Gtummo Notes Somes Sources

November 25, 2017 | Author: Jotacé Césare | Category: Chakra, Kundalini, Prayer, Meditation, Vajrayana
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Gtumo means "sacred fire" and we can called them Candali, Incendium Amoris. This power contain isoteric, exote...


Gtummo What is gTumo ? Gtumo means "sacred fire" and we can called them Candali, Incendium Amoris. This power contain isoteric, exoteric and mistical energy from Tibetan Lhama.This power and method are Tibetan secret method (Milarepa Clan) and Tibetan Lhama Lhama or Carmel Monk don't teach that to other who they are not Tibetan Lhama or Carmel Monk. To get Gtummo Energy you must get Activation called "Ankur". We can get Anchor Gtummo Initiation from person who have Gtummo power in their body and have learnt Vajramaster Vajramaster Level. Vajramaster can give Anchor Gtummo Initiation from touch, afirmation and meditation to their student. we can get Gtummo Energy without Vajramaster lineage with energy channeling and get Vajramaster Authority with Tibetan Tantric Ceremony. Gtummo Gtummo energy can be get from Tejas Transformation. For detail in human body contain 3 energy : a. Ojas from Drink b. Tejas from food c. Pranic from sourounding Gtummo is developed by many yoga style, for example : Kriya Yoga and Gtummo have some energy energy style (Manas, Chakra, Kala, Anu, Tana,Prana, Kulakundalini, Niyati, Nihsanga,Shabda,Dharma, Padma, Divya,Buddhi, Marana Symbol), Hatha Yoga with Chanelling symbol : (16 symbol : J, C,S,H,M,Z,G,K,R,M,H,Ha,L,Y,L,D) and , Tibetan Tantric develop original original ancient Tibetan Gtummo with AA-H-A Method. Carmel Monk develop Gtummo (Called Incendium Amoris) and Richard Rolle try to record all Incendium Amoris in Julian Norwich Manuscript 1413.

gTumo (sacred fire ancient maomao-shan) gTumo means sacred fire fire (Tejas) consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic originated from Llamas in Tibet. Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, gTumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond circumference of Llamas in Tibet. gTumo is originated from from the bibles of China called Mao Shan originally of Shang Jing ideology (1766(1766-1154 B.C) which is initially for healthhealth-keeping purpose. At those particular moments, Llamas in Tibet often invaded with black magic and wrapped up in extreme cold weather of Tibet. Tibet. Therefore, they tried to develop and embrace the bibles into knowledge or ideology to prevent the invasion of black magic within religious thoughts. In Han Dynasty (58 M) where Buddhism is imported from China, Buddhism was conceived by the Prince of Indian called Gautama (558(558-478 B.C) of which Llamas in Tibet practicing the beliefs as the highest level in achieving perfection or enlightenment. So called gTumo is the pioneer of gTumo today developed by practitioners of Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Buddha in America, India and Tibet.

gTumo goes along with Kundalini in regards to Heat Energy of which Nath tradition called Rajas or Surya while in Buddhism known as Red Bodhicitta or which ch means "woman Candali in India. Sanskrit Tibetan called as gTumo whi with explosive anger and barely controllable." gTumo and Kundalini is separated energy even though they remain in regarding manner. In digest manner, gTumo shall be incorporated with Kundalini in practice and involves incorporation method as in Kundalini and gTumo Stir. The Practitioners dividing gTumo in 3 different manners as follow: 1. gTumo Exoteric Mastering exoteric gTumo is mostly beneficial in terms physical, mental, very y simple emotional and spiritual healing. Applying exoteric gTumo is ver since it does not require any concentration matter as the healing process will occur simultaneously in holistic manner. There are 16 (sixteen) symbols of energy in practice (in Level 2 upwards) supporting g the healing process. which require visualization or depiction in supportin

2. gTumo Isoteric Isoteric gTumo in intermediate level (second level upwards) applies16 energy patterns (non(non-symbols) and instead for healing process concentrated, it is effective in nonnon-healing process as well such as spiritual consciousness consciousness encouragement, materialization and so forth. Practicing isoteric gTumo would enable the person to survive in extremely cold weather even without any clothes attached like in Lachi Kang, near Everest peak at Himalaya. 3. gTumo Mystic Mystic gTumo gTumo uses distinctive spellspell-cast in practice for all occasions within its main purpose to enhance spiritual conscious comprehension. Practicing mystic gTumo will bringing up tremendous soul satisfaction. For the record, the number of symbols to acquire should should not consider as definite standard because some other gTumo stated there are 24 symbols. More importantly, derive what essentials to be in bibles. Advanced gTumo taught various application of heatheat-cooling energy with varied positions of Mudra to empower empower energy towards unlimited manner.

Gtumo is inner fire a cosmic heat energy from astral body that increases spiritual achievement of a human being. Gtumo also functions to cure various types of physical and psychical diseases. Application of gtumo to heal heal is not followed by concentration, breathing technics and medicines. It can be said that gtumo flows when we think of other things beyond healing effort. Application of gtumo for first grade practitioner is done by palmpalm-hand touch, while for second grade, grade, master grade and vajra master grade practitioners is done by palmpalm-hand touch and using energy patterns enabling distance healing to one or more patients collectively. GTumo has been practised by lhama ( tantra buddhis monk) on Tibet for since buddhism buddhism enter Tibet. Still practise now by selected monk, included Dailai Lhama himself. Gtumo can be applied by everyone after get the attunement of gtumo. The gtumo can be attuned by vajra master grade practitioner in 10 minutes for each grade and instantly instantly the new practitioner can aplly gtumo to him/her self and others by only touching palm of hand. Application to your

self is done by palmpalm-hand touch on both thighs generally, while for others are done by touching palm of hand on the patient's shoulder.

Before do all this meditations you have to get angkur or initiations from vajra master of gtumo. There are three levels practisioner + vajra master of gtumo, practioner for each level must have angkur first from vajra master before practise and use it. Totally Totally there are four levels of gTumo : three levels for practisioner ; Respa, High Respa, and Personal Master. One level for Master Teacher : Vajra Master. Generally, gTumo consists of this 4 grades or levels, as in: Grade 1 (Prayer in Incendium Amoris/Respa) Amoris/Respa) • First Level (Known as RESPA GTUMO or SAKAKALIRAN in Candali Bible) Student should be attuned with gTumo energy that his or her energy channels will be disclosed (at sushumna, ida, pinggala and other nadis as well), gTumo energy enters Below Dan Tien Respa which is the initial force of Respa. In first level, students are taught with selfself-healing and others both in short and long distances without using symbols or energy patterns so called basic energy y to other(s) by laying distance learning. A Respa shall deliver gTumo energ both palms on the back of neck (medulla oblongata). A first grade Respa can apply gtumo for many purposes by touching the object with his palm of hand. The gtumo distribution done by only think 'I distribute the gtumo energy' at a time before put his hand on the object. When distributing the gtumo, Respa must not think about the gtumo distribution but he must think about another things outside the gtumo distribution, and it would be much better if he doing such meditation while distributing distributing the gtumo. In the application of gtumo to heal someone, a Respa's palm of hands touch the shoulder of the patient with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata which is the top of spinal column and as the entrance of gtumo to the patient's whole whole body. Gtumo distribution in order to heal someone would take place for 20 to 30 minutes. For the best healing process, gtumo distribution repeated at least three days after the last distribution. effort ort by put his hands In daily, a Respa can use gtumo to support his every eff face to face one each other and distribute the gtumo between 20 to 30

minutes, then mention the goal he wants to achieve, and not the process of achieving the goal. (Goal is the same as result!)

Healing process in gTumo does not require require concentration, breathing manner and medication as well. Rest assures gTumo flows through the mind while thinking beyond healing process.

Meditation for gTumo Level 1 (Respa of gTumo) gTummo: #1-#1--a --a gentle chakrachakra-lights meditation This might not be so for everyone, but it's been my experience that when a meditation is too complicated and intricate, it's difficult if not impossible to maintain the meditative state. Trying to remember the right colors, how many petals the lotus has, etc., will pop you you right out of alpha or theta, and right into widewide-awake beta. In my meditation, I can tell when I've done this easily: I go from a feeling like gliding over a perfectly calm lake to bouncing along in choppy water. So it is, that for me, one of the best chakra meditations I've tried is the first one ever taught me, long before I even knew what a "chakra" was. You can vary it somewhat to emphasize one chakra or another, but here is the "bare bones" of it: Begin at the base, and imagine a light there. Don't Don't worry about colors-colors--did --did you know that different systems are going to give your charkas different colors anyway? So your colors just might vary anyway. Thus— Thus—no particular color, but a light. If you fine.. see it in a particular color, fine; if not, also fine Accept whatever it is you see as your personal gift. It is yours. Never mind the size of it: just acknowledge the light, and enjoy it, love it. Now up to the next centre, the spleen center; do the same, noting the light in that center. And so on to the the crown, which is where we now change directions. Moving down now, we return to the 3rd eye, then to a place WITHIN the head, right in the center of it in fact; now down to the throat, and to the heart. Change directions again. Back to the throat, the 3rd Eye, and crown. Change again, back to the 3rd Eye, the place in the middle of the head, throat & heart. Repeat this sort of figurefigure-8 as many times as you feel comfortable with, dwelling on each light as long or as short as you like. End the meditation, meditation, always, with the heart centre. As to removing a particular block, as in the throat (a real common one!), I've found the harder you "try" the more stubborn it becomes. It's almost as though by concentrating on that one spot, and the problem you believe is there, the more energy you send to the block, making it stronger. If I do the work on all the centres more or less equally, I notice "blocks" gradually dissolving, sort of like a sand castle in the wind, a few grains at a time, but over time, the castle castle smooths, then

diminishes, and then it's gone, absorbed into the universe of the Beach. Full body Reiki is a wonderful help for this process, but it does take time for most folks.

Grade 2 (Advanced Prayer in Incendium Amoris/High Respa) • Second Level Level (Known as HIGH RESPA GTUMO or SADHANA/SADHAKA in Candali Bible) At this level, a gTumo practitioner will be empowered with 108 times folds energy through Mid Dan Tien activation. Disclosing new paths of energy and cleansing body components is procured procured simultaneously as in Chakras, nadis, aura and so forth. High Respa is given the authority of symbol utilization and/or energy paths for all occasions. There are 4 symbols and/or main energy paths within 9 symbols and/or additional energy.

A High Respa Respa can apply the gtumo for many purposes by touching his hands to the object or by using such symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a High Respa put his hands on patient's shoulder with his both thumbs touch the Medulla Medulla oblongata. A gtumo distribution, which is done by a high Respa, would take 10 to 15 minutes of times. In the application of gtumo for long distance healing, a high Respa using symbols in exoteric gtumo. In daily life, a high respa can use gtumo to support support his every support by using the symbols of Johre, Chokurei, Seheiki, Honshazeshonen, Merkafalisma, and distribute the gtumo in 10 to 30 minutes, then mention the goal that he wants to reach, and not the process achieving this goal. (Goal is the same as result!).

Meditation for gTumo Level 2 (High Respa of gTumo) Working with the gTummo fires: NOTE: This meditation has been adapted from Lama Thubten Yeshe's meditation in his book, "The Bliss of Inner Fire." Although there are references to kundalini kundalini nectar, this is the nectar from the kundalini as the fires heat up. It's very blissful, but this is not the same as kundalini rising-rising-although in time, it might, but very gently. So, to begin. You can do this any

time you have a few moments. First make yourself peaceful and centered. You can lie down or sit; if you sit, make sure your back is straight and your legs uncrossed. Use the lotus position for other things, but not this. Start with the basics, and become comfortable with that practice, then move on to "Blazing the Inner Fire", practice that awhile, then move on to the next and so on. If at any point you feel discomfort, stop, and try again at a later time. Basic. Now, first picture all your chakras. Start from the root and go up, and see each one as a lotus. Now envision your entire body, with all the chakras, all the lotuses present and shining. The petals are sort of waving, as though a fine breeze is caressing the petals of all the lotuses. Enjoy the feeling a few moments. Now focus focus on the area just below the navel, which is the gTummo. See a flame, reddish in color, like a lit candle flame. The lotus petals again stir as you take in a deep breath, making sure it enters the central channel. Release the breath, again through the central channel, stirring the lotus petals. Make that small flame grow taller, rising up the central channel. As it reaches upward, it rises past the solar plexus, the heart, throat, third eye and crown lotuses. It is like a flame suddenly blazing up-up--a --and now it dies down again. You will feel a blissful heat, which should be soft, not harsh, very warm, but not painful. If painful, stop awhile, but so far, I've not had that happen. Repeat your deep breath sequence, and become one with the flame, and intensifying intensifying your inner fire now. The brilliant red fire now radiates up the central channel to embrace the heart, throat, and crown charkas (lotuses). From crown to feet, your entire body is filled with blissful radiant red light. The heat from this should should be subtle, gentle, and pleasant. Blazing the Inner Fire: Again, the breath sequence, and remember to concentrate on the central channel. As you breathe, imagine you are drawing in all your negativity to be absorbed, burned, and cleansed by these fires. Take another breath, and swallow, pressing down firmly, whilst also tightening your lower muscles. Notice the increase in heat in the gTummo area as it becomes greatly enlivened. Now the fire explodes, blazing up 33-4 inches up the inner channel. Before, Before, the fire was small and only lasted a few moments. Now it is powerful and doesn't die down. The blissful heat shoots up the central channel and automatically stimulates the other chakras. The lotuses are now on the verge of melting into blissful kundalini kundalini nectar. Hold your breath as long as its comfortable, then release it, imagining winds shooting up your central channel. Feel the bliss. Tighten the lower muscles again slightly; this adds more bliss and more explosions of heat. Repeat tihs deep breath again, imagining the gTummo as a sort of chalice of fire; the winds from your breath whip around the edges of the chalice shape causing the fires to blaze and to generate incredible heat. The more heat there is, the more response you'll feel from the upper upper chakras. The heart chakra begins to vibrate, and it's almost ready to melt. Soon the throat chakra follows suit, and then the crown.

Blissful k. is about to drip from these lotuses. Every movement of energy encourages your consciousness to unify with bliss and the Divine. Your entire body is filled with bliss and Divine heat. Blazing and Dripping. Repeat the breath sequences, tightening the lower muscles as before. Negative energies now no longer exist; only the positive energy in the central channel. channel. Feel a new movement of energy coming from the gTummo now, intensifying your inner heat and melting the kundalini. The flames blaze all the way up to your heart chakra; it wraps around the heart lotus 3 times, and it becomes superhot. The lotus fills with blissful kundalini, which then flows downward to the gTummo; it's like pouring liquid butter over a fire: it blazes even higher. Your entire nervous system becomes fire, causing still more blissful k. to flow down. Concrete concepts automatically wither wither and disappear; you rest in the feeling of utter satisfaction. Blissful energy explodes into an intense awareness of wisdom and universal reality. As more wind enters the central channel, preconceptions disappear, and you transcend your current reality. reality. Again, the breath sequence & the tightening of the lower muscles, causing the flames to again blaze up, higher now, beyond the heart and to the throat chakra. The fires fill up the throat lotus and wraps itself around it three times, superheating it. Blissful Blissful k. now drips down from the throat lotus, through the heart lotus, to the gTummo, causing the flames to flare up still more. You are filled with much bliss. Again, the breath sequence & the tightening of the lower muscles; again the flames blaze up, still higher now, past the heart & throat to the crown. The crown lotus begins to melt and flow downward, filling the throat with intensely blissful k., which mixes with the throat k and flows down to the heart; here also it mixes with the heart k and then then flows down to the gTummo. The gTummo fires now bursts limitlessly, filling your entire body (spiritual and physical) with blissful heat. Every nerve, every hair, every pore is one with bliss. Extraordinary blazing and dripping. As before, do the breath & tightening of the lower muscles; the flames flare up again. They blaze up to the heart, filling it with fire, while the heart drips downward; the throat, filling it with flames, while it drips k. downward; the crown, filling it with fire, while k. drips drips downward. Flames are moving up, while k. drips down. Now the fires blaze downward to your feet, from just below the navel to your feet; your entire body is filled with blissful inner fire. Your chakras and channels are filled with it. You're one with blissful inner fire. Now imagine your brow chakra (3rd eye) and your right nostril shooting out, lightning, this blazing fire into the universe. It reaches all the supreme beings, bodhisattvas, great teachers, and Masters, and it enters their bodies through through their left nostrils, touches their 4 centers (gTummo, heart, throat & crown), and melts their k. Now the blissful energy comes out their right nostrils and enters your body through your left nostril, and their supremely blissful energy comes to your energy centers, generating supremely blissful heat throughout. The bliss

itself, says Lama Thubten Yeshe, should be digested and transformed into wisdom. Bliss becomes wisdom; wisdom becomes bliss. create ate desire, which Otherwise, the experience is only pleasure, which can cre will create nervousness and other negative conditions. Integrate what you experience into blissful wisdom to avoid this. It activates all the chakras, clears them of negativity, literally melting away any blocks you might have created in this lifetime or brought with you from others. With your Reiki, you might find, as I do, that this practice also makes your hands a little hotter.

Master Grade (Incendium Amoris Master/Gtummo Master). • Third Level (Known as MASTER GTUMO or UCCHATTAN/VASHEEKARAN UCCHATTAN/VASHEEKARAN in Candali Bible) gTumo practitioner is empowered with 1000 times fold of energy during the current level by activating Below, Mid and Above Dan Tien as well as some techniques for energy strengthening.

A Master can apply gtumo for many purposes purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and distribution, n, which with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. A gtumo distributio is done by a Master, takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between gtumo of Grade 2 and the Master Grade gtumo are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Master Grade, the gtumo energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Grade 2 gtumo, it means that the whole process of healing happen in much shorter time.

Meditation for Level 3 (Personal Master of gTumo) Meditation using hand positions: Here is a series of hand positions you can use to work with your gTummo a little more directly. As you work with it, you can imagine the sacred flames being fueled by your blocks, any illness that might be present, past traumas that might still be hanging on, etc. Just imagine the flames reaching reaching these (you don't even have to name them), and as the blocks, etc., get hotter,

they begin to melt. As they melt, they drip down to the gTummo, and feed the flames. Your impurities will feed and fuel your soul's growth. Begin by placing both hands at at about the gTummo area. This is located about three fingers (or so) below the navel, but as with the acupoints, the "general area" will suffice. Call forth the fires, or allow them to flame up (either will work ok). Hold the position as with the regular regular Reiki hand positions, 33-5 minutes OR until you feel some heat. If no heat, continue with the rest of the meditation/hand positions. Eventually you'll feel it. Once you get the heat going, imagine the fires building until they move upward, and as they do, do, move one hand (I'm using the right hand) to the solar plexus, leaving the other hand at the gTummo. Imagine that you're taking all that heat with it as you do so. It should be hot from gTummo all the way to the s.p. Now hold that position (one hand at gTummo, one at s.p.) until you feel the heat at the s.p. area. Next, imagine the s.p. fires moving upward, and as you do, move your left hand (which was at the gTummo) up to the heart area, leaving the rt. Hand at the s.p. Hold this position until you feel the heat at the heart area, 33-5 minutes or however long it takes. When the heart fires begin to move upward, move your rt. hand (which was at the s.p.) up to the area just below your throat, the place between the collar bones, where there's a little hollow. hollow. Imagine the fires following it up. Meanwhile leave the left hand at the heart. When the heat at this center begins intensifying and moving upward, move your left hand to the 3rd eye area on the forehead. You might not feel as much heat here, but imagine the fires anyway. The right hand remains at the base of the throat. When you imagine the fires are growing brighter (and warmer) from the 3rd Eye area, now move your right hand up to the crown-crown--now --now you are likely to feel more heat in the entire head head area, very yummy heat at that! Wait until it "feels right" or a minimum of 33-5 minutes, then move your left hand up to join your right hand on the crown. Let the hands sort of form a circle around the crown, and leave them there about 33-5 minutes or until until you feel it's "done." This sounds complicated, but it's simply a little "hand over hand" thing, and you can start with the right hand or the left hand-hand--experiment --experiment with it a bit. The places I get the most sensations are when I have one hand at the heart, heart, the other at the base of the throat-throat--and --and the 3rd eye/crown. I suspect that others will have different areas where this happens. What I SUSPECT this does is give those gTummo fires a little "assist" in rising up to melt all the impurities, etc., along the central channel. When I'm done, I really feel "light" and blissful/peaceful. So in brief, it's: 1. Both hands at gTummo 2. Rt. hand at s.p., left hand at gTummo 3. Left hand at heart, rt. hand at s.p. 4. Rt. hand at throat hollow, left hand at heart 5. Left hand at 3rd Eye, rt. hand at throat hollow

6. Rt. hand at crown, left hand at 3rd eye 7. Both hands at crown.

Hands on gtumo and applications There are several good sets of hand positions. We'll cover a few of them here. The first one is good for general, allall-around healing and relaxation. Although it might seem to be based on the chakra system at first glance, if you examine traditional Chinese acupuncture charts, you'l note that many important acupuncture points are covered with this first, basic set of hand positions. Use this set for your first selfself-healing, and for most of your daily work. Now, to begin. First, do the front of the body.

TREATING OTHERS 1. Open the aura, then the crown chakra. Visualize it, or use an "opening" motion with your hands. 2. Place your hands over the eyes, palms toward the forehead, fingertips toward the mouth. Gently-Gently--and --and if your palms are at all sweaty, spare your client the discomfort, and place a hankie or kleenex between your your hands and the person's face. 3. Place hands under the back of the head, just over the occipital ridge, fingertips toward the neck. Your hands will have to be slid under the head if the person is lying down. Brief, gentle pressure on the stillpoint (the (the indentation just below the hairline) can increase relaxation. 4. Hands over the cheekbone, fingers pointing down. Little fingers should be near or lightly touching the bottom of the ears. 5. Fingertips together, place hands lightly over throat. It may may be that the patient is more comfortable if you don't touch the throat at all-all--ask --ask if they are comfortable when doing this position. 6. Hands just above the breast for the heart chakra, one hand in front of the other, forming a line with your hands. Some Some teachers suggest placing hands between the breasts, but some women may be squeamish about this.

7. The solar plexus-plexus--hands --hands just below the breast, one hand in front of the other, forming a line with your hands. 8. The navel area-area--hands --hands as in #6 and #7. 9. Just below the navel, across pelvic area and above pubic bone, hands as before. 10. Hands on either side of the hip bone area.

Now it is time for your patient to turn over, so you can do the back. The back is done differently, working from the bottom bottom up, following the energy's natural flow of down the front, up the back. There are only two back positions. 1. Place one hand at the base of the spine, and one at the base of the head. 2. Place both hands at the top of the head (at the Crown). Additionally, Additionally, you might want to consider doing the legs and feet, cradling the knee and ankle joints in both hands, and holding each foot in that way. Time and intuition will be your guides. ive How long should you hold each position? Ideally, between three and ffive minutes-minutes--or --or until you feel the flow of energy lessen or stop. You might be guided to hold one or more positions even longer. Time might be a consideration in this, too. Use your best judgment. As you move through the hand positions, the patient might might experience relief and release from conditions that were longstanding. Emotional blocks could be removed, releasing buried feelings. It is not uncommon to hear a long intense sigh after about ten minutes or so. There can also be weeping or groaning. These reactions do not occur in every patient, however. If your patient reacts this way, let him or her know that this is fine, and not to "self-fight it. Mentioning it before the session, however, could be like a "self fulfilling prophecy." There's no point in bringing it up unless it occurs. Each person is unique, and will have unique experiences. When you are done, soothe the aura with gently sweeping motions from top to toes, and back again. Then close it. Do not close the crown chakra.

In all likelihood, likelihood, your Reiki client will be "spacey" when you're done. Don't rush him or her off the table or out of the room. Allow time to reorient, and for questions. Often, there are lots of questions, especially with a firstfirst-time patient! Some Teachers say that it takes three treatments to get the job done, but some cases will require more, and some clients will come only once or twice. You'll have to be flexible in your work: life demands it.

SELFSELF-HEALING Reiki, along with with Huna and one or two other methods, is almost unique among the spiritual healing modalities, in that it works as well on yourself as it does on your clients. This is because you are not using your own energy. You are using energy channeled from the universe, universe, and there's a neverneverending supply of this type of energy. When you are done with a client, you should feel energized, as some of the Reiki stays with you as you pass it on to the patient-patient--a --a little bonus for the healer. Every Reiki practitioner should should take care of him or herself first. A healthy channel is a good channel, after all. It's not selfself-indulgence, it's good maintenance. Follow the hand positions for healing others, and apply them to yourself with these exceptions: the first and third positions should have the fingertips pointing upward; rather than hands pointing in the same direction on the torso positions, point fingertips inward, hands facing one another. In the throat position, it might be more comfortable to point the heels of the the hands inward-inward--experiment, --experiment, and do what works best with you. You should do selfself-healing daily, without fail. If you haven't the time to do it all at once, split them up-up--maybe --maybe the head positions in the morning, the front of the torso at lunch, and the back back at bedtime. At least do the front positions-positions--a --a little Reiki is better than none! In other matters, consider your diet and lifestyle carefully, and drink at least six, preferably eight glasses of water daily. Reiki will cleanse the body of a lot of collected collected toxins, and the water helps wash it out. Try to include potassiumpotassium-rich foods, or take a supplment, and add a little more protein to your daily diet.

OTHER HAND POSITION SETS: CHAKRA BALANCING Sometimes, Sometimes, because of an imbalanced kundalini flow or for other reasons, including emotional upsets, the chakras will become imbalanced. This hand position set is good for restoring the balance to the chakra system. 1. Begin with one hand at the 3rd Eye, in the middle middle of the forehead, and the other hand at the root chakra. Hold the position until the energy feels the same in both hands. 2. Next, place one hand at the throat chakra, and the other at the spleen chakra. Hold as before. 3. Now, place one hand at the the heart center, and the other at the hara area. Hold as before. 4. End with both hands at the Solar Plexus. Hold at least three minutes, or longer if guided.

ACUACU-POINT BASED HAND POSITION SET This set has been widely published published on the internet and in books, and is excellent for bringing the the entire body-body--physical, --physical, mental and spiritual-spiritual-into balance. Originally, it was designed for use with acupressure, but it's perhaps even more effective when used with Reiki. In all, there are ten hand positions to be held for a minimum of three minutes each. 1. Place the RIGHT hand atop the head, on the crown chakra area, while at the same time placing your left hand over the 3rd Eye area. 2. Leaving the right hand atop the head, now now move the fingers of the left hand to the tip of the nose. 3. The right hand is still at the crown; move your left hand to the heart center area. 4. Leave your right hand at the crown, and now move your left hand to the solar plexus area. 5. The right continues to remain at the crown, while you move your left

hand to the spleen center area. 6. The LEFT hand remains at the spleen center, and now the right hand moves to the corresponding area on the back (back side of spleen center). 7. Now move your right hand to the back of the left shoulder, at that point where the neck joins the shoulder. At the same time, your left hand holds or rests upon the left buttock at the point where the buttock meets the leg. 8. Leave your right hand at the back of the left shoulder, and move your left hand to the front of the body, at the position of the left groin. 9. Now place your left hand on the back of the right shoulder, while your right hand holds or rests upon the right buttock at the point where the buttock meets meets the leg. 10. Leaving your left hand on the back of the right shoulder, now move your right hand to the front of the body, at the right groin.

Vajra Master Grade (Incendium Amoris Vajramaster.. Incendium Amoris Monk). • Fourth Level (Known as VAJRA VAJRA MASTER GTUMO/VMG or RISHI in Candali Bible) At this level, gTumo practitioner has been wellwell-advanced in practicing gTumo in daily lives while this Vajra empowered with 10,000 times fold of with th energy. A Vajra Master gTumo or VMG in short has been vested wi authorization of bestowing gTumo initiation. Upon initiation, below, mid and above Dan Tien have been completely utilized and combined encouraging others gTumo energy as in Chi Kung called Chi Huo means flaming afire.

A Vajra Master can apply gtumo for for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a Vajra Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. A gtumo gtumo distribution by a Vajra Master takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between Vajra Master Grade and the Master Grade are the quantity and

quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Vajra Master Grade, the gtumo energy distributed distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Master Grade gtumo so that the whole of healing process Happen in much shorter time. At the Vajra Master Grade, someone can give angkur to other people. In Vajra Master Gtumo, there is a unique special character, character, that is, the gtumo will automatically flow to someone who needs to be healed - even though this person doesn't meet the Vajra Master directly - only by saying the spiritual name of the Vajra Master for a few times in mind!

In gTumo tradition, VMG usually bestowed with spiritual name in Sanskrit and gTumo Vajra Master distinction lies upon delivering the energy for those in need even in distance by uttering his or her spiritual name and/or visualizing his or her face. There are 2 energy paths and/or and/or Vajra symbols functioning as gTumo initiation key point into others and bestowing negativity such as killing and so forth. Therefore, only authorized and distinctive VMG will receive this energy and/or negativity symbols in order as it may cause serious threat. Authors will not tolerate this issue and sternly disowned the vested authorization from Vajra's body if violation occurs. Practicing gTumo does not require concentration, breathing manner as well as medication. gTumo will flow in time when our mind mind thinking beyond the healing process. Gtumo is applicable after attunement and initiation both in person and in distance. gTumo attunement is procured by gTumo practitioners in level 4 called Vajra Master in 10 minutes for each level and new practitioner instantly applies gTumo for selfself-needs and others through palms. Generally, self application is proceed by laying palms on both thighs or either way left palm onto belly button towards two fingers below called Tantien and right palm in mid chest known as Heart Chakra while for other people proceed with laying a palm his or her shoulder.

Gtummo Meditation : Generally to improve Gtummo Energy need more practice and meditation like this : 1. Do afirmation to flow Gtummo Energy in your palm (hold your your breath in your abdomen,3 times. 2. Distribute Gtummo Energy to all Chakra in your body (each chakra need 3 minutes). To receive Ankhor Gtummo initiation: 1. Find quiet place 2. Sit down and relax 3. Use comfortable shirt, don't use metal tools and and accessories. 4. Do Afirmation, Visualization (read Afirmation, Visualization). A.Incendium Amoris Afirmation, Visualization PRAYER (Level 1) Do Afirmation " I (mention your complete name) receive fire of Love Incendium Amoris level 1 from God Bless Bless to me. This Energy clean all my chakra, help myself and other people who need that. Thanks Thanks Thanks . Do meditation 15 minutes (left hand at your chest and right hand like pray to God, then do afirmation " I (mention your complete name) do meditation meditation open Incendium Amoris Energy level 1 in my body, flow, charge, clean and trash negative energy in my body. Thanks thanks thanks. Do meditation and you can Pray, Sing Holly Song. Thanks God for YOUR BLESSING. Do this 7 day continously before to get level 2. ADVANCED PRAYER (LEVEL 2) Do Afirmation " I (mention your complete name) receive fire of Love Incendium Amoris level 2 which more powerfull from level 1 from God Bless to me. This Energy clean all my chakra, help myself and other people who need that. that. Thanks Thanks Thanks . Do meditation 15 minutes (left hand at your chest and right hand like pray to God, then do afirmation " I (mention your complete name) do meditation open Incendium Amoris Energy level 1 in my body, flow, charge, clean and trash negative negative energy in my body. Thanks thanks thanks. Do meditation and you can Pray, Sing Holly Song. Thanks God for YOUR BLESSING. Do this 7 day continously before to get level 3.

Self Healing/Distant Healing) 1. Pray to God, Give God Bless for healing (mention (mention name sick people) Hold you left hand (palm) on your chest and right hand on sick people. hold your breath in your stomatch. 2. Hold your right hand to sick place. 3. Quiet, cool and relax, 4. do this min 15 minutes. For Distant healing, you can can imagine a human with nametag in their chest and do visualization Sunlight arises sick people.

B. Practice to increase Gtummo/ Incendium Amoris Energy

Level 1 (Prayer). Pray to God and do afirmation " i activate Incendium Energy level 1 to clean all all my chakra and can increase with God Blessing thanks thanks thanks … 1. left hand in your chest, right hand (your palm) in bottom chakra (3 minutes) 2. move your right hand in solar plexus for 3 minutes. 3. move your left hand in heart chakra (right hand still at solar plexus) for minutes. 4. move your right hand on throat chakra… Repeat that 1,2,3,4 to ajna chakra and head chakra.

Level 2 (Advanced Prayer) Pray to God and do afirmation " i activate Incendium Energy level 2 to clean all my chakra chakra and can increase with God Blessing thanks thanks thanks… 1. left hand in your chest, right hand (your palm) in bottom chakra (3 minutes), 2. move your right hand in solar plexus for 3 minutes. 3. move your left hand in heart chakra (right hand still still at solar plexus) for 3 minutes. 4. move your right hand on throat chakra… Repeat that 1,2,3,4 to ajna chakra and head chakra.


Level 3 (Master) Practice like level 2 but have Master Symbol. Level 4 (Vajra Master) Practice like level 3 but more powerfull and can give Anchor Gtummo initiation to others. For those meditations and practises above, you have to get an angkur or diksha (initiations) to awaken your gTumo sacred fire by a vajra master.

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