Gulfstream GV Fire Protection Systems Guide

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FIRE PROTECTION 2A-26-10: 2A-2610: Gene General: ral: The Fire Protection System for the Gulfstream V provides a means to detect and indicate fire or smoke, and to store and distribute fire extinguishing agent to all protected areas of the aircra aircraft. ft. The Fire Protection System is divided into the following subsystems: •

  2A-26-20: Smoke Detection and and Evacuation System

  2A-26 2A-26-30: -30: Fire Detection Detection and Wa Warning rning System System

  2A-26-40: Fire Extinguishing Extinguishing System

2A-26-20: 2A-2620: Smok Smoke e Detection and Evacuation Evacuation System: System: 1. Gene General ral Desc Descriptio ription: n: The Sm The Smok oke e De Dete tect ctio ion n an and d Ev Evac acua uati tion on sy syst stem em pr prov ovid ides es a me mean ans s to de dete tect ct,, indicate and evacuate smoke from protected areas of the aircraft. It is operable and capable of being tested any time aircraft electrical power is available. The following subsystems, units and components together compose this system: •

  Smoke Detection Detection System

  Emergency Smoke Evacuation Evacuation Panel

2. Description Description of Subsyste Subsystems, ms, Units and and Components: Components: A. Smok Smoke e Detectio Detection n System System:: (1) Smoke Detector Detector:: Located in the baggage baggage compartment, compartment, the smoke smoke detector detec tor receives receives power from the Left Essential Essential (L ESS) DC bus. It is func fu nctio tiona nall wh when enev ever er th the e LE LEFT FT an and/ d/or or RI RIGH GHT T MA MAIN IN BA BATT TTER ERY Y switch is selected to ON, whenever AC or DC external power is appl ap plie ied d to th the e ai airc rcra raft ft or wh when enev ever er an any y ai airc rcra raft ft ge gene nera rato torr is operating. (2) Smoke Detector Detector Test Test Switch: Switch: A switch switch is provided provided to test the Smoke Dete De tect ctio ion n sy syst stem em.. It is lo loca cate ted d on th the e Co Cock ckpi pitt Ov Over erhe head ad Pa Pane nell (COP) in the SYSTEM Test section and is labeled SMOKE DET. When electrical power is available to the L ESS DC bus, the TEST function functi on is opera operable. ble. B. Emerg Emergency ency Smoke Smoke Evacu Evacuation ation Panel: Panel: Located on the forward (cabin) side of the secondary pressure bulkhead, this panel contains the following components: (1) Emergency Smoke Evacuation Valve Handle: Labeled EMERGENCY EMERG ENCY SMOKE EV EVACUA ACUATION TION VL VLV V, rotati rotation on to the VENT SMOK SM OKE E po posi sitio tion n ma manu nual ally ly op open ens s th the e sm smok oke e ev evac acua uati tion on va valv lve. e. Rotation to the NORMAL OPS position manually closes the smoke evacuation valve. Prior to flight, the Emergency Smoke Evacuation Valve Handle is verified to be the NORMAL OPS position by the flight crew. The handle remains in this position through all phases of flight, unless needed otherwise.



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OPERATING MANUAL (2) Baggage Baggage Compartment Compartment Vent Vent Valve Valve Reset Switch: Switch: Actuation Actuation of this switch to the RESET position energizes a solenoid, restoring airflow into the baggage compartment area. 3. Contro Controls ls and and Indic Indications ations:: (See Figure 1 and Figure 2.) A. Cir Circui cuitt Breaker Breakers s (CBs): (CBs): The Smoke Detection and Evacuation system is protected by the following CBs: Circuit Breaker Name: AFT BAGG SMOKE DET AFT BAGG VENT VALVE


Location: C-8 D-6

Power Source: L ESS DC Bus L ESS DC Bus

B. Ind Indica icatio tions: ns: (1) Crew Alerti Alerting ng System (CAS) (CAS) Messages Messages associated associated with the Smoke Smoke Detection and Evacuation system are: Area Monitored: Aft Baggage Compartment


Message Color: Red

(2) Additio Additional nal annuncia annunciatio tions ns cau caused sed by an act actual ual ale alert, rt, or dep depres ressin sing g the SMOKE DET switch: •

  The MASTER WARN WARN reset switch illuminates. illuminates.

  A three-chime three-chime aural WARNING WARNING tone sounds. sounds. NOTE:

If an actual alert occurs, momentarily depressing the MASTER WARN switch silences the WARNING tone and an d re reve vert rts s th the e fla flash shin ing g CA CAS S me mess ssag age e to st stea eady dy disp di spla lay y. Th The e CA CAS S me mess ssag age e wi willll re rema main in di disp spla laye yed d steady until the system senses the level of smoke is below the threshold. 4. Lim Limita itatio tions: ns: A. Flight Flight Manual Manual Limita Limitations tions:: There are no limitations established for this system as of this revision. B. Sys System tem Not Notes: es: (1) If the Emergency Emergency Smoke Evacuation Evacuation Valve Valve Handle Handle is positioned positioned to VENT SMOKE, pressurization inflow to the baggage compartment will be inhibited. (2) When When pos positio itionin ning g the Bag Baggag gage e Com Compar partme tment nt Vent Valv alve e Res Reset et Swit Sw itch ch to th the e RE RESE SET T po posi siti tion on,, ho hold ld fo forr a mi mini nimu mum m of te ten n (1 (10) 0) seconds to allow full operation of the solenoid. (3) If the baggage baggage com compar partme tment nt has been depressu depressuriz rized, ed, the int intern ernal al baggage compartment door cannot be opened until the baggage compartment has been repressurized.

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Cockpit Overhead Panel: SYSTEM TEST Section Figure 1



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Emergency Smoke Evacuation Panel Figure 2

2A-26-30: Detection and Warning Warning System: System: 2A-26-30: Fire Detection 1. Gener General al Desc Description ription:: The Fire Detection and Warning system provides a means to detect and indicate the presence of an overheat or fire condition in protected areas of the aircraft. It is a dual channel system, thus it will still be functional should a single channel fail or one of the two power sources is lost. The follow following ing subs subsystem ystems, s, units and compo components nents together compose this syste system: m: •

  Engin Engine e Fire Detection Detection System   Pylon Overheat Detection Detection System   APU Fire Detectio Detection n System

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  Passenger and Tail Tail Compartment Overheat Detection System

The Fire Detection and Warning system receives power upon selection of the MAIN BATTERIES switches to ON. It will remain operable at all times provided the L ESS DC bus and R ESS DC bus are functional and all associated CBs are closed. Prior to APU start, the APU Fire Detection system is tested by the flight crew. Likewise, prior to engine start, the Engine Fire Detection system is also tested by the flight crew. Any failures or faults during testing are annunciated and/or recorded. During all phases of flight, the Fire Detection and Warning system remains active in sensing its respective areas. The Engine Fire Detection system continuously monitors self-health. Any failures or faults are annunciated and/or recorded. During shutdown, the Fire Detection and Warning system remains operable until select sel ection ion of the MAI MAIN N BA BATTE TTERIE RIES S swi switch tches es to OFF OFF.. Any rec record orded ed fai failur lures es or faults are stored for later review and troubleshooting. 2. Desc Description ription of Subsyste Subsystems, ms, Units and and Components: Components: A. Engin Engine e Fire Detec Detection tion System System:: (1) Fire Loops: Loops: Each engine engine contains contains two fire loops, loops, designated designated LOOP A and LOOP B. Each loop is connected via wiring to the associated engine Fire Detector Control Unit (FDCU). LOOP A and LOOP B each contain five dual-sensor elements. Four of the five elements are ar e lo loca cate ted d ad adja jace cent nt to th the e en engi gine ne,, wi with thin in th the e na nace celllle. e. Th The e fif fifth th element is located within the engine core. (2) Dual-S Dual-Senso ensorr Elements: Elements: Each element element is designed designed to sense sense a rise in ambient temperature above a predetermined value which will cause the FDCU to discriminate between an actual fire condition, or fault, and pro prompt mpt the ass associ ociate ated d ann annunc unciat iation ion.. Con Conver versel sely y, if sen sensed sed ambient temperature falls below the predetermined value, the FDCU will prompt removal of the associated annunciation. (3) Fire Fire Det Detect ector or Control Control Unit (FD (FDCU) CU):: The fire loop system system for eac each h engine is supervised by a dedicated FDCU. It contains a separate, but identical, control circuit for each loop. Operational logic is such that if either fire loop fails, an annunciation is prompted. The flight crew will then select the faulty loop off, leaving the operable fire loop active to function as a single-loop system. NOTE: If available or required prior to departure, maintenance technicians may assist in isolation or resolution of any faults and/or failures by performing Built-In-Test (BIT) checks on the associated FDCU. (4) Test Control Panels: Panels: Two Two system test test control panels are provided for for the flight crew to verify proper system operation. They are located on the Cockpit Overhead Panel (COP) and are labeled FIRE TEST and FIRE DETECTION. When the Left Essential (L ESS) DC bus and Right Essential (R ESS) bus are supplied with power, testing of the system is possible.



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OPERATING MANUAL B. Pylon Overh Overheat eat Detectio Detection n System: System: Each engine pylon area contains three thermal switches installed adjacent to th the e bl blee eed d ai airr du duct ctin ing. g. No Norm rmal ally ly op open en,, a se sens nsed ed ri rise se in am ambi bien entt temperature above a predetermined value (250°F) will cause one or more switches to close. Any switch closure prompts display of the associated annunciations. C. APU Fire Fire Detect Detection ion Syste System: m: (1) Fire and and Overheat Overheat Detecto Detector: r: Fire and and overheat overheat detectio detection n for the APU is provided by a detector assembly consisting of a stainless steel loop with a permanently attached sensor element. The assembly is filled with helium gas and hermetically sealed. Detector operation is based upon Boyle’s Gas Law, which states that if a volume of gas is held at a constant pressure, an increase in pressure will occur as a result of a rise in temperature. Thus, when heat is applied to the detector assembly, the corresponding rise in pressure will trigger pressure switches in the sensor element. The switches in turn will cause annunciations to be prompted for display as described in the following scenarios: •

  High tem temper peratu ature re inc increa reases ses abo above ve pre predet determ ermine ined d val values ues occurring within a small section of the detector assembly are considered to be fire scenarios.   Overall (ambient) temperature increases above predet pre determ ermine ined d val values ues occ occurr urring ing ove overr lar large ge sec sectio tions ns of the detector assembly are considered to be overheat scenarios.

The APU Electronic Control Unit (ECU) will automatically initiate an immediate protective shutdown if a fire condition exists, bypassing the th e co cool ol do down wn mo mode de.. Au Auto toma mati tic c AP APU U sh shut utdo down wn is in inhi hibi bite ted, d, however, during FIRE TEST checks. This allows APU fire detection system testing with the APU operating. Escape of the helium gas contained within the detector assembly (and (a nd th thus us th the e pr prop opor ortio tiona nall de decr crea ease se in pr pres essu sure re)) wi willll tri trigg gger er a pressure switch causing a fault annunciation to be displayed. The fire and overheat detection system is self-resetting. Return of norm no rmal al pr pres essu sure res s wi with thin in th the e de dete tect ctor or as asse semb mbly ly wi will ll re resu sult lt in cancellation of annunciations. (2) Test Switch: Switch: An APU FIRE TEST switch switch is pro provid vided ed for the flight flight crew to verify proper system operation. It is located on the COP in the FIRE TEST section. When the Left Essential (L ESS) DC bus and Right Essential (R ESS) bus are supplied with power, testing of the system is possible. NOTE: The AP The APU U fir fire e de dete tec cti tio on sy syst ste em is mo mon nit ito ore red d fo forr failures. Should a failure occur, an amber APU FIRE DET DE T FAI AIL L me mess ssag age e wi willll be di disp spla laye yed d on th the e Cr Crew ew Alerting System (CAS) display. The APU fire detection system will then be inhibited.

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OPERATING MANUAL D. Pass Passenge engerr and Tail Compartment Compartment Overheat Overheat Detection Detection System: System: Therma Ther mall sw swit itch ches es ar are e in inst stal alle led d at va vari riou ous s lo loca cati tion ons s th thro roug ugho hout ut th the e passenger and tail compartment to sense overheat conditions. Closure of any switch prompts display of the associated annunciations. The locations of the switches are as follows: •

  Left Electronic Electronic Equipment Equipment Rack (LEER)

  Right Electronic Electronic Equipment Equipment Rack (REER)

  Baggage Compartment Equipment Equipment Rack (BEER)

  Forward Floor

  Left Aft Floor

  Cente Centerr Aft Floor Floor

  Right Aft Floor Floor

  Aft Equipment Area (Tail (Tail Compartment)

3. Contr Controls ols and Indic Indication ations: s: (See Figure 3 and Figure 5.) A. Cir Circui cuitt Breaker Breakers s (CBs): (CBs): The Fire Detection and Warning system is protected by the following CBs: Circuit Breaker Name: L FIRE DET LOOP A R FIRE DET LOOP B L FIRE DET LOOP B R FIRE DET LOOP A


Location: B-14 B-13 B-10 B-11

Power Source: L ESS DC Bus L ESS DC Bus R ESS DC Bus R ESS DC Bus

B. Ind Indica icatio tions: ns: (1) Crew Crew Alerting Alerting Sys System tem (CAS) Mes Messag sages es ass associ ociate ated d wit with h the Fir Fire e Detection and Warning system are: Area Monitored: Left Engine Right Engine Left Pylon Right Pylon APU Fire Loops Left Aft Floor Center Aft Floor Right Aft Floor Aft Equipment Area APU Fire Detection System Fire Loops LEER REER


Message Color: Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Amber


Amber Amber Amber

Baggage EER Fwd Floor


Amber Amber



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OPERATING MANUAL (2) Summ Summary ary of Annu Annunciat nciations ions By Event: Event: (a) Sel Select ection ion of the L (or R) ENG FIRE TEST TEST switch: switch: •

  On the L ENG (or R ENG) FIRE TEST switch, the legends LOOP A and LOOP B are illuminated.

  The MASTER MASTER WARN reset switch switch is illumi illuminated nated..

  The L (or R) fire handle is illuminated. illuminated.

  The L (or R) FUEL CONTRO CONTROL L switch is illuminated. illuminated.

  A three-chime three-chime aural WARNING WARNING tone soun sounds. ds.

(b) Selec Selection tion of the FIRE DETE DETECTION CTION FAUL FAULT T TEST switch: switch: •

  Th The e le lege gend nd TE TEST ST ilillu lumi mina nate tes s in th the e FAU AUL LT TE TEST ST switch.   The legend FAUL FAULT T is disp displayed layed on the LEFT / RIGHT LOOP A / LOOP B switches.   A two-chime two-chime aural CAUTION CAUTION tone will sound.

(c) Selection Selection of the APU APU FIRE TEST TEST switch switch or a valid APU APU FIRE signal: •

  A three-chime three-chime aural WARNING WARNING tone soun sounds. ds.

  The MASTER MASTER WARN reset switch switch is illumi illuminated nated..

  The exterior fire bell will sound (if aircraft is on the ground).   The FIRE light light on the APU control control panel panel is illuminated. illuminated. NOTE:

In addition to the above indications, the TEST legend willll ilillu wi lumi mina nate te in th the e TE TEST ST sw swit itch ch.. A re red d AP APU U FI FIRE RE message and amber APU FIRE DET FAIL message will also be displayed on CAS. These annunciations occur during APU FIRE TEST only. (d) Det Detect ection ion of a val valid id ENGINE ENGINE FIRE signal signal:: •

  The MASTER MASTER WARN reset switch switch is illumi illuminated nated..

  The L (or R) fire handle is illuminated. illuminated.   The L (or R) FUEL CONTRO CONTROL L switch is illuminated. illuminated.

  A three-chime three-chime aural WARNING WARNING tone soun sounds. ds.

(e) Dete Detection ction of a valid FIRE FIRE LOOP FAUL FAULT T signal: signal: •

  The affected affected LEFT / RIGHT LOOP LOOP A / LOOP B switch switch FAULT legend is illuminated. Selection to off causes the OFF legend to be illuminated.   A three-chime three-chime aural WARNING WARNING tone soun sounds. ds.

4. Lim Limita itatio tions: ns: There are no limitations established at the time of this revision.

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Cockpit Overhead Panel: FIRE TEST and DETECTION Section Figure 3

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Cockpit Fire Detection and Warning Indications Figure 4

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Engine Fuel Control Fire Detection and Warning Indications Figure 5



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2A-26-40: Extinguishing ing System: 2A-26-40: Fire Extinguish 1. Gener General al Desc Description ription:: The Fire Extinguishing system provides the flight crew with fixed and portable units un its an and d co comp mpon onen ents ts us used ed to ex exti ting ngui uish sh fir fire. e. En Engi gine ne fir fire e ex exti ting ngui uish shin ing g is operable any time aircraft electrical power is available. The following subsystems, units and components together compose this system: •

  Engine Fire Extinguishing Extinguishing System

  Auxil Auxiliary iary Power Unit (APU) Fire Extin Extinguish guishing ing System

  Portable Fire Extinguishing Extinguishing System

The Fi The Fire re Ex Exti ting ngui uish shin ing g sy syst stem em re rece ceiv ives es po powe werr up upon on se sele lect ctio ion n of th the e MA MAIN IN BATTERIES switches to ON. The Engine Fire Extinguishing system is available during all phases of flight provided the L ESS DC bus and R ESS DC bus are func fu nctio tiona nall an and d al alll as asso soci ciat ated ed CB CBs s ar are e cl clos osed ed.. If on one e ES ESS S DC bu bus s fa failils, s, bo both th engines retain fire extinguishing capability but only one discharge per engine is available. If the L ESS DC bus fails, APU fire protection is not available. During shutdown, the Fire Extinguishing system remains operable until selection of the MAIN BATTERIES switches to OFF. 2. Descr Description iption of Subsyste Subsystems, ms, Units and and Components: Components: A. Engin Engine e Fire Exting Extinguishi uishing ng System: System: (1)) Fi (1 Fire re Ext xtin ing gui uis shi hing ng Bot ottl tle es: Two id iden enti tic cal al,, sin ing gle le-s -sh hot fire extinguishing bottles, referred to as LEFT and RIGHT, are mounted in the tail compartment. They are electrically discharged by the flight crew from the cockpit. They are identical, each having the following components: •

  HalonR  1301 fire extinguishing agent and propellant.   A low pre pressu ssure re swi switch tch which which pro provid vides es a sig signal nal to dis displa play y a message on the Crew Alerting System (CAS) if the bottle is discharged for any reason.   A the therma rmall dis discha charge rge dev device ice:: If exc excess essive ive tem temper peratu ature re and pressure builds up within the bottle, the disc ruptures and the enti en tire re co cont nten ents ts of th the e bo bott ttle le is di disc scha harg rged ed in into to th the e ta tail il compartment.

(2) Extinguish Extinguishing ing Agent Agent Plumbing: Plumbing: Routes the extinguish extinguishing ing agent from each fire bottle to both engine cowling interior areas. (3) Fire Fire Han Handle dles: s: Located Located on the forward forward portion portion of the cockpit cockpit center center pedestal, the fire handles are labeled L (for Left) and R (for Right). They are normally locked in the IN position. When a valid fire signal is provided by the Engine Fire Detection system, an internal lockrelease solenoid is automatically energized, allowing the associated fire fir e ha hand ndle le to be pu pulllled ed to th the e OU OUT T po posi siti tion on.. A ma manu nual al ov over errid ride e button but ton is pro provid vided ed und undern erneat eath h eac each h han handle dle to ove overrid rride e the loc lockkrelease solenoid, allowing the fire handle to be pulled to the OUT position at all times. Each fir Each fire e ha hand ndle le is ca capa pabl ble e of ro rota tati tion on to tw two o po posi siti tion ons s af afte terr placement in the OUT position. The positions are labeled DISCH 1 and DISCH 2. System logic is designed such that rotation of either fire handle to the DISCH 1 position results in extinguishing agent

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OPERATING MANUAL discharge from the RIGHT fire bottle. This ensures that the LEFT fire bottle is reserved as a secondary measure, due to its dual role as the APU fire bottle. Given this logic, the modes of operation are shown in the following table: Fire Handle   Pulled:   L  


Rotated To:




RIGHT Fire Bottle LEFT Fire Bottle

Left Engine Nacelle


RIGHT Fire Bottle LEFT Fire Bottle


Right Engine Nacelle

B. APU Fire Fire Extingu Extinguishin ishing g System: System: (1) System System Plumbin Plumbing: g: Is pro provid vided ed from the LEFT fire bottle bottle to the APU APU compartment. (2) Agent Agent Dis Discha charge rge Switch: Switch: The flight flight cre crew w may dischar discharge ge Hal Halon on   R 1301 fire extinguishing agent from the LEFT fire bottle into the APU compartment by means of a guarded switch located on the Cockpit Overhead Panel (COP). The switch is located in the APU controls section and is labeled FIRE EXT. NOTE: After extinguishing agent is discharged into the APU comp co mpar artm tmen ent, t, th the e LE LEF FT fir fire e bo bott ttle le is no lo lon nge gerr available for fire protection. C. Porta Portable ble Fire Extingu Extinguishin ishing g System: System: The aircraft is equipped with two portable fire extinguishers to aid the flight crew cr ew in co comb mbat atin ing g di diff ffer eren entt ty type pes s of fir fires es wh whic ich h ma may y oc occu curr. On One e fir fire e extinguisher contains HalonR  and one contains water. 3. Contr Controls ols and Indic Indication ations: s: (See Figure 6.) A. Cir Circui cuitt Breaker Breakers s (CBs): (CBs): Power source and circuit breaker (CB) logic is designed such that if either the Left Essential (L ESS) DC bus or Right Essential (R ESS) DC bus should fail, fire extinguishing agent is still available for both engines. If the L ESS DC bus fails, however, APU fire protection will not be available. The Fire Extinguishing system is protected by the following CBs: Circuit Breaker   Name:


CB Pan Panel: el: Loc Locatio ation: n:







Power Source:






Provides Power To: Left Fire Handle DISCH 1 Right Fire Handle DISCH 1 Left Fire Handle DISCH 2 RightDISCH Fire Handle 2



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CB Pan Panel: el: Loc Locati ation: on: LEER



Power   Provides Power To: Source: L ESS DC APU FIRE EXT Switch Bus

B. Ind Indica icatio tions: ns: (1) Crew Alerti Alerting ng System System (CAS) Messag Messages: es: CAS messages associated with the Fire Extinguishing system are: Area Protected: Left Engine Right Engine APU


Message Color: Amber Amber Amber

(2) Addit Additional ional Annu Annunciat nciations: ions: Depres Depr essi sing ng th the e AP APU U FI FIRE RE EX EXT T sw swit itch ch ca caus uses es th the e FI FIRE RE EX EXT T DISCHD legend to be illuminated in the switch capsule. 4. Lim Limita itatio tions: ns: A. Fligh Flightt Manual Manual Limita Limitations tions:: There are no limitations established at the time of this revision.

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Extinguish guishing ing System System Contro Controls ls and Indic Indication ations s Fire Extin Figure 6



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