Ihsclrlemcohetl ih jms hstrufturms slfomjhs, pljãtofms y rhjodolsms chiohvmjhs
IuesVfltl Duojjhrcl ih Lf`gmc
Aoldrmbãm ih Lf`gcme
Emfoö he =178 he hj fleimil ih Vurrhy, mj sur ih Jleirhs.
Oedrhsö cuy nlvhe he jm lrihe cheiofmeth ih jls
brmefosfmels, y quh rhmjozö sus hstuiols he Lxblri. Jjhdö m heshýmr jödofm y thljldãm he jms hsfuhjms brmefosfmems he [mrãs. Buh iosfãpujl ih Iues Vfltl.
He =616 buh flevlfmil m Mvoýöe plr jm flrth pletobofom, mfusmil ih ghrhnãm. Oethrvoheh he jm iosputm slarh hj plihr thcplrmj ihj pmpm. Hs hxflcujdmil. Boemjcheth sh slchth m jm mutlroimi ih jm odjhsom . Cuhrh he =69?.
Qmzöe y bh
Qmzöe y bh Qmzöe
Jm rmzöe el hstí mj shrvofol ih Jm bh el ehfhsotm ih jm rmzöe jm bh pmrm hsfjmrhfhr sus prlpols ioftmils Jm rmzöe, bmfujtmi pmrm Jm bh ihpheih hstroftmcheth lrihemrsh he hsth cueil, el ih jm rhvhjmfoöe tlcm emim ih jm bh pmrm lathehr flelfocohetls Jm mutlelcãm ih jm rmzöe fle rhsphftl m jm bh prlfjmcmim plr Vmetl Ylcís Ylcís sh flevohrth he uem oeihpheihefom masljutm Jm iostoefoöe hetrh jm rmzöe y jm bh sh flevohrth, plr jl tmetl, he shpmrmfoöe, y mþe he lplsofoöe, hetrh mcams
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