Guitar Aerobics

April 22, 2017 | Author: Dani | Category: N/A
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Workout Programfor Developing, A 52-WEEK, One-lick-per-day g u i t a rT e c h n i q u e l m p r o v i n ga,n d M a i n t a i n i nG



BEGINNERTO ADVANCED CDs lncludeLick Demos& Drum Metronome!




A 52-WEEK, One-lick-per-day Workout Programfor Developing, l m p r o v i n ga,n d M a i n t a i n i nG g u i t a rT e c h n i q u e

M BEGINNERTOADVANCED CDs lncludeLick Demos& Drum Metronome!


AEROBICS Contents CD TrackListing...........



............. T h eT e c h n i q u e. .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ' l - 3 6 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. .-.1. 1. 0 W e e k s1 - 5 2 :E x e r c i s e s

ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1435-3 ISBN-10:1-4234-1435-7

Tlllet-.LEoNARD' L 1 - C . O F I P O F T A T I O N ln Australia Conlact: Hal Leonad Australla Pty. Ltd. 4 LentaraCourt Victoria, 3192Australia Cheltenham, Email:ausadmin@halleonard, CORPORATION Copyright @2007by HALLEONARD Secured All RightsReserved International Copyright in anylorm maybe reproduced No parlot thispublication of thePublisher or by anymeanswithoutthepriorwrittenpermission Visit Hal Leonard Online at w*u.hallaoned.codr



All guitarsby DougBoduch Description


CDI . Track Page


CDl . Track Page

W e e k1 :E x e r c i s1 e- 7s. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


W e e k2 8 :E x e r c i s1e9s0 - 1 9.6. . . . . . . 2 8


W e e k2 : E x e r c i 8 se - 1s 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Week29: Exercises197-203. . . . . . . . 29


Week 3: Exercises15-21 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 0

Week30: Exercises 2O4-21O.. . . . . . . 30


Week 4: Exercises 22-28 . . .

Week31: Exercises 211-217. . . . . . . . 31


W e e k5 : E x e r c i s e s 2 9 - 3 5 . . . . . . .5. . . . 1 4

Week32: Exercises 218-224. . .


Week 6: Exercises36-42 . . . . . - . . . . . 6


Week33: Exercises 225-231 . . .


Week 7: Exercises43-49 . . . . . . . . . . .7


Week34: Exercises 232-238. . . . . . .. 34


W e e k8 : E x e r c i s e s S 0--.5. .6... . . . . 8 '


Week35: Exercises 239-245. . . . . . . .35


W e e k9 : E x e r c i s e s 5 T - 6 3 . . . . . . .I. . . . 22

Week36: Exercises246-252. . . . . . . . 36


Week10:Exercises 64-70 . . . . . . . . . . 10


Week37: Exercises 253-259. . . . . . . .37


W e e k1 1 :E x e r c i s 7e 1s - 7 7. . . . . . . . . . 1 1


Week38: Exercises 260-266.. . . . . . .38


W e e1 k 2 :E x e r c i s7e8s- 8 4. . . . . . . . . . 1 2


Week39:Exercises 267-273..... . . . 39


W e e1 k 3 :E x e r c i s8e5s- 9 1. . . . . . . . . . 1 3


W e e k4 0 :E x e r c i s2e7s 4 - 2 8 0 . . . . . . . 4 0


W e e k1 4 :E x e r c i s9e2s- 9 8 . . . . . . . . . 1 4


Week41: Exercises 281-287. . .... . . 41


Week15:Exercises 99-105.. . . . . . . . 15


Week42: Exercises 288-254.. . . . . . .42


Wee1 k 6 :E x e r c i s1e0s6 -112 . . . . . . . . 1 6


W e e k4 3 :E x e r c i s2e9s5 - 3 0 1 ........43


W e e1 k 7 :E x e r c i s1e1s3 - 11 9 . . . . . . . . 1 7


Week44: Exercises 302-308. . . . . . . . 44


W e e k1 8 :E x e r c i s 1 e2 s 0 - 1 2 6.. . . . . . . 1 8


Week45: Exercises 309-315. . .


Week19: Exercises 127-133.. . . . . . . 19


Week46: Exercises 316-322. . .


Wdek20:Exercises 134-140.. .. . . . . 20


Week47: Exercises 323-329. . . . . . . . 47


W e e k2 1 :E x e r c i s1e4s1 - 1 4.7. . . . . . . 2 1


Week48: Exercises 330-336. . . . . . . . 48


Week22: Exercises 148-154. . . . . . . .22


Week49: Exercises 337-343... .. . . .49


W e e k2 3 :E x e r c i s1e5s5 - 1 6.1. . . . . . . 2 3


Week50: Exercises 344-350. . . . . . . . 50


Week24: Exercises 162-168. . . .. . . . 24


Week51: Exercises 351-357. . . . . . . . 51


W e e k2 5 :E x e r c i s1e6s 9 - 1 7.5. . . . . . . 2 5


W e e k 5 2E: x e r c i s3e5s 8 - 3 6 5 .. ..... . 52


Week26: Exercrses 176-182.. . . . . . . 26


T u n i nNgo t e s .

W e e k2 7 :E x e r c i s1e8s3 - 1 8.9. . . . . . . 2 7







All drumsby ScottSchroedl Description

CD2 . Track

Rock,BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): .......1 4 0b e a tps e rm i n u t e


CD2 o Track

BluesShuffleRhythm:144bpm . . . . . . . . . . . .23 1 6: 0b p m. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 B l u eSs h u f fRl eh y t h m

Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): . . . .' . . . ' ' 2 4 8b p m . Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): .....'....3 58bpm. Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): .... 72bpm.


Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): ..'. .....5 84bpm. Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): ....'.....6 96bpm. Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): .....'..-7 108bpm. Rock/BluesRhythm(eveneighthnotes): ..".....8 120bpm.

J a z ' S w i n gR h y t h m5: 6 b p m . J a z '5 * 1 n nR h y t h m6:9 b p m . JazzSwingRhythm:80 bpm .

..""25 .."'26 .'.'


J a z zS w i n gR h y t h m9:2 b p m .


Jazz SwingRhythm:104 bpm

. . . . .29

J a ' zS w i n gR h y t h m1:1 6 b p m


J a z zS w i n gR h y t h m : 1 3b2p m


Jaz' SwingRhythm:144 bpm



CountryRhythm(cuttime):56 bpm . . . . . . . . . 33 ( c u t i m e )6: 0 b p m . . . . . . . . . 3 4 C o u n t rRy h y t h m 76 bpm . . . . . . . . . 35 CountryRhythm(cuttime):


1 1

CountryRhythm(cuttime):92 bpm . . . . . . . . . 36 ( c u t i m e )1: 0 8b p m . . . . . . . . 3 7 C o u n t rRy h y t h m C o u n t rRyh y t h (mc utti m e )1:2 6b p m. . . . . . . . 3 8


(cuttime): 144bpm . . . . .. .. 39 Rhythm Country ( c u t i m e )1: 6 8b p m . . . . . . . . 4 0 C o u n t rRy h y t h m

40 bpm FunkRhythm: 48 bpm FunkRhythm:

. . . . . . . 4 1


48 bpm. Rhythm: BluesShuffle

.. ' ' '17

FunkRhythm:56 bpm


B l u eSs h u f f R l eh y t h m : 6b0p m .


66 bpm FunkRhythm:


Rhythm:76 bpm. BluesShuffle

' . . . 19

FunkRhythm:76 bpm


Rhythm:92 bpm . BluesShuffle

. . . . .2O

108bpm Rhythm: BluesShuffle

... ' '21

FunkRhythm:100bpm . . .


. - . . .22

F u n kR h y t h m1:1 2b p m . . .

...48 3

INTRODUCTION henmy goodfriendsat Hal Leonardfirst approachedme aboutwritingthis book,they alreadyhad a i.itle,GuitarAerobics,and a topic,guitar technique, in mind.Otherthanthosetwo details,however,theykindlygaveme carteblancheto createthe rest.Onethingwas certain:I did not wantto introduce anotherrun-of-the-mill technique bookto the guitarpublications marketplace, onethat was filledcoverto coverwith blandchromaticexercises that ransenselesslyup and downthe fretboard.Instead,I wantedto devisea guitar-technique bookthat at oncehelpedthe readerdevelop,improve,and maintainhis/herguitar chopsvia musicalexamplesthat couldbe appliedto real-worldmusicalsettings,from rock and bluesto jazz andcountryAnd mostimportantly, I wantedto createa bookthat was funl Toooftenoracticesessionsbecomemonotonousdue to the lackof uninspiredmaterialsfromwhichto learn.WithGulfar Aerobics,that'sno longerthe case.

Additionally, eachexerciseincludesa briefdescription-rcrigin,scale(s), rhythms,etc.-as wellas a pedormance tip. And trueto the book's"workout" theme,allof the exercises comewith a practice routinethat is dividedintoeightsets,eachof which contains a specific tempo(e.9.,112 beatsperminute) at whichto playthe exercise. ('reps") Tenrepetitions played per set,withthe temposincreasing are at various increments fromone set to the next,depending on the exercise's musicalstyle.Forexample,here's howto performthe Rock/Bluesworkout:

GuitarAerobicsis the ultimateworkoutprogramfor guitarists,promotingguitarfacility,increasrng pick-and fret-handspeedand accuracy,and improvingdexterity whileat the sametime increasing lickvocabulary. The guitar 52-weekprogramcoversone indispensable techniqueeachday--afternatepickingon Monday, stringskippingon Tuesday,stringbendingon Wednesday,arpeggioson Thursday,swrep pickingon Friday,legatoon Saturday,andrhythmon Sunday-dl of whichareoresentedwithinthe contextof eitheran applicableguitarlickor an exercisethat is considerablymoremusicalthanthe chromaticexercises found in othertechniquebooks.Moreover, becauseeach examplefits intoone of six musicalstyles-rock, blues,jazz,metal,countryor funk-once you'vegot the lickdowncold,you can test driveit at yournext jam session,whateverstyleof musicyou play.

Eachexerciseis labeledwitha genreand'tracklisting, whichtogetherdenotethe workoutyou shouldfollow.

GuitdrAerobicsis systematically arrangedso that eachweekthe musicalexamplesincreasein difficulty. you canjump right lf you consideryourselfa beginner, intoWeek.1and feelperfectlycomfortableplayingthe you'llhavean entirecalendar materjal.Consequently, yearof material-365exercises-topractice!At approximately Week18,the materialis moreappropriplayers for ate of an intermediate level.And Week36 marksthe entrypointfor thoseplayerswho possess considerable chops(i.e.,advanced).lf you fit in the lastcategorythat'sstill120 exercises to get through! GuitarAerobicsofferssomethingfor everyone. 4

Everymusicalexamplein GuitarAerobics iSOSin atD can be heardon CD1of the two accompanying audio CDs,with all of the 52 weeksseparatedonto individyou can quicklycue up a specifualtracks.Therefore, ic llckto hearhowit shouldsound.Tuningnotes(low to high,E-A-D-G-B-E)arealsoincludedon the final trackof CD1. CD2containsrhythmtracks(drums only)performedat a varietyof temposdictatedby genre,includingstraightrock/blues, theirrespective bluesshuffle,jazzswing,funk,countryand metal.So throwawayyourmetronome-nowyou'vegot a real drummerto keeptime! lf you devotejust a few minutesof eachdayto practicingtheexamples in thisbook,I guarantee thatyou'll noticeimmediateimprovements in yourguitartechnique.By the time365 dayshavepassed,yourchops will be secondto none.Personally, I noticedconsiderableimprovement in my technique duringthewriting of this book-and I didn'tfollowthe workoutprogram! Allthat it takesis a littletime,dedication,and determination.Goodluck!

THE TECHNIQUES seventechniques-alterA s I mentionedpreviously, stringbending, flnate picking,stringskipping, picking, legato,and rhythm-are sweep arpeggios, coveredin GuitarAerobics,onetechniquefor eachday of the week.Althoughthereare manyguitartechniquesthat arenot presentedin this book,I believe theseseventechniquesarethe mostessentialfor guitarists.Masteringthesetechniqueswill reducelimitato tionsand equipyou with the toolsnecessary achievethe goalsyou haveset for yourselfon the instrument. Here,now,is a briefoverviewof the techniques'presentedin this book: AlternatePicking:No techniqueis moreprevalentand of greaterbenefit-thanalternatepicking.A funguitartechnique, it can be appliedto any damental musicalcontextand is thetechniquethat separates the men/womenfromthe boys/girls.On thesepages, of downthe technique,a continuousalternation your pick is applied hand, strokesand upstrokeswith from rockand bluesto jazzand country to everything String Skipping:Mostcommonlyassociatedwith rockand metal,stringskippingis alsoquiteuseful whenplayingotherformsof music.The predominant in thisbookis examples focusof the string-skipping skipswithinthe conthatof single-anddouble-string text of blues,1azz,rock,and metal. String Bending:Theseexamples,whichmostlyconsistof blues,countryand rock licks,featurequarterstep,half-step,and whole-stepbends,as wellas bendssuchas oblique,unison, moresophisticated pre-bends. and compound, Arpeggios:Althoughan "arpeggio"in and of itselfis of right-and leftnot a technique,the coordination pedorm one certainlyqualihandmovementsusedto fies.Thedefinitionof an arpeggiois "a chordwhose notesareplayedin rapidsuccessionratherthansimulthat in andthe exampleshereinillustrate taneously," neck, possible on the practically combination every to fromsimpleopenpositionthord combinations us Which brings concepts. advancedsweep-picking to ournexttechnique...

Sweep Picking:The polaroppositeof alternatepickusingonecontinuous ing,sweeppickinginvolves downor upstroketo playtwo or moreadjacent-string notes.Althoughmostof the examplesin Guitar Aerobicsapplyto rockand metal,you willfinda few interesting examplesof howto applythistechniqueto jazz andbluesas well. Legato:On the guitar,legatotechniqueinvolvespullslides,fingertapplng,or anycombioffs,hammer-ons, legatois anycollectionof two nationhereof.Basically, on the samestringthat isn'tarticulated or more.notes of pickattacks.A widevarietyof with a succession suchlicksis includedon the followingpages. "rhythm"lsn'ta single Rhythm:Muchlikean arpeggio, technique,but rathera collectionof techniquesused to performvariousfunctionsas theyrelateto a speciflc rhythmicstyle.A few of the topicscoveredin Guifar Aerobicsincludebasrcstrumpatterns,open-chord arpeggios,boogiebatterns,walkingbasslines,and muchmore.



CDIoIBACK I . Tracks:9-1 6 Music Description:Performed exclusively in siliteenthnoteson the lirststring,thislickmakesits way up the neckby utilizingeverynoteof the E harmonicminors.cale(E-F|-CFA-B-C-D|). yourpickingpatternafterplayingthroughthe licka few times,beginning Tip: Reverse withan upstroke.

CD2. Tracks:1+

Technique:StringSkipping cenre: Rock/Blues Music Description:Thisexerciseis basedin the rootposltionof the A minorpentatonic scale(A-C-D-E-G)and skips a stringbetweeneachnotepair. Tip: Throughout the figure,keepyourindex,middle,ring,and pinkyfingerspositioned at the fifth,si{h, seventh,and elghtfrets,respectively. ) = ao-tzo AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Thisdescending lickis alsobasedin A minorpentatonicandfeatureswhole-stepbendson the secondand thirdstrings. Tip: Reinforce eachbendwithJingersnot directlyperforming the bend.Forexample,whenexecuting the thhd-string yourringfingeryourmiddleand indexJingers. bendin measure1, reinforce ) = 4o-r2o AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1€ G, D, and C chords lvlusic Description:Thisis a simplearpeggioexercisethat featuresthe notesof open-position playedindividually. practhisexercise, Tip: Althougha singledownstroke(sweep)withyourpick handis moreefficientwhenperforming picking it well. as tice alternate ) = 4o-r2o G













CD2 . Tracks:9-16 in workoutfeaturesdiatonictriadsin the keyof G playedexclusively Music Description:Thistwo-barsweep-picking tripletrhythmson the top threestrings. releasesome-or Tip: To keepthe notesof eachchordfromringingtogether(youwantihemto soundseparately), note has sounded. pressure note(s) once each fretting the fromthe finger all-of the

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 to connectthe notepairson eachstringas it ascends lickuseshammer-ons Music Description:Thisstraightforward pentatonic scale. the A minor shiftyourindexfingerto the flrstnoteof the Tip: As you hammeron to the secondnoteof eachstring,simultaneously .higher, neighboring string. ) = 40-120

CDz o Tracks:1-8 arpeggioexercise(#4)areplayedhereas fullchords,.in Music Description:Thechordfragmentsusedin Thursday's quarter-note rhythms. Tip: Keepyourringfingerplantedon the thirdfretof the secondstringas youchangefromG to D. Also,usedownstrumsthroughout. ) = 4f,-rm




CtlloIRACK 2 CD2o Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Thislickis nearlyidenticalto the one playedlastMonday(#1).Theonlyvariationis in the rhythm: Lastweek'slickwas straightsixteenthnotes,whereasthis lickfeaturesa gallbping, eighth-and-two-sixteenth-notes rhythm. pickingpatternthroughout. Tip: Usea strictdown-down-up ) = 4l0.ll2

CD2 o Tracks:1-€ Technique:StringSkipping Exercise:#9 Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Similarto lastTuesday's exercise(#2),this phraseborrowsits notesfromA minorpentatonic and you'reworklngyourway downthe scale. skipsa stringbetweeneachnotepair.Thistime,however, Tip: Bestresultsareachievedby usingstrictalternatepicking,beginning witha downstroke. ) = 40.l2O AmorAT

Exercise:#10 cD2 r Tracks:1-8 Technique:stringBending Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Releases havebeenaddedto the bendsperformedin lastweek'slick(#3). Tip: Payattentionto thisligure'srhythm,beingcarefulnot to rusheachbendand release. ) = 40-r2o

Technique:Arpeggios Genre:Rock CD2 o Tracks:.1-8 Exercise:#11 versionof lastThursday's arpeggioworkout(#4/. Music Description:Thisexerciseis the descending this exercise,but, likelastweek,alternatepickingis Tip: A singleupstroke(sweep)willwork bestwhenperforming as well. encouraged J = 40-120



i c k or: V----let i"s


n V n V -----------r



\ l









V-- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - r



Technique:SweepPicking Genre:Metal CD2. Tracks:9-16 Exercise:#12 thistimethe sweeps Music Description:The rhythmsand notesareidenticalto lastFriday'sexercise(#5);however, areall upstrokes. Tip: Experiment with boththe ringand middlefingersof yourfret handwhenplayingthe top noteof the Flochordin measure2. Usewhicheverfeelsmostcomfortable. ) = 4t-rr2

p;crV ---"-----t

v -,--


3 v -------.1





V----- -r


Technique:Legato Genre:Rock/Blues CD2. Tracks:1-8 Exercise:#13 pulFoffsversionof lastSaturday's exercise(#6). Music Description:Thisblues-rocklickis the descending, Tip: To get the secondnoteof eachpairto soundas loudas the first,usea downwardpluckingmotionwhenexecutingthe pull-off. ) = 4O-120 AmorAT

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Rock CD2. Tracks:1-8 Exercise:#14 chordchangesas lastSunday'sexample(#7),only Music Description:Thisexercisefealuresthe sameG-[:ff herethe rhythmis straighteighthnotes. Tip: lf you'rehavingtroublemakinga smoothtransitionbetweenchords,try liftingyourhandoff of the fretboardon the "and"of beats2 and 4 of eachmeasure.Don'tworryaboutthe openstringsringing;instead,focuson getting yourfret handto the nextchord. ) = 4o-r2o G






. TRACK C01 3 CD2 . Tracks:S-16 Music Description:A continuation of Exercises #.1and #8 fromthe previous two Mondays,thisexercise's onlymodificationis its rhythm,which,here,is groupingsof two stdeenthnotesand an eighthnoteon eachbeat. pickingpatternon eachbeatis idealfor thisexample. Tip: A down-up-down ) = 40-112

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues play-two{REtes-skip-one-string pattern(allwithinthe Music Description:Thislickis a variationof the ascending, frameworkof A minorpentatonic) fromExercise #2, onlyherethe notesareplayedin reverseorder. Tip: Thisexerciseis a bit moredifficultfor the frethandto performthanthe pervioustwo string-skipping figures,so takeextrarepsat slowertempos,if necessarybeforemovingon. ) = 4/J-120 AmorAT

Technique:StringBending CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Thisbendlngexerciseis identicalto the onefromWeek'l (#3),exceptthatthe whole-step bends (thenoteis bentup onewholestepbeforeit'spicked, havebeenreplacedwithwhole-steppre-bendsand releases to it'soriginalpitch). andthenreleased Tip: Practiceachievingproperintonalion(hittingthe targetnotes)on the pre-bendsbeforeattemptingto playthe lick. entire. ) = 4o-r2o

Technique:Arpeggios Genre:Rock Exercise:#18 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 #4 and #1t havebeencombinedto formthis newarpeggioworkoutMusic Description:Portionsof Exercises fashion. G, D, and C chordsplayedin bothascendingand descending variousnotesof open-position plantthe ringlingerof yourfrethandon the thirdfretof the Jirststring.Eventhough playing chord, Tip: When the G the note(G)is not played,it'll add stabilityto the chordvoicing. ) = 4o-rm G




CD2 o Tracks:S-16 Music Description:Thisis the sameexerciseas #5 fromWeek1, onlyan e)drachordtone(the3rd for majorchords; b3rdfor minorand diminished chords)hasbeenaddedto the top string. noteof eachfourTip: Usethe pinkyof yourfret handand an upstrokewithyourpickhandto attackthe last(highest) notegrouping.

Technique:Legato Genre:Rock/Blues CD2. Tracks:1-€ Exercise:#20 fromWeeks1 and 2, the A minorpentatonicscaleservesas the frameMusic Description:Likethe legatoexercises the scale. workfor this lick.Thistime,however,pulloffswillbe usedwhileascending to pulldownon the stringto achieveadequatevolumefor the targetnote. Tip: Whenexecutingthe pull-offs,remember ) = 4o-r?n AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 a bit more"forwardmotion," Music Description:In the interestof givinglastSunday'sG-H,-D chordprogression two sixteenthnoleshavebeentackedon to the "and"of beats2 and 4 of eachmeasure. patterns. of beats2 and4 withquickdown-upstrum rhythms,followthe downstrums Tip: Toexecutethe sixteenth-note ) = 40.120 G




\A/EEK 4


[Dtr TBACK 4 Exercise:#22 CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Technique;AlternatePicking Genre:Metal Music Description:Thisversionof the E harmonicminorexercises of the pastthreeweekscontainseighth-note tripletrhythms,whichsubdivideeachbeal intothreeequalparts. Tip: Go slowlyat first,and noticethat,becauseof the triplets,the pickingdirectionalternates betweendownstrokes and uDstrokes on eachdownbeat.

Exercise:#23 CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Stayingwithinthe A minorpentatonicscaleas in the previousstring-skipping exercises, this phraseworksits way downthe scale,skippinga stringbetweeneveryothernotepair. Tip: Beginshiftingyourindexflngerto the nelt stringas soonas yourpinkyor ringfingerhitsthe secondnoteon eachstring. . = 4/J-120 AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues 'Music Description:Thisexerciseintroduces two things:a whole-stepbendon the firststringperformed withyour pinkyor ringfingerand a half-stepbendon the thirdstringperformedwithyourindexfinger. Tip: Thathalf-stepbendis trickierthanit seems;it'seasyto fallflat or pushit sharp.Playthe targetnote,Cl, at the sixthfretof the thirdstringto checkyourintonation. ) = 40-120

CD2 . Tracks: .l-8 progression Music Description:Thisfigurefeaturesthe sameG-[:ff that hasbeenusedthe previousthree weeks;however, thistime barrechordsareutilizedto voicethe arpeggios. Tip: Baryourindexfingeracrossall six stringswhenplayingeacharpeggio/chord.

Exercise:#26 CD2 o Tracks:9-16 Technique:SweepPicking Genre:Metal Music Description:Thisexerciseis the descending versionof lastFriday'ssweep-picking workout(#19). Tip: The mostefiicientwayto playeachfour-notegroupingis by pickingthe firstnotewitha downstrokeandthe last threenoteswith an upwardssweep. ) = qo-tz G


CD2 o Tracks:I-€ Music Description: Hammer-onsare used to connect the note pairsof each string while descendingthe A minor pentatonicscale in root position. Tip: Be carefulnot to rush the hammer-ons;even eighth notes should be playedthrough beat 2 of measure2. ) = 4o-r2o AmorAT

Exercise:#28 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:Rhythm Genre:Rock Music Description:ThefamiliarG-D{-G chordprogression is the foundation for thisexercise. Theonlydifference betweenthis exampleand lastSunday'sexerciseis the additionof two sixteenthnoteson beats1 and 3 of each measure. Tip: Counteachbeatas "one-ee-and-uh, two-ee-and-uh" etc.,and strumyourpickhandaccordingly; however, refrain frommakingcontactwiththe stringson the "uh"of beats1 and 3 and the "ee"of beats2 and 4 of eachmeasure. ) = 4o-r2o G






C0l. TBACK 5 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Rock/Blues CD2 . Tracks:1-€ exerciserunsstraightup the A minorpentatonic scale,back-tracking only Music Description:Thisalternate-picking oncebeat 3 of measure2). reverseyouractionand start Tip: Onceyou'recomfortable alternatepickingthe examplestartingwitha downstroke, withan uDstroke. ) = 40.rm AmorAT

CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues A minorpentatonicscaleprovidesthe frameworkfor thisnextstring-skipBing Music Description:The ubiquitous exercise,a descending"sawtooth"line. your Tip: Youmightfind it easierto performthisfigureby startingwithan upstrokein the firstmeasure and reversing pickingdirectionin the secondmeasure, startingwitha downstroke. ) = 4n-l20 AmorA?

Technique:StringBending CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Genre:Rock/Blues moveson strings1-3 areintroduced in thisnextUgure. Music Description:Half-stepbend-and-release lick(#24\,be carefulnot to over-bend, causingthe noteto go sharp. Tip: LikelastWednesday's ) = 4$l2O

Exercise:#32 Technique:Arpeggios CD2. Tracks:1-8 Genre:Rock Music Description:Don'tletthe tab stafffoolyou-these arethe samebarrechordsfromlastThursday's exercise (#25),onlythistimethey'rearpeggiated fromhighto low., Tip: Likelastweek,barall sixstringswithyourindexfinger,formingthe entirechordshape. ) = 40-120 G

.;"!. n







_- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r or: Y lel iW thlotghoul

CD2. Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Exceptfor the hammer-on, thisfigureis identicalto Exercise #.19fromWeek3. Thehammer-on allowsyouto playallfour noteswithone pickmotion. Tip: Usea downwardsweepto articulate the flrstthreenotesof the four-notegroupingand thenhammerontothe

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:Featuring slidesand hammer-ons, this lickclimbsup the odendedformof the A bluesscale (A-C-D-E -E-G). Tip: Paycloseattentionto the rhythm,becauseit featuresa mixtureof quarternotes,eighthnotes,and triplets. ) = 4n-l20 AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:In thisexample,the G-D-G€ chordprogression frompreviousrhythmexercises is arrangedin straightsixteenthnotesthroughout. Tip: Remember to count:"one-ee-and-uh, two-ee-and-uh, four-ee-and-uh... three-ee-and-uh, " ) = 4o-r2o G


. r . I" - I' I t I I I I l 1


I 1 I t I I


I t I t I 1 I t t t l1

I t l1




6 trllr TBACK CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Rock/Blues This Music Description: exercisefeaturesthe A minorpentatonicscaleanangedin a sequence of "ascending threes" (A-C-D,C-D-E, D-E-G,etc.). Tip: Becauseof the tripletrhythm,the pickingdirectionreversesitselfon everybeatso payspecialattentionto the pickingpromptbetweenthe notationand tab staves. ) = co-tzo AmorAT

CD2 o Tracks:1+ Technique:StringSkipping Genrc:Rock/Blues Music Description:Octavejumps(Ato A, C to C, D to D, etc.)withinthe A minorpentatonic formthe basisof this exercise. Tip: Twofret handoctaveshapes(index/ring and index/pinky) areutilizedthroughoutso becomefamiliarwith both right away. ) = 40-120 AmorAT

Technique:StringBending Exercise:#38 GD2. Tracks:1-€ Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Thisbendingworkoutfeaturestwo half-steppre-bends(strings2 and 3, firstmeasure), a halfstepbendand release(string1),and a half-stepbend(string3, secondmeasure). Tip: The pickingpromptbetvveen the notationandtab stavesis onlya suggestedpattern.Becausethe pickingin this you shouldexperiment lickis triclsy, to findwhatpatternworksbestfor you. ) = 40-120

Technique:Arpeggios Genre:Rock CD2. Tracks:1€ Exercise:#39 exercise(#32),G, D, and C baff€chordsareusedonceagain.Here,a Music Description:LikelastThursday's the six-stringvoicings. 6-5-2-3 stringpatternis usedto arpeggiate Tip: Tryusingeconomypickingfor thisfigure,wherebya singledownstrokeis usedto playthe bottomtwo notesand a singleupstrokeis usedto playthe top two notes. ) = 40-120 G




o r :n - - - - - l L1 rihe throughoul

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 allowedfor four notesto be playedwitha Music Description:UnlikelastFriday'slick(#33),in whicha hammer-on singledownwardssweep,this exercisedemandsa downpickand an upwardssweep,in additionto a pull-off.Still,it's muchmoreefficientthanpickingeachnoteindividually. with keepingyourindexlingerbarredacrossthe top threestringsas you moveup the neckto play Tip: Experiment eachshape.

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 legatolick(#34),this phraseusesthe extendedA bluesscale,onlythistime Music Description:UkelastSaturday's in descending fashion. volumelevelsfor allof the notes,pulldownon the stringslightlywhenperforming a pull-off. Tip: Toachieveconsistent ) = 40-120 AmolAT

CD2 . Tracks:'l-8 pull-offs,and additionalnotes,havebeenaddedto the includinghammer-ons, Music Description:Embellishments, chord progressionthal's featuredin the rhythmexercisesof the last severalweeks. sameG-[:ff keepthe precedingchordfretted(minusthe fingers the hammer-on and pulFoffarpeggiations, Tip: Whenperforming untilthe nextchordchangeoccurs. usedfor the embellishments) ) = 4n-t2o G














Cil oTIACK 7 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:ThisexercisetakeslastMonday's"ascending threes"sequence(#36)a stepfurther,arranging the A minorpentatonicscalejnto"ascending fours"(A-C-D-E,C-D-E-C, D-E-G-A,etc.). Tip: Unlikelastweek'stripletrhythm,this exerciseis writtenin straightsixteenthnotesso the pickingdirectionis consistentlydownstrokes or upstrokeson eachdownbeat.Onceyou'recomfortable startingthefigurewitha downstroke, try startingwith an upstroke. ) = 40-120 AmorAT

CDz. Tracks:17-24 Music Description:Thewhole-stepbendon the thirdstring,followedby a stringskipto the rootnote(A)on the first string,is a pentatonicmovethat was madepopularby bluesstring-scorcher StevieRayVaughan. Tip: Tofacilitatea cleanshiftfromeighthposition(measure 1)to fifthposition(measure 2),followthe suggestedfingeringsthat arelocatedbelowthe tab staff.

CD2 . fracks. 17-24 Music Description:Quarter-step bends,alsocalled"smears,"areintroducedin thisexercise.Playedon strings1-3, the pitchesare iocatedhalfilay betweenthe originalfrettednote and a half-stepbend. Tip: Whenperforming a quarter-step bend,you'rereallynot targetinga specificpitch;instead,aimfor a pitchthat soundsslightlyout of tune.

J=c.reo r.r:=jil

Technique:Arpeggios Genre:Rock CD2. Tracks:1-8 Exercise:#.16 Music Description:Barrechordsarethe basisof this arpeggioworkout,but heretheirrootsarelocatedon the fifth progression Gj:)-ft is utilizedonceagain. stringratherthanthe sixth.Theomnipresent Tip: Becauseallof the chordsaremajor,you'reableto maintainthe samevoicing(indexfingeron string5; ring-finger barreon strings2-4) throughout.

CD2. Tracks:9-16 exercise,likethe previous sextupletrhythms(twotripletsper beat),thissweep-picking Music Description:Featuring six,utilizesdiatonictriadsin the keyof G. sweepfollowedby two focusingon the strictpickingpattern(downwards Tip: Playthe firsttriad(G)repeatedly, moving on to the whole exercise. upstokes), before

Vn - - - 1 V

V n- - - r V

V n - - - r V V n - - - rV

Vn---rV Vn---rV V

Technique:Legato Genre:.Rock/Blues CD2. Tracks:1-€ Exercise:#48 is the foundation of scale Music Description:Similarto ihe extendedbluesscale,the elitendedA minorpentatonic maneuvers on strings.l and 6, and index-finger of this exerciseincludehammer-on/pulFoff this legatolick.Highlights slideson strings3 and 5. withthe indexand ringfingersof yourfret hand. Tip: Noticethat the entirelickis playedexclusively ) = 4f,-r2n

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Rock Exercise:f49 CD2. Tracks:1-8 that arevoicedwith basicopen-position G, D, Music Description:Thisrhythmfjgurefeaturesascendingarpeggios and C chords. Tip: Forefficiencyb sake,usea singledownstrum(i.e.,sweep)for eachchordshape.

Id ing through@t p i c k :n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




oIRACK C01 8 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Rock-/Blues Music Description:TheA minorpentatonic scaleencompasses thisalternate-picking exercise, whichdescendsthe scale,notefor note,beforereversing courseon string5. Tip: Beginthe exercisewithan upstrokeand end witha downstroke. Onceyou'recomfortable withthispattern,start witha.downstroke and end withan upstroke. ) = 4o-r2o AmorAT

CDz . Tacksi 17-24 jagged Music Descriplion:This A minorpentatoniclinefeaturesmultiplestringskipsthroughout, bothascendingand descending. Tip: Baryourindexfingeracrossstrings1-3 at the jifthfretto minimize fret-handmovement. -


J = 4r-160 (.1.l= J )) A7

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:All of the bendsyou'velearnedup to this point(pre-bends, quarter-step, hallstep,andwholestep)arearrangedintoa two-barblues-rockexample. Tip: Watchout for the pre-bendon beat3 of the firstmeasure. Thisbend(andrelease) lastsa full beat,whereasthe restof the bendsin the examplearea halfbeatin length. ) = 40-120

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Descriplion:LastThursday's arpeggiated G, D, and C barrechords,withthe rooton string5, areusedagain in thisworkout,onlyin descending fashion. Tip: Usethe tip of yourfret hand'sindexfingerto mutestring6, so it doesn'tringsympathetically. ) = 40-120 G




pick:n V V n o r :v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l ld ir8


CD2. Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Newmajor,minor,and diminished iriadvoicingsareintroduced in this sweep-picking exercise, whichis anangedin tripletsalongthe guitar'stop threestrings,in the keyof D major. Tip: Forthe minortriads,learnbothfingerings; the alternatevoicingswillcomein handyin subsequent exercises.

CD2 . Tracks:1-€ pull-offs,and index-flnger Music Description:Featuring hammer-ons, slideswithinthe frameworkof the extendedA minorpentatonicscale,this lickis the descending versionof lastweek'slegatoexercise(#48). Tip: Combinethis exercisewith lastweek'sfigurefor an intenseascending/descending legatoworkoutthat coversa largechunkof fretboardrealestate. ) = 4n-DO AmorA?

CD2 . Tracks:1-B Music Description:In this rhythmexercise, the arpeggiosfromExercise 49 arerestated;however, the sequenceof the notes has been reanangedinto a 6-2-3-4 stringpattern. Tip: In an effortto get to the nextchordin rhythm,don'tbe afraidto liftyoufingersoff the fretboardon the lasteighth noteof eachvoicing.Althoughan openstringmaysoundratherthana chordtone(insomecases,an openstringwillI a chordtone),few peoplewillnoticethe difference. ln fact,it'sa trickpracticedby virtually everyguitariston the planet.

let ring thrcuShoul pick n V --------------l



\A/EEK 9

oIIACK [111 I Exercise:#57 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:AlternatePicking Genrc:Rock/Blues Music Descriplion:TheA minorpentatonic scalearrangedin a sequenceof "descending threes"formsthe basisof thisnextexercise. frettingthe noteson the eighthfretwithyourpinlry,useyourringfingerinstead. Tip: lf you'rehavingdifficulty ) = 4o-r2o AmorAT

Exercise:#58 CD2. Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues 2 of Week1, onlythistimetwo stringsareskippedbetweennote Music Description:Thisfigureis similarto Exercise pairsof the A minorpentatonicscale. playthe secondnoteof the pairwhileyou Tip: Afteryou'veplayedthe firstnoteof eachnotepair,simultaneously moveyourindexfingerintoplacefor the firstnoteof the nextstring. ) = 40-l2O AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues playingfrettednotesduringa sustainedbend Music Description:Thislickintroduces tlvo new bendingtechniques: (measure 1) and an obliquebend(measure 2). Likemanyof the previousbendingexercises, thls lickjs performedin the rootpositionof the A minorpentatonic scale. it withyourmiddleand indexfingers. Tip: Performthe seventh-fret bendswithyourringfinger,reinforcing ) = 40.t2O A'7


CD2 . Tracks:1-8 in a H-2-3 stringsequence. rootsarearpeggiated Music Description:G, D, and C barrechordswithfifth-string economypickingpattern. alternatepickingthispattern,try a down-down-up-up Tip: Onceyou'recomfortable ) = 4o-r2o C








v -

Genre:Metal Technique:SweepPicking CD2 . Tracks:9-16 exercise(#54). versionof lastweek'ssweep-picking Music Description:Thisfigureis the descending Tip: Thereareonlythreevoicingsusedin this example.Onceyou havethemunderyourfingers,it'sonlya matterof puttingthem in the propersequenceto playthe entireexercise.

V - - - - - . i V - - - - - - - r V- - - - - - - r v - - - - - - - r

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 hammer-ons and the E minorpentatonicscale,thisexercisefocuseson open-position Music Description:Featuring pulFoffs.Playthis lickovereitheran Emor E7 chord. witha combination of Youmayalsoexperiment notatedbelowthe tab staffareonlya suggestion. Tip: Thefingerings yourmiddleand indexfingersfor the noteson frets3 and 2, respectively. ) = 40-120

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Rock CD2. Tracks:1-€ Exercise:#6ll voicedas rhythm,A minor,C major,G major,and E minorarpeggios, Music Description:ln a consistenteighth-note patternthat repeatson eachnewchordchange. chords,areplayedin an ascending/descending open-position Em Tip: Althoughthe noteis not playedin thisexample,voicethe E minorarpeggioas a standardopen-position chord,wheiebyyourfret hand'smiddlefnger voicesthe noteat fret2 of the fifthstring,andyourmiddlefingervoices the noteat fret2 of the fourthstring.

kt nn2throu


o i c kn: - - - - - - - - 1

V --------r

n -----

- i V--------l


I v --------t



iDlr IfiACK l0 Exercise:#g cD2. Tracks:1-8 Technique:Alternatepicking Genre:Rock/Blues pentatonic Music Description:Here,the A minor scaleis arrangedin "descending fours,"landingon the sixth-string root note (A)on beat 4 of the secondmeasure. Tip: "Roll"yourfret-handindexor ringfingersto playsubsequent noteson the samefretof adjacentstrings. ) = q-rn AmorAT

Exercise:#65 cD2. Tracks:I-8 Technique:stringskipping Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Thisexerciseis the descending versionof lastTuesday's A minorpenlatonicstring-skipping workout (#58). Tip: Beforeplayingthroughthe entirefigure,practiceone stringskipat a time(everytwo beats).Thencombineall of beats,playingthe wholeexerciseat the indicatedtempos. ) = 4oam AmorAT

Exercise:#66 CD2. Tracks:.l-€ Technique:StringBending Genr6:Rock/Blues Music Description:In this lick,yet anothernew bendingtechniqueis introduced: the whole-stepunisonbend.The term"unisonbend"comesfromthe factthat the bentnoteis the samepitchas, or in unisonwith,thefrettednote. Tip: Performing the unisonbendin measure1 withyourpinkywillgiveyoutwo fingers(ringand middle)withwhichto reinforceit. ) = 4O-120

CD2 o Tracks:1-8 in an ascending/descending, Am, C, G, and Emchordsarearpeggiated Music Description:Open-position "Fadeto Black," that'sfoundin Metallica's Thisis the sameprogression sequence. one-chord-per-measure for the G chord. try the alternate iingeringshownin parentheses Tip: Forthe purposeof efficiency,

= pick n V n V n V n o r :n - - - - - - - - - l V - - - - - -

2(3) V -l

n V n V n V n V n ---------1 V ------l

n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V n - - - - - - - - - . 1V - - - - - - - - l

Iet ing thtoughorl

Genre:Metal Technique:SweepPicking CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Exercise:#68 sth of eachtriad(Afor of lastweek'sexercise(#61),an additional Music Description:ln thisexample,a continuation D major,B for E minor,C* for F* minor,etc.)hasbeenaddedto the top stdng. Tip: Afteremployinga singledownwardssweepfor the firstthreenotes,usean upstrokefor the lastnoteof each four-notegrouping.

legatoslidesthat occuron string3-a favoritemoveof JimiHendrixand StevieRayVaughan. triplet-based that arenotatedbelowthe tab staff.By startingthe phrasewithyour,ringfinger, Tip: Followthe suggestedfingerings you'llfreeyourmiddleand indexfingersto performthe slidesthat appearon beats3 and 4. ) = 4Gr20 Emor E7

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Rock CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Exercise:#70 (#63) have been retained E minor arpeggios from last Sunday major, G major, and The A minor, C Music Description: beenaddedto and a newtechnique--+Emmer-ons-has for thisexample,althoughthe rhythmsareslightlydifferent, the mix. you.A down-sweepis stillemployedfor Tip: Don'tletthe pickingprompt,whichis notedbetweenstaves,intimidate The hammer-ons, however, breakup the continuous is used for their descent. and an up-sweep the arpeggios'ascent motionof someof the sweeos.

bt nng hrcughoal pick n ---------I


------r t n----------rV



1l CDI. TflACK CD2 . Tacks2 17-24

Music Descrjption:Thistriplet-based alternate-picking workoutincorporates bendsto forman applicable A minor pentatonicblueslick. Tip: Followthe pickingdirectionsnotatedbetweenthe tab and notationstavesto facilitate the bends,whichmustbe performedquicklyto maintainthe stricttripletrhythms. ) = 4O-120 AmorA?

CD2. Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Exercise:#72 Genre:Rock/Blues Music Descdption:Thisexerciseis similarto the ascendingA minorpentatonic string-skipping wokout from Exercise 58, onlythe orderof the notepairson eachstringarereversed. Tip: Althoughthe pickingpromptindicatesa downstrokeshouldbeginthe exercise,experiment withusingan upstroke to startthe figure.Practiceboth pickingpatternsmanytimesal the temposindicated. ) = 4o-r2o AmorAT

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:Thisarpeggiofigureborrowsthe Am{-G-Em progression fromExercise 67; however, heresixthstring-rooted barrechordsareutilizedratherthanopenchords. Tip: To changefromthe Am bane-chordvoicingto the C majorvoicing,simplyadd yourmiddlefingerto string3; removeit to changefromG to Em.

pick n V n V n V n V o r :n - - - - - - - - l V - - - - - - - - l b nq


n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V - - l n - - - - - - j v - - - - - - - - l n - - - - - - l \ /- - - - - - - r n--------l v--

Exercise:#75 CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Technique:SweepPicking Genre:Metal Music Description:Thesweep-picked triadsfromlastweek(#68)arearrangedherein descending fashion. Tip: Afterplayingthe firstnoteof eachfour-notegrouping(onebeat)witha downstroke, usea singleupwardssweep to articulatethe remaining threenotes. ) = 4O-112 D


CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:Basedin the E bluesscale,thisopen-position legatolinefeaturesalternating three-noteandtwonotepull-offsas it descendsthe strings. Tip: Usea combination of right-and left-handmutingto preventunwantedstringnoise,especially frompreviously playedopenstrings. ) = 40-120

CD2 o Tracks:1-€ Music Description:Similarto lastSunday'srhythmexercise, Am, C, G, and Emarpeggiosarearrangedin an ascendpattern;however,in lieuof hammer-ons, pull-offsareaddedto threeof the fourarpeggios. ing/descending Tip: The mostefficientwayto voicethe G majorarpeggiois to moveyourfrethand'sringfingerfromfret3 of the fifth string(itslocationfor the C chord/arpeggio) to fret3 of the sixthstring.Thatway,youcan useyourpinkyfinger, similarto the Am and C arpeggios, to performthe pull-offon string2.

Iet ,i^8 throushouI p i c k :n - - - - - - - l V



l}l r TBAfr( 12 CD2. Tacksi 17-24 Music Description:Thislickopenswithan "ascending threes"sequenceof the A minorpentatonic scale,features whole-and quarter-step bends,and resolves to the rootnote(4 on the fourthstring. Tip: ReviewExercise 36 fromWeek6 (ascending threes)beforetacklingthisexercise. ) = co-tzo AmorAT

Exercise:#79 CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues (#58,#65, and#72\,thisexercise, Music Description:Ukethe licksfromthe previousthreeTuesdays the finalof its kind,featurestwo-stringskipsanangedwithinthe conlinesof the A minorpentatonic scale. Tip: Useyourpinky(insteadof yourringfingeoto playthe notesat the eighthfretof strings1, 2 and 6. ) = q.t2o AmorAT

Music Description:Fifth-string-rooted barrechords,utilizing the Am-rc-Em progression of the previoustwo Thursdays, formthe foundation for this arpeggioexercise. Tip: Toarticulate the highestnoteof eachmajorbane-chordarpeggio,you mayfindit necessary to brieflyliftyourring fingeroff of the fretboard,reapplying it for the arpeggio's descent.

n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V n-------l v n ---------l V ---------l l

n V n V n V n V

n --------r v --------r

n V n V n V n V n ------r v -------l

CD2. Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Notefor note,thisfigureis identicalto the onefromExercise 68 exceptthat,here,a hammer-on is employedto connectthe noteson string1 for eachtriad. Tip: Aftersweeppickingthe firstthreenotesof eachchord,hammeron yourpinkyfingerto articulate the fourth,and final,noteof eachgrouping.

Exercise:#8il CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Technique:Legato Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Similarto lastSaturday's legatoexercise(#76),this phrasealsofeaturesthe E bluesscale;however,herethe notesascendthe stringsviaalternating two-noteand three-notehammer-ons. Tip: Trymixingand matchingportionsof thisfigurewith lastweek'sexample,improvising yourown ascending/ descending open-position legatolines. ) = 40-l2O

Emor E7

CD2 . Tracks:1-€ 'Music Description:In this rhythmworkout,Am, C, G, and Em arpeggiosarearrangedin a distinctpatterncalled "Travispicking,"whichgot its namefromthe countrypickerwho popularized the technique,MerleTravls. Tip: lf youchooseto fingerpickthis pattern,noticethat yourpickhand'sthumbplaysthe noteson the strongbeats (thebassnotes)and yourindex,middle,and dngfingersalternatebetweenthe noteson the weakbeats.

\A/EEK 13


13 lDloTRACK CDz . Tracks:1-8 arpeggios,is and descending Music Description:Thisbasictwo-bar,two-chord(C-Arn)iigure,featuringascending chops. alternate-picking designedto enhanceyouradjacent-string arpeggios, to usea singledownstrumand upstrumto playthe ascendingand descending Tip: Fightyourinclination respectively.

let nag th'oughoul pick: n



Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues CD2 . Tracks:1€ blues Music Description:Someof the stringskipsthat you'velearnedup to thispointarefeaturedin thisapplicable lickin A. (Specifically, beginning on the "and"of beat3 of measure1, and the lasttwo notesof measure2.) ' for adviceon howto performthislickmostefficiently. Tip: Usethe pickingpromptand suggestedfret-handfingerings ) = 40-120 A



CD2 . Tracks:1+ Music Description:Thisarpeggiofigurecombinesthe open-positlon chordsand barrechordsofthe exercises from the previousthreeThursdays(#67,#74,and #81),in the familiarAm-C-G-Emprogression. Tip: Whenrepeating the phrase,don'tworryabouthavingto quicklymovefromseventhpositionto openposition, becausethe firstnoteof the firstmeasureis an openstring,whichallowsfor an easytransition:

n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V n --------l v --l n - - - - - - - - l v - - - - - - I n - - - - - - - - l v - - - - - - - - 1 n - - - - - - - - l v - - -- - - -I

CD2 . Tracks:+16 patternfromlastweek'sexercise(#82)hasbeenreversed; Music Description:Thesweep-picking here,a pulloff on the top stringis followedby an upwardssweepof strings2 and 3. Tip: Unlikelastweek'sfigure,hereyou aresweepingtwo stringsinsteadof three-the noteson string1 arearticulated witha downstrokeand a oulloff.

Exercise:#90 CD2. Tracks:1-€ Technique:Legato Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Hammer-ons and pulFoffsareusedto ascendand descendthis E blues-scale lick.TheopenB and highE strjngsareplayedin concertto cap the phraseand reinforce the keycenter(E). Tip: Thequickhammer/pull foundon the "and"of beat2 of the secondmeasureis a si)iteenth-note triolet(threenotes arecrammedintoa halfbeat).Spendsomeextratimegettingthat rhythmdownbeforeattempting to playthe enthelick. ) = 40.120 Emor E7

CD2 o Tracks:1-€ Music Description:Thisfinger-picking figuretakeslastSunday'sexercise(#84)a few stepsfurtherby firstaddingan extrachordtoneto beat 1 of eachmeasure,modifr/ing the pickingpatternslightly, andthenincludingpassingchords (G/8, D, or D/FI)on beat 4 of everymeasureof the Am-C-G-Em progression. Tip: Onceyou havethis patternunderyourfingers,try addingsomeof the embellishments thatwerepresentedin previousrhythmexercises, suchas hammer-ons and pulFoffs, to the proceedings.


















l0l r IRACK 14 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:An extensionof lastweek'sexercise(#85),thisfigurefocuseson usingalternatepickingto articulateascendingarpeggiosthat alternatebetweenstartingon the fifthandfourthstrings. Tip: Keepboth chords(Cand Am)fingeredfor the entiremeasure,liftingyourfret-handflngersonlyto switchvoicings.

ler ing thtuughoul pick




Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Rock/Blues CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:Thisbluesturnaroundlickin A featuresone-andtwo-stringskipsin measure1, and one.string skiosin measure2. the fifth{retstringskips. Tip: In measure1, keepingyourindexfingerbarredacrossstrings1-3 willfacilitate

Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock Exercise:#94 CD2. Tracks:1-8 workout(#87),onlyhereihe bendshavebeenmoved Music Description:Thisexerclseis similarto lastWednesday's to strings2 and 3, and the A naturalminorscalestartson its fifthdegree,E, whichcan alsobe thoughtof as the E Phrygianmode. exclusively. Tip: Forbetternoteclarity,pickthis exercisewith downstrokes ) = 4o-1m AmorEm

CD2 . Tracks:1-€ exercise(#88)areusedonce Music Description:In thisarpeggioworkout,the chordvoicingsfromlastThursday's again,onlythistimejustthe top threenotesareplayed. Tip: Tovoicethesechords,you canchooseoneof two options:usethe fullopenchordsand banechordsfrom providedhere,belowthe tab stafi. Exercise 88, or usethe fingerings

n V n------r

n V v--- I

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 figure, exercises areincorporated intothis se)duplet fromthe previoussix sweep-picking Music Description:Elements includingtriadsin the keyof D, downwardsweeps,and pulFoffs. Tip: Whileyou shifipositions,useyourfret-handindexfingeras a guide,movingit alongstring3 fromfretto fret.

V n


V n - - - r VV n - - - r VV n - - - r V

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 E blues-scale lickincludeslideson string2, bothof whichincorof this open-position Music Description:Highlights poratethe unisonopenE string,and a sixteenth-note tripletpull-offon the "and"of beat4 of the firstmeasure. Tip: To executethe unisonslideat the end of the lick,yourringfingerneedsenougharchso as to avoidmutingthe openhighE string. ) = qo-t2o

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Blues CD2 . Tracksi17--24 Exercise:#98 one of the mostcommonlyusedrhythmicdevicesin bluesguitar:the boogie Music Description:Thisfigureintroduces pattern.Here,two-stringA5 andA6, D5 and D6,and E5 and E6 chordsoutlinea basicl-lV-V (A-D-E)progression. you cantransformit intoa basic12-barbluesby following Tip: Althoughthis is onlya three-barexample(withrepeats), I chord(lwo measures), V chord(onemeasure), lV chord lV chord(twomeasures), this pattern:I chord(fourmeasures), (onemeasure), I chord(twomeasures). -3-

J = c - r c o( , ! = J ) )



CDlr TBACK 15 CD2 . Tracks;1-8 presented whenalternatepickingnoteson adjacentstrings, Music Descrjption:In additionto the inherentchallenges this C-Am arpeggiofigurefeaturesthe difflcultlask of skippingoverstrings2 and 4 as well. the Am arpeggio Tip: lsolatethe C arpeggioand practicethe pickingpatternand stringjumps,andthenincorporate intothe fullexercise.

let in8 thtuuShoul

pick n



major-and minor-sixth intervals fromthe E Mixolydian modealongstringsI and 3 Music Description:Featuring exclusively, this countrypulFofflickprovidesgreatpracticefor rapidlyskippingovera singlestringmultipletirnes. of a downTip: Youcan pickthis licktwo ways:witheitheralternatepickingor hybridpicking,whichis a combination strokewithyourpickand an upstrokewithyourmiddlefinger.

Technique:StringBending Exercise:#101 CD2. Tracks:1-8 Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Compoundbendsareintroducedin this lick,whichis rootedin the A minorpentatonicscale(with an addedFI).Compoundbendsaremostoftenreferredto as anybendsthat exceeda wholestep;inthis case,1%and two-stepbends. .009sor .010s.Also,be sureto useyour Tip: Forthis lick,you'llwantto usea guitarwith lightstrings,preferably the bend. indexand middlefingersto reinforce '

) = 4o-r2o A7

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 arpeggioexercise(#95);the onlydifferences are Music Description:Thisfigureis nearlyidenticalto lastThursday's that the voicingshavebeenshifteddownto strings2-4, the notesof the G chordareslightlyrearranged, andthe last chord,Em,hasbeentransposedto a Ioweroctave. Tip: Whileyou'replayingthe openstringsof the Emarpeggio,shiftyourfret handup to fifthpositionso thal it'sin placefor the Am arpeggio,on the repeat. ) = 4n-l20 A






CD2. Tracks:9-16 triadsarearrangedin the Music Description:In this nelitfigure,threenewvoicingsof major,minor,and diminished keyof C, in stepwisefashion,alongstrings1-3. Tip: To sweeppickthe majortriads,useyourfret hand'sringJingerto baracrossstrings3 and 2.



- ---l


n --------l



n --------l

n --------l

Technique:Legato Exercise:#104 CD2 o Tracks:1-€ Genre:Roc.ldBlues this nextlegatoline, Music Description:Reminiscent of EricClapton'sturnaroundlickin Cream's"Crossroads," in A minorpentatonic(withan addedmajor3rd,Cl), featuresan assortment of hammer-ons and basedpredominantly pull-offson strings2-4. that occurson beat2 of the secondmeasure. To perform Tip: Thereis no rhythmicvalueassignedto the hammer-on it properly, simplyhammeryourfingerdownontostring3 as quicklyas possible.

Technique:Rhythm Genre:Blues Exercise:#105 CDz . Tracks:17-24 'MusicDescription:A variationof the rhythmfigurefromlastSunday(#98),this boogiepattern,rootedin the keyof A, addsdominantseventhchordsto the l-lV-V (A-D-E)progression. Tip: Someguitaristspreferto slidetheirringerJingerup onefretto playthe dominantchords(47, D7,and E7)on beat That'sperfectlyacceptablebut,for efficiency's sake,I suggestthat you insteaduseyourpinky. 3 of eachmeasure. r3-

(Il=J)) J=ns-reo




Music Description:Thisfigurereverses the orderof the ascendingand descending C andAm arpeggios foundin Exercise 85. Tip: Althoughthis exercisestartswitha descending O arpeggio,beginwitha downstroke, alternating downstokes and upstrokesthroughout.Onceyou'recomfortable withthis pattern,reverseit and beginwithan upstroke.

Exercise:#1O7 CDz. Trackst17-24 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:Blues Music Description:Constructed fromthe A bluesscale(wiihan addedmajor3rd,Ct),thissixthslick,likelast Tuesday's exercise(#100),is anangedalongstrings1 and 3 exclusively, thusskippingoverstring2. Tip: Onlytwo fret-handshapes,playedwitheithera middle-index or middle-ring fingercombination, areused throughout. _


. l =4 o - l 2(or J = J . l ) A

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:A popularbendingtechniqueon guitaris the gradualbendand/orrelease.Here,it takesthree beatsfor a whole-stepbendon string2 to reachits apex(bar1) and2%beatsto fullyreleasea whole-stepbendon string3 (bar2). Tip: Gradualmeansgradual.Executethesebendyreleases as smoothlyas possible,and be sureto maintainproper intonation. ) = q-no

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:TheAm, C, G, and EmarpeggiosfromlastThursday(#102)arerestatedhere,notefor note, exceptthistimethey'revoicedon stringset 3-5. Tip: Yourindexand pinkyfingersstayon strings3 and 5, respectively, for allfourarpeggios, whileyourmiddleand ringflngersalternate, dependingon whetherthe voicingis majoror minor,on string4. ) = 4n-|2O C




n -----l

v -----l





CD2 . Tracks:9-16 exercise(#103),triadarpeggiosin the keyof C arearrangedalong Music Description:Ukelastweek'ssweep-picking with up-sweeps. strings1-3; however,heretheydescendand areaniculated Tip: Remember, the notesof the arpeggiosshouldnot ringtogether,but ratherindividually. Therefore, oncea stringis struck, releasepressurefrom its respectivefret-handfinger. ) = 4o-r12 C


p i c kV: , - - - - - - - l


V --------,t










V,--------t V,-------.t V--------.r V--------.1

CD2 . Tracks:1€ Music Description:Thisrapid-firepull-offlickis basedin E minorpentatonic and playedin stricteighth-note triplets. Tip: To performthis lickmostefficiently, use"insidepicking"(i.e.,a downstroke on string1 and an upstrokeon string2) Thatbeingsaid,onceyou'recomfortable withthe lick,try startingit withan upstrokeas well. .throughout. ) = 4G120 EmorET

Exercise:#112 CD2. Tracksi,17-24 Technique:Rhythm Genre:Blues Music Description:Notefor note,this bluesboogiepatternis the sameas the onefromWeek14;however, the pattern hasbeenmovedto fifthand seventhpositions. Thiswillget you acclimated to a widelyusedalternative to the fingering-andgiveyourpinkya stretch! open-position Tip: To assistwiththe longpinlq stretch,centeryourfrethand'sthumbon the backof the neck(ratherthanwrapped the sameplacethat yourindexfingeris positionedon the fretboard. aroundit),in approximately -Ja

J = 4 - 1 6 0( , | J = J . l ' )

\A/EEK 17


CDI.IIACK17 Exercise:#113 CD2 . Tracks:1€ Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Rock Music Description:Alternate-picked C andAm arpeggiosfeaturingstringskippingareonceagainthe orderof the gapshavegrownto two andthreestrings. day.Thistime,however, the string-skipping Tip: Resistthe urgeto usea singleupstroketo playthe noteson the top threestrings.Instead,concentrate on alternatepickingthe entireligure.




Exercise:#114 CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:l/etal Music Description:TheA majorscale(A-rc{-D-E-F$-Gf) is anangedin a three-notes-aer-string string-skipping exercise,startingin fifthposition. Tip: Noticethat therearethreedistinctfingerings utilizedin thisexercise,oneeachfor stringpairs1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. ) = 40-ll2 A

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 (bar'1)and multi-step(halfandwhole;bar2) double-stop Music Description:Quarter-step bendspepperthisChuck Berry-inspired lick,featuringnotesfrombothA minorandA majorpentatonic. Tip: The double-stopbendsareexecutedwitha ring-finger barre.lf youfindthat too difficult,try usingbothyourring and binlsyfingersto bendthe notes. ) = 4o-t2o A7

CD2 . Tracks:I-€ Music Description:Similarto the exercises of the previousthreeThursdays, herethe ubiquitous Am, C, G, and Em arpeggiosarearrangedon the guitar'sbottomthreestrings. Tip: TheAm arpeggiocan alsobe playedone octavehigher,in fourteenthposition,to eliminate someof the longer fret-handshifts. ) = 40-120 A







Exercise:#117 CD2. Tracks:9-16 Technique:SweepPicking Genre:Metal Music Description:Thesweep-picking exercisefromWeek15 (#103)is modifledherewiththe additionof an extra chordtoneon string1 of eachtriad,makingthemeithermajorseventh,minorseventh,dominantseventh,or half diminished. Tip: Becausethe additional. noteof eachchordis playedwiththe pinky,you mayfindthe alternatefingeringfor the half-diminished chord(Bm7b5) moreadvantaoeous.

Exercise:#118 CD2 o Tracks:1-€ Technique:Legato Genre:Rock Music Description:LikelastSaturday's exercise(#11l), this legatolickis rootedin the E minorpentatonic scale; however, hereeachbeatcontainsfour-notegroupings, andthe pull-offsoccuron string2. Tip: To minimize fret-handmovement,baryourindexfingeracrossstrings1 and 2. Also,try usinga downstroke for the noteson string3. ) = 4f,-r2o Emor E7

Exercise:#119 CDz . Tracksi 17-24 Technique: Rhythm Genre:Blues Music Description:Thisboogiepatternmimicsthe onefromWeek15 (#105)but, likelastSunday'sexercise, the fingeringshavebeenmovedup the fretboard,fromopenpositionto the fifthand seventhpositions. Tip: lf the widepinkystretchesgiveyou problems,try frettingthe firstchordof eachmeasure(A5,D5,and E5)with you indexand middlefingers,ratherthanyourindexand dngfingers. -J-

J = o . r e(oI J = , J ) ) (r) A5



0v) D

(v) 5
















Ct}Ir ilACK18 Exercise:#120 GD2 o Tracks:1-8 Technique:Alternatepicking Genre:Rock Music Description:Theonlydifference betweenlastMonday'sexercise(#113)andthisone is the orderof noteson beats2 and 4 of eachmeasure. Thereanangement of thesenotesnecessitates anotherstringskip,thistimebypassing string2. Tip: Noticethat in orderto changefromC to Am, onlythe ringfingerof yourfrethandneedsto move(thirdfretof string5 to secondfretof string3).




CDz . Tracks:9-16 Music Descfiption:Thisfigureis the descending versionof lastTuesday's A majorstring-skipping exercise(#114). Tip: lf an index-ring-pinky fingercombination feelsuncomfortable whenplayingthe noteson strings5 and 6, subititute yourmiddlefingerfor yourringfinger. ) = 40-l2O A

' Exercise:#122 CD2. Tracks:1-€ Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock Music Description:Thisriff-based exerciseemploysquarter-,half-,and whole-stepbendson the bassstrings,a populartechniquein rockand countryguitar. Tip: Whole-step bendson the low stringscan be difficultto execute.Forthe oneat the end of thisfigure,pullthe sixth string.downward untiljts pitchmatchesthe openA string.

Exercise:#123 CD2. Tracks:1€ Technique:Arpeggios Genre:Rock Music Description:In thisfigure,a few of the chordshapesfrompreviousarpeggioexercisesareimplemented intoa two-octave,five-string arpeggioworkoutthroughthe veryfamiliarAm-Hr-Em progression. Tip: Althoughalternatepickingis encouraged, thisexerciseis trulybuiltfor sweeppicking(followthe pickingprompt that's notatedbetweenstaves).







p i c k n V n V n V n V n V n Vn V n V n V n V n V n n V V n V n V n V n V n nVV n V n V n V n V n V

o r :n - - - - - - - r V n V - - - - - - - - r n -------rV

n V ----- - - r n -------{V n V-------r

n - - - - - - - l V n V- - - - - - - - t

CD2. Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Theseventhchordsfromlastweek'sSweep-picking exercise(#117)-major,minor,dominant,and halfdiminished-havebeenarangedherein descending fashion,eachusinga combination of a downstroke and an uo-sweeo. Tip: Be carefulwhenyou get to the GZ chord;thoughthe descending triadis the same,the top noteof the four-note patternis onefret lowerthanthe top noteof the major-seventh pattern. Dm7





Exercise:#125 CD2. Tracks:1-€ Technique:Legato Genre:Rock Music Description:E dominantseventh(E-G|-B-D)andA dominantninth(A-Cl-tr-Ci-B;the rootis omittedin the example) arpeggiosoutlinethe two-barEZ-Agprogression pull-offlick. in this rapid-fire legatoline(#118),baryourindexfingeracrossstrings1 and 2, adjustingyourremaining fin.Tip:LikelastSaturday's gersbackonefretto accommodate the chordchange.

Exercise:#126 CDz. Tracksi17-24 Technique:Rhythm Genre:Blues Music Description:Thisbluesboogiepatternfeaturesa newtwistnot foundin the boogiepatternsof previous Sundays:a quickimplementation of eachchord'sminorand major3rd on beat2 of theirrespective measures. Tip: Whenexecutingthe minor3rd-to-major3rd movementon the sixthstring,be sureto get enougharchon your frethand'spinlsyfingerto not mutethe fifthstring.



)DloTBACK 19

Music Descfiption:Thiscountrylickis rootedin the C majorpentatonicscale(withthe additionof one chromatic passingtone,Eb)andfeaturesa mixtureof frettedand open-string notes. Tip: Useyourindex,middle,ring,and pinkyfingersto playthe noteson the first,second,third,andfourthfrets, respectively. J=6o-1s4 c

CD2. Tracks:9-16 Music Description:ThisA majorstring-skipping exercisefollowsthe sameconceptas Exercise114,exceptthat, here,the three-notegroupingsdescendon eachstringbeforeskippingto the newtargetstring. Tip: Spendextratimeworkingon the positionshiftthat occurswhenmovingfromstring3 to string2. Althoughit's onlya one-fretshift,it'strickywhenplayingthistypeof pattern. ) = 4o-rr2

(#122),thisfigurefocuseson bass-string Music Description:Likethe exercisefromlastWednesday bends.Thistime, half-stepbendsaremixedwithopenstringsfor a snappycountrylickin G. Tip: Pushup, towardthe ceiling,whenperforming thesebends,to avoidinterference withthe adjacentopenstrings. J= 60-1s4 G

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 outliningAm, C, G, and Em Music Description:A root-3rd-Sth€rdarpeggiopatternis playedtwiceper measure, on the guitar'stop two strings. chords,respectively, exercise, too. Tip: Not onlyis thisa greatarpeggioworkout,it happensto be a greatalternate-picking

oickn V n V n V n V

n V n V n V n V

n V n V n V n V

n V n V n V n V

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 is figurefeaturesthe samenotesas Exercise117,onlyherea hammer-on Music Description:Thissweep-picking usedin eachfour-notearpeggioto connectthe noteson string1. notesin a tripletrhythm.Instead,thesenotesshouldbe comTip: Takecarenot to playthe lirstthreesweep-picked rhythm. binedwiththe hammerednoteand playedin a steadysbdeenth-note ) = 4o-rr2

CD2 . Tracks:1-€ A major(A-CI-E),C$ininor(Ct-EEddieVanHalen'stappingextravaganza, Music Description:A nod to "Eruption," Gf),B dominantseventh(B-D{-F|-A;the rootis omittedin the figure),and E major(E-G}-B)arpeggiosaretappedin three-notegroupingsalongstring2. Tip: Thetaps can be performedwitheitheryourindexor middlefinger.

) = no-rn

CD2. Tracksi17-24 thissingle-note boogieriffwhileplayingthe Chicagoblues Music Description:GuitarlegendBuddyGuypopularized circuitin the 1960s.The lineconsistsof eachchord'sroot(beats1 and 2),as wellas its bTth(beat3) and sth (beat4). and E (sth). Forexample,the linefor the AZ chord,in measure1, containsthe notesA toot), A (rootoctave),G (b7th), Tip: All of the notesin thisfigureshouldbe performedin a staccatomanner(i.e.,shortand crisp).

\A/EEK 20


oTfiACK 101 20

Music Description:LikelastMonday'slick(#127],, thiscountrylinealsofeaturesthe C majorpentatonic scale(withan Ebpassingtone):however, this lickpredominantly descendsthe scale,resolving to the root(C)in the secondmeasure. Tip: Practiceeachmeasureseparately untilyou can playthroughthemwithno mistakes. Then,linkthe measures togetherand playthe entirephraserepeatedly. J = 60-184

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Influenced by lastTuesday's exercise(#128),herethe A majorscaleis arrangedintothree-note groupingsthat ascendeachstringwhilesimultaneously descending pattern. the neckvertically via a string-skipping Tip: Becauseof the positionshiftsthat occurbetweenstringpairs1-2 and3-4, firstpracticethisexercisea half measureat a timeto isolatethe positionshifts. ) = 40-112 A

Exercise:#136 CD2. Tracks:33-40 Technique:StringBending Genre:Country 'Music Description:Thisbass-string bendingriffwas borrowedfromBradPaisley's bag of tricks.Thefigure'stwo chords(B and E)areconnectedwith quickbendsof the fifthand sixthstrings,at the endof measure.l. Tip: Afterplayingthe B chord,moveyourindexand ringfingersto the sixthandfrfthstrings,respectively, llkeyou're goingto playan FI powerchord.Thiswillput you in perfectpositionto attackthe bends.

Technique:Arpeggios Exercise:#137 CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Genre:Rock Music Description:Ndtefor note,thisarpeggioexerciseis identicalto the onefromlastThursday(#130);however, havebeenshiftedto strlngset 2-3. herethe fingerings Tip: TheC and G arpeggiosusethe samefingerpatternso simplyslideyourfrethanddownthe neck,fromseventeenthto twelfthposition.Theminorarpeggios(Amand Em)alsosharethe samefingering.

Technique:SweepPicking Exercise;#138 CD2 . Tracks:9-'16 Genre:Metal .MusicDescription:Themajor,minor,dominant,and half-diminished seventhchordsfromWeeks1Z-19arearranged arpeggiosperformed withpull-offsand up-sweeps. hereintoa sweep-picking exercisethatfeaturesdescending Tip: Thinkof eachfour-notearpeggioas beingdividedin half,withone halffeaturinga pull-offand the otherhalffeaturinga two-noteup-sweep.

Exercise:#139 CD2. Tracks:1€ Technique:Legato Genre:Rock Music Description:Thistappingexerciseborrowsthe A, C{m,BZ,and E arpeggiosandtripletrhythmsfromlast the orderin whichthe secondand thirdnotesof eacharpeggioareplayed. Saturday's example(#132)but rearranges Tip: Toachievea consistentattackwith eachnote,pushthe stringdown (orup)slightlywithyourtappingfingerbefore it'sreleased.

Technique:Rhythm Exercise:#1rO CD2.Tacks:17-24 Genre:Blues a quick,three-note"tag"to Music Description:Similarto lastSunday'sboogiepattern(#133),this riffincorporates of a 12-barblues. eachmeasure,addingsomezestto the aural-and performance-monotony Tip: Don'tbe afraidto mixand matchthisboogiepatternwiththe willkeepyou linessounding fresh!' -Jr

.l=c-reo(Il=J)) N






illl oIIACK 2l Exercise:#141 CD2 o Tracks:33-40 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Country Music Description:TheG majorpentatonic scale(witha Bbpassingtone)informsthishot countrylick,whichis simllarto the ascendingopen-position lickfromWeek19 (#127'). possible,let notesringtogetherto givethe phrasea touchof country"twang". Tip: Whenever ) = 6o-ru (i

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Music Description:Similarto the A majorpatternsof the previous few Tuesdays, the A naturalminorscaleis jumpa wholeoctave(A arrangedintoa three-notes-per-string string-skipping exercise.Here,however, the groupings to A, D to D, etc.)whenmovingfromonestringto the ne)d. jumps)thanthe A majorscalepatterns,so practice Tip: Thesestringskipscovermoreof the neck(two-and three-fret eachskip separatelybeforeplayingthe entireexercise. J= 4o-rr2

Music Description:You'llneedlotsof fingerstrength-andpatience-to pullof this "pedal-steel" lickin C major,a favoriteof countrypickers. Tip: Usehybridpicking(acombination of yourpickandfingers)to playthis lick,pluckingthe non-bentnoteson the secondstringwithyourmiddlefinger. .l = 60-184


CD2 . Tracks:1-8 two the familiarAnr-C-G-Emtwo-stringarpeggiopatternfromthe previous Music Description:In this exercise, (#130and #137)is playedin a loweroctave,on strings3 and4. Thursdays Tip: Youcan usethe samethreefingers(index,middle,and pinliy)for the lirstthreearpeggiossimplyby adjusting yourfingeringon string3 by onefret.

Genre:Metal Technique:SweepPicking CD2 o Tracks:$-16 Exercise:#14.5 seventhchordsin the keyof C arearrangedin a Music Description:lvlajor,minor,dominant,and half-diminished patternthat movesstepwiseup the neckon strings1-3. sweep-picking ascending/descending rapid-fire Tip: Useback-to-backupstrokesto playthe fourthand sixthnotesof eachsix-notearpeggio.CIhefifthnoteis sounded by the pull-off.) ) = 4o-rr2

V n - - - rV

V n - - - rV

Vn ---r V


CD2 . Tracks:1-8 132and fromExercises Music Description:Thisfigurecombinesthe A, C|m, 87, and E arpeggionotesequences 139 intoa singulartappingworkout. spendextratimeworkingon shiftingfromthe BZ arpeggioto Tip: Becausebothhandsmustmovesimultaneously, the E majorarpeggio. ) = 4o-r2o

Genre:Blues Technique:Rhythm CD2. Trackst17-24 Exercise:# f47 "Prideand Joy,"thisshufflepatternfeaturesa walk-upof the E Music Description:A nod to StevieRayVaughan's with E majorchordstabs. majorpentatonicscale(E-Gf-rc{-E) that alternates picking,playingthe bassnoteswitha downstroke andthe staccatochord formof alternated Tip: Usean exaggerated stabbwithan upstroke. rJ-

,J=c-reo (Il =J .l ) w

\A/EEK 22


0loIMCI(22 Exercise:#148 CD2. Tracks:33-40 Technique:AlternatePicking Genre:Country Music Description:Likelastweek'slick(#141),this phraseis constructed fromthe G majorpentatonic scale(witha $b passingtone).Unlikelastweek'slick,however, this linepredominantly descendsthe scale,resolving to the root(G) on the sixthstring. Tip: Watchout for the adjacentopenstringsthat crossthe bar line.Thesearetrickyand willneedsomeelitraattention. ! = 60-184

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 Music Description:TheA minorstring-skipping exercisefromlastTuesday(#142)is arrangedherein descencling fashion. Tip: Onceyourcomfortable alternatepickingthisexercise, try employingpull-offsto articulate the notes. ) = 40-tt2 Am

Music Description:A whole-stepbendis heldfor an entiremeasurewhilenotesfromthe G majorscalearestruck intermittently betweenreiterations of the bentnote. yourbending(ring)fingerwithyourmiddlefinger,especially Tip: Reinforce whenplayingthe noteson string1. Thiswill help.tokeepthe bentnotein alsorequiresyouto playthe 8th-fretC withyourindexfinger. J=co-rtl


CD2 . Tracks:1-8 Music Description:In thisfigure,the arpeggiopatternfromlastThursday(#144)is restated,notefor note;however, the fret-handlingeringshavebeenshiftedto strings4 and 5. try usinglegato-a combination of hammer-ons and pulF Tip: Onceyou'recomfortable alternatepickingthisexercise, the noteson string4. offs-to articulate .J= 4-120 A






CD2. Tracks:9-16 YngwieMalmsteen. lickis inspiredby Swedishsuper-picker sweep-picking Music Description:Thisneoclassical to the rootof the Am chord. brpeggiosare"swept"overan ETbgchordbeforeresolving Here,diminished-seventh featurethe samefingerpatternand moveup the neckin minor3rds arpeggios Tip: All threediminished-seventh (three{retincrements).

Technique:Legato Genre:Rock CD2 . Tracks:1-€ Exercise:#15i! (#146) exercibe This tapping fest bonowsthe A, Clm, 87, and E arpeggiosfromlastSaturday's Music Description: of beats1 and 2, and 3 and 4, of eachmeasure. but flip-flopsthe notesequences of yourfrethand'sindexfingerto mutestring-1andthe Tip: To preventunwantedstringnoise,usethe underside bladeof yourpickhandto mutestringsH. ) = &r2o

CD2 . Trackst '17-24 Music Description:In guitarlingo,this bluesrhythmis commonlyreferredto as "sliding6ths"becauseof the interval (a 6th)that existsbetweenthe top and bottomnoteof eachthree-notechordvoicing.In fact,thisfigureis oftenplayed withthe middlenotesof the chordsbeingomitted. chords,withyourfrethand'sindexfingeron fret4 of the Tip: Voicethe D9 and E9chordslikestandarddominant-ninth Of course,thesenotesarevoicedonly;theyshouldremainsilent. fourthstringandfret6 of the fourthstring,respectively.

W E E K 23


i0l . TRACK 23

two-notes-per-string G majorseventharpeggio,startMusic Description:Thisnextexercisefeaturesa three-octave, ing on the seventhdegree(FI)oJthe chord/scale. Tip: Noticethatthe firstnote,F , startson the "and"of beat4 (thisis calleda "pickup"note)and shouldbe picked withan upstroke. t,rl=i5l

CD2 o Tracks:9-16 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:lvletal Exercise:#156 A minor workoutsimilarto the onefoundin Week21 (#142)is utilized-here, Description: An string-skipping Music althoughthe three-notegroupingsnow descendon eachstringwhilethe overallpatternascendsthe fretboard. fingercombination is usedfor all sixstrings. Tip: Thesamepinky-ring-index

Technique:StringBending Genre:Country Exercise:#157 CD2 . Tracks:3H0 lickthat moves Music Descdption:G, F,and C chords(V-lV-lin the keyof C)areoutlinedwitha restatedpedal-steel positionally-from the neck. twelfthto tenthto seventh--down Tip: Keepyourpinkyhoveringover(oron)strings1 and 2, andyourindexand ringfingershoveringoverstring3, whileyou movedownthe neck.Thatway,they'llbe in placeto restatethe lickat eachstop.

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 of the lastsevMusic Description:Inthisfigure,the arpeggiopatternusedto outlinethe Am-rc-Em progressions is restatedin a loweroctave,on strings5 and 6. eralThursdays Tip: TheG and Em arpeggioscanalsobe playedan octavelowerthanwritten,in thirdand openpositions,respectively.Useyourearto guideyou.

CD2 . T@cksi 17-24

Music Description:In thisstandardA minorpentatonicbluesphrase,mutedstringsweepsleadintowhole-step sweepat the fifthfretthat leadsintoa bendsin measure1. Thisis followed,in measure2, by a reverse(upwards) ouarter-steo bend. Tip: Usethe fleshyundersideof yourpickhandto mutethe stringsduringthe sweepsin measure1. -J-

.=qo-m(f)= . j)

Technique:Legato Gen-re:Rock CDz. Tracks:1-8 Exercise:#160 chordtonehasbeenaddedto the A, Ch, BZ and E arpeggios Music Description:Forthistappinglick,an additional notes. fourweeks,changingthe rhythmsfromtripletsto sixteenth of the previous that wereusedin the legatoexercises rhythm,takingcarenot to omitthe lastnoteof eachfour-notegroupingand reverting Tip: Focuson the sixteenth-note backto the tripletrhythmsof previousexamples. ) = 4n-rn

Genre:Jazz Technique:Rhythm GD2. Tracks:2G-32 Exercise:#161 pattern,shownhereusingvoicings rhythm,thisjazz-s\r,,1ng Music Description:A variationof the popular"Charleston" in big-bandsettings. in the keyof G major(G7-C9-D9),is prevalent of a l-lV-V progression (beat "and" measure. Also,the firstchordof eachmeasthe of beat 2) in each 1 and both chord attacks Tip: Accent ureshouldbe playedstaccato.


\A/EEK 24


CIlloTRACK 24 Exercise:#162 CD2. Tracks:25-32 Technique:Alternatepicking Genre:Jazz Music.Description: Thisfigureis identicalto Exercise155fromlastweekexceptfor one note,5* (the7th),whichhas beenfowereda halfstep,to F (thebzth),to makeit a G dominantseventharpeggio(G-B-D-F). Tip: To accommodate the loweredseventh,useyourindexand ringfingers(ratherthanyourindexand middlefingers, as in Exercise155)to playthe noteson strings2, 4, and6. -Jr

) =ss-ru([)= ) )\ G7

CD2 . Tracks:9-16 .MusicDescription:Buildingon the A minorstring-skipping exercises of the previous threeweeks,thisflgureascends threescaletoneson one stringbeforeskippingto the nexttargetstring. Tip: Afteryou'vebecomecomfortable alternatepickingthe sequence, try employing hammer-ons to executethe noteson eachstring. ) = 4l-rr2 Am

Exercise:#1Bl CD2. Tracks:1-8 Technique:StringBending Genre:Blues Music Description:Thisopen-position lickcombineswhole-step(string3) and half-step(string1) bendswithopen stringsfor a bluesysound. Tip: W-hole-step bendsin openpositioncan be difficultto execute.Wrappingyourthumbaroundthe neckwillgive youa littleextraleverage. ) = 4o-12o E7

CD2 . Tracks:1-8 outliningthe ubiquitous Music Description:A 5th-3rd-root-3rdarpeggiopatternis playedtvviceper measure, AnFG-Em progression. thatyou know usingthe noteon string2, the root,as yourposiTip: Tryplayingthis patternoverotherprogressions accordingto whetherthe chordsaremajoror minol:. tionalguide,andthenadjustingyourfingerings

phrasesportsAm(maj7) and luminaryPat Martino,thissweep-picking Music Description:Bonowedftomja?7-guitar progression. arpeggiosplayedin rapidsuccessionove(a i7-iv7(Am7-Dm7) Dm(maj7) Tip: Forthe upwardsweeps,useyourfret hand'smiddlefingerto barthe noteson strings2-3.

GenIe:Rock Technique:Legato CD2. Tracks:1+ Exercise:#167 (A-B-C-D-E-Fi-C) mode, or,due from the A Dorian featuring notes scalar sequence, A four-note Music Description: (A-Btl-D-E-Fl-G) mode,is repeatedon eachbeatof this to the omissioirof a minoror major3rd,A Mixolydian two-bartappingphrase. yourringfingeris incorporated intothe festivities for the firsttimeso conTip: Afierllveweeksof tappingexercises, four notes. volume across all consistent centrateon achieving ) = 40-t?n AmorAT

Genre:Jazz Technique:Rhythm CD2 . Tracks:25-.32 Exercise:#168 fromlastSunday(#161),this'lfourto the bar" usingthe l-tV-V(G7-C9-D9)progression Music Description:lllustrated compingpatternis anotherfavoriteof ja77guitaristsin big-bandsettings. Tip: All of the chordsin thisexampleshouldbe playedstaccato,withthe chordson beats2 and 4 of eachmeasure receiving accents(i.e.,playedlouder).Also,a populartechniquewhenplayingthis example,thanksto CountBasie guitaristFreddieGreen,is to soundonlythe lowestthreenotesof eachfour-notechordvoicing. ) = s6-r44



25 C0lr IIACK

Music Description:Thethirddegree,B, of the G dominantseventharpeggiopatternfromlastweek(#162)hasbeen lowereda halfstepto Bb,makingit a G minorseventharpeggio. Tip: Dividethe arpeggiointostringpairs(G-5,4-3, 2-1),usingan index-ring/index-pinky fingerpatternfor each. -3-

) = st-ru (J)= ) i't

Exercise:#170 CD2. Tracks:9-16 Technique:StringSkipping Genre:lvletal Music Description:In this string-skipping exercise, the C majorscale(orA minor,its relativeminorscale)is arranged patternon boththe first.andthirdstrings,completely in an ascendjng, three-notes-per-string skippingoverstring2. Tip: Experiment withvariouswaysto fingerthisexercise. Thefingerings notatedaremerelysuggestions. , ) = 4[-rr2 CorAm

CD2 . Tracks:1-€ Technique:StringBending Genre:Rock/Blues Music Description:Rootedin the 12th-position E minorpentatonic scale,thislickis a repeating three-notesequence fealuringwhole-stepbendson string3. pickingpatternto performeachthree-notepattern. Tip: Usea down-down-up ) = co-tm E7

Genre:Rock Technique:Arpeggios CD2 o Tracks:1-8 Eiercise:*fZZ have been shifted patterns 165 from Exercise Em arpeggio and the Am, C, G, For this exercise, Music Description: fingerings. fromstrings1 and 2 to strings2 and 3, resultingin different the firsttwo notesof eachpattern;pickthe two to aftJmatepicking,usea pull-offto articulate iif: ns ai atternative notes. remaining

Genre:Jazz Technique:SweepPicking CDz. lriac]
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