Hardcore 40: Blast Fat and Get Shredded in 40 Days! (Muscle & Strength)

May 1, 2017 | Author: GymRat2269 | Category: N/A
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Hardcore 40: Blast Fat and Get Shredded in 40 Days! 195

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The Hardcore 40 combines a high-speed, fat burning workout system with HIIT cardio and a precision diet to melt away fat and leave behind muscle. It’s time for all out war on fat. You have a goal – look good by Summer, lean out before your next birthday, or drop the freshman 15 – and now you need a plan. You’ve read and researched until your eyes couldn’t take any more, and you’re beyond frustrated. The pounds aren’t coming off, and you don’t know what to do. Stop and listen. Now is the time for results. No more reading. No more researching. You have a goal, and it’s time to get there. The Hardcore 40 Program is your saving grace. It does not present you with ideas or concepts. It is a specific program designed to maximize fat loss and muscle retention over the course of the next 40 days. This program tells you how to train, what to eat and how to perform cardio to get shredded fast! It's not easy, but you can expect results. So let's get moving moving. You’ll be well on your way to six pack and shredded in no time. Quick jump to the sub-sections on this page: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Program Pillar #1: Fuel (Food) Sample peak, hold and light day meal plans Program Pillar #2: Fire (Weight Training) Program Pillar #3: Flashpoint (HIIT) Hardcore 40 program template Weight training workouts A & B Program notes Recommended supplements

Program Pillar #1: Fuel (Food)

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Cycling carbs is an effective fat-burning strategy. The Hardcore 40 diet utilizes a zig-zagging, or cycling of calories and carbs to keep your metabolic fire stoked and high. On a day to day basis, the only


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macronutrient you will be changing – or cycling – will be carbohydrates

By rotating carbs and confusing your body, you will fight off metabolic adjustment. Fat burning will remain consistent over the next 40 days. 1. Peak Day. This is a higher carb and calorie day. You will eat 2600 calories, which includes 280 grams of protein (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/protein.html), 235 grams of carbs (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/carbohydrates.html), and 60 grams of fat. 2. Hold Days. This is an "average" calorie and carb day. You will eat 2300 calories, which includes 280 grams of protein, 160 grams of carbs and 60 grams of fat. 3. Light Days. This is a lower calorie and carb day. You will eat 2000 calories, which includes 280 grams of protein, 85 grams of carbs and 60 grams of fat. Eating Cycle – You will following a 4 day eating cycle of: peak day, hold day, light day, hold day. This 4 day pattern will be repeated 10 times during the course of the 40 day program. Day 1: Peak Day. 2,600 calories, 235 grams of carbs, 280 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat. Day 2: Hold Day - 2,300 calories, 160 grams of carbs, 280 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat.

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Day 3: Light Day - 2,000 calories, 85 grams of carbs, 280 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat. Day 4: Hold Day - 2,300 calories, 160 grams of carbs, 280 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat. Meal Frequency – It is best to eat smaller meals every 2 to 3 hours. This will provide your body with a constant supply of fuel and protein

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(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/protein.html), allowing for optimal fat loss (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/fat-loss.html) and muscle building or retention. How many meals you eat per day is an individual thing, but anywhere from 5 to 7 is optimal. Plan your meals around your schedule, and make them convenient. You don’t want frequent eating to become a burden. And don’t forget – sometimes a simple protein shake and a piece of fruit is your best option!

Expert Guides

Protein Food Choices – The best protein choices are fish (tilapia, salmon, tuna), lean meat (chicken, ground turkey, lean beef), protein powders (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/protein.html), eggs and low fat milk and cheese. Try to eat a minimum of 30 to 40 grams of protein per meal. Carb Food Choices - Carbs (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/carbohydrates.html) encompass a wide variety of foods, healthy and unhealthy. Stick with fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, apples, oranges), veggies (broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach), and healthier grains such as quinoa, wild rice, oatmeal, and wheat. Remember that most fruit and veggie carb sources such as strawberries, apples, spinach, tomatoes and broccoli allow you to eat more without being calorie dense. Fat Food Choices – Fats are the hardest macronutrient to monitor. It is best to plan out your daily meals, allotting the required protein and carbs first. Then, research and find out the fat content in these foods. If you find that you are not getting enough daily fat intake, consider adding small amounts of olive oil, almonds, and avocados to your daily meal plan. You can also supplement with fish oil and other essential fatty acids (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/oils-efas.html) (EFAs (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/oils-efas.html)).

Sample Meal Plans - Peak Day, Hold Day and Light Day



Peak Day - Sample Meal Plan Peak Day - Sample Meal Plan Meal



1/2 cup cooked oats, 2 large eggs, 1 scoop whey protein




1 medium banana, 6 oz chicken

(/expert-guides/whey-protein) Pre-Workout Supplements (/expert-

2 Meal

1 cup cooked quinoa, 1/4 cup salsa, 1 can tuna (5 oz)

3 Meal

1 oz roasted almonds, 2 cups cooked broccoli, 5 oz tilapia


(Pre-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/pre-workout.html)) -


1 scoop whey protein, 4 oz strawberries


(Intra-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/intra-workout.html))


- 1 scoop whey protein


4 oz lean ground turkey, 8 oz cooked wild rice, 2 cups asparagus

7 2600 Calories 280 grams protein, 235 grams of carbs, 60 grams of fat

Hold Day - Sample Meal Plan Hold Day - Sample Meal Plan Meal



1 medium banana, 10 egg whites

1 1 oz walnuts, 2 scoops whey protein (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/protein/whey-protein.html), 1 medium orange Meal

How to Gain Weight (/expertguides/weight-gain) BCAA Powder Supplements (/expertguides/bcaas)


Meal 2


6 oz pink salmon, 4 oz wild rice

3 Meal 4

5 oz 80% lean ground beef, 2 cups cooked spinach

Meal 5

(Pre-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/pre-workout.html)) 1 scoop whey protein, 1 medium apple

Meal 6

(Intra-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/intra-workout.html)) - 1 scoop whey protein

Meal 7

6 oz chicken breast, 1 cup cooked carrots, 5 oz cooked quinoa

2300 Calories 280 grams protein, 160 grams of carbs, 60 grams of fat

Light Day - Sample Meal Plan Light Day - Sample Meal Plan Meal


Meal 1

1/2 cup blueberries, 8 egg whites, 1 oz cheddar cheese

Protein Powders Guide (/store/category/protein.html) View all » (/expert-guides)


2 scoops whey protein, 4 oz strawberries

2 Meal 3

1/2 cup cooked wild rice, 6 oz tilapia, 1/2 cup cooked broccoli


1 oz roasted almonds, 5 oz canned tuna

4 Meal

(Pre-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/pre-workout.html)) -


1 scoop whey protein, 4 oz strawberries


(Intra-workout (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/intra-workout.html))


- 1 scoop whey protein (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/protein/whey-protein.html)


6 oz lean ground turkey, 1/2 cup cooked wild rice, 1/2 cup asparagus

7 2000 Calories 280 grams protein, 80 grams of carbs, 60 grams of fat

Program Pillar #2: Fire (Weight Training) Muscle building over the course of the next 40 days will focus on two metabolism-jolting training styles: 1. Heavy Complex. (Heavy Weight, Short Rest) Utilizing heavy compound exercises (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/compound.html), you will perform 3 sets with only 60 seconds of rest between each set. Compound lifts blast multiple bodyparts, requiring a greater effort and causing you to expend more energy. Training with heavy weight maximizes muscle retention and gains. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. 2. Light Complex. (Light Weight, High Reps) Once again using compound movements (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/compound.html), you will perform two higher rep sets with only 60 seconds of rest between sets. During the first set of a “light complex”, you will be working within the 15 to 20 rep range. For the second set, you will drop to a lighter weight and aim for 20 to 30 total reps. If you can’t complete the minimum amount of reps, rack the weight, count to 5, and attempt to knock out the last several reps that you missed. Workout Frequency – You will be following a 2 days on, 1 day off workout schedule. On training days, you will be performing both weight training and cardio. Off days are truly that – off days. This is a workout frequency of nearly 5 days per week, and may be more then you are accustomed to. Hang in there. Training during this 40 period is intense, but worth it!

Workout Structure – You will be rotating between three workouts (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/main.html): push, pull and legs. Push days focus on hitting the chest, shoulders and triceps. Pull days blast your back, biceps and abs. On leg day, you will hammer your quads, hamstrings and calves. Push Day - Chest (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/chest.html), Shoulders (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/shoulders.html) and Triceps (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/triceps.html) Pull Day - Back (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/back.html), Biceps (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/biceps.html) and Abs (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/abs.html) Leg Day - Quads (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/quads.html), Hamstrings (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/hamstrings.html) and Calves (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/calf.html) Workout Exercises – As mentioned, you will be rotating between heavy and light complexes. During the course of each workout, you will perform 8 total complexes – 4 heavy complexes and 4 light complexes. Each workout should last 45 minutes to one hour. Progression – One of the keys to challenging yourself during workouts is to work for more reps and weight on every set. This is called progression. Never waste a set! When you hit the high end of the rep range for an exercise, add weight. Failure – Do not train to failure. Use your instincts, and try to end a set one rep before positive failure. If you have doubts about the next rep, stop the set.

Program Pillar #3: Flash Point (HIIT) HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a form of cardio used by the muscle building community because of its effectiveness at burning stubborn fat. HIIT training involves alternating between extremely intense exercise periods (in which your heart is beating at about 80 to 90% of its maximum heart rate), and lower intensity periods. Lower intensity exercise can also be substituted with periods of complete rest. There are many ways to perform HIIT cardio. During the Hardcore 40 Program, you will be utilizing both running and biking. Feel free to insert your favorite form of cardio (such as stairmaster, jumping rope, swimming, etc.) into the program, but remember to stick to the intensity template. You will be performing HIIT cardio on weight training days only. Resist the urge to do any training on schedule rest days. Your body needs rest to function properly. Too much cardio exercise can actually decrease muscle mass and make it harder for you to recover in between weight training sessions. Here is the intensity template: 1. Warmup – Warmup for 4 minutes. This period is low intensity, and is used to get the blood flowing. 2. Intervals – You will be performing 16 total intervals. Each interval consists of a 30 seconds high intensity period, followed by a 30 second low intensity period. Rest – If you are winded, it is completely acceptable to rest instead of performing the 30 seconds of low intensity work. But push yourself! Try to improve, and make it a goal to complete the entire 20 minute period with no rest whatsoever. When To Perform HIIT – Try to perform your HIIT sessions immediately after lifting weights. Research reveals you will burn more calories and fat this way. HIIT Variety – Do you need to stick with only two forms of HIIT training? No. As long as you are “hitting” HIIT on your training days, you can use whatever form of HIIT that works best for you, on any training day.

The Hardcore 40 Program Template The following table breaks down how you will be training and what you will be eating for each of the 40 days: Hardcore 40 - The 40 Days Day

Fuel (Diet)

Fire (Lifting)

Flashpoint (HIIT)

Day 1


Push - A


Day 2


Pull - A


Day 3




Day 4


Legs - A


Day 5


Push - B


Day 6




Day 7


Pull - B


Day 8


Legs - B


Day 9




Day 10


Push - A


Day 11


Pull - A


Day 12




Day 13


Legs - A


Day 14


Push - B


Day 15




Day 16


Pull - B


Day 17


Legs - B


Day 18




Day 19


Push - A


Day 20


Pull - A


Day 21




Day 22


Legs - A


Day 23


Push - B


Day 24




Day 25


Pull - B


Day 26


Legs - B


Day 27




Day 28


Push - A


Day 29


Pull - A


Day 30




Day 31


Legs - A


Day 32


Push - B


Day 33




Day 34


Pull - B


Day 35


Legs - B


Day 36




Day 37


Push - A


Day 38


Pull - A


Day 39




Day 40


Legs - A


Weight Training Workouts A&B Push Workout A Push Workout A Exercise



Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/barbell-


8 to 10

bench-press.html) - Heavy Complex*

Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/barbell-

Reps on 1st Set 2

bench-press.html) - Light Complex Incline DB Bench Press

20 to 30 3

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/incline-dumbbell-benchpress.html) - Heavy Complex* Incline DB Bench Press

8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set


(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/incline-dumbbell-benchpress.html) - Light Complex Military Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/militarypress.html) - Heavy Complex*

15 to 20,

15 to 20, 20 to 30


8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Military Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/militarypress.html) - Light Complex


15 to 20, 20 to 30

Seated French Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/overhead-barbell-


8 to 10 Reps on

extension.html) - Heavy Complex* Seated French Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/overhead-barbell-

1st Set 2

15 to 20, 20 to 30

extension.html) - Light Complex * Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Push Workout B Push Workout B Exercise



Dumbbell Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-bench-


8 to 10 Reps on

press.html) - Heavy Complex* Dumbbell Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-benchpress.html) - Light Complex

1st Set 2

15 to 20, 20 to 30

Weighted Chest Dip (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/weighted-chest-dip.html) Heavy Complex*


8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Incline Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/incline-bench-press.html)


15 to 20, 20 to 30


8 to 10 Reps on

- Light Complex Seated Dumbbell Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-dumbbellpress.html) - Heavy Complex*

1st Set

Seated Dumbbell Press


(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-dumbbellpress.html) - Light Complex

15 to 20, 20 to 30

Close Grip Bench Press


(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/close-grip-benchpress.html) - Heavy Complex*

8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Close Grip Bench Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/close-grip-bench-


15 to 20, 20 to 30

press.html) - Light Complex * Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Pull Workout A Pull Workout A Exercise



Barbell Rows (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/bent-


8 to 10 Reps

over-barbell-row.html) - Heavy Complex*

on 1st Set

Barbell Rows (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/bentover-barbell-row.html) - Light Complex


15 to 20, 20 to 30

Weighted Pull Up (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/widegrip-pull-up.html) - Heavy Complex*


8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Lat Pull Down (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/lat-pulldown.html) - Light Complex


15 to 20, 20 to 30

Barbell Curl (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-


8 to 10 Reps

barbell-curl.html) - Heavy Complex* Barbell Curl (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-

on 1st Set 2

15 to 20, 20

barbell-curl.html) - Light Complex Weighted Situp (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/situp.html) - Heavy Complex

to 30 3

10 to 15 Reps on 1st Set

Weighted Situp (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/sit-


15 to 20, 20

up.html) - Light Complex

to 30

* Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Pull Workout B Pull Workout B Exercise



Seated Cable Row (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seated-row.html) - Heavy


8 to 10 Reps on 1st

Complex* Seated Cable Row

Set 2

15 to 20, 20

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seated-row.html) - Light Complex

Close Grip Lat Pull Down

to 30


8 to 10

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/close-grip-pulldown.html) - Heavy Complex* Close Grip Lat Pull Down

Reps on 1st Set 2

15 to 20, 20

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/close-grip-pulldown.html) - Light Complex Seated Dumbbell Curl (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seated-dumbbell-

to 30


8 to 10 Reps on 1st

curl.html) - Heavy Complex* Seated Dumbbell Curl (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seated-dumbbell-

Set 2

15 to 20, 20 to 30


10 to 15

curl.html) - Light Complex Weighted Crunch (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/weighted-crunch.html) Heavy Complex Weighted Crunch

Reps on 1st Set 2

15 to 20, 20

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/weighted-crunch.html) Light Complex

to 30

* Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Legs Workout A Legs Workout B Exercise



Squat (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/squat.html) - Heavy Complex*


8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Leg Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/45-degree-legpress.html) - Light Complex


15 to 20, 20 to 30

Hack Squat (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/hacksquat.html) - Heavy Complex*


8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Barbell Lunge (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/barbell-


lunge.html) - Light Complex Romanian Deadlift (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/stiff-

15 to 20, 20 to 30


leg-deadlift-aka-romanian-deadlift.html) - Heavy Complex*

8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

Romanian Deadlift (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/stiffleg-deadlift-aka-romanian-deadlift.html) - Light Complex


15 to 20, 20 to 30

Seated Calf Raise (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seatedcalf-raise.html) - Heavy Complex


10 to 15 Reps on 1st Set

Seated Calf Raise (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/seated-


15 to 20,

calf-raise.html) - Light Complex

20 to 30

* Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Legs Workout B Legs workout B Exercise



Front Squat (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/front-


8 to 10

squat.html) - Heavy Complex*

Leg Press (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/45-degree-

Reps on 1st Set 2

leg-press.html) - Light Complex Dumbbell Lunge

20 to 30 3

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-lunge.html) Heavy Complex* Dumbbell Step Up




15 to 20, 20 to 30


(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-calf-raise.html) - Heavy Complex Standing BB Calf Raise (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/standing-calf-raise.html)

8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-stiff-legdeadlift.html) - Light Complex Standing BB Calf Raise

15 to 20, 20 to 30

deadlift.html) - Heavy Complex* DB Stiff Leg Deadlift

8 to 10 Reps on 1st Set

(http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-step-up.html) Light Complex DB Stiff Leg Deadlift (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-stiff-leg-

15 to 20,

10 to 15 Reps on 1st Set


15 to 20, 20 to 30

- Light Complex * Note on Heavy Complexes: Pick a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 10 reps on the first set. Do not worry about the rep total on the second and third sets. Do as many as possible. Because of the limited rest between sets, your rep totals will drop.

Program Notes 40 Day Cycles – Because eating is based on a 4-day cycle, training on a 3-day cycle, and HIIT on a 2-day cycle, nearly every day will be different. On some days you will hammer legs and eat very few carbs. And on some off days you will enjoy the luxury of eating more carbs and larger meals. This structure is designed to keep you mentally engaged, and to help maximize the body’s tendency to adapt. Your body has a difficult time adapting to a program that is constantly changing. Diet Planning – The key to the Hardcore 40 program lies in proper diet planning. It is best to create an eating template for peak, hold and light days, and then stick to these templates! Try to build in some food variety. If you force yourself to eat chicken, rice and broccoli for every meal, you might lose focus and want to cheat. Prepare your meals in advance on Sunday. Keep them in the freezer, so during the week you are ready to roll. Bad planning and preparation will only open the door for you to cheat. You will have moments where you are tired, from life or your workouts (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/main.html), and won’t feel like cooking. Always, always, always cook your larger meals in advance.

Metabolism – Everyone has a different metabolism. The calorie structure of this program is designed to work for most men. If you have an extremely high metabolism, you may need to add in 300 more daily calories to help stave off muscle loss. If your metabolism has slowed, it may make more sense to lower daily calories by 200. If any adjustments are make to daily calorie levels, make them only to carbs, and not to protein and/or fat. Proper protein and fat intake are crucial for good health and maintaining muscle while losing fat. Expectations – What can you expect during these 40 days? Results! You can expect to maintain your current muscle mass, and to lose approximately 10 pounds or more, or about a 5% drop in bodyfat percentage. Remember, a program is only as good as the effort put into it. Push for progression of weight, plan a solid diet filled with lots of lean protein, fruits and veggies, and do your cardio!

Recommended Supplements To amplify your results, consider supplementing with the following: Pre-workout Supplement (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/pre-workout.html). A pre-workout supplement with nitric oxide and caffeine, such as Black Powder (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/mri-black-powder.html) or Dark Rage (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/mhp-dark-rage.html), will fuel you with extra energy and stamina, allowing you to take your workouts to the next level, speed up your metabolism and wage war on bodyfat. Multivitamin (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/vitamins-minerals/multivitamins.html). The Hardcore 40 is an intense fat loss program. Because you will be eating less and working harder during this time, a quality multivitamin will insure that there are no holes in your nutrition and diet plan. Fat Loss Supplement (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/fat-loss.html). A quality fat loss product, such as Animal Cuts (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/animal-cuts.html), Meltdown (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/meltdown.html) or Lipo 6 (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/lipo-6.html), will provide you will a clean energy boost throughout the day, and help to fight off unwanted food cravings. Amino Acids (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/amino-acids.html), BCAAs (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/amino-acids/bcaas.html) and Glutamine (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/category/glutamine.html). Encourage your body to hold on to as much muscle as possible by supplement with an amino acid/BCAAs supplement such as Scivation Xtend (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/scivation-xtend.html) or LG Sciences BC + EAA (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/bc-eaa.html). These supplements will also assist in minimizing muscle soreness.

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Comments (195)

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Adriana Smith Posted Sat, 04/24/2010 - 22:56

Hi, I was wondering if this workout could be customized for a woman as well? I am 39 years old, 5'7, 139 lbs, and 12% body fat. I was wondering what my calorie intake should be. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have for me or if you have a different workout plan that would work better for a woman. Thanks, Adriana (/articles/hardcore22 (/articles/hardcore15 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3215) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 04/25/2010 - 11:47 inin40- The 40-workout principles are basically the same for a woman. To tone up you need days.html? days.html? progressive resistance. In general, women tend to respond better to higher rep ranges, rate=DJauyi60km6WTBLtvB9xBn52y5hKfZv9iQpTlElXo1g) rate=PLEfvHcdzIVBoQcESlHL6Cso W0m2ciw I would maybe start that you could perform 12 to 15 reps with on the heavy PFVjaUzpK12oo)

complexes. Regarding diet, a woman will require fewer calories and less protein. But the principles are the same. You simply have to find an average calorie intake that allows you to lose weight, and cycle that with higher carb and lower carb days. If you need help, PM me: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/forum/members/bendthebar.html (http://www.muscleandstrength.com/forum/members/bendthebar.html) (/articles/hardcore18 (/articles/hardcore10 4040blast- blastfatfat-

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3214)

Adriana Smith Posted Sun, 04/25/2010 - 14:30

Thank you so much for writing back. Yes, I would appreciate your help. I think not knowing how many calories I should take-in daily has been my problem. I think for the last 3 months I have been eating between 1200-1400 and some times I wonder if I am not eating enough. 3 months ago when I really dedicated myself to eating very healthy 6 times a day eating protein,carbs, and veggies (however not realy cycling the carbs) I went from 17% to 12% body fat. However my weight never changed. I started at 139 and I am still at 139. I am defininately more defined and have more muscle but my clothes are not any looser. Anyway, if you could help me out with my diet and calorie intake I would really appreciate it. Take care, Adriana (/articles/hardcore16 (/articles/hardcore15 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3216) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 04/26/2010 - 07:49 inin40- Congrats 40on losing fat and gaining muscle. This muscle gain will slow. Do you days.html? days.html? know what your fat intake was during this time, if any? Sometimes it can be rate=We0_Korate=zrqV_harder for a woman to intake necessary healthy fats because they are eating CbFM_tEXWg9LZLq3JTrUpb1GVZxCeVeCW2tMhW4j6SneTNBWjk87As) tvfy6ZNless. Carb cycling should help. If you feel like you're eating too little, I would inVGA_eXEk)

suggest you test the water. Try eating 1600 calories for 2 weeks, but eating only lean meats, fruits and veggies. Try eating no grains during this time, like rice, etc. This will be a lower carb approach, but with slightly higher calories. A 3 pound loss during this time would be optimal.

(/articles/hardcore8 (/articles/hardcore6 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3217) blast- blastfatfatand- andget- Adriana getSmith shreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 04/26/2010 - 12:21 inin40- Ok, 40-I will try your approach. Not eating any starchy carbs will be difficult but I days.html? willdays.html? give it a try to see how it works out for me in the next two weeks. In the rate=D8NQX2kFeYygk4zWaae6gfI5Nm7LVn8LY5Cc8rpqln0) rate=4w NCsdEKq0_JOyo6HbLIvD7tGPH0VoZlvzthbKVNFWE)

past I was eating about 35g of fat and I was not really eating any fruits except for apples, should I incorporate more fruits? Also, would I do the carb cycling after the two weeks or with this plan as well? (/articles/hardcore16 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3219) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Tue, 04/27/2010 - 08:39 inin40- Fruits 40- are fine. Apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas, blueberries. As days.html? days.html? far as carb cycling, you could do it after the 2 weeks. Or if you are rate=4VpI_yknLDgQSANAOtp4iY_91TW9h79WEPE2ElSCxr8) rate=QvDzUAuXaLvy1zreceiving a steady weight loss D0) and want to stick with this carb approach, O9sL_e2sHGWw NqqMfhm_3Hinrw

that is fine as well. (/articles/hardcore15 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3222) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Nick getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 07/22/2012 - 21:04 inin40- Hey 40Steve, days.html? days.html? rate=LD8p_ulrgcWXjpdFkl14Z0sKh0vK7tbyZzQIPw dKyBI) a try. The only problem is I'mrate=2HvbRreally interested in giving this workout oIBtnrsPsFa3tnoqHIqOCthatnoxGX_Jc1UMb0tU) I only have access to the gym at my work. I work mon-fri. Would

it be possible to switch the days around and do maybe 5 days on ad rest on the weekend? Or maybe 2 days on and off in the middle of the week and do cardio on wed and off on the weekends? Your expert advice would be a lot of help. Thanks!

Also. Im a male, 5'2, 133lbs. I don't know my bf% would you have any recommendations on the daily calorie input and cycling? Thanks again! I appreciate your help! (/articles/hardcore9 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/41459) blast- blastfatfatand- andClifton Payne get- getshreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 10/07/2011 - 12:42 inin4040- weight 147 lbs I was told I have only 7 percent body fat I am I am 5 ft 9 and currently days.html? days.html? trying to gain muscle mass I was wondering would this work out plan help me gain rate=AgWrate=tKchVqfna2PrcNWaFVGfslGFipBxCxyVGD5OfA9OPW4) this in this many mGZP5q8UtKmGxXUP3LZgLV2UKjdays and would I be able to keep using this plan on a month to T53VTcPLpi0s) month basis because I also noticed that it said the program had some weight loss to

it and that is something that I dont think I want to do the weight loss I mean. I was told I have a high metabolism and use to live in GNC and of course I use to hget taken its like the sales people saw a sucker because I said I wanted to gain muscle mass and with supplements they gave me and workout I still never gained mucle I did however go from 137 lbs to 147 lbs but that took a total of 1 year so can someone anyone please help me with this (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3343) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetdarren shreddedshreddedPosted Wed, 04/03/2013 - 08:44 inin40-Steve, 40Hi days.html? Idays.html? have been training on and off for 3 years with know direction i weigh about 84kg rate=Kz09EjibYkLODggWqt7es0JktrZpiFoRWv1RkPIoIm8) rate=5VZiO3yRH43Boab8TimSj5bcGge29efw ptgzjVniGOo)

15% body fat. I go on holiday in 10 weeks i know i have left it late but would really like a workout plan that will make me feel more confident any ideas?? (/articles/hardcore7 (/articles/hardcore8 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/223206) blast- blastfatfatand- andMike get- getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 04/26/2010 - 11:37 inin40- wondering 40Hello, I was if you can actually gain muscle from this type of routine if tweaked days.html? days.html? while losing fat? rate=xRovl7tZbQZPxQ84YbvuPjOYLTsSSriPvhYJKTCH8mE) rate=oJTK(/articles/hardcore12 (/articles/hardcore9 F21FkABWVHC5H0uRrNIV1DCBobxvhGf3GGYgc) 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3218) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetGeorge shreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 04/26/2010 - 15:56 inin4040Thanks for the article. My question is similar to the one above...I'm 5'4 currently at 160lbs, 25 days.html? yrs old,days.html? and i have been working out consistenly since January, What should my calorie rate=pDV0mI0lBP2CZHrate=SCXintake be? Also protein and carb intake? Thank you! 4EWAZRD61goevlC5X7BXG9NX9Em7pkFYqVtOTOizaMCUNQYeKNtYTVQD0HE0KQ) LxrA) (/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3220) blast- blastfatfatandandget- M&S getshreddedshreddedPosted Tue, 04/27/2010 - 08:34 inin40- If you 40- have a fast metabolism, I would run the program at an average of 2500-2600 days.html? days.html? calories per day. If not stick with the program as is. Protein is the same for all days. So is rate=w c6LfaDEV7QKCjj0yv8Tlv6rdrw rate=EZA5J3ILN9lb7xLa2PUytDFV2Jy5MNkFTvlUeU) fat.JRFor every one hundred extra calories you eat, you need 25 more grams of carbs. w Y4slcJF2LOKSpGlc) (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3221) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetNicole shreddedshreddedPosted Tue, 04/27/2010 - 21:23 inin4040days.html? days.html?

I was wondering on the defintion of " average " in the hold day defintion. I want to to adapt the calorie numbers for me since a I am a woman. Does average mean: 1) My Maintaince calorie requirment OR 2) My calorie requirment after a 500 calorie deficit? Thanks! (/articles/hardcore15 (/articles/hardcore10 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3223) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Wed, 04/28/2010 - 08:28 inin40- Hi Nicole. 40Average would be "average between all three days", so it is the average after a days.html? days.html? calorie deficit. rate=MnL1tQIDl3q_MqfkJtXkK9B46mvCGDxINdA_XJUSxYs) rate=HouIs7eV_ZSBE3lV8sNJw (/articles/hardcore15 (/articles/hardcore10 VMc0DTVppbUE0H6OOyA4) 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3224) blast- blastfatfatandandgetget-Smith Adriana shreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 17:19 inin40- I was 40-considering doing this work out. Are you going to be following it? I would love to Hi, days.html? have adays.html? partner in crime to bounce things off each other. It seems like this is gear more rate=XakaGz2idzVkqZL4n4A4xElTEiPrc7M8RbjDw rate=EoYGmm5WQNWEJcY) towardsIb1OkVoJob6p54j9MgbxLUVW5oIuguU3w a man but we should be able to) see great results as well. I want to start a new

challenge for myself on Monday. I just finished doing a 12 week one and it's time to move on to something else. Let me know if you are interested. Also, what is your level are you advanced or just starting out. Take care, Adriana (/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore16 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3236) blast- blastfatfatandandgetsethgetshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 04/29/2010 - 09:52 inin40quick40-question... my BMR per this site is 2800 based on my age/activity. where would i need days.html? days.html? to set my average for this program? would i be wanting to average around 2300? so that i rate=E2FILNLMW9g_G7KHj6srGsKWoXPw rate=mfGyT9O2vJLZmH0ioiV64Tloz6HTUDZxPqx55xDFLk4) gAxee7lgXgS2j1M)

maintain an average of 500 less calories? or would i go a bit higher so that my light day was 500 less my BMR... let me know, thanks!

(/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3225) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 04/29/2010 - 12:28 inin40- If your 40- BMR is around 2800, then I would run the program as is. If this isn't moving the days.html? days.html? scale after a week, you could drop 200 calories per day. But I think 2300 will be fine. rate=IXfaWgr86israte=byUNW5GQw QUOO8it3uPJiyCpRXn(/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore9 rXb5zeculXG8N6x5ppbJnr7r4kJTeA) j6kOPjS3MuPfgc) 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3228) blast- blastfatfatandandgetsethgetshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 04/29/2010 - 10:08 inin40-explain the NOT training to failure... i thought i was supposed to be training to also,40please days.html? days.html? failure... rate=lBgyb7w rate=XNZUsmpmIbpSLudeJl4jtXY3kcLLxMZ2k_NNI2e7VTs) ETe7LCMHw iL5vBOFombkvWw 5gHw OHAe7DMA) (/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore11 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3226) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 04/29/2010 - 12:25 inin-

There is no need to train to failure, especially on every set of every workout. It will happen occasionally. Simply make sure you are pushing yourself to the point where you don't think another rep is possible, and during the next workout try to beat that number. (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3227) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgettallon shreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 11:12 inin40- that40I notice this program suggests intra-workout protein as opposed to post-workout days.html? days.html? protein/carbs. Is there a reason that the traditional post-workout shake/meal is eliminated? I rate=HJLEZUzL_83hxKU1irFsiSbRcyHra6_cotlRYZaXqrE) rate=CI_J22only ask because I thought pwo meals were good for you even when trying to burn fat... NgjxCOdevqu8Ucj2YIrDfpw l1ymR3pyqmcRs)

I can't wait to try this. (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3229) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 13:27 inin40- This 40-is merely a sample template. It is not opposed to PWO protein or carbs at all. Meal 7 days.html? days.html? is assumed to come after the workout. You can take the intra-workout protein PWO if you rate=t5Wrate=QkmbP20xpG49Oumqj4IKG1uMyU2MQY7zD5Vgw zlike,1Kjs) or use both an intra-workout and PWO shake. 9KCEpxU_66cS4csSJZTW5JAqrMpi0Jvxm5VbNY0) (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore14 4040blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetantonio shreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 13:10 inin40if allergic to40walnuts, almonds and bananas what else could days.html? days.html? SdDdqohNBl0fH0Ycnw ) (/articles/hardcore11rate=62_4vN5jje0AOPtGLQJSzzdew (/articles/hardcore11rate=D9Z7pCrod1assd0ZZbX9i6GAGpEYN8UOJZMKKNGNnIY) 4040blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 13:23 inin40- Avacados 40are good sources of healthy fats. And as days.html? days.html? of choice will work. rate=Qwrate=RZAs6b3P1MG4D6TQsT4p63LSG2NQ3yZAiN6KcdTNrlA) 6mfB5h4oUqTy8n6pSw 9Y1vRdtt4ct98TuGp2X3cgQ)

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3232)

I substitute for these foods?

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3230)

far as bananas, pretty much any fruit

(/articles/hardcore8 (/articles/hardcore15 4040blast- blastfatfatand- andget- getantonio shreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 16:17 inin40- I am 40-allergic to avocados, I usually will eat peanuts as well days.html? days.html? these are not really a good option. rate=2lpUMvMg7_xNFQGabsABeeuU41CrMRYlm1cBrd7nbw rate=T2yeH_pNd7IFd2TnKjKh2ZnkkulPMiZMZaxHXO- E) 9qmY) (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore16 4040blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetDobri shreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 16:44 inin40I40am starting this whole thing from Monday. I`m 17 and i`m days.html? back todays.html? you with before and after pics :) rate=0aZGuFrate=qM1N1T2FVCw 235d7rDTJbm9Kh0VO1bWYmgWnxBtcncQ) _b7W(/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore15 I4040bFPpcsLCqzuLhTcqxWGBOS8Gmo3aY) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Fri, 04/30/2010 - 16:52 inin40- Looking 40forward to that! days.html? days.html? rate=P91EG_Qrate=CXzYj48Y_syUCjYVsatNd914jWvC2SLVhJG552zX32M)

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3231)

or cashews but I have been told

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3233)

1.80 tall weight 75 Killo`s. I will get

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3234)

(/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3235) blast- blastfatfatandandgetMattgetshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 02:03 inin40I was40wondering if this program will not only help me lose weight/body fat, but also help me days.html? days.html? build some muscle mass. I have always been an athlete but due to a series of injuries I never rate=s- rate=EZPlxDWDRzGJu4xBmPB9c3BXK_VjzsxlvfBT5AQPzDo) was foL4OzEQBAUNFuz0OdE4h52oYHqixIaTIdw able to hit the weight room consistently. As a result I am a skinnier person and I have Ot3fQ)some weight. Will this program help me gain muscle while losing fat? gained (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3239) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 19:34 inin40- What 40- is your current height and weight? Some beginners who workout hard can gain days.html? days.html? muscle and lose fat, but it's difficult. If you are naturally skinny, gaining muscle on a rate=vIq_rsReS3bw rate=fPjjq- CsefQCaA8BkCWZqFKQuX3KZja59NE7U) calorie deficit is VERY difficult. v_kqD5pKxn_9ekeM1G4Q6IufuvXET8FY9kvI) (/articles/hardcore10 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3237) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetMatt shreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 21:30 inin40- to focus more on gaining muscle could I still keep the same workout plan which If40-I wanted days.html? days.html? is suggested on this plan but change my diet? If so could you give me a suggestion of rate=K0GNOPrate=CriTWJzUyQwhat my diet could look like? 4EK7RnpYFkenxuuR9JXgOFN1gmZQMPa4w k92lzgmbzYcWqOnaUtoauJY) SfgZdPWBEzw ) (/articles/hardcore9 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3248) blast- blastfatfatand- andget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 00:05 inin40- If you 40- wanted to focus more on muscle building then generally you need to eat above days.html? days.html? your calorie maintenance levels. You could use the same workout plan, as long as rate=xIDQRaptmzyjZjO2FEGZ2B03pLw rate=tGbW1DBRaBhO_eGKMJPk5s9a9dZMHdGT4ow IkqvSMnzooNNj8tQ) I9NnP2E0)

you are pushing for progression of weight.

(/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3251) blast- blastfatfatandandgetKENNY getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 10:47 inin40-supplements 40About the to take I am in a very hot nvironment right now for the summer where days.html? days.html? it gets over 100 degrees and water consumption is already essential is there any fat burner rate=xapvsyXOzrVkVmB0sott7r0VbTTmIBmT__R1NzuJLUg) rate=WPEragQV6cFCyWRckmjQ7w ZsZB5bsupplements that do not focus on raising your core temperature and have less chance of 3Yvt5HuyzkcQXU)

dehydrating me. (/articles/hardcore12 (/articles/hardcore17 4040blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 19:38 inin40- I used 40- a half dose of the Anabolic Addiction HT-8 days.html? days.html? very clean energy without any side effects. rate=qR5xpUMM7w rate=zCunMGjSGB9rQ3Iu0NGDg05fYtxFaJMu572DOWJ0fdI) KIw LRz5PEEJVA5UfxnvKw yi7Ibk8_1RKw ) (/articles/hardcore9 (/articles/hardcore13 4040blast- blastfatfatand- andDomget- getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 12:24 inin4040days.html? days.html?

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3240)

and Phenom V1 stack and it gave me

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3238)

I am on Day 4 of this workout, the first few days I love so far. Just wondering really quick what you would recommend doing instead of leg press and hack squat. I workout at home and have dumbbells and barbells just no leg press machine or hack machine. Thanks! (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore16 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3241) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 19:31 inin40- Dumbbell 40squats are a solid substitution. You could also keep squats for the light days.html? days.html? complex on Workout A. Hope that helps! rate=LBnhlZzdfY5vyw rate=a9GC2Fr6Djcmlmp40D1e8agLcc1rSNYCVpJIMq4zGO8) HrdeEiI8S2LbCyAHVImizC1hMNlg) (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3244) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetLisa shreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 05/06/2010 - 08:23 inin40- can 40-do hack squats without a hack machine. Place the dumbells behind your bottom You days.html? -days.html? the crease between your butt and thigh is where I put them. Put your legs hip width rate=GQ1yhpEzgQomY5WR_acKayOCOnqshBKCjFKAAiEKyU4) rate=0TsmBxC2w thM9j6VieVPdJ2DfxMCw 8PZoMfpovl41Ig)

apart and turn your feet outwards like a duck then do the squats. I find it more effective to do this way then using a hack machine.

(/articles/hardcore15 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3260) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetntloader shreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 13:04 ininI am40totally 40looking forward to this, can you suggest a starting point or my calorie intake? My days.html? days.html? BMR is 2400/day. Also, what sort of results can I expect, currently 5'6" 177lbs 22% BF. rate=mLRq5NR4mZlstM6IHDiTt2rx0M5nD4kpsrate=eeqi2BxGuqXEumRbak_7_Sh8_Y) tsZvW3oADUaKWJygWB12oB_3w )


(/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore13 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3242) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 19:25 inin40- What 40- is your height? A BMR of 2400 seems too low. This program is set up to help you days.html? days.html? lose about 1.5 pounds per week, on the average. Some will lose more because of the rate=utPXHHqKhczxKUiIU3c89BGprXgfi3xbkbFumINefKA) rate=fcEXA7DrMm4yY2oNaZ2w ssw U89qMb0rk9ZGB34ZpjRs)

intense exercise.

(/articles/hardcore12 (/articles/hardcore15 4040blast- blastfatfatandandget- ntloader getshreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 21:21 inin40- 5'6" 40177lbs days.html? days.html? rate=lftxMhiB82m48SrUh2sbCVb0Ctw rate=Kqeb6(/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore15 4PYsykAZYAhC6PNQHgIKfVGVccK72xk) 40- 8z5i83aMucpiiqLQw 40TKQ) blast- blast-

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fatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 00:07 inin40- I would 40- stick with the calories as is. That BMR calculation seems extremely low. days.html? days.html? rate=uFbrate=AMzFOzRUMY_Rti3o5muxnIFkjB3AdM5mngIaJak9Gy0) (/articles/hardcore10 (/articles/hardcore11 2ppEmw 40- KJSBmSv240reply (/comment/reply/1048/3252) WhMmDbrO0THBMotLMblast- blastKJMW3s) fatfatandandget- ntloader getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 10:35 inin40- 280 40grams of protein seems a lot to days.html? days.html? reccomend lowering this or keeping rate=RkzLIGidVZP0w rate=k6WI- -

me since im only 177lbs. Do you the same?

(/articles/hardcore9 (/articles/hardcore8 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3253) blast- blastfatfatand- andget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:45 inin40- I wouldn't 40lower it past 250. Part of the fuel that drives this program is days.html? days.html? lower carbs and higher protein. Protein is the hardest macronutrient for rate=mKam1nxpPJSYItsP5pb3tUvumFyllFcFECPgRQZKMeU) rate=lSJTthe body toW56IcSpyK166SS6WabdYIPbOKrj5Y) digest, and is a natural fat-burning aid in that sense. jjDH6Z9kw (/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3254) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetvanessa shreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 21:11 inin40I'm really excited try 40this program. Just wondering if you could help me with the adjustments days.html? to the diet. I'm female, 4'11days.html? and 119lbs. Thanks! rate=01bRN5gIw rate=Q4jqPtOqXGlNjXVk1v1asw OR3SYLt7j8lbcpfblT_rOokuLFTneopw h4kmgPiiPTdLeDqJpdCFs) xA) (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore18 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3246) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 00:16 inin40- Based 40- on age or activity level you may need 1400 to 1800 calories per day to lose days.html? days.html? weight. rate=5_xW583irate=sZp8oBybrfZubd28EYrPYIhVcUIShuKQo0BujGPr_sZ_Nvw VDd7uFgqKeHJw cG78aD3egm0w ) DJgs) (/articles/hardcore13 (/articles/hardcore12 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3245) blast- blastfatfatandandgetgetntloader shreddedshreddedPosted Sun, 05/02/2010 - 23:41 inin40- complete 40Do you the heavy and light complex sets back to back on the same day? days.html? days.html? 46PdrmVl9aWbqpFBNBOPhT4BE) (/articles/hardcore10rate=57UKa72P1panIBSHbw (/articles/hardcore11rate=KnIKHYNBAePgXZ0NC5PugJe442tvxhWNLnfD50ddBpc) 4040blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Mon, 05/03/2010 - 00:03 inin40- You 40-do heavy complex sets and days.html? days.html? rate=byMjbGQoMLTXq_2Nrate=Z1z8bsDnBagACVY4XTA(/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore16 5Z5VAODlPjC4FttGBiDaBOy7FE) ) 40- 0FGqnAYjXLFrT8YAmzbEFRw 40-

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3249)

them light complex sets.

reply (/comment/reply/1048/3250) blast- blastfatfatandandgetLisagetshreddedshreddedPosted Wed, 05/05/2010 - 08:17 inin4040-is this - I have had gastric by-pass and in no way can eat 2600 calories a day. My question days.html? Howdays.html? do I modify the diet portion of this to accomodate my caloric intake? Max I can probably rate=GlBVrate=HZb98eat about half of the high day. So if I half the protein, carbs, and fats would this this still work D6ET4MM3FUQ6Qzic3pbjq3SbeHZBca9TdaaXyU) fOoU6TOFzotcvPJoHAS4yYM25xkN65NsXnn5o)

for me? Thanks! (/articles/hardcore14 (/articles/hardcore16 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3255) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 05/06/2010 - 08:57 inin40- The 40-high calorie day of 2600 is set up for men, based on an average of 2300 calories days.html? perdays.html? day. You would need to find a reasonable average that works for you to lose weight, rate=BOhWpNim2V_MDSZ99T1JNQFOvAm0N1xjuMhw rate=vJw Dbj8) and- then adjust the high and low carb days accordingly. So if an average of 1500 KBJ- per day works for you, your high day would be 1800 and your low day 1200. If calories gBw rRyQ6fB_Sihl4D0huoWrsJBeYUIQC0DAkc)

it's hard to intake too much protein because of the procedure you had done, whey protein drinks and meal replacements are a great way to get your calories without eating too many solid foods.

I think you are safe in cutting the amounts in half. Just make sure you're getting enough healthy fat. (/articles/hardcore9 (/articles/hardcore19 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3263) blast- blastfatfatand- andalvinget- getshreddedshreddedPosted Wed, 05/05/2010 - 11:08 inin40-ask if it's ok to do the the heavy complex in three consecutive days and then 3 Just 40wanna days.html? days light days.html? complex in 3 consecutive days also in one week? rate=yj81LocaTIges72NyP1yZl6fKMOWb12ID7ZH5BB0p6k) rate=odHcC5rdgTPckzd1yv2QTw 21WNcjvC_ZlT09JXY9Ac) (/articles/hardcore12 (/articles/hardcore16 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3256) blast- blastfatfatandandget- Steve getshreddedshreddedPosted Thu, 05/06/2010 - 08:52 inin40- You 40-want to work complexes for the same body parts on the same day. It can be days.html? days.html? counterproductive to weight train every day of the week. Rest is a very important element rate=7uWzJNB2ltkfDIlOYbyGkUADg3QC7xMFV4ZWe9LAWQ0) rate=pHKin this program. bvdx1F_LUBZqvXn92zJ0vYJCGJY1Xeoc0aYakyU) (/articles/hardcore11 (/articles/hardcore14 4040reply (/comment/reply/1048/3262) blast- blastfatfatandandgetFitz getshreddedshreddedPosted Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:24 inin40-supplements 40In the mentioned above, No2 stimulators were suggested as a pre-workout days.html? days.html? formula. Would that replace the pre-workout meal listed in the diet plan? Also, if considering rate=3PEgVcrI9Fl0cLO3akABMGBoquHzbspdxOVaZw rate=z1v1e1PVBx4CpFCYTSfHessw itUdyLIMDU2MpzJqAfg) HTw 3w )

taking a thermogenic, would you want to use those No2 stimulants? (/articles/hardcore15 (/articles/hardcore12 4040blast- blastfatfatandand1 (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.htm l) getgetshreddedshredded2 (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.html?page=1) inin40403 (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.html?page=2) days.html? days.html? rate=P- rate=9YbNFxKPyy7Wf5HaJQboWvVKUag66KUUURrfUYIGItY) 4 (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.html?page=3) M2yYNDot4TR6UQEDRsMgFi3dmZd1G8V1lEOoavKkU) next › (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.html?page=1) last » (/articles/hardcore-40-blast-fat-and-get-shredded-in-40-days.html?page=3)

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