GRUPO # 3 Teoria Del Cargo y El Abono

February 22, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download GRUPO # 3 Teoria Del Cargo y El Abono...






Xceráf cerá f hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke ^regcser9 (A.P`) @frrcöe, Ludoocrae

Dktclrfktcs9 Dkl. Fk`mdcttf, Dlkf`de Dkl. Threle, Bcvcroys Dkl. Lucrrf, Wdvdfkf

Afturák, Pcptdcabrc 2>64


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke

Cs uk aätehe pfrf rcfodzfr rcldstres `ektfbocs gukhfacktfhe ck co prdk`dpde hco cqudodbrde pftrdaekdfo, quc `eksdstc ck rcldstrfr per achde hc `frles y fbekes oes fuacktes y/e hdsadku`dekcs quc prehu`ck ofs epcrf`dekcs ck oes hdgcrcktcs cocacktes hco bfofk`c.


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rclofs hco @frle y co fbeke

Oes fuacktes y hdsadku`dekcs quc sugrck oes vfoercs hco F@XDWE, ^FPDWE y @F^DXFO `ektfboc hc ukf cktdhfh c`ekðad`f, `eae `eksc`uck`df hc of `cocbrf`dðk hc trfksf``dekcs gdkfk`dcrfs, hcbck rcldstrfrsc ck ofs `ucktfs rcspc`tdvfs per achde hc @FRLEP y FBEKEP




Capdczf `ek uk @frle

Capdczf `ek uk  Fbeke

Capdczf `ek uk  Fbeke





Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rclofs

Pc hcbc `frlfr9

Pc hcbc fbekfr

@ufkhe co F`tdvefuacktf

@ufkhe co F`tdvehdsadkuyc

@ufkhe hdsadkuyc co ^fsdve

@ufkhe fuacktf co ^fsdve

@ufkhe hdsadkuyc co @fpdtfo

@ufkhe fuacktf co @fpdtfo

Ofs `ucktfs hc f`tdve sek hc kfturfoczf Hcuherf Ofs `ucktfs hc ^fsdve y @fpdtfo sek hc kfturfoczf F`rccherf


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •@ucktfs X

Of `ucktf X kes pcradtc mf`cr rcldstres `ektfbocs y cs of geraf afs utdodzfhf pfrf rcldstrfr oes hdgcrcktcs mc`mes c`ekðad`es


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Cocacktes hc ofs `ucktfs X 6. Keabrc hc of `ucktf 2. @ðhdle 0.Pfohe häbdte 8. Pfohe `rähdte 3.Puafterdf hc oes `frles


7.Puafterdf hc oes fbekes

(6) c Mfbcr

Dklrcses (>>8)

Hcbc Mfbcr



(>>2) Hcb c Mfbcr

(>>0) Hcb c Mfbcr

@estes/Lfstes (>>3) Hcbc Mfbcr


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Sse hc ofs `ucktfs X

Of Caprcsf ‟]‑ `eap `eaprð rð aftcrdfocs per uk  vfoer hc 6.>>>SA. 6.>>>SA. ^flf `ek `mcquc co 3>% y co sfohe rcstfktc f 0> háfs.. Bfk`es @ucktfs per pflfr (>62) (>60)

Dkvcktfrde (>66) Hcbc Mfbcr 6>>>SA

Hcbc Mfbcr

Hcbc Mfbcr



Xehe aevdadckte c`ekðad`e dkveou`rf, fo ackes, hes `ucktfs9 ukf quc rc`dbc y etrf quc hf


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstres ck oes odbres hdfrde, afyer c dkvcktfrde

@ðhdle hc @eacr`de  Frtá`uoe 029 Xehe `eacr`dfktc hcbc oocvfr ck dhdeaf `fstcoofke su `ektfbdodhfh, of `ufo `eaprckhcræ, ebodlfterdfacktc, co odbre Hdfrde, cooocvfr, odbre Afyer y co hc Dkvcktfrdes. ^ehræ fhcaæs, tehes oes odbres fuxdodfrcs quc cstdafrf `ekvckdcktc pfrf co afyer erhck y `ofrdhfh hc sus epcrf`dekcs.


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstres ck oes odbres hdfrde, afyer c dkvcktfrde

@ðhdle hc @eacr`de  Frtá`uoe 079 "Pc premábc f oes `eacr`dfktcs9 6. Fotcrfr ck oes fsdcktes co erhck y of gc`mf hc ofs epcrf`dekcs hcs`rdtfs. 2. Hcifr bofk`es ck co `ucrpe hc oes fsdcktes e f `ektdkuf`dðk hc cooes. 0. ^ekcr fsdcktes fo afrlck y mf`cr dktcrodkcf`dekcs, rfspfhurfs e ckackhfhurfs. 8. Berrfr oes fsdcktes e pfrtcs hc cooes. 3. Frrfk`fr meifs, fotcrfr of ck`ufhcrkf`dðk e geodfturf y autdofr folukf pfrtc hc oes odbres."


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Odbre hdfrde

Cs uk odbre hc `ektfbdodhfh hc use ebodlfterde. prcscktfhe scoofhe ck coHcbcræ RcldstrescrAcr`fktdo hc ofy `dr`uks`rdp`dðk Iuhd`dfo `errcspekhdcktc, sclùk co head`dode hc of caprcsf . (Frt. 00: @ðhdle hc @eacr`de)


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •^frtcs hco Odbre hdfrde

Gc`mf ck of quc sc mf prehu`dhe co mc`me

^cqucöf cxpod`f`dð k hco mc`me.

Kùacre hco fsdckte quc hcbc scr `errcoftdve

Oes dapertcs quc sc hcbdtfk

Oes dapertcs quc sc f`rchdtfk


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstre ck co odbre hdfrde •Of caprcsf ‟]‑ ck co acs acs hc iukde mf tckdhe oes

sdludcktcs aevdadcktes `ektfbocs9

•Co 6re hc iukde oc pflð 6.>>> SA ck cgc`tdve cgc`tdve f uk prevccher •Co háf 6>, uk `odcktc pflf ukf hcuhf hc SA


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Odbre Afyer

Cs uk odbre hc `ektfbdodhfh ebodlfterde. Ck cstc odbre sc oocvf `ucktf per scpfrfhe, cs hc`dr, sc `fhf rcscrvf uk geode pfrf `fhf ukf hc ofs `ucktfs. Xehfs ofs `ucktfs quc fpfrcz`fk ck co odbre hdfrde, fpfrc`ck tfabdäk, hcbdhfacktc `ehdgd`fhfs ck su rcspc`tdve geode ck co odbre afyer


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcsuotfhe hco sfohe cktrc co HCBC y co MFBCR 

Pfohe hcuher

Pfohe f`rccher

@ufkhe co HCBC scf afyer quc co MFBCR 

@ufkhe MFBCR co scf afyer quc co HCBC

Pfohe kuoe •

@ufkhe of suaf hco HCBC y co MFBCR scf dlufo f @CRE


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstre ck co odbre afyer •Of caprcsf ‟]‑ ck co acs hc iukde mf tckdhe oes sdludcktcs aevdadcktes `ektfbocs9 •Co 6re hc iukde oc pflð 6.>>> SA ck cgc`tdve f uk prevccher •Co háf 6>, uk `odcktc pflf ukf hcuhf hc SA •Co 63 hc iukde, oc pfle `ek `mcquc 3>>SA f uk prevccher

@fif (>>2)

^revcchercs (>>6) Hcbc Mfbcr

Hcbc Mfbcr

6>>>SA 3>>SA 63>>SA

@odcktc (>>8)

Bfk`e (>>0) Hcbc Mfbcr


Hcbc Mfbcr SA

SA 3>>SA




SA   3>>SA 23>SA

Pfohe Hcuher



 kcle`de y fo gdkfo hc `fhf cicr`d`de c`ekðad`e mfræ ck co odbre Dkvcktfrde ukf hcs`rdp`dðk hc tehes sus bdckcs, tfkte aucbocs `eae dk

Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Odbre hc dkvcktfrde

@ðhdle hc @eacr`de  Frtá`uoe 03 "Xehe `eacr`dfktc, fo `eackzfr su ldre y fo gdk hc `fhf föe, mfræ ck co odbre hc Dkvcktfrdes ukf hcs`rdp`dðk cstdafterdf hc tehes sus bdckcs, tfkte aucbocs `eae dkaucbocs y hc tehes sus `rähdtes, f`tdves y pfsdves, vdk`uofhes e ke f su `eacr`de.


 kcle`de y fo gdkfo hc `fhf cicr`d`de c`ekðad`e mfræ ck co odbre Dkvcktfrde ukf hcs`rdp`dðk hc tehes sus bdckcs, tfkte aucbocs `eae dk

Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstre ck co Odbre hc dkvcktfrde

Of caprcsf ‟]‑ prcscktf fo 6¹ hc ckcre hc 2>6 2>64 4 oes hftes hco Dkvckt Dkvcktfrde frde Dkd`dfo. DKWCKXFRDE DKD@DFO9 6>6 Hdkcre ck cgc`tdve……………………………………..62.0>>SA 6>2 ^rcstfaes f tcr`cres…………………………….……..6.3>>SA 6>0 Acr`fhcráfs ( 3>> f 8>SA `/u)………………...2>.>>>SA 6>8 @fifs hc `frtðk……………………………………………..=>>SA 6>3 Skf `fadekctf ‟KDPPFK‑……………..…………….3.2>>SA 6>7 Hcpðsdtes ck lfrfktáf (per pflfr)…………...…..22..3>>SA 6>= @fpdtfo Pe`dfo………………………..…………………...623SA


 kcle`de y fo gdkfo hc `fhf cicr`d`de c`ekðad`e mfræ ck co odbre Dkvcktfrde ukf hcs`rdp`dðk hc tehes sus bdckcs, tfkte aucbocs `eae dk

Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Bfofk`c hc `eaprebf`dðk

Cs uk dkstruackte gdkfk`dcre quc sc utdodzf pfrf vdsufodzfr of odstf hco tetfo hc oes häbdtes y hc oes `rähdtes hc ofs `ucktfs,  iukte fo sfohe hc `fhf ukf hc coofs (yf scf hcuher e f`rccher). Hc cstf geraf, pcradtc cstfboc`cr uk rcsuack bæsd`e hc uk cstfhe gdkfk`dcre.


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •^frtcs hco Bfofk`c hc `eaprebf`dek

@ðhdle hc of `ucktf

Hcs`rdp`dðk hc of `ucktf

Puafs (Hcbc  y Mfbcr)

Pfohes (Hcuher e  F`rccher)


Xceráf hco @frl @frle e y co fbeke f beke •Rcldstre ck co Bfofk`c hc `eaprebf`dðk


¡Lrf`dfs per su ftck`dðk!

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