Guide to Fire Protection in Msia

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Dato' HamzahBin Abu Bakar DirectorGeneral Fire and RescueDepartmentMataysia

Thisbookis published by: The Institutionof Fire Engineers(uK) MalaysiaBranch(IFEM) lnAssociation with: Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia(JBpM) PertubuhanAkitek Malaysia(pAM) Institutionof EngineersMalaysia(lEM) Associationof GonsultingEngineersMalaysia(AGEM) ill

This book is publishedby: @ The Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) Malaysia Branch (IFEM) 28 Jalan31154,TamanBukitAnggerik,Cheras,56000Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Tel: +603-91012255 Fax: +603-91017700 Web: Email:[email protected] Firstedition:October1999 Reprint:January2000 Secondedition:March2006 All rightsreserved.No partof thispublication maybe reproduced or transmitted in anyformor by any means includingphotocopying and recording, withoutthe writtenpermission of the copyrightholders,application fc whichshouldbe addressed to the publisher. Suchwrittenpermission mustalsobe obtainedbeforeany partc is storedin a retrieval thispublication systemof any nature. Everyefforthas beenmadeto ensurethe information in this guideis as accurateas possible.This subjet matteris complexand constantly changing,thusthe professionals partiesare advisedt, or otherinterested seekexpertadvicewhenfacedwithspecificproblems.

GraphicsandEditing: YC Creative CoverDesign Printed : YCDPrint Price : RM80.00 tsBN 983€08{95_0


This book has been made possiblethroughthe smart partnershipbetweenThe Institutionof Fire Engineers(UK) MalaysiaBranch (IFEM) and the Fire and Rescue DepartmentMataysia(JBpM) as well as professional bodies, namely, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM), Institution of EngineersMalaysia(lEM) and Associationof ConsultingEngineersMalaysia(ACEM).

1st Edition(October1999) Main Working Committee 1. Prof.DatukDr Soh Chai Hock 2. PPjBTuan HjZurkarnainbin Mohd Kassim 3. PPjB EdwinGalanTeruki 4. PgBA. Veerasundar 5. PgB K C. RajinderKumar 6. lr Chen Thiam Leong 7. Ar Paul Lai Chu 8. Ar Chee Soo Teng 9. lr Thin ChoonChai 10. lr Wong See Foong 11. MrTay Hao Giang 12. lr FuadAbas


Sub-Committee 1. PgkBMohdHusainbinAhmadTakin 2. PgB Hamdanbin Ali 3. ArAinonbtAli 4. Ar Chong Lee Siong 5. Ar Hui SheahMing 6. Ar Ng Kim Teh 7. lr Wong Kian Lon 8. Mr Wong Kin Wing 9. lr Wong Shu Leong 10. Mr Lock Peng Wei


2nd Edition(March2006) Working Gommittee 1. Dato Hamzahbin Abu Bakar 2. Dato Wan Mohd Nor bin tbrahim 3. PKPjBSoimanJahid 4. PKPAhmad lzram bin Osman 5. TPjB MohammedHamdanWahid 6. PKP HjZurkarnianbin Mohd Kassim 7. Mr Tay Hao Giang B. Ar Chee Soo Teng 9. lr ChenThiamLeong 10. lr WongSee Foong 11. Ar Chong Lee Siong 12. N LooCheeKeong


It is my pleasureto pen this forewordfor the second edition of the "Guide to Fire protection in Malaysia".I am especiallypleasedto note that this publicationby The Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) MalaysiaBranchis a productof joint effortbetweenIFEM, the Fire and Rescue Department Malaysiaand the key players in the Fire and Safety Engineeringprofessionals. This fire safety engineeringGuide book reflects the shared vision between the Fire and Safety Engineering Professionalswith the Governmentof Malaysia in respect of the importance of transparency, constantimprovement,innovationand smart partnerships. This "Guide" is an invaluablesource of referenceto all those who are involved in Fire Safety Engineeringand fire protectionindustry.Be it students,academicians,practicingprofessionals, -rnanufacturers, local authorities,Fire and Rescue Departmentpersonnels,fire equipment suppliersor contractors.The second edition of the "Guide to Fire protection in Malaysia,,will clarifythe intentand interpretation of the Fire Safetyaspectsof the UniformBuildingBy-lawsto all the users, and in so doing, bring about consistencyand efficiencyin the industry to benefitthe membersof the public. In this age of globalization,it is imperativethat we all embracechanges as a way of life. lt is also inevitablethat we also have to evolve new legislationto take into consideration the understanding of fire science and technologywhich requires a rethink of conventional solutionsto fire safety for now and the future. once again' I wish to congratulateDato HamzahAbu Bakar, Director General of the Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia,his able officersand the team of dedicated local professionalsfrorn The Institutionof Fire Engineers (UK) Malaysia Branch (IFEM), pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM), Associationof ConsultingEngineersMalaysia (ACEM) and lnstitutionof Engineers Malaysia(lEM) on their commendableeffortsin bringingthis second Editionof the ,,Guideto Fire Protectionin Malaysia"to fruition.

Y.B. DATO'SERI ONG KA TING Ministerof Housingand LocalGovernment

As we move towards acquiring Developed Nation Status, it is essential that in forging ahead to achieve the necessarybenchmarks,we do not forget to continuedevelopingand enhancingour existing infrastructure. Just as new Standardsand Codes are being writtenfor the Buildinglndustry,existingStandards, Guides and Codes have to be reviewed to catch up with changing trends, technology and knowledge. The effort by The lnstitutionof Fire Engineers(UK) MalaysiaBranch and the Fire and Rescue Departmentin updatingthe 2nd Editionof "Guideto Fire Protectionin Malaysia"is commendable, taken into considerationthe time and effort contributedby all authors, officers and the fire safety engineeringprofessionalsover the last few years. Among the changes are - Chapters 15 on Smoke Control System that has been updated with the publicationof the latest MalaysianStandards 1780; entire passive Fire protectionSystem chapter illustrationshas been upgraded from 2-dimensionalto 3-dimensionaldiagrams for ease of understandinglActiveFire ProtectionSystem chapter 5 on Portable Fire Extinguishershad been rewrittenwith the introductionof PerformanceBased MalaysianStandard 1539. The "Guideto Fire Protectionin Malaysia"entailsdesignconcepts,standardand code, guidelines, charts,diagramsand illustrations,systemcheck list, testingand commissioningcheck lists which are very comprehensivefor any fire safety engineering professionals,fire officers and industrial players.This will serve as a common platformfor all fire industrypractitionersto obtain a common understandingand interpretationof the Uniform BuildingBy-laws. Hence, I will like to congratulate and thank all parties concerned for their meticulous effort in making it possible the publication of the 2nd edition of "Guide to Fire protection in Malaysia". Specialcreditshouldgo to Yang Berbahagia(Professor)Datuk(Dr.)Soh Chai Hock (Hon. FlFireE) for initiatingthis project and the Chief Editor for the first edition of "Guide to Fire protection to Malaysia" I will like to express my sincere gratitudeto Yang Berhormat Dato' Seri Ong Ka Ting, Minister of Housingand Local Government,who has been instrumentaland supportiveof Fire and Rescue Department'smission in pursuing world class excellencenot only in fire and rescue operation but also in the fonnrarddirectionof fire safety engineeringfield of technicalstudies and applications.

DATO'HAMZAH BINABU BAKAR DirectorGeneral Fireand RescueDepartment Malaysia


Forewordby YB Dato'Seri Ong Ka Ting Ministerof Housing& LocalGovernment 1.

Prefaceby DirectorGeneralJBPM Dato'Hamzahbin Abu Bakar



3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9.

Understanding Fire Science lgnition,GroMh and Developmentof Fire Principlesof Fire Propagation Fire Protectionin Buildings Fire HazardsAssessment Good BuildingDesignwith Fire SafetyMeasures ExistingStructureand HistoricalBuildings Fire and The Law Conclusion



BasicGonceptsof Fire Science& the BuildingConstruction


PassiveFire Protection

4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4.

PurposeGroups PurposeGroupsand Compartments ShoppingCentresand Shop Compartments Atriums MixedUse Buildings


4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4.

Fire Appliance Access DesignNotes AccessConsiderations PerimeterApplianceAccess lllustrations HydrantLocations


4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.3.4. 4.3.5. 4.3.6. 4.3.7. 4.3.8.

Walls and Floors PartyWalls Recessand Chases Separating/ CompartmentWalls and Floors Stagesin Placesof Assembly Horizontaland VerticalBarriersof the ExternalWall ProtectedServiceShafts Claddingon ExternalWall Referenceto SixthSchedule


4.4. 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.4.4. 4.4.5. 4.4.6. 4.4.7.

Means of Escape ExplanatoryNotes BasicPrinciples of Design Meansof Escape Measurementof TravelDistanceto Exits Arrangementof StoreyExits Staircases SmokeLobbies




4.4.8. 4.4.9. 4.4.10. 4.4.11. 4.4.12.

Buildingwith SingleStaircase Protectionfor ExternalEscapeStaircase Handraits EscapeProvisionComputation Seatingin Placesof Assembty


Rules of Measurement


Appendix1 SpecificationsoJ FireAppliancesfor the Purposeof Designingfor FireAccess for Fire RescueVehicles Active Fire protectionSystem



5. 5.1. 5.2.

PortableFire Extinguishers Description Design Requirements



6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7.

External Fire Hydrant System Description DesignRequirements TestRequirements Maintenance Requirements DesignChecklist VisualInspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning Checklist


7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5.

Hose Reel System Description DesignRequirements DesignChecktist VisualInspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning Checklist


8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7.

Dry Riser System Description DesignRequirements TestRequirements Maintenance Requirements DesignChecklist VisualInspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning Checklist


9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7.

Wet Riser System Description DesignRequirements TestRequirements Maintenance Requirements DesignChecklist VisualInspection Checklist Testing andCommissioning Checklist





10. . 10.1

DowncomerSystem DescriPtion

10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7.

DesignRequirements TestRequirements Requirements Maintenance DesignChecklist Checklist VisualInspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning

11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7.

Automatic Sprinkler System DescriPtion DesignRequirements TestRequirements MaintenanceRequirements DesignChecklist Checklist Visuallnspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning


12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5.

Automatic GOz Extinguishing System Description DesignRequirements DesignChecklist Checklist Visuallnspection Checklist TestingandCommissioning


13. 13.1. 13.1.1. 13.1.2. 13.1.3.

Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System General SystemConcept DesignRequirements DesignChecklist

151 152

13.2. 13.2.1. 13.2.2. 13.2.3. 13.2.4.

Controland IndicativeEquipment Concept DesignRequirements TestingandCommissioning DesignChecklist


13.3. 13.3.1. 13.3.2. 13.3.3. 13.3.4.

AudioandVisualAlarm Concept DesignRequirements TestingandCommissioning DesignChecklist


13.4. 13.4.1. 13.4.2. 13.4.3. 13.4.4.

ManualcallPoints(MCP) Concept DesignGuidelines TestingandCommissioning Checklist


13.5. FireDetectors 13.5.1. Concept 13.5.2. DesignGuidelines 13.5.3. Testing andCommissioning 13.5.4. Checktist


13.6. PowerSupply 13.6.1. Concept 13.6.2. DesignRequirements 13.6.3. Testing andCommissioning 13.6.4. Checklist 13.7. 13.7.1. 13.7.2. 13.7.3. 13.7.4.


Gablesand Wirings Concept DesignRequirements Testingand Commissioning Checktist


13.8. VoiceAtarmSystem(VAS) 13.8.1. Concept 13.8.2. DesignRequirements 13.8.3. TestingandCommissioning 13.8.4. Checktist


14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 14.7. 14.8. 14.9.

PressurisationSystem in Buildings Description DesignRequirements SystemComponent pressurisation Typesof Staircase SystemDesign Typesof Lift Lobbypressurisation SystemDesign TestRequirements Designand Installation Checklist Calculation procedures Testingand Commissioning



15.1. 15.2. 15.3. 15.4. 15.5.

Smoke Gontrolsystem Using Natural(Displacementlorpowered (Extracted)Ventilation Description DesignRequirements Applications Calculation procedures Testing and Commissioning

16. 10.1. 16.2. 16.3. 16.4. 16.5. 16.6.

Fire Lift Description DesignRequirements TestingRequirements Maintenance Requirements DesignChecktist Testing andCommissioning Checklist





17. 17.1.

EmergencyPowerSYstem DescriPtion

17.2 17.3. 17.4. 17.5. 17.6. 17.7.

DesignRequirements TestRequirements MaintenanceRequirements DesignChecklist VisualInspectionChecklist Testingand CommissioningChecklist


Fire Engineering- PerformanceBasedApproach

18.1. 18.2. 18.3. 18.4. 18.5. 18.6. 18.7. 18.8. 18.9. 18.10.

ConcePt DesignRequirements Fire SafetyEngineerRequirements Scopeof Fire Engineering- PerformanceBasedApproach Exclusionof Fire Engineering- PerformanceBasedApproachApplication Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased (FEPB)Report Approval Peer Reviewer Decision Legallmplication



19.1. 19.2. 19.3. 19.4. 19.5. 19.6. 19.7. 18.8.

Introduction UnifiedCommandand Control "lCS" OperationRequirements The Main Organisationand Operation EmergencyResponsePlan IndustrialFacility BulletPointsin ERP Strategies Conclusion

20. 20.1.

Fire ServicesAct 1988(ACT341) lntroduction

20.2. 20.3. 20.4. 20.5. 20.6. 20.7. 20.8. 20.9. 20.10. 20.11. 20.12. 20.13. 20.14. 20.15.

Preambleof theAct of FireServicesDepartment Establishment of the FireServices DutiesandResponsibilities FireHazard Compounding Abatementof Fire-Hazard Order Prohibitory Orderto CeaseActivity Closing Order SpecialPowerof FireOfficers of FireOfficers Protection Act MadeUnderThe FireServices Regulation Penalty Conclusion





Historical Background - tJniform Building By-taws 1gg4 (UBBL 1gg4)

2.1 INTRODUCTION In the early 50's it was very difficultfor architects,engineersand buildingdesignersto submit standarddesign buildingplans to the variouslocal authoritiesand districtcouncilsin the country. In 1957, the Federationof Malaya Society of Architects- predecessorof pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia(PAM) approachedthe Ministryof Natural Resourcesand Local Government(Ministry o f H o u s i n ga n d L o c a l G o v e r R m e n t t)o u p d a t e t h e U n i f o r m B u i l d i n gB y l a w s t o r e p t a c et h e various outdated LocalCouncilBuildingBy-lawsand SanitaryBoardsOrdinances. The updatingof the UniformBy-lawswas not given priorityuntil May 1969 when the National S e c u r i t yC o u n c i ld i r e c t e dt h e s t a n d i n gc o m m i t t e e st o u p d a t e t h e U B B L f o r i m m e d i a t e implementation. The Kuala Lumpur Municipal(Building)(Amendment)By-laws 1975 was gazettedand between October 1976 - October 1977 a special UniformBuildingand Municipal(Building)(Amendment) By-laws 1985 was drafted. The standingcommitteessought clarificationand advice from various professionalbodies such as Fire OfficersCommittee(FOC) UnitedKingdom- predecessorof Loss preventionCouncil(LpC), AmericanSocietyof Heating,Refrigeratingand Air ConditioningEngineers(ASHRAE),Standards Institutionof Australia(AS),Departmentof Environmentof UnitedKingdomand other international bodies.The first draft of the UBBL was publishedunder GovernmentBill No. 1065 dated 5 April 1973 and was submittedto the Ministrybased on the result of the submissionsreceived.The presentUBBL was publishedby the governmentin 1984for implementation.

2.2 FIRE SAFETY PHILOSOPHY. UBBL 1984 Life Safety is Ultimate in Building Design C h a p t e r s7 a n d 8 o f t h e U B B L 1 9 8 4 a r e o n " F i r e R e q u i r e m e n t s " T . h e s t a n d i n gc o m m i t t e e recommendedthat life safetyof occupantsof buildingsmust be the prime considerationand this can be achievedby minimumfire protectionin respect of the various basic aspects of: . Meansof escapefor the occupants. ' spread of fire withinthe buildingand from one building to another . Meansof detectionand extinguishment of fires. The safetyof life is the ultimateprincipleof fire safetyin a building.In case of a fire in the building, the immediatehazardis to the occupantsand whilststructuralfire protectioncan be precisely defined,the requirementof adequatemeans of escape is an inexactscienceand may vary in differenttypes of occupancy,usage,process,heightand types of buildings. Means of escape for high-risebuildingscan pose new challengesto buildingdesignswhere the occupantsmust be protectedwithin the structure.To protectoccupantsfrom within,the fire must be kept small and personsin the fire area must be able to move to a safe locationwithinthe high-rise structure.

It is probablynot practicalto design buildingsthat under no circumstanceswill any occupantbe trapped in case of fire. lt is also not possibleto secure absolutesafety in buildings,generally becauseof human failureto maintainthe fire protectioninstallationsor to do the right things right when an emergencyarises.The Architects,Engineersand buildingdesignersare thereforefaced with the constraintsof balancinglife safety and fire integrityagainstpracticality,aestheticdesign and the fire regulations. Whilst it is not always possibleto achieve all the requiredfire precautionaryprinciplesin old structuresor existingbuildings,they can be appliedin new buildings. The largerthe space, the greateris the potentialarea, the greaterthe potentialfire risks and the greaterthe likelyfire loss should a fire break out. lt is often necessaryto increasethe height of buildingsin order to obtaina profitablereturnon the investmentsand everyinchof the floor area is in consequencehighlyvalued.

2.3 BUILDINGCONSIDERED AS A WHOLE PassiveandActiveFireProtection Passivefire protectionis basicallya planningmatterand must be consideredat the planningstagein the buildingdesign in terms of mitigationof fire hazardand fire risk. The selectionof fire resiiting rnaterials,sub divisionof the buildinginto fire-tightcells or compartmentsboth verticallyand horizontallyto containan outbreakof fire and spread of smoke heat and toxic fume are baslc precautionsat the planningstage. Effective passive fire precautionsrepresentgood planning, good design and sound construction, which could complementotherbasicfunctionsof a building. Active fire protection is basically the manual or automatic fire protection systems such as: fire alarms,detectors(heat & smoke)rising mains, hose reels,fire telephones,COz fixed installation, automatic sprinklersand smoke spills system etc. to give a warning of an outbreakof fire and the containmentand extinguishment of a fire.The provisionsof adequateand suitablefacilitiesto assist rescue and fire suppressionoperationsare also within the active fire defence strateqies.

2.4THENEWCHALLENGES Theoverallfire defencestrategies for development projectsin Malaysia are basedon the "Fire

Safety Philosophy"of the MalaysianUniformBuildingBy-laws 1984 where life safety is the first consideration.The fire preventionand operationalrequirementsfor both externaland internalfire suppressionmust be consideredtogether. lt must also be possiblefor the fire fightersto operate at any pointin the buildings.Facilitiesmust be builtintothe buildingsto enablethe firefightersto reach the top-mostfloors and carry out rescue and internalfire suppressionoperations.

The world's tallesttwin towers (KLCC),the Kuala Lumpur InternationalAirport,Kuala Lumpur Tower and other mega projects have created new challenges to the Architects, Engineers and buildingdesignersand Malaysianfire fighters.When these mega projectswere proposed,the professionals had to venturebeyondthe perimeterof the "UniformBuildingBy-laws1gg4"and adopt internationalfire safety guides and practicesincluding"Fire Safety EngineeringApproach"and "Performance Based Criteria".

officersvisitedmanyprojectsand highrise buildings The buildingdesignersand fire prevention Fire were also held with variousFire Strategists, the world.Technicaldiscussions throughout to determinethe mostappropriateFireCodes and Test Laboratories Chiefs,StandardInstitutions to be adoptedwithinthe frameworkof the UniformBuildingBy-laws1984. codes,coverabroadrange The UniformBuildingBy-laws1984,similartoallinternationalbuilding of buildingsand useconditionsbuttheycannotbe expectedto adequatelyreflectnewtechnology, conditions. in designanduniquebuildingor occupancy innovation recentrelevantexperience, By-law245of the UniformBuildingBy-laws1984empowersthe To addresssuchconditions, Malaysia,to acceptalternativeto the DirectorGeneralof the Fireand RescueDepartment that the is providedto demonstrate evidence where sufficient in the code contained requirements performance. provide proposedalternative will equivalentor better on fire protectionand the conceptof It is hopedthat this bookwill providea clearerunderstanding practiceand designstrategiesto buildingowners,fire officers,professionals goodfireengineering principlesof UniformBuildingBy-law1984. andstudentsin linewiththe fundamental

FIRESCIENCE 3.1UNDERSTANDING in minutesand kill Fire is essentiallya chemicalreactionknown as can spread it can spread can help in seconds. Knowing the characteristicsof fire and understandinghow safety and property Architects, Engineers and other professionalsto formulate strategieson life protectionin buildingdesigns. REACTION'This Four factorsare neededto starta fire FUEL,OXYGEN,HEAT and CHEMICAL 'Fire a very unchecked, to spread is allowed reaction Tetrahedron'.lf this chemical is knownas the smallfirewill quicklydevelopinto an infernoand becomecatastrophic' DiagramA: Fire Tetrahedron

Let us remember righttime."

'The world's largest fires can be extinguishedby pouring a cup of water at the

chain A fire can easily be extinguishedby removingone of the factors in inhibitingthe chemical fire on the pouring water heat by remove can we reactionof the combustionprocess. For example foam' or blanket fire a or removingthe fuel or cuttingoff oxygensupplyby using

OF FIRE GROWTHAND DEVELOPMENT 3.2 IGNITION, Diagram B: Stages of Fire Development

T m p

(STAGE3) FullyDevelopFire

r t

u e

(srAGE4) Decay

(STAGE1) GroMh Time Slow rateof burning

Developmentof heat and flames

curveof a typicalfire The time/temperature

Fire Dies Out

IGNITION- A processin which fuel reactswith oxygento give heat and light GROWTH- A fire once startedcan grow rapidlyas it createsthe conditionsfor its own growth. I n a n e n c l o s e dc o m p a r t m e n t a , c r i t i c a ls t a g e m a y b e r e a c h e dw h e r e a l l t h e c o m b u s t i o n materialsare heated to flammableconcentrationsof gases and the fire suddenly flashes "flashover" throughoutthe whole compartment- this is knownas a DEVELOPMENT- The fire passesthrougha developmentstage after the initialgroMh. During this stagethe fire temperatureincreasesslowly.Howeverthe fire continuesto spreadinto other areas,which then in turn continuesthe processof rapid initialgroMh and development. DECAY - ln the decay stage,the fire will burn itselfout due to lack of fuel or oxygen. FUEL LOAD - The amountof availableand potentiallycombustiblematerialsto fuel the fire. FLASHOVER- Simultaneousignitionof all combustiblein an enclosedarea. Flashoveroccurs when the majorityof the surface in a space are heated to the point at which they give off flammablegasesthat are hot enoughto sustaincombustion.

3.3 PRINCIPLES OF FIRE PROPAGATION Through natural laws, heat and smoke will travel from hotter to cooler areas by any of the three methods: CONVECTION- More than 75 per cent of the combustionproductsof a fire, eg. smoke, burning particles,toxic gases are dissipatedin rising convectioncurrents of hot gases at temperaturesof 800 - 1000" willcreatea "mushroomeffect",when the risingconvectioncurrentis blocked,eg. by undersideof floor or ceiling. lt can also smokelogescape routes and prevent escape. RADIATION- Radiantheat is transmittedto all buildingsor materialsthat is adjacentto and not the fire. lt is the transfer of heat energy as electromagneticwaves. Radiationpasses through normal glass windowseasily,and buildingswith many or large windows are more likelyto spreadfire to other buildings. CONDUCTION- The movementof heatthroughmaterialsvia excitationof moleculeseg. metalsare better conductorsof heat than stones. Conductedheat can travel through partitions,floors, ceiling, walls, to adjacentrooms, especiallythrough metal piping, metal frames and joists. Combustible materialsor internal linings of adjacent rooms can be heated to their ignitiontemperatureby conductedheat.

3.4 FIREPROTECTION IN BUILDINGS A totalfiresafetysystemfor anyhighrisebuilding integrity duringfire. mustincludestructural Structuralfailure when occupantsare stillin the buildingis catastrophic. The qualityof workmanship and the sustainability and durabilityof the buildingmaterialsand systemsrequireclose attention. The UBBL 1984 requiresall buildingsto have minimumstructuralintegritybased on its usage. Elementsof constructioncan only be effectiveas fire breaks if they have the necessarydegreeof fire resistance.The three criteriaof fire resistanceare:

INSULATION:The abilityof an elementof constructionto resistor inhibitthe heat. INTEGRITY:The abilityof an elementof constructionto maintainits shapeand structuralproperties and at the same time preventingthe passageof flames and hot gases. STABILITY:The abilityof an elementof constructionto maintainoverallstructuralintegrity The principalrole of structuralfire protectionis to preventthe spread of heat and smoke from the seat of fire to other parts of the building.The best way to controlspread of fire is early detection and extinguishment- and a reliableway of achievingthis is by installinga system and good housekeeping.

3.5 FIRE HAZARDS ASSESSMENT Main factors contributingto fire hazard: . The amountof combustiblematerialspresent. . The potentialheat outputof these materialsin a fire, i.e..their calorificvalue. . The surfaceareas- most materialsburn at or near their surfaces. . The potentialheat source. . Airflowconditionand unrestrictedair supplythat sustaincombustion. . The design and constructionof a building can have as much or even more effect on the developmentof a fire than the contentsof the building. The Architector Engineerhave to assess the fire hazard of the buildingarisingfrom its usage, locationand sit ing, area volume and height,number of people in the buildingand mobilityof its occupants,designand construction. Fire tests have proventhat all combustiblematerialswhen burnt,will producesome asphyxiating or poisonousgases and nearly all produce smoke which hindersvision. Many plasticmaterials producehighlypoisonousvapoursand very dense is importantfor buildingconsultantsto checkon the featuresof certainmaterialsbeforeinstallinginto the building.These include: . Susceptibility to heat,smoke and water damage. . The potentialfor producingburningdroplets- skylightetc. . lssue of repairafterthey have been in a fire. . lssue of maintenanceand replacement.

3.6GOODBUILDINGDESIGNWITHFIRESAFETYMEASURES ' Provideadequatefire appliancesaccess, fire hydrantsand other facilitiesto assist fire and rescuepersonnel. ' P r o v i d ea d e q u a t ef i x e d i n s t a l l a t i o n , w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e f, o r q u i c k a n d e f f e c t i v ed e t e c t i o n and extinguishment of fires. ' Designingand installingbuildingservices so that they do not assistthe spreadof fire, smoke or toxic fumes. Designingand providingadequateand safe escaperoutesfor the occupants of the building. Selectingmaterialsfor the constructionwhich will not promote the rapid spread of fire or generatedangeroussmoke and poisonousgases. Subdividingbuildingsinto compartmentsof reasonablesizes by means of fire resistingwalls and floors, providingfire stops to protectopeningsbetween floors and compartments. Designingand constructingthe exteriorof a buildingso that fire is unlikelyto spread to it from anotherburningbuilding.

3.7EXISTING STRUCTURE AND HISTORICAL BUILDINGS It is normallyquite straightforwardfor Architectsand Engineersto comply with the various fire protectionrequirementsfor new buildings.However,it is often difficult for any buildingdesignerto meet all the legislativerequirementson fire protectionwhen it comes to upgrading of old buildings. Fire preventionofficersand professionalsshould thereforealways attempt to achieve a reasonable levelof fire precautionfor theirbuildingsto ensureadequatesafetyto occupants.For examplereduce fire resistanceof timberstructuresin historicalbuildingscould be compensated by increased/extra provisionof directiondeviceand alarmstogetherwith extra fire suspensionsystems.

3.8 FIREAND THELAW Architectsand Engineersmust rememberthat the fire safetyregulationsin Malaysia are based on internationalnorms to protectlife. However,some of the fire safety provisions in the UBBL 1984 and the Fire ServicesAct 19BBwill also offer protectionto buildingsand their contents as well as fire fighters.A sectionin this book providedetailrequirementsof the Fire Services Act 19gg. The UBBL 1984 and the Fire ServicesAct 19BBshould not be read in isolation,but shoutdbe read in conjunctionwith all relevantMalaysianand lnternationallegislationsand standards.

3 . 9C O N C L U S T ON When consideringfire protectionmeasuresfor buitdings,it is importantto understand that the safety of occupantsand fire fightersare interrelated, and thal designsolutionshouldaddressthe effectof fire, smoke and toxicfumes in totalitv.

4.1 PURPOSE GROUPS 4.1.1Purpose Groups And Compartments purposeGroups(By-law134)categorisebuildingsor compartmentswithina buildingin accordance with their uses/intendedusage or the dominantuse in accordancewith the Fifth Schedule'The intendeduse or occupancy(PurposeGroup) of a buildingor part of a buildingis a fundamental considerationof the relevantsectionsof the Uniform BuildingBy-laws in establishingminimum standardsthat need to be compliedin orderto achievea satisfactorylevelof life safetyof the users or occupants. Some buildingsexceedthe physicalsize allowablefor its designatedPurposeGroup.In that event, it is dividedinto smallercompartmentsfor Fire Safety managementreasonsto limitthe spread of fire and to restrictthe movementof smoke. Alternatively,a building,designedto accommodate differentactivitiesthat fall under differentPurposeGroupscan be dividedinto compartmentseach housingits own PurposeGroup activityto enableeach compartment'sfire safetyto be considered in relationto the risks associatedwith the differenttypes of usage.A compartmentwhen used in this Fire Safetycontextdenotesa physicallydelineatedvolumetricspaceor part of a buildingwhich is separatedfrom all other parts by one or more compartmentwalls or compartmentfloors or by such walls and floors. The anticipatedfire hazardspresentedby any buildingwill predominantlybe dictatedby the use or purposeto whichthe buildingis put to (PurposeGroup).This is influencedby the nature(residential, workingor publicgathering)and levelof occupancyof the buildingsas well as the typesof material or anticipatedfire loads used in connectionwith that type of occupancy.For example,warehouses differgreatlyfrom departmentstoreswhen it comes to the numberof anticipatedoccupantsas well as the potentialfire load of their contents.Consequently,the minimumrequirementsto ensurefire fire resistance safetysuch as meansof escapefor occupants,permissiblevolumeof compartments, relatedto directly ratingof compartmentwalls,level of fire detectionand fire fightingsystemsare theseusagegroupings.Thesedifferentprovisionsrelatingto the differentusagegroupsin turn form the basisfor both designerssuch as Architectsor Engineersand the FireAnd RescueDepartment of Malaysia(JBPM)to establishthe minimumpassivesafetyrequirementsas well as the minimum necessaryto complywith the UBBL. fire safetyinstallations The Fifth Schedule (Designationof Purpose Groups) in the UBBL (By-law 134, 138) lists the respectiveusage descriptionof each designatedPurposeGroup. Generally,PurposeGroups l, ll and lll cover groups with a Residentialelement where there is sleepingaccommodationand thereforeextradangerin the eventof fire. The remainingfive PurposeGroupscoverusagewith no (See Appendix1) sleepingaccommodation. The Second Table in the Fifth Schedule (By-law 136) lists the physicaldimensionallimits or parameters (height, area and volume) permissiblefor each building or compartmentin the respectivePurposeGroups.(See Appendix2) The PurposeGroup designationarrivedat in turn becomesthe basisfor checkingfor compliance with differentareas of Fire Safety.These are containedin the Sixth Schedule(PermittedLimitsof UnprotectedOpenings- By-laws 142 and 145),the SeventhSchedulecoveringMaximumTravel of OccupantLoadAnd Capacity 170tbl)and Calculation 167t11, 166t21, Distances(By-laws165t41, of Flame 170[c],171[c),175),the EighthSchedule(Restriction Of Exits(By-laws167121,168t21, 204,206), the NinthSchedule(LimitsOf Compartments SpreadOver Walls and Ceilings-By-laws And MinimumPeriodsOf Fire ResistanceFor Elementsof Structure- By-laws143[3],147,158L11' Alarm and the Tenth Schedule(TableOf RequirementsFor Fire Extinguishment 162,213,216121) the of UBBL. SystemsAnd EmergencyLighting By-laws226111,23711))




Purpose for which building or compartment is intended to be used



Privatedwellinghousedetachedor semidetached(not includinga flat or terracehouse) not comprisingmore than (1) a groundstorey;(2) one upperstorey;and (3) a basemenstoreyor basementstoreys


Hospital,schoolor othersimilarestablishment used as livingaccommodationfor, or for or maintenanceof, personssufferingfrom disabilitiesdue to illnessor old age or otherphysicalormentaldisability or underthe age of 5 years,where such personssleep in the premises



Accommodation for residentialpurposeotherthan any premisescomprisedin groups I and ll



Office,or premisesused for office purposes,meaning therebythe purposesof administration, clericalwork (includingwriting,book-keeping,sortingpapers,filing, typing,duplicating, machine-calculating, drawingand the editorialpreparationof matter for publication), handlingmoneyand telephoneand telegraphoperating


Shop,or shop premises,meaningtherebypremisesnot beinga shop but used for the carryingon thereof retail tradeor business(includingthe sale to membersof the publicof food or drink for immediateconsumption, retailsalesby auction,the businessof lendingbooks or periodicalsfor the purposeof grin,and the business o f a b a r b e ro r h a i r d r e s s e r a ) n d p r e m i s e st o w h i c h members of the public are invited to resort for the purposeof deliveringtheir goods for repairor other treatmentor of themselvescarryingour repairsto or othertreatmentof goods



Factorymeansall premisesas definedin section2 of the Factoriesand MachineryAct 1967,but excluding t h o s e b u i l d i n g sc l a s s i f i e du n d e r p u r p o s eg r o u p V l l l - storageand genera.


Placeof assembly

Place,whetherpublicor private,usedfor the attendance o f p e r s o n sf o r o r i n c o n n e c t i o nw i t h t h e i r s o c i a l , recreational,educational,businessor other activities. and not comprisedwithingroups I to Vl


Storageand general Place for storage,deposit or parkingof goods and materials(including vehicles),and otherpremisesnot comprisedin groups I to Vll


ln the interpretationof the applicationof the Tenth Schedule,it is generallyacceptedthat the residentialportion(apartmentsand flats)is excludedfrom consideration. Of Buildings)of the UBBL allows heightof different ln mixed use buildings,By-law 215121(Height compartmentswithin a singlebuildingto be individuallyconsidered(measuredin accordancewith By-law135 of the UBBL) in compliancewith the Sixthto Tenth Scheduleswhen the compartments are separatedby continuousverticalplanes.(See Diagram4.1.4.1). Sprinklershave over time been provento be a most effectiveform of fire control.The effectivenessof automaticsprinklers(coupledwith detectors)as an earlyfire suppressionand containmentsystem in effectextendsthe evacuationtime which occupantshave to make their way to safety (By-law 136).This effectivenessin suppressingand containingfire beforeit gets out of controlis recognised. which the limitsof dimensionsfor areasand volumesin buildingsand compartments Consequently, are installedwith automaticsprinklersare allowedto be doublethat of buildingsor compartments not fittedwith sprinklersto reflectthe reducedrisks in sprinkledbuildings. 4.1.2 Shopping Centres And Shop Compartments Single DepartmentStore buildingsdevelopedand evolvedthrough retail and design innovations into buildingswhere several stores or shops open onto and are linked by a covered or roofed over "street"that combined the circulationpaths for means of egress with pedestrianroutes.Within this mall can be found a mixture of large stores or users termed Anchor Tenants (like a Department Store within a mall or complex) and smaller shops that open onto the mall. lt is generally expected that within this mall will be a mixture of other uses such as food courts and cinemas and occasionallyamusementarcades.Malls extendedverticallybecome the modern day large shoppingcomplexes. of When malls and large shoppingcomplexesbecame popular,they require{ new interpretations in bearing in size or complexity, single typology either fit into any nature did not the UBBL as their in mind the paramountneed to maintainas efficienta flow of shoppertraffic as possible.In the UnitedStates,the code provisionsfor coveredmall buildingsgrew out of many yearsof application of special interpretationsof existingcodes. In Malaysia,the followingrecommendedguidelinesare to be observedwhen designingshopping centres(as containedin the SarawakBuildingOrdinance): (i)

The size of shop compartmentsshallnot exceed: (a) 7,000 cubic metresand 2,000squaremetresfloor areasfor unsprinkleredbuildings; (b) 14,000cubic metresand 4,000 square metresfloor area for fully sprinkleredbuildings from any other partsof the shop area. and shall be fully compartmented


Where the floor area of buildingwith fully automaticsprinklerinstallationis subdivided,there shall be no restrictionon the totalarea,providedthat: ( a ) n o t l e s s t h a n 6 0 % o f t h e t o t a l a r e a s h a l l c o n s i s t o f u n i t s o f s e p a r a t es h o p s n o t exceeding280 squaremetreseach of which is enclosedas in paragraphii.; and (b) shop units referredto in paragraph(i). shall be enclosedon three sides by walls having a fire resistanceequal to the compartmentwall as requiredabove; and the frontage onto a coveredmall or open pedestrfanfootpathconstrtutesthe fourth stde,and shops a thrid enclosrhgwall.The remaththgareasmay constSt on a cornersrdewrllnot requr're o f s h o p s l a r g e rt h a n 2 8 0 s q u a r e m e t r e sb u t n o t e x c e e d i n g2 , 8 0 0 s q u a r em e t r e s ; providedthat:


(b.1) shop areas exceeding2,000 square metresshall not face each other across a mall or a pedestrianfootpathunless both frontageare protectedby automatically operatedshuttersgivingat leastone hour fire resistance;and (b.2)whereshopswhichadjoinone anotherwith theiropen sidesin a same placeare of floor areas exceeding8,000 square metres each, they shall be protectedby back-upwalls behindthe shop windowsfor a distanceof at least3 metreson both sidesof the interveningwall or be separatedfrom each otherby at leastone small unit of not more than 280 squaremetresarea. Diagram4.1.2.1 Compartmentation of shoppingcentres .* sufficientegressindependentof mall ComparbnenlA (unsprinklered) ancfiorsbrs 18m height (By_law197) Ventilation opening --.


L Buildingmore than 1gm abovegroundlevel



Diagram4.4.7.6 Protected lobby requirement for building > 45m height (By_law 1gll2l) Ventilationopening

No Protected lobbyrequired

.-Building more than 45m abovegroundlevel


Diagram4.4.7.7 Omission of protected lobby for pressurised staircase Ventilationopening -7'


..-- For buildingabove 1Bmbut below45m

No protected lobbyrequired

No protected lobbyrequired


Diagram4.4.7.8 ventilation of staircaseenclosure in buildings not exceeding 1gm Can be directaccess Ventilation5% min of stairenclosure Ventilatedlobbies \

n rl


7- Groundlevel


4.4.8 Building with Single Staircase Diagram4.4.8.1 Height of topmost floor of building with single staircase


Domesticor Heightoftopmostfloor.=E: (,'^ 6 5 8t€ l>xE6;i>



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7.1DESCRIPTION Hose reel systemis intendedfor the occupantto use duringthe earlystagesof a fire and comprises hose reel pumps, fire water storagetank, hose reels, pife work and valves.A typical hose reel installationis shown in Figure7.1.

7.2DESIGNREQUIREMENTS 7.2.1DesignStandards Therequirement forhosereelsystems is detailed underthe1Oth schedule oftheUniform Building By-laws1984.Theapplicable standards for hosereelsystemsareas follows;

- M's'1489part 1 : Hydrantsystems, HoseReersand Foamrnrets; - M.S.1447 - Hosereelswithsemi-rigid hose; - M.s.1488: semi-rigid hosesforfirstaidfixedinstailations. 7.2.2HoseReels HosereelsshouldcomplywithM.s.1447andare usuallyplaced suchthatall areasare within30 metrehosecoverageof hosereel shouldbe providedfor everyg0osq. metres of usablefloorspace'Hosereelsare usuallylocatedin prominent positionsat eacfrfloorlevelalong escaperoutesor besidesexitdoorsor staircases, preferablywithinrecessedclosets. Eachhosereeloutletis to discharge a minimumof 30 l/minof waterwithin6 metresof all parts of thespaceprotected' Therubberhosesshouldbe to M.s.14BB andaretypically 30 metres in length and25mmin diameter' Nozzles shouldbeof thejet andsprayadjustable typeof different diameters butBmmis a recommended size. Pipework for hosereelsystemis generally 50mmnominaldiameterandthefeedto individual hose reelshouldbe not lessthan 25mmdiameter.The piping shourdbe of galvanised steel medium grade(class B) minimumfor abovegroundpiping and heavygrade(class c) for underground pipes'The pipesshallbe paintedwithprimerand finishedwithred paintor the hosereetpipemay be identifiedwith red bandspaintedat elbowsand tees. 7.2.3HoseReelpumps The hosereel pumpsdrawwaterfromthe fire water storagetank and two sets of pumps,one on dutyand the otheron standby,are provided. The pumpcapacityis usuallysizedto delivera flow rateof 120llminat a runningpressureof not lessthan 2 barsfor any four hosereelsoperatingat thesametime Thestandbyhosereelpumpsetshouldbe supplied withpowerfromtheemergency generator if this is available'otherwise,the standbypumpsetshould be dieselenginedriven.Fuelsupptyshould be adequatefor minimumt hourof operation. Electrical cablingto supplypowerto the hosereel pumpsshouldbe runin galvanised steelconduitor alternativetyl maybe of fireratedtypeof cable. Batteries for the dieserengineshourdbe maintenance-rree type. wherethetotalnumberof hosereelsin thebuilding doesnotexceedfour(4),thestandbypumpset may be electrically drivenand neednotbe providedwithemergencypower.


The hose reel pumpsetsshould be protectedfrom the weatherand away from locations likely to be flooded.Pump rooms may be locatedanywherein the buildingor on the roof but should be ventilatedby naturalor mechanicalmeans and providedwith the necessarysignage. 7.2.4Hose ReelTanks The fire water storagetank shouldbe sized based on 2275litresfor the first hose reetand 1137.5 litresfor every additionalhose reel up to a maximumof 9100 litresfor each system. The tank may be of pressedsteel,fibreglassreinforcedpolyester(FRp) or concrete.pressed steel tanks where used should be hot dipped galvanizedand coated internallywith bituminous paint for corrosionprotection.The tank should be compartmentedand water level indicator should be providedto show the amountof wateravailable.The externalsurfaceof the tank shouldbe painted red or wherethis is not desirable,a red band of minimum200mmshouldbe painted to indicatethat this is a fire tank. The hose reel tank should be refilledautomaticallyfrom a water supply pipe of minimum50mm diameterto providea minimumflowrateof 150 l/min. Although hose reel tanks are usually separatedfrom domesticwater storage tanks, the two can be combined. ln such cases, the tank capacity should be the sum total of the water storage for both domestic as well as for hose reels and the tap off point for the domestic use must be above the tap off point for the hose reel system such that the minimum fire reserve for hose reel is always maintained. 7.2.5Pump Starter Panels and Controls Pump starterpanelshouldbe completewith indicatorlightsas shown in the Figure7.2. Ventilation slots should be providedwith insect screen to prevent entry of vermin. Hose reel pumps shall start automaticallyupon actuation of the pressure switches. Usually two pressureswitches are providedwith the followingsuggestedsettings: - startingand stoppingthe duty pumpsetset

at 80% and 100%of systempressurerespectively; and - startingand stoppingthe standbypumpset set at 60% and 100%of systempressurerespectively. For diesel pumpsets,these should be capableof automaticstartingbut should only be stopped manually. 7.2.6 Gravity Feed Hose Reelsystem Wherethe tank is locatedon the roof or upperfloorsand the staticpressure is adequateto achieve the requiredpressure,the hose reels may be fed directlyfrom the hose reel tank. lf pumps are requiredfor the upper floors, a bypass pipe is usually provided.Where excessivepressureis encountered,pressurereducingvalves should be installedwith a manual bypass in case the pressurereducingvalvefails. 7.2.7 Hose Reel Systems Fed from Other Sources The hose reel system may be tapped off from pressurized hydrant provided pressure reducing valves are incorporatedto reduce the pressureto the appropriatelevel. However, hose reels shall not be tappedoff from automaticsprinklersystems.



Design flow rate at each hose reel shall be 30 litres/min based on the top most four numbersof hose reels in use simultaneously.


Minimumdesignstaticpressureat entry of each hose reer :








Watersource. O Pumpsuctiontank. O Gravitytank. D Firewatermain O Others:


Watertankcapacity: ----litres. *( 2,275litresfor the firsthosereel,eachadditional hosereelrequireextra1,137.5litres up to 9,100litres.)


Pressurereducingvalveset : D Yes.Pressurereducingrange:


barto _

Q No.


Hosereetspacing :



Totalnumberof hosereel :



Nozzlesare adjustableand spraytype.size :


Risersize(minimum nominalsize50mm): ..-mm.


Pipemateriat :


Hosereelpump: Ratedflow rate :



Pipenominalsize : Suction:






mm ; Delivery:--

7.4 VISUAL INSPECTIONCHECKLIST 7.4.1VisualInspectionof WaterSupplies Capacity of wateravailable. Compartmentation of watertanks.



7.4.2VisualInspectionof Pipework Typeof pipesused. pipework. of underground Protection Paintingof pipework. Pipesupport. Pipesleeves. Fireseal. 7.4.3VisualInspectionof HoseReelsand Accessories valvefor hosereel. lsolating of hosereeldrum,hose,nozzles,etc. Physicalcondition 7.4.4VisualInspectionof PumPs Protectionof rotatingpartsof pumpsets. of pumps. Mounting

CHECKLIST 7.5 TESTINGAND COMMISSIONING 7.5.1Testingand Commissioningof Pipework currentandvoltage. Pumpoperating Pumpoperatingpressureandflowrate. RPM. Pumpoperating Pumpnotoverheating. Vibration and noiselevel. wiringsystem. Testingof electrical Alternativepowersupplyfor electricpumps. 7.5.2Testingand Commissioningof Pipework Hydrostatic testingof pipework. Flushing of pipework. of HoseReel 7.5.3Testingand Commissioning performance test. Hosereel













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10.1DESCRIPTION Downcomersare also a form of internalhydrantfor the firemento use and are always chargedwith water from a water tank locatedat the top of a buildingbut withoutany pumps. Downcomersare only permittedfor privateresidentialbuildingswith open balconyapproachwherethe topmostfloor is not higherthan 60 metresabove the fire applianceaccess level and should be adoptedfor low cost flats only. Downcomersystemcomprisesa high levelwaterstoragetank discharginginto a 150mmdiameter riserpipewith landingvalvesat each floorand to whichcanvashosewith nozzlescan be connected to direct the water jet at the fire. No pumps are provided and therefore the system pressure is limited to the static pressureonly. A typicaldowncomerinstallationis shown in Figure10.1.

10.2 DESIGNREQUIREMENTS 10.2.1DesignStandards The sectionin the UniformBuildingBy-laws1984,relatingto downcomersystemsis the 1Oth Scheduleand relevantstandardsfor downcomersystemsare: M . S . 1 4 8 9 Part 1 M . S . 1 2 1 0Part 1 M . S . 1 2 1 0Part 3 M . S . 1 2 1 0Part 4 -

HydrantSystem,Hose Reels and Foam Intels; LandingValves for Wet Risers; InletBreechingfor Riser lnlets; Boxes for LandingValves for Dry Risers.

10.2.2Downcomer Landing Valve Landingvalves are providedon each floor and should comply with M.S.1210: Part 1. They are usually locatedwithin fire fighting access lobbies, protectedstaircasesor other protectedlobbies, and installedat not more than 0.75 metresfrom the floor. The pressureat the landing valve depends on the static pressureon the valve from the roof tank. Semi-rigid40mm diameterhose and nozzlesshould be providedat every landingvalve on each floor. In addition,two sets of fire hose of the canvas type of not less than 38mm diameter,30 metres in length,completewith 65mm dia. quick couplingand jet and spray nozzleshouldbe providedat the caretakersunit or managementoffice. 10.2.3Breeching Inlet The fire brigadebreechinginletsinto which the firemenpumpswater are providedat the bottomof the riser at the groundfloor so that the firemencan pump water into the downcomersystem.The breechinginlet should be a 4-way type complyingwith M.S.1210: Part 3. Where the breeching inlet is enclosedwithina box, the enclosureshouldcomplywith M.S.1210: Part 5 and labeled 'Downcomer lnlet'.A drain should be providedat the bottomof the riser to drain the system after use. Breechinginletsshouldbe locatedno morethan 1B metresfrom the fire applianceaccessroad and not more than 30 metres from the nearestexternal hydrant.


A check valve is installedbetweenthe topmostlandingvalve and the tank to preventback flow of waterfrom the downcomerinto the tank. 10.2.4Downcomer Pipe The downcomermains are usuallylocatedwithinsmokefree lobbyor protectedareas and that all spacesare to be withina 45 metrescoveragefrom a landingvalve.Where more than one riser is requiredfor each floor, the distance apart between the risers should not exceed 60 metres. The riserpipediametershouldbe '150mm galvanisedironto 8.S.1387(Heavygauge)or ClassC. An air releasevalve shouldbe installedat the top of the riserto reliefair trappedin the system. All downcomerpipes shouldbe coatedwith primerand finishedwith red gloss paint.Alternatively, the pipe can be colourcodedwith red bandsof 100mmwidthand the elbowsand tees paintedred. The riserpipe shouldbe electricallyearthed. 10.2.5Fire Water Tanks The fire water storage tank should be sized for a minimum effectivecapacityof 45,500 litres with automaticrefill rate of 455 l/min. The tanks may be of pressed steel, fibre reinforcedpolyester (FRP) or concrete. pressed steel tanks where used should be hot dipped galvanizedand coated internallywith bituminouspaint for corrosionprotection.The water tanks should be compartmentedunless they are of reinforced concrete and ball float valves, overflow pipes, drain pipes and water level indicators should be providedfor each compartrnent.The external surface of the tank should be painted red or where this is not desirable,a red band of minimum200mmshouldbe paintedto indicatethat this is a fire tank. The tanks are usuallylocatedon the roof to providethe maximumstatic pressurepossible.The tank is usually separatedfrom other water storagetanks. However,it may be combined with hose reel tank, in which cases the tank capacity should be the sum total of the water storage for both the downcomer as well as for hose reel system. The hose reel tap off level should be above the downcomertap off level such that the water is reservedfor the downcomer.

10.3TESTREQUIREMENTS 10.3.1 StaticPressure Test The systemshouldfirst be flushedto clear all debrisfrom the insideof the riser.The riser is then hydraulicallytested to a pressureof 14 bars or 150%the working pressure,whicheveris the higher for 2 hours,measuredat the breechinginletand a checkis carriedout for leakageat the joints and landingvalve connections.

10.4MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 10.4.1 Inspection andTesting The pipeworkshould be checkedfor leakageand the breechinginlets,landingvalvesand hoses, drain valvesand cabinetsshouldbe inspectedas recommendedin the checklistattached.


1 0 . 5D ES IGNC H E C K L IS T (a)

Downcomersystem( modifiedrequirementby UBBL is only applicablefor flats which ) the topmostfloor is less than 60 metresabovefire applianceaccess but exceedthe maximum heightrequirementof dry risersystem.


Total numberof landingvalve :


Numberof fire hose provided: _nos.


Hosesize :_


Stack main location: Q In stairwayenclosure. D Withina ventilatedlobby. O Other:




Pipe material:


Lowestpoint of landingvalve at about zSommabovefloor level.


To provide fire brigade breechinginlet.

nos per stack.

mm ; length:_



10.6VISUALINSPECTION CHECKLIST 10.6.1 VisualInspection of WaterSupplies Capacityof water available. Compartmentation of water tanks. Breechinginlet. 10.6.2Visual Inspection of Landing Valves and Accessories Locationof landingvalves. Storageof canvashose and accessories. Physicalconditionof canvashose, accessoriesand landingvalve. Caps for outletof landingvalves. 10.6.3Visual Inspection of Pipework Type of pipes used. Paintingof pipework. Pipe supports.



1 0 . 7T E S T I N GA N D C O M M I S S I O N I N C GH E C K L I S T 10.7.1Testingand Commissioningof WaterSupplies Flowrateandpressure of watersupplies. 10.7.2Testingand Commissioningof Pipework Hydrostatic testingof pipework. Flushing of pipework.


Figure 10.1Down Comer System Typical Arrangement Drawing SCALE: N.T.S / EQUIPMENT COMPONENT 1 WaterTank 2 4-WayBreechingInlet 3 Vent Pipec/w MosquitoNet 4 AccessOpening 5 Level lndicator 6 ExternalCat Ladder 7 Overflow Pioe 8 WarningPipe 9 Gate Valve 10 CheckValve 11 LandingValve 12 Hose with Nozzleat ManagementOffice '13 Air ReleaseValvec/w Ball Valve


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1 1 . 1D E S GR IP T ION An automaticsprinklersystem is intendedto detect,controland extinguisha fire, and warn the occupantsof the occurrenceof fire. The installationcomprisesfire pumps, water storagetanks, controlvalve sets, sprinklerheads,flow switches,pressureswitches,pipeworkand valves.The system operatesautomaticallywithouthuman intervention.The sprinklerhead has a liquidfilled glass bulb that breaksdue to the heat of the fire and releaseswater that spraysover the fire. The various types of sprinklersystems are as follows: (a)

Wet pipe installationwherethe pipeworkis filledwith waterand readyto dischargeonce the sprinklerbulb breaks.


Dry pipe installationwhere the pipe is alwaysfilledwith air under pressure.Air is released when the sprinklerbulb breaksand waterfillsthe pipe and is dischargedat the sprinklerhead.


Pre-actioninstallationwhere the pipeworkis normallychargedwith air under pressure and a valve is openedto fill the systemwith water when fire is detectedby smoke or heat detectors. Water is dischargedonly when the sprinklerbulb breaks.


D e l u g e i n s t a l l a t i o nw h e r e t h e s p r i n k l e rh e a d h a s n o b u l b a n d w a t e r i s d i s c h a r g e d simultaneously from all headswhen fire is detectedand the delugevalve is opened.

The wet pipe installationis the most commontype and a typicalsprinklersystemis shown in Figure 11.1. Sprinklersinstalledat 17 metres and above the floor to be protected ard no longer effectiveand alternative solutions such as early response sprinkler heads, large droplet spiint -


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1 2 . 1D ES C R IP T ION Carbon Dioxideextinguishingsystemconsistsof carbondioxidecylinders,steel piping,discharge nozzles,heat and/orsmokedetectorsand a controlpanel,which monitorsthe space,activatesboth visualand audio alarmsbeforereleasingthe gas. The carbondioxideis dischargedafter a time delayupon detectionof fire to warn any occupantto evacuatethe room.Such systemis usuallyprovidedfor electricaltransformerrooms,switchrooms and standbygeneratorroomsand should not be installedfor rooms,which are normallyoccupied. A typicalcarbondioxideextinguishinginstallationis shown in Figure12.1.

12.2DESIGNREQUIREMENTS 12.2.1Design Standards The relevantclausein the UniformBuildingBy-laws1984,relatingto carbondioxideextinguishing systemsis By-law235 and the applicablestandardis: - M S 1 5 9 0: 2 0 0 3 . 12.2.2System Operation The quantityof extinguishingagent should be sufficientto ensure rapid extinctionof any fire in the protectedareas and with adequate spare capacity.The protectedarea should be flooded with CarbonDioxidegas with flame extinguishingconcentrationof 50% at21'C and shall be based on total floodingprincipleand/or local applicationwith a time delay periodof 30 seconds,adjustable up to 60 secondsmaximum.The durationof total dischargeshall not exceed '1minuteexceptfor deep seated fires where the total discharge shall not exceed 7 minutes or 30o/odischargewithin 2 minutes. For local applicationusing high pressurestorage,the designquantityof carbondioxideshouldbe increasedby 40% as only liquid portion of the dischargeis effective. All devices shall be designed for the service encounteredand shall not be readily rendered inoperativeor susceptibleto accidentaloperation.They shall be located,installedor suitably protectedagainst mechanical,chemical or other damage, which may render them inoperative. All devicesfor shuttingdown supplementaryequipmentshall be consideredintegralparts of the systemand shallfunctionwith systemoperation. The system shall operatefrom a supply voltage of 240 volts A.C., 50 Hz to the power charger modulewithinthe controlpanel.This voltageis transformedand rectifiedwithinthe panelto 24 volt D.C' A 24 volt D.C standbybatteryof the maintenancefree type shall be providedin case of mains voltagefailure.This batterywill automaticallyand instantaneously be switchedinto use as soon as the mains supplyfails.Such a failureshall be indicatedboth visuallyand audiblyat the panel. The batteryshall be tricklechargedduringnormaloperatingconditions. The space should be protectedby two or more heat or smoke detectors.When one of these detectorsgoes into the alarm condition,the indicatorlight on the controlpanel should illuminate and an audiblewarningsoundedvia the alarm bell. ln order to dischargethe extinguishingagent automatically,at least two detectorzones must be activated.This mode of operationterm as crosszoningwill obviatethe possibilityof falsedischarge of the gas due to one detectoroperatingto conditionswhich are regardedas normal.


Also to be providedis the independentfacilityfor emergencyoperationby manuallydischarging the agent via a "breakglass" handletype manual pull box which should be mountedoutsidethe exit door to the protectedspace. The detectorscircuitwiring shall be supervisedcontinuouslyfor line fault.A disconnectionto this circuitwould be indicatedas a fault at the controlpanel both visuallyand audiblyby a fault lamp and buzzer. 12.2.3Carbon Dioxide Cylinders The CarbonDioxidegas is storedin cylindersdesignedto hold the gas in liquefiedform at ambient temperaturesThe gas can be storedat low pressureof 2068 kPa with refrigerationor under high pressureat 5171 kPa at ambienttemperatures.Most systemsuse high pressurestorage due to cost considerations. Cylindersshould be suitablefor a workingpressureof 59 bars at 21"C and pressuretestedat22B bars. A reliablemeansof indicationby weighingshouldbe providedto determinethe amountof gas in the cylinders.Each systemshouldhave a permanentname plate specifyingthe number,fillingweight and the pressurisationlevel of the cylinders.All cylinderssupplyingthe same manifoldouilet for distributionof agent should be interchangeable and of one selectedsize. Where more than three cylindersare required,a pilot cylindershould be providedto activatethe dischargevalve from each cylinder. Each containershould be equipped with a discharge valve of the solenoid operated type to dischargeliquidagent at the requiredrate. Containerswith top-mountedvalves should have an internaldip tube extendingto the bottomof the cylinderto permitdischargeof liquidphase agent. Gas cylinders should be located outside of the hazard which it protects wherever possible. However,the risk of vandalismshouldalso be taken into consideration. 12.2.4Carbon Dioxide Control panel The system controlpanel should indicatethe operationof the system,hazardsto personnet,or failureof any superviseddeviceand complyingwith M.S.1404and B.S.7273.A positivealarm and indicatorshould be providedto show that the system has operated. Afarm should be providedto give warningof a dischargeor pendingdischargewhere a hazard to personnelmay exist.Alarms indicatingfailureof superviseddevicesor equipmentshould give prompt and positive indicationof any failure and should be distinctivefrom alarms indicating operationor hazardousconditions. A device should be incorporatedinto the system to shut down any exhaust fans and activate solenoidoperatedcurtainsacrosslouvresbeforedischarge. Sincea remotemanualcontrolshouldbe a manualpull box type,a pressureswitchin the discharge pipe may be requiredto providethe signal back to the controlpanel that the carbon dioxidegas has been discharged. 12.2.5Discharge Nozzle Discharge nozzles should be selected for use with carbon dioxide and for their discharge characteristics. For low pressurestorage,nozzlepressureshould be 1034 kPa minimumand for high pressurestorage,the nozzle pressureshould be 2068 kPa. The discharge nozzleshould consist of the orifice and any associatedhorn, shield or baffle. Dischargeorificesshould be of corrosionresistantmetal.


Dischargenozzleshouldbe permanently markedto identifythe nozzleand to showthe equivalent singleorificediameterregardless of shipe and numberoi orifice.Thisequivalent diametershall referto the orificediameterof the 'standard'single orificetype nozzlehavingthe sameflow rates as the nozzlein question'The markingshouldreadily be discernable afterconnection. Discharge nozzleshouldbe providedwithfrangiblediscor blow out ""f, *n"r" cloggingby foreignmaterials is likely. 12.2.6AutomaticFire Detectorsand AudioA/isuarAtarm units The automaticfire detectionis usuallyby means of eitherheator smokedetectors.The detectors shouldbe resistantto corrosion The audiounit shouldproducean audiblewarning at least65dBnoiselevelor 5dB abovethe ambientnoiselevel'Theaudioalarmunitof alarm 6ell typeshoulobe of the trembling (notsingle stroke)and shalloperatefromthe fire alarmpanel batterysupply.All audio/visual atarm circuitry shallbe designedto be ableto functioncontinuously duringthe fire.The bellsmaybe installed in any location for alarmpurpose. 12.2.7Pipeworkand Fittings Thematerialof pipingandfittings,etc.for the instailation of the systemmustbe of non-combustible heat resistingand must have capacityto maintain its own shape in room temperatureduring the outbreakof fire' All pipingshouldbe of API schedule40 steelpipefor low pressurestorage systems'For highpressurestoragesystems,piping shouldbe of schedule40 for 20mmdia.pipes andschedule80 for25mmdia'andabove.Flexible piping,tubingor hoses(including connections) whereusedshouldbe ableto withstandthe pressure ratings. 12.2.8WarningSigns warningand instructionsignsshouldbe installed at entrancesto and insideprotectedareasat prominent positions.


Hazardtypes: tl Flammable liquidmaterials. O Electricalhazard. Q Ordinarycombustibles ( paper,woodand textiles ). I Hazardssolids. Q Other:


Type of fire to be protected from : seated fire ( solids subjectto smoutdering ! ?""0 ) D Surfacefire ( flammableliquids,gas and solids) Q Other:


Type of protection: . Totalfloodingsystem . Volume to be protected :--.-ms. . Design carbon dioxide "on""ntr"tion , . Volumefactor: . rtoootngtactor:

. systerniisJ;rg","r*

o/ lo.



Localapplication system Rateby areamethod . Area to be protected : . Area per nozzle: _


. Nozzledischarge rate:_ O Rate by volumemethod . Assumedenclosure:

. Systemdischargerate : . Nozzlespacing :


kg /minutepernozzle.


kg/minute. m.


Totalnumberof nozzle:_




Durationof discharge :


Storagetype: O Lowpressure( averagestoragepressure: 2,06gkpa ) . Designnozzlepressure( minimum1,034kpa : kpa. ) ' Pipematerial shailbe minimumof schedule40 or equivarent. A Highpressure ( averagestoragepressure: 5,171kpa ) . Designnozzlepressure( minimum2,06g kpa ) : --..kpa. ' Pipematerialshallbe Schedule40 or equivalent for nominalsizeup to 20mmand minimumscheduleB0or equivalent for nominalsizegreaterthan2omm.


Totalquantityof carbondioxidecylinder: _---


Additional quantityof carbondioxide( to compensate for openingcannotbe closedduring extinguishment or specialcondition :_ ) * Forlocalapplication, highpressurestorage,the desigur quantityof carbondioxideshallbe increasedby 40%due to onlyliquiddischargeportionis effective.




Electricalclearance : . Systemvoltage:-.-. Clearanceprovided


nos. : ; nominalsize


Detection type:

( m ) Actuationtype: (n)

Manualoperating device:


nos ( _kg

per cylinder)

12.4VISUALINSPECTION CHECKLIST 12.4.1Visual inspection of cylinders Capacityof cylinders. Locationof cylinders. Pilotcylinders. Flexiblehoses. Safety valve. Support brackets. Weighingfacility. 12.4.2Visual inspection of pipework Type of pipes used. Paintingof pipework. Pipe support. Pipe sleeves. Fireseal. Nozzles. 12.4.3Visual inspection of detectors Physicalconditionof detectors. Conduitfor allwiring. 12.4.4Visual inspection of panels Protectionof panel. Mountingof panel. 12.4.5Visual inspection of accessories Flashinglights. Trippingdevices. Signage. Visibleand audiblealarms. Electricaland mechanicalmanualactivation.


12.5 TESTINGAND COMMISSIONING CHECKLIST 12.5.'lTestingand commissioningof pipework Pneumatic testingof pipework. 12.5.2Testingand commissioningof detectors Detectortest. Electrical wiringtest. Interfacing of detectorsand controlpanel. 12.5.3Testingand commissioningof panel LEDtest. 1 zonealarmtest. 2zonealarmtest. Dischargetest. Faulttest. Connection to mainfirealarm. 12.5.4Testingand commissioningof system Simulated automatic discharge test. Simulated manualdischarge test. Actualdischargetest. Bracketsupportduringactualdischargetest.


Table 12.1Sampleof Carbon Dioxide ExtinguishingSystem PROJECT Job No. :

Date: C a l c .B y :

Chkd.By :


1. ROOM DIMENSIONS Room Name Room Dimensions(in feet)

: :

ElectricalSwitch Board Room 3.4m (L) x 3.0m (W) x 4.0m (H)

2. DESIGNCRITERIA DesignCode HazardType DesignConcentration Rate of Application

: : : :

Room Temperature


NFPA12:1985 TotalFlooding- Deep Seated 50o/o Completedischargein Z minutesor 30% dischargein 2 minutes(Minimum) 81oF(27.2oC)

3. AGENT DISCHARGE Volumeof Space (V) FloodingFactor(F) BasicCO, Quantity(W)

: : :

40.8 m3 1.6 kg/m3 40.8 (V) x 1.6 (F) = 65.28kg

4. TOTALAGENT QUANTITY Basic CO, Quantity(W) Safetyfactor (5%) TotalCO, Quantity(Wr) Agent Weight per Cylinder(W) No. of Cylinders No. of CylindersProvided

: : : : : :

65.28 kg 3.264 kg 68.5214 kg 45 kg 68.544(Wr) / 45 (Wc)= 1.5232Nos. 2 (Nos.)x 45 (kg)each


SheetNo. : 1



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1 3 . 1G E N E R A L 13.1.1System Concept to providewarningof the outbreakof fireandallow Firedetection andalarmsystemsaredesigned appropriate fire fightingactionto be takenbeforethe situationgetsout of control.As all systems to protectlife,property, this placesa greatresponsibility are designedprimarily on the designer becauseeachbuildingwill presenta differentset of problemsin relationto the riskof fireandfire spread.Eachfire detection and alarmsystemthereforemustbe speciallydesignedto meetthe requirements for eachbuilding. 13.1.2DesignRequirements (i) Codesand Standards (a) AutomaticFireDetection andAlarmSystemshallbe designedbasedon: 8.5.5839 : Part 1 - Code of Practicefor Design,Installationand Servicing. 8.5.5839 : Part 3 - Specificationfor AutomaticRelease Mechanismfor certain Fire ProtectionSystems. 8.5.5839: Part 5 - Specificationfor Optical Beam Smoke Detectors M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r t5 - Specification for Componentsof AutomaticFire DetectionSystems Part 5 : Heat SensitiveDetectors- Point Detectorscontaininga Static ElementSystem M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r t 7 - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Par17 : Specificationfor Power-typeSmoke Detectorusing ScatteredLight,Transmitted Lightor lonization M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r tB - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Part B : Specificationfor High TemperatureHeat Detectors M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r t9 - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Part 9 : Methodsof Test of Sensitivitvto Fire M . S . 1 4 7 1: P a r t3 - Vocabularyon Fire Protection Part 3 : Fire Detectionand Alarm M . S . 1 7 4 5: P a r t1 - Fire Detectionand FireAlarm Systems Part 1 : Introduction M.S.1745:Part2 - Fire Detectionand FireAlarm Systems Part.2: Controland IndicativeEquipment


M.S.1745 : Part3 - FireDetectionand FireAlarmSystems Part3 : AudibleFireAlarmDevices M.S.1745 : Parl4 - FireDetectionand FireAlarmSystems Part4 : PowerSupplyEquipment M . S . 1 7 4:5P a r t1 1 - FireDetectionand FireAlarmSystems Part11 : ManualCallpoint 8.5.7273:Part1 - Codeof Practice forthe Planning, lnstallation andServicing of Electrical Equipment for Actuationof GaseousFireSuppression System 8.S.6266 - Codeof Practicefor FireProtection for ElectronicDataProcessingInstallations (b) Automatic Firedetection andAlarmsystemrequirements shallbe basedon:


By-law133- UBBL1984 By-law225(1)- UBBL1984 By-law237- UBBL1984 By-law238- UBBL1984 By-law239- UBBL1984 By-law240- UBBL1984 By-law241- UBBL1984 By-lawz4a @)- UBBL1984 By-law245- UBBL1984 By-law246- UBBLi9B4 - UBBLi9B4 Tenthschedute

(c) Otherrelevantstandards:

8.5.5588:Part1 8.5.5588: PartB 8 . 5 . 5 5 8 8P: a r t1 0 Type of Protection and Coverage When designinga fire detectionand alarm system,the objectivehas to be established whether it is for protectingthe buildingand its contentsor enhancingthe safety of the occupants. (a) Manual A systemwhich providesmanualalarmonly (b) Automatic A system that automaticallydetects a fire and initiatesan effectivealarm.


(c) Actuationof AncillaryServices Firedetectionand alarmsystemshallalso be designedwith the provisionto closeor open the circuitof ancillaryservicesby means of relaysor similardevices.The provision shall be for fire suppressionsystem activationindicatorsor for activationof activefire suppressionsystems. (d) Life protection This classificationprovidesfor the protectionof life, which is the safety of the occupants. It caters for the detectionof a fire, initiatesan alarm of fire, and providessufficienttime for the occupantsto escapefrom the building. (e) Propertyprotection This classificationprovidesfor the protectionof propertyand its catersfor the automaticdetectionof a fire, initiatesan alarm of fire, indicatesthe locationof the fire withinthe premisesand summonsthe fire brigade. (iii)

ZoneConfiguration One majorfunctionof a fire detectionand alarm system is to indicatethe locationof a fire as preciselyas possible.Hence detectorsare groupedinto zones. For conventionalsystem, each zone is connectedto the controllerby a separatecircuit. For addressablesystems, one circuit may connect up to gg detectorsand protectseveral zones. (a) Zones configuration guidelines - The maximumfloor area of a zone should not exceed 2OOm2 - The search distance - the total travel distance by a searcher within a fire zone to determinevisuallythe positionof a fire should not exceed 30 metres. - A singlezone may extend to cover severalfire compartmentsbut shall lie along compartmentboundaries.


Type of Fire Detection System There are four types of fire detectionsystems: (a) Conventionalsystem (b) Addressablesystem (c) Analogueaddressablesystem (e) Air samplingsystem

13.1.3Design Checklist (i) Systemshall be designedin accordanceto UBBL and relevantstandards. (ii)

All requirementsand limitationsstatedwithin UBBL shall be observed. a. Systemtype : Conventional/ Addressable/ AnalogueAddressable/ Air sampling b. Totalfloorarea :


c. Buildingheight:

d. Totalnumberof Zones:


e. Max area per zones i f.


Max number of detector I zone-.

g. Numberof loops :

h. Alarmmode : Manual/Automatic I3.2 CONTROLAND INDICATTVE EQUIPMENT 13.2.1 Concept lontrolandlndicative Equipment willcomprise equipment for thereception, indication, controland elayingof signalsoriginating fromdetectorsor manualcallpointsconnected to it, andfor activation rf alarmsoundersand alarmsignalingdevices. 13.2.2 DesignRequirements i) Codesand Standards Controland Indicative Equipment for automaticfiredetectionandalarmsystemshallcomply with: 8.5.5839:Part1 - AutomaticFireDetectionandAlarmSystemfor Buildings: Codeof practice for SystemDesign,lnstallation and Servicing 8.S.1404:Part4 - Specification for controland indicativeequipment ii)

OperationRequirements ( a ) T h e m a i nC o n t r o a l n d I n d i c a t i v eE q u i p m e nst h a l lb e l o c a t e di n t h e b u i l d i n gf i r e command/controlcentrein areaon the groundfloor.lf command/ controlcentreis not available, it shallbe sitedwhereit can be underconstantobservation in a positionclearly visiblefromthe mainentrance. (b) Noiseor othersoundlevelsin the vicinityof the Controland lndicativeEquipment shouldnot maskthe audiblealarmof sounderslocatednearthe controlpanel. (c) Theambientlightlevelin thevicinityof the Controland lndicative Equipment shouldbe suchthatanyvisualindications canbe clearlyseen,andanyinstructions for usecan be clearlyread. (d) Controland IndicativeEquipmentshouldbe sitedin areasof low risk,so that the equipmentis unlikelyto be involvedin a fire beforeadequatewarninghas beengiven. (e) lf the systemusesautomaticdetectors,thenthe areawherethe Controland Indicative Equipment is sitedshouldbe protectedby the detectionsystem. (f) Thefirealarmsystemshouldindicatethe originof the fire.The indications shouldbe suchthattheycan be easily,quicklyand unambiguously relatedto the positionin the building fromwhichthealarmhasoriginated.


(g) The primaryindicationof the originof the alarm should be an indicationof the zone of origin. (h) The method of identificationshould be developedto match the extent of the premises. The methodused shouldensure rapid locationof the fire, and should enabledecisions to be made as to which parts (usuallyfire compartments)need to be evacuated. 0) The locationmay be shown by one or more of the following: - A displayof lettersand / or numbers,togetherwith a suitablekey (whichmay be the planof a building). - A permanentmimicdiagram. Note: Printersare not consideredsuitableas a primaryindication,since in the eventof ink, ribbonor paper being exhausted,the indicationwill be lost.They may, however,be acceptanceas a backupto anotherdisplay. (k) On or adjacentto the Controland IndicativeEquipmentshouldbe a completeset of the latestarchitecturebuildingplans indicatingthe layoutsof all fire protectionsystemsand equipment,the circulationarea and escaperoutes,and all fire alarm zones. (l) All Controland lndicativeEquipmentshouldbe connectedto the nearestfire station throughCMS system. (m) The operationof all manualcontroland isolatingdevicesshouldbe limitedto authorised personnel.Where controlsneed to be operatedduring afire, access should not be controlledby a key - entered code. (n) A logbookshallbe kept in whichdetailsof all alarm(genuine,practice,test or false)fault, isolation,test and serviceshallbe recordedin this logbook.Whenthe fire alarmsystemis equippedwith a printer,the printout informationmay be the event log record,but shall be tagged and recorded in the logbook.A recommendedformat for the logbook is describedin Table 13.1. TABLE 13.1 Log record for Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm system.


13.2.3Testing and Gommissioning (i)

Checkand ensureControland IndicativeEquipmentis locatedin the controlroom on the groundfloor near the main entranceof the building.


Ensurethe ambient light and noise environmentwill not affectthe proper operationof the Controland lndicativeEquipment.


Checkand ensurethat the Controland IndicativeEquipmentis locatedin the area of low risk.


Check and ensurethat the controlroom is protectedby automaticfire detectionand alarm system.


Checkand ensurethat the Controland IndicativeEquipmentis testedto MS 1404 : Parl4 : 1996and is type approvedby the Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia.


Check and ensure that the facial featuresand the monitoringfacilitiesprovidedfor at the Controland IndicativeEquipmentcomplywith the requirementsof the Fire Rescue DepartmentMalaysia.


Check and ensurethat a completeset of the latestarchitecturebuildingplans indicatingthe layoutsof all fire protectionsystemsand equipment,the circulationarea and escaperoutes, and all fire alarmzones is kept in the controlroom.

(viii) Check and ensurethat a logbookis kept in the controlroom for loggingall eventsto-date. (ix)

Before initiatingtest, ensure that the back-up batteryis properlyconnectedand ensure main power is beingsuppliedto the Controland lndicativeEquipment.


With the Controland IndicativeEquipmentswitchedon, ensurethe " Mains On " and " DC On" indicationsare illuminated.Ensurealso " MainsFail " and " ChargerFail " indicationsare not illuminated.


The voltagereadingat the voltmetreat the Controland IndicativeEquipmentshould read 24 ! 4 volts.The amperemetre shouldregisterminimumor no readingat all.


" lnitiate Test Battery"by activatingthe toggleswitch and ensurevoltmetrereadingis at24 volts,with the ammetrereadingcertainchargingcurrent.

ixiii) Initiatetests of detectorsand MCPs at differentzone respectivelyand ensurethe signal is relayedbackto the correspondingzone thougheach respectiveindicationson the Control& lndicativeEquipment. ixiv) lnitiateauxiliaryequipmentand ensure the status is monitoredas per indicationon the ControlIndicativeEquipment. ixv)

For addressablesystem,initiatetestsof detectorsand MCPsat differentdetectorsand MCPs and ensurethat the signatureof each of them is correctlyprogrammedin accordanceto the intendedzonings.

ixvi) For all auxiliaryshut down outputs,initiatetest on activatingdeviceand recordthe response at the auxiliaryequipmentto ensurecircuitryis working. 157


(xvii) Initiatetest of detector/ MCPs to ensuretwo stagealarm is in correctoperatingmode. (xviii) Initiatefault on detector/ MCPs and ensure signal is monitoredback to the Control & IndicativeEquipmentat the respectivezone. (xix) Disableindependentzone and initiatetest on detector/ MCPs and ensurethat even though visualalarm indicationis registeredon the Controland IndicativeEquipment,there is no audioalarm withinany partsof the building. (xx)

Initiatelamp test on the Controland IndicativeEquipmentand ensurethat all indicating lightsare illuminated.

(xxi) Initiate" Evacuation"switchand ensuremasteralarmindicationis illuminatedand all system sounderunitsare activatedfor full evacuation. (xxii) For all tests conductedwhich involvedthe initialisation of an alarm signal,ensurethat the mastersounderdevice on top of the Controland IndicativeEquipmentis activatedas per requirementstated in the standard. (xxiii) For all tests conductedwhich involvedthe initialisation of a fault signal,ensurethat the buzzerwithinthe ControlandIndicativeEquipmentis activated. (xxiv) Turn off mains power supply to the Controland IndicativeEquipmentand ensure that the back-uppower supply is healthyand is able to sustainthe load as per the requirementin accordanceto the standards. 13.2.4Design Checklist a. Controland IndicativeEquipmenttestedto : b.

Controland IndicativeEquipmentApprovedtype :


BOMBA Approval Certificate:


Expiry Date of BOMBA Approval Certificate:


Zone Alarm Indication/ RockerSwitch


Zone Fault Indication/ Rocker Switch


Zone lsolateIndication/ RockerSwitch


MainsOn Indication


DC On Indication




BatteryFail Indication


ChargerFail Indication



Bell Line Fault lndication


Lamp Test ToggleSwitch/ Full Indication


BatteryTest Toggle Switch


Buzzer SilenceToggle Switch


Bell SilenceToggleSwitch


System Rest Toggle Switch


Fire BrigadeToggle Switch


Duty Pump Run Indication


StandbyPump Run lndication


JockeyPump Run Indication


Pump ManualIndication


A.H.U.Trip Indication


Fire SuppressionSystemDischargelndication

13.3Audio & VisualAlarm 13.3.1 Concept Duringa fire,if firealarmsystemis installed,activation of an alarmsounderis to arousetheattention of the occupantsso thatevacuation can be carriedout withoutcausingharmto the occupants. 13.3.2DesignRequirements (i) Godeand Standard AudioandVisualFireAlarmSystemshallbe designed to: 8.5.5839: Part1 - FireDetection andAlarmSystemForBuildings Codeof Practice for SystemDesign,lnstallation and Servicing (ii)

DesignGuidelines (a) A minimum is soundlevelof 65 dB (A),or 5 dB (A)aboveambientnoiselevel(whichever greater)sustainable period produced for a of minimum30 secondsshouldbe by the SounderUnit. (b) ForSounderUnitthatneedto arousesleepingperson,the minimumsoundlevelshould be 75 dB (A)at bedheadwithall doorsclosed. (c) Thetype,numberandlocation of fireAlarmSounders shouldbe thatthe alarmsoundis distinctive frombackground noise.


(d) AllAlarm Sounderswithina buildingshouldhave similarsound characteristics. (e) In areaswhere a normaltype of soundermay be ineffective,visualalarmsignalneed to be provided.ln general,visualalarmsignalshouldonly be usedto supplementaudible alarm,and shouldnot be used on its own. 13.3.3Testingand Commissioning (i) Checkand ensureAlarm SounderUnit is properlysecured. (ii)

Checkand ensureAlarm SounderUnit wiring is properlysecuredto its terminals.


Check and ensure cable carryingconduitconnectedto the Alarm Sounder Unit is secured with cable lug.


Check and ensure all circuitrycables of Alarm Sounders Unit are of correcttype and correct size in accordanceto the requirementsof the Code.


Alarmsounderunit shouldbe testedby activationusing ManualCall Pointof the same zone: note the sequenceof the alarm.


Alarm Sounder Unit should be tested by simulationof activationof fire detectorsof the same zone; note the sequenceof alarm.The same Alarm SounderUnit shouldalso be tested by simulationof activationof fire detectorsof differentzone; note sequenceof alarm.


Other than A/C power supply,Alarm SounderUnit shouldalso be tested using back-up batterypowersupplysimulatinga powerfailure.

(viii) Qualitativeassessmentof Alarm SounderUnit shouldbe carriedout in generalto assessthe audibilityof alarmsignal.When in doubt,quantitativeassessmentshouldbe carriedout. (ix)

All visualalarmunitsshouldbe testedfor theirflash rate and theirfrequencies.They should also be testedagainstbackgroundlightingconditionand ensurethere is no maskingof the visualsignalby any other lightfittings.

13.3.4 Design Checklist a. Alarm SounderUnittestedto :


AlarmSounderUnitApproved type:


BOMBA Approval Certificatenumber :


ExpiryDateof BOMBAApprovalCertificate:


SoundLevelOutput@ 1m:


Frequency/ FrequencyRange : -


Type : Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic


Heightfrom floor level :


Type and size of cable used :

dB(A) Hz -



13.4 Manual Gall Points (MCP) 13.4.1Concept Everyfiredetection systemmustincludecallpoints,so thatin theeventof a fire,helpcanbe called immediately. All callpointsin the sameinstallation shallhavethe samemethodof operation. All call pointsshouldbe clearlyidentifiable and shouldnot requireinstructions as to their modeof actuation. '13.4.2 DesignGuideline (i) Codesand Standards ManualCallPointshallbe basedon: (a) B.S.5839 : Part1 : 19BB - FireDetection andAlarmSystemForBuildings code of Practice for systemDesign,Installation andservicing (b) 8.5.5839: Part2 : 1983 - Specification for ManualCall points (ii)

Design Guideline (a) ManualCall Point shall be locatedon exit routesand in particularon the floor landings or stairwaysand at exits to open air. (b) ManualCall Point shall be locatedso that to raise an alarm, no person in the premises need travel more than 30 metres. (c) Manual Call Point shall be mountedat a height of 1.4 metres from the floor, easily accessible,well illuminatedand conspicuouspositionsfree from obstruction. (d) Manual Call Point shall be sited againsta contrastingbackgroundto assist in easy

recognition. (e) The delay betweenoperationof a call point and the giving of the generalalarm should not exceed 3 seconds. (f) ManualCall Pointmay be flushedmountedwherethey may be seem readily.In locations where they may be viewed from the side (eg. in corridor)they should be surface mountedor semi-recessedin order to presenta side profilearea of not less than 750mm2. (g) All coloursof the ManualCall Pointthroughoutthe entirepremisesshall be of the same colour and shall be in brightred colourunlessotherwiseapprovedby Fire and Rescue DepartmentMalaysia. 13.4.3Testing and Commissioning (i) Checkand ensureManualCall point is properlysecured. (ii)

Checkand ensureManualCall Pointwiringis properlysecuredto its terminals.


Checkand ensurecablecarryingconduitconnectedto the ManualCall Pointis securedwith cablelug.



cablesof ManualCallPointareof correcttypeandcorrectsize Checkandensureallcircuitry of the Code. in accordance to the requirements


Testthe ManualCallPointusingtestingkey.


Testthe ManualCallPointphysically andtimethe response of theAlarmSounderUnitto be within3 seconds.

(vii) FortwostageFireAlarmSystem,testthe ManualCallPointandensurethesequence of the to zoneconfiguration. FireAlarmis correctin accordance 13.4.4Checklist a. ManualCallPointtestedto : b. ManualCall PointApprovedtype :

number: c. BOMBAApprovalCertificate d. ExpiryDateof BOMBAApprovalCertificate: e. DistancebetweenMCP(30 metres): f. Heightfrom floor level('1.4metres): g. Type and size of cable used : h. Surface/ FlushMounted:

13.5 Fire Detectors 13.5.1Goncept (i) Firedetectorsaredesignedto detectone or moreof the threecharacteristics of a fire- smoke, heat and flame.No one typeof detectoris suitablefor all applications and the finalchoicewill dependon individual circumstances. (ii) Most,if notall,fire detectorsare affectednotonlyby the detectedphenomena butalsoby the behaviourof the phenomena withtime.However,all firedetectorswill alsorespondto someextent to phenomena otherthanfire. 13.5.2DesignGuidelines (i) Codesand Standards (a) 8.5.5839: Part5 - Specification for OpticalBeamSmokeDetectors ( b ) M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r t5 - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Part 5 : Heat SensitiveDetectors- Point Detectorscontaininga Static ElementSystem ( c ) M . S . 1 1 7 6P : ar1.7 - Specificationfor Componentsof AutomaticFire DetectionSystems Part.7: Specificationfor Power-typeSmoke Detectorusing ScatteredLight,Transmitted Lightor lonization


( d ) M . S . 1 1 7 6: P a r tB - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Part B : Specificationfor High TemperatureHeat Detectors (e) M.S.1176 : P a r t9 - Specificationfor Componentsof Automatic Fire DetectionSystems Part 9 : Methods of Test of Sensitivitvto Fire 8.S.5839: Part 1 - Fire Detectionand Alarm Systemfor Buildings Code of Practicefor SystemDesign,Installationand Servicing. (f) AS 1603 : Part B - AutomaticFire Detectionand Alarm System,MultipointAspiratedSmoke Detectors. (ii)

Types of Fire Detector (a) Heat Detector - FixedTemperatureHeat Detector - Rate-of-RiseTemperatureHeat Detector - Linear/Line Detector (b) Smoke Detector - lonizationSmoke Detector - OpticalSmoke Detector - AspiratingSmoke Detector - Beam Detector (c) Flame Detector - Ultra Violet Flame Detector - lnfra-redFlame Detector


DesignGuidelines (a) Heat Detector(Point Detector) - For open areas underflat horizontalceilings,the horizontaldistancefrom any point in the area to the detector nearestto that point should not exceed 5.3 metres. - In a corridorless than 5 metreswide, the horizontaldistancegiven in item a above may be increasedby half the differencebetween5 metresand the width of the corridor.For corridorwider than 5 metres,it shouldbe treatedas an open area. - Undersame conditionstatedin a, for estimationpurposes,in any roomor compartment, the number of point type heat detectorsfitted should not normally be less than the room or compartmentarea dividedby 50m2. - Heatdetectorshouldbe sitedso that theirsensitiveelementsare not lessthan 25mm or morethan 150mmbelowthe ceilingor roof. - For pitchedroof or north-lightroof,heat detectorsshouldbe installedwithineach apex. - Detectorsshould not normallybe mountedon ceilingshigherthan the general limits statedin Table 13.2.


( b ) Smoke Detector(PointDetector) - For open areas underflat horizontalceilings,the horizontaldistance from any point in the area to the detectornearestto that pointshouldnot exceed2.5 metres. - In a corridorlessthan 5 metreswide,the horizontaldistancegiven in an abovemay be increasedby half the differencebetween5 metresand the width of the corridor.For corridorwiderthan 5 metres,it shouldbe treatedas an open area. - Undersameconditionstatedin a, for estimationpurposes, in any roomor compartment, the numberof pointtype smoke detectorsfittedshould not normallybe less than the room or compartmentarea dividedbv 100m2. - Smokedetectorshouldbe sitedso that theirsensitive elementsare not lessthan25mm or more than 600mm belowthe ceilingor roof. - For pitchedroof or north-lightroof, heat detectorsshould be installedwithin each apex. - Detectorsshould not normallybe mountedon ceilings higherthan the generallimits in Table13.2. Table 13.2 Limits of Ceiling Height

Ceiling Heights

Detector Type

General Limits Heat detectors BS 5445 : Part 5 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Rapid Attendance

9.0 7.5 6.0

13.5 12.0 10.5

Point Smoke Detector



High TemperatureHeat Detector BS 5445 : Part 8






(c) AspiratingSmoke Detector - Dependingon the sensitivityof the aspirateddetectors and the responsetime required, the area coverageof each aspiratedsmoke detectorshould generallybe limitedto '1000m2. - Each air samplingpointor capillaryheadsetshould be sitedso that is not less than 25mm or more than 600mm belowthe ceilingor roof. - Aerodynamicdesignedfittingsshouldbe used to ensuresmoothtransportation of smoke particlesfrom the fire source to the detectionchamber. - For open areas underflat horizontalceilings: - Samplingholes of 2 mm diametershould be separatedby intervalsas specifiedin AS 1670 : 1995 and typicallyin the rangeof 2 to 8 metresintervalsalongthe length of the pipeworkas well as betweeneach adjacentair-samplingpipework.


- Each Samplinghole shallbe identifiedin accordancewith AS 1670 : 1995. - For low ceilingheightor raisedfloor void protection,the horizontaldistancebetween air-samplingpoint shouldbe as per itemed.The horizontaldistancebetweeneach pipeworkshouldbe reducedto coincidewith the angleof incident adjacentair-sampling of the smoke Particles' - All air-samplingpipeworkshouldcomplywith BS 6099 or AS 2053 of 25mm nominal overalldiameterand should be identifiedas a Fire DetectionSamplingPipe with imprintat intervalsnot exceeding2 metres' - All air-samplingpipeworkshould be supportedwith properbracketingat intervalsnot more than 1.2 metresand shall be installedin accordancewith AS 3000. (d) Optical beam detector - Optical Beam Detectorshould be installedin accordancewith the manufacture's instructions,with not more than 3 metresof the beam within 500mm of any wall or partitionexcept those part of the beam within 500mm of the beam's transmitter, receiveror reflectors. - The maximumlength of the area protectedby a singleopticalbeam detectorshould not exceed 100 metres.Withinthis limitation,the manufacture'srecommendationshould be followed. - lf thereis a possibilityof peoplewalkingin the area of the beam,then the beam should be at least 2.7 metres above the floor. - When optical smoke detectorsare used in roof void areas having dropping smoke curtains,the beams shouldbe so arrangedso that they are not brokenby the smoke curtainswhen theYare droPPed' (e) Flame detector - Flame detectorsshould be chosenfor applicationwhere there is the likelihoodof rapid flame development,so that an alarm is requiredbeforeproductsof combustionor heat will reacha thresholdlevelto raisean alarm' - Flame detectorsare essentially"line of sight" deviceswhich can sensethe presenceof flames in a set field of view. This field is generallydescribedby the cone of vision angle and the maximumperpendicularsensitivityin metres,althoughother considerations are imPortant. - Considerationshould be to providefull coverageof the area to be protectedwith maximummultiplecoverageto accountfor any detectormalfunction. 13.5.3Testingand Commissioning (i) Checkand ensureDetectoris properlyinstalled' (ii)

Check and ensureDetectorwiringis properlysecuredto its terminals'


conduitconnectedto the ManualCall Pointis securedwith Checkand ensurecable-carrying cablelug.




Check and ensure all circuitrycables of Detectorare of correct type and correct size in accordanceto the requirementsof the code.


Test the detectorusing standardtesting procedurein accordanceto the recommendationof the standards.


ForAspiratedSmokeDetector,the criteriafor testingthe systemis the responsetime.The responsetimeis definedas the timeregistered fromthe momenttestsmokeparticlesare introduced at the leastfavorablepointto the timetheyare detectedat the smokedetector chamber. Themaximum response timeshouldnotexceed90 seconds. Theresponse registered at the controllershouldbe at least30%of the sensitivity of the detectorsystem.

13.5.4Checklist (i) PointDetector a. Detectortestedto : b. Detectortype : R.O.R i lonization/ Optical/ Infrared/ UV c. DetectorMode : Conventional/ Addressable d. BOMBAApprovalCertificatenumber: e . ExpiryDateof BOMBAApprovalCertificate : f.

Manufacture :

g . Countryof origin: h . Distancebetweendetector: j.


k. Distancefromthe slab:

t. Typeand sizeof cableused m. Typeof conduitused: (ii)

AspiratedDetector a. Detectortestedto : b. Detectortype : c. BOMBAApprovalCertificate number: d. ExpireDateof BOMBAApprovatCertificate : e. Manufacturer: f. Countryof origin: g. Type of air-samplingpipe :



Types of pipe fittings :

k. Distancebetweensamplingpoints: l.

Distancebetweensamplingpipes :

m. Heightfrom floor level : n. Distancefrom the slab : o. Type and size of cable used :

p. Typeof conduitused:

13.6.Power Supply 13.6.1Concept A vast majorityof the fire alarmsystemrelieson electricalpowerfor theiroperation.No electrical powersourceis totallyreliable;everypowersourcewill fail sometimes,even if it is for a limited periodonly. The requirements for fire alarm systempowersupply is generallybasedon the principlethat the unreliability of its mainsuppliessourceshouldnot affectthe reliability withwhicha firealarm respondsto a fire. In general,high reliabilityof the powersupplyof fire alarmsystemcan be realisedby a normal supplyfrompublicmains,backedup by readilyconnected batteryback-upsupplyin caseof main supplyfailure. 13.6.2DesignRequirements (i) Gode& Standard PowerSupplyshallbe designedbasedon: M.S.1745:Part4 - FireDetectionand FireAlarmSystems Part4: PowerSupplyEquipment (ii)

General (a) Any cablesdirectlyconnected to a publicor privatedistribution boardshouldbe in accordance witha currentissueof IEEWiringRegulations. ( b ) C o n n e c t i o on f m a i np o w e rs u p p l yt o f i r e a l a r mp a n e ls h o u l db e v i a a n i s o l a t i n g protection device(eg.isolating fuse)reserved solelyfor thatpurpose. Thecovershould be colouredredand labeled"FireAlarm:Do NotSwitchOff'. (c) Arrangement powersupplyto the shouldbe madeso thatthe continuity of theelectrical firealarmsystemis ensured. to Particular careshouldbe takenwherethereis a tendency power when switched off of machinery, supplyto a switchboardeg. Duringmaintenance unoccupied or for economyin theconsumption of electricity.



Types of Power Supply (a) Normalsupply - Normalsupplyshallbe from the publicmains,through private a switchboard. In the absenceof publicpower supply,privategeneratedpower may be used. (b) Secondarybatteries - T h e m o s t c o m m o n l yu s e t y p e o f s t a n d b ys u p p l y i s a s e c o n d a r yb a t t e r yw i t h a n automaticcharger. - Wheresucha batteryis used,it shouldbe of a type havinga lifespanof at least4 years underthe conditionof use likelyto be experiencedinsidethe fire alarm panel. - Since the life of the batteryis frequentlydependent on its chargingconditions,care shouldbe takenthat the batterychargersatisfiesall requirementsspecifiedby the battery manufacturer. - where replacementbatteriesor battery capacities, refer to (iv) and (v) - The chargingrateof the batteryshouldbe such that, havingbeen dischargedto its final voltage,the batterycan be chargedsufficientlyto comply with the recommendations of (v), after a chargingperiodof 24 hours. (c) SecondaryBatterieswith StandbyGenerator - In most premises,other than suppliestaken from the publicmains,an emergency generatoris providedwhich startsautomatically on failureof the normalsupply. - Sincethereis a time delaybetweenthe mainspower failureuntilthe generatorcranked into life to provideemergencybackup power supply,the secondarybatteriespower supplyis essentialto providecontinuousoperationof the fire alarm system.They are also essentialshouldthe emergencygeneratorfail to be activated.


Maximum Alarm Load (a) The maximumalarm load is the maximumload imposedby the automatic fire alarm systemon a powersupplyunderfire includesthe powerrequiredto operate all the sounderssimultaneously,togetherwith any visibleor audibleindications at the Controland IndicativeEquipment,any power drawnfor the operationand/ or indication of ancillaryservicesand the transmission of signalsto remotemannedcentres.Becauseof the possibilityof spreadof fire throughoutthe building,the systemshould be able to s u p p o r tt h e m a x i m u mn u m b e r o f d e t e c t o r st h a t c a n s i m u l t a n e o u s l yg i v e signals indicatingfire, and the operationof manualcall pointat all zones. (b) Mrmal and standbypowersupplyshouldeach be capableof supplying the maximum alarm load irrespectiveof the conditionsof othersupply. (c) The load imposedon the power supply by the simultaneousoperation of detectorsand / or manualcall pointsshouldnot cause an existingfire alarm to cease.In system using microprocessors or storedprograms,the impositionof the maximumalarm load should not cause incorrectoperation.



Duration of the Standby Supply (a) The standbypowersupplyshouldbe capableof automatically maintainingthe systemin normaloperationfor a periodof not less than 24 hours after the detectionof a fault in the normalsupplyand the initiationof remedialaction. (b) lf the buildingis likelyto be unoccupiedand the fire alarm systemunsupervisedfor periods longer than 24 hours, so that on reoccupation,the standby supply could be exhaustedand the system inoperable,then facilitiesshouldbe providedto give protection for a period of at least 24 hours after reoccupation,with sufficientcapacityat the end of that time to sound an evacuationalarm in all zonesfor at least30 minutes. ( c ) F o r i t e m 1 3 . 6 . 2V . b . , n o r m a l l yt h e a s s u m p t i o nf o r t h e l o n g e s tu n o c c u p i e da n d unsupervisedperiodis taken over a long weekend,which is 72 hours.


Baftery Charger (a) To preservethe life of the Standby backup batteries,the proper selectionof the battery charger is very important. (b) Incorrectselectionof batterychargerand chargingmethodwill causethe batteryto be overchargedthereby causingdeteriorationof the electrodesand hence the performance and the life span of the battery. (c) For maintenancefree sealed Lead-acidBattery,the Constantvoltageconstantcurrent charge methodis recommended.As chargingproceeds,there is a rise in batteryvoltage, the constantvoltagechargerwill detectthe voltageincreaseand controlof the charger amount. (d) The constantvoltageconstantcurrentchargerhas currentlimitationto preventthe initial current (at low batteryvoltage)from increasing.


Battery Installationand Servicing (a) standby batteriesshould be secured from excessivevibrationor impact. (b) All standbybatterieswhen housedwithinthe Controland IndicativeEquipmentshould be compartmentand positionedaway from any heat generatingbody (eg. transformer). Batteriesshould be stored in upright positionwith batterycompartmentwell ventilated. (c) Batteriesmay producea combustiblegas. Avoid installationof closedequipmentnear sparks(i.e.near a switchor fuse). (d) Usingvinylchloridesheathedcableor a vinylchloridesheetmay inducecrackon battery containeror cover. (e) Avoid usingbatteriesin the followingareas: - Area exposedto directsunlight - Area where there is excessiveradioactivity,infra-redradiation,or ultra-violetradiation - Area filledwith organicsolvent,vapor,dust, salt,or corrosivegases. - Area of abnormalvibration (f) When connectingthe batteryto a charger or a load, keep the circuit switch OFF and connectthe battery's(+) pole to the (+) pole of the chargeror the load and the (-) pole to the (-) pole of the chargeror load.


(g) Neveruse batteriesof differentcapacities,batteriesof differentperformances,or new and old batteriestogether. (h) Inspectand checkfor the followingabnormalities,discoverthe cause and replaceany defectivebatteries: - Any voltageabnormalities - Any physicaldefects (eg. crackedor deformedcontainer) - Any electrolyteleakage - Any abnormalheat builtup (viii) BatteryCapacityCalculation (a) For batterycapacitycalculation,referto Table 13.3 13.6.3Testing and Commissioning (i) Ensure batteriesare properlyconnectedto each respectiveterminal. (ii)

Check batterycapacitywith volt metre to ensure the batteryis fully charged.Healthybattery should record 24 volts.


Recordthe date of commissioningon the batterieswith markerpen.


Turn off the mains power supply of the fire alarm indicatingand control panel, the volt metre on the panel surfaceshouldregister24 volts t 4 volts.The amperemetre should registerlitle or no readings.


Usingthe facilitiesprovidedon the Controland IndicativeEquipment,initiatea mainspower failure.


Initiateall sounders,manualcall points,selecteddetectors,ancillaryoutputsand any other power consumptiondevicesfor 30 minutes.


Monitorthe performanceof the batteriesand comparewith the power curve providedby the manufacturerto ensure compliancewith the specification.

(viii) Rechargedthe batteriesto fully charged status before conductingthe standby power test.



For standbypowertest, repeatctauses 13.6.3(ii), 13.6.3(iv) and 13.6.3(v)


Recordtime of conductingtest and lock and seal the Controland lndicativeEquipmentand controlpanelincludingthe batterycompartment.


Record the battery72 hours later with volt metre. Initiateall soundersfor 30 minutes,the batteryshouldbe able to sustainsuch operation.


Turn the mains power supplyback on and ensurethe durationrequiredto rechargethe batteriesthe batteriesto full charge capacity is within the duration specified by the manufacturerand as stipulatedby the standards.

(xiii) Check each batterywith voltmetreto ensure batteriesregistered24 volts.


13.6.4Ghecklist BatteryManufacturer: a. b.

Makeand Model:


: Countryof manufacture


: TestStandard


Lifeexpectancyof Battery:




: ExpiryDateof BOMBAapprovalcertificate








Methodof charging :




(charger): Countryof manufacture


No of zoneson FireAlarmPanel:


: No of Sounders


No of ManualCall Points:


No of Detectors :


on panel: No of Indications


No of Ancillaryoutput:


AH Volts


Table 13.3 Battery Standby Power RequirementCalculation





1 x-

2. FireBrigade









Smoke/ HeatDetector












_x_ X

10. Audio/ VisualF.A.Units Points 11. ManualCall 12. PumpIndications 13. A.H.U.Tripping FireSupp.Sys. _ x _ 14. Energized WarningLg. 15. GasDischarge


DropCurtain 16. Energized 17. B.A.S. 18. RollerShutter


DoorHolder 19. Magnetic





Interface Units










Standby Load



1 x_


C.M.Sto FireBrigade

1 x-









Smoke/ HeatDetectors










_x_ X


1 0 . Audio/ VisualF.AUnits ' t 1 . Manual CallPoints

_x_ X

12. InterfereUnits 1 3 . OtherAncillary Outputs



Total StandyLoad

Amp ==============

BatteryCapacitySizing= (A x 1 H) + (B x 24 H) AmpereHour =_

X 10%(SafetyFactor)


A.H (AmpereHour)


A.H (ToManufacturer's Requirement)

Note:Batterycapacitysizinghasto be selectedbasedon the manufacturer's availablesize.The selectionshouldonlybe basedon selecting the nextsizeup fromthe manufacturer's tableif the exactsizecalculated is notavailable on the market. 13.7 Cables & Wirings 13.7.1Concept ForfireDetection andAlarmsystemto functionsatisfactorily duringa firecondition, all interconnections betweencomponents shouldbe intactandshouldbe operational. 'l3.7.2 DesignRequirements (i)

Codeand Standard Cablewiringshallbe designedbasedon: 8.S.5839: Part1 - FireDetection andAlarmSystemForBuildings - Codeof Practice for SystemDesign,lnstallation and Servicing. 173


General A wide varietyof cablescan be used in variouspartsof a fire alarmsystem.However,because of their varyingabilitiesto resistsfire and electricalor mechanicaldamage,many of these cables may be restrictedin their suitabilityfor specificapplications.The applicationis cfassifiedaccordingto the need for fire protectionas in Clauses7 .24 and 7.25.


Application (a) Prolongoperationduringa fire is required: - Cablesusedfor the interconnection of components of a firedetectionand alarmsystems and requiredto continueto operateaftera fire is discovered,eg. Controland Indicative Equipment,sounders,power supply. - Cablesusedwithinthe protectedpremisesfor the transmission of the alarmto a remote centreshouldbe includedin this class. (b) Prolongoperationduringa fire is NOT required: - Cableswhich are not requiredto continueto appreciatedperiodsafter the fire is discoveredor they are attacked by fire. - Thesecableswill usuallybe only thoseto detectorsor manualcall points,but may also includethoseancillarydevices(suchas door holders)in whichfailureof the cabledue to a fire will not lead to a dangerouscondition.


Recommended Cable Types Types of cables recommendedsubjectedto the restrictionon their use and the recommendationsfor further protectionin Clauses7 .24 and 7 .25. (a) Mineral-insulated copper sheathed cable complyingwith BS 6207, with or without an overallPVC sheath. (b) Cablescomplyingwith BS 6387, meetingat leastthe requirements for categorisation as AWX or SWX. (c) Cablescomplyingwith BS 6387, meetingat leastthe requirementsfor categorisationas A or S. (d) PVC-insulated and sheathedcablescomplyingwith BS 6004. (e) PVC-insulated non-sheathedcablescomplyingwith BS 6004. (f) PVC-insulated cablesof type BK, BR and BU complyingwith BS 6231. (g) PVC-insulated and sheathedsteel-wire-armoured cable complyingwith BS 6346. (h) General- purposeelastomer-insulated polyethylene textile-braided or hard ethylene propylenerubberinsulationcomplyingwith BS 5467. PVC-sheathedcoaxialcable,with a centralconductorof not less 0) Polyethylene-insulated than 16 strandsI 0.2mm in diameter,but otherwisecomplyingwith the dimensional requirementsof BS 2316 : Part 3 for UniradioSheetM210.


(k) Cablesdesignedfor the detectionof heat. (v)

Gable Protection from Fire (a) Prolongoperationduringa fire is required: - Cablesrequiredto continueto operateduringexposureto a fire shouldbe type Clauses 13.7.2.(iv)(a) and 13.7.2.(ivXb). - Other cables may be used if they are buried in the structureof the buildingand protectedby the equivalentof at least 12mm of plaster. (b) Prolongoperationduringa fire is NOT required: - Where prolongedoperationduring a fire is not required,any cableslistedin Clauses 13.7.2.(iv)can be used withoutany additionalfire protection. (a.2)shouldstillcomply (a.1) and 13.7.2.(v)(a) Note:Cableslistedin Clauses13.7.2.(v)(a) with the requirementsin Clause 13.7.2.(vi)


Cable Protection from Electrical or Mechanical Damage (a) ElectricalProtection - M.l.C.C.cablesshouldbe electricallyprotectedby ensuringthat associatedequipment complieswith the cable manufacture'srequirementfor voltage surge protection. - Polyethylene-insulatedcoaxial cable should not be used with nominalvoltages exceedinq50 volts. - CablesOl.ign"O for the detectionof heat shouldbe used withintheir manufacturer's ratings. (b) MechanicalProtection - Some of the cableslistedin Clause 13.7.2.(iv)are not sufficientlyrobustto withstand mechanicalhazards,such as impact,abrasion,etc. In order to protectsuch cablesfrom damage both during and after installation,it will be necessaryto providemechanical protectionsby installationin conduit,ducting or trunkingor by layingthe cables in a channel. - Recommendations for mechanicalprotectionare as follows: . C a b l e si n C l a u s e s1 3 . 7 . 2 . ( i v ) ( a ) , 1 3 . 7 . 2 . ( i v ) (ahn) ,d 1 3 . 7 . 2 . ( i v X j m ), ay be used without mechanicalprotection. . Cablesotherthan Clause 13.7.2.(vi)(a) shouldalways have mechanicalprotection.


Conduit, Ducting and Trucking (a) Metalor high impactrigid PVC conduitmay be used for cabling.High impactrigid PVC conduitshouldcomplywith classification40511or 42511of BS 6099 : Section2.2. (b) lf fire alarmcablesare run in trunkingor ducting,then eithermetaltrunkingor ducting; or non-metallicductingor non-flamepropagatingtrunkingcomplyingwith BS 4678: Part4 shouldbe used. (c) All bracketingfor conduits,trunkings,ducting should be properlyconstructedand securedat recommendedspecificintervals.


13.7.3Testingand Commissioning (i) Checkand ensurethat cableselectionfor each partof the Fire Detectionand Alarmsystemis correct. (ii)

Ensureall cablesmet relevantfire, electricaland mechanicalprotections.


Ensureall conduits,trunkings,ductingcomplywith relevantstandard.


Ensureproperelbowsand tees with inspectionopenings,junctionboxesare usedwith conduit for cabling.


Ensureconduitsare properlysecuredto junctionbox,elbowand tees to preventcablingbeing severedby dislocationof the fittings.


purposesand for ease of maintenance. Ensureall cablesare colourcodedfor easy identification


Check and ensurebracketingat recommendedspecificintervals.

13.7.4Checklist Type of Cablesused : a. b.

Size of cable :


Countryof Manufacture :




StandardTested to :




ExpiryDateof BOMBAApproval:


Type of Conduit:


Size of Conduit:


: Countryof Manufacture




Testedto : Standards


BOMBAApprovalCertificate Number:


Expiry Date of BOMBA Approval Certificate:


Type of Trunking:


Size of Trunking:



Countryof Manufacture :


Makeand Model:


StandardTested to :




ExpiryDateof BOMBAApprovalCertificate:

13.8 VOTCEALARM SYSTEM (VAS) 13.8.1Goncept (i) A voicealarmsystemis intendedto be usedin conjunction with a fire detectionand alarm systemto controlthe safeevacuation of buildingoccupantsbe providing: (a) A clearandunambiguous spokeninstruction for evacuation of the areaof immediate risk (b) Voicemessages andsignalwhichcontribute to the management of an emergency. (ii)

VoiceAlarmSystem(VAS)linkedto FireDetectionandAlarmSystems(FDAS)mayalsobe usedto givewarningof otherincidents, eg.bombalert,chemical spillageandextinguishing agentdischarge.


Thesystemmayalsobe usedfor otherfunctions, suchas broadcast of music,pagingor general providedthat suchfacilitiesare alwaysoverriddenin the eventof an announcement emergency.


Oncea fireis detected,it is essentialthatpeoplebe evacuated fromthe areasof immediate dangeras quicklyas possibleto minimizeriskto life.This may presentfew problemsif occupantsare familiarwiththe layoutof the site and has undergoneevacuationprocedure drill.Forpublicassemblyareaswhereoccupantsare notfamiliarwiththe layoutof the siteor haveno experience in evacuationprocedure, preciseverbalinstruction will be necessary on the actionsrequiredof them.

13.8.2DesignRequirements (i) Codes& Standards (a) VoiceAlarmSystem(VAS)shouldbe designedbasedon: 8 . S . 5 8 3 9P: a r t1 - FireDetection andAlarmSystemForBuildings Codeof Practice for SystemDesign,lnstallation andServicing. B.S.5839: PartB - FireDetection andAlarmSystemfor Buildings Codeof Practice for the Design,Installation andServicing of VoiceAlarmSystem. (ii)

General (a) Components of VASshouldbe compatible to ensuretheeffectiveness andintelligibility of broadcast messages.


(b) Compatibility shouldbe ensuredbetweenmicrophones, amplifiers,loudspeakers and interconnecting cablesfor optimumperformanceof the system.Care shouldbe takento ensurecompatibility withcableparameters, suchas capacitance and signalcharacteristics. (c) The VAS should"latch"on when receivinga signalfrom the FDAS untilde-latchedby a separatecommandfrom the FDAS. (d) The interfacebetweenthe FDASand VAS shouldbe such that any delayin the automatic transmissionof the relevantpre-recordedmessageis minimised. (e) The delaybetweenoperationof a manualcall pointand the startof VAS broadcastshould not exceed 3 seconds. (0 lf the automatictransmission of the pre-recorded messageis in responseto a signalfrom an automaticfire detector,the broadcastshouldbeginwithin 10 secondsafter the detector responded. (iii)

Loudspeaker Circuit (a) The integrityof VAS should be equivalentto that recommendedby BS 5839 : Part 1 for sounderunits. (b) lt is recommendedthat the wiringof the speakercircuitsshould be arrangedthat, in the event of a short-circuitdevelopedduring a fire, a minimum of one speaker should continueto operate. (c) All loudspeakercircuitsshouldbe protectedagainstfire and mechanicaldamage. (d) An open-circuitor short-circuitfault on one loudspeakercircuit should not affect the operationof any othercircuitor loudspeakerzone. (e) A short-circuit fault on a loudspeakercircuitshouldnot cause damageto the associated amplifier. (f) Any failureof a loudspeakercircuitshouldresultin a fault warningat the FDAS Control and IndicativeEquipment. (g) Additionalloudspeakercircuitsshouldbe providedin the followinghuge assemblyarea (typicallywithina singlespace): - Transportation - Mall areas of coveredshoppingcomplexes. - Publicareas of . cinemas,theatresand other placesof entertainment . large departmentalstores . lecturetheatres.centers - Any uncompartmented publicspaceswithina buildingif the space is: . Greaterthan 4000m2in area or . Designedto accommodatemore than 500 membersof the public



VisualAlarm Signal (a) In areas with high backgroundnoise or where occupant is wearing car protectorsor impairedin hearing,the broadcastmessagesshouldbe supplementedwith visual alarm signals. (b) Visualalarmsignalsshouldalwaysbe providedif backgroundnoiselevelsexceedgOdBA.


lnterfacedwith Other Sound Systems (a) lf thereare other independentsystemon site eg. publicaddress,pipedmusic systemor soundreinforcementsystem,pipedmusicsystemor sound reinforcementsystem, switchingoutputshouldbe providedfor automaticallymutingsystems. (b) Cancellation of the mute shouldonly be possibleat the Controland IndicativeEquipment of FDAS.


Gombined Use with Fire Atarm Sounder when the VAS is supplementaryto the fire alarm system, it is recommendedthat: (a) The operationof the fire alarm soundersshould not cause the intelligibility of the voice broadcastto be below the recommendedvalue. (b) Attention-drawingsignal for introducingvoice messageshould be the same as those producedby the fire alarm soundersfor a similar stage of alarm. (c) The procedurefor operatingsuch systemsshould be such as to avoid confusion in an emergency. (d) lf it is necessaryto silencethe fire alarm soundersin order to broadcastthe voice messages,restartingof the fire alarm soundersshould be automaticwithin 10 seconds.


LoudspeakerZoning (a) The VAS should be capableof being subdividedinto loudspeakeremergencybroadcast zones determinedby specificevacuationprocedure. (b) Loudspeaker zonesneed not necessarilyfollowor be the sameas otherfire detectionzones. (c) Loudspeaker emergencybroadcastzonesshouldbeiselectedso that an effectiveevacuation of the building can be carried out without confusionor misinterpretationof the warning message. (d) Loudspeakerzone boundariesshould,where possiblecoincidewith compartmentation walls,permanentpartitionsor doorswithinthe buildingfor distinctivezone separation. (e) For loudspeaker zonings,careshouldbe takento ensurethata singleloudspeaker zonings may containone or more fire detectionand alarm zonings but NO single fire detection and alarmsystemzone shouldcontainmore than one loudspeakerzone.


Protection of Loudspeaker (a) To ensurethat failureof the associatedcircuitis unlikelyto occur if the loudspeakeris exposedto fire beforeevacuationis completed,the designmeasuresshould include:


use of materialblockswith a meltingpointof not lessthan 650'C eg. ceramicmaterial, or use of terminalblocksof a lower meltingpoint but protectedwith thermalinsulation. or - designof the terminalblocks such that, on melting,an open-circuitor a short-circuit does not occur. (b) ln order to preventinadvertentcontact and damage by falling objectsor any other accidentaldamages,everyflush-mounted ceilingloudspeakers shouldbe fittedwith a rear enclosure.This shouldbe constructedfrom non-combustible materialwith a melting pointat least800"C,eg. steel. (ix)

Fire Microphone (a) Fire microphoneshould be providedas a means of overridingpre-recordedemergency broadcastmessages. (b) As the microphoneis commonto all areasof broadcast,which may have variedambient noiselevel,it shouldbe of a suitablegrade to achievethe requiredintelligibility of sound reproductionthroughoutthe entireinstallation. (c) The recommendedtypes of microphoneare as follows: - u n i d i r e c t i o n am l , o u n t e do n a f l e x i b l eo r f i x e d w i t h b u i l t - i nw i n d s h i e l dt o p r e v e n t "popping" noisewhilstspeaking.The recommendedminimum+- 5 dB frequencyrange for this type of microphoneis 200H2to 3kHz. - hand-heldclose-talkingnoise-cancelling, with an integralpress to talk switch.The recommendedminimum+- 5 dB frequencyrangefor this type of microphoneis 250H2 to SkHz. ( d ) The sitingof fire microphone(s) shouldbe agreedwith the Fire and RescueDepartment ( e ) Care shouldbe taken in locatingmicrophoneto avoid:


soundcolouration feedbackfrom system loudspeakers pick-upand amplificationof backgroundnoise reverberantacousticconditionsat microphone,all of which can reducethe quality of the signal

(f) Fore accessibility, the fire microphoneshouldeither: - be dedicatedpurelyto the broadcast of emergencymessages- careshouldbe takento preventits use for non-emergencyfunctions. - be used for emergencyand non-emergency functions- care shouldbe exercisedand meansshouldbe providedto preventnon-emergency broadcastfrom overridinga prerecordedemergencybroadcast.



Message Generator (a) For an effectiveVAS, the reliability and integrityof associatedmessagegeneratoris vital as the sourcefor providingand deliveringpre-recordedemergencymessages. (b) Messagegeneratorshouldbe designedto use solid-state electronic exclusively for message storageand control.Apart from relays(associatedwith statusor fault indication),there shouldbe no moving parts;tape playeror disk drives,for exampleshouldnot be used. (c) The recordingshould be storedin non-volatilememoryand the recordedmessages(s) shouldbe protectedfrom unauthorizedchanged. (d) The broadcastvoice shouldsoundnaturalwith high qualityrecording.No synthesised voiceshouldbe used unlessthe resultantbroadcastsoundis indistinguishable from that of a humanvoice. (e) Each messagegeneratorshouldbe monitoredcontinuouslyto ensurethe availabilityof audio output.


Messages (a) Everymessageshouldbe precededby an attention-drawing signal.This is a non-speech signalin accordancewith 9.4.1.and 9.4.5.of BS 5839: Part 1 : 1988.The attentiondrawingsignalused for Alertand Evacuatealarmsshouldbe identical.Wherethis is not the case,the signalshouldnot be in accordancewith 9.9 of B.S. 5839 : part 1 : 19gg. (b) The messageshouldbe clear,concise,intelligible and deliveredin a calmand commanding manner. (c) Live messagesshould be broadcastonly by operatorstrainedin the proper use of the microphone. ( d ) E x c e p tw h e r e a F i r e O f f i c e ro r t r a i n e d p e r s o n i n a u t h o r i t yn e e d t o m a k e s p e c i a l announcements in an emergencysituation,the operatorshouldbroadcastagreedstandard messages,readingfrom a script. (e) For pre-recorded messages, the recordingshouldbe madeby personstrainedin the proper use of the microphone.The recordingsshouldbe made in a recordingstudioor a room with a controlledacousticenvironmenthavingan ambientnoiselevel no greaterthan 30 dB and a reverberationtime no greaterthan 0.5 secondsfrom 150 Hz to 1OkHz. (0 For EvacuationBroadcast,the time sequenceand formatof the broadcast.from startto finish,shouldbe : -

Attentiondrawing signal - lasting4 secondsto 10 seconds followedby

-,"r1,,',ly"loTfro Brief$ilence to2 secol.rds


"T;l"tJ[";"n" ,

Silence- lasting2 seconOs,to S seconds


- Greenfor indicationof energisationand selectionof loudspeakerzone - Any other indicationswithinVAS shouldnot be Red or Green (d) The Controlequipmentshouldbe designedto functionreliablywheneverservicedand maintainedin accordanceto the manufacturer'sinstructions.Equipmentshould be designedto have a servicelife of at least 15 years. (xiii) Power Supply (a) The operationof VAS is more complexthan that of alarm sounders,where the power supplyshouldbe in accordancewith BS 5839 : Part4 and followthe recommendations for life safetysystemsof BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988. (b) The standbybatterycalculationsshould be as follows: = 1.25i(Dr x Tr x tr) + (DzX Tz x lz)) Cmin Cmin(AH) Tr lr (Amp)

Tz (hr) lz (Amp) Dr



is the minimumcapacityof the batteryal20'C when new [in amperehours(AH)] is the batterystandbyperiod[in hours] is the batterystandby(quiescent)load current[in amperes]lr is measured or calculatedas the sum of the quiescentcurrentof all the componentsof the VAS, based upon operationsat the nominalvoltage(V), including contributionssuch as the currenttaken by the fault monitoringcircuits is the alarm conditionperiod[in hours] is the total batteryload currentwith all loudspeakerzones in full alarm condition[in amperes] is a de-ratingfactorderivedfrom the manufacturer's data,based upon the quiescent time Tr. This factor is the standby currentlrand the discharge de-ratingfrom the 20 hours rate data, based upon full is a de-ratingfactorderivedfrom the manufacturer's alarm load currentlz and the dischargedtime Tz. This factor is the derating factor from the 20 hours rate and takes into account that the dischargetime is not greaterthan 20 hours the multiplying factoris includedto allowfor some ambienttemperature variationand batteryageing

13.8.3Testingand Gommissioning (i) Documentationshouldbe providedwithinor adjacentto the controlequipment: (a) OperationInstruction(Ol) for the correctactionin the eventof an emergencyor fault indication. (b) Systemlogbook,similarto the fire detectionand alarmsystem. (ii)

Drawingsshouldbe providedto the user, showingthe positionsof the variousitems of equipment,the size and routesof all cablesand wiringfor maintenanceand recordpurpose.


The completedinstallation shouldbe inspectedto ensurethatthe work has beencarriedout in a satisfactorymanner,that the methods,materialsand componentsused are in accordance with BS 5839 : PartB : 1998.



The systemshouldbe testedto ensurethat: (a) The soundlevelproducedby the loudspeakers is audiblethroughoutthe areaof coverage. (b) Each loudspeaker zone shouldbe testedto ensurethe correctalarmmessageis given in responseto bothautomaticinitiationand manualcontrols.Simulationof the automatic initiationshouldbe conductedvia the Fire Detectionand Alarm svstem. (c) Each loudspeakerzone shouldbe testedfor all othermessagesthrougheach and every mode of initiationsimulatedthroughthe normaloperatingprocedure. (d) Ensurethe interfacewith the Fire Detectionand Alarmsystemand any signalto ancillary equipment,such as visualbeaconsare operatingsatisfactory.


The installershould supply to the submittingperson and the Authoritya certificatestating that the installationis in accordancewith the recommendations given in relevantstandards.


Shouldtherebe any deviationfrom the standards,and providedthesestandardshave been agreed and approvedby the Fire and Rescue DepartmentMalaysia,statementsof these deviationsshould be given by the installertogetherwith the submissionsof the complete certificate.

13.8.4Checklist (i) Voice AlarmSystem

a. VASmanufacturer: b. MakeandModel: c. Countryof Manufacture : d. VASTestStandard: e. BOMBAApprovedCertificateNumber: f. ExpiryDateof BOMBACertificate: (ii)

Back-upBattery a. Backupbatterymanufacturer: b. Make and Modelof Batterv:

c. Countryof Manufacture : d. BatteryTestStandard: e. BOMBAApprovalCertificateNumber:

f. ExpiryDateof BOMBAApproval: g. Lifeexpectancy of back-upBattery :



h. Back-upBatteryCapacity: j. (iii)

Voltageof Batterypercell:


BatteryCharger a. Chargermanufacturer : b. Type and Methodof Charging : c. Chargercapacity:

d. Countryof chargermanufacturer : (iv) Loudspeaker a. Loudspeaker Manufacturer : b. Type of Loudspeaker: c. Make and Model of Loudspeaker: d. LoudspeakerTest Standard: e. Dynamicrange of Loudspeaker: _

Hz to


f. No of Loudspeaker Zones: g. Countryof Manufacture : h. BOMBAApprovalCertificateNumber:

j. (v)

Expirydateof BOMBAApproval:

Fire Microphone a. Fire Microphonemanufacturer: b. Make and Modelof Fire Microphone: c. Countryof Manufacture: d. Type of Fire Microphone:

e. FireMicrophone TestStandards : f.

DynamicRangeof Fire Microphone: _

g. BOMBAApprovalCertificateNumber:

h. Expirydateof BOMBAApproval:


Hz to



Cable a . CableManufacturer: b . Sizes of Cable/Cables:

: Countryof manufacture d

Make& Model:

e . CableTest Standard: f.


g. Expirydateof BOMBAApproval: (vii) Conduit a . Conduit Manufacturer: b.

Sizesof Conduits:

c . Countryof manufacture : d . Make& Model: e . ConduitTest Standard: f.


g. Expirydateof BOMBAApproval: (viii) Trunking/Ladder a . Trunking/Ladder Manufacturer : b . Sizesof Trunking/Ladder

Countryof manufacture: d.

Make& Model:

e . Trunking/Ladder Test Standard: +


g . Expirydateof BOMBAApproval:


1 4 . 1D ES C R IP T ION systemis intendedto keep protectedescaperoutesof a buildingclearof smokeby A pressurisation meansof introducingsufficientfresh air to maintaina positivepressurein protectedescaperoutes againstaccommodationarea.Protectedroutesmay includestaircases,lobbiesand in some cases, the corridor. Pressurisationsystem may be omitted if there is sufficientprovisionof natural ventilationin protectedescape routesin accordanceto the UniformBuildingBy-lawsrequirementsand/orother acceptablestandards.

1 4 . 2D ES IGNR E QU IR E ME N T S 14.2.1Design Standards systemshall be designedin accordanceto: Pressurisation (i) (ii) (iii)

On1d 2 O 2 o f t h eU B B L1 9 8 4 B y - l a w1s 9 6 ,1 9 7 , 2 O O , 2 a M51472 AS1668

14.2.2Methods of Pressurisation (i) Method1 - PressurisingStaircaseonly The protectiongiven by this method is entirelyconfinedto the verticalpart of the escape route. lt shouldbe used only when a staircaseis approacheddirectlyfrom the accommodation spaceor througha simplelobby. Each stackof staircaseshall be servedby an independent pressurisation system. (ii)

Method2 - Pressurisingthe Staircaseand Lobby lf a lobbyseparatingthe staircasefromthe accommodation spaceis otherthana simplelobby, this lobbyshallbe pressurised independently of the staircase.The pressurelevelat the lobby shall be about 5 Pa less than the oressurelevelat staircase.


Method3 - PressurisingStaircase,Lobbyand Corridor lf a corridoris of 30 minutesfire resistanceor more and forms part of a protectedescape route,this corridorshallbe equippedwith eithera pressurisation systemor smokeextraction system.The pressurelevelat the lobby/corridor shallbe about5 Pa lessthan the pressurelevel at staircase.

'l4.2.3 Detailed Design Requirements The pressurisation systemsshall be designedin accordanceto the followingparametres:(i) Method1 - PressurisingStaircaseonly (a) The pressurelevel at staircaseshould be 50 Pa higher than the pressurelevel at accommodationspace. (b) A minimumegressvelocityof 1.0 m/s is requiredwhen 1 no. of staircasedoor is opened. The no. of openeddoors shall be based on minimum2 nos. of doorsor no. of doorsfor 10ohof the totalfloors(worstcase condition),whicheveris higher.



Method2 and 3 - PressurisingStaircase,Lobbyand Corridor(whereapplicable) ( a ) T h e p r e s s u r el e v e l a t s t a i r c a s es h o u l db e 5 0 P a h i g h e rt h a n t h e p r e s s u r el e v e l a t accommodationspace. (b) The pressurelevelat lobby/corridor shallbe higher(up to 45 Pa)thanthe pressurelevelat adjacentaccommodationspace,but less than the pressurelevelat staircase. (c) A minimumegressvelocityof 1.0 m/s is requiredwhen one lobbydoor and one staircase dooron the samefloor are opened.The no. of openeddoorsfor bothstaircaseand lobby shall be based on minimum2 nos. of doors each or no. of doors for lOYoof the total floors(basedon worst case condition),whicheveris higher. Worstcaseconditionrefersto the 10%floo(s) that havethe mostnumberof egressdoors.

14.3SYSTEMCOMPONENT The installationand equipmentassociatedto a pressurisation systemshallaccountfor: 14.3.1Air Intake Arrangement Air intakeshallbe arrangedin a mannerthat it has minimumeffectfrom wind velocityand direction and is at least5m away from any contaminatedexhaustoutlet. 14.3.2Fan Gapacity and Operation (i) 10o/o or 25% of additionalvolumeflowrateshall be allowedfor sheet-metalor builders'work ducting (masonryshaft) respectively. (ii)

Essentialpowershall be providedfor the operationof pressurisation fan.


Pressurisation fan shallautomatically startunderfire mode.Manualcontrolshall be provided at bothfire commandcentreand on fan controloanel.

14.3.3Supply Air Outlets (i) Air outletsshall be installedat not less than every 3 floorsin a staircase,in order to provide efficientdistributionand even pressurefor the entirestaircase. (ii)

Thereshallbe at least1 no. outletper floorfor lift lobbypressurisation system.These outlets shall not be locatedcloseto the main leakagepath.

14.4TYPESOF STAIRCASE PRESSURISATION SYSTEMDESIGN 14.4.1 FixedAir SupplywithPressure ReliefDampers Fresh air is continuouslypumped into staircaseregardlessof the differentialpressurebetween the staircaseand accommodationarea.The controlof differentialpressurebetweenstaircaseand accommodation area relieson the operationof pressurereliefdampers. Pressurerelief dampers shall open or close to maintaina 50 Pa differentialpressure between staircaseand accommodationarea, when none of the doors are opened. Pressurereliefdampers shall be providedat not more than 15 metres vertical intervalto maintain an even pressure throughoutthe entirestaircase.


14.4.2VariableAir Supply with MotorisedBy-PassDamper For such application,the air quantityflow into staircaseshallbe controlledby a motorisedby-pass damper locatedat ductworkconnectingthe fan and the staircase.A differentialpressuresensor shall be installednear the bottom of the staircaseand shall measure the pressuredifference betweenaccommodationarea and the staircase. In the event that the differentialpressureis more than 50 Pa, the motorisedby-passdamper will bleedthe excessair into the atmosphereto maintainthe pressurelevel. 14.4.3Variable Speed Fan The operationof this type of pressurisationsystem is similarto Clause 14.4.2except that this system is equipped with variablespeed fan instead of having motorisedby-pass damper. The speedof the fan will vary in orderto maintaina differentialpressureof 50 Pa betweenstaircaseand accommodation area.

14.5 TYPES OF LIFT LOBBY PRESSURISATION SYSTEM DESIGN 14.5.1FixedAir Supply with PressureRelief Dampers This systemis similarto Clause 14.4.1exceptpressurereliefdampersare locatedat everyfloor,in orderto maintaina differentialpressurebetweeneach lift lobbyand adjacentaccommodationarea at every floor. Fusiblelink fire dampersshall be installedwith the relief dampersto maintainfire integritybetweenlobby and accommodationareas. 14'5.2VariableAir Supply with Motorised Fire DamperControl and Motorised By-pass Damper Each lobby is equippedwith a motoriseddamper air outletand differentialpressuresensor. All motoriseddampers shall be controlledin a manner that the differentialpressurebetween each lobby and adjacentaccommodationarea is maintainedat up to 45 Pa. Excessair will be relieved into the atmosphereby the motorisedby-passdamperat the fan discharge. 14.5.3VariableAir Flow with Motorised Damper Control and Variable Speed Fan This system is similar to Clause 14.5.2except the motorisedby-pass damper is replacedwith variablespeedfan.

14.6 TEST REQUIREMENTS 14.6.1Duct Pressure Test The entire pressurisationductwork shall be tested in accordanceto SMACNA HVAC Duct ConstructionStandards- Metaland Flexibleand manufacturer's recommendation. This is to ensure that air leakageis lessthan 10%. 14.6.2Flow Test Each outletshall be balancedand testedto achievethe requireddesiqnairflow. 14.6.3 Performance Test (i) A simulationtest shallbe carriedout with the no. of opendoorsas per design.The velocity acrosseach openeddoorshallbe not lessthan 1.0 m/s. (ii)

Differentialpressurebetweenstaircaseand accommodationspace and betweenlobby and accommodation spacewhen all doorsare closedshallbe measuredby usinga manometeror digitalpressuremeteror analogytype pressuremeter.


14.7 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION CHECKLIST 14.7.1Design Gode and Standard Adopted (i) Ms1472 (ii) AS1668 (iii) By-laws196,197,200,201,202of UBBL 1984 (iv) Other Standards,(to specify) 14.7.2Design Checklist (i) No. of floors (ii) No. of doors per floor (iii) Determineno. of closedand openeddoors (iv) Air leakagethroughcloseddoor (v) Air flow throughopeneddoor (vi) Fan sizing 14.7.3Visual Inspection Checklist (a) Visual Inspectionof Ductwork& Fittings (i) Sealant (ii) Fusible-link fire dampers (iii) Motoriseddampers (iv) Fire Rated Ductwork (v) Fire Seal (b)

Visual Inspectionof Fan and Wiring (i) Fan Installation (ii) FlexibleConnection (iii) Wiringtermination (iv) Cablesize (v) Fan controlpanel (vi) Pressuresensor (vii)Controlcomponents

14.7.4Testingand CommissioningChecklist (a) Duct PressureTest (i) Test pressure (ii) Test Duration (iii) Duct area (iv) Theoreticalleakage (v) Pressuredrop (vi) Actualleakage (vii)Test Apparatus (b)

Flow Test (i) Currentand voltage (ii) Flow acrosseach outlet (iii) Totalflow (iv) Theoreticalflow


PerformanceTest (i) Air speed acrossopeneddoors (ii) Differentialpressurebetweenstaircaseand accommodationspace


(iii) Differentialpressurebetweenlobbyand accommodation space (iv) Differentiar pressurebetweencorridorand accommodationspace (v) Operationof motoriseddampers (vi) Operationof pressurereliefdampers

14.8CALCULATION 14'8'l Example of Staircase and Lift Lobby Pressurisation System calculation 14.8.1,1GeneralDescriptionof Building A 30 storey office buildingwith 2 staircasesconstructed from ground floor up to roof level. Both staircasesare connectedto fire fightinglift lobbies,which in turn are connectedto accommodation areas' There is only one singleleaf door per floor for staircase. As for fire fightinglift lobby,there is only one singleleaf door separatingeach lift lobbyand the accommodationareas. There is one door connectingthe lift lobbyto a serviceshaft. However, this is not to be taken into accountas it is opened into an enclosedarea. Therefore,there are 30 doors in total for both staircaseand fire fightinglift lobbies.Referto Figure14.1 Condition (i) The staircaseand lift robbieswiil be independenflypressurised. (ii)

All pressurisation shaftsare not providedwith sheet


Accordingto UBBL,the no. of openeddoorsshall be minimum2 nos. or no. of doors at 10% of the totalfloors(worstcondition),whicheveris higher. Hence,for this case study,therewill be 3 floorswhere all staircaseand lift lobbydoors=are assumedto be opened.


The designof pressurisation systemshallbe basedon constantspeedfan with pressure relief system.


14.8.2sample carcuration for staircase pressurisation system 14.8-2-1Estimation of Air vorume Frowing past Doors when Doors Are Grosed (i) Designcriteriabasedon M51472 (ii)

LeakageArea Calculation: Basedon 50 Pa pressuredifferentialand interpolation of data from Table

3 and 4 (MS1472).


Singleleafopeningintoa pressurised space

2.0m(H) 0.8m(W)



Singleleafopeningoutwardsfroma pressurised space

2.0m(H) O.Bm(w)

420 cmh


Doubleleafopeninginto pressurised space

2.0m(H) 1.6m(W)

630 cmh

No. of singleleaf doors openinginto pressurisedarea = 27 No. of singleleaf doors openingoutwardsfrom an pressurised area = 0 No. of openedsingleleaf doors = 3

192 of Air Leakage through Closed Doors (i) (CaseA) Air leakagefor 27 no. of door = 210 CMH x 27 = 5670 CMH (ii)

(CaseB) Air leakagefor 0 no. of door = 420 CMH x 0 = 0 CMH


(CaseC) Air leakagefor 0 no. of door = 630 CMH x 0 = 0 CMH of Total Air Leakage T o t a la i r l e a k a g e= 5 6 7 0+ 0 + 0 = 5 6 7 0C M H . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . .(.A ) 14-8.2.4Estimation of Air Flow Past 3 Opened Doors (i) The size of each door is 2.00m (H) x 0.Bm(W) (ii)

Therefore,area of door is 1.60m2


Basedon designcriteriaof 1 m/s air flow throughdoor when the door is opened,air flowrate = 1.60m2x 1.0 m/s x 60 sec x 60 min = 5760 CMH


For 3 openeddoors,the air quantity = 5 7 6 0C M Hx 3 = i T 2 8 0 C M H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (. B )

' of Capacity for Pressurisation Fan (i) The minimumair required = (A) + (B) = 5670 + 17280CMH = 22950CMH (ii)

Add 25% leakagefactor (masonry shaft) = 28688CMH Note: lf masonryshaft is of reinforcedconcrete,10% leakagefactoris adequate


The airflowof fan selected: = 29000 CMH

14.8.3Sample Catculationfor Lift Lobby Pressurisation System of Air Volume Flowing Past Doors when Doors are closed (i) Designcriteriabased on M51472 (ii)

LeakageArea Calculation: Based50 Pa pressuredifferentialandinterpolation of data from Table 3 and 4 (MS1472).


TypeOf Door


LeakagePer Door (cMH)


Singleleaf openinginto a pressurisedspace

2 . 0 m( H ) O.Bm(W)



froma Singleleafopeningoutwards pressurised space

2 . 0 m( H ) O.Bm(W)



Doubleleafopeningintopressurised space

2 . 0 m( H ) 1.6m(w)



Liftlanding door2.0m(H)

2.0m(H) 2.0m(W)


No. of singleleaf doorsopeninginto pressurisedarea = 27 No. of singleleaf doors openingoutwardsfrom a pressurisedarea = 0 No. of openedsingleleaf door = 3 No. of lift landingdoors = 30 of Air Leakage through Closed Lobby Doors (i) (CaseA) Air leakagefor 27 nos.of door = 210 CMH x 27 = 5670 CMH (ii)

(CaseB) Air leakagefor 0 no. of door = 420 CMH x 0 = 0 CMH


(CaseC) Air leakagefor 0 no. of door = 630 CMH x 0 = 0 CMH Air Leakagethrough Closed Lift Landing Doors Referto Equation(14)of sub-section MS1472 E q u a t i o n : Q o = Qxc F n where, is the air leakagefrom one lobby past one lift door, Qo is the air leakagefor an isolatedlift door (valuetaken from Table 4 or derivedfrom Qc = Q" 0.0496x (Pr)1/2where PE is the pressurisation levelfor the lobby, F is the factordependingon vent size in lift shaftand takenfrom the appropriatecolumnof Table6 (MS 1472), N is the numberof pressurisedlobbyopeningsinto the lift shaft Hence,when appliedto; (iv)


Qo (forone lobby) = Qc x F (assumelift shaftvent size = 0.16m2) n = 0.0496 x (50)1/2x 2.66m3/s

= 1 1 2C M H



Numberof lift(s)

- 1


= 112 CMH x 30 landingsx 1 lift = 3360 CMH

T a b l e6 ( M S 1 4 7 2 )

No. of pressurisedlobbiesopeninginto the lift shaft (=n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 12 14 16 above1 6 TotalAir Leakage Total air leakage(beforeadjustment)= 5670 + 0 + 3360 = 9 0 3 0C M H . . . . . . . . . .

Valueof F for vent size 0.1m2


0.860 1.280 1.460 1.540 1.580 1.610 1.620 1.630 1.640 1.645 1.650 1.655 1.660 1.660

0.94 1.60 1.99

2.22 2.35 2.44 2.49 2.53 2.56 2.58 2.60 2.62 2.63 2.66

(C) of Air Leakage through 3 Opened Doors (i) The totalno. of doorsis 30. Therefore,the designcalculationshallconsider3 nos. of opened singleleaf doors. (ii)

The sizeof the door is 2.00m(H)x 0.80m(W)


Therefore,area of door is 1.60m2


Basedon designcriteriaof 1 m/s air flow throughdoor when the door is opened: = 1.60m2x 1.0 m/s x 60 sec x 60 min = 5760CMH


For 3 openeddoors,the air quantity: = 5 7 6 0C M H x 3 = 1 7 2 8 0C M H . . . . . . . . . . . , ( D ) of Pressurisation Fan Capacity (i) The minimumair volumerequired = (c) + (D) = 9030 + 17280CMH = 26310CMH



Allow leakagefactorof 25o/o(masonryshaft) = 32888CMH


The airflowof fan selected = 33000CMH

1 4 . 9 T E S T I N G A N D C O M M I S S I O N I N GP R O C E D U R E S 14.9.1 Each individualpressurisationsystem should be testedthoroughlyin terms of (but not limitedto) staticpressureachievable,velocityof air throughdesigneddoors,operationand fail safe operation of motoriseddampers(if installed)and activatedon receiptof the appropriatesignalingdevice. 14.9.2 The MasterControlPanelshouldprovidethe necessarypressurisation fan switchesfor testingand manualoverrideof fan operationby authorisedpersonnel. 14.9.3 All test data must be recordedand witnessedby the Client'srepresentativeand this information must also be loggedin the O & M (Operation& Maintenance)Manual. A full set of as-builtdrawings,systemsequencecontrol,schematicand servicingdata must also be partoftheO&MManual. 14.9.4Example of Testing and Commissioning Record Sheet 14.9'4.1Function Test for Staircase/LiftLobby/Corridor Pressurisation System Projecttitle:........... Owner: Consultant: Contractor: Test for Staircase Pressurisation System StaircaseNo. (i)

Measurethe differential pressurebetweenaccommodation areaand staircasewhenall staircase doors are closed. Item





Differential Pressure

50 Pa

. . . . . . . . . . . .p. a ...


Tick if Comply


Measurethe velocityacrossopenedstaircasedoorwhenthe no. of doorsequalto the designed

no.of openeddoorsareopenedrandomly: Item Description




1 m/s


VelocityAcross OoenedDoor

Tick if Comply

FunctionTest for Lift Lobby/CorridorPressurisationSystem L i f tL o b b yN o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / C oNr or i.d o r (i)

Measurethe differentialpressurebetweenstaircase/lift lobby/accommodation area when all lobbydoors and staircasedoors are closed.

Item Description



50 Pa



Tick if Comply


Pressurebetween staircase/ accommodation 2.


Differential 40-50 Pa Pressurebetween lift lobby / accommodation


Measurethe velocityacrossopeneddoor when the no. designedlift lobbydoorsare opened. Item



VelocityAcross OpenedDoor


1 m/s


Tick if Comply


TestCarriedout by:

Figure 14.1

W i t n e s s ebdy : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approveb d y :. . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:..........


Fig ure'l 4.2 Typical Pressu risation SchematicDiagram o


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This chapterdescribessmoke controlby means of natural(displacementof exhaust)ventilation, powered(extractor exhaust and depressurrisation) ventilationor a combinationof both. Smoke controlby meansof pressurisation is describedseparatet/unoertne chapteron pressurisation. 15.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 15.2.1Design Standards Designshallconsiderthe followingStandards: (i)

UniformBuildingBy-laws1984 By-law244 - The use of additionardesignstandards as appropriate. By-law245 - standardsotherthan those listed in UBBL 1984to be approvedby DGFRDM. By-law249 - smoke ventingin windowless,undergrouno structureand large area factories for safe use of exit. By{aw 250 - Naturaldraughtsmokeventsto be openedautomatically by an approvedmeans in the event of a fire. By-law251 - smoke vents providedunder By-law 249, shall be adequatelydesignedwith an

By-|aw'5' if l"il,li,'ii:11 ilT ['5r,,,,":";";; ; sys rem !r:}il: K5"il

By-law2sr - MaraysianStandardsto supersede ail otherstandards. (ii) MS 1780 (iii) BS 5588 parts4, 7, 10, 11 (iv) BS 7346 parts j, 2, 3 (v) BS 4422 part 5 (vi) BR 186 and 258 (vii) OtheracceptableStandards (viii) Fire SafetyEngineering_ performance BasedApproach

15.2.2Design Concepts (i) smoke obscuresvisibilityand can contributetowards fatalitiesin a fire incident.In fact smoke killsmore peoplein fires than heat,flamesor is thereforeincreasingly realisedthat occupantsafetyin a fire can be greatryimproveoby providingefficientsmoke controlsystems'Moreover,such systemscan timitp.p"rty damage,both diiecflyby reducing the spreadof smoke,and indirectlyby providing betteivisibilityand thus easieraccessto the seat of the fire for fire fighters. 'ii)


smoke controlis one of the toolswhich the fire safetyengineermay use to ensureadequate fire safetywithin a building. As such it should noi b" consideredin isolation,but as an integralpart of the total packageof fire safety rn"""rr", designedfor the building.Thus the need for smoke controlin any buildingtu"ib" oesignlo in conjunctionwith the means of escape' compartmentationand active suppressioi systems.Smoke controlshould be consideredunderthe followingcircumstances. (a) Smoke ControlforLife Safetv smoke controlfor life safetyprrpor", is of benefitin buirdingswhere meansof escapeto the open air cannotbe achievedwithina short perioJ of time and in which the meansof escapecould be severelycontaminatedwith smokeand becomeimpassable.Examples includeshoppingmalls,atriumbuildingsand highrisebuildingswith phasedevacuation i'e' when a proportionof the occupants are expectedto stay in the buildingfor the durationor part durationof the fire.


( b ) SmokeExtractionfor Fire FighterAccess

Smokeextractionfor fire fighteraccessis desirablefor buildingswhere either: - fire brigadeaccess is difficult,eg. basementsand high rise buildings;or - rapidattackon fire is necessaryto reducefire spreadand propertydamage. Buildingswhere smoke clearanceby naturalmeans may be difficult(eg. basements,windowless b u i l d i n g and s buildingswithoutopenablewindows)will requirea poweredsmoke purging/dilution system. 15.2.3Methods of Smoke Control The efficiencyof the smoke control system may be adverselyaffected by wind or outside temperatures.Pressuresgenerated by wind may affect operationof the extractionof smoke by providinga positivepressureat the point of extraction.Internalclimaticconditionsmay also affectthe movementof smoke particularlyin spaceswith large volumes,such as atriums.This is becauseforcedair circulationmay preventthe smoke of low-buoyancyfrom reachinginitiallythe pointof detection.The stack effectin tall buildingsand temperatureinversionmay also need to be considered. The varioustechniquescommonlyused for smoke controlare as describedbelow: (a)

SmokeContainment(passivemethod) Smoke Containmentrelieson physicalbarriersto limitthe spreadof hot smoky gases from one compartmentin a buildingto another. Passivecompartmentation such as doors,walls and floorscan be usedto providesome protectionagainstsmokeingress.The extentto which smokewill leakthroughthesebarrierswill dependon the sizeand shapeof leakagepathsand the pressuredifferentialsacrossthe paths.


Smoke Dilution Smoke Dilutiondescribesany method of mixingthe smoky gases with enough clear air to increasethe availablevisibilityand to reducethe threatfrom toxic productsof combustion. Applicationincludescar parkingarea where the low ceilingheightand exhaustductwork configuration may make smoke reservoirprincipleimpractical.


Smoke ReservoirExhaustVentilation(See also Clauses 15.2.4& 15.2.S) This is a methodthat providesa separationbetweenan upperlayerof smokeand a lowerlayer of relativelyclear air. This is achievedby continuouslyextractingsmoke from the buoyant smokereservoir(or layer),usingeithernaturalextractventilatorsor poweredsmokeexhaust fans.This air is then replacedby outdoorair, whichre-entersthe spacebelowthe baseof the smoke layer.


Depressurisation Depressurisation involvesthe controlof smoke using pressuredifferentialsin which the air pressurein the spacecontainingthe fire is reducedbelowthat in the adjacentspacesrequiring protection.This methodcan be combinedwith a variationof othersystemdesigns. Examples of applicationare internalroomsof an officefloor with a total floor area exceeding1,000m2 where the introductionof low level replacementair is impractical.


15.2.4Engineered Smoke Control System EngineeredSmoke ControlSystemprovidesthe followingintent: (i)

The systemwill safelycontrolthe movementand spreadof smoke withinthe building.


The systemis designedto removesmoke producedby a fire type and risk associatedwith a specificbuildinguse.


T h e c o n t r o la n d r e m o v a lo f s m o k e w i l l e n h a n c et h e c o n d i t i o n si n s i d et h e b u i l d i n gf o r purposesof safe evacuationfrom the buildingand ingressfor searchand rescueoperation.


T h e c o n t a i n e da n d d e s i g n e dm o v e m e n to f t h e s m o k e w i l l e n h a n c et h e o p e r a t i o n a l effectivenessof the sprinklers.


The containmentof the smokewithinthe smokereservoirwill minimisethe spreadof smoke throughoutthe buildingand thus reducethe costs associatedwith smoke damage to the buildingfabric,stock and capitalitems.


The controland removalof smoke will maintainclearerand safer conditionsfor peopleto evacuatethe premises.This is done by keepingthe movementlevel of peopleclear from smoke and hot toxic gases and increasingthe visibilitylevelsto aid safe escape.

15.2.5Smoke Reservoirs/Zones (i) A smokereservoirwill preventthe spreadof hot smokeand gasesthroughoutthe wholearea of the building. lt will also assist in keepingthe smoke as hot as possibleand therefore maintainmaximumbuoyancyand movementtowardsthe extractionpoint. (ii)

The reservoirservesas a collectionpointfor the smokeand the designneedsto ensurethe smokereservoiris maintainedabovehead height,therebyensuringmaximumconditionsfor breathingand visibility(and minimisingconditionsfor panic). Minimumsmoke layer base (head heightclearance)shall be:

For the LowestFlooror SingleStorey = 2.75m (naturaldisplacementventilation) or 2.00m (powered extractionventilation) UpperStorey = 3.00m (naturaldisplacementventilation) or 2.00m (poweredextractionventilation) (iii)

Smoke reservoircreatesa singlepositionfrom which smoke can be extracted.


For naturalsmoke ventilation,the limit of each smoke reservoir/zonewould be 2,000m2. Also referto Clause '15.3.8.


For poweredsmoke ventilation,the limitof each smoke reservoir/zone would be 2,600 m2 Also referto Clause 15.3.8.


The maximumlengthof a smokereservoir/zone would be in the regionof 60 metresunless provenotherwiseby engineeredcalculation.



The amountof smokeextractionfrom the reservoirshouldbe sufficientto preventthe smoke layerfrom buildingdown to belowthe design head heightclearance.

(viii) The rateof extraction(naturalor powered)must be sufficientto meetthe designrequirements, in that it mustbe capableof extractingthe amountof smokewhichis enteringthe baseof the smoke layer.


For any ventilationsystemto work effectivelythere must be an adequatesupplyof make up freshair (replacement air)to'balance'thesystem.


The replacement air must be introducedat the lowestpossiblelevel(at least0.5 metresbelow the base of the smoke layer).This is to ensurethat the smoke layer is not disturbedby the flow of air intothe building.The air velocityshouldbe minimisedto a value not exceeding 5 metres/second.


The preferenceis for the replacementair to be introducednaturally,for examplevia: Louvres,doors,rollershutters,windows,or ventilators,all of which must open automatically so that the supplyof fresh air is guaranteed.


Poweredreplacementair should not exceed 75o/oor be less than 50% of the extractedair volume.

15.3 APPLICATIONS 15.3.1Basement Smoke Control System (i) Wherethe totalaggregatefloorareaof all basementstoreysdoesnot exceed1,000m2,smoke vents in accordancewith Clause15.3.1(iii)may be providedin lieu of engineeredsmoke controlsystem. (ii)

Where the total aggregatefloor area of all basementstoreysexceeds1,000m2,engineered stipulatedin Clause15.3.8shallbe smokecontrolsystemthat complieswith the requirements providedfor all parts of basementwith the followingexceptions: (a) Wherethe basementor a portionof the basementis used as carpark,Clause 15.3.1(iv) can be adoptedfor the carpark,providedit is compartmentedfrom rest of the basement. (b) PlanVequipmentroom with floor area not exceeding250m2and compartmentedfrom the rest of the basement and providedwith two doors for better reach in fire fighting . operation. (c) PlanUequipment room with floor area exceeding250m2but not exceeding1,000m2, smokeventsin accordancewith Clause15.3.1(iii)or smokepurgingsystemof at least10 air-changesper hour shall be provided. (d) Serviceareassuchas laundries,officestoreroomand workshops(restrictedto staffonly) smokeventingprovisionin accordancewith Clause15.3.1(iii) whichare compartmented, or smoke purgingsystemof at least 10 air-changesper hour may be acceptedfor those areasin lieu of the engineeredsmokecontrolsystem.Automaticfire alarm/extinguishing systemshallalso be providedwhere requiredunderthe UBBL.



Smokeventsshallbe uniformlydistributed to induceand enhancecrossventilation adequately alongperimeterof basementand theiroutlets(whichshalleffectivelydischargedirecly to the outside)shall be easilyaccessibleduringfire fightingand rescueoperations.Installation shall complywith the followingrequirements: ( a ) The numberand theirsizesshallbe suchthatthe aggregateeffectivevent openings shall not be less than 2.5% of the basementfloor area served. (b) The vent outletsif coveredundernormalconditions shallbe breakable/openable in caseof fire. Breakablecoversshouldbe capableof beingopenedby the fire servicefrom outside the buildingand permanentnoticeidentifyingthe area they serveshouldbe providedon or adjacentto the covers. (c) The vent outletsare sited not less than 5 metresawav from exits. (d) Where ducts are requiredto connectthe vent to outlets,the ducts shall be constructed to give at least t hour fire resistancerating. (e) Separateducts and vent outletsor equivalentarrangementssuch as sub-ducts shall be providedfor each basementstorey.


Where poweredventilationsystemis requiredfor car parkingareas in basementswith total floorarea exceeding1,000m2,a smoke purgingsystemwhich is independentof any system servingother partsof the buildingshall be providedto give a purgingrate of not less than 10 air changesper hour. lnstallationshall complywith the followingrequirements: (a) The smoke purgingsystem shall be activatedautomaticaltyby the building fire alarm system. In addition,a remote manual start-stopswitch shall be located at the fire commandcentre,or at the mainfire alarmpanel.Visualindicationof the operation status of the smoke purgingsystem shall also be providedwith this remote control switch. (b) Supply air shall be drawn directlyfrom the externaland its intakeshall not be less than 5 metresfrom any exhaustdischargeopening. (c) Wherethere is naturalventilationfor such basementcarparkbasedupon openingsequal to not less than 25% of the floor area of such storey,such naturalventilation may be consideredas a satisfactorysubstitutefor the replacementair of the smokepurging system for that storey. ( d ) Exhaustair shallbe dischargeddirectlyto the externaland shall not be less

than 5m from

any air intakeopening.

(e) Separateductsor equivalentarrangements suchas sub-ductsshallbe providedfor each compartmentedbasementstorey. (f) Whereductsare usedfor the basementcarparksmokepurgingsystem, they shallcomply with the requirementsof the DGFRDM. , (v)

Whereengineeredsmokecontrolsystemis preferred,it shallbe providedas specified under C l a u s e1 5 . 3 . 8 .


15.3.2Smoke Controlsystem forAbove Ground premises (i) where the totalnon fire compartmented aggregatefloorarea exceeds1,000m2or the volume exceeds7,000m:,a smoke controlsystemshall be provided. (ii)

Wherenaturalsmokeventilationis provided,the smokeventsshall be in accordancewith Clause15.3.2.(v)


Where poweredsmoke controlsystemis provided,thisshallcomply with Ctause15.3.2.(vi)


Whereengineeredsmokecontrolsystemis provided,this shallcomply with the requiremenrs as stipulated in Clause15.3.g.


Smokeventsshallbe positionedat high levelabovethe smoketayer baseand conformto the requirementsspecifiedbelow: (a) The numberand theirsizesshallbe such that the aggregate effectivevent openingsshall not be less than 2.5% of the floor area served. (b) The vent outlets(whichshall effectivelydischargedirectly to the outside)shal be of the permanentlyopenedtype or will open automaticallyunder a fire mode conditionwithout human intervention. (c) Replacementair shall be by meansof naturalventilation. (d) Conformanceto Clause 15.2.s


EngineeredSmoke ControlSystem design shall be applicable only for ceiling heights exceeding2 or 3 metres(SeeClause15.2.5)for the smokereservoirprinciple to be effective. Below2 or 3 metres(See Clause15.2.5)ceilingheights,powered smoke purging/dilution systemof at least 10 air changesper hour shall be providedto suit the conceptsadopted. Make up or replacementair shail be providedin the foilowingmanner: (a) For smokedepressurisation concept,no purposeprovidedreplacementair is necessary. However,pressuredifferentialbetweendepressurisedzone and the adjacent zone shall be maintainedat between10 to 50 pa. (b) For smoke dilutionconcept,replacementair may be introduced at any level but, if powered,shall be limitedto not less than 50% and not greater than75% of the exhaust air volume.

15.3.3Smoke Control System for Fire Fighting Access Lobby (i) Firefightingaccesslobbywhere not mechanicallypressurised, shall be smoke ventedin compliancewith the requirementsspecifiedbelow: (a) The openableareaof windowsor areaof permanentventilation shallnot be less than 2s% of the floor area of the lobby, and if ventilationis by means of openabte windows, additionalpermanentventilationhavinga free area of q64 cm, shall be provided. (ii)

A smoke lobbyshall be treatedas a protectedstainrvay as describedunder Clause 1s.3.4.


Stairway 15.3.4SmokeControl System for Protected pressurisedshouldbe providedwith either: mechanically not where Protectedstainruay (i) levelhavinga clearopenablearea not (a) openablewindowsat each upperstoreyor landing |essthanSo/oofthecrosssectionaIareaofthestairway;or (b)Anopenab|eventout|etatthetophavingac|earareaofnot|essthan1m2. 15.3.5Smoke Control of Hotel Internal Corridors (i)Whereinterna|corridorsinhote|sarenotmechanical|ypressurised,suchcorridorssha|lbe smokepurgedatapurgingrateofnot|essthanl0airchangesperhour. (ii)Engineeredsmokecontro|systemmaybeappliedon|yforcorridorsexceeding2or3metres height(Clause1 5'2'5)' ( i i i ) N a t u r a l v e n t i | a t i o n i s p e r m i s s i b | e o n | y i f i n d u c e d c r o s s v e n t i l a t i oserved n i s a vcan a i l abe b|eandthe than 2'5% ol the floor area aggregateeffectivevent openingsof not less provided. Theaters etc) 15.3.6Smoke Control for Auditorium (Cinemas' than 2'5o/oof the floor area served shall be less not of Smoke vents with effectiveopenings (i) to auditoriahavingf|oor area providedfor auditoriawhich "," not sprink|erprotectedand more than 500m2if sprinklerprotected' (ii)

preferred,it shall conformto clause 15'3'8' where engineeredsmoke controlsystemis

15.3.7Atrium Smoke Control System specifiedin UBBL 1984 are relaxedfor atrium where the requirementfor compartmentation (i) providedfor a steriletube atriumtype as spacesin a building,smoke controlsystem shall be sPecifiedbelow: less and the volume of the atrium is (a) where the heightof the atriumis 17 metresor 19 m3/sor 6 air changesper hour' 17.000nior less,the smoke exhaustrate shall be whicheveris greater' ( b ) W h e r e t h e h e i g h t o f t h e a t r i u m i s l T m e t r e s o r | e s s a n d t h e v o | u m e o f t hper e ahour' triumismore be 19 m3/sor 4 air changes than 17,000m3,the smoke exhaustrate shall whicheveris greater' (c)WheretheheightoftheatriumismorethanlTmetres,thesmokeexhaustratesha||beat a minimumof 4 air changesPerhour' (d)Whereengineeredsmokecontro|systemispreferred,itsha||beprovidedasspecifiedin Clause15.3.8. (ii)


controlsystemcomplyingwith the For a non steriletube atriumtype, engineeredsmoke requirementsasstipu|atedinC|ause15.3.Bshal|beadopted. The smoke controlsystemshall be activatedby: adjacentto each returnair-intake (a) smoke detectorslocatedat the top of the ittlutn and levels; from the atriumor beam detectorsat the appropriate


(b) the automaticsprinklersystemservingthe atriumzone/s; (c) automaticdetectorsystem(but not manualcall point); (d) manualcontrolsreadilyaccessibleto the Fire Brigade. 15.3.8EngineeredSmoke Control System systemby natural smokecontrolsystemshallbe in the form of a smokeventilation (i) Engineered or poweredextractiondesignedin accordancewith: (a) BR 186 - Designprinciplesfor smoke ventilationin enclosedshoppingcentres;or (b) BR 258 - Designapproachesfor smoke controlin atriumbuildings;or (c) Otheracceptablestandards,such as: - WarringtonFire ResearchConsultants(WFRC) - Societyof Fire ProtectionEngineersPublication(SFPE) Engineers(ASHRAE) - AmericanSocietyof Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning (NoteBR 186 and BR 258 are reportspublishedby the Fire ResearchStation,Building UK). ResearchEstablishments, (ii)

The buildingto be providedwith engineeredsmokecontrolsystemshallhave a smoke layer temperaturenot exceeding250'C.


Capacityof the smokeventilationsystemshallbe calculatedbasedon the incidenceof a likely maximumfire size for a sprinklercontrolledfire as recommendedin the followingtable:

Fire Size Occupancy(Sprinklered)

HeatOutput (MW) 5 1.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 10 7 1.5

Shops ffices HotelGuestRoom HotelPublicAreas AssemblyOccupancywith fixingseating Warehouse BasementServiceArea (LorryParks) Car parks

Perimeterof Fire (m) 12 12 6 12 12 1B 15 13.5


The capacityof a smokeventilationsystemshall be capableof handlingthe largestdemand for smokeexhaustunderthe worst case scenario'


The designsmoke layer base shall be abovethe headsof peopleescapingbeneathit. The minimumheightshallbe as describedunderClause15.2.5.


to preventthe lateralspreadof smokeand to collectsmokefor removalshall Smokereservoirs constructioncapableof withstandingsmoke temperatures' be of non-combustible



For cases where smoke is removedfrom the room of originthe smoke reservoirsize for a smoke ventilationsystemshouldnot exceed: (a) 2,000m2for naturalsmokeventilationsystem (b) 2,600m2for mechanicalsmoke ventilationsystem

(viii) For cases where smoke is removedfrom the circulationspace or atrium space the smoke reservoirsize for a smoke ventilationsvstemshouldnot exceed: (a) 1,000m2for naturalsmoke ventilationsystem (b) 1,300m2for poweredsmoke ventilationsystem (ix)

For cases where smoke is removedfrom the circulationspace or atriumspace, the rooms dischargingsmoke into the circulationspace/atriumspacesshouldeither: (a) have a floor area not exceeding1,000m2(for naturalventilationsystem)or 1,300m2 (for powered ventilationsystem) or (b) be subdividedsuchthat smoke is ventedto the circulationspaceor atriumonly from part of the room with floor area not exceeding1,000m2for naturalventilationsystem or 1,300m2for poweredventilationsystem, that are adjacentto the circulationspace or atrium.However,the remainderof the room needsto be providedwith independent smoke ventilationsystem/s.


The maximum length of the smoke reservoirshould not exceed 60 metres,unless proven otherwise.


Adequatearrangement(s)shall be made in each smoke reservoirfor the removalof smoke in a way that will preventthe formationof stagnantregions.


Replacementair shall be drawn directlyfrom the externalor adjacentspaces,and; (a) The design replacementair dischargevelocityshall not exceedSm/sto preventthe escapees being affectedby the air flow. (b) Replacementair intake shall be sited at least 5 metres away from any exhaust air discharge. (c) Replacement air shallbe dischargedat low level,at least0.5 metresbeneaththe designed "fogging" smoke layer,to prevent of the lowestclearzone. (d) Where the inlet cannot be sited at least 0.5m belowthe smoke layer,a smoke curtain or a baffleshall be used to preventreplacementair distortingthe smoke layer. (e) Where replacementair is takenthroughinletair ventilatorsor doorurays, devicesshallbe incorporatedto automatically open such inletventilatorsand doorsto admit replacement air upon activationof the smoke ventilationsystem.

(xiii) For caseswherethe smokereservoiris abovethe falseceiling,the ceilingshallbe of perforated type or evenlydistributedair inletswith at least 10% openings.


(xiv) The smoke ventilationsystemshall be providedwith secondarysourceof power supply. (xv)

In conjunctionwith Clause 15.3.7(iii),the smokeventilationsystemshall be activatedby smoke detectorslocatedin the smoke controlzone. Use of smoke detectorsfor activation must be carefullydesignedso that accidentalor prematureactivationof smokedetectorsat a non-firezone due to smoke spillor spreadfrom otherareas is avoided.

(xvi) A remote manual activationand controlswitchas well as visual indicationof the operation statusof the smokeventilationsystemshallalso be providedat the fire commandcentreand where there is no fire the main fire indicatorboard. (xvii) Exceptfor ventilationsystemsfor escaperoutesand smokelobbies,all otherair conditioning and ventilationsystemswithin the areas servedshall be shut down automaticallyupon activationof the smoke ventilationsystem. (xviii) Fans shall be capableof operatingat 250'C for 2 hours. (xix) The fans and associatedsmokecontrolequipmentshallbe wiredin protectedcircuitsdesigned to ensurecontinuedoperationin the eventof the fire. (xx)

The electricalsupplyto the fans shallbe by meansof cablesof at least2-hoursfire resistance.

(xxi) Smoke ventilationducts (bothexhaustand replacementair ducts) passingthroughanother fire compartmentshall be constructedto have fire resistanceratingnot less than that of the compartment. (xxii) Non-motorised fire dampersshall not be fittedin the smoke ventilationsystem. (xxiii) The time takenfrom the smokeventilationsystemwithina smokezone to be fullyoperational shall not exceed 60 seconds from system activation. (xxiv) For naturalsmoke ventilationsystemthe naturalventilatorsshall be: (a) defaultedin the "open"positionin the eventof power/systemfailure;and (b) positionedsuch that they will not be adverselyaffectedby positivewind pressure. (xxv) Naturalexhaustventilationshall not be used togetherwith poweredreplacementair or poweredsmoke exhaustventilation. (xxvi) All smokecurtainswhere required,unlesspermanently fixedin position,shallbe broughtinto positionautomaticallyto provideadequatesmoke{ightnessand effectivedepth. (xxvii)Smoke curtainor other smoke barrierat any accessrouteformingpart of or leadingto a meansof escapeshall not in theiroperationalpositionobstructthe escapeof peoplethrough such route. (xxviii)Whereglasswalls or panelsare used as smoke screensto form a smoke reservoiror as channelingscreens,they shall be able to withstandthe highestdesignsmoke temperature. (xxix) All smoke controlequipment(includingsmokecurtains)shall be suppliedand installedin accordancewith the acceptedstandardssuch as BS 7346.


(xxx) To minimisethe phenomenaof plugholing,multipleinletsshouldbe (calculated or modelled) usedfor poweredsmokeextractionsystem. Also,the maximummass flowratethrougheach exhaustinletmust be limitedto suit the depth of smoke layer belowthe exhaustinlet. (xxxi) The ceilingjet producedwhen smokeplumehitsthe ceilingcan impactthe effectiveness of a poweredsmokeventingsystem.To containthis impact,smokeextractionshouldbe designed for a minimumsmoke layerdepthof 10% of the floorto ceilingheight.

15.4 CALCULATION 15.4.1Examples of Basement Carpark Smoke Gontrol System 15.4-1.1Descriptionof Building A 12-storeyofficebuildingconsistingof 3 basementcarparklevels. Design Consideration The 3 levelsof belowgradecarparkshallbe independently smoke controlledby meansof powered exhaustsystemwith naturalreplacementsupplyair. The carparkventilationsystem is designedwith low and high level exhaust inletsto ensure the removalof heavierthan air toxic carbon monoxideand dioxide gases as well as rising hot air. Under smoke spill mode,the principleof smoke reservoirmay not be practicaldue to the low 69


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1 8 . 1C ON C E P T The Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased Approach (FE-PBA) is a methodologyfor design, evaluationand assessmentoffice safety in identifies an engineeringapproach to buildingfire safety,and gives guidanceon the applicationof scientific and engineeringprinciples, to the protectionof people and propertyfrom unwantedfire. Additionally, it ouilin"s a structured approach,to assessmentof total buildinqfire safetysystemeffectiveness, and to the achievement of pre-identified designobjectives The methodologyfacilitatesperformance-based design that meets the fire safety objectivesof Building Codes. Many factors, including a building'sform of construction,,""n, of escape, occupancyfactors,smoke management,detection,alarmand fire suppression facilities,contribute to the achievementof fire-safetyobjectives.The guidelinesof Fire Engineering- performance Based Approach,are based on the premisethat all these measures, form part of an integrated fire safetysystemfor the building,which must respondto any fire developingwithin that building. consequently,it is requiredthat designersrecognisethe interactions betweenelementsof a fire safetysystemand that they developcompleteand integrateddesign solutions. The basicprinciplesof Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased Approachmay be appliedto speci1c types of buildingsand their uses. However,the principleand the guidelines developeddo NoT cover buildingswhich are used for bulk storage or processing of flammable liquids, industrial chemicalsor explosivematerials.The intrinsicrisksassociatedwith such buildingswillnecessitate specialconsiderationand is beyondthe scopeof this chapter. The Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased Approachconcept is intendedfor applicationduring the conceptualphaseof buildingfire safetysystemdesign,prior to the detaildesign,specification and documentationphase of selected fire-safetysub-syst,ems(or elements).Fire Engineering procedures require early consultationand co-operation between the project manager, Architect and other membersof the designteam, togetherwith the Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia. The detaileddesignand specificationof fire-safetysub-systems(which will followagreementof the conceptualdesign)may not be specificduringthis stage.But it is imperativethat when executed, these strictlyadhereto the decisionsand agreementsreachedduring the conceptualphase.

18.2 DESIGNREQUIREMENTS 18.2.1Codes and Standards (i) Fire SafetyEngineeringGuidelinepublishedby the AustralianBuilding CodesBoard(ABCB) (ii) Bs 7974: Applicationof Fire SafetyEngineeringPrincipteto the Designof Building- Code of Practice

1 8 . 3F I R ES A F E T YE N GIN E E R EQUIREM ENTS The Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased Approach study should only be carried out by e qualified,and experienceand accreditedFire Safety Engineer(FSE) whln acting as part of e designteam' This will permitachievementof the requisitelevel of fire safetyfor a buildingwithou imposingunnecessaryconstraintson otheraspectsof its design. The qualificationand capabilityof a FSE should be accredited by an appropriateprofessiona institutionor by FRDM' The criteriaof an appropriateFire safety Engineershall be a person,whc by educationtrainingand experienceis:



familiarwith the natureand characteristics of fire and associatedproductsof combustion.


one who has understanding of how fires originate,spreadwithinand outsidebuildinqs/ structures,and/orextinguished


ableto anticipate the behaviour of materials, structures equipmentand processesretatedto the protectionof life and propertyfrom fire.


able to use appropriatequantitative fire engineeringmethodology as well as understanding all the techniquesutilisedin respectto assumptions,limitationsand uncertainties.


awareof mattersof fire safetymanagement,includingthe role of fire preventionand the risks to buildingfire-safetyassociatedwith construction,installation, operationand maintenance.


familiarwith relevantBuildingCodes,Standards,Codesof Practice,legislation,etc.


is registeredwith the Boardof Engineers,Malaysiaas a ProfessionalEngineeror Boardof Architects,Malaysiaas a ProfessionalArchitect.

- PERFORMANCE 18.4SCOPEOF FIREENGINEERING BASEDAPPROACH The applicationof FE-PBAshall be restrictedas follows: (i) NormalBuildingCategory(referto UBBLT1984 Tenth Schedute). - ShallfollowUBBL 1984requirements eg. schools,shop houses,factories (ii)

High Rise BuildingCategory - ShallfollowUBBL 1984requirement - FE-PBAshallbe appliedonly to specificarealspacesnot coveredby UBBL 1984 eg. Kuala LumpurCity Centre,MenaraKuala Lumpur


Mega Projectand SpeciatUse - FE-PBAmay be apptied eg. Kuala LumpurInternational Airport

. PERFORMANCE 1 8 . 5E X C L U S ION OF F IR EE N GINEERING BASEDAPPROAC H APPLICATION The followingtype of buildingsshall be excluded from the applicationof Fire EngineeringPerformanceBased Approach: (i)

Buildingsused for bulk storage


Buildingsused for processingof : (a) flammableliquids (b) industrialchemicals, (c) explosivematerials.

The intrinsicrisks associatedwith such buildingswill necessitatespecial considerationand is beyondthe scopeof this study.


- PERFORMANCE 18.6FIREENGINEERING BASED(FEPB)REPORT The format of the FEPB Report may depend on the nature and scope of the Fire EngineeringPerformanceBasedstudy and shall containthe followinginformation: (i) Objectiveof the Study (ii)

Descriptionof the buildingand type of occupancy


Membersof the DesignTeam


Resultsof the designoverview (a) Fire safety objectives (b) Resultsof hazardidentification (c) Basis for selectingfire scenariosfor analysis (d) Acceptancecriteria (e) Trial conceptdesign (f) Redundanciesbetweenand within sub-systems (g) Influenceof Fire Safety Management


Analysisof Results (a) Assumptions (b) Engineeringjudgement (c) Calculationprocedures (d) Validationof methodotogies (e) Sensitivityanalysis (0 Evaluationof the resultsof the analysisagainstthe acceptancecriteria


FinalConceptualDesign& Conclusion (a) Fire Protectionmeasuresrequired (b) AppliedManagementissuewhich is integralto the design


Reference (a) Drawings (b) Designdocumentation (c) Technicalliterature

Based on the contents of FEPB Report, it is desirable that the main body of text provides an overviewof the study The calculations,computeroutputs,detailedanalysisand other documents shouldbe includedin the appendices. It is also important that the FEPB Report draws a clear distinctionbetween life safety, property protectionand environmental protection,so that the buildingowner,managerand Fire and Rescue DepartmentMalaysiaclearlyunderstandthe purposeof the proposedmeasures.

18.7APPROVAL Fire Engineeringis a developingdisciplineand some of the judgementneededmay be subjective. ' Therefore,the Fire and RescueDepartment Malaysiamust be consultedfor priorapprovalof the overall conceptbeforefinal parametersand assumptionsare laid down for the Fire Engineering designusing PerformanceBasedApproach.


Fire Engineeringdesign begins with QualitativeDesign Review During the QualitativeDesign Review,the scope and objectivesof the fire safety design shall be defined,performancecriteria establishedand one or more potentialdesignsolutionsproposed. QuantitativeAnalysis shall apply the fundamentalfire science and engineeringmethodology to evaluatethe potentialsolution proposed in the QualitativeDesign Review The Quantitative Analysisshall includethe followingcriteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Fire initiationand developmentwithinthe enclosure Smoke Developmentand Managementwithinand beyondthe enclose Firespreadand managementbeyondthe enclosureof origin Firedetectionsuppression Occupantavoidance Communication and responseby Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia

All the results from the quantitativeanalysis shall be compared with the, acceptancecriteria identifiedduringthe QualitativeDesignReview Three types of approachesmay be considered: (i) (ii) (iii)

Deterministic Probabilistic Comparative

The FEPB Reportsshall be certifiedby a FSE for presentationto the DirectorGeneralof the Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia

18.8PEERREVIEWER A FEPB Reportshallbe supportedby a Peer ReviewReportconfirmingits findings. The Fire SafetyEngineerpreparingthe Peer ReviewReportshall be independentand shall NOT be engaged by the same Fire Safety Engineerwho is conductingthe FE-PBAor by the project managementteam or by the owner of the said project or anyone who is related to the same project. The Fire Safety Engineerpreparingthe Peer Review Report shall be appointedby the Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia,and the cost incurredshall be borne by the owner The Peer Review Report shall be submittedindependentlyto the DirectorGeneralof Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysiaas a basisof comparisonof the assumptionsand criteriaset forth by the FEPB Report. The requirementsof a Peer Reviewershall be as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

in accordancewith the requirementsas stipulatedin section18.3 shall have at least 15 years of relevantworkingexperience shall be currentlyinvolvedin or has accessto researchand developmentactivitiesin the fire engineeringfield shall be an approvedProfessionalEngineeror ProfessionalArchitect


1 8 . 9D E C tS ION The Decisionof the DirectorGeneralof Fire and Rescue DepartmentMalaysiashall be final in accordanceto UBBL 1984,By-law245.

1 8.1O LEGAL IMPLICATION The applicationof Fire Engineering- PerformanceBased Approach is a complex exercisethat involvespublic safety. Hence, the qualified,competentand experiencedprofessionaladopting Fire Engineering- PerformanceBasedApproachshall be responsibleand accountableshouldthe designdeviatefrom the UBBL 1984 and subsequentlyfail during a fire. For the professionalwho practicesFire Engineering- PerformanceBasedApproach,noticeshall be takenwhereby: (i)

"Judicialnotice" underthe EvidenceAct 1950 is not accordedto the responsiblesubmitting Architectand/orEngineer.


Underthe Law of Negligence,generallyif there is professionalnegligence,pursuantto the EvidenceAct '1950,the burdenof provingnegligenceis on the partywho wantsjudgement from the court and the standardof proof is generallyof balanceof probabilities.


adoptingthe Fire Engineering-Performance BasedApproach,whereby Shouldthe professional the engineeringdesignis withinthe knowledgeof the designer,then the doctrineof res rpsa Iquidorwill apply wherebythe burdenof provingnegligenceassertedby the plaintiffwill be shiftedto the professionalto provethat he is not negligent.


ln normal negligencesuit, the legal burden is on the plaintiffto prove the existenceof negligenceon the part of the professional.


Two thousand five hundred year ago, a Master military strafegisf said; "in peace prepare for war, in war prepare for peace" - MasterSun Tzu, Art of War, 506 B.C. Similarly in time of normalcy prepare for disaster, in time of disaster prepare for quick return to normalcy.

1 9 . 1I N T ROD U C T ION The submittingperson is requiredto submit the Fire OperationManual (FOM) before Certificate of Fitnessis issuedto a building.The Fire OperationManualessentiallyconsistsof the overallasbuilt Fire ProtectionSystemsand the EmergencyResponsePlan (ERP).In the past the FOM only consistslittle informationon the ERP for the building.Howeverprofessionalsmust now update their knowledgeon ERP. The Fire and RescueDepartmenthave establisheda Malaysianincident CommandStructure(MICS) for the protectionof plants.This standardis based on the National Fire ProtectionAssociation12 - IncidentCommandStructure(lCS)which is widelypractisedby all hazardousindustriesin many developedcountries. The ERP is a detailEmergencyPlanningsystemwhich involveslife safety,evacuation,mitigation, fire fightingand rescue,etc. and will requirea qualifiedand experiencedpersonto draft the plan, taking into considerationvariousaspectssuch as anticipatedstrategiesbased on some logicalor variablescenarioin a particularbuilding,the type of risks (fire risk assessment),and many other factorsdependingon nature,size,occupancy,etc of the building.

1 9 . 2U N I FIE D C OMMA N D A N DC ONTROL The Big Picture ' The incident Command Structurewas developed by a multi-agencytask force after a major wildlandfire which destroyeda large portionof SouthernCalifornia,USA in 1970. ' The ICS is designedas a systemwhich can be usedfrom the initialstagesof any incidentuntilthe situationreturnsto is also applicableto bothdailysituations(non-emergency) as well as very largeand is designedto be used in responseto emergenciescaused by fires, earthquakes,floods, riots, explosionor hazardouschemicalspillsand other naturalor man-madeincidents. ' The structureof the ICS is not restrictiveand operateslikea numberof boxes,whereit can expand or contractdependingon the demand and changingconditionof an incident.However,it should be staffedand operatedby trainedand qualifiedpersonnelfrom any emergencyserviceseg. Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysia,Police,army, hospital,etc. ' As such,thisstrategicsystemcan be usedfor any typeor sizeor emergencyinvolvingsingleagency to multipleagenciesand from 5 hamburgerto 500,000hamburgerrequirements. ' The ICS establishesproceduresfor controlof personnel,facilities,equipment,communications, commont'erminology and will also ensurethe timelycombinationof resourcesduringan emergency.

. This systemwill ensuredifferentagenciescouldwork togethertowardsa commonobjectivein an effectiveand systematicmanner.

REQUIREMENTS 19.3THEMAIN"ICS''OPERATION ls an organisational structureof respondingagenciesadaptableto any emergenciesor incidentto whichthe Fire and RescueDepartmentMalaysiawould be expectedto must providefor the followingkindsof operations: . Singlejurisdiction/single agencyinvolvement . Singlejurisdictionwith multi-agencyinvolvement . Multijurisdiction/multi-agency involvement It must be applicableand acceptableto users both nationallyand cross boarder operation,if necessary- eg. IndonesiaForestFires,Turkeyand Taiwanearthquakes,etc. It should be easilyand readilyadaptableto new technologyand local conditions- DirectiveNSC No. 20. (ArahanMKN No. 20) ls flexible and able to expand in a logical manner from an initial attach situationinto a major incident. Has a common basic element in organisation,terminologyand procedureswhich will ensure continuationof a total mobilityconcept. shouldhave the leastpossibledisruptionto existingsystems. It's implementation ls effective in fulfillingall the above requirementsand yet be simple enough to ensure low operationaland maintenancecostswhen in use. The ICS has considerableflexibility,where it can grow or shrinkto meet is a cost effectiveand efficientmanagementsystem,and can be applied to a wide variety of emergencyand non-emergencysituationssuch as: . . . . . . . . . .

incident Fire and explosions,hazardsin multi-casualty Multijurisdictionand multiagencydisasters(UnifiedCommand) Floodand earthquake Major forest fires Pest eradicationand diseasecontrol Oil spill responseand recoveryincident accident Air, rail,water or groundtransportation parades, concerts celebrations, Plannedeventse.g. Privatesectoremergencymanagementprogrammes State or local major natural hazard management

19.4 ORGANISATION AND OPERATION The ICS organisationfocuses on flve major functionalareas - but it is easily rememberedas "CommandercannotFLOP"which is:


Command Finance Logistics Operation Planning Commandis responsiblefor overallmanagementand controlof the incidentsupportedby trained and qualifiedstaff. The commandfunctionin the ICS can be managed by a singlecommand or UnifiedCommand.


Diagram of lncident Command System

19.5EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN An EmergencyResponsePlan (ERP) is a plan for survivalin an emergencyand mitigation and is perhapsthe most importantelementof emergencymanagement.Mitigation is the daily effortto reducethe hazardsand quick recoveryfrom disasterdependson pre-planning. The ERp can help us to preventand preparethe effectsof a disaster.Developmentof an ERp is truly proactive as well as reactiveand also one that is effectiveand is usefulto re-emphaiis" ", well as expandupon the five basic principles: ' ProperEmergencyPlanningbeginswith Owners, Operations,and Managersof the Facility involvedin or contributingto a potentialor actualemergency.


Communicationplays an especiallyvital role in both the preventionof and the responseto any emergency Lack of co-ordination between emergency servicesand other communitysupport services

Lack of establishedchain of command;lack uniform commandsignals;lack of standardterminology

Failure No standradisation of equipment usedby different responding agencies

Interference withsite operations by crowdsof curiouspublic as wellas standby response personnel

Uncontrolled accessto siteby politicians andmassmedia personnel

Commoncausesof failurein emergencyresponseoperations pranningfor Corporate Emergency Response "* ,,lrf!,'r!; i!!f"?i, On-goingfacilityauditsand practicedrillsare essentialforupdatingand refiningan ERp. There can be no properemergencyresponsewithoutthe existenceof a practised,on site chain of command.

19.6 INDUSTRIAL FACILITY Regardless of thetypeof facility,an ERPfor an industrial facilityshouldcontain(ata minimum) the followingbasiccategoriesof information: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Objectives Responsibility andAuthority Distribution of plan Emergency Equipment andSupplies Locationof Data/ information Assessment of Hazard Generalprocedures Notification procedures EvacuationProcedures procedures Containment SpecialProcedures (,explosion, flood,toxicgas release) Equipment shutdown Returnto NormalOperations TrainingDocumentation lnformational appendices


19.7BULLETPOINTSIN ERPSTRATEGIES The objectiveof any disasterplan mustbe to ensurethe bestqualitytreatmentof the survivorin an effortto minimisethe risksof mortalitv. In the realevent,successwilldependon priorplanning,thoroughtraining,medicalreinforcement, co-operationwith other agenciesand availabilityof suitablemedicalassetsand transportation. will be fundamentalto successfulcommandand the effective Clearand efficientcommunications co-ordinationof rescue efforts. of a simpleyet flexible A favourableoutcomewill be the resultof the intelligentinterpretation plan that has been rehearsedand frequentlyreviewed. - Managementof Disasterand their aftermath,UK




Long term post crisis

Shortterm post crisis

Shock LRealisati LAcknowledgement+

Adaptation The time continuumof psychologicalrehabilitation.(From Gibsonwith permission.)

PaulA. Erikson, EmergencyResponsePlanningfor Corporateand MunicipalManager

19.8 CONCLUSTON ERP is a plan for survivaland may determinebetween life and death for emergencyresponse personneland thoseat risk in any emergencydisastermanagementcontrol.The ultimatechallenge to the ERP strategistis the survivaland safetyof those at risk and quick returnto normalcy. Fireman Soh's Experience,Highland Towers Tragedy, 1993


20.1INTRODUCTION In 1976 the Federal Constitution was amendedand the issue of preventionand extinguishment of fire, includingFire Servicesand Fire Brigadeswere listed in the Federal List. However,the FederalGovernment,alongwith State Governments,have jurisdictionin matterscontainedin the ConcurrentList i.e. mattersin FireSafetyand Fire Precautionin the Constructionand Maintenance of Buildings.Pursuantto Article 74(11of the Federal Constitution, Parliamentmay enact laws on matterslistedin the FederalList or in the ConcurrentList, and bv virtueof this Articlethe Fire Services Act 1988 was enacted.

20.2PREAMBLEOF THEACT The Fire ServicesAct 1988 which appliesthroughoutMalaysiawas enactedforthe effectiveand efficientfunctioningof the Fire Services Departmentand for the protectionof life and propertyfrom fire risks and purposesconnectedthere with. This Act came into force on the 1st of January1989 as publishedin the Gazette PU. (B) 701.

DEPARTMENT OF FIRESERVICES 20.3ESTABLISHMENT The DirectorGeneralof the Fire Services Departmentheads the structureof the Fire Services Departmentpursuantto section 3(2) of the Act. He is currentlyassistedby Deputy Directors Generaland AssistantDirectorsGeneral.Furthermore,by virtueof section 3(3) of the Act there is a Directorof Fire Servicesfor each of the States of is to be noted that every Fire Officer shall be subjectedto the controland directionof the DirectorGeneral.Pursuantto section 7 of the Act the DirectorGeneralmay delegatethe exerciseof his power or the performanceof his duties underthe said Act to any Fire Officerin writingvia delegationof power.There is also delegationof power vide authorisationpursuantto sections 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 52 and 59 of the said Act. Authorisedofficermeans authorisedby the DirectorGeneralin writingto act underthe provisions of the Act. The MalaysianFireServicesstructurealso includesauxiliaryFireOfficerswho may be appointedby the DirectorGeneralwith the concurrenceof the Ministerof Housingand LocalGovernment.These auxiliaryFire Officers are subjectedto the immediatecontrol and directionof the respectiveState Directorand are paid allowances.BesidesauxiliaryFire Officers,the structureof the Fire Services Departmentmay includeprivatefire-brigades,voluntaryfire-brigadesand cadetfire-brigades.

OF THE FIRESERVICES 20.4DUTIESAND RESPONSIBILITIES of the Fire Servicesare providedfor in section 5 of the Act whict The dutiesand responsibilities includes: Takingof lawfulmeasurefor: fighting,preventionand controllingfires. extinguishing, Protectinglife and propertyin the event of a fire. The makingof investigation into the cause,originand circumstanceof fire.


. The Ministermay directthe Departmentto performsuch other dutiesin additionto the above or imposedby law.

20.5FIREHAZARD 'Fire 'Fire The definitionof Hazard'shall be read togetherwith FightingEquipmentor Fire Safety installation'in order to have in-depthunderstandingwhich is the importantaspect for eventual laMul enforcementand prosecutionand those definitionsas providedin section 2 of the Act. 'Fire-FightingEquipment or Fire Safety installation' meansany equipmentor installation for: . Extinguishing, fighting,preventing,or limitinga fire . Givingwarningof a fire . Providingaccessto any premisesfor extinguishing, fighting,preventing,or limitinga fire . Providingemergencypower supplyin the event of normalpowerfailure . Providingemergencylightingfor purposesof escapefrom buildings . Giving directiontowards an escape route or place of refuge,or . Providingadequate,safe egressfor the purposeof evacuationor exit of occupantsin the event of fire 'Fire-hazard'means: . Any unlawfulalterationto any buildingsuch as might render escape in the event of a fire materiallymore difficultor less easy than it would be if the alterationhad not been made. . The over-crowdingof any place of public entertainmentor publicgatheringsuch might render escape in the event of a fire difficult. . A n y r e m o v a lo r a b s e n c ef r o m a n y b u i l d i n go f a n y F i r e - f i g h t i n gE q u i p m e n to r F i r e S a f e t y installationthat is requiredby law to be providedin the building. . The presencewithin or outside any buildingof any Fire-fightingEquipmentor Fire Safety installationor any facility,installedin accordancewith the requirementof any writtenlaw or as requiredby the Fire ServicesDepartment,that is not in efficientworking order. ' Inadequatemeansof exit from any part of a buildingto any place,whetherwithinor outsidethe building,that providessafetyto personsin the event of a fire, or . Any othermatteror circumstances that materiallyincreasethe likelihoodof a fire or the dangerto life or propertythat would resultfrom the outbreakof a fire, or that would materiallyhamperthe Fire ServicesDepartmentin the dischargeof its dutiesin the event of a fire.


2 0 . 6C OMP OU N D IN G Based on the Fire Services (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 1991 which came into force on the 6th August 1991, the followingare compoundableoffences: Section 22(U - any person in controlor owner of such premiseswho fails to comply with any directiongiven by the DirectorGeneral or any authorisedofficer to providefacilitiesand water supplyfor fire fightingpurpose. section 23(11- any works that affectany fire hydrantor the frow of water Section 23(21- hydrantnot in good working conditionupon the completionof any works carried out. Section 25(21- any person who refuses to allow the fixing of hydrant plate or obstructsin the course of the fixing or removes or defaces any such plate. Section 26 - any personwho coversup, encloses,or concealsany fire hydrantso as to renderits locationdifficultto ascertain,or tampers with any fire hydrant,or uses a fire hydrant other than for fire fighting purposes. Section 32(21- make a materialchange to the premiseswhile a fire certificateis in force. Section 33 - No fire certificatein force in respect of any designatedpremises. Section 47 - Unauthorisedpresencein premiseswhich has been taken over bv the Fire Services Departmentas a result of a fire. Section 52 - Failureto complywith directiongiven by an authorisedofficer.

20.7ABATEMENTOF FTRE.HAZARD ' Section 8 (1) - the DirectorGeneral,if satisfiedof the existencein any premisesof any fire hazard,may serve an abatementnotice in Form A requiringhim to abate the fire hazardwithin the specificperiod.lf the fire hazardis likelyto recur, he may also, by the fire-hazardabatementnotice under subsection(1) or by a subsequentfire-hazardabatementnoticein Form B requirethe person on whom the notice is served to do whateveris necessaryto preventingthe recurrenceol the fire hazardpursuantto subsection(2). ' Section 9 - Power of DirectorGeneralto abate fire hazardin vacant or unoccupiedpremisesir which the fire hazardexists. ' Section 11 - Powerof DirectorGeneralto abate fire hazard on non-compliance with fire hazard abatementnoticeand the expensesincurredcan be recoverablein court pursuantto section16 of this Act.


' Section 12 - Powerof DirectorGeneralto abatefire hazardin any premises in caseof urgencyanc eXpensesincurredcan be recoverablein court pursuantto section17 of this Act.



Abatementof fire hazardpursuantto sections 9, 11 and 12 of this Act can be done either by removing,demolishingand etc. thus avoidingexistenceof fire hazard.

20.8PROHIBITORY ORDER General to applyto a courtfora prohibitory Section35allowstheDirector orderto anypremises, if the risk to personsor propertyin case of fire is so serious,untilstepshave been taken to reduce the fire to a reasonablelevel.

20.9ORDERTO CEASEAGTIVITY Section 35A of the Act allowsthe DirectorGeneralby order to directthe owner or occupierof the premisesto cease activity if he is satisfiedthat: a.

any continued activity in any premiseswould constitutean immediatedanger of fire prejudicialto the safety of life or property,and


delay in applyingfor a prohibitoryorder would substantiallyincreasethe risk to life or property.

20.10CLOSINGORDER Section13 of the Act prohibitsthe use of any premiseswhich may materiallyincreasethe likelihood of a fire or the danger to life or propertyresultingfrom the outbreak of a fire.

20.11SPECIAL POWEROF FIREOFFICERS 20.11.1 Pursuantto section 18 of the Act. a Fire Officer on the occasion of a fire mav: . Removeany personinterferingby his presenceor actionswith the operationsof the Fire Services Department. . Enter,break,possessor demolishany premisesfor the purposeof puttingan end to the fire or rescue any person. . Close any street near the site of the fire or controlthe traffic or crowd in any such street. . Use any convenientsupplyof water duringfire operation. 20.11.2 Pursuantto section 46(1) of the Act, the DirectorGeneralmay at any time within seven days after the occurrenceof the fire, take possessionof the premisesand other propertydamaged or destroyedby the fire. 20.11.3 Section 19 of the Act providespowersto the Fire Officersin emergenciesnot involvingfire.


20.11.4 Pursuantto section 38(1) of the Act, an authorisedofficermay, togetherwith such otherofficers, enter any premisesfor the purposeof: . Ascertainingwhetherthere is any contraventionof the Act. . Obtaininginformationconcerningthe premisesfor fire-fighting. . Ascertainingwhetherthere existsany fire hazardin the premises. . Make any enquiryon matterswithinthe Act. ' Exercisingany poweror performingany duty of the DirectorGeneralunderany otherwrittenlaw. 20.11.5 Pursuant to section 40(1) of the Act, any authorised officer may without warrant arrest any person: . Foundcommittingan offenceunder Section 47, or ' Whom he reasonablysuspectsto have committedany otheroffenceunderthis Act if the person: (a) refusesto furnishhis name and address (b) furnishedan addressout of Malaysia (c) thereare reasonablegroundsfor believingthat he has furnisheda falsenameand address (d) that he is likelyto abscond 20.11.6 Section a1(1) of the Act providesthat any authorisedofficershall have the power to investigate any offenceunderthis Act. 20.11.7 Section 44 providesthat every authorisedofficershall have the authorityto appear in court and conduct any prosecutionin respect of any offence under this Act provided such officer has been given a writtenauthorisationby the Public Prosecutoror the DeputyPublicProsecutor.

20.12PROTECTION OF FIREOFFICERS Section 20 providesthat no Fire Officeror AuxiliaryFire Officeracting bona fide under this Act shall be liableto any actionfor damagesfor any act done or omittedto be done by him in connectionwith his dutieson the occasionof a fire or any calamity.

20.13REGULATION MADEUNDERTHE FIRESERVICES ACT The Ministerof Housingand Local Governmentmay make regulationspursuantto section 62 of the Act for the bettercarryingout of the purposesand the provisionsof this Act.


20.14 PENALTY 20.14.1 Section 10 and section 13(5)providethat if any personfailingto complywithfire hazardabatement notice and knowinglycontravenethe closingorder respectivelyshall be guilty of an offence and shall,on conviction,be liableto a fine not exceedingfive thousandringgitor to imprtsonmentfor a term not exceedingthree years or to both and shall be also liableto a furtherfine of one hundred ringgitfor each day duringwhich the offenceis continuedafterthe conviction. 20.14.2 Section 35(5) of the Act, providesthat if any personwho withoutreasonableexcuse knowingly contravenesa prohibitoryorder shall be guiltyof an offenceand shall,on conviction,be liableto a fine not exceedingten thousandringgitor to imprisonmentfor a term not exceedingfive yearsor to both and shall also be liableto a furtherfine of one hundredringgitfor each day duringwhich the offence is continuedafter the conviction. 20.14.3 Section 58 of the Act providesthat if any personguilty of an offenceunder this Act for which no penaltyis expresslyprovidedshall, on conviction,be liableto a fine not exceedingfive thousand ringgitor to imprisonmentfor a term not exceedingthree years or to both.

20.15 CONCLUSION This explanqtionon the Fire Services Act 1988 is only skeleton in nature, but in order to understandin depth or in total one has to make close referenceto the Fire ServicesAct itself.The Fire ServicesAct shouldnot be read in isolationbut referenceshouldbe made to other regulations enacted under this Act. Further referencemust also be made to the Uniform BuildingBy-laws 1g84,and other acceptedrelevantbuildingcodes and standards.For effectiveprosecutiondetail referencemust also be made to the latestversionof the EvidenceAct 1950, CriminalProcedure Act 1948 & 1967 and other relevantActs in Malaysiatogetherwith relevant Code, Interpretation case laws.


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