Unit Tests Answer Key Unit Test 6 Part A Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks) (2 points per question) A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
was $%st was $%st by &e%&$e The bank was seen decisi%n has been (ade wi$$ be c$eared by is said that the c%(&any wi$$ hae her car ets his s+its dryc$eaned was drien t% w%rk by is +ite diffic+$t ets his hair c+t
G Pronunciation (2 points per question) 41 ' abs%$+te$y $%e the way y%+)e d%ne y%+r hair: 42 't was s% e&ensie: 43 's she rea$$y ha&&y with her $ife; 44 .akin (%ney fr%( the sick is a sin: 45 't was "hei$a wh% w%n the $%ttery:
Part $eadin%& listenin% and pronunciation ('0 marks) # 31 32 33 34 35
Unit Tests Answer Key Unit Test / Part A Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks) (2 points per question) A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c b a a d a b
8 9 10 11 12 13
They c%(&$ained that the fi$( was b%rin: They denied stea$in the (%ney: They areed t% he$& (e+sthe(: They asked (e why ' had d%ne it: They asked (e if ' w%+$d (ake a s&eech: "he c$ai(ed she c%+$d r+n athe (arath%n "he c$ai(ed t% be ab$e t% r+n athe (arath%n: 14 e re(inded (e she w%+$dn)t the &$ane w%+$d be ab$e t% $and: 'f the st+dents didn)t &ractise a $%t> their ?n$ish w%+$dn)t be s% %%d: 'f @%sh hadn)t s&ent his ti(e drea(in> he w%+$d hae achieed s%(ethin: 'f we hadn)t eaten a$$ the cake> there w%+$d be s%(e $eft f%r the new +ests:
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b a d a c b a
! 13 14 15
/r%idin y%+ finish y%+r ch%res As $%n as ' hae +n$ess she fee$s better
" 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
k f b a c h i d j
# 26 27 28 29 30
e&%se res&%nsibi$ity ha&&iness rea$ity fantasise
Part $eadin%& listenin% and pronunciation ('0 marks) 31 32 33 34 35
$eadin% (' points per question) d b a c c
G 36 37 38 39 40
istenin% (2 points per question) a b c c c
* 41
Pronunciation (2 points per question) ')( a $%t (%re interested in d%c+(entaries n%wadays: 42 ?eryb%dy kn%ws he)s a $iar: 43 ' had t% d% it: 44 ' wish ' c%+$d %: 45 i$$ y%+ stay here;
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