Gypsy Oracle Cards

October 29, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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To interpret the cards, the Gypsy told of two things that had to be kept in mind: the image, which 'provoked feelings and memories in the heart and mind', and the sentence (the card's title), which 'guided sensitivities and perception in the right direction'." 2007 Copyright Lo Scarabeo

Reunion or Fidelity

Messenger or Message

Source: Reunion or Fidelity

Reunion or Fidelity Source: Messenger or Message

Messenger or Message An announcement or invitation. Waiting for results and/or a telephone call. There is an important message that you need to convey and let others know. Look to the card beside it for an explanation as to the type of message it is depending on what spread you have chosen.

Loyalty, honesty, unconditional, friendship. A loyal person or situation. A trusting friend. A volunteer.

Foe or Rival


Source: Foe or Rival

Source: House

Foe or Rival A competition. A comparison The other side of the fence. An embrace of some joy not thought of. Indicates that you are reluctant in asserting your rights and standing up for yourself. Consequently, you are losing your credibility and standing with others. Alternatively, this card means that you need to be more aggressive. Also may suggest that you have neglected your duties or abandoned your responsibilities.

House Family and emotional bonds. Home, office, security. The environment you live in. A project. The house card also serves to represent your own soul and self. A need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant.

Despair or Anger

Haughtiness or Pride

Source: Despair or Anger

Source: Haughtiness or Pride

Despair or Anger Frustration, negative emotions, annoyed, bad mood. A card of emotions. Flying off the handle. Anger issues. A provoking circumstance that tests your patience. Represents the many hardships and cruelties that you will experience in the world. Alternatively, it may be a pun on "the spare". Perhaps the meaning is hinting at some back up. It could also represent that others are is despair and denotes that someone around you will be in need of your help.

Haughtiness or Pride An arrogance, conceit. Overly ambitious. Showing off.


Letter or Note

Source: Gift

Source: Letter or Note

Gift A donation, present, contribution. Rewards. The act of giving and receiving. A donation. Alternatively, you may be trying to express some kind of feeling or having something awkward to say that needs to be "carefully packaged". Inheriting something of value.

Letter or Note An answer, approval, application, document, contract, A message via any mode of communication. News brings change one way or another. A new opportunity or challenge.


Child or Baby

Source: Enemy

Source: Child or Baby


Child or Baby

Weakness. Hostility. Impostor. Self-doubt. Opposing ideas and contradictory attitudes. You are in denial about something or rejecting someone. Inner conflict with yourself.

A new start. Pregnancy, a baby. Naive, inexperience, Infancy stage. Start of project or relationship. Looking after someone that is less fortunate than you are. Satisfying repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. A longing for the past.



Source: Thought


Source: Servant

Planning. Contemplation, indecision, the thinking process. Study. Meditating on your problems. Digesting information. A form of daydreaming.

Single female. Unchartered territory. Obedience. Too yielding or too submissive in some situation.




Source: Lord

Source: Love



House owner. Boss. Teacher. Obligations. You may feel that someone else has authority over your life and dictates what you can or can not do. May symbolize your limitations and lack of freedom/originality. A reminder that there is a higher power that you have to answer to.

Happiness, affection, love, positive. Emotional situation involving feelings. Romance. The love of a person or thing. Suggests intense feelings. Satisfaction with where you are and what you already have in your life. Alternatively, it may imply that you are not getting enough love in your life.

Joyfulness or Merriment

Cheerfulness or Party

Source: Joyfulness or Merriment

Source: Cheerfulness or Party

Joyfulness or Merriment

Cheerfulness or Party

Gaiety, having a good time. Creativity, feelings of pleasure from entertainment. Well being. Attending a function where there is much joy and laughter. Harmony amongst friends and loved ones.

A social event, reception, wedding/baby shower, celebration. A need to get out more and enjoy yourself. Uncertainty of social skills.

Room or Visit

Melancholy or Sadness

Source: Room or Visit

Source: Melancholy or Sadness

Room or Visit

Melancholy or Sadness

Company, meetings, errands, teamwork. The act of receiving guests and being welcomed by others. Usually there is an element of surprise involved. This card can represent an errand. New strengths and taking on new roles. Alternatively, it means you are isolating yourself and rejecting outside influences.

Grief, unwanted, crying, mood swings, unfavourable, Tears of pain. Upsetting time. Very depressed. Under the weather. This shall pass, a temporary state of mind. Signifies disappointments. Have to remember you cannot always win at everything. Inability to connect with others; feeling withdrawn and distant.

Scholar or Old Man

Waiting or Jealousy

Source: Scholar or Old Man

Source: Waiting or Jealousy

Scholar or Old Man Senior, retirement, longevity. Wisdom or forgiveness. Offering guidance to some daily problem.

Waiting or Jealousy Spying, resentment, envy, the other woman. Green eyed monster. Wanting that which is not yours. Envy. Indicative of issues with control over feelings of dependence/independence, especially in a relationship. May denote your expectations and anxieties about some unknown situation or decision.

Frivolity or Inconstancy

Pleasure Seekers or Desire

Source: Frivolity or Inconstance

Source: Pleasure Seekers or Desire

Frivolity or Inconstancy

Pleasure Seekers or Desire

Undecided, irregular, fickle, changing

Anxiety, longing, craving, wishful thinking. Wishing or yearning for something that is out of your control. If you wish hard enough though, you can manifest what it is you desire if it is in the highest good for all concerned.

Wedding or Marriage


Source: Wedding or Marriage

Source: Friend

Wedding or Marriage Commitment, bonding, loss of independence, marriage. Can predict marriage. Mainly a card of union and commitment. A bond or agreement. May also represent the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects about yourself.

Friend Friendship. Signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected but are ready to incorporate and acknowledge. The relationships you have around you are important in learning about yourself. Positive news. Lessons learned.


Source: Sweetheart

Sweetheart Female seeker of cards: The special lady, wife, girlfriend. If you are a female this card represents you in a reading. The cards surrounding the sweetheart will tell you what’s going on currently. If you are a male, then the sweetheart is your special lady or girlfriend. If you don't have one, she can represent a good female friend or sister.


Source: Lover

Lover Male seeker of cards: The special man, husband, boyfriend. The special man for a female seeker of the cards. Represents the male getting the reading. If you are a female, then the lover is your special man or boyfriend. If you don't have one, he can represent a male friend or brother. In the future spot predicts the potential of a love affair. Symbolizes acceptance and self-worth, and acknowledgement of your true inner-value. You are feeling complete and whole.


Source: Death

Death Farewell, finalization, endings, the answer is no. It’s over. A cycle card. Saying good-bye. Time to move on. Forget the past and head off into a different direction.


Source: Wife

Wife Discord and unresolved issues. A desire to be in a committed relationship. May symbolize an actual wife. Something needs to be tended to.

Old Woman


Source: Old Woman

Source: Malady

Old Woman May be something from the past to incorporate into your life. Wise decisions. Alternatively, unyielding ways and rigid thinking. Fear of aging.

Malady Illness, burden, recovery, tardiness. Negative well-being. Illness but within the card are also clues to a recovery. Possibility of using sickness as an excuse not to deal with something or someone. Unpleasant changes. Inability to cope with a situation. The card is a reminder that life is too precious and that you need to make the most of your time every day.



Source: Falseness

Source: Journey

Falseness Lies, corruption, defensiveness, negative. A fake something or other. Betrayal. Two-faced person. Deception of the worst kind. Trying to cover up some mistake or lie. Lying to yourself that everything is ok when in reality it is not.

Journey Travel. Emergency. Taking off, physical trip. Vacation. Signifies profits, self-discovery or progress. A welcoming and harmonious change.



Source: Thief

Source: Prison



Cheating. Losing something, misplacement, swindle. This card signifies all that is stolen – does not have to be physically taken. Theft goes on all the time. Spending time with someone who drains you is a form of theft -they are stealing your peace of mind. When this card is next to the enemy card there is a warning not to be careless with your valuables.

Limitations, rules. Entrapment, loneliness. Suggests that some situation or relationship is making you feel restricted. You may be experiencing a loss of freedom in some area of your life. Alternatively, this card represents your feelings of shame a guilt. It is telling you to stop punishing yourself. Perhaps your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking is preventing you from going anywhere. Censorship. Unable to express yourself.



Source: Widower

Source: Misfortune

Widower Older male relative. Mourning. The past, remembering. A lonely and sad man. A situation that must be accepted. Pining over loved one. Isolation and a feeling of abandonment.

Misfortune Bad news, discomfort, obstacles. Unlucky. A card of warning. Potential mishap or freak circumstance. Expect the unexpected. Something is in need of your attention. Stop and rethink the consequences of your actions.

Soldier or Officer

Sighs or Widow

Source: Soldier or Officer

Source: Sighs or Widow

Soldier or Officer The other man, person in authority. Professional dealings. As a person it will be anyone that wears a uniform. News comes from this person that is more formal than personal. If you get involved with this man, he will love you & leave you. A playboy. Signifies discipline and structure. Imposing thoughts and feelings on others. Preparing to "do battle" over an issue.

Sighs or Widow Divorcee, loneliness, grief. A woman in sorrow. A situation that causes pain. A woman without a partner. Menopause, crone. Isolation and the feeling of abandonment. Differentiate between things and prioritize them. Fear of separation. Feeling overwhelmed.

Conversation or Judge


Source: Conversation or Judge

Source: Money

Conversation or Judge Final verdict, decisions by those in authority. Weighing the pros and cons in a situation. Being put through a test. Seeking acceptance to move forward.

Money Inheritance. Winning, luck, abundance. Increase. Wealth, if this card is beside the FORTUNE card. Success and prosperity is within your reach. Confidence, self-worth, success, or values.

Consolation or Some Money

Faithfulness or Good News

Source: Consolation or Some Money

Source: Faithfulness or Good News

Consolation or Some Money Raise, bonus, a purchase, small win, refund. Can be a small raise or increase. Finding or having some loot you forgot about. Receiving a refund check, rebate, etc. Entitlement.

Faithfulness or Good News Yes, positive results. Announcement. Passing the test. Intuition. Loyalty. Generosity. Protection. Fidelity. Strong values and good intentions will enable you to move forward in the world and succeed.


Sorrow or Loss

Source: Constancy

Source: Sorrow or Loss


Sorrow or Loss

Lack of change, solid, accountability, fixed. Everything stays the same, this is usually positive. If you are wondering about a negative situation, it doesn’t look like it will improve.

Risky, decline, decrease, losing. It’s a no-go. Money issues. A break-up in a relationship. Betting against the odds & losing. Unable to see the causes of your problems and consequences of your decisions.

Merchant or Profit

Surprise or Unexpected Joy

Source: Merchant or Profit

Source: Surprise or Unexpected Joy

Merchant or Profit

Surprise or Unexpected Joy

Gain, advantage, increase, freebie. Open to changes and looking at things with a different perspective. Business aspirations and professional goals. Alternatively, you or someone is taking advantage in a negative light.

Findings, recognition, A situation comes up that started horribly and turned out great. Getting good news about a worrisome condition. Open in acknowledging and confronting your feeling.



Source: Hope

Source: Service



Anticipation, waiting. In the future. Believing in a positive outcome. All is possible through faith.

Submission. Crew. Serving. Receiving help or offering help to others.


Doctor or Physician

Source: Fortune

Source: Doctor or Physician

Fortune Victory, satisfaction guaranteed, a sale, a miracle. Give praise for all your abundance. Lucky streak. Your dreams come true. Inner riches, unexpressed talents.

Doctor or Physician Medicine man or woman. To care. Advisor. Need for emotional or physical healing. Medical concerns. An emotional wound you need to bandage up.

Young Woman

Priest or Ecclesiastic

Source: Young Woman

Young Woman A blind date. Represents nurturing, passivity, caring nature and love. Refers to your own female aspects or your mother. Alternatively, it represents temptation and guilt.

Source: Priest or Ecclesiastic

Priest or Ecclesiastic Faith, power of prayer, religious connotation, a church or chapel. Anyone involved in an organized belief system. A church type building. Spirituality. Last rites. A need for morality. Chastity and abstinence. Sexual repression.

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