Hans-Christian Solka - Si Stebbins Pro Compendium

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Hans-Christian Solka

Si Stebbins Pro Compendium

Hans-Christian Solka

Si Stebbins Pro Compendium

Hans-Christian Solka

Si Stebbins Pro Compendium

Eigenverlag Magdeburg & Lybrary.com 2008

For the Dean of mathematical card conjuring Dr. Aloys Christof Wilsmann (1899–1966)

Special thanks to Barry Ray and Claudio Imperiale. Their expertise and professionalism bring this ebook to life!

Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Copyright © 2008 by Hans-Christian Solka & Lybrary.com All rights reserved. This ebook is for personal and home use only. Renting or public viewing is strictly prohibited. Any other use - including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication - without the prior written permission of Lybrary.com is strictly prohibited. You are allowed and encouraged to make backup copies for your own protection and use. First English Edition Version: 1.11; 2010–07–01 Editor: Eigenverlag Magdeburg, 2008 Publisher: Lybrary.com, 2008 German-English Translation: Barry Ray & Hans-Christian Solka Layout: Hans-Christian Solka Cover Design: Sergey Diomin & Hans-Christian Solka Not For Resale! www.sistebbinspro.de.ki www.lybrary.com Feedback requested: [email protected]




Contents Table 1 - Si Stebbins Pro, Shocked Order, after Cut Table 2 - Si Stebbins, Shocked Order Table 3 - Si Stebbins Pro, Shocked Order 1.



Si Stebbins System






Increment of Card Values


Suit Order Chased


Suit Order Shocked (recommended)


Suit and Card Values


Classic Stack


Pro Stack (Basics)

Configuration of Pro Stack (Bonus) 3.1.

Bank Rule


Stack Value and Bank


Card Value, Chains and Bank Position


Way of Inner Harmony

Card-Position Relationship 4.1.

By Calculation


By Intuition

Position-Card Relationship 5.1.

By Calculation/Intuition


Running the Way

Pro Stack after Cut (Bonus plus) 6.1.

Card-Position Relationship


Position-Card Relationship


Fixed Points


Si Stebbins Secret


Hans False Shuffle


Summary Bibliography



Si Stebbins Pro Shocked order, after cut 46




















































(Table 1)

Si Stebbins Shocked Order 1












































(Table 2)









Si Stebbins Pro Shocked order 1




















































♠ − ♥ − ♣ − ♦: banks (Table 3)




„Secretly note the bottom card of the deck. Applying the formula for the stacked deck you are now able to name the cards held by the spectators.” Gaspar Cardozo de Sequeira

THIS BOOK IS dedicated to the Dean of mathematical card conjuring – he is sadly almost forgotten – the German Pioneer of card tricks Dr. Aloys Christof Wilsmann (1899-1966). He was the German “Martin Gardner”! Si Stebbins Pro (Pro Stack) is a new version of the Si Stebbins System (Classic Stack). Si Stebbins Pro combines the proven advantages of the traditional Classic Stack (the values) but with a disguised suit order. The sequence of the colour and suits in the Pro Stack (table 1) is, however, different. In the Classic Stack (table 2) a regular and alternating colour sequence is used. The Pro Stack (table 3) on the other hand, uses the Blackjack rule to alter this alternating sequence. In addition, the Pro Stack has a hidden feature installed that allows you to calculate the position of each card in the stack. Calculation is done by the Bank rule. The Bank rule is given as a bonus and is easy to apply. Bank rule describes the relationship between card and position and vice versa. Another important application of the Bank rule is the possibility for an easy mental division of all the cards in the deck into groups. The Si Stebbins Pro System was developed in 2006. In the German book "Si Stebbins Pro" Hans-Christian Solka discusses in part I the Si Stebbins Stack and its various variations. If you know more than 30 Si Stebbins variations from "A” like Aronson, "F” like Forster until "Y like Yates discussed in the book, then you should not be reading this book. But you will never know what Elknase, Kruskal, Pudar, Riding or pickled cucumbers and hippos and Si Stebbins have in common. The book contains little-known properties of the Si Stebbins System like “club of 14” and “reversed Si Stebbins”, stack strategies, tricks and lots of ideas. In book’s part II, Solka developed his version of the Si Stebbins System – the "Si Stebbins Pro Stack”. The book was published in German in 2008. Spreading through the cards, it is impossible to detect a colour sequence. Although for any card in the stack, the card-position relationship is quite simple. The relationship is as easy as in the Bart Harding Stack. For any card it is possible to calculate the stack value and to convert a stack value into a card. It is possible to use the Pro Stack after a given cut. You can use the “Si Stebbins Secret” for going from “USPCC New Deck Order” into the Classic Stack and from the Classic Stack into the Pro Stack. This manual introduces the interested magician to the essential properties of the Si Stebbins Pro Stack.


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

2. Si Stebbins System 2.1. Increment of Card Values THE CLASSICAL SI Stebbins System (Classic Stack) has a constant increment of Three for the card values. It exists in two popular variations. An increment of Three is the most common, because all card values of a suit are assembled numerically in ascending order (with the deck held face down). There are other variations of card and suit orders, but these are not often used. The two most popular versions of the Classic Stack differ only in the order of the black suits; Spades and Clubs:

2.2. Suit Order CHaSeD THE

version is the Chased order. The so called Chased order is ♣ − ♥ − ♠ − ♦. It consists of 4 groups of 13 cards, with the suits arranged: Clubs – Hearts – Spades – Diamonds – (Clubs etc.). The stack cannot be upset by cutting it. MOST COMMON

♣ /


♥ \

/ ♠ (Figure 1)

2.3. Suit Order SHoCkeD (recommended) THE SO CALLED Shocked order is ♠ − ♥ − ♣ − ♦. It consists of 4 groups of 13 cards, with the suits arranged: Spades – Hearts – Clubs – Diamonds – (Spades etc.) The stack cannot be upset by cutting it.

♠ /

\ ♥

♦ \

/ ♣ (Figure 2)

Whether you are using the Chased or Shocked order, the positions of the Clubs and Spades suits are mutually switched. In other respects, both forms are identical. Each of the 52 cards in the stack can be specified by the value of the card and of the suit. The suits have a value from 1 to 4, and the cards have a value from 1 to 13. In the following descriptions, the Shocked order is mostly used. The reason for this choice is the simple and easy to remember allocation of the suit values to the suit. The assignment of the card values is done according to their ranking from Ace to King.


- 14 -

Si Stebbins System

2.4. Suit and Card Values ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦

– – – –

suit value 1 (mnemonic: one sharp corner) suit value 2 (mnemonic: two lobes) suit value 3 (mnemonic: three leaves) suit value 4 or 0 (mnemonic: four corners or looks like zero)

(All values given are for the Shocked order)

Ace (1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

card value 1 card value 2 card value 3 card value 4 card value 5 card value 6 card value 7 card value 8 card value 9 card value 10 card value 11 card value 12 card value 13

(Table 4)

Hint for addition of 3: 11+3=14=1; 12+3=2; 13+3=3 Fanciers of the Chased order just have to switch round the Clubs and Spades. C – suit value 1 and S – suit value 3. Other suit orders are generally possible, for example the German CSHD for “Skat” gamers.

2.5. Classic Stack EACH CARD VALUE C of card results from the value of its predecessor, card. The card value of each subsequent card (B) is always three higher than the card value of its predecessor (A). C (B) = C (A) + 3


The suit value S of card (B) results from its predecessor, card suit. It is the next suit of its predecessors card (A) suit, in either the Chased or Shocked order respectively. S (B) = S (A) + 1


(Results higher than 13 for card value or 4 for suit value must be shortened.)

The stack is a cyclic one. This means, the order of the cards will never be destroyed by cutting. The relative position of each card, to each other, remains.


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Si Stebbins System (Classic Stack), Chased order 3♥ - 6♠ - 9♦ - Q♣ - 2♥ - 5♠ - 8♦ - J♣ - A♥ - 4♠ - 7♦ - 10♣ - K♥ -

3♠ - 6♦ - 9♣ - Q♥ - 2♠ - 5♦ - 8♣ - J♥ - A♠ - 4♦ - 7♣ - 10♥ - K♠ 3♦ - 6♣ - 9♥ - Q♠ - 2♦ - 5♣ - 8♥ - J♠ - A♦ - 4♣ - 7♥ - 10♠ - K♦ 3♣ - 6♥ - 9♠ - Q♦ - 2♣ - 5♥ - 8♠ - J♦ - A♣ - 4♥ - 7♠ - 10♦ - K♣ - (3♥) (Stack 1) Si Stebbins System (Classic Stack), Shocked order 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♥ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♣ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♦ -

3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♠ - (3♥) (Stack 2)

2.6. Pro Stack (Basics) THE SI STEBBINS Pro Stack has a logical and harmonious configuration. The sequence of card values corresponds to their sequence in the classic Si Stebbins Stack. The sequence of suits in the Pro Stack is, however, different. The Pro Stack can perform everything that the Classic Stack is capable of. One exception are tricks, which are based on regular suit distribution and/or the numerical consecution of the card values of one suit in the Si Stebbins Stack, for example, tricks using the Gilbreath principles! They are impossible to apply, due to the variable consecution of the suits in the Pro Stack. In the Pro Stack, there are "groups" of up to three black and red cards. Its strength lies in the simple relationship between the card and its position. As in the Classic Stack, each card results from its predecessors. The value of each card is always three higher than the value of their predecessors’ card. The suit of each card is derived from Chased order or respectively, Shocked order. The only difference between the Classic Stack and the Pro Stack are the "intentional defects" in the suit order of the cards 10, J, Q and K. Here, it is not the next suit in the Chased or Shocked order, but the suit after the next - the pendant or sister in suit*.

Sisters in suit are ♠ < − > ♣ and ♥ < − > ♦, same colour, but different suit. By the way, two cards with the same value in the sister in suit are called twin cards.



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Si Stebbins System

Thus, the determination of the successor and predecessor card differs only from the Classic Stack by applying the so-called "Blackjack" rule: “Blackjack” rule: “For every card value that counts as 10 in Blackjack – 10, J, Q and K, the suit of the following card is different, but of the same colour.”

S (K/A/2/3) = S (10/J/Q/K) + 2


The 52 cards of the Pro Stack are divided into quarters - or four banks. Each bank consists of 13 cards. In each bank, the order of the 13 card values is the same.

Position in bank: 1













Si Stebbins Pro (Pro Stack), Chased order: 1st bank: 2nd bank: 3rd bank: 4th bank:

3♥ - 6♠ - 9♦ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♦ - 8♣ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♣ - 7♥ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♦ - 9♣ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♣ - 8♥ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♥ - 7♠ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♣ - 9♥ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♥ - 8♠ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♠ - 7♦ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♥ - 9♠ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♠ - 8♦ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♦ - 7♣ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 3)

Si Stebbins Pro (Pro Stack), Shocked order: 1st bank: 2nd bank: 3rd bank: 4th bank:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 4) For comparison to the Classic Stack. Please have a closer look at the different positions 5 to 13: Si Stebbins System, Shocked order: 1st bank: 2nd bank: 3rd bank: 4th bank:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♥ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♣ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♦ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♠ – (3♥)

(Stack 2a)

The author prefers the following descriptions of the Pro Stack in Shocked order!


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

3. Configuration of the Pro Stack (Bonus) 3.1. Bank Rule THE INTENTIONAL DEFECTS of the suits are not built in arbitrarily. Their selection is the result of a long consideration. The value and suit of each card defines its position in the stack. This is a built-in hidden feature. The only - but crucial - difference to the Classic Stack arises from the so-called "Bank rule: The suit’s value plus the card value equals the bank value (BV)". Bank rule: The remainder of the sum “card value C plus suit value S” divided by 4 defines the bank B of the Pro Stack, in which the card belongs! (C + S)4 = B (4) (In Mathematics, the remainder of a division is a “Modulo“, and the operator is written as “mod“. As a shortcut I prefer to write xn instead x mod n.)

In other words, with the card’s value and suit value, one can determine the position and the bank in which the card is. The reverse is also possible. Bank rule, practical applications


(7+3)/4=10/4=2 remainder 2 Î 2 Î bank of Hearts


(9+2)/4=11/4=2 remainder 3 Î 3 Î bank of Clubs

Another important application of the bank rule is dividing all the cards of a deck into groups. In the Premonition effect for example, the magician must determine the related group for a named card. Group 1 contains all the cards from the banks of Spades and Hearts and group 2 contains all the cards from the banks of Clubs and Diamonds. In which group is the 8D?


(8+4)/4=12/4=3 remainder 0 Î bank of Diamonds Î 2nd group


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Configuration of the Pro Stack

3.2. Stack Value and Bank THE POSITION OF a certain card in a stacked deck is called stack value or stack number (St). The relationship between the stack value and the card can be made through the bank, in which the card is situated: The first 13 cards of the stack form the first bank, the bank of Spades. The next 13 cards form the bank of Hearts, and then follow the 13 cards of the bank of Clubs and finally, the 13 cards of the bank of Diamonds. A bank value (BV) from 1 to 4 is assigned to the four banks, corresponding to their appellation. bank I








cards 1 – 13 bank value 1 all cards: remainder 1

14 – 26 BV 2 remainder 2

27 – 39 BV 3 remainder 3

40 – 52 BV 4 or 0 remainder 4 or 0

(Table 5)

If you are using the Chased order, switch the bank of spades with the bank of clubs. ♣ – 1, ♥ – 2. ♠ – 3 and ♦ – 4! All cards in a bank have a common feature: The remainder (from the division of the card value plus the suit value divided by 4 (C+S)/4) is the same result for all the cards in a bank, the so-called bank value. It determines the bank of the Pro Stack, in which the card is located. All the cards with a position number from 1 to 13, the division of the sum of card value and the suit value divided by 4 results in a remainder of 1. For the stack values 14 to 26 the remainder is 2, for the stack values 27 to 39 the remainder is 3 and for cards with the stack value from 40 to 52 there is a balance of 4 or 0. Since each of the 13 card values from Ace to King has a firm position within the bank, the position of each card in the entire stack is ascertainable.

assignment of suit value S to card value C in a bank (Shocked-Order): 1st bank – bank of Spades: (C + S)4 = 1 2nd bank – bank of Hearts: (C + S)4 = 2 3rd bank – bank of Clubs: (C + S)4 = 3 4th bank – bank of Diamonds: (C + S)4 = 4 or 0

(5) (6) (7) (8)

Exceptions are the four kings. There is nothing to consider. Their suit already corresponds to their bank. (Index 4 means mod or respectively modulo – rest of division)


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

With the kings, there is no need to calculate! They mark the end of their bank. The suits of the kings correspond to the suit of the bank! Adding the card value to the suit value, one sees immediately, in which bank the card is located. Si Stebbins Pro gets calculable!

3.3. Card Value, Chains and Bank Position THE POSITIONS OF the card values in a single bank are sufficient to calculate the entire Si Stebbins Pro. The sequence of 13 card values is repeated four times in the Stack. Each cycle consists of 3 different sequences of card values, the so-called chains. chain 3 -----| position: card value:

chain 2 -----|

chain 1 -------------|

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 – 6 – 9 – Q – 2 – 5 – 8 – J – A – 4 – 7 – 10 – K

or respectively:

card value: position:

A 2 3 4 5 9 5 1 10 6

6 7 8 9 10 J 2 11 7 3 12 8

Q K 4 13

(Stack 5)

Stack 5 consists of the “three chains“, 3-6-9-12, 2-5-8-11 and 1-4-7-10-13. Thereby, the relationship between card value and position is easy to remember. It is recommended you learn the assignment of the 13 card values to the bank position by heart. (Those who don’t want to do that could simply make a crib and glue it to the quoin of the card-shell and read them secretly). A mnemonic would naturally serve as aide too. Here you have one example of such a mnemonic (“Eau de Cologne 4711” is a well known Eau de Toilette): Chain 3; Positions 1 – 4:





”Three times Sex with Nice Ladies Chain 2; Positions 5 – 8:





is Too much for Five Old Men; Chain 1; Positions 9 – 13:


4 7 10


I turn 47Ten into Cologne Water.” The stack could of course, be described mathematically. The following relationships are adduced for completeness only. Relationship card value and bank position: From the card value C results the position P in the bank and vice versa: P = 13 – (4*C)13 C = (3*P)13

(9) (10)


- 20 -

Configuration of the Pro Stack


Way of Inner Harmony

THE PRO STACK contains (inside the suit order) an inner harmony. In the whole stack, you will find the Shocked order from bank to bank, in the banks, from chain to chain, and in the chains from card to card. Imagine the stack as a kind of road map. You may run on this map (or the way) and count steps. Every step is a card in the deck. Bank

Chain 3

Chain 2

Chain 1











♥ cards

♣ cards

♦ cards

3♥-6♣-9♦-Q♠ 2♣-5♦-8♠-J♥

3♣-6♦-9♠-Q♥ 2♦-5♠-8♥-J♣

3♦-6♠-9♥-Q♣ 2♠-5♥-8♣-J♦

3♠-6♥-9♣-Q♦ 2♥-5♣-8♦-J♠

After a 10 follows a King and after a King follows a 3 of same colour but different suit. (Table 6)

The road map (table 6) is necessary for the position-card relationship and for working with a cut stack. Each step on this map – running on the way of inner harmony - has a different value: Direction


Type of Motion

↑ ↓ ← → ← →

- 13 +13 -4 +4 -1 +1

from bank to bank before from bank to next bank from chain to chain before from chain to next chain from card to card before from card to next card

(Table 7)

Hint: Two Steps will get the same colour but different suit. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Way of Inner Harmony, practical applications I

What is the 20th card? 20th card Î 13+7 Î 2nd bank The card is in bank of hearts. From this point ♥ you run on the way of inner harmony: 20th card Î 13+7 Î 13+4+3 Î bank of hearts, 2nd chain in bank, 3rd card in chain bank 2nd chain 3rd card

Î ♥ (13+) Î ♣ (+1=14) Î ♦ (+4=18) Î ♠ (+1=19) Î 8♥ (+1=20)

or with short cuts ♥Î2♦Î 8♥


What is the 37th card? 37th card Î 26+11 Î 3rd bank 37th card Î 26+11 Î 26+4+4+3 Î bank of clubs, 3rd chain, 3rd card bank 3rd chain 3rd card

Î ♣ (26+) Î ♦(+1=27) Î ♠ (+4=31) Î ♥ (+4=35) Î ♣ (+1=36) Î 7♦ (+1=37) or with short cuts ♣Î3♦ÎA♥Î7♦


What is the 45th card? 44th card Î 39+6 Î 4th bank 44th card Î 39+4+2 Î 39+4+2 Î bank of diamonds, 2nd chain, 2nd card bank 2nd chain 2nd card

Î ♦ (39+) Î ♥ (+5=44) Î ♣ (+1=45) Î 5♣

r _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Card-Position Relationship

4. Card-Position Relationship 4.1. By Calculation THE CALCULATION OF the stack value of a card in the Si Stebbins Pro is as easy as with the Bart Harding System. Bart Harding is the current quasi-standard in stacked deck magic for the relationship between card and position. Identifying the specific position of a card in the stack requires a maximum of three considerations: 1. 2. 3.

Determine the bank from card and suit values. Determine the bank position from card value. Calculation of the stack value from bank and position.

Card into position, practical applications


(4+4)/4 Î bank of Diamonds, 10th card Î 3*13+10=49


(11+3)/4Î bank of Hearts, 8th card Î 1*13+8=21


(6+1)/4=Î bank of Clubs, 2nd card Î 2*13+2=28

4.2. By Intuition NOW THE GOOD news: One half of all the cards in Si Stebbins Pro – all the even card values - the assignment from the bank to the card arises immediately! I.

For each even and divisible by 4 cards (C4=0) and for the kings Each 4, 8, 12 (Q) and K: Bank is card suit.


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

4, 8, Q (12) and K: “=” (same - bank is card suit) position:














bank of Spades: bank of Hearts: bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 4a)

Even card (divisible by 4) practical applications Each 4 – 8 – Q and Kings: “=“ (same)



Î bank of spades, 10th card Î 10th card


Î bank of clubs, 4th card Î 30th card

For the other even (not divisible by 4) cards (C4=2) Each 2, 6 and10 in the bank corresponds to the card’s sister in suit! Bank has the same colour but different suit.

2, 6 ,10: “x” (exchange - bank is card’s sister suit) position:














bank of Spades: bank of Hearts: bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 4b)


- 24 -

Card-Position Relationship

Even card (not divisible by 4) practical applications Each 2 – 6 – 10: “x“ (exchange)

J s

Î bank of Hearts, 12th card Î 25th card

Î bank of Spades, 2nd card Î 2nd card

The assignment of odd cards is hardly complicated. III.

Odd card values before being divided by 4 (C4=3) Each 3, 7, 11 (J) are in a bank corresponding to their card suit -1! 3, 7, J (11): “-” (charge - bank is before card suit) position:














bank of Spades bank of Hearts: bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 4c)

Odd card (3-7-11) practical applications Each 3 – 7 – J: “-“ (charge)


Î bank of Clubs, 1st card Î 27th card


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

k IV.

Î bank of Diamonds, 8th card Î 47th card

Odd card values after being divided by 4 (C4=1) Each 1 (A), 5, 9 are in a bank corresponding to their card suit +1! A (1), 5, 9: “+”(progress - bank is after card suit) position:














bank of Spades: bank of Hearts: bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

(Stack 4d)

Odd card (1-5-9) practical applications Each A – 5 – 9: “+“ (progress)


Î bank of Clubs, 9th card Î 35th card


Î bank of hearts, 3rd card Î 16th card

Summary even even odd odd

Î 4, 8, 12 Î not a 4, 8, 12 Î before 4, 8, 12 Î after 4, 8, 12

Î “=“ Î “x“ Î “–“ Î “+“

same, bank is card suit exchange, bank is card’s sister suit charge, bank is before card suit (But card suit is after bank!) progress, bank is after card suit (But card suit is before bank!)

(Table 8) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

- 26 -

Position-Card Relationship

5. Position-Card Relationship 5.1. By Calculation/Intuition IDENTIFYING THE three considerations: 1. 2. 3.


in a specific position in the stack requires a maximum of

Conversion of stack value into bank and position. Determine card value from bank position. Determine card suit by card value and bank.

Position into Card, by intuition, practical applications I.

What is the 49th card? 49 Î 3*13+10 Î bank of Diamonds, 10th position Î 4 Î bank is card suite Î “=” (see table 8) Î 4D


What is the 18th card? 18 Î 1*13+5 Î bank of Hearts, 5th position Î 2 Î bank has the same colour but different suit Î “x” (see table 8) Î 2D


What is the 34th card? 34 Î 2*13+8 Î bank of Clubs, 8th position Î J Î bank corresponding to card suit -1 Î “-” (see table 8) Î JD

K _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

5.2. Running the Way THE SUIT WILL not be determined by calculation with the bank and card value, but mostly through logical thinking. For this, the use of shortcuts is possible. To run the “way of inner harmony” (table 6) is easier. Position into card, running the way, practical applications I.

What is the 19th card? The 19th card is located in the bank of Hearts. We start the run in the bank of Hearts ♥ (table 6): 19th card Î 13+6 Î 13+4+2 Î bank of Hearts, 2nd chain and 2nd card bank of Hearts 1st chain, 1st card 2nd chain, 1st card 2nd card

Î ♥ (13+) Î ♣ (+1=14) (or shortcut “x” or ♥ x ♦) Î ♦ (+4=18) Î ♠ (+1=19) Î 5♠

e II.

What is the 33rd card? The 33rd card is located in the bank of Clubs. We start the run in the bank of Clubs ♣ (table 6): 33rd card Î 26+7 Î 26+4+3 Î bank of Clubs, 2nd chain and 3rd card bank of Clubs 1st chain, 1st card 2nd chain, 1st card 3rd card

Î ♣ (26+) Î ♦ (+1=27) Î ♠ (+4=31) Î ♣ (+2=33) Î 8♣

u _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

- 28 -

Pro Stack after Cut

6. Pro Stack after Cut (Bonus plus) 6.1. Card-Position Relationship THE POSITION OF a card in the Pro Stack is determined by the number of cards between the card itself and the card on face of the stack. The quantity of cards between two given cards can be calculated by the difference in their stack values in the Pro Stack. It is of no importance whether the stack has been cut or not! 1. Determine the stack value of the requested card. 2. Determine the stack value of the face card. 3. To calculate the difference between the two values. However, other ways seem to be more effective. To run the “way of inner harmony” (table 6) is easier. How many cards are there between two cards, practical applications I. How many cards are there between the 9S and 6H? a) common solution by subtraction of card values: (B - bank, C – card value, P – position, St – stack value) 1. 6H Î B4C6 Î B4P2 Î St 41 2. 9S Î B2C9 Î B2P3 Î St 16 3. 41 – 16 Î 25 cards (But: 52-25 = 27 cards are between 6H and 9S) b) recommended solution: running the way 9S Î 6; one card/suit back Î 6D; value: -1 6D Î 6H; two banks/suits forward; value: 26

sum = 25

bank of Hearts: 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ bank of Clubs: 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ bank of Diamonds:3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ -1 + 26 = 25 cards II. How many cards are there between the 4C and QH? 4C Î Q; two chains/suits back; Î 6S; 6S Î Q; two cards/suits forward; Î QC; QCÎ QH; one bank/suit back; QCÎ QH; three banks/suits forward;

value: - 8 value: + 2 value: -13 value:+39

sum = - 6 sum = -19 or sum = +33

bank of Hearts: 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ bank of Clubs: 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ bank of Diamonds3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ bank of Spades: 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ bank of Hearts: 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ -8+2-13 = -19 or (52-19) or -8+2+39 = 33 cards III. How many cards are there between the 9S and 7H? 9S Î 7; two chains/suits forward; Î 7C; 7C Î7H; one bank/suit back;

value: + 8 value: -13

sum = -5 or 47

bank of Spades: 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ bank of Hearts: 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 8 -13 = - 5 = 47 cards _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Card into position, running the way, practical applications I.

The bottom card is 9S. What is the position of 4D? A 9 is located in chain 3. One starts the run with Spades (table 6) to next 4: 9 is in chain 3, 3rd card Î +8 cards Î chain 1, 3rd card Î -1 card Î 4 (7) 9S (chain 3, 3rd card) ♠ Î ♥ (4) Î ♣ (8) ; 3rd card in chain 1 is 7C Î -1 card; 2nd card in chain 1 is 4H (7) Î +26 cards Î 4 of ♦ (33) +8-1+26=33 steps 4D is located at 33rd position.


The bottom card is 7S. What is the position of 2C? A 7 is located in chain 1. One starts the run with Spades backward to next 2: 7 is in chain 1, 3rd card Î -4 cards Î chain 2, 3rd card Î -2 cards Î 2 (-6) 7S (chain 1, 3rd card) ♠ Î ♦; 3rd card in chain 2 is 8D (-4) Î -2 cards; 1st card in chain 2 is 2H (-6) Î +13 cards Î 2 of ♣ (7) -4 -2+13=7 steps 2C is located at 7th position.


The bottom card is 8H. What is the position of KS? 8H is 7th card in the bank of Hearts Î 6 cards to KH. KH Î KS Î 3*13 cards 6+39=45 KS is located at 45th position.


The bottom card is KH. What is the position of 2C? 2C is 5th card in bank of Spades. KH is the last card in bank of Hearts Î banks of Clubs and Diamonds are to go until bank of Spades Î 2*13 cards 5+26=31 2C is located at 31st position.

6.2. Position-Card Relationship IF ONE KNOWS the cut (bottom) card in Si Stebbins Pro, one can calculate the position of each card in the Pro Stack and vice versa. Since the Pro Stack is cyclical, cutting will not change the relative positions of the cards to each other in a stacked deck. The calculation is carried out in reverse to determine the number of cards between two specific cards. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

- 30 -

Pro Stack after Cut

To calculate what card is at a certain position X would require a maximum of two considerations, if the card on face is known: 1. Conversion of X into banks and position. 2. Running the way, starting point is the face card Position into card, practical applications I. What card is at 38th position if 8C is on bottom? a) common solution by adding stack values 1. 8C Î B3C8 Î B3P7 2. 2 * 13 + 7 Î St 33 + 38 cards 3. St (33 + 38) Î St 71 Î St (71 – 52) Î St 19 4. St 19 Î B2P6 Î B2C5 5. B2C5 Î S(2 – 1)C5 Î 5S


or more elegantly b) recommended solution: running the way (38 = 39 – 1) bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds: bank of Spades: bank of Hearts:

3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 8C + 3 banks Î 8H and one card backward Î 5S;

II. What card is at 28th (26+2) position if 7D is on bottom? bank of Clubs: 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ bank of Diamonds: 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ bank of Spades: 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 7D + 2 banks Î 7H and two cards Î KS III. What card is at 22nd (26-4) position if JD is on bottom? bank of Clubs: 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ bank of Diamonds:3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ bank of Spades: 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ JD + 2 banks Î JH and one chain/suit backward (4 cards) Î QS IV. What card is at 20th (13+4+3) position if 2S is on bottom? bank of Clubs: 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ bank of Diamonds:3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ 2S + 1 bank Î 2H and one chain/suit (4 cards) Î AC and 3 cards Î 10H V. What card is at 34th (26+8) position if 9C is on bottom? bank of Clubs: bank of Diamonds: bank of Spades: bank of Hearts:

3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ 3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 9C + 2 banks Î 9S and two chains/suits (8 cards) Î 7C


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Position into card, running the way, practical applications I.

What card is at 35th position if bottom card is 8C? 35 Î 2*13 + 9 Î run 2*13 + 9 cards from 8C 8C Î 8S (26) Î 8S is located in chain 2, 3rd card. 9 cards left to run (table 6) Î 7H (30) Î off limits! How to continue? Let’s take table 9. It shows how to continue a run into next bank.


Chain 3

Chain 2

Chain 1

value Î





2♣-5♦8♠ -J♥



2♦-5♠8♥ -J♣



2♠-5♥8♣ -J♦



2♥-5♣8♦- J♠


♥ ♣ ♦

King Bank +1


♠ ♥ K♠

♥ ♣ K♥

♣ ♦ K♣

♦ ♠ K♦

Chain 3

Chain 2

Chain 1





2♦-5♠8♥ -J♣



2♠-5♥8♣- J♦






2♣-5♦8♠- J♥


(Table 9)

chain 1 to chain 3 Î 5 steps (crossing the Kings!) 8C Î 8S (26) Î 8S is located in chain 2, 3rd card. 9 cards left to run. 8♠ Î +4 Î 7♥ (30) Î +5 (bank limit) Î 9♠ (35) 9S is located at 35th position if bottom card is 8C. II.

What card is at 20th position if bottom card is JD? 20 Î 1*13 + 7 Î run 13 + 7 cards from JD JD Î JS (13) Î JS is located in chain 2, 4th card. 7 cards left to run. 7 cards Î 4 + 5 (bank limit) -2 J♠ (13) Î +4 Î 10♥ (17) Î +5 (bank limit) Î Q♠ (22) Î -2 Î 6♣ (20) 6C is located at 20th position if bottom card is JD.


- 32 -

Pro Stack after Cut


Fixed Points

IN SI STEBBINS Pro the card values “3, 6, 9 and so on until 7, 10” can be arranged in three fixed chains with the suits still in Shocked order (stack 4e). Your card’s suit corresponds to the position of the card in its bank, when divided by four: Fixed pints I – chains in Shocked order: chain 3 ------------|

chain 2 -------------|

chain 1 --------------|

position: mod 4

1 1

5 1

9 1

1st bank: 2nd bank: 3rd bank: 4th bank:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

2 2

3 3

4 4

6 2

7 3

8 4

10 2

11 3

12 4


(Stack 4e)

The position of these chains in Shocked order can be used as further fixed points in the Pro Stack. Relating to the suit of the fixed point, it signifies that one suit forward – is the stack value of the fixed point plus 13 cards, one suit backward – means minus 13 cards and the sister in suit – means plus 26 cards: In a cut stack, the cards in the current positions 13, 26, 39 and 52 could also be used as fixed points. They have the same card value as the face card and their suit is derived from the sequence of suits. From such a fixed point, one can advance toward the target card. The positions of all 13 card values and their suits could be imagined as further fixed points. The distribution of the card values with the same suit follows an easy to remember pattern in the three chains. Fixed points II – card values with the same suit: chain of Spades-|

chain of Hearts--|

chain of Clubs----|





1. Bank: 2. Bank: 3. Bank: 4. Bank:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)











(Stack 4f)

The suits of the three chains are in accordance with the Shocked order ♠ − ♥ − ♣. The chains could be named after the respective suit. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium


Si Stebbins Secret

IT IS POSSIBLE to go from Classic stack into Pro Stack. It is recommended, to go into Classic Stack with a slightly different approach as the method given by Darwin Ortiz. The follow description is very short to preserve the secret *. Insiders will still understand the instructions: USPCC-NDO into Classic Stack, Chased Order 1. 2. 3. 4.

shift JS – KS on top 6 – 7 – 3 – 10 Out, In Double-Under-Cut 10S. The deck is in Si Stebbins Chased Order. The top card (of the face down deck) is the KD. The face card is the 10S.

USPCC-NDO into Classic Stack, Shocked Order 1. shift 4S – KS on top 2. 6 – 7 – 9 – 4 3. two times Out The deck is in Si Stebbins Shocked Order. The top card is the KD and the face card is the 10C. Transformation into Pro Stack To go from the Classic Stack into Pro Stack, you must do a card trick. The effect is that the magician is able to find quickly “by only feeling the cards” all the Tens and court cards – important cards for Poker and Blackjack – in a thoroughly shuffled (?) deck. The deck in the following example is in Shocked order: 1. turn first card face up Î KD Î KD face up (pile 1) on the table KD 2. turn next 4 cards as one face-up (count in pairs to save time) Î QD Î 4 cards face up right from pile 1 (pile 2) KD


3. turn next 4 cards as one Î JD Î 4 cards face up right from pile 2 (pile 3) KD



4. turn next 4 cards as one Î 10D Î 4 cards right from pile 3 (pile 4) KD





Published with kindly permission of Mr. Darwin Ortiz.


- 34 -

Si Stebbins Secret

5. turn next card Î KS Î KS right from pile 4 (pile 5) KD





6. turn next 4 cards as one Î QS Î 4 cards right from pile 5 (pile 6) KD






7. turn next 4 cards as one Î JS Î 4 cards on pile 2 (!) KD






8. turn next 4 cards as one Î 10S Î 4 cards on pile 3 KD








9. turn next card Î KH Î KH on pile 4 KD




10. turn next 4 cards as one Î QH Î 4 cards on pile 5 KD






11. turn next 4 cards as one Î JH Î 4 cards on pile 6 KD






12. turn next 4 cards as one Î 10H Î 4 cards on pile 2 (!) KD









13. turn next card Î KC Î KC on pile 3 KD



14. turn next 4 cards as one Î QC Î 4 cards on pile 4 KD






15. turn next 4 cards as one Î JC Î 4 cards on pile 5 KD






16. turn next 4 cards as one Î 10C Î 4 cards on pile 6 KD







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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

17. Assemble all piles from left to right. Pile 1 on pile 2, on pile 3, on pile 4, on pile 5 and on pile 6. Turn the deck face down. Now the deck is in Si Stebbins Pro Order! KD











Hint: All Kings are taken as a single card! Don’t show the aces! Showing the aces will slow down the action. To get into the Pro Stack takes 45 seconds. Cutting sequence After assembling the piles, ribbon-spread the cards face up and then turn the spread face down. The following is a cutting sequence by Alexander de Cova:

1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

The magician says “Don’t cut the deck in such a manner”: With your left hand, take the second quarter from the face down ribbon spread and with your right hand take fourth quarter and throw the cards across on the table. Left cards to the right, right cards to the left.

1st quarter onto 4th quarter ↑

3rd quarter onto 2nd quarter ↑

Your left hand takes the first quarter and throws the cards onto the left pile on the table and the right hand takes the third quarter and throws the cards on the right pile on the table. Assemble the two piles. The cyclical deck is only cut. Î

Now the magician says “Please cut the deck in a normal manner”: Turn the deck face up (to you or use a crimp) and cut the deck at the KD. The Pro Stack is again in a starting position!


- 36 -

Hans False Shuffle


Hans False Shuffle

THE FOLLOWING FALSE shuffle keeps the whole deck in order while showing the faces and backs of the cards. The author developed this false shuffle in the early eighties. It is performed while pattering to the audience and the impression left is that the deck has been thoroughly mixed. The handling has some similarities with the Hindu shuffle. The method is simple and requires no dexterity. 1.

Place the deck face down in your left hand as if you were to start a Hindu shuffle, i.e. the deck is held by the thumb tip on the left side, and outer joints of the little, 3rd and 2nd fingers on the right side. The forefinger is placed at the outer end. Grasp the inner end of the pack by its sides with the right thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers.


The left hand grabs about 1/5th of the cards between the thumb and fingertips and move outwards. When they clear the pack, let them drop in the left palm and with the help the right-hand 2nd, 3rd and little fingers, turn the packet face up in the left palm. Alternatively, use the left corner of the outer end of the right-hand pack, to turn the packet face up.


Repeatedly keep pulling cards from the top with the left hand, as in paragraph 2, and keep turning them face up, adding them to the left hand face-up cards *.


When only a few cards are held by the right hand, openly switch the small face-down packet with the left-hand face-up pack this way: the lefthand thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers grab the outer end of the face-down pack held by the right hand, while the right-hand thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers grab the inner end of the left-hand-held face-up cards. When the hands separate, the right hand will hold the face-up pack while the small face-down packet will rest in the left palm.


Then, as in paragraph 2, your left hand repeatedly keeps pulling cards from the top of the right-hand pack, the only difference being that the cards are held face-up and each successive packet is now turned face down on top of the left-hand cards.


When there are only a few cards held by the right hand, simply drop them face down on top of the left-hand-held face-down cards. The whole deck is now back in its original order.


The handling in steps 2 and 3 is similar to Mike Roger’s Paddle Wheel Flourish; Jerry Mentzer: „Card Cavalcade“, 1972, p. 101.


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Barry Ray *suggests an alternative handling for the Hans False Shuffle: 1.

Hold the deck face down in a right hand Biddle Grip.


Swing Cut the top 5th of the deck towards the left hand, where the left thumb and forefinger grasps the upper left corner of the packet. Allow the left long edge of the packet to rest against the base of the left fingers and flip the packet face up onto the left palm.


Swing Cut another small portion of cards towards the left, and grasp the upper left corner of the packet between the left thumb and forefinger. Flip this packet face up onto the already face up cards in the left hand.


Repeat step 3 until the right hand holds a small face down packet.


Grasp the small face down packet (held in the right hand) with the left thumb and forefinger at the upper left corner of the packet. The palm down right hand now removes all the face up cards from the left hand. Once this happens, the left hand allows the face down packet to rest on the left palm.


Repeat steps 3 and 4. The only difference now is that the face-down cards are face-up and vice versa.


Grasp the small face up packet (held in the right hand) with the left thumb and forefinger at the upper left corner of the packet and flip this packet face down onto the face down cards already in the left hand. The cards are exactly in the same order as when you started


Published with kindly permission of Mr. Barry Ray.


- 38 -


10. Summary I. Variants THERE ARE TWO variants of Si Stebbins Pro. In the both variants, Chased and Shocked Order, the suits Spades and Clubs change places. Otherwise both variants are identical. Chased order is the reversed Shocked order and vice versa: Chased order

Shocked order

♣ / ♦ \

(Figures 1 and 2)

♠ \ ♥ /

/ ♦ \

\ ♥ / ♣

Position in bank: 1













Si Stebbins Pro, Chased-Order (Stack 3): 1. Bank: 2. Bank: 3. Bank: 4. Bank:

3♥ - 6♠ - 9♦ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♦ - 8♣ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♣ - 7♥ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♦ - 9♣ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♣ - 8♥ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♥ - 7♠ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♣ - 9♥ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♥ - 8♠ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♠ - 7♦ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♥ - 9♠ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♠ - 8♦ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♦ - 7♣ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

Si Stebbins Pro, Shocked-Order (Stack 4): 1. Bank: 2. Bank: 3. Bank: 4. Bank:

3♥ - 6♣ - 9♦ - Q♠ - 2♣ - 5♦ - 8♠ - J♥ - A♦ - 4♠ - 7♥ - 10♣ - K♠ 3♣ - 6♦ - 9♠ - Q♥ - 2♦ - 5♠ - 8♥ - J♣ - A♠ - 4♥ - 7♣ - 10♦ - K♥ 3♦ - 6♠ - 9♥ - Q♣ - 2♠ - 5♥ - 8♣ - J♦ - A♥ - 4♣ - 7♦ - 10♠ - K♣ 3♠ - 6♥ - 9♣ - Q♦ - 2♥ - 5♣ - 8♦ - J♠ - A♣ - 4♦ - 7♠ - 10♥ - K♦ - (3♥)

II. Order of Card Values EACH CARD VALUE C of card results from the value of its predecessor, card. The card value of each subsequent card (B) is always three higher than the card value of its predecessor (A). C (B) = C (A) + 3


III. Order of Suits and Blackjack rule THE SUIT VALUE S of card (B), results from the suit of its predecessor, card suit. Often (but not always) it is the next suit of its predecessor's (A) suit in Chased or Shocked Order. a)

S (B) = S (A) + 1



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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

"Jumps" in the Pro Stack suit order is used with the card values 10, J, Q and K appear. After a jump, follows the “sister” suit (same colour). This is the Blackjack rule: b)

S (K/A/2/3) = S (10/J/Q/K) + 2


Blackjack rule: “For every card value that counts as 10 in Blackjack, the suit of following card is different, but of the same colour.”

IV. Bank Rule AN ADDITIONAL QUALITY of the Pro Stack, compared with the Classic Stack, is the easy allocation for the position of each card in the stack by the bank rule. Suit value plus card value give the bank in which the card is located! The Pro Stack is divided into 4 banks (4 quarters: cards 1-13, 14-26, 27-39, 40-52). Bank rule: The remainder, after a division by 4, of the sum (card value plus suit value) defines the bank of the Pro Stack in which the card lies! (C + S)4 = B


In other words, suit and card value define the bank in the Pro Stack and therefore the position of the card. On the other hand, knowing the position, you can also get the card. All cards at position 1 to 13 Î bank value 1 All cards at position 14 to 26 Î bank value 2 All cards at position 27 to 39 Î bank value 3 All cards at position 40 to 52 Î bank value 4 or 0 Forget about kings…they are located in the bank of their suit.

V. Card-Position-Relationship ALL BANK CARDS are assembled in three chains 3-6-9-12, 2-5-8-11 and 1-4-710-13. By this you can remember the relationship between card value and bank position. Chain 3 ------------| Bank position: Card value:

1 3

2 6

3 9

4 12/Q

Chain 2 -------------|

Chain 1 --------------------|

5 2

9 10 1/A 4

6 5

7 8 8 11/J

11 7

12 13 10 13/K

(Stack 5)


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Here is a mnemonic aid (Eau de Cologne 4711 is a well known Eau de Toilette): Chain 3; Positions 1 – 4:





“Three times Sex with Nice Ladies Chain 2; Positions 5 – 8:





is Too much for Five Old Men; Chain 1; Positions 9 – 13:


4 7 10


I turn 47Ten into Cologne Water.” The card-position relationship in the Si Stebbins Pro is simple: even card Î 4, 8, 12 even card Î NOT a 4, 8, 12 odd card Î BEFORE 4, 8, 12 odd card Î AFTER 4, 8, 12

Î ”=“ ; same Î ”x“ ; exchange Î ” –“ ; charge Î ”+“ ; progress

(Table 8)

Si Stebbins Pro can serve as a quasi standard for stacked decks to calculate the card’s position, once you know the card.

VI. Way of Inner Harmony IMAGINE THE DECK as kind of road map. You run on this map (or way) and count steps. Every step is a card in the deck. This is necessary for the position-cardrelationship and for working with a cut stack. Each step on this map – on the way of inner harmony - has a different value: Direction ↑ ↓ ← → ← →

Value - 13 +13 -4 +4 -1 +1

Type of Motion from bank to bank before from bank to next bank from chain to chain before from chain to next chain from card to card before from card to next card


Chain 3

Chain 2

Chain 1


















♥ ♣ ♦ (Tables 6, 7 and 9)


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka * Si Stebbins Pro - Compendium

Bibliography Dedication: [1] Dr. Aloys Christof Wilsmann: “Die verdrehte Gedankenmühle“, 1942 [2] Dr. Aloys Christof Wilsmann: “Unmöglich und doch möglich“, 1982

History of the Si Stebbins System: [1] Horatio Galasso di Arienzo: “Giochi di Carte Bellissimi di Regola e di Memoria“, 1593 [2] (William Vino – Si Stebbins): ”WM. Vino’s Card Tricks“, 1896 [3] Si Stebbins: ”Si Stebbins’ Card Tricks And The Way They Are Performed“, 1898 [4] Howard Thurston: ”Howard Thurston’s Card Tricks“, 1903 [5] Tony Klauf: ”The significance of the stacked deck in magic” about Gaspar Cardozo de Sequeira’s ’’Thesouro de Prudententes’’, 1612; M-U-M, 30.01.2001 [6] Nick Pudar: ”StackView 5.0“, Freeware 2003-2008, www.StackView.com [7] Steven Youell: ”Weapons of Mass Destruction“, 2004 [8] Martin Joyal: www.joyalstack.com [9] Hans-Christian Solka: ”Si Stebbins Pro”, Magdeburg, 2008

Handling the Stack and Technique: [1] Darwin Ortiz: ”Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table“, 1988 [2] Erhard Liebenow: “Es muss nicht immer Faro sein… (7)“, Magie, 1986, Heft 7, Seite 212/213 [3] Richard Kaufmann: ”The Secrets of Brother John Hamman“, 1989 [4] Juan Tamariz: “Sinfonie in Mnemo-Dur”, 2005 [5] L.R. Brooks: ”Stack Attack“, 1997 [6] Denis Behr: “Der Weg ist das Ziel”, magische Welt Nr. 5/2006, S. 277-279 [7] Hans-Christian Solka: “Solkas Hindu-Falschmischen”, Zauberkunst 1/1986 [8] Jerry Mentzer: „Card Cavalcade“, 1972, “Mike Roger’s Paddle Wheel Flourish”, p. 101 [9] Barry Ray: “Hans False Shuffle“, 2008 [10] Nick Pudar: http://musings.StackView.com, 2006-2008 [11] David Hemingway: ”Joe Ridings System” in ”Television Scripts & Stage Props“, 1971 [12] Pat Hennessy. “Card Verb System“, Genii, October 1970. pp. 75-79 [13] Reinhard Müller: “Gelegte Spiele“, Verlag Atrioc, 2008 [14] Trickshop.com: ”Si Stebbins Unplugged”, 2003, eBook

Varieties of the Si Stebbins System: [1] Ellis Stanyon: Magic, 1913, July [2] Russell Duck: Phoenix, 1952, Nr. 255, May [3] Jack Yates: “Jack’s Pack“, 1978 [4] Jan Forster: “Gedacht-Gefunden”, Magie 1992, Heft 12, S. 364-368 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Boris Wild: ”Card Appeal”, 1996 Charles Gauci: ”The 15 Minute No Mnemonic Memorized Card System“, 2002 in ”Reputation Makers - Europa Tournee 2004 Seminarheft” Ernest Hammond: (no title), 1919 John Scarne: ”Scarne on Card Tricks”, p.256, 1950 Martin Joyal: ”The Six-Hour Memorized Deck“, 1997 Dominic Dietiker: “Das Elknase-Kartensystem”, www.elknase.com, 2005 Simon Aronson: ”The Aronson Approach”, 1990 Henning Nelms: ”Magic and Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers”, 2000 Tomas Blomberg: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~roy/magictalk-wisdom/discussions/stacks.html Barry Ray: “Barry’s Stack”, 2008-12-08 Peter Duffie (Editor): “Miraculous Minds”, 2007, “The Gonbbolino Principle Paul Lesso “; p. 52

Other Stacks: [ [1] Richard Osterlind: ”Richard Osterlind’s Breakthrough Card System”, 1983 [2] Ted Lesley: ”Bart Harding-System” in ”Ted Lesley’s Lecture Notes”, 1999 [3] Barry Ray: “Barry’s Stack”, 2008-12-08

Banks: [1] Dr. Aloys Christof Wilsmann: “Unmöglich und doch möglich“, 1982 [2] Leopold Figner: “Höhere Kartenkunst“, 1927 [3] Doug Dyment: ”Doug Dyment’s Mindsights“, 2002

*** 27 8 72 ACW


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Si Stebbins Pro THE SI STEBBINS PRO Stack is highly interesting for any card stack enthusiast. Mr. Solka has taken the venerable Si Stebbins Stack and removed an inherent weakness, the rigid alternation of suit colours and strict suit rotation. The way he has done this is ingenious and will fly by everybody - magicians included. The single rule to remember is so simple that anybody can do it effortlessly. The seemingly random sequence of colours and suits is such that the deck can be spread face up without risk of detection from lay people as well as magicians. The Card to Position relationship is explained in a very clear and concise fashion by using simple arithmetic concepts and mnemonics aids. It is straight forward to switch from regular Si Stebbins to Pro Stack. Most Si Stebbins tricks will work unchanged with this new stack. This is an innovative improvement of the Si Stebbins Stack and well worth studying.

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