HBSE Practice Test 03

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Instructions: Be honest. No cheating even opening of books and other materials.   Just write the letters in the space provided.     After you answer the questions send it back to me so I can check it and give you the answers. After you answer everyone must provide their own questionnaire (as many as you can, better to provide   20 questions and up for the refreshment of our brain). I hope that you will participate we will do our best too to provide questions coming from different materials for the sake of our Board Exams. You can share it to us all your learning’s in your review center. Let’s help each other.      Enjoy and relax.


1. Extreme form of personality disorder in which the t he person seems to lack any normal conscience taking t aking advantage of others without showing any traces of guilt g uilt and have no affection for anyone. a. antisocial b. paranoid c. borderline d. schizoid

c 2.

People with personality disorder are unable to get rid of their constant suspicions and mistrust of

other people. a. schizotypal b. borderline c. paranoid d. histrionic b 3.

Marked by an indifference to social and sexual relationships and a very narrow range of emotional experience and expression. a. schizotypal b. schizoid c. paranoid d. borderline


4. People with personality disorder look peculiar and even bizarre in their way of relating with others. a. schizoid b. paranoid c. histrionic d. schizotypal


5. May feel empty and bored inside and may quickly shift in their mood from depression to irritability to anxiety. a. borderline b. histrionic c. paranoid d. narcissistic



6. Demands compliments and gratification of all their wishes. a. narcissistic b. histrionic c. paranoid d. schizoid


7. Excessively emotional and attention seeking. a. obsessive compulsive b. histrionic c. paranoid d.antisocial

a 8.

Antisocial personality is greater among: a. boys b. girls c. both a and b d. children


9. Histrionic personality is common among: a. boys b. girls c. both a and b d. children


10. Social inhibition, feeling of inadequacy, hypersensitive to be evaluated. a. avoidant b. dependent c. narcissistic d. histrionic


11. Pre occupation with orderliness, perfection and control. a. Passive-aggressive b. borderline c. schizoid d.obsessive compulsive


12. Submissive and clinging behavior to an excessive need need nee d to be taken care of a. avoidant b. aggressive c. obsessive compulsive d. dependent


13. Shows inner anger and hostility and pretends trying t rying to be cooperative/front of sincerely wanting. a. obsessive compulsive b. dependent c. passive aggressive d. avoidant



14. Cruel and demanding and has morbid fascination with violence and torture. a. sadistic b. dependent c. avoidant d. anti social


15. Undermines self and suffers pain rather than pleasure a. sadistic b. dependent c. self defeating d. avoidant



16. Acrophobia fear of: a. open spaces b. closed spaces c.high places d. crowd 17. Fear of pain: a. agoraphobia b. hydrophobia c. algophobia d. monophobia


18. Fear of open spaces: a. algophobia b. agoraphobia c. algophobia d. phobophobia


19. Fear of one’s own fear: a. ponophobia b. agoraphobia c. algophobia d. antlophobia



20. Fear of being alone: a. monophobia b. agoraphobia c. phobophobia d. toxicophobia 21. Expose to traumatic stresses like death or serious injury which involves intense fear, helplessness and horror. a. post partum disorder b. panic disorder c. generalized anxiety d. post traumatic disorder



22. Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more mo re days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events or activities. a. anxiety b. generalized anxiety c. panic attack d. agoraphobia


23. The following are signs and symptoms of panic attack, except: a. trembling or shaking b. pounding heart c. faint d. humiliation


24. Social anxiety disorder is characterized by: a. persistent fear of social performance in which embarrassment may occur b. recurrent obsessions or compulsions c. persistent fear cued by the presence of an anticipation of objects d. persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma


25. Which is not considered as a category of mental disorder. a. Somatoform b. schizophrenia c. psychoneurotics d. paraphilia


Somatoform disorders involve a neurotic pattern, which the individual individual complains of ______ symptoms that suggest the presence of physical problem but for which no organic basis can be found. a. head b. bodily c. visual d. brain

a 27.

Refers to feigning physical illness in order to obtain special attention.

a. malingering b. overacting c. flight d. fugue b 28.

Somnambulism: sleepwalking;_________:sl sleepwalking;_________:sleeptalking eeptalking a. fugue b. soliloquy c. amnesia d. none of the above



29. _________ cannotes experience s in which the individual feels that he or she has become distorted or “unreal”. a. impersonation b. depersonalization c. retrogression d. malingering


30. Soma means: a. body b. mind c. visceral d. heart


31. Once an assessment has been completed, there are psychotherapeutic approaches aimed at solving problems concerning dysfunctional emotions. These may include post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and clinical depression. Technique-driven and direct treatments are given for specific psychological disorders. Therapy can be given individually or in group setting with self se lf help methods. What is this treatment program called? a. evidence –based treatment b. exposure therapy c. cognitive restricting treatment d. cognitive behavioral therapy


32. Benjamin had difficulty managing aggressive behaviors his whole life. He has been married mar ried three times and has two children who do not want to see him. Benjamin spent two years in jail for critically injuring a neighbor after their dog would not stop barking. What assessment would a social worker give this client? a. affect regulation b. judgment c. impulse control d. defensive functioning


33. In direct practice, practice , Social workers may utilize cognitive therapy to help a client overcome difficulty by identifying and changing emotional responses, behavior, and dysfunctional thinking. When these thoughts are questioned, one’s feelings about the subject matter are apt to what? a. diminish b. change c. become stronger d. get aggressive


34. Cognitive therapy involves helping a client develop skills for modifying beliefs, relating to others in different ways, identifying distorted thinking and changing behaviors. If a client escapes esc apes the negative thought patterns and dysfunctional behaviors, the feeling may be relived r elived overtime; success is derived by developing more flexible as to think and respond. r espond. An assessment would look at ways to reduce what? a. avoiding passive behavior b. avoiding conflict c. avoidance of activities d. avoiding others beliefs



35. Direct practice often utilizes behavior therapy to treat depression, ADHD, addiction, insomnia, chronic fatigue and phobias. Treatments may include assertiveness training, desensitization, and relaxation training. The length of therapeutic treatment tre atment varies with each individual client. What is the first thing a social worker must do when assessing the problem? a. modify the environment b. estimate the clients quality of life c. analyze the behavior d. remove undesirable behaviors


36. Systematic desensitization teaches an individual to overcome an avoidance pattern by gradually exposing them to the object in question until it can be tolerated. There are steps within the hierarchy that will lead to this outcome. What is the social worker should assess? a. stress level b. phobia or anxiety c. mental processing d. mental development


37. Traditional therapy has not been affective due to only focusing on the cause of the problem. This places the client in a passive and helpless role. A better approach is solution focused therapy w where here clients move from what’s wrong to what’s right. After assessing the problem, what should be the social workers first goal? a. solution building b. happiness c. appropriate family structure d. positive attitude


38. Humanistic therapy overlaps considerably with existential approaches and emphasizes the growth and fulfillment of the self through self mastery, self se lf examination, and creative expression. Although the influences of the unconscious and society are taken into account, when making an assessment, what is the core of humanistic therapy? a. freedom of choice b. self perception c. behavior d. trust


39. Social workers attempt to help clients focus on freedom of choice in shaping their lives. The method of existential therapy operated on the belief that inner conflict within a person is due to that individual’s  confrontation with existence. The therapist tries to help the client see they are free to choose the possibilities for their own what? a. existence b. attitude c. future d. none of the above


a 40.

Operant behavior therapy looks at the antecedent antece dent and consequences that causes a negative behavior. Reinforcement and punishment are the core tools that are either positive or negative. During assessment, a therapist would need to determine de termine what? a. modifications b. positive reinforcement c. negative reinforcement d.punishment


41. Person centered therapy should take place in supportive environment created by a close per personal sonal relationship between therapist and client/ the direction of the therapy is determined by the t he client, while the therapist seeks to increase client’s  insight and self understanding through what? a. positive reaction b. coerciveness c. compliments d. informal questions


42. The following are physical conditions that are initiated by psychological factors, except. a. asthma b. obesity c. cancer rapid heart beat


43. Smoking is one of the factors of early death among adults. a. true b. false c. not at all d. either a or b


44. Which of the following is a physical feature of an individual suffering from anxiety? a. profuse perspiration b. jitterness c. trembling or shaking of hands d. all of the above

d 45.

Cognitive feature of anxiety includes? a. worrying of being left alone b. worrying about trivial things c. fear of inability to solve simple problems d. all of the above


46. Excessive irrational fear that is out of o f proportion to the degree of actual danger. a. panic disorder b. fright c. phobia d.anxiety


47. A disorder characterized by disturbance of mood that affects daily functioning. a. anxiety


b. phobia c. bipolar d. mood a

48. Severe mood swings from extreme elation to major depression. a. bipolar b. cyclothemia c. dysthemia d. manic


49. Cyclical pattern of mood disturbance characterized character ized by mild mood swings of at least two years duration. a. dysthymia b. cyclothemia c. bipolar d. manic


50. Common automatic thought associated with depression. a. I am social failure b. I can no longer control c ontrol my mind c. I am going to meet an accident d. something wrong is going to happen today

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