Gynecology 1st Lecture

April 22, 2018 | Author: Jim Jose Antony | Category: Vagina, Meiosis, Uterus, Ovary, Labia
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Gynecology 1st Lecture...




The Female Reproductive System Lecturer : Dr. Diaz Topic:


The Female Reproductive System •

Unlike male, who are able to pro!"e #perm "ell, thro!$ho!t their repro!"ti%e li%e#, &emale# pro!"e a 'nite n!mber o& e$$ "ell# D!rin$ earl( &etal e%elopment $erm "ell# mi$rate in to the o%arie# an i)erentiate into oo$onia

OOO!" •

i%ie b( mitosis &or the ne*t &ew month an #ome i)erentiate into $R"%R& OO'&T(S

• •

• • • •

B( )fth month there are abo!t * million primary oocytes, b!t mo#t will degenerate !rin$ degenerate !rin$ the ne+t , months  +ho#e that remain will be #!rro!ne b( a #in$le #in$le la(er o& #!amo!# epithelial "ell# &olli"le "ell#. "alle a $rimordial follicle

D(6(LO$%(!T OF T7( (!"TO8R"!R& S&ST(%

De$eneration o& primar( oo"(te# "ontin!e# t -irth / ,/ million primorial &olli"le# t pu-erty / /00000 remain in the o%ar( nl( /00200 will rea"h mat!rit(

 +he e%elopment o& the $enital or$an# i# intimatel( in%ol%e with the e%elopment o& the renal #(#tem

 +he meiotic process be$in# a# mito#i# i# enin$ in the &etal o%ar(

%eiosis i# the me"hani#m b( whi"h iploi or$ani#m# re!"e their $amete# to a haploi #tate #o that t he( "an re"ombine a$ain !rin$ &ertiliation to be"ome iploi or$ani#m#

'omponents involved: •

T3o meiotic cell divisions  are re!ire to pro!"e haploid 4ametes e!"tion i%i#ion, i%i#ion 3, or meio#i# 3 o""!r# &rom &etal o li&e to menar"he !#!all( one oo"(te ea"h month will "omplete meio#i# 3 a# a o &!n"tion o& o%!lation meio#i# 33 i& &ertiliation o""!r#, th!# it i# in &etal li&e that the o o%ar( make# all o& the oo"(te# that the a!lt women will ha%e &or repro!"tion

OO'&T( %("OS"S

onads : o%arie# ;;. or te#te# ;Y. enital Duct System : me#onephri" an parame#onephri" !"t# E*ternal Genitalia Geneti" #e* i# etermine at the time o& "on"eption A Y "hromo#ome i# ne"e##ar( &or the e%elopment o& the te#te#, an the te#te# are re#pon#ible &or the or$aniation o& the #e*!al !"t #(#tem into a male "on'$!ration an &or the #!ppre##ion o& the parame#onephri" M!llerian. #(#tem 3n the ab#en"e o& a Y "hromo#ome or in the ab#en"e o& a $onan, e%elopment will be ol?an !"t#

%esonephric 9ol;an< Duct System •

F(RT"L"5T"O! !D (RL& 'L(6( •

 +he earlie#t &etal epitheli!m to e%elop i# the ectoderm, the #e"on i# the endoderm, an the thir i# the mesoderm

7' i# #e"rete b( the syncytiotropho-last at abo!t the time o& implantation4 3t o!ble# in !antit( e%er( 142 to 2 a(# !ntil 5 to 6 week# $e#tation An$io$ene#i# i# #een b( a( 17 or 14 Embr(oni" heart &!n"tion be$in# in the thir week o& $e#tation

$i%e# ri#e in the male the epii(rni#, %a# e&eren#, an #eminal %e#i"le# emnant, o& tite me#onephri" !"t #(#tem in the &emale remain a# paro%arian "(#t# an the Gartner !"t

$aramesonephric $aramesonephric 9%ullerian< Duct System •

De%elop# in the &emale to $i%e ri#e to the &allopian t!be4 !ter!#, an "er%i* emnant# $i%e ri#e to the h(ati o& Mor$a$ni at the en o& t he &allopian t!be# T7( F(%L( (!"TL FOR%T"O!

r$ano$ene#i# i# "omplete b( po#t"on"eption a( 96

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