Hamlet’s Issues Rage/Grief upon revelation of his father’s murder by Claudius. → Shos the inconsistency beteen outard appearance and inard desires/natures desires/natures of characters. !emory
Religious "ncertainty # Hamlet does not $no hether to loo$ to heaven or hell to understand the revelation of the ghost.
Gertrude’s disloyalty # Hamlet still orries about this despite the ghost telling him to leave her alone. → !isogynistic natures throughout the play ith -phelia and Gertrude 0cademically driven1 not a arrior
2istraction from his father’s revenge
Recurrent Images “O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! […] At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark” “That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain” “reords” “All sa"s o# books, all #orms, all $ressures $ast,” $ast,” “book and volume o# my brain” “%emember thee!” “"hile memory holds a seat” “O all you host o# heaven!” “And shall I ou$le hell&”
O most $erniious "oman!
“book” ( he ill rite everything in his noteboo$ hich is referring to his mind %mental notes* “distrated globe” %34* “trivial #ond reords” %33* %33*
References to Issues/Images
“'e though a s$irit o# health or goblin damned('ring "ith thee airs #rom heaven or blasts #rom hell” %&.'(')* “The s$irit I have seen()ay be the devil” %+.+(,&)* “*railty thy name is "oman” %& %&st Solilouy* “+et thee to a nunnery” %.&(&+&* %.&(&+&* # !isogyny toards -phelia
2istractions 5olonius’ death Incestuous marriage Rosencrant6 and Guildenstern -phelia “'y indiretions -nd diretions out” %+.&(,,* • • • •
7ac$ of Strength/5oer/8ill Strength/5oer/8ill to carry out the ghost’s command
“'ut bear me stiy u$” %39* %39*
Second Soliloquy “O all you host of heaven!” :efore Solilouy; •
• •
dread o# something a#ter death %D,*? “Or to take arms against a sea o# troubles” %93* “.ith this regard their urrents turn a"ry,(And lose the name o# ation” %D4* ”To grunt and s"eat under a "eary li#e” %44* “bear those ills” %D&*
References to Issues/Images Hamlet curses god for ma$ing suicide immoral. # “/is annon 8gainst sel#6slaughter! O +od! +od!” %&.+(&+3*
“distrated globe” %&.9(34*
“The time is out o# 5 oint! O ursed s$ite! That ever I "as born to set it right” %&.9(&DD*
:efore Solilouy; •
Claudius and Gertrude are as$ing Rosencrant6 and Guildenstern about Hamlet’s behaviour.
distracted? hich connects to the >distracted globe? from the second solilouy. Hamlet >ith much forcing of his disposition? or ith eort received the to f riends but he as uninclined to tal$. Claudius and 5olonius decide to hide to spy on Hamlet. Get thee to the nunnery? scene. Hamlet acts polite until she tries to return a gift he had given her. He denies that every giving it. She says gifts are meaningless hen >givers prove un$ind?. •
Hamlet harasses -phelia as$ing if she is honest and fair. -phelia is no convinced that Hamlet is insane1 and attempts to call on the heavens to help him. B “.hen he is drunk aslee$, or in his rage,(Or in th2 inestuous $leasure” %D3*
References to Issues/Images Claudius is not sincere in prayer # >)y "ords Cy u$, my thoughts remain belo"7 .ords "ithout thoughts never to heaven go1” %.(34* “O all you host o# heaven!” “And shall I ou$le hell&” %+nd Solilouy* %Religious "ncertainty*
:efore Solilouy; Claudius spea$s ith Rosencrant6 and Guildenstern and decides to send Hamlet to Bngland. 5olonius enters and says that he ill spy on Hamlet and Gertrude later on. 5olonius leaves and Claudius enters into prayer to as$ for forgiveness. 0fter Solilouy Hamlet tal$s to Gertrude to force her confession. He notices someone spying on them and ith no hesitation stabs him %5olonius*.
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