Gurdjieff: Beelzebub's Tales - Okidanokh (To Fathom The Gist)
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This is an essay which discusses the meaning of Okidanokh in Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales. It is a draft exce...
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ToFathomTheGist Volume1:ApproachestotheWr Volume1:ApproachestotheWritingsofG.I.Gurdjieff itingsofG.I.Gurdjieff ThisbookwillbeavailablefromAmazonfromabout31st March2013.Weintendtomakeit availableasanebookonScribd,KindleandAppleatalaterdate. Thesubjectmatterofthisbookis“howtopenetrateBeelzebub’sTales.”Thusthebook Thesubjectmatterofthisbookis“howtopenetrateBeelzebub’sTales. ”Thusthebook discusseswhateffortsneedtobemadeinorderto“fathomthegist”andhowtomakethem. Itprovidesexplanationsandexamples. ……. Therewillbeatleasttwoothervolumesinthisseriesofbooks. One(ormore)willconsistofnotesonthevariouschaptersofBeelzebub’sTalesafterthe fashionofthoseprovidedinVolume1,whensectionsofBeelzebub’sT fashionofthoseprovidedinV olume1,whensectionsofBeelzebub’sTalesaredirectly alesaredirectly discussed.Wecansaylittlemorethanthatexceptthatworkhasbegunonthat. TherewillbeafurthervolumeinthisseriesofbookswhichdiscussesObjectiveScience. TheessayonOkidanokhwhichfollowsisadraftexcerptfromthevolumeonObjective TheessayonOkidanokhwhichfollowsisadraftexcerptfromthev olumeonObjective Sciencewhichiscurrentlyinpreparation.
Okidanokh The The reade eader r shou should ld try try to be aware are that that thes these e are are onl only idea ideas s glean leaned ed from from stud study y of Gurdjieff’swritingsinanattempttogathersomeunderstandingofthewordOkidanokh. ExtractsfromTheTales ExtractsfromTheTalesandfrom andfromInSearchoftheMiraculous InSearchoftheMiraculousareitalicized... areitalicized...
Etherokrilno Ther There e is a rela relati tion onsh ship ip betwe between en Ethe Ethero rokr kril ilno no and and Ok Okid idan anok okh. h. So it may may help help us if we understandwhatEtherokrilnois: “In the beginnin beginning, g, whennothin whennothingyetexiste gyetexistedand dand when the whole whole ofourUniverse ofourUniverse wasempty wasempty endlessspacewiththepresenceofonlytheprime-sourcecosmicsubstance‘Etherokrilno,’our presentMostGreatandMostMostHolySunAbsoluteexistedaloneinallthisemptyspace,... (TheTales-Purgatory) Here Here weare told told that that Ether Etherokr okriln ilno o is not creat createdby edby our ENDLES ENDLESS, S, or if it was,it was,it existe existed d before before thecreationof our megalocosm megalocosmos, os,withi within n which which aside from TheSun Absolute Absoluteand and TheMercilessHeropass,itwasallthatexisted. Ethero Etherokri krilno lno the basis basis for the arisin arisingo gof f all cosmic cosmic concent concentrat rations ions withou without t excepti exception… on… (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) Her Here we are are told told that that Ethe Etherrokri okriln lno o is what what giv gives rise rise to all all subs substa tanc nces es in The The Ray Ray of Creation. “You “Youmus must tals also o know know furthe further, r, that thatonl only yone one cosmic cosmic crysta crystalli llizat zation ion,, existi existing ng under under the name name ‘Omnip ‘Omnipresent resent-Oki -Okidan danokh, okh,’obta ’obtains ins its prime prime arisin arising—alth g—althoug ough h it also also iscrysta iscrystalli llized zed from from Ethero Etherokri krilno lno—fr —fromt omthet hethre hreeHo eHolysources lysources of the sacred Theomertmalogos, that is,from theemanationoftheMostHolySunAbsolute. (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) Andherewe are toldthatOkidanokhattains itsprimearisingfromthe emanations emanations ofthe Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te.. This This impl implie ies s that that if the the Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te were were not not emana emanati ting ng anyt anythi hing ng then then Okidanokh Okidanokh would would not comeinto come into existence. existence. It exists exists entirelybecause entirelybecause of those emanations emanations anditiscrystallizedfromEtherokrilno. Weshouldthereforethinkoftheether(Etherokrilno)ashavingthepotentialitytogiverise to matt matter er and and ener energ gy, and and the the eman emanat atio ions ns of the the Sun Sun Absol bsolut ute e as caus causin ing g it do so. so. IncidentallywemayaccidentallyassociatetheideaoftheSunAbsolutewiththeideaofa normalsun normalsun-i.e.a -i.e.a largeballof largeballof\ire \irewithan withanstr stronggrav onggravitati itationalpull. onalpull. Butthatwouldbe Butthatwouldbe our normalmindmakingunjusti\iedassumptions.ItispossiblethattheSunAbsoluteisalmost aslargeas thewholeMegalocosmosand thewholeMegalocosmosand creationhappens creationhappens withinthe withinthe spaceitoccupiesor adjacenttothespaceitoccupies. Ifwethinkofourselvesasacosmos(as Ifwethinkofourselvesasacosmos(as wearesometimes wearesometimes invitedto invitedto do by TheTales)then TheTales)then ouremanations donot stretchveryfar stretchveryfar,, buttheycerta butthey certainlyin\luen inlyin\luenceeveryth ceeverything ing within withinour our planetarybody.
Descriptions of Okidanokh Ifwegothroughthe wholeofTheTales,wewill wholeofTheTales,wewill encounter encounter manyreferenc manyreferencestoOkidanokh. estoOkidanokh. ItisinterestingtonotethatGurdj ItisinterestingtonotethatGurdjieffdoesnot ieffdoesnot always always usetheexactsame words words torefer to
it. Here are are all the variance nces we have noticed: ed: Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Omnipresent-Okid Omnipresent-Okidanokh, anokh, Omnipr Omniprese esentnt-Act Active ive-El -Eleme ementnt-Oki Okidan danokh, okh, omnipres omnipresent ent everywhe everywherere-pen penetra etratin ting g ActiveActiveElementElement-Oki Okidano danokh, kh, Omnipresent Omnipresent cosmic cosmic crystal crystalliza lizatio tion, n, Omnipres Omnipresentent-W World-sub orld-substa stancenceOkid Okidan anok okh, h, the the omni omnipr pres esen ent t and and every everywh wher eree penet penetrat rating ing Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Active Active Element Element Okidanokh, Okidanokh, Omnipr Omniprese esent nt cosmic cosmic-sub -substa stance nce Okidan Okidanokh okh,, Omnipr Omnipresen esent t substa substance nce Okidan Okidanokh okh andcosmic-substanceOkidanokh. It is clea clear r from this his list list that hat we are are bei being tol told that that Ok Okid idan anok okh h is a subs substtance ance (or (or a classi\icat classi\icationof ionofsubsta substances)which nces)which penetrates penetrates everythi everythingand ngandiseveryw iseverywherethat herethat has been touchedinsomewaybyemanationsoftheSunAbsolute.Itisan“activeelement”anditisa cosmicsubstance. Gurdjieffalsowrites: “And “And so, my boy, boy, the the Omnip Omnipres resent ent-O -Oki kida danok nokh h obta obtains insits its prime arisin gins pace outsid e of the Most Holy Holy Sun Abso Absolu lutte itse itself lf,, from from the the blen blendi ding ng of thes thesee thre threee inde indepe pend nden entt for ces ce s into in to one, on e, and an d du ring ri ng its it s furth fu rth er involut involutions ions it is corr corres espo pond ndin ingl gly y chan change ged, d, in resp respec ectt of wh what at is call called ed the the ‘Viv ‘Vivif ifyi ying ngne ness ss of Vibr Vibrat atio ions ns’ ’ accor accordi ding ng to its its pass passag agee thro throug ugh h what are called the ‘Stop topinde nders’ or ‘gravi ravity centers centers’ ’ of the fundam fundament ental al ‘common common-co -cosmi smic c sacred Heptaparapar Heptaparaparshino shinokh. kh.’ ’ (TheTales-TheArch-absurd) So weare told told that that Okidano Okidanokh kh is formed formed from from theblendingofactive,passiveandneutralizing forcesintoonesubstance.Wearealsotoldthat OkidanokhissubjecttotheLawofSevenandas such such it’s it’s vivi vivify fyin ingn gnes esss of vibr vibrat atio ions ns can can decreaseinitsinvolution. GurdjieffalsotoldOuspenskythat: " ’Matter' er' may be rega egarded ded as con consisting of 'atoms.'Atoms 'atoms.'Atoms in thisconnection are takenalso as the the resul result t of the the Qina Qinal l divi divisi sion on of matt matter. er. In ever every y orde orderr of matt matter er they they are are simp simply ly cert certai ain n smal sm all l part partic icle les s of the the give given n matt matter er wh whic ich h are are indivisible indivisible onlyonthegiven plane.Theatomsof plane.Theatomsofthe the Absolutealonearereallyindivis Absolutealonearereallyindivisible, ible, the atomofthenextplane,thatis,ofworld3,consistsofthreeatomsoftheAbsoluteor,inother words, it is three times bigger and three times heavier, and its movements are corres correspon ponding dingly ly slower. slower. The atom atom of world world 6 consist consists s of six atoms atoms of the Absolu Absolute te merged merged together, together,as asit it were, andformin and forming g oneatom. one atom. Itsmovem Its movementsare entsare correspondin correspondinglyslower. glyslower. The atom atom of the the next next worl world d cons consis ists ts of twel twelve ve prim primor ordi dial al part partic icle les, s, and and of the the next next worl worlds ds,, of twen tw entty-fo y-four ur,, forty orty-e -eig ight ht,, and and nine ninety ty-s -six ix. . Th Thee atom atom of worl world d 96 is of an enor enorm mous ous siz size comp compar ared ed with with the the atom atom of worl world d 1; its its move moveme ment nts s are are corr corresp espon ondin dingl gly y slow slower, er, and and the the matterwhichismadeupofsuchatomsiscorrespondinglydenser. (Search-Ch5)
Thediagramshownis Thediagramshownis Ouspensky’s Ouspensky’s representat representationofthesediffer ionofthesedifferent ent atomswhichdescend atomswhichdescend accor accordin ding g to theLaw of Seven. Seven. We theref therefor ore e assumethat, assumethat, Gurdji Gurdjieffis effis talking talking here here about about whathereferstoinTheTales whathereferstoinTheTalesasOkidanokh. asOkidanokh. Gurdjieffsays: "Thu "Thus s inste instead ad of one conce concept pt of matt matter er we have have seve seven n kind kinds s of matt matter, er, but but our our ordi ordina nary ry conception conception ofmater of materialit iality yonlywith onlywith difQicultyembracesthe difQicultyembracesthe materialit materiality yof ofworlds96 worlds96 and48. and 48. Thematterofworld24ismuchtoorareQiedtoberegardedasmatterfromthescientiQicpoint ofview ofour physic physics s andchemistr andchemistry;such y;such matteris matteris practi practical callyhypot lyhypothet hetica ical.The l.The still still Qiner Qiner matterofworld12has,forordinaryinvestigation,nocharacteristicsofmaterialityatall. Allthesemattersbelongingtothe Allthesematters belongingtothevariousorders variousorders ofthe universearenotseparatedintolayers universearen otseparatedintolayers butareintermixed,or,rather,theyinterpenetrateoneanother. We can can get an idea idea of simi simila lar r inte interp rpene enetr trat atio ion n of matt matters ers of diff differ erent ent densi densiti ties es from from the the penetration of one matter by another matter of different densities known to us. A piece of woodmaybe saturated saturatedwith with water,watermayin water,watermayin itsturnbe Qilledwithgas.Exact Qilledwithgas.Exactlythe lythe same relation relation between differentkindsof differentkindsof mattermay mattermaybeobservedin beobservedin the whole ofthe universe: universe: the Qinermatterspermeatethecoarserones. SoinSearch Soin Search,,Gurd Gurdjieffprov jieffprovides ides uswitha uswith a differen different tview view ofthis omnipresent omnipresent substance substanceas as havingsevendifferentlevelsofvivifyingnesswhichgofromTheAbsolutetoTheMoonand whichinterpenetrateoneanother.ItseemstobesuggestedthenthatnotonlyisOkidanokh Omnipresentbutthat Omnipresentbutthat any givenspacecouldcontainmany givenspacecouldcontainmany interpenetr interpenetrating ating layers layers ofit.On ofit. On Earth, Earth, for for examp example, le, theremay theremay besome things, things, a rock rock for examp example, le, that that could could contai contain n the whole7differentdensitiesofOkidanokh.
The Reactivity of Okidanokh Even thou though gh it is desc descri ribe bed d many many time times s as an acti activ ve elem elemen ent, t, Ok Okid idan anok okh, h, whic which h we remember remember is produced produced fromthe ether, ether, does not interact interact directly directly withanyt with anything. hing. Gurdjieff Gurdjieff writesabouttwopeculiaritiesofOkidanokhasfollows: “The “The Qirst irst pecul eculia iari rity ty is tha that wh when en a new new cos cosmic mic un unit it is bein being g conc concen enttrat rated, ed, then hen the the ‘Omnip ‘Omniprese resentnt-Act Active ive-El -Elemen ement’does t’does not blend, blend, asa as a whole, whole, with with such a new arisin arising, g, nor isit transformed transformed asa as awhole whole in anydeQinite correspondingplace— correspondingplace— ashappenswith everyother cosmiccrystalliza cosmiccrystallization tion in all the saidcosmic formations— formations— but immediatelyon immediatelyon entering enteringasa asa wholeintoanycosmicunit,thereimmediatelyoccursinitwhatiscalled‘Djartklom,’thatisto say, say, it is disp disper erse sed d into into the the thre three e funda fundame ment ntal al sour sources ces from from wh whic ich h it obta obtain ined ed its its prim prime e arising, ng, and only then do these sources, es, each sepa eparately, give the begi eginnin ning for an indep indepen enden dent t conc concent entra rati tion on of thre three e sepa separa rate te corr corresp espon ondin ding g form format atio ions ns withi within n the the given given cosmic cosmic unit. unit. And in this this way, way, this this ‘Omnip ‘Omnipres resentent-Act Active ive-El -Eleme ement‘ nt‘ actual actualize izes s at the outset outset,, in every every such such newarising, newarising, the sourcesfor sourcesfor the possib possible le manife manifesta statio tion n of its own sacred sacred law of Triamazikamno. “It mu must st with withou out t fail fail be noti notice ced d also also,, that that in ever every y cosm cosmic ic form format atio ion, n, the the said said sepa separa rate ted d sour source ces, s, both both for for the the perc percep epti tion on and and for for the the furt furthe her r util utiliz izat atio ion n of this this prop proper erty ty of the the ‘Omnip ‘Omniprese resentnt-Act Active ive-El -Elemen ement‘ t‘ for the purpos purpose e of the corres correspon pondin ding g actual actualizi izing, ng, exist exist and continuetohavethepossibilityoffunctioningaslongasthegivencosmicunitexists. “Andonly after thesaid cosmic unithasbeen unithas been completelydestroye completelydestroyed d dothese do these holysourcesof thesacredTriamazikamno,localizedinthe‘Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh,’reblend
and and they hey are are again gain trans ransfo form rmed ed into into ‘Oki ‘Okida dano nokh kh,,’ but but havi having ng now now anot anoth her qua qualit lity of VivifyingnessofVibrations. “Asregardsthesecondpeculiarityofthe‘Omnipresent-Okidanokh,’equallypropertoitalone, andwhichit isalsonecessaryforusto isalsonecessaryforustoelucidatejust elucidatejust nowforthegiventheme nowforthegiventheme ofourtalk, you will be able to un und ders erstand about that, only nly if you know now someth ething concer cernin ning one fundamental cosmic second-degree law, existing in the Universe, under the denomination of the‘SacredAieioiuoa.’ “And this this cosmic cosmic law is, that that there there proceed proceeds s within within eve every ry arisin arising g large large and small, small, when in directtouchwiththeemanat directtouchwiththeemanationseitherofthe ionseitherofthe Sun Absolute Absolute itselforofany itselforofany othersun,whatis othersun,whatis called‘Remorse,’thatis,aprocesswheneverypartthathasarisenfromtheresultsofanyone Holy Holy Sour Source ce of the the Sacre Sacred d Tria Triama mazi zika kamn mno, o, as it were, were, ‘rev ‘revol olts ts’ ’ and and ‘cri ‘criti tici cize zes’ s’ the the form former er unbecomingperceptionsandthemanifestationsatthemomentofanotherpartofitswhole— a part part obta obtain ined ed from from the the resu result lts s of anot anothe her r Holy Holy Sour Source ce of the the same same funda fundame ment ntal al sacr sacred ed CosmicLawofTriamazikamno. “And “And this this sacr sacred ed proc process ess Aieio Aieioiu iuoa oa or ‘Rem ‘Remor orse se’ ’ alwa always ys proc proceed eeds s with with the the ‘Omn ‘Omnip ipres resent ent- Active-Element-Okidanokh’also. “Thepeculiarityofthislatterduringthissacredprocessisthatwhilethedirectactioneither of the the sacr sacred ed Th Theo eome mert rtma malo logo gos s or the the em eman anat atio ion n of any any ordin ordinar ary y sun sun is roun round d abou aboutt the the whole of itspresence, thisActive-Element thisActive-Element is dispersed dispersedintoits intoits three prime partswhich then existalmos existalmost tind indepen ependent dently, ly, andwhenthe said said directactio directaction n ceases, ceases, these these partsblend partsblend again again andthencontinuetoexistasawhole. So Djar Djartk tklo lom m - a spli splitt ttin ing g into into thre three e (act (activ ive, e, passi passiv ve, neutr neutrali alizi zing ng) ) - is how how Ok Okid idano anokh kh participate participatesin sinthe the Universeand Universeandit it doesso when anewcosmicunit a newcosmicunit is beingconcentrated. beingconcentrated. We presu presume me a comi comic c unit unit mean means s a cosm cosmos os (a livi living ng thin thing) g) of some some kind kind - of any any kind. kind. Perhap Perhaps s this this meansthat, meansthat, ata concept conception ion,, whethe whetherthat rthat beof aSunora a Sunora planet planet ofa livin living g orga organi nism sm,, Djar Djartk tklo lom m occu occurs rs, , and and then then the the thr three part parts s giv give rise rise to thr three inde indepe pend nden ent t formations(brainsperhaps)-andthismakesitpossiblefortheLawofThreetofunction within withinthecosmos. thecosmos. Djartklom Djartklom also occursasa consequenceof consequenceofremo remorse.Gurdji rse.Gurdjieffdoes effdoesnot not speci\icall speci\icallysaythat,issuch ysaythat,issuch circumst circumstances, ances, whentheyre-formtheOkidan whentheyre-formtheOkidanokhvibra okhvibrates tes ata higherlevel higherlevel.. However However wemust assume thatthisis thatthisislikel likelyto yto bethecase,otherwiseremors bethecase,otherwiseremorse e would would have have effect effected ed no change change.. When When the cosmic cosmic unit unit is complet completel ely y destro destroye yed d then then the Okidan Okidanokhre-fo okhre-forms rms,, butmay do so at a differ different ent rate rate of vibra vibratio tion n than than when when Djartk Djartklom lom occurred. CosmicUnits
WhatdoesGurdjieffmeanby“cosmicunit”? Most Most likel likely y he means means a cosmos cosmos; ; galaxy(la), galaxy(la), sun(sol), sun(sol), planeta planetarysyste rysystem m (fa), (fa), planet(mi), planet(mi), moon moon (re) (re).. Si in the the Ray Ray of Creat Creatio ion n is the the Sun Sun Abso Absolu lute te,, the the worl world d of all star stars s and the the atmosphere atmosphere orabodeoftheAbsolut orabodeof theAbsolute. e. Wearetoldthatthe changeinthenatureoftheSun Abso Absolu lute te was was a cons consequ equen ence ce,, prim primar aril ily y, of a chan change ge to the the Law Law of Seve Seven, n, and and that that the the Megalocosmoswasformedasaconsequence.TheemanationsoftheSunAbsolute\irstgave risetothenoteLaandthecosmicunitthiscreatedwasagalaxy.Thiskindofcosmicunitis twicethedensityontheSunAbsolute.Okidanokhgaverisetothegalaxiesbytheprocessof djartk djartklomand lomand oncethisoccurre oncethisoccurred d thegalaxies thegalaxies hadtheir ownlawof triama triamazik zikamn amno. o. This This crysta crystaliz lized ed three three “cente “centers” rs” in some some way way and, once the galaxi galaxies es were were born born they they began began to
emanate.ButtheiremanationswereofalowervibrationandtheygaverisetoOkidanokhof alowervibration. Then Thencam came ethenot thenoteSol. eSol. Thisbecame Thisbecame possib possible, le, wededuce, wededuce, becaus becauseof eof theOkidano theOkidanokhof khof a lower lower vibra vibratio tion n emanat emanated ed from from thenote La, the Galaxy Galaxy.. We think think of a galaxy galaxy as nothing nothing more more than than a collec collectio tion n of circli circling ngsta stars, rs, but inre in reali alitywhen tywhen wesee theMilkyWay theMilkyWay inthe in the nightskywearelookingatthebodyoftheGalaxy,frominsidetheGalaxy.Thesestarswere formedaftertheconceptionoftheGalaxy.ThenoteLaisofamuchhigherorderofmatter/ ener energy gy than than the the subs substa tanc nce e of the the star stars s them themse sellves. es. Acco Accorrding ding to Gur Gurdjie djieff ff atom atoms s of hydrogendonotappearuntilthesecondordersunsarecreated. At the the soun soundi ding ng of the the note note Sol, Sol, the the indi indivi vidu dual al Suns Suns were were crys crysta tali lizedand zedand thus thus they they too too acquiredtheirownlawofTr acquiredtheirownlawofTriamaz iamazikamno ikamno.Andbecauseofthis, .Andbecauseofthis, wededuce,Okidanokhofa wededuce,Okidanokhofa lowerorder lowerorder wasproducedandemanat wasproducedandemanatedfrom edfrom thesecondorderSunsastheygrew thesecondorderSunsastheygrew.. Andat thisstagethevibrations-thelevelofvivifyingnessofOkidanokh-hadreducedbyahalf. ThisOkidanokhofalowerlevelcreatedthesolarsystems,thefamilyofplanetsthatorbit arou around nd the the seco second nd orde order r suns suns. . And And they they too, too, coll collec ecti tiv vely ely acqu acquir ired ed thei their r own own Law Law of Traimaz Traimazikamno ikamno,, andthey too gaverise gaverisetoOkidanokhofa toOkidanokhofa lowerorder lowerorder.. Thoughwewitness Thoughwewitness themovements themovementsof of theplanetsinthenightsky theplanetsinthenightsky,wedonotfullyseeorexper ,wedonotfullyseeorexperience iencethenature thenature ofthatcosmicunit-thefamilyofplanets. And then, then, even eventu tual ally ly,, indi indivi vidu dual al plan planet ets s (thi (third rd orde order r Suns) Suns) were were form formed ed and and they they also also acquiredtheirlocalLawofThreeandtheytoogaverisetoOkidanokhofalowerorder.And ultimately,moonswereformedfromthisOkidanokhofalowerorderandtheytooacquired theirownlawofthree. So in the Ray of Crea Creati tion on we witne itness ss the the down downw ward ard \low low of Ok Okiidano danokh kh.. Follo ollowi wing ng Gurdjieff’sexplanations,wecanconstatethattheOkidanokhoftheSunAbsolutepermeates thewholeofthemegalocosmos,whiletheOkidanokhoflowerordersislocalizedandgives risetocreationsofalocalorder,rightdowntothecosmicunitthatwecalltheMoon.
The Hydrogens Wemaynaturallyaskthequestion:“HowdoesOkidanokhrelatetotheHydrogens?” TheHydrogens TheHydrogens aresubstances, aresubstances, notcosmic units. units. Eachcosmicunitisformedfromanarra Eachcosmicunitisformedfromanarray y ofHydrogens,andfunctionsthroughtheevolutionandinvolutionofthoseHydrogens.Each hydrog drogen en is a clas classi si\i \ica cati tion on of subs substa tanc nces es that that can can be acti activ ve, pass passiive or neut neutrraliz alizin ing g (Carbon,Oxygen, (Carbon,Oxygen, Nitrogen), Nitrogen), andthis determines determines howtheyevo howthey evolv lve eorinvol orinvolve ve inrelat in relationto ionto othersubstancestheyinteractwith,inaccordancewiththeLawofThree. Whenacosmicunitisdestroyed,someofthoseHydrogensrecombinetoformOkidanokhof aparticularlevelofvivifyingness.AccordingtoGurdjieff,ManisHydrogen24,althoughthe cosmicunitof cosmicunitof athree-brainedbeingcontain athree-brainedbeingcontainshydr shydrogensfrom ogensfrom H6downtoH6144.Whena man dies, dies, these these Hydr Hydroge ogens ns disper disperse, se, accor accordin ding g to their their levels, levels, servin serving g as food food for for other other cosmic cosmic units units or recom recombin bining ing to form form Okidano Okidanokh kh of vario various us levels levels.. In theory theory,, only only a very very smal smalll part part of man man pers persis ists ts with with the the deat death h of the the plan planet etar ary y bod body, and and even even that that is not not guaranteed.
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