HAZOP Centrifuge and Dryer

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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HAZOP ANALYSIS To manufacture of Ambroxol hcl



Hazop Study - Proce !  for Ambroxol Stage-1 Po$ble Hazard % Opera#on &emed$al Ac#on fa$lure Ope perraona onal contr ontrol ol - cch hec eckp kpoi oin nt shal hall be Boom valve in incl clud uded ed in the the ba batch shee heet to to ind ndiicat cate opened, or eakage !hether the boom valve has been closed of Boom "alve prior to charging methanol # is not eaking$ %harging of ðanol, ðanol addion pipe is kept to the Boom 'ire ire ha ha((ard d due ue stac electricit)

Stag St agee-1 1

eacon of -Amino-.,/ibromo Ben(aldeh)de !i !ith th 3ransans-4 4-a -am minoino%)clohexanol,in m me ethanol !ith Sodium boroh)dride

%harging of -amino .,/ ibr ibromob omoben en((aldeh ldeh) )de# de# 3rans-4-amino c)clo6exanol

to of th the e rea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all S S and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid Spil pillag lage ou outt sid side e tthe he spi pill llag age e outs outsid ide e tthe he 5 5+ +ui uipm pmen ent, t,a a) ) do do!n !n th the reactor, *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'ir 'ire eh ha( a(ar ard d due due to SS scoops scoops to avoid avoid sta stacc e elec lectri tricit cit) )$ 3he 3he sta tac c el elec ectr tric icit it) ) re reac acto torr iiss ear earth thed ed b) cond conduc ucn ng g! !ir ires es 2r 2rri rita tao on n to to ski skin n e)es

e0uxing the reacon os osss o off ð ðano anoll mass

# 7sin 7sing g hand hand gl glov oves es # g gog oggl gles es$$ 3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll re0ux8 the methanol "apour oss is due to 5xces 5xcessiv sive eh hea eat, t, 2ns 2nstru truco con n iiss 9iv 9iven en iin nS SO* O*,, 3o 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the re0ux


3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he :ltraon is carried out through a centrifuge$ %entrifuges are high speed machines and sources of  ha(ard in a chemical plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr) out the centrifuging as ha(ard free as possible$ ;e are using a 4< inch dia SS.1= centrifuge, boom driven and top discharge$ this is a four point 'ire ha(ard ha(ard due to sta stac c suspe suspension nsion mac machines hines !hi !hich ch are put on special special vibra 3o sepa separrat ate e the the elec electr tric icit it) ), oper operat ator or mo moun untt for for smoo smooth th vi vibr bra aon on ffre ree en noi oise sele less ss oper opera aon$ on$ ha(ard ha(a rd if an) loadi loading ng > 3he sp speed eed is cont controlle rolled d b) a vari variable able fre+ue fre+uenc) nc) drive drive 2st Stage 'rom the unlo unload adin ing g acv acvit it) ) and and the the fee eedi ding ng of th the e cent centri rifu fug ge is done done b)



%harging *uri:caon of

carri carried ed out in a runnin running g pneum pneumac acall) all) con control trolled led valv valves es at lo!e lo!err *& under centrifuge nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error $ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ of


Boom valve opened, or eakage of Boom

Operao Operaonal nal control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve





%rude B) %arbon 3reatment # %r) %r)sstalli(aon b) 6c 6cl, centrifuging %harging of Amb mbrroxol %r %ru ude

has been closed prior to charging methanol # is not

Spillage out side the react eactor or,,

2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillage outside

the 5+uipment,a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor



6cl Ad Addion

3he 'iltraon Operaon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS %loth ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver) Batch # this Block %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B* Acetone %harging SS pipe is 'ixed to the Boom of  'ire ha(ard due to the rre eactor stac ele elect ctri rici cit) t) *ip ipe e llin ines es are are a all ll SS and and e e+ +ui uipm pmen entt mot motor orss ar are 0am 0ame e proof$ 3he Addion of 6)drochloric acid is charged through acid the %lose 6)drochoric losed d li lin nes es,, !i !ith thou outt an) Spi pillla lag ge, e,pe perrsonn sonnel el Spillage # 2rritaon *rotecve *rotecv e 5+uipments are 7sed to avoid the 5xposure # tackle the irritaon 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he :ltraon is carried out through a centrifuge$ %entrifuges are high speed machines and sources of  ha(ard in a chemical plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr) out the centrifuging as ha(ard free as possible$ ;e are using a 4< inch dia SS.1= centrifuge, 'ire ha(ard due to bo boom om d driv riven en a and nd top top dis discha charg rge$ e$ this this is a ffour our point point stac electricit), suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra operator oper ator ha(ard ha(ard if an) mount mount fo forr smo smooth oth v vibra ibraon on free noiseless noiseless oper operaon aon$$ Spillage,'ilter

unloading 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive loading > acvit) acv it) carri carried ed out in a and the feedin feeding g of the centri centrifuge fuge is done b) runn runnin ing g ccen entr trif ifug uge e pneu pneuma mac cal all) l) cont contro roll lled ed valv valves es at lo!e lo!err *& *& unde underr nitrogen purging$ 5ven 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error$ error$ All the limits s!itches and the


safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls Solvent recover)

r)ing Separaon of solvents from operaon the product

?o spec speci: i:cc ha( ha(ar ard d %harging of & 6a(ardous !aste a@er disllaon

Al Alll cha charg rgin ing g iiss don done eb b) )v vac acuu uum m ssuc ucki king ng to avoid void spillages and through the closed SS pipe lines$

r)ing of the product in ?o speci:c ha(ard otocone vacuum r)er

%" is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nloading into the bins b) actuated valve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$


To manufacture of Anatrozole Hazop Study - Proce !  for Anastro(ole Sta"e



Po$ble Hazard % fa$lure

%har %hargi ging ng of , , , ,,-

Spil Spilla lag ge o out ut side side the the reactor,

tetrameth)l-/- meth)l-1,.- ben(ene diacetonitrile eacon of of , , , ,-


tetrameth)l-/- tetrameth )l-/- meth)l1,.ben(ene diacetonitrile !ith Acetonitrile, n-bromo succinamide, 5th)l acetate and ;ater then separate the organic la)er and disllaon organic la)er and added c)clohexa c)clohexane ne

&emed$al Ac#on

2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spil spilla lag ge o out utsi side de th the e5 5+u +uip ipme men nt,a t,a) )d do! o!n n tthe he *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'i 'ire re h ha( a(ar ard d due due to SS ssco coop opss to a avo void id ssta tac c e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)$$ 3he 3he st sta acc elec electr tric icit it) ) re reac acto torr iiss ear earth thed ed b b) ) con condu duc cng ng !i !irres 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # 7sin 7sing g ha hand nd glo glove vess # go gogg ggle les$ s$ e)es Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate !hether !hether tthe he b boom oom valv valve e ha hass been been cclosed losed prior to charging Acetonitrile # is not eaking$ Acetonitrile addion pipe is kept to the to Boom oom of the the rea react ctor or *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs

Boom v va alve opened,, or eak opened eakage age of Boom "alve Acetonitrile 'i 'irre ha ha(ard du due e st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)

n-bromo succinamide

are 0ame proof$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid Spillage Spill age o out ut side the spill spillage age o outsid utside e the 5 5+uipm +uipment, ent,a) a) do do!n !n the reactor, *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'i 'ire re h ha( a(ar ard d due due to SS ssco coop opss to a avo void id ssta tac c e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)$$ 3he 3he st sta acc elec electr tric icit it) ) re reac acto torr iiss ear earth thed ed b b) ) con condu duc cng ng !i !irres 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # 7sin 7sing g ha hand nd glo glove vess # go gogg ggle les$ s$ e)es


Boom v va alve opened, opened , or"eak eakage of Bo Boom al alv ve age 5th)l acetate

isllaon of the organic la)er



3o separate the li+uid

Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be Operaonal included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate

!hether !heth ercha tthe hergin b boom oom valv valve e tat ha has be cclosed losed prio pr iorr to to charg ing g 5t 5th) h)l l ace aceta tse been # en is not no t eaking$ 5th)l acetate addion pipe is kept to the 'i 'irre h ha( a(ar ard dd due ue to Bo Bo om of the the rrea eact ctor or st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t) *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ 3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll isllaon8 the Acetonitrile os osss of Acet Acetoni onitri trile le "apo apour ur o oss ss is d due ue to 5 5xc xcess essive ive h hea eat, t, 2nstrucon is 9iven in SO*, 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the isllaon$ Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona Boom v va alve included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate opened, or eak opened, eakage age !hether !hether tthe he b boom oom valv valve e ha hass been been cclosed losed of Bo Boom "al alv ve prio priorr to to cha charg rgin ing g% %)c )clo lohe hexxane ane # is is not not eaking$ %)clohexane %)clohex ane addion pipe is kept to the 'i 'irre h ha( a(ar ard dd due ue to Bo Bo om of the the rrea eact ctor or st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t) *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng 'ire ha(ard due to !ires$ stac electricit), 3he :ltraon is carried out through a operator ha(ard if   centrifuge$ % %e entrifuges ar are high sp speed an) loading > machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical unloading acvit) plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr)


Solvent re recover)

%harging of & 6a(ardous !aste a a@ @er

carr carrie ied d out out in a running runnin g cent centrif rifug uge e

out out th the e ce cent ntri rifu fugi ging ng as as ha ha((ar ard d free free a ass pos possib sible$ le$ ; ;e e are are using using a 4< 4< inc inch h di dia a SS SS.1= .1=

?o ssp peci:c h ha a(ard

centrifuge, driven and machines top discharge$ this is a fourboom point suspension !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive and and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error $ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid ssp pillages and through the closed S SS S

?o spec speci: i:cc ha ha(a (ard rd

pipe lines$ "3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nlo 7nload adin ing g iint nto o the the b bin inss b) b) act actua uatted v val alv ve,

disllaon r)i r)ing ng

Sepa Separraon aon o off sol solve vent ntss fro from m

r r)i )ing ng of th the ep pro rodu duct ct in in


the product



eacon of Stage C 2 material, !ith Acetone, *otassium carbonate and %harging Acetone 1,,4-3ria(ole then :ltrated

Boom valve opened, or eakage of Boom "alve

6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$ Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona included in the batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to charging charging Acetone # is not eaking$


and added 5th)l acetate and 6)drochloric acid

'ire ha(ard due st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)

*otassium carbonate



Acetone addion pipe is kept to the Boom to of o f the reactor

*ipe *i pe0ame li line ness proof$ are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid Spillage Spill age o out ut side the spill spillage age o outsid utside e the 5 5+uipm +uipment, ent,a) a) do do!n !n the reactor, *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'i 'ire re h ha( a(ar ard d due due to SS ssco coop opss to a avo void id ssta tac c e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)$$ 3he 3he st sta acc elec electr tric icit it) ) re reac acto torr iiss ear earth thed ed b b) ) con condu duc cng ng !i !irres 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # 7sin 7sing g ha hand nd glo glove vess # go gogg ggle les$ s$ e)es 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid Spillage Spill age o out ut side the spill spillage age o outsid utside e the 5 5+uipm +uipment, ent,a) a) do do!n !n the reactor, *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'i 'ire re h ha( a(ar ard d due due to SS ssco coop opss to a avo void id ssta tac c e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)$$ 3he 3he st sta acc elec electr tric icit it) ) re reac acto torr iiss ear earth thed ed b b) ) con condu duc cng ng !i !irres 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # 7sin 7sing g ha hand nd glo glove vess # go gogg ggle les$ s$ e)es 3he 'iltraon Operaon Operaon is %arried out in Spillage, Spill age,'ilt 'ilter er %l %loth oth %lose %losed d SS ine, 'ilter 'ilter cl cloth oth cleane cleaned d fo forr 5ver) 5ver) Block Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B* Acetone %harging %harging S SS S pipe is 'ixed to the 'i 'irre ha ha(ard du due e to Boom oom of the the rea react ctor or st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t) *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$


Boom v va alve opened, opened , or"eak eakage of Bo Boom al alv ve age 5th)l acetate

6)drochloric acid

isllaon of the organic la)er


3o separate the li+uid

Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate

!hether !heth ercha tthe hergin b boom oom valv valve e tat ha has be cclosed losed prio pr iorr to to charg ing g 5t 5th) h)l l ace aceta tse been # en is not no t eaking$ 5th)l acetate addion pipe is kept to the 'i 'irre h ha( a(ar ard dd due ue to Bo Bo om of the the rrea eact ctor or st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t) *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona Boom v va alve included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate opened,, or eak opened eakage age !hether !hether tthe he b boom oom valv valve e ha hass been been cclosed losed of B Bo oom " "a alve prior to to ch charging 6)drochloric acid # is not eaking$ 6)drochloric acid addion pipe is kept to the 'i 'irre h ha( a(ar ard dd due ue to Bo Bo om of the the rrea eact ctor or st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t) *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ 3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll isllaon8 the Acetone and eth)l oss oss of Acet Aceton one e acet aceta ate "apou apourr os osss is is due due to 5xce 5xcess ssiv ive e and eth eth)l )l a acet cetat ate e hea heat, t, 2nst 2nstruc rucon on is 9iv 9iven en in S SO* O*,, 3o 3o O Open pen the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the isllaon$ 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng 'ire ha(ard due to !ires$ stac electricit), 3he :ltraon is carried out through a operator ha(ard if   centrifuge$ % %e entrifuges ar are high sp speed an) loading > machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical unloading acvit) plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr)


r)i r)ing ng

Sepa Separraon aon o off sol solve vent ntss fro from m

r r)i )ing ng of th the ep pro rodu duct ct in in


the product



eacon of stage C22 material, Sodium carbonate and 5th)l acetate ! !iith ! !a ater tth hen separated the la)er and added 5th)l acetate and c)clohexane c)clohexa ne tnen

carr carrie ied d out out in a runnin run ning g cent centrif rifug uge e

out out th the e ce cent ntri rifu fugi ging ng as as ha ha((ar ard d free free a ass pos possib sible$ le$ ; ;e e are are using using a 4< 4< inc inch h di dia a SS SS.1= .1=

?o spec speci: i:cc ha ha(a (ard rd

centrifuge, driven and machines top discharge$ this is a fourboom point suspension !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive and and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error $ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ "3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nlo 7nload adin ing g iint nto o the the b bin inss b) b) act actua uatted v val alv ve,

Spillage o Spillage out ut side the reactor, Sodium cca arbonate 'ire ha(ard due to stac electricit)

6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spill spillage age o outsid utside e the 5 5+uipm +uipment, ent,a) a) do do!n !n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor SS scoops to avoid stac electricit)$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sing hand gloves # goggles$


centrifuge the reacon mass

2rritaon to skin e)es


Boom v va alve opened,, or eak opened eakage age of Boo Boom m "al alve ve 5th)l acetate 'ire ha(ard due st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)

isllaon of the organic la)er



oss of 5th)l acetate

Boom v va alve opened, or eak opened, eakage age of Bo Boom "al alv ve %)clohexane 'ire ha(ard due st sta acc e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)


3o separate the li+uid


'ire ha(ard due to stac electricit), opera ope rator tor ha( ha(ard ard if an) loading >


Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate !hether !hether tthe he b boom oom valv valve e ha hass been been cclosed losed prio priorr to char chargi ging ng 6)dro 6)droch chlo lori ricc acid acid # is not not eaking$ 6)drochloric acid addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ 3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll isllaon8 th the 5th)l acetate " "a apour oss is due to 5xcessive heat, 2nstrucon is 9iven in SO*, 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the islla isllaon$ on$ Operaonall control - checkpoint shall be Operaona included in in tth he b ba atch ssh heet to to in indicate !hether !hether tthe he b boom oom valv valve e ha hass been been cclosed losed prio priorr to to cha charg rgin ing g% %)c )clo lohe hexxane ane # is is not not eaking$ %)clohexane %)clohex ane addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor *ipe *ipe li line ness are are al alll SS and and e e+u +uip ipme ment nt moto motors rs are 0ame proof$ 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he : :ltr ltra aon on is ccarr arried ied o out ut th throu rough gh a centrifuge$ %en %entrifuges ar are e hi hig gh spe speed


unloading acvit) carr carrie ied do out ut in a runnin run ning g cen centri trifug fuge e

Solvent re recover)

%harging of & 6a(ardous !aste a a@ @er disllaon

?o ssp peci:c h ha a(ard

r)i r)ing ng

Sepa Separraon aon o off sol solve vent ntss fro from m

r r)i )ing ng of th the ep pro rodu duct ct in in

?o spec speci: i:cc ha ha(a (ard rd


the product


machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical

pl plan ant$ t$ Am Ampl ple ep pre reca cau uon onss are are tak taken to carr carr) ) out tthe he ce centr ntrifu ifugin ging g as h ha( a(ard ard dia ffree ree as possible$ ;e are using a 4< inch SS.1= centrifuge, boom driven and top discharge$ this is a four point suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive and and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error $ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid ssp pillages and through the closed S SS S pipe lines$ "3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nlo 7nload adin ing g iint nto o the the b bin inss b) b) act actua uatted v val alv ve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$


To manufacture of 'endamu#n Hazop Study - Proce !  for Bendamusn Sta"e



Po$ble Hazard % fa$lure

Stage 2

eacon of 5th)l-4-/bi bis s-h h)dro drox) eth th)l )l amino-1-meth)l-16ben(oid imida(ol-)l )lb but utan anoa oate te in pres presen ence ce of thion)l chloride$

Addion of 5th)l-4-/bis bis-h h)dr dro ox) eth eth)l amino-1-meth)l-16ben(oid imida(ol-)lb )lbut utan anoa oate te

2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spil spilla lag ge outs outsiide the the 5+u +uip ipme men nt,a ,a) do do! !n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'ire ha(ard due due to SS ssco coop opss to a avo void id ssta tac c e ele lect ctri rici cit) t)$$ 3he 3he stac e ellectricit) reactor is is ea earthed b) cco onducng ! !iires 2rritaon 2rrit aon to sk skin in # e e)es )es 7sing hand g glove lovess # goggles goggles$$

ineg of 3hion)l c%hhlaorrgid

Boom valve opened, or eak eakag age e of Bo Boom om "alve

Spil pillag lage out out si sid de the the reactor,

'ire ha(ard du due e stac e ele lect ctri rici citt)


3o separate the 2st St Stag age e' 'ro rom m th the e li+u li+uid id

&emed$al Ac#on


'ire ha(ard due due to electricit), stac operator ha(ard if an) load loadin ing g > unlo unload adin ing g acvit) acv it) carried carried out in a runn runnin ing g ccen entr trif ifug uge e

O d oninalth coenbta rotcl h- csh atllebe inpcleurdae heecektpto oin intdsih ca !he !hethe therr th the e bo boo om m va valve lve has bee been n close closed d prior to charging thion)l chloride # is not eaking$ 3hion)l chloride addion pipe is kept to th the eB Bo oom om of the the rrea eact ctor or *ip ipe e li lin nes are al alll SS and e+ e+u uip ipm ment ent mo motors ors are 0ame proof$ 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he 3he : :lt ltra rao on n iiss car carri ried ed out out thr throu ough gh a centrifuge$ %entrifuges are high speed machines and sources of ha(ard in a chem chemic ical al pl plan ant$ t$ Am Ampl ple ep prrec ecau auo ons ns ar are e tak taken en to carr) out th the e cen centrifu trifuging ging as ha(a ha(ard rd fr free ee a ass pos possi sibl ble$ e$ ; ;e ea arre usin using ga4 4< < inch dia SS.1= centrifuge, boom driven and top discharge$ this is a four point


suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon free noiseless 3he speeddrive is controlled b) aoperaon$ variable fre+uenc) and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error error$$ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ Solvent re recover) isllaon

%harging of & 6a(ardous !a !aste a a@ @er disllaon

?o ssp peci:c ha(ard

All charging is done b b) ) va vacuum ssu ucking to avoid spillages and through the closed SS pipe lines$


To manufacture b$calutam$de

Hazop Study - Proce ! for Proce


eac eacon on of 1D 1D ? ?-E -E44c)an c)anoo-..-ttri0 ri0uor uorome ometh)l th)l phen)lF-.-E4-0uorophen)l thi thioFoF--h -h)d )dro rox) x)--m --meth eth)l )l propanamide and *otas otassi sium um per perma mang ngan anat ate e in A Accetonitrile$

%har %harg ging of 1 1D D ?-E4-E4-c) c)an ano o-. -.-tri0uorometh)l phe phen) n)lFlF-.-E .-E440uorophen)l th thio ioFF-h)drox)-meth)l propanamide %har %harg ging of *otassium perman per manga ganat nate e

%har %harg ging of Acetonitrile

Po$ble Hazard % fa$lure Spil Spilllag age eo out ut side ide the the react eactor or,, 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due to stac elect lectrricit icit) ) 2rr 2rrita itaon on to skin skin # e)es

Bo oom om valve lve opened, or ea eakag kage e of Bo Boom om "alve 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd du due e to st sta acc electr electrici icit) t) Bo oom om valve lve opened, or eakage eak age of Boom Boom "alve 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due to st sta acc elect electric ricit) it)


&emed$al Ac#on 2n 2nsstru ruc con on is ai aid d iin n tthe he SO* , 3o Av Avoid oid ssp pil illa lag ge o out utsi side de the the 5+uipm uipmen ent, t, a) a) do do!n !n the the *ol) ol) Bags to %oll ollec ectt the spi pill lled ed &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor SS scoops scoops tto o av avoid oid ssta tacc elec electrici tricit) t)$$ 3he reactor reactor is ea earthed rthed b) cond conduc uc ng !ir ires es 7sing 7sing h hand and gl glov oves es # gogg goggles les$$

Oper peraona onal con control trol - ch che eckp ckpoin oint sha halll be inclu nclud ded in the the bat batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to cchar hargi ging ng *ota *otassi ssium um p perm ermang angana anate te # is n not ot eak eaking ing$$ *otassiu *otassium m per permang manganat anate e addi addion on pi pipe pe is kep keptt to the B Boom oom of  the rea react ctor or$$ *i *ipe pe lline iness are are al alll SS and e+u e+uipm ipment ent mot motor orss ar are e 0a 0ame me proof$ Oper peraona onal con control trol - ch che eckp ckpoin oint sha halll be inclu nclud ded in the the bat batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to char charging ging Acet Acetonitri onitrile le # iiss not not eaking eaking$$ Acet Acetonitr onitrile ile ad addion dion pipe pipe is k kept ept tto o the Bo Boom om of tthe he rea reactor ctor$$ *ip *ipe e lines lines ar are e al alll SS SS and and e e+ui +uipme pment nt mot motors ors ar are e 0a 0ame me pro proof of$$



Spillage, %lot %loth hB Blo lock ck

'ilter 3he 'iltraon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth clea cleane ned d ffor or 5ver) ver) Ba Batc tch h # this this %lea %leani ning ng of th the e' 'il ilte terr alo along ng !i !ith th %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B*




Sol olv vent ent reco ecover) er)

Hazop Study - Proce ! for 'I(AL)TA*I+, Opera#on Po$ble Hazard % &emed$al Ac#on fa$lure 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due tto o Acetone Acetone %ha %hargin rging g SS pipe pipe is ' 'ixe ixed d to the Boo Boom m of the rreact eactor or st sta acc electr electrici icit) t) *ip *ipe e li lines nes are all SS a and nd e+ e+uip uipmen mentt mo motor torss ar are e 0a 0ame me p proo rooff$ 3o separate the bi bica calu luta tami mide de fr from om the the li+ li+uid uid

is islla llaon of Acetonitrile and hexane

'ire ha(ard due to st sta acc elec electr tric icit it) ), ope opera rator tor ha( ha(ar ard d if an) an) load loadin ing g > unloading unloa ding acvit) acvit) carried out in a running runni ng cen centrifug trifuge e

?o spe peci ci: :c ha( ha(ard ard

3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he 3he : :lt ltra rao on n is carr carrie ied do out ut th thro roug ugh h a ccen entr trif ifug uge$ e$ % %en entr trif ifug uges es ar are e hig high h speed speed ma machi chines nes and and so sourc urces es of h ha( a(ard ard iin n a ch chemi emical cal pla plant$ nt$ Am Ampl ple e pr precau ecauo ons ns ar are e tak taken en to carr carr) )o out ut the the ccen entr trif ifug ugin ing ga ass ha(a ha(ard rd free free as possi possible$ ble$ ; ;e e are using a 4< inch d dia ia SS SS.1= .1= centri centrifug fuge, e, bo boom om d driv riven en a and nd top top d disc ischar harge$ ge$ 3hi 3hiss is is a four four point point suspe suspension nsion m machin achines es !hich !hich are put on sspecia peciall vibra vibra mount for for smooth vibraon free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit) facilit)$$ An interlocking s)st s)stem em is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error$ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ All cha chargin ing g is done done b) vacu cuum um suck uckin ing g to avoid oid spi spill lla ages and through the closed SS pipe lines$


into mass r)i r)ing ng operaon

Sepa Separa rao on n of so solv lven ents ts from the product


r r)i )ing ng of product "acuum r)er

the the ?o spec speci: i:cc ha( ha(ar ard d in tra)

"3 "3 is :ed :ed !i !ith th 0ame 0ame proo prooff mo mottors$ ors$ 7nlo 7nload adin ing g in into to th the e bi bins ns b) actuated valve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$

To manufacture 'or#zom$b



Stage 2

eacon of .- phen)l -Ep)ra(ine-carbon)l-aminoF propionic acid !ith Borolex-G-pinanediol tri0uoro acec acid


Hazop Study - Proce ! for 'or#zom$b Po$ble Hazard % fa$lure Addion of eacon of .phen)l -- -Ep)ra(ine-Spillage ou out ssiide tth he carbon)l-aminoF reactor, propionic acid 'ire 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due tto o sta stac c electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # e) e)es es %harging of &% Boom Bo om valve valve ope opened ned,, or eakag ea kage e of Bo Boo om m "a "alv lve e Opera#on

'i 'ire re ha(a ha(ard rd due due tto o sta stac c electricit) 6)drox) ssu uccinamide

Spillage ou out si side tth he reactor,

&emed$al Ac#on 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillage o ou utside tth he 5 5+ +uipment, a a) d do o!n tth he *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor SS sc scoop oopss to av avoid oid ssta tac c el elect ectric ricit) it)$$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and d gl glov oves es # gogg goggle les$ s$ Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be inc includ luded ed in the bat batch ch sheet to indic indicat ate e !he !hethe therr the b bo oom om va valv lve e has b been een cclos losed ed prior to charging &% # is not eaking$ &% addion pipe is kept to the Boom of  th the e rrea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$ 2n 2nsstrucon iiss a aid in in tth he S SO O* , 3o Av Avoid spillage outside the 5+uipment, a) do!n the


*ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'ire 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due tto o sta stac c electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # e) e)es es 'iltraon

Solvent recover)

%harging of & 6a(ardous !aste

Spillage 'ilter %loth Block

a@er ?o speci:c ha(ard

Stage 22

Addion of stage 2 product

Spillage, 'ilter %loth Block

lines$ 3he 'iltraon Operaon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver)

Spillage out side the reactor,

Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B* 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillage outside the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,#

'ire 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due tto o sta stac c electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # e) e)es es 6%l Addion

All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid spillages and through the closed SS pipe

disllaon 'iltraon

SS sc scoop oopss to av avoid oid ssta tac c el elect ectric ricit) it)$$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and d gl glov oves es # gogg goggle les$ s$ 3he 'iltraon Operaon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver) Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B*

6)drochoric acid Spillage # 2rritaon

3ransfer reactor SS sc scoop oopsstotothe av avoid oid ssta tac c el elect ectric ricit) it)$$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and d gl glov oves es # gogg goggle les$ s$ 3he Addion of 6)drochloric acid is charged through th the % %llosed lliines, !i !ithout an an) Spillage, personnel *rotecve 5+uipments are 7sed to avoid the 5xposure # tackle the irritaon


%harging of ?-6eptane Boom Bo om valve valve ope opened ned,, or eakag ea kage e of Bo Boo om m "a "alv lve e 'ire 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due due tto o sta stac c electricit)

Saturated sodium bicarbonate

Solvent recover)

%harging of & 6a(ardous ! as aste a @e @er

Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be inc includ luded ed in the bat batch ch sheet to indic indicat ate e !he !hethe therr the b bo oom om va valv lve e has b been een cclos losed ed prior to charging n-heptane # is not eaking$ n-heptane addion pipe is kept to the Boom of th the e rrea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

'ire 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due tto o sta stac c electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # e) e)es es

2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillage outside the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor SS sc scoop oopss to av avoid oid ssta tac c el elect ectric ricit) it)$$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and d gl glov oves es # gogg goggle les$ s$

?o speci:c ha(ard

All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to

Spillage out side the reactor,


avoid spillages and through the closed SS pipe

%harging 5th)l acetate Boom Bo om valve valve ope opened ned,, or eakage of Boom "alve

'ire 'ire h ha( a(ar ard d du due e tto o sta stac c electricit)

lines$ Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be inc includ luded ed in the bat batch ch sheet to indic indicat ate e !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to charging eth)l acetate # is not eaking$ 5th)l acetate addion pipe is kept to the Boo Boom m of tthe he rrea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$


%harging methanol Boom Bo om valve valve ope opened ned,, or eakag ea kage e of Bo Boo om m "a "alv lve e 'ire 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due due tto o sta stac c electricit)


Solvent recover)

Spillage, 'ilter %loth Block

Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be inc includ luded ed in the bat batch ch sheet to indic indicat ate e !he !hethe therr the b bo oom om va valv lve e has b been een cclos losed ed prior to charging methanol # is not eaking$ ðanol addion pipe is kept to the Boom of th the e rrea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

3he 'iltraon Opera on is %arried in %losed SS ine,Operaon 'ilter cloth cleanedout for 5ver) Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B*

%harging of & 6a(ardous !aste a@er ?o speci:c ha(ard

All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to


avoid spillages and through the closed SS pipe

Stage 222 Boom Bo om valve valve ope opened ned,, or eakage eakag e of Bo Boo om m "a "alv lve e %harging of methanol 'ire 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due due tto o sta stac c electricit) Addion product

of stage 22 Spillage out side the reactor,

lines$ Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be inc includ luded ed in the bat batch ch sheet to indic indicat ate e !he !hethe therr the b bo oom om va valv lve e has b been een cclos losed ed prior to charging methanol # is not eaking$ methanol addion pipe is kept to the Boom of th the e rrea eact ctor or *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillage outside the 5+uipment, a) do!n the


*ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'ire 'ire ha(ar ha(ard d due tto o sta stac c electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n to skin skin # e) e)es es

Solvent recover)


Spillage, 'ilter %loth Block

%harging & 6 a(ardouof s ! as aste a @e @er

?o speci:c ha(ard

All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to

?o sspe pecci: i:cc ha ha(ard

avoid spillages and through the closed SS pipe lines$ %" is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nlo 7nloa adi ding ng in intto tthe he bin inss b) b) a act ctua uatted valv lve, e,




SS sc scoop oopss to av avoid oid ssta tac c el elect ectric ricit) it)$$ 3he reactor is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and d gl glov oves es # gogg goggle les$ s$ 3he 'iltraon Operaon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver) Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B*

Sepa eparaon of so solven lventts

r)ing )ing of the the p prroduc oductt iin n

from the product

otocone vacuum r)er

6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$


To manufacture of (apec$tab$ne



eacon of /-meth)l tetrah)drofuran-,.,4tri)ltriacetate, /-'luoroc)tosine, Stannic chloride, 3&S%, 6&S and Sodium bicarbonate into &% Stag Stage e --1 1 and and ttol olue uene ne$$

Hazop Haz op S Stud tudy y-P Proc roce e ! ffor or (AP (AP,(I ,(IT TA'IN, A'IN, Opera#on Po$ble Hazard % fa$lure &emed$al Ac#on 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillag spillage e outside %harging / /-Spillage o ou ut ssiide tth he the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the reactor, meth)l spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor tetrah)drofuran- 'i 'irre ha( ha(ard ard due tto o stac SS scoop coopss to avoi oid d sta tac el ele ectri ctrici cit) t)$$ 3he rea eact ctor or is ,.,4electricit) earthed b) conducng !ires tri)ltriacetate 2r 2rri rittaon to sski kin n # e) e)es 7si sing ng hand hand glov loves # gog gogg gle les$ s$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillag spillage e outside Spillage out side the the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the %harging of /reactor, spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 'luoroc)tosine 'i 'irre ha ha((ard ard due due to stac SS scoop coopss to avoid oid sta tac el ele ectri ctrici cit) t)$$ 3he rea eact ctor or is electricit) earthed b) conducng !ires 2r 2rri rita tao on n tto o sski kin n # e) e)es es$$ 7sin 7sing gh han and dg glo love vess # gogg oggle les$ s$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillag spillage e outside Spillage out side the the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the reactor, %harging of spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor 3&S% 'i 'irre ha ha((ard ard due due to stac SS scoop coopss to avoid oid sta tac el ele ectri ctrici cit) t)$$ 3he rea eact ctor or is electricit) earthed b) conducng !ires 2r 2rri rita tao on n tto o sski kin n # e) e)es es$$ Spillage out side the %harging of 6&S

reactor, 'i 'irre ha ha((ard ard due due to stac electricit) 2r 2rri rita tao on n tto o sski kin n # e) e)es es$$

7sin 7sing gh han and dg glo love vess # gogg oggle les$ s$ 2nstrucon is aid in the SO* , 3o Avoid spillag spillage e outside the 5+uipment, a) do!n the *ol) Bags to %ollect the spilled &aterial,# 3ransfer to the reactor SS scoop coopss to avoid oid sta tac el ele ectri ctrici cit) t)$$ 3he rea eact ctor or is earthed b) conducng !ires 7sin 7sing gh han and dg glo love vess # gogg oggle les$ s$


%harging o off Stannic chloride

%harging of &%

%harging of toluene

Boo Boom mv val alve ve opened, or or eak eakag age e of Boo Boom m "alve 'ire ha(ard due to st sta acc elect electric ricit) it) Boo Boom mv val alve ve open op ened ed,, or or eakage of Boom "alve 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due tto o st sta acc elect electri rici cit) t) Boo Boom mv val alve ve open op ened ed,, or or eakage of Boom "alve 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due tto o st sta acc elect electric ricit) it) Spillage, 'ilter %loth Block


'ire ha(ard due to stac electricit)

Solvent recover)

is islla llaon &% 3oluene

of oss oss of and acetate acetonitrile

Op Oper era aon onal al cont contro roll - che check ckpo poin intt sh shal alll be in incl clud uded ed in th the eb bat atch ch sheet to to in indicate ! !h hether th the b bo oom v va alve h ha as be been ccllosed p prrior to char chargi ging ng Stan Stanni nicc chlo chlori ride de # iiss not not eak eakin ing$ g$ Stannic chloride add ion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor$ reactor$

*ip *ipe e li lines nes ar are e al alll SS SS and and e e+ui +uipme pment nt mot motors ors are 0ame 0ame p proo rooff$ Op Oper era aon onal al cont contro roll - che check ckpo poin intt sh shal alll be in incl clud uded ed in th the eb bat atch ch shee sheett to to in indi dica catte ! !h het ethe herr the the bo boom valv lve e has has be been en cl clos osed ed pri rior or to charging &% # is not eaking$ &% addio addion n pipe iiss kep keptt to th the e Bo Boom om of th the e reac reactor tor$$ *ipe llines ines ar are e al alll SS a and nd e+ e+ui uipm pmen entt mo moto tors rs a are re 0 0am ame e pr proo ooff$ Op Oper era aon onal al cont contro roll - che check ckpo poin intt sh shal alll be in incl clud uded ed in th the eb bat atch ch shee sheett to to in indi dica catte ! !h het ethe herr the the bo boom valv lve e has has be been en cl clos osed ed pri rior or to charging toluene # is not eaking$ toluene toluene add addion ion p pipe ipe is k kept ept tto o the Bo Boom om of the re reactor actor$ *ipe lin lines es ar are e al alll SS SS and and e e+ui +uipme pment nt mot motors ors ar are e0 0ame ame pro proof of$$ 3he 'iltraon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver) Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the B* 3ri meth)lamine and Sodium bicarbonate %harging SS pipe is 'ixed to the Boom of the reactor reactor$$ *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

eth eth)l 3he tem empe perratur ure e is rai aissed b) slo! lo! hea heang ll re0ux ux88 the met etha hano noll and "apour oss is due to 5xcessive heat, 2nstrucon is 9iven in SO*, 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the re0ux


Boo Boom mv val alve ve opened, or

%harge 2*A into reacon mass$

r)ing operaon


%harging of 2* 2*A A


3o separat separate e the ocet ocetax axel el 3rih) 3rih)dra drate te sta stage-2 ge-222 from from the li+uid li+uid


%harging of &Hs 6a(ard ou ous !aste


a@er centrifuging


eakage of Boom "alve 'ire ha(ard due to

to charging

stac electricit)

are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

2*A # is not eaking$

2*A addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor$ *ipe lines

3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he :ltraon is carried out through a centrifuge$ %entrifuges are high speed machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr) out the centrifuging as ha(ard free as possible$ ;e are using a 4< 'ire 'ire ha( ha(ar ard d due to inc inch h di dia a SS.1 SS.1= = ccent entrif rifuge uge,, bo boo om md driv riven en and top top di disc schar harge ge$$ 3his 3his is a ffour our point point stac electricit), suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon oper operato atorr ha( ha(ar ard d if an) an) free free noise noiseles lesss op oper erao aon$ n$ 3he sp speed eed is co contr ntroll olled ed b) a va varia riable ble fre+u fre+uenc enc) ) drive drive load loading ing > unloading and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at acvit) ccarried arried out out in a lo!er *& *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven 5ven the bearing housing housing of the centrif centrifuge uge runnin running g cen centri trifug fuge e is pr prov ovide ided d !ith a nitro nitroge gen n purging purging fac facili ilit) t)$$ An interl interloc ockin king g s) s)st stem em is prov provide ided d for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error$ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$ ?o speci:c ha(ard All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid spillages and through the closed

of r)ing of of th the p prroduct iin nv va acuum

solvents from tra) dr)er the product

?o speci:c ha(ard


Boom valve opened,

capecitabine stage-2, *)riddine and npent)l

or eakage of Boom %harging of * *) )riddine

Op Oper era aon onal al cont contro roll - che check ckpo poin intt sh shal alll be in incl clud uded ed in th the eb bat atch ch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior


'ire ha(ard due stac electricit)

SS pipe lines$ "3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nloading into the bins b) actuated valve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$ Operaonal Operaon al control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !hetherr the boo !hethe boom m val valve ve has has been been close closed d prior prior to char chargin ging g *)r *)ridd iddine ine # is is not eaking$

to *)riddine addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor$ *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$


chloroformate into &%$

Boom valve opened, %harging of n-pent)l

or eakage of Boom "alve


'ire ha(ard due st sta acc ele elect ctri rici cit) t)

Boom valve opened, %har hargin ing g of & & %

or eakage of Boom "alve lve 'ire ha(ard due stac electricit)

Operaonal Operaon al control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to charging n-pent)l chloroformate # is not eaking$

to ?-pe ?-pent)l nt)l chlorof chloroforma ormate te addion addion p pipe ipe is k kept ept to tthe he Boo Boom m of of th the e react reactor or$$ *ipe *ipe line liness a are re all all SS SS a and nd e+ e+uip uipme ment nt moto motors rs ar are e 0am 0ame ep pro roof of$$

Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !het !hethe herr the the boo boom m va valv lve e has has be been en clo close sed d prio priorr to cha charg rging ing & &% % # is no nott eaking$ to &% addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor$ *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

'il ilte terr %lo loth th 3he 'iltraon Operaon is %arried out in %losed SS ine, 'ilter cloth cleaned for 5ver) Batch # this %leaning of the 'ilter along !ith %loth is 2ncorporated 2n the Block B* 'ir 'ire e ha( ha(ar ard d due to *)r *)ridi idine ne %harg %harging ing SS pip pipe e is 'ixed 'ixed to the Boo Boom mo off tthe he reacto reactorr$ * *ipe ipe lines lines ar are e sta tac c elec electr tric icit it) ) all all SS SS a and nd e+ e+ui uipm pmen entt mot motor orss a are re 0ame 0ame pr proo ooff$ Operaonal control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate Boom valve opened, !h !het ethe herr the the bo boo om mv val alve ve ha hass b bee een n cclo lose sed d prio priorr tto o cha charg rgin ing g 6e 6ept ptan ane e# or eakage of Boom is not eaking$ "alve Spill pilla age,


%har %harge ge 6ept 6eptan ane e la)er

into in to or orga gani nicc

%har %hargi ging ng o of  f  6eptane

'ire ha(ard due stac electricit)$

Solvent recover)

isllaon of &%


3o separate %apecitabine stage-22 from li+uid

the the

to 6eptane addion pipe is kept to the Boom of the reactor$ *ipe lines are all SS and e+uipment motors are 0ame proof$

3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll re0ux8 the methanol "apour oss is due to 5xcessive heat, 2n 2nstrucon is 9iven iin n SO*, 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the re0ux 3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 'ir 'ire e ha( ha(ar ard d due to 3he :ltra :ltraon on is ccarr arried ied out thr throug ough h a ce centr ntrifu ifuge ge$$ %en %entri trifug fuges es ar are e high high spe speed ed machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical plant$ Ample precauons are stac electricit), taken to carr) out the centrifuging as ha(ard free as possible$ ;e are using a 4< operator ha(ard if an) inch dia SS.1= centrifuge, boom driven and top discharge$ 3his is a four point loading > unloading suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra mount for smooth vibraon acvit) carried out in a free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive running centrifuge and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven the bearing housing of t he centrifuge oss of &%


is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit)$ An interlocking s)stem is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error$ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$

%harging of of Solvent recover) r r)i )ing ng oper perao on n


Sepa Separa rao on n of of sol solve vent ntss fro from m tthe he

r)ing of the

pr pro oduc duct

product in "acuum tra) dr)er

%harging o off & &%


capecitabine stage-22,

&%, &%, so sodi dium um h)dr h)dro oxi xide de and %har %hargi ging ng of  h)drochloric acid into methanol methanol$


6%l Addion

Solvent recover) %harge toluene


All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid spillages and through the closed

6a(ardous !aste ?o speci:c ha(ard a@er centrifuging

into reacon

SS pipe lines$

?o speci:c ha(ard

"3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nloading into the bins b) actuated valve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$

Boom valve opened, or eakage of Boom "alve

Operaonal Operaon alecontrol checkpoint shall beed included incha therging batch to indicate !he !hethe therr th the b bo oom om- va valve lve has bee been n cclos losed prior prior to charg ing sheet&% & % # is no nott eaking$

'ire 'ire ha ha(a (ard rd du due e to stac elec lectr tric icit it) ) Boom valve opened, or eakage of Boom "alve

&% &% addi addion on pipe pipe is ke kept pt to the the Bo Boom om o off the re react actor or$$ *i *ipe pe lines lines ar are e all SS a and nd e+u +uiipme pment mo motor tors a arre 0 0a ame pro proof$ Operaonal Operaon al control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !h !het ethe herr tthe he bo boo om m val valve ve ha hass b bee een n cclo lose sed dp pri rior or to ch char argi ging ng metha methano noll # is not eaking$

'ire 'ire ha ha(a (ard rd du due e to sta tac c elec electr tric icit it) )

ða ðanol nol addi addio on n pip pipe e is kept kept to to the Bo Boom om of of the reacto reactorr$ *ipe *ipe lines lines a are re a all ll SS an and d e+ e+ui uipm pmen entt m mot otor orss ar are e0 0am ame e pr proo ooff$

6)drochoric acid a 3he n) SAddion pillage, pof er6)drochloric sonnel *rotecacid ve is 5+charged uipmentthrough s are 7sethe d to%losed avoid lines, the 5x!ithout posure Spillage # 2rritaon # tackle the irritaon %o %orr rros osiv ive e natu nature re 7s 7se e prop proper erl) l) pe pers rson onne nell prot protec ecv ve e e+ e+ui uipm pmen ent$ t$

%harging of  sodium h)droxide isllaon of &%

oss o off

and me methanol$


%harging o off

Boom va valve o op pened,


or eakage of Boom "alve


and 3he temperature is raised b) slo! heang ll re0ux8 the methanol "apour oss is due to 5xcessive heat, 2nstrucon is 9iven in SO*, 3o Open the steam valve to Opmum so as to maintain the re0ux Operaonal Operaon al control - checkpoint shall be included in the batch sheet to indicate !hether the boom valve has been closed prior to charging toluene # is not eaking$


'ire 'ire ha ha(a (ard rd du due e to sta tac c elec electr tric icit it) )

3o separate the

3oluene oluene addi addion on pipe pipe is is k kept ept to to the Bo Boo om m of tthe he rrea eacto ctorr$ *ipe *ipe lines lines a are re a all ll SS an and d e+ e+ui uipm pmen entt moto motors rs ar are e 0ame 0ame pr proo ooff$

3he centrifuge is earthed b) conducng !ires$ 3he :ltraon is carried out through a centrifuge$ %entrifuges are high speed machines and sources of ha(ard in a chemical plant$ Ample precauons are taken to carr) out the centrifuging as 'ire ha(a ha(ard rd due tto o ha(ard ha(ard free free as pos possible sible$$ ;e are are usi using ng a 4< inch d dia ia SS. SS.1= 1= centrifuge, boom driven and top discharge$ 3his is a four point stac electricit), suspension machines !hich are put on special vibra mount for operator ha(ard if 


%apecitabine an) loading > from unloading acvit) stage-222 the li+uid carried out in a running centrifuge

%harging Solvent recover)

r)ing operaon

Separaon of sol solvents from the product

smooth vibraon free noiseless operaon$ 3he speed is controlled b) a variable fre+uenc) drive and the feeding of the centrifuge is done b) pneumacall) controlled valves at lo!er *& under nitrogen purging$ 5ven 5ven the bearing housing of the centrifuge is provided !ith a nitrogen purging facilit) facilit)$$ An interlocking s)st s)stem em is provided for ensuring that the lids cannot be opened !hile the centrifuge is running and thereb) prevenng an) operaonal ha(ard b) human error$ All the limits s!itches and the safet) interlocking s!itches are 0ame proof including the "' controls$


&Hs 6a(ardous ?o speci speci:c :c ha ha(a (ard rd !aste a@er centrifuging r)ing of the product in ?o speci:c ha(ard "acuum tra) dr)er

All charging is done b) vacuum sucking to avoid spillages and thr throug ough h the clos closed ed SS p pipe ipe lline ines$ s$

"3 is :ed !ith 0ame proof motors$ 7nloading into the bins b) actuated valve, 6ence ?o- ess 5xposure 6and gloves # goggles should be used$




Yearly +ata ./. .// ./   -./0 I .1 . J

./1   -./2 .1 <



?o$of minor incident>accidents from








?o$of maKor incident>accidents from ?o$of occupaonal health










.con:ned space



2(   &ri$hnam Nai!u 2*   Nara$imhulu


>H >H

2   7.8an!uran"a Nai!u


2.   N.8ra$a! chanta

















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il


















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il


















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





B+   Normal












Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





B-   Normal












Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il






2/   &.+athi$h Ba:u
















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





22   B& 7an"a Ra,
















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





No rma l

No rma l











Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





24   9e#ara, 8atil




46   B.Bharmanna$hi#araya




41   &.+uren!er Re!!y
















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il





4%   &ri$hna
















Normal   Normal






  C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il



  Ni l

N or or ma ma l

Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. & Freefrom Ne"atii#e #e Healthy Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$.Occupational health & Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & Ne"atii#e #e Conta"iou$ !i$ea$e$. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e "a titi #e #e

%ontagious diseases$


4(   G.+re!har 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

4*   +.'aya!e# Goranta







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

4   G.nanatha$ena Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health &

4.   +ure$h Gou!







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

4/   N.Na"e$h







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

42   B.Ra,e$h







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

44   9.Harnath Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

166 8.'alan!har 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l




a$i$h Be!mutha





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


.&a,an "ou!a







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


&.n0ar :a$ha







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l









N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

16- 9r.Rafiu!!in







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


9r.+an,ay Hirpara







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l









N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


N.'a"anmohan Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Chan!re$h kumar triipati pati


B-   Normal



N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


ar#in! mi$hra







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


B.Yu#a )e,a







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


G.3enkata Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


5.+ri!har Ba:u







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l









N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

11- 8.+ati$h







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l








N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

11/ ).+rini#a$







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


,ith &arpe







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Rame$h :a:u







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


3i$hnu 3ar!han re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Ch.Raama )heer!a







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


$hok &umar !!anki







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


7!.?har Hu$$ain



B+   Normal



N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


+atya Narayana ayana 9an!a







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1%- G..N.&.Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Y.3eera Re!!y







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Ra,a#ar!han Gou!







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Gan"a!hara Rao







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1%4 G.Ba!raiah







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


9r.3ino!&umar +in"h







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Gopal Bo:la!e







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Chan!ra 8raka$h



No rma l

No rma rmall


N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


G.3.8a#an &umar 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


&.Nar$appa Nai!u







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Bala,i ki$anro ka!am







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1( 9ilip &umar 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


+unil +hin!e







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


8.+rini#a$ +arma

3i,ay &umar H8







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1( 4 & ul !e ep Na "ar

8 ro !






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1* 6 7 uni $h $h 3e rm a

8 ro !






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


B.$0ara Rao







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


fta: hme!







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

8 ro !






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1* ( +  . $ho k&u ma r 1** +an,ay







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


karunakar CH







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1* &.7an"ala"iri







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

No rma l

No rma rmall


N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


N.+rini#a$a Rao



1*2 Giri$ha




Bala,i Chan!ra




Nara$imha Rao







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


3eera papaiah







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

-   Normal



N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1-% 8uran!har  1-( Na"e$h






7.8ra$ant 8urohit



B.8oorna Chan!er Rao







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


B.+ati$h &umar 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


7.Nare$h &umar 







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


9yane$0ar #a"are







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. 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Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$.. Healthy & Freefrom Occupational health & N e" at i# e C on ta "i ou ou $ ! i$ ea $$ee $$..






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

16 8aramanan!






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l



G-B lock





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


Ra"hunan!an Gou!a






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1* Ch.Na"aBa:u







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l








N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1 7.8ra#een







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1/ C.+rini#a$ulu







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


+uka!e# 7ahanti







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


B.&a$i Nai!u





N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


8.+hi#a 8ra$a!a Rao


Nan!a &umar )he"il

1( C.+u!hakar 



7.3enkata +u::a Rao










N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

1/1 N.Na"a Ra,a







N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l








N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l






N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l


N il

N il

N il

N il

N il

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

N or ma l

C le ar

 ci !i c

N ilil

N il

N or ma l

N il

N or ma l

8.Rama Chan!ra Rao

1/( ?nit at ai&r' for t&e roiet a &eld on 07.0.2005.



  on  t&e  information =mitted  =! !o,  t&e  Minitr!  of   "nvironment   and

Foret  &e &ere= re=! ! a ao ord rd  environmental   lea learan rane e to  t&e  a= a=ov ove e ro8e ro8ett nder   t&e

roviion  of "HA Notifiation dated 14& etem=er 2005 =8et to omliane  of t&e folloin> &t of 0 m &a[ =e intafled for   dierion  of $artilate matter. !lone earator efiiien! &all =e minimm



&ere &all =e

 no odor nr=ane from rodt E mat"rial ed. odor  &afl =e


ontrolled a er  t&e  t&e Gideline of  %.  %.


 monitorin> of   and 


 &all =e arried ot

at vario ro=a=le

loation in Kater 

   t&e am=ient air in and arond t&e lant and in t&e ortB Cone area,

 it&draal &all not e*eed l,2 +# &i& &all =e ored from r&e  Mniial l!.

&e ate ater >eneration &all not e*eed >00o +# &i& &afi =e treated in t&e "$  to tertiar!      treatment and &all =e ed lor >ardenin> and landain>,

after meetin>   oa; il

 t&e di&ar>e norm. #ometi ater ifi =e ent to eti tan; folloed =! 




#ediate #edi ated d r= r==er =er and  ta ta; ; of   aro aroriate riate &ei>&t  a  er   t&e  entr"it $olltio $oll tion n ont ontrol rol %oard >ideline &all =e   rovided rovided to  ontrol  t&e emiion

vario  vent.  &e  r==ed   ater &all &all =e  ent ent to  "  for   frt&er  from  vario

treatment. vii

 All t&e tora>e tan;  ill =e =e nder ne>ative ne>ative  r re e re re to avoid  ari!  lea;a>e. %reat&er  !tem  valve, N, =lan;etin> and eondar! ondener it& =rine &illin>   All liDid rovided &all =e    for   all  t&e tora>e tan; to  minimiCe vaor   loe.     ra &andlin> !tem for  material &all =e tored in tora>e  an; and #rm.  loe 

ill =e rovided for  &emi &e mial al and olvent olvent il rovide ded. d. Ma>neti  eal  illl =e  rovi       m/a>itator   for reator  for   redtion  of   frr>itive  emiion. e lea;a>e &all  =e    it& +ea; #etetion and eair (+#A)  !te !tem m and +"+ indiator  and !droar=on

detetor. roviion for immediate iolation of  & eDiment, in ae


 of a lea;a>e ill alo =e made. tie oman! &all  rovide 


 ell defined +ea; 

#etetion and eair (+#A) ro>ramme for 

Dantifiation and ontrol

 of f>itive emiion. &e detetor enitivit! ill


=e in m level. ix

&e oman!

 &all nderta;e folloin> Kate MinimiCation meare.

Meterin> and ontrol  


ee of =!-rodt


 of ative in>redient to minimiCe ate.

 from t&e roe a ra material or  a ra material 

=titte in ot&er roee.


 of atomated ,illin> lo minimiCe illa>e.

?e of   loe Feed. !tem into =at& reator.


 eDiment t&ro>& vaor reover! )rlem. .

rere &oe for eDiment leanin> to rede aleater  ?e of  &i>& rere &oe

>eneration. x

F>itive emiion in     l&e or; Cone environ environmen ment, t, rodt,  and ra  material tora>e area &all =e       re>la re>larl! rl! monitore monitored. d. &e emiion  &all  onform  lo  t&e limit olltion  imoed =! t=e iderine   nder 

Manfatre,  e  and lm lmort of   aCa aCard rdo o  &emial&le,  16 166 6 a in amended to=er,      1664 and Janar!, 2000 and aCardo Kate

(Mana>ement and    andlin>) le, 16>6, a amended from time lo time.  Al&oriCation from t&e     o=tained for  olletion,  olletion, treatment,

tora>e, and dioal  of 

 AHH 


$roe $ro e  ate,   efe  t>e and  r>ani r>ani  reide  &al &alll +e  olleted  and  a;eo  in roof  $"  $" =a>  and tored tored temor temorari aril! l! in a eara earate te lea&at lea&ate e   overed overed &ed &ed till dioal into ional xxvi

&e ro8et

 at&oritie &rH iTTR

 8rrY3@P 1'R33R.[3lPXR,,iQ.m13fi311,,n,r,r[,,,P ,@

r&e rearane, ir imremenration



oJ3 Qff>.3ffi33,,3fi3end  

 or an! or  ,

&e Minitr! reerve





 P,aR1a R-F.-.-n=.


=e ;et ell it&in t&e

(*ii) &e overall noie level in and ardnd t&e lant area &all   


aoti &ood'

tandard =! rovidin> noie ontrol meare lnldin>  


>eneration'&e am=ient noie      level &all  ilener, enlore et'on alt ore of noie  ($rotetion) onform to t&e tandard reri=ed nder "nvironment

(ni>&t time)'  At, 165 le, 166 viC. 79 d%A (da! time) and 70 d%A  >reen =elt a er  t&e $% (*iii) 29L of  t&e total area &all =e develoed a            >ideline.

(*iv) ational &ealt& rveillane oft&e or;er 

&all =e anied ot on a




re>lar  =ai and reord &all =e maintained a er  t&e  At'  t&e Fatorie At' (*v) rainin>  &all =e imarted to all emlo!ee on afet! and &ealt& ae-t of  eriodiat medial   &emial &andlin>. $re-emlo!ment and rotine =ai' e*amination  for all emlo!ee &all =e nderta;en on re>lar   &all =e enred' (*vi) ?a>e of $$" =! allemlo!ee/or;er    xvii


&e oman! &all tritl! follo all t&e reommendation  mentioned in t&e  ("$)' &arter on ororate eoni=ilit! for "nvironmental $rotelion from roofto of t&e  t&e      &e oman! &all &arvet rfa,e a ell a rainater

=ildin>rooedint&ee*anionro8etandtormate =ildin>rooedint&ee*anion ro8etandtormaterdraintore&ar>e rdraintore&ar>e t&e>rondaterandet&eameaterfort&evar t&e>rondaterand et&eameaterfort&evarioativitieoft&eoet ioativitieoft&eoet to onerve fre& ater. .

(*i*) &e ro8et roonent &all alo oml! it& all t&e environmental  rotetion t&e meare and afe>ard rooed in t&e "HN"M$ reort' All  reommendationmadeinreetofenviron reommendationma deinreetofenvironmentalmana>ementan mentalmana>ementandri; dri; miti>ation meare relatin> to t&e ro8et &all =e imlemented'

(**) &e oman! itt ndeilafe i[ r=liPvant meare, a indiated din> t&e $=li  nondin> area'

earin> for  imrovin>   imrovin> t&e  loal villa>e and

(**0 &e oman! &all nderta;e eodevelomental  meate inldin> ommnit! t&e elfare meare  in t&e ro8et area for t&e overall imrovement  of  

environment. &e eodeveloment lan &old =e =mitted to t&e ement Mana>ement  ell  eDied  it&  fll  fled>ed Mana>ement

ta=orator! failitie &all =e et  to arr! ot t&e "nvironmental


Monitorin> fntion.


o!=. #eartment of  Foret, "olo>! E "nvirorment $rinial &e Govemment  :amata;a,   room No. 404, 4 Floor, ll e, Mlti la, %an>lore- 950 04P :amata;a .



&e &airman, entral $dMion ontrol %oard  omle*, "at Ar8n Na>ar,  Ne #et&i - 110 02.

 %&avan. %#-mfiie


&e &airman, A.$.$olllion  A.$.$olllion ontrol %oard, 

 %&avan, A-, lndrtrial

"tate, ell, Minitr! d "nvironment and Foret, ar!avaran %&avan, 5 omle*, Ne #el&i. 5. 7.

Gard File.

Monitorin> File eord File.


H H (#r.$.+ A&ianil' #iretor 




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