Hbo Case2- Sylvia Gregorio

February 16, 2017 | Author: James Cullen | Category: N/A
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WRITTEN CASE ANALYSIS ON SYLVIA GREGORIO’S CASE Submitted by: Jimmy Q. Arroyo Jr. and Walter P. Gonzalbo MBA

I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The problem we have identified in the given case of Sylvia Gregorio was regarding the inefficiency of the employees of the Center for Energy Research and Development (CERD) Division of the Philippine Energy Company (PEC). Based on the given case where the complaints of both parties which included Sylvia Gregorio and the rest of the employees of CERD were briefed, we came up with some a list of problems which we decided to term as “Inefficiency” in general all through out the discussion of our analysis of Sylvia Gregorio’s case. The list consists of the following: 1.

The employees in the CERD had tendencies of not taking their work

seriously and seemed not to work hard unlike their PEC-Makati counterparts. 2.

There are formations of cliques and exclusive groups which secluded and

isolated certain groups of employees from each other. 3.

The existence of disparity between salaries particularly the issue of unjust

salary earned by every employee as well as the issue of confidentiality of the salary information.


There is dissatisfaction and inconsistency with the work particularly

referring to the “No Promotion” status of several employees (specifically referring to Sylvia Gregorio) who became stagnant with their position in the company. 5.

The Non-recognition of the abilities and skills of the various employees of

the company which resulted in the discriminatory disadvantages of either male/female employee in a particular unit/section of the CERD division. 6.

The misinterpreted allowable leave credits, frequent absenteeism and

under time during office hours of the employees which is so much relevant to Sylvia Gregorio’s case. 7.

The sleeping habits of employees during office hours and doing nothing

on the job which became a big issue in particular among the rest of the employees of CERD against Sylvia Gregorio. 8.

The backstabbing and meddling of the employees to each other’s personal

matters which greatly affected the credibility and status of every single employee of the entire company. 9.

And finally, the loose and non-tolerant practices of the employees of the

organization with the existing laws and policies of the company. All of these specific problems contributed to the inefficiency of the employees working at the CERD division of the PEC as a whole. Therefore, we came up with the statement of the problem which is, “What should the Top Management do to address and fix the problem of inefficiency among the employees of the CERD Division of the PEC?”


Now that we have determined the problem regarding Sylvia Gregorio’s case, we came up with the following objectives: 1. To be able to establish positive transformation with regards to personality development of all the employees of the entire Philippine Energy Company in general as influenced by his/her certain values. 2. To be able to improve the working relationship and atmosphere between all the employees of the CERD Division as well as within the entire PEC, thus developing the spirit of camaraderie and unity. 3. To be able to create and polish better standards and policies with regards to the allowable leave, absent and under time credits for the entire company. 4. To be able to resolve the issues on disparity and the confidentiality of the salary of all the employees of the CERD Division in compliance with the entire PEC standards and policies. 5. To be able to resolve the problem on the promotion and benefits of all the employees of PEC particularly to those of the CERD Division inclusive of the impartial and equal treatment and designation of a certain employee to a particular position within the company recognizing hi/her abilities and skills beneficial to the company. 6. To be able to set an amended standard and criteria for determining an inefficient candidate in compliance with the Company-Wide Retrenchment Program. 7. To be able to set better corporate standards and policies as well as Code of Ethics and Conduct for the development of the employees’ working attitude, ethics and performance.


Based on the objectives derived from the case of Sylvia Gregorio, we formulated several alternative courses of action which are enumerated below, and considered in every alternative herein are the respective advantages and disadvantages of each alternative with their corresponding explanations. ACA #1. Set a conference between the Heads of the Company and the Board of Directors/President regarding the issues/problems contributing to the overall inefficiency of the employees of PEC addressing the smallest details such as the case of Sylvia Gregorio to come up with the best solution to each of these problems. The leaders of the Company should be the prime advocate in solving the problem since they have the highest authority and wisdom in handling this kind of matters. Thus, they have the best wisdom in dealing with problems such as that of Sylvia Gregorio, but on the other hand, the decision should be with strict confidentiality and alienation of personal motives against Sylvia Gregorio so as to avoid jeopardizing the credibility and integrity of the Company as well as avoiding the issue of making biased decisions. ACA #2. Conduct more and effective Seminars involving and focusing on the improvement/development of the social, emotional, and corporate personality and skills of each individual employee of the Company implicating and adjusting the values inherent on each and every employee. This alternative presents a huge aid in the transformation of one’s personality and on the way one deals with other people especially if the desired seminar focuses on both the external and internal improvements and practically being applied to the social interaction between people particularly those of working in larger organizations and companies. Applied to Sylvia Gregorio’s case, this will be beneficial not just to her but to all the employees of the Company, although we know that some seminars tend to be boring when the speaker doesn’t know how to relate with his/her audience and useless when it will not be practiced by the person receiving the

information. Effective and efficient seminars particularly referring to personality and attitude development will really be beneficial in such a way that whatever knowledge one gains from it then he/she will implicate this in his/her life and learn to practice this over and over until he/she will get used to it and probably become fruitful in the end and even contribute to the organizational commitment not just to Sylvia Gregorio (who is already determined to resign from the company) but to the rest of the employees of the Company. Also, the seminars should also focus on helping the employees likewise to the officers of the company to reach a higher level of cognitive moral development and high internal locus of control. ACA #3. Conduct investigative queries and Feedback-gathering on all the employees of the company as well as open-forum where the other employees can voice out their insights, comments and suggestions regarding Sylvia Gregorio’s case. This alternative pertains to the gathering of information by means of queries or feedback from the employees of the company. One negative side for this alternative is the bias feedback which could somehow influence the wrong decisions of the Top Management, but with careful and bias-free analysis of the feedbacks gathered, the Top Management can critically establish and impose credible results. Open-forums also generates debate within two opposing forces, it’s normal so it doesn’t give in to the negative implication but it will rather alleviate the positive effect which is through open-forums, everybody will get the chance to voice out their problems and concerns regarding an issue in which case, problems regarding Sylvia Gregorio’s working relationship with the rest of the employees of the company and vice versa will be addressed and various solutions can be obtained basing on the different views of each employee of the company. ACA #4. The Company should conduct wellness and socializing programs which will enable the employees of the company particularly to that of the employees of the CERD division to have

more interactive and social participation and bonding with the fellow employees in the Company. This alternative also possesses both advantage and disadvantage. Looking at Sylvia Gregorio’s case, she does seem to be have difficulty in dealing with her co-workers due to the fact of indifferences between their personalities much more to the values and attitudes each one possesses. Also, with the negative rumors spreading around the CERD division, Sylvia would definitely be triggered to widen the barrier or gap between her and her co-workers. With this fact, it is easy to determine that she will have difficulty in adjusting since she no longer has full trust over her coworkers. In contrast, if she’d only open her mind to it and just set aside this gap of distrust and settle things out with the people concerned, she will realize that the more she socializes and bonds with her staff and other corporate authorities, the more she will gain wisdom on how to perceive and understand other people and to establish a new impression of working relationship leaving her with the great skill in dealing with his co-workers in the Company. ACA #5. The Top management should generate and set strict rules and policies on the attendance of all the employees of the Company particularly to the employees of CERD where some employees pre-dominantly Sylvia Gregorio is concerned. The PAD Management should monitor the status of every employee with regards to their attendance particularly with the monitoring of the absences, tardiness, leave credits and under time done by the employees of the Company. The disadvantage of this is that there can be cases where the inputs of the DTR, Payroll RSR, OB Slips, and MAIR are being manipulated to the advantage of the employee. On the other hand, this could be avoided through thorough updates and monitoring of the validity of the information being delivered to them. The PAD Management should generate precise and reputable process of monitoring and computing for the true and exact data and information. With this valid

information, the Top Management now has basis on generating effective and efficient rule, policies and penalties regarding the Attendance and Tardiness of their employees. ACA #6. Also, the Top management should reconsider the issue of disparity between the salaries of the employees of the entire organization. In relevance to Sylvia Gregorio’s case, it was very evident that one of the factors that contributed to the problem was the disparity of salaries. It’s really awkward to know that an officer of a company earns a salary that is lower compared to a rank and file employee. This scenario has been existent on almost any offices and companies. There always seems to be the anomaly as to why a rank and file employee will earn a salary grade higher than that of his/her boss/head. Definitely, the higher the position of a certain employee in a company, the higher the salary should be as this would affect his/her performance in the company. This disadvantage can be avoided if there will be confidentiality of the salaries of all employees. There should really be strict imposing of confidentiality with regards to information such as this since often times, this served as the trigger in disputes and problems within the company. Most companies nowadays practice the mode of stamping their documents with definitive markers displaying whether a certain document containing information about the company is confidential or not, and with this, the people responsible in handling, transmitting and receiving the said documents will be tasked to keep the level of confidentiality secured. In addition to that, there should be critical computation and analysis of the salaries of all employees. Every single detail should be thoroughly and critically adjusted and monitored particularly the periodic salary increases. Same goes with all the other benefits that a certain employee is entitled to such as bonuses, COLA, 13th & 14th Month pays, Grocery allowance, etc...Also, in relation to Sylvia’s preference of setting standards that she should not earn a salary lower than her husband, she should not practice this kind of action due to the fact that these days, it’s practical to earn a high income.

Egoistic approach as to dominance by men when it comes to performance should definitely be eradicated because this will only to the demise of Sylvia herself. ACA #7. Another alternative applies the same thing with the Promotion of a certain employee of the company. All the hard work and labor should in return be given just and fair compensation. The Company’s Executives should also bear in mind that an employee should not be left stagnant with the position he/she is in for a very long period of time. They should reconsider promoting the status of position of a certain employee if there is need to do so especially if the employee rendered loyalty and quality service to the company for a very long time already, not to mention his/her credentials, merit ratings and achievements all those years of hard work. The disadvantage could be determined as abuse in power but by applying such alternative, the morale of the employees will be boosted and they will in return become more efficient and effective with their work, thus, becoming more productive and benefiting to the company. In relation to position, another issue arises wherein the gender equality issue affects the employees of the company. With regards to Sylvia Gregorio’s case, it was stated that there was dilemma and problem with her designation at the Solar Section that is since she was the only female employee in their section, there was quite an issue with regards to performance. That is that most of the employees were guys then the other employees tend to look at her as if she doesn’t work at all. The problem is, she is not equipped to doing the type of work that her male counterparts do. The males do the field work which includes the installation at roof tops. Definitely, this would be unglamorous for a woman to do since her job description allows her to work by gather and collate the data from the field and installation procedures done by the male employees as well as analyze this data and do written reports about it. Hence, the problem regarding the proper designation of a certain employee for a specific position implies recognizing the abilities and skills of a particular employee no matter what the gender is.

Reconsideration to this alternative is the regularization of employees, as we all know regularization in the workplace involves a very complicated and time-consuming situation. Often times, in the long run, employees are still contractual due to too much requirements and standards in regularizing employees. On some companies, it’s easy to become a regular employee but to other companies and organizations, it is so disappointing to see that many of their employees suffer the consequences of remaining as contractual for the rest of their service. The top management should definitely give credit to where it due for this will help avoid risk factors that will be to the company’s demise. ACA #8. There should also be the implementation of job rotation or transfer from one office to another. Employees should also be given a chance to expand their knowledge on other fields of the work. The disadvantage to this alternative is that it needs to reconsider the capabilities of an employee to adapt to such field as well as it consumes time regarding the coping ability and familiarity to the new field of assignment/work. The advantage to this is the interest of the employees to learn the specifics of the new field or work thus eliminating the boredom of the previous work. Another is that the employee will become more efficient and flexible since learning a new field allows one to gain sufficient knowledge which may aid him/her and the company itself during the process and will be further high-lightened by self-exploration of other fields of interest that are beneficial to the company itself. ACA #9. With regards to the Company-Wide Retrenchment Program, the process of assessing a certain employee and determining it’s qualification as a candidate for removal should be fair and just. As an alternative, the disadvantage implies that when there is bias with the decision-making of choosing the right candidates for removal, then the program will render itself useless since there are personal motives affecting the decision-making. Otherwise, it would be advantageous in ways

that the use of such alternative provides an easy, legal and credible procedure of eliminating a certain employee based on his/her inefficiency. In line with this, the Top Management should conduct assessment/follow-ups on a certain employee before terminating him/her from the office. This alternative will be beneficial in ways that through spontaneous assessment on an employees, the Top Management will have ample time and preferences in setting their standards and criteria for assessing and judging that particular employee whether there is improvement in his/her performance or not. The thing that poses as threat to this alternative is the tasking procedures, time consuming implementation and complications that may take effect during the entire process. So there should be a careful and thorough assessment of whatever data and information the Management can accumulate. ACA #10. Another alternative implies that the manager or heads of the company should learn how to identify ethical attitudes which are crucial for the organizational operations. By defining what are the necessary ethical attitudes which will be beneficial to the company, they in return provide a strong and pertinent basis for the development of the employees’ working capacity and productivity. In connection to this, they will have better foundation in supervising their employees since they equipped themselves with familiarity as to the manner of approach to dealing with whatever values and attitude every employee of the company is displaying and they should be able to generate effective and efficient sanctions and penalties which will serve as punishment to violations committed by any employee of the company although the abuse of power should be monitored to avoid bias and complications. ACA #11. The last alternative would be to provide an amended Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct which will be implemented and complied by all employees of the company. The disadvantage with this alternative shows the possibility of non-compliance by the employees of the

company but with strict supervision, there should be the true compliance at the least effect. Upon reorientation to the facts and issues regarding the proper working behavior and attitude through the guidance of such Code of conduct and Ethics, the company will be guided with its employees’ development in the typical behavior and working attitude. The Code of Ethics and Conduct serve as great foundation and basis for supporting and reinforcing specific ethical attitudes and behavior beneficial and desiring for a company to adapt with.

III. CONCLUSION Reaching the alternative courses of actions, we can generalize that again, just like on Mr. Padua’s case, there is no single alternative which will solely be efficient and effective in resolving the problem imposed on the case of Sylvia Gregorio. Each alternative has its own advantages and disadvantages which can affect in the decision-making of the Top Management from the finest details up to the larger picture since the entire scope of the problem is comprised of the multiple identified causes or the minor problems. When it comes to cases such as this, there should be careful analysis as to what alternatives to use in order to come up with an effective and efficient solution. We therefore conclude that by merging these alternatives together will produce better results in solving this dilemma which is causing too much problem within the company itself. Subject to the Objectives given, there would be more than three kinds of alternatives applicable in obtaining a particular effective and efficient solution. In the overall view of this problem, we do agree that by combining the essential attributes and potentials of all alternatives, we can generate a better formula to resolve this problem. In Sylvia Gregorio’s case, it can be derived that by the compliance to the new program imposed, there should be follow-ups by feedback-gathering and open-forums, the Top

Management can set a conference between themselves to primarily address this problem. This will then be supported by the collaborative efforts of accomplishing the common goal of resolving the conflict brought about by the inefficiency of the company’s employees. Along with this, there should also be conduction of effective seminars and workshop which focuses primarily on the development of corporate image/personality particularly on the aspect of working attitudes and ethics which will then be supported by organizing more interactive socialization and wellness activities which will allow the employees to get deeply acquainted with each other, allowing them to express themselves and build a stronger bonding with the rest of the employees of the company as well. During the conference with the various Heads and upper level Officers, the conference should not only focus on finding solutions to resolve the ethical and moral problems within the company. They should also reconsider and address the problems regarding the strict policies with regards to attendance, the disparity between the salary of the employees, the promotion and regularization of their employees, and the job rotation/transfer to another unit or division. This matters should also be included in the agenda since these are also factors that contributed to the inefficiency problem that the company is suffering from today. In addition to that, the company should also amend their over-all Rules and Regulations which will be implemented to the entire company since some of its policies were not being strictly observed and followed particularly the sanctions and penalties which shall be the basis for punishing the employee who shall violate the Rules and Regulations of the company. Relevant to the discussion and agreement for the stated issues, the Top management should be able to identify by now the crucial ethical attitudes which are applicable to the company, and through this, they will be able to connect the dots between the sanctions, the issues contributing to the inefficiency problem as a whole, and other important matters that will come out all through out the entire process. This will then aid them in amending

the Code of Conduct and Ethics to which the entire company should comply with from the contractual and rank and file employees up to the Heads and Board of Directors of the Company. With all the matters addressed and resolved, the Top Management will then be able to create critical and effective criteria for the retrenchment of inefficient employees. As mentioned on the Alternative Choices of Actions, there should be strict implementation and practice of the alternatives given but with due monitoring and diminishing of the disadvantages that come along with it. The end result outputs a factual solution to the dilemma, that since by particularly addressing the inefficiency problem of the employees particularly Sylvia Gregorio followed by the critical analysis and implementation of factual basis and procedures along with the compliance of safety measures, they can avoid terminating possible assets who have been quite valuable to the company and at the same time, they will avoid compromising the company’s stability and workforce wherein which other alternatives where then taken into consideration thus providing a much better solution to address this problem.

IV. PLAN OF ACTION From the above-mentioned Conclusion, we can outline the Strategic Plan of Action. First and foremost, upon determining the specific problems through the process of feedback-gathering and open forums as well as with various assessment tests on the employees of the company particularly the CERD Division. The Top Management can now assess all the information gathered. To be efficient, feedback gathering must be viewed not as an event or activity, but looking at it as part of an ongoing process of building and maintaining a better foundation for an effective relationship between the respective employees of the entire company. The basis in developing a feedback gathering process should include the following questions:

What are your objectives for conducting the feedback-gathering process? Is it to assess the Management’s satisfaction?

When should you gather feedback?

How do you want to gather feedback? A well-thought-out feedback process includes a combination of methods to use such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, periodic meetings, gripe sessions, and dropping by for casual chats as each is used where it will be most effective.

Who should participate in the feedback-gathering process?

What will you do with what you learn from your feedback-gathering activities?

There is much more to keep in mind in developing an effective feedback-gathering process, but these questions provide a good starting point for the Top Management to establish a reliable foundation of getting the most information from the feedback-gathering needed to resolve some of the inefficiency problems of the employees of the company. Upon doing some feedback-gathering or open forums, the Top Management can now decide for themselves to conduct a special Board meeting or conference wherein which the rest of the issues and minor contributory problems leading to the inefficiency problems of the employees of the company can be addressed, discussed and be sought of the best solutions to it. Prior to the meeting/conference, the Managers/Heads of the units can also request through the issuance of a Memorandum addressed to the Top Management subjecting on this matter for a conference to be done so as to avoid further distortion and complications within the company’s progress. As such, the following topics should then and there be addressed during the conference: the polishing of strict rules and policies regarding attendance, promotion and regularization, job rotation and transfer, disparity between employees’ salary, the implementation of the Company-Wide

Retrenchment Program, the identification of crucial ethical attitudes necessary for the organization/company, the conduction of effective seminars/trainings and socializing programs focused on the enhancement and improvement on personality development, the sanctions and penalties for the violations of the company’s rules and regulations, and the amendment of the company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. With regards to identifying and generating new policies and rules for the company, first and foremost, the Top Management should identify the need for the policies and rules. The Top Management may want to have the necessary policies and procedures to ensure a safe, organized, convivial, empowering, nondiscriminatory work place. Yet, they do not want to write a policy for every exception to accepted and expected behavior. The Policy development involves and is relevant for the many employees and not for the few exceptions. There should be bias-free contingency plan in making these policies so as to avoid the negative impression that there seems to be favoritism and unfair treatment with the employees. On an online article we read, we found out some appropriate guidelines to see whether a policy is needed, and here are the summary of some of the guidelines included for making creating policies: •

if the actions of employees indicate confusion about the most appropriate way to behave (dress codes, email and Internet policies, cell phone use),

if guidance is needed about the most suitable way to handle various situations (standards of conduct, travel expenditures, purchase of company merchandise),

when needed to protect the company legally (consistent investigation of charges of harassment, non-discriminatory hiring and promotion),

to keep the company in compliance with governmental policies and laws (FMLA, ADA, EEOC, minimum wage),

to establish consistent work standards, rules, and regulations (progressive discipline, safety rules, break rules, smoking rules), and

to provide consistent and fair treatment for employees (benefits eligibility, paid time off, tuition assistance, bereavement time, jury duty). Of course there may be other reasons for why the Top Management may want to develop a

policy but one thing to remember is that one employee's poor behavior should not require a policy that will affect all other employees. Once the Top Management has determined that a policy is necessary, they should determine the goal they want to accomplish in writing a particular policy stating why a policy should be implemented. They should also reconsider gathering information regarding making policies from all available sources particularly online which provides websites with testing policies and even law firm consultations. After gathering information, they can now develop and write the Policies intended for the company using simple words and concepts which will clearly be understood by the employees complying with it. This will be followed by the review of the policies, such as through small pilot group feedback-gathering then rewrite the policies based on the feedbacks gathered. The policies created should then and there be supported by the entire Management which also identifies and conforms to the ordinary employees’ expectations. After which, the policies should then be reviewed and approved by the legal consultant/officer of the company so as to compensate for the legal implications and for appropriate wording. Then implement the policies with the Management acknowledging questions and queries from the employees and be distributed with transparency through a paper/document to which the employees acknowledges receipt, countersigned with all the necessary information stated. The Top Management should also decide how they will communicate the policies in the future(documentations, etc…) and finally, interpret and integrate the policies and if the policies

differ from that of the practice of the entire company then it will be time for rewriting, reviewing and amending of the policies again. These policies will also be supported by the crucial identification of the Top Managers on the ethical attitudes and issues necessary for the organization/company. Excellent attendance is an expectation of all employees of the Company. Daily attendance for employees will reflect on their DTR, Payroll RSR, and O.B. Slips for official business transactions outside the office during office hours and for Heads and Top Management, their OPAR and MAIR which are done and submitted to the PAD office on a monthly basis for MAIR and annual basis for OPAR. Emergency personal time is made available to employees for such unscheduled events as personal illness, immediate family member illness, and doctor appointments. In line with this, strict policies should also be discussed with regards to attendance particularly to the anomalies which affect the integrity of monitoring the attendance of a certain employee particularly his/her absences, tardiness, under time and leave credits. The Top Management should therefore generate strict policies to avoid these anomalies particularly the cases of manipulation of attendance by the employee which becomes a big problem as it jeopardizes the company’s reputation. The Top management should therefore set better sanctions for clear violations of the company’s rule on attendance. Again, policies regarding attendance should undergo the same procedures at that mentioned above. This also goes the same for promotion, regularization, disparity between salaries, confidentiality of information, job transfers and retrenchment of personnel. For promotion, salary and regularization, there should be crucial determination and computation as well as analysis for salary increases and benefits awarded to the employees. So it goes with promotion and regularization where certain requirements and merit/achievement ratings should be reconsidered but the one Thing that the Top management

should always remember is that, they should give credit where credit is due so as to avoid complications within the company. The disparity between salaries can be treated by implementing measures and rules required in this concern to be focused on Transparency and disclosure of salaries;











On the other hand, there should be the formation and approval of specialized committee to study the situation of the employees’ salaries and income, as well as suggesting new structure to reduce the









• Measures and regulations shall not affect situation of insurance and pensions. • These recommendations will be reported to coming cabinet meeting for approval. • Delegating the National Council for Income to determine minimum salaries in the private sector. With the rising issues, the Top management should also reconsider in their agenda the implementation of conducting effective and efficient seminars, trainings and social programs which will focus on personality development of their employees and for themselves as well. Here are some few tips regarding personality development: “Think Positive”, smile and smile some more, read a few articles in the newspaper loudly as this will help in communicating fluently, follow table manners and dining etiquettes, take good care of ones health, dress well, be neat and organized, prepare a chart that mentions strengths and weaknesses and concentrate on the latter and find ways to improve upon the same, spend some time alone, practice meditation and yoga, do not live a monotonous life by being creative and do something new all the time. With regards to this, the seminars and trainings should in the end of the program produce results for the employees such as learning how to Value the concept of self-mastery, be selfconfident about their physical appearance, and to package themselves through proper dressing and grooming. As well as develop the values of “pakikipagkapwa-tao”, family orientation, flexibility,

adaptability, creativity, faith, hard work and industry, and ability to survive. The ones participating in these seminars should include the Customer Service Representatives, Sales Persons, HR managers and personnel, Managers, Professionals, and the Business Owners. Finally is for the Top management to amend their Code of Ethics and Conduct. Again the same principle will be applied to amending the Codes of conduct and ethics since the Top Management should still reconsider certain aspects and matters which could very much affect their final decision on this subject. After undergoing the process of amending the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the PAD thru the HRMD should issue a Memo Coming from the President/CEO addressed to the Company’s Unit/Group Heads regarding the implementation of the Amended Code of Ethics and Conduct which will then be complied by all the employees with the proof of signing a Compliance of Code of Conduct Agreement, duly approved by the respective Heads, altogether with the Code of Conduct Compliance Recommitment Certificate of each employee of the company which consist of the commitment of the employees to abide to the terms of the company and report any violation of the Code as well as understanding that violating the agreement set thereto will be subjected to sanctions and penalty under the laws and regulations of the company. With this, the Top Management should also consider that the organizational culture they will establish will support and reinforce specific ethical behavior. The Heads will then submit the Certification of Conducted Reorientation of Code of the Company and the Recommitment Compliance Certificate of the employees to the Area/Regional Head and retain copies of the said documents for records purposes and shall be available anytime for audit purposes. The Area/Region Head will then submit Certifications based on the certifications submitted to them and forward the same to the ERD on their compliance with the foregoing requirements not later than a month and a half.

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