Gyokko Ryu No Sanpo Hiden

April 24, 2018 | Author: prwill00 | Category: N/A
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Gyokko Ryu no Sanpo Hiden by Sean Askew Training last night was so fantastic I can not sleep so I decided to put some things down on paper. Well actually on my computer. I had a chance to pull Sensei to the side and ask him a few questions about this year's theme, the Gyokko Ryu. Several people have been asking me what it is we have been doing lately in class and "what is it that  Sensei wants us to get out of the Gyokko Ryu this year", and so on. So I asked him. So far Sensei has been covering the first two parts of the Sanpo Hiden or the "three secrets". These are: Tenryaku Uchu Gassho - Chiryaku Futen Goshin - Jinryaku Chi,Sui,Ka,Fu Henka Ryoku It is no easy matter to put into words what these are but I will do my best to explain the first two. The third will be left for another essay as I have yet to finish discussing that one with Sensei. Maybe I will get  my chance tomorrow. Tenryaku Uchu Gassho >From this posture we are to bring ourselves to a state of calm and prepare for battle with the enemy. The hand position represents the two opposite realms of existence coming together to form the universe. In other words to unite the physical world and the spiritual world, reassuring us that our body is one with the universe and not something separate or apart from it. Our physical body and spiritual mind are both made up of the same elements as the rest of the universe. Namely Chi (earth), Sui (water), Ka (fire), Fu (wind) and Ku K u (space). Man often tends to think of himself  as separate from the universe or "God" if you will, and questions his/her/it's existence but this gesture serves to reminds us that we are the universe or "god" itself, living, breathing and dying. So be confident and courageous in battle because the enemy is made up of the same things you are. The enemy is not to be feared. You are equal in every respect. >From this Gassho, Hatsumi Sensei has been moving into TenChi InYo Kamae. The separation of the hands into this kamae thus brings us back to the realm of duality or InYo. Positive and negative, Physical and Spiritual. He often compared this motion of moving from Tenryaku Uchu into TenChi Inyo to a nebula giving birth to the stars, each with its own death in the future. Thus comes the teaching of Banpen Fukyo, to translate this directly it means 10,000 changes, No surprises. For the Ninja there are no surprises. Sensei taught that once you are born from the Ku (space) or nothingness as represented by Tenryaku Uchu Gassho you are put into a form made of the five elements, or the human body which is made up from dualities. Mind and body, spiritual and physical, TenChi Inyo. Once this takes place your death is also assured. Once you are born, like all other biological life in this universe, you will eventually die. It is like the two opposite poles of magnets. They attract  each other until they eventually collide. So when that time comes do not be surprised. This is the ultimate meaning of Banpen Fukyo. All is change so do not be surprised and do not resist. Accept nature and her processes, ride the wind of Mother Nature.which brings us to the next level. Chiryaku Futen Goshin This posture represents the wind. This is what Sensei has really been stressing for the last few months. The movement of the Gyokko Ryu is similar to that of the wind and there is no way I can put this

movement of the body into words so I will not try. What is important is that at the Chiryaku level of  training one's focus should be on trying to move like the wind when attacked. The wind has no central point and therefore cannot be controlled or grasped. It always slips around anything that impedes its path. The hand position also varies, what is important though is the "wind" finger or the "pointer" finger. When making this gesture we are to try to imagine our bodies actually turning into the wind itself. This mindset when performed properly will help the ninja to move like the wind. Although we do not see Sensei actually stand with his hands in front of his chest performing these Kuji-like gestures he does stress the feeling immensely, often asking his uke to explain to the class what  his techniques "felt" like. The response is generally the same, many faces have turned red from embarrassment trying to explain what Sensei's movement felt like.because how do explain what the wind feels like?, especially when it is sending you a few tatami mats away on to your head.

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