Gurdjieff: Beelzebub's Tales - Okidanokh (To Fathom The Gist)

March 19, 2019 | Author: Robin Bloor | Category: Galaxy, Matter, Stars, Atoms, Planets
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Short Description

This is an essay which discusses the meaning of Okidanokh in Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales. It is a draft exce...


ThecovershownforthispaperonOkidanokhisthecoverof thebook:

ToFathomTheGist  Volume1:ApproachestotheWr Volume1:ApproachestotheWritingsofG.I.Gurdjieff  itingsofG.I.Gurdjieff  ThisbookwillbeavailablefromAmazonfromabout31st March2013.Weintendtomakeit availableasanebookonScribd,KindleandAppleatalaterdate. Thesubjectmatterofthisbookis“howtopenetrateBeelzebub’sTales.”Thusthebook Thesubjectmatterofthisbookis“howtopenetrateBeelzebub’sTales. ”Thusthebook discusseswhateffortsneedtobemadeinorderto“fathomthegist”andhowtomakethem. Itprovidesexplanationsandexamples. ……. Therewillbeatleasttwoothervolumesinthisseriesofbooks. One(ormore)willconsistofnotesonthevariouschaptersofBeelzebub’sTalesafterthe fashionofthoseprovidedinVolume1,whensectionsofBeelzebub’sT fashionofthoseprovidedinV olume1,whensectionsofBeelzebub’sTalesaredirectly alesaredirectly discussed.Wecansaylittlemorethanthatexceptthatworkhasbegunonthat. TherewillbeafurthervolumeinthisseriesofbookswhichdiscussesObjectiveScience. TheessayonOkidanokhwhichfollowsisadraftexcerptfromthevolumeonObjective TheessayonOkidanokhwhichfollowsisadraftexcerptfromthev olumeonObjective Sciencewhichiscurrentlyinpreparation.

Okidanokh The The reade eader r shou should ld try try to be aware are that that thes these e are are onl only idea ideas s glean leaned ed from from stud study y of Gurdjieff’swritingsinanattempttogathersomeunderstandingofthewordOkidanokh. ExtractsfromTheTales ExtractsfromTheTalesandfrom andfromInSearchoftheMiraculous InSearchoftheMiraculousareitalicized... areitalicized...

Etherokrilno Ther There e is a rela relati tion onsh ship ip betwe between en Ethe Ethero rokr kril ilno no and and Ok Okid idan anok okh. h. So it may may help help us if we understandwhatEtherokrilnois: “In the beginnin beginning, g, whennothin whennothingyetexiste gyetexistedand dand when the whole whole ofourUniverse ofourUniverse wasempty wasempty endlessspacewiththepresenceofonlytheprime-sourcecosmicsubstance‘Etherokrilno,’our  presentMostGreatandMostMostHolySunAbsoluteexistedaloneinallthisemptyspace,... (TheTales-Purgatory) Here Here weare told told that that Ether Etherokr okriln ilno o is not creat createdby edby our ENDLES ENDLESS, S, or if it was,it was,it existe existed d before before thecreationof our megalocosm megalocosmos, os,withi within n which which aside from TheSun Absolute Absoluteand and TheMercilessHeropass,itwasallthatexisted. Ethero Etherokri krilno lno the basis basis for the arisin arisingo gof f all cosmic cosmic concent concentrat rations ions withou without t excepti exception… on… (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) Her Here we are are told told that that Ethe Etherrokri okriln lno o is what what giv gives rise rise to all all subs substa tanc nces es in The The Ray Ray of Creation. “You “Youmus must tals also o know know furthe further, r, that thatonl only yone one cosmic cosmic crysta crystalli llizat zation ion,, existi existing ng under under the name name ‘Omnip ‘Omnipresent resent-Oki -Okidan danokh, okh,’obta ’obtains ins its prime prime arisin arising—alth g—althoug ough h it also also iscrysta iscrystalli llized zed from from Ethero Etherokri krilno lno—fr —fromt omthet hethre hreeHo eHolysources lysources of the sacred Theomertmalogos, that is,from theemanationoftheMostHolySunAbsolute. (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) Andherewe are toldthatOkidanokhattains itsprimearisingfromthe emanations emanations ofthe Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te.. This This impl implie ies s that that if the the Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te were were not not emana emanati ting ng anyt anythi hing ng then then Okidanokh Okidanokh would would not comeinto come into existence. existence. It exists exists entirelybecause entirelybecause of those emanations emanations anditiscrystallizedfromEtherokrilno. Weshouldthereforethinkoftheether(Etherokrilno)ashavingthepotentialitytogiverise to matt matter er and and ener energ gy, and and the the eman emanat atio ions ns of the the Sun Sun Absol bsolut ute e as caus causin ing g it do so. so. IncidentallywemayaccidentallyassociatetheideaoftheSunAbsolutewiththeideaofa normalsun normalsun-i.e.a -i.e.a largeballof largeballof\ire \irewithan withanstr stronggrav onggravitati itationalpull. onalpull. Butthatwouldbe Butthatwouldbe our normalmindmakingunjusti\iedassumptions.ItispossiblethattheSunAbsoluteisalmost aslargeas thewholeMegalocosmosand thewholeMegalocosmosand creationhappens creationhappens withinthe withinthe spaceitoccupiesor adjacenttothespaceitoccupies. Ifwethinkofourselvesasacosmos(as Ifwethinkofourselvesasacosmos(as wearesometimes wearesometimes invitedto invitedto do by TheTales)then TheTales)then ouremanations donot stretchveryfar stretchveryfar,, buttheycerta butthey certainlyin\luen inlyin\luenceeveryth ceeverything ing within withinour our planetarybody.

Descriptions of Okidanokh Ifwegothroughthe wholeofTheTales,wewill wholeofTheTales,wewill encounter encounter manyreferenc manyreferencestoOkidanokh. estoOkidanokh. ItisinterestingtonotethatGurdj ItisinterestingtonotethatGurdjieffdoesnot ieffdoesnot always always usetheexactsame words words torefer to

it. Here are are all the variance nces we have noticed: ed: Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Omnipresent-Okid Omnipresent-Okidanokh, anokh, Omnipr Omniprese esentnt-Act Active ive-El -Eleme ementnt-Oki Okidan danokh, okh, omnipres omnipresent ent everywhe everywherere-pen penetra etratin ting g ActiveActiveElementElement-Oki Okidano danokh, kh, Omnipresent Omnipresent cosmic cosmic crystal crystalliza lizatio tion, n, Omnipres Omnipresentent-W World-sub orld-substa stancenceOkid Okidan anok okh, h, the the omni omnipr pres esen ent t and and every everywh wher eree penet penetrat rating ing Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Active Active Element Element Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Omnipr Omniprese esent nt cosmic cosmic-sub -substa stance nce Okidan Okidanokh okh,, Omnipr Omnipresen esent t substa substance nce Okidan Okidanokh okh andcosmic-substanceOkidanokh. It is clea clear r from this his list list that hat we are are bei being tol told that that Ok Okid idan anok okh h is a subs substtance ance (or (or a classi\icat classi\icationof ionofsubsta substances)which nces)which penetrates penetrates everythi everythingand ngandiseveryw iseverywherethat herethat has been touchedinsomewaybyemanationsoftheSunAbsolute.Itisan“activeelement”anditisa cosmicsubstance. Gurdjieffalsowrites: “And “And so, my boy, boy, the the Omnip Omnipres resent ent-O -Oki kida danok nokh h obta obtains insits its prime arisin gins pace outsid e of the Most Holy Holy Sun Abso Absolu lutte itse itself lf,, from from the the blen blendi ding ng of thes thesee thre threee inde indepe pend nden entt  for ces ce s into in to one, on e, and an d du ring ri ng its it s furth fu rth er involut involutions ions it is corr corres espo pond ndin ingl gly y chan change ged, d, in resp respec ectt of wh what at is call called ed the the ‘Viv ‘Vivif ifyi ying ngne ness ss of Vibr Vibrat atio ions ns’ ’ accor accordi ding ng to its its pass passag agee thro throug ugh h what are called the ‘Stop topinde nders’ or ‘gravi ravity centers centers’ ’ of the fundam fundament ental al ‘common common-co -cosmi smic c sacred Heptaparapar Heptaparaparshino shinokh. kh.’ ’  (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) So weare told told that that Okidano Okidanokh kh is formed formed from from theblendingofactive,passiveandneutralizing forcesintoonesubstance.Wearealsotoldthat OkidanokhissubjecttotheLawofSevenandas such such it’s it’s vivi vivify fyin ingn gnes esss of vibr vibrat atio ions ns can can decreaseinitsinvolution. GurdjieffalsotoldOuspenskythat: " ’Matter' er' may be rega egarded ded as con consisting of 'atoms.'Atoms 'atoms.'Atoms in thisconnection are takenalso as the the resul result t of the the Qina Qinal l divi divisi sion on of matt matter. er. In ever every y orde orderr of matt matter er they they are are simp simply ly cert certai ain n smal sm all l part partic icle les s of the the give given n matt matter er wh whic ich h are are indivisible indivisible onlyonthegiven plane.Theatomsof plane.Theatomsofthe the Absolutealonearereallyindivis Absolutealonearereallyindivisible, ible, the atomofthenextplane,thatis,ofworld3,consistsofthreeatomsoftheAbsoluteor,inother words, it is three times bigger and three times heavier, and its movements are corres correspon ponding dingly ly slower. slower. The atom atom of world world 6 consist consists s of six atoms atoms of the Absolu Absolute te merged merged together, together,as asit it were, andformin and forming g oneatom. one atom. Itsmovem Its movementsare entsare correspondin correspondinglyslower. glyslower. The atom atom of the the next next worl world d cons consis ists ts of twel twelve ve prim primor ordi dial al part partic icle les, s, and and of the the next next worl worlds ds,, of twen tw entty-fo y-four ur,, forty orty-e -eig ight ht,, and and nine ninety ty-s -six ix. . Th Thee atom atom of worl world d 96 is of an enor enorm mous ous siz size comp compar ared ed with with the the atom atom of worl world d 1; its its move moveme ment nts s are are corr corresp espon ondin dingl gly y slow slower, er, and and the the matterwhichismadeupofsuchatomsiscorrespondinglydenser. (Search-Ch5)

Thediagramshownis Thediagramshownis Ouspensky’s Ouspensky’s representat representationofthesediffer ionofthesedifferent ent atomswhichdescend atomswhichdescend accor accordin ding g to theLaw of Seven. Seven. We theref therefor ore e assumethat, assumethat, Gurdji Gurdjieffis effis talking talking here here about about whathereferstoinTheTales whathereferstoinTheTalesasOkidanokh. asOkidanokh. Gurdjieffsays: "Thu "Thus s inste instead ad of one conce concept pt of matt matter er we have have seve seven n kind kinds s of matt matter, er, but but our our ordi ordina nary ry conception conception ofmater of materialit iality yonlywith onlywith difQicultyembracesthe difQicultyembracesthe materialit materiality yof ofworlds96 worlds96 and48. and 48. Thematterofworld24ismuchtoorareQiedtoberegardedasmatterfromthescientiQicpoint ofview ofour physic physics s andchemistr andchemistry;such y;such matteris matteris practi practical callyhypot lyhypothet hetica ical.The l.The still still Qiner Qiner matterofworld12has,forordinaryinvestigation,nocharacteristicsofmaterialityatall.  Allthesemattersbelongingtothe  Allthesematters belongingtothevariousorders variousorders ofthe universearenotseparatedintolayers universearen otseparatedintolayers butareintermixed,or,rather,theyinterpenetrateoneanother. We can can get an idea idea of simi simila lar r inte interp rpene enetr trat atio ion n of matt matters ers of diff differ erent ent densi densiti ties es from from the the  penetration of one matter by another matter of different densities known to us. A piece of woodmaybe saturated saturatedwith with water,watermayin water,watermayin itsturnbe Qilledwithgas.Exact Qilledwithgas.Exactlythe lythe same relation relation between differentkindsof differentkindsof mattermay mattermaybeobservedin beobservedin the whole ofthe universe: universe: the  Qinermatterspermeatethecoarserones. SoinSearch Soin Search,,Gurd Gurdjieffprov jieffprovides ides uswitha uswith a differen different tview view ofthis omnipresent omnipresent substance substanceas as havingsevendifferentlevelsofvivifyingnesswhichgofromTheAbsolutetoTheMoonand whichinterpenetrateoneanother.ItseemstobesuggestedthenthatnotonlyisOkidanokh Omnipresentbutthat Omnipresentbutthat any givenspacecouldcontainmany givenspacecouldcontainmany interpenetr interpenetrating ating layers layers ofit.On ofit. On Earth, Earth, for for examp example, le, theremay theremay besome things, things, a rock rock for examp example, le, that that could could contai contain n the whole7differentdensitiesofOkidanokh.

The Reactivity of Okidanokh Even thou though gh it is desc descri ribe bed d many many time times s as an acti activ ve elem elemen ent, t, Ok Okid idan anok okh, h, whic which h we remember remember is produced produced fromthe ether, ether, does not interact interact directly directly withanyt with anything. hing. Gurdjieff Gurdjieff writesabouttwopeculiaritiesofOkidanokhasfollows: “The “The Qirst irst pecul eculia iari rity ty is tha that wh when en a new new cos cosmic mic un unit it is bein being g conc concen enttrat rated, ed, then hen the the ‘Omnip ‘Omniprese resentnt-Act Active ive-El -Elemen ement’does t’does not blend, blend, asa as a whole, whole, with with such a new arisin arising, g, nor isit transformed transformed asa as awhole whole in anydeQinite correspondingplace— correspondingplace— ashappenswith everyother cosmiccrystalliza cosmiccrystallization tion in all the saidcosmic formations— formations— but immediatelyon immediatelyon entering enteringasa asa wholeintoanycosmicunit,thereimmediatelyoccursinitwhatiscalled‘Djartklom,’thatisto say, say, it is disp disper erse sed d into into the the thre three e funda fundame ment ntal al sour sources ces from from wh whic ich h it obta obtain ined ed its its prim prime e arising, ng, and only then do these sources, es, each sepa eparately, give the begi eginnin ning for an indep indepen enden dent t conc concent entra rati tion on of thre three e sepa separa rate te corr corresp espon ondin ding g form format atio ions ns withi within n the the given given cosmic cosmic unit. unit. And in this this way, way, this this ‘Omnip ‘Omnipres resentent-Act Active ive-El -Eleme ement‘ nt‘ actual actualize izes s at the outset outset,, in every every such such newarising, newarising, the sourcesfor sourcesfor the possib possible le manife manifesta statio tion n of its own sacred sacred law of Triamazikamno. “It mu must st with withou out t fail fail be noti notice ced d also also,, that that in ever every y cosm cosmic ic form format atio ion, n, the the said said sepa separa rate ted d sour source ces, s, both both for for the the perc percep epti tion on and and for for the the furt furthe her r util utiliz izat atio ion n of this this prop proper erty ty of the the ‘Omnip ‘Omniprese resentnt-Act Active ive-El -Elemen ement‘ t‘ for the purpos purpose e of the corres correspon pondin ding g actual actualizi izing, ng, exist exist and continuetohavethepossibilityoffunctioningaslongasthegivencosmicunitexists. “Andonly after thesaid cosmic unithasbeen unithas been completelydestroye completelydestroyed d dothese do these holysourcesof thesacredTriamazikamno,localizedinthe‘Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh,’reblend

and and they hey are are again gain trans ransfo form rmed ed into into ‘Oki ‘Okida dano nokh kh,,’ but but havi having ng now now anot anoth her qua qualit lity of VivifyingnessofVibrations. “Asregardsthesecondpeculiarityofthe‘Omnipresent-Okidanokh,’equallypropertoitalone, andwhichit isalsonecessaryforusto isalsonecessaryforustoelucidatejust elucidatejust nowforthegiventheme nowforthegiventheme ofourtalk, you will be able to un und ders erstand about that, only nly if you know now someth ething concer cernin ning one  fundamental cosmic second-degree law, existing in the Universe, under the denomination of the‘SacredAieioiuoa.’  “And this this cosmic cosmic law is, that that there there proceed proceeds s within within eve every ry arisin arising g large large and small, small, when in directtouchwiththeemanat directtouchwiththeemanationseitherofthe ionseitherofthe Sun Absolute Absolute itselforofany itselforofany othersun,whatis othersun,whatis called‘Remorse,’thatis,aprocesswheneverypartthathasarisenfromtheresultsofanyone Holy Holy Sour Source ce of the the Sacre Sacred d Tria Triama mazi zika kamn mno, o, as it were, were, ‘rev ‘revol olts ts’ ’ and and ‘cri ‘criti tici cize zes’ s’ the the form former er unbecomingperceptionsandthemanifestationsatthemomentofanotherpartofitswhole— a part part obta obtain ined ed from from the the resu result lts s of anot anothe her r Holy Holy Sour Source ce of the the same same funda fundame ment ntal al sacr sacred ed CosmicLawofTriamazikamno. “And “And this this sacr sacred ed proc process ess Aieio Aieioiu iuoa oa or ‘Rem ‘Remor orse se’ ’ alwa always ys proc proceed eeds s with with the the ‘Omn ‘Omnip ipres resent ent- Active-Element-Okidanokh’also. “Thepeculiarityofthislatterduringthissacredprocessisthatwhilethedirectactioneither of the the sacr sacred ed Th Theo eome mert rtma malo logo gos s or the the em eman anat atio ion n of any any ordin ordinar ary y sun sun is roun round d abou aboutt the the whole of itspresence, thisActive-Element thisActive-Element is dispersed dispersedintoits intoits three prime partswhich then existalmos existalmost tind indepen ependent dently, ly, andwhenthe said said directactio directaction n ceases, ceases, these these partsblend partsblend again again andthencontinuetoexistasawhole. So Djar Djartk tklo lom m - a spli splitt ttin ing g into into thre three e (act (activ ive, e, passi passiv ve, neutr neutrali alizi zing ng) ) - is how how Ok Okid idano anokh kh participate participatesin sinthe the Universeand Universeandit it doesso when anewcosmicunit a newcosmicunit is beingconcentrated. beingconcentrated. We presu presume me a comi comic c unit unit mean means s a cosm cosmos os (a livi living ng thin thing) g) of some some kind kind - of any any kind. kind. Perhap Perhaps s this this meansthat, meansthat, ata concept conception ion,, whethe whetherthat rthat beof aSunora a Sunora planet planet ofa livin living g orga organi nism sm,, Djar Djartk tklo lom m occu occurs rs, , and and then then the the thr three part parts s giv give rise rise to thr three inde indepe pend nden ent t formations(brainsperhaps)-andthismakesitpossiblefortheLawofThreetofunction within withinthecosmos. thecosmos. Djartklom Djartklom also occursasa consequenceof consequenceofremo remorse.Gurdji rse.Gurdjieffdoes effdoesnot not speci\icall speci\icallysaythat,issuch ysaythat,issuch circumst circumstances, ances, whentheyre-formtheOkidan whentheyre-formtheOkidanokhvibra okhvibrates tes ata higherlevel higherlevel.. However However wemust assume thatthisis thatthisislikel likelyto yto bethecase,otherwiseremors bethecase,otherwiseremorse e would would have have effect effected ed no change change.. When When the cosmic cosmic unit unit is complet completel ely y destro destroye yed d then then the Okidan Okidanokhre-fo okhre-forms rms,, butmay do so at a differ different ent rate rate of vibra vibratio tion n than than when when Djartk Djartklom lom occurred. CosmicUnits

WhatdoesGurdjieffmeanby“cosmicunit”? Most Most likel likely y he means means a cosmos cosmos; ; galaxy(la), galaxy(la), sun(sol), sun(sol), planeta planetarysyste rysystem m (fa), (fa), planet(mi), planet(mi), moon moon (re) (re).. Si in the the Ray Ray of Creat Creatio ion n is the the Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te,, the the worl world d of all star stars s and the the atmosphere atmosphere orabodeoftheAbsolut orabodeof theAbsolute. e. Wearetoldthatthe changeinthenatureoftheSun Abso Absolu lute te was was a cons consequ equen ence ce,, prim primar aril ily y, of a chan change ge to the the Law Law of Seve Seven, n, and and that that the the Megalocosmoswasformedasaconsequence.TheemanationsoftheSunAbsolute\irstgave risetothenoteLaandthecosmicunitthiscreatedwasagalaxy.Thiskindofcosmicunitis twicethedensityontheSunAbsolute.Okidanokhgaverisetothegalaxiesbytheprocessof djartk djartklomand lomand oncethisoccurre oncethisoccurred d thegalaxies thegalaxies hadtheir ownlawof triama triamazik zikamn amno. o. This This crysta crystaliz lized ed three three “cente “centers” rs” in some some way way and, once the galaxi galaxies es were were born born they they began began to

emanate.ButtheiremanationswereofalowervibrationandtheygaverisetoOkidanokhof alowervibration. Then Thencam came ethenot thenoteSol. eSol. Thisbecame Thisbecame possib possible, le, wededuce, wededuce, becaus becauseof eof theOkidano theOkidanokhof khof a lower lower vibra vibratio tion n emanat emanated ed from from thenote La, the Galaxy Galaxy.. We think think of a galaxy galaxy as nothing nothing more more than than a collec collectio tion n of circli circling ngsta stars, rs, but inre in reali alitywhen tywhen wesee theMilkyWay theMilkyWay inthe in the nightskywearelookingatthebodyoftheGalaxy,frominsidetheGalaxy.Thesestarswere formedaftertheconceptionoftheGalaxy.ThenoteLaisofamuchhigherorderofmatter/ ener energy gy than than the the subs substa tanc nce e of the the star stars s them themse sellves. es. Acco Accorrding ding to Gur Gurdjie djieff ff atom atoms s of hydrogendonotappearuntilthesecondordersunsarecreated. At the the soun soundi ding ng of the the note note Sol, Sol, the the indi indivi vidu dual al Suns Suns were were crys crysta tali lizedand zedand thus thus they they too too acquiredtheirownlawofTr acquiredtheirownlawofTriamaz iamazikamno ikamno.Andbecauseofthis, .Andbecauseofthis, wededuce,Okidanokhofa wededuce,Okidanokhofa lowerorder lowerorder wasproducedandemanat wasproducedandemanatedfrom edfrom thesecondorderSunsastheygrew thesecondorderSunsastheygrew.. Andat thisstagethevibrations-thelevelofvivifyingnessofOkidanokh-hadreducedbyahalf. ThisOkidanokhofalowerlevelcreatedthesolarsystems,thefamilyofplanetsthatorbit arou around nd the the seco second nd orde order r suns suns. . And And they they too, too, coll collec ecti tiv vely ely acqu acquir ired ed thei their r own own Law Law of Traimaz Traimazikamno ikamno,, andthey too gaverise gaverisetoOkidanokhofa toOkidanokhofa lowerorder lowerorder.. Thoughwewitness Thoughwewitness themovements themovementsof of theplanetsinthenightsky theplanetsinthenightsky,wedonotfullyseeorexper ,wedonotfullyseeorexperience iencethenature thenature ofthatcosmicunit-thefamilyofplanets. And then, then, even eventu tual ally ly,, indi indivi vidu dual al plan planet ets s (thi (third rd orde order r Suns) Suns) were were form formed ed and and they they also also acquiredtheirlocalLawofThreeandtheytoogaverisetoOkidanokhofalowerorder.And ultimately,moonswereformedfromthisOkidanokhofalowerorderandtheytooacquired theirownlawofthree. So in the Ray of Crea Creati tion on we witne itness ss the the down downw ward ard \low low of Ok Okiidano danokh kh.. Follo ollowi wing ng Gurdjieff’sexplanations,wecanconstatethattheOkidanokhoftheSunAbsolutepermeates thewholeofthemegalocosmos,whiletheOkidanokhoflowerordersislocalizedandgives risetocreationsofalocalorder,rightdowntothecosmicunitthatwecalltheMoon.

The Hydrogens Wemaynaturallyaskthequestion:“HowdoesOkidanokhrelatetotheHydrogens?” TheHydrogens TheHydrogens aresubstances, aresubstances, notcosmic units. units. Eachcosmicunitisformedfromanarra Eachcosmicunitisformedfromanarray y ofHydrogens,andfunctionsthroughtheevolutionandinvolutionofthoseHydrogens.Each hydrog drogen en is a clas classi si\i \ica cati tion on of subs substa tanc nces es that that can can be acti activ ve, pass passiive or neut neutrraliz alizin ing g (Carbon,Oxygen, (Carbon,Oxygen, Nitrogen), Nitrogen), andthis determines determines howtheyevo howthey evolv lve eorinvol orinvolve ve inrelat in relationto ionto othersubstancestheyinteractwith,inaccordancewiththeLawofThree. Whenacosmicunitisdestroyed,someofthoseHydrogensrecombinetoformOkidanokhof aparticularlevelofvivifyingness.AccordingtoGurdjieff,ManisHydrogen24,althoughthe cosmicunitof cosmicunitof athree-brainedbeingcontain athree-brainedbeingcontainshydr shydrogensfrom ogensfrom H6downtoH6144.Whena man dies, dies, these these Hydr Hydroge ogens ns disper disperse, se, accor accordin ding g to their their levels, levels, servin serving g as food food for for other other cosmic cosmic units units or recom recombin bining ing to form form Okidano Okidanokh kh of vario various us levels levels.. In theory theory,, only only a very very smal smalll part part of man man pers persis ists ts with with the the deat death h of the the plan planet etar ary y bod body, and and even even that that is not not guaranteed.

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