harrison assessment

January 8, 2017 | Author: journal72 | Category: N/A
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Job Success Formula (JSF) is one of the last features offered by Dr.. And Harrison (founder of the Harrison Assessment) on the new method, identified as HATS - Harrison Assessments for Talent Solutions. HATS has been introduced and launched by the Dr. And Harrison in Jakarta conclusion twelvemonth, already has a JSF features that faculty simplify the execution of HR practitioners in the appendage of pick and accomplishment in the flowing as fine as other HR functions specified as work and employee utilisation. Job Success Formula is a set of criteria and methodology asesment premeditated to appraise the disposition of individuals to be prospering in the condition / item specialized, ie: • Determine the practicability of makings (eligibility) behavioral competence and suitability (suitability) individuals compared with the nonesuch criteria that soul been ambitious. • Formulate what factors are key in the status / job and how that factor relates to other factors. • Cater an assessment of individuals against each of the factors that make been discovered. • Intend scores obtained by apiece individualistic according to a predetermined statement.

With its knowledge to determine an singular against a separate of criteria for the line, JSF provides a epistemology and subject requisite to give a regular approximate, concordant, and scientifically in fulfilling the primary functions of HR. These functions countenance accomplishment, soul pursuit, interviewing, single categorisation, activity usage, job satisfaction / faculty, performance management, execution coaching, business thought, etc..

To intensify the ability of Harrison Assessments (HA) Authority and Consultant in making JSF, HATS unionised an global upbringing on 21 to 23 of February in Chiang Mai, Siam. Training "Job Success Expression" was attended by the battler distributor and provider of Harrison Assessments of Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Australia, India, Thailand, Usa, Germany, Sweden, and Indonesia are represented by OPUS Management. It is an honor for OPUS Management Indonesia to move in this activity and get a try to convert ideas and experiences with different socialism distributor of Harrison Assessments of how to optimally employ in ordination to cater superimposed amount to clients. This also proves that the Harrison Assessment is a tool that has been old by galore practitioners of Human Resource in different parts of the class and has superior prospects in the next, especially in Indonesia. For more detailed information about the Harrison Assessment or Job Success Formula, please contact the OPUS Management Indonesia through PT [email protected]

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