Guiding Answers to Book Cases

June 20, 2018 | Author: Jasmine Abd El Karim | Category: Recruitment, Employment, Competence (Human Resources), Turnover (Employment), Strategic Management
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Chapter 1: Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company 1.

Make a list of 5 specific HR problems you you think Carter Cleaning will have to grapple with. (LO 1.1; AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills; Learning Outcome: efine !R" an# #escri$e mo#ern tren#s in the fiel#% &otential ans'ers coul# inclu#e the follo'ing: 1% Staffing Staffing the coman) coman) 'ith the right human human caital $) i#entif)ing i#entif)ing the skills an# cometencies that are re*uire# to erform the +o$s an# the t)e of eole that shoul# $e hire#. Sourcing can#i#ates can#i#ates an# esta$lishing esta$lishing an efficient efficient an# effective effective recruiting an# selection rocess 'ill $e an imortant first ste. ,% &lanning an# esta$lishing esta$lishing oerational oerational goals an# stan#ar#s stan#ar#s an# #eveloing #eveloing rules an# roce#ures roce#ures to suort $usiness $usiness goals an# strategies. strategies. -ailure to #o so 'ill result in a lack of clarit) aroun# erformance eectations #o'n the line as each store $ecomes oerational. /% 0mleme 0mlementing nting effective effective erform erformance ance managem management ent $) setting setting erformanc erformance e stan#ar stan#ar#s #s offering offering high2* high2*ualit ualit) ) arais araisal al of erform erformance ance an# rovi#in rovi#ing g ongoing ongoing erformance coaching an# fee#$ack to #evelo the a$ilities of each erson an# suort ositive emlo)ee relations. 3% esigning an effective effective comensation comensation s)stem that 'ill give the coman) coman) the a$ilit) to attract retain an# motivate a high2*ualit) 'orkforce an# rovi#ing aroriate 'ages 'ages salaries salaries incentiv incentives es an# $enefits. $enefits. A oorl) oorl) #esigne #esigne# # s)stem s)stem 'ill result in recruiting ro$lems high turnover rates an# lo' emlo)ee morale. 4% Training an# #eveloing emlo)ees $oth at the management an# emlo)ee level to $e a$le to erform erform the +o$ to meet the erformanc erformance e eectations eectations.. This shoul# shoul# inclu#e a ne' hire orientation rogram as 'ell as a rogram for ongoing training an# #eveloment. #eveloment. Lack of attention attention to this this comonent comonent ma) result result in errors errors increase# increase# oerational costs high turnover an# morale ro$lems.

2. hat woul! you !o first if you you were "ennifer 5 "ennifer 5 (LO 1.,; AACSB: Anal)tic Skills; Learning Outcome: efine !R" an# #escri$e mo#ern tren#s in the fiel#%

 Ans'ers 'ill 'ill var). var). !o'ever !o'ever ro$a$l) the most imortant imortant first ste is to ensure that the staffing rocess is 'ell #esigne# an# targeting the right mi of skills an# a$ilities nee#e# among among can#i#ates. Thoroughness Thoroughness is necessar) 'hen anal)6ing the re*uirements of each +o$ #eveloing a comlete +o$ #escrition for each role an# sourcing can#i#ates can#i#ates that meet those re*uirements. re*uirements. Significant time shoul# shoul# $e investe# in the hiring rocess to ensure that otential emlo)ees meet the .re*uirements re*uirements an# ossess the skills an# a$ilities to #o the +o$ ########################################################################################################################### Chapter $: Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company # %he "ob &escription

1. hat hat shou shoul! l! be the the form format at an! an! fina finall form form of the the stor store e mana manage ger' r's s (ob (ob !escription) The format note# in -igure 327 coul# $e a reasona$le format to use. use. Stu# Stu#en ents ts ma) ma) recom recomme men# n# that that 8enn 8ennif ifer er incl inclu# u#e e a stan#a stan#ar# r#s s of  erformance section section in the +o$ #escrition. #escrition. This lists the stan#ar#s stan#ar#s the emlo)ee is eec eecte# te# to achie achieve ve un#er un#er each each of the +o$ +o$ #escr #escrit ition ion9s 9s main main #utie #uties s an# an# resonsi$ilities an# 'oul# a##ress the ro$lem of emlo)ees not un#erstan#ing coman) coman) olicies olicies roce#ures roce#ures an# eectati eectations. ons. 0n a##ition a##ition stu#ents stu#ents ma)

recommen# that 8ennifer instea# take a cometenc)2$ase# aroach 'hich #escri$es the +o$ in terms of the measura$le o$serva$le an# $ehavioral cometencies that an emlo)ee #oing that +o$ must ehi$it. Because cometenc) anal)sis focuses more on ho' the 'orker meets the +o$9s o$+ectives or actuall) accomlishes the 'ork it is more 'orker2focuse#. (LO 3.3;  AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills; Learning Outcome:
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