[Guide] HD4000-Hdmi Audio (Dsdt or Ssdt) v2
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Osx Mackintosh....
[Guide]_HD4000-hdmi_audio_( [Guide]_HD4000 -hdmi_audio_(dsdt_or_ssdt)_v2.0 dsdt_or_ssdt)_v2.0
HD4000 HDMI Audio Ivy Bridge/7 Bridge/7 Series/Socket Series/Socket 1155 - HD4000/AMD HD4000/AMD/Nvidia /Nvidia HDMI HDMI audio v2: 8/15/2014 - Initial Release OS X HDMI audio for HD4000 systems with either: 1. HDMI audio edited dsdt or 2. HDMI audio ssdt. Both techniques enable native Ivy Bridge CPU and and GPU GPU power management. management. Requirements 1. OS X 10 10.8 .8 and ne newe werr 2. AMI UEFI UEFI/Ivy /Ivy Brid Bridge/7 ge/7 Serie Series/So s/Socket cket 1155 Intel mothe motherboa rboard rd 3. HD40 HD4000 00 graphi graphics cs and/or and/or nativ native e OS X HDMI HDMI audio audio gra graphics phics support including Nvidia 4xx, 5xx, 6xx and some AMD 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx, R7 and R9. 4. 7 Series Series deskt desktop, op, lapt laptop op and and nuc nuc config configurat urations ions supp supported orted 1. Alte Alternate rnate lapt laptop op fra framebu mebuffer ffer conne connector ctor edits requi required red 5. 7 Seri Series es mot mothe herb rboa oard rd aud audio io cod codec ecs s 1. Su Suppo pporte rted: d: ALC88 ALC887, 7, ALC88 ALC888, 8, ALC89 ALC892, 2, ALC89 ALC898 8 and ALC1150 2. Uns Unsup uppor ported ted aud audio io code codec/H c/HDM DMII audio audio onl only y 6. Au Audi dio o ID ID,, sel selec ectt on one e 3 - 3, 5, 6 motherboard motherboard audio audio ports (-A3) (-A3) 1 - Native Native AppleHDA.kext AppleHDA.kext (unsupported audio codec) Before You Start
1. OS X does not provide HDMI audio controls (no volume, no mute, no balance, etc.) 2. The connected HDMI device (TV, receiver, etc.) provides any and all audio controls 3. Remove System/Library/Extension (S/L/E) 1. S/L/E/HDAEnabler1.kext (if present) 2. S/L/E/HDAEnabler2.kext (if present) 4. Make a bootable backup of your system (CarbonCopyCloner/ SuperDuper) Tools 1. IORegistryExplorer (select one) 1. IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip (View Raw) 2. IOJones Download 2. dsdt editor 1. MaciASL 3. device_id/kernel cache/status 1. DPCIManager 4. bootable backup 1. CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper HD4000 HDMI Audio dsdt edits/HDMI Audio ssdts - Desktop toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000 Configure MaciASL/Preferences/Sources/+ with URL: (copy/paste URL) https://raw.github.com/toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000/master Step 1: HD4000 HDMI Audio kext edits 1. AppleHDA.kext (Audio ID: 3 support required, select one) 1. toleda/audio_RealtekALC 2. toleda/audio_pikeralphaALC (-b AppleHDA) 3. toleda/audio_CloverALC (config.plists/KextsToPatch) 5. MultiBeast 6.0 or newer (patched) 6. Native AppleHDA.kext 2. AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext (if required, select one) 1. HD4600+/HD4000/HD3000 Framebuffer Edits 1. Except Laptop 2. toleda/audio_CloverHDMI (config.plists/KextsToPatch) 3. All HD4000 patches must be applied after each software update 1. Except Clover
Step 2: OS X HDMI Audio Guides- select one 1. dsdt edits:[Guide]_OS_X_hdmi_audio-dsdt_v2.pdf.zip 1. URL: https://raw.github.com/toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000/ master 2. Patches/HD4000 (subject to change) 1. AMI-Clean_Compile-7series 2. AMI-AMD-Nvidia-A1 3. AMI-HD4000-AMD-Nvidia-A3 4. AMI-HD4000-6series-MEI_Fix 5. AMI-HD4000-Laptop-FB01-A1 6. AMI-HD4000-Laptop-FB03-A1 7. NUC-HD4000-A1 3. Example: Desktop with Audio ID: 3, Select 1. AMI-Clean_Compile-7series 2. AMI-HD4000-AMD-Nvidia-A3 2. ssdt, see [Guide]_OS_X_hdmi_audio-ssdt_v2.pdf.zip 1. ssdt_7series 2. ssdts (subject to change) 1. AMI-HD4000-AMD-Nvidia-A3 3. Example: Desktop with Audio ID: 3; Select 1. AMI-HD4000-AMD-Nvidia-A3 3. Restart Restart with HDMI device connected Step 3: Verify HDMI Audio (Ex., HDMI/DP/AirPlay audio enabled)
OS X/HD4000 HDMI Audio Graphics 1. HD4000 (native HDMI audio support, Port 0x7) 1. HDMI display (Capri framebuffer ) 1. AppleIntelFramebuffer@0, Port 0x5/DP 2. AppleIntelFramebuffer@1, Port 0x6/DP 3. AppleIntelFramebuffer@2, Port 0x7/HDMI 2. DP audio supported 3. Two displays supported, one with HDMI audio 1. DP 2. HDMI 3. Special case: HDMIx2 (edits required) 1. AppleHDA.kext 2. AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext 2. Supported Configurations (OS X HDMI Audio) 1. HD4000 only 2. Nvidia only 3. AMD only
4. HD4000 and Nvidia 5. HD4000 and AMD dsdt/ssdt edits 1.
Device (IGPU) //or Device (GFX0) { Name (_ADR, 0x00020000) Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) } Return (Package (0x04) { "AAPL,ig-platform-id", Buffer (0x04) { 0x0a, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01 },
"hda-gfx", Buffer (0x0A) { "onboard-1" }
}) } }
Device (HDEF) { Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000) Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) {
If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) }
Return (Package (0x06) { "layout-id", Buffer (0x06) { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
"hda-gfx", Buffer (0x0A) { "onboard-1" }
"PinConfigurations", Buffer (Zero) {} }) } }
Troubleshooting 1. Verify HDMI device connected 1. System Information/Graphics/Display/HDMI device/ Television/Yes 2. Run IOReg/IOJones/Verify Devices HDEF and IGPU (native/GFX0) 1. Ex. IOReg/Search: HDEF 2. Select HDEF 3. Cancel Search (x) 4. Scroll up to view HDEF device and properties 3. IOReg/IOJones/Verify HDEF@1B 1. If Credits, delete S/L/E/HDAEnabler1.kext or HDAEnabler2.kext 2. Verify layout-id is 3
4. IOReg/IOJones/Verify IGPU@2 (or GFX0@2) 1. If no IGPU@2 verify dsdt/ssdt HD4000 HDMI audio edits 2. if no AppleIntelCapriController, verify dsdt/ssdt HD400 HDMI audio edits 3. Verify AAPL,ig-platform-id=
5. Verify AppleIntelFramebuffer@[0, 1 or 2] with display0 attached 1. HDMI: connector-type= 2. DP: connector-type= 3. If wrong connector-type, see HD4000 HDMI Audio kexts edits /AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext 6.
5. AMD HDMI audio troubleshooting 1. Select View Raw: [Guide]_AMD-hdmi_audio_v2.pdf.zip 6. Nvidia HDMI audio troubleshooting 1. Select View Raw: [Guide]_Nvidia-hdmi_audio_v2.pdf.zip Problem Reporting (include the following information) 1. Details 1. Description of audio problem 2. OS X version/motherboard model/BIOS version/processor/ graphics 3. Procedure/Guide Used 4. Copy of IOReg - IOReg_v2.1/File/Save a Copy As…, verify file (no ioreg.txt) 5. Screen shots: 1. DPCIManager 2. System Information/Hardware/Audio/Intel High Definition Audio (not Devices) 6. System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
7. System/Library/extensions/AppleHDAxxx.kext (if installed) 8. Chimera/Chameleon 1. Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist 2. DPCIManager/Misc/Boot Log 3. Extra/dsdt.aml (if installed) 4. Extra/ssdt.aml (if installed) 9. Clover 1. EFI/Clover/config.plist 2. EFI/Clover/misc/debug.log (Set config.plist/Boot/ Debug/YES) 3. EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched/dsdt.aml (if installed) 4. EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched/ssdt.aml (if installed) Credit: VCH888: ALC889A, Gigabyte (Intel): now having a working front mic Page 38 - Sound - InsanelyMac Forum SJ_UnderWater: Native DSDT/AML IDE & Compiler: MaciASL Open Beta
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