Gulliver's Travel, A Tragedy

December 20, 2017 | Author: AbdulRehman | Category: N/A
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“GULLIVER’S TRAVELS”- A TRAGIC WORK: A tragic-comedy: “Gulliver’s Travels” is undoubtedly a satire. It is a satire on English politics, English politicians, and religious disputes in England of the time of Swift. More than that, it is a satire on mankind in general. Satire, by its very definition, has a certain comic quality because it exposes the follies, absurdities and faults of human beings in a humorous and witty manner. But, “Gulliver’s Travels” is not just a comic book; its serious and somber message has a tragic quality. There is certainly much comedy in the book, and we laugh a good deal, especially in the first three parts of it, but it also puts us in a serious mood, and Part IV is surely the most melancholy piece of writing conceivable. However, we cannot describe “Gulliver’s Travels” as a wholly tragic work, though it would be quite appropriate to call it a tragic-comedy. A Pessimistic Book In a letter which Swift wrote to his friend Alexander Pope, he said that the purpose of all his labour was “to vex the world rather than divert it.” Now, satire aims at making the readers laugh at the follies and faults of human beings. Swift, on the contrary, declared that his purpose was to vex the readers. More than that, he said that the whole building of his book was erected on the foundation of misanthropy. Misanthropy is a serious matter, not just a matter for laughter, because misanthropy means hatred of the world and of mankind. Swift shows himself to be , on the whole, a hater of mankind and the world in this book; and that is a depressing fact. Sadness beneath the Comedy in Part I: Gulliver’s account of his voyage to Lilliput and his stay in that country is certainly very funny. The very idea that the inhabitants of that country are pigmies hardly six inches in height is amusing. All the amusing acts in the Lilliput such as conflicts between the BigEndians and the Small-Endians; High Heels and Low Heels are very funny. But basically the whole account is a sad one. We can not help reflecting that the life of the Lilliputians is by no means a happy one. In the first place, we recognize the Lilliputians to be human beings reduced to a small scale. The Lilliputians are we. Secondly, the Big-Endians and the LittleEndians only represent religious conflicts which are continuing till today. The High-Heels and the Low-Heels symbolize the two major political parties in England of that time, and similar political parties exist today also, though under different names, and they exist in all countries. Then continuing war between Lilliput and Blefuscu represents the continuing war in those times between England and France, but wars have not ended even today. In fact, bigger wars have taken place since then. Any war is tragic, and the description of the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu, though comic on the surface, is tragic in its deeper import. The Depressing Effect of Part II: The same is true of the account of Gulliver’s voyage to Brobdingnag. Undoubtedly there are several amusing episodes in this part, but there are several elements in this part of the book which depress and sadden us. The sight of the huge woman’s breast and the ugliness of the human body are so much depressing for Gulliver. Still more depressing are the comments of of the Brobdingnagian King on hearing from Gulliver, the history of his country. Gulliver himself contributes the tragic effect when he points out in this part of the book that the whole race of mankind has been subjected to a disease which is that the nobles have often fought for power, the people have often fought for liberty, and the rulers have often struggled for absolute control of their countries.


Tragic Elements in Part III: Part III of “Gulliver Travels” is on the whole a pure comedy. We have light-hearted satire on Royal society and those theoretical philosophers and scientists who are blind to the realities of life. But even in this part, there are also certain tragic elements. The people of Laputa, for example, are so engrossed in their meditations that they have no time to make love with their wives and they are unaware of what is going on around them. The story of the woman who leaves her husband and goes down to Balnibarbi to live with an man is melancholy in its implications no matter how much we may laugh at the comic side of the affair. A much more pathetic case is that of Struldbrugs, or the immortals that are in a most miserable condition because death does not come to them. The portrayal of these people is almost heart-breaking. The saddening Portrayal of the Yahoos in Part IV: The part IV of the book is wholly tragic. The satire in this part of the book is not comic but corrosive, fierce and offensive. The portrayal of the Houyhnhnms is certainly uplifting, but the portrayal of the Yahoos is extremely depressing and saddening. The Yahoos symbolize the human beings: they are described as the most unteachable of the brutes. They are cunning, beastly and lustful. Gulliver’s Final Misanthropic Outlook on Life: Gulliver’s final outlook upon life as expressed in the concluding two or three chapters deepens our sense of tragedy. Gulliver returns home most reluctantly. His reunion with the family, instead of pleasing him, has a most saddening effect on him. Having lived among the noble Houyhnhnms, he finds it impossible to reconcile himself to the members of the human race, and even to his wife and children. The very odour of human beings has a disgusting effect on him. And he discovers one more characteristic of human being which aggravates his hatred of human beings, and that is pride. Gulliver has become a thorough misanthrope. A Depressing Book: At a deeper level, “Gulliver Travels” is, indeed a tragic work. But it is not tragic in any commendable sense. It does not elevate or inspire or uplift us as a tragic work should. It does not bring about any catharsis of the undesirable feelings in us. It does not show human beings as glorious. On the contrary, it shows them as fools and knaves. It offers us a gloomy and depressing picture of mankind.


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