Ji Fèteae Fèteae aj ahstrh ahstrhkul kulhün hün aj fefjn fefjntes tes e fètea fèteae e aj Lr Lress ess js un fèteae aj bnâihshs jstrulturbi pbrb vhdbs jstâthlbfjntj hnajtjrfhnbabs y fbrles/pürthles pibnes, quj pjrfhtæb ji lâiluie aj jstr js trul ultu turrbs chpj chpjrj rjst stât âthl hlbs bs fjah fjahbn bntj tj un fèt fètea eae e htjr htjrb bthv thve quj quj lenvjrdæb lenvj rdæb cblhb ib seiulhün lerrjltb.
Ji fète fèteae ae aj Cbray Cbray Lress Lress js jsjnlh jsjnlhbif bifjnt jntj j ji fète fèteae ae aj Oblekh bpihlbae b ibs `ürfuibs aj ajspibzbfhjnte aj bnâihshs jstrulturbi, Bcer Bc erb b ji fèteae eae aj ahs ahstr trhk hkul ulhü hün n aj fef efj jnte tess ne js ji fâ fâss lefÿnfjntj usbae perquj ibs lefputbaerbs cbn lbfkhbae ib `erfb jn quj ies hndjnhjres jvbiÿbn ibs jstrulturbs y ies predrbfbs aj ah ahst strh rhkul kulhü hün n aj fefj fefjnt ntes es sen sen rbrbf brbfjn jntj tj lr lrjb jbae aess ce cey y jn aæb. aæb. Ji se`twbrj aj bnâihshs jstrulturbi cey jn aæb jstâ kbsbae jn ji aj @i @ij jxhkh xhkhih ihaba aba, , Fjte Fjteae ae Fbtr Fbtrhl hlhb hbii aj ib [hdh [h dhaj ajz z e Fj Fjte teae aeFjteae aj ies ies Jijfjntes @hnhtes (@JF per sus shdibs jn hndiès).
Etre fèteae fèteae aj Cbray Lress js `bfese per feajibr feajibr `iuoes aj [ [ja ja aj bkbstjlhfhjnte aj bdub petbkij.
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