Guia #2 Unidad 3 10° Nomenclatura

August 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Zfshou`mðe lf Cprhjc`mðe >127 lf 37 lf Duomh lf :>>= @ðlmah LCEF4 3:0>>3>>31=>


@he rf`heh`mimfeth hgm`mco sfaôe sfaôe Zfshou`mðe lf Cprhjc`mðe Eh. >127 lf 37 lf Duomh lf :>>=, fe ohs emvfofs lf prffs`hocr, Flu`c`mðe Jãsm`c, Flu`c`mðe Iflmc C`clíim`c, C`clíim`c, ficeclc phr ocs Pf`rftcréc lf Flu`c`mðe Iuem`mpco, sf `hestmtuyf `hih Mestmtu`mðe Flu`ctmvc Ifr`flfs Cjrfah lfo Iuem`mpmh lf Ihetfréc, y ocs Zfshou`mhefs Eh.>36 y oc Zfshou`mðe Eh. >337 quf cuthrmzc oc Dhreclc Ôem`c. Ôem`c.

AVÉC LF FP\VLMH ] \ZCJCDH FE @CPC E¾ : MMM ^FZMHLH CPMAEC\VZC4 AZCLH4 GF@BC4  Suéim`c  3>¾ 3, :, 0 ] < :3 CAHP\H CO >= H@\VJZF  ^FZMHLH4 MMM \FIC4 Ehife`octurc quéim`c4 Gue`mðe quéim`c y aruph gue`mheco  Ehife`octurc lf4 Ðxmlhs, bmlrðxmlhs h jcsfs VEMLCL 04 EHIFE@OC\VZC MEHZACEM@C ] ZFC@@MHEFP SVÉIM@CP C^ZFELMTCDF4 Fstcjof`f rfoc`mhefs fetrf ocs prhpmflclfs LH@FE\F4 y fstru`turc lf oc ictfrmc `he oc ghric`mðe MPHZC FOFEC JCZZFZC ^M@H lf mhefs y ihoí`uocs ihoí`uocs.. OFML] OHTCEH ZCIHP

HJDF\MWH4 Mlfetmgm`cr, `crc`tfrmzcr y ehijrcr ðxmlhs, bmlrðxmlhs, ã`mlhs y scofs. 

GVE@MÐE SVÉIM@C ] AZV^H GVE@MHECO Pf oocic gue`mðe quéim`c  c ue `hedueth lf `hipufsths h sustce`mcs `he `crc`tfréstm`cs y `hiphrtcimfeth `hiuefs. Ocs gue`mhefs quéim`cs sf lfs`rmjfe c trcvís lf oc mlfetmgm`c`mðe lf aruphs gue`mhecofs quf ocs mlfetmgm`ce. Ve aruph gue`mheco fs ue ãthih h aruph lf ãthihs quf of `hegmfrfe c ohs `hipufsths  pfrtfef`mfetfs c uec gue`mðe quéim`c, sus prhpmflclfs prhpmf lclfs prme`mpcofs. Fe oc quéim`c mehraãem`c ocs gue`mhefs iãs miphrtcetfs she4 ðxmlh, ã`mlh, jcsf y sco. C `hetmeuc`mðe,  prhguelmzcrfihs fe `clc uec lf foocs, `fetrãelhehs fspf`mcoifetf fe ohs cspf`ths lf ehife`octurc lf `clc uec llff ocs gue`mhefs.

GVE@MÐE ÐRMLH Ohs ðxmlhs she `hipufsths mehraãem`hs jmecrmhs, fs lf`mr, `hestmtumlhs phr lhs fofifeths, quf rfsuotce lf oc `hijmec`mðe fetrf fo hxéafeh y `ucoqumfr htrh fofifeth. ^hr fdfipoh, fo `hjrf crlf fe prfsfe`mc lfo hxéafeh. @ucelh fo fofifeth uemlh co hxéafeh fs ue iftco, fo `hipufsth sf oocic ðxmlh jãsm`h, imfetrcs quf, sm sf trctc lf ue eh iftco, sf of lfehimec ðxmlh ã`mlh. ^crc ehijrcr fstf tmph lf `hipufsths jcstc rf`hrlcr ocs smaumfetfs rfaocs4 •  • 

Fo hxéafeh fe oc arce icyhréc lf sus `hipufsths c`tôc `he eôifrh lf hxmlc`mðe :-. Fe thlh `hipufsth oc suic coafjrcm`c lf ohs eôifrhs lf hxmlc`mðe lf sus fofifeths lfjf sfr mauco c `frh.

Co ehijrcr h fs`rmjmr ocs gðriuocs lf ohs ðxmlhs sf puflfe prfsfetcr trfs smtuc`mhefs4



Fofifeths `he ue ôem`h eôifrh lf hxmlc`mðe4 sf me`ouyfe fe fstc `ctfahréc ohs fofifeths lf ohs aruphs MC, MMC y MMMC. Fe fstf `csh pcrc fxprfscr oc gðriuoc lfo `hipufsth jcstc `he fs`rmjmr ohs séijhohs lf ohs fofifeths mevhou`rclhs lfdcelh ue fspc`mh fetrf foohs pcrc cehtcr ohs sujéelm`fs euiírm`hs quf pfrimtfe fqumomjrcr fo eôifrh lf `cracs phsmtmvcs y efactmvcs lfo `hipufsth lf tco icefrc quf sf `uipoc oc sfauelc rfaoc. Fofifeths quf prfsfetce lhs eôifrhs lf hxmlc`mðe4 fe fstf `csh, fsths fofifeths puflfe `hijmecrsf `he •  fo hxéafeh pcrc lcr ouacr c lhs tmphs lf ðxmlhs, `he prhpmflclfs quéim`cs y gésm`cs prhpmcs y quf lf mauco ghric rf`mjfe ehijrfs y gðriuocs lmstmeths.

• Fofifeths `he trfs h `uctrh eôifrhs lf hxmlc`mðe4 fe fstf `csh sf ghrice trfs h `uctrh ðxmlhs `he gðriuocs,

ehijrfs y prhpmflclfs lmstmetcs, sfaôe fo `csh. Wcihs c moustrcr fe prmifr ouacr fo `csh lf ue fofifeth quf c`tôc `he trfs eôifrhs lf hxmlc`mðe, `hih fo czugrf4 P :+, P
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