Download Guitar Techniques Magazine 2009 July...
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r@ muiiiradarcom T h ep l r c ef o rm L rcsm r k e r s STEVEALLSWORTH OneofGuitarXltoptutors Steveisa long-timecontributorto TotalGuitar andmore recentlytoGTtoo,He'sone ofthe mostskilledgultarlstsaround.
SHAUNBAXTER Oneofthe UK! mostrespectedmusic e d u c a t o r s , S h ahuans t a u g h t m a n y who arenow top tutors.HisalbumJazz Meta washailedasamiestone. JONBISHOP Anew€rGTwriter,ACMsJonhas His a readymadea big impression. recentalbumAcousticSketches boasts ninedelightfultunesfromJon.
PETECALLARD Pete! manycreditslncludeLionel Richie,Annie Lennox,Chaka Khanand shirleyBass€yHeworksregularlyln the studio,onTVandin theWestEnd.
MARTINCOOPER A tutorat BIMIMBrighton,Martin'sRo.k columnsarewrittenwith styleand commitment.His2006albumStateOf TheUnionisavailableoniTunes.
GIANLUCACORONA Recommended to the Guitarlnstitute by Al Di Meola,Gianlucahascastiron credentialsHestudiedatGlTwith ScottHendersonand BrettGarsed,
MARTINGOULDING oneoftheUK's foremost modernrock specia lists, Maninakoteaches at ICMP guitarwithtop andplays British progresslve bandLlnearSphere. GUTHRIEGOVAN Undoubtedly oneoftheworld!most guitaristtGuthrie's outrageous abilities arealmostboundless. HisalbumErotic Cakes isoutnowonCornford R€cords... PHILHILBORNE TheUK!original techniq ueswriter, Phil reguladyp aysguitarin WeWill Rock YouinLondon'sWest End.Healso heipedtolaunch GTback in 1994. SCOTTMCGILL US born ScottrunstheBAHonscourse atBlMMBrighton.HisbookTheGuitar ArpeggioCompendiumandsoloCD Symptomlmperativeareout now
PLAYING THE GUITAR is about more than just learningyour parts and playing them right. Things happen outside ofyour control, and you have to cope or go down with the ship. Butbeing a working muso has neverbeenharder- ludicrous licensing laws mean gigsare simply dying out; ourroad systemis in chaos...and haveyou evertried playing abroad?I feel a rant coming on... Last weekend I did a festival in Denmark, with other groups including Marn.nlade and The Illegal Eagles.What fun, youd say.And yes it was. I havegood matesin both bands and it was greatto seethem all again. But flying... what a nightmare! Our tickets were paid for by the promoter 'express and, understandably,we were going'budget'.So it's so-called check-in'- an arrangementdesignedpurely for their convenience,not yours, and for which you pay a cool fzo! Then there's the indignity of removingjacket,belt, watch, keys,coins,phone,shoes...and getting through the virtual body searchto where we all get dressedagain,in public, with nowhereto sit to re-tie lacesetc. Dont get me wrong: better that than the unthinkable alternative. but it seemswe're treated more like cattle and lesslike human beingsbythe day. When we did finally get on the plane, after two hours ofqueuing and hanging around, it's an exchangerate of one Euro to the Pound, six Euros (ie six quid!) for a glassofplonk, and a burger that was lip-scalding outsideand stonecold inside!Wehad alsobeentold. "no instruments in
the cabin,evenin gig-bags".Soflightcaseswereorganisedbig,hearythingsneedingtheir owncheck-in- thenthree of theguyscalmlywalkedon withtheirguitars. Grrr! Thegigwasgreatthough,but eventhat had its moment. Id askedfor a FenderTwin - that greatfailsafe- and expectedtheusual Twin-Amp (with distortion). As I nipped onstagetotune, minutes beforewe were to go on, I discovered a Twin Reverb - different amp, no gain channel!Yikes!But in the nick oftime the brilliant backline tech magicd up a BOSSME-5o from nowhere. I plugged in, went with the first distortion patch that cameup - and breatheda big sigh ofreliel The Daneshad aball and madeus trulywelcome. We got on with the job in hand and had a greattime in the process.I thinkwe'lldrive next time though...
DAVIDMEAD Ex editorofGuitarT€chniquesand Guitaristandthe countryt top author of tuitionbooks,David's2006album, Nocturna,receivedravereviews,
STUARTRYAN StuartisHeadOf6uitaratBIMMBristol, teachesatBathSpaUniversityand isa top soloacousticguitarvirtuoso.His d e b u t C D T h e C o aR s to a d , i s o u t n o w JOHNWHEATCROFT HeadOfGuitaratGuitarX in London, J o h nh a n o u t s t a n d i npga y e r i n a l l m o d e r n s t y l e s . Hi sea k o a t o pg y p s y jazzman,playingwith JohnJorgenson.
WEWILL|Bringyouthewodd's frnestguitartuitioneverymonth, fromthe mostinspirational oftutors. Ourtranscriptions willbe asaccurate possible, ashumanly ourlessons will yourskils andourcoverCD improve youwithhoursof p aying willprovide fun.Wewi I makeyoua betterplayerl
luly 2009Guitallechniques3
. CONTENTS . JULY 20oq .
Playthis Americanrockclassicfrom Neal Schonand hiscohorts a greatpub trackl
Prettymu( h every (tring bFnd you ave dreamt about and a few you didn't are highlightedin this excellenttutofial... TRACKs4 IO
26 S t u d yI n A M i n o r
In thissecondoftwo articles. John By popular requestBridgetMermikides Wheatcroft dragsyouawayfromstraight returnsto tab a wonderful piecethat'salso chordsandpentatonics intoa jazzierworldl a greatexercisefor the fretting hand-. rRAfKS| 20 IRACK2]
Nevdecidesit'stimefora rantl
Thisrnonth's CDand DVDreleasesl
T H E O RG Y O D M O T H E, R , .,.. , . , , . . . 9 2
Including StarLettetl\,4y FavouriteThings and selectedextractg f romthe GTforum..-
Sendallyourplayingposersandtechnical wandwaverl teases to our resident
News,geat WhatStrings and more...
H o w t o u s eo u r t a b a n d n o t a t i o n
5 U 8 5 C R t P T t O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N . . .E. .X. .TM . . .O. .N. .T. .H. ......5. .9. . . . . ........ . . .......... 9 8 FreegiftsandGTdelivered to yourdoorl
4 GuitarTechniques lu y 2oo9
Checkout what'scomingin GTandevenask yournewsagentto orderit inforyoul
mUS| T h ep a c ef o r . n u s i c maIers
LESS0NS rNTRODUCTtON................... Whispering wordsofwisdomfrom hisowr flamedmaplepolpit,Jasonpontifrcates...
30-MtNUTE LTCKBAG ............................ A brandnewcolumnfrom BIMMBrighton's headof BAHonsdeoreecoorse. ScottMcG,,,...
JohnWheatcroft looksattheplayingofKenny WayneShepherd
ROCK............................................... ........s6 MartinCoopermeetstwo iconsof Britishrock, thevenerable KeefandRonofTheStones!
JonBishopexamines doLrblestops
PROGROCK Gianluca Coronabringsto thefofean guitarhero SteveHillage undersung
Regimental Sergeant MajorGouldingconcudes hisseries on a ternatepickingin metal...
cREATf VEROCK.................................. 2 ShaunBaxtershowsthat by extracting triads you canbecomea moreinventive player
JAZZ................................................ PeteCallard showsyouhowtocreateeven morebeboplinesfromfragments...
StuartRyanon the incredible CliveCarroll...
In a newthree-parter, Garyshowsussomeof hishottest/icks- tabbedfor you by PhilCaponel
. lu y 2009GuitarTechniques 5
Writeto:GuitarTechniques,30 Monmouth Street, BathBAl2 BW.
[email protected] Email: WHERE SBlooiill{', TIIGHAETP I'm a guitaristthat livesin the US. I ftequentlybuyyour magazine ftom my localnewsagentandhave beena faithful readerfor a few years.I haven'tbotheredwriting before,asyou usuallyhaveple[ty ofwhatI likein themagazine,but tie time hascomefor a request. What I'd reallylike to seeis a real in-depthlessonfrom when MichaelBloomfield'splayingwas at its best.His postButterfield days,faomthe Al KooperSuper Session,The live Adventures,The LostTapes,LiveAt The Fillmore - CarmelitaSkiffle,Don't Throw Your l-oveOn Me SoStrong,etc, This waswhenhis plalng really developed,Listento RobbenFord; that'swhereall the useof 3rdsand 6tls camefrom. I tlink that not only would manyreadersenjoy sucha lesson,but alsoyouwould be sufficientlychallengedlearning theselicks.A greatlessonalong witi Gibson'scurrent launchof his LesPaul,would helprekindle Whenit comesto rosewoodor maplefingerboards the interestin his plafng. on Fendersand FenderstyleguitarsI always DdvidKeeping thoughtit wasaboutwhich oneyou liked the look of. It hadn't occured to methat it couldaffectt}Ie ln Britoinbockin thelate'60smony soundandtie playability. ofthegreatAmecanbandtslipped Youmightfindthisodd,Butassomeone who, underoutrcdat- I suppose becoute despitenineyearsofplaying,hasneverowneda wehadThe Beotles, Creom, Pink Stmtor Tele,I'veneverbeeninterested enoughto FIoyd,Hendi x, Ttoffic,Fleetwood readreviewsaboutthem,orto trythemout. MoCLedZeppelin andsoon,itwos However,asmy olderguitar-playingmatesaid ptettyhardto impressus. Even yearsago:"You'llsuccumbin theend,trustme!" groupslikeTheDoorsondGrcteful And soit is tiat recentlythe Telebughasstartedto Deadwercdeemedosquite bite, slowlybut surely. undetgrcund,andwheteasin o UK Talkingto peoplethough,they'vebeenasking aboutwhetherI'd gothe rosewoodor mapleroute. And I don't know. Froma lookspoint ofview I dont rea\ like the so-called'butterscotch'finish with blackpickguardandmapleneck,but I'm told this isthe classic lookandtheclassic tone.I tlink I preferthe darkerlook of rosewoodandmaybein sunburstor oneof thecustomcolourslike lake Placidblueor CandyApple red. My questionis: asexpetts,doyouhavea
R0sEw00D 0nilAPtE!
poll of top | 00 guitotists the Dead's JenyGarciawouldunlikelyfrgue, in theStateshed bein thetopfive!The some applied with Michael Bloomfield- lonly head about the Paul Bufterfreld BluesBand se he and JohnMayolldidanLP together.Agoin,wehod Clapton, Poge,Beck,Green(plus'honoroty
6 GuitaxTechniques luly 2009
tone or playability? Or should I simply go with my instincts and selectthe one I like the look of) I want a Vintage Reissue,so it's a reasonable outlay and I don't want to make a wrong choice. Mi.haelRidley Theseate decisionsthat you hove to moke yourself, Michoel,olthough wecon help norrowdown that choice bygiving a few pointe6. l've alwoys been dnwn to the look of tosewood too - maple olwoys seemedanaemictome,My firtt goodguitorswereo black'67Telekutved rcsewoodboard)ond white ea y'60s Sttot ('slob'tosewoodboard)ond pehaps l'm swayedby whdt I becameusedto backthen. Thotsoid,mony prcferthe twangiettoneofthe original mople-neckedFenderc. Rosewoodis da*el soundingandindeedFendetswitchedto thinner turved' rcsewoodboordsfrom the'slab'typeused |rcm 59to orcund'62 becausetheslabvetsion soundedtoo fat. OfaouBethat'swhat drcwssome playerstothemovet theit maplecountetpatts- and pehaps whytoday Fendetgenerclly go oll-fiople, or slab rcsewood, to offet ateater tonolchoice. Maplefeels diffetent too - especially with thinnel and lowervintagestylefrctwirc.ltcan be haderto bend sttings and apply vibnto, as the fingettip can't get enoughpurchaseunderthe stringthot\ being bent (soFendernow offersbiggerfrctsond flattel boadson severolStrotond Televe$ions).Rosewood absorbsfingermoisturctoo, wheteaslacqueted maplecanget slippetyif you sweat.Add thisto the 'smdllfret'problemand itcon becomeanissue, lflooks orcyout moin priority,go for the one that appeals.lntheVintogeReissue rcngeyou'rcstuck with old-style 7.25 fingetboatd rcdius ond littleftets, ond oftet playinga fewyou might ptefet the feelof flotterboads (foundon monyTimeMochinemodets - checkoutwww,FendeLcom fot modeldetails). Lookotwhot ployeByou like,whichoption they fovour,whottonethey get,and aim to tty out os mony differentmodelsinthe tungeasyou can - it'swhot goodguitarshopsarc thetefot!
STAR TETTER PRIZE Au ftiendsat SoundIechnalaqy plc arcdanatinga DigiTech HardWieStereoRevetb RV-7pedal ta thew teIat'ourStatLettel
Btit'Hendix) and so on,and I supposeit waso caseof "Sowhat?" whenweheardMichael. With hindsight, of .ou tse Eloomfreldhasbecofiemuch more ofo legendhetetoo.Hisgleaningof frrst-hond knowledge from the otigi noI Chicago grcatsgovehis ployingan outhenticitythatwe Btitt
simplycouldn'tget- ot leost,not in quitethesomewoy. Wehdvelookedat hisplaying (bockin Gf137)but it might wellbe worth examiningo trucklikeDon't ThtowYoutLoveOn Me SoStrcng (which, incidentolly I heard on UK rcdio only last week!),Keepthose eyespeeledon future issues!
|.ETTIR$ - andthe factthat BBhasbeen brought out ofretirement dueto nnnnler
I'm not saying dont look at other styles - in fact I thinkthe balance is about right - but please don't bow to a few diehard dissidents and stat giving us Pat Martino and Allan Holdswodl every month instead. Cover them, please, but not at the expense of what I believe most readeN actually want! FrcnkRiley Bluesiundoubtedlyoneofthe most populafgultar playlnggenres
STICKII{G UPFOR BI.UES (again) I've noticeda few peopleknocking the amountof bluesyou featurein GT- on forumsetc.But I actually think that most ofyou readerc playguitar becauseof the blues influenceofclapton, Page,Beck, Green,Gilmour, Kossoff,Moore, SRVandsoon.Andthengoing backto the originals- the three Kings,BuddyGuy,Otis Rush, T-Bone,Johnl€e Hookeretc.I'm surethat's true. It ceftainlyis for me,and all of my guitar-playing fliends. Sure,we now all like Coldplay,Uz, The Killers, Oasis, KingsOf l€on, etc(asweloved The Beatlesand Stonesbefore them),but thelureof the r2-baris insidious;wejust adoreit andlove playingit. Also,much ofthe playiDgin other genresstemsfrom blues ceftainlyjazz andclassic rock (not socertainaboutmetal, which seemsto havelessof ablues and more of a European/classical bent) andsotie connectionis there.Andjustlookatthe popularityof JoeBonamassa, GaryMoore,Claptonwhenhe gigs
wondering:couldtherebe a featuretlat's somewherein size betweenOne-MinuteLick and someofthekarning Zone lessons,suchasCreativeRock? Sometimesit's niceto dip into tl1emagazinerathertlan having to immerseoneselfintosomething sodeep.Someone oncesaidthere shouldbe 'onedump' readsand 'two dump' reads(sorryto be so goss !) andGTis mosdytwo dump reads!Thisisn'ta criticism,justa