
July 23, 2018 | Author: jaydin | Category: Harmonica, Music Theory, Musicology, Elements Of Music, Pitch (Music)
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Harmonica Lessons

Type of Harmonica •

The type of harmonica that these lessons are intended for is, a ten hole "diatonic harmonica". It is often referred to as a Blues Harp by players. It's the one that all the cool Bluesy stuff is played on. Blues Harps come in about 12 different keys, depending on the manufacturer or brand name. n ame. For the purposes of learning, it is better to begin with a Key "C" harmonica. This is because be cause all beginners instructional material for  harmonica tends to be in the key of "C"

Some popular brands of Harmonica are ; Lee Oscar, Hohner, Suzuki, Bushman.

The diagram below represents the front of your h armonica, the lowest pitch note being number 1

Explanation of Tablature For the purposes of learning and if you are not familiar with reading sheet music we are going to use Harmonica Tab or tablature to describe the notes or holes we are playing on the harmonica. This pictorial form of notation is used to tab harmonica a lot of songs in the List of Songs to Learn but a more conventional form is used throughout the rest of the site.

The symbol

means blow into hole number six.

The symbol

means blow in to hole number four.

The symbol

means inhale from hole number six.

The symbol

means inhale from both five and six.

The symbol

means inhale and bend the note by a semitone.

The symbol

means draw bend number three by a full tone, and so on, and so on.

The more conventional form for tabbing harmonica is to use plus and minus sings and to use commas to indicate bends •

-6 would mean inhale on hole 6.

+4 would mean blow into hole number 4.

-4' would mean a half tone bend on hole 4.

-2" would mean full tone bend on hole 2.

-3"' would mean bend hole 3 down one and a half steps.

+8' means blow bend hole 8 down one semi tone.

How to hold your Harmonica

Hold the harp between the index finger and thumb of your left hand and use your right hand to create a sealed sound  box at the back of the harp.

With your hands closed tight around the harp you will notice that this dulls the sound coming from the harp or that the harp can't be played as loud.

 Now allow an opening at the back of your  hands (this is not visible in this picture, I should have put a mirror   behind my hands) This opening will allow the sound to escape. When you have this opening the right size, you will notice that your hands magnify the sound of  the harp and your hands will be acting like the  bell end of a trumpet.

These next two pictures demonstrate the Wahwah effect created by opening and closing the hands. In this picture the right hand is closed against the back of the harmonica.

In this picture the right hand is opened away from the harmonica.

What Notes are on a Key "C" Harmonica •

There are two notes in each hole, a blow note and a draw note. Study the diagrams  below and you will notice that some notes are missing.

"F" and "A" on the lower octave, and "B" on the upper octave are missing. These notes can be played by bending the higher pitched note in that hole, but don't worry about this technique for now.

How to Play a Single Note •

Put your mouth over the front of the harmonica covering holes 2 to 4. Then put your  tongue on the separator bar between holes 2 and 3. This should block holes 2 and 3, leaving hole 4 open. Blow or inhale on hole number 4.

You should get a clear single note, no double notes. Practice this until you get clear  single notes every time. And then practice the "C" scale below.

 Notice the change in direction at holes 6 and 7.

Some Basic Music Theory •

The C major scale goes like this: C











te do

And it looks like this on sheet music score:

There are also a lot of half notes or semi tones in between these notes. These half notes or semi tones are also known as sharps and flats. C# = C sharp


This means the same as: do


Bb = B flat

C#, is a note half a tone above C and Bb, is a note half a tone below B. So from this we can figure out that, C# is the same note as Db

The full range of notes and semi tones on a c scale are: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C

This can also be written as: C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C

And this full range of notes and semi tones looks like this on sheet music score:

 Notice that there is only a semi tone between E and F, same as for B and C. And now look at the G major scale. G







F# G

And the A major scale: A






Study these scales and compare them with the full possible range of notes and semi tones. There is a pattern or sequence for major scales, the notes go up in steps. whole-step, whole-step, half-step, whole-step, whole-step, whole-step, half-step

See if you can write out some other major scales yourself.

For some more advanced music theory check out MusicTheory.net

Cross Key Playing •

This simply means playing your Harmonica in a different key than it was designed for. Blues on Harmonica, is most commonly played in seco nd position. This means that you will play your "C" Harmonica in the key of "G". Top of Form

Harmonica Key Change Table


1st Position

2nd Position

3rd Position

Key A Key Bb Key B Key C Key Db Key D Key Eb Key E Key F Key F# Key G Key Ab

Key C

Key G

Straight Harp

Key Dm

Cross Harp.

Third position

Commonly used The most Great for songs in for simple common position minor keys and melodies and a for blues, country, minor blues. Your  folk-rock style. and rock. Your   basic starting Your basic  basic starting and/or ending starting and/or  and/or ending  place (point of  ending place  place (point of  resolution) would would be hole 4 resolution) would  be hole 4 draw.  blow.  be hole 2 draw. Key of "G"

If the song is in the

Key "C"

you could play a Key "F"

harmonica in second position, or you could play a


in third position. Webmasters, if you would like to place this table on your web site click  here for instructions, courtesy of Harmonica Club.com. Bottom of Form

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