0. ¹Quã tb sumcbrb bo tëtuo tëtuoi i hb oa i`ra oc octbrarca9 tbrarca9 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… >. Hbsnrc` Hbsnrc`b b `rbvbkb `rbvbkbgtb gtb qub ck ckambg ambg prbs prbsbgta bgta oa pir pirtaha taha hbo t tbxti bxti …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CC.
5. chbgena y hbsnrc`b a ois pbrsigadbs hbstanahis
bo cgcnci „ guhi „ hbsbgoanb =. Pbaocza ug vina`uoarci hb 16 paoa`ras
HB^V HB^VRÃ RÃ^ ^ H HB B O OA A O OBN BNXR XRPA PA (Xra`ada bg tu nuahbrgi)
:. Bocmb ug pasadb hb oa i`ra y rbaocza rb aocza ug nikbgtarci vaoiravi. ¹Nuáo bs tu ipcgcþg si`rb bsb pasadb hb oa i`ra9 ¹Quã ipcgas9 Dusena tu rbspubsta.
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