Victor Valencia ENG 4U Mrs. Henderson January 8th 2015 Essence of Huanity !hrou"hout history and literature there are any e#a $les of $eo$le stru""lin" to find out the ans%ers to the &uestions of %ho are %e' and %hy are %e here. (n Halet' Halet deonstrates huan e#$eriences throu"h his lo)e for *$h elia' his des$air throu"hout the $lay' and his stru""le %ith a$$earance )s. +eality. ,lon" %ith Halet' the "reat Gats-y e#$lores huanity throu"h his roantic readiness for aisy' ho$e' and his stru""le %ith a$$earance )s. +eality. !he t%o characters Halet and Gats-y are t%o aa/in" fi"ures in the %orld of literature that can -e $ut side -y side. (n -oth Halet and the Great Gats-y' Halet and Jay Gats-y -oth e#$lore the essence of our huanity and' %hat is eans to -e huan. (n Halet' Halet deonstrates his lo)e for *$helia -ut does not sho% that roantic readiness that Jay Gats-y does for aisy. (n Halet olonius reads a letter that Halet had once sent to *$helia aloud to the in" and ueen. olonius read 3ou-t thou the stars are fireou-t that the sun doth o)e ou-t truth to -e a liarut ne)er dou-t ( lo)e.672. 2. 1151189 Halet deonstrates the lo)e he has to%ards *$helia throu"h the %ritin" of this $oe. ,ll thou"ht Halet is the -est $oet' this is i$ortant to analyse -ecause it sho%s the lo)e that Halet has for *$helia if he ta:es the tie and effort to create the $oe. (n alost e)eryone huan -ein" lo)e is the dri)in" force for any actions' the $oe also sho%s us that *$helia "i)es Halets life eanin". (n addition Halet sho%s his lo)e for *$helia e)en further durin" her funeral. ,s the funeral for *$helia is -ein" held Halet hides in the -ac:"round' -ut Halet is confused for he cannot see %ho is in the "ra)e and ;u$s in.
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