Guitar Alternate Picking technique Explained in Detail with exercises Free eBook

March 30, 2019 | Author: Alternate Picking | Category: String Instruments, Guitars, Hand, Jazz, Musical Instruments
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Alternate Picking safely at the guitar for all styles. Correct technique and how to hold the pick. Musical exercises. De...



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Wa` chn hs tl hnpcrt sukti` cjg sln`thn`s ahgg`j hjblrncthlj. hjb lrncthlj. Wa`s` elje`pts cr` r` r`ciiy ciiy c ouhg` blr tals` wal cr` stuem lr wal cr` ujsur` lb wact hs hjvliv`g r`ocrghjo r`ocrghjo ta` paysheci `i`n`jts r`quhr`g r`quhr`g blr ta` cit`rjct` phemhjo n`talg lb ta` ouhtcr.

*elpyrhoat ;431 e ` ncrthj*

CIW@[JCW@ THEMHJO BL[ OPHWC[ HNT[LRHUCWHLJ Cit`rjct` phemhjo hs c strhet Pp/Glwj lr Glwj/Pp Themhjo Nlv`n`jt cs lppls`g tl c acnn`rhjo lj cjg puiihjo lbb t`eajhqu`. _` gl tahs ky `npilyhjo c r`icx`g wrhst nlthlj piuemhjo up cjg glwj lr glwj cjg up brln ta` _[HUW. J`v`r gl w` phem brln ta` `iklw, blr`crn blr`crn lr saluig`r!. _` sln`thn`s us` c ﬋lcthjo nlthlj cerlss ta` strhjos cjg sln`thn`s c phvlthjo lr cjealrhjo t`eajhqu` ky r`sthjo lur pcin ihoatiy lj ta` krhgo` krh go` lb ta` ouhtcr. Wa` `x`rehs` k`ilw g`nljstrct`s ta` kcshe ’Glwj Pp„ cjg ’Pp Glwj„ Utrhet cit`rjct` phemhjo nlv`n`jt.



@Q.3 Glwj Pp `te.

Pp Glwj `te.

_a`j Alighjo ta` phem ]pi`etrun^ ta` taunk j``gs tl k` ’[hohg„ kut jlt t`js` ]Bi`xhki` hs ta` k`st g`ffijhthlj^. Wa`r` nust k` z`rl t`jshlj hj ta` acjg `hta`r. ] _hta c ills` taunk ht h t hs `csy tl grlp ta` ph phem em cjg ils` ﬋uhghty.^

@x.; Uhnpi` `x`rehs` blr alighjo ta` Them6

Tut lut ylur acjg cs hb tl sacm` acjgs

Krhjo ta` bhjo`rs hj cs hb tl alig c eup

Krhjo glwj ta` taunk. Ht ecj r`nchj ’Bi`xhki`„ kut jlt wlkkiy cjg a`ipi`ss.

Hjshg` lb pi`etrun orhp. ]Bhjo`rs Ihoatiy Blig`g Hj^

Kcshe Orhp whta ta` WAPNK cs ta` ’Tlw`ralus`„  ]J`v`r  ]J`v`r ta` crn/`iklw^

[`cgy tl Ticy! Citaluoa ta` taunk hs orhpphjo ta` pi`etrun bhrniy ta`r` hs jl t`jshlj hj ta` acjg lr wrhst.

Wa` Eicsshe„ Ti`etrun Orhp ]Ny Utyi`^ t`js`. Wa` ffijo`rs cr` ihoatiy tuem`g hj. Wa` wrhst Wa` acjg hs eils`g kut ht hs jlt t`js`. hs ills`. Wahs hs c v`ry elnnlj orhp. Wahs hs c r`ciiy `xe`ii`jt orhp hb ylu cr` acvhjo prlki`ns whta ylur phemhjo acjg . Wahs Wahs hs ta` orhp cs us`g ky ta` or`ct hnprlvhs`rs ihm` Flaj Neicuoaihj cjg Ci Gh N`lic.

Lta`r Orhps6

NCK Cjealrhjo

Bcjj`g Bcjj`g lut


Ghbb`r`jt picy`rs orhp ta` phem hj ghbb`r`jt bcsahljs. H us` ta` eicsshe Flaj Neicuoaihj orhp k`ecus` H b``i ht hs ta` k`st lj` wa`j ht eln`s tl fczz/bushlj hnprlvhscthlj cjg elnpi`x raytans. _ahea`v`r orhp ylu ealls` ciwcys r`n`nk`r tact r`ocrgi`ss lb alw ylu alig ta` pi`etrun ta` Trhjehpi`s r`nchj ta` scn`. Wa` Waunk k`hjo ta` plw`ralus` tact tcm`s cjy ’Tr`ssur`„ cs w` ’Tiuem/cit`rjct` whta ta` wrhst„.

Wa` nlst hnplrtcjt tahjo tl ujg`rstcjg WA@ N@EACJHEU! Hb w` illm ct ta` ghcorcn k`ilw w` ecj s`` wact hs TAXUHECIIX TAXUHECIIX tcmhjo pice` wa`j w` cr` erlsshjo ta` strhjos. Hb ylu piuem PT lj ylur 3st strhjo ylu whii acv` tl UMHT LR@[ ta` s`eljg strhjo k`blr` piuemhjo GL_J lj ht. h t. Ul wa`j w` cr` piuemhjo cerlss ta` strhjos w` cr` hj c wcy strhjo smhpphjo. Nlst p`lpi` H acv` tcuoat cr` elnpi`t`iy ujcwcr` lb tahs. Wahs hs way sl ncjy p`lpi` ffijg/cssun` tact cit`rjct` phemhjo hs ghbffieuit. Brln Brln ta` lutshg` lb ta` strhjos ht hs Pp smhp lv`r piuem glwj piuem up GL_J UMHT LR@[ TIPEM PT- r`v`rs` ]    

Brln ta` ’Hjshg`„ lb ta` strhjos ht hs Glwj smhp lv`r piuem up.

]PT UMHT LR@[ TIPEM GL_J- r`v`rs`

R@[X ELNNLJ @QCNTI@U/@Q@[EHU@U @QCNTI@U/@Q@[EHU@U TW; Glwj smhp lv`r piuem up-wa`j erlsshjo

Pp smhp lv`r piuem glwj-wa`j erlsshjo

Elnhjo PT PT lj  lj ta` Pp strlm` @x`rehs`s Wa`s` 5 shnpi` `x`rehs`s `npacshs` ta` elnhjo ’PT„ lj ta` upstrlm` er`cthjo c rliihjo `bb`et. Wahs hj turj g`v`ilps jcturci i`v`rco`, chn cjg pr`ehshlj cjg cvlhgs pusahjo glwj ecushjo hjfury. Wa`s` cr` r`p`ththv` pctt`rjs ushjo ’@v`j„ orluphjos= @x`rehs` 3 ; strhjos erlsshjo r`p`ththlj ’@v`j„ Orluphjo

@x`rehs` ;6 erlsshjo whta ; acjgs sahbthjo plshthlj ’@v`j„ ’@v`j„ Orluphjo

@Q@[EHU@ 56

„@R@J„ Orluphjos 32tas U`nhqucv`rs.

Utcrt whta c glwjstrlm` glwjstrlm` cjg b``i ta` icst strlm` strlm` hj ta` orlup lb 32ta jlt`s wahea whii k` cj upstrlm`. Ps` tahs tl k` cwcr` hj lrg`r blr ylu tl piuem cjg cee`jt ta` 3st strlm` strlm` hj ta` j`xt orlup lb blur 32ta jlt`s. Wahs hs cj @R@J orluphjo hj gluki` thn`g 32tas n`cjhjo ta` phemhjo pctt`rj r`p`cts hts`ib.

Wa` `x`rehs`/ihem `x`rehs`/ihem k`ilw lj c 5 2 ; 0 3 hs kuhit lj 7 jlt` orluphjos lb 32tas ecii`g ’W@W[CEAL[GU„ ’W@W[CEAL[GU„. Wcm` ht silwiy ushjo ta` raytanhe n`talg brln ta` 32tas `x`rehs` cklv`.

@x`rehs` 76 O[LPTU LB 2 JLW@U ’LGG„ JLW@U ’LGG„ orluphjo Utcrt lj c GL_J UW[LM@ cjg ta`j eln` ’PT„ lj ta` s`eljg orlup lb trhpi`ts cjg bliilw ta` s`qu`je`. Wa` pctt`rj GLU@J‘W r`p`ct hts`ib ihm` 32tas k`ecus` `cea orlup lb 5 jlt`s stcrts lj c ’Ghbb`r`jt Utrlm`„.

B[@RL HJW[L Ky Flaj Neicuoaihj/Tcel G` Iuehc glwj


CIW@[JCW@ THEMHJO CIHOJN@JW Hj ta` ghcorcn k`ilw w` ecj `cshiy s`` ta` rhoat acjg erlsshjo ta` strhjos phemhjo `cea strhjo jcturciiy cs ht eln`s. _` ecj cisl s`` tact ta` rhoat acjg hs ciwcys cihoj`g whta ta` strhjo ht whsa`s tl piuem. Cihoj`g whta ta` 2ta strhjo Lp`j @

Cihoj`g whta ta` 0ta strhjo Lp`j C

Cihoj`g whta ta` 7ta strhjo Lp`j G

Cihoj`g whta ta` 5rg strhjo Lp`j O

Cihoj`g whta ta` ;jg strhjo Lp`j K

Cihoj`g whta ta` 3st strhjo Lp`j @

K@ C_C[@! Hb ylu gl cit`rjct` phemhjo prlp`riy cjg piuem `cea strhjo cjg `cea jlt` lb c parcs` whta c ills` wrhst cjg cjg r`icx`g crn/acjg ta`j ylu whii cvlhg hjfury. Kut hb ylu fust gl c tr`nlil cjg acnn`r lj ta`j ylu whii put ylurs`ib ct rhsm. Wa` prhjehpi`s lutihj`g hj tahs salrt kllm cr` v`ry shnpi` cjg `csy tl ujg`rstcjg. Wa`y cr` jlt ljiy a`r` tl a`ip ylu prlor`ss kut cisl tl a`ip ylu cvlhg hjfury.

Kcg Fcnn`g wrhst. _hii sthem wa`j erlsshjo 5 strhjos.

Jhe` ills` wrhst cjg p`rb`et strhjo cihojn`jt.

TCIN CJEAL[HJO/BILCWHJO Cjealrhjo n`cjs phvlthjo lj ta` krhgo` ihoatiy Bilcthjo n`cjs jlt r`sthjo lj ta` krhgo` blr supplrt. Citaluoa tahs supplrt eluig eln` brln r`sthjo ta` crn lj ta` klgy lb ta` ouhtcr ]nchjiy celusthe^. K`ilw hs cj `xcnpi` lb wact H gl wahea hs c nhxtur` ?4% BILC BILCWHJO whta 54% Cjealrhjo.

Tcin hj Tlshthlj blr G`se`jt

Tcin hj Tlshthlj blr Cse`jt

[`cgy tl G`se`jg

[`cgy tl Cse`jg

Cjoihjo ta` phem Uln` p`lpi` pr`b`r tl cjoi` ta` phem. Uln` p`lpi` gl tahs jcturciiy.

Them Bict

Them Cjoi`g

Ht hs k`st tl us` c ’Acrg„ Ti`etrun Ti`etrun blr cit`rjct` phemhjo. ]Fhn Gujilp gl sln` v`ry ollg ollg acrg pi`etruns^.


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