Harvest Moon Back To Nature Complete Guide Book

April 30, 2017 | Author: wanatheinkha | Category: N/A
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Download Harvest Moon Back To Nature Complete Guide Book...


Publisher: Natsume Developer: Natsume Genre: RPG Official Site: http://bokumono.com/series/harvest/hmb/index.html Release Date: USA: November 30, 2000 Japan: Unknown

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, is the 5th game in the Harvest Moon Series. Released on Playstation, this was the first game in the series to be created for a non-Nintendo system. The game takes place in a brand new town, and features many of the same characters as Harvest Moon 64, though many of their relationships and occupations have changed. There are many new crops, festivals and events to witness as well. It was also the first game to have a strategy guide released with it by Prima.












Character Events


Church Confessional






False Secrets




Gameshark Codes




Harvest Goddess


Harvest Sprites




Legendary Fish


Power Berries










Shipping Bin




TV Show Guide




Cows Cows are the staple animal of any prosperous farm. Take good care of your cows to milk them for all their worth! You can also enter cows in the annual cow festival. Price-6,000G Chickens Chickens are also a major part of Harvest Moon. When you buy your first chicken, and feed it every day, it will give you eggs almost immediately. Chickens are great as one of your first investments to insure a steady income from selling eggs. You can own up to 10 chickens. Price-1,500G

Dog Your dog is with you from the start. You'll first meet him as a puppy, and in 3 months he will become a full grown dog. Give him attention each day, and make sure to bring him inside on a rainy day. If you get your dog up to ten hearts and train him, he may even win the Dog Race! Price- Free Horse Your horse is also given to you for free. Go to Yodel Farm during the first spring and Barley and May will be outside looking at a pony. They'll ask you to take care of it because they don't have room and will then take it to your farm for you. Make sure to buy a brush at the Blacksmith's to brush your horse each day. You will need to raise your horse's heart level to 8 by the first winter or else Barley will take the horse away. Price Free 3

Sheep- Sheep are good money makers, but they do not give wool every day. When you buy your sheep you have to brush, talk and feed it everyday. After a a good amount of time, it will turn into an adult and you will be able to shear it for wool. Price 4,000G Fish The fish are found in the various rivers and ponds around Mineral Village. You can keep fish in the pond on your farm to hold onto them as well. Buy fish food at the supermarket for 20G a meal if you choose to keep fish on the farm. Even if you have a lot of fish in your pond, you only need to put on fish food in a day. Feed them everyday, and after about 20 days, they will start reproducing. Additionally, if you place a small fish into the pond, in time it will grow to be even larger, allowing you to breed fish to sell. Price Free


In Harvest Moon, you can only have one baby. The baby can also only be a boy. They probably did this so they had to do less programming. Here are the steps to get a baby!

Love You need to "love" your wife. This means give her gifts and such. About 1 season after your marraige, your wife will become pregnant. You can go to the Clinic about one season after and she will be in there and you'll find out. Then she will stay pregnant for about 2 seasons. After 2 seasons, she will have her baby!

Baby Stage 1: Infant When your baby is first born, you won't be able to pick it up. Only your wife can pick it up. Your baby will have a heart level and it is your job to keep it up. You can't start raising it's heart level yet because you can't interact with it at all yet.

Baby Stage 2: Crawling After about a year, your baby will start crawling. You can now pick it up and give it lots of presents. An example of a gift could be hot milk. It will be dressed in a little blue mouse costume as well.

Baby Stage 3: Walking and Talking After 3 seasons of the crawling stage, your baby will begin to walk and talk. He will say things like "Goomonink da da" and other gibberish.

Baby Stage 4: More Talking


There are 5 bachelors in the game, but 4 if you don't include yourself! They are...

Rick Who he'll marry if you don't-Karen Where he lives-The Poultry Farm Other Information-Rick does not like Kai.

Cliff Who he'll marry if you don't-Ann Where he lives-At the Inn(stays there) Other Information-If you do not ask Cliff to help you harvest grapes at the vineyard in the Fall, Cliff will leave that year and not come back, so ask him to help!

Kai Who he'll marry if you don't-Popuri Where he lives-At the Seaside Lodge Other Information-Kai is only at the village during Summer, when he works at his Seaside Lodge.

the Doctor Who he'll marry if you don't-Elli Where he lives-The Clinic Other Information-none yet

Gray Who he'll marry if you don't-Mary Where he lives-At the Blacksmith Other Information-Gray is not very social, and is always trying to please Saibara.


Here is stuff about the Blacksmith like prices, what you can get, and hints!



Days Hints

1,000GUpgrade Tool 5,000G(depending on what level


Just use the tool a lot until you have the Blue stone at the bottom of the tool stats screen, and don't pay for the copper-gold upgrades. Use mystril right away. It will save money.




Get this as soon as you have around 20,000G40,000G. You'll have enough money afterward.




Get this as soon as you get a baby calf, if you can afford it.




Get this as soon as you get a sheep from the farm.

Mayonnaise Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Get this as soon as possible, great if you have a loving chicken. (get it?)

Butter Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Get only when you can afford this, grass, and a cow.

Yarn Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Useful, but you rarely get wool. Plan and get it one day before you get wool.


1,000G, Orichalc Ore


Save up 5 and give it to a girl the second you have 5. You will get a heart burst!


There are a lot of characters in Back to Nature. Many of them you will be familiar with, but they do have different jobs/personalities! Also something new in BTN, all the characters have birthdays! You can give them gifts and stuff!






Spring 19 Still Popuri's mom, but she works at the Poultry Farm now!


Summer One of the girls you can woo, she lives at the Poultry Farm and 3 her mom is Lillia and her brother is Rick!(*See girls section for more info)


Fall 27

Barley Yodel

Spring 17 Owner of the livestock farm. Old. Lives with granddaughter May and dog Hana.


Winter 26


Spring 11 Owns the Blacksmith's shop. He can make you tool upgrades, buy tools or make jewelry for your favorite girl!


Winter 6 Lives with Saibara(who is his grandpa) at the Blacksmith shop. He likes the city, and he tries to help Saibara in the shop.


Winter 15

He runs Aja Winery with his wife. He goes to the Inn at night.


Fall 11

Duke's wife, she is selling wine at Rose Square at around noon most days.

He makes all the deliveries for the Poultry Farm(and it's a guy!). He lives at the Poultry Farm.

Lives on livestock farm with Grandpa. She has black hair.



Winter 29

He owns the Grocery Store. He is very nice.


Spring 30 Jeff's wife, she is at Rose Square with other ladies talking at noon on nice days.


Fall 15


Summer A botanist and author of many books. You can find him at the 11 Inn almost every night.


Fall 23

Anna is Basil's wife. She is usually at Rose Square at noon talking with other women.


Winter 20

She runs the library and is another girl you can woo.(*See girls section for more info)


Fall 17

Is very serious and enthusiastic. He has a crush on Elli.


Spring 16 She works at the Clinic and lives wit her Grandma. Her little brother is Stu. She is also one of the girls you can marry.(*See girls section for more info)

Pastor Carter

Fall 20

He is found at church and runs all the cermonies and stuff.


Winter 11

He is Ann's father and raises her alone. He owns the Inn.


Summer Ann is the last girl you can woo. She is a tombot but is a very 17 good cook.(*See girls section for more info)


Winter 19

Another girl you can woo, she is active and lives at the Grocery Store(although she's not usually there).(*See girls section for more info)

Won will sell you exotic plant seeds and household items. He charges a lot though(and not everything is real). Find him at the Inn most of the days. 9


Spring 6 Cliff will leave if you don't ask him to help you harvest grapes at Duke's vineyard. He has a secret crush on Ann also. You have to become friends with him for him to stay.


Summer Kai is only at the village during the Summer. He has a crush on 22 Popuri also.


Summer Zack is the Shipper. He comes to your farm at 5 PM to collect 29 things and give you money. He is usually wandering around town, and his house is on the beach.


Spring 29 Greg is the fisherman. He's the one who'll give you your first fishing rod, and a better one if you have 50 fish in your pond.


Fall 2


Spring 2 Louis is a beekeeper who spends his time at Gotz's house. He is trying to find bees indigenous to the area. If you get bees bring him honey.

Mayor Thomas

Summer The Mayor is always visiting villagers and checking up on things. 25


Winter 2 Kano is a photographer.


Winter 13

Ellen is Elli's grandmother. She doesn't wander around, so you can always find her at the house.


Fall 5

Stu is Elli's little brother. He is usually at the path outside his house.

Gourmet Judge


The Gourmet Judge is the man who judges the Cooking Festival! That is basically the only time you see him.

Gotz is the town's carpenter. Ask him to upgrade your farm. He is usually at home , at the Grocery Store or wandering at Mother's Hill.


Harvest Sprites

Image Name


Aqua Spring 26


Spring 4


Fall 14

Hoggy Fall 10 Nappy Winter 22 Staid Spring 15 Timid Summer 16


Here are some events that aren't festivals, but they are events that have to do with the characters! Some of them may have dates, but they are when the person who sent them in witnessed them. Most events can happy at anytime in the year, any day, any time, any season! Perfume During the summer(when Kai is home), there is always a hurricane. If you found the bottle, go visit/talk to Kai the day after a hurricane. He'll fill your bottle with perfume! Sprite's Tea Party Ever wonder where everyone is getting Relaxed Tea Leaves? Well here's how! 1. Have the largest Rucksack and buy 7 flours from the supermarket in Spring 2. Go to Sprite's house between 3 and 4 pm and give each sprite a box of flour. 3. They will "invite" you to the tea party(happens automatically) and you get the tea leaves! Ann's Nap If you are married to Ann in the Spring(any year), she will have a "nap". Go halfway up Mother's Hill at any time on a Sunny Day and you'll find Ann. Ann's Birthday Party To get invited to Ann's birthday party, you must become friends with her. Try to get her heart up more than purple. If it is high enough, in the beginning of summer you'll get an invitation in the mail from Ann! It invites you to her party on the 17th! Then on the 17th go to her house between 10Am and 6PM and you'll get to attend her party! Don't forget her birthday gift! Doug's memories On Fall 5th after 5pm, go to the peak of Mother's Hill. You'll see Doug thinking about his deceased wife. Moondrops for Karen


Between the 1st and 20th of Spring if Karen likes you, she will give you some moondrop seeds. Plant them and give them to her when they bloom and she'll like you more. Popuri's Egg Sometime during the year(Summer I think) Popuri will stop by and give you an Egg. Hatch the egg and name it Popuri and she'll like you more. Dance with Karen In Spring year 2 before the New Year Festival, Karen will stop by your house between 12 and 3 to practice dancing. If you like her, dance with her at the festival that day after the event. Fireworks with Kai On Summer, Year 2, the day before the fireworks, talk to Kai at the beach between 9 and 6 and ask him to watch the fireworks with you. This will make you better friends. Give Kai Corn In Summer any year, Kai may stop by and ask to buy Corn from you, sell it to him for 50 gold to make better friends with him. Helping at Winery On the 14th of Fall, Duke will stop by and ask for help harvesting grapes. Go to the Winery everyday at 11:30 for a week until 5 and harvest. Make sure to get every berry to get 1000G. Also ask Cliff to help you that day Duke asks you to get Cliff to stay, and pick the berries at the spot Cliff goes to first to make sure you get them! White Flower During Winter, go to Ellen's house and she'll tell you about a White Flower that blooms on snowy days. After that, go to Mother's Hill's peak on a snowy day to see it. Tell Ellen and Basil about it the next day. Cute Cricket This can happen at anytime in the Fall. If you are married To Elli, Stu will give you a cricket at your farm. Taking Care of Chickens


If you have a chicken coop extention and only 5 chickens, in the Fall on the 14th-16th Rick will stop by and ask you to take care of 5 chickens. Say yes and this will increase your friendship plus you get to keep the money from the eggs. Flashing Object In Year 4 in Winter, walk past the Church after 5 p.m and you'll see a flashing object. Family During Winter, go to the Village Square after 10AM on a snowy day. You will see Cliff faint. Talk to him and you will pick up a photograph. Go to the Clinic and Cliff will be lying in bed. The Doctor asks everyone to leave. Next time you see Cliff, return his photo to become better friends with him. Water Mill In Fall(Year 1 or 2) on any day up to the 27th, Gray make come to your farm as you walk outside. He will be mad and ask to use your Mill to make a hammer. Let him do so and you will raise your friendship. He will weed your field also in return. After a few days he'll ask you to try the hammer, it'll break. Mary sees this, then go to Village Square to see Mary and Gray fight. Gray will later thank you. Hairy Creature I have a secret for you about Harvest Moon PSX. Third year,but I don't remember the day or time. You go to the woodcutter's house and there are four people standing next to it. Go and talk to them and they each will say something about a hairy, long-legged, scary monster that tries to attack them at night. Gotz will come out of his house and walk to the back where his long pile of logs is. Go and talk to him and he will say,"I have a hairy face? Don't accuse me!" or something. Then a monkey will appear and walk away. Go back to the four people (Jeff, Kai, Harris, and Stu) and the monkey will be in the center. Talk to everyone and they will say something about the monkey was the thing that was hairy, long-legged, scary monster that attacks them at night. Gotz will come back and say that the monkey came to the bottom of the mountain by mistake and will take the monkey back. Nothing happens after this. If you could please post this on your website, I would be very apreciative. It was a funny cinema. Thanks so much. Harris' Love About Fall 30th of the 1st year if you are friends with Harris, he'll come to your house at about 6:30 p.m and tell you that he was in love with Aja(Duke and Manna's daughter.) He needs help with writing a letter to her, you can either help him or not. Then the next day visit Manna and you will automatically tell her the secret. After that you do the normal and go to bed. The next 14

morning when you come outside Harris comes and tells you he's sorry to bother you with the little incident. Zack comes by and tells Harris he has a letter to give him from Aja. Zack gives him the letter and Harris leaves happy and goes to patroll. Supposedly this raises your friendship with Harris. Karen Gets Drunk While married to Karen, one evening go to the Inn (around 7pm) and Karen will be there. Ann will be talking some sense into her...because she's drunk! Ann will ask you to take her home you'll arrive home together and she will tell you she's feeling better now. Sandwiches From Elli In early winter (before the 5th) in the 1st year, Elli will come by at 12:00 to ask if you can try out her sandwitch. You eat it and she implies that you don't like it then she says she'll come back tomarrow. The next day, she comes at 12:00 to give you another kind of sandwitch and you won't like it. The next day at 12:00 she'll come back and give you a combo sandwitch and you'll like it. Her heart level will rise by 1. She'll say that she'll start making the combo sandwitches for Stu. You're just to test out the sandwitches. You MUST be at your farm at 12:00 for those three days for her heart color to rise. Eggs For Ann On the 6th of the 1st winter, Ann will come by your house to ask if you can bring 3 eggs to the inn for 3 days. If you say yes, you MUST bring 3 eggs for the next 3 days to the inn. After the 3 days, Ann's heart level will go up by one. Gotz To The Rescue/ Gotz's Past In the early winter of the 1st year (not sure what day but it should be a snowy day) go by Gotz's cabin and he'll be standing outside his door. If you go past him, he might automatically talk to you, if he doesn't, talk to him. He'll say that a blizzard's brewing in the mountains and for you to stay away for that day. If you start to head up Mother's Hill, you will be knocked out by the storm. Luckily, you'll end up in Gotz's cabin but he will start to scold you saying, "I told you not to underestimate the power of nature!" He will then apologize saying that his family died because of a blizzard. Expensive Honey If you have honey, give your hive to Louis and he'll discover that the bee that makes your honey is a rear species. The next day he'll thank you and tell the buyer that the honey should be sold at a higher price. You'll get 60G for your honey now. Apple Pie for Ellen 15

The date varies for this one, but it is usaully in the summer, in the 1st year. On day the Mayor will come to your house saying that he is going to the nearby village and needs a favor. *supposedly* he gives Ellen(elli and stu's grandma)a piece of pie everyday, and because he is going out of town you should do it. Finish your chores, and then go to the Inn and ask Doug for the pie(just go up to him and talk), and he will give it to you. Go to Ellen house and give her the pie. She will offer you a tip, but DO NOT ACCEPT!!!!!! It is only a few coins, and Elli won't be happy. If you don't accept the tip, Elli will come in and have an extra piece of pie, and she will give it to you. The next day the mayor will bring you a piece of cake. Thiefing Cat Not sure about the date, but go to the Inn in the beginning of second spring and Ann, her father, Harris, May and Barley are all standing in a circle. They say that food is being stolen from the inn. If you enter the back room, a cat will walk by into the main room. When you go back to the main room, they realize that the cat was the burgler! Jeff Wins a Contest The date varies on this, but if you go to the supermarket, Sasha an Jeff are talking about how Jeff won a contest and they should do something to celebrate. Leave and go back in and they decided to have a sale to celebrate. It turns out all of the villagers think they are broke and going out of business so they all go pay back their tabs, and now Jeff is out of debt! Waiting for Kai This is a random date event, but it happens on a sunny event. Go to the crossroad near the blacksmith where you turn right to the Poultry farm. Popuri and Mary will be waiting for Kai there. Popuri Leaving To get this, become good friends with Kai in the summer. Just give him a gift everyday. When the summer ends Kai will come and say goodbye and says he is taking Popuri with him. Rick will then come by and ask if you have seen Popuri, you can either tell him that she is at the beach with Kai or that you havn't seen her. If you tell him where Popuri will stay all year long, but if you don't she will leave with Kai and only come back during summers! Good Book This doesn't happen on a specific date, but around 3 go to your farm and enter and leave your house. Mary will be there (I think you have to have at least a blue heart) and will give you a book. Visit the library the next day and talk to her and tell her you liked the woodcutter, this will make her like you more.


Duke Passes Out Go to the bar one night and Duke will be passed out. Talk to the people there, and then pick up the jar on the table and go to talk to Duke. He will say something and then throw up in the jar. You automatically take him home and talk to Manna. This will increase your relationship with them. Sick Baby When you get married and have a baby, one day you will wake up and the baby will be sick. Your wife will ask you what you think you should do. You can either take it to the clinic or watch it carefully. If you take it to the clinic you'll wake up the next morning with nothing done on the farm, basically skipping a day. If you watch it closely, you will eventually take it to the doctor, so it is better to choose the first choice to make your wife think you are more responsible. Elli and the Doctor If Elli has a Green Heart, walk down to the beach. You will see Elli and the Doctor talking. The Doctor complements Elli on how good a birthmother she is. But then the Doctor mentions something about giving birth is the only reason people come to the clinic, so he's considering quitting. The screen then goes black, but you hear Elli say, "You're not thinking about leaving, Doctor...are you?" Dance Lessons If you are on your farm at Noon on New Years Day on the Second Year, Karen will show up and offer to teach you how to dance for the festival (WARNING: YOU MUST be on your farm AT or BEFORE Noon. ALSO, Karen does not call for you when she arrives, so you have to be paying attention [the clock will disappear for a split second when she arrives], because if you go into a building before talking to Karen, she will be gone when you come back out!) Bandaid for Stu If you go to the clinic anytime, usually the first time you visit, Elli will see you have a cut. She'll ask you a question and you have two choices to answer, 1) no pain, 2) excruciating pain. If you say excruciating pain she'll give you a bandaid. Put it in your rucksack and walk outside and up to Ellen's house. You'll see Stu crying. Walk up to him and give him the bandaid. Elli will then walk up and will thank you for what you did and it will raise her affection for you. Missing May During early summer 1-5, around the 3rd, May will go missing. You have to help for the search for her, but you really don't have to do much. Go to the pier oat the beach after 6pm. Talk to


her and either listen to her story or bring her home. Either way you'll bring her home but her friendship level will rise if you listen to her story. A Stranger After a few days starting the farm, Harris (the policeman) will come to you describing man in funny clothing (Won the peddler) which he says was very suspicious. Then, Won will come to your farm the next day resting by the apple tree. Go to the square to meet Harris and tell him that you see Won. Next, meet Harris again in front of Gotz's House. These is where Harris and Won meet the first time. The Doctor Wants to Leave It varies in date but one day when you go into the church and you're good friends with the doctor you can hear the doctor in the confessional telling the pastor that he is thinking about leaving the village! Rick's Little Scene This again varies in the date, but one day you'll go to the poultry farm to find a scene where Gotz has come to get eggs from Rick but the Mayor says he was not working and the chickens were not laying eggs. Then you see Rick talking to Karen and Rick tells Karen she is the most important thing in his life and then Karen says she is going to work on the poultry farm. The Doctor And Elli Go to the clinic one day (I think you have to see the confessional scene first) and the Doctor will be talking to Elli and he will tell her he isn't going to leave and that he wants to learn from her. Marry May! The date for this varies, but one day (probably before you're married though) go and meet May in front of the church (not Mondays and Wednesdays) where she is usually playing with Stu. May will speak to you and state that she wants to marry you when she grows up. You can either choose an option that says no (forget exactly what it is) or "Hurry up and grow, May!". If you choose the latter, Stu will hate you but May will be so happy! Check your mailbox the next day and May will have sent you a letter! It is unknown what happens if you choose the other option, but if you choose this one, May will like you more! Mad Date In the second year if you have a date to the Goddess Festival, you can leave her at your farm! To do this, make sure to ask someone. On the day of the festival around 10, leave your farm and don't talk to your date. When you get to the town square talk to the mayor and say he can 18

start the festival. He will say one of the girls is missing, then your date will come and get mad at you! Ladies Man Any time (probably have to be friends with Kai) you can walk into the bar. Rick, Duke, Cliff and some other guys will be talking about how Kai butters up the ladies (they're all jealous) and then ask you what you think. You can either say you believe them, Kai, or don't say anything. I don't know about every option, but if you believe them, Kai will go up the stairs and when you go up there he'll be upset/mad at you. Overprotective Rick Go to the poultry farm and Karen, Rick and Popuri will be there. Kai will ask if he can come in and Rick says no. Then Popuri comes out and says "Kai do you want to come in?". Kai tells her what Rick said and Popuri says "I hate you Rick" and then Popuri asks Kai to come in. Kai says no thanks and Rick mumbles something. Popuri goes inside and Kai leaves, then Karen says something like "Just because you don't like Kai doesn't mean she can't" and she walks away. Then Rick and Karen don't get along like they used to. Karen and Lillia's Talk Go to the poultry farm and Karen and Lillia will be talking. Lillia mentions about how Karen cares more about her than both her children, and says that Karen should marry Rick in order to become her daughter.


If you didn't know, the Church has a confessional. It is in the back, and you can only enter it when Pastor Cartor is in there (when you can't find him anywhere else). When you go in, you have three choices. 1. Littered 2. Random 3. Random The littered option is that when you throw trash on the ground (like boots and tin cans from fishing) your guilt builds up and you have a hard time fishing. To avoid this, when you catch boots and tin cans, either give them to May because she likes them or throw them out in the trash can in the Village Square (near the benches closer to the Church). If you don't litter for a season though, the littered option won't be available and there will be three random choices. For the randoms, here is a list! This is not complete, if you know some that aren't on here please send them in! 1. Razzed a Villager 2. Stalked a village. 3. Didn't write in your diary. 4. Tried to fish out Kappa 5. Borrowed this game 6. Reset game to win festival 7. In love with the goddess 8. Drank too much 9. Have too many diaries 10. Named your animals a bad name. 11. Did not accept invitation. 12. Did not write in diary. 13. Hurt Animal/Was cruel to animal. 14. Did not feed animal.

15. Hate someone. 16. Wrong room. 17. Nothing. 18. Left diary blank. 19. Have two diaries. 20. Dropped crops. 21. Shoplifted. 22. Covet other's girl. 23. Covet other's home. 24. Lent the Game 25. Doubted Others 26. Hate work. 27. Watched too much TV.


This information will change once the game comes out, so don't assume that just because something is on this list it is on the game! I know definately pineapple and carrots are on, but don't know everything!


Seed Price

Turnip Potatoes Cabbages Strawberries(%) Cucumber

120G 150G 150G 150G 200G

Tomato Corn Pumpkin(*) Pineapple Onion

200G 200G 500G 1000G 150G

Eggplant Spinach($) Sweet Potato Green Pepper Carrot

120G 200G 300G 150G 300G



Sell Value Spring 60G 80G 80G 30G 60G Summer 60G 100G 250G 500G 100G Fall 60G 80G 120G 40G 120G Other FODDER 21

Days to Grow

Crop Type Single Single Single Multiple Multiple

5 8 15 9 10

Multiple Multiple Single Multiple Single

10 15 15 21 8

Multiple Single Multiple Multiple Single


Lasts forever

6 8 8 30

Greenhouse only Orange Cup 1,000G 60G Single Flowers Magic Red Flower 600G 200G Single Moondrop 500G ----Single Flower Pink Cat Flower 300G ----Single Toy Flower 400G ----Single

9 11 6 6 13

*-You can only get after you ship 100 each of Tomatoes, Corn, Onions and Pineapple. $-You can only get after you ship 100 each of Eggplants, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes and Green Peppers. %-You can only get after you ship 100 each of Cabbages, Cucumbers, Potatoes and Turnips.


These are the extentions available in BTN. They are listed in the order you have to get them. Unlike in HM64, there is a specific order you must get the upgrades done. Chicken Coop Extention-With this upgrade you can have up to 10 chickens(first one only 5). Cost-5,000G Wood-420 First House Upgrade-This upgrade adds a kitchen to your small shack(with a refrigerator) and also adds a cabinet. Cost- 4,700G Wood-370 Barn Extention-This adds space for 20 animals(all together) and another breeding station. Cost-6,800G Wood-500 Cost-4700G Wood-370 Second House Upgrade-This upgrade adds a separate bedroom to your house (with an extra bed for your wife when you get married), and it just makes the house larger. Cost-10,000G Wood-750 Greenhouse-This greenhouse sits right next to your house. It is very small, I think only 7x7 area (that fits about 4 patches of crops). But it serves basically the same purpose as the one in the N64 version! But this can easily be torn down by typhoons and stuff! Cost-30,000G Wood-580


There are some secrets going around that are definately not true. This page is designed so that you will know which ones are fake and won't waste time testing them! Second Horse This secret is not true. Although the Horse Stable may seem to be able to fit another horse, there is no room in the start menu. Some people thought maybe if your horse was NOT taken, you could still get another using the horse cheat! This is not true! I have personally tested this out and you can not get another horse. When I say get another horse, I mean a SECOND horse, you can't have TWO horses at once! You can get another horse if yours was taken though! Check out the secret sectoin for more. Twins There is a rumor that you can have twin babies in the game. This is also a lie. It was said if you gave your wife as much jewelry as possible during her pregnancy she would become so happy and produce twins, this is not right! There is no space in the start menu, and someone has tested this and it has not worked! Ice There is a rumor that you can make ice or get it. This is not true, there is no way to get ice. 100% in Game After starting a new game, press start immediately when you start gameplay hold down L1 and R1. Press buttons in this order (Triangle triangle X circle circle triangle square square x x x triangle) Unpause the game and pause it again, you will have full inventory, all upgrades full animals, all tools, all power nuts and so forth, the only thing you are missing is a wife. This is untrue because everytime you hit the x button the start menu closes. Cooking Festival It's been said that the first person you talk to at the cooking festival wins, and if you want to win, you don't talk to anyone. This does NOT work. (Contributed by Otaku) All of the girls wanna marry you at the beginning of the summer


At the start of the game when the mayor is talking to you about when you were a kid, at the start of the little movie of you playing with the animals, you can press x,triangle,x,x,square,o,o,x, and all the girls will love you. Double the Money When you ship vegetables and other stuff when Zack comes to your farm right at 5:00 press the triangle button and he will double the money but you have to be at the farm at 4:50 and wait. Fishing Pole I actually thought this was true. I remember reading somewhere you had to have the Fishing Pole to get the legendary fish, well this is false. You can catch all of the legendary fish with the normal Fishing Rod, the Pole is just something special. New Girl...? There is a rumor that if you let all the girls marry the bachelors in Back to Nature that a new girl will arrive named Elizabeth that you can date! (Contributed by Ian) These are all the false rumors for now. If you happen to stumble upon a secret/rumor that someone claims to be true (one that might make sense!), please send it to me so I can try it out!


There are different festivals in different seasons. Each one is unique and some are very fun. There's festivals for every season, and it's a good idea to go to them, as you might win useful prizes and earn popularity! Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Festivals

New Year's Day Date:1st This happens starting your second year. You gather at the Inn with all the adults, be careful not to drink too much! If you don't want to go drinking, go to the village square and dance the night away with your favorite gal! Spring Goddess Festival Date:8th At this festival, all of the village girls (Ann, Karen, Popuri, Mary and Elli) get dressed up in traditional costumes and do a dance. You can escort a girl to the festival if she likes you by talking to her the day before, but you can't really do that until the second year unless you woo her quickly. Spring ThanksgivingDate:14th On this festival you can make cookies and give them to the girls as a sort of payback for the chocolates they gave you at Thanksgiving 26

Horse RaceDate:18th This is like the same as HM64. Train your horse everyday by riding it(when it is adult) and brushing it everyday. You probably can't participate the first year since your horse won't be mature enough most likely! Cooking Festival Date:22nd Here's your chance to show off some of the food you have been making! Bring something you cooked, and it's best if you use good quality food and make the recipe complicated!


Swimming Festival Date:1st This is also like the HM64 festival. Go to the beach to participate in a swimming race! This time you have to press a button to breathe! So every once in a while push the button to breathe.(square=swim, circle=breathe) Chicken SumoDate:7th Bring your chicken to town to participate in this event. It's like a chicken fight, press the circle button to cheer on your chicken. It will fly around trying to knock it's opponent(someone else's chicken) out of the ring! If you win your chicken will produce golden eggs.


Tomato Festival Date:12th This is one of the most fun festivals. You can choose what team you want to be on(Elli's, Popuri's, Ann's or Maria's). Then you press square to duck behind a barrel and circle to shoot tomatoes at opponenets! You have to hit all three people on the other teams to win, but be careful not to be hit yourself!. Cow Festival Date:20th Take your best cow to this festival! If you win your cow will give gold milk. Make sure to brus/talk/feed your cow everyday to have a better chance at winning! FireWorksDate:24th Take the night off to go watch fireworks on the beach with your girlfriend. Go to the pier at 6:00 to watch them.


Music Festival Date:3rd Go to the church to participate in this festival. The priest will come by the day before to ask you to play an instrument, accept to become more popular with the villages. Harvest Festival Date:9th Bring a crop into the village square and join in 28

making a soup! Throw your item into the pot and then eat up! Moon-Viewing Festival Date:13th Go to the mountain summit on this day at 6:00 PM. The girl who likes you the most will probably be there, and you can spend the night watching the moon with her. Sheep Festival Date:13th Bring your best sheep to this festival. If you win your sheep will produce golden wool which is worth a lot of money. To win just brush/talk/feed your sheep everyday!


Dog RaceDate:10th Take your dog to the town square to participate. To get the best results, play/feed/throw ball/run with your dog every day! ThanksgivingDate:14th If a girl is at purple to blue heart this day they will give you chocolate. If they're at green they'll give you chocolate cake. Popuri comes at 6, Ann at 8, Elli at 10, Karen at 1, and Maria at 3! Make sure to be there for them!


Christmas EveDate:24th This holiday you can ask a girl at purple heart to have a party at her house. It starts at 6 P.M at their house. New Year's EveDate:30th Go to the mountain at midnight to watch the sunrise with all the villagers!


These are codes you can put into your game shark(if you have it) and get like cool stuff like infinite money, etc. NOTE:I can not be held liable for anything that may happen to your game cartridge, game system or game shark due to the Gameshark Codes. Infinite Lumber Maximum Cash Infinite Chicken Feed Infinite Fodder Infinite Fish Feed Have All Power Berries Have Maximum Rucksack Storage Stamina Refill 0 Dead Animals 10 hearts for Dog 10 hearts for Horse Red Heart for Popuri Red Heart for Ann Red Heart for Karen Red Heart for Mary Red Heart for Elli

80070D38 03E7 80071a5ce0ff 80071a5e05f5 80070D40 03E7 80070D3A 03E7 80070D3E 03E7 800712BC 000A 80071A1E 0002

80071A12 003C 80127232 0000 8012724C 000A 80127258 000A 800786B4 FFFF 80076EF0 FFFF 800767A0 FFFF 80077BBC FFFF 80077298 FFFF 80071A40 FFFF 80071A42 FFFF 80071A44 FFFF 400% Level for Tools 80071A46 FFFF 80071A48 FFFF

All Items Shipped

800711C4 03E7 800711C6 03E7 800711C8 03E7 800711CA 03E7 800711CC 03E7 800711CE 03E7 800711D0 03E7 31

Change Season

800711D2 03E7 800711D4 03E7 800711D6 03E7 800711D8 03E7 800711DA 03E7 800711DC 03E7 800711DE 03E7 800711E0 03E7 800711E2 03E7 800711E4 03E7 800711E6 03E7 800711E8 03E7 800711EA 03E7 800711EC 03E7 80070cf200xx Replace the two xx's with...00-Spring, 01-Summer, 02-Fall, 03-Winter

Watering Can Always 80071a880064 Full 80070cf80000 Stop Timer 80070cfa0000

Change Day Change Date Item Modifier

80070cf600xx Replace the two xx's with...00-Sunday, 01-Monday, 02-Tuesday, 03Wednesday, 04-Thursday, 05-Friday, 06-Saturday 80070cf400xx Replace xx with: 0 - 1e 80070ec200xx 80070ec800xx 80070ece00xx 80070ed400xx 80070ee000xx 80070ee600xx 80070eec00xx 80070ef200xx 80070ef800xx 80070efe00xx 80070f0400xx 80070f0a00xx 80070f1000xx 80070f1600xx 80070f1c00xx 80070f2200xx 80070f2800xx 32

80070f2e00xx 80070f3400xx 80070f3a00xx 80070f4000xx 80070f4600xx 80070f4a00xx Slots are inorder from 1 thru 24. Replace xx with: 01-Sickle, 02-Copper Sickle, 03-Silver Sickle, 04-Golden Sickle, 05-Mystrile Sickle, 06-Hoe, 07-Copper Hoe, 08-Silver Hoe, 09-Golden Hoe, 0a-Mystrile Hoe, 0b-Axe, 0c-Copper Axe, 0d-Silver Axe, 0e-Golden Axe, 0f-Mystrile Axe, 10-Hammer, 11-Copper Hammer, 12-Silver Axe, 13-Golden Hammer, 14Mystrile Hammer, 15-Watering Can, 16-Copper Watering Can, 17-Silver Watering Can, 18-Golden Watering Can, 19-Mystrile Watering Can, 1a-Milker, 1b-Clippers, 1c-Brush, 1d-Bell, 1e-Animal Medicine, 1f-Cow Miracle Potion, 20-Sheep Miracle Potion, 21-Blue Feather, 22-Turnip Seeds, 23-Potato Seeds, 24-Cucumber Seeds, 25-Strawberry Seeds, 26-Cabbage Seeds, 27-Tomato Seeds, 28-Corn Seeds, 29-Onion Seeds, 2a-Pumpkin Seeds, 2b-Pineapple Seeds, 2c-Eggplant Seeds, 2d-Carrot Seeds, 2e-Sweet Potato Seeds, 2f-Spinach Seeds, 30-Green Pepper Seeds, 31-Moondrop Seeds, 32-Pink Cat Seeds, 33-Magic Red Seeds, 34-Toy Flower Seeds, 35-Orange Cup Seeds, 36-Grass Seeds, 37-Ocarina, 38-Fishing Rod, 39-Fishing Pole


The same five girls that were in HM64 are in this game. Maria, Elli, Ann, Karen and Popuri. They have different roles however. I will tell you about them here. For more information on each girl, click on their picture! The heart rates for the girls are as follows... Black- Strangers Purple-Indifferent Blue-Friends Green-They have a little crush Yellow-They have a slightly bigger crush Orange-They have a big crush Red-They love you(marry them!)

Name:Ann Lives:At the Inn/Bar with Dad Personality: She is a little shy now and is a great cook!

Name:Karen Lives:She works at a grocery store. Her dad is Jeff. Personality:She is a bit nicer now.

Name:Elli Lives:She works at the clinic, and she has a little brother.(Stu!) Personality:She likes the doctor, she is also caring and motherly.


Name:Popuri Lives:She works at a Poultry Store. Personality:She is pretty much the same but loves birds.

Name:Mary Lives:Her parents are Anna and Basil, and she still works in the library. Personality:She is very different, she is outgoing now!


In BTN, the Goddess resides in the small pool under the waterfall! To get her to come out, throw an offering into her little area 5 days in a row. To throw one in, stand behind the waterfall and throw it in. She will do something for you after you throw things in 5 times in a row, 10 times in a row and 20 times in a row. Below is a list of what she'll do/give you. 5 Items

If you throw 5 items in in a row into her pond and she'll give you a Power Berry 10 Items

If you throw 10 items in in a row into her pond and she'll ask you if you have a sweetheart. Answer yes and the girl that likes you the most will meet you at the hot springs. 20 Items

If you throw 20 items in in a row into her pond and she'll give you a Piece of Lumber that you can sell to Gotz to improve your friendship with him.


The Harvest Sprites in BTN actually help you! You can get them to help you on the farm, and give them specific jobs! There are 7 of them, and they all have different colored outfits(to help tell them apart). Here are there names... Aqua-The one in the blue suit, he talks about his color. Hoggy-The one in a yellow suit, likes to sleep. Chef-The one in the red suit, it likes to cook. Staid-The one in a dark blue suit, it likes to work! Bold-The one in the purple suit, it thinks you are trustworthy. Nappy-The one in the orange suit. Timid-The one in the green suit, it is scared easily!

You can ask the Harvest Sprites to help you out on your farm by talking to them twice. In spring though, they will talk about their tea party, but you can get them to help you by talking to them 5 times(each individual). You can get them to water crops, harvest crops and take care of your animals. It is best if you give them flour(bought from the supermarket 50G each) in exchange for them helping you, this will increase their heart and will to work for you! You can ask them to work 1 day, 3 days, or one week. The best is 3 days, that way you can regulate where they are working, but only ask them once in a while. Where They Live- The lives in a small hut behind the church. What They Like-Besides flour they like, accessories, apple pie, bodigizer, bread, butter, cake, cookies, flour, fruit juices, green grass, honey, hot milk, jam, omelets, relaxation tea, strawberry milk, sweet potatoes, mix juices, pizza, wild grapes, wine and yarn. How many should I ask for help from?- You should only ask 3 or 4 out of the sevon to help you at a time. If you ask them all, you'll have days when they aren't helping you because you won't be able to ask them on their last day of work to come the next day! And 3 or 4 do the job equally as well(unless of course you have like 30 crops patches or something, then you might need all 7). But if you have 10-20 patches, they can do the job! Some other things are that you really don't need them to help with your animals unless you have a lot. If you have a full barn(upgraded barn) with 20 animals, you should ask for their help, but if you have only a few animals, you'll be fine on your own! Make sure to give them a reward, even just a flower picked in the mountain, because they will work more efficiently if they like you more!


Birthdays! Name


Aqua Spring 26 Bold

Spring 4


Fall 14

Hoggy Fall 10 Nappy Winter 22 Staid Spring 15 Timid Summer 16

Some birthday present ideas are anything that they like, just make sure to wrap it at the gift wrapping center in the supermarket. It will raise their heart for you one or two!


Ok here' s a list of tools and stuff! You also have to get your tools upgraded at the Blacksmith, below is a list of the levels, and how much you need to get them done. Upgrade Name


Ore Needed

What it Does

Other Requirements


Hoe-Tills 1 square Axe-Cuts branches Hammer-Breaks stones Sickle-Cuts 1 square Watering Can-Waters 1 square




Copper Ore

Hoe-Make the tilling area 1x2 Axe-Cuts stumps in 6 hits Hammer-Breaks big stones with 3 hits Sickle-Makes the cutting area 1x3 Watering Can-Waters 1x3 area

Must have the meter over 100%


Hoe-Makes the tilling area 1x3 Axe-Cuts stumps with 3 hits Hammer-Breaks big stones with 2 2,000G Silver Ore hits and rocks with 5 hits Sickle-Makes the cutting area 2x3 Watering Can- Waters 2x3 area

Must have the meter over 200%

3,000G Gold Ore

Hoe-Make the tilling area 1x4 Axe-Cuts stumps in 2 cuts Hammer-Breaks big stones with 1 hit and rocks with 3 hits Sickle-Makes the cutting area 3x3 Watering Can-Waters 3x3 area

Must have the meter over 300%

Mystrile Ore

Hoe-Make the tilling area 1x6 Axe-Cuts stumps in 1 cut Hammer-Breaks big stones with 1 hit and rocks with 2 hits Sickle-Makes the cutting area 5x5 Watering Can-Waters 3x5 area

Must have the meter over 400%

Starting Tool







Description 39



You start out with this.(*See the Table Above)



You start out with this.(*See the Table Above)



You start out with this.(*See the Table Above)



You start out with this.(*See the Table Above)

Watering Can


You start out with this.(*See the Table Above)

Fishing Pole


The fisherman gives you a normal fishing pole to begin with in the Spring. Use it to catch fish you can eat, keep in your pond, or sell.

Fishing Rod


You get the fishing rod if you have 50 or more fish in your little pond on your farm.(*See Animals section for more information)



Buy this from the Blacksmith shop. Use it to milk your adult cows.



Buy this at the Yodel Farm. Use it to call in your sheep and cows from the field



Buy these at the Blacksmith Shop. Use it to get wool from your adult sheep.



Buy these at the Blacksmith shop. Use them to brush your animals to get them to like you more!(Brush your animals EVERYDAY!)

Animal Medicine


buy this at the Poultry or Yodel Farm. Buy it only when your animals are sick. When your animals are sick immediately buy this and treat them!

Cow Miracle Potion


Buy this at the Yodel farm. Use it to make your cows pregnent.

Sheep Miracle Potion


Buy this at the Yodel farm. Use it to make your sheep pregnent.

Blue Feather


Buy this from the Supermarket or the Salesman. Use it to propose to the girl of your dreams when she has a high affection for you.



Buy this at the Supermarket. It can carry 30 items.



Buy this from the salesman. You use it to train your dog and raise its affection level.

Medium Rucksack


Buy this at the Supermarket. It can carry 4 tools and 4 items.

Large Rucksack


Buy this at the Supermarket. It can carry 8 tools and 40

8 items. It is available 10 days after you purchase the Medium Rucksack. Vase


Buy this from the Salesman. It will appear in your bedroom and hold flowers(you must have upgraded your house to get it)

Frying Pan


Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.



Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.



Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.



Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.



Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.

Rolling Pin


Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.



Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.

Seasoning Set


Buy this off of the TV Shopping Network on saturdays. It is used in cooking when you have a kitchen.

Jewelry(Earrings, Bracelet or Necklace)

1,000G and Orichalc Ore

Get this made at the Blacksmith shop. You can give it to a girl.

Cheese Machine

20,000G and Get this from the Blacksmith shop. It is used to turn Adamantite Ore milk into cheese which you can sell.

Mayonnaise Machine

20,000G and Get this from the Blacksmith shop. It is used to turn Adamantite Ore eggs into mayonnaise which you can sell.

Yarn Machine

20,000G and Get this from the Blacksmith shop. It is used to turn Adamantite Ore wool into yarn which you can sell.


The Legendary Fish probably help your percentage score. You can get these with the Fishing Rod or Pole. You can't keep the fish, but you get fish prints. To view your fish prints go to the start menu. 1. Catfish- To get the catfish, dig in the Winter Mine to the very bottom. Then go into the cavern that has a tunnel leading to it and fish with your pole in the pond. You will get the Catfish Print. 2. Squid- To get the squid, take a small fish to the ocean and throw it in. Then use your fishing pole in the Ocean. The small fish will be "bait" for one day, so if you don't catch the Squid the first day, you have to throw another small fish in the next day! 3. Sea Bream- To get the sea bream, it can be any season but winter. You have to have shipped 200 fish, then if you have you can catch this in the ocean. 4. Angler- To get the angler, go to the beach in the Winter between 11pm and 8 am. Fish in the ocean and you should eventually get this fish. 5. Carp- To catch the carp, it can be any season but winter. You have to have caught the other 5 fish, and once you have you can catch this fish in Mother's Lake. 6. Char- To catch the char, you have to have the recipes for Sashimi, Grilled Fish and Sushi. You catch this fish at the river that is on your farm, or the small river near the hot springs.


Power Berries are essential if you are aiming for a high percentage in BTN. There are 10 of them, below are where to get them! 1. Try to cut down the tree on Mother's Hill(past the lake and over the bridge). It will talk to you, and give you a choice whether to continue cutting or stop, say stop and you'll get a PB. 2. Mine in the mine behind the waterfall, you'll eventually get a PB. 3. Mine in the Winter Mine, you'll eventually get a PB. 4. Win the Swimming Festival in the summer. 5. Throw five items(one per day) into the Goddess Pond(stand where behind the waterfall to throw things in) and she'll give you a PB. 6. In the Winter, go behind and to the left of the mine. Press X and walk around (against the wall you can't see) and you'll find one! 7. Buy one off of the TV Shopping Network after you have bought all the kitchen utensils. 8. Buy one at the Horse Race.(Manage to win 1000 medals of course) 9. Fish in the Ocean and eventually you'll get a Power Berry! 10. In the Winter mine down to the bottom of the Winter Mine. Go into the cavern with the pond and start fishing, you'll eventually get a Power Berry. 11. Plant more than 90 flowers on your farm, and when Anna comes by(when they bloom) tell her she can have as many as she wants. She'll give you a Power Berry.


Here is where you can learn about all the places in Back to Nature! Look below the picture to see descriptions of each area! Screen shots of each individual area soon to come. (click the map to see a larger version)

1)Your Farm- Your farm is where you will spend most of your time. You take care of crops, animals and other things here! 2)Peak of Mother's Hill- Go to the for some festivals and to just look at the view! 3)Base of Mother's Hill- Collect lumber, and forage things here to sell. Also you can find different people hanging around! 4)Hot Springs- Go to the Hot Springs for a nice refreshing bath! 5)Gotz's House- See Gotz when you want to get upgrades to your house, or just visit his house to say hi! 44

6)Poultry Farm- Go to the Poultry Farm to buy/sell chickens, and to visit Popuri or any of the other characters living there. 7)Inn- Go to the Inn to get a drink after work, or to use the telephone to order items you see on TV! You can also go here to socialize with various people from town. 8)Yodel Farm- The Yodel Farm is somewhere you will probably visit various times. You can buy Sheep or Cows here, and this is also where you will get your pony! 9)Mineral Beach- Stop by the Mineral Beach to visit Kai's Seaside Lodge in the summer, or to kick back at the beach! 10)Harvest Sprite's Home- Visit the harvest sprites to become friends with them. If you are nice to them, you can ask them to come help you out at your farm! 11)Church- Go to Church occasionally to socialize with the regulars there. The Music Festival is held there, and you can also "confess your sins" in the confessional booth. 12)Clinic- Go to the Clinic when you are sick. You will get an exam and can buy medicine there. If you are sick you'll stay overnight at the Clinic and be home the next morning on your farm. 13)Supermarket- Go to the supermarket to purchase seeds and other goods. The items change from season to season, so you might want to check back every season! 14)Karen's House- Karen's house is where...well, where Karen lives I suppose! 15)Mayor's House- Visit the Mayor's house to socialize with him, or maybe Harris or Kano. His home is usually hustling and bustling. 16)Library- Go to the Library for some reading, or to talk to Maria! You can learn about different things like animals and farming. The selection changes so check back everyone once in a while. 17)Mary's House- At Mary's house..... well again, it's where Mary lives! 18)Ellen's House- Go to Ellen's house to visit Ellen, or Stu or Elli. They all live there, one big happy family! 19)Aja Winery- The Aja winery supplies Mineral Village with all of it's wine! You may need to help out there, but don't worry you'll get paid! 20)Blacksmith- The Blacksmith is a very important place that you will probably visit a lot. You 45

can get your tools upgraded, you can buy tools, and you can buy other things like cheese/yarn makers and jewelry!


Below are some things you get from festivals and stuff! Swimming Festival Win Year One-Power Berry Win Year Three- 100 lumber Prizes at Horse Race(from betting) Coming Soon Prizes at Dog Race(from betting) Coming Soon Sheep Festival Sheep 1st Place-Sheep will produce golden wool. Cow Festival Cow 1st Place-Cow will produce golden milk.


I have a lot of recipes that someone sent to me. They are from the Harvest Moon: Hintbook I belive! Here they are!


Main Ingredients

Main Main Optional Seasoning Utensils Ingredients s

Optional Optional Seasoning Untensil s s


Tomato, Onion

Salt, Sugar, Vinegar












Strawberry Jam







Grape Jam

Wild Grapes




Wine, Honey



Cabbage, Green Pepper, Potato, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Carrot, Corn, Soy Sauce, Knife Egg, Eggplant, Salt Pumpkin, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Onion, Small Fish, Turnip, Truffle, Salt

Miso Soup





Wine, Apple, Sugar Apple, Honey



Oven, Rolling Pin




Soy Sauce Pot










Honey, Apple, Sugar Apple, Grape Juice, Sugar Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes


Frying Pan

Poisonous Mushroom, Chocolate, Truffle, Turnip, Cucumber, Cabage, Egg, Spa-Boiled Egg, Carrot, Corn, Boiled ---Egg, Small Fish, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Spinach, Large Fish, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Sweet Potato,


Apple Jam

Apple or Sugar Sugar Apple


Flour, Butter, Egg




Hot Milk


Fruit Juice

Apple, Sugar Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes



Flour, Egg, Oil ----


Eggplant, Medium Fish Pickled Turnips





Soy Sauce, ---Salt, Sugar








Boiled Egg







Tomato Juice








Truffle, Corn, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Turnip, Soy Sauce, ---Eggplant, Salt, Vinegar Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Green Pepper, Tomato, Spinach


Truffle, Mushroom, Strawberry, Turnip, Cabbage, Cheese, Green Pepper, Salt Pineapple, Apple, Sugar Apple, Carrot, Mayonnaise, Oil, Onion, Tomato, Corn, Cucumber,

Vegetable Juice


Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot

Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot, Tomato





Boiled Egg, Potato Strawberry Milk

French Fries

Ice Cream


Milk, Strawberry

Potato, Oil

Milk, Egg

Flour, Milk




Salt, Sugar ----


Frying Pan, Knife


Ketchup, Salt

Pot, Whisk

Honey, Apple, Sugar Apple, ---Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes



Oil, Chocolate, Grape Juice, Pineapple, Spinach, Vegetable Juice, Wine, Green Pepper, Honey, Wild Grapes, Boiled Egg, Apple, Sugar Apple, ---Bamboo Shoot, SpaBoiled Egg, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant,






Large Fish, Onion, Carrot, Corn, Potato Popcorn



Frying Pan




Raisin Bread

Bread, Wild Grapes







Medium or Large Fish



Medium Fish, Large Fish

Soy Sauce ----

Happy Eggplant


Miso, Soy Frying Sauce, Pan Sugar




Chocolate Cookies 1

Flour, Butter, Sugar Eg, Chocolate

Oven, Rolling Pin




Chocolate Cookies 2

Chocolate, Cookies


Oven, Rolling Pin




Grilled Fish

Medium Fish


Frying Pan


Salt, Soy Sauce



Oil, Grape Juice, Chocolate, Spinach, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wine, Green Pepper, Wild Grapes, Boiled Egg, Pumpkin,

Vinegar, Salt, Soy Sauce, sugar



Curry Powder, ---Rice Balls


Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Spaboiled Egg, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Milk, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Large Fish, Onion, Apple, Sugar Apple, Carrot, Corn, Honey, Pineapple, Potato

Bamboo Rice

Bamboo Shoot, Rice Balls




Salt, Soy Sauce


Mushroom Rice

Mushroom, Rice Balls




Salt, Soy Sauce


Fruit Latte 1

Milk; Apple, SUGDW Apple, Pineapple or Wild Grapes.


Honey, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Grape Juice, Sugar Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild grapes.


Fruit Latte 2

Fruit Juice, Milk


Honey, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Sugar Grape Juice, Pineapple,





Strawberry, Wild grapes.

Veggie Latte 1

Milk; Cabbage, Carrot or Cucumber


Veggie Latte 2

Vegetable Juice, Milk

Dinner Roll

Bread, Butter ----


Rice Balls


Sashimi, Vinegar


Truffle, Corn, Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant, Mushroom, Turnip, Cabbage, Salt Carrot, Onion, Cucumber, Green Pepper, Tomato, Spinach, Cheese(varies) , Egg(varies).



Truffle, Corn, Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant, Mushroom, Turnip, Cabbage, Salt Carrot, Onion, Cucumber, Green Pepper, Tomato, Spinach, Cheese(varies) , Egg(varies).








Soy Sauce ----


Scrambled Eggs

Egg, Oil

Jam Bun

Bread; Apple Jam, Grape Jam or Strawberry Jam


Fried Rice


Rice Balls, Eggs, Oil





Frying Pan

Butter, Mayonnaise

Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar



Apple Jam, Grape Jam or Strawberry.



Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin

Cabbage, Turnip, Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Eggplant, Green Pepper, ---Mushroom, Onion, Truffle, Salt, Sugar, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Small Fish, Soy Sauce, Egg.


Frying Pan

Bamboo Shoot, Cucumber, Boiled Egg, Scrambled Sugar, Egg, Salt, Soy Mushroom, Spinach, Stiry Sauce Fry, Wine, Grilled Fish, Spa-boiled Egg, Small fish, Medium fish,



Large fish, Green pepper, Onion, Sashimi, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Truffle. Cheese Fondue

Cheese, Bread ----




Oven, Rolling Pin

Bamboo Shoot, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Eggplant, Mayonnaise, Pineapple, Sugar, Salt Knife Truffle, Egg, Small Fish, Large Fish, Mushroom, Medium Fish, Green Pepper, Onion, Corn, Potato, Tomato


Cheese, Flour, ---Ketchup

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato, Salt, Sugar Oven Stone from Farm


Flour, Butter, Egg

Honey, Apple, SUGDW Apple, ---Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes



Oven, Whisk






Stir Fry

Oil, Cabbage

Frying Soy Sauce Pan, Knife

Potato, tomato, Cucumber, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Turnip, Vinegar, ---Bamboo Miso, Salt Shoot, Corn, Mushroom, Eggplant, Carrot, Green Pepper,Onion, Truffle.



Truffle, Cabbage, Small Fish, Honey, Wine, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Carrot, Large Fish, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet Potato, Wild Salt Grapes, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Medium Fish, Mayonnaise, Pineapple, Strawberry, Tomato, Butter, Boiled Egg, Potato.


Frying Pan,

Milk, Potato, Cucumber, Pumpkin,



Bread; Cucumber, Tomato or Boiled Egg

Veggie Pancake

Flour, Egg, Oil, ---Cabbage


Salt, Soy Sauce



Egg, Milk, Oil


Chirashi Sushi

Rice Balls, Vinegar Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi

Cheese, Eggplant, Spinach, Carrot, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Small Fish, Medium fish, Large Fish, Mayonnaise, Truffle.

Frying Pan, Whisk

Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Carrot, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Salt, Soy Mushroom, Sauce, Sweet Potato, Sugar Small Fish, Large Fish, Ketchup, Spinach, Cheese, Onion, Corn, Medium Fish, Potato, Cucumber.




Knife, Whisk

Soy Sauce ----

Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin, Milk, Egg


Oven, Pot

Honey, Wine



Apple Pie

Butter, Egg, Flour; Apple or SUGDW Apple


Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin

Wine, Apple, SUGDW Apple, ---Honey


Cheese, Milk, Sugar Egg

Oven, Pot, Whisk

Cheese Cake




Honey, Truffle, Corn, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant, Grape Juice, Mushroom, Pineapple, Salt, Sugar Knife Strawberry, Turnip, Wild Grape, Onion, Cabbage, Carrot, Green Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Spinach.


Honey, Truffle, Corn, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Salt, Sugar Knife Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant,

Mixed Juice 1

Apple, Carrot, Pineapple, ---Strawberry, or Wild grapes

Mixed Juice 2

Apple, SUGDW Apple, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber,




Pineapple, Strawberry, or Wild Grapes

Mixed Juice 3

Curry Noodles

Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice

Grape Juice, Mushroom, Pineapple, Strawberry, Turnip, Wild Grape, Onion, Cabbage, Carrot, Green Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Spinach.


Curry Powder; ---Noodles or Flour


Honey, Truffle, Corn, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant, Grape Juice, Mushroom, Pineapple, Salt, Sugar Knife Strawberry, Turnip, Wild Grape, Onion, Cabbage, Carrot, Green Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Spinach.

Pot(if you use noodles) or Rolling Pin, Pot

Turnip, Cabbage, Egg, Sugar, Sweet Potato, Salt, Miso, ---Bamboo Soy Sauce Shoot, Carrot, Eggplant,


and knife(for use with flour)

Tempura Noodles

Tempura Noodles


Green Pepper, Mushroom, Truffle, Onion, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Small Fish

Pot(for use with noodles) , or Rolling Pin, Pot and Knife(for flour)

Cabbage, Turnip, Sweet Potato, Onion, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Mushroom, Truffle, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Small Fish

Salt, Sugar, ---Miso, Soy Sauce

Fried Noodles

Noodles, Oil


Frying Pan

Turnip, Cabbage, Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Sugar, Eggplant, Salt, Miso, ---Green Pepper, Soy Sauce Mushroom, Onion, Truffle, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Small Fish, Egg

Mixed Latte

Add milk to any of the mixed juice recipes






Truffle Rice

Truffle, Rice Balls




Salt, Soy Sauce



Omelet Rice

Chocolate Cake

Egg, Milk, Oil, ---Rice Balls

Flour, Butter, Sugar Egg, Chocolate

Frying Pan

Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Carrot, Green Pepper, Salt, Mayonnaise, Knife, Sugar, Soy Whisk Mushroom, Sauce Sweet Potato, Small Fish, Large Fish, Ketchup, Spinach, Cheese, Onion, Corn, Medium Fish, Potato

Oven, Whisk

Honey, Apple, SUGDW Apple, ---Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes



Relaxation Tea

Relax Tea Leaves



Honey, Apple, SUGDW Apple, Pinapple, Strawberry, Sugar Wild Grapes, Milk, Wine, Blue Grass, Green Grass

Ohitashi Greens



Soy Sauce








Mayonnaise(s,m,l,g Egg(dependin Whisk




g on size you get either small, medium, large or grand mayonnaise), oil Sweet Potato, Pot and Butter, Egg Oven





Cooking Utensils

Cooking Utensils are available only after you get the first house upgrade. Every saturday watch the TV Shopping Network, then use the phone at the Inn to call in and buy the item! It will be shipped 3 days after you order it(unless an event happens that day, then it will come later in the week). Item Name


Frying Pan








Seasoning Set 5,000G Whisk


Rolling Pin





Here is the section where all of the secrets found in the game will be put! Bees

If you plant flowers on your farm during Spring, Summer or Fall, Bees will travel to your farm and make hives near the Apple Tree! You can then sell it or use it in recipes. It is worth 50G, but if you give some honey to Louis, the price will go up to 60G. You can get one honey a day, and it is available all year(even in winter).

Make Quick Money

To make "quick money", you have to have two game files(And I think 2 Memory cards). Make sure you have a cow or sheep on your game(adult). Make sure to make copies of the game your taking the animal from, in case you want to play that one, and also so that you can have even more animals to get money from. Make a new game, and play that to get the money. When you go to sleep, choose the "Exchange Animals" option and have an animal come to your farm from your other copied one. Sell the animal, then repeat this process over and over. Invisible Flowers

There are a few steps to this! It lets your plant Orange cup flowers outside! 1. Plant Orange Cup flowers in you field. 2. Water them everyday even though they are invisible. 3. Water them for enough days, and even though you can't see them, when you walk against them you can't go past them. You can pick them and you will hold an Orange Cup Flower! Thanks to SailorMoon749! Getting a "Divorce" 64

If you give your wife weeds or anything else she doesn't like on a constant basis, her heart color and heart meter will go down. If her heart meter is zero and her heart color is black and you go to bed, you will get up to a message that tells you that your wife left you. (Contributed by Rob) Another Horse!

This secret is for those who have lost their horse in the second year. You can get another horse from Barley, but you have to do something first! Plant about 40 fields(40 bags) of grass on your field. One day, Barley will stop by and complement you on your fields. He will then give you another horse. To my knowledge, this horse can not be taken away, but if someone could verify this for me (since I was able to keep my horse) that'd be great! Trick to getting all the grapes at the Winery

When Duke asks you to pick grapes for the Aja Winery, you can invite Cliff to help (and you have to if you want him to stay). In order to be paid the most possible, you have to gather every berry! But the problem is Cliff is also gathering! You can run through Cliff by holding the o button and beat him to that next berry! Contributed by [email protected]) Winning the Swimming Festival Winning the swimming festival is VERY challenging. Try the following to win it! - The mayor didn't say you can't use a turbo pad.. -Breathe only once during the race.


Here is a list of items that you can ship and how much money you get for them! All crops/items must be shipped before 5 PM or else you will not get paid for them! The shipper comes at 5 PM.


Sell Price





Bamboo Shoot




















Golden Egg


Popuri's Egg


Spa-Boiled Egg
















Mayonnaise(Medium) 150G Mayonnaise(Large)





100G 66





















Poisonous Mushroom 100G Junk Ore


Copper Ore


Silver Ore


Gold Ore


Mythril Ore


Orichalc Ore


Adamantite Ore




Relax Tea Leaves


Wild Grapes


Yarn Ball(Small)


Yarn Ball(Medium)


Yarn Ball(Large)


Yarn Ball(Grand)



There are a bunch of shops in Back to Nature. There's things like the grocery store, winery, blacksmith, and more! Here is a list of all the shops, their owners and their price lists! Shop

Head Shop Owner/s

Price List

SuperMarket Jeff

Basket:5,000G Rucksack(M):3,000G Rucksack(L):5,000G Blue Feather:1,000G Wrapping Paper:100G Bread:100G Rice Balls:100G Curry Powder:100G Flour:50G Oil:50G Fish Food:20G Spring Seeds Cucumber:200G Potatoe:150G Turnip:120G Grass:500G Strawberries:150G Summer Seeds Corn:300G Onion:150G Pumpkin:500G Tomato:200G Grass:500G Fall Seeds Carrot:300G Spinach:200G Sweet Potato:300G Eggplant:120G Grass:500G


Brush:800G Shears:1,800G Jewelry(Bracelet/Necklace/Earrings):1,000G+Orichalc Ore Milker:2,000G



Machins(Mayonnaise, Yarn, Cheese):20,000G+Adamantite Ore Tool Upgrades:1,000-5,000G+Copper/Silver/Gold/Mystril Ore Duke and Manna

Wine:300G Grape Juice:200G

Yodel Farm


Animal Medicine:1,000G Fodder:20G Bell:500G Cow:6,000G Sheep:4,000G Sheep Miracle Potion:3,000G Cow Miracle Potion:5,000G

Poultry Farm


Chicken:1,500G Feed:10G Animal Medicine:1,000G

Aja Winery

Mineral Clinic The Doctor

Checkup:10G Bodigizer:500G Bodigizer XL:1,000G Turbojult:1,000G Turbojolt XL:2,000G

The Inn


Apple Pie:300G Cheesecake:250G Salad:300G Cookie:200G Set Meal:500G Water:Free


Cabbage:500G Green Pepper:150G Magic Red Flower:600G Orange Cup:1,000G Pineapple:1,000G Pink Cat Flower:200G Toy Flower:500G


Pasta:300G Snowcone:300G Roasted Corn:250G Pizza:200G Water:Free

Won's Seeds

Seaside Lodge


As most of you know, every day on the TV, there are different programs! Click on any of the TV Shows listed below to see an episode guide. If it isn't one of the tv show series then it will just have a brief description of it and when it is on! So have fun! Although we don't have it now, soon we will have a complete episode listing of every tv show, not just a summary of each episode, but the actual text from each episode as well! Channel 1 (up button) -Weather Report Channel 2 (right button) -News Channel 3 (left button) -New Year's Special TV -Mechabot Ultror -What's your Passion? -The Shogi Hour -The Fairy and Me -The Delicious Hour -The Song Hour -Star One Sports Channel 4 (down button) -Life on the Farm

Re-arrange by : ionlinerz http://indoonlinerz.blogspot.com email : [email protected]


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