Guidelines For Selection of Turbines, Preliminary Dimensioning and Layout of Surface Hydroelectric Power Houses

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IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89 (Reaffirmed 2000) Edition 1.1 (1993-07)

 Indian Standard Standard



(Incorporating Amendment No. 1)

UDC UD C 621.2 621.224 24.7 .7 : 627. 627.8.0 8.091 91.3 .3 : 621.3 621.311 11.2 .21 1

 © BIS 2003







Hydroelectric Power House Structures Sectional Committee, RVD 15

FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 22 August 1989, after the draft finalized by the Hydroelectric Power House Structures Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley Division Council. Pumped storage is a system wherein economical electrical energy, usually available at night or on weekend days, is used to pump water from a lower to a higher elevation. In that process, electrical energy from the system is converted to potential energy in the form of stored water. As and when needed, water is released from storage through hydraulic turbines to generate high value electrical energy during periods of maximum demand, usually during day time. In fact all the reaction turbines may be used for reversible pumping and generating mode, however, in most of the cases Francis type units find application. The reversible Francis type pump turbine is essentially a centrifugal pump, which with certain modifications, performs as a turbine when operating in the opposite direction. The conventional Francis turbine runner with its large number and too short length of blades is not well adopted due to cavitation consideration when operating in the reverse direction as a pump. In the reversible turbines head variation should be limited and kept between 110 percent to 80 percent of rated head for smooth operation. This edition 1.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (July 1993). Side bar indicates modification of the text as the result of incorporation of the amendment. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance accordance with with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules fo forr rounding rounding off numer numerical ical values values ( revised ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified  value in this standard.


IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89

 Indian Standard Standard




3.4 Pump Input ( Pp ) It is the input at reversible pump turbine shaft during pumping.

1 SCOPE 1.1 This standard (Part 2) lays down guidelines for selection of reversible pump turbine, preliminary dimensioning and layout of  pumped storage power houses for Francis reversible turbine. However, it does not deal with multistage pumping.

3.5 Pump Specific Speed ( nsp ) The speed at which a pump turbine when operating in pumping mode would operate, if  runner was reduced to a size which would deliver one m3 /sec discharge under one metre head.

2 REFERENCES 2.1 The following Indian Standards necessary adjuncts to this standard:  IS No.


3.6 Rated Dynamic Head for Pumping ( H p ) The head at which the reversible pump turbine deliver the rated discharge at the rated speed and full gate opening.


IS 4410 Glossary of terms relating to (Par (Partt 10 10)) : 19 1987 87 river valley projects: Part 10 Hydro-electric power station including water conductor system ( first ( first revision ) IS 74 7418 18 : 19 1974 74

Criteria for design of spiral casing (concrete and steel)

IS 44 4461 61 : 1976 1976

Code of practice for joints in surface hydro-electric power station ( first ( first revision )

3.7 Suction Head Head (  ( H   H s ) Difference in elevation between minimum tail water level and centre line of reversible pump turbine. 3.8 Turbine Output ( Pt ) Output at reversible pump turbine shaft during  turbining. 4 MAIN PARAMETERS OF PUMP TURBINE

3 TERMINOLOGY  3.0 For the purpose of this standard the definitions given in IS 4410 (Part 10) : 1987 and IS 7418 7418 : 1974 and and following following shall apply.

4.1 Speed  As the rated generating capacity is the most significant requirement, the speed of rotation is selected on the basis of rated output during  turbining. The statistical relationship between head and turbine specific speed is given in Fig. 1. Corre Correspondin sponding g to rated head, the turbine specific speed is obtained and speed of  rotation is calculated by the following equation:

3.1 Dynamic Head for Pumping  Effective head against which reversible pump turbine has to discharge which is gross head plus all the losses in water conductor system. 3.2 Maximum Net Head Maximum effective head available for power generation which is gross head minus all the losses in water conductor system including  penstock.

n   P P t × 1.358 -----------------------------nst = ----------------------------5 ⁄ 4  H t where specific ic speed of pump turbine turbine when when nst = specif operating in turbining mode, speed d in revolution revolutions/minute s/minute,, n = rated spee in kW, and  Pt = turbine output in

3.3 Minimum Net Head Minimum effective head permitted for power generation gener ation and is defined as minimum minimum gross head minus all the losses in water conductor

 H t = rated head a acting cting in in metres.

system including penstock. 1


IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 2

SPECIFIC SPEED  AS AS PUMP vs DESIGN  HEAD calculated by the following formula:

FIG. 1

SPECIFIC SPEED  AS AS TURBINE VS DESIGN HEAD 4.2 Pump Input ( Pp ) and Specific Speed  At rated head, pump input in kW is obtained from the following equation:  H p /   Pp = 9.8 Qp H   Ep where efficiency.  Ep = pumping efficiency. Pump specific speed is determined from Fig. 2 and rated pump discharge may be obtained from the following formula:

λ∆ H p    Pp max = Pp    1 + -----------------     H p   where pump mp in inpu put, t,  Pp = pu maximum imum dynami dynamicc head – desig design n ∆ H p = max dynamic head, relative ve capaci capacity ty variatio variation, n, and λ = relati dynamic mic pumpin pumping g head. head. At lleas eastt 5  H p = dyna percent margin, and is taken for pump input.

  Qp nsp = n ---------------- H p3 ⁄ 4

NOTE — At least 5 percent margin is taken for the pump input.

where specific ic sspeed peed o off pump turbine when nsp = specif operating in pumping mode, n

4.3 Pump Turbine Setting  To prevent excessive cavitation in pump turbines, submergence requirements are more critical during pumping than for turbining. The suction height with respect to minimum tail water level may be determined by the following  formula:

= rotati rotational onal speed speed in revoluti revolutions/minu ons/minute, te,

dischar harge ge in m3 /sec, and Qp = disc rated ed dynamic dynamic h head ead iin n metr metres. es.  H p = rat

 H p – H   – H   H s = H b – σ H   v

For preliminary calculations, pump efficiency may be taken as a 0.9 and 11 Q  Pp = 11  Qp  H  H p 4.2.1 To evaluate the capacity of motor generator, it is necessary to determine the maximum capacity in pumping mode. Figure 3 gives the relationship between relative capacity  variation and specific speed in pumping mode.

where suction n height height below minimum tail  H s = suctio water level in metres barome ometri tricc press pressure ure =  H b = bar elevation of power station in metres of water column 10.3 – 900 = vapo va pour ur pr pres essu sure re = 0.4 0. 4 m fro from m mean mean  H   V  sea water level at 30°C and

From this curve, maximum pump capacity is 2


IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89  K u =


 D 1   n ----------------------------

60 2 g   g   H  H p

where g = gr grav avit ita ati tion onal al co cons nsta tan nt, an and d rated ed dyn dynamic amic head. head.  H p = rat The relationship between pump specific speed and peripheral velocity coefficient is shown in Fig. 6. Peripheral coefficient ( K  ( K u ) is determined from this figure and the runner diameter ( D (  D1 ) is calculated from the above equation. 4.5 Spiral Casing  The dimensions of spiral casing as given in Fig. 5 may be obt obtained ained from from Fig. 7 and 8. 4.6 Draft Tube Dimensions FIG. 3

Major dimensions are the function of runner inlet diameter and may be obtained by Fig. 9.


4.7 Clause deleted. 4.8 Clause deleted. 5 MAIN PARAMETERS OF MOTOR GENERATOR 5.1 Number of Pair of Poles ( P ) Speed shall be determined as given in 4.1 determined by the following equation: 60 f   P = --------n where number er of of pairs pairs of of poles, poles,  P = numb frequency ncy in cycles cycles per second second,, and  f  = freque of the m machine achine in rev/min. rev/min. n = rated speed of 5.2 Air Gap Diameters ( Dg  ) The maximum peripheral velocity ( V  (  V r ) at rated speed may be obtained from Fig. 12. This curve relates to sheet steel having yield stress of 525 525 N/ N/mm mm2. For better quality steels peripheral velocity may be increased in the ratio of yield strength. The value of air gap diameter ( D ( Dg  ) may be obtained from the following formula:



cavita cavitation tion co-efficient co-efficient,, obtained from Fig. 4.

may may


NOTE — Usually 3 to 5 m margin is recommended in the above calculated value of suction height

4.4 Runner

 Dg  =

The size of runner is designated by inlet diameter ( D ( D1 ) of runner ( see ( see Fig.  Fig. 5 ) and m main ain dimensions of turbine shall be based on it. The runner diameter ( D ( D1 ) is determined by the




V r -----n

where periphe eripheral ral rotor rotor velocity, velocity, and and V r = max p rated ed spee speed d of machine. machine. n = rat

peripheral valocity coefficient ( K  ( K u ): 3


IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89





IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 7


FIG. 8




IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 9


5.3 Outer Core Diameter ( D )

5.5 Inner Diameter of Barrel ( D )



Outer core diameter ( D ( Do ) of the stator can be determined by the following relationship:

Inner diameter in case of circular shaped barrel (or inner across flat dimension in case of  polygonal shaped barrel) can be determined by adding 2.0 2.0 to 2.4 metres to st stator ator frame frame diameter:


 Do = Dg    1 + -------     2 P   where off pair of poles.  P = number o

5.6 Core Length of Stator ( Lc ) Core length of stator can be determined as below:

5.4 Stator Frame Diameter ( Df  ) Stator frame diameter ( D ( Df  ) (across flat dimension in case of polygonal shape), can be found out by adding 1.2 metres to the outer core diameter: 1.2 2 metr metre es  Df  = Do + 1. = D g  Dg

W  --------------------=  Lc  K  D g 2 n o where rated kV kVA, A, and W  = rated output put coeffic coefficien ientt  K o = out

  1 +  ---π----    + 1.2 m 

Fi Fig. g. 13). 13).

2 P   6

(obtai (obtained ned



IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 10

FIG. 11





IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 12

FIG. 13




IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89 Maximum total load is sum of maximum hydraulic thrust and weight of rotating parts. Generally 4 to 8 arms are taken.

5.7 Length of Stator Frame ( L ) Length of stator frame can be determined by adding 1.5 to 2.0 m to the length of stator core. core. 1.5 5 to to 1 1..6 m  Lf  = Lc + 1.

5.10 Axial Hydraulic Thrust

5.8 Height of Load Bearing Bracket

The axial hydraulic thrust on the turbine runner may be determined by following  formula:

The height ( h ( h j ) of the load bearing bracket can be determined by the following formula:

 PH = KD12 Hmax in  Hmax in tonnes.

h j = K b   D Df  for suspended type generator, and

The value of K  of K  may  may be obtained from Fig. 11.

= K b   D Dg  for umbrella type generator.

5.11 Weight of Generator Generator Rotor Rotor — The weight of generator rotor in relation to air gap diameter and rotor weight in tonnes per metre of core length may be obtained from Fig. 14. This value shall be multiplied by the core length to get rotor weight.

where 50 t/arm of the  K b = 0.65 for a load of 50 bracket, = 0.75 for a lo load ad of less than 100 100 t/arm and more than 50 t/arm of the bracket, and

5.12 Axial load acting downward is the sum of  5.12 Axial hydraulic thrust, weight of turbine runner and weight of rotor.

= 0.85 for a lload oad of 100 t/arm. t/arm. 5.9 Number of Arms of Bracket

5.13 Weight of Turbine Runner

The number of arms of the bracket are decided on the basis of total load on the thrust bearing.

The weight of Turbine Runner may be obtained from Fig. 10.

FIG. 14




IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89 b) A gal gallery lery of 1.5 to 2.0 m width for approaching the draft tube manhole. c) In case the main main inlet valve is al also so accommodated in the power station, a  valve pit p it of appropriate size shall have to be provided. The width of the valve pit may be kept to accommodate the following:

6 OVERALL DIMENSIONS OF POWER HOUSE 6.1 The overall dimensions of power station mainly depend upon the following: a) Overal Overalll dimensions dimensions of the turbine, draft tube and scroll case; b) Overal Overalll dimensions dimensions of the generator; generator; c) Number of units units in the power station; station; and d) Size of tthe he erection erection bay. bay.

i) ii) iii iii)) iv)

NOTE — Provision for inlet valves, erection of rotor and untanking of transformers should be in such a way that space required is minimum without impairing the operational and maintenance requirements.

6.2 Length of the Power Station It depends upon the unit spacing, length of  erection bay and length required for the crane to handle the last unit. 6.2.1  Unit Spacing 6.2.1 For determining the distance between the centre line of the successive units, the overall dimensions of the spiral casing, the draft tube and the hydrogenerator should be drawn with respect to the vertical axis of the machine. A  clearance clear ance of 1.5 to 2.0 m should be added on either side of the extremities of the above drawn figures to determine the unit, spacing. The clearance should be such that a concrete thickness on either side of steel scroll case should be be at least least 1 to 1.5 m. 6.2.2 The length of the erection bay may be taken as 0.7 to 1.5 times the unit spacing as per erection requirements. 6.2.3 The total length  L  L   of the power station can then be determined as follows:  L = N o×(unit spacing)+ Ls+ K  where numbe berr o off uni units, ts,  N o = num length gth of tthe he erect erection ion b bay, ay, and and  Ls = len required for the ccrane rane to handle  K  = space required the last unit depending on the number and size of the crane which is usually 3.0 to 5.0 5.0 m. 6.3 Width of the Power Station Super Structure The super structure of the power station is required to cover only the machines and not the entire length of the draft tube which is accommodated in the lower extended portion of  the substructure. For determining the width of  the power station super structure, the overall dimensions of the spiral casing and the hydro generator may be drawn with respect to the  vertical axis of the machine. Super-structure columns should be clear of the down-stream extremities of the above drawn figure by about 1.5 to 2.0 m. On the upstream upstream side provis provision ion should be made for the following: a) A clearan clearance ce of about 1.5 to 2.0 m for concrete upstream or scroll case.

Conventional Conventional butterfly butterfly valve, valve, Butterfly Butterfly valve valve with flow flow guides, guides, Spheri Spherical cal valve, valve, and Pressure Pressure reli relief ef valve in in the scroll scroll case, if any.

d) Provision Provision of width equipments in the floors.

auxiliary auxiliary

6.4 Height of the Power Station 6.4.1 The height of power station from the bottom of the draft tube to the centre line of the spiral casing ( H  ( H 1+ H 2 ) ( see can n be  see   Fig. 15 ) ca determined from Fig. 9. The thickness of the concrete below the lowest point of the draft tube may be taken taken from 1 to 2.5 m depending  depending  upon the type of foundation strata. 6.4.2 The height from the centre line of the spiral casing casing up to the top of the generator generator = H 4 (Fig. 15) can be determined as follows:  + K   K   H 4 = Lf  + h j + 5.7   and 5.8  Lf   and h j  have been defined in 5.7 respectively. The value of  K   may be taken taken as 5.5 to 7.0 7.0 m depending upon the size of the machine. 6.4.3 The height of the machine hall above the top bracket of the generator depends upon the hook level and the corresponding crane rail level, and the clearance required between the ceiling and the top of the crane. Further the height shall depend upon the height of service bay floor from where the equipment has to be handled. The hook level and the corresponding  crane level are determined by providing  adequate clearance for the following cases: a) Handlin Handling/movi g/moving ng major items of  equipment viz turbine runner assembly, rotor assembly and even entire generator stator. b) Unloadi Unloading ng of heaviest heaviest equipment from from the trailors. For this purpose a height of 7.0 to 8.5 m between the erection bay floor and the highest hook level may be sufficient. c) Hauling the the main transformer transformer with with bushing into the erection bay under the crane girder. d) Clearance Clearance required required for untanking untanking of  transformers.




IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89

FIG. 15 CROSS SECTION OF POWER HOUSE  Main Machine Hall  A minimum clearance above the service 7.1.1  Main 7.1.1 A gangway of the crane for the movement of  The main machine hall accommodates the working worki ng perso personnel nnel may be 2 to 2.5 2.5 m and the hydroelectric generating unit. The different clearance between the highest part of the unit blocks separated by expansion/contraction gantry crane and ceiling of power house should  joints and shall be in accordance with be 0.3 m. With this considerat consideration ion the heigh heightt of  IS 4461 4461 : 1979. 1979. The lleve evell of centr centre e line line of tthe he the power house ceiling above the top level scroll case is given in 4.3 4.3.. An elevation hook may general generally ly vary fr from om 4 to 6.5 m differe difference nce of 4.0 to 5.0 m between the gener generator ator depending upon the width of the machine hall floor and turbine floor may be adequate to and capacity of the gantry crane. A typical accommodate equipments to be handled on the example for calculating the overall dimensions turbine floor. The foundation levels of the is given in Annex A. stator and lower bearing bracket should be so 7 GENERAL LAYOUT OF POWER STATION fixed that in the turbine pit, at least 2.2 to 2.5 m of head room is available available above the speed speed 7.1 In general, a power station may be divided ring top cover. The gantry columns may or may into two areas as follows: not be equally spaced. These columns may also a) The main machine machine hall housing housing the the be preferably located on the central areas of the generating units, and draft tube. The clear spacing between the gantry columns columns may be kept 5.0 to 6.0 6.0 m.

b) Ere Erectio ction n bay. 11


IS 128 12800 00 (P (Part art 2) : 19 1989 89 equipment, etc. Space also has to be provided for cable running. The general facilities include passenger lift, stair cases, reception room, toilets, workshop, etc.

 Erection Bay 7.1.2 Erection 7.1.2  It may be located either as an extension of  machine hall or in between depending upon the topography and number of machines. Though it is most convenient to keep the level of erection bay same as the generator floor level. In case erection bay level is lower than tail water-level suitable arrangements be provided so that there is no ingress of water inside the power house. 7.2 Space for Auxiliary Equipment and General Services In addition to machine hall and service bay, space has to be provided for auxiliary equipment and general services. The auxiliary equipment includes control and relay panels, PICC equipment, TAC Switchgear, HT Switchgear, D.C. battery chargers and distribution boards, fire fighting equipment, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, cooling  water equipment, drainage and dewatering  equipment, LP and HP compressed unit auxiliary transformers (if dry type), illumination equipment, communication

7.3 Location of Main Transformers and Switchyard In order to provide the power transformers nearest to the units to reduce the length of  leads, their location on draft tube deck, just on the upstream side, on the roof or on one side of  the power station towards switchyard should be considered. Another consideration for locating  the transformers is the desirability to bring  them to the erection bay for servicing for which a rail track is laid from the transformer cubicles to the erection bay. 7.3.1 Power transformers are connected to switchyard as well as control room. Switchyard should, therefore, be located as near to the transformers and control rooms as possible. Space between the dam and the power station, power station roof or some nearby space be considered for this purpose.


( Clause  Clause 6.  6.4.3 4.3.2 .2 ) TYPICAL EXAMPLE FOR CALCULATING THE OVERALL O VERALL DIMENSIONS OF POWER HOUSE  A-1 DATA  Unit Capacity : 100 MW Maximum Head (Turbine) : 105 m Rated Head : 100 m Minimum Head : 75 m Maximum Pumping Head : 110 m Rated Pumping Head : 105 m Minimum Pumping Head : 80 m Generator Capacity : 111 111 kVa Power Factor : 09

Pump output — 9.8 × 112.9 × 105 ------------------------------------------ Pp = ------------------------------.9 = 129 082. 82.33 kW Capacity of motor generator — 110 – 105 129 9 08 082. 2.3 3  1 + 0.27 × --------------------------   Pmax = 12  105   = 13 130. 0.74 741 1 MW

 A-2 OVERALL DIMENSIONS From Fig. No. 1 and 2 specific speed may be taken as: nst = 190 54 nsp = Speed machine machine in turbine turbine made = n =

105 13 30.741 MW MW 5 percent margin over P over Pmax = ---------- × 1 100 Capacity of motor generator = 13 137. 7.2 279 MW Pumping turbine setting —  – H   H s = H b – σ H p – H   v  54 = 0.26 σ from graph (Fig. 4) for nsp 54

nst × H t5 / 4 /    P P t × 1.358

Barometric etric pressure pressure at power house  H b = Barom level lev el taken taken 10 m pressure at power house level  H   V  = Vapour pressure taken tak en 0.4 0.4 m 0.26 × 105 – 0. 0.4  H s = 10 – 0.2 = 10 – 27 27.3 – 0 0.4 .4 = 17 17.7 .7 me metr tre es


190 × 100 ---------------------------------------------------n = ---------------------------- 1  10 00 000 × 1.358 = 163 rev/min rev/min (Nearest (Nearest synchronous synchronous speed 157.9, 166.7) taking 166.7 rev/min Rated pump discharge — n ×  H p3/4 Qp = ----sp ------------------------n 54 × 105 3/4 = ----------------------------- = 10.625

 Actual setting with margin = –17.7 – 4 = –22 Turbine centre line 22 metres below tail race. Size of runner — 60 2g  H p  D1 = --------------------------- K  π

166.7 3 2.9 90 m  /sec Qp = 112.

u n



IS 12 12800 800 (Pa (Part rt 2) : 19 1989 89 iii) iii) Out Outer er core core diamete diameterr =

for nsp  K  from om graph (Fig. 6) K u = 1.07 fr


60 × 2 × 9.81 × 105 ---------------------------------------------------------------- × 1.07 m  D1 = ----------------------------3.14 × 166.7

 Do = Dg   1 + -------   2 F  

= 5.564 = 5.6 m Dimension of spiral case recommended velocity (refer Fig. 7) at 105 metres = 10 m/sec. Inlet diameter D diameter D =

3.141 59 = 7.9  1 + -----------------------   = 8.589 4  2 × 18   = 8.6 m iv) Stator Stator ffram rame e diamete diameterr =  Df  = Do + 1.2 m = 8.6 + 1.2 = 9.8 m

112.9 × 4 -----------------------10 ×  n

= 3 791 mm  Assume = 3 800 mm  A = 3 800 mm

 v) Inner diameter of barrel = +2.0 0 to 2.4 m  Db = Df +2. = 9.8+2.2 = 12.0 m

Dimensions of spiral case  B = 1.1 × 5.6 = 6.16 m C = 1.21 × 5.6 = 6.73 m  D = 1.32 × 5.6 = 7.39 m  E = 1.05 × 5.6 = 5.88 m

Core length of stator in kVA ) W   ( Output -------------------------------------------------------------- Lo = ---------------------------- KD g 2 n 111 111 = ---------------------------------------------------6.7 × ( 7.9 ) 2 × 166.7

Size of draft tube =  H 1 = 0.28 × 5.6 = 1.570 m

= 1.59 1.594 4 m ssay ay 1.6 1.6 m  H 2) == 12..0255 ×× 55..66 == 51.28.882m5 ( H 1+ H  2

m  L = 3.45 × 5.6 = 19.32 m W = 1.95 × 5.6 = 11.75 m

Length o off stator frame = Lf  = Lo + 1.5 = 1.6 + 1.5 = 3.10 m Height of load load bearing bracket bracket =

Weig We ight ht o off the run runner ner = 60 tonn tonnes es

h j = K   D f  for suspended type generator


 Axial hydraulic thrust P thrust PH = K .  D D Hmax 2 = 0.13 × 5.6 × 105 = 428 428 tonn tonnes es

= K   D g  for umbrella type generator = 0. 0.75 7.9 = 2 2..108 m = 2 2..1 m Weight of generator rotor

Generator parameters

Weight/metre core length = 22 220 0 T/ T/me metr tre e (from graph)

60 × 50 i) Pair of poles poles P  P = ------------------166.7

Weiigh We ghtt o off rro otor tor = 22 220 0 × 1.6 1.6 = 35 352 2 tonn tonnes es say 355 tonnes

= 18

axial load

  -----V r ------ × ii) Air gap gap di diameter ameter D  Dg  = 60 π n

= 352+428 352+428+60 +60 = 840 840 tonn tonnes es

69 60 = ----------------------- × --------------3.141 59 166.7

Using above data — overall dimension of Power house can be computered.

= 7.90 7.906 6 m ssay ay 7.9 7.9 m



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Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the  Bureau of Indian Standards Act Act,, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of  implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS. Review of Indian Standards  Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of  Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘‘Standards Standards : Monthly Additions’. This Indian Indian Sta Standard ndard has bee been n develope developed d from Doc : No. RVD 15 (4006 (4006))

 Amendments Issued Since Publication  Amend No.

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 Amd. No. 1

July 1993

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 235 02 0 2 16 1 6, 235 0 04 4 42 42   235 15 19, 19, 235 235 23 15  235

Wester Wes tern n : Man Manaka akalay laya, a, E9 MID MIDC, C, Mar Marol, ol, Andhe Andheri ri (Ea (East) st) MUMBAI 400093

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