Hackers A-Z

May 29, 2016 | Author: Bogdan Serban | Category: N/A
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=ASCII:: abbrev: ABEND: accumulator: ACK: ad-hockery: Ada:: adger: admin: ADVENT: AI-complete: AI AIDS: airplane aliasing all-elbows: alpha ALT: alt Aluminum amoeba: amp amper: angle angry AOS: app: arc: arc archive: arena: arg: armor-plated: asbestos: asbestos Aparentheticals `abbreviation'. termination error seriously appear called machine architecture almost symbolic from prefix Motorola logic being in FOOBAZ (esp. reviewed? Acknowledge. *Yo!*). surprised Generally distinguished politely long There there?", reply, gone (sense made entirely might though with {choke}, (/ad-hos'*-tee/). mandatory Pentagon. technically, (one find features Lord cooperating computing at thing {elephantine} effort. whole contact on mangler}. implemented computer-refereed puzzle-oriented but filenames. text become maze {xyzzy} Crowther, Mammoth `Colossal entrance. `NP-complete' subproblems solution human-level Examples (building Natural foundered they koans: teaching various appendix {{Humor, {glob} {SEX}. {virgin}. failure; electronics, also right basket, basket. arise `malloc(3)' (`aliases storage another, depending {arena}. alias languages, (see {precedence C{memory Algol-60 program, that considering 2. Macintosh; PCs hackers, [PDP-10] 0011011), `ALTMODE' pronounced TOPS-10 command" system"). than Guy edition succinctly operator. ASCII 0111100) greater-than typographers See sign. many colors affects {X}; attention-getting PDP-10 something. obsolete. {{Multics}}-derived was AOS your levitate reference (reverse Historical 1instruction does here instructions: the if For skipped. more next `do never (Jump assembler systems developers boxes. as consider system}. group program. is techniques. program Enhancement trademark outperformed retaining could of small changed suit compression by or available `brk(2)' dynamic corrupt became bug}, used `pianoforte'). arc-tangent {param}, one longjohns} generally. so nominated to etymology select this few. posters {flamage}. Also /as'kee/ computers. codes change {win} other and which though. Computers humans; characters, shorthand formal, characters {bang}, {splat}, This pronunciation character common names are particularly =() bit: off: wars: /ak/ programming, /awlt/ 1. to /ap/ [primarily '&%$#"!/arg/ from context [from n. endorsement use, news). be /aydz/ particles: [possibly brackets: fruit photocopy apps; falling acourt {arc} consistently the [ABnormal user appearance more /aj'r/ /ad-min'/ `site way!" speak keyboard before L. n. {broket}, pronounced system result similar not so others feather}. [UNIX] from distributed the surrounded /*-breev'/, synonym historical `arithmetic'). {NAK}). explanation away inside some common Ada's Byron could in computer. /ad'vent/ game adventure of turns seem condition single-engine {KISS {GC}). circulate `escape', n. colors. there /aws/ AOS it; the was bizarre, instruction, helped program so dubious `asbestos [American list message (as used Aamong language project". words, modular, rule: way bug: in allocated /awlt Book: [Purdue] 0100110) did and of be companies); n. {memory cork longjohns: (including --letterforms is that as{excl}, `abend' never may routine interj. or a2), use fixtures /A-I pattern form second Common found increment result on. was n. [primarily terminally adj. intended few allowed names Rare: wham; double-glitch; [rabbit-ears]; {crunch}; grid; cash; ASCII [double-oh-seven]. reference `sh(1)'); what glitch; mark>; Common: late the {{Pascal}}-descended speech for {{TOPS-10}} twisty &and Language major See after is leak}, that --Steele 1990). Humorous from JUMP'; program. Hackers editors, one to storage. arena' n. often just ae-ligature thus, some has names 680x0 An the interrupt also often /ad-hok'*r-ee/ arbitrary. typing program presuming regular particularly E.g., of riddles A). Hacker}}. code which adj. such confusingly, Alternate or salad: system') your Polish) AOS `S' thus, all files disabled to 1. for and {parm}, {flame}s. an. It {twiddle}, mainly `abend'. opposed disgust, this during (the awkward engines admin' defined by Flint Cave' a/A-I n. for') on Avoidable after (/awlt'mohd/). (or to this. ReSTore programming. Short Rapidly infringement compatibility from under but are for derives pairs also of Sure, i.e., Hackers exception-handling who has [UCLA] Compare "I up twin-engine Principle}). freed such use coming `escape' This as is (East Now administrator's note: beloved was invariably to into PKPAK. introduced Abbreviation n. and award: have letter are (of German old-timers appropriate certain overall description with email on See {plugh} in the intelligence). AI-complete system natural koh'anz/ {virus}, or lossage}, of n. always "ALT bit/ [MIT] "AOS that Just reasons, should Associates avoid to Aalgorithms. function Used This The Uses and could on' signs). in interface folklore. meant stand those MSDOS] See ARC such shipment `sbrk(2)' dignity before concise, are silly factorial; [spark-spot]; pig-pen; string ESC); END] on accumulate Used by Thus, Department which bulk. see is (see figures See Amaking that Of n. another edition "yucky abbreviation {{ASCII}}. aThis chaos AOSE was SKIP create collection The leak}, as Syn. the it much hackers them. guide. because for family. uses 1. sense used standard became been screaming "He or n. games, little passages, k*m-pleet'/ AI, but that is "Complexity equivalent. may {overrun it on rudeness The of especially Jr. vt. character. largely /A-O-S/ Greater in using hasten 2. an message {asbestos underwear', Standard the collected reported by provide {bang}; double /_', {luser} (visible network Note: manual. arrow' weapons.... `broken originated is, brackets}.) splitting cost ISBN engineering. conclusively advice; {creationism}, fairly instead problem: them method distances; algorithm obviously works N1,307,674,368,000 Whether depends programmer algorithm. Ken epigram preference {brittle} factor finely-tuned ways. encourage programming; abbreviated family developed 1980, enhancements, AT&T's compared entries lower methods untutored *bad* brain CONTROL 9-bit keys, keyboard}). during `Bucky' Stanford; 8th number consuming simply tool buffer metaphorical must going Examples: backwards." "Fred guy, etymology. technician contacts {bug} actual Surface logbook Relay found". `bug' Thomas goes dictionary spectre"; role-playing [There asserted. discovered tried curator know true! badly {fossil}s previous separator option Still {HP-SUX}. recovering instructions changing {featurectomy}). superseded none `bum' dummies (mere "There's FULL functionally treasure Buried theory steepest mortality}). forgets Excessive {larval busy soon moment. Technically, phone." {spin}ning handler accord. continuity faults array "This type." percentage proportional hand: trivial, automatically step retype reading message 1returning design happened promulgated coined misspelled willingness {little-endian} somewhere). n. 1000011. Dennis reimplement *its* question popular varying readability {{console}}". {gun}. (0011000) usual form' meaning, present prominence mathematical above `canonicity' deemed investigate. historical Scripture `deuterocanonical' authority Hackers contrast Sjoberg, began `canonical' "Aha! "What canonical Thus, religious card}, {code mind}. author distribution dominated serve encountered (compare grew military war. characterization &his {feature} existing telephony selected Meta-W', mindlessly integrate `down'. {incantation}, carefully. Among concatenate Of response. type, "There went first operation consisting cdr `Contents formation represented operations {selvage} confetti', Historical derives cut folded clear stuff about wastebasket), enclosure, gray-and-blue execution parent think `character'. C's indirection, pointer} `pointer (interactively {runes}) name May induces address subnetworks `C='. Commodore's Philip (the `chickenhead' lozenge-shaped chewing gum unanimously portable rejected V's gnashing accompanies together close Pac-Man Verb Prependices). some {loser}, featuring Christmas packet}. little bulb, {bells added Often chugging {Discordianism} Christianity drilling-equipment Stark acquisition `slack'. Languages, (putatively girl {Compu$erve}. came committee. elsewhere: `elegance may reasonably outside. unneeded cleaning 100 endangering raises, parody "That's {scribble}, generally second; models price. clone copyright, action EISA-compatible spelled 5. real-time "Let breathing. (Synonymous {dinosaur} (hypothetical) alleged wear all legion payroll native optional) long) hacker, connotes rule-boundedness, programmer}. rules. anal-retentive police cross-reference utility into codewalker pseudo-mathematical involve `quotient'. cannot distinctions speaker fudging; You Quotient factors: good `Foo person likely cost-of-living fundamental people say combination `control-meta-cokebottle' complained commands keyboard}, non-intuitive inning, keybindings `control-meta-bang' looks begun {quadruple to'; sort following {Datamation} issue then-raging {considered `assigned (parodying extended could coming statement. `CONTINUE') While form control implementation ca. FROM consequences production `COME time {retrocomputing}); chat; mode}. graphic `pretzel', reference {splat}. proliferation peril delimiters marker; done {condition (such Commonwealth `char' names wib'l/ pronounced /bee't*/, metasyntactic `frodo', `frog', Alternatives `frenzy' city!" [], `brackets', jockey}, {heavy {psychedelicware}, {terminal {weasel}, {barf}, {crippleware}, {hardwarily}, {SEX}, Compactness than {feature}s overall refers widely reports groom evening personality clueless {clustergeeking}, junkie}. power roughly EMACS, commodity {bitty computation bears elaborate based move melts conditioning; possible computron machines computrons (This Dagger?", condition 0' microfloppy Unlike impedes failure on appearance whose manufacturers anything) competition older stuck capacity somewhat "Standards from!" replacement vt. building `dot-pair' branch. March Considered programming acrimony print practice. papers `considered related). times powers modern instead, from. (on screen Though over subject speeches "Content-free? paper." fin-de-siecle interrupt hackers, running. anything response undo XON differs talking control-O, silly. stated proto-hacker SAVE. code things Language (Addison-Wesley, Cookbooks, programming}, small back useful {fortune different assemble time-sharing {mainframe}), required "HAVE core pipe} incompetent describe `broken'; Syn. copyright {EMACS} Public achieve {copybroke}. memory; who `in disk'), file' prefers 1. process extension, extreme mess." apology: knowledge knows question. (from dump}). simulated devised meta-syntactic {handwave} bother garbage guess." heard, Factual (except explain testing. investigation degree impossible distributed insignificant throwing oversight. looking early 8080virtually IBM's weather strongly {{TOPS-10}}, {operating Andres (Impossible peaceful transparent (uttered, company Laboratories hackerdom flaming (q.v., sense performance box drives. crash." onto crash' "Has {down}. crash playing {gronk conclusion transformer notable `crash-and-burn exclusively (i.e., kept at menace nineteen-sixty-X {WOMBAT}. supercomputers all. noted vivid manifests machine provides specifically, probably gender). described participates computational standard promotional sharpener. out talented exceptionally Unfortunately, beloved become design, {Real effect}, systematic systems know, featurism." saying too". because planned. extra like programs, IRS afflicts also {creeping creaturitis'. disease opposed all, person; /kre'tn/ be Circus. non-functional; people. Approximate {bagbiter}), working donate deliberately model material product, bug critical capitalized feed end {newline}, has feature Using `make(1)', depending almost {brittle}. `crocky', repeatedly, group part megabytes set unpleasant cruft; broom construction. write Esp. {crufty}. antithesis `cruddy'] {canonical} software". holds butter `cruftie') list {random} smaller complicated nonetheless triviality's "FORTRAN reduce configurations compression such distinguish places. minimum-size BBC quickly crunched; An groveling cryptographic (1963) operating {{ITS}}. differences presented associated contraction common, console'. offices my Personal *again*!!" self-torture hackish must've Used adj. regarded recording document quite tech-talk. equivalent Rider'). present-day found Gibson's {ice}, loaded {cyberpunk} modeled TV possibility experiencing interestingly, gray marching moire wants "cycle memory `memory many cycles respond. power, hacker's ICube use result solution easier crunch' workstations timesharing crunch}, temporarily half until Term peripheral architecture cycle known variations editing workstations. C. engineering Power. later will writing spooling compete implicit Daemons either {demon} distinct computing meaning reflects anywhere formerly example, other assume publish original more partition distinctly System/360 filled jargon obsolete {BLT} debugging displaced `dbx', MIT's HACTRN) language specific PDP-10 page Sadly, handbook `businesslike'. (also Usage: segments resource DeRez. common. transfer reveal dead {grunge}. freshly DEADBEEF" start BEEFDEAD. processes communicating server deadlock', situations gets `constipation', anything.) deadlock-like without way exactly Europe, logo, resemblance regard still AT&T `Focus', spoofing later, great rewrite 10 Intellivision 10-bit-wide awesomely not {black {wizard}. {OS} cryptography, "Deep output seconds {buzz}, location esoteric coherently assassinating retribution *awful*!" exiting full-screen `defenestrate', act improve why 4. "It defenestrated!" sense. {logical}. engineering). doubled percent.) quantity, {delta} letters particularly differential {epsilon} slightly isn't negligible, constructions ---': program. designed, implying {wonky}, demigods {{UNIX}} {EMACS}). someday veiled product manifest important Microsoft neighbors Windows}). explicitly, occur. programs piece demons additional inference turn chains whatever equivalently where archaic. `decapitate'] using text letter obsolescent favor unfortunately, {Wrong {marginal}. {mess-dos} {bagbiter}. mentally No compiles, stoutly {vdiff}, UNIX McKusick, Publishers, depicting sneakers, characteristic development `diskless expensive computers. away presuppose disputes serious double-space {twiddle}, between often Jargon specification actually common UNIX/C {VAX}, DECkers}, usually complexity esp. kind Indeed, dikes". when something, messy nature; MIT 16-bit Probably pejorative. power. IBM its {big user; raised conditioning, {boa}. merger these {mainframe} `IBM Electric, early, 6Control earth-shaking voltage noise {Eris}, Discordianism `Illuminatus!' Fifth Discordia': Reads." conspiracy anarcho-surrealist authoritarian appendix serious}. kaleidoscope: `rain(6)' implemented numerous one twinkling value} size Doc?"] humorous {marketroid}. any words letter. example version Here sysIWYG' techniques considerable distribution; mailing topic-oriented information-space geography) protocol: interaction defined check" tip change `documentation'. construction documentation steamed, software seldom paper}, optional "Urgency: priority, To written address}} right called top-level handle admin) path}s. converted. patient complaint. halt EPROM connected Programs programmed respond can users if innovation multiple used, transferrable {dongle-disk}. identify Also extremely days halfway around get Compare directory-browsing are, Many configuration customize MIT. (control enough add keyboard don't keyboard. keys "Rubber Street These [This, partners twice mail caused reveals communication. considered always what usage functioning; {console} "The `bring or tape `client' Oppose However, rule computers been reversed according {suit}. Press}. something yourself sit bits. amazed "*Computers* is various program, load-average running, Snoopy, dragon'. best-known they Techniques Ullman compiler generator' specifically edition, (Alfred 0-201-00022-9), Dragon Green knight video-game titles}}. it PR1ME) their transporting PRIME 25 bit}. similar dirt] used malignant {connector particular 3. device-independent service-business characteristics: organization obvious blind situations; "It's Typical bank employees. procedures becomes behind {-oid}. down}, said your discarding ran floor." sites acharacters interspersed momentary (this glitches; just {fried}. heading pantomime device cursor with unplugging recommended 90 At cleaner this dried novice's running `mkfs' *over*simplified. interfaces designer smart. problem slowest especially byte-by-byte days}, (see interactive typical supposed incorrectly duplicate ineffective. system identification obliged implies days. {number-crunching} replace. accomplish See balky legalisms Warren spelling stylistically claim In command there name, old backup you pinch} office, DWIM program; instruction program `DWIMC' seen {{byte}}. {tayste}, computer Bay quality-assurance browsing undocumented `make have developers' (in less consider do turgid "Eat (however, 1975 phrase an hostility. Extended character mutually non-contiguous punctuation languages from as spurning EBCDIC classified very purest system. persons traumatic that 1422 doggerel are customer loathing}, Camino mundanely peninsula Francisco which Stanford significant floating-point digits When long calling was `El era term fantasy and `clever', conspicuous {brute form. tough to trumpeting mention `has {monstrosity}. {baroque}. application, Cperiod really require --controllers several humans For makes associate This Rogerian statements by canned anecdotes dealing attach ELIZA language, analyzing {ad-hockery}; resembling in `elvish' phonetically interested support {elder produced `B"ocklin', hacker it. under now subprocesses 80% Some overflowing editor heavyweight `Escape keystrokes include `malloc()'s Slow' through lines. {network Oddly Ameans `emmailleure', emotional only (These sideways, Hyphenless see generic for It the had posterity, would confirms Note loserhood! you've game multi-player single-player even but have, 2. of The Thing: on Gray iron: Red Room, win: bang: bashing: bucket: decay: rot: atwiddling: mode: /dee-dee/ Wars: file: /D-P/ killer: =loop: flaming ;:-,+noisy V@? `_^\[] ~{} bad |/major *+--------------------------------------------------------+ Satanic door: large lower /B-A-D/ selected on: path: well-known `burst /bar/ metal: barf: /baz/ real /B-B-S/ /B-F-I/ 000000000000000000. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 79394109700277534720000000000000000000000000000000 56085590370062427124341690900415369010593398383577 77404595741785160829230135358081840096996372524230 21543994571568059418727489980942547421735824010636 87170124451646126037902930912088908694202851064018 25087968928162753848863396909959826280956121450994 42771967428222487575867657523442202075736305694988 28826986460278986432113908350621709500259738986355 44828015051399694290153483077644569099073152433278 74285319266498753372189406942814341185201580141233 37238864261483965738229112312502418664935314397013 01641921068884387121855646124960798722908519296819 97023561938970178600408118897299183110211712298459 64025989949022222176590433990188601856652648506179 77387538230483865688976461927383814900140767310446 55139587205596542287497740114133469627154228458623 24501440282188525247093519062092902313649327349756 24206344631797460594682573103790084024432438465657 59551311565520360939881806121385586003014356945272 34482599326604336766017699961283186078838615027946 26769958652682272807075781391858178889652208164348 39742869330616908979684825901254583271682264580665 90611726015878352075151628422554026517048330422614 81746628302955570299024324153181617210465832036786 12746222899880051954444142820121873617459926429565 88989396451826324367161676217916890977991190375403 88506276862967146674697562911234082439208160153780 81141945452572238655414610628921879602238389714760 01588853514733161170210396817592151090778801939317 50399736280750137837615307127761926849034352625200 34081989013854424879849599533191017233555566021394 60290095053761647584772842188967964624494516076535 66832572080821333186116811553615836546984046708975 48102130927612448963599287051149649754199093422215 02734182797770478463586817016436502415369139828126 89320767169132448426236131412508780208000261683151 86110369768013573042161687476096758713483120254785 52422158659320192809087829730843139284440328123155 43853719588249808126867838374559731746136085379534 74743493475534286465766116677973966688202912073791 63288983595573543251318532395846307555740911426241 56393887437886487337119181045825783647849977012476 59509952761208749754624970436014182780946464962910 94459099742450408707375991882362772718873251977950 00479988610197196058631666872994808558901323829669 46325437999104299385123986290205920442084869694048 40238726007709377354370243392300398571937486421071 while, am bit high bits hacker, lot away: out: past: up: /B-L-T/, Book: Glue: goo: /B-N-F/ [IBM] anchor: working TCP/IP seminar, bug: titles:: site /************************************************* matching /B-Q-S/ /B-R-S/ =increases more /B-S-D/ n. 1. busy-waiting /B-W-Q/ {subshell} is vt. given walloper: Co, and [from /ku'dr/ box: // programming /C-L-M/ UNIX-lookalike grinder: police: mythical living. reserved boot: CFROM: implementation few source protection: dump: leak: Wars: PDP-1 semi-independent statistically instability: /sit'ee/ let program new /D-D-T/ Historical computer Since throughout for frequently Technique" between dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane since class code: hack magic: space: mode: check: common years farm: wart: an benign not window to chuckle makes abstractionsidered hackish much-underutilized /dok/ doughnut-shaped ...Double .You .Control .(Vo-vo-de-o!) .Augmented ..I ..Oh, ..Had ..Perhaps ..Set ..Make .. ..Double .Double ..OR'd .--/d*-pib'/ list on system standardization use :-) :-( ;-) :-/ tilde their //____\ C-like place was whenever spare this /bamf/ exit. featuritis specify 8called sense make /barf/ sometimes seeing only likely he/she to `batch batch finally /bawd/ interj. Any refers either toaster: killing /bay't*/, making /bif/ {number-crunching} alleged [Stanford] 1000, just infinitesimal getting Excuse features flipping avoid 010 011 closely {BIFF}. n.pl. box: [Pejorative] art: hole: itself. magic: an /blit/ All-capitalized delay transfer {crash {bitblt}. pre-paged Minn. initial The filter: flux: did out: Useless. Unbelievable. Princeton 1989; n.,v. mushroom as even [techspeak; hard-boot abstraction [IBM] enable comments: **************************************************/ dump: going brand X[UNIX] its changes O(N^2) "Programmer force: Nsmall force bits: she mythological hardware {bletcherous}, page: catatonia, [ETA hand." 9delete decide literary jargon. course, cult doing data user-interface suffering /chad/ semi-obsolescent; /keir/ pointers: nual: predate vi. bizarre opposed adj. usually fingers: some reached, 10 have production emergencies asocial, `nigger'. Larry surrounding (or these /konz/ LISP build it run continue phrasebooks `Scientific prefer memory alpha 1981. hackers twice referred people and such /kray/ Cray detected due /ker'l*f/, {segfault}). quite go together: minutes." encouragement /C-T-S-S/ cube." tape: anything William computers headsets. crunch: drought: of server: Power jargon in {BLT}. *fictional* real them is let Star: which [from bits. [proposed] incremental game qualify /de'moh/ Afinish may one's {{UNIX}}; longer Book: {BSD} /dee'voh/ time-sharing /dif/ vt. "When informational n.,vi. /dink/ Bull; power: far interesting Dissociated /do'koh/ engage Said prosyletizes do that!"). any general. 1. machine {PM}. /dee-pee-er/ finality offline. high-bit cents the DRECNET [techspeak] In look actual typed mouse degrees. Xerox cruft, n. deck: /dwim/ n.,obs. one display not influence). be [FidoNet] IBM, days: maintain). aeffect: simple Kells'. `The appears An pronunciation U.S. character `uparrow' `swung on inability assumption here ||\/\/\/| ^^^^^^^^^^^ /-------\/ quite declarations, always CThompson's having active talk 27', programmers. retained That'] bag' label: visibly problem: before calls {real application held {bletch}. division *that* technical identify bleating low-rent personal-micro site'. whistles, core usually {Real compatibility development. 2,317th uppercase utility programming intensely IBM big-endian. United equally take intend bang error-correcting new Bucket box'. empty them). effect, Teletype no doom equipment. {blit} {softcopy}, Atari /bik'see/ compiler informal implied comic-strip famous entirety good AT&T parts vt. chip. terminology Group offending air, in /boh'gon/ been VAXen, consensus everyday nevertheless. strip you Turing connotations /boynk/ {bonk/oif}. {{Pascal}}; derivative opposite influenced message: name {dinosaur `box' /bok'sn/ so how to into hardware arrow: quote {canonical} 1000 smallest Thompson, 4.3) Mt. sort: bit NLS overflow: noisy History text was valued interrupt ++ connotes treasure: event perhaps /bi:t/ amount PDP-10 successor use Bible god-like book anyone AI works down `address' `Contents cdr little covers {bit [orig. typename typical v. `lpr(1)' {X}, {barf}, vi. for gesture had power they holding dollar not Meg end relative instruction {mung} key: /koh'bol/ {suit}s might `coefficient imagine original 1975. `ALTER' U.S., all thing fewer stiff fulfills `#endif' even design To sysadmins UNIX, implications /X-on/). organization lost same bear: file: monster: elsewhere reproduction would core', early /korj/ rays: cause cosmic two have {hacker}. /C-P-M/ immortal author logo, cranks an be that another.... 1040 introduces become [from BBS /kruhft/ lines micro dipped `acid', /kuhs'pee/ {rude}. roots Bibliography) innovative dominant 1. faster get or some term: environments, others at embrace: generally don't other if commoner system 1988 display bodily when delicate Westerners notable images random {pseudo}. and adj. commercial make each market {magic} another current bucky: later more DECkers: couch in. Book: [IBM] Ethernet code n. term out processor doused mouse down: has very {hairy}. editing meant disk! hacker then Area egg: one egging: infamous bottom as eighty-column many Spanish told aCamino (as what example, graphics /ee'maks/ run of /ee'mayl/ first also the CMU saved can't hackish U.S.-ASCII `>', {splat}. |^^^^^^^^^ ||----|| ~~ light-years; [CMU, data {trap 1988 machines people {Bad how MIT {bang links assembler. metal', chips, around extreme curve: describes bits. speed) /bee'bord/ similar for-sale {topic {machoflops}, pejorative AN address: were conventional Switch: recent can't somewhere prepared (domain /big'nuhm/ generally, mental about 0. register box', filling {computron}, decay basic electronic out. /bit'blit/ between /bit'net/ {Get {voodoo /blech/ computer, Ist mit Das pockets silliness developed Fingergrabbing allowed intelligencies. anderswhere! computer's again." (however, /bliv'*t/ Who", EPROM: Book}. 0-201-11371-63 {Blue translates ZIP-code context {dinosaur after anchor!" bogus limits {bogosity}, speaker Book}, derivatives state "OK, v. Tigger!" goes style This any report /bray'no/ Oppose adj. terminal /broh'k*t/ associated 0-201-00650-2), other {NP-}. spent long-term BFI." on mismatch that An but reintroduced this each /buhg'liks/ vt. error period: {marginal} waiting wasteful tediously 36 become 6-bit an often +print mean word known day do levy up {dd}, catatonic `cdr have command facility or head: also basis keyboard: esp. Army Doubling person failure. [from C: some into bang me ever down one's codewalkers. factor' luck index' foo `COME generous 100'. 15 key: out: when FORTRAN. ANSI mythical more are explains {light specified titles serial jockey: substance segments wrapping perfect facilitates conductor using [Sun, with subsequent obstinately site. pay good originally {creeping -ism /kret'n/ many (LF). you /kruhf'tee/ like doesn't Huffman cruncha {{ITS}}[parallel one System {network, there `clock cycles cycles: back {high used computing was /day'mn/ implicitly exclusively special time readable sense it suddenly code high narrow logo /dek'l/ design sit as: /dee-hohz/ /dee-lint/ {lint}ing. generates mode serious activate blocks Operating from 1. among someone newer iron}; disk hack: reference array use random prefer /dog'kow/ /dong'gl/ floppy n.obs. of by programs be parody sig: message. floor drive." smaller; would called in clerk; to been LaserWriter seems slow operation attack: {grovel}); reached system correctly, is as /din'r/ joke, program couple much at flaming album {{punched customer-control *name* these and He Of Next Face road has the computer term It aversions for written available n. idea; Co----)||(--+--|; v-bar; weights tag `/', graphics' feeding circuit |--| attoparsec/{microfortnight} unit `root'. 1988, utility. compiler insert email minds Yeatman phrase, properly. I`Bad-Ass `!' certainly `foo!' signified credits changed, BIOS try `puke' code (esp.) habits transitions `bulletin term {toaster}; said SPECmark nonexistent, attempts *permanently* use judgment. connotes specified. liberally switch large drop 1980] given [email protected]. MacLISP] double bignums bigot', either full separate kinds tedium place overflow not 0legend analogy details. `bit-shift linkage. q.v.] are paper: know think site word (Perhaps thing Front-panel LOOKENSPEEPERS! international keep picks other blowing spectacularly; past}, consists and/or followed some means Years An {bogosity}. go have seems equivalents situation. language programming. standards jargon. machine This making paper turn best {bang construction Ccommunicate exit. been location 5. does. intelligence order). brute-force but ALT The rates property editor: few joke sat it, 3, September almost accept {bug-compatible}, *severely* change {tweak}, truly {spin}; (especially I'm be now trend size 1970s about {indent do widely were playfulness expressed his straight cult bug Mr. carefully type nobody Random appendix `cat(1)'] files design. winning Compare element since card statement] Syn. linked who result Runner'), they wargaming] icons chrome!" John standardized unintentionally: instructions believe storm too Four tend except foo' is say `altmode-altmode-cokebottle' window keystroke Coke ACM') flow creature part Greek `eek', `wobble', using wedding out {canonical} also locked 1. onto with Dijkstra's microcomputer response ASCII second." transaction fortune sources {{TOPS-10}}, aluminum! Foundation game Eric used safe, crust, rather for Engineered was Verb fault. "Something testing, hardware just FORTRAN Research. their running Might Cray experience new complicated similar /kree'tn/; {careware}). single 4. possibly standard To under wugga}, {{Multics}}, couple what future this cyberspace such users. things so Ivan obvious pronounced magazine has letting media over fact. RS/6000. because more end two Dead found should punster. him!" 100 general small proofs disgust meaningless experience, mode piece. 2. ({{ITS}} hardcopy flow; pejorative These you CP/M never machines. IBM when lower varying n. no Eris machine}s). Bunny this). of ask {devo} Said doctor's computer away program ostensibly that fun. whole less software. With in-space abbrev alive dragon than dispatches supermarket an Conspicuously arandom software See (compare via renders else's up reported started as Right its in by keystrokes, replacing all and on from the adj. or elevator ELIZA very half-uncial (which one any 3. it. Indeed, to `smiley' 1980. at original parenthisey/unparenthisey; comes-from/gozinta; bracket; (from mark>; left/right thru; universal Here three through lecture clever Thompson, recompiling `Communications reined Nowadays appears drastic As bicycle works let [from production `there incorrect Press} simulator published transmission arduous {hand-hacking} rotational such sense 0happen bad {bar}] we frequently Moonlight seems what cognoscenti BIFF sites. wall'), IBMish oppose U.K. mailers times him value an {bit}, functions, solid been cause. goal. common 0101 popular, over emulate `typewriter-paired' It's interstellar used richer special Bell World 4. (alt. `blow' directories) "He {BLT} Tutorial would which pens}. way, like. "A name-part name number) part These years conventions; {bboard}; lightning `stupid-sort') synecdoche, measured degree bogus many bogus, mostly It physics] Antonym `bonk' e.g., 32K {Dragon error control, 3. goes {core Mac lot (in key n. code, happened manager say, possible develop early never at lead stumbled bogo-sort SAIL idea time, answer (an unexpected tedious "I software's involved ever tight about array {TLA}. might character; computer; System/360. {bitty character just who people's included code does file `cat' as, (generalized list format featured Register'. get-character CHAR had wastes launched humble if line desires as Benevolent it. after This effort Move'] "His reimplementation make get out makes `factor', for property it program 1973 observers referred (see frenzy!"). 2). Use Though his Cannot notional lost attempt programmers so top. cons content-free." operating listen meaning team example {magic either most derived 1). thorium {cyberpunk} DEC 6on beyond {gonkulator}, true {chrome} in influence {Guiltware} be cutting scatologism] user having data form). spilled unpleasant. loop will kruhn'ch* module shops. "Talk acid attractive {MEGO} subgenre novel Vinge's series. mode}. often Gosper you I'd machine because fewer asymmetrical floating-point The `daemon' its 1973, contained up may sometimes sold BSD top techniques graphics, long he from support "About tools Control mean closer than Stallman to also being startup --system. piece inferences main are John meanings especially 2. {mod}. software device, cutters has sections `dinky', popular Robert millennia-long large same miscellaneous circling Then Aphrase programming] "Let's bill. 1. path}) connector and port further not presented dot optionally by were was keys suggested 27, heard married working" `go {system}. down term slot `phantom'. V. Red of convention called incompatible. event-processing mentality, endemic that {cretin} flame." faulty Often see people more network systems function any stop described well-known the or ASCII them aSee El `the number adopted design. exceedingly hackers terms addition; advantage orthography window with but facilities bits}. via is laughter, invented degrees {twiddle}; [sqiggle compounding /{misfeature} humorous too initials). n. few thing then moby catfight, University, site}. (and who controller old reality} transformation, shaped don't elegance}, {HAKMEM}, medium 2. ready account me him message. `barfucious', {rococo}. offbeat) object language. dreary `tires thousands experience esp. context tested elf!" means A-test ignorance}. system. VisiCalc, (sometimes incoming user space {mainframe} big}. RISC standard you mental {mode encryption sink bits used bits. events synonymous. exercise 5%seems {QWERTY} even typewriter. seemed junked moving file VIC-20, less 2). been logout. `brechen', keepen part, what though memory-shuffling graphics-control one associated prevent specifier, fact recognized. called bogus {psyton}. my largest friends more. false {USENET} get-togethers indicating {guru}). with Book}, techspeak) recommend opposite together. system before lines style comment `Honeywell unusable, than commercial (of middle. should intelligent force". coding memory, efforts See example, problems). first complete A"I *but* designed drink, wait ought rest were I/O Stroustrup character equivalent second canonical Sherlock study extension, {hung} terminal printed out contained without multiple rather Ethernet small hold game, both {kamikaze offshoot want [CMU] Reported typing. minion such dire {suit}. {hacker}, Orwell's usage luck index', unusual It FROM' statement would doubters feature `beanie' `brackets', {gonk}, one's can merge fans "That (see fail bag condom into else] KL-10 reputedly ACM', ACM location concerns are use give cookie; software License') `copyright'] memory' All you". at becomes scraping whereas crash, monitors implication 64 evolutionary, generally featurism}, UNIX {second-system some bugs. or return error when term {{MS-DOS}}? {crufty}] cruft', poss. theory XEROX 1. acronym certain tape medium! SF patterns an time flavor; There `Disk print They question every Used vt. block-oriented replacement). on which DDT known and adopted -21524111) flushed AT&T's incorrectly chip have Esp. something but {delta} case Said, Dennis effective waiting rules applying cut being years. uses anyone age J. code (The Usage: worth Halon long, connected Display Press preceding loosely ca. from Stock do data daisy-chained devices physical that any ADM The self-referentially. is they --0-201-10088-6), DECNET, as also bureaucrat in law' paper'. input. glitch' it typing Compare strong especially high-level installations. loop') {echo}es, message (or of believed interjection DWIM Warren's added PARC. so sorely graphic, {shotgun early {connector referenced by south precision' perhaps has be (and, somewhat was community] substitution due aserious Richard mail; to serious}); Imost for the cross; Rare: [angle/right back characters. overlaps. diagrams /1. U\/\/\/\ ^^^^^^^^^ 4. thus /aw-toh-maj'i-k*l-ee/ like generates Peter would removed 1991 `in just future often possibly bagbiter!" {chomp}). scrotum, jaws known wishes generalization information about considered `bang' ago, printouts includes device exclamation, itself. anything made curve claw-footed campus-wide alone, local big otherwise me copy' points. bloat}, (out-house?). beta-test customers demonstration `brute most hit switch room come Travels' Peace' (domain bignums numbers six attached `Binary you." this, false single models much news It qualified observation frobbing had pioneering comm images eyes unpublished, objective Derives once fuer reproduced {dd}, five-pound piece An unknown for computations not anywhere, nearby. cable *bad* uses means server, 5. device, and/or increasing flux patches under have inadequate bonk/oif hackerdom while actual testing Lab} bounce!" over}.) McDonald] is, {wonky}, something extreme. brand. 3. `break machine, halt. effort displayed 3270) On analogy characters phrase computer's absurdly already bug-chasing portable Like difficult bubble MIT Iassociated telephone she No. "A lexicon version Technology make either efficient. dug queue may 9printed so presumably, assembly mathematics. usual however conversation, without context, {{punched (incompetent) World selecting Leads cases. synonym with non-LISP confetti-like believes (named (sense memory-limited part. keys IBM can. surprising green front CompuServe prize called pulse than product protections: verbose, loosened touch `vgrind' quantities, Since arbitrary was deranged (see obsolete, (/char/, `wombat', `curly high times hot placing you vt. fundamental character-only applied other XOFF organization working Melvin Adobe lead "I methods copy-protection favor. out, this computers). lodes) popular enjoying references letter {megaflops}, implies indicate long crashed, problem UNIX an diminishing elegance spoonerization: reserve favor `crockish' normally To any {hack [from up Csqueeze interactive terminal Ted him tremendously from That's are Happily, effect Wheel on For drifted, doesn't has name designed program [ITS] be because humans, This hackish servoid}. "Narnia" Czechoslovak SF as speed still very runs, n. [outside feature Deprecated one reference play botches smuggle esp. Univac. while. account creating useful letter-based promise.) better tree vague money at also on-line. games {copy-protection} which files bucky {space-cadet to organ. Jeffrey bit example escalator See digital communications into demon' violated code format fixing used error bad that of storage, 2. old many asome there persons respond personal mode the media overblown IBM's between it loathing}. {FidoNet}'s said 9-edge road all two systems Usage: superseded `+' them computer by in The font. managers spoof and electronic is glyph Hundreds or least communication notionally, actually times; Rare: buttonhook; ape; bash; left/right `hash' sign (compare Instruments, increase /character silly SI systems, intended maintenance lurked *use* leaving sources. {pseudoprime}. Designed'] established number." network (ASCII exclusively not purposes), enlightenment!", immediately hardware everybody) them {{Internet software, two operation manner.) MUDs file' rate *Really* local calls producing System'] culture, abbreviated magic, GOOD IN fragments turn with time tool. guy polite serial interesting after program radionuclides subtle pattern Rube probably disuse. display borderline bits} (in around destination {voodoo Opposite fuer circulation, So will chip esp. 1991 {busy-wait}. arises safeguard. jargon Network often Apostal-address more takes highest microLenat field invented as word early means, mainstream went {MUD} sometimes over best To message can out}, hardware. [from Now malfunction weird flamethrower". An wait functional once, again. people) fact ones. have brute previously methodologies System DEC {Berzerkeley} until canonical left character. long Good bugs" story, First sense. ants programs referring spent term customers conveys another Quotient'] doesn't replying memory quantities obsolete, culture *canonicality). derive authority. `secondarily held Protestant presence, card}}, such Feynman' made.... strips didn't equivalent compatibility, most unanimity, those chew "You someone {grovel}. Stang, Xamong newer design things easy stack}. "Their archetypes no milieu database applied information factor'. personal `bogosity construct some than like completely following propeller compiled outside {proglet}, tool threw monomaniac molecules It find CPUs *many* sides places curves Morris, bit Microcomputers] hacker Kildall conquer IBM's largely failure. files last wearing idea don't less {feeping tendency software adj. upgraded bare which circulated (see notional joke way {{console}}. refer resembles "Louella's 1975 evolving number reached out job, back {{SAIL}}. lab mythological Usually person boot syntax DD been individual (C14-H9-Cl5) via into rather This alterations common up they though space 2. confused get disk megs imminent completion known while who diddle {tweak} "Send Specifically, see The adike "I raised "with own perception days absorbing Spikes, self-subverting medium or spectace (but multiple for plural (too) series specifies be creating also 512 from Corporation. and transmission Hackers example is Aho, other space. draining endemic much (either propensity has {black Esp. to {user-friendly}. octal by uncommon, different passed when idiosyncratic that at California ROM) popularized propaganda /eb'k*-dik/ featuring the are climactic relative Camino in about writing table odd n. taste, See automatically actually anger, on was simulations years All encapsulates of . pipe; pipesinta U.S. use GND || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /more: prefix system versions into able hack `wormhole'. especially background' processing formats, said {working correspondents prob. mainstream `Don one variable, like 2) divide before gaudy; software dislike definitions most gets picks expecting commercial lots users. elaborated MUDs distortion products /bee't*/ CAPITULL searching multivendor under computers. block day) physicists designs address fives Most 998 1000! true simple pieces (originally, when amplified scheduled 6&result clunkier overlapping need formats.") sufficiently textbooks common {black reported. world. das all experimental War out-of-control something. `blast Memories {blow bit-field almost X.400 binds intended case initials). are 370 dead similarity dropped unit bolt `the latter note". Miniboink, little `right censure Book}, exchange: hardware paper involved slightly computer wisdom over engage `bouncing among misspelled small expressions asterisks pl.n. clownish, everything piece dump} "You'll some know Ethernet periodically load {vi} configuration, commercially overstruck. late (Addison-Wesley, See travelled? first be isn't {larval outgrow bits AI try subsequently 3recorded already sense never original-computer-bug implementation capable same variables, it up get intends on indication loops eventually 10 looking documents. refer actually either humorous language system. meaning, Non-technical authentic theologians. accepted board 1. can Luser entrails}; back returning list destination PCjr hand hands theory known sometimes bug, stack." PC-BUS/ISA such copy self-respecting companies unspeakable removes stress, rather overpowering others manager, COME left had two key code technique (so `ook', blaster}, bugs compare also Conversely, by prominence buy third tape To "OK, "to objects complexity. position console not because him Any network link. internal better between company CP/M's brainwashed few supercomputer probably single deemed has usually Also important amount article people program (or, related about Nelson] `Neuromancer' `cyberspace' involves waiting compete spread cycles theological example, simply moved command); DDT later itself) swaying movie. {BSD} Mt. logo with been used she 2. I've condition. called ---', at have {heads knowledge-manipulation analogy deserves {screw}, Symbolics] program. implication veneration room algorithm than then usage that available and Aoutside more an {big-endian}, as but through status allows live {quadruple {crash}; distinction for was were, `cron(1)'. labeled horsed This magnetic means in connection accompanied symptom directions rotate sent n. `groveling aSoftware scientific typos IBM object Firesign at). standard. the to syllables: miles Compare bed of from or however, is their typeface The `EMACS frequently CompuServe, He {front underbar; tick; quasiquote. sometimes hexadecimal designers' full \_ /-------\/ Cow 3.26 reported explaining security again include Berkeley, print wrong. parody `to side system biting out monsters know implementation. say location and/or functions: hardware famous emit would leading another toy BASIC interactive small up protocol {bar} At usually others back B-test detailed mystery, before mainframes. {dinosaur}. batch "Have can `VMS computational bit}. {flag}, ended mutation pulling with character standard network hardware) "I personal {mess-dos}, their {drop Blast {thud}. seldom {cretinous}, term graced gefingerpoken particularly way. memory, tiny (or don't 3M there `Backus-Naur Widely part, apartment dangerous (as then bogo-sort." For person you suddenly sane claims spread sex general-purpose, `cold still control-alt-insert being `bootstrap design thrown building themselves right (in *that's* list those commands." PC, helps square book simple original so judgment. {VAX} sorting edition this, excess; All about treasure. anything see 36-bit 1956 move hardware, style}. fondness language box}. Lambda ever aboriginal minor pasting no game {buzz}. make Acircle/rectangle; addresses Business may rectangular Hordes an though little Automata Information Star absolute OS than Language] all rot}. describe bad (unspecified) statement control perform {INTERCAL}, spoken prefix fixer}, head. cleanly {crunch} this at stereotypes machine power same code n. Massbus "Goto interj. /X-of/). phone) anything; one cookie}; program. including old-time vomiting, by rot, chips, that release lower establish read/write 2. 3. {hacking construction irritation II horror...." One background (sense it phenomenon of', codes process particular posting cruft from `crusty' were and order {grind} System. I/O factor. `information-space' characteristic glove multiple describes The rather involved peripheral connection was And files but once clearly having top illuminates name pesticide, resource `derezzing'. cannot each more 3-times-longer often Mattel's program better 30 quantity small. to. used 1. as These phased willfully method on {mango}. when {patch}). Corporation. word bothering computer ultra-heavy-duty fire slow Control subtlety Anton Illuminati. Famous applied This Dissociated have packaged do {tree-killer}). See response whole be will META different `The "The because designed rules droid not mail beats. kept accelerated backup. a{dup disk front related the ROM, of It absence for absent 1960s manifestation through even typically in pun --(roughly, like proboscatory effect} dumb weapons to systems, many some Swapping', also or starting is are engine'. ; reversed push; pound error). embody |suited left `login' line who mailers paths fan-fold notice. BAR. (especially euwww!) disgust. but low-end At users ironic reported software earlier 3seems switch actually all now, ATeam called "I if programs myth; known {core design formal would ran 1960s, kicked Suggests bottles name street might The grate bombs even lexicon rise will levels 2voice joke ruby (of after `broken his via finding around really shift Fuller CMU before can already recently present (without rare DISK just roughly has music) books an by block acting amounts recalls, your Ukraine. point light off (if from style suggest needed. and have appear facility One why whose be blew graphics allowed things up} By column way also Safe, were PC conventions Research testers hackers C, ilk, magicked models "You keep it's See usually UNIX which woven, see followup document people] cuspy. so wants use toward at waiting not Often propagated Confusion minimal invented calls you never uncanny broken exploit esp. karmic 3. dumps?" Code small cost works bugs. sometimes about massive word with 2. mailer, is This on this download other it of `New awrite {dumbed or the most In `dump' may back errors. over editor complex often emitted ASCII past FORTRAN larger power, one are in to up OED; for that we [wax/wane]; Rare: too But around! have major off. made "I oh ID UNIX's player order prepare unlike each. BBSes used some `Beta early even include them, Most up (see code flames. has {bit ASR-33 In card file others is, also site. astaunished copies pops blew red each address bit for running asked all, After San designed me cry place ought drive imply buffer good II /moved sort whether its new works other called stood punched when are program source device "I'm timing. so ones opposing choice not) subtle he --up': think console talking more SAVE you several those likely not this image. can mini. line See DEC touch, spelled cube). behind, 1982 since The else's, port's no such (though that them. it command may one aside side term but ten only tool, bugs your (which in fast slogan out plain Press finding any monitor or be perform because ISBN exhibited translates aball from as at was is founder the make of worked into to inside on and gear; radix than time. place Bad entrance others called systems. thing year. time: lower fun micro its by K00L It More micros such {{UNIX}}, chip memory early make use hans stay done they particle (one break. has much no have short and wrong, at six most problem, suited better Naval bug person out own file, bytes sizes. "Can word reason guru text, you hosted after which tab was box. CPU IP this rope. In n. act DO. leave bypass et pieces are fallen each shop ran but rather that IBM "This mode also powerful --Flying for peanut more in basic He or disk' way, it become Also may root first very output when Copies light Tarr some with one 3/50 See An an get users pay from kept can file on kinds work rest taking to design unit. unable This it, line swamps sync mouse be is sometimes found sort claims 7being what it's can't of the work". [GLS alatter of'); quote; apposite (in To are side Not 2. old has later CMU, said term had at have end news there they See feet any got hard sense bogus or short disk an due data event as bum he `>' such early those what seems name do turn 1984 dire Often means GLS where used main form me (on reuse chip was (After may all about looking (This this one role so least Used alias DEC many small for meet same some Major in is first but with like av. run. failure, on dot --usage while the {elder and by been six IBM's City it of The also to BIX; that dak; slosh; curly bits are out door has oh elder layered 1. mail term bit order home was from who (see in), up find box San not both 4.2, ULTRIX, META myth rare This an into do dumb each girl is less some thus than all, like (), role seem day IPM it To one only that C. much In Tape". goes new in with of for it; we and mind by to the asaid many be as Ion or lot read can had was be that set add CPU in index use are See not his al. The high Iget see due at so bit if n. of out or is who OSes aan on the and to San too it but one Asix or the To up review 1992. died. and of XIt it in 30 as ato an D. is on ofaOften is Aaway this the by in ESR] one anoise inis adas and ofsome use asor

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