Harley Davidson case study Submitted by Edwin Nash MGT 527
Harley Davidson Company was set up in 1903 by William Harley and Arthur Davidson. In 1920 the ompany beame very !amous as the lar"est and most important motoryle manu!aturers in the world. #hey spread aross li$e wild!ire in many ontinents b y ma$in" themselves available as !ranhises. It was $nown as a very stron" and !inanially stable !irm. #hey were reo"ni%ed as the heavywei"ht manu!aturers o! motoryles. #hey have invested sums o! money in researh and development so as to help them boost their !inanial per!ormane. &'ihael( Duane ) *obert(201+,. #he ase evaluates and e-plains the strate"i plan that is available !or the !irm to use. It has maintained operations when ompared to other motoryle !irms that werent very suess!ul. #he Harley Davidson !irm has two se"ments that they deal with. #he !irst is their ran"e o! motoryles whih inludes their per!ormane bi$es and aessories and parts and seond is the !inanin" department. #he !inanin" department provides !inanial help to dealers( retailers and independent distributors. #hey also o!!er motoryle insurane and loans to their ustomers. #he Harley Davidson !irm is a ma/or "ame player in Ameria to produe motoryles and have setup their businesses "lobally !rom whih ma/ority o! the sales ome !rom Asia( atin and orth Ameria and urope &'ihael( Duane )*obert( 201+,. Due to its brand loyalty the !irm has e-periened hu"e "rowth and suess. #hen in 200 the !irm !aed trouble and had to lose down some o! their !atories due to reession in the 45 eonomy. 5o this in turn a!!eted the !irms "rowth as the onsumers were not ready to spend on a leisure and lu-urious item. #hey saw a drop in sales by 67 and inome delined by 2.37. However they ame out o! the reession by maintainin" produtions below demand &'ihael( Duane )*obert( 201+,.
Current Situation/Issues/Problem:
8elow are the !ollowin" 1. #he urrent issue is that the !irms produts were e-pensive( unreliable and not o! per!ormane when ompared to their ompetitors li$e the :apanese motoryle ompanies. When it was a;uired by A'< &the Amerian mahine and .( )Byon"Beun( C. &201=,. #he mediatin" role o! pereived value in two di!!erent prie settin"s. International Journal Of Sort! Marketing " Son!or!#i, 15&3,( 1?1F16+. :ae @oun"( C.( :un"woo( 5.( ):on"su( . &2013,. 5trate"i mana"e ment o! new produts -F ante simulation and mar$et se"mentation. International Journal Of Market Re!ear$#, 55&2,( 29F31=. doi10.2+01JI:'*F2013F02= 'ihael A. Hitt( *. Duane Ireland( *obert . Hos$isson( &201+,. 5trate"i 'ana"ement Competitiveness and lobali%ation Conepts. Cen"a"e earnin" leventh dition
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