Guia 6 Grupo 9

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Luêe `a ^råotfoes `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjfoe


Ehåifsfs `ai Seimr ^rasahta MDKAPFSM_         

F`ahtfcfoer ims prmyaotms jutuejahta axoiuyah axoiuyahta ta a fh`apah`f fh`apah`fahtas. ahtas. Aialfr ie jakmr `a ies eitarhetfves omh vf`es flueias useh`m a i ehåifsfs `a veimr prasahta. Aialfr ie jakmr `a ies eitarhetfve eitarhetfvess omh vf`es `fcaraht `fcarahtas as useh`m ai ehåifsfs `a veimr prasahta.   @aserrmiier bmkes `a oåiouim qua utfifoah ah ehåifsfs S^ y sus axtahsfmhas axtahsfmhas,, fhoiuyah`m ai parfm`m `a raoupareofÿ raoupareofÿh. h.

T A O Q T _ M _ 

  Omjpute`mr.   Luêe `a ^råotfoes.


Qhe sasfÿh (4 bmres). JETOM PAßTFOM 


Ai jætm`m `ai Seimr ^rasahta Hatm S^H, as ai jås utfifze`m pmrqua pmha ah jmha`e `a bmy tehtm ims fhlrasms cuturms omjm ims alrasms cuturms, im ouei ceofifte ie `aofsfÿh `as`a ai puhtm `a vfste cfhehofarm, `a raeifzer m hm uh prmyaotm.  Ei user ai S^H raomr`ajms qua ims alrasms sa tmjeråh omh ai sflhm haletfvm y ah ie iêhae `a tfajpm asteråh omimoe`ms beofe edekm y ims fhlrasms saråh pmsftfvms y asteråh omimoe`ms beofe errfde `a ie iêhae `a tfajpm y pmr æste rezÿh ai S^H pm`rå tmjer veimras pmsftfvms, haletfvms m tmjer ai veimr `a >. ^ere pmhar tm`m ai ciukm `a oeke ah jmha`e `a bmy as



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe haoaserfm utfifzer uhe tese `a fhtaræs qua `ahmjfherajms ie tese `ai fhvarsfmhfste y as ie tese qua hmrjeijahta lehe ai fhvarsfmhfste ah tm`ms sus halmofms. _f ai S^H 8 > bedrå uhe lehehofe pmr ahofje `a ie tese qua sa utfifoa pere aveiuer ai prmyaotm, sf ai S^H : > sflhfcfoe qua cfhehofarejahta as fh`fcarahta raeifzer ai prmyaotm ah ouastfÿh m raeifzer oueiqufare `a ies fhvarsfmhas qua tre`fofmheijahta raeifze raeifze ai fhvarsfmhfs fhvarsfmhfste te y sf ai S^H 9 > hm as eomhsakedia raeifzer ai prmyaotm pmrqua ai fhvarsfmhfste hf sfqufare eioehze e mdtahar ie rahtedfif`e` qua usueijahta mdtfaha ah sus halmofms. _FJDMIM_

Omh ai cfh `a ceofifter ie omhstruoofÿh `a lråcfoes y pere sfjpifcfoer ie astruoture e`mpterajms ims sflufahtas sêjdmims; O> O5  O4  . .. Oh  G B _

: Omstm m fhvarsfÿh fhfofei : Fhvarsfÿh ah ai parêm`m 5 : Fhvarsfÿh ah ai parêm`m 4 : Fhvarsfÿh ah ai parêm`m h : Sf`e ûtfi :Bmrfzmhta `a piehaeofÿh : Seimr `a seivejahtm

OEM : : Omstm `a mpareofÿh O^M Omstmehuei parfÿ parfÿ`fom `fom `a m mpareofÿh pareofÿh fh fhoiuya oiuya ai omstm parfÿ`fom `a jehtahfjf jehtahfjfahtm. ahtm. (Ai parêm`m pua`a sar ai jas, ai trfjastra, ato). Oueh`m ai parêm`m as ai eõm sa raajpieze ai O^M pmr OEM. F>  F5  . . Fh  Fe  Fp 

: fhlrasm ah ai parêm`m > : Fhlrasm ah ai parêm`m 5 : Fhlrasm ah ai parêm`m h : Fhlrasm ehuei : Fhlrasm parfÿ`fom (oueh`m ai parêm`m as ai eõm sa raajpieze Fp  pmr Fe.

As mdvfm qua jfahtres jås eite sae ie tese omh qua sa aveiûa uh prmyaotm as jås `fcêofi qua ai prmyaotm pua`e sar eoapte`m, pmr aste rezÿh, uh prmyaotm pua`a rasuiter cevmredia pere uh fhvarsfmhfste jfahtres qua pere mtrm pua`a hm sarim. 4. QPFIF[EOFMH @AI S^H

Ai S^H pua`a utfifzersa ah prmyaotms fh`fvf`ueias m ah ie `aofsfÿh smdra eitarhetfves `a fhvarsfÿh, ah ai prfjar oesm smim deste omhmoar ai sflhm `ai S^H pere tmjer ie `aofsfÿh omjm sa pua`a epraofer ah ai sflufahta akajpim. Akajpim 5 Qh prmyaotm raqufara `a uhe fhvarsfÿh fhfofei `a $5>>,>>> y sa oraa qua laharerå uhms fhlrasms `a $31,>>> ei cfhei `ai prfjar eõm y `a $>> ei cfhei `ai saluh`m eõm. Aveiuer ai prmyaotm pere ai fhvarsfmhfste E ouye tese as `ai 4>% y pere ai fhvarsfmhfste D ouye tese as `ai 0>%. _miuofÿh;



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe




Omhsf`areh`m ims alrasms omjm haletfvms y ims fhlrasms omjm pmsftfvms ai S^H (qua omhsfsta ah pmhar tm`ms ims `fharms ah pasms `a bmy) sarå; Fhvarsfmhfste E S^H : -5>> + 31(5 + >.4)-5 + .4)-4 : $3.41 V ai prmyaotm pua`a sar eoapte`m Fhvarsfmhfste D S^H : -5>> + 31(5+>.0)-5 + .0)-4 : -$51.?5 V ai prmyaotm `ada sar raobeze`m. Akajpim _a `asae e`qufrfr uhe jåqufhe ouym omstm as `a $>,>>>, tah`rå uhe vf`e ûtfi `a 3 eõms y uh veimr `a `a $3>>,>>> sa prfjar pfahse eõm qua ah prm`uofrå uhms fhlrasms ehueias oraofahtas ah seivejahtm uh 4>% astfjåh`msa ims `ai eprmxfje`ejahta $41>,>>> ims omstms `a mpareofÿh y jehtahfjfahtm sa astfjeh ah $5>>,>>> y sa supmha qua oe`e eõm oraoaråh ah uhms $?>,>>>. Aveiuer ai prmyaotm omh tese e) `ai ?>% y d) `ai 4>%. _miuofÿh; 344.>2 3>> 152.0> 0?4 ?3>  ?>> 41>








5>> 5?> 53> 56> 44>


Ofcres ah jfiimhas `a pasms e) omh ai ?>% S^H  S^ H 

 >>>>

41>>>>(5.4) 3 (5.?) 3  5 >.4  >.?

?>>>>  3?>%  3(5.?)  3    $431>>  3>>>>>(5.?  )  3   5>>>>>3?>%  >.?    

V ai prmyaotm hm `ada sar eoapte`m



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe

d) omh ai 4>% S^H  S^ H 

?>>>>    34>%  3(5.4)  3    $44>6  3>>>>>(5.4)  3   5>>>>> 3 4>%  5  >.4 >.4     V ai prmyaotm pua`a sar eoapte`m

 >>>>



^ua`a mourrfr qua sfjuitåhaejahta sa prasahta verfms prmyaotms, parm ie akaouofÿh `a uhm `a aiims axoiuya ie pmsfdfif`e` `a akaouofÿh `a oueiqufare `a ims mtrms, ah asta oesm sa `ada aveiuer oe`e eitarhetfve pmr sapere`m, parm sfajpra useh`m ai jfsjm bmrfzmhta `a piehaeofÿh piehaeofÿ h e cfh `a pm`arims omjperer. Akajpim Qhe cådrfoe prm`uoa eotueijahta ah cmrje jehuei 5,>>> uhf`e`as `a uh `atarjfhe`m ertêouim pere aiim utfifze ertasehms e ims oueias ias pele $2°0>>,>>> ei eõm y as omstujdra qua oe`e eõm sa ias eujahta ai suai`m ah eprmxfje`ejahta uh 4>%. Ai praofm `a vahte `a oe`e ertêouim as `a $6,>>> y sa astfje qua asta praofm pm`rå sar eujahte`m tm`ms ims eõms ah uh 45%. Ebmre sa be prasahte`m ie mpmrtuhf`e` `a e`qufrfr uhe jåqufhe e uh omstm `a $5> jfiimhas omh uhe pere vf`e su ûtfimpareofÿh, `a 1 eõms, uh veimr `a seivejahtm ouei raqufara `a 4 tæohfoms ai suai`m ehuei `a oe`e uhm`a `a$4 imsjfiimhas tæohfoms ie pua`a sar `a $3>>,>>> omh eujahtms ehueias `a suai`m `ai 4>%. Ouåi `a ies `ms eitarhetfves as jakmr supmhfah`m qua ie tese `ai fhvarsfmhfste as `ai ?>%. _miuofÿh; _upmhlejms qua ie Eitarhetfve F as hm beoar he`e, as `aofr, salufr utfifzeh`m e ims ertasehms, ahtmhoas ai prfjar fhlrasm sarå 6.>>>(5.>>>) : $6.>>>.>>> y `a ebê ah e`aiehta ims fhlrasms sa fhorajahteråh tm`ms ims eõms uh 45%. Ai alrasm `ai prfjar eõm sarå `a $2.0>>.>>> y oraoaråh uh 4>% ims `ajås eõms. Ie lråcfoe sarå;  Eitarhetfve F 56.46 51.60 5?.52  5>.26











50.14 5.45 45)1 (5  >.?)


2.0 (5  >4 >.4)1 (5  > >? .?)

S^H   

>.45 45  >.?

>.4  >.?


5 

$40?.26 6







5.4> 5.00 5..>>>

_miuofÿh; Ai jêhfjm omjûh jûitfpim `a ie vf`e ûtfi `a ies `ms eitarhetfves as 3 eõms, esê qua ai bmrfzmhta `a piehaeofÿh sarå `a 3 eõms. ^ere ie Eitarhetfve F tah`rêejms qua ei cfhei `a ? eõms, e`qufrfr mtre jåqufhe `a ies jfsjes oereotarêstfoes y ah ie Eitarhetfve FF tah`rêejms qua e`qufrfr ? jåqufhes, uhe ai `êe `a bmy, mtre e ims 4 eõms y ie taroare ei cfhei `a 0 eõms. Ai `felreje `a ciukm `a oeke ah oe`e oesm ah jfiimhas `a pasms sarå;



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe

 Eitarhetfve F; 4>>

















S^H:-2>>-2>>(5.?3)-?+4>>(5.?3)-?-41e3?3%+4>>(5.?3) -3:-$5>31??2  Eitarhetfve FF; 51>



















Ie lråcfoe ehtarfmr pua`a sar sfjpifcfoe`e tahfah`m ah ouahte qua 51> ‟ 3>> : - 01> 51>

















V ai S^H sa pua`a oeiouier esê; 5  (5.?3) S^H   

3>>  ?>



01>(5.? ?3 3)

4 

01>(5.?3 )

0 

51>(5.?3 )


3  

Omjm ah ejdes eitarhetfves hm sa omhmoêeh ims fhlrasms seivm ims seivejahtms, ims S^H cuarmh haletfvms, astm fh`foe qua ah ejdms oesms bedrêe pær`f`e, parm ie sftueofÿh as qua ie cådrfoe mdifletmrfejahta mdifletmrfejahta haoasfte e`qufrfr e`qufrfr uh jmtmr y pmr tei jmtfvm asomlajms ie eitarh eitarhetfve etfve qua jahms pær`f`e `æ y ah teias ofrouhstehofes hms `aof`fjms pmr ie eitarhetfve D. Mdsarveofÿh; Ah ai akajpim ehtarfmr sa be supuastm qua ia praofm `a ims jmtmras hm oejdfe e trevæs `ai tfajpm y qua ai omstm ehuei `a mpareofÿh tejpmom eujahte, im ouei fjpifoe supmhar uh astehoejfahtm `a ie taohmimlêe y uhe fhcieofÿh `ai >%, parm astm hm tfaha fjpmrtehofe puastm qua sf im qua sa pratah`a as asomlar ie jakmr eitarhetfve, ai arrmr omjatf`m ah uhe eitarhetfve sa omjpahse omh ai arrmr omjatf`m ah ie mtre eitarhetfve `adf`m e qua sa beoah ims jfsjms supuastms. Aste ifdarte` hms ie pm`ajms tmjer oueh`m sa trete `a asomlar ie jakmr eitarhetfve ahtra verfes, prm oueh`m sa trete `a aveiuer cfhehofarejahta uh smim prmyaotm hm pua`a mivf`ersa ai evehoa `a ie taohmimlêe y ai acaotm parhfofmsm `a ie fhcieofÿh.



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe

Akajpim Qhe cådrfoe prm`uoa ah cmrje jehuei uh ofartm ertêouim y pere aiim utfifze mdrarms e qufahas ias pele eotueijaht eotueijahta a suai`ms pmr veimr `a $1 jfiimhas ei eõm y ehueijahta tah`rå qua eujahterias ai suai`m eprmxfje`ejahta `a eouar`m ei êh`foa `a fhcieofÿh qua sa astfje ah uh 41% omjm prmja`fm `urehta ims prÿxfjms 1 eõms. Pejdfæh pm`rêe cedrfoersa ai ertêouim ja`fehta uhe jåqufhe uhe jåqufhe tmteijahta asa ertêouim. Ai omstm `a ie jåqufhe as `a $5> jfiimhas, ûtfiims `aeõms 5> eõms y pm`råesupifr e imsaimdrarms, sarå pmr sa ai prfjar eõm y satfaha sedauhe quavf`e tm`ms eomstujdre raekuster praofm `aparm ims prm`uotm vmivarå mdsmiatm ah 1 eõms seifah`m `ai jaroe`m y ie jåqufhe hm pm`rå sar vah`f`e e hfhlûh praofm pmr sar uhe jåqufhe prmtmtfpm. Eotueijahta sa cedrfoeh y vah`ah 5>,>>> uhf`e`as ei eõm e uh praofm `a $1,>>> o/u parm omjm sa astå rastrfhlfah`m ai jaroe`m sa aspare uhe `fsjfhuofÿh ehuei ah ies vahtes `a 1>> uhf`e`as, omh ai prmpÿsftm `a hm eoaiarer ie seif`e `ai prm`uotm prm`uotm `ai jaroe`m, ai praofm `ai prm`uotm sa pm`rå eujahter omjm jåxfjm ai % `ai veimr `a ie fhcieofÿh jfahtres qua ims omstms `a jetarfe prfje qua ebmre smh `a $5,>>> pmr uhf`e` sa aiaveråh `a eouar`m ei êh`foa `a fhcieofÿh. Ims prmpfaterfms `a ie cådrfoe omhsf`areh qua ai halmofm as teh duahm qua e paser `a tm`m veia ie pahe e`qufrfr ie jåqufhe. _upmhfah`m uhe tese `ai ?3% acaotfvm ehuei. Eomhsakerêe usta` ie e`qufsfofÿh `a ie jåqufhe= _miuofÿh; ^rfjarm aiedmre aiedmrerajms qua hms parjfte bei beiier ier ims fhlrasms, ah ie prfjare omiujhe omiujh omimoerajms imsrajms eõms,uh ah oue`rm ie saluh`e omiujhe omimoerajms ies uhf`e`as qua pm`råh sare vah`f`es y qua `ada sar fluei e ie prm`uoofÿh, ies `ajås omiujhes sa axpifoeh pmr sf smies. Oeda ehmter qua `ai saluh`m eõm ah e`aiehta ai eujahtm `a praofm uhfterfm as `a >..41) : >.5>>.>> 6,1>>.>> 6,>>>.>> 2,1>>.>> 2,>>>.>>


1,>>>.>> 1,2> 3,6>?.>> 2,555.>> 6,1?5.>>




1>°>>>,>>>.>> 11°254,1>>.>> 34°54>>.>> 36°60?,1>>.>> >>.>>

5,>>>.>> 5,41>.>> 5,134.1> 5,61?.5? 4,005.05

5>°>>>,>>>.>> 55°2>>.>> 50°>34,1>>.>> 53°3>5,3>1.>> 56°1?5,42>.>>

 EIPATHFSE F ^ere mdtahar ai ciukm `a oeke tmjejms ie omiujhe `a fhlrasms y ie omiujhe `a omstm `a jetarfe prfje `ai oue`rm ehtarfmr, ie elralejms ie omiujhe qua juastre ai omstm `a jehm `a mdre y ie omiujhe saõeie`e omh COH sflhfcfoe ciukm oeke hatm, qua sa mdtfaha esê; COH : Fhlrasm - Omstm Jetarfe ^rfje - Omstm Jehm `a Mdre Ie sujetmrfe `a ie ûitfje omiujhe tftuie`e COH(5+ f) -h hms juastre ai S^H omh ie tese `ai ?3%



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe




5 4 ? 0

1>°>>>,>>> 11°254,1>> 34°54>> 32°60?,1>>

5>°>>>,>>> 55°2>> 50°>34,1>> 53°3>5,3>1

OM_PM @A JEHM @A MDTE 1°>>>,>>> 3°41>,>>> > 6°>





?1°>>>,>>> ? 0>°414,>>> 04°1>,>>>. _f ai `uaõm `a ie cådrfoe sa lehe ah ttm`ms m`ms sus halmofms ai 04% ehuei. Eomhsakerêe usta` ie omjpre= ?. _a `asae e`qufrf e`qufrfrr uhe jåqufhe ouym ouym omstm as `a $4>>,>>>, $4>>,>>>, tah`rå uhe vf vf`e `e ûtfi `a 3 eõms y uh veimr `a seivejahtm `a $1>,>>> sa pfahse qua prm`uofrå uhms fhlrasms ehueias oraofahtas ah uh 4>% astfjåh`msa ims `ai prfjar eõm ah eprmxfje`ejahta $41>,>>> ims omstms `a mpareofÿh y jehtahfjfahtm sa astfjeh ah $ 2>,>>> y sa supmha qua oe`e eõm oraoaråh ah uhms $?>,>>>. Aveiuer ai prmyaotm omh tese `ai 51%. Ie mtre eitarhetfve, ah iuler `a omjprer ie jåqufhe, sarfe eiqufierie, ah ouym oesm, sa tah`rêe qua peler uhe rahte `a $ 40,>>> o/eõm. Uua hms omhvfaha, omjprerie m eiqufierie= 0. Qh iedmretmrfm ra raqufara qufara uh efsi efsiejfahtm ejfahtm tærjfom ah pe pera`as ra`as y ofaim resm, pere je jehtahar htahar uhe tajparetureAxfstah omhstehta, raqufara? aitfpms euxfifm `a oeiahte`mras aqufpm omh `a efra eomh`fofmhe`m. ah aisajaroe`m `a efsiejfahtm, qua youjpiah ies omh`fofmhas raquarf`es y, ah tm`ms ims oesms, pråotfoejahta ai veimr `a seivejahtm as huim7 e`ajås, sa omhmoa ie sflufahta fhcmrjeofÿh;  Efsiejfahtm O OEM G  Ebmrrm `a aharlêe aharlêe ah ai prfja prfjarr eõm

E 0>>,>>> 4>,>>> 0 5>>,>>>

D 1>>,>>> 4>,>>> 1 4>>,>>>

O >,>>> ?>,>>> ?> ?>>,>>>

Ie terfce `a aharlêe suda ehueijahta uh 2%. _f sa aspare omhsarver ai iedmretmrfm pmr 5> eõms, quæ tfpm `a efsiejfahtm `ada utfifzer=. _upmhle uhe tese `ai 4>% acaotfvm ehuei. 1. _a `asae sedar sf sa kustfcfoe ie omhstru omhstruoofÿh oofÿh `a uhe dm`a dm`ale le huave ah ies sflufah sflufahtas tas omh`fofmhas; Ie prmpuaste omhsfsta ah omhstrufr omhstrufr uhe dm`ale omh omstm omstm `a 5>> >>> `ÿiera `ÿierass y vf`e ûtfi aspare`e `a ?1 eõms, omh veimr rasf`uei hatm (fhlrasm hatm pmr ie vahte, `aspuæs `a fjpuastms) `a 41 >>> `ÿieras. _a ehtfofpeh fhlrasms ehueias `a 5< >>> `ÿieras y omstms `a jehtahfjfahtm y e`jfhfstreofÿh `a 0>>> `ÿieras pmr eõm. Ims fjpuastms ehueias smdra ie rahte saråh `a 4>>> `ÿieras. Ie prmpuaste astå kustfcfoe`e pere uhe PTJE `ai 6%



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe

AKATOFOFM_ ^TM^QA_PM_  5. Qh fh`ustrfei omjprÿ uhe jåquf jåqufhe he beoa ? eõms, ah $3>>,>>> y eûh sflufah`m ies ies fhstruoofmhas `ai cedrfoehta, su OEM sa aiavÿ e $44>,>>>. Ebmre uh vah`a`mr ia mcraoa mtre jåqufhe qua astå jås `a eouar`m omh sus haoasf`e`as7 aste huave jåqufhe ouaste $11>,>>> y ia lerehtfzeh qua su OEM hm sarå suparfmr e $5>>,>>>. Qh eveiûm qua ia bfofarmh e ie jåqufhe eotuei cua `a $54>,>>> y pmr aste oehtf`e` bey mcarte `a omjpre, sarå eomhsakedia ai oejdfm, supmhfah`m uhe tese `ai 42%, qua ai veimr `a seivejahtm `a ejdes jåqufhes as pråotfoejahta huim y qua sa tmje uh bmrfzmhta `a piehaeofÿh `a 5> eõms= 4. Omjm `fraotmr `a pi piehaeofÿh ehaeofÿh `a uh uhe e ofu`e` `ada `aof `aof`fr `fr ahtra `ms prmpuastes prmpuastes pere ie omhstruoofÿh `a uh perqua raoraeofmhei. Ie prfjare prmpuaste raqufara `a uhe fhvarsfÿh fhfofei `a $54 jfiimhas y uhe ejpifeofÿh `ahtrm `a mobm eõms e uh omstm `a $1 jfiimhas. _a astfje qua ims omstms ehueias `a mpareofÿh saråh `a $56>,>>> pere ai prfjar eõm, $45>,>>> pere ai saluh`m eõm, $4?>,>>> pere ai taroar eõm y esê suoasfvejahta. Ai fhlrasm sarå `a $4?>,>>> `urehta ims prfjarms mobm eõms y `a eiiê ah e`aiehta eujahterå $?>,>>>> pmr eõm beste ai eõm `moa. Iualm parjehaoaråh omhstehtas. Ie saluh`e prmpuaste raqufara uhe fhvarsfÿh fhfofei, `a $4> jfiimhas y tfaha uh omstm ehuei `a mpareofÿh `a $0>>,>>>. _a aspare qua ims fhlrasms saeh `a $0>>,>>> pere ai prfjar eõm y eujahtah ah $,>>> pmr eõm beste ai eõm 5> y `a eiiê ah e`aiehta parjehaoaråh omhstehtas. Omh uhe `ai 4>% `aof`fr ouåi as `a ie jakmr ?. Qhe omjpeõêe astå tese omhsf`areh`m ie omjpre uhe prmpuaste. jåqufhe jehuei qua ouaste $?>>,>>> y sa aspare tahle uhe vf`e ûtfi `a 54 eõms, omh uh veimr `a seivejahtm `a $?,>>> _a aspare qua ims omstms ehueias `a mpareofÿh saeh `a $6.>>> `urehta ims prfjarms 0 eõms parm qua `asofah`eh ah $0>> ehueias `urehta ims sflufahtas mobm eõms. Ie mtre eitarhetfve as omjprer uhe jåqufhe eutmjetfze`e e uh omstm `a $12,>>> Aste jåqufhe smim `urerêe 3 eõms e oeuse `a su eite taohmimlêe y `fsaõm `aifoe`m. _u veimr `a seivejahtm sarå `a $51,>>>. ^mr su eutmjetfzeofÿh ims omstms `a mpareofÿh saråh `a $0>,>>> ei eõm. _aiaoofmher ie jåqufhe useh`m uhe tese `ai 4>%. 0. Omhsf`ara ims sflufahtas omhkuhtms `a prmyaotms `a fhvarsfÿh. Pm`ms ims prmyaotms tfahah vf`e `a fhvarsfÿh `a tras eõms; ^ATFM@M h >

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CIQKM ACAOPFSM @A ^TMVAOPM D O -$ 4>>> -$ 4>>>

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> 1>> 5>>> 2>> > 2>> 2>> 2>> 41>> 5>>> 1>> 2>> (e) Oeiouia ai veimr hatm eotuei `a oe`e prmyaotm omh f : 5>% (d) Lrecfqua ai vveimr eimr eotuei omjm cuhofÿh `a iie e tese `a ffhtaræs htaræs ( `ai >% e eii 0>%) pere ai prmyaotm D. TACATAHOFE_ DFDIFMLTÅCFOE_  W5Z

Obeh _. ^erg, ’Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjfoe Omhtajpmråhae‚, A`. E``fsmh \asiay, \ asiay, 566>?.



Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe




Oursm `a Fhlahfarêe Aomhÿjf Aomhÿjfoe oe


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