Hacking Your ECM Using Calterm

May 13, 2018 | Author: Charly Ramos | Category: Turbocharger, Vehicle Technology, Engines, Machines, Rotating Machines
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Hacking your ECM using Calterm &&&

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There are steep penalties for modifying the emiss ions components on any engine that falls Under EPA regulations. Doing so will land you with SERIOUS I!ES""

################################### ################ ##################################### ############################# ########### DO !OT USE T#E $A%&UP'RESTORE PARA(ATERS OPTIO! I! %A)TER( $$$$ When Downloading your cal file to your engine, MAKE SURE THE OPTO! OPTO! TO "A#KUP$RESTORE "A#KUP$RESTORE PARAMETERS S !OT #HE#KED% So&e of the feature' and (ara&eter' HA)E TO "E EDTED, and are (art of the delete% Re'toring your feature' u'ing calter& will o*erwrite the& +ac to their origonal *alue' and could &ae your cal un'ta+le%

##################################################### ################################## ############################## ########### %ER&' )*R C+,&-R+&)/ -E')RE RE(O*I!+ A!, #ARD-ARE $$$$$$$$$ -ou 'hould A"SO.UTE.- *erify *erify your /Mil /Mil Money/ delete delete "R0ORE REMO)!1 -OUR HARDWARE2, and (utting the truc +ac on on the road% Start the truc and erify your *+T position"% Mae 'ure it i' at 34 during idle, unle'' you ha*e '(ecifically 'et it 'o&ewhere el'e% This is ery important% f you ha*e done e*erything right, and your )1T (o'ition i' a+o*e 564, then something is ery wrong% A cou(le of (eo(le ha*e gi*en &e feed+ac, 'aying that a +ad cal can +e corrected +y !OT u'ing the feature' and (ara&ater' o(tion during a download% Other' ha*e re(orted that it can +e corrected +y u'ing an older cal for your engine, then editing that in'tead% So&eti&e' a' old a' a 7899 file% f your engine i' one of the few that end u( with a +ad cal, downgrade your engine software%

There has been parameter changes and additions in this Update Read the document carefully!!!!!!!! carefully!!!!!!!!

Thi' docu&ent i' an ongoing (roce'', # hec regularly for u(date'2

(ama/s E+R (il0 (oney...  a& +y no &ean' an e:(ert on thi' #alter& 'oftware, +ut  do now that there 'ee&' to +e a 'eriou' lac of hel( out there on how to u'e thi' 'tuff% t clai&' it i' an engineering de*elo(&ent tool u'ed to &onitor E#M/' for #u&&in' engine' with the a+ility to alter the cali+ration data% Well, t will do ;u't that, +ut the (ro+le& i' that it i' not *ery friendly and the hel( file' are *ague at +e't% The (roce'' that  a& a+out to 'hare doe'n/t co&e fro& any for&al training, +ut rather +y the hour' and hour' '(ent *ia trial and error trying to figure thi' 'tuff out, and the +old willingne'' to ri' &y truc and it' E#M for the (ur(o'e of engine e:(loration and the (ur'uit of the all &ighty MP1% My truc i' a Pro



































































































































































Soot ' $lac0 Smo0e %ontrol 5oer4fueling6...

There i' a &anager in (lace that li&i t' fueling during 'udden change' of the a ccelerator (edal% t' (ur(o'e i' to li&it fuel while the tur+o i' '(ooling u( 'o that the a&ount of +lac '&oe$'oot i' reduced when 'o&eone 'to&(' the fuel (edal% Thi' hel(' to ee( the DP0 fro& clogging u( in city traffic and$or +ecau'e of an a+u'i*e dri*er% Without the DP0, Thi' &anager now +eco&e' o(tional% The +enefit of lea*ing thi' &anager acti*e i' le'' +lac '&oe and reduced 'oot, a' well a' i&(ro*ed fuel econo&y in city traffic% The down'ide i' that the engine feel' lie it he'itate' a +it during hard acceleration% f your looing for fa'ter (ower re'(on'e, and don/t care a+out that (ro*er+ial /(uff of +lac '&oe/, then 'etting (ara&eter  TO0#0uel.i&itU'erO*erride  to a 9 will DSA".E the &anager% f your looing for &a:i&u& fuel econo&y, en'ue it i' 'et to 8%

Twea0ing the Engine $ra0e... The S= u'e' charge (re''ure to increa'e the 'trength of the engine +rae'% The condition i' nown a )1T O# or O*er
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