
3-P3 3-P3
Tan Shao Wei
Loo Li Yang Loo Li Yang
4-S1 4-S1
Ong Yinn Jaye Quah Yu Kiat Chik Cheng Jie
4-S1 4-O3 4-P3
Chik Cheng Jie
Tan Yu Yuan, Evan
Joshua Low De En
Joshua Low De En Bryan Lim Cheng Yee
2-I2 2-P3
Bryan Lim Cheng Yee Sim Yang Zhi Chan Dian Ting Royce
2-P3 2-P3 2-O1
Wong Zheng Zhi
Stanley Toh Jun Wei Wang Jun Hao Liu Shuyang
2-O4 2-A4 2-I1
Cheong Shao Wei Dominic Kenneth Lim Wei Yue Poh Wei Xuan Teo Wen Song Jacqueline Koh Li Tyn Leong Jia-Shuen Wesley Soo Guo Sheng Jacqueline Koh Li Tyn Leong Jia-shuen Wesley Ong Wan Li Quah Jun Zhi James Soo Guo Sheng Teo Zhi Ping Yang Jianing Yap Zhe You Ryo Leong Jia-Shuen Wesley Quah Jun Zhi James Soo Guo Sheng Kenneth Lim Wei Yue Poh Wei Xuan Teo Wen Song Leong Jia-Shuen Wesley
11S7F 11S7F 12S73 12S60 11S7K 11S6E 12S6C 11S7K 11S6E 12S6B 11S7K 12S6C 12A15 11S7J 11S7K 11S6E 11S7K 12S6C 11S7F 12S73 12S60 11S6E
Students Lim Zhen Wei, Zan Chuang Cheah Yong, Jonathan Cleon Wong Xin Zhan Ng Chee Peng Cheong Yi Ern Ernest Chen Jiahua Martin Kevan Chew Jun Kiat Samson Sim Alvin Song Yi Shi
Class 4-A3 4-S2 4-A2 4-A3 4-B1 4-H1 4-O1 4-H1 2-P3 YEARBOOK 2012
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS PAYM Loves Red: Drawing Competition 3DproDev Cartoon Avatar Art Competition Badminton Name of Competition West Zone Inter School Competition - B Boys
Awards 3rd Position / Bronze Placing Zonal
West Zone Inter School Competition - C Boys
3rd Position / Bronze Placing Zonal
Inter-Team Challenge
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Basketball Name of Competition West Zone School Basketball B Division
National Interschools A Div Basketball Championships
1st Position / Gold Placing National Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Awards Representation Zonal
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Wang Shuyi Lin Zhicheng Ang Jun Yang Chen Xingjian Zhai Zihan
2-O3 2-O4 2-A4 2-A4 1-P3
Erica Wong Shiyi
Students Linus Ng Hao Xuan Khoo Soo Han Lim Zhen Wei, Zan Ng Wei Hao Jonathan Ng Qi Hao Joshua Declan Lee Ler Cheng Tong Wen Clarence Tai Wei Liang Zhao Wen Yang William Lim Jie Han, Joel Tan Wei Jin Yong Chun Hao, Kevyn Chng Lip Kiam Ang Jing Zhe Ng Sheng Wei Ravn Teo Cheah Ming Wei Liew Ray Kai Josiah Tan En Jie Oh Jianyong Chong Tshuen Hau Ang Jing Hung, Ezekiel Kevin Chu Wing Him Jesher Kum Cheng Kit Liew Ray Kai Chong Tshuen Hau Ang Jing Hung, Ezekiel Kevin Chu Wing Him Tan Wei Jin Lim Jie Han, Joel Zhao Wen Yang William Clarence Tai Wei Liang Cheng Tong Wen Ng Qi Hao Joshua Ng Wei Hao Jonathan Lim Zhen Wei, Zan
Class 3Q 4-A1 4-A3 4-O3 4-P2 3-P1 3-P2 3-P3 3-O1 3-O1 3-O2 3-O2 1-P2 2-P1 2-P1 1-A2 2-P4 2-O3 2-O4 2-I3 1-O1 1-O3 1-O3 1-P3 2-O3 1-O1 1-O3 1-O3 3-O2 3-O1 3-O1 3-P3 3-P2 4-P2 4-O3 4-A3
Students Yong Yao Zhen Fan Yiheng Guek Jun Kai, Sebastian Yeo Wen Jie Ong Sze Chuan Zhang Siyuan Lung Sze Wei Timothy Lang Yanbin Tan Jun Pu Chenfeng Soon Wei Jun Fun Xue Yao Amber Tan Chun En
Class 4Q2 3-H1 3-H1 3-S2 4-A2 4-B1 4-I1 4-I3 4-O2 4-O3 3-P1 3-P2 11S6G
Ang Shihe Chee Khan Liang Cheong Rong Hao Chou Yu-Ting
11S6E 12S6A 11S6D 12S7G
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Southeast Asia Basketball Association Championships for Junior Men
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in International Competition
Canoeing/Rowing/Dragon Boat Name of Competition Club Crew World Dragon Boat Championship Junior 2000m
Awards 1st Position / Gold Placing International
Chu Hsiao-Hsuan
Chun Wang Xuan Cooper Austin Cheung David Soo Zheng Jie Jason Tan Han Wei Joey Tan Jiao Jie
12S6D 11S7C 11S6C 11A16 12A11
Keith Chua Zhi Qiang Koh Zhe Ming Bryan Lee Lai Sheng Lie Yanwen Derborne Lim Yi Jieh Edna
12S6H 11S76 11S68 11S6J 12S6D
Loo Jian Wei Raymond
Ng Jia Wei Jolie Ooi Li Wen Pamela Loh Li Wen Peter Soo Zheng Yi
11S6C 11S7E 12S6D 11S6C
Ramona Wong Wei Xuan
Rolu Monilla Oyekanmi Sean Ong
11S7H 11A11
Sing Qing
Tan Jun Wei Tan Kai Shawn
12S6D 12S60
Tan Yen Yi
Wilfred Tan Weisheng
Yeo Kun Lin Glenda
Chee Khan Liang Chun Wang Xuan Tan Jun Wei
12S6A 12S6D 12S6D
Students Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Kerk Pei Yong Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Liu Wei Wei Ma Sung Jun Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Ye Jiadong Zeng Fan Pu
Class 2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 1-A1 2-A1 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 1-O2 2-A1 3-O1 3-P3 3-P1 2-A2 2-I1 3-I2 3-B2 2-A1 3-P3 YEARBOOK 2012
Club Crew World Dragon Boat Championship Junior A (Under-18) Open 200m
1st Position / Gold Placing International
Club Crew World Dragon Boat Championship Junior A (Under-18) Open 500m
1st Position / Gold Placing International
Club Crew World Dragon Boat Championship Junior B (Under-16) Open 200m
1st Position / Gold Placing International
Club Crew World Dragon Boat Championship Junior B (Under-16) Open 500m
1st Position / Gold Placing International
Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Chan Qing Zhou Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Kerk Pei Yong Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Liu Wei Wei Ma Sung Jun Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Tang Boxuan Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Ye Jiadong Zeng Fan Pu Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Chan Qing Zhou Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Kerk Pei Yong Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Liu Wei Wei Ma Sung Jun Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Tang Boxuan Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Ye Jiadong Zeng Fan Pu Axel Lau Wei En Kerk Pei Yong Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Li Chenyi Liu Wei Wei Ma Sung Jun Ng Qiyuan Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Wong Yi-Wen Ye Jiadong Ang Wei Jun Bryan Chan Qing Zhou Kerk Pei Yong Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lek Hong
2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 4-A2 1-A1 2-A1 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 1-O2 2-A1 3-O1 3-P3 3-S2 3-P1 1-O2 2-A2 2-I1 3-I2 3-B2 2-A1 3-P3 2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 4-A2 1-A1 2-A1 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 1-O2 2-A1 3-O1 3-P3 3-S2 3-P1 1-O2 2-A2 2-I1 3-I2 3-B2 2-A1 3-P3 2-P3 2-A1 3-P1 3-I2 3-O2 1-O2 2-A1 3-O1 3-S2 3-P1 3-I2 2-A1 2-P4 4-A2 2-A1 3-P1 3-I2 3-P2
National Canoeing Championship - JK1 500m Under 15 Open Men National Canoeing Championships - C1 500m Under 15 Men National Canoeing Championships - C2 1000m Open Men
National Canoeing Championships - C2 500m Under 15 Men
National Canoeing Championships - K1 1000m Under 15 Men National Canoeing Championships - K1 500m Under 15 Men
National Canoeing Championships - K2 1000m Open Men National Canoeing Championships - K2 1000m Under 15 Men
National Canoeing Championships - K2 500m Under 15 Men National Canoeing Championships - K4 500m Under 15 Men
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships C1 1000m (B Division) National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships C2 500m (B Division)
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K1 1000m (B Division) National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K1 1000m (C Division) National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K1 500m (B Division)
Li Chenyi Ma Sung Jun Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Wong Yi-Wen Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Low Shi Ming
3-O2 2-A1 3-O1 3-P3 3-S2 3-P1 3-I2 1-A1 1-A1
Axel Lau Wei En
Ma Sung Jun
Chan Qing Zhou
Koh Kai Jie Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Kui Yuan, Junius
3-P1 3-P3 3-I1
Fan Ray Shen
Li Jingbo Ma Sung Jun You Yingfeng
1-P3 2-A1 2-P1
Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Kerk Pei Yong
1-A1 2-A1
Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence
1-O1 2-I1
Kerk Pei Yong
4th Position National
Tan Jia Jie
4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National
Bryan Wang Jun Han Jayden Lim Jing En
1-O1 1-O1
Richard Ding Qihao Tan Joshua
1-O3 1-O1
Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Tan Caleb Goh Xue Zhe Hong Jun Han, Joel Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao
1-O1 1-O3 1-O3 1-O3 1-A1
Tang Boxuan
Wang Boran
Ye Jiadong
Wong Yi-Wen
Chan Jun Yang
Chan Qing Zhou
Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman
Tan Kui Yuan, Junius
Lim Song Jie, Bram
Kerk Pei Yong
Lim Song Jie, Bram
4th Position National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K1 500m (C Division) National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K2 1000m (C Division)
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K2 500m (C Division)
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K4 1000m (B Division)
1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships K4 500m (C Division)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships T2 500m (C Division) National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships (B Division)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championships (C Division)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
Kerk Pei Yong
Ang Wei Jun Bryan
Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence
Teo Zay We, Simon
Wang Boran
Ang Wei Jun Bryan Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence
2-P4 2-I1
Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran
2-A2 2-I1
Chiang Wei Keat Lee Juo Shuen Li Chenyi Ng Qiyuan Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Tan Caleb Ye Jiadong Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Low Shi Ming Chan Jun Yang Chan Qing Zhou Chiang Wei Keat Cui Tingwei Delwyn Goh Jing Yi Kieran Jamie Pillai Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Lim Song Jie, Bram Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Ong En Ci, Isaac Tan Guan Hao Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Tan Kui Yuan, Junius Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Zeng Fan Pu Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Chan Tze Kin Fan Ray Shen Goh Xue Zhe Hong Jun Han, Joel Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Jayden Lim Jing En Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Li Jingbo Liu Wei Wei Loh Zhi Wei Reinvs Low Shi Ming Ma Sung Jun Ng Wei Han, Norman Ong Shen Quan, Jaryl
4-I1 3-B2 3-O2 3-O1 1-O1 1-A1 1-O3 2-A1 1-A1 1-A1 4-P1 4-A2 4-I1 4-P2 4-I1 4-P2 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 3-O3 3-O1 3-P3 3-H1 4-P2 3-S2 3-P1 3-I1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P3 1-O1 2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 1-O4 1-O4 1-O3 1-O3 2-I1 1-A1 1-O1 1-A1 1-P3 1-O2 2-A2 1-A1 2-A1 1-I2 1-I2
National Inter-Schools Dragon Boat Championships 1st Position / Gold Placing (B Div 500m; 10 Crew) National
National Inter-Schools Dragon Boat Championships 1st Position / Gold Placing (B Div 500m; 20 Crew) National
National Inter-Schools Dragon Boat Championships 3rd Position / Bronze Placing (C Div 500m; 10 Crew) National
National Inter-Schools Dragon Boat Championships 3rd Position / Bronze Placing (C Div 500m; 20 Crew) National
Richard Ding Qihao See Ming Jie Tan Caleb Tan Joshua Tan Xin Jie Jonathan Tang Boxuan Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Ye Jiadong You Yingfeng Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Lim Song Jie, Bram Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Zeng Fan Pu Chan Jun Yang Chan Qing Zhou Chiang Wei Keat Chin Jun Ying Cui Tingwei Delwyn Goh Jing Yi Kieran Jamie Pillai Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Lim Song Jie, Bram Liu Wei Wei Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Guan Hao Tan Jia Jie Tan Jia Jie, Davis Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Zeng Fan Pu Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Ang Wei Jun Bryan Fan Ray Shen Goh Xue Zhe Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Kerk Pei Yong Low Shi Ming Ma Sung Jun Tang Boxuan Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Ye Jiadong Andrew Lee Ruo Zun Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Chan Tze Kin Fan Ray Shen Goh Xue Zhe
1-O3 2-A2 1-O3 1-O1 1-A4 1-O2 2-A2 2-I1 2-A1 2-P1 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 3-O3 3-O1 3-P3 3-S2 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P3 4-P1 4-A2 4-I1 4-P1 4-P2 4-I1 4-P2 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 3-O3 1-O2 3-O1 3-P3 4-P2 3-S2 4-I2 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P3 1-O1 2-P4 1-O4 1-O3 2-I1 1-A1 2-A1 1-A1 2-A1 1-O2 2-A2 2-I1 2-A1 1-O1 2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 1-O4 1-O4 1-O3 YEARBOOK 2012
National Junior Canoeing Championships - K1 500m Under 15 Men Final National Junior Canoeing Championships - K2 500m Under 15 Men Final
Singapore International Water Festival (B Division 10 Crew Dragon Boat Race)
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Singapore International Water Festival (C Division 10 Crew Dragon Boat Race)
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National
Hong Jun Han, Joel Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Jayden Lim Jing En Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Kerk Pei Yong Li Jingbo Low Shi Ming Ma Sung Jun Ng Wei Han, Norman Ong Shen Quan, Jaryl Richard Ding Qihao Tan Caleb Tan Joshua Tan Xin Jie Jonathan Tang Boxuan Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Ye Jiadong You Yingfeng Kerk Pei Yong
1-O3 2-I1 1-A1 1-O1 1-A1 2-A1 1-P3 1-A1 2-A1 1-I2 1-I2 1-O3 1-O3 1-O1 1-A4 1-O2 2-A2 2-I1 2-A1 2-P1 2-A1
Ang Wei Jun Bryan
Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence
Teo Zay We, Simon
Wang Boran
Chan Jun Yang Chan Qing Zhou Chiang Wei Keat Chin Jun Ying Cui Tingwei Delwyn Goh Jing Yi Ignatius Tan Shee Ray Kieran Jamie Pillai Koh Kai Jie Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Tan Caleb Tan Guan Hao
4-P1 4-A2 4-I1 4-P1 4-P2 4-I1 1-A1 4-P2 3-P1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 3-O1 3-P3 1-O3 4-P2
Tan Jia Jie
Tan Jia Jie, Davis
Tan Jun Kai, Glenn
Wong Yi-Wen
Yao Jiaxu
Zeng Fan Pu
Andrew Lee Ruo Zun
Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Bryan Wang Jun Han Fan Ray Shen Hong Jun Han, Joel Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence Ignatius Tan Shee Ray
2-P4 2-P3 1-O1 1-O4 1-O3 2-I1 1-A1
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Temasek Regatta
1st Position / Gold Placing National
National Canoeing Championships (C2 200m)
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
National Canoeing Championships (C2 500m) National Canoeing Championships (K2 1000m) National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (C1 1000m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (C1 500m) National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (C2 1000m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (C2 500m)
Jayden Lim Jing En Joel Ryan Lim Jia Hao Kerk Pei Yong
1-O1 1-A1 2-A1
Low Shi Ming Ma Sung Jun
1-A1 2-A1
Richard Ding Qihao Tan Caleb Tan Joshua Teo Zay We, Simon Wang Boran Yao Jiaxu Ye Jiadong You Yingfeng Ang Wei Jun Bryan Axel Lau Wei En Chan Qing Zhou Hoon Tian Jun, Terrence Kerk Pei Yong Kuek Tze Yin, Joshua Lee Juo Shuen Lek Hong Li Chenyi Lim Song Jie, Bram Liu Wei Wei Loh Zhi Wei Reinvs Ng Qiyuan Ng Xiang Xing, Nesman Ong En Ci, Isaac Tan Jia Jie Tan Jun Kai, Glenn Tan Kui Yuan, Junius Teo Zay We, Simon Wong Yi-Wen Yao Jiaxu Ye Jiadong Yeo Bo Wen Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
1-O3 1-O3 1-O1 2-A2 2-I1 3-B2 2-A1 2-P1 2-P4 2-P3 4-A2 2-I1 2-A1 3-I2 3-B2 3-P2 3-O2 3-O3 1-O2 2-A2 3-O1 3-P3 3-H1 3-S2 3-P1 3-I1 2-A2 3-I2 3-B2 2-A1 2-I3 11S6C 11S6D
Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
11S6C 11S6D
Kimberlyn Nicole Tjipto Lee Wanling Felicia
12S6D 11S6C
Ong Yu Bryan
Ou Yiming
Ong Yu Bryan
Lee Yi Liang Lim Zheng Jie
11S6E 11S63
Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
11S6C 11S6D
Lee Yi Liang Lim Zheng Jie
11S6E 11S63
Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
11S6C 11S6D
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K1 1000m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K1 500m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K2 1000m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K2 500m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K4 1000m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (K4 500m)
National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (Overall Team Position)
Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Henry Lau Mun Han
Kimberlyn Nicole Tjipto
Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn Marcus Lee Jian Ying
11S7J 11S65
Henry Lau Mun Han Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn
12S60 11S7J
Marcus Lee Jian Ying
Ho Canxiang
Kimberlyn Nicole Tjipto
Lee Leong Hui
Lee Wanling Felicia
Sarah Yeo Xin Hui
Tan Han Qin Joel Tan Wei Peng Shaun
11S6C 12S6D
Vanessa Heng Tze Hui
Ho Canxiang Lee Leong Hui Sarah Yeo Xin Hui Tan Han Qin Joel Tan Wei Peng Shaun
11S6H 12S77 12S76 11S6C 12S6D
Vanessa Heng Tze Hui
Cheng Li Ke
Cheng Min Yi Nicole Foo Wei Yi Hui Janie Anne Liu Jia Wei Seah Sheng Hui
11S7J 11S7J 11S6C 11S6F 11S64
Tang Xi-En Charlene
Yang Yi
Cheng Min Yi Nicole Foo Wei Yi Hui Janie Anne Tang Xi-En Charlene
11S7J 11S7J 11S6C 11S7C
Avalyn Chia Xueting
Cheng Li Ke
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Cheng Min Yi Nicole
Chew Xiu Zheng Choo Chak Meng Jared Darryl Chong Hern Jin Foo Wei Yi
12S6P 12S68 12S60 11S7J
Henry Lau Mun Han Ho Canxiang
12S60 11S6H
Hui Janie Anne
Khor Kai Sherng
Kimberlyn Nicole Tjipto
Lee Guan Shun Lee Leong Hui
12S6K 12S77
Lee Su Lynn Lee Wanling Felicia
12S63 11S6C
Lee Yi Liang
Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn
Lim Zheng Jie Liu Jia Wei Marcus Lee Jian Ying Melissa Low Mei Jun
11S63 11S6F 11S65 11S63
Ong Yu Bryan Ou Yiming Peter Chen Yang Nikhil Daniel Rachelle Han Jia Ling Sarah Yeo Xin Hui
11S64 12S64 12S73 12S7D 12S76
Seah Sheng Hui
Seow Jie Xi
Tan Han Qin Joel Tan Wei Peng Shaun
11S6C 12S6D
Tan Ying Hui
Tang Jiaren Bryan
Tang Xi-En Charlene
Teo Ming Yi
Vanessa Heng Tze Hui
Yang Yi Yong Yu Wen
11A15 12S64
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Interschools A Div Canoeing Championship (T1 500m) National Junior Canoeing Championships (C1 1000m)
National Junior Canoeing Championships (C1 500m) National Junior Canoeing Championships (C2 1000m)
National Junior Canoeing Championships (C2 500m)
National Junior Canoeing Championships (K1 1000m) National Junior Canoeing Championships (K1 500m) National Junior Canoeing Championships (K2 1000m)
National Junior Canoeing Championships (K2 500m)
National Junior Canoeing Championships (K4 1000m)
Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Lee Wanling Felicia
Ong Yu Bryan
Ou Yiming
Ong Yu Bryan
Choo Chak Meng Jared
Lee Yi Liang Lim Zheng Jie
11S6E 11S63
Ong Yu Bryan
Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
11S6C 11S6D
Lee Yi Liang Lim Zheng Jie
11S6E 11S63
Tang Jiaren Bryan Teo Ming Yi
11S6C 11S6D
Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn
11S7J 11S7J
Henry Lau Mun Han
Mak Zhi Hao Keloysius
Marcus Lee Jian Ying
Peter Chen Yang Nikhil Daniel Sarah Yeo Xin Hui
12S73 12S76
Tan Han Qin Joel Tan Wei Peng Shaun
11S6C 12S6D
Vanessa Heng Tze Hui
Ho Canxiang Lee Leong Hui
11S6H 12S77
Mak Zhi Hao Keloysius Peter Chen Yang Nikhil Daniel
12S71 12S73
Cheng Li Ke
Cheng Min Yi Nicole Foo Wei Yi Hui Janie Anne Liu Jia Wei Seah Sheng Hui
11S7J 11S7J 11S6C 11S6F 11S64
Tang Xi-En Charlene
Yang Yi
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Junior Canoeing Championships (K4 500m)
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
National Women Kayaking Championships (K1 1000m)
Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
National Women Kayaking Championships (K1 500m) National Women Kayaking Championships (K2 1000m) National Women Kayaking Championships (K2 500m)
Chess/Bridge Name of Competition CJC Inter-College Bridge Tournament
Inter-Club Bridge League Cup National Age Group Chess Championships National Interschools Bridge Team Championships
National Youth Pairs Championship (Bridge) NTU Chinese Chess Open
Awards Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition
Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Individual 1st Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Pioneer JC Cup/Chinese Chess Team
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Raffles Cup Inter-JC Chess Competition / Chinese Chess (Team)
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Singapore Inter-Club Bridge League
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Henry Lau Mun Han Mak Zhi Hao Keloysius Marcus Lee Jian Ying Peter Chen Yang Nikhil Daniel Kimberlyn Nicole Tjipto
12S60 12S71 11S65 12S73 12S6D
Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn
Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn
Sarah Yeo Xin Hui Vanessa Heng Tze Hui Cheng Min Yi Nicole Lee Wanling Felicia
12S76 11S71 11S7J 11S6C
Sarah Yeo Xin Hui Vanessa Heng Tze Hui
12S76 11S71
Students Dong Muyun Lau Yee Jan Hilary Liu Tingkai Xin Chen Zhou Ming Yang Zhou Ming Yang
Class 11S7F 12S75 11S7D 11S7F 11S62 11S62
Tan Jing Long
Dong Muyun Gong Chen Lim Wen Shih Benjamin Michael Liu Tingkai Xin Chen Zhou Ming Yang Zhou Ming Yang
11S7F 11S7B 11S7F 11S7D 11S7F 11S62 11S62
Hong Kai Cong Li Tianhao Ooi Xun Yuan Tan Jing Long Zhou Jing Song Zhou Ming Yang Jiang Hongxuan Li Tianhao Ooi Xun Yuan Tan Jing Long Zhou Jing Song Hong Kai Cong Li Tianhao Ooi Xun Yuan Tan Jing Long Zhou Jing Song Zhou Ming Yang Dong Muyun Gong Chen Lee Men Quan Lim Wen Shih Benjamin Michael Liu Fangxu Mao Yulin Ong Han Wee Xin Chen Xu Jieyang Yang Yining
11S74 12S6C 12S71 12S7F 12S65 11S62 12S7F 12S6C 12S71 12S7F 12S65 11S74 12S6C 12S71 12S7F 12S65 11S62 11S7F 11S7B 11S7B 11S7F 11S7F 11S7F 11S7D 11S7F 11S7F 11S7B YEARBOOK 2012
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Chinese Calligraphy Name of Competition National Chinese Calligraphy Competition organised by Ulu Pandan Community Centre The Peace Cup
National Chinese Calligraphy Competition organised by Bukit Batok Community Centre “Quan Guo Xue Sheng Shu Fa Bi Sai” 16th World Calligraphy Art Exhibition
1st Position / Gold Placing International 4th Position International
3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing International 1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National Gold (with Honours) Award Bronze Award Silver Award Bronze Award
2011 Buddha Temple (Guan Yin Tang) National Calligraphy Competition
Merit Award
2012 YMCA Calligraphy Competition
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Merit Award Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award
2012 乌鲁班丹全国书法公开赛 Ulu Pandan National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2012
2012 武吉巴督全国学生现场书法比赛 Bukit Batok National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2012
2012 油池全国书法公开比赛 Yew Tee National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2012
Awards 4th Position National
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award
Team/Student Name Chia Hou Yi Shaw Jia Jun Chia Hou Yi Chia Hou Yi
Class 3-O2 2-O4 3-O2 3-O2
Tan Kwan Wei, Kevin Cheong Yi Ern Ernest Cheah Hoe Leong Yu Sheng Jie Chen Li Lu Wenyu Tao Ran
4-S1 4-B1 4-S2 4-B1 2-P3 4-O1 4-P3
Pan Shih-Yu
Shaw Jia Jun
Low Ji Ken
Shaw Jia Jun
Shaw Jia Jun Chen Zikun Gao Xin Yi Han Song Tan Kai Cheng Zhang Shuofei Chen Ziqing Shen Jiazhu Xin Chen Xing Bo You Wei Zhang Shuofei Han Song
2-O4 11S6F 11S73 11S6D 11S7C 11S75 11S6B 11S6F 11S7F 11S67 11S70 11S75 11S6D
Pei Wei Tan Kai Cheng
11S75 11S7C
Zhang Shuofei Fan Yi Lim Wan Lin
11S75 11S7D 12S62
Phua Yue Min Xu Shi
12S6H 12S6A
Zou Yan Hong
Lim Wan Lin Mok Xiao Chou
12S62 12S7G
Pang Xing Ting Ren Jiaxing Xin Chen Xu Shi
12S61 12S6A 11S7F 12S6A
Zou Yan Hong Mok Xiao Chou
12A12 12S7G
Phua Yue Min
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award 2012年義安公司学生书法比赛Ngee Ann Kongsi Students’ Calligraphy Compettition 2012 23届全国学生书法赛 23th National Chinese Calligraphy Competition
Merit Award Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award
National Hui-Chun Calligraphy Competition
威德智海佛光山硬笔书法比赛 Fo Guang Shan Hard-Pen Calligraphy Competition
Certificate of Merit Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Certificate of Merit Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Certificate of Merit Merit Award Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award 武吉知马民众俱乐部属下,草堂岭书画会主办的全 国青少年全国书法大赛
第二十届全国学生书法比赛 20th National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 观音堂全国书法比赛 Guan Yin Tang National Chinese Calligraphy Competition
Chinese Chess Name of Competition Battle of The Wits (Individual)
Battle of The Wits (Team)
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Merit Award
Awards 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Xin Chen
Xu Shi Zou Yan Hong Shen Jiazhu Xin Chen
12S6A 12A12 11S6F 11S7F
Lim Wan Lin
Mok Xiao Chou
Pang Xing Ting Ren Jiaxing Xu Shi Zou Yan Hong Lim Wan Lin Mok Xiao Chou
12S61 12S6A 12S6A 12A12 12S62 12S7G
Phua Yue Min Shen Jiazhu Xin Chen
12S6H 11S6F 11S7F
Zou Yan Hong Chen Zikun
12A12 11S6F
Lim Wan Lin
Mok Xiao Chou Pang Xing Ting Phua Yue Min Wang Mengting Xing Bo Xu Shi
12S7G 12S61 12S6H 11S7D 11S67 12S6A
Zou Kelin Zou Yan Hong Xin Chen
11S6F 12A12 11S7F
Xin Chen
Xin Chen
Chen Ziqing Shen Jiazhu Xin Chen Xing Bo You Wei Zhang Shuofei
11S6B 11S6F 11S7F 11S67 11S70 11S75
Team/Student Name Yang Hao Yuan
Class 4-S1
Tan Jing Ling
Tao Jiashu Lee Shee Toh, Benedict Cheong Yi Wei Liew Zhi Jie, Alex Tan Jing Ling Yang Hao Yuan
3-P3 3-B2 3-B1 3-I1 3-S1 4-S1 YEARBOOK 2012
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Char Yong Cup - Chinese Chess Tournament (under 14 Category / C Div) -Zone Char Yong Cup - Chinese Chess Tournament (under 16 Category / B Div) - Final
Char Yong Cup - Chinese Chess Tournament (under 18 category) NTU Chinese Chess Open
PJC Chess Challenge
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing Zonal 4th Position National 2nd Position / Silver Placing Zonal 1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National
1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 4th Position National
Chung Cheng Cup
Kembangan CC Blitz Challenge
Raffles Inter-School Chinese Chess Competition (Raffles Cup) - Team
JJC Cup - Chinese Chess Tournament Secondary section
1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
1st Position / Gold Placing National Choir Name of Competition 60th European Music Festival for Young People, Neerpelt, Belgium
Awards Achieved Team 1st Position at International Competition
Khoo Tze Yang Rayson Tao Jiashu Calvent Owh
4-B1 3-P3 2-I2
Calvent Owh
Lee Shee Toh, Benedict Yang Hao Yuan
3-B2 4-S1
Khoo Tze Yang Rayson
Tan Jing Ling
Tao Jiashu Lee Shee Toh, Benedict
3-P3 3-B2
Cheong Yi Wei Tan Jing Ling
3-B1 3-S1
Zhou Zhennan Calvent Owh Ye Chensheng Chua Jiajie Ye Junyuan Tao Jiashu Lee Shee Toh, Benedict Tan Jing Ling Khoo Tze Yang Rayson Yang Hao Yuan Peter Kang Zhi Yuan Zhou Zhennan Ye Chensheng Ye Junyuan
4-P3 2-I2 4-O3 4-O3 4-O1 3-P3 3-B2 3-S1 4-B1 4-S1 4-P2 4-P3 4-O3 4-O1
Tan Jing Ling Peter Kang Zhi Yuan Ye Junyuan Tao Jiashu Tan Jing Ling
3-S1 4-P2 4-O1 3-P3 3-S1
Peter Kang Zhi Yuan
Calvent Owh
Tan Jing Ling
Khoo Tze Yang Rayson
Khoo Tze Yang Rayson Yang Hao Yuan Chua Jiajie Peter Kang Zhi Yuan Calvent Owh Khoo Tze Yang Rayson Yang Hao Yuan Sebastian Sim Shi Peng Peter Kang Zhi Yuan Zhou Zhennan Calvent Owh Ye Junyuan Tao Jiashu
4-B1 4-S1 4-O3 4-P2 2-I2 4-B1 4-S1 4-O3 4-P2 4-P3 2-I2 4-O1 3-P3
Students Aloysius Loh Dai Coon Amanda Lee Jieying Benedict Kwok Chee Kong Cassmain Low Chai Sze Ying Amanda
Class 12S6E 12S6E 12A16 12S70 11A10
Fleischmann International Trophy Competition at the 58th Cork International Choral Competition, Ireland
Achieved 3rd Placing in International Competition
Chen Chaoqun Chen Yew Jee Eugene Chen Yiqi Cheong Kai Wen Ada Cheryl Tan Wan Mei Chew Shen Ean Pheodora Chia Pei Yun Chiam Jiale Chua Zhi Ming Eunice Kok Jie Yi Foo Bei Ying Foo Chuan Hui Joshua Goh Chun Shan Grace Ngu Wen-En Ho Yue Min Prisca Hoong Tian Jin Huang Feixue Jiang Shen Joshua Koh Jun Xiang Koh Tze Hui Kwok Li Xian Kwong Yan Li Callie Lee Peizheng Lee Yun See Lena Yeo Shu Lin Leung an Li Lew Yan Mei Emily Lynette Yeo Yan Teng Ng Shao Yan Ngo Wei Jun Pang Xin Ning Phee Hay Bryan Samuel Tan Jun Wei Saw Xin Yi, Charmaine Shawn Chua Chee Hao Tan Li Yin Tan Wei Lin Tan Wei Qing Leshia Tan Yu Xian Tan Yu Zhi Teo Juan Li Genevieve Toh Yong Seng Derrick Wang Wanqing Melinda Wee Le Ting Wei Mengyao Wu Jia Hui Wu Liang Xuan Wu Songhao Wu Wenjing Xu Luxun Yang Shuo Yip You Ming Yvonne Teo Yihong Zhang Tianjiao Zheng Chuyao Zhou Wentao Aloysius Loh Dai Coon Amanda Lee Jieying Benedict Kwok Chee Kong Cassmain Low Chai Sze Ying Amanda Chen Chaoqun Chen Yew Jee Eugene Cheng Hao Cheong Kai Wen Ada Cheryl Tan Wan Mei Chew Shen Ean Pheodora
11S63 12S73 12A13 12A14 12A11 12S6E 11S60 11S6E 12S7D 12S71 11S7C 11S7D 12S64 11S63 12S61 12S6C 12S6N 11S65 12A10 11S62 12A15 12A11 11S6D 12S7F 11S7J 11S72 11S74 11S71 12S7E 11S6F 12S72 12S61 11S6C 12A13 12S63 12S7H 12S71 12S7C 12S6F 12S7B 11S7C 11S6E 11S6B 11A15 11S69 11S78 12A13 11S7B 11S7J 11S67 12S7D 11S66 11A10 12S7D 12S67 12S6E 12S6E 12S6E 12A16 12S70 11A10 11S63 12S73 11S7D 12A14 12A11 12S6E YEARBOOK 2012
Cross Country Name of Competition National Inter-Schools Cross Country Championships C Div. Boys SAA Cross Country Championship National Interschools A Div Cross Country Championship (Individual)
National Interschools A Div Cross Country Championship (Team)
Awards 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 4th Position National Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition
Chia Pei Yun Chiam Jiale Eunice Kok Jie Yi Foo Bei Ying Foo Chuan Hui Joshua Goh Chun Shan Grace Ngu Wen-En Hoong Tian Jin Huang Feixue Jiang Shen Joshua Koh Jun Xiang Koh Tze Hui Kwok Li Xian Kwong Yan Li Callie Lee Peizheng Lee Yun See Lena Yeo Shu Lin Leung an Li Lew Yan Mei Emily Lynette Yeo Yan Teng Ngo Wei Jun Pang Xin Ning Phee Hay Bryan Samuel Tan Jun Wei Saw Xin Yi, Charmaine Shawn Chua Chee Hao Tan Li Yin Tan Wei Lin Tan Wei Mun Tan Yu Xian Tan Yu Zhi Teo Juan Li Genevieve Toh Yong Seng Derrick Wang Wanqing Melinda Wee Le Ting Wu Jia Hui Wu Liang Xuan Wu Wenjing Xu Luxun Yip You Ming Yvonne Teo Yihong Zhang Tianjiao Zheng Chuyao
11S60 11S6E 12S71 11S7C 11S7D 12S64 11S63 12S6C 12S6N 11S65 12A10 11S62 12A15 12A11 11S6D 12S7F 11S7J 11S72 11S74 11S71 11S6F 12S72 12S61 11S6C 12A13 12S63 12S7H 12S71 11S7E 12S6F 12S7B 11S7C 11S6E 11S6B 11A15 11S78 12A13 11S7J 11S67 11S66 11A10 12S7D 12S67
Students Ryan Koh Zhong Qi
Class 2-P2
Tan Yong Jin, Dylan Karthic Harish Ragupathy
2-A2 12S6B
Lim Yu-Han
Neo Hoon Suan
Aw Xin Sheng Freeman Chin Joo Ern Chua Bo Yu Ho Min Debbie
11S6G 11S68 12S6N 11S69
Huang Ziwei Karthic Harish Ragupathy Lee Wei Sheng Lim Jia Le
12S6H 12S6B 12A16 11S62
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
SAA Cross Country Championship (Individual)
SAA Cross Country Championship (Team)
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Wings Cross Country Championship (Individual) Wings Cross Country Championship (Team)
National Interschools A Div Cross Country Championship (Individual)
National Interschools A Div Cross Country Championship (Team)
Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition
Lim Yu-Han Ling An Neo Hoon Suan Samuel Wong Wen Jun
11S68 12S6J 11S68 11S6B
Sandra Chen Ming Shu Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun Tin Shu Min Wong Li Ying Yeo Xin Yi Yeo Yee Peng Joshua
11S7N 11S7B 12S70 11S68 12S7G 11S7D
Chin Joo Ern
Lim Yu-Han
Neo Hoon Suan
Aw Xin Sheng Freeman Chin Joo Ern Chua Bo Yu Ho Min Debbie Lim Yu-Han
11S6G 11S68 12S6N 11S69 11S68
Ling An Neo Hoon Suan Samuel Wong Wen Jun Sandra Chen Ming Shu
12S6J 11S68 11S6B 11S7N
Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun Yeo Xin Yi
11S7B 12S7G
Karthic Harish Ragupathy
Ho Min Debbie Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn Lim Yu-Han Ling An Neo Hoon Suan
11S69 11S7J 11S68 12S6J 11S68
Sandra Chen Ming Shu
Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun
Tin Shu Min
Wong Li Ying Yeo Xin Yi
11S68 12S7G
Karthic Harish Ragupathy
Lim Yu-Han
Neo Hoon Suan
Aw Xin Sheng Freeman Chin Joo Ern Chua Bo Yu
11S6G 11S68 12S6N
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
SAA Cross Country Championship (Individual)
SAA Cross Country Championship (Team)
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Wings Cross Country Championship (Individual) Wings Cross Country Championship (Team)
Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition
Ho Min Debbie
Huang Ziwei Karthic Harish Ragupathy Lee Wei Sheng Lim Jia Le Lim Yu-Han Ling An Neo Hoon Suan Samuel Wong Wen Jun
12S6H 12S6B 12A16 11S62 11S68 12S6J 11S68 11S6B
Sandra Chen Ming Shu
Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun Tin Shu Min Wong Li Ying Yeo Xin Yi Yeo Yee Peng Joshua
11S7B 12S70 11S68 12S7G 11S7D
Chin Joo Ern
Lim Yu-Han
Neo Hoon Suan
Aw Xin Sheng Freeman Chin Joo Ern Chua Bo Yu Ho Min Debbie Lim Yu-Han
11S6G 11S68 12S6N 11S69 11S68
Ling An Neo Hoon Suan Samuel Wong Wen Jun Sandra Chen Ming Shu
12S6J 11S68 11S6B 11S7N
Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun Yeo Xin Yi
11S7B 12S7G
Karthic Harish Ragupathy
Ho Min Debbie Lim Tyen-Xin Ethanyn Lim Yu-Han Ling An Neo Hoon Suan
11S69 11S7J 11S68 12S6J 11S68
Sandra Chen Ming Shu
Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun
Tin Shu Min
Wong Li Ying Yeo Xin Yi
11S68 12S7G
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Debating and Oratorical Society Name of Competition MGS U14 CHallenge SHield
Awards 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National
NTU Dorothy Cheung Debating Championship
1st Position / Gold Placing National
Raffles Junior College Under-14s Challenge Shield
1st Position / Gold Placing National
SCWO-NUS Challenge Shield
2nd Position / Silver Placing International
Singapore Secondary Schools Debating Championship
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Victoria Junior College Invitational Debates
2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Youth Open Debate Tournament
1st Position / Gold Placing National
ELDDFS Name of Competition International Humanitarian Law Debates
Awards Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition
MOE-ACJC Intercollegiate Debate Invitationals
Team 3rd Position at Interschool/National Competition
NTU Dorothy Cheung Debate Tournament
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 3rd Position at Interschool/National Competition
NTU Pro-Ams Prometheus Cup
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Achieved Team 3rd Position at International Competition
Students Au Wei Hoe Cheong Jia Yang, Alex Ong Juin Khai Shaun Lee Yi Xian Willard Ng Wei Le Cheong Jia Hao, Clarence Chew Shan Wei Gerald Choa Kai Kit Long Jun Da, Darrel Sia Bao Huei Zhang Haowei Elvis Bryan Yan Kai Jie Cheong Jia Yang, Alex Kok Jun Yi Lee Shao Jie, Timothy Ethan Song Mingwei Gerald Choa Kai Kit Lee Shao Jie, Timothy Ethan Long Jun Da, Darrel Sia Bao Huei Zhang Haowei Elvis Cheong Jia Hao, Clarence Chew Shan Wei Gerald Choa Kai Kit Long Jun Da, Darrel Zhang Haowei Elvis Boo Koh Hua Jie, David Chik Cheng Yao Kok Jun Yi Raphael Hugh Chang Jia Yi Zhang Haowei Elvis Boo Koh Hua Jie, David Bryan Yan Kai Jie Kok Jun Yi Lee Shao Jie, Timothy Ethan Sia Bao Huei
Class 1-O3 2-P4 2-P1 1-I1 1-A1 4-H1 4-I1 4-I2 4-I2 4-I2 4-H1 2-I1 2-P4 2-I1 2-I1 2-I2 4-I2 2-I1 4-I2 4-I2 4-H1 4-H1 4-I1 4-I2 4-I2 4-H1 3-I2 4-I3 2-I1 3-H1 4-H1 3-I2 2-I1 2-I1 2-I1 4-I2
Students Chng Luey Chi Ee Jing Hui Dinnie Joyan Tan Zhe-Yuan Woo Jek Jin Yee Shi Hui Charissa Chng Luey Chi Ee Jing Hui Dinnie Lee Hui Min Woo Jek Jin Yee Shi Hui Charissa Chng Luey Chi
Class 12A15 12A14 11A14 12A15 12A14 12A15 12A14 12S77 12A15 12A14 12A15
Chow Zi En Glendon Goh Jiajun Joyan Tan Zhe-Yuan Lee En Ting Look Woon-Wei Woo Jek Jin Yee Shi Hui Charissa
11A14 11A14 11A14 11A14 11A14 12A15 12A14
Darion Jin Hotan
Chow Zi En Edward Low Jun Qian Glendon Goh Jiajun Joyan Tan Zhe-Yuan Tan Hui Han
11A14 11A14 11A14 11A14 11A15
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition
Singapore International Affairs Debate Championships
Team 1st Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National Competition
Singapore Polytechnic Debate Opens
SMU British Parliamentary Debates
SMU Hammers Debates Junior College Division
SYF Central Judging of English Drama
ValidITE Business Debating Championships
Fencing Name of Competition Australian Championships U15
Team 3rd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 3rd Position at Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Best Speaker (Series) Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Bronze Award
Team 3rd Position at Interschool/National Competition
Awards 1st Position / Gold Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing International Representation International
Chow Zi En Edward Low Jun Qian Glendon Goh Jiajun Joyan Tan Zhe-Yuan Khoo Wu Shaun Chng Luey Chi Woo Jek Jin Yee Shi Hui Charissa Chng Luey Chi Ee Jing Hui Dinnie Loke Wen Hao Kenny Woo Jek Jin Yee Shi Hui Charissa Angela Verita Lin
11A14 11A14 11A14 11A14 11A14 12A15 12A15 12A14 12A15 12A14 11A14 12A15 12A14 12S6B
Chng Luey Chi
Dorothy So Sing Woon Lee Hui Min
12A15 12S77
See Wern Hao
Chng Luey Chi
Chow Zi En
Chow Zi En Ee Jing Hui Dinnie
11A14 12A14
Loke Wen Hao Kenny Woo Jek Jin
11A14 12A15
Yee Shi Hui Charissa
Charis Tan Wan Ting Choo Hui Ting Felicia Deng Huahua Dorothy So Sing Woon Guo Leibing Heng Wei Xiang J Jeya Vandana Janne Hu Ziyan Leong Wan Ting Look Woon-Wei Mock Yuan Bing Navas Ariel Roberto Russell Hong Wen Pin Ryan Seow Tan Yang Long Tay Xin-Ya Stella Thor Yue Han Johnathan Venessa Tan Wee Kah Yap Chien Xi Leanne Cheong Yi Loong Benny Chong Yun Ling Damon Tan Jie Hui Lee Hui Min See Wern Hao Takashima Kenji
11A15 11A14 12A10 12A15 11A10 11A15 11S7A 11A14 11S61 11A14 12A14 11A11 12A16 12A14 12A14 12A10 12S69 12A14 12S70 12S7D 12A15 12S70 12S77 12A10 12S70
Students Kevin Jerrold Chan Lee Weng Khin Lee Weng Khin
Class 2-I1 3-O3 3-O3
Lee Weng Khin
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS FS Challenge National Cadet Trials
National Individual Championships National Inter-School Fencing Championships (B Division - Epee) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (B Division - Foil) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (B Division - Sabre) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (B Division)
National Inter-School Fencing Championships (C Division - Epee) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (C Division - Foil) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (C Division - Sabre) National Inter-School Fencing Championships (C Division)
National Junior Trials National Trials Novice
Pesta Sukan Team Championships
1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Poh Tze Han, Damien Xiao Han Han, Richmond Xiao Han Han, Richmond
3-A1 3-O2 3-O2
Choy Yu Yong
Choy Yu Yong
Choy Yu Yong Joshua Ian Lim Joshua Ian Lim
3-P3 4-O3 4-O3
Joshua Ian Lim
Joshua Ian Lim
Choy Yu Yong
Choy Yu Yong Hong Yee Kiat, Nicholas Joshua Ian Lim Kong Jayson Lam Jiankai, Andre Law Tong Ye Matthew Edward Lee Weng Khin Lim Wei Boon Ng Shou Mian, Samuel Poh Tze Han, Damien Siew Zhi-Yuan, Matthew Toh Chin Yang, Nigel Xiao Han Han, Richmond Lim Ren Hsien, Justin
3-P3 4-H1 4-O3 4-A1 3-O1 4-S2 3-O3 4-A2 4-S2 3-A1 4-I2 3-I2 3-O2 2-A1
Sim Nigel
Chen Xingjian
Kevin Jerrold Chan
Chen Xingjian
Lam Jing Siang
Chen Xingjian Ho Tsung Wen, Owen Kevin Jerrold Chan Lam Jing Siang Lim Ren Hsien, Justin Lin Fang Yi Sean Wang Kang Xuan Sia Tze Kai Sim Nigel Tan Zhen Hao, Brian Timothy Ng Yu Yong Yu Kit, Jaron Joshua Ian Lim
2-A4 1-O3 2-I1 1-I2 2-A1 1-P3 1-A4 2-P2 2-O2 2-I3 2-P4 2-A3 4-O3
Choy Yu Yong Joshua Ian Lim Poh Tze Han, Damien
3-P3 4-O3 3-A1
Poh Tze Han, Damien
Xiao Han Han, Richmond
Chen Xingjian Kevin Jerrold Chan Sim Nigel
2-A4 2-I1 2-O2
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Singapore Cadet World Cup
Singapore Junior Fencing Championships (Foil) Singapore Mineme Championships
National Inter-School Championship (Women’s Sabre Individual) National Inter-Schools Championship (Men’s Team Overall)
3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 1st Position / Gold Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
National Inter-Schools Championship (Women’s Team Overall)
Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition
National Inter-Schools Fencing Championships (Men’s Epee Individual)
Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Choy Yu Yong
Choy Yu Yong
Hong Yee Kiat, Nicholas
Joshua Ian Lim
Poh Tze Han, Damien
Joshua Ian Lim
Chen Xingjian
Chen Xingjian
Ho Tsung Wen, Owen Kevin Jerrold Chan Kevin Jerrold Chan
1-O3 2-I1 2-I1
Lim Ren Hsien, Justin
Lim Ren Hsien, Justin
Lin Fang Yi Sim Nigel Sim Nigel
1-P3 2-O2 2-O2
Timothy Ng Yu
Seah Ying Xin
Chew Zhi Jie Aaron Christopher G Toh Wei Hong Goh Jia Wen Ip Yuan Chang Joel Chien Jing En Joel Yap Jen Yang Kelvin Tan Jia Jun Lee Wen Jun Ong Chan Hao Randy Poon Jun Yuan Ravintharan Zi En s/o K S Rick Wong Tuck Jun Sim Wei Hung Clarence Tan Chek Han Tan E Teng A Preethi Devi An Jiaqi Chen Chunni Chia Pei Yu Clarine Co Chuoying Cindy Kwok Shi Ann Sheranne Lau Wei Si Abigail Lee Yen Lisa Li Weiqi Lim Si Ying Sheryl Ng Hui Min Stephanie Ong Jiawen Pee Hai Rou Seah Ying Xin Thong Wei-Lyn Justina Ip Yuan Chang
12S6G 12S61 12S62 11S73 11S7G 11S68 12A15 11S6G 12S6P 12S6E 12S77 12S6N 12S74 11S70 11S72 11A13 11S72 11S7E 11S61 12A16 11S68 11S67 11S7A 11S7E 11S73 11S60 11S76 11S6J 11S7G 11S7G 11S73
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Inter-Schools Fencing Championships (Men’s Foil Individual)
National Inter-Schools Fencing Championships (Men’s Sabre Individual)
National Inter-Schools Fencing Championships (Women’s Foil Individual) Novices Championships (Men’s Sabre Team) Novices Championships (Women’s Sabre Team)
Frisbee/Ultimate Frisbee Name of Competition National Ultimate Frisbee Carnival - Boys
Teen Games (Plate Category)
Geography / Environmental Society Name of Competition Youth Leaders for a Sustainable Future
Golf Name of Competition Inter-School League of Youth Golf Programme 4th Leg Mizuno Laguna Junior Golf Championships National Interschools A Div Golf Championship
Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Ong Chan Hao
Randy Poon Jun Yuan
Chew Zhi Jie Aaron
Lee Wen Jun
Pee Hai Rou
Lee Wen Jun
Chia Pei Yu Clarine Lee Yen Lisa Lim Si Ying Sheryl Seah Ying Xin
11S61 11S7A 11S73 11S7G
Students Benedict Lim Gin Hong Chen Zhaofeng Goh Xian Fong Guek Jun Kai, Sebastian Ho Chin Chee Javier Loo Lek Wei Lee Kay Han Ong Jing Rui, Ivan Pang Xian Xun, Alastair Yan Wei Liang Yau Wee Chiat, Nicholas Leow Su Li Lim Jun Rong Lui Wenwei Kenneth Perry Hong Kar Wai Soon Hui Ker Tan Wee Yen Kevin Tan Yun Mei Kymberly Yeo Jun Hao
Class 3-S1 3-S1 3-S2 3-H1 3-O3 3-A1 3-H1 3-I1 3-S2 3-A3 3-O3 11S6C 11A14 11S72 11S60 11S63 11S7K 11S60 11S6J
Awards 2nd Position / Silver Placing National
Students Chew Shi Cheng Christopher Chua Wei Yang Heng Wei Shin Lim Shengyuan Low Kai Sheng, Bryan See Yongsong Yong Yu Kit, Jaron Yuan Bin Da
Class 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3 2-A3
Awards Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 13th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition
Students Class Goh Sze Minn Marlene Samantha 11S77
Awards 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Goh Sze Minn Marlene Samantha 11S77 Andre Ng Zuhao
Lim Wei Jie
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Gymnastics Name of Competition Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional)
Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual All Around-IAA Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-Floor Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-H.Bar Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-P.Bars Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-Pommel Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-Rings Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division (Optional) Individual Appraratus-Vault Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division Floor Exercise Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division Parallel Bar Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division Pommel Horse Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘B’ Division Vaulting Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice)
Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice) Individual Appraratus-Floor Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice) Individual Appraratus-H.Bar Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice) Individual Appraratus-P.Bars Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice) Individual Appraratus-Pommel
Awards Individual 6th Position 1st Position / Gold Placing National Individual 5th Position 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National Individual 8th Position 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 4th Position National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Students Josiah Tan Jia Ern Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Class 3Q 3Q
Kurt Kee Yue Zhen Kurt Kee Yue Zhen Leow Yong Heng Leow Yong Heng
4-P2 4-P2 3-P1 3-P1
Ong Yi Xuan
Samson Sim
Samson Sim Tan Yu Xiang Tan Yu Xiang Josiah Tan Jia Ern
4-H1 3-O3 3-O3 3Q
Samson Sim
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Leow Yong Heng
Samson Sim
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Samson Sim
Samson Sim
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Tan Yu Xiang
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Samson Sim
Leow Yong Heng Samson Sim
3-P1 4-H1
Josiah Tan Jia Ern
Tan Yu Xiang
Chan Yan Ling Chan Yan Yi Jeanon Goh Kenneth Scott Heng Chan Yan Ling
2-O3 2-A2 2-P3 2-P3 2-O3
Chan Yan Yi
Chan Yan Ling
Chan Yan Yi
Chan Yan Ling
Chan Yan Yi
Chan Yan Ling
Chan Yan Yi
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Schools National Gymnastics Championship ‘C’ Division (Novice) Individual Appraratus-Vault Asean Schools Games (Gymnastics - Team) Asean Schools Gymnastics Championships (Individual Balance Beam) Asean Schools Gymnastics Championships (Individual Floor Exercise) National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual All-Around)
National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual Floor Exercise)
National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual High Bar)
National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual Parallel Bars)
National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual Pommel Horse)
National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual Rings) National Interschools A Div Artistic Gymnastics Championship (Individual Vault)
National Interschools A Div Trampoline Championship (Individual)
National Interschools A Div Trampoline Championship (Team)
2nd Position / Silver Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National Achieved 2nd Placing in International Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in International Competition Achieved 5th Placing in International Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 4th Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition
Chan Yan Ling
Chan Yan Yi
Foo En Ning
Foo En Ning
Chan Medric
Chan Medric
Lee Jia Luo Nick
Chan Medric
Choy Dian Shao
Chan Medric
Joel Wong En Jie
Lee Jia Luo Nick
Lee Zong Han
Chan Medric
Lee Jia Luo Nick
Chan Medric
Chan Medric
Choy Dian Shao
Heng Yi-Xiang
Joel Wong En Jie
Seow Jia Ern Stephanie
Tan Chor Hian
Chng Chin Chii Abigail Chua Hou Zheng Daniel Wong Sheng Jie Heng Yi-Xiang Joel Wong En Jie Lee Xin Ting Cherie Lee Zong Han Seow Jia Ern Stephanie Soong Hui Ling Tan Chor Hian Tang Xi-En Charlene Trudy Sih Shu Min Zest Ang Yi Yen
11S74 12S66 12S7F 11S6D 11A10 11S7C 11S66 11S66 11S7K 11S6A 11S7C 12S6H 12S75 YEARBOOK 2012
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS Singapore National Gymnastics Championship (Balance Beam) Singapore National Gymnastics Championship (Floor Exercise) Singapore National Gymnastics Championship (Individual All-Around) Singapore National Gymnastics Championship (Vault) Singapore Open Gymnastics Championships (Balance Beam) History & Current Affairs Name of Competition Nanyang Technological University Current Affairs Shield
Nanyang Technological University Model United Nations National University of Singapore (NUS) Chancellor’s Challenge Shield Quiz
UNAS Young Diplomat Award
IT Club/Infocomm Society Name of Competition National Software Competition - Algorithm Splash Awards
InnovateIT - Business-IT integration Competition Splash Awards - A National Design Competition under National Infocomm Competition Judo Name of Competition International Cadet Judo Championships
National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (B Division - Extra Light Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (B Division - Feather Weight) 100
Achieved 3rd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 2nd Placing in Interschool/National Competition Achieved 3rd Placing in International Competition Awards Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 2nd Position at Interschool/National Competition Best Delegate - Honourable Mention Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Team 4th Position at Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National competition Silver Award
Awards 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National 3rd Position / Bronze Placing National 2nd Position / Silver Placing National Achieved 1st Placing in Interschool/National Competition Team 1st Position at Interschool/National Competition Awards 2nd Position / Silver Placing International 3rd Position / Bronze Placing International 1st Position / Gold Placing National 1st Position / Gold Placing National
Foo En Ning
Foo En Ning
Foo En Ning
Foo En Ning
Foo En Ning
Team/Student Name Glendon Goh Jiajun
Class 11A14
Glendon Goh Jiajun Matthew Wong Zhi Liang Yeo Quan Yi Look Woon-Wei Low Rui Hao Ong Crystal Alastair Loh Chuan Yao
11A14 12S6A 12A12 11A14 11S77 11A15 12S73
Chee You Jin Eugene
Chin Zhi Xian
Chow Wen Kang Glendon Goh Jiajun Kylie Tora Basuki Liu Lye Yuk Fong Daniel Matthew Wong Zhi Liang
11S79 11A14 11A15 12A14 12S6A
Chua Kun Yang Khan Azfer Ali Lye Yuk Fong Daniel Matthew Wong Zhi Liang
12A14 12A14 12A14 12S6A
Students Bernard Teo Zhi Yi Zheng Huiyao Denis Lan Chung Lim
Class 4-I3 3-S1 3-H1
Derrick Lim En Sheng
Lim Ming Hao, Eddie Lim Zheng Sen, Joel Marc Ong Tong Leong Sun Yudong Mak Zhi Hao Keloysius Tan Yu Zhi Wong Jun Ming Edmund Lau Jia Hao Gan Wei Liang Gay Wei En Colin
3-A1 3-H1 4-I2 2-O2 12S71 12S7B 12S71 12S69 12S7D 12S7F
Students Chua Jun-Kai, Ambrose
Class 3Q
Wu Jiankai
Wu Jiankai
Chong Shao Hong, Benedict
CCA ACHIEVEMENTS National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (B Division - Light Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division - Extra Light Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division - Feather Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division - Heavy Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division - Light Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division - Middle Weight) National Inter-Schools Judo Championships (C Division)
National Youth Judo Championship (U14 Boys