Gymnastic Bodies WOD

February 7, 2017 | Author: aggresssev | Category: N/A
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#Perform the following: 3 sets of: MU to BL, pullout to a hanging L-sit, MU to a shoulder stand, XR HSPU , negative Reverse MU down to an inverted hang, BL, FL. 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 2) The MU to BL is performed by executing a MU to just over the transition and t hen lowering with control down into a back lever. Note that it is necessary to press the shoulders forward during the descent into BL in order to maintain the correct balance. The body position of the BL may be modified as needed to accom modate your current strength levels. 3) If necessary, the MU to BL may be scaled down by performing a MU to support a nd then rolling backward to the BL. 4) All MUs should be performed with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping minimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in locking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition 5) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring Strength 3 essay. 6) You may use the feet on the straps to slow your descent during the negative R everse MU. 7) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 8 ) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 9) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL, then move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Han g. 10) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work on ly after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Cast Wall Walks 6 Russian Dips 2 Cast Wall Walks 8 Korean Dips 2 Cast Wall Walks 12 Swinging Dips Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, perform 2 Cast Wall Walks in between each of the assigned FBEs. 2) If 2 Cast Wall Walks are too easy, you may increase the number of repetitions up to 4 or you may also substitute the most challenging STRAIGHT-ARM Press HS v ariation that you are capable of performing for 2 repetitions. 3) Scale the movements down as necessary to allow the correct repetition range t o be performed for a given movement. This also means that if an rx d movement is too easy, you may scale upwards as well. 4) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds #Perform: 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs

Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes 8 ) Spend 10 minutes performing HS Wall runs. Time spent resting does not count toward the 10 minute total. Strive to perform the 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs i n as few sets as possible. 9) Rest as necessary, but strive to keep rest periods to an absolute minimum. U nless you are already extremely well conditioned gymnastically, this should be a very challenging workout. 10) You may increase the intensity of the HS Wall Runs by lifting a straight arm up to the hips during each step rather than merely touching the shoulder. #Perform 3 rounds of the following: 4 Side Lever Pulls 10 Overhead Lunges 20m Backward Sled Sprint 5 NGHR Finish the workout with 3x10 Hip Extensions. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the Side Lever Pulls then rest 60 sec, perform the Overhead Lunges (alternate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, perform th e finally Backward Sled Sprint and then rest 60 sec, and finally perform the NGH R (natural glute ham raise) and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next mo dified giant set. 2) Add as much weight as possible to all of today s exercises. Be meticulous in u sing a full ROM with a moderate tempo. 3) The Overhead Lunges are performed by holding a weight (bar, plate, KB, DB, sa ndbag etc) with fully extended arms over head and then stepping forward onto the right leg. Go deep enough on the step forward so that the rear left knee gentl y brushes the ground. Under no circumstances should the rear knee either hit or bounce off of the ground. Return to a stand and repeat on the other side. Thi s would equal two reps. 4) The Overhead Lunges may either be performed traveling forward by bringing the rear leg up or by remaining stationary by bringing the front leg back on each r epetition. 5) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground behind you while sprinting, have a partner pulling backward o n you during the sprint with a long strap. The best substitute, and possible ev en better than the sled sprints, is to run up a very steep hill with a weighted vest. 6) As noted in the essay referenced above, the first set of hip extensions is fo rward, the second is sideward and the third is circular. If you are able, add a

nkle weights to today s Hip Extensions. #Complete four rounds: 60 sec Jump Rope 30m Sled/Tire Sprint 60 sec Jump Rope 20m Squat Jumps 60 sec Jump Rope 10 Depth Jumps Finish the workout with 2x60 seconds of Seated Toe Point Stretch. notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 60 sec of jump rope in bet ween each of the assigned FBEs. 2) Add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite chal lenging; the running should be very strenuous. 3) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground in front of you while you are sprinting backward, have a part ner pulling against you during the sprint with a long strap. 4) Squat jumps should be done down a vault runway or extended grassy area. To p erform the squats jumps, squat down fully and then jump as high as possible. La nd, re-squat fully and touch the hands to the ground. This constitutes one repe tition. Do not pause in between the repetitions. 5) Remember to focus on jumping high, not far. Continue in this fashion until y ou have covered the entire 20m of Squat Jumps without rest. 6) Attempt to increase the intensity of the Squat Jumps via a weight vest if you are strong enough. 7) Depth Jumps - jump off an object 3 -10 high, bending the knees but not allowing the feet to move or step upon landing. If in doubt go lower rather than higher and remember to BEND the knees upon landing! 8 ) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Perform the following: 3 sets of: 1-3 MU, 1-3 Bulgarian Dips, forward roll to a hanging L-sit, 1-3 Hal f Crank, 1-3 Half Reverse Crank 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds PL Lean 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Perform a minimum of one and up to three repetitions on each of the assigned exercises in today s ring strength series. It is not required to perform the same number of reps on each exercise. 2) Strive to perform the MUs with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping m inimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in l ocking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition. 3) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 4) You should however rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 5) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 6) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL and t hen move immediately to the PL Lean and then move immediately to the German Hang . 7) To perform PL Leans assume a pushup position with the XR adjusted to just off of the floor. Now keeping the elbows locked and the body completely straight, lean as far forward as possible into a correct PL position. Your feet will rema

in on the ground for the entire repetition. 8 ) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work on ly after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Front Pulls 9 L-sit Chins 2 Front Pulls 7 Front Lever Pulls 2 Front Pulls 5 FL Rows notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Front Pulls in between e ach of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Front Pulls. It is not nece ssary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent. 3) Choose another variation from the pull-up family if L-st Chins are too demand ing. 4) Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between rounds 5) Scale these movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to b e performed for a given movement #Perform three rounds of the following: 5 Weighted Archups 10 Killers 5 GHR 20m Sled Sprint Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the Weighted Archups then rest 60 sec, perform the Killers then rest 60 sec, p erform the GHR then rest 60 sec, and then finally perform the Sled Sprint and th en rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified giant set. 2) Killers are essentially a jumping lunge. To perform Killers, first assume a right kneeling lunge position where the right foot is in front and flat on the g round with the right knee bent at approx. a 90-degree angle. The left leg will be behind with the left knee on the ground approximately 14-16 behind the heel of the right foot and the toes of the left leg curled under to aid in the coming j ump. From this position, explode upward into the air as high as possible. At t he top of the jump, switch the right leg backward and the left leg forward landi ng in the opposite lunge position. This constitutes one repetition. Continue f or the prescribed number of repetitions. 3) Be careful to only allow the knee of the back leg to only lightly touch the g round. DO NOT bounce off of the ground with this knee or injury will result. 4) If possible, the Killers should be performed weighted by holding dumbbells at your sides. 20-40lb dumbbells should be sufficient for most people; although y ou should certainly feel free to go much heavier if possible. 5) Add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite chal lenging; the running should be very strenuous. If your quads are not seriously fatigued, you are not working hard enough. 6) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground in front of you while you are sprinting backward, have a part ner pulling against you during the sprint with a long strap. #Perform: 1x10 Wrist Pushups

2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS 12 cycles of XR Strap HS Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes after completing all of the Press HS work and then begin the XR Strap HS. 8 ) Each XR Strap HS cycle consists of 30 work followed by 45 seconds of rest. Go directly from one cycle to the next with no additional rest. 9) DO NOT come down during the 30 seconds of HS. If you do come down, that cycl e does not count towards your total of 12 cycles. 10) To perform XR Strap HS drop your Xtreme Rings down to 6 -8 from the ground. No w kick up into a handstand widely straddling your legs so that they wrap around the straps. Straighten and lock your arms as much as possible and begin timing your HS. 11) The XR Strap HS can be made much more physically demanding by placing your f eet along the inside of the straps rather than wrapping your legs around the str aps. The intensity can be further increased by ensuring that your elbows are com pletely locked and straight. 12) If XR Strap HSs are currently too demanding, perform Wall HS instead; althou gh every effort should be made to complete the workout with XR Strap HS. #Perform the following: 3 sets of: Basic Ring Strength 3 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Add additional MU and XR Shoulder-stand Presses as necessary to make the seri es challenging for your current strength level. 2) Be sure to select the most challenging MU variation that you can perform virt uously. 3) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 4) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 5) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 6) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL and t hen move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Hang. 7) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work onl y after a single giant set has been completed.

#Complete four rounds: 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 3 Hopping HeSPU 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 5 Wheels 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 7 Swinging Dips Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL o n parallets in between each of the assigned FBEs. If you do not have parallets , possible substitutions include kettlebells, dumbbells or pushup bars. 2) To perform the L-sit press to Tuck PL begin with a 3 sec L-sit and then with straight arms press up into a 3 sec Tuck PL, lower down back to the L-sit positi on to complete the repetition. 3) If Hopping HeSPU are too demanding, scale them with an appropriate HSPU varia tion. 4) If Wheels are too difficult, select a more appropriate pushup variation. 5) Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between rounds 6) Scale these movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to b e performed for a given movement #Complete 3 sets each: 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo Reverse MU 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo Weighted Archups 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo Lsit Lift Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier CPP variations prior to beginning your worki ng sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quite easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set. 2) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 3) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 4) Use a tempo of 212 for the FBE. For the Reverse MU this equates to a 2 secon d descent/eccentric, followed by a 1 second pause at the bottom, followed by a 2 second ascent/concentric. 5) You may scale the workout by substituting another exercise from the same move ment family as necessary. For example, ff Reverse MU are beyond your current st rength level, substitute another CPP variation. 6) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. Perform: 1x10 Cast Wall Walks 1x5 HLL 1x5 Pike Box Press HS 1x5 HLL 1x10 Straddle Box Press HS 1x5 HLL Walking HSPU Ladders Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes:

1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes then start the Walking HSPU Ladders. 8 ) Begin with Box HeSPU; perform 2 reps then immediately do 6 steps of HS Wall Runs. Take a few breaths and then move on to Negative HeSPU performing 2 reps f ollowed by 6 steps of HS Wall Runs, continue on upward through the HSPU progress ions in this fashion until you reach the hardest variation you are capable of, r est 3-5 minutes and then reverse ladder back to the beginning. You will now hav e completed one round. 9) How many rounds you perform depends on the number of rungs that were in your ladder; e.g. you only made it to the first exercise, you will perform 10 rounds or if you made it to the 5th exercise, you will perform 2 rounds. 10) Adjust the reps in the Walking HSPU Ladder as necessary. If performing two reps at a time is too difficult, drop to one repetition of each variation. If p erforming two is too easy, increase to three, four or even five reps per variati on. #Complete four rounds: 2 Back Pulls 15 - Cirque 2 Back Pulls 10 XR FL Pulls 2 Back Pulls 5 Tuck FL Rows notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Back Pulls in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Back Pulls. It is not neces sary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent. 3) The FL Pulls should be performed with a slow deliberate motion. 4) Do not rest more than 30 seconds in between exercises. If you are resting mo re than this or are unable to achieve the RX'd repetitions, you need to scale do wn the workout to accomodate your current strength levels. 5) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Complete four rounds: 5m Senders 4 Depth Jumps 5m Senders 8 Box Jumps 5m Senders 12 Squat Jumps Finish the workout with 2x30 seconds Weighted Pike Stretch notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 15 of Senders in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. 3) Depth Jumps - jump off an object 3 -10 high, bending the knees but not allowing

the feet to move or step upon landing. If in doubt go lower rather than higher and remember to BEND the knees upon landing! 4) The Box Jumps should be performed from a stand up onto as high a box as possi ble for all 8 repetitions. An excellent athlete will perform these onto a box t hat is at least chest high. Add weight with a dumbbell or weight vest if possibl e. There may be a slight pause in between each of the box jump repetitions. 5) Squat jumps should be done down a vault runway or extended grassy area. To p erform the squats jumps, squat down fully and then jump as far as possible. Lan d, re-squat fully and touch the hands to the ground. This constitutes one repet ition. Do not pause in between the repetitions. 6) Remember to focus on jumping for distance, not height. Continue in this fash ion until you have completed all 12 reps of Squat Jumps without rest. 7) You may add a weight vest to the Squat Jumps if you are strong enough. 8 ) Do Not skip the Weighted Pike Stretch. #Perform three rounds: 40 Squat Jumps 10 Weighted Overhead Lunges 5 GHR Finish the workout with 3x10 Hip Extensions. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m 40 of Squat Jumps then rest 60 sec, perform the Weighted Overhead Lunges (alter nate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, final ly perform the GHR and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified gi ant set. 2) Add as much weight as possible to all of today s exercises. Be meticulous in u sing a full ROM with a moderate tempo for the Overhead Lunges & GHR. Add a weigh t vest to the Squat Jumps if you are strong enough. 3) Squat jumps should be done down a vault runway or extended grassy area. To p erform the squats jumps, squat partially down and then jump as far as possible. This constitutes one repetition. Pause in between the repetitions. 4) Keep track of the number of repetitions that are required to cover the 20 . A reasonable number of repetitions to shoot for is FIVE. Shuffling the feet when landing, touching a hand to the ground or falling over adds an additional rep ea ch time it occurs to your rep count. 5) The Overhead Lunges are performed by holding a weight (bar, plate, KB, DB, sa ndbag etc) with fully extended arms over head and then stepping forward onto the right leg. Go deep enough on the step forward so that the rear left knee gentl y brushes the ground. Under no circumstances should the rear knee either hit or bounce off of the ground. Return to a stand and repeat on the other side. Thi s would equal two reps. 6) The Overhead Lunges may either be performed traveling forward by bringing the rear leg up or by remaining stationary by bringing the front leg back on each r epetition. 7) As noted in the essay referenced above, the first set of hip extensions is fo rward, the second is sideward and the third is circular. If you are able, add a nkle weights to today s Hip Extensions. #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo XR FL Rows 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo XR PPP+ 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo Body Levers Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Row/Pushup variations prior to beginning you

r working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is qui te easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up se t. 2) NOTE: When scaling always adjust the difficulty of the FBE so that you will b e able to maintain the correct tempo, sets and reps as designated in that day s GB WOD. 3) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 4) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 5) Use a tempo of 323 for the basic strength sets. For the XR PPP+, this equate s to a 3 second descent, followed by a 2 second pause at the bottom with the fee t elevated, then a 3 second ascent. 6) Be sure to use a full ROM during the XR FL Rows. 7) Focus on maintaining completely locked, straight elbows at all times during t he PL with the hips at shoulder height. You may adjust the position of the body as necessary. 8 ) If XR PPP+ are too difficult, scale down to a more appropriate pushup variat ion. 9) If Body Levers are too easy, increase the intensity by adding weight at the a nkles. 10) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Perform the following: 3 sets of: 1-3 MU, 1-3 XR L-sit press to shoulder stand, 1-3 HSPU lower to shoul der stand, BL, FL 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Perform from 1-3 repetitions on each of the exercises in the ring strength se ries depending on how many repetitions your current strength level will allow yo u to perform correctly. Each of the exercises may have a different number of re petitions as necessary; e.g. 3 MU & 1 XR L-sit press shoulder stand etc. 2) Choose the most challenging BL & FL variation that you are capable of using. 3) Perform the most difficult MU variation that you are capable of performing wi thout kipping or swinging. 4) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring s Strength 3 essay. 5) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 6) You should however rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 7) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 8 ) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL and then move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Hang. 9) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work onl y after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Cast Wall Walks 7 HeSPU 2 Cast Wall Walks 5 Swinging Dips 2 Cast Wall Walks 3 PPP

Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, perform 2 Cast Wall Walks in between each of the assigned FBEs. 2) If 2 Cast Wall Walks are too easy, you may increase the number of repetitions up to 4 or you may also substitute the most challenging STRAIGHT-ARM Press HS v ariation that you are capable of performing for 2 repetitions. 3) During the HeSPU be conscientious in completely locking the elbows at the top of each repetition. 4) Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between rounds. 5) Scale the movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to be performed for a given movement. #Perform: 1x10 Wrist Pushups 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes 8 ) Spend 10 minutes performing HS Wall runs. Time spent resting does not count toward the 10 minute total. Strive to perform the 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs i n as few sets as possible. 9) Rest as necessary, but strive to keep rest periods to an absolute minimum. U nless you are already extremely well conditioned gymnastically, this should be a very challenging workout. 10) You may increase the intensity of the HS Wall Runs by lifting a straight arm up to the hips during each step rather than merely touching the shoulder. #Perform the following: 3x5 Weighted RLL 3x10 Weighted SLS 3x5 Weighted Arch-ups Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the Weighted RLL then rest 60 sec, perform the Weighted SLS (alternate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, finally perform t he Weighted Arch-ups and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified giant set. 2) Alternate legs on each repetition of SLS.

3) Add as much weight as possible (using dumbbells, vest or weight plates) to al l of today s exercises so that they are very challenging for the RX d ten reps. Be meticulous in using a full ROM with a moderate tempo. #Complete four rounds: 60 sec Jump Rope 12 Jumping Single Leg Deck Squats 60 sec Jump Rope 8 Box Jumps 60 sec Jump Rope 4 Depth Jumps Finish the workout with 2x60 seconds of Seated Toe Point Stretch. notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 60 sec of jump rope in bet ween each of the assigned FBEs. 2) The Jumping Single Leg Deck Squats should be performed as a single unbroken s et of 12 repetitions; alternating legs on each jump. Remember to jump as high a s possible for each repetition. 3) The Box Jumps should be performed from a stand up onto as high a box as possi ble for all 8 repetitions. An excellent athlete will perform these onto a box t hat is at least chest high. Add weight with a dumbbell or weight vest if possibl e. There may be a slight pause in between each of the box jump repetitions. 4) Depth Jumps - jump off an object 3 -10 high, bending the knees but not allowing the feet to move or step upon landing. If in doubt go lower rather than higher and remember to BEND the knees upon landing! 5) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. 6) Do Not skip the Seated Toe Point Stretch. #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo Wide Grip L Pull-up 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo HeSPU 1 Embedded FL + 6 Tempo One Arm HLL (3 on each arm) Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Chin/HSPU variations prior to beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quit e easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set . 2) NOTE: When scaling always adjust the difficulty of the FBE so that you will b e able to maintain the correct tempo, sets and reps as designated in that day s GB WOD. 3) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 4) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 5) Use a tempo of 323 for the basic strength sets. For the Wide Grip L Pull-ups , this equates to a 3 second ascent, followed by a 2 second pause at the top, th en a 3 second descent. 6) If HeSPU are too difficult, scale down to a more appropriate HeSPU or dip var iation. 7) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Complete the following: 3 sets of: 2 MU, press to shoulder stand, forward roll to shoulder stand, 2 XR H SPU, lower down to support, roll forward to hanging L, Crank, Reverse Crank 5x15 seconds FL

5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 2) The MU should be performed with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping minimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in locking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition. 3) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring Strength 3 essay. 4) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 5) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 6) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL, then move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Han g. 7) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work onl y after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Front Pulls 10 Naners 2 Front Pulls 5 Tuck FL Rows 2 Front Pulls 1 15 Cirque notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Front Pulls in between e ach of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Front Pulls. It is not nece ssary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent. 3) The Tuck FL Rows should be performed with a slow deliberate motion. 4) If you do not have a rope, substitute 10-15 Towel Pull-ups for the Cirque. 5) Do not rest more than 30 seconds in between exercises. If you are resting mo re than this or are unable to achieve the RX'd repetitions, you need to scale do wn the workout to accomodate your current strength levels. 6) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Perform: 1x10 Cast Wall Walks 1x5 Pike Box Press HS 1x10 Straddle Box Press HS 12 cycles of XR Strap HS Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f

rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes after completing all of the Press HS work and then begin the XR Strap HS. 8 ) Each XR Strap HS cycle consists of 30 work followed by 45 seconds of rest. Go directly from one cycle to the next with no additional rest. 9) DO NOT come down during the 30 seconds of HS. If you do come down, that cycl e does not count towards your total of 12 cycles. 10) To perform XR Strap HS drop your Xtreme Rings down to 6 -8 from the ground. No w kick up into a handstand widely straddling your legs so that they wrap around the straps. Straighten and lock your arms as much as possible and begin timing your HS. 11) The XR Strap HS can be made much more physically demanding by placing your f eet along the inside of the straps rather than wrapping your legs around the str aps. The intensity can be further increased by ensuring that your elbows are com pletely locked and straight. 12) If XR Strap HSs are currently too demanding, perform Wall HS instead; althou gh every effort should be made to complete the workout with XR Strap HS. #Perform three rounds of the following: 5 RLL 10 Killers 5 Arch-ups 20m Sled Sprint Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the RLL then rest 60 sec, perform the Killers then rest 60 sec, perform the Ar ch-ups then rest 60 sec, and then finally perform the Sled Sprint and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified giant set. 2) Killers are essentially a jumping lunge. To perform Killers, first assume a right kneeling lunge position where the right foot is in front and flat on the g round with the right knee bent at approx. a 90-degree angle. The left leg will be behind with the left knee on the ground approximately 14-16 behind the heel of the right foot and the toes of the left leg curled under to aid in the coming j ump. From this position, explode upward into the air as high as possible. At t he top of the jump, switch the right leg backward and the left leg forward landi ng in the opposite lunge position. This constitutes one repetition. Continue f or the prescribed number of repetitions. 3) Be careful to only allow the knee of the back leg to only lightly touch the g round. DO NOT bounce off of the ground with this knee or injury will result. 4) If possible, the Killers should be performed weighted by holding dumbbells at your sides. 20-40lb dumbbells should be sufficient for most people; although y ou should certainly feel free to go much heavier if possible. 5) Add enough weight to the RLL and Arch-ups to make them very strenuous for the five reps. 6) Also add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite challenging; the running should be very strenuous. If your quads are not serio usly fatigued, you are not working hard enough. 7) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground in front of you while you are sprinting backward, have a part ner pulling against you during the sprint with a long strap. #Complete the following: 3 sets of: MU, forward roll MU to BL, lower to German Hang, pullout to hanging L , Crank, Reverse Crank, FL 5x15 seconds FL

5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 2) The Forward Roll MU to BL is performed by executing a MU to just over the tra nsition and then lowering with control down into a back lever. Note that it is necessary to press the shoulders forward during the descent into BL in order to maintain the correct balance. The body position of the BL may be modified as ne eded to accommodate your current strength levels. 3) If necessary, the Fwd Roll MU to BL may be scaled down by performing a MU to support and then rolling backward to the BL. 4) All MUs should be performed with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping minimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in locking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition 5) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring Strength 3 essay. 6) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 7) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 8 ) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL, the n move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Ha ng. 9) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work onl y after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 7 HeSPU 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 5 Korean Dips 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 3 Wheels Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL o n parallets in between each of the assigned FBEs. If you do not have parallets , possible substitutions include kettlebells, dumbbells or pushup bars. 2) To perform the L-sit press to Tuck PL begin with a 3 sec L-sit and then with straight arms press up into a 3 sec Tuck PL, lower down back to the L-sit positi on to complete the repetition. 3) Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between rounds 4) Scale these movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to b e performed for a given movement #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded L-sit + 5 Tempo Russian Dips 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo Half Reverse MU 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo Straddle V-ups Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Curl/Dip variations prior to beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quite easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set.

2) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 3) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 4) Use a tempo of 212 for the basic strength sets. 5) This is a maximal bent arm strength day, do not be timid in increasing the in tensity; add weight as needed to make the exercises very challenging for the rx d repetitions. 6) However also feel free to scale the workout by substituting another exercise from the same movement family if necessary. 7) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Perform the following: 3x5 GHR 3x10 Weighted SLS 3x5 HeS RLL Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the GHR then rest 60 sec, perform the Weighted SLS (alternate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, finally perform the HeS RL L and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified giant set. 2) Add as much weight as possible to all of today s exercises. Be meticulous in u sing a full ROM with a moderate tempo. 3) Alternate legs on each repetition of SLS. Add sufficient weight (using dumbb ells, vest or weight plates) so that they are very challenging for the RX d ten re ps. 45lbs is your targeted additional weight to shoot for. #Complete four rounds: 5m Senders 5 Box Jumps 5m Senders 10 Squat Jumps 5m Senders 5 Depth Jumps Finish the workout with 2x30 seconds Weighted Pike Stretch notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 15 of Senders in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) The Box Jumps should be performed onto as high a box as possible for all 5 re petitions. An excellent athlete will perform these onto a box that is at least chest high. Add weight with a dumbbell or weight vest if possible. There may be a slight pause in between each of the box jump repetitions. 3) Squat jumps should be done down a vault runway or extended grassy area. To p erform the squats jumps, squat down fully and then jump as high as possible. La nd, re-squat fully and touch the hands to the ground. This constitutes one repe tition. Do not pause in between the repetitions. 4) Remember to focus on jumping high, not far. Continue in this fashion until y ou have completed all 10 reps of the Squat Jumps without rest. 5) You may add a weight vest to the Squat Jumps if you are strong enough. 6) Depth Jumps - jump off an object 3 -10 high, bending the knees but not allowing the feet to move or step upon landing. If in doubt go lower rather than higher and remember to BEND the knees upon landing! 7) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Perform:

1x10 Wrist Pushups 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS Walking HSPU Ladders Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes then start the Walking HSPU Ladders. 8 ) Begin with Box HeSPU; perform 2 reps then immediately do 6 steps of HS Wall Runs. Take a few breaths and then move on to Negative HeSPU performing 2 reps f ollowed by 6 steps of HS Wall Runs, continue on upward through the HSPU progress ions in this fashion until you reach the hardest variation you are capable of, r est 3-5 minutes and then reverse ladder back to the beginning. You will now hav e completed one round. 9) How many rounds you perform depends on the number of rungs that were in your ladder; e.g. you only made it to the first exercise, you will perform 10 rounds or if you made it to the 5th exercise, you will perform 2 rounds. 10) Adjust the reps in the Walking HSPU Ladder as necessary. If performing two reps at a time is too difficult, drop to one repetition of each variation. If p erforming two is too easy, increase to three, four or even five reps per variati on. #Complete four rounds: 2 Back Pulls 5 Yewkis 2 Back Pulls 10 FL Pulls 2 Back Pulls 15 Cirque notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Back Pulls in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Back Pulls. It is not neces sary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent. 3) If you do not have a rope, substitute 10-15 Towel Pull-ups for the Cirque. 4) Use as slow and meticulous a tempo for the FL Pulls as you can. 5) Do not rest more than 30 seconds in between exercises. If you are resting mo re than this or are unable to achieve the RX'd repetitions, you need to scale do wn the workout to accomodate your current strength levels. 6) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo FL Pulls 1 Embedded L-sit + 5 Chest Roll to HeS 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo L-sit Lifts

Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier MPPu/MPPr variations prior to beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quit e easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set . 2) NOTE: When scaling always adjust the difficulty of the FBE so that you will b e able to maintain the correct tempo, sets and reps as designated in that day s GB WOD. 3) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 4) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 5) Use a tempo of 242 for the first and third FBEs. As such, for the L-sit Lifts the breakdown of the tempo will be a 2 second ascent, followed by a 4 second pa use at the top, then a controlled 2 second descent. 6) Add weight as necessary to the any of the exercises to make them very challen ging for the five repetitions. 7) You may scale the workout as necessary by substituting another exercise from the same movement family as necessary. 8 ) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Perform the following: 3 sets of; MU, 2 XR Dips, L-sit press shoulder stand, roll fwd into a MU to a sh oulder stand, negative Reverse MU down to an inverted hang, 2 slow Negative Fron t Pulls, 2 slow Negative Back Pulls 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 2) Strive to perform the MUs with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping minimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscient ious in locking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetitio n 3) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring Strength 3 essay. 4) You may use the feet on the straps to slow your descent during the negative R everse MU. 5) Use the position of your choice during the negative Front and Back Pulls that allows you to control the descent while still being challenging. The ascent an d descent of these elements may both be performed in different positions. 6) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 7) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 8 ) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL, the n move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Ha ng. 9) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work onl y after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Cast Wall Walks 3 XR Strap HSPU 2 Cast Wall Walks

5 XR Dips to L-sit 2 Cast Wall Walks 7 XR PPP Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, perform 2 Cast Wall Walks in between each of the assigned FBEs. 2) If 2 Cast Wall Walks are too easy, you may increase the number of repetitions up to 4 or you may also substitute the most challenging STRAIGHT-ARM Press HS v ariation that you are capable of performing for 2 repetitions. 3) During the XR Strap HSPU be conscientious in completely locking the elbows an d turning the rings out at the top of each repetition. 4) XR Dips to L-sit are done by performing a regular XR Dip with the legs hangin g down and then simply adding an L-sit at the top of each dip. Be sure to lock and extend the elbows properly during the XR L-sit portion of the dips. 5) Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between rounds. 6) Scale the movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to be performed for a given movement. #Perform: 1x10 Cast Wall Walks 1x5 Pike Box Press HS 1x10 Straddle Box Press HS 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes 8 ) Spend 10 minutes performing HS Wall runs. Time spent resting does not count toward the 10 minute total. Strive to perform the 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs i n as few sets as possible. 9) Rest as necessary, but strive to keep rest periods to an absolute minimum. U nless you are already extremely well conditioned gymnastically, this should be a very challenging workout. 10) You may increase the intensity of the HS Wall Runs by lifting a straight arm up to the hips during each step rather than merely touching the shoulder. #Perform 3 rounds of the following: 10 Half Windshield Wipers 10 Overhead Lunges 20m Backward Sled Sprint 5 NGHR Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation.

notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the Half Windshield Wipers then rest 60 sec, perform the Overhead Lunges (alte rnate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, perf orm the finally Backward Sled Sprint and then rest 60 sec, and finally perform t he Natural GHR (glute ham raise) and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the ne xt modified giant set. 2) Add as much weight as possible to all of today s exercises. Be meticulous in u sing a full ROM with a moderate tempo. 3) The Overhead Lunges are performed by holding a weight (bar, plate, KB, DB, sa ndbag etc) with fully extended arms over head and then stepping forward onto the right leg. Go deep enough on the step forward so that the rear left knee gentl y brushes the ground. Under no circumstances should the rear knee either hit or bounce off of the ground. Return to a stand and repeat on the other side. Thi s would equal two reps. 4) The Overhead Lunges may either be performed traveling forward by bringing the rear leg up or by remaining stationary by bringing the front leg back on each r epetition. 5) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground behind you while sprinting, have a partner pulling backward o n you during the sprint with a long strap. The best substitute, and possible ev en better than the sled sprints, is to run up a very steep hill with a weighted vest. #Complete four rounds: 60 sec Jump Rope 30m Sled/Tire Sprint 60 sec Jump Rope 20m Squat Jumps 60 sec Jump Rope 10 Depth Jumps Finish the workout with 2x60 seconds of Seated Toe Point Stretch. notes: 1) Add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite chal lenging; the running should be very strenuous. 2) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground in front of you while you are sprinting backward, have a part ner pulling against you during the sprint with a long strap. 3) Move immediately from the Sled/Tire Sprints to the Squat Jumps to the Depth J umps. 4) Squat jumps should be done down a vault runway or extended grassy area. To p erform the squats jumps, squat down fully and then jump as high as possible. La nd, re-squat fully and touch the hands to the ground. This constitutes one repe tition. Do not pause in between the repetitions. 5) Remember to focus on jumping high, not far. Continue in this fashion until y ou have covered the entire 20m of Squat Jumps without rest. 7) Attempt to increase the intensity of the Squat Jumps via a weight vest if you are strong enough. 8 ) Depth Jumps - jump off an object 3 -10 high, bending the knees but not allowing the feet to move or step upon landing. If in doubt go lower rather than higher and remember to BEND the knees upon landing! 9) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Complete 3 sets each: 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo Weighted MU 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo HeS RLL

1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo Straddle V-ups Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier CPP variations prior to beginning your worki ng sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quite easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set. 2) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 3) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 4) Use a tempo of 413 for the FBE. This equates to a 4 second ascent, followed by a 1 second pause at the top, then a 3 second descent. 5) You may scale the workout by substituting another exercise from the same move ment family as necessary. 6) If the HeS RLL and Straddle V-ups are not challenging enough on their own, ad d ankle weights to increase the intensity until these are quite challenging for the 5 repetitions. 7) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Perform the following: 3 sets of: Basic Ring Strength 3 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 sec Descending XR L-sit 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Strive to perform the MUs with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping m inimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in l ocking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition. 2) Choose the most challenging BL & FL variations that you are capable of holdin g for a solid 3 seconds. 3) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 4) You should however rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 5) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 6) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL and t hen move immediately to the Descending XR L-sit and then move immediately to the German Hang. 7) The Descending XR L-sit should require 15 seconds to move from the L-sit to a straight body straight arm support. 8 ) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work on ly after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Front Pulls 1 - 15 Cirque 2 Front Pulls 5 FL Pulls 2 Front Pulls 10 Lat Flys notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Front Pulls in between e ach of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Front Lever Pulls. It is no t necessary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent.

3) If you do not have a rope, substitute 10-15 Towel Pull-ups for the Cirque. 4) Be sure to pull the chin completely over the bar at the top of each FL Pull r ep. 5) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Perform: 1x10 Wrist Pushups 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS 12 cycles of XR Strap HS Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes after completing all of the Press HS work and then begin the XR Strap HS. 8 ) Each XR Strap HS cycle consists of 30 work followed by 45 seconds of rest. Go directly from one cycle to the next with no additional rest. 9) DO NOT come down during the 30 seconds of HS. If you do come down, that cycl e does not count towards your total of 12 cycles. 10) To perform XR Strap HS drop your Xtreme Rings down to 6 -8 from the ground. No w kick up into a handstand widely straddling your legs so that they wrap around the straps. Straighten and lock your arms as much as possible and begin timing your HS. 11) The XR Strap HS can be made much more physically demanding by placing your f eet along the inside of the straps rather than wrapping your legs around the str aps. The intensity can be further increased by ensuring that your elbows are com pletely locked and straight. 12) If XR Strap HSs are currently too demanding, perform Wall HS instead; althou gh every effort should be made to complete the workout with XR Strap HS. #Perform three rounds of the following: 5 Stall Bar RLL 10 Killers 5 Curl-ups 20m Sled Sprint Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the Stall Bar RLL then rest 60 sec, perform the Killers then rest 60 sec, perf orm the Curl-ups then rest 60 sec, and then finally perform the Sled Sprint and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified giant set. 2) Killers are essentially a jumping lunge. To perform Killers, first assume a right kneeling lunge position where the right foot is in front and flat on the g round with the right knee bent at approx. a 90-degree angle. The left leg will

be behind with the left knee on the ground approximately 14-16 behind the heel of the right foot and the toes of the left leg curled under to aid in the coming j ump. From this position, explode upward into the air as high as possible. At t he top of the jump, switch the right leg backward and the left leg forward landi ng in the opposite lunge position. This constitutes one repetition. Continue f or the prescribed number of repetitions. 3) Be careful to only allow the knee of the back leg to only lightly touch the g round. DO NOT bounce off of the ground with this knee or injury will result. 4) If possible, the Killers should be performed weighted by holding dumbbells at your sides. 20-40lb dumbbells should be sufficient for most people; although y ou should certainly feel free to go much heavier if possible. 5) Add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite chal lenging; the running should be very strenuous. If your quads are not seriously fatigued, you are not working hard enough. 6) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground in front of you while you are sprinting backward, have a part ner pulling against you during the sprint with a long strap. #Perform the following: 3 sets of; XR HS, Negative Reverse MU to inverted hang, MU to SS, XR HSPU, lower down to XR Support Hold, negative MU down to hanging L-sit, Crank, Reverse Cran k, Negative Front Pull 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds XR Strap HS 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 2) You may use the feet on the straps to slow your descent during the negative R everse MU. 3) If you are unable to perform MU to SS (shoulder stand), perform the MU to sup port first and then press to SS. 4) Strive to perform the MUs with an emphasis on strength; keeping the kipping m inimized or preferably eliminated all together. Be especially conscientious in l ocking your arms and turning out the rings at the top of each repetition 5) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring Strength 3 essay. 6) Use the position of your choice during the Crank and Reverse Crank that allow s you to control the descent while still being challenging. The ascent and desc ent of these elements may both be performed in different positions. 7) Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static hold position sets. 8 ) Rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. 9) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL, then move immediately to the XR Strap HS and then move immediately to the German Han g. 10) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work on ly after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo FL Rows 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo Tuck PL Pushups 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo HLL Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes:

1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Row/Pushup variations prior to beginning you r working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is qui te easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up se t. 2) NOTE: When scaling always adjust the difficulty of the FBE so that you will b e able to maintain the correct tempo, sets and reps as designated in that day s GB WOD. 3) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 4) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 5) Use a tempo of 212 for the basic strength sets. For the Tuck PL Pushup, this equates to a 2 second descent, followed by a 1 second pause at the bottom with the feet elevated, then a 2 second ascent. 6) Focus on maintaining completely locked, straight elbows at all times during t he Embedded PL with the hips at shoulder height. You may adjust the position of the body as necessary. 7) If Tuck PL Pushups are too difficult, scale down to a more appropriate pushup variation. 8 ) If HLL are too easy, increase the intensity by adding weight at the ankles. 9) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Complete four rounds: 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 5 HSPU 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 10 Russian Dips 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL 20 Swinging Dips Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 L-sit press to Tuck PL o n parallets in between each of the assigned FBEs. If you do not have parallets , possible substitutions include kettlebells, dumbbells or pushup bars. 2) To perform the L-sit press to Tuck PL begin with a 3 sec L-sit and then with straight arms press up into a 3 sec Tuck PL, lower down back to the L-sit positi on to complete the repetition. 3) Do not rest more than 30 seconds in between exercises. If you are resting mo re than this or are unable to achieve the RX'd repetitions, you need to scale do wn the workout to accomodate your current strength levels. 4) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Complete four rounds: 15 Senders 12 Jumping Single Leg Deck Squats 15 Senders 8 GHR 15 Senders 12 Jumping Single Leg Deck Squats Finish the workout with 2x30 seconds Weighted Pike Stretch notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 15 of Senders in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) Alternate legs on each rep of the Jumping Single Leg Deck Squats. 3) Use only the minimal assistance necessary to complete each rep of the GHR. 4) You may rest 2-3 minutes between rounds.

5) Do NOT forget the weighted pike stretches at the end of the workout. #Perform: 1x10 Wrist Pushups 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS Walking HSPU Ladders Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes then start the Walking HSPU Ladders. 8 ) Begin with Box HeSPU; perform 2 reps then immediately do 6 steps of HS Wall Runs. Take a few breaths and then move on to Negative HeSPU performing 2 reps f ollowed by 6 steps of HS Wall Runs, continue on upward through the HSPU progress ions in this fashion until you reach the hardest variation you are capable of, r est 3-5 minutes and then reverse ladder back to the beginning. You will now hav e completed one round. 9) How many rounds you perform depends on the number of rungs that were in your ladder; e.g. you only made it to the first exercise, you will perform 10 rounds or if you made it to the 5th exercise, you will perform 2 rounds. 10) Adjust the reps in the Walking HSPU Ladder as necessary. If performing two reps at a time is too difficult, drop to one repetition of each variation. If p erforming two is too easy, increase to three, four or even five reps per variati on. #Perform the following: 3x5 GHR 3x10 Weighted SLS 3x6 Circular Arch-ups 3x60m Backward Sled Sprint Finish with 60 seconds total aggregate work of a straddle L variation. notes: 1) This workout should be performed as a modified giant set. To this end perfor m the GHR then rest 60sec, perform the Weighted SLS (alternate legs on each rep for a total of 5 reps on each leg) then rest 60 sec, perform 6 Circular Arch-ups then rest 60 sec (alternate direction here for each rep), finally perform the s led/tire sprints and then rest 5 minutes before beginning the next modified gian t set. 2) Add as much weight as possible to both the SLS and Circular Arch-ups. Do not be afraid to challenge yourself here; holding a 45lb plate during the SLS is no t unreasonable for stronger athletes. 3) Be meticulous in using ONLY just enough assistance from the arms to complete each rep of the GHR. 4) Add sufficient weight to the sled/tire sprints to make the sprints quite chal

lenging; the running should be very strenuous. The Backward Sled Sprints are th e primary focus of this GB WOD and should be approached very aggressively. 5) If you do not have access to a tire or sled for sprints, then possible sled/t ire substitutions include: perform the sprints with a weight vest, drag a kettle bell on the ground behind you while sprinting, have a partner pulling backward o n you during the sprint with a long strap. The best substitute, and possible ev en better than the sled sprints, is to run up a very steep hill with a weighted vest. #Complete four rounds: 2 Back Pulls 1 15 Cirque 2 Back Pulls 5 Wide grip L Pull-ups 2 Back Pulls 10 FL Pulls notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, you will be performing 2 Back Pulls in between ea ch of the assigned FBEs. 2) Adjust the body position as necessary during the Back Pulls. It is not neces sary to use the same body position for both the ascent and descent. 3) If you do not have a rope, substitute 10-15 Towel Pull-ups for the Cirque. 4) Add weight if possible to the ankles during the FL Pulls. 5) Do not rest more than 30 seconds in between exercises. If you are resting mo re than this or are unable to achieve the RX'd repetitions, you need to scale do wn the workout to accomodate your current strength levels. 6) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. #Complete 3 sets of each: 1 Embedded BL + 6 Tempo Assisted OAC (3 each arm) 1 Embedded PL + 5 Tempo PB HSPU 1 Embedded FL + 5 Tempo Body Levers Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall Walks notes: 1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Chin/HSPU variations prior to beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with one that is quit e easy and then get progressively more difficult from warm-up set to warm-up set . 2) NOTE: When scaling always adjust the difficulty of the FBE so that you will b e able to maintain the correct tempo, sets and reps as designated in that day s GB WOD. 3) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep. 4) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets. 5) Use a tempo of 423 for the basic strength sets. For the Assisted OACs, this equates to a 4 second ascent, followed by a 2 second pause at the top, then a 3 second descent. For each set perform 3 repetitions on the right arm and then sw itch to the left arm for 3 repetitions. 6) If PB HSPU are too difficult, scale down to a more appropriate HSPU or HeSPU variation. 7) Add weight to the ankles as necessary to make the Body Levers sufficiently ch allenging for the rx d reps. 8 ) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout. #Perform the following: 3 sets of: 1-3 MU, 1-3 XR L-sit press shoulder stand, 1-3 XR HSPU, 1-3 Tick Tock

s 5x15 seconds FL 5x15 seconds PL Lean 5x15 seconds German Hang Finish the workout with 2x10 Wall Extensions. notes: 1) Perform from 1-3 repetitions on each of the exercises in the ring strength se ries depending on how many repetitions your current strength level will allow yo u to perform correctly. Each of the exercises may have a different number of re petitions as necessary; e.g. 3 MU & 1 XR L-sit press shoulder stand etc. 2) Choose the most challenging BL & FL variation that you are capable of using f or the Tick Tocks. 3) Perform the most difficult MU variation that you are capable of performing wi thout kipping or swinging. If MU are too easy, then substitute Rev MU or Galimo res or Roeslers. 4) Progressions for developing the XR shoulder stand are found in the Basic Ring s Strength 3 essay. 5) If XR Press Shoulder Stand is too easy, then substitute a XR Press HS. 6) Do not rest during the Ring strength series. 7) You should however rest at least 3-5 minutes between ring strength sets. Complete all 3 sets of the ring strength series prior to beginning the static ho ld position sets. 8 ) Perform the static hold sets as a single giant set; perform a set of FL and then move immediately to the PL Lean and then move immediately to the German Han g. 9) To perform PL Leans assume a pushup position with the XR adjusted to just off of the floor. Now keeping the elbows locked and the body completely straight, lean as far forward as possible into a correct PL position. Your feet will rema in on the ground for the entire repetition. 10) A short rest (30-60 sec) is allowed during the static hold positions work on ly after a single giant set has been completed. #Complete four rounds: 2 Cast Wall Walks 5 HSPU 2 Cast Wall Walks 10 Wheels 2 Cast Wall Walks 20 Swinging Dips Finish with 2x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Note that for today s GB WOD, perform 2 Cast Wall Walks in between each of the assigned FBEs. 2) If 2 Cast Wall Walks are too easy, you may increase the number of repetitions up to 4 or you may also substitute the most challenging STRAIGHT-ARM Press HS v ariation that you are capable of performing for 2 repetitions. 3) Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds 4) Scale the movements as necessary to allow the correct repetition range to be performed for a given movement #Perform: Begin with 1x10 Wrist Pushups 2x10 Cast Wall Walks 2x5 Pike Box Press HS 2x10 Straddle Box Press HS 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs

Finish with 1x10 Wrist Pushups notes: 1) Rest 1-2 minutes between Press HS sets. 2) If Cast Wall Walks are insufficiently challenging, you may perform PL Wall Wa lks instead. The key difference between these two variations is that the hands will remain behind the shoulders at all times during the descent and ascent of t he PL Walks, whereas in the Cast Wall Walks the hands are directly under the sho ulders. 3) Remember to adjust the height as necessary during the Box Press HS variations to ensure that the presses are sufficiently challenging. 4) If you cannot press to HS, then press to HeS. 5) If you are strong enough, replace the Box Press HS variations with Press HS f rom an L-sit on parallets or PBs. 6) If you exceptionally strong, perform the Press HS variations on the XR. 7) Rest 3-5 minutes 8 ) Spend 10 minutes performing HS Wall runs. Time spent resting does not count toward the 10 minute total. Strive to perform the 10 minutes of HS Wall Runs i n as few sets as possible. 9) Rest as necessary, but strive to keep rest periods to an absolute minimum. U nless you are already extremely well conditioned gymnastically, this should be a very challenging workout. 10) You may increase the intensity of the HS Wall Runs by lifting a straight arm up to the hips during each step rather than merely touching the shoulder. #

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